Anchor Publication Magazine Vol. 20 No.2 March 2011

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About the Cover

CONTENTS The blaze of fire stumbles amidst

the breakthrough of an unstoppable
force that brought the spring of
a green life that
Opinion marks a gleam
4 Written chance to put
by: Joel Tesado (Anchor-Batch 2007)
A Tale of a Hidden Talent
things in order. As
5 Written by: “Anonymous” trying to persist
Other Side of Death
6 Written the change this
by: D/C Kelly Martinez
forceful act must
Feature Articles be consistent
Messenger of Death: Truth or Hoax? in order to
7 Written by: D/C Fritz Banzon maximize the
Fliptop: The New Breed of Balagtasan
8 Written goal towards
by: D/C Celso Castillo
an upbeat
Mercedes Biome: The Future Environmental Car
9 Written by: D/C Fritz Banzon
Facebook Mania
10 Written by: D/C Claude Fritzer Dominguez

11 Written by: D/C Shella Mae Delica

Glow of the Chapel

18 Written by: E/C Maria Estrella Bondoc

Digging Truth Beneath Marcos

19 Written by: D/C Fritz Banzon EYES HERE!
Special Pages Anchor publication is now searching for
1st year and 2nd year bonafide students
12 Freedom Board of UC-METC qualified for the following
position: WRITER, CARTOONIST and
15 SERAPIO LAYOUT ARTIST (experienced in Adobe
Photoshop). Enjoy tuition fee discounts,
16 Artworks
presswork, journalism skills training etc. If
20 Amazing Stories you are qualified enough for the position,
visit the Anchor office Ancla-building at
21 Literary UC-METC, Alumnos, Mambaling, Cebu
22 Scuttle Butts City for your registration.

ANCHOR Editorial Board & Staff • CLAUDE FRITZER DOMINGUEZ - Editor-in-Chief • MARIA ESTRELLA
• JOSEPH CHRISTIAN BERNADAS - Production Director • SHELLA MAE DELICA - Senior Editor for
Magazine • Fritz Banzon - Senior Editor for Tabloid • DARYL SINANG - Senior Editor for Literary Folio
• CELSO CASTILLO - Technical Director • RAUL AUGUSTINE TABANAO - Creative Director • ANTONIO
LINA - Finance Manager • JOSEPH SAYAM - Circulation Manager • RUFFY RALPH PASCUA - Senior
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Every action in this world will bear a consequence, they should make a booth for paying and buying of
either positive or negative, a balance outcome will grades here in this institution.
exist. A positive change has developed through the
actions done by the administration in stopping the For the betterment of this university the instructors
spread of an appalling problem that almost destroyed should meet their obligations in giving a high-quality
its educational system and its institution. Truly it’s education, throwing-out the prodigy of accepting
never too late to do the right thing, the administration’s payments for a passing grade and perhaps to start
move in kicking-out an instructor in this school year the change on their own. Like any other issues, one
2010-2011 have given the students a chance to seize a wants the change now and this problem though, never
better sort of teaching. ends but preventing it could make a thing. For a school
Although this problem of paying and buying of grounded on quality education produces proficient
grades is difficult thing to stop, because it turns out learners and a solid university.
to be a way of survival just for the students to pass or Hence, UC-METC is moving forward towards a
continue their studies. Still, not neglecting this issue world class and competitive institution through this
shows an effective strike to start the move towards action that pertains in fighting some incompetent and
removing it. corrupt instructors that had been out for the good of
Many things have developed in this institution this university. Thus, making the change one step at a
for it to become the finest and to give its students the time tells us that indecent motive won’t set any further
education they really deserve. One thing that is really spot in here.
important are the persons who taught the students the Triumph won’t be possible unless all probable
education they wanted, the persons they trust to teach objections must be first overcome. Thus, this may
them to be competitive enough in their courses that served as a challenge to the admin istration to maintain
empowers them to function effectively, and to meet their ways in continuing a good quality education.
the demands of global seafaring. But how can they In this case, to continue taking the course of action
be a world class seafarer? If the persons they trust are should be the best for it may save a ship in distress!A
absent in class and if the students think it’s alright to
miss a class because the instructor is willing to accept
money or a gift for a passing grade. If that’s the case
Editorial | 3
But deep inside I knew my father is good and very
kind at heart, may he knew I love him so much. With
my father’s status quo, I had already envisioned how
Joel Tesado (Anchor-Batch 2007) things are most likely to happen in the future, and by
now these arte my trepidations, my disenchantments.
Over the moon aspects, a rowdy and jam-packed I love my family so much that if only I could stay with
abode, laughter’s shared as one after another a bottle them at all times I will, but I have to shape my future, I
of spirit is being emptied, glamorous projections on have plans in life, I want to make a goal, and abiding
every click of a camera, overwhelming moments seized farewell is quiet an answer. It might be intolerable, but
as the recorders turned on, hale and hearty food divvies whether we like it or not this is how a seafarer’s life is
up on those were one of the best reminiscence I ever being defined. So be brave to suffer the lonesomeness
had; a family reunited when my aunt held her big day, in the solitary ease.
the union with her husband, at our home town. It is of Giving life to my dreams is probably the reasons
great delight evoking how those moments, it seems I’m why I am engaged with this remote career. Far from
on a cloud nine. my loved ones, my family, who truly are my weakness
as well as my strength. Missing loved ones back home
I wish everyday were the same that every is just is every seafarer’s nostalgia. We might be enjoying
around you, they were fun-loving right before your the merriments during Saturday nights, Christmas
eyes, hug them whenever you want to, share what’s eve, new year and birthday parties on board yet the
on your mind, do silly thins and then laugh, laugh as reality behind these faces in high spirits is a standpoint
loud as you can, as if nobody is around, yet, it was just that there is no such happiness and best laughter’s
a once in a lifetime nirvana and I was just lucky that comparable with the ones spend with your families.
it came to happen when I was around. I am a seaman I remember during my apprenticeship, I spend two
by profession; a field well noted by the dictum ‘see birthdays on board, two special days supposedly best
the world free and earn dollars’. Truth or not? I don’t celebrated with my family around me, yet what I just
know, but base on my experiences I’ve already been got were overseas SMS greetings from my loved ones
to different places without spending a single penny back home and some bunch of best wishes from the
from my pocket for the travel expenses, all I need when social site facebook. Yuletide season is best rejoiced
strolling to a place new to is my fully charged digital with your nearest and dearest around you but with my
camera, some denominations for a cone of ice cream, line of work it rarely happens. There were a lot of family
or some slices of pizzas or pasta and a can of soda, vacation, birthdays of special people and some social
or perhaps a beer or two when my mates acquiesce to gatherings. I can’t imagine how supposedly happy I am
hop in a bar. like them if only I was around. Probably I could have
Those were our simple self treats after spending laugh with them, shared my thoughts, and clinked my
some couple of days or perhaps a month-long voyage glass with theirs as we all say “cheers”, if and only
of isolation and world-weariness, seeing nothing but a if I happened to be around. I’m still young and only
boundless picturesque horizon of seas, sumptuous at got two years in the seafaring industry, yet it sees I’m
dusk and dawn. If you don’t know how to blend with already gone astray. How much more in the days yet to
multi-national crew you’ll be fed up. Be patient as well come? Will be drifted away? I feel so sorry for myself; I
and never to get run out of it or else you’ll risk everything. deemed a lot of moments in my life are predestined to
Just satisfy yourself with those passé and timeworn be missed, for half the span of my existence set? sails
DVD movies you can find at the recreation hall, enjoy at the seas.A
the ride, go with the flow and never to get annoyed with
your mate’s careless earsplitting and bizarre voices as
he stand intoxicated right next to the videoke. Don’t
get jaded with your mates, minor disputes may arise,
learn to reconcile, he might happen to be your buddy
for some couple of months or even the year-around and
perhaps in your next contracts, so valuing harmonious
relationship on board is a commitment. Exigent tasks
then you’re free to hit the board exams, succeed and
elevate yourself. But remember, promotions depend
on how you carry yourself onboard. So bring out the
best in you because if you did, you’ll get more.
My father is a master mariner and with keen
determinations, I am now gradually endeavoring to
pursue the track he had left behind. As I could recount,
father spends most of his time at sea that I rarely see
him around thus making me feel reserved towards him.

