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Alphas: A Stepbrother Romance Collection 

Kristianna Sawyer 

Chapter One 
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three 
Chapter Four 
Chapter Five 
Chapter Six 
Chapter Seven 
Chapter Eight 
Chapter Nine 
Chapter Ten 
Chapter One 
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three 
Chapter One 
Chapter Two 
Chapter Three 
Chapter Four 
Stepbrother Romances 
Fertile Erotic Romances 

A collection of three of Kristianna’s hottest stepbrother stories, featuring alpha stepbrothers who aren’t 
afraid to claim the stepsisters they love, no matter how forbidden. 

Declan’s plan to seduce Lia for revenge goes awry in “Revenge.” 

Ambra hasn’t seen Ethan for three years, but that doesn’t keep her stepbrother from kidnapping her 
away from her engagement party to be “Claimed.” 

Knox tried to shield Claire from his darker urges and need to own her, but her teasing has pushed 
him to the edge. She’s about to find out what it means to be “Owned.” 

I hate Tom Ambrose. 
He ripped apart my family when he married my dad. 
I found my mom bleeding on the floor and promised her revenge. 
Sweet Lia 
My new stepsister. 
She’s the key. 
I just need to seduce and break her to humiliate her father. 
How hard can it be? 
I’ll just ignore how she makes me feel and focus on retribution. 
I don’t need or want a conscience screwing this up. 
Declan is a bad boy through-and-through. 
He’s a musician and rough around the edges. 
I’m the daughter of a wealthy man. 
The innocent, untouched daughter. 
Declan is just the man to change that. 
Too bad he’s my new stepbrother. 
Why does something so bad for me taste so good? 

Chapter One 
Why had I come to this farce? There were way too many smarmy rich people in their fancy suits for my 
tastes. Despite my upper middleclass upbringing, give me a nightclub or even a seedy bar over a
Sonoma Valley wedding at the country club in the afternoon. 
A quick glimpse of my dad and my new stepdad reminded me, and I grimaced at the sight. No, I wasn’t a 
homophobe. I couldn’t care less whose dick went where, but you’d better bet I fucking care when that 
dick-swapping leads to the breakup of my parents’ marriage and my mother weeping on the bathroom
Remembering the sight of my mother with that razor in her hand, the first few hesitation marks causing 
blood to well and soak the white cuff of her blouse, soured the taste of the expensive champagne in my
Still, I swallowed the rest of the glass, because it was there, and I liked thinking it was another debit on
the debt 
Tom Ambrose owed my mom. 
My dad was dancing close to his new husband, and they looked like fucking honeymooners, all dewy-
and fresh, instead of the forty-somethings they really were. I’d never seen him dance like that with my
mom, but 
their marriage had been sound. She had relied on him until the unthinkable, when Tom dragged him out
of the 
closet he’d sheltered in for decades. 
I wanted to be happy for my dad, who was finally acknowledging an important side of himself. If it had
any of my friends who came out, I’d have supported them. I was all for embracing your sexuality, but
not at the 
cost of your family. His confession and abandonment almost drove my mother to suicide. If I hadn’t
walked in 
at just the right moment… 
I shuddered slightly as I again recalled my mother bleeding on the bathroom floor. She had allowed me
bandage it up as she stared at me impassively. My suggestion of a doctor had been soundly rejected,
with the reminder of the gossip she had already endured, and extrication of a promise that I wouldn’t
mention it 
to anyone. 
That hadn’t been the only promise she’d tried to get from me that day. 
“Declan, my sweet boy.” She had caressed my cheek like she used to when I was little and had trouble 
falling asleep. “He’s taken everything except you, but losing you would kill him. Promise me you’ll cut
him out 
of your life.” 
I couldn’t make that promise, because I still loved my dad. Mike Mulvaney had been there for me—
the ball around, helping with homework, coaching my Little League team, and coming to my band’s first 
performance when we still really sucked. We still kind of sucked now, but not to the same level of
Instead, I promised her something more important: Revenge. Tom had destroyed Mom’s life, and he’d 
fucked with mine on a basic level too. Before then, I hadn’t lived at home for three years, but I’d been
the one 
left to pick up the pieces for my emotionally fragile mother. My dad deserved his share of hurt, but I
knew who 
was really to blame for seducing him away from his old life and into this new one. 
The question was how to make it happen. With that goal in mind, I followed Tom with my gaze for the
of the afternoon reception. It soon became obvious that next to my dad, there was one other person
seemed to mean the world to ol’ Stepdad. His daughter. 
I watched with contempt as he danced with the pretty young thing—and I had to admit she was
gorgeous in 
an innocent girl-next-door kind of way that wasn’t my usual taste at all—cupping her cheek and patting
her long 
blonde curls as they laughed and spoke with evident affection. She was his Achilles’ heel. 
Lia Ambrose, my new stepsister and the apple of her daddy’s eye, was the key to my revenge. 
As I continued to drink the expensive champagne and made only a token effort to mingle, my brain
with tactics. Before the reception ended, I had a plan firmly in mind for ruining Lia and breaking Tom’s
When they toasted the couple at the end of the evening, before my dad and hers were due to slip out, I
my glass and called out, “To success,” before downing the glass. She looked briefly puzzled, but sipped 
politely, as did the other guests. They probably thought I meant to a successful marriage. Idiots. 
I put the first stage of my plan in motion before my dad could leave. I cornered him, along with Tom, as 
they were edging toward the double doors that led from the ballroom at the country club. “Hey, Dad,
got a 
“Sure, son.” He looked tentative, as though he didn’t know what kind of reaction to expect. 
That was fair enough, since I hadn’t spoken to him at all for months after his revelation and had only
to come to the wedding when he’d practically begged me to—and when I’d realized it would help me
find the 
most efficient method of revenge. 
Tom glanced at his watch and gave me a friendly smile. “What good is it owning the jet if you can’t
takeoff a few minutes for your son, right?” 
When he clapped a hand on my shoulder, I had to restrain the urge to shrug it off and punch him. 
Somehow, I managed a sickly smile and nod of my head before turning back to Dad. “Would it be okay if

crash at your place for a while? Mom is…” I trailed off, letting him fill in the blanks with whatever shit his
conjured to justify his actions. “I could use a break from her, and I gave up my apartment after…” Once
again, I 
trailed off, cutting my gaze briefly to Tom. 
Dad looked at Tom. “Do you mind, hon?” 
Tom shook his head. “Of course not.” He lifted his hand, and the princess appeared a moment later, as 
though he had summoned her by some silent means. I’d think perhaps a dog whistle, but there was
homely about my new stepsister. “Lia, love, your brother is going to be staying with us for a while. Could
please get him settled in the guesthouse?” 
She cast me an uncertain look, and it raised my hackles. Did she think I was going to make off with the 
silver? I’d have to start by prying out the spoon wedged firmly in her mouth. “If it’s not too much
trouble, sis?” 
I couldn’t resist the hint of mocking, though it wouldn’t further my agenda. 
“Of course not, but wouldn’t you prefer a suite in the house?” 
“A young man surely wants his privacy, Lia.” Tom and Mike shared a knowing glance and a chuckle as
clearly shared the same thought about my sex life. 
It took Princess another second to realize her dad’s subtle meaning, and I barely bit back a snicker at
way her cheeks bloomed with color. Exactly how innocent was Lia Ambrose? 
I intended to find out and ruin every last vestige of that innocence. It would be my parting gift to Tom 

Chapter Two 
He walked too close to me, but I couldn’t say anything. Maybe he didn’t mean to hog all my personal
and have his body brushing mine with every other step. Or maybe he was trying to annoy me, which
If only it was just annoyance I felt when Declan Mulvaney barely touched me. He was way too sexy for
own good, with his bad boy thing, including the requisite overly long dark hair, flashing blue eyes, and
six-pack. Okay, I didn’t know if he actually had a six-pack under the oxford shirt he’d worn for the
ceremony and 
reception, but it was a safe bet. Men like him always had that kind of body. 
And he was a musician. It was like he’d been made to order to fulfill all my naughtiest fantasies. What’s

good girl supposed to do except fantasize about the bad boy who seduces her? I’d spent way too long
imagining instead of doing, thanks to my own choices. 
The harsh truth was I needed to get laid. Only at twenty, it was kind of awkward still being a virgin. And 
horny. It was embarrassing how often I thought about cock. Craved it, dreamed about it, and wrote
about it in 
my pathetic virgin’s diary. Despite all that, I was no closer to getting the V-card punched than I had been
in high 
school or the first two years of college. 
Sex on legs with the added baggage of being my new stepbrother was the last thing I needed. I mean I’d 
love a go at him. What woman wouldn’t? But it would be too awkward, what with him living with us for
a while, 
and his dad having just married mine. 
It was definitely a good idea that my dad had suggested the guesthouse. I could park him here, assign a 
couple of members of the staff to cater to his needs, and basically forget about my sexy new
stepbrother. Right? 
“You’re so quiet, Lia.” 
I jumped at the sound of his voice, which was deeper than it should be for a guy in his early twenties
didn’t smoke. I guessed it was his musician’s voice. It sent all kinds of chills up my spine and moistened
panties. “I…huh…what?” You’d never believe I had won a state forensics competition, would you? 
“Are you always so quiet?” 
I shrugged. “Depends, I guess.” In an attempt to distract him from me, I pushed open the entry door to
guesthouse with too much gusto, and it slammed against the stopper, making a pinging sound. “Well,
here you 
“You aren’t going to show me around?” 
“It’s only a few rooms…” I trailed off, knowing I was being rude. Years of ingrained manners warred with 
common sense that urged me to get away right now. Manners won, dang my stupid upper-class
complete with a British nanny. “Yeah, okay.” 
With a deep breath, I crossed the threshold, and he didn’t move any farther away. At least he didn’t
closer, but he was still in my bubble, and I didn’t like it. Or maybe I just liked it too much. 
I led him through the bottom floor of the guesthouse, pausing at the staircase. “There are two suites 
upstairs, and you can decide for yourself which you’d like. The pool is just a few steps out the backdoor,
there are swim clothes in the cabana if you need to use some. Dad likes to keep a supply on hand for
No one’s worn them or anything, because that would be gross. I think the maid donates them to charity
something after the guests use them.” 
I was a babbling moron. He didn’t care about the swimwear, and his smirk showed it. I started shuffling 
around him, intent on reaching the front door. The only problem was he matched my every step, always
his body between me and the exit. 
I thought he was trying to intimidate me, but it wasn’t working. I wasn’t frightened of him. My own
were a lot scarier, and I wasn’t sure how to cope. “I, well, okay…good night.” 
Thinking boldness would work, I attempted to step around him, but his arm shot out and caught hold of
wrist, arresting me in my path. I stared at him with confusion. “Do you need something?” 
A strange expression flitted across his face, and his eyes took on a coldness that made me shiver. When
blinked, he looked completely normal, and I guessed I must have imagined that. “Just some company
“I’m really tired. It’s been a long day—” 
Ignoring my protest and attempts at token resistance, Declan stepped closer and slung his arm around
shoulders, pulling me against his solid frame. Yeah, there had to be a six-pack under that cotton shirt.
mouth watered, and I swallowed quickly to keep from turning into a drooling, blathering idiot. I think I
have missed the opportunity to avoid the second impression already. 
He led me into the living room, pulling me down onto the overstuffed sofa beside him. At least he
his arm from my shoulders, but having the length of his thigh pressed against mine wasn’t doing
anything to 
calm my raging hormones or restore equilibrium. 
“What do you do in this mausoleum all day?” With no regard for the furniture, he propped his shoes on
large coffee table. 
I didn’t admonish him, because it was rude and I didn’t want to seem like an embodiment of Miss 
Manners. “I go to school.” 
He cocked a brow. “Ivy League, of course.” 
I sniffed at him. “Leven’s Ladies’ College, if you must know.” 
He blinked before a smirk bloomed across his face. “You go to a college for girls?” 
I nodded, hackles rising. 
“But why? You’re missing the best part of college surrounding yourself with chicks all day.” His eyes 
narrowed. “Or are you a lesbian? ‘Cause that would make a lot of sense.” 
“Because my dad is gay?” I snarled. “Gay people always raise gay kids, right?” 
With wide eyes, he held up his hands in mock surrender. “Take it down a notch, sis. I didn’t mean
like that. I just meant the pussy possibilities at a girls’ college would be limitless if you’re into chicks.” 
“I’m not.” Still angry, I continued glaring at him, but gradually let my body relax against the sofa again.
I’m not your sister,” I muttered so quietly I wasn’t sure he heard me. 
“Has your dad always been gay, or did he spring that surprise on you one morning?” 
I detected the trace of bitterness in his tone and had a stirring of sympathy. My stepbrother—and I
really focus on reminding myself of our new familial connections any time my thoughts strayed
naughtier—was obviously still angry about everything. Maybe I could try cutting him some slack. Once
he got 
used to our dads together, perhaps the jerkiness would ease down, and we might actually be friends. 
Yeah, probably not. Still, I tried to relay my sympathy when I replied. “He’s been out as long as I can 
“Are you adopted?” 
“And you don’t miss having a mother?” 
I hesitated, lifting a shoulder. “I guess sometimes. I know a bit about the surrogate who carried me. She
sends me a birthday card every year, but I don’t feel like she’s my mother in any sense.” 
“Was she your mom?” 
I shook my head. “No, she just carried me. I’ve seen the profile for the egg donor, but it’s what you’d 
expect—like reading random facts about a stranger.” I touched my hair. “I guess I got the blonde from
since Dad has dark hair. It doesn’t make me feel any closer to her. She didn’t want a kid, and I guess I
want a mother. Not that kind anyway.” 
“I’m close to my mom.” His eyes darkened a bit, and he looked brooding, which was dangerously sexy.
guess a lot closer lately.” 
He didn’t have to explain. The mood was rapidly becoming morose, and I did my best to change the 
subject. “If you’re looking for things to do, there’s a mall on the pier not too far from here. They have a
theater with fifty screens. I don’t know what you’re into, but it’s a big city, so I’m sure you can find
anything you 
want here.” 
“I don’t think I’ll have to go far to find what I want.” 
His gaze centered on my lips, and his pupils dilated with I moistened them with my tongue. The sensual 
undertone in his voice made me squeeze my thighs together, and I was about two seconds from leaning 
forward to kiss my stepbrother. 
“Do you have a boyfriend?” 
I shook my head, unable to explain I had wasted the best part of my teenage years pursuing academic 
perfection instead of having sex. I’d been an idiot. “Do you have a girlfriend?” My voice was husky, and I 
sounded like I had laryngitis. 
Declan shook his head. He didn’t seem to notice or mind as he shifted sideways a bit, putting his arm 
across the back of the couch and lightly against my shoulders. “No boyfriend is good news.” 
“It is?” I didn’t think my eyes could get any wider as his face moved closer to mine. 
“It is. There’s no one to object to me doing this.” 
I knew what he planned, and I did absolutely nothing to prevent it. At least I didn’t swerve in to meet
so perhaps I could hold that as a hollow moral victory. In the end, it didn’t matter whether I engaged or
passive. His mouth was on mine a few seconds later. 
I tensed at the first tentative brush of his lips against mine. I’d been kissed before—I wasn’t that 
pathetic—but the few boys preceding him had all swooped in and tried to devour my mouth. I guess it
was to 
show how much they wanted me, but it always made me think of that zombie movie where the guy is
the girl as she turns into a zombie, and she bites off his tongue. So not sexy. 
This was different. His lips explored mine, coaxing a response. I softened against his mouth, and his 
tongue slipped inside to stroke mine. I sighed and leaned closer, grasping handfuls of my dress to
the urge to touch him. 
He did enough touching for both of us, cupping my face in one of his large hands. His thumbs and finger 
pads were calloused when they moved over my smooth face, reminding me he played guitar. 
His other hand grasped my hip, gently urging me to turn more into his embrace. I wanted to, but
I managed to summon the strength to pull back and sit up straighter. “We can’t do this,” I whispered. 
He gave me an assessing gaze that seemed to probe my insides. “Why not, Lia?” 
“We’re related.” 
Declan scowled. “We aren’t related. Our dads getting married doesn’t make us fucking relatives, Lia.
known each other a few hours. That’s longer than some of my relationships. Under other circumstances,
be fucking right now.” 
I shook my head. “I wouldn’t do that, especially with my stepbrother.” 
He gave me a cocky grin. “We’ll see, sis.” After tucking a stray strand behind my ear, he completely
his hands from me. “I’ll have you underneath me in no time.” 
“You’re already beneath me,” I said haughtily, making his mouth tighten. I hated I had chosen the easy
of disparaging him by illustrating our economic differences. “I’m sorry.” Damned manners again. “That
thoughtless, and I didn’t mean it.” 
He shrugged. “Nah, it’s fine, Lia. I don’t mind being beneath you. Sometimes, I’m going to be on top too. 
Either way, I’m going to be inside you.” 
I shook my head, but I knew there was a decided lack of resolve in my automatic response. His words
made me imagine all sorts of deliciously erotic acts that had heretofore remained in the realm of fantasy
of reality. If he weren’t my new stepbrother, I probably would have jumped on him by now. Why did life
have to 
be so complicated? 
He leaned toward me again, this time brushing his cheek against mine before standing up. “Good night, 
I stood up and walked to the door without a parting. Actually, I kind of ran the best I could in heels. I
just put my hand on the doorknob when he spoke again. 
“Don’t go back to your room and touch yourself while thinking of me, babe.” 
Mouth open, I couldn’t resist staring at him as the shock of his words sank in. 
“All your orgasms belong to me from now on, and I want to see each one.” His eyes narrowed. “I’ll know
you do.” 
Too angry for words, I managed a strangled sound that I hoped conveyed some of my ire as I opened
door and slammed it behind me with a resounding thud. Still angry, I marched back to my room, kicked
off my 
shoes, and pushed up my dress. 
I laid on the bed and spread my thighs. How dare he tell me I couldn’t masturbate while thinking about 
him? Anger propelled the first few strokes of my fingers over my mound, but it wasn’t long before that
faded, and another swept through me. Desire. I ached for the infuriating bastard I barely knew and had
only just 
met. Pushing aside the crotch of my panties, I massaged my clit in earnest. 
As I touched myself, I relived the kiss and the way it had made my entire body feel hot and tingly. I
his large hands and rough fingertips on my breasts and tugged my own nipple through my dress and
It didn’t take much imagination to picture him lying on his bed in a similar position, cock in hand as he 
stroked himself to completion while thinking about me. The idea that we were both masturbating to
thoughts of 
the other doing so sent me into a powerful climax that made me moan and clench my thighs around my
At that moment, I’d give anything for it to be his hand. Or, even better, his cock inside me instead of my
As the bliss faded, sanity returned along with a hearty dose of shame. I jumped up from the bed and
my dress, careful to avoid seeing my reflection in the mirror. I was a wanton slut, and I would have to be
on my 
guard if I was forced to interact with Declan. With a large estate and myriad servants, at least it would
be easy to 
avoid him, which was the safest strategy. 

Chapter Three 
Fuck, she was a hot little thing. I knew as soon as I forbade her to masturbate without me around, she 
would run right back to the house and do just that. Despite her veneer of virginal sweetness, there was

stubborn layer under the surface, and it hadn’t taken me long to realize she would hate dictates. 
That would give me a good excuse to punish her and escalate our little game. I didn’t have time for a 
drawn-out seduction. Our fathers would be back from their honeymoon in six days, and I had to have
her totally 
in my thrall and bent to my will by that time, so I could enact the culmination of my plan. I’d have to
push her 
buttons, test her boundaries, and override her natural caution without finesse. 
That meant blunt seduction and using her desire against her. I was confident my plans were on track as

went to bed. I had the little princess already tied in knots and that much closer to being my plaything. I 
remained unaffected, as was required. She meant nothing to me and was simply a means to an end. I’d 
somehow summon the interest to fuck her, but she could be anyone. 
My apathy did absolutely nothing to explain why I woke up with my cock in hand, having masturbated
completion in my sleep, with the whispered sound of her name still echoing around the room, uttered
by my 
lips. Disgruntled and puzzled by the slip, I lay down again, reminding myself of all the reasons why I
hated her 
father and soon returned to the proper frame of mind required to seduce and ruin a princess. 
I fell back to sleep in no time, convinced it was an aberration. It had simply been too long since I’d
laid, with everything happening with Mom and planning revenge on Tom Ambrose. Any hot chick would
provoked the same response. 
I fucking dreamed about her. 

