Directions For eSD - Google Classroom Integration

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Google Classroom Integration

Directions for G-Suite Enterprise EDU Administrators

The G-Suite EDU Apps administrator​ for your district should follow the steps to link the district Google
Classroom accounts to eSchoolData (eSD). This configuration ​must​ be completed before any assignments and
grades can be synced from Google Classroom into eSD.

Part 1: Google Setup

1. Log out of all Google accounts (highly suggested)
2. Log in as the G-Suite Enterprise EDU administrator.
3. Assure that the ​email address​ of this user in eSD matches that of the G-Suite administrator you've
logged in as.
4. Turn on the Google Cloud Platform
a. Visit ​
b. Find “Google Cloud Platform”
i. Hover over the row and click the 3 dots on the right.
ii. Choose “Turn on for Everyone”

1. (Power users may click into this row and “edit” the Google Cloud Platform
console to restrict access to certain organizations. Make sure that the current
user is in the organization you select to have access.)
2. Make sure that it is activated for your domain
c. The instructions may tell you may have to wait 24 hours. If so and the steps below do not seem
to work, try again in 24 hours.
5. Create a project for your organization
a. Visit ​

i. Click "Create"
b. Call the project "Illuminate Education

i. Click "Create"
1. This piece may take some time, errors will be shown in the upper right hand side
of the screen.
2. Location and Organization must reflect your school Domain

ii. Once complete you should be here

6. Turn on the Google Classroom API

a. Visit ​
b. Choose your "Illuminate Education" Project in the upper left (if it's not already selected)
c. Click "Enable"

7. Create a consent screen (A consent screen is unused in this integration but is required by Google to
move forward with the remaining steps.)

b. Choose your "Illuminate Education" Project in the upper left (if it's not already selected)
i. Application type: Internal
ii. Application name: Illuminate Education

iii. Support email: Select your email address. (Note that under this integration method, this
information will not be used.)
iv. Authorized domains: ​Your School’s Domain​ (make sure to hit “enter” in this field to
save the value)

v. Leave all others blank or default (including Scopes)

vi. Hit “Save”

1. You do not need to Submit for verification
8. Create a service account
a. Navigate to ​
b. Choose your "Illuminate Education" Project in the upper left (if it's not already selected)

c. Click "Create Service Account"

1. Click “Create” and enter Service Account Name: Illuminate Education

2. Role: Service Accounts > Service Account Admin

3. Click “Create Key”

a. Leave Key Type as JSON

b. Hit “Create”

c. Save the .json file that downloads. Click “Create”. ​Write the folder name
down where these files are saved on your computer. These files will be
uploaded into eSD.

d. Click “Done”
4. Hover over the three dots for your Service account under “actions”

a. Click ‘edit”
b. Click “Show Domain-Wide Delegation”

c. Check Enable G-Suite Domain-wide Delegation

5. Click “Save”
6. Click on the account name under “email” in your service account row

a. Copy the Unique Client ID (this should be a long series of numbers) Click

9. Turn on access to your domain via the Unique ID

b. Go to: Security > Advanced Settings > Manage Domain Wide Delegation

c. Click Add New


f. Client name: Unique ID from above
1. Note: The example for the client currently shown on this page is, but in reality, your Unique ID should be a large set of

g. OAuth Scopes: API Scopes ​(copy these exactly and in full)​: (When copying end at the ​s
in emails, do not include a space at the end),,,,
h. Hit “authorize”

If you receive the following error:

“Client is unauthorized to retrieve access tokens using this method”​, make sure:
● The user you’re logged into Illuminate with has the exact same ​email address​ (not username) as the
G-Suite admin account. Assure the cases are the same as well, just in case.
● You’ve turned on the Google Cloud Platform (Step 5)
● You’ve enabled G-Suite Domain-Wide delegation on the same page as step 9 > 3 > 6 (should be
enabled by default)
● Assure that all the API scopes are listed from step 10, and that there are no space or odd return
● If none of these work, try going into your Illuminate account and edit your profile, simply clicking
“save” to resave the current information. There might be an odd hidden character in your email
● If you still have problems, please contact your customer support manager.
Your Google Classroom Set Up is Now Complete!​ Continue to Part 2 to set up eSchoolData.

Part 2: eSchoolData Setup ​Available September 21, 2020 (Release 8.4).

1. Log into eSchoolData and go to ​Interoperability > Partners > Google Classroom​.

2. Step 1​ - Google Classroom Integration

a. Check Yes for Enabled

b. Upload the JSON file saved from Google Classroom in Part 1 Step 9. Click Choose File, then
Upload and Save. Click on the Test Configuration button to verify the uploaded JSON file makes
a valid connection.

Step 2​ - Confirm Accuracy of Teacher Google Email Addresses. Make sure your teacher accounts have the
same email address in eSD as they use for their Google Classroom account.
System > Staff > Staff
Select the edit icon and scroll down to the Address Information section of the staff record. The email address
field should be populated with the same email address the teacher uses to sign into Google Classroom.

Step 3​ - Confirm accuracy of student email addresses. Ensure that the email address listed for the student in
eSD is the same one used by the student to log into Google Classroom.
Student > Student Profile
Search for a student and select them then navigate to the registration tab. The email address listed here
needs to match the email address that the students use when they login to Google Classroom.