4 | Opinion
A Tale of a Hidden
Each semester, the number of girls
enrolling in this course has increased.
With this gradual change, cadettes
have come to dominate our campus in
several different ways. Despite the rare

environment they mingle in, they have
found ways to really stand out aside
from the very distinction they naturally
create in a class setting.
As most people know (save for those
happened a year prior to this school there would be more projects and
who do not care at all), our student
year. This time though, there had been programs for the school which would
body president is a cadette herself.
issues circulating about the expenditure be beneficial for all students. Still,
Male schoolmates have this tendency
and allocation of budget. Though this as most students have observed, the
to sometimes tease or banter the small
concern seems to be an internal dispute activities that are promoted this school
population of women in this campus.
among the members of the CML, it is year have been more focused on “not-
Being a girl, she may not totally get
the students’ right to know how their so-productive” entertainment rather than
away from it. Yet, there is somewhat a
money was dutifully spent. As carefully on students’ active involvement of social
perceived impression that these girls are
deliberated, this is a school issue which and environmental issues, which matter
not as ordinary as they usually appear,
concerns all students alike regardless of more. Though the latter may sound
that is, in unique ways.
the campus culture that we practice and conventional, this is what’s appropriate
A lot is expected from them.
the apathy that the students display. for school organizations to instill into the
However, if these cadettes do not hold
So, where is the financial statement? students’ mentality to minimize apathy
any accountability on the school at all,
And why is it necessary to investigate among ourselves. Entertainment can be
then they can behave in whichever way
the financial activities of the highest offered at a moderate level except if the
they want to as long as they do not
leader of the student body council? How aim of the said activities is to promote
violate any school rules.
then can students determine whether educational leisure.
Our scant cadettes can behave
the allocation of budget was used In relation to the controversy
like normal girls do. But for the female
appropriately? Would it be fair to keep of the missing financial statement,
student body president, she is expected
this from the attention of the preoccupied these are only minor issues. What
to conduct herself in a more proper way
and nonchalant students of UC-METC is sensationalizing the suspicious
which is deserving of high regard as
whether they care enough or not? acquisition of multiple costly gadgets,
she sets an example to both male and
It is with deep regret that the as the fact that she is the bearer of the
female students alike. She is the epitome
Anchor has come to the resolution of student funds, and she has mysteriously
of a good leader whom they would be
paying close attention to the reports of earned these without presenting a
able to look up regardless of mental
several students about the manner in financial statement. Most people have
capability or gender since leadership
which the studentship funds may have friends who have stable and high-
is based mainly on one’s attitude and
possibly been consumed. As this school paying jobs. The students’ parents
dedication. However, majority of the
practices democracy, any party involved and other family members may be
students is apathetic and unmindful of
has every right to explain his or her employed themselves. Yet this kind of
what a real leader should be. So, it is
side. Had it not been for the suspicious costly lifestyle could not be afforded.
hardly up for them to decide.
source of funds to finance her relatively We have come to vote for her since we
To give a brief overview of Pres.
spendthrift lifestyle, Ms. Garcia would believed that her values as an average
Mizrainne Garcia’s achievements, she
have been spared of being on the person would somehow encourage the
had been the vice president for external
spotlight to justify why they cannot mediocre to rise above their situation
deck of the Council of Maritime Leaders
produce a financial statement. like how she has done for herself.
last school year 2009-2010. Having run
Reports from her acquaintances These would not provoke suspicion
for president the following school term,
that’ve seen her very often shop for if not for the undisclosed and kept secret
she had earned the votes of the majority
new things may not be considered hard “financial statement.” Given the ample
putting her in the highest position of the
evidence. Yet, in the last few months, time to come up with that report, there
student council, the CML President for
gadgets of many kinds have been had been no news on where the students’
school year 2010-2011. Aside from the
purchased. These things may come money had gone to, whether it was spent
positions she has held, she is part of
from different sources of income, yet this economically for important matters, or
the Honors’ Class section Deneb. And
may be somewhat doubtful considering whether the claimed expenditure was
with strong charisma, she is able to rule
that the student fund is already in spent on irrelevant activities which
the CML office using her own method of
her care, which can be affirmed by would not enhance student involvement.
implementing authority. She has even
the rest of the officers. She may have Still, the question remains, where is the
earned the high regard from the several
other financial sources like a part- financial statement?
instructors who are willing to share
time business or a personal financier. Would it be a coincidence that she
their advice on handling school affairs.
Aside from that, the CML have been has gained a lot of possessions in a
However, it has come to our attention
selling personalized t-shirts, which is span of a year (during her term), and
that the accountability of handling the
one great source of income especially that the organization in which she rules
student funds, which were taken from the
when the sale is good. However, except over has been unable to produce the
P30 paid by each cadet during enrolment
for the prescribed type-C shirts, selling financial report, and has procrastinated
process, has become her major role.
of merchandise inside the campus in presenting this? Are students not
The students have certainly elected a
especially initiated by the student body allowed to understand why simple
treasurer for this job description. And
council is not authorized as this has computation of project expenses cannot
any deviation from this expected job
deviated from their objective which is be completed on time?
assignment would definitely create
to cater the students’ major concerns. This would be a sad thing to be left
issues within the organization.
Our campus exists to provide education, unnoticed. You be the judge! A
Anchor Publication, the voice of UC-
not to sell unnecessary products like
METCians, has come up with this article
most markets do. Somehow, it can be
after the Council of Maritime Leaders
assumed that the profit earned from
has consistently refused to submit their
their sale is for personal gain. If not,
financial statement. The same had