Chapter Four 
He ambushed me at the swimming pool. I had tiptoed out early in the day after peering at the
for signs of life. After watching like an obsessed stalker for almost an hour, I was convinced he was
asleep or had crept out early. Maybe he’d even left last night after our grope session, found some other
to fuck, and was still in her bed. 
I didn’t like that idea and refused to consider it. Assuming he likely slept late because he was a musician,

convinced myself it would be safe to go for a swim, as was my morning routine during warm weather. If I
my smallest bikini, it was simply because it was the closest one to reach in the drawer. It had nothing to
do with 
how the azure material molded and clung to my curves, while lifting my breasts to epic heights. 
It wasn’t like I wanted to entice Declan. Stepbrother. He was my stepbrother, and I had to remember
Yeah, I was just showing him what he couldn’t have. Or I would have been if I had deliberately picked
bikini, which I didn’t. It was a random grab. 
The pool was heated, but still cool enough to provide a slight shock as I dove in and sliced cleanly
the water. I’d been a champion swimmer in high school, but the all-girls’ college didn’t have a swim
team. They 
didn’t even have a pool or any physical activity classes. It was an elite college dedicated to fostering
I groaned softly as I mentally agreed with Declan. Why had I chosen that place? It was a good school,
completely lacking in male possibilities, since all the professors were older than my dad. 
I was deep in my naughty thoughts of transferring to another school and screwing my way through the 
football team—oddly enough, Declan was the quarterback, and I started with him—when a leather strap
around my upper arms. Out of instinct, I thrashed and tried to escape as it tightened around me. 
“Relax, Lia.” 
I twisted my head to glare up at Declan. “What the hell are you doing?” 
He had the gall to run the back of his forefinger down my cheek in a mimicry of a lover’s gesture. “I told
not to touch that pussy.” 
I blanched at his language and the shameful reminder of everything that had occurred last night. “Let
out of this…what is this?” 
“My belt.” He winked as he crouched down. “I figured you’d rather I use it to tie you up than spank you
“Let me go right now.” I gasped when he pried my legs open, positioning them on either side of the
lounger where I lay after my swim. “If you don’t stop, I’ll scream for help.” 
The cocky bastard just grinned at me. “Go ahead. If you want the servants to know you’re playing sex
with your stepbrother…” 
I glared up at him. “I’m not playing any games.” 
“Sure you are. You touched yourself last night, even after I told you I’d punish you for doing so.” He 
sounded so damned certain that I wanted to slap that smug expression off his face. 
Rolling my eyes, I struggled against the leather. The sadistic jerk had positioned it so the strap rested 
against my nipples, so every movement stimulated the hardening buds. Subsiding for the moment, I
tried to 
look impassive. “Just what do you think you’re going to do to me?” 
He walked his fingers up my leg, pausing to tickle my inner thigh until I squirmed. “Hmm, I figure one for 
you, two for me is fair.” 
That made no sense, but I couldn’t counter or ask for clarification, because I was too busy smothering a 
shout of outrage when he untied the left side of my bikini. Why had I chosen this set? Only ties and
thinking held it together. I barely suppressed a moan when he unfastened the other side before pulling
fabric from between my legs. 
Next, Declan tackled my top, untying the strings methodically. I laughed at him when he couldn’t get
back unfastened due to the way he’d tied me up, but my satisfaction faded when he just untied the neck
and left the triangles dangling down my stomach. My breasts were exposed aside from the leather that
was even 
more tormenting without any barrier. “You can’t do this. You have no right.” 
Declan tilted his head, looking down at me solemnly. One of his thumbs glided down my slit, flirting
edging inside. “Do you really want me to stop, Lia?” His finger moved upward again, and his thumb
inside me to press against my clit. “You tell me to walk away, and I will.” 
My eyes narrowed with distrust. “Yeah, you’ll just leave me here naked and strapped to the chair.” 
He shook his head. “Nah, if you really don’t want to play, I’ll let you go. You can go back to your virginal 
life, and we’ll forget all about this.” 
My face flushed scarlet, and I shifted restlessly. How did he know I was a virgin? Was it that obvious no
had punched my V-card? And was it also that plain that I wanted to have wild, unrestrained sex, and he
was the 
object of my lust? Did I really want to stop this? “Our dads…” 
“Aren’t here.” He circled my clit with the pad of his thumb. “It’s just us, and we aren’t related. Our dads 
aren’t part of this. Just you and me, babe. What do you want me to do? Stay or go?” My arousal was
onto his hand in a steady stream, easing his way as his fingers moved down to my opening, entering me
for a 
second before he completely withdrew his hand. 
Hovering above me, not quite touching, but with the promise of doing so if I just gave in, he waited for
answer. I wanted to do the right thing. I strove to find the strength to tell him to stop and leave me
alone, to 
either treat me like a sister or ignore me, but don’t fuck me. Instead, a small moan escaped me, and I
parted my 
thighs wider. 
Declan grinned as his hand returned between my legs. He stroked my clitoris gently at first, but
his speed as my hips rocked faster. Each time I thrust against him, the leather abraded my nipples, which
increased my arousal. I wasn’t at all surprised by the speed of my climax as I came with a breathy
He rubbed me gently until I stopped thrashing and finally relaxed against the lounger. My stomach
with desire when he brought his fingers to his mouth and started licking them. It was an erotic sight, and
conjured up images of him sprawled between my thighs, his tongue probing my folds instead of cleaning
own fingers. 
A moment later, Declan stood up and hooked his fingers into the waistband of his white swim briefs. 
“These are a little tight.” 
His erection bulged against the smooth fabric, and the lining did little to hide the details. Clearly well 
endowed, with a thick head that looked a bit daunting even through fabric. How would it be when he
pulled it 
out in a moment? 
I soon found out as he inched the briefs down over his lean hips, toned thighs, and muscular legs. They 
dropped to the cement with a rustling sound as he stepped out of them and came back to me. Instead
of sitting 
on the lounger or getting between my splayed thighs, he stood near my head. 
I watched, enthralled and nervous, as he lifted his shaft and brought it closer to my mouth. I knew what
wanted, but I hesitated when he ran the head across my lower lip, leaving a trail of moisture in his
Tentatively, I flicked out my tongue to taste his essence, finding him salty and sweet. 
His cockhead pressed against the seam of my lips, and I softened my clenched jaws, slowly parting my
to take him inside. Declan groaned as I swirled my tongue around the head, and his body twitched when

sucked lightly. 
I was scared for a brief second when he cupped the back of my head, but he only held me gently,
my hair, as I took him at my own pace. As I sucked his length, occasionally pausing to lick him and
swallow a 
mouthful of saliva, he kept patting me and never intruded deeper than I allowed. 
I had never given a blowjob before, but my body seemed to know what to do, even as my mind tried to 
micromanage every detail. I was so busy focusing on a rhythm and trying to remember to suck or lick at
right time that the first jet of his arousal hitting the back of my tongue startled me into gagging. His cock 
slipped from my mouth with a popping sound. 
Tears burned my eyes from the coughing fit, and I was so humiliated I couldn’t look at him even after I 
regained my breath. I saw he held his cock in his fist when I glanced at him peripherally. Clearly, he’d
had to 
finish himself off because I was incompetent. 
To my surprise, he cupped my chin and made me look up at him. “I’m sorry,” I muttered, sinking into 
He frowned. “For what? I meant to warn you, but it happened too fast. That means you did a good job,
not a 
bad one.” 
“Oh.” Wow, he was being so…sweet. It seemed contrary to the guy he’d been yesterday. God, was it
just yesterday that he’d come into my life and sent my head spinning? 
A second later, he undid his belt and freed me. I took the hand he extended to help me to my feet. It
was a 
shock when he bent his head to kiss me, his tongue sweeping into my mouth even though I’d just had
his cock 
in there. It should have been gross, but it was an incredible turn-on instead, and new moisture pooled
my thighs. 
I was ready for the next step, so I stared at him in confusion when he stepped back and lifted his hand 
before heading toward the guesthouse. “Where are you going?” I shrieked, sounding like a fishwife. 
“Two for me,” he reminded. “Between us, we had two orgasms.” 
“But…” My mouth gaped open, and I searched for a polite way to request we continue what he’d
“Aren’t you going to fuck me?” Yeah, I failed. 
He laughed. “Yeah, but not right now.” With a wink that was equal parts sexy and irritating, he opened
door to the guesthouse. “Living in suspense is part of your punishment. And feel free to masturbate all
want, babe. I rather like the compensation that comes from punishing you for stealing my orgasms.” 
I didn’t know whether to scream, laugh, or chase after him. In the end, I did nothing except stare at the
he closed with a resounding bang for several moments. It was only when I finally remembered I was
naked by the pool, except for the top drooping around my stomach, and any of the staff could see me,
that I 
gathered up my bottoms, dressed in a hurry, and rushed back to my room. 
What the hell was he doing to me? 

Chapter Five 
What the hell was I doing? I barely resisted the urge to slam my fist through the wall as I paced in the
room of the guesthouse. That had gone nothing like I’d planned. I was going to seduce her, use her, and
her my little whore. I was supposed to be breaking her down and remaking her how I wanted her to be.
was my revenge on Tom. He’d ruined my family, so I was supposed to be ruining his daughter. 
I wasn’t supposed to be playful or tender. When she’d screwed up the blowjob at the end—though she
been fucking perfection before that point—I should have mocked her and left her feeling insecure, so
would try that much harder to make it up to me. 
“Dammit.” I kicked the ottoman out of my way and then cursed again when my big toe started
throbbing. I 
was acting like an out-of-control moron, not aloof and methodical as I needed to be to succeed. 
Was she actually getting to me? Was Tom Ambrose’s offspring inspiring pity in me? Mercy? Leniency? 
No, she was just making me a raging horn dog, and I was thinking with my dick instead of my brain. The 
wrong head, my dad would have said if I had asked his advice. I smirked at that imaginary conversation. 
“Dad, I promised my suicidal mother I’d make your new husband pay for luring you away. Lia is his weak
so how can I fuck with her and not get caught up in how good she makes me feel?” 
“Use your head. The one on your shoulders, not between your legs…” 
I’d heard that advice several times from Dad, but he wouldn’t be eager to help me this time. He’d be 
ashamed of me and what I was doing. 
“Aw, fuck.” I scooped up the keys for my rental car and fled from the guesthouse like hellhounds nipped
my heels. Thankfully, my sexy stepsister was no longer in sight, because I couldn’t face her right now. I
in the right frame of mind. I needed a drink and time to think. Time away from this fucking palace and
temptation sheltered upstairs. 
Damn, why was this simple plan getting so complicated? 

Chapter Six 
He was really milking the anticipation thing. It had been three days since the foreplay by the pool, and I
barely seen him. I’d spent the first day expecting him to pounce on me at any moment and sweep me off
bed. I’d been nervous the first day and confused the second, when he still hadn’t made a move. He
sought me out for anything. Not even dinner or a conversation. Nothing at all to follow up on the sex
acts. He 
had called them games, leaving me uncertain of his intent. 
The third day, I was starting to get pissed off. 
Who does that? He’d come on strong from the first night, had even tied me to a chair, and now he was 
blowing me off and ignoring me? Fuck him. If he thought I was just going to roll over when—if—he
to give me a scrap of attention, he’d better think again. 
With that thought in mind, I decided it was time to forget about him and resume the plans I had
before ever knowing about my new stepbrother’s existence, or the effect he’d have on my libido. I had
to shed my virginity and make up for lost time in the form of lots of meaningless sex, and I was
determined to 
proceed, with or without Declan. 
A quick texting conversation with my friend Tory led to the development of party plans for that evening.

could have called a caterer or something, but it was going to be casual and low-key. I spent the
helping in the kitchen, since it was an impromptu event, and it wasn’t fair to spring it on the chef and
her staff 
without pitching in to help. 
Once Matilda shooed me from her kitchen so her staff could assemble the buffet of hors d'oeuvres, I ran 
upstairs and showered. Makeup was something I usually approached with a minimalist’s perspective,
but I put 
some effort into it tonight. Tory had promised to bring along some single male friends, and I was
determined to 
find one who interested me and screw his brains out. 
I ignored the niggle of doubt plaguing me and thrust aside all thoughts that maybe I was doing this for
wrong reasons, like to punish a guy who clearly didn’t give a damn about me, and focused on preparing
for the 
party. When I was done, I eyed my reflection and nodded my approval. 
The little black dress was deceptively demure, until I stepped into the light. Then the thinness of the
and the way it hugged my curves left little to the imagination. I had bought it without realizing that
effect and 
had never worn it once I had. It made my hips and breasts look amazing and rounded my butt just
enough to 
be fashionable, thanks to the clinging support of the fabric. 
I’d pinned up my hair atop my head, leaving a few tendrils to dangle in a tempting fashion. My eyes
large with the addition of thick mascara, and the red on my lips popped. Paired with high-heeled gold
sandals, I 
looked good enough to catch anyone’s attention. 
Even Declan’s, whispered an annoying voice in the back of my mind. I scowled at my reflection and 
reminded myself that wasn’t my intent. I didn’t even know if he was at the guesthouse. I certainly
wasn’t going 
to go the garage to see if his rental car was packed in the cavernous space. I hoped he wasn’t around,
but I was 
determined to ignore him if he was. 
Tonight was about getting laid. Once I did that, I’d stop being so pathetic and quit mooning over my 
stepbrother like a lovesick fool. It had been a couple of orgasms and some kissing, not a lifetime
I was done with him and his silly games. With a firm nod to my reflection, I squared my shoulders and
left my 
room just as the doorbell rang. 
I was ready for whatever the night brought. 

Chapter Seven 
I was no closer to figuring out what I was doing, or where things had gone wrong. Instead of confronting 
the situation, I’d been avoiding it, and her, while I tried to sort out my thoughts. I’d found a seedy little
several miles away from the row of expensive houses where Lia lived, but all a few nights on the stool
closing time had given me was a raging morning-after headache from too much beer. 
My head was still pounding, though I hadn’t been drinking tonight. Instead, I called my mom, my
queasy as I waited for her to pick up. 
“Declan?” She sounded on the verge of tears, and relief was plain in her tone. “My darling, I thought
had turned your back on me too. You didn’t call or email. I thought he’d won you over.” 
I bit back a sigh of impatience, reminding myself that pushing her at all could lead her to the same state
had left her bleeding on the bathroom floor before. “I’ve been busy figuring stuff out.” 
“Like revenge?” She sounded neutral, but perhaps there was a note of excitement underneath. 
“Yeah.” Moving closer to the railing where I leaned so I could get more privacy from a group passing by,

pressed the phone tighter to my ear. “It’s not as easy as I thought.” 
I winced at the biting tone. “It’s complicated.” 
“What, you like the son of a bitch? Has he promised you money or something? Maybe he’s going to 
support you while you play at musician?” 
Her words wounded me, but I tried to hide it, knowing she had never taken my music seriously and 
considered it a waste of time. “Look, Mom, I don’t even know him. We barely spoke at all. I’ve been at
house all week while they’re on their honeymoon. The only person around besides me, and a fleet of
is his daughter.” 
I wasn’t sure I liked that little noise of satisfaction. It sounded ominous. “The thing is, she’s really
to Tom, but to hurt him, I’d have to hurt her.” 
“What’s the problem?” She sounded so cold when she asked me that blunt question. 
“She’s a nice person.” Nice didn’t really cover it. Lia was hot, but she was also spunky and intelligent. I 
actually liked her and thought she was the kind of person I could hang out with under other 
circumstances—like if I didn’t want to fuck her or use her for revenge. 
“I’m a nice person.” My mother’s voice broke on the last word, and she sobbed for a moment. “I didn’t 
deserve what happened to me, but I had no choice. Tom Ambrose needs to pay for destroying our
“But does Lia? She hasn’t done anything to us.” 
Mom sighed. “I see how it is. That girl means more to you than I do. If she’s worth breaking your
and letting Ambrose walk away scot free, well I can’t change your mind.” She sobbed again. “Why
couldn’t you 
have been a few minutes later? All my pain would be over, and I wouldn’t have my heart broken again
by you 
going back on your word.” 
Sweat beaded my brow, and I struggled to find the right words. “Mom, don’t talk like that. You know
don’t want to die.” 
“What do I have to live for?” She sounded on the verge of hysterics now. “I’ve lost the love of my life to

man, and now I’m losing you too. Mike took everything from me, just like I knew he would.” 
“Mom, you haven’t lost me. I just don’t want to be like Ambrose and hurt someone—” 
She didn’t let me finish before cutting in with more vitriol. “Don’t bother doing anything to his brat. I’ll
solve everyone’s problem. I do love you, Declan, and I don’t want you to blame yourself. I just have no
choice. I 
see no other way to end my suffering.” 
“No, Mom, wait. Please, I’m begging you not to.” My shoulders sagged, and a heavy weight seemed to
my chest. “I’ll do it,” I said softly. 
“Do what?” she asked, voice still thick with tears. 
“I’ll use Lia to get back at Tom Ambrose. I’ll destroy his life like he ruined yours. Do you promise not to 
harm yourself if I do this?” 
She hesitated for a long moment before exhaling slowly into the phone. “I suppose, Declan, but if you
keep your promise this time, what do I have to live for?” 
A second later, the line was dead, and I stared down at it with concern. I almost called Aunt Celia to go 
check on Mom, but I hesitated. She would be embarrassed and angry if I revealed she was so depressed
as to 
be verging on suicide. I wasn’t sure I actually believed she would try to kill herself again once she calmed
but that she was in an emotional state where it seemed a viable option still worried me. 
In the end, I slipped my phone back into my pocket and decided I would just call her more frequently.
and Celia didn’t get along well despite being sisters, so bringing Celia into it might just stir up more
drama and 
hurt feelings for my mother, pushing her closer to a desperate act. 
Nausea churned in my stomach as I walked a short way down the pier, back to the electronics store I
passed earlier. It took several moments to convince myself to walk inside, but in the end, I managed to
reminding myself that Mom was counting on this. There was a good chance revenge against Tom
would be enough closure for her to move on and find a new life that wasn’t centered around my dad or
sadness at his betrayal. 
It didn’t take long to buy the supplies I needed, and then I was headed back toward the Ambrose place.

forced myself to move quickly, setting up the equipment in the main bedroom of the guesthouse. There
was an 
invisible clock ticking down the minutes, reminding me of everything that was at stake. My path was
clear, even 
if it sucked. 
Resolved, I went to find Lia. It was time to implement the next stage of the plan. It was time to take my 
sweet stepsister to bed and set in motion the plans to humiliate Tom Ambrose and destroy him

Chapter Eight 
Tory had delivered on her promise of single men, in addition to several of our sorority sisters. More
fifty people milled around the pool and back garden. There was a slight chill in the early summer air, but
chosen an outdoor venue to allow more space. It had absolutely nothing to do with wanting Declan to
see me 
having a good time with anyone but him. I was completely full of it, and my actions were immature. 
Speaking of having fun, I forced myself to smile harder at Leo. Smiling wasn’t the problem so much as 
keeping in the laughter. He was a nice guy, and clearly well educated, but his beard was a phenomenal
Some guys could carry the lumbersexual look and make it hot, but slightly chubby Leo wasn’t one of
Rather than looking like a hot bodybuilder laden with tattoos and facial hair he was too badass to shave,
looked more like a college professor or a computer engineer too busy in the lab to shave. 
Even that wasn’t quite right, because his full beard was bushy and meticulously groomed. He appeared
have waxed and combed each whisker separately. I didn’t want to be shallow, and I certainly wouldn’t
rule out 
dating someone based on his lumberjack beard, but every time I looked away from his brown eyes, the 
mesmerizing sight caught my gaze. I couldn’t help imagining trying to kiss him and how that hair would
and the urge to giggle would return. 
It wasn’t going to work out with us, but I didn’t make any move to engage the other guys. I’d had more
a passing look tossed my way by several of the male guests, but I couldn’t work up the enthusiasm.
Instead, I’d 
gravitated to Leo, who was safe and not sexually tempting. 
That wasn’t going to help me accomplish my goal of getting laid, but I couldn’t seem to get over the
block. Finally, Leo excused himself to go get a drink, and when I saw him pause to flirt with a couple of
who clearly appreciated his rugged look more than I did, I knew I’d lost my safety net. 
Forcing myself to circulate, I nodded to guys, but only stopped to talk to groups with women. It was
but I kept thinking Declan would show up and find me. Our eyes would lock across the crowd, and he’d
me off my feet, grovel for being a bastard the last couple of days, and take me to bed. 
That wasn’t how it played out, because reality always sucks way more than fantasy. I saw him join the
about an hour after it had started. Unlike a lot of the guys, who had dressed up in slacks and oxfords
even for 
this kind of gathering, he wore sinfully tight pale blue jeans and an even tighter red shirt that revealed
detail of his sculpted abs from half the distance of the patio. 
He glanced briefly at me before taking a bottle of beer from a tub of ice. With either skill or luck, he
it with his thumb, and the metal lid hit the cement with a ping. A girl near him, wearing a dress even
revealing than mine, giggled and bent over to pick it up for him. They were soon talking and standing too
Annoyed, I turned my back on them and walked farther away. The next hot guy to catch my eye got an 
adoring smile, and I veered over to him. He was tall and broad-shouldered, with light blond hair, blue
eyes, and 
blinding white teeth when he grinned. 
“I’m Chase.” 
“Lia.” I put my hand on his forearm. “Do you want to dance?” 
“Sure, babe.” He set down his drink on the patio. 
I was too far immersed in my pissed-off temptress mode to worry about the health hazard posed by a
on the cement. Instead, I let him sweep me too close and pull me toward the impromptu dancing area
from the pool. 
Chase wrapped me up in his arms, and I tried to pretend like it felt good. I closed my eyes and laid my 
cheek against his chest. We swayed slowly, though the music was faster than the beat we kept.
Somehow, he 
held me tightly and groped me at the same time. 
I gritted my teeth and really tried to endure it, but I knew my heart wasn’t in it. Heck, not even my body
into it. I didn’t want him. I just wanted to be away from him. 
Politely, I tried to wiggle backward, but he followed, swallowing up my space. I lifted my head to make
excuse to slip away, but he grabbed my hair and tipped back my neck. His mouth was on mine before I
speak or say no. 
Ugh, he was a zombie kisser. Chase ravaged my mouth roughly, his tongue and teeth fully engaged. The 
movie scene popped into my head, and the thought of him biting off my tongue made me nauseated
even as I 
had to stifle the impulse to giggle. 
Suddenly, Chase was no longer holding me, and he wasn’t trying to devour my tongue. Instead, he went 
flying through the air, hitting the pool with a loud splash, followed by a string of angry curses. 
Declan stood near me, glaring at Chase and the others. “Get the fuck out. Party’s over.” 
Several people groaned, and Chase protested as he tried to lift himself from the pool. It took two more 
overdressed boys of similar stature to lift him from the water, due to his attire and slick loafers. 
“Who the hell do you think you are?” he demanded as he stormed toward us. 
I curled my hands into my dress, tugging on the stretchy fabric in my anxiety. “Please just leave,
“No.” Chase poked Declan in the chest. “Who does this guy think he is, Lisa?” 
“Lia,” I corrected. 
“Her stepbrother,” said Declan at the same time. 
Chase rolled his eyes. “Go play big brother somewhere else. Lisa and I are having fun.” 
“Yeah, no we weren’t exactly.” The jerk couldn’t even remember my name. Did he really think this was
He arched a perfect blond brow. “Really, babe? Because you were all over me.” 
“I was not.” 
He shrugged. “You were two seconds from humping me, Lisa.” 
“Lia,” I shouted in outrage before looking around. Fortunately, most of the partygoers were leaving, but

