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Name: Salveyga Alias: Gates

Look: Portly, layers and wrapping, big voice. Wears green.

Heritage: Skovlan Vice: Drinking
Background: Sailor Trauma: Whisper
Stress: 000000000 Armor: 0 (O Heavy) A occult adept and summoner.
INSIGHT (2 to resist) 0 A blade or two. SPECIAL ABILITY
0 0 Hunt Learn a target, sharpshooting 0 Throwing knives
x 0 Study Research, deeper understanding 0 Pistol and shot ABILITY
Situational awareness 0 Second Pistol Description.
x 0 Survey
00 Large weapon
0 0 Tinker Machines, lock picking
0 Unusual weapon
PROWESS (0 to resist) 0 Armor 00 Heavy 1-3 failure.
0 0 Finesse Pickpocketing, handling vehicles 0 Burglary tools 4-5 success with complication.
0 0 Prowl Moving and sneak attacks 00 Climbing gear 6 is success.
0 0 Skirmish Close combat 0 Documents 2+ 6s is a critical success.
0 0 Wreck Manage chaos and destruction 0 Arcane Implements
0 Subterfuge supplies
RESOLVE (4 to resist) Roll dice and report the
0 Tinkering tools
x x Attune Supernatural sensitivity highest number. If you have
x 0 Comman Delegation, intimidation

x 0 Consort Use people to get access

x 0 Sway Persuasion, charm, deception

X is filled in, 0 is empty.

Gear: 0 light (3-4) 0 normal (4-5) 0 heavy (6+)

Italics don’t count. Bold are “fine.”


You were the last survivor aboard the Kelstaad, a trade ship bound to Iruvia almost 60 years ago. It was lost for
almost 40 years, and when it returned you were the only survivor. Your memories of that time are sketchy, but the
ship sailed around to the back of the mirror somehow. Now you have supernatural ability, tuned to the etheric
tides. You washed up in Duskwall and found the Crows to be staunch enough allies if kept appeased with
supernatural services. You specialize in compelling ghosts to make distractions, and finding back ways into secure

Friend: Quellyn, a witch Rival Flint, a spirit trafficker

For playing multiple sessions, transfer this information to a proper character sheet.
An object, usually made of stone, with glyphs inlaid into it. Whispers use them to pull at free-floating ghosts and
restrain them in the object until they are released. This can be tricky when the ghost fights back.
Focuses the sensory capacity and will focus of a whisper, increasing both passive and active defenses.
The raw stuff of undeath. It can re-corporate a spent spirit, or super-charge an active spirit, if properly used.
Useful for pouring on glyphs to disrupt them (like traps on locks or remote viewers.) Adds potency if drunk.
Opens doors in the Ghost Field, from the front to the back of the mirror. Part of a technological magic that was
outlawed 214 years ago, but remnants still litter the city. Possible access to forgotten neighborhoods, hidden
roads, spirit ways, or living crypts.
Repels demons like waves of force flowing from the bearer. Activated with a bit of the wearer’s blood, active until
the blood dries.
Assume you got 1 experience point per desperate roll and 1 experience point per heist.

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