Opinion | 5
can suffice our longing.
In early Renaissance Period,death was
considered holy since most people who died
during wars gained respect and their deaths
showed how firm were their dedications to the
country and to their fellowmen. Death then was
sacrifice. When somebody sacrificed his life to
save ours or our nation from the war of both
sins and weapons was not even worth a million
times of human love. Jesus sacrifices His life for
us same with the soldiers for their nations.
Death is a way to be renewed. I often heard
stories that someone changed his bad attitudes
after one of his family died. It’s a funny way
to change one’s life but is logical. We don’t
need to wait for someone to die before we
change our bad attitudes but we need to end
one thing in our life to give space for something
better. Once in my life I forgot God’s existence
and started being a non-believer. But when I
realized my mistake, I could not accept God
back in my heart unless I would end my wrong
idea. Consequently, this ending strengthens
me to have a better foundation of faith in God.
And same as killing my negative feelings like
hatred, guilt and pride and gripping on what
lies ahead of me.
In contrary, like a piece of paper faded in time,

Other Side of Death becomes very important or a picture neglected

but soon missed. Death is unpredictable! What
seems to be unimportant turns worthy but is
too late to take back. I never thought what my
D/C Kelly R. Martinez friend and 3rd degree cousin has done in my
life until she passed away. Just after her death
I realized how seemingly valuable she is to me
My love for life leads me to discover the beauty of death, by and my family. We longed for her, her jokes
knowing the beginning of it aspires me to learn the ending as well. that made us smile when we’re sad and how
It was like reading a lovely story, once I started reading I won’t she treated us as one of their family when we
stop until I know how it ends. Don’t call it forewarning since it felt visited their home, how she supported me in
what is about to happen but I just love to learn. Life is the period doing assignments and followed my aspiration
of every living things’ existence. Anything we do, feel or think in life. Yes, we missed her but it’s too late.
belongs to life. Death on the other hand, is the end of everything Life is passing and death is never an ending.
and somehow the beginning of something else. Believe me, it soon It is like a door that leads us to something
will be tackled. better. The door is the source of light other than
Most of us have inspiring stories to tell about our life while the light that shines above us. It illuminates the
others prefer sorrowful memories. As I am, I loved to reminisce my way so that we may know or anticipate what
15th joyful birthday celebration. I hated those times when I failed will happen ahead of us. The actions start from
on major exams. I regretted the days when I became an atheist for where we stand. Life is the foothold to where we
a year and a half but felt fully blessed when I found my way back advance our feet and death is the light, a guide
to God. to attain a good result in the end so that we
Death is oftentimes not intertwined in our everyday conversation. may not waste our existence. Death becomes
It was set aside and never been mentioned not like talking about beautiful in some people’s perceptive; some
life. Today, when children talk about an incident of death or people others think it’s destructive. The fear of man
who are already deseased parents would probably hushed them. to talk about death withdraws them to realize
But they are more entertained when hearing good news. It’s not the good side of death and to anticipate what’s
death who carries scythe and steal your soul when you die, of inevitable of having life. Along the way, death
course. The essence and idea of death has been obscured and still has a rule in carving our way of living
forgotten when in fact death covers all aspects of life whether being today and what matter is that death will come,
inspired, happy, sad, etc. may not be now but soon... A
How we were forgiven from our sins is through the death of our
Savior Jesus Christ, not by His birth alone. His death shows how
compassionate He is to us. It gives us a new hope and a chance to
prove in our hearts that we repent. Even in our sinful deeds we are Jesus said, “I am the resurrection and the
given an importance. life. He who believes in Me, though he may die,
Likewise death shows love. A love that is called supreme he shall live.” – John 11 : 25
among all other love. Parental love sometimes subsides, brotherly
and sisterly love vanish and even our love for someone else fades
because the heart does not seek these human love but for love that

6 | Opinion
D/C Fritz Banzon
With the coming of the year 2012 more and more speculations are coming out
from the mouth of those people who tried to foretell how the world would end. Who
really started this controversial issue by the way? If we really are to dig out the root
of this issue it would all point to Michel de Nostredame or better known worldwide as
Nostradamus whom I will call here in my article as the “Messenger of Death”.
Nostradamus was born on the 14th of December, 1503 in St. Remy de Provence,
France. His family was a Christian-turned Jew. At the age of 16, Nostradamus
studied classical grammar, rhetoric and logic at a University of Avignon. After a
plague in 1520 Nostradamus took his place as physician. Nostradamus became
known, even in this early time, as a miracle worker. Nostradamus enrolled
into medical school at the famous Montpelier medical facility in October
1529 and but practiced medicine about 1525 by treating victims of plague
in the communities of Southern France. There he gained the reputation
as a gifted healer. After he lost his first wife and daughter due to the
plague, he focused on Astrology and began to see his first vision.
Even without his prophecies Nostradamus has made his mark in the
history of mankind for his medical attributes but with his predictions,
he made his name very controversial. His predictions did not gain
him popularity until he predicted how King Henry II died on July
1, 1559, wearing a golden jousting helmet, where he was mortally
wounded in the eye and neck by the splintered lance of his younger
opponent, Captain Gabriel Montgomery of the Scottish Guard. Both
men had lions embossed on their shields. Henry lingered for 10 days
before suffering a cruel death from his wounds. This prediction was
made four years before it happened in his 32nd quatrain (poem with
four lines) in chapter 1 which states:

The young lion, shall overcome the older

On the field of battle, by singular duel;
Through armor of gold, his eye will be pierced,
Two wounds in one, then to die a cruel death.

After that more predictions were made which includes the bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in Japan, the assassination of the late President John F. Kennedy and the 9-11 attack
in New York which was stated in his 87th quatrain in chapter 1. It says:

Enormous-promontories on fire in the center of the mainland

Will cause trembling in the towers of the City of New York;
Two great rock-monoliths continuously will be attacked,
This is when air-vessels will turn-around to a new course.