few stood around to watch the drama unfold. 
Tory came over, lightly touching Chase’s arm. “Let’s head out, buddy. I’m sure there are other parties.” 
“Hell yeah.” Chase glared at me. “Without slutty cockteases and psycho pieces of shit.” 
I knew he was going to do it, but I didn’t bother trying to issue a warning—maybe because I wanted to
do it 
myself. Before he’d even finished the last word, Declan’s fist connected with his jaw. Chase went
leaving his two buddies to catch him and keep him on his feet. 
Ignoring them, I moved to Declan. On instinct, I grasped his hand, looking down at the knuckles. “You 
shouldn’t have hit him. You might have damaged your hand, and then you couldn’t play.” 
He gave me an inscrutable look, but didn’t tug his hand from mine. With a glower in Chase’s direction,
nodded his head toward the exit after making eye contact with the jerk’s friends. They hustled out their 
humiliated pal, who was still yelling threats about lawsuits and arrests as they dragged him away. 
I bit my lip. “What if he presses charges?” 
Declan waved his hand. “He won’t. First, he’d have to admit that someone got the best of him.
like me. P-O-O-R,” he spelled mockingly. “And second, I doubt he’s even twenty-one. He won’t want to
he was drinking underage.” 
I hoped he was right and allowed myself to be convinced. As soon as I stopped worrying about him, I 
started getting angry again. Not because he had interceded and pulled Chase off me, because I was
grateful for 
that. I was just plain pissed about his hot-and-cold manner. 
“Now that you’ve run off everyone, I’m going to bed.” Alone and still a virgin. I was never getting rid of
damned albatross. I supposed I should consider it no big deal, and it would happen when the time was
but my hormones contravened taking such a relaxed approach—especially with my sexy-as-hell
stepbrother so 
We were all alone out here, and the awareness muted my anger. Those cursed hormones were raging,
the tight dress suddenly felt too hot and constricting. 
“What the fuck are you doing?” asked Declan. 
I scowled. “What do you mean?” 
“You were practically screwing that guy in front of everyone.” 
I crossed my arms over my chest. “Seriously? You’re so full of it. You seemed to be steering that girl
the guesthouse. I’m sure you weren’t going to play video games.” 
He jerked me against him, holding a handful of my hair almost painfully. For some reason, the
in his moves increased my arousal. I still glared at him and tried to pull away. 
“Stop.” He spoke firmly, and the authority in his tone was so unexpected that I obeyed the command in 
spite of myself. “Why are you fighting, Lia?” His hands gentled, and though he still held me close, it was
longer with a sense that he was making me stay. “You want me.” 
“I did.” I licked my lips, aware of his gaze following the motion of my tongue. “Three days ago, Declan.
over that.” 
“Are you?” With a cocky grin, he thrust his lengthening erection into my stomach, grinding slowly. “I’m
over it.” 
“Then why have you been such a dick the past few days?” I hated the way my voice broke a bit,
how upset I was behind the anger. I didn’t want him to know he’d hurt me. 
He shifted slightly, looking uncomfortable. “I was sorting stuff out. Like whether it’s okay to bang my 
“When you phrase it like that…” I rolled my eyes. “You’re the one who told me this was between us, not
fathers, and now you’re having second thoughts?” I wrenched away from him, putting a few feet
between us. 
“You aren’t my brother. You’re barely more than a stranger. I’m so done with your games.” In a huff, I
around and strode back toward the house. 
When he jerked me into his arms, I screamed and tried to pull away. 
“Easy, princess.” He set me down, pointing to the ground and Chase’s discarded glass. “I didn’t want
to trip and kill yourself. Your dad would never forgive me.” He spoke as if that prospect didn’t bother
“Oh.” I stood frozen. “Uh, thanks.” As I started to turn back to the house, he spoke again, making me 
“I know exactly what I have to do now, Lia. I want to take you to the guesthouse and fuck you.” 
I looked at him cautiously. Fuck sounded so raw and vulgar. I shivered with anticipation, even as I
my own hesitation. I had vowed I wouldn’t just roll over and accept his shitty behavior the past few days
if he 
approached me again. I also admitted I had staged this whole party to get his attention, and I wouldn’t
gotten tangled with Chase under any circumstances if I hadn’t been trying to make Declan jealous. 
“You want to fuck me?” I licked my lips. “How long?” 
“All night.” 
I sighed. “No, I mean what are you expecting?” 
I sighed more heavily. “Is this just a quick fling?” 
He shrugged. “I don’t do labels and all that crap, Lia. We can fuck for however long it lasts, or we can
the whole thing, but don’t expect roses, promises, and tender lovemaking. That’s not my style.” 
I nodded. “Yeah, I figured that.” I was surprisingly okay with it. Declan was offering me what I wanted,
he wasn’t pretending it was more than that. In my mind, I tentatively affixed an end date of when our
returned. “Okay.” 
“Okay, what?” 
“Let’s fuck.” It was strange to say it so baldly, but also exciting. By the time he dragged me into the 
guesthouse, my panties were sodden, and my stomach was bubbling with anticipation. 
He stripped me in the foyer, barely waiting for the door to close behind us. I preened as he admired me
the sexy underwear. There had been no need for a bra with the lined dress, and he had already seen my
He’d technically seen all of me, but this felt different. Maybe because I knew where it was going this
“Come on upstairs.” 
I clutched his hand and followed him up the stairs after kicking off my high heels at the bottom step. He 
shed the red T-shirt on the landing and had hopped out of his jeans by the time we reached the first
It was the one with the king-size bed and black and red décor. Such a perfect setting for a first-time
The lights were dim and arranged to spotlight the bed. It was kind of romantic. I frowned. “Were you 
planning this all along?” 
He looked sheepish. “My intent was to bring you here, but then that damned party interfered. I was
with you making me wait, and by your flirtation with Paul Bunyan, so I grabbed the first chick and
pretended to 
be way into her.” I didn’t doubt his sincerity when he added, “But there’s only one girl I want to be in
Feeling nervous, I confessed in a rush, “I’ve never done this before.” 
He smirked. “Yeah, I figured that out on my own.” 
“I really want to. I’ve been writing about it in my stupid diary and thinking about it for months, but it’s 
gotten really bad the past few days.” I stepped closer, pressing my hand to his chest. “I want you so
“I want you too, sweet stepsister.” 
His words were naughty and wrong, and I didn’t miss the teasing in his gaze. That didn’t mean there
a tiny part of me that didn’t find the taboo aspect kind of hot. 
A second later, his mouth was on mine, starting slow and coaxing. By the time he escalated to what I’d 
normally consider zombie kissing, I was too far immersed in my own passion. I kind of feared biting off
tongue in my state of frantic need. 
He eased me back to the bed as we kissed, until he had to break contact to lay me down. I was amused
he arranged me just so. He clearly had a vision of this encounter too, and I was content to play along. 
Until he lifted my wrist to strap me into a leather cuff. Reflexively, I tugged. “Let me out of here,
He grinned. “Nah, I don’t think so.” 
I yelped with protest when he brought my other wrist up to the opposite frame. “I don’t think I like
That wasn’t entirely true, because a new flood of arousal spilled into my tiny lace panties when he
buckled me 
in securely. 
“Yeah, you do.” To emphasize his point, Declan stroked me between the thighs, dipping two of his
into my slick folds without resistance. “You’re a dirty girl, Lia. You just need to admit it and embrace the
“I’m not going to let you boss me around.” 
Declan grabbed my hair, pulling my head back forcefully, but with a touch of gentleness. The
made the whole thing more exciting. “Yeah, you are, sis.” 
I shuddered. “Don’t call me that.” 
He smirked. “It’s true, isn’t it? Technically, you’re my stepsister, and you want your stepbrother to fuck
Don’t you?” 
I nodded eagerly, stretching to reach his mouth. 
Declan brushed a kiss against the corner of my mouth before speaking clearly. “So beg me, sis. Plead
your big brother to fuck you.” 
I gasped, shocked, outraged, and aroused by the idea. “This is ridiculous, Declan. Untie me.” 
“You’re not tied.” He grinned. “You’re strapped. I’ll let you go if you really want, but no more fun
sweet stepsister.” 
“Stop it,” I hissed, hating and loving the way he exaggerated the forbidden aspect of our attraction. It
really scandalous, but I knew some people would construe this as completely wrong. Sick and disgusting,

guessed. There must be some people who would consider our affair incestuous despite the lack of
growing up 
together, or that we barely knew each other. 
I decided I didn’t care. I wanted Declan, and if he wanted to play kinky games, I could do that. Licking
lips, I looked up at him as innocently as possible. “Please, big brother, fuck your little sister.” 
A flash of dark satisfaction morphed his expression before it faded into one of serious passion. His
was soon on mine again as his hands explored me. It was exciting, if unnerving, to have my hands
and be at his mercy. It required a lot of trust, and I was surprised to find I did trust him. Declan might be
a jerk 
sometimes, but I was sure he would never hurt me deliberately. 
My certainty increased when he settled between my thighs after kissing his way down. I’d never felt
like it when he dipped his tongue inside me, swirling around my slick passage. When he centered on my
clit, I 
cried out his name and arched frantically against his face. 
It didn’t take long to come, but the release only fueled my need for more. I was eager when Declan
on a condom before kneeling between my splayed legs. I lifted my pelvis to open myself to him as his
pressed into my tight walls. It hurt for a moment, and then he was fully inside me, and I felt nothing but
As he thrust in and out of me, his pace increasing and mine matching, I couldn’t believe the filthy things 
coming out of my mouth. He seemed amused and aroused by my dirty talk, so I gave it free rein. As I
came, I 
gripped his buttocks and pulled him deeper into me. I screamed his name as release swept through me.
swelled inside me, and his cock twitched before his warmth seeped through the condom, though the
remained intact. 
I was a woman now. My stepbrother’s woman. It was still a deliciously dirty thought, and I dozed off
with a 
grin on my face. 

Chapter Nine 
Oh, fuck. She had been like a filthy porno actress. I couldn’t have asked for a better performance if I had 
directed her. Goddamn, Lia was hot with a side of kinky that was a complete contrast to her sweet
She was fucking perfect. 
And I was going to fuck it all up by releasing the sex tape I’d filmed last night. She’d followed the first 
performance with a few more, always up to what I suggested. Sweet Lia had done everything I’d
suggested and 
had some of her own ideas that we’d indulged before she’d fallen into an exhausted heap and slept the
rest of 
the drained. 
I wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t. Instead, I sat at my computer, editing the images I’d captured. I
help being aroused by watching our sex. I groaned softly when she turned on all fours and offered me
her sweet 
pussy. I’d taken her hard that time, and she had loved every minute. 
So had I, and it showed in the video. The whole world would know I’d screwed my stepsister, but when I 
was done editing, they would see Lia begging me for it, not my instigation. The sex tape would do
nothing to 
harm me. It might even propel my career. 
It would completely destroy her reputation and probably her confidence. It might even wreck her
sexuality. I 
was going to utterly ruin the one woman who’d made me feel anything besides desire in a long time. No,
ever. I 
had never really felt anything for the women I bedded, other than physical urges. I hadn’t connected
with them 
on any other level. 
I liked Lia. I could probably even fall in love with her, if I allowed it, and we were together long enough. I 
didn’t think I was imagining that she was feeling similar emotions for me. It was way too soon to be
anything serious, but the hollow words I’d offered her earlier, about avoiding labels and relationships,
back to mock me. 
I could be happy with Lia, but at the expense of my mother’s happiness. She was still suicidal, and I had 
promised to deliver her revenge. I racked my brain for any other way to make that happen without
involving Lia, 
but I came up blank. 
Finally, with a sick twist in my stomach, I saved the edited video and uploaded it to my Cloud account
safekeeping. Then, feeling like the world’s biggest bastard, I crawled back into bed beside the woman I
spent the night fucking and was about to fuck over. 
My conscience didn’t keep me from pulling her into my arms and holding her close to me. Nor did it 
dampen the pleasure I got just from having her so close, even without engaging in anything sexual. 
Fuck, I was so far gone. My revenge scheme was still brilliant, but hadn’t accounted for the idea that I
start to care about my target. I cared more about Lia than I did about getting revenge on Tom Ambrose,
but I 
couldn’t deviate from the course. 
She snuggled closer, whispering something sweet, and returned to a deep sleep. I surrendered, allowing 
myself to enjoy the moment, because it couldn’t last. She would hate me when she found out what I
planning to do—had done, because it would already be completed by the time she discovered my
“What the hell is going on here?” 
The angry question jerked me out of a sound sleep, and I blinked fuzzily. Lia was still against me, but she 
was stirring in my arms. I forced open my gaze to see Tom looming over the bed, with my dad a half-
“Hey, Dad,” I said, voice raspy. “You’re back early.” 
“Food poisoning,” said Mike, shooting a worried glance at Lia’s dad. “Um, what is going on here,
With a regretful glance at Lia, I embraced the opportunity to really throw it in Tom’s face. I hadn’t
this, but I had to seize the moment. “What’s it look like? I’m just fucking my sweet sister.” 
Lia stiffened in my arms before sitting up and putting some distance between us. “Declan,” she hissed. 
“What’s the problem, babe?” I affected an unconcerned demeanor. “We’re all about the family, aren’t
And about doing whatever makes us happy, no matter who gets hurt?” 
“That’s enough,” barked Tom. “Get dressed and get out.” 
“He’s my son,” said Mike firmly. 
“He’s…” Tom waved his hands. 
“I’ll deal with it.” Dad glared at me. “Get your clothes on and come down to the sitting room. We need
I shrugged. “About what? It’s just a little fuck. It didn’t mean anything.” I pretended not to notice her 
indrawn breath or hurt expression. “Hey, Tom, you’ll be glad to know she’s not a total slut. Lia was a
tight little 
virgin before I popped her cherry.” 
She slapped me as hard as she could. I saw her hand coming, but I did nothing to block it. She owed me 
that and more. I took it stoically, not allowing a hint of the sting to show. Damn, she had a good swing. If
hit me with a fist instead of her opened hand, I might be spitting blood on the sheets. “Feel better?” I
coolly. “If not, I know how to make you feel good.” 
“You bastard.” With a cry of outrage, she stumbled from my bed, wrapping the comforter around her 
awkwardly as she ran from the room. 
Tom glowered at me for a second before turning to run after his daughter. 
The revenge wasn’t as satisfying as I’d hoped, but this had only been a tiny, unexpected bonus. The
humiliation was forthcoming, as soon as I uploaded the video to the right sites. 
“Get dressed,” barked my dad again, making no attempt to mask his anger. 
With a shrug, I slid from the bed as he stormed out of the guestroom. I slid on fresh underwear and a
of lounge pants, forcing myself not to allow Lia’s hurt expression to infiltrate my mind. 
I padded on bare feet down the marble stairs, finding my dad in the sitting room. I stepped into the
but didn’t sit. I had no obligation to stay, and I planned to bail as soon as he knew why I’d done this. 
“Oh, Declan.” 
I frowned, not expecting the note of sadness in his voice. It made me defensive, which I didn’t like. I
to be cold and distant. “What?” Damn, I sounded just like I did when I scratched the car the first week
gotten my license and tried to hide it. 
He shook his head. “How could you use Lia to hurt me and Tom?” 
I blinked, not having expected him to figure it out so soon. I debated about playing dumb or brazening it 
out. In the end, I simply said, “You had it coming.” 
He shook his head again. “Maybe, but I don’t think so. I’m finally happy, Dec, and I don’t believe I
have to pay for that. Whether you believe otherwise still doesn’t excuse dragging an innocent girl into
I snorted. “You’re one to talk about innocence. Look what you did to Mom.” 
My dad mimicked my snorting sound. “Deidre got exactly what she deserved, Declan.” He sighed. “I’d 
hoped to avoid telling you our sordid history, but you need to know everything, I guess.” 
“I know all I need to.” Remembering Mom bleeding on the floor strengthened my resolve. “I’m outta
“Not yet. You’re going to sit down and listen to me.” 
He was so forceful, yet quietly so, that I found myself reverting to childhood and automatically obeying.

walked over to the nearest chair and sat down, aware I did so with the ill grace of a pouting teenager
instead of 
the resolve of a grown man committed to a path. 
“Your mother has known all along I was gay, Declan.” 
I stared at him, allowing my expression not to betray the shock coursing through me. I shook my head, 
rejecting the idea. “That’s a lie.” 
“It’s not.” He sat in the seat nearest me. “Things were different thirty years ago, son. I couldn’t be out, 
especially if I wanted to be successful and not be disowned by my family. She offered to pretend to be
girlfriend to take off the pressure.” 
I forced myself not to react, though my hands folded into tight fists. 
“I thought she was being a good friend, but your mother had an agenda.” Looking disgusted, he said,
drugged me and raped me.” 
My eyes widened, and I shook my head. “That’s bullshit.” 
“It isn’t. She did it several times until she was pregnant. I had no memory of it, of course, and I still
but she was happy to tell me all about it when I told her I was leaving to be with Tom. When she first
pregnant, she told me we’d gotten drunk and had done something stupid. I had no memory, so I took
her word 
for it.” 
“How could you get that drunk?” I scoffed, still not believing his version of my mother. 
“Tom had left me.” 
I jolted in shock. “Tom? Tom Ambrose?” 
Mike nodded. “Yeah. We were lovers for a few years, but he got tired of my reluctance to embrace our 
relationship and go public. He had issued me an ultimatum, and I was too frightened of the backlash to
him. Your mother’s explanation was plausible, and there she was pregnant with my baby.” 
Looking deep into my eyes, he seemed completely truthful when he said, “I did the right thing and
her. It was a disaster. Your mother thought I was a lot wealthier than I was, son. My family was
and I made a good salary, but I wasn’t rich. The trappings she’d seen—yachts, helicopters, limos—had all
provided by Tom’s wealth, not mine.” 
“Why didn’t she divorce you then?” I challenged. 
“Because the life I could give her was still better than her humbler roots. She wanted to be a cherished 
housewife and mother, not a hardworking waitress as her mother had been. I tried to stick it out, but I
miserable.” My dad exhaled raggedly. “When you were three, I knew I had to get out of the marriage. I
my bags and left.” 
I had no memory of that. 
“I came home that weekend to pick you up for a visit, and I found your mother on the bathroom floor, 
bleeding from shallow cuts on her wrists.” 
Rather than sounding concerned, he sounded bitter. I glared at him. “You’ve known she’s suicidal all
time and did nothing to help her?” 
He snorted. “I insisted she get help. I moved back in and made another effort at being a husband. A few 
years later, I was done and couldn’t keep up the pretense. Again, she tried to kill herself, and I stayed.”
looked directly in my eyes. “That pattern repeated three times before I gave up and just accepted I was
stuck. I 
couldn’t have her death on my conscience.” 
“Until Tom came back.” I sneered. “Then she didn’t matter.” 
“It’s true that Tom was the catalyst. We ran into each other at a conference, and the spark was still
there. I 
had never stopped loving him, and he felt the same way. My parents are gone, and I’m at a point in my
where I don’t give a damn what being gay does to my career. I decided it was my turn to be happy.” 
I didn’t bother to hide my disgust with his selfishness. “She’s going to kill herself.” 
He shook his head. “No, she won’t. I had an illuminating conversation with your aunt Celia a few years
She told me your mother has often used attempted suicide to manipulate the people in her lives. She’s 
practically perfected her technique. She always cuts just enough to bleed, but not enough to risk death
shallow enough to avoid going to a doctor or leaving a scar, because she would be too ashamed if
found out.” 
My stomach sank as his words penetrated my brain. “I found her bleeding,” I whispered. 
My father’s sympathy was genuine. “I suspected that was the case when I realized what you had done. 
You’re a good person, Dec, and you wouldn’t normally hurt someone deliberately.” Tentatively, he
reached out 
to touch my hand. “You might hate me and Tom for being happy, but Lia has nothing to do with your
anger and 
bitterness. She isn’t a way to make your mother feel better by hurting Tom or me.” 
I nodded, nausea creeping up my throat as I realized what I had done. I had fully intended to destroy Lia
to satisfy my mother’s need for vengeance. I’d had what I thought was a good motivation, but with
hindsight, I 
could see what an idiot I had been. Even without knowing my mother’s propensity to use suicide for 
manipulation, I had acted all wrong. 
I should have gotten her medical help instead of running off half-cocked to fulfill her need for revenge. I 
shook my head, sickened at how I had allowed her to twist me into her blunt instrument of rage. I had 
swallowed every bit of her routine and had been compelled to continue with the plan even after
admitting to 
myself how wrong it was. 
I hung my head. “I’m no better than she is.” A tear slid down my cheek as I allowed myself to wallow in
shame of hurting Lia to get back at Tom and Mike. 
“Yes, you are. You know what you’ve done is wrong, and you’re going to make amends.” 
He wasn’t issuing a dictate. He was simply speaking as though it was a fact. His confidence in my desire
make things right blew me away. In spite of everything, he still believed in me, and it soothed me a bit,
even as 
it made me feel worse for my part in the scheme. 
“How do I fix this, Dad?” 
He hesitated before shrugging. “I’m not sure. I guess the first thing to do is figure out if you were just
Lia. If so, I’d suggest a heartfelt apology and steering clear of her for a while. But…” 
“But?” I prompted as the silence lengthened. 
“But if she means more to you than a way to hurt Tom, I’d suggest you be honest with her. Tell her 
everything, including what you had planned, and especially how you really feel.” 
“Do you think she’ll give me another chance?” 
My dad hesitated again. “I don’t know, son. Would you in her position?” 
“No.” Utter misery underscored every syllable. 
“Let’s hope she’s more forgiving.” He patted my hand before standing up to give me a hug. 
I let my dad hold me as I shed a few tears of remorse and shame. Would Lia ever forgive me for what I
done? The idea of confessing everything to her, including how I had manipulated her to play the part of
filthy whore, made me want to run away without looking back. Only the thought of not seeing her again,
and not 
pursuing the possibility of being with her without pretenses or agendas, kept me from bolting out of the 
I had fucked up, and now I had to try to make that right. Even if she wanted nothing to do with me, I
her the truth. Dread filled me at the prospect. As soon as my dad left, I ran upstairs, shrugging on a shirt
as I 
sat down at the desk to shove my feet into sneakers. My first mission was to delete the sex tape and
pray she 
never had to know about it. 
No, I knew I couldn’t avoid telling her. I had to confess everything. That didn’t mean I had to keep a
around. I opened my laptop and logged in to my Cloud storage. I clicked the box to select it and delete,
but as I 
started to press the trashcan icon, I froze. 
According to the program, the file had been downloaded one time. I stared, trying to comprehend what
meant. No way could it be true. I had sent it to the Cloud my Internet service provided, but I hadn’t
confirmed its arrival. I sure hadn’t downloaded it. 
Who could it be? 
Even as I asked myself, I knew. My mother. She somehow had accessed it. I had never been specific
my plans to destroy Tom, so she must have undertaken snooping on her own. It wouldn’t have taken a
to figure out the file could be important, since I had so cleverly titled it Lia.mpg. Fuck. 
I finished deleting the file and emptying the trash to remove it permanently as I debated how to
proceed. I 
could see no alternative but to confront her, and I couldn’t wait. The longer she had that file, the more
likely she 
was to do something awful with it. The same awful thing I had planned. 
My stomach burned with acid as I rushed from the guesthouse and straight to the garage. I thought I
Lia standing in her window as I peeled out of the driveway, but figured it was just wishful thinking on my
She wouldn’t be standing around looking for me after what I’d done. 
I would be lucky if she ever talked to me again—especially if Deidre released the raunchy tape of me
bating her 
to emphasize the stepsibling connection during sex. 

