Informal Letter: Dear Jane, para 1

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Informal letter

Imagine you are writing to a real friend . Write in a personal and friendly tone. You can use
contractions, informal linking words( well, by the way, anyway, so etc), idiomatic phrases.

The structure is:

Dear Jane,

Para 1. Thanks for your letter. It was so nice to hear from you. Sorry for having been out of

touch for a while. I’m happy/sorry to hear that…

Para 2

Para 3

Para 4 Well, that’s all for now. Looking forward to hearing from you/ seeing you soon.
Ok, that’s all for now. Give my regards to your family.

Best wishes, / Love,


Writing task (Independent external evaluation 2014)

You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she complains that his/

her parents want him/her to read classical authors, while he/she is fond of fantasy.

Write a letter to your pen-friend in which you tell him/her

• whether your parents influence your choice of books to read

• what is your favorite literary genre and why

• where you usually get books you’d like to read

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use any personal information (e. g., names,

dates, addresses, etc.). Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Sample answer :
Dear Jane,

It is sad to hear about your parents’ influence on your reading preferences. If they like

classical authors, it does not mean that you must be fond of reading them too. Try to

talk and persuade them. They must understand you.

As for me, my parents have never told me what to read or what music to listen to. They

always teach me to be independent and make any choice myself. Speaking about literature

I must admit that my favourite genre is fantasy, too. I adore reading about events or places

which cannot be seen in real life. Reading fantasy gives me enormous portion of ideas

and emotions. It inspires me to be creative.

Although there is one little problem. As usual, I borrow books from our school library, but I have

already read almost all of them, and nothing interesting is left there. So, I made up my mind to

search for something fresh and exciting on the Internet.

Unfortunately, reading online turned out to be not so useful for my eyes. They get tired quickly.

Maybe you have got some nice books. I would be grateful to you for those you liked most of all

and your reasons why. I am looking forward to your letter.

Best wishes,


Як самостійно перевіряти завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю з

англійської мови.
Задля успішного написання відповіді на завдання з розгорнутою відповіддю (далі буде

просто – власне висловлювання) треба, перш за все, уважно ознайомитись з Критеріями

оцінювання цього завдання. Отож, давайте пройдемось по кожному з критеріїв. Візьмімо

для прикладу ЗНО з англійської мови 2014.

Змістове наповнення.
В завданні є короткий опис ситуації та завжди 3 пункти, які треба висвітлити. В даному

випадку: потрібно написати лист-відповідь другу (формат – особистий лист), батьки якого

змушують його читати класичну літературу, хоча йому до вподоби фентезі. Далі – 3 пункти

–план письмової роботи. Обов’язково потрібно розкрити всі.І буде вам уже 6 балів, по 2

бали за кожен. В цьому дуже великий плюс – вам не треба придумувати свій план і що б

це таке написати. Дотримуйтесь простої схеми письмової роботи:

1) звертання;

2) вступ – подяка за лист, враження від «ситуації»;

3) розкриття 3 пунктів;

4) логічне завершення думки в кінці, підбадьорення, приміром:

”I hope, you will talk to your parents and…”, “I guess, everything will be fine…”.

Структура тексту та зв’язність.

Цей критерій розбитий на дві частини: логіка викладу та зв’язність тексту. Перевіряючи свою

роботу, вдумайтесь, чи пов’язані всі речення однією темою, логічним ланцюжком.

А зв’язність перевіряється наявністю зв’язкових слів. Наприклад, first of all, firstly, secondly,

besides, in my opinion, of course, actually,finally. Все добре? Тоді ще 2 бали. Друга частина :

відповідність формату – особистий чи офіційний лист. Якщо робота відповідає стандарту

неформального листа,це надасть вам ще2 бали.

Використання лексики.

З цим досить складно, оскільки самостійно оцінити якість використаної лексики суб’єктивно

майже неможливо. Ви все одно будете орієнтуватись на свій рівень, і письмова робота

здаватиметься нормальною. Принаймні ви можете попрацювати зі словником, перевірити

значення слів чи правильність вживання ідіом, які, безумовно, вітаються. Головне –без

помилок у словах/виразах, а в реченнях без таких, через які зміст стає незрозумілим.

Висловлюваннямає складатись з англійських речень, а не українських, які лише складені

з англійських слів. 2 бали надаються,якщо «продемонстровано достатній словниковий

запас для вирішення заданої комунікативної ситуації. Можлива наявність лексичних (не

більше трьох) помилок, які не впливають на розуміння написаного».

Використання граматики.

Критерій, який теж вимагає навички подивитись на свою роботу з іншої «колокольні».

Це можливо, якщо перечитати/перевірити свою роботу не відразу, а через деякий час

після того, як написали. Через пару годин,а краще на другий день, так би мовити, «на

свіжу голову». Зробивши так, знайдеться чимало помилок та моментів, які краще

поправити, замінити. Якщо під час справжнього ЗНО, то рекомендується спочатку

написати на чернетці, потім перейти до тестових завдань, і лише потім перечитати роботу

на чернетці. Є сумніви щодо написаного? Краще не писати, вжити простіший час,

перефразувати, але бути впевненими в кожному реченні. (Це стосується і лексики, і всієї

письмової роботи в цілому). За цей критерій - ще 2 бали,причому 2 бала надаються,якщо

робота не містить помилок або є помилки (не більше восьми),що не заважають розумінню

написаного, крім помилок на:вживання числа і особи в дієслівних часових формах;

порушення порядку слів у реченні; вживання частки to з інфінітивом; вживання

незлічуваних іменників (типу advice). Якщо ж серед восьми помилок є помилка, що

відповідає хоч одному з перерахованих вище мовних явищ, робота оцінюється в 1 бал.

0 балів отримають ті у роботи, в яких велика кількість помилок, що унеможливлюють

розуміння написаного.


Не забувайте, що крім цим критеріїв є ще один – обсяг власного висловлювання. За нього

не даються бали, проте має бути не менше 100 слів, інакше робота не перевірятиметься.

Втім, у менше як сотню слів навряд чи вдасться вкластись, щоб повністю розкрити всі

умови та написати гарний лист. Нескладний підрахунок покаже в сумі 14 заповітних балів за

письмову роботу, яких щиро всім бажаємо.)

Writing task

Write an e-mail to your friend. Tell him about the club you have joined. Say:

- what the reason for joining the club was; - what questions you were asked;

- what you have been doing recently.

Ask:- what your friend has been busy with; - whether he / she has joined any club.

Sample answer

Hi Pete,

Guess what? Jack and I have joined a health club. I haven’t taken any exercise for months, and I
have put on quite a lot of weight. The fitness test was so embarrassing. They ask questions like
"Have you run for a bus recently? How did you feel afterwards? When you have climbed a lot of
stairs, are you out of breath?"

Well, I have been very busy at school recently and I haven’t had time to go to the swimming pool
or go for a walk, so I didn’t do very well in the test! Neither did David. He has spent a lot of time
doing his computer project in the last six months, and although he has gone swimming every day,
he hasn’t felt so unfit for years.

Have you been to a health club? Did you enjoy it? I’ll write and let you know how we get on.

Best wishes,


Task 1.

Write a letter introducing yourself and your family to your pen friend, using the plan below:


Para 1: greeting; your full name, age, what you look like, where you live.

Para 2, 3: your family: names, ages, jobs, what they look like.

Para 4: ask your friend to write back; closing remarks; your signature.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.

Task 2. Imagine you have got a letter from an English-speaking friend who asks you what young
people in your country usually do in their spare time. Write a reply to him/her using the plan
below: PLAN

Para 1: greeting; what young people in Ukraine are usually interested in.

Para 2: if their interests are different from the hobbies of the young people of the 20th century; if
boys/girls have the same or different interests.

Para 3: what clubs young people attend; what books they read; what music they listen to; what
films they watch.

Para 4: if young people care about environment/politics/social problems; closing remarks; your

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.

Task 3. Imagine you are spending a week’s holiday at an activity camp. Write a letter to your
friend using the paragraph plan below: PLAN

Para 1: greeting; how long you are staying there; weather conditions and food.

Para 2, 3: what you are doing there; which of the activities you like and which ones you don’t like
very much. Para 4: how you feel about the camp and whether you could recommend it; closing
remarks; your signature. Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Start your letter with:

Dear ,

I’m writing this letter from the activity camp.

Best wishes,

Task 4. Imagine you visited a place in your country which you really liked. Write a letter to your
friend about it using the paragraph plan below: PLAN

Para 1: greeting; some words about where the place is situated and why you went there.

Para 2: further details about the place; weather conditions. Para 3: what you saw and what you
did there. Para 4: how you feel about the place and whether you recommend to visit it or not;
closing remarks; your signature.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.

Task 5. Imagine that your pen friend from England is coming to your city/town and he/she wants
to know about it. Write a letter telling about your city/ town, using the given plan below:

Para 1: greeting; a few words about the purpose of your writing.

Para 2, 3: write where your city/town is situated, how large it is, what the population is, what river
it stands on, what places of interest there are.

Para 4: tell that you are proud of your town/city and love it very much; closing remarks; your

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.

Task 6. Imagine you are studying at a summer school in England. Write a letter to your parents
about a friend you met here according to the plan:

Para 1: greeting; some words about your new friend: what your friend’s name is; what your friend
looks like. Para 2: what features of character you like in your friend; what features of character
you don’t really like in your friend. Para 3: what your friend likes doing; what your friend hates;
your friend’s favourite things.