All of those predictions were all about the death of a man if not men and were made
centuries ago. It is amazing how he accurately predicted those events or did he? His prediction
on the 9-11 attack gained negative comments as well. The modern critic of these days questioned
the accuracy of the translation of his quatrains since his quatrains were mixed with old French.
The vagueness of his quatrains and the non-sequential events in the chapters of his books
made his predictions seem to appear as mere coincidence in the present days’ events and
raises the doubts about the credibility of his predictions and the accuracy of the translation of
his quatrains.
Could this be true? Could Nostradamus be a real messenger of death or could he be
just one those hoaxes wearing placards on their neck saying “THE END IS NEAR”? No matter
how the world would end in the future, one thing is for sure – only time can tell. A

Feature | 7
D/C Celso Castillo

May mga kakaibang estilo ngayon ng rap music na nauuso sa

Pilipinas na kung tawagin ay “flip top” na tila pinagsama-samang
pagkanta, debate at balagtasan.

“One of a kind” Kung maituturing ang First Filipino Rap Battle

League na nagsimula nung February 2010 at humakot na ng isang
milyong tagapanood sa internet sa loob ng mahigit isang buwan.
Kinalalahukan ito ng mga kilalang rapper sa buong bansa. Ang
format ng labanan ay hango sa isang rap battle sa America kung saan
binibigyan ng isang minuto and bawat rappers sa kanilang mga dialogo
at pinagbubotuhan nang mga kilalang rappers ang mananalo.
Sa halip na karaniwang pagkanta sa paraan ng mabilis o mabagal
na pagbigkas ng salita, ang fliptop ay kalaunay nagiging balagtasan
nang makabagong panahon. Tulad ng Balagtasan, kailangan ang ritmo
sa mga binibigkas na salita, ganun din ang talas ng isip sa pagsagot sa
katunggali sa flip top.

Ayon kay Anygma, isa sa mga nagpasimuno ng nasabing laro,

na kapag mas masakit at mas malaro ang salita mas maganda. Sa
paraang ito, malayang maipaparamdam ng isang Filipino ang kanyang
sarili. Nakakatawa mang isipin na kahit hindi man sa mga salitang formal
naipapahayag ang mensahe ngunit minsan para sa kanila ito ang dapat.

Isang halimbawa ng pag-rarap na hango sa flip top na kung saan

nag duduwelo ang dalawang rapper na napakita sa YouTube:
“Bakit ako magpapapogi? Bakit ako magpapa-Belo? digmaan
pinuntahan ko dito, hindi pagmomodelo.” hirit nang isa.
Habang ang isa naman ay nagwika nang: “Ngipin mo nag-
iiskandalo, hindi na secret, nakalabas bawat isa…singlaki ng

Ayon sa rapper na si Ben-Deatha, miyembro ng grupong

Salbakuta, bilib siya sa kakaibang rap na ipinakikita sa flip top.
Nakikita niya na masaya ang naturang uri ng musika kahit ang
tema ay tila nakasentro sa pang-aasar.

Halina’t subukan ninyo ang makabagong estilo ng pagrarap na

kung tawagin ay “Flip-Top”! A

8 | Feature
D/C Fritz Banzon

With the global warming we are facing today, it is 454 kg.), did not only surpass the challenge but it also
quite obvious that we are in a bad position right now. We awed the people with its one of a kind features. The
badly need to take actions in saving the world from total Biome is grown in a laboratory and not made in the
destruction. The automotive industry, being accountable production line. That’s right, it is grown in a laboratory.
for the condition of our atmosphere is doing its best to The interior of the Biome grows from the three-pointed
remedy the situation. Some resort to electric operated star (the organic seed which has the DNA of BioFibre)
cars, solar powered cars, low-fuel consumption hybrid in front while the outer part of it grows from the star at
cars, and the likes. the rear. The resulting structure would be made from an
ultra light material called “BioFibre” which is lighter than
Considering yourself using electric operated and metal but tougher than steel.
solar powered cars, you might have second thoughts and
envision yourself driving a golf cart. We can’t live the The Biome functions in complete interaction with
future driving golf carts, can we? Surely we can’t. We nature just like the ordinary plants. The idea is that
all imagine the future with flying cars and not with golf the car would collect energy from the sun and store it
carts. within the bonds of a fuel alternative and convert it into
BioNectar4534 (fuel of the car) the only by-product of
Well, Mercedes Benz just got a concept car which will which is oxygen. You might be thinking about refuelling.
help in saving the world without jeopardizing the designs. That’s not a problem. Mercedes has already developed
Now you may imagine yourself driving a combination of technology to retrofit trees with receptors, which would
the bat mobile and a stealth fighter for they are in the allow us to harvest their excess solar energy into BN4534.
process of realizing their nature-inspired concept car.
Not quite far from the flying cars like we envision in the Although this is still a concept car but this stands
future. a good hope for mother earth and for the benefit of
mankind. And if the team of Mercedes Benz will pursue
In the recently concluded 2010 Los Angeles Design on this concept it’s not far from becoming real in the near
Challenge, different car design studios competed with future. A
their futuristic car designs. But the one that stood out is
the entry of Mercedes-Benz Advanced Design Studios in
Carlsbad, California. They call it the Biome. It is the only
nature-inspired concept car that grows and thrives like
the leaves on a tree.

With the challenge “Light Weight”, the Source: Mercedes-Benz BIOME Concept – could cars be
grown in a lab.htm
Biome with a weight of 1,000
lbs. (about

Feature | 9
D/C Claude Fritzer C Dominguez

“How on earth did we stalk our exes, remember our co-workers’ birthdays, when one is in that kind of relationship,
bug our friends, and play a rousing game of scrabulous before Facebook?” it would entail occasional checking
Entertainment Weekly of your partner’s Facebook activity.
Another helpful use of it is that it helps
As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users a lot for computer-literate seafarers on-
worldwide. The majority of the school population, young and old have board to communicate with their loved
an account on Facebook. The number one social networking site has ones and acquaintances on land. Add
grown its popularity because of its unique and easy features that gives to that, it is a means of updating them
communication, fun and more likely, created to link up everyone easily on the actual events or whereabouts
online. of the people they are connected with.
Thus, when on board this is one fun
Facebook was founded by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates way of spending free time in a solitary
and fellow computer students Eduardo Savern, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris environment.A
Hughes. The websites membership was initially limited by the founders to
Harvard students, but was expanded to other colleges and universities. It
gradually added support for students at various other universities before
opening to high school students and finally to anyone aged 13 over.

The featured games (Farmville, Ninja Saga, Mafia Wars etc.) and the
unique aspects like the used of “wall” to connect to your friends makes this
site more entertaining and exciting. The site attracts people in all ages,
even young ones have an account and numerous senior citizens are active
members. One thing in using Facebook is that you can track someone’s life
without ever having to put up with them, hilariously means you could stalk
your crush life secretly.