Chapter Ten 
I wanted to sleep, but I couldn’t. I’d lain in bed for the past hour tossing and turning, but I still couldn’t 
drop off. Another glance at the clock revealed the numbers had crept up five minutes from the last time,
He’d left. I couldn’t believe it as I stood watching him drive away like he was qualifying for the Grand
Just that morning, we had seemed so close, and then our dads discovered us, and he’d been so ugly. 
Even now, I winced as I remembered his hateful words, especially the moment when he’d lewdly
my previously virgin status to my dad. It had been humiliating and painful. At least my dad hadn’t
thrown it in 
my face or been too upset. He’d comforted me and done his best to hide his own anger as I indulged in a
of self-pity. 
I was over that now, and I knew I’d just have to move on from all of it. I didn’t know why Declan had
what he’d done, but I figured it had something to do with hurting my dad. Ever since that first night in
guesthouse, I’d sensed his bitterness about our dads’ relationship, but I’d tried to be understanding. I
have blasted him for being an oblivious dickhead instead of trying to be sensitive. 
I definitely shouldn’t have gone to bed with my stepbrother. I writhed in renewed shame as I
the kinky things I’d said and done just last night. At least my dad didn’t know that part. No one did
Declan, and since he’d acted like such a jerk, Dad wouldn’t believe anything he said if he tried to tell him
the encounter. 
It was embarrassing now, but I still couldn’t help remembering how naughty it had been at the time,
how much I’d wanted Declan. Damn, I still did, though it went against every shred of common sense.
Not that I 
would ever have him again, even if I could overlook his actions. He was clearly done with me. I’d been
more than a means to an end, and he’d left without saying goodbye or apologizing. 
I snorted softly. As if he would do that. He had to be sorry to apologize, and I doubt he felt anything but 
smug satisfaction in the damage he’d wrought. I would just have to remember how hateful he could be 
whenever I had a craving for his touch. 
It was pathetic to still want him. My brain urged me to cut myself some slack, since I was still recovering 
from the shock of it all, but I couldn’t help being disgusted by my weakness. Was I really such a loser
that I 
could still want to have sex with the guy who had humiliated me and used me to hurt my dad? 
I slammed my lids shut and forced my breathing to level out. I was going to fall asleep. I was going to
all about Declan and what he’d done. 
I was so full of shit. 
With a sigh, I started to sit up as my door creaked open. I stilled, closing my eyes again. My dad was 
probably checking on me, and I really didn’t want to talk about it all again. I’d shed enough silly tears
over a 
stupid boy earlier. It was easier to feign sleep. 
As he came closer, my nostrils filled with his scent, and I stiffened. My dad didn’t wear that cologne, and 
neither did Mike. Declan. 
My eyes snapped open, and I glared up at him as he hovered over me. “What the fuck are you doing in
room?” He flinched, but still sat on my bed, without an invitation. “Get out.” 
“We have to talk.” 
I glared at him. “Just leave. You’re good at that.” 
Declan sighed. “Yeah, I deserved that. I’m sorry I left so abruptly before, but I had to…take care of 
I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care. I never wanted to see you again. I don’t want you here, so get out.” Again,
jerk ignored my command. 
“I was an idiot.” 
He looked at me from the veil of his lashes, an expression of pleading on his face that was meant to
me. I maintained a hard expression and shored the walls of my defenses. I didn’t know why he’d come
after accomplishing his goal, and I didn’t care. 
I ignored that voice in the back of my mind and crossed my arms over my chest. Affixing him with a
glare, I 
spoke slowly, stretching out each syllable. “I do not want you here. Get out of my room and my life,
“I had to leave earlier, because I needed to stop my mom from doing something terrible.” 
I frowned a bit. “Your mom? You aren’t trying to blame her for what you’ve done?” How low could he
He lifted a shoulder. “My mom instigated some of what I did, but I’m not blaming her. I fell for it, and I 
made it worse by coming up with a horrible scheme to hurt Tom.” He dropped his head. “A scheme that
using you.” 
“Yeah, I remember.” Fire flared along my nerve endings as I relived that moment when my dad caught
us in 
bed and the awful things he’d said. “I was there.” 
He shook his head. “It’s worse than that, Lia. Your dad discovering us together was a small bonus, but it 
wasn’t how I’d intended him to find out.” 
My brow scrunched as I considered his words. “I don’t understand. Why did you even want him to know 
we’d fucked?” 
“I wanted to hurt him for stealing my dad.” Declan rolled his eyes. “I know how goofy that sounds
from a twenty-five-year-old guy, Lia, but it’s true. He’d hurt my mom and screwed up my plans by
stealing my 
I scowled. “Dad didn’t steal Mike. Your dad made the choice to leave your mom. He wasn’t leaving you.”

bit my tongue before I could say something else nice or encouraging. I didn’t give a damn that he was a
little boy beneath the bad-boy veneer. If I repeated that enough, I might even believe it. 
“I know that now, but I was reacting from emotions instead of logic. And I let my mom’s attempted
drive me to make a promise to get revenge.” 
I blinked. “Wow, is she okay?” 
He surprised me by snorting. “She’s fabulous. It was all an act. She’d hoped to get me to break off
with my dad, because she’d told him he would lose everything if he left her and came out publically. She
determined to make me hate him as much as she did.” 
“That’s why you…we…” I trailed off, not able to find the right words. I’d almost said seduced, but it
been like he’d lured me into his bed. I’d been eager to jump in there before learning about his
He nodded just once. “I couldn’t agree to never see my dad again, so I promised revenge on Tom
When I met him, and you, it was obvious how much he loves you, so I knew you were the best way to
“Congratulations.” I said it as coldly as I could, wanting to wound him even a little bit, though I didn’t
I could. He’d have to care for anything to hurt, and the only things he cared about were his mom and his 
revenge. “Now you’ve done what you set out to, so just go away.” 
He shook his head. “I can’t until you know everything. Then if you want me to leave…” With a sigh, he
“I recorded us.” 
I froze. “What? Us? Last night?” At his quick nod, I balled my hands into fists and gave serious thought
punching him. “Why would you do that?” Recalling how uninhibited I’d been, I writhed with shame. “Oh,
“I was going to make it public.” 
He uttered the statement my brain had been framing, and I stared at him with literal open-mouthed
Somehow, I finally remembered how to close my mouth, but I still couldn’t seem to find any words to
the hot rage burning inside me. 
“After my dad and I talked, I realized what a prick I’d been. I’d planned to come talk to you right then
admit everything.” 
“Instead you got lost on the way and sped out of here?” Anger buzzed through me, and I couldn’t 
distinguish what percentage allocation for which action. Was I most enraged about the video, his
departure, his 
willingness to use me, or the cold machinations he’d undertaken in the first place? 
“When I was deleting the video, I discovered it had been downloaded.” 
My blood seemed to freeze in my veins. It wasn’t until he’d said those words that I’d considered the
might actually go public. In my naiveté, I guess I’d believed he wouldn’t go through with it, and he’d
his mind if he was telling me about it. I had unconsciously chosen to have faith in him doing the right
Damn, I was an idiot. 
“My mother.” 
Those two words chilled me further, because I didn’t know much about Deidre, but I could guess how 
vindictive she was just by a few things Mike had said in passing. “Is it already on the ‘net?” 
He shook his head. “I stopped her before she could.” Declan looked a little sick, but also kind of pleased.
ended up smashing her laptop in case I couldn’t trust her not to leak it.” 
“What if she backed up the copy?” 
Declan hesitated, but then shook his head again. “I don’t think she had time or knew how. She only had
password because she snooped in my room and found the book where I write down all that information.
had the file less than two hours before I got back to her house. I doubt she’d even had time to watch it,
alone copy it.” 
I couldn’t quite believe we’d had a lucky escape, but I hoped so. “You know how embarrassing it will be
my dad if that gets out?” Not to mention myself. People would think I was a slutty whore with a taste for
my brother. They wouldn’t bother distinguishing between step and real, or pay attention to the fact that
barely knew each other, and it had just been a kinky game. Or so I’d thought. 
“My god, I can be a real dumbass. I just realized you manipulated me into being that way. You wanted
me to 
come across as a cock-hungry slut fucking my brother.” I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, hoping
strength and the ability to get through this. 
“I did do that, but the video won’t go live.” His voice was hard. “I made it clear to my mother that if she 
somehow had secured another copy in the short time she’d had it and figured out how to release it to
that would make it public, I was done with her.” His eyes glittered with anger. “She’s manipulated me
enough. I 
won’t cut her out of my life for what she’s already done, but I wouldn’t hesitate if she shames you.” 
“You shamed me.” I hit him with my pillow though it was completely juvenile. “You can’t just fix this by 
threatening your mother.” 
“I know.” He sounded calm, though his gaze was tortured. “Believe me, I get that, Lia. I fucked up all on
own. I’m trying to make amends and do damage control, but I know how badly I screwed up.” 
He lifted his hand and trailed his fingers down my cheek. I wanted to push him away, but I just sat there 
staring at him. At least my expression didn’t betray that I felt anything besides loathing and disgust. I
“I’m sorry I hurt you. It didn’t take me long to realize how much I like you, Lia. We have a good time 
together, and we’re fantastic in bed. I accepted I could fall in love with you easily, but I still proceeded
with my 
I glared at him. “Don’t you dare try to pretend you love me.” 
He shook his head. “I’m not, honey. I could love you. It wouldn’t take much, but I’m not there yet. We
know each other well enough. I don’t deserve a second chance, or an opportunity to fall completely,
madly, and 
helplessly in love with you, but I hope you’re a better person than me.” 
I shook my head. “Don’t.” 
He cupped my cheek, caressing my chin with his thumb. “Don’t what?” 
Tears scalded my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. “Don’t use pretty words or whatever to hurt me
You’ve done enough.” 
The bastard had the audacity to lean closer, his lips almost brushing mine. “I don’t want to hurt you 
anymore, Lia. I just want to make you feel good and show you how much I care.” 
He actually kissed me. That no-good dickhead pressed his lips to mine. As soon as I could get my lips to 
stop molding to his and responding, I was going to tell him he was an arrogant ass, and he’d blown his
At some point, we broke apart mutually. I was a little surprised to find myself in his arms, our foreheads 
touching. My brain was crystal clear about the fact he was scum, and he didn’t deserve more chances to
me. My hormones were in conflict with that dictate, and I refused to even consider my emotions in the 
equation. “Get out,” I said softly, recognizing the lack of conviction. 
He bit his lip. “If that’s really what you want, I’ll leave you alone. Tell me to go, and I’m gone.” 
“Go,” I whispered. 
He groaned. “No.” 
“You’re a liar.” 
“Yes, I am. I’m also manipulative, scheming, and heartless.” He closed his eyes, his breath caressing my 
lips when he exhaled raggedly. His lids opened a second later. “I’m also completely and sincerely sorry
hurting you, Lia. I let myself get caught up in the drama between my parents, and I blatantly ignored my
conscience. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, but I’m begging for it.” 
“I don’t know if I can forgive you.” The words were true. I might still want him, but could I get past what 
he’d done? 
“Could you at least try? Please give me a chance to show you I really am sorry?” 
It was a ballsy request, and I knew I should say no. Protecting myself from further hurt should trump the 
pain I saw in his eyes. I shouldn’t give a damn about his feelings, since he had been so cavalier with
I guess I was just a weak-willed sucker, because I found myself nodding and kissing him back when he 
slanted his mouth over mine. I hoped I wasn’t making a mistake, but as he held me against him, I
couldn’t help 
thinking something that felt so wonderful couldn’t be the wrong thing. 

I watched my husband finishing the last song of his first set at his first real concert. He owned the
Since ditching his band and going solo, his career had taken off. My dad’s contacts probably hadn’t hurt 
matters any, but Declan hadn’t relied on the Ambrose connection to get where he was. He’d busted his
ass the 
past three years to prove himself as a musician. 
And as a lover. He’d more than made it up to me. After meeting Deidre shortly after we got engaged, I
easily see how she had manipulated him. It hadn’t excused him not thinking for himself, or his
willingness to 
use me to hurt my dad, but I’d understood better how he’d ended up in that situation. 
That had been important insight, but I’d already forgiven him by that point. He’d proven he’d deserved
second chance I’d given him. Even my dad had come around and admitted Declan was a good guy who’d
a dumb decision. 
I still remembered the first time he’d told me he loved me. It was about six months after that night in
room, and we’d been walking down the pier, hand-in-hand. It hadn’t been a momentous occasion or
special that had sparked the words. I’d had ice cream on my chin, and he’d stopped be at the rail to dab
it off 
with a napkin. 
Looking deep into my eyes, he’d said, “I love you,” kissed me, and we’d walked on. It had taken me
week to summon the courage to admit I felt the same, though I’d known it for a while. 
After that, things had moved quickly. We’d gotten engaged, I’d met Deidre—and she’d made little effort
hide her disgust with me, which convinced me she had watched the video, though Declan still thought 
otherwise—and we had gotten married within three months. My lovely mother-in-law had done us all a
favor by 
pretending to have a migraine at the last minute. 
Cynically, I’d wondered if she had intended for Declan to leave me at the altar to go check on her. If
done so, would he have walked in on a carefully orchestrated suicide attempt? I didn’t care, and he must
have either, because he’d been at the church early, and my dad had told me later, with amusement,
that he’d 
paced around and had been certain I would change my mind before sealing the deal. 
I hadn’t, and the rest was history. Or the future, because we still had our entire lives ahead of us. I
know what was in store for us, but I knew we’d face it together. He would be there for me, and he
would do 
anything to keep from hurting me, because he was a good man, like his father, and he loved me as much
as I 
loved him. 