Note: ​If these fields are not populated with the email addresses that your teachers and students use to login
to Google Classroom then the integration will not work. To resolve this you can import files with the correct
email addressed using Guru or for non-Guru customers you can send us a template to build out and import for

Schedule the autosync (for Guru customers only)

Guru > GuruZaps > Create a New Zap

Enter a title that describes what you would like to call the Zap. We suggest something like “Google Classroom
Sync”. The from the action type drop down select the “Google Classroom” action.

Do not select the Google action type. That zap is for a different purpose.

Configure options for your Google Classroom Zap.

Sync Date Range Picker​- Option controls how many days before and after an assignment due date that are
included in the Google Classroom Sync. The maximum setting is shown below as 15. This means the zap will
look for assignments where grades need to be synced within 15 days before or after the assignment’s due
date. If you leave this value blank it will default to syncing the assignments due on the same day. Please note
the more days you enter into the Sync Date Range Picker the longer your zap will take to run and complete.
Set this value based on your district’s grading policies. Edits made to grades outside of this due date range will
not get updated during the sync process.

Type​- This defines what type of zap this is. Sync is the only available option so it is what you should select.

Frequency- ​This determines how often the zap will execute. We suggest in order to get the most out of the
Google Classroom sync you choose everyday.

Time- ​This determines the time of day the zap will execute. This is up to your discretion. However, notice I
have set this zap to run after hours. If you have configured your Date Range Picker to be more than 5 days we
suggest that you schedule your zap to run after hours to ensure optimal performance for your users during

Linking Teacher Connect Assignments with Google Classroom

​The linking process enables assignment grades to be synced between Teacher Connect and Google Classroom.
Existing assignments in Teacher Connect can be linked to Google Classroom assignments so that grades can be
synced. You can also import assignments from Google Classroom into Teacher Connect as linked assignments
making the assignment creation process much easier.

Linking existing Teacher Connect assignments to Google Classroom

Teacher Connect > Gradebook

Locate the existing assignment in TeacherConnect and select the drop down on the right hand side of the
assignment name. Then select the link to Google Classroom option from the available options.

Select the course in Google Classroom the assignment was created in that you want to link with this
assignment in Teacher Connect.

Select the assignment that you would like to link and press link

The assignment will linked successfully

When an assignment is linked with Google Classroom the sync process will populate the score for the user. All
edits to the assignment grades should be done in Google Classroom and will automatically populate when the
assignment sync runs in Teacher Connect.

Linking an assignment upon creation in Teacher Connect


Teacher Connect > Gradebook

From the Gradebook select the Add Assignment button. From the add assignment screen select the “Link to
Classroom” button.

Select the course in Google Classroom the assignment was created in that you want to link with this
assignment in Teacher Connect.

Select the assignment that you would like to link and press link

The assignment will linked successfully


Creating Linked Assignments by importing from Google Classroom

Teacher Connect > Gradebook

From the Gradebook Click the Setup Button

From the Gradebook setup screen select Import Assignment

From the Import Assignments modal select the category you want to import your assignments into, select the
Google Classroom that the assignments reside in, and select the assignments you want to import. Please note
that you can import multiple assignments from a Classroom, but you should only select assignments that
belong in the same category.

Press the import button and you will see the assignments are imported into the Gradebook setup screen.

Press save and the return to the Gradebook to locate your linked assignments

Unlinking Teacher Connect Assignments from Google Classroom assignments- ​When an assignment in
TeacherConnect is unlinked from an assignment in Google Classroom then grade entry is enabled in
TeacherConnect and the user can no longer sync grades with Google Classroom unless they link the
assignment again. There are two ways to unlink a TeacherConnect assignment from Google Classroom.

TeacherConnect > Gradebook

Click on the drop down on the right hand side of the assignment you want to unlink then select “Unlink Google
Classroom” from the available options.

TeacherConnect > Gradebook > Setup

From the Assignments area select the icon directly to the left of the assignment name.

Syncing Assignments that have been linked to Google Classroom- ​Once an assignment is in TeacherConnect
that has been linked has been linked to an assignment in Google Classroom then grades can be synced
between the two gradebooks. When the grades are synced the student’s scores will automatically populate in
TeacherConnect from Google Classroom.

TeacherConnect > Gradebook

Select the drop down on the right hand side of the assignment and select “Sync Google Classroom”

Select Ok from the Success Message

Review the scores in TeacherConnect and see they match the scores in Google Classroom

When the Google Classroom Zap is setup to run nightly any scores that have not been synced with Google
Classroom, have been modified since the last sync, are linked to Google Classroom, and are not in draft state
in Google Classroom will automatically be synced overnight when the Zap runs.

Reminder- ​Any grades in Google Classroom that are in “Draft” state will ​NOT ​sync with TeacherConnect.


Student Name Match

Google Classroom only displays student names on lists. Will this integration match the appropriate student
assignments even if we have students with the same name? Yes, this integration solves this age-old problem
for your teachers.

Nightly sync

Can our district schedule a nightly sync to push assignment grades from Google Classroom to eSD so our
teachers don’t have to manually import or push grades? Absolutely!

Manual Sync

Can teachers manually push assignment grades from Google Classroom to eSD if they don’t want to wait for
the nightly sync to run? Yes, they can!


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