This networking site has another phase, there’s no doubt it is unique

but it has negative effects like pornography, piracy, hacking etc., that some
users don’t even know it’s happening, one thing is that giving much more
time using it, than doing things more important that made a proof of online
addiction that can greatly affect the user. Nowadays, Facebook turns out to
be a practical aid for education through becoming a medium for passing
of assignments or projects. Likely, every user tends to benefit by their way.
Facebook today is a great thing for its like being together with your love
ones unconditionally online.

According to Wikipedia, Facebook is considered the most heterosexual

of all social networking sites, (maybe by just randomly adding a person as
a friend could lead to a reunion with a friend in your old days). In today’s
generation some acquaintances or casual friends have gradually developed
romantic relationship through Facebook. Also, this is considered as one of
the additional means of communication of long distance relationship and

10 | Feature
D/C Shella Mae Delica
D/C Nonoy Cyril Sables
D/C Edveen Felix Baldomar
then followed by a solo performance of Mrs.

Cherry Barcelo who made everyone jam with
her song. The Jabbawockeez, composed of
the campus admin heartthrobs namely Engr.
Binondo, Engr. Abadiano, Mr. Velasco, Mr.
Abella and Mr. Lorca entertained everybody
with their smooth and suave moves. The
crowd was stunned when they witnessed
for the first time the hidden talents of the

dean of the Deck Department, Capt. Arnel
Malaga together with 2/M Maluya and 2/M
Escaran who serenade the spectators with
w i t h
their spectacular song number. The gorgeous
a bang! The
ladies with Engr. Navarro, Mr. Moreno and
Teacher’s Day
Mr. Navaja wearing their fascinating and
alluring gowns then captivated the eyes of the
went over with
viewers with their sexy and tempting waka-
enthusiasm and
waka dance number. A ballroom dance by
thrill UC-METC
Ms. Panlaan and Mr. Alfeche made everybody
Faculty and Staff proffer
shout out because of their breathtaking and
its considerably most
astounding stunts. Many numbers then
ambitious variety show
followed and the excitement intensified as
entitled “ASAP LIVE
one number after another was shown at stage.
in METC” which used
A comical skit entitled “If I know pa lamang,
a parody to the ABS-
I never never gayud,” with the instructors as
CBN Sunday noontime
the lead actors and actresses ended the first
show “ASAP XV”. The
part of the program leaving the audience with
difference between the two
goose bumps on their skin in view of the fact
was that, first, the performers
that it was very unusual, extraordinary and
were our esteemed instructors who
remarkable watching our instructors showcase
did not only share their knowledge
their different talents. Part two of the program
but also their talents in singing,
was the band showdown. Everybody enjoyed
dancing, and acting. Everybody
every song the bands played making them
was astonished after seeing their
lively, energetic and vivacious all night.
instructors singing and grooving on
That superb event was truly a history in
the stage. Aside from that, they also
the lives of the instructors the students. It was
made a twist on every number and
really rewarding for the students to have a
added comical effects on it just for
glimpse on the concealed hidden talents that
entertainment. That good and comical
METC instructors had kept from view. These
show captured the crowd’s attention
mentors could not hide the satisfaction that
and made them enjoy the show. The
they felt the moment they were given the
audience couldn’t help but cheer
chance to deviate from the usual daily routine:
for their favourite instructors amidst
talking in front of the class, working on their
shouts and laughter.
class records, giving quizzes and one hundred
The silence broke down the
and one other usual activities of teaching.
tension in the gymnasium when
All in all, ASAP live in METC showed that
Engr. Yujoco, Mr. Aballe and Mrs.
the faculty and staff of UC-Mambaling were not
Agravante led the prayer by singing
only academically inclined in the training of
the song entitled “The Prayer”. When
cadets in the different aspects and disciplines
Mrs. Regis, Mr. Tagod, Mr. Navaja, Ms.
of life, but also in sharing their hidden talents
Diaz, Ms. Quirit, Mr. Salibay and Mrs.
to entertain and to enjoy lighter and funnier
Agravante started to heat up the floor,
moments. A
the solemnity shifted into frivolity. It was

Feature | 11
News Bits It is not only the company that will benefit but also the
students and the university.
New Constructions “It boosts the tie-up of the shipping companies
D/C SHERWIN D. SOMBILON and the school because it will enhance the friendship
between them and encourage the students to enrol in
The construction of a four story building and a
UC- METC” said Lt. Uldarico Coscos.
larger swimming pool has started in the grounds of
This is also the reason why UC-METC is known
UC-METC. The structure is located at the I-building
and at the side of basketball court. Both are to be not only in Cebu but in the whole country as well for it
completed in time for the S.Y. 2011-2012. is where the world class seafarers came from and that
The first structure has an area of 5,090 square meters companies are offering scholarships to UC-METC cadets.
for a four story building that consists of classrooms Having companies like Astro gives good foundation to
and a planned library at the second floor. According to the school for students to have a brighter future ahead
Engr. Rowel Pitugo of the Solid Construction Services of them fostered by this institution. A
the building approximately cost eighty million pesos
and the target date of completion will be on May 15, FINAL RESULTS
On the other hand, the swimming pool has the Position Name Votes

target date of completion on April 7, 2011. Engr. John PRESIDENT Jumetilco, Bonifacio M. 2259
Yasser J. Pekitpekit shared that the swimming pool costs VP INTERNAL DECK Deiparene, Arvin Niño P. 1540
VP INTERNAL ENGINE Geraldez, Dionesio Jr. T. 1373
ten million pesos. It has a length of twenty five meters, VP EXTERNAL ENGINE Abello, Jeve Rey M. 1369
width of twenty meters and a depth of ten feet with SECRETARY Pacheco, Rene Lynn O. 1510
TREASURER Deniega, Sergio Jr. H. 1622
nine lanes and diving boards. With the cooperation of AUDITOR De la Casa, Reynaldo C. 1501
Bethesda Bio-Pool Builders, this construction is made PRO DECK Requina, Glosuvel A. 1911
PRO ENGINE Abauto, June Edward H. 1488
possible to meet the needs of the UC-METC students. MARSHALL DECK Sahilan, Arnold Roin C. 1185
This new constructions will really help the MARSHALL DECK Bullicer, Ralph O. 1366
MARSHALL ENGINE Agaton, Japheth G. 1337
METCians in their needs for satisfactory world class
MARSHALL ENGINE Magdadaro, Jay Veen O. 1369
facilities and services.A


D/C Ronnel E. Elatico S.Y. 2010-2011

The Astro Ship management Incorporation (ASMI)

donated a model ship of “Tensu Maru Panama” to UC-
METC last December 2, 2010. It was welcomed by the
UC-METC IMEC and Briese cadets.
The donation was organized by Lt. Uldarico A.
Coscos and QMR Secretary Mrs. Catherine P. Abella.
The Kambara Kisen Company, the mother company
of Astro handed over the model ship in the person of
Kambara Kisen President Mr. Akio Jo to UC President
Atty. Augusto W. Go at the IMEC quadrangle.
This turning over represents the partnership
of UC and ASTRO, which means scholarship
and cadetship to UC-METC cadets who are
qualified and soon to be professional officers
of the Astro itself .The Company recruits cadets
from the school and when they graduate, they
will be on board the said ship as apprentice.