Preparing to marry a man she doesn’t love, getting kidnapped the night of her engagement party is the
thing Ambra Hathaway expects. She hasn’t seen her stepbrother in three years, since the night Ethan
turned down her clumsy attempt at seduction. Why has he taken her now? Could it really be because
he’s been 
in love with her all this time and was just waiting for her to be old enough to claim as his? She has two
days to 
find out—and do her best to withstand his anything-but-clumsy seduction attempts. 
Chapter One 
“Excuse me, Miss Hathaway, but Mr. Cartwright needs you.” 
Ambra turned to face the severe butler, unsurprised to see Mr. Gibbons without a smile. In the entire 
sixteen years she had lived in Philip Cartwright’s house, she’d never seen him smile. “Do you know what
needs? I thought he was about to make the announcement.” 
Her stomach surged with nausea when she said the word, instantly forcing her to recall the occasion for 
which all the people were gathered in the Cartwrights’ large home. She struggled to hide her lack of
as she awaited the butler’s response. 
“He simply said it was urgent, Miss Hathaway.” Without awaiting further response, he turned on his
and Ambra knew she had to keep up, because once Mr. Gibbons had a mission, he fulfilled it. She
him to lead her into a different part of the house, perhaps the solarium, where her stepfather was
prepared to 
make the announcement of the engagement. 
She couldn’t even think the word without her stomach churning, but she reminded herself again what
at stake. It didn’t matter that she didn’t love Perry Statler, and he didn’t love her. All that mattered was 
maintaining the company and jobs for thousands of employees. 
To her surprise, Mr. Gibbons led her to the back of the house, through the kitchen, and out the back
“What in the world is my stepfather doing out here?” A strange smile flickered across Mr. Gibbons’s
face, and 
the sight was so unusual she flinched at the sign of amusement from the stoic man. 
“Mr. Cartwright will be with you shortly.” With a small inclination of his head, he turned and left her in
Ambra hugged herself to ward off the chill of the late fall evening, wondering what her father was
Technically, he was her stepfather, but had married her mother when Ambra was just five, and she had
met her real father. When her mother died three years later, he’d adopted her with minimal fuss and
honored her request to keep her last name as tribute to her dead parents. 
She loved Philip Cartwright just like a father, so she was willing to indulge him in most things, including 
agreeing to a loveless marriage to cement the company merger. However, as much as she loved her
she wasn’t about to stand out in the cold air all night. 
Ambra moved toward the back door, planning to reenter the kitchen and let her stepfather find her
but movement from the corner of her eye caught her attention. She froze and glanced the direction
from which 
it had come, letting out a yelp of surprise when strong arms enfolded her. 
They held her tightly against them, whoever they were. She opened her mouth to scream, and a large
clamped over her lips. As the person lifted and carried her, Ambra couldn’t quite grasp she was being 
kidnapped from her own backyard on the night of her engagement party. It was even more of a surprise
to have 
the abductor shove her into the back of a limousine a second later. What kind of kidnapper used a
The kidnapper had placed her on the floorboard with her face pointed toward the floor, and he didn’t
her up until the car started moving. Cautiously, her body shaking with fear, she slowly turned. 
It was on the tip of her tongue to tell her abductor he was stealing the wrong person if he wanted
The Cartwright fortune had dwindled over the years, and the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.
would go crazy trying to rescue her, or meet the kidnapper’s demands, but they simply lacked the funds
to do 
That fled from her mind when she identified who had abducted her. Ambra couldn’t resist the urge to
his handsome face, though it made her palm sting, and she winced as she pulled away to cradle her
hand in her 
lap “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Ethan Cartwright?” She hadn’t seen her stepbrother in
three years, 
not since that terribly embarrassing night she’d gone to his room, and this was the first contact after all
time? “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you turn around and take me home right now.” 
“Sorry, sweet stepsister, but that isn’t in the cards for you tonight.” 
She glared at him, crossing her arms over her chest when she abruptly remembered the low cut of her
evening gown. “What’s going on? Why would you do this? I have to get back before the
He arched a brow. “The announcement? Oh, you must mean the great announcement of your
to Perry Statler, heir to a toilet paper empire? How appropriate,” he said sardonically. 
Her glower deepened, and she refused to allow him to see she’d had the thought herself more than
once. “I 
don’t know why you’re acting so high and mighty, Ethan. You’re heir to a paper goods empire. Your
fortune was 
built on Styrofoam plates and paper napkins.” 
His expression darkened, and he shifted slightly on the sumptuous leather seat. “My fortune has nothing
do with the Cartwright paper empire, Ambra. You should know by now that Philip disowned me years
She blinked, digesting the news slowly. “No, I didn’t know that. I’d just assumed you had left and chose
to return for…reasons.” Had she really assumed he hadn’t come back because of her confession? 
Now that she really took time to examine the idea, she realized how preposterous it was. Ethan
have stayed away to spare her feelings or avoid awkwardness, because he wasn’t that sensitive. He was
the alpha male, take-charge, run-you-over and destroy-all-opposition type. Once upon a time, she’d
found that 
incredibly sexy. 
Disconcertingly, as she examined him from the corner of her eye where he sat across from her on the
seat, she had to admit he was still as sexy as ever. Three years had passed, but he looked just as young
as ever. 
He had to be thirty by now, since she was twenty-one, but he could have passed for his mid-twenties. 
However, his perfectly tailored gray suit and expensive haircut lent him an air of maturity and wisdom
assumed was deceptive, since he had resorted to kidnapping just recently. “Will you just tell me what all
this is 
about? I have things I have to do, and having a little chat with my stepbrother doesn’t rank high on the
He pulled a face, feigning hurt. “You’ve destroyed me, Ambra. Why, three years ago, you wanted to
have a 
lot more than a cozy chat.” He surprised her by crossing the distance between them to sit on the seat
Ambra scooted as far away as she could, until she pressed against the car door. The jerk followed, not 
allowing any room between them. “Have you ever heard of personal space?” 
He put his arm around her shoulders, his fingers stroking her upper arm in a way that was maddeningly 
distracting. She no longer felt anything emotionally for him, and she didn’t want to allow physical
response to 
sway her. It was awfully hard to remind herself of that when his other hand grasped her thigh, squeezing
as he moved farther northward. 
With determination, Ambra put her hand over his, pressing her fingernails into his flesh in a warning 
fashion. “Stop playing games and tell me what you’re doing.” 
“That’s easy enough, Ambra. I’m claiming you.” 
She arched a brow, staring at him impassively. “Just what the heck does that mean?” 
Ethan laughed lightly, revealing sharp white teeth. “It means I’m taking you up on the invitation issued
years ago.” Despite her hand on his, he moved higher up her leg, until his fingers brushed her mound.
hated the way her panties dampened at the slightest touch from him. “Don’t you remember that night,
She glared at him as she tried to pull his hand away. He didn’t move any higher, but he didn’t take the 
forceful hint to move away either. “I try to think about that incident as little as possible. In fact, never
good. In my mind, it never happened.” Her face tingled as she flushed, and embarrassment crept over
again just from the memory of that night. 
“I’m sorry to hear that, Ambra, because there isn’t a day I don’t think about it. I remember you coming
my room in that tiny white nightgown, your breasts barely held in place by strategically placed lace. I
you telling me how much you wanted me, and that you loved me. Do you remember you said you had
fallen for 
me during that summer, when I came to live with you for a while after my mother died? You were
certain I felt 
the same way.” 
She snorted. “It didn’t take you long to tell me otherwise, did it? Why would I want to remember that
night when I was such a little fool? Just take me home, Ethan.” 
“I am, Ambra. I’m taking you to my home, and then I’m going to take you.” 
Her eyes widened as she stared at him, certain he was bluffing. “I still don’t know what you’re getting
out of 
this, but it’s not funny. I don’t want you, and you don’t want me. You didn’t then, and you don’t now, so 
whatever your motives—” 
With the speed of a striking snake, Ethan lifted her onto his lap, and before she could even think about 
pushing him away, his mouth covered hers. Ambra tried to resist, but as soon as his lips molded to hers,
annoying body betrayed her by melting against him. His tongue probed the seam of her lips, demanding
that she didn’t want to refuse, and her lips parted to allow him access. 
Ethan seemed determined to taste every niche in her mouth, and his tongue swept forcefully through
moist recesses. She tried to pin it with her own against her cheek, but he was wily and darted away
deepening the kiss, his hand grasping the back of her head, fingers threaded through her black locks to
her in place against him. 
Ambra whimpered as his mouth devoured hers, though she wasn’t impassive by any means. She was an 
ardent participant, and her hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they slid under the lapels of his
trying to stroke his skin through the fine linen shirt. 
Her nipples beaded when he cupped one of her breasts, his thumb rubbing lightly against the turgid
She arched her back, not certain if she was trying to escape or asking for more as his mouth moved from
down her cheek, to her neck. She couldn’t hold in a moan when he nibbled and sucked the bend of her
Her fingers sought out the buttons of his shirt, and she had partially stripped him, plunging her hands
inside to 
stroke his firm chest before she realized what she was doing. 
With a gasp and a groan that was partially from forcing herself to disengage from him, she pushed
him instead of continuing to stroke his lightly furred chest. Ambra turned her head from him, making it
difficult for his mouth to find hers if he grew bored with her neck, and she drew in a deep breath in an
to restore her calm. “Let go of me.” 
“Never, Ambra. You’re mine now. You offered yourself three years ago, but you were too young, and I
trying to do the right thing. You’ve had a chance to explore other relationships and grow older now, and
finally ready to belong to me.” 
Her eyes widened at his chauvinistic words, and her heart raced, though she wasn’t certain if that was
excitement, annoyance, or a combination of the two emotions. “You can’t just claim me, Ethan. I was a
girl back then, and I let an attraction overwhelmed me. It didn’t mean anything.” 
His expression darkened, and he cupped her face between his hands. “It meant a great deal. It was
than hell to turn away from you, and I won’t make that mistake again. When I heard you were about to
Statler, I knew I couldn’t allow that to happen. 
“I had to send you away that night because of your age and your inexperience. You were barely
eighteen, and 
you hadn’t even really dated. You weren’t ready to belong to a man, but it’s been three years, and if you
can get 
engaged to the toilet paper prince, you’re certainly ready to belong to me.” 
Ambra wanted to continue to shake her head and refuse to listen to him, but his sincerity and intensity 
made it impossible to doubt what he was saying. Could it be he’d really wanted her three years ago, but
turned her down because he’d thought it was the right thing to do? Had he been trying to be a good guy
inadvertently scarred her in the process? 
She almost laughed, though it would be a sharp, bitter sound rather than one of amusement. She had
a few times the past three years, but remembering Ethan’s cold rejection, she had locked away any real
in the opposite sex. She never allowed things to progress to the point where she felt anything for the
man she 
was dating, or had the urge to give in to carnal desires. 
She was just as much an inexperienced virgin now as she’d been three years ago, and perhaps admitting 
that to him was the key to convincing him to allow her to go home. The admission hovered on the tip of
tongue, so it was a surprise when she said something completely different. 
“It doesn’t matter what I want or what you want, Ethan. All that matters is the stability of the company
the jobs at stake. The merger has to go through, and Perry’s father is old-fashioned enough to refuse to
allow a 
merger without a marriage to cement it. You have to take me home right now, or you’ll be directly
for the loss of eight-thousand jobs.” 
“Actually, Ambra, dear old Dad’s mismanagement will be responsible for the loss of all those jobs, and
aren’t going anywhere except to my house.” 
She glared at him. “You can’t just kidnap me.” 
He smirked at her. “Watch me, babe.” 

Chapter Two 
She didn’t know what Ethan had been doing the last three years, but if Philip had really cut him off,
he had done well for himself without the Cartwright fortune. The home they stopped before was a
thing, spreading out over at least a half-acre. The white residence, with its palatial columns and four
was even bigger than the monstrosity Philip Cartwright owned. 
It was a lovely home, but over-the-top and way bigger than what one single man should need. Assuming
was actually single. It should have been the farthest thought from her mind, but as she stepped out of
limousine with ill grace, she paused to catch his eye. “Is there a Mrs. Cartwright in attendance? Twins
waiting in 
the private jet? A harem in the east wing?” 
He shook his head. “I won’t pretend I’ve been celibate for the last three years, Ambra, but I always knew

was waiting for you to grow up. You’ve belonged to me for three years, and it’s finally time to claim
She rolled her eyes. “Will you stop saying claim me? I’m not a contest prize.” 
Ethan took her hand in his as he laughed. “If you were a contest prize, babe, you’d be like the
lottery with the highest amount in history. You’ve been worth the wait, but it’s been incredibly difficult
to do so. 
Come with me to my room.” 
She stopped, truculently refusing to go any farther up the stairs or into the house. “You’re out of your
I haven’t seen you in three years, and you expect me to jump into bed with you?” 
“It’s because it’s been three years since we’ve seen each other that I anticipate you’ll be willing to jump
my bed, as you put it.” 
He groaned. “I know I’m not being very suave, but I’ve been aching for you all this time, and I know you 
have to feel the same way about me. You loved me once, Ambra, and you will again—if you ever
stopped. In the 
meantime, there’s no reason we can’t indulge our desire for each other now that we’re both mature
Her stomach rumbled with nerves, and she hated how her body wanted to melt into him, and even her 
mind was trying to sway her to accept his words. If he was telling the truth, what was there to lose? It
wasn’t as 
if she had really allowed herself to move on over the past three years. Oh, she had told herself she’d
never really 
loved him, that it was simply a teenage crush, but if that had been true, she would’ve found it easier to
take the 
next step and have a real relationship with another man. 
She’d spent the last three years in limbo, and when her stepfather had asked her to marry Perry Statler
the good of the company’s employees, she hadn’t greeted the idea with enthusiasm, but she hadn’t
really cared 
much either way. Perry seemed like a nice enough guy, and she was apathetic about the whole thing. At
point did she decide love wasn’t for her, and there was no point waiting for Mr. Right, because he didn’t
Still, it had been too long. Ethan had hurt her too deeply for her to just overlook everything that had
before and hop in to bed with him. Not to mention there was still the contract on the table with the
Company, and her pending marriage to consider. She wasn’t just disappointing her stepfather if she
gave in to 
She was also letting down eight-thousand employees and their families, people who had worked for 
Cartwright Consolidated sometimes their entire working lives and had few options if the company
Ambra had traveled with Philip to a few of the company’s locations and had seen the towns built around
Cartwright Consolidated was often the major employer or even sole economic support for entire 
communities. She couldn’t just throw that away, no matter what her body wanted. 
Ambra tugged her arm free from his and turned back to the car. “I have to go, Ethan. I just can’t do this,
it’s unfair of you to expect to do so. If you wanted me, you should have taken me the night I offered
myself to 
She licked her lips, humiliation burning through her as she remembered his gentle, but definite,
rejection of 
her affections. God, she had been so naïve, believing he’d felt the same way and was just waiting for her 
eighteenth birthday. Two days after, she had crept into his room, wearing hardly anything except her
love and 
puppy dog adoration. 
She almost snorted aloud at the thought. Back then, she had certainly felt that way for her stepbrother,
affections had withered and died. Or mostly. She knew she wasn’t over him, and she might never be
over Ethan Cartwright, but she couldn’t indulge in a fling with him now. 
“I’m not taking you anywhere, Ambra. I’ve said this before, and I won’t say it again. You’re mine, and
keeping you.” 
She rolled her eyes. “You just can’t do things like that. As soon as I enter the house, I’ll call the police if I 
have to. Do you really want that kind of scandal?” 
He stalked toward her with the air of a predator seeking its prey. Ambra shivered, though she wasn’t
certain if it was from dread or anticipation as he reached her, pressing her body against the car and
framing his 
hands on both sides of her shoulders to lock her in. 
She was trapped between the limousine and a fiercely determined man who clearly wanted her to be
lover, judging by the hard length of his erection pressing against her stomach. She licked her lips with
and he groaned low in his throat. 
“Let’s strike a deal, Ambra.” 
She tipped her head slightly, intrigued despite her better intentions. “What kind of deal?” 
“Give me the rest of this weekend to seduce you. If you decide you don’t feel the same way anymore,
you don’t love me or want me, I’ll take you home Sunday night.” 
She hesitated and then shook her head. “What good would that do? Even if I discovered I somehow still 
loved you—not that I actually loved you back then, because it was just a teenage crush—it would make
it even 
harder for me to marry Perry. I can’t go back on that agreement. It’s not just my future at stake, or what
I want. 
Like I said before, eight-thousand people are relying on the merger to keep their jobs and their
With a harsh groan, Ethan pressed his body tighter to hers, though she wouldn’t have thought he could
any closer without their flesh melding together. “I’ve done extremely well for myself the past three
years with 
just a small inheritance from my grandmother. I can buy and sell Cartwright Consolidated three times
without a blink of an eye. 
“I swear to you if you give me these two days, I’ll bail out the company and make sure everything
to run smoothly. Even if you decide you don’t want to be with me, I’ll still do that. I’ll pay for the
company to 
carry on, and you won’t even have to marry Statler. With that off the table, will you give me two days to
I’m sincere?” 
Ambra’s blue eyes widened, and she stared up at him, his face a millimeter away from hers. It was a 
tempting offer, and she couldn’t find a down side. After all, though Perry was a nice guy, she certainly
want to marry him. Ethan was offering her a way out of the marriage and a way to guarantee the
survived. Her eyes narrowed. “Why don’t you just save the company anyway? It’s your birthright.” 
He shook his head, his mouth tight. “It’s not my birthright, Ambra. Dad made it clear there’s no place
my new-fangled ideas there.” 
She nibbled on her lower lip. “If he’s being so stubborn, will he really accept your help to bail out the 
Ethan’s lips compressed. “To be frank, babe, it doesn’t matter if he wants my help or not. I can leverage 
enough stock to force a buyout. All the shareholders have to do is agree to let me step in and run the
I’m also close to having enough shares to own a voting majority of the company. I started buying them
when I learned Cartwright Consolidated was in serious trouble. He won’t be able to stop us.” 
Despite his protests, he clearly still cared about the company if he had started buying up shares. That 
softened her toward him. 
She also liked the sound of us when he said it, and a frisson of awareness swept down her spine. Two
was all he really wanted. No, she couldn’t fool herself. If he was being sincere, Ethan wanted a lot more
two days from her. He might want months, or maybe even years? Did she dare hope for something like
that? It 
seemed too good to be true, like Prince Charming sweeping in to rescue Cinderella. 
She was naturally skeptical of his motives, but she was human enough to weaken in the face of
The deal he offered ensured her freedom not to marry Perry, guaranteed the workers remained
employed, and 
communities remained stable. 
Though it would clearly anger her stepfather, she knew he would eventually get over their intercession. 
Wouldn’t he? She didn’t know for sure, considering he’d willingly cut off contact with his own son. Still,
she willing to sacrifice her entire future to please the man who was like a father to her? 
“Two days. That’s all I promise.” If she could hold out for two days, proving to both of them that she
interested in anything more than what they’d had very briefly, and he had rejected, she would have
she needed. 
“Great. Let’s seal it with a kiss.” 
As his mouth covered hers, his kiss confident and demanding just like before, Ambra melted against him 
even as she cursed her own weakness. It was going to be an impossible task to withstand his every
attempt at 
seduction for the next two days. 
Eventually, Ethan showed her to her room, and she was unsurprised to find it was part of the master
with her room connecting to his. Luxuriously appointed, clearly with a feminine guest or resident in
mind, the 
pastel colors were soothing, though she could have done without some of the frilly lace on the bed skirts
the swag on the walls. She stood in the center of the room eyeing Ethan, who stood near the connecting
“Now what?” 
He sighed, looking regretful. “Since it’s clear you’re going to make me work for you—and I don’t blame
really—I’m going to let you turn in for the night. It’s getting late, and we have a long day ahead of us 
She arched her brow. “Really? What’s going on tomorrow?” 
The corner of Ethan’s mouth curled upward, and his eyes took on a decidedly wicked gleam.
I’m going to charm the panties right off you, dear stepsister.” He winked at her before disappearing into
own suite, closing the door firmly behind himself. 
Restlessly, Ambra prowled the suite, finding herself in the walk-in closet. Her eyes widened with
when she saw a wardrobe nearly identical to one she owned at home. How in the world had he
managed to 
make that happen? It was one thing to consider he might have noted her preferences if he really had
some kind 
of interest in her three years ago, but it was uncanny to have almost the exact same selections available
to her 
Did he have a spy in Philip’s home? It sounded like outrageous conjecture, and was a ridiculous notion,
she couldn’t help speculating on the identity of the spy as she slipped off the bright pink dress she had
for the engagement party and selected a comfortable pair of pajamas instead. 
Could it be Mr. Gibbons? After all, he was the one who had escorted her out to meet Mr. Cartwright. At
time, she had logically assumed he meant her stepfather, but now it was clear he had referred to Ethan 
Cartwright instead of Philip Cartwright. She didn’t know whether to be annoyed or amused at the idea
of stiff, 
upright Mr. Gibbons playing the role of domestic spy for the banished heir to the Manor. 
He was usually such a straight, conservative man that it was difficult to imagine him being the dashing
type. How had Ethan convinced him? It seemed unlikely the older man had fallen sway to money, but
she was misjudging him. Perhaps his morals weren’t as upright as she had always assumed. 
More likely, Mr. Gibbons simply had a soft spot for Ethan and was willing to help him. If Philip truly had 
sent him away, and she couldn’t really doubt that after what she had seen and heard, perhaps the butler
had felt 
sorry for the younger man and had agreed to provide information that might get him back into his
father’s good 
She could certainly envision Mr. Gibbons doing that, because though he was somewhat dour, he’d also 
always been kind to her. So, Ethan had likely won him over with affection, and now she had to wonder if
he was 
targeting her for some nefarious reason, also planning to use her affections against her. 
She shook her head at the thought, knowing she had nothing that would be of any real value to him
would prompt a seduction attempt just to get her on his side. Try as she might, she couldn’t find an
angle that 
cast much doubt on Ethan’s confessions. 
Why would he go to all this trouble unless he really did want her? If he had been giving her time to grow
and ensure she was ready for a real relationship, the kind that lasted forever, wouldn’t the news she
was getting 
engaged have prompted him to act? 
And kidnapping her was certainly within the range of options he would consider. She knew he’d had a 
reputation for being a ruthless businessperson even three years ago, when he was running his mother’s
company and learning the ropes of Cartwright Consolidated from his father. 
He had come to stay with them after his mother’s death from breast cancer a few months before.
that, Ethan had been an infrequent visitor during the sixteen years she had lived in the Cartwright home,
he had been there often enough for Ambra to develop a fierce crush on her older stepbrother. 
However, that summer he had actually paid attention to her. They had formed a friendship and
similar interests and views. He’d seemed to genuinely like her and enjoy spending time with her, and her
had deepened into something much stronger. 
She tightened her lips, wanting to reject that notion. It had simply been a teenage crush that had gotten 
out-of-hand. She hadn’t been in love with him, though she had thought she was at the time. Still, no
how many times she told herself that, it rang false to her inner ear. Sighing, she forced herself to
remember the 
agony of the night she’d gone to him and offered herself, hoping a self-prescribed dose of humiliation
bring her back to her senses. 
She’d tapped on his door, and Ethan had opened it a moment later. His frown of confusion should have 
been enough to warn her off, but she had ignored it and asked to come in. After a brief hesitation, he
stepped aside to let her in. Ambra had stood there, resisting the urge to cross her arms over her chest
and hide 
the breasts she had taken such care to show in the tiny négligée. 
Ethan had closed the door and walked toward her, leaving several feet between them. “What’s going
She’d licked her lips as she searched for the way to say what she wanted. Of course she had practiced
words until she had memorized them, but the script left her mind at the crucial moment. As the silence 
stretched, she had blurted out, “I love you.” 
Ethan had clearly been shocked, and he had spoken firmly, though tenderly. “You should go back to
room now.” 
Giving in to the desperation she’d felt, she had lifted her hand as though reaching for him. “You feel it
too, I 
know you do. I’m not imagining this spark between us.” When he had remained silent, her lips had
and she had asked with her heart bleeding from her chest, “Don’t you love me too, Ethan?” Her voice
betrayed her vulnerability, but she hadn’t been able to regret being so open. Not then anyway. 
He had sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. “Ambra, you’re too young to know what you
I’m nine years older than you—” 
Shaking her head, she had interrupted him. “I know you’ve been looking at me, and you’re attracted to
His expression had remained impassive. “Of course you’re an attractive young woman, and it’s normal
have a reaction to beauty, but I’m not interested in long-term, and I don’t want to settle down. Even if I
did, I 
wouldn’t have a relationship with an eighteen-year-old. You’re too young for me, Ambra.” 
His bluntness had certainly cut through her desperation and all the emotions she’d pent up inside. Tears
humiliation streaming from her eyes, she had pushed past him and raced for the door. Ethan hadn’t
out to offer any comfort or try to call out to her, and she had run without looking back. 
After that night, she had made a studious effort to avoid him, ducking any interaction for at least a
week. It 
was after she’d emerged from isolation, spent huddling in her room indulging in a spate of self-pity, that
discovered he had packed up and left a few days before. 
She hadn’t known how to reach him other than his cell phone, and she hadn’t even bothered to try.
had forced herself to accept he didn’t want her and was so opposed to the idea he had left his father’s
home to 
avoid her. She had spent the last three years believing she was the reason he had stayed away. With her
acquired information, she gained a sense of perspective. 
It seemed obvious now she wasn’t the reason he had left or stayed away. Unless she was indirectly?
Philip discovered how she felt and sent Ethan away to nip any tender emotions in the bud and force her
to let 
go of her teenage crush? It didn’t sound like the sort of thing a father would do, but Philip was her
father as 
much as he was Ethan’s. 
Sadly, he was probably closer to her than he was Ethan, since his son had stayed with his biological
after the divorce and only visited during the summers and an occasional holiday. Her stomach clenched
as she 
considered the possibility Philip had acted in what he’d believed was her best interest by asking his son
not to 
His behavior that night had convinced her at the time he wanted nothing to do with her, but could that
been an act? Was he also trying to act in her best interest back then, as he claimed now? 
It was true she had been a young eighteen, sheltered and pampered, with limited interaction with the 
opposite sex. Ambra had even attended an all-girls’ school until graduation a few weeks before Ethan
came to 
stay with them. She’d dated, of course, but she had been ripe for being swept off her feet by an older
especially one as charming and handsome as her stepbrother. 
If he had felt the same way, guilt must have eaten at him, considering their differences in life
and age. Not to mention he was her stepbrother, though they’d never had a sibling-like relationship. 
She could feel herself softening toward Ethan, the ball of anger and humiliation that always formed in
stomach when she remembered that night seeming to melt slightly. What had occurred still
embarrassed her, 
but some of the hurt was lessening as she considered Ethan had simply been trying to do the right
It hadn’t felt like the right thing back, but with an adult perspective and more maturity, though no more 
physical experience than she’d had three years ago, she acknowledged it had been the right thing to do.
had been too different back then for a relationship to work. 
She would have lost herself in his more forceful personality and become whatever Ethan wanted her to
Even if he hadn’t deliberately set out to mold her, she’d been vulnerable and would have changed
herself to 
please him. Maybe he had realized that and had wanted her to develop into her own person first. 
It was certainly a lot to think about, and she crawled into the large bed with her mind full, thoughts
her brain until the early hours of the morning. Finally, exhaustion beat out contemplation, and she fell
into a 
deep, dreamless sleep. 