Para 4: what common interests or traits of character you and your friend both have; closing
remarks; your signature.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.
Task 7. Imagine that a friend of yours has received some money and he/she plans to use all of it:

— to go on vacation; — to buy a car.

Your friend has asked you for advice. Compare your friend’s two choices and explain which one
you think your friend should make. Use specific reasons and details to support your choice.

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates or addresses.

Task 8. Imagine that a friend of yours sent you a letter asking for your advice as he/she and
his/her parents disagree about what university he/she should study at. Write a letter giving your
friend some advice according to the plan:

Para 1: greeting; mention receiving your friend’s letter; express sympathy.

Para 2, 3: give your advice and the reasons for it.

Para 4: closing remarks: end the letter offering some encouragement/ wishing the person good
luck; express certainty that things will get better soon; your signature.

Write a letter of at least 100 words.

Task 9. Imagine you won an English language contest and spent a month at a school in the USA.
Write the letter home (100-120 words) telling your family about:

- the school system; - the weather; - the people; - the language; - the food.

Task 10. Imagine you’re on vacation in Poland. You haven’t seen your friend for several weeks.

Write a friendly letter (in 100-120 words) to your friend informing him / her:

- where you spend the weekends; - what fun you have; - what you do on week days;

- what things you like / dislike; - ask about your friend’s summer holidays.

Task 11. Write a note to your classmate giving news about your friend who is ill.

Say why you aren’t able to visit him. Promise to send a card / a letter.

Suggest meeting after school on Friday.

Task 12. Write a thank-you note to your aunt for the birthday present. Say:

- you liked the present very much; - the colour fits the present perfectly;

- when you are planning to use the present; - say thank you again.

Task 13. Your friend invited you for lunch but you forgot about the date and didn’t come. Write

the letter of apology. In the letter:

- apologize for not coming; - write you were busy at school; - invite your friend to lunch next week.

Task 14. You are preparing for a holiday. Invite your friend to come to the party you are
organizing. Say:

- what the holiday is; - when it is; - what you are going to do after the party;

- you would like to see your friend there; - your family will pick him / her up from the station /

airport; - where your friend can sleep.

Task 15. Write a thank-you letter to your friend.

Say thank you for the invitation to the party / concert / performance you have visited. Mention
what you liked there. Invite your friend to come to your place on a holiday.

Task 16. You recently entered a competition on TV and won a holiday for two to a beach resort.
Write a letter a friend telling him/her how you won the holiday, describing the holiday and inviting
them to join. Do not write any postal addresses. Write your letter.

Task 17. You have been doing voluntary work at a hospital for sick animals. Write a letter to your
English­ speaking friend, Alex, describing what you do and what you are enjoying about the
experience. Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.

Task 18. You have recently read a book which you enjoyed very much. Write a letter to an
English-speaking friend, recommending the book and explaining why you thought it was so good.
Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.

Task 19. You recently went on a day trip to a popular tourist attraction in your country. Write a
letter to your Canadian penfriend, describing the day and explaining which part you enjoyed the
most and why. Write your letter.

Task 20. You have just finished a four-week holiday job at a local funfair or leisure and
entertainment centre. You enjoyed this experience and want to tell your English penfriend about
it. Write a letter to your penfriend, describing the work you did and explaining why you enjoyed it.
Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.

Task 21. You have recently moved to another city and begun studies at a language school there.
Your friend from your last language school has asked you the following questions in their recent

I really miss having you around at school. Tell me about your new school. What
was your first day like? Is your new school different from this one? And how are
the teachers and the other students?
Write a letter to your friend, answering the questions in their letter. Do not write any postal
addresses. Write your letter.

Task 22. You have recently seen a music concert, which you enjoyed very much. Write a letter to
an English­ speaking penfriend, describing the concert and explaining why you thought it was so
good. Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses.

Task 23. Write a letter to your friend about a museum that you have visited. Write three
paragraphs that focus on: where you went, what you saw there, how you felt about it. Write at
least 100 words.

Task 24. You have recently moved to a different house. Write a letter to an English-speaking friend.
In your letter - explain why you have moved , - describe the new house. - invite your friend to come
and visit. Write at least 100 words.

Task 25. An English-speaking friend has written to you to ask you how your Independent
evaluation studies are going. Write a letter telling your friend how you are preparing for the test.
In your letter: -say what progress you are making, - explain how you are preparing for the test, -
say which section you are finding the most difficult. You should write at least 100 words. You do
NOT need to write your own address.

Letter (2016) You 've got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/ she complains that
there has been a lot of rain in his/ her region lately, so he/ she can 't spend much time outdoors
and feels bored at home. Write a letter to your pen -friend in which you tell him/ her

• whether you have a lot of spare time at present and why or why not

• how you usually spend your free time indoors

• your advice on how to make his/ her stay at home more exciting

Write a letter of at least I 00 words. Do not use your real

name or any personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Letter(2016) You are going to spend a week in London. You are planning to travel on a tiny
budget and don't have many connections in Britain. Your English pen-friend has agreed to meet
you at the airport and help with getting around London. Write a letter to your pen-friend in which

1) give the details of your arrival in Britain 2) say what you look like to be recognized

3) explain what you would like to do and see in London

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not use your real name or any personal information. Start
your letter in an appropriate way.

Letter (2015) You have received a letter from your pen-friend in which he/she writes that he/she
has been playing basketball for years. Now he/she has decided to start judo. Write him/ her a
letter in which you explain

• whether you support his/her decision to take up one more kind of sport and why

• what kinds of sport are popular with your friends

• whether you do any sports or watch sports competitions on TV

Letter (2012) You’ve got a letter from your English pen-friend in which he/she wrote you about
his/her future plans. He/she wants to become an actor. And your friend is sure that this profession
will give him/her the opportunity to become famous and make a lot of money. Write a letter to
your pen-friend in which say • about your thoughts regarding his/her career plans
• what you are going to do after leaving school • how you prepare yourself for your future
profession • what you think is necessary to be successful in your future job.

Letter (2009) You’ve received a letter from your English pen-friend. He/she wrote that he/she had
problems with the study of French at school and thought that French lessons were tiresome and
not interesting. He/she likes Maths and History better than French. Write a letter to your pen-
friend in which you write • why studying foreign languages is important • about the foreign
language lessons in your school • about your foreign language teacher/teachers and • advise
him/her how to make the study of foreign languages easier and more interesting. Write an
informal letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses.

Letter (2011) Last month you took an active part in the TV quiz show “Around the World”. And
you’ve won a prize – two tickets for a tour of Ukraine. Write a letter to your friend in which you
· invite him/her to join you · describe the means of travel and accommodations · describe two
special places you are going to visit · give suggestions what he/she will need to take with
him/her. Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses
or other personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

Funny informal letter

Yo Chris,

Hey, man, thanks for the letter, it was great to hear from you again. Sorry I didn't write sooner, but
I just got back from my vacation. I bet you want to know where I went.

Well, me and three buds went to a place called Mojacar, near Almeria, but it turned out to be a
bummer at first.

We rented some rooms in a hotel near the town, but when we got there we were real
disappointed. The crappy rooms were dirty and you could hardly see any ocean. The staff acted
shitty to us too. So we blew that place and found another one.

The next hotel was perfect except for price. Way too much. But it had a humongous swimming
pool. They had a free dance class, so I took a few lessons. Still like the mosh pit better. Staff was
cool and on the ball. We still couldn't see the ocean from our rooms, but we had a blast all the

Well, gotta go and finish unpacking. Looking forward to seeing you in July!

Hi to everybody.
Formal letter
It is a formal piece of writing that means: use a formal, neutral style: no contractions, no
colloquial language, no direct questions, no informal punctuation such as exclamation

Begin with Dear Sir or Madam (if you don’t know the name of your addressee)

Dear Mr/ Mrs Perry (if the name is given in the task)

Divide your letter into 3 -4 paragraphs. Use formal, clear and polite language. In Para 1
state why you are writing. Do not copy phrases from the task. In Para 2 and 3 develop the
topic answering the questions from the task. In Para 4 summarize the problem and state
what actions you would like to be taken. Do not forget to finish the letter properly. If you
do not know the name of the addressee, end the letter with Yours faithfully. If the name is
given in the task, end the letter with Yours sincerely. Do not forgive to write your full
name .

Letter of complaint
The plan:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Para 1 I am writing to complain about../ I would like to know more about…

Para 2 Firstly/ To begin with, …

Para 3 Secondly/ Moreover, …

Para 4 In the light of the above, I would like to ask you for/ I think I can ask for

compensation (refund)…

I hope you will give this matter immediate attention. I look forward to receiving a reply
from you.

Yours faithfully,

Full name

Letter of complaint writing task
You recently went on a coach trip with ‘Easy Coach’ bus company. In their advertisement they
promised an enjoyable day trip to a shopping centre. In fact, it was a total disaster. Write a letter
of complaint and ask for your money back.

We offer a fast, reliable service from your town, directly to the heart of the
biggest indoor shopping centre in Europe. Travel in comfort and spend the day
visiting all the most important brand name stores. Our drivers will get you to
your destination safely and on time. Relax and enjoy the trip!

Write your letter of complaint in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to complain about the ‘Easy Coach’ day trip to Stilton Keynes shopping complex on
December 16th.

According to your brochure, the coach was supposed to leave at 8.30 in the morning but
unfortunately it arrived late and we did not set off until 9.00 so the driver went too fast and the
passengers were quite worried. What is more, the journey took nearly three hours instead of two.