14 | News Bits

Ako si Serapiong tagawtawan Naunsa na man ang ubang instructors

Dili mahilom kung naay istorya nga kahibulongan Wala gihapon matagam sa pila ka tuig nga
Mga istorya nga wala pa mapamatud-i pangwarta
Atong istoryahan para mahibaw-an sa estudyante Naaý namligya’g tag 500 pesos nga CD reviewer
Ug ania, wala magpalibak, Si Serapio nahisagmuyo kay blank CD diay. Sir,
Mga tingog sa mga estudyanteng murag bakang gihubak pagkatonto.
Mga bagulbol nilusot sa among bungbong
Murag mga bata nga naay gisumbong Kalooy gyod ni serapio nag problema kaayo
Kay ang ilang maestro namaligyag ticket
Opisina sa eskwelahan Mahal kaayo, kun di mopalit walay grado.
Adunay usa ka lingkuranan Si Serapio napugos, walay paniudto.
Sa mga estudyante giilugan
Mura ug naay bulawan Naa pod maestro sa safety manuntok ug mangliab
sa estudyante
Negosyo sa estudyante Discipline man kuno kini apan di ba naay laing
Sinina nga mosulti paagi
Apan ayaw ipanabi Tungod sa iyang kaisog dina mosud mga kadete
Kay wala pa ni aprubahi Sir, intawon, palihog, chill...pwede?

Pangulo sa estudyante Kining haircut, si Serapio nakapangutana

Na-kick out sa dormitory Kinahanglan ba gyod inspection twice a month na
Tungod sa lalaki, Hastang lisora, haircut unya momahal na
Gipasulod sa tungang gabii Naa baý buhok motaas kaayo sa duha ka semana?

Mga kahimanan nga kahibulongan Mga kawani sa opisina sa administrasyon

Ania iyang gikuptan Angayan tudloan ug leksyon
Apan siya dili angayan Dili kabalo mo entertain ug estudyante
Kay naa pay lista nga wala makit-an Angayan paeskwelahon ug customer service nga
Si Mam kalibutan ug kasaysayan
Angayan pakpakan Maayo unta kung matabang pa!
Tungod sa iyang binuhatan Adunay kasulbaran sa mga, gipang-istorya.
Laliman ka mosulod sa klase traynta minutos sa dili pa Kay kalooy ni Serapio kung di maagwanta
mahuman? Basin ang kalayong gikuptan mo ulbo na. A

Ania pud si Sir “Weather Man”

Grado sa estudyante iyang paubsan
Apan kung imong bayaran
Malipayon siya nga kini patas-an

Si Sir kontra polusyon

Sa klase murag walay desisyon
Kung siya makulbaan
Amigong sigarilyo iyang dagkutan

Naa paý ubang maestro sa major subjects

Puro experience lang ang hisgutan
Asa na diay ang principles ug concepts
Nga angay sa estudyante makat-unan
Naa ba diay tubag sa questions sa PRC exam
Kun experiences sa instructors ra ang mahinumduman?
16 | Artworks
Guess What?
• The water of Dead Sea is roughly 10 times saltier than the water in Earth’s Oceans.
• The Driest Place on Earth is Atatcama, Chile which only gets 0.3 inches (.9 cm) of rainfall a
• The Coldest Place on Earth is Vostok, Antartica which reached a low temperature of -129 of
(-89 oc) on July 21, 1983.
• Bands of pirates once used Madagascar as a base from which to attack ships travelling
around the Cape of Good Hope.
• It took 34 years to create this 50- mile long canal across the Isthmus of Panama. Its huge
locks connect the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
• The biggest wave on record occurred in Lituya Bay on the southern coast of Alaska in
1958. An earthquake measuring 8.3 on the Richter scale hit the area and shook loose an
estimated 40 million cubic yards of dirt and glacier from a mountainside at the head of the
bay. When the debris hit the water, a massive 1,720-foot wave was created and washed over
the headland.
• The worlds oldest ship of today is M/V DOLOUS. It was built in 1914 by Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company for the Mallory Steamship Company of the United
States. The ship held the biggest floating library in the world. Normally there were somewhere
between 3000 to 5000 books on the shelves and half a million in the hold. A
Source: World Wide Web
Fun Page | 17
E/C Maria Estrella Bondoc

Have you noticed that the UC-METC campus found hard to locate. It is built on the far side of the
appears to be seemingly shrinking in the last few campus where most students were restricted from
years? The actual area doesn’t change. However, loitering.
the addition of buildings and facilities seems to have Generally speaking, the old chapel was not
made the campus more compact-looking as these conducive for holding holy mass or novena because
have occupied most of the formerly vacant grounds. of such limitations. And it was because of these very
Indeed, UC-METC has evolved through time in terms reasons that the university President, Atty. Augusto
of campus modernization. W. Go, together with his wife, Madame Elizabeth Go,
The latest additions, which are still under decided to relocate the said chapel to a more easy-to-
construction, include the swimming pool located at locate spot in the campus.
the back of the maritime training center and the most Currently, our new chapel has been moved to Dorm
apparent building installation right in front of IMEC 1 where students can drop by without deliberation
area. at anytime. As the place is spacious this time, more
Before these were thought of, another costly attendees can be accommodated. Musical equipment
establishment was constructed. Some semesters ago, is also enhanced as the area has wider space for
our school chapel was relocated. more instruments.
To describe in details the old chapel for the benefit Our school chapel’s activities include a holy mass
of those who had not seen it or had not reached the held every first Friday of the month and on special
time when it was still in operation, it had several weak occasions. Life of the Spirit Seminar (LSS) is also
points as a place of worship. conducted whenever schedules are available. The
As it was located beside the covered court where Catholic Charismatic Youth Ministry (CCYM), along
students while away during their vacant period, with other religious organizations acknowledged
the vicinity had the tendency to be boisterous from by the school, often holds their praise and worship
students’ chatter. Another drawback was the very activities in the new chapel.
limited seating capacity, which left the rest of the Featuring this novelty which has been
attendees sitting outside and getting distracted by established a year or two ago may seem to most as an
external detractors. Add to these, the place was not old issue which doesn’t need any special attention.
properly kept as it looked like a small shabby storage However, we would like to express our gratitude to the
room because of lack of maintenance when it was people behind the construction of this new chapel.
considered a holy sanctuary for people who wanted We greatly appreciate the effort of making our school
to reflect or pray. Another weak point was the very experience better in so many ways. A
location where it was situated, which most people