Chapter Three 
Ethan woke her early with breakfast. To her surprise, he set the tray on the bed across her lap and
instructions for her to be ready to join him when he came back to pick her up in forty-five minutes.
further clarification of just what he had in mind, she didn’t know how to dress, but she ate her breakfast 
quickly, not surprised to find it included her favorite items. She assumed that was also Mr. Gibbons’s
After eating, Ambra left the bed and took a quick shower in the luxurious bathroom before dressing in
and a sweater. Her wardrobe choices reflected the fact he’d worn something similar when delivering her
When he tapped on her door and entered without waiting for her to issue an invitation to enter, she
was ready, 
with two minutes to spare. 
He gave her a look of appreciation. “You make sweaters and jeans look darn good, Ambra.” 
His faded jeans molded his legs and emphasized his taut bum, so she could say with complete sincerity, 
“So do you, Ethan.” 
He led her from the room, her hand grasping his, and the skin-to-skin contact sent tingles up her arm.
physical reaction to his proximity hadn’t changed, and she wasn’t sure if it ever would. 
They left the large house, but instead of taking her to a vehicle, he tugged her in the opposite direction 
toward the stables and the back of the estate. Hand-in-hand, they wandered the grounds and talked
about his 
plans for the place. Stopping at one point near a large cleared space, he said, “This was a garden and will
again. What kind of flowers should we plant here, Ambra?” 
It was a silly question, and she had no say in the matter, but she played along. “I’ve always considered 
flowers a waste of space. I’d rather grow a garden, preferably organic, and donate anything we don’t
use to 
people in need.” 
She watched in amazement as he took out his smartphone, swiped the screen, and spoke into it a
later about converting the main garden to an organic vegetable garden instead of planting flowers and 
ornamentals. She frowned at him, waiting until he finished talking before she asked, “Why did you
change your 
plans? I have nothing to do with it.” 
He gave her a smile that was a little tense. “If I have my way about it, you’ll have everything to say
what we do here. When I said I brought you to my home, and I’m keeping you, I meant it. I’m not talking
a quick fling before I send you back to Philip. I want everything…now, tomorrow, and forever.” 
She shook her head, unable to believe what she’d heard. It just didn’t make sense. “If you felt that way,
could you wait three years? Why didn’t you come for me, and why wait until I was about to get
“You know why. I wanted you to be grown up and ready for me.” 
There was an ominous trace in his tone that made her frown. “What’s there to be ready for?” 
His expression changed to one of dark intensity, and he pulled her closer to wrap his arms around her.
face was almost touching hers, though he didn’t kiss her. His brown eyes didn’t waver from her blue
when he spoke. “You will belong to me, and only me, Ambra. I’m going to possess every inch of you. You
to be ready to accept my total ownership.” 
She blinked, heart rate accelerating from a combination of fear and a touch of excitement at the dark
“I’m not anyone’s property, Ethan.” 
He gave her a half smile. “You are, babe, but you don’t know it yet. Well, you know it, but you haven’t 
accepted it. You will though.” 
She shook her head. “This is a side of you I never expected to see, Ethan. To be honest, it’s disturbing.” 
He nodded. “It’s a little disturbing for me too. I don’t like needing you so badly, but it is what it is.
mine, I’m yours, and you just need to realize that.” 
“So the ownership thing goes both ways?” 
His brow furrowed. “Of course. What do you think I meant? Did you think I was going to be screwing 
around on you or something, while I expected you to stay home and play the little woman?” 
She half-shrugged, not really having an answer for him, though relief swept through her at his
It was still a little frightening to know how much he wanted her, but she was reassured to know he felt
the same 
about her having him. 
They would belong to each other, if she accepted his weekend of seduction and gave in to what he was 
offering. Clearing her throat, she pulled her hand slightly from his hold, just enough to lessen his grasp
forcing him or herself to let go. “What’s next on the tour, Ethan?” 
They spent a pleasant two hours wandering the grounds, stopping at the stables to see the horses and 
discuss his intentions to expand into thoroughbred racing. He showed her improvements and those just
in the 
planning stages, always getting her input. 
Back at the house, Ethan spent a long time showing her around each of the rooms, once again giving
the history of the items and the house, and getting her opinion on changes he wished to make. She
learned he 
had only recently acquired the property, and he had a lot of plans, but had held off making major
changes until 
she was with him so her views could be integrated into the revisions. 
She was feeling slightly overwhelmed by the whole situation, but also strangely certain he was telling
her the 
truth as they went up to the third floor, back toward the wing containing their bedrooms. He’d listened
to her 
intently and had duly noted all her thoughts, leading her to believe he truly planned to incorporate her
into his designs. That wasn’t the sort of thing one did for a casual fling, and she was having less and less 
reason to doubt he really wanted her and had just been waiting for her to be older. 
Instead of taking her to either one of their rooms as she had half-expected, thinking the seduction had 
escalated, they entered another room instead. This one also joined the master suite, off his room
instead of 
hers, but it was a completely bare room. She stared at the white walls and white-blonde flooring before
him a look of confusion. “What are you going to do with this room?” 
He came to stand behind her, his hands on her shoulders for a moment before he pulled her back
him and wrapped his arms around her, his hands on her stomach. “This will be the nursery.” 
For some reason, his words made the breath catch in her throat, perhaps because it bespoke intent. He
talking about babies. That must mean he wanted the whole package—marriage, children, pets, and
happily ever 
Her heart raced with excitement at the idea, and Ambra admitted to herself she had never gotten over
She had spent the last three years fooling herself into thinking she had outgrown her infatuation, but it
never been just a crush. 
“So tell me, Ambra, what color are the walls? Pink or blue?” 
She allowed herself to relax against him, resting her head on his shoulder. “Neither.” 
“Neither?” He sounded disappointed when he repeated her answer. Clearly, he believed she wasn’t
going to 
participate in this fantasy. 
With a small smile he couldn’t see, she added, “It will be either pale mint or light-yellow, because we
to be surprised. We won’t know the gender until he or she is born. Over there, above the crib, we’ll have
a big 
wall mural full of giraffes, zebras, and lions.” 
He uttered a sound of contentment. “And a large tree with monkeys and macaws.” 
She laughed slightly. “Do parrots live in Africa? I thought they were indigenous to South America?” 
When he shrugged, it jostled her entire body because they were so close. “I don’t know, but what does
matter? If we want parrots in our safari-themed nursery, we can certainly do that, can’t we?” 
His hand moved from her stomach to explore lower, his fingers brushing against the top of her mound. 
“After all, we’re rebels, Ambra. You’re my stepsister, but I’m madly in love with you, and I want to fuck
you a 
thousand different ways. Then I want to slow down, make love to you, and then fuck you all over
His hand moved lower to cup her pussy, which was suddenly wet from his words. “I can never get
of you, and I guess the only question is do you want me too?” 
Without a hint of hesitation, she turned in his arms and wrapped hers around his neck. She wound her 
fingers in his thick hair and urged his head nearer her own as she stretched on tiptoe to ensure their lips
Just before she kissed him, she whispered against his lips, “I want you more than anything.” 
He kissed her, starting out hard before his pace gentled, though he was no less ardent. She was similarly 
needful and pressed closer, straining to get all of him. Abruptly, he broke away, exhaling ragged. “Hang
This is our baby’s room, but I don’t want to conceive him here.” 
She yelped with surprise when he swept her into his arms and carried her across the hall, just like the 
dashing hero in a romantic movie. He kicked the door shut with his foot before striding to the bed to lay
across it. 
Ambra sat up to pull off her sweater as he began undressing. She had everything off by the time he had 
disrobed and lay down beside her. To her surprise, rather than touching her right away, he just pulled
against him and rested his hand on her hip. Her breasts formed a pillow for his cheek, and he held her.
waited so long for this. I’m almost afraid to touch you, babe, in case I can’t make it as good for you as I
wanted to.” 
She licked her dry lips, running her fingers through his hair in a soothing way that was also arousing for
“However you are will be just fine. I’ve been waiting for this for far too long myself. In fact, I have to tell
something that I hope won’t change your mind.” 
He lifted his head to peer down at her, his expression concerned. “What is it you need to tell me?” 
“I’m still a virgin. After you rejected me, I didn’t pursue dating again. Oh, I told myself it was because I 
wasn’t really interested, and my teenage crush had scarred me, but I know now the truth was I wasn’t
over you, 
and I think maybe, in the back of my mind, I was still waiting for you.” 
His expression reflected understanding, but also a touch of something she couldn’t confidently identify. 
Hesitation? Irritation? The second possibility sent a pang through her chest, and she waited to see if
what she 
had shared was a deal-breaker. After all, he hadn’t had any interest in an inexperienced virgin three
years ago, so 
why would that have changed? 
“I want you so much, Ambra, but…” He trailed off, his expression conflicted. 
“But you don’t want to deal with a virgin.” She strove to sound cool and unaffected, though her voice
husky from the lump forming at the back of her throat. “It’s fine. Nothing’s changed there, and I get it.
Now, if 
you don’t mind, I really need to get back to your dad’s house. I have commitments there—” 
His mouth crashed onto hers, forcing her to be silent, and the kiss was either one of intense need or
It was difficult to discern, and she couldn’t analyze deeply with all the emotions and sensations coursing 
through her body to overwhelm her. With a small moan, she tangled her fingers in his hair and
surrendered to 
his mouth. 
He seemed intent on devouring her as he prolonged and deepened the kiss, before he moved down her 
body, pausing to lick her nipple. He sucked forcefully on one while rubbing gentle circles around the
other with 
his hand. 
The contrasting sensations made her whimper, and she arched against him, needing something to fill
emptiness between her thighs. “I thought you didn’t want me.” As aroused as she was, it was amazing
could speak at all. 
“Of course I want you,” he said after a second, appearing to be barely able to tear his mouth from her 
breast. “I just don’t want to scare you or fuck this up.” 
She shook her head. “You won’t.” 
Determination evident in his posture, he ventured farther down her body, his tongue exploring her skin
in a 
leisurely fashion. Her stomach quivered in time with her mound as he nestled between her thighs, his
barely touching her sensitive core. 
She spread her legs as far she could, clutching handfuls of the cover in an attempt to anchor herself as
first feather-light touch of his lips against her caused her to jump. His mouth inspired amazing
sensations that 
only got better as he licked and sucked, his tongue squirming into her slick heat. 
While licking and sucking, he pushed two fingers into her untried opening as he circled her clit. She
do little more than hold on to the blanket and thrust against his face as he ravished the most sensitive
part of 
When he sucked hard on her clit as his fingers gently pressed deeper into her, stretching and expanding
virginal passage, she cried out from the intensity of her release. She had masturbated for years, but her
touch could bring nothing like this pleasure, the kind of pleasure that made death a possibility simply
she forgot to breathe. 
For a single microsecond, her entire universe disintegrated before reintegrating in a flash pleasure.
that wave had a chance to more than slightly fade away, Ethan was between her legs, his cock ready to
enter her. 
He looked down at her, his expression severe. “I’m going to take you now, Ambra. Is that what you
She nodded frantically, unable to think of any other response. Of course it was what she wanted. It was
she’d always wanted, or at least since she had become a young woman and realized how much she
loved her 
stepfather’s son. “Take me, Ethan. I’m yours.” 
“And I’m yours.” He groaned low in his throat as his cockhead slipped inside her, but he went no
“One more question. Do you want me to wear a condom, or should I just enter you bare, babe? Do you
me to come inside you and maybe make a baby?” 
It was insanity to be considering such a step already, especially since their relationship was so new, but
couldn’t think logically. The idea of him coming inside her, creating a physical expression of their love, 
banished all logical thought. “Fill me up.” Those were the most syllables she could manage, and the only
sound she made was a whimper of pleasure when he slowly took her virginity. 
Unlike what she had expected, it didn’t hurt at all. Maybe that was because she was so wet and ready
him, as if her body had been in a half-hibernating state the past three years, and he had woken her.
the reason, it didn’t hurt when he entered her, though he filled her almost to the point of pain. 
He gritted his teeth, cords in his neck visibly bulging as he strained to hold himself back. “So tight. My
Ambra, if I’d known what I was missing all these years…” He trailed off as he began thrusting into her,
her body into his motion. 
Soon, they moved together in rhythm, straining toward the same goal. She clenched her thighs around
waist and grasped his shoulders, certain her nails would leave marks later, but unable to loosen her grip.
needed to hold on to something to keep her grounded, or she might fly away under the intense pleasure
gave her. 
Her body hovered on the edge of coming, and he dragged his cockhead against her g-spot every time he 
withdrew before thrusting back inside her. She was on the cusp when he stilled, and she groaned.
“Don’t stop 
“I’m about to come. Do you want me to pull out?” 
She shook her head, just as enamored with the idea of having his baby as a few minutes before—
right now she was more focused on coming again. “Just come inside me, Ethan. Give me every last
He surged inside her, and his cock was harder than ever, almost hurting her until the shaft started 
twitching. As he let loose the first spurts of release inside her, she climaxed again, holding onto him as
Afterward, they rolled together with his arms around her, his legs tangled in hers. She struggled to find

normal breathing pattern as her heart slowed back to its usual beats per minute. She was the same
person she 
had been just a little while ago, but she felt completely different. Ambra turned her head to kiss his chin.
“Is it 
always that amazing?” 
He gave her a small smile. “It was pretty amazing, wasn’t it?” His grin grew. “You know what would be
more amazing?” 
She shook her head. “I don’t think there can be anything greater than that, Ethan.” 
He chuckled as he ran his hand down her side, laying his hand across her flat stomach. “I think it’d be 
pretty amazing if you married me, Ambra. I want you to be my wife so I can officially stake my
ownership, and 
you can mark me as your territory.” 
She stared at him with eyes wide from shock. Could he really be proposing already? They had rushed
into things, and there hadn’t possibly been enough time to get to know each other again. 
One session of fabulous sex, combined with an afternoon of reconnecting, wasn’t a solid enough
upon which to build a life or commit to a future just yet. She opened her mouth to say those things as 
diplomatically as she could, but her words were even more shocking than his proposal. “Yes, I’ll marry

Ethan had bailed out Cartwright Consolidated as promised, and though Philip had been resistant to the
to start with, he had soon accepted his son’s intercession. Perhaps the news of their engagement had
him around more quickly—or more likely, the ultrasound picture she’d shown Philip when he’d
continued to 
resist help and tried to push the merger/marriage idea. 
On the afternoon he’d walked her down the aisle to marry Ethan, Ambra had learned the reason for
falling out had been Phillip’s determination to keep the company unchanged. He had been opposed to
resolve to bring them into the future with streamlined manufacturing, new marketing, and a leaner
In his stubborn pride, Philip had sent away his only son, and he’d confided his regret to her that he
been able to compromise or find a way to reconcile with Ethan without admitting he was wrong. She
had been 
relieved to know she hadn’t been the cause of their rift. 
That event had been months ago, and they were all gathered again for a new family occasion, though
one had a much smaller guest list. Tired, but glowing with happiness, Ambra watched Ethan hand their
daughter to her stepfather. Philip beamed at Heather before proclaiming, “She’s the most beautiful
baby since 
her mother.” 
Ambra smile, warmed by the praise. “Thanks, Dad, but you didn’t know me as a baby.” 
Philip shook his head. “It doesn’t matter, my girl. You’re my daughter as much as Ethan is my son—
I’m glad not legally, since you two got married.” He chuckled before his expression morphed to one of 
contentment. “Now you’re a Cartwright in name too. Most importantly, there’s her.” He looked down
granddaughter, seemingly lost in her unfocused blue eyes. 
Ethan came to stand by Ambra’s bed, bending to brush a kiss across her mouth. “You did well, my love.” 
She sighed, allowing herself to feel a little of the exhaustion sweeping over her. “That was probably the 
hardest thing I’ve ever done, except maybe those three years I lived without you.” 
He winced. “Don’t remind me what a fool I was to make us be lonely for three years.” 
She took his hand, pressing a kiss to the back of it. “It’s okay. You were right, you know. I loved you, but

was also just eighteen, and I wouldn’t have been ready for a serious relationship. You were right to give
me a 
chance to grow up some. The time apart was miserable for both of us, but if you had accepted me the
night I 
came to you, chances are we wouldn’t have made it, and we wouldn’t be here now.” 
He darted a glance at their daughter before looking back her, all the love he felt obvious in his brown
“I guess some things are certainly worth the wait.” 
Knox, ex-soldier and sheriff’s deputy, is a man used to being in control. When it comes to his stepsister,
wants to own every inch of her, but he’s tried to do the right thing and not pursue the need to possess
Forget his good intentions, because Claire’s wicked teasing is driving him to the breaking point. Soon,
know exactly what it means to belong to a man like him. 

Chapter One 
Knox barely bit back a moan when Claire sashayed into the kitchen for breakfast that morning. He kept
eyes glued to his bowl of oatmeal, though it was nowhere near as interesting as the long expanse of leg
by her short T-shirt and skimpy cotton panties. “Goddammit, Claire, put on some fucking clothes.” 
She gave him a look full of innocent sweetness. “It’s so hot, and you’re the only one here. Why should I 
bother? It’s not like your dad and my mom are home. They’re off somewhere in Europe, probably not
from the heat like we are here near Savannah.” 
He growled low in his throat, clenching his fists together. It took everything he had not to lift his petite
stepsister off her feet, slam her on the table, tear the clothes from her body, and sink his cock deep
inside her 
until she was screaming his name. Fuck, she was trying to kill him. A glance at his watch revealed he was
to be late for his shift if he didn’t leave soon, and it was a relief to have a reason to rush out, especially
with her 
walking around so brazenly in that skimpy outfit. 
His chair scraped the floor when he shoved back harder than necessary to get to his feet. As he slammed
his deputy’s hat, he glared at her. “Next time you’re in front of me, wear some damn clothes, or you’ll
be sorry.” 
She licked her lips, her eyes not betraying any fear, and it was clear his warning had done no good. “I
wearing clothes, dear stepbrother. Would you like to see me without them?” 
With another growl that passed for words, Knox turned and stormed from the kitchen, slamming the
door behind him as he made his way to the police cruiser. She was trying to kill him, or drive him out of
mind. Didn’t she understand she was the reason he had fled to the military seven years ago? Could
innocent Claire grasp how the dark urge he’d had to possess her, to claim and control her, had terrified
At twenty years old, he hadn’t known how to deal with the dominant side of himself, especially when
object of his obsession was his sixteen-year-old stepsister. From the time their parents got married the
before, she had been all he could think about. It had gotten to the point he’d wanted to beat every man
looked at her to a bloody pulp, and he’d been on the verge of telling her exactly how he felt. 
Worse than that, he’d wanted to storm into her bedroom to show her how he felt. Night after night,
lain in his bed in the room next to hers, his hand stroking his cock while he fantasized about tying her up
eating her pussy until she screamed his name. 
He’d known something had to change. The fantasies were becoming obsession, and he’d started
how to make it happen. She had been too young and off-limits. That was clear, so he had chosen the
only out 
available to a man without a college degree. The Marines had been glad to have him, and they had
served him 
as well. 
In the military, Knox had learned to hone his need for control, and he had harnessed his darker urges, or
he’d thought. He’d even managed to have a few “normal” relationships with women, though he’d be
lying if he 
didn’t admit most of them had turned to Claire in the dark. Tall or short, curvy or skinny, black or white,
hadn’t mattered. In the dark, they all became blonde-haired, petite temptresses with curves that
welcomed a 
man’s hands and hips meant for holding during a lusty fuck. 
It had been his intention to retire from the Marines after twenty years, hoping by then she would have
time to get married, pop out a couple of kids, and his obsession would have died. Unfortunately, an IED
Afghanistan had changed his plans, derailing his goals. 
With nowhere else to go, he had come home to recover and rebuild his life. It hadn’t been so bad the
few months, when his dad and Miranda were there to act as a buffer. The pain of his injury had also kept
focused and on track, keeping him from doing anything he might regret to or with his sweet stepsister. 
Unfortunately, their parents had gone on a summer-long cruise just a couple of weeks ago, and the pain 
from his injuries wasn’t nearly as bad as it had once been with physical therapy and an occasional pain
pill to 
help. In fact, he had healed well enough to work as a sheriff’s deputy, and while he was supposed to be 
enforcing the law, he couldn’t help thinking about all the bad, bad things he wanted to do Claire. 
The worst part of all, she seemed to want him to do them. Oh, he wasn’t crazy enough to think she
want him to tie her up, pull her hair, or do any other dark things his body urged. She clearly shared an
with him though. It had been hard enough to resist her when he was certain she was oblivious to him in
way. Now that he knew she saw him as a desirable man, it was much harder not to claim her. 
He just had to be strong. He reminded himself of that as he stopped at the police station and went to
for the day. No matter how much he wanted Claire, she was still his stepsister and still off-limits. 
Almost as soon as Knox had left the house, Claire ran back to her room and fumbled in her nightstand
the vibrator she kept there. Just the sight of him could make her hot and horny in seconds. She was
cream down her legs by the time she lay down on her bed, pulling aside her panties so she could stroke
her clit 
with the vibrating tip of the fake cock. 
It was a poor substitute for the one she really wanted, the one she imagined was long and thick and
stretch her in a way no man ever had before. Everything else about him was big and larger-than-life, so
his dick was too. 
She masturbated as she imagined it was him taking her, his lips instead of her hand against her nipple
she plucked the bud with her fingers. She wanted her stepbrother now even more than she had when
she was 
It had taken one look for her to fall hopelessly in love with her new stepbrother. At fifteen, she’d been 
bowled over by her sexy older stepbrother, and she had felt nothing remotely sibling-like for him. She
amazed he hadn’t realized she had a crush on him. Then again, it wasn’t that surprising, since Knox had
out of his way to avoid her then just as he did now. 
Her womb clenched, and her sheath convulsed around the vibrator as she groaned his name. “Knox.” 
Why couldn’t it be him instead of the plastic and silicone toy? Right, because he didn’t seem to be
she was a woman. She didn’t know how else to get his attention, since her subtle flirting didn’t seem to
working. Even baring her body as she had this morning hadn’t seemed to sway him other than he’d
she put on more clothes. 
Perhaps she was misreading his signals, and he really wasn’t attracted to her at all. If that was the case,
continued attempts at seduction would do nothing besides piss him off and make him uncomfortable.
everything he’d been through the last year, she didn’t want to hurt him, annoy him, or make things
Still, she couldn’t give up without a fight. They were older now, and there was no legal reason they
be together. When she’d been fifteen, and he had been nineteen, it had made sense that there was a
between them, other than his own lack of interest. She had dreamed from afar, and her heart was
broken when 
he’d announced he was entering the Marines. 
Now, he was back home and apparently planning to stay in Stanley, since he had a job with the Sheriff’s 
Department. She had no plans to move anywhere else, since she was running the general store for their
and would likely inherit it in a few years when they finally decided to retire completely. 
She wanted more than just a quick fuck with Knox, though that certainly had its appeal. Mostly, she just 
wanted Knox to look at her and see a woman instead of his scrawny stepsister. 
Did he even realize she had grown up during the last seven years, since his departure when she was 
sixteen? She was twenty-three now and ready for the next life stage, including a permanent
relationship. Even if 
he wasn’t interested in anything long-term, just the idea of having him even for one night was enough to
her rev up her vibrator and go for round two. 