To make matters worse, when we finally arrived at the shopping centre, most of the main shops
were closed! On top of that, the coach broke down on the return journey and we had to wait for
an hour before another coach came to pick us up.

I am extremely disappointed about wasting my day and feel your company is to blame. I am,
therefore, writing to request an immediate refund of the 12 pounds I spent on the ticket. I am
afraid that your leaflet is rather misleading. .

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours faithfully,

Mr. Lawson

Letter of complaint writing task

You saw this advertisement in the local newspaper and it looked nice. Unfortunately, the place did
not meet your expectations and you were unhappy with the service.

Ambience Restaurant is the best place to meet up with your friends and spend a
pleasant evening in good company. Privacy, comfort and relaxing background
music, plus a great choice of vegetarian dishes. Come and enjoy! Satisfaction
guaranteed! Efficient service is our priority.
Write a letter to Mrs. Jameson, the manager of the restaurant, and ask for your money back.


Dear Mrs. Jameson,

I am writing to inform you that I was extremely disappointed with my recent visit to your
restaurant. I read your advertisement in the newspaper and decided to spend an evening there
with my friend. Unfortunately, I have a number of serious complaints concerning this visit.

According to your advertisement, the place is perfect for holding private conversations in a
relaxing atmosphere. However, it turned out that the music was so loud that we could hardly hear
each other. When we asked the waiter to turn the music down, he shrugged his shoulders rudely
and said that other guests were quite happy. Is that what you mean by ‘efficient service’?

To make matters worse, the place was crowded and we waited an eternity to be served. Although
the food was reasonably good, I consider it to be overpriced.

I would like you to take these points into consideration and I expect a refund from your

I trust you will give this matter immediate attention and look forward to receiving your reply as
soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Mr. Lawson

1. Letter of complaint. Read this extract from a letter you have recently sent to a friend:

.... Oh, and by the way, don't go to Barry's Restaurant for your birthday. We went
there last night - the service was awful and the food was a disaster! I complained
to the head waiter but he asked me to put it in writing ...

Write your letter of complaint to the restaurant manager.

2. Letter of complaint. You have bought a new mobile phone and in a few days of purchase it has
stopped working. You spoke to the company representative a week ago but it has still not been
repaired. Write a letter to the company. In your letter:

- introduce yourself - explain the situation - say what action you would like to company to take.

3. Letter of complaint. Topic: you went to see a good film but you could not enjoy it because of
some problems in the cinema. Write a letter to the cinema manager. You should tell

- When you watched the film

- What problem you experienced in the cinema - What the manager should do.

4. Letter of complaint. . You had a meal at a restaurant. You are not happy with the service. Write
to the manager to complain about it. Give details about the problems and request some
compensation or refund.

5. Letter of complaint. You are a member of an organization which meets regularly at a particular
restaurant. The most recent meal you had there was not satisfactory. Write a letter to the manager

- Introduce yourself and explain why you are writing, - Explain

of the restaurant. In your letter

what was wrong with the food and the service, - Suggest what he/she should do to ensure that
you and your group return to the restaurant.

6. Letter of complaint. You recently bought a piece of equipment for your kitchen but it did not
work. You phoned the shop but no action was taken. Write a letter to the shop manager. In your
letter: • describe the problem with the equipment • explain what happened when you phoned
the shop • say what you would like the manager to do.

7. Letter of complaint. You travelled by plane last week and your suitcase was lost. You have still
heard nothing from the airline company. Write to the airline and - explain what happened

- describe your suitcase and tell them what was in it - find out what they are going to do about it.

8. Letter of complaint. You are attending a course in London. Last week, because the trains were
delayed by bad weather, you were late for college every day. On the worst day, the train was 1
hour 20 minutes late and you missed two classes. This is an extract from an information
leaflet you have picked up at the station.

We hope you have a pleasant journey with Capital Rail, but if you have any
comments or complaints about our services, please write to the Customer Care
Manager at the address below. What we promise to do when things go wrong:
If you are delayed for more than one hour you may claim rail vouchers to the value
of 50% of the journey made.
Write a letter to the Customer Care Manager at Capital Rail complaining about the poor service
you have experienced and asking for compensation. Use your own words as far as possible.

9. Letter of complaint


You’ll be met at the airport.

You’ll have free transfer from the airport to the hotel.
You can see the sandy beach from the hotel.
The hotel is modern and comfortable.
The restaurant serves excellent food
You read the advertisement and booked a holiday in "The Blue Sky" hotel. You went there but
none of the things the agent said were true. Write a formal letter of complaint (100-120 words) to
Mr Brown, the travel agent about the problems you had on holiday.

Mention: - the journey; - the hotel; - the food; - the lost (stolen) things; - the place you
had a rest. Ask for a refund for the holiday.

8. Letter of complaint. Write a letter of complaint about the faulty gadget you bought. Include
the information: - what the gadget is called; - when and where you bought it; - what the
problem is. Tell the company you are returning the gadget. Ask them to replace it.
9. Letter of Complaint. You recently had your computer fixed at the local computer store,
however, you are not pleased with the service you received. Write a letter to the store manager.
In the letter: -- describe the situation. -- explain why you are dissatisfied. -- say what you want the
manager to do.

10. Letter of complaint. People in your area are having problems with their internet connection.
Write a letter to the company which provides the connection. In your letter: - describe the
problem, - explain how this problem affects people, - say what the company should do to help.

11. Letter of complaint. You recently stayed in a hotel in a large city. The weather was unusual for
the time of year and the heating/ cooling system in the hotel was quite inadequate. Write a letter
to the manager of the hotel. In your letter : - give details of what went wrong, - explain what you
had to do to overcome the problem at the time, - say what actions you would like the manager to
take. You should write at least 100 words.

12. Letter of complaint. You have just come back from a holiday which was spoilt because several
things went wrong on the journey. Read the advertisement and the notes which you have made,
then write your letter of complaint to Eagle Air. Add some of your own complaints. Write
between 120 and 180 words.

Sample answer:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I have just returned from a trip to Athens with

Eagle Airlines, and I am afraid to say I was most
dissatisfied with many aspects of my flight.

First of all, the plane was cramped, especially as

we were forced to leave our luggage on the floor.
Also, the toilets were absolutely disgusting and I
had to wait till our arrival in Athens to use the
toilets here.

To make the matters worse, there was little to do

during the journey. There were no newspapers to
read and the only in-flight movie was a children’s
cartoon. Furthermore, the steward was most
rude when I asked him for a hot meal, which we
had been promised in you leaflet. All we got
during the trip was a cold snack.

Finally, let me say the cost of the flight was not

much cheaper than a regular flight on other airlines, although Eagle Air advertise their flights as
much less expensive than the others. This is simply not true.

I do not intend to flight Eagle Air again, as you can imagine, and I would appreciate at least a letter
of explanation, if not an apology.
Yours faithfully,
Stanley Walmsley
How not to write:
Dear Thailand Getaway,

I am writing to you because your fancy trip wasn't any good. All the promised attractions were
either out of order or queued by a hundred donkeys.

"Relax on beautiful sandy beaches... " What the hell? I didn't see anything that reminded me sand
on that beach and I couldn't walk there unless I stepped on somebody. It was like a nazi
consentration camp after a barbeque.

Snorkelling? What am I, a dolphin? I need proper equipment to breathe under water. People will
drown, you idiots, if you won't bring them equipment to get oxygen. And the elephants. There
were so many people that I couldn't even see the big bastard.

Even the simplest thing - cycling. You idiots have bikes that will kill people the moment they start
riding them. I almost got hit by an elephant, because the brakes didn't work. Yes! A f***ing
elephant!! I couldn't see one if I was looking for it, and almost got killed by it.

Get your shit together and make things work. Oh, and I want my money back or I will sue your ass.

Matt Merts,
an unhappy customer

Letter of application
This is another formal piece of writing , which means using a formal, neutral style: no
contractions, no colloquial language, no direct questions, no informal punctuation such as
exclamation marks.


Read the task through carefully and underline key words and phrases in the advertisement
and the notes. Use a formal style and include the following information in order:

1. Why are you writing, where you saw the advertisement and which position you are
applying for

2. Why are you a suitable candidate (your skills and qualifications).

3. When you will be available and how you can be contacted.

The plan:

Dear Sir or Madam,

Para 1 I have read your advertisement in the local newspaper and would like to apply for
the position of a ..I am eighteen years old and I am a final year secondary school student/ a
first year student at National University in Kyiv. At present I am doing a degree in

Para 2 I think I would be suitable for the job as I have relevant experience. ..

Para 3 Regarding my personal qualities, I am very enthusiastic, hard-working and

responsible. Moreover, I am also ... or I think I have good skills and personal qualities
which are suitable for this position. Firstly, I am sociable and friendly which means that I
could… Moreover, I am persuasive so I would be able to… Finally, I am very responsible

Para 4 I attach a full CV, and I would be happy to provide any further information . I would
also be happy if you could... (ask relevant questions if the task tells to do so). I am available
for an interview at any time convenient to you. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours faithfully ,

Your full name

Positive Character Traits for the Workplace

Ambitious, clever, competitive, creative, efficient, energetic ,enthusiastic, flexible, friendly, hard-
working, honest, loyal, patient, persuasive, punctual, responsible, reliable, sociable, stress-
resistant. A team player. Computer - literate. Get on well with people. Good command of English.
Speak English fluently.

