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1st Quarter – Module 1

Week 8 – 9

After exploring the world of dance, perform this activity as culmination of this subject.

Activity 1:
“Hataw Pandemic: Sayaw na Walastik”

Goal: Your task is to create a 3-minute dance video that shows positive vibes. Combine different types of dance (Week 1).
Given the fact that everybody is affected by CoViD-19, that should not stop us from showing optimism through
Role: Your job in this activity is a dancer/entertainer.
Audience: Your target audience are the people who were distressed, bored, and horrified by this pandemic.
Situation: Most of us were shocked when this plague caught us off-guard. Our daily lives were disrupted, thus, created boredom,
limited our usual physical activities and also affected our mental health.
Product: The challenge involves creating a 3-minute entertaining dance video with 4-5 members that would lighten the mood
of the audience. Apply your knowledge in Basic choreography (Week 6-7). To observe social distancing, shoot it
virtually. It shall be submitted on December 10.
Standards Your product must meet the following standards:

Excellent Proficient Satisfactory Beginning Mark

10 8 6 4
Entertainment X Superb Mostly entertaining Minimal Very minimal
2 entertainment entertainment. entertainment.
Music X Combined more Combined 5 upbeat Combined 4 upbeat Combined 3 upbeat
1 than 6 upbeat music music. music. music.
Choreography X Movements are very Movements are Movements are less Movements are not
2 appealing and appealing and appealing and so appealing and
funny. funny. funny. funny.
Energy X Excellent energy Just enough energy Low energy No energy
Total ____ / 60


Show your best moves!!!!!!

Prepared by:

Sir Yeck

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