Chapter Two 
When Knox let himself in that night, the house was quiet, and there was a note on the refrigerator
him he had dinner in the microwave. He warmed it up and ate standing over the sink to avoid making a
mess in 
the freshly cleaned kitchen. It was nice coming home to a spotless house and a home-cooked meal,
him think domestic thoughts that were at odds with the normally darker tone of his sexual needs. 
Try as he might, he couldn’t reconcile the idea of a domesticated home life with his sexual appetites. It
difficult to imagine a sweet, loving wife, who was also a lover that allowed him to take the dark liberties
with her 
that he wanted. 
After finishing his dinner, he put the dishes in the dishwasher before heading down the hallway to his
He thought about taking a shower, but decided he was too tired. Knox began unbuttoning his uniform
shirt as 
he nudged open his door with his elbow. 
He was a few steps in the room when he realized something was off. Maybe it was his military and
training that had honed his instincts, or perhaps he was simply tuned in to Claire, because he quickly 
recognized her scent and realized she had been in his room. 
Since he did his own laundry and cleaning, she wouldn’t have a reason to enter his sleeping space. His
scanned the room, almost immediately homing in on the lacy panties draped across his pillow. With a
he walked toward the bed, reaching down to pick up the panties. 
He hissed slightly when his fingers brushed the wet crotch. Knox was unable to resist the temptation of 
bringing the delicate lace to his nose. He inhaled deeply, memorizing the scent of Claire’s arousal, which
his own. 
With fumbling fingers, he undid his gun belt and uniform pants. His cock strained for escape, and he let
free from the cloth with a small groan. His hand was a poor substitute for her tight pussy, but he
needed release. 
With a grunt, he wrapped the material around his fist and slid the damp panties up and down his rigid 
erection. What was she doing to him? He was a hair’s breadth from marching into her room and fucking
He imagined she was picturing hearts and flowers and dutiful worship of her body when they made love
first time. Except he didn’t make love. Knox fucked, and he did it hard and forcefully. He took what he
and he wanted her more than ever after her aroma had filled his senses. She had no idea what she was 
unleashing with this little stunt, and only the thought of terrifying her held him back. 
Instead, he settled for coming on her panties, marking them with proof of his arousal and release. With

nod of satisfaction, he tucked his shaft into his underwear, but didn’t bother to refasten his belt or zip
his pants 
as he moved quietly from his room to hers. 
The moonlight through the thin curtains highlighted her body, revealing she was sprawled with her legs 
open, a miniscule crop top and tiny panties her only garments. He smothered a curse as he tiptoed to
her bed 
and prominently lay the soiled underwear on her pillow in exactly the same position she’d left them on
They would be the first thing she saw when she woke up. 
Claire stretched and yawned as her eyes opened. The sight of her panties returned to her made her
dip with disappointment. She had been certain that would prompt him to come to her last night. 
As she rolled out of bed and reached for the lingerie to put in the laundry hamper, her eyes widened at
slight stickiness. She turned the panties in her hand and saw the faint traces of white dried onto the
black lace. 
Stroking her thumb over it, she couldn’t help grinning at the realization she had gotten to him. Maybe
as much as she’d hoped, but she was breaking down his reserves. He had used her panties to
pair she’d worn while doing the same less than an hour before his shift ended. 
She briefly considered putting on more clothes, but discarded the idea as she tossed the underwear into
hamper in her bathroom before padding to the kitchen. Claire barely bit back a grin when she saw his
look of 
irritation when she entered. “Good morning,” she said with a bright smile as she went to the cabinet. 
Straining for the top shelf to reach the cereal boxes, she allowed a small smile at his faintly audible
As she continued reaching, his chair scraped, and he was standing behind her a moment later. Striving
for an 
innocent expression, she turned her head to look up at him. “Could you please hand me the Corn
Knox rubbed up against her as he reached past her for the box. His cock pressed into the small of her
and she was certain he buried his face in her blonde strands to inhale her scent. She shivered at the feel
of their 
bodies touching, almost forgetting to take the box he extended. 
His lips were so close to her cheek that she could feel them ghost across her skin. She sighed softly, 
tensing with anticipation when he angled just a bit closer. 
“Knock off the shit, Claire.” 
The words were like being doused with ice water, and she stiffened. She shot a glance at him, surprised
see tightly leashed anger instead of desire in his expression. Bending her head forward, she hid her face
her hair and didn’t look at him again as he turned away from her. 
She didn’t look up until she heard the front door close a few minutes later, and tears tried to gush from
eyes. Staring at the unwanted box of cereal, she blinked several times. Defeat filled her, and she had to
accept it 
was over. He’d withstood even her most blatant attempts, and while the fact he’d masturbated on her
before returning them confused her a bit, she knew he wasn’t going to give in to the attraction
between them. 
It wasn’t all one-sided. She knew that, but for whatever reasons, he had clearly decided to ignore it. She 
knew what a stubborn bastard he could be, so she’d just have to make herself forget him. 
At least she had a date tonight. She wasn’t super enthused about seeing Jason Jones outside of work,
he stopped by the deli section every day to buy his lunch, but he was a nice guy. When he’d shyly
she was the reason he kept coming back and had asked her out, she hadn’t been able to refuse. It would
been like kicking a puppy. 
Well, she’d have to try a nice guy for a change and give up on brooding jerks. Once upon a time, she had 
functioned without Knox, and she could do it again. So what if he hadn’t been within five thousand miles
then? She could do it even with them sharing a house. What other choice did she have? 

Chapter Three 
Thanks to Claire’s little striptease in the kitchen, Knox had spent a long, frustrating day with his cock
for her. He had rubbed one out in the bathroom before work, and again on his lunch hour, but the
orgasms had done little to soothe his ardor for her. 
He was in a foul mood, and as he headed home later that evening, the last thing he felt like dealing with
a speeder. The flashy little black car bespoke money, and he thought it belonged to the mayor’s son.
they lived in a small town near Savannah, but not one small enough to be ruled by nepotism. The prick
was fair 
game for a ticket, and his father would support Knox in that. 
With a sigh of annoyance, he flipped on his siren and watched with satisfaction as the sports car pulled 
over. Knox left the lights flashing, but the siren off as he sat behind the wheel for a moment, allowing
person he’d pulled over to sweat a bit. Plus, he didn’t want to rush things along too much. Considering
the day 
he’d had, it would be a pleasure to give Jason Jones a ticket and knock the little fucker down a peg or
Not that there was anything wrong with the kid himself, he supposed, but he was the epitome of what a 
man could be if he had the right opportunities. He imagined Jason had never had any attraction that
appropriate, and he sure as hell had never wanted to bang his own stepsister badly enough to join the
to escape. 
Of course, that was probably easier for him because, to his knowledge, Jason Jones didn’t have a
Still, he was probably the kind of guy who had perfectly normal urges and appetites and didn’t want to
his partner. He was the kind of guy Claire should be with. He gritted his teeth at the surge of anger 
accompanying the thought. 
Finally, knowing he could delay no longer, Knox grasped the notebook and stepped out of the police 
cruiser. The door shut with a slam as he walked toward the sports car. It was dark, but the flashing lights
his vehicle provided illumination, as did the console light Jones had flipped on. 
When he reached the driver’s side door, Knox bent down in time to be blinded by the fifty-thousand-
smile of the mayor’s only son. He wished he’d worn his sunglasses, though it was too dark for that sort
“Good evening, Officer…Hollander.” The little prick made a big production of reading his last name.
can I do for you this evening, Officer?” 
“It’s Deputy Hollander, and you were speeding.” 
When Knox recognized the passenger in Jason Jones’ his car, he cursed softly and balled his hands
the notebook until the paper rustled in protest. Never mind he’d just been thinking this was the kind of
guy for 
Claire. “What are you doing with him?” he demanded of his stepsister. 
Claire licked her lips, painted some kind of pinky-red that made them all pouty and decadent-looking.
on a date, Knox.” 
Seeing the long expanse of her leg in that short dress did nothing to soothe his rage. “Get out of the car 
right now.” 
Jones frowned. “I don’t think that’s necessary, Offi...Deputy Hollander. I wasn’t speeding that fast.” 
Knox glared down at him. “I wasn’t talking to you, Jones. I was talking to my stepsister. Once she’s out
the car, you’re going to drive away and never look back. If I see you with her again, I’ll break you in two.
Do you 
understand me?” 
Jason’s eyes widened, and he hesitated for a second before nodding. He looked like he was about to
himself, and Knox had to bite back a smile at the idea. 
Claire was just sitting there, arms crossed across her chest as she glared at him. 
“Did you hear me? Get out of the car now, Claire.” 
“Why should I? I’m not doing anything wrong—and if I were, you’re not my keeper.” 
It was a bratty remark, the kind that needed a good firm paddling to deal with properly. He clenched his 
hand into a fist at his side to rein in the urge to drag her out and spank her right there. “Out of the car
now.” It 
was the same voice he used on insurgents and dangerous criminals—and recalcitrant lovers. 
Her eyes widened, and she seemed to hesitate a second before reaching for the door handle and
out. As soon as she closed the door, Jason pulled away with a squeal of rubber, leaving the two of them
on the side of the road leading back to their house. 
He stalked toward her, feeling like a big cat after prey. In that tight red dress, with those bright lips, and
hair pinned up with some kind of feathery thing that made her hair fan out, she looked like a parrot. One
those bright, tropical kind of birds that a big cat would just love to sink his teeth into and devour
With perhaps more foolishness than courage, she dared stand her ground against him as he reached
her. “I 
didn’t do anything wrong, and I don’t know what your problem is—” 
He didn’t give her a chance to finish the sentence. Knox jerked her into his arms, slamming his mouth
hers in a punishing kiss. That sticky pink-red crap on her mouth made her lips cling to his, but he ignored
discomfort and unpleasant taste as he ravished her sweet lips. 
She didn’t resist when he pressed his tongue between the seam to probe her mouth, demanding a 
response. By the time he lifted his head, she was breathing harshly, but so was he. “You know very well
you’re doing wrong. Why were you going out with that little fucker after you’ve been teasing me for
She glared at him. “It’s quite obvious you’re not interested in me, so why should I sit alone at home
when I 
could go out to have some fun?” 
“When I’m done with you, there won’t be much sitting involved. Your ass will you be so sore, you’ll have
stand upright for a week.” 
Her eyes widened, and she blinked, clearly annoyed. “Do you get off saying stuff like that and trying to
me? What makes you think I’d let you do something like that?” 
“Because you’re mine, and you always have been. I take care of what’s mine, and if that means “mine” 
needs a little discipline, I’m happy to provide it.” A surge of dark lust filled him as he spun her in his
lifting her to put her across the hood of the car. He ignored her yelps of protest as he peeled up her
finding another one of those fucking thongs that were so tempting. 
It made his job easier, and he smacked her ass with a satisfying crack of flesh against flesh. She cried out 
her protest, calling him names a proper young lady would never use. He had to bite back a grin,
finding pleasure in how the night had turned out now that the anger at the sight of her with another
man was 
She wanted to belong to him, and he was going to let her. He was going to own her completely. He had 
tried to do the right thing, to give her an out and let her see she needed someone different from him.
better. No more doing the right thing. The right thing was keeping her, taming her, and fucking her a
different ways. 
He smacked her taut cheeks until they were both rosy pink, and she was writhing on top of the car. It
difficult to tell from her moans whether she was enjoying herself, in pain from the blows, or a
combination of 
the two. With no other way to tell for sure, he moved his hand between her thighs, a finger slipping
under the 
side of her red lace panties to test her wetness. She was sopping, her juices dribbling down his hand.
was incredibly turned on by being spanked. 
With a rueful curve of his lips, he acknowledged the tight press of his pants and knew he was same way.
had spanked her partly as discipline, but also because it was a huge fucking turn-on to see her pale
cheeks change to a rosy pink and glow with warmth under his palm. 
It was all he could do not to flip her over and take her right there. Only the sordidness of having their
time together be by the side of the road reined in the impulse. 
That didn’t mean he had to drive home unsatisfied. He turned her around, sitting her ass on the hood of
car so he could look down at her. She was glaring up at him defiantly, but her eyes shone with
excitement she 
couldn’t hide. His girl was getting off on this. “You’ve been playing with me for weeks, haven’t you,
Claire? Just 
admit it.” 
She nodded as she brushed away a few tears from her cheeks. “I was trying to get a response, but not
He laughed harshly. “I warned you, didn’t I? I told you to knock off the shit, but you didn’t. Well, baby, 
you’ve got what you wanted. You’re mine now. I’m going to take you home and have you every way I
want. But 
first, you’re going to take care of a certain problem for me.” 
Her eyes widened, and her lips trembled. “What kind of problem? Why should I help you after you just
me?” The word’s were sassy, as was her posture, but again the twinkle in her eyes betrayed her
excitement. She 
might not like that she was turned on by being dominated, but she clearly was. 
He pointed down to his rigid cock. “You’ve made me too hard to drive comfortably. Take out my dick,
put it 
in your mouth, and suck me until my balls are dry. Don’t even think about spilling a drop.” 
She shook her head. “You can’t just tell me what to do.” 
He grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her from the car to the ground, where she landed on her
She glared up at him, but her chest heaved with excitement, and he knew if he stuck his fingers in her
cunt, she 
would be even slicker than she was a short while ago. The idea had merit, but anyone could come along
discover them at any time even though they lived on a rural route country road. “Get to it, Claire.” 
She still looked defiant, but she began to fumble with his zipper and gun belt. With a sigh of annoyance,
released his hold on her hair to assist her in opening his pants, but he made her work for the rest of it.
small hands had to delve inside to remove his cock, revealing the hard, smooth length in the glow of the 
half-full moon and the flashing lights from his patrol car. 
She softly moaned her appreciation as she stroked him, unable to hide how turned on she was even in
subservient position, ostensibly being forced to suck his cock. He certainly didn’t have to force her
open, or guide her head as she took the tip of him between her lips. 
He grabbed a handful of her hair to anchor her against him as he began to thrust into her mouth while
sucked and licked him. “Damn, you’re good at this. Remind me to find out who the fuck taught you to
head like this so I can beat them until they don’t remember your name.” 
She made a strange gurgling sound around his cock that could have been a giggle or a muttered protest.
was difficult to tell. However she reacted to his words, her enthusiasm for the blowjob hadn’t failed or
and she continued to suck and lick him as he thrust deep into the back of her throat. Like a good girl,
swallowed every drop when he came inside her mouth, spurts of his release trailing down her throat,
and not 
one drop escaping her lips. 
“Excellent technique. Now put my cock back, because we’re going home.” 
She stared up at him, still in her knees, and her eyes gleamed with a combination of excitement and
“What are you going to do to me, Knox?” 
He allowed a hint of the darkness inside him to show through his eyes and his wicked smile.
Claire sat beside him in the front seat of the police cruiser, her hands trembling. She wasn’t sure if she
excited or frightened. This side of Knox was unexpected, and her butt still tingled where he had dared
her. On the one hand, she was furiously angry that he would do that to her, as though she were a
naughty child. 
On the other hand, her pussy was wet with need, and she wanted to get off more than she ever had in
life. It was all she could do before, while he was spanking her, not to put her fingers in her own folds and
with her clit until she came while he walloped her ass. 
As if he could read her thoughts, Knox said, “Put your skirt up to your waist, pull back those panties, and 
stroke that pretty pussy for me. I want to see you come before we get home. If you don’t have an
orgasm by 
then, I’ll spank you again.” 
She bit her lip, wasting perhaps thirty seconds on debating with herself. It was only as she saw the end
the driveway coming into sight, letting her know she had less than two minutes to get herself off, that
she did 
as he’d told her. 
She lifted her hips and pulled up the dress, shoving aside her underwear in her haste to reach her clit.
circled and pressed against the sensitive bundle of nerves, remembering the sensation of his hard hand
her soft cheeks, coupled with the warm metal hood she had writhed against. 
By the time they crested the long hill leading up to their house, convulsions started deep inside her, and
locked her thighs around her own hand as she came, moaning his name in the process. The arrogant
looked pleased as all hell when they stopped before the house, and he took her hand from her own
bringing it to his mouth. 
She watched with wide eyes as he sucked her two fingers between his lips, removing all trace of her
from her hand. He seemed to genuinely savor the taste, and it made her mouth water as she
remembered what 
it was like to have his come on the back of her tongue too. 
Knox didn’t release Claire’s hand as he dragged her in to the house, not allowing her to put any space 
between them until after he had locked the door. It clicked with an ominous sound, and she swallowed
lump in her throat when he turned to face her, arms crossed over his massive chest. “Take off your
Claire hesitated, not sure this was actually what she wanted after she had tried so hard to get his
She hadn’t realized exactly what that would entail. “Maybe we should just take a break here, Knox.” 
He laughed harshly. “No breaks. You’re mine now, Claire. That’s what you wanted, and now you’re going
get it. Take off the dress before I do it myself.” 
She thought about continuing to argue, but honestly, he wasn’t telling her to do something she didn’t
to do anyway. He was a little scary and intense this way, but she wanted him just as badly as she had
she’d seen this darker side of him. Her hands trembled just a little bit as she stripped off the red dress, 
standing before him in just a thong and stockings, plus high-heeled black shoes. 
He stared at her, his expression impassive, but his tone vibrating with anger. “You went on a date with 
Jason Jones, and you didn’t wear a bra?” 
She glared at him. “First of all, it’s my body, and I wear what I want or don’t want to wear. And secondly,
dress has a bra liner built in. Would you like to try it on and find out for yourself, darling?” she asked too 
New Knox’s expression darkened, and he took her hand again, pulling her behind him down the
She'd expected him to take her to her room, or maybe his, but he detoured into the large bathroom on
the main 
floor instead. 
“Did he touch you anywhere?” 
She frowned. “We barely had time for dinner and a drink, so no, there was no touching involved.” 
He scowled. “I mean anywhere. At any time, was his hand on your shoulder, around your waist, or did
kiss you?” 
She shook her head, and then hesitated. “I guess he touched my arm during dinner and my thigh in the
a couple of times.” 
“Remind me to mail that little fuck a speeding ticket.” Still scowling, he said, “Get in the shower. I want 
every trace of him off you before I touch you.” 
Knox’s brow shot straight up toward his hairline. “Did you just say no?” His voice was ominously quiet,
the tone made it difficult to read his reaction. 
She tilted her chin, not about to allow her stepbrother to run roughshod over her. If she didn’t stand up
herself now, she’d never be able to with him. “Yeah, I said no. I’ve had enough of you bossing me
around, and 
I’m going to bed. Alone.” It was a fine exit line, and she swept past him with the regality of a princess,
but he 
ruined it all by reaching out an arm and snatching her off the ground. A second later, she was plastered
him, her back against his chest. 
When he spoke, his quiet tone was scarier than a loud shout would have been. “You belong to me now, 
Claire. There are some rules to get used to, and one of them is when I tell you to do something, you’re
going to 
do it. I like control, and I’ve been dreaming of owning you for years. I won’t always tell you what to do
all the 
time, but when it comes to the bedroom and things related to your body, at least when it comes to
sharing it 
with me, you will listen to what I say.” 
His arms loosened, and she turned to stare up at him. “I don’t belong to anyone. You can’t tell me what
do, Knox. I’m twenty-three-years-old and not a child. I can decide for myself if I want to shower, or if I
want to 
fuck someone.” 
“Brave words.” 
Suddenly, his hand was in her hair, forcing her head back so his mouth could take hers. He plundered
drinking greedily as he nibbled and sucked her lips. The kiss made her lightheaded, both from his
and lack of oxygen. Before she knew it, she was clutching the front of his uniform shirt for support and 
pressing closer to him. 
He lifted his head. “Here’s the deal, Claire. I gave you a chance to avoid this future. I tried to ignore you, 
and I even told you to stop the bullshit. You didn’t listen, because you wanted me. If you can look me in
the eye 
right now and tell me that’s changed, and you no longer want me, I’ll let you go. It’ll be the end of it, and
shove my obsession deep down again and try to move on. So you have a decision to make. Do you want
and everything that goes with that, or do you want to go back to the life we had before and pretend
none of this 
ever happened?” 
Damn, that was a difficult decision. Of course she still wanted him. That hadn’t changed, and she
imagine it ever would. It was only this newer, darker side to him that was giving her second thoughts.
“I’m not 
going to be able to do everything you tell me. That’s just not me.” 
“It will be, because you’ll enjoy it just as much as I do. If you hate something, I’ll never force you to do
but I want to control that little body of yours, to own every inch because I love it, not because I want to
He pressed his forehead to hers, his eyes drilling into hers. “I’ve been thinking about this and dreaming 
about it since you were way too young for me. My obsession sent me to the military, just to escape what

wanted to do to you. I’m not blaming you for me enlisting, but I am saying you’re the reason I left. It was
and disturbing how I felt for you, and that hasn’t changed. However, I learned how to control my
She licked her dry lips, torn by the decision facing her. “You wanted me when I was sixteen?” Maybe
should have found that creepy, but since she had been lusting after him at the same point, all she could
was a tiny bit of regret that he had put distance between them, though it had been the right thing to do.
then, she couldn’t have handled a man like Knox. Could she now? That was the question. 
He nodded. “I used to fantasize about coming into your room at night, tying you down, and taking you a 
thousand different ways. When I started planning how I was going to do that, I knew it was time to get
the hell 
out of here. So I went to Afghanistan, I grew up and honed my control, and then when I nearly got my
ass killed in combat, you were still there.” He tapped his temple and then his chest over his heart. 
Knox cupped her cheek with one large hand, running his thumb just under her lower lip. “I was bleeding
death, but I clung to the picture of you in my mind. It wasn’t the sixteen-year-old you, of course, but the
recent picture of your college graduation your mom had sent me. I knew I had to get back to you and
make you 
mine. But when I came back home, you didn’t seem any more ready than you had back then.” 
Tears were in her eye as she imagined the agony he must have endured and also the emotional
of having been the support he clung to in order to survive all that. “I’m a lot different now.” 
“Can you handle me, Claire?” 
She licked her lips again, took a deep breath, and said, “Let’s find out.” 