Letter of application writing task

You have found an advertisement in local newspaper offering seasonal work for students in one of
the hotels in the area and you would like to apply for a summer job in Brighton.

Write a letter to the manager of the hotel in which you present your qualifications, skills and


at a busy hotel in Brighton
No previous experience necessary, but languages required. We are looking for
young students who are free for summer work and who enjoy contact with the
general public.
Please send us a letter saying why you are suitable for the job.
Write your letter of application in 140-190 words.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I saw your recent advertisement in the local newspaper and am writing to enquire whether you
have any vacancies for temporary work this summer.

At present, I am a second year student at university, taking a degree course in tourism, and I
would very much appreciate the opportunity to work in a hotel during my vacation, as I think it
would be good experience for me in dealing with the general public.

Although I have no experience in a hotel, I am very keen to learn and would be willing to accept
any work you may be able to offer me. I can speak French, German and Spanish as well as English. I
feel my language skills could be useful for this position.

I enclose a recent photograph and my C.V. If you require any further details, I will be happy to
send them to you. I can be contacted until the middle of June at the above address and telephone
number and am available for an interview at any time.

I look forward to receiving your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Peter Lawson

Letter of application writing task

You have seen the following job advertisement in your local youth centre. Send a letter to Mr.
Johnson, the activity leader, saying why you are suitable for the job.


(Weekends only)
Would you like to work with young children aged 6-12? Do you have lots of
energy? Are you an excellent swimmer?
If so, then we want to hear from you. Our children’s club needs someone
responsible to look after a group of 10 children to teach them swimming and other
Write your letter of application in 140-190 words in an appropriate style.


Dear Mr. Johnson,

I saw your advertisement in the youth club last week and I am writing to apply for the position of
an activity co-ordinator at weekends.

I am currently studying a university degree in Physical Education and hope to become a P.E.
teacher when I finish. Swimming and lifesaving are subjects in my degree course, so I am an
experienced swimmer.
I have been coaching a local kids football team for the last 2 years and am a very keen tennis and
golf player. I also play chess to a good level and have taken part in a number of tournaments and
taught young children to play in the local club.

I am free to work at weekends, have plenty of time and energy and feel I would be suitable for
this position. I enclose a recent photo with my C.V. and am available for an interview any evening.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Lawson

1. Letter of application. You have seen the following job advertisement in your local newspaper.

(Friday and Saturday nights only)
We are very busy on Friday and Saturday nights because we own the biggest night
club in Europe. We are looking for someone who is reponsible and full of energy to
look after our two children. Our youngest child is 6 and the eldest is 10. We will
pay very well for a suitable candidate. Please contact us as soon as possible if you
are interested.
Send a letter to Mrs Klubber saying why you are suitable for the job.

2. Letter of application. You have seen this advertisement for a job in a local English-language


We need someone to work in our cafe in the evenings. You must speak English and
have a friendly personality. You also need to have:
• experience of working in a cafe or restaurant
• the ability to communicate well with customers
• a willingness to work hard
Please write to Ms B Lattimer explaining why you think you are suitable for the job.
Write your letter of application. Do not write any postal addresses.

3. Letter of application. You have just seen this advertisement in a local newspaper.

International Book Fair

Wanted: people of all ages to work at an international book fair taking place in
London from 10th to 15th June. Accommodation and travel costs will be paid for.
Applicants must be:
- interested in different kinds of books.
- cheerful and good at dealing with people.
- able to speak English (other languages an advantage).
Apply in writing, explaining why you would be a suitable person to help at the fair. Write your
letter of application. Do not write any addresses.

4. Letter of application. You have just seen this advertisement in a local newspaper.

Enthusiastic sports instructors wanted for our winter camp in January, working
with groups of 10-12 year olds. The previous experience is necessary.
Write with a CV to Mr Harasevych,
Winter Mountain Camp "Hoverla"
Write your letter of application. Do not write any postal addresses.

5. Letter of application. You have seen this announcement in a local English-language newspaper.

We want an enthusiastic person to work at weekends, when we show a
variety of films for English-speaking audiences. You need to be:
• good at dealing with people
• prepared to work nights
• able to speak English reasonably well

Write to Ms Agnes Kirby, explaining why you would be suitable for the job. Write your letter. Do
not write any postal addresses.

6. Letter of application. You see this advertisement in an international newspaper.

We are looking for an enthusiastic and committed person with a good knowledge
of the European financial markets to work as a trainee manager in our new Madrid
branch. This is a challenging and demanding position for banking and finance
We offer flexible working hours, a fully-supported staff development programme,
a clothing allowance and intensive language course in English and/or Spanish.
Excellent prospects for promotion.
Salary € 25,000- € 35,000- a year depending on experience.
Send a letter of application to: Marianna Hardy, 349c High Road, London, UK
You must answer this question. Write your letter in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the
separate answer sheet.

7. Letter of application. Look at the following job advertisement:

Trainee Managers for the Trading and Commercial Bank

We will be recruiting trainee managers to start work In late June or early July in
our branches all over Europe. Applicants should have a degree in an appropriate
area and a knowledge of English and/or German. Apply in writing to:
The Personnel Officer
Trading and Commercial Bank
134 Collins Street Manchester
Write a letter of application.
8. Letter of application. You have seen this advertisement for a job in a local newspaper.

pop rock jazz classical salsa blues

• Are you interested in different kinds of music?
• Are you hard-working and reliable?
• Do you have any useful experience?
Apply to the shop manager, Mr Holborn, explaining why you would be suitable
for the job.
Write your letter of application. Do not write any postal addresses.

9. Letter of application. You have seen this advertisement for a job in a local newspaper.

Want a summer job in a beautiful location? A campsite located in stunning Scottish

countryside has the following vacancy: Receptionist. A good level of English and
another foreign language is required / experience of working with customers
would be useful).
Write a letter of application.

10. Letter of application. You see the following advertisement in the newspaper. Write a letter
applying for one of these positions and asking for more details about the discounts. Do not write
any addresses.

Trainee Travel Agents

We are looking for students who are interested in training to become travel
agents. To join our training scheme you must have a knowledge of English and an
interest in travelling. These positions are unpaid, but you will receive large
discounts on all our organised tours and holidays.
Write to: Maria Sampras
Via Ardipane
Rome 04100
Write a letter of application.

11. Letter of application. You have seen the following job advertisement on the noticeboard of
your local language school:


(Monday and Wednesday evenings only)
Our language school is looking for a person to help organise a Film Club for
students of English. Our Film Club will meet twice a week to watch a film in
English followed by a discussion of the film. Do you have some knowledge of
English? Do you like working with groups of people? Are you interested in films? If
you think you would be a suitable person to organise our Film Club then we would
like to hear from you. Please send a letter to the school owner saying why you are
suitable for the job.
Write your letter of application in 120-180 words to the school owner.

12. Letter of application. You have seen an advertisement in the newspaper for a job working as a
receptionist in a big hotel during the summer season. You decide to apply for the job. Write a letter
to the manager of the hotel. In your letter, -introduce yourself - explain what former experience
and skills you have in relation to the position - explain why you’re interested in the job. Write at
least 100 words. You do NOT need to write any addresses.

13. Letter of application. You are going on a month training programme to the UK and know that
the head of the course would like one of the participants to be the social events’ organiser. Write a
letter to the Training Organiser - expressing your interest in the role, - requesting more
information about it. - explaining what experience you have. Write at least 150 words.

14. Letter of application. You have seen an advertisement for a weekend job as a local tour guide
showing visitors around your city.Write a letter of application to the tourism office. In the letter:
- give your reasons for wanting the job, - explain why you think you can do the job, - describe any
relevant experience you have.

Letter to the editor

This is a formal type of letter. It is a response to a specific article, but it could also be a
response to an event or issue in the community. The plan:

Dear Sir/ Madam,

Para 1 state the reason for writing and your opinion about the topic. If the letter is a reply
to an article, mention when and where you read it.

Para 2 Present your viewpoint giving a reason and example

Para 3 Present another point/reason

Para 4 Summarise your opinion and state what action you expect to be taken

Yours faithfully,

Your full name

Letter to the Editor writing task

You have recently read the following magazine article:

Is it the end of the printed book as we know it? According to internet experts, the
book is dead. What they are predicting is that by 2020 90% of everything we read
will be in electronic form. So the form of the book that has been around for 1300
years will become extinct...
Write a letter to the editor of 'Future Net' giving your views.

Dear Sir,

I am writing to you after reading the article about the influence of computers on printed books. I
want to share my opinion with you and all readers. The article says that according to the internet
experts, books are dead and will soon become extinct. The predictions for 2020 that you stated are
very alarming.

Computers have become very common in recent years. Every month the number of people using
the Internet is increasing. The biggest advantage of reading in electronic format is that we can
modify the text whenever we want. Pages will never ever grow yellow. Buying electronic books on
cd-rom or downloading from the Internet is (in my country) cheaper (and easier, of course). You
can easily print a selected piece of a chapter or find a word you are looking for.

However, after considering all these advantages, I am not even a little bit convinced of the need for
electronic books. Reading from a computer monitor tires your eyes very much and soon you can
simply become bored and lose heart. You can only read when there is a computer nearby, never on
the bus or train. What is more, a large number of people are used to the printed forms of books. It
is even said that they have souls, can feel and miss when they have not been read for a long time.
Although there are more advantages to using electronic books, personally I will never give up using
and reading printed versions. I partly agree with the writer of the article because one can never
foresee the future, for example, in 20 years. In my opinion, only if prices of computers decrease
and more and more people can afford to use the Internet, will we be able to start thinking that the
printed form of book will become extinct. But we have nothing to worry about now.