18 | Feature
D/C Fritz Banzon

We knew ex-President Ferdinand Marcos for his tyrant dictatorship with brute force as his main
way of imposing law and all his criminal-like acts during his regime. Above all, we knew him due to
the vast wealth his family owns. Many have said that these wealth were actually from the treasury of
the Philippines. On the contrary, Marcos had admitted that his wealth actually came from the mythical
Yamashita’s treasure. The credibility of his confession is quite silly the first time you hear it but once you
go over this background check on Marcos being a treasure hunter, you might just change your mind.
In 1952 two laborers came to Marcos and asked his help in collecting their pay from two ex-Imperial
Army veterans. They claimed they were hired to dig a deep pit near the old military base and had
uncovered a lot of gold bars. Instead of paying them the Japanese had run them off at gun point. Marcos
went with them and they sneaked up on the excavation. Marcos saw the two Japanese hauling gold bars
up from the pit and struggling to load them on the back of a truck. Marcos told the laborers to wait there
while he went to get help. Marcos returned within an hour with two men. All three were armed with rifles
and hand guns. Without fanfare the three armed men took up positions and on command shot and killed
the two Japanese and two other Filipinos who were in their camp. Then without flinching they shot the two
Marcos and his two friends removed the rest of the gold bars from the pit and finished loading them
on the truck. The total weight of the bars was over two tons. The truck sagged on its springs. He then had
his friends collect the bodies and drop them down the pit. The rest of the day was spent by the three men
filling the pit in order to hide bodies. When it was about a meter from the top Marcos dispatched his two
friends with a hand gun and rolled them into the pit. He finished filling the pit and cut down branches
which he spread around to hide the activity. (
From that event Marcos knew that the rumor about the Yamashita’s treasure is true. With his gold,
guns and goons, Marcos won the Presidential election. His position as president had given him authority
to explore more the islands in the Philippines in search for the treasure. In mid 1960’s Marcos recovered
US$8 billion from a tunnel known as “Teresa 2” which was located 38 miles south of Manila, in the Rizal
province. In 1969 he sent a military officer to Tokyo and learned that there is a huge treasure site right
under the main flagpole in Camp Aguinaldo. Using his Presidential Security force and other soldiers he
excavated the site. Before the end of the year he was able to recover over two thousand metric tons of
gold and a lot of precious stones. The amount
of gold exceeded the gold reserve of Banko
Sentral ng Pilipinas during that time which is
only 600+ tons. He is then the wealthiest man
in Asia and wealthier than his own country.
Then there was this allegation from a
certain Roger Roxas who claimed to have
found a Golden Buddha with a detachable
head containing diamonds inside which was
stolen by ex-President Marcos through the aid
of his soldiers. The complete story of this is on
this site
These might just prove that the Marcos
treasure was really from the Yamashita’s
treasure but since time hides well the secrets
of the past, none of our doubts could be
confirmed. The mystery still lives on as to
whether Marcos is telling us the truth and if
the Yamashita’s treasure really exist. A

Feature | 19
The Curious Case of Benjamin Growing old seems to be one of the major fears that
people sometimes face. Though there are some who
Button impatiently want to grow up when they were little, it is
E/C Maria Estrella Bondoc
a known fact that changes and age is one thing most
people would want to defy.
“Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind,
it doesn’t matter.” - Mark Twain One reflection we can extract from his story is the
truth that we all have seasons in our lives. There is time
Most people are fond of hearing stories especially for us to be happy, and time to be sad. There is time for
when these are of the odd sort or eccentric nature. everything. Changes are inevitable. But no matter how
Fantasy themes have come to captivate the imagination constant these changes are, we get to understand that
of most people. And for this, F. Scott Fitzgerald has seasons are nature’s way of letting us know that we are
written a short story about “.” not in control, that there is a higher being caring for our
lives whether we grow forward or backward. A
When published books are adapted into movies,
this goes to show that they are interesting enough to be
portrayed on the big screen. This story is one of them. Graduation Gift
Benjamin Button was a boy born with the appearance A young man was getting ready to graduate for
and physical maladies of a very elderly man. Because college. For many months he had admired a beautiful
of his condition, he was abandoned by his father after sports car in a dealer’s showroom. Knowing his father
his mother died shortly after giving birth to him. could well afford it, he told him that it was all he wanted.
As Graduation Day approached, the young man
Looking like a seventy-year old man, he lived his awaited signs that his father had purchased the car.
life backwards. Old-looking, he started out his life like a Finally, on the morning of his graduation his father
normal kindergarten learning to say the alphabet and to called him into his private study. His father told him
count numbers. Though learning came easier for him, that he was proud to have such a fine son, and that
with all the physical limitations common among seniors, he loved him dearly. He handed his son a beautifully
the jeers and mockery were challenging enough for an wrapped gift box.
old man. The unbecoming disadvantages of old age Curious but somewhat disappointed, the young
had become the reason why he was treated differently man opened the box and found a lovely leather-bound
unlike other kids of his “same age.” Bible. Angrily, he raised his voice at his father and said,
“With all your money you give me a Bible?” and stormed
Through the years, he grew younger and stronger. out of the house, leaving the holy book.
And at some point, he was given the opportunities to feel Many years passed, and the young man was very
the vigor of youth take over him. His physical strength successful in business. He had a beautiful home and
gave him power to do things that he once wanted to do a wonderful family. But then he realized that his father
like going to college and excelling in sports. People had was very old, and he thought perhaps he should go
stopped bullying him for his abnormality. to him. He had not seen him since that graduation
day. Before he could make arrangements, he received
All this time, he had felt love, the most normal and a telegram informing him that his father had passed
natural feeling he held for someone. He came in and away, and that the he willed all of his possessions to
out of his lover’s life for different reasons. Until one day his son. He needed to come home immediately and take
he went back to her as a little child. As he was born an care of things.
old man, he also died an infant in the arms of the love When he arrived at his father’s house, sudden
of his life. sadness and regret filled his heart. He began to search
his father’s important papers and saw the still new
In real life, no case has been reported about a Bible, just as he had left it years ago. With tears, he
person growing backwards. Science has not been up opened the Bible and began to turn the pages. As he
to altering a person’s physiological body in such a read through, a car key dropped from an envelope
way that growth would reverse. As a fictitious film, the taped behind the Bible. It had a tag with the dealer’s
characters depicted real-life dramas touching others’ name, the same dealer who had the sports car he had
lives through the power of reflection and sensitivity. desired. On the tag was the date of his graduation, and
The most common thing people share is the feeling of the words... PAID IN FULL.
love, along with the fear of rejection and humiliation in How many times do we miss God’s blessings
different forms. But what makes a person beautiful is because they are not packaged as we expected? A
his wounded soul. What heals a person’s own hurts is
helping others in healing theirs.
20 |Amazing Stories
So Far Away
by: Maria Estrella L. Bondoc
Hard To Say Goodbye
by: Shiella Mae Delica