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Currently Reading: Alphas- A Stepbrother Romance Collection by Kristianna Sawyer

Alphas: A Stepbrother Romance Collection
Chapter Four 
In a flash, he had transformed back to the dark lover from a few moments before. “In that case, get in
shower. Give me your thong first.” 
Claire stripped off the small piece of underwear, wet from her own juices, and handed it to him. Her
widened, and a tingle shot through her, when he took a deep sniff of the crotch before tossing it into
“I really enjoyed the present you left on my pillow.” 
She giggled slightly. “I could tell, and I kind of enjoyed the return gift from you.” 
He flexed his hand. “I should spank you until you can’t walk for that, but I’ll settle for fucking you into a
of mush. First things first though. Get in the shower, and make it as hot as you can stand to wash Jones
off you 
She shook her head, even as she went to the shower and adjusted the water spray water. “Honestly, he 
barely touched me at all, Knox.” 
“But he did touch you, and nobody touches what’s mine.” 
She rolled her eyes, facing away from him, though she couldn’t deny another tingle in her pussy at the 
words. There was something darkly delicious about belonging to a man like Knox, and though she
entirely on board with the whole submission thing, she was certainly looking forward to finding out if
she was 
up to the task. 
The water was hot, but not too hot, when she stepped under the spray. At his direction, she lathered
with honeysuckle body wash, and then rinsed off. Still standing under the water, she looked at him.
“Soap your tits again. Nice and slow, and pull on your nipples.” 
Feeling somewhere between ridiculous and adventurous, she spread another gob of body wash onto
palm, massaged it between her hands, and began to caress her own breasts until they were covered
with soap. 
Remembering the last part of his direction, she gently tugged on her nipples, moaning softly as the
shot through her body in electric waves. 
“That’s good, so good. Now do the same with that pretty little pussy of yours.” 
She was turned on beyond belief by the time she rinsed off her breasts and had another handful of
gel. Wanting to ensure he enjoyed the show, Claire sat on the shower seat and spread her legs as far as
could, bracing her heels on the plastic edge. 
Slowly, she dipped her finger into the pool of shower gel and began to massage just the outer part of
lips. Her body burned with heat, compounded by the desire arcing higher when Knox began to unbutton
uniform shirt. Her eyes remained glued to the sight of him stripping as she slowly teased herself, circling
clit with the soap covering her hands. She was hoping he would take over, so when he entered the
shower, she 
stopped touching herself. 
He shook his head. “I didn’t say to stop. Finish yourself off, pretty one. I want to make sure that pussy is 
nice and sweet, because I plan to eat it half the night.” 
Her body strung taut as a bow at his words, and combined with her finger pressing against the bundle
nerves right under her clit, she came with a small sob. 
He took the handheld shower attachment and brought it near her pussy to rinse the soap for her. The
of water was too much on her sensitive skin, and she tried to shy away. He wouldn’t let her, keeping her
the bench, her lips spread open as he trailed hot water against her, forcing her to come again before he
her a brief respite. 
“Now wash me.” 
That was a task for which she had great enthusiasm. Feeling a bit mischievous, Claire reached for her 
honeysuckle body wash, spread it on her hands, and began to stroke his body. He was hard and firm 
everywhere, with a flat stomach, sculpted abs, and tight ass she wanted to grasp as he sank into her. 
His body was a wonderland, and she was delighted by each new discovery. She was gentle as she ran
fingers over the scar going down his side and ending above his kneecap. Other tiny scars marred his
body, and 
he shared the stories of each one with her. A dragon with unfurled wings resided on his back, and she
had to 
explore every line of the tattoo with her tongue and her fingernails. 
By the time she reached his cock, having saved that prize for last, he was hard and aching—she could
from his contorted expression. Copious pre-cum leaked from the tip and coated her hand. 
It was all she could do not to drop to her knees and bring him off in her mouth again. Still, feeling a little 
selfish and wanting to ensure he had plenty of reserves left for later, she contented herself for the time
with a semi-hand job, cleaning him thoroughly, but not bringing him to completion. 
After rinsing him off, they stepped out of the shower together, and he dried her gently with small
that teased her skin, leaving her ultrasensitive. She did the same for him, unable to resist the temptation
of his 
cock she was on her knees drying his legs. She pressed a tiny kiss to the head and came away with his
smeared on her face. To her surprise when she stood up, Knox gathered her close for another long kiss. 
Once they left the bathroom, he led her to her room. She had almost expected his room, but he
his reasoning without her even needing to ask. 
“This is where I used to picture you all spread out for me, a buffet for my dick and my tongue. I’m going
tie your hands to the bedposts of that cute little four-post bed, but I’m not going to restrain your legs. I
you to be able to move and wrap them around me.” 
He wasn’t asking permission, but she nodded anyway to indicate her acceptance. It was a little daunting
be restrained, but as he fastened her second wrist to the post of her bed using the frilly tie from her
curtains, she couldn’t deny there was something appealing about being helpless before him. 
Not just any man would be fine for the role of dominating her, but she trusted Knox to take care of her.
might be rough and sometimes scary, like when he had ordered her from the car earlier and had
spanked her, 
but she didn’t doubt he cared about her. In fact, he had even used the “L” word earlier, though in
reference to 
her body, not necessarily her. 
He explored her with his mouth, starting with tiny kisses pressed to her closed eyelids before working
way down. They shared another one of those earth-shattering kisses, and then his mouth was gone,
lower. She gasped when he took one of her nipples between his lips, biting gently. As he sucked
vigorously, she 
strained against her bonds and arched her back, wanting more. 
Briefly, his mouth left her flesh. “You have the most beautiful tits, Claire.” He lifted his head so their
met. “I’d really love to see your nipples pierced. Or maybe your clit.” 
She shook her head, not okay with that idea. “That sounds painful.” 
“Sometimes pain enhances the pleasure.” 
He made a sound of satisfaction when his mouth reached her bellybutton, and is tongue rolled around
stud there. “Did that hurt?” 
“Yes, but my girlfriends were doing it, so I thought I had to as well.” 
“So if I can get some your girlfriends to go in for the clit piercing, will you go along then?” He trailed his 
tongue down her navel and across her mound, hesitating at her lips before touching lightly. 
“No,” she said shakily. “I’ve outgrown the peer pressure thing.” 
“And if I told you to get it done, or I did it for you, would you allow that?” 
Claire hesitated, hoping for time to decide. “I’m not sure I’d let you pierce my clit, Knox. I think that
He laughed softly. “I know what I’m doing. You pick up a lot of skills in the Marines, baby.” 
It was her turn to laugh. “You pierced a lot of clits in the Marines?” 
Knox laughed again, but it was more of a breath against her mound and made her body spasm with
“No, but I learned the basics of piercing, and even how to do some tattooing. I considered an internship
when I 
came back home, but Stanley, Georgia isn’t exactly a booming place for a tattooist. It made more sense
become a cop.” 
“Not to mention it probably speaks to your need for control and to assert your authority.” How was she 
managing to have even a simple conversation as his tongue plunged inside her, devouring her with
confident strokes? 
Like everything else, he approached eating her out with gusto, giving it his all and his own rough edge.
had never felt anything like this before, though she wasn’t exactly hugely experienced. Her two previous
had both gone down on her, but not with anywhere near his skill or intensity. 
At least he seemed to have abandoned the idea of her getting another piercing. There was no further 
conversation, just the slurping and sucking sounds as he attacked her folds. It was a sexy noise, and it 
enhanced her pleasure even further as his tongue squirmed and pushed inside her, clearly determined
to taste 
everything and memorize every part of her. When he sucked firmly on her clit, harder than she had
expected but 
with just the right pressure, she came with a keening wail, crying out his name. 
When he lifted his head a moment later, her juices glistened on his face, and he wore a cocky grin. “God,

love my name on your lips as you’re coming. There’s no better sound in the world, baby.” 
“Will you please, please fuck me now, Knox?” 
“I was going to draw this out more, but I guess my control isn’t as ironclad as I thought, at least when it 
comes to you.” His hand slipped between her thighs, spreading her wide, and two of his fingers surged
her slippery slit. “I’m about to die or explode if I don’t come inside this sweet little pussy.” 
She frowned at his phrasing. “Are you going to wear a condom?” 
He arched brow. “Should I? I know I don’t have any diseases, and I’ve hardly seen you date anyone
Jason Jones. Do we need to worry about STIs?” 
She shook her head. “I was thinking more about pregnancy.” 
He smirked. “Yeah, except you’re on the pill.” 
Her eyes widened, and she glared at him. “Just how do you know that?” 
“I have a keen sense of observation, baby. Plus I saw you taking your pills several nights at the same
and my powers of logic tell me it had to be birth control.” 
She nodded slightly, no longer creeped out by the idea that maybe he had been going through her
things or 
watching her obsessively. “Okay, I am on the pill, but it’s not foolproof. You should still wear a
His expression closed. “Baby, I’ve never been inside a woman without rain gear on my dick before. It’s 
going to be a first time for me, and I assume for you too. And if a baby results, I’ll take care of both of
you. But 
the odds are minuscule, so please let me feel your bare cunt wrapped around me.” 
She bit her lip, torn about whether to continue arguing. He was right, and she knew the chances of her 
actually getting pregnant from sex without a condom were minuscule, even with a man as virile as he
She’d been on birth control for three years, and her periods were regular. She was nowhere near her
fertile time, 
even if she hadn’t been on the pill. 
Still, it was difficult to overcome the indoctrination of her generation when it came to using protection. 
Finally, she nodded her acceptance, tempted by the idea of his skin inside her without any barriers as
made love. 
No, fucked, she corrected herself as Knox knelt between her thighs and surged inside her with one hard, 
deep thrust. Still, even though his motions were rough and fast, pressing her hard into the bed, she
could see 
the tender emotions in his eyes, and she didn’t feel used as he continued to pound into her. All she felt
overly filled, and completely satisfied, especially as his cockhead dragged against her g-spot and elicited 
another orgasm from her. 
He certainly had stamina, and she clung to him as he continued to thrust into her for a longer time than
man before him. By the time his cock hardened inside her even further, almost to the point of painful,
another orgasm swept over her. He came inside her with a twitching motion, and his warm seed filled
channel. She’d never felt anything like it before and was thrilled she hadn’t insisted on a condom. “So 
amazing,” she managed to moan. 
“Oh, yeah, baby.” He seemed temporarily robbed of the ability to speak as well, and that was an
turn of events, considering he was normally composed, poised, and in control. 
Afterward, his motions were tender as he untied her hands, and she wrapped her arms around him, 
anchoring Knox against her. Claire pressed a tender kiss to his chest above his nipple and burrowed
against his 
hot skin, slick with sweat. “Now what, Knox?” 
“More of the same, Claire. I’ll never get enough of you, and I hope you’ll never get enough of me.” 
She tilted her chin to be able to look at him. “So I actually have a choice in the matter? If I decide I’m
into this relationship, I can end things?” 
He nodded, sighing wearily. “Of course you can end things, Claire. I’m obsessed with you, but I don’t 
expect you to be obsessed with me. I hope at some point you feel the same way, and maybe you’ll need
me as 
much as I need you someday, but if that isn’t how it works out, I won’t regret what time we had
together now.” 
Her eyes stung, and she blinked to avoid crying. “Knox, don’t you know yet how I feel about you?” 
The open vulnerability in his expression, coupled with his obvious confusion, made her want to hold and 
rock him in a soothing motion. It was a strange way to feel about the man she had just allowed to ravish
her so 
completely. Now she wanted to nurture him. 
“I love you, Knox. I have since I was fifteen. It was definitely more of a crush back then, but since you
back home, you’re all I think about. Do you think I leave my wet panties on anyone else’s bed?” she
asked with 
a teasing grin. 
He scowled, transforming back into the ferocious, confident ex-soldier with whom she was more
“You damn well better not.” His hand went between her thighs to cup her pussy, and he squeezed
gently, the 
motion providing friction that made her arch against him even though she was exhausted and had
thought she 
was completely sated. “This pussy is mine, and anything that touches it is too. Your underwear belongs
to me. 
Hell, your every orgasm belongs to me.” 
Why was it such a turn-on to have him stake his claim so aggressively? She wasn’t a weak woman, and
had never felt the need to have a man guide her. Still, there was something amazing, and arousing,
about being 
the object of Knox’s dark obsession and forceful edicts. She loved knowing he considered her body his, 
because she felt exactly the same way about his. 
Adopting a similar tone to his, she took his rapidly hardening cock in her hands, pumping gently. “And
dick is mine, agreed? If it goes straying to anyone else, we’re through. So it better not, because if our 
relationship ends, he comes with me.” 
For a moment, Knox looked shocked, and then he threw back his head and laughed. “Baby, you have no
in that department. Other than a few women over the years, who all turned to you with the lights off,
my main 
companion has been my own hand for the past seven years. Thoughts of you have crowded my head,
and only 
you would do. I’ve had a few quick fucks that took the edge off, but did nothing to soothe the need
inside. I’m 
never going to look at another woman again with desire, especially not after having had you.” 
She nodded, satisfied by his sincerity and having no reason to doubt him. “Now that that’s settled, how
we going to tell our folks?” 
A hint of uncertainty flickered through his eyes, and then he shrugged one shoulder. “We’ll just tell
openly and honestly we’re together. They probably won’t be thrilled, but I’m not going to let it break us.
She shook her head. “I’d love to have their approval, but I don’t need it. All I need is you, and maybe 
another ride on that amazing dick of yours.” 
His expression was tender when he pressed a sweet kiss to her mouth. Knox lifted her into his arms,
her on his stomach so she straddled him. “Before tonight, I didn’t think I was the kind of guy who could
love, Claire, but I want to learn how. Will you show me how to love you, not just fuck you?” 
His words moved her, and she laid down on him, holding him close. Claire pressed kisses to his mouth 
that gradually deepened in intensity, and their hands wandered slowly and sensually, exploring each
When they were both ready, she reached between them to grasp his cock and bring it to her pussy. 
She was slick and ready for him inside her. She guided him to take her gently as she controlled the pace. 
Fucking him had been amazing, the culmination of every dirty fantasy she’d ever had, but making love
with him 
was the ultimate bliss. She lost track of time as they moved together, in no rush, with the rest of their
lives to 
explore and experiment. 
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If you enjoyed this novelette and bonus excerpt, you might enjoy my other stepbrother titles: 

Stepbrother Romances 
Claimed: Preparing to marry a man she doesn’t love, getting kidnapped the night of her engagement
party is the 
last thing Ambra Hathaway expects. She hasn’t seen her stepbrother in three years, since the night
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Combat: Despite disapproval from her dad and his mom, Anya and Cade had a brief relationship that
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he's not 
letting her go again. 
Disappear: Three years ago, Hale disappeared from Zoe's life without an explanation or even a goodbye.
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summer while he's in Europe. Living with him would be a bad idea because of the unresolved attraction 
between them, but there's no harm in staying in his empty apartment—until plans change, and he
home early. Their forbidden love could cost them everything, but sharing 800 sq. ft. leaves nowhere to
from the intense passion smoldering between them. 
Fighter: I’m a fighter. 
I fought to survive on the streets after running away at seventeen. I did what I had to, and I make no
for it. 
I fought and clawed my way up from illegal street fighting to a UFC contender. 
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eleven years 
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I could fight to keep my secrets hidden. 
I could fight. 
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Forgotten: Patrick lost his father four months ago, but his stepsister Beth has been his rock. When he
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have something to do with the night shortly after his father’s death, when he got so drunk he couldn’t 
remember anything that had happened even the next day? 
Owned: Knox, ex-soldier and sheriff’s deputy, is a man used to being in control. When it comes to his 
stepsister, he wants to own every inch of her, but he’s tried to do the right thing and not pursue the
need to 
possess her. Forget his good intentions, because Claire’s wicked teasing is driving him to the breaking
Soon, she’ll know exactly what it means to belong to a man like him. 
Revenge: I hate Tom Ambrose. 
He ripped apart my family when he married my dad. 
I found my mom bleeding on the floor and promised her revenge. 
Sweet Lia 
My new stepsister. 
She’s the key. 
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I’ll just ignore how she makes me feel and focus on retribution. 
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I also write steamy stories of fidelity and fertility. 

Fertile Erotic Romances 

Chloe and the Cop (Bad Boys in Blue series): A traffic stop is the last thing Chloe needs after the day she’s
The cop is an old friend who seems to want more, but she is skeptical. What man desires a woman who
pregnant with someone else’s child? Sean Nolan has been waiting too long to show Chloe how he feels,
he’s determined to prove his interest via the most seductive ways possible. What’s a little breaking-and-
in the pursuit of the woman he loves? 
Claimed by the Cop (Bad Boys in Blue series): Lexie plans to give her virginity to her boyfriend while her
and stepdad are out of town. She doesn’t expect a cop to interrupt them and is annoyed to see her
since he doesn’t even live with them. Ryan has spent the last five years of their parents’ marriage
torturing her, 
so when he demands to take Jason’s place, she’s certain it’s just another one of his games. This time, she
going to beg him to stop and calls his bluff. As he joins her on the bed, she realizes it isn’t a game and
has been. Could the older man be in love with her, and is it possible she feels the same? Does she secretly
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David’s Baby: Eighteen-year-old Liv may be a virgin, but she knows what she wants. Ex-Marine David,
who is 
nursing scars from the wound that ended his military career, is just the man to make her a woman. Boys
own age bore Liv, and the fact that he’s sixteen-years-older just means he’ll have more experience. For
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badly his ex-girlfriend betrayed him, that she offers comfort. Ellie can make him feel good, but is she
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Erin’s Unexpected Lover: On the night Erin decides to give in to her boyfriend’s increasingly pressured 
demands for sex, she discovers Chip has already moved on. Devastated by his cheating, she finds
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anger reaches the boiling point. Pushed beyond his limits, he ends up dishing out a sound spanking to
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or covering for her with her father, the sheriff, so she tries a new way to persuade him. Julie’s methods
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Kaity’s Forbidden Fantasy: Kaity is just looking for a night of fun when she sneaks into a nightclub to
celebrate her eighteenth birthday with her friend. The sight of Blake, her father’s golf partner, soon
stifles her 
enjoyment of the evening. When he extricates her from a sticky situation and insists on driving her home,
wonders if she’ll have the courage to confide her forbidden fantasy to the older man. 
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aroused. It’s only when he’s snooping through her sketchbook of erotic pictures that he realizes just how
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Layla’s Birthday: Layla’s been waiting impatiently to tell Matt how she feels, and she is finally eighteen.
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his desire for her to gain a favor. The only way to show him he's wrong is to let him read her diary, full of 
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birthday gift she really wants—his baby in her womb. 
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Sera and the Sheriff (Bad Boys in Blue series): When the sheriff—who happens to be her best friend’s
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provokes a 
response, he takes Kylie with all the pent-up passion he's felt for her the past eighteen months. She
belongs to 
him, and a baby bump is just one more way to stake his claim. 
Teaching Harper: Abandoned on a country road en route to a graduation party, the last person Harper
to see, besides her ex-boyfriend, was her former science teacher. Sloan Allen spent the last two years
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illuminating, as 
she realizes their attraction is very mutual. But do they both share the same desire for making a baby
Trisha’s Donor: Denny is forty-three and a new grandfather, so he shouldn’t be lusting after his younger 
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has a 
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