Yours faithfully,

Ann Zagorna

1.Letter to the Editor (2013)

Listening to a radio programme you heard different people discussing the topic of friendship
between teens. You have decided to write a letter to the editor of the programme. In your letter
• describe what kind of friend you prefer and why • say what can cause a friendship to go wrong
• argue whether it is better to have a wide circle of friends or a few close friends
Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write your own name, any dates, addresses or other
personal information. Start your letter in an appropriate way.

2. Letter to the Editor

A newspaper has published an article that defames somebody you know. Write a letter to the
editor of that newspaper explaining what details were wrong in the article. Your letter should also
suggest what the editor should do about the article.

3. Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the Editor of a newspaper expressing your views against the
insensitive(бездушный,необдуманный) use of loudspeakers.
4. Letter to the Editor

Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about the harmful effects of reckless driving. In your
letter you have to explain why reckless driving poses great danger to lives and property.

5. Letter to the Editor

You are reading your favourite newspaper and you come across a letter which attacks the
education system in your country (or a country that you know well):

...What a pity our school system is so out-of- date. I would suggest that some
major educational reforms are needed in this new century!
Yours sincerely
Prof Collins
To give YOUR view contact the editor by writing to...
Write a letter to the editor of the newspaper giving your response to Prof. Collins' letter .

Letter(2010) You have found out that the local council is planning to build a new supermarket not
far from your school instead of a sports centre. You have decided with your friends to write about
this plan to the major newspapers published in your city/region. Write a letter to the editor of an
English language newspaper in which you:

• say why you are writing • explain why sport is important to people

• explain why a supermarket should not be built in your area

• give your reasons why a sports centre would serve your city/region well

Write a letter of at least 100 words. Do not write any dates and addresses. Start your letter with

Dear Sir or Madam,

Other types of formal letters

1. This is the advertisement about the apartments for rent in Bulgaria and an e-mail letter to the
owner of the apartments about the last-minute booking.


You will spend a wonderful time in our new apartments in Green Valley, Bulgaria!
The comfortable apartments are in two-minute walk from the sea.
They have lovely views of the sea and the mountains.
Click here for more details.
To book, contact Meestour:
Write to Meestour for information.


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing with reference to your apartments in Green Valley in Bulgaria advertised on the
Meestour website, and would like to find out about the last-minute booking.

Ideally, I would like to come with my cousin for two weeks from next Saturday, June 26th. Could
you tell me if your apartments are available at that time?

I would be grateful if you could give me some information about bus tours. Could you tell me
whether it would be better to go to Sunny Beach or to Nesebre by bus?

Finally, we would like to try some surfing and mountain climbing while we are there. I’ve seen on
the Internet that there are two water sports schools in the area, and I was wondering if you could
recommend us the mountain climbing instructor?

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes,

Sonia Foliak

1. Writing task. You have seen a website for the apartments for rent in the Crimea. At the last
minute you and your cousin have decided you would like to go. Look at the advertisement and
write an e-mail letter (in 100-120 words) to the owner of the apartments. Write: - the reason for
your writing; - when you would like to come. Ask about: - bus tour excursions; - entertaining
centres on the sea coast.

2. Writing task. Your parents would like to send you to an English-speaking school. Write a formal
letter (of about 100-120 words) to the headmaster of a school and request information about the
school in response to an advertisement. In your letter say: - why you are writing. Ask about: -
the subjects taught in the school; - class sizes; - the school uniform; - the fee to pay.

3. Writing task. You want to spend your holidays at the seaside / in the mountains. Write a letter
of reservation to the hotel where you are going to stay. Mention: - how many rooms you want;
- when you arrive; - when you leave; - what kinds of rooms you would like; - ask to confirm
the reservation.

4. Writing task.

Finding it hard to remember important facts and figures? Improve your memory in
10 weeks with our Memory Course. Places are limited and the course is available
for only a short time.
You see the above advertisement for a course designed to help improve your memory. Write a
letter to the organiser of the course. In the letter: - give some background information about
yourself, - explain your own problems and why you would like to do the course, - enquire about
the methods used on the course, - enquire about course fees and dates. You should write at
least 150 words. You do not need to write any addresses.

5. Writing task. You are a student at University of Sydney. Your ID card has been stolen. Write to
the Local Police Station, giving details of who you are, what happened and asking what you should
do to get a new ID card. You should write at least 150 words. You do not need to write any

The purpose of a review is to give factual information about the subject, and to give an
opinion about it which will help the reader to decide whether to buy the book, see the
film or visit the exhibition. The plot is written in the Present Simple tense.

The plan:

1. Description of the subject( what is it? The name, author/director; what kind of book
/film-thriller, historical novel, science fiction etc; the main characters; are there any well-
known actors, the plot- give an outline, but no spoilers!)

2. Detailed comments on the successful and unsuccessful features of the subject.

You can comment on objective things (the photographs in a book were poor quality or the
costumes didn’t fit the actors properly, etc) and/or subjective ones (the story wasn’t
interesting or the film was too violent). Give reasons for your comments.

You may have strong positive or negative feelings about the subject of the review which is
no bad thing. However, try not to be completely one-sided.

3. Verdict – summing-up and recommendation

The last paragraph should sum up your feelings and make it clear to the reader whether
you recommend the subject without any reservations, recommend it with one or two
reservations, or don’t recommend it at all. In real life, readers often look at the last
paragraph of a review first to see what the general verdict is. Make sure your review gives
a clear verdict.

IMPORTANT – « You are allowed to lie in the exam! I personally hate the movie Titanic,
but I remember quite a lot about it. If I had the task of reviewing a movie I love, maybe I
would choose Titanic. The story is clear in my head, I remember the names of the actors,
the director and the theme song... I can pretend to like it if it helps me pass the exam...»

You can use a variety of adjectives to make your review more interesting.

really extraordinary/ fascinating / unimaginative / boring

quite interesting/ amusing / successful

absolutely amazing / beautiful/ stunning/ superb/ brilliant

fairly entertaining/ attractive / exciting/ informative

completely humourless / hopeless/ amateurish/ over the top/ predictable

Review writing task

You see this announcement in a Film and TV Magazine.

Film / TV show reviews wanted

Next month is National Science month. In next month’s issue, we want to
celebrate films and TV shows that promote science.
Do you know any shows or film which promote science? Write us a review,
explaining what it is about, why you enjoy it and why it encouraged you to learn
about science.
The best reviews will be published in our next issue.

Sample answer

A review of "Race to Witch Mountain" by Angelina Gore

One of the best films I have seen recently is Race to Witch Mountain. It’s an action movie directed
by Andy Fickman, starring Dwayne Johnson, Anna Sophia Robb, Alexander Ludwig, and Carla
Gugino. The film is based on a science fiction novel written by Alexander Key.

In the film, the alien kids Sara and Seth come on Earth to find the results of research their parents
left in a hidden laboratory to help their own dying planet. The cab driver Jack Bruno and Dr Alex
Friedman help them to find their spaceship. The alien government sends a killer to stop them The
children possess special powers. Sara can move things with her mind, read minds and
communicate with animals. Seth can go through solid objects, and resist high level impacts, such as
getting hit by a van, by changing his molecular construction. Through a series of hardships, Sara
and Seth find their way to their own people.

The film is fast moving and full of action. The acting is good. The special effects are incredible.
Fantasy, science fiction, mystery, adventure keep young viewers glued to the screen.

In my opinion the film is really exciting. I would certainly recommend it to anybody looking for a
thrilling and fast-paced action film.

1. Review. You have been asked to write a short film review for a school magazine. Choose any
film which you think might be of interest to your peers. The film can be in any language and it can
be of any type: comedy, thriller, science fiction, romance, historical drama etc.

You should include a clear description of the story, comment on what you think the most
successful and least successful features are, and give an overall recommendation. Write about 150

2. Review . You recently saw this notice in an English-language magazine called The New Review.

Tell Us What You Think!

Have you read a good book recently? If so, we want to know all about it! Write a
review of the book, including information on the type of book it is, the plot and the
characters and saying whether or not you would recommend it to others.

The writer of the best review that we publish will win a weekend away for two
during the Hay-on-Wye Book Festival.
Write your review.

3. Review . You recently saw this notice in a travel magazine called Destinations.

Reviews needed!
Have you been on a resort holiday recently? If so, could you write us a review about
it? Include information about the resort you went to (such as facilities,
accommodation, cost and so on) and say whether you would recommend the
holiday to other people.

The best reviews will be published next month.

Write your review.

4.Review. You have seen this notice in your school English-language newspaper.

Attention all shopaholics!

Have you got a favourite shop? We want to do a special feature on shopping in our
area and would like to include some reviews of different shops. Write us a review of
a shop you particularly like, including information about what the shop looks like
(e.g. size, decor, displays), what it sells, the prices, and what kinds of people you
would recommend it to.

If your review is published, you will win a £50 gift voucher to spend in a shop of your
Write your review.

5. Review. You recently saw this notice in a magazine called DVD World.

Films on DVD - reviews needed

Have you seen a good film on DVD lately? We have created a new Readers' Review
section in our magazine, and would like to invite readers to write a film review.
Include information on elements such as the plot, the acting and the soundtrack.
Also, tell us whether or not you would recommend it to others.
Ifyour review is one of the best, we will publish it in next month's issue of DVD
Write your review.