Could a lifetime be enough to fill in the moments of distance? So many times I’ve tried
Like a song in the night that drifts off without a single glance To say the word “goodbye”
Yearning for your presence, I anxiously wait for a good sign I feel so deep in sorrow
Desolate and hopeless this river of tears had made me blind
When I think of tomorrow.
Ever since you’ve gone away, life had been a painful ordeal
Such poignancy has drowned the very life of what little I feel
As another day breaks its entry, more waiting drains me dry
They say letting go is the best way
Yet despite being frustrated I never go tired to wail and cry But deep within me, it is hard to do.
Until the day when you return, I’ll sit beside the windowsill I turn to God and pray
Dreaming that sooner than expected, I’ll be seeing you still To tell me the best thing to do.

I let my teardrops roll

At Peace Beside You

by: Hoshi
Down my cheeks, I made him fall.
As I bite my lips gently,
Showing that, I accept the truth wholeheartedly.

Clouds of happy thoughts hover above my head Now I really know how it feels.
Lying silently beside you in the warmth of my bed To love someone for real.
Your scent lingers like soft perfume to my senses Just when I thought I’ll be loved in return
Drifting me from my chaos into a world of stillness But my heart just get burn.
Each stroking you make sends quiver to my spine
Soothing me as I lie awake in such sweet recline I’ve tried to say goodbye
And when I open my eyes, I feel you beside me But I can’t afford seeing my heart
Your hands on my face overwhelm me with felicity Bleeding everytime I try, can’t make a lie
Under your care I lavish in this sweet surrender ‘cause it’s really hard to say goodbye.
Dazed with comfort I fall into a dreamless slumber

Scent of Happiness
by: Maria Estrella L. Bondoc
Crush Only
By: Delica, Shella Mae P.

Cautiously you have made your way into my heart As I look at you secretly,
Love as it is, you’ve woven such a wonderful start I want to be with you so nearly.
You’ve broken my chains and conquered my fears Sometimes when you glance at me accidentally,
Day in and day out you’ve stopped my river of tears I wish you were the prince in my fantasy.
Every time I’d wonder if you would ever change
Since your sudden transition is somehow strange If I can’t see you every day,
As I see a better you, I become contented as ever I feel so sad, mad and very lonely;
You breathe out happiness whenever we’re together For you inspires me day by day.
Under your spell, I am charmed by your affection And make me smile all the way.
Decided I am that I’d forever dwell on this elation
My heart beats faster when you pass by,
To hide this bouncing heart is hard to try.
I Love My GF
D/C Ronnel E. Elatico
If I see your smile, I think I’m on the sky-
For in your wings you made me fly.

I love my girlfriend with every fiber of my being One time with the other girl, I caught you in my eye,
She is the only one I’d rather be seeing My heart broke and made me cry;
Wherever I go or whatever I do, But, I truly know that you are not for me
She’s in my thoughts the whole day through For you are my crush only.

When the storms of life get me down,

A sweet kiss from her will turn me around.
To have her in my life is a gift from above
An undeserved blessing of beauty and love.

I love this girl for everything she’s worth

No one could replace her anywhere on earth.
For the rest of my days my love I will give
To her who gives me the reason to live.
Literary |
Anchor Publication Financial Statement
Election Committee 2nd Semester S.Y. 2010-2011
Liquidation of Expenses Number of students : 4,261
Publication fee : P 25.00
Total collection : P 106,525.00
Previous cash Available : P 39,283.55
Expenses: Anchor Subscription : P 145,808.55
Less Expense:
Presswork Meals and Snacks P 1,224.00
Miscellaneous P 1,893.00 Transportation Allowance P 716.00
Transportation P 243.00 Miscellaneous P 5,774.50
Meals & Snacks P 5,832 Enrollment Duty Allowance P 4,550.00
Printing Cost P 78,375.00
TOTAL P 7968.00 Anchor x-mas Party P 6,259.94
Anchor computer P 27,065.00
Anchor Printer P 4, 990.00
Anchor Wall fan P 1,700.00
Anchor Photo Bag P 750.00
Total Expenses: P 131,404.44
Prepared by: Total cash in Bank: P 14,404.55

(Sgd.) D/C Jimjee A. Tio Prepared by: (Sgd.) D/C Antonio Lina
Finance Manager
Approved by: (Sgd) D/C Claude Fritzer Dominguez
Approved By: Noted by: (Sgd.) D/C Jimjee Tio
Managing Director
(Sgd) D/C Claude Fritzer C. Dominguez Checked By: (Sgd.) Mrs. Milagros Ismael

22 | Scuttle Butts
Congratulations Batch
Anchor Editorial Board Members who will
be recognized this March 2011!

D/C Jimjee A Tio D/C Joseph Christian S Bernadas

Anchor Member from 2008-2011 Anchor Member from 2009-2011
Finance Manager 2009-2010 Creative Director 2009-2010
Managing Director 2010-2011 Production Director 2010-2011
“The only true wisdom is in knowing you “Life may not lead you where you want,
know nothing. A wise man doesnt need but have faith and you are exactly where
advice and a fool wont take it.” you were meant to be.”

D/C Arnel Jade Cubio

E/C Maria Estrella Bondoc Anchor Member from 2008-2011
Anchor Member from 2008-2011 Senior Editor-Makina 2009-2010
Senior Editor-Magazine 2009-2010 Finance Manager 2010
Associate Editor 2010-2011 P& R Director 2010-2011
“Nothing is predestined: The obstacles of “No matter what age you are, or what your
your past can become the gateways that circumstances might be, you are special, and
lead to new beginnings.” you still have something unique to offer. Your
life, because of who you are, has meaning.”

D/C Noe Villacin D/C Fritz Banzon

Anchor Member from 2008-2011 Anchor Member from 2010-2011
Senior Editor 2009 Senior Editor-Tabloid 2010-2011
Associate Editor 2009-2010 ““Mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it
Editor-in-Chief 2010 don’t matter.”
“The biggest mistake is believing there is
one right way to listen, to talk, to have a
conversation -- or a relationship.”


Thank you for the hardships and sacrifices that you’ve given to the publication;
through the knowledge and Values you’ve shared as a family and as a student, may
you reach your dreams with passion and excellence.
Bon Voyage!

Anchor Family

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