6. Review. You recently saw this notice in your local newspaper.

Fresh Tastes!
We are looking for new writers to tell us about their experiences in one of the many
new restaurants that have opened in the city in the last year. If you have visited one
of them and would like to review it, then we want to hear from you. Tell us about
the atmosphere, the quality of the food and the standard of service and say if you
would recommend the restaurant to others.
We will publish the best reviews over the coming weeks.

Write your review.

7. Review. You recently saw this announcement in a local English-language newspaper.

Have you recently visited a cinema, sports centre, bowling alley, ice rink or any other
similar local leisure facility?
If so, we want to hear from you. We are looking for new writers to tell us about their
experience. Please send in a review of the place you visited, telling us about the
location, describing the place and saying how you felt about your visit.
The best reviews will be published in our forthcoming Leisure Guide.
Write your review.

8. Review. Write a review of your favourite children’s book. Comment on its plot, the main
characters, what it teaches children and why you like it.

It is a formal piece of writing so use a formal, neutral style: no contractions, no colloquial
language, no direct questions, no informal punctuation such as exclamation marks.

Reports are the most impersonal kind of writing and it is usually best to avoid expressing
personal opinions or feelings.

Reports should have a clear heading and subheadings which divide the writing into
shorter sections. The information should be organised and presented as clearly and
logically as possible.

You need to write 4 or 5 paragraphs, including an introduction and recommendation.

The first paragraph should state the “aim of the report”+ where you got the information.

Use headings to make it easier to read.

Avoid your personal opinion and “I” , “my” , “We” etc. Use the passive voice.

Use longer versions of basic phrases, e.g. using “I strongly believe” rather than “I believe”.

The plan

The title of the report

Para 1 Introduction

The aim of the report is to analyze/ describe/ consider/ compare… The majority of
students interviewed said that…

Para 2 Advantages/ Reasons/Positive aspects/ Places to visit..

According to … It seems that.. It was found that..

In general .. On the whole ..

Interestingly/ It is interesting that … Strangely… Surprisingly…

Para 3 Disadvantages/ Recommendations/ Negative aspects/ Tourist attractions to see

It is recommended that .. Moreover… Apart from this… In addition to this… It would be

advisable for X to (do).. I would also suggest …

Para 4 Conclusion

Summing up.. To sum up…

Report writing task

Your college has been asked to accept a group of 50 students from another country for two weeks.
You have been asked by your principal to find out what the advantages and disadvantages would
be of accepting this group. Is it a good idea?

Write your report to the principal in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style.

Sample answer

Report on Proposed Visit by 50 Overseas Students


The purpose of this report is to consider the advantages and disadvantages of accepting a large
group of students from overseas for two weeks. I have discussed the issue with all the senior
members of college staff.


All those interviewed believe that for students this would be an exciting opportunity to explore a
foreign culture, both in the classroom and socially. Overall, they thought the visit would be
stimulating for the college at a quiet time of the year.


Some members of staff are concerned that:

1 there would be insufficient seating in the library at bus times;

2 the visitors might be more interested in enjoying themselves than studying;

3 the restaurant queue would be very slow at lunchtime.

Conclusion and recommendation

Clearly, the group might cause some practical difficulties but on the whole everyone thought that
the visit should be seen as an opportunity not to be missed.

Report writing task A group of American students is going to participate in a workshop

organised by your school. They have never been in your town before so their tutor, Mr. Franklin,
has asked you to write a report about places that are worth visiting in the area. Write a report
describing the places and explain why you think they may be of any interest to the group.

Sample answer

To: Mr. Franklin

From: Francesca Wilson

Date: 12 November 2017

Subject: Places to visit during your stay in Green Hills


This report is written to analyze places of interest that may be worth visiting by your group. I have
called the tourist information office to check admission fees and opening hours that would be
suitable for you.

Places to visit in Green Hills

There are many places in the area which are worth recommending but unfortunately some of them
are open to public only in summer peak season. However, there are two attractions that may be
taken into consideration as they seem suitable for you:

1. The Dungeon is a very popular tourist attraction in Green Hills. It is a former jail tower from the
17th century. Today you can visit the prisoners' cells and see there a great collection of arms from
previous centuries.

2. The Labyrinth is the place where you can have a lot of fun. There is a number of dead-end
corridors and some leading to the exit. You are supposed to find the way out in a given time. The
place is open on weekends and there are big discounts for groups.


I would not hesitate to recommend both of these places to your group. These attractions are well-
known and popular among foreign visitors.

1.Report. You work in a language school helping to organise excursions and trips for students. The
school director has asked to prepare a report on a museum in your area. Write your report in
120-180 words describing the museum and what it has to offer students of English as a foreign
language. Mention both good and bad points in your report.

2. Report. You regularly write a column in your college magazine on new films that are being
shown in your town. Attendance at the local cinema is falling, and they have asked you to write a
report, based on research at your college, on the cinema’s facilities and to make some
recommendations on how to attract more people to the cinema. Write your report.

3. Report . A group of American students is coming to stay in your town and their group leader has
asked you to write a report on the sports facilities there. Mention the main sports that young
people do in your town and where they usually do them. Then recommend the best places for the
group to go to do sport, giving reasons for your recommendations. Write your report.

4. Report. The new librarian at your school would like to make some changes to the library in
order to encourage students to use it more often. She has invited students to write a report
making some recommendations. Write your report.

5. Report. You are studying English at a language school with students from several countries. You
have been asked by the school principal to find out what students think about your school and if
they would like to see any changes. Write a report making recommendations about lessons, the
facilities, the food at the canteen and anything else you would like to see changed. Write your

6. Report. You are a member of a local environmental group which is part of a larger international
organisation. You have been asked to write a report for the international organisers, explaining
what your group has done in the past year and making some recommendations about what could
be done in the near future. Write your report.

7. Report. A friend who works for an international travel agency has asked you to write a report
about various tourist attractions in the place where you live. The report will assist travel agents in
other countries to give helpful advice about your area to English-speaking tourists. Write your

8. Report. Your local museum is quite old-fashioned and not many people visit it. Your local tourist
board has asked you to write a report on the museum, and give some recommendations on how to
improve its image. Write your report.

9. Report. Your English teacher has noticed that many students in your class have been handing in
their homework late, and she has asked you to find out why. Write a report describing the reasons
and suggesting some possible ways to solve the problem . Write your report.

10. Report. You have a part-time job at a pet shop. The manager wants to have more clients and
has asked you to write a report making some recommendations.
11. Report . You help out at a music festival which is held in your town every year. This takes
place outdoors over one weekend. The organisers want to improve the festival and so have asked
you to write a short report. You should comment on the site, the programme, the food and other
facilities, the cost and anything else you consider relevant.

12. Report. Some American students are on an exchange programme with your college for a
month. The college has asked you to write a report on entertainment in your area for the teacher
who is in charge of the group. You should give advice on such things as types of entertainment,
venues and prices.

This is a semi-formal/ informal piece of writing. The style of an article depends on what
magazine it is for (young people magazine -more informal, business/travel magazine -
more neutral). It should be interesting and catch the reader’s attention. Write a catchy
title that gives the main idea . Do not just copy sentence from the task , use synonyms.
Use informal language to involve the reader (ex : Once Carnival starts, the whole town
goes crazy!) Do not use formal expressions (ex : Besides, moreover, etc). Make it
interesting by using colourful l language, e.g. adjectives and adverbs, phrasal verbs ,
linkers, one or two idioms. Don’t forget to express your opinion (ex : I love the giant street
dolls.). The plan:

Heading (think of an interesting title)

Para 1 introductory paragraph (to make the reader interested in the topic, you can address
him/her directly (e.g. ask them a question)

Have you ever.. Can you imagine … Are you thinking of …I’m sure you’ll agree … You
wouldn’t believe..

Para 2 develop your main points.

Let’s start with… (why it is so important to take plenty of exercise).

For a start .. Secondly. / Thirdly./ Finally….

And then there’s the fact that .. such as .... particularly … ….like…

Para 3 develop your main points.

Another advantage … (of using a computer is that..) On top of that,… I must also
mention …

Para 4 summarise the main points and give your concluding opinion or express your
feelings. I think that/In my opinion …(traditional celebrations are very important).

It seems to me that… (people are much more aware of the importance of a good diet
Article writing task

You see this competition in an international magazine.


Imagine you were on a desert island. What would you miss most? Write an article
briefly describing an important object, person or place in your life and give reasons
for your choice.

The best article will be published and the writer will receive £500.
Write your article in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style on the separate answer sheet.

Sample answer

Life away from home

How would you feel about living on a desert island? I can’t imagine anything worse. I would miss a
lot of things, but most of all I would miss my home.

My home is a small house on the outskirts of a city. It was built about fifty years ago and has a
small garden. In the summer our country gets very hot but our house is always cool.

You would probably think our house is nothing special, but I have lived there all my life and all my
friends live nearby. It is a happy place, where I feel completely safe. Whenever I go away, I look
forward to coming back, lying on my bed, reading a book and listening to my brother and sister
arguing downstairs!

I love travelling and meeting new people, but if I were on a desert island I would be away from the
place I love most — my home — and I would hate that.

1. Article. You have seen this advertisement in an international magazine.

Tell us about a person you admire and why they inspire you.
We will publish the most interesting articles next month.
Write your article . Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style.

2. Article. You have seen this advertisement on an international travel website.

What’s your favourite city, and why? Write us an article:

• describing the city.

• saying why it is special for you.

We’ll publish the most interesting articles online next month

Write your answer in 140- 190 words in an appropriate style.

3. Article. You have seen this announcement in an International magazine.

People to remember
Write us an article about someone who has been important in your country in
some way, describing the person and explaining why he/she is or was important.
The best articles will be published in the magazine.
Write your article.

4. Article. You have seen this notice in an international magazine.

We are looking for articles on:

The schools of the future

How do you think schools will be different in the future? In what ways do you
think they will stay the same?
The winning article will be published in our magazine and the winner will receive
a prize of £500.
Write your article.

5. Article. You have seen this announcement in an international music magazine:


We are planning to publish a number of articles on different types of music
people listen to.
Write an article about the music people listen to in your country. Tell us what
music people like to listen to and why.
The best article will be published in our magazine.
Write your article.

6. Article. You have seen this announcement in an English-language magazine.

A Perfect Day
Write and tell us what your perfect day would be like.
• Where would you go?
• What would you do?
• Who would you go with?
We will publish the most interesting articles next month!
Write your article.

7. Article. You see the following notice in an international magazine.

How and why did you start learning English?

Do you want to share your experience with other language learners? Tell us how
and why you started and what you think is the best way to learn English.
The best articles will be published in the next issue.
Write an article based on your own experience.

8. Article. You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

Camping or staying in a hotel- which is best? We are looking for some articles
on this subject. Write and tell us which you think is best and why.
Write your article.

9. Article. You have seen this notice in an English-language magazine for young people.


• we would like to publish some articles about what people around the world
eat. Write us an article about food in your country. Tell us:
• what people usually eat every day
• what people eat on special occasions
• if eating habits have changed recently We will publish all the best
Write your article.

10. Article. You have been asked to write an article for an English language newspaper aimed at
parents with young children. Your article should be a response to the following statement:

Foreign languages should be taught at nursery school level.

11. Article. You see this announcement in an international magazine.

What makes a good friend?
Write an article, explaining what qualities you think a good friend should have
and why. The best articles will appear in next month's edition of the magazine.
Write your article.

12. Article. Your English teacher has asked you to write an article for the school magazine about
two photographs which are particularly important to you. You have been instructed to describe
what the pictures show and what memories they bring back to you. Write your article.

13. Article. A local English language newspaper has asked students to write articles expressing
their opinion about this question:

Should students do part-time work?

Write your article for the newspaper.

14. Article. You have seen the following notice in an international magazine.

• What is your favourite sport and why?
• Why is sport so important in our lives?
Write us an article answering these questions. The best article will be published
in the magazine.
Write your article.

15. Article. You have been asked to write an article for a student newspaper on the following topic:

Has television improved in your country over the last ten years?

Write your article, saying what most people think and giving your own point of view.

16. Article. Spend the day with someone famous

You see the If you could spend 24 hours with a famous person, who would you
following choose and why?
notice in an The best article will be published in our magazine next month.
magazine.Write your article.

17. Article. You have been asked by the editor of your school magazine to write an article on the
following Today's television
topic: "A load of old rubbish" or "More choice than ever before"?
Write your Is today's television still good value for money?
article for the magazine (around 120-180 words).

Before you write your story decide on the main characters, place and time the event takes
place, then list the events in the order they happened.

Your story will be better and will get more marks if you include…

1. Three different tenses. You want to show the examiner that you know the story
telling tenses, which are:- a) Simple Past b) Past Continuous c) Past Perfect.

Here’s an example: It was raining. (Past continuous) Billy hadn’t eaten for two days. (Past
perfect) He saw some apples. He decided to steal them. (Simple past).

Of course, in order to use these tenses you absolutely MUST know all your irregular verbs!
And don’t forget: narrative story also needs paragraphing.

2. Adjectives: It was raining. Billy hadn’t eaten for two days, so he was wet, hungry
and miserable. He saw some delicious, red apples. He decided to steal them.

3. Adverbs: It was raining hard. Billy hadn’t eaten for two days, so he was wet, hungry
and miserable. He saw some delicious red apples and quickly decided to steal them.

4. Direct speech: “Hey, you!” shouted the shopkeeper, “I know you, Billy Brown! I’ll
tell your mum!”

5. Rich vocabulary, good grammar, detail and idiomatic expressions: Examples: Quick
as a flash – soaking wet – starving hungry –to grab – to pass away – an idea popped into
his head – to go straight (to hospital) (home) – to have a little chat.
6. Always double check your grammar & spelling.
Writing task.

Write a STORY in an appropriate style. Your story must start or finish with the words:

Grandpa Jo would be proud of him.

Sample answer

It was raining hard. Billy hadn’t eaten for two days, so he was soaking wet and very miserable.
Passing a greengrocer’s, he noticed some delicious, red apples . He quickly decided to steal them.
He grabbed two and started to run.

“Hey, you!” shouted the shopkeeper, “I know you, Billy Brown! I’ll tell your mum!”

Billy ran to the park where he found a dry place to sit and eat. He wasn’t worried about the
shopkeeper telling his mum. He didn’t care about his mum, his teachers or the police. He only
cared about Grandpa Jo, and Grandpa Jo had passed away last week leaving Billy to face the world

Billy didn’t know what to do. He was 17 and had no money, no qualifications, no family – except his
mother who he rarely saw. He closed his eyes and thought about his granddad. Suddenly an idea
popped into his head. He walked back into town and went straight into a small office where there
was a Union Jack in the window. “Can I help you?” asked the man in uniform at the desk. “Yes”,
said Billy, “I want to join the army.”

“I see” replied the officer. “I think you’d better sit down, then. We need to have a little chat.”

Billy sat down and smiled. He knew that, wherever he was, Grandpa Jo would be proud of him.

1. Story. You are studying English at a language school and have decided to enter a short story
competition which the school is organising . The competition rules say that the story must begin
with the following sentence:

Simon could not believe the news he had just received over the phone . Write your story .

2. Story. You have decided to write a short story for your school's English language magazine. The
story must begin with the following words:

As Jeremy walked up to his front door, he just knew something wasn't quite right. Write your

3. Story. Your school is running a story competition. The rules state that the story must begin or
end with the following words:

Although she was afraid, Linda knew she had to make the call. Write your story.

4. Story. You recently saw this notice in an English-language magazine. Write your story.

Short Story Competition

We will award a cash prize of £500 to the best entry. Your story must begin with the
following words: As the plane finally took off, Amanda had a strange feeling that
she had forgotten something.
5. Story. You have seen this notice in an international magazine for students.

Calling all writers out there!

Write a short story and you will have the chance to win a great prize!
Your entry must begin or end with the following words:

No matter what people said about Harry, I knew he was a true friend.
Write your story for the competition.

6. Story. Your teacher has asked you to write a story for an international magazine. The story must
begin with the following words.

It was a perfectly normal day until I got to the train station . Write your story.

7. Story. Your teacher has asked you to write a story for the school magazine. The story must
begin with the following words:

I was walking in the park when suddenly, I heard the most terrible sound. Write your story.

This is a formal piece of writing. Introduce the topic by paraphrasing the question. Try to
give two or three ideas in each paragraph. Always support your ideas with examples. Make
sure examples are quite general-not personal examples. Conclude by summarizing your
opinion in a different way from the introduction. The four-paragraph structure of an essay
is the most common.

The plan:

1. Introduction: topic and your opinion.

2. Para 1 : why you agree or advantages

3. Para 3 : why you disagree or disadvantages

4. Conclusion: summarize your argument/opinion in a different way from the introduction

Types of essays

Problem and solution

Intro: topic and general answer to the question

Para 2: give reasons for the problem Para 3: offer some solutions

Conclusion: summarize and paraphrase your argument

Discuss two views and your opinion

Intro: topic and your opinion

Para 2 : one view Para 3 : the other view

Conclusion: summarize and paraphrase your opinion

Two-part questions

Intro: topic and give your overall answer to both questions

Para 2: answer question one Para 3: answer question two

Conclusion : summarize both answers

Writing task

In your English class you have been discussing different ways of studying English. Your teacher has
asked you to write a composition with the following title: The advantages and disadvantages of
learning English abroad compared to learning in your own country. Write your composition for
your teacher (around 120-180 words).


Learning English abroad, especially in the UK, has a great advantage as people have to speak the
language all the time whether during classes or in daily activities such as shopping, asking for
directions, and watching TV. It will certainly improve their accent and make them used to thinking
in English - not in their native language. Not everyone can afford studying English abroad as it is
very expensive. Moreover, some people cannot get along with a different culture and suffer from

Learning English in our own country has its pros and cons. Being with students speaking the same
language and having the same problems makes studying fun, and sometimes competition urges
students to work harder. At the same time using the native language in class limits the ability of
students to speak English fluently.

Taking into consideration the high expenses of learning abroad, I would prefer to study in my own
country and make efforts to improve my English by making friends with English native-speakers
who live in or visit my country.

1. Essay. You have had a discussion in your English class about whether or not students should
have to wear school uniforms. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay giving your views
on the following statement:

Wearing a school uniform has both advantages and disadvantages. Write your essay.

2. Essay. You have had a discussion in your English class about computers. Your teacher has now
asked you to write an essay, giving your opinion on the following statement:

Computers are more advanced than the human brain. Write your essay.

3. Essay. Developers are planning to build a tourist resort in your charming little beach town. A
local TV station is going to film your English class having a discussion about the new plans. Your
teacher wants you to prepare by writing an essay giving your opinions on the following statement:

Developers should be allowed to build big hotels and tourist complexes anywhere they like.
Write your essay.

4. Essay. Your English class has had a discussion about different ways to meet new people. Your
teacher has now asked you to write an essay, saying whether you agree or disagree with the
following statement: The Internet is the best way to meet new people. Write your essay.

5. Essay. Your English class has just had a discussion on whether money is a good or bad thing.
Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay giving your opinion on the following statement:

Having too much money is as much of a problem as not having enough. Write your essay.

6. Essay. As part of your English course, you have had a class discussion about crime. Your teacher
has now asked you to write an essay, giving your opinion on the following statement:

Education is more effective than punishment in reducing crime. Write your essay.

7. Essay. Your English class has had a class discussion on the importance of learning a foreign
language. Your teacher has now asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following
statement: All children should learn at least one foreign language at school. Write your essay.

8 . Essay. You have recently had a class discussion about languages. Now your English teacher
has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following statement: Everyone
should learn at least one foreign language. Write your essay.

9 . Essay. Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times
throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you
prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific
examples to support your opinion (at least 100 words).

10. Essay. You have had a class discussion about the older generation and what they can offer
young people. Your English teacher has now asked you to write a composition, giving your opinions
on the following statement: There are many things that young people today can learn from
the older generation. Write your essay.

11. Essay. As part of your English course, you have had a class discussion about the advantages
and disadvantages of living in the city. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay for homework,
giving your opinions on the following statement: It is better to live in the city than in the country.
Write your essay.

12. Essay. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinions on the following
statement: Watching TV is a complete waste of time. Write your essay.

13. Essay. You recently took part in a class discussion about studying abroad. Your teacher has
now asked you to write an essay discussing the following statement:

There are both advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. Write your essay.
14. Essay. Your teacher has asked you to write an essay, giving your opinion on the

following statement: The use of mobile phones in public places should be banned . Write

your essay.

15. Essay. You have had a class discussion about Internet shopping. Your teacher has now

asked you to write an essay giving your views on the following statement:

Shopping on the Internet has both advantages and disadvantages. Write your essay.

16. Essay. Your teacher has asked you to write your response to the following statement

taken from a recent newspaper article: Is it true that we help the environment when we

plant a tree? Write about:- clear the air, – shade, – ………….( your own idea)

Essay topics
1. How you and your best friend met.
2. The bravest moment of your life
3. What makes your parents special .
4. A difficult choice you have made
5. A place that is special to you.
6. What Events Have Brought You Closer to Your Family?
7. Have You Ever Changed a Family Member’s Mind?
8. What Are Your Family Stories of Sacrifice?
1. When I Got Lost.
2. My Favorite Meal.
3. If I Could Go Back in Time.
4. I Saw the Weirdest Thing.
5. Something I Wish I Had.
6. If I Could Only See One Color.
7. A Memorable Journey.
8. My Favorite Superpower.
9. If I Were Invisible.
10. If I Were a President.
1. Is hockey dangerous?
2. Are footballers overpaid?
3. Is swimming healthy?
4. Steroid users should be banned from any sports activities.
1. Animals in the zoo. Is it fair to keep them in cages?
2. It is better to learn a foreign language in a country where it is a native language.
3. It is good to learn 2-3 foreign languages for children.
4. Books and computers. Who will win in future?
5. Computer games. A benefit or waste of time?
6. Pros and cons of space research.
7. Education for boys and girls should be separate.
8. Conflict of generations is inevitable.
9. Money can buy happiness.
10. The best things in life are free.
11. Nowadays teenagers’ behavior is shaped more by their peers than by their parents.
12. Chat rooms are a danger for teenagers. Adults should monitor the conversations.
13. People used to think that family played an important role in society, but times have changed
and now the family is much less important.
14. Sports should only be an optional discipline at school as not all students are equally good at
15. What is the impact of parents’ involvement in school education?
16. What are the most important scientific achievements for you?
17. Is living in a college hostel helpful or harmful?
18. Why people keep pets.
19. Why friendships end.
20. Looking back over on your education, how important have teachers been in your school life?
21. Most people like one particular animal more than other. What is your favorite animal? Why
is it your favorite?
1. Are we becoming technological zombies?
2. Will there come a time when there will be no innovation and technological advancement?
3. Will robots make us lazier or more efficient?
4. Can the chip control the mind too?
5. Is FaceBook a great invention or the end of privacy?
6. Communication in social networks: is it a good invention or the end of good communication?
7. Impacts of cell phones on people: its pros and cons.
8. Are we too much reliant on technology?
9. Can you get genuine friends online?
10. How do social media affect behavior?
11. Should parents monitor what their kids are doing online?
12. Is censorship of internet necessary?
13. The unfair presentation of facts by mass media and should it be punishable?
14. How old should the children be allowed to access the social media sites ?
1. Are politicians corrupt?
2. How do politicians gain influence?
3. Is there anyone above the law?
4. Is the government right in all its policies?
5. Pros of Monarchy.
6. The third world war – is it possible?
7. How can the world combat terrorism?
8. Adoption of children by gay couples.
9. The most suitable age for voting.
10. Military service: should be compulsory?
11. Should the drinking age be increased or reduced?
12. Should the driving age be increased or reduced?
13. Gay marriage: Should it be accepted in all the democratic nations?
14. Advertising of alcohol and whether it should be prohibited.
15. Are the law enforcers justified to sacrifice a hostage for the sake of the others?
1. The civil marriage and what it entails?
2. Is online dating fruitful?
3. What should be the maximum age gap between partners in a relationship?
4. Is it proper to date different races?
5. Are long distance relationships effective?
6. Is there gender equality?
7. Are there supposed to be specific roles for each gender?
8. Is there a stronger and weaker sex?
9. Are there specific jobs and careers for each gender?
10. Feminism and its positive and negative impacts on the lives of women.
11. Can men and women be friends?
12. Is age a limiting factor while dating?
13. Wealth and happiness.
1. Does art pay?
2. What are the challenges faced by artists?
3. Can modern art be considered as art?
4. Is graffiti a part of art?
5. Can you succeed in life with art as a profession?
1. Is today’s music educational?
2. How long should a movie take?
3. All women prefer movies that have romance.
4. Are foreign films the main cause of the increasing immorality in the society?
1. Motherhood and the most suitable age.
2. Just which is the best way to discipline a kid?
3. What should a parent do, if the child is consistently rude?
4. How can parents nurture talent?
5. Necessity of school uniform.
6. What is the effect of violent games in real life?
7. Has this generation become brainwashed with communication technology?
8. Does this current generation follow any rules?
9. Pros and cons of living in the city or in the country side.
1 . Just what is the meaning of the word ‘evil?’
2. Relevance of all religions: are they all good?
3. Is there heaven and hell?
4. Why are there so many religions in the world now?
5. What happens, or where do people go, after they die?
6. Does the soul exist?
7. Is reincarnation real?
8. What is karma?
9. Why were we created?
10. The world would be better if the religions were not there.
11. How does one build self – esteem?
12. Pros and cons of hunting.
13. How important is the education on patriotism?
14. Animal testing: A necessity or savageness.
15. Is keeping animals in zoos acceptable?
16. People have never been content with what they have in life.
1. Should a parent choose the career for the child?
2. Are some careers better than others?
3. How long should a person work in a day?
4. Should there be a dressing code for each profession?
1. Are we alone in the universe?
2. Is there some language for animals?
3. Nuclear energy and safety issues.
4. Importance of alternative sources of energy.
5. Space exploration leads to wastage of money.
6. GMO : pros and cons.
7. Destruction of forests as a crime against the planet.
8. Is genetic research improving or destroying the lives of people?

Рівень академічний
By the end of form 10 should be able to : -вміти написати короткий
твір з теми;-вміти написати есе, особисті та офіційні листи, доповіді; -вміти стисло в
письмовій формі передати зміст прочитаного чи почутого; Обсяг не менше 18 речень-
вміти заповнити формуляр або певний тип анкети; -вміти оформити пункти плану;-
вміти робити для себе нотатки

By the end of 11 form sts should be able to -вміти передавати в письмовій

формі зміст

побаченого/почутого/прочитаного;-вміти письмово обґрунтувати або спростувати

певну думку -вміти висловити особисте ставлення до подій, людей, речей,місць -вміти
письмово передавати інформацію адекватно цілям, завданням спілкування- Вміти
правильно оформляти письмове повідомлення залежно від його форм ( сайт Мініст..

Рівень профільний

By the end of 11 form sts should be able to -написання короткого тематичного

повідомлення;-опис міста/селища.місцевості;-написаня закінчення запропонованої
розповіді;— заповнюють анкету тощо;— пишуть поздоровлення,
запрошення,оголошення;— пишуть записку- повідомлення для друга /члена сім’ї;—
пишуть лист-повідомлення у формі розповіді/опису, висловлюючи свої враження,
думки про особи, події, об’єкти, явища, факти.-написання висновку дослідженного
матеріалу;-написання маршруту слідування до певного місця призначення; -
викладення версії інтерв’ю в письмовій формі; пишуть лист/статтю до газети.Обсяг —
не менше 20 речень.

Informal letters page 1
Letter of complaint page 11
Letter of application page 16
Letter to the Editor page 22
Other types of formal letters page 24
Review page 26
Report page 29
Article page 33
Story page 37
Essay page 39
Essay topics page 42


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