Thick Cylinder

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2x2x380 @ Nim? = 25.33 Nimm?. 4. A oflindrcal air receiver for a compressor is 2m in intemal diamet i at r ‘min internat diameter and made of plates 12 mm thick. Ifthe hoop ges is rotio exceed 90 Ninn? and the axial stress is not to exceed 60 Nini? find the maximum safe ir pressure. ‘SouTON. d= 2m= 2000 mm; ¢= 15 mm A Limiting the hoop stress to 90 Nim? eee 2 A= Fp =90 Nim 2x1.5x90 ( s P= S599 = 135 Mint Limiting the axial stress £e., the longitudinal stress to 60 Nim are 2 Sa= Gy =60.Ninm? . 4x1.5x60 e P= 359 NB Nn? :, Maximum safe air pressure = 1.35 Nimm?. ‘ Prostem 5. A thin cylindrical pressure vessel of diameter 2.5 m and thickness 18 mm is subjected 10 an internal pressure of : —L2Nhmn?. In addition, the vesel is also subjected to an axial tensile load of 2800 KN. Determine the normal and shear stresses on a plane at an angle of 60° to the axis of the vessel. Find also the maximum shear stress. Sowmon. Hoop sts due to internal pressure i f= BE = 1282800 93.33. wrn? 1 oe OKI Longitudinal stress due to internal pressure \ f= a - BS ree Longitudinal stress due to tensile load pf = ZOO 9 51? neem fs = x 2500%18 Hence the principal stresses are, f, = 83.33 Nin? “ 41.67 + 19.81 = 61.48 N/mm? ?; z4 The plane at 60° with the axis of the vessel is at 60° with the major principal plane. The normal and shear stresses on this plane are, 2 cos20 83.334 61.48 , 83.33~ 6148 51909 2 2 2.41 — 5.46 = 66.95 Nii 9 = 83:33 81.48. sin 120° = 9.46 Ninn? 2 _ 83:33 61.48 _ 19.93 Nin. 2 " Scanned with CamScan 2 : ‘A thin clindrical tube with closed ends hasan interna diameter of 50 mm and a wal ces ded in tension with a load of 10 ki and is subjected to an axial torque of 500 Nm under an inter ermine the principal stresses on the outer. ‘surface of the tube and the maximum shear stress. : ioe diameter of the tube = 50 + 2.5 = 52:50 mm. Cross sectional area of the tube mater 2 P, = longitudinal stress = 100 4, X50" B125n* 4 By =hoop stress = PP. 6%50__ 69 njnm? 7 2 22.50 q= shear stress = T_ = SO0x10" x16%55 7, m(55" 50°) ye nt < | Principal steses =P Ps (® i + = 5282460 , (5282-60 7 2 } 448.287 =56.41448.41 16.41+48.41 = 104,82 N/mm? (tension) 641 48.41 =8 Nimm? (tension) =P mm? 2m ' _104.82-8 Maximum shear stre85 dae = Némm? = 48.41 N/mm? Prostem 7. A hollow cylindrical drum 600 mm in diameter has a thickness of 10 mm. Ifthe drum is subjected to an intemal air pressure of 3 Nimm?, determine the increase in the volume of the drum. Take E = 2 x 108 Nimm? and += 0.3. m Pd _3%600 95 ag ‘Sotumion. Hoop stress: 2 2x10 90 Nima? Longitudinal stress = f, = = 45 Nimm? 1 165 Circumferential strain a= Ha (90-03x45)=7° tudinal strain a2 4{h- (45-03x90)=18 Longitudinal sta ne \5 8 153+18 _ 171 ‘Strain of the capacity e,= ete, EOE 171x600 Increase in volume Bye Y= age g 3000 mm? = 725230.9 mm? = 725.23 ce. Prosiem 8. A thin cylindrical shel of thickness 5 mm and diameter 350 mm is subjected 1 an internal pressure which produces rain of dx in the diameter. Find this internal pressure and the consequent hoop and longitudinal siesses. Take E = 2 x 10° N/ 2500 1 nm? and =, = 03 Scanned with CamScar re | _nincylinders and Spheres 3 ! tee Px350 1 Besxax0P- = F505 4x5x2x10° | 350x1-742509 2.69 Nin? ‘pd _ 2.69%350 Bea = 94 1S Ni Longitudinal stress f, = A. SANS 4708 Nin. yo aa ; Prostem 9. A cylindrical thin drum 800 mm in diameter and 3 men ic je P min diameter and 3 metres long has a shell thickness of 10 mm, If the drum is subjected san ite pres of 25 Win deernine (th change in dante) hangs neh and) change volun. Toe E = 2 10° Ninn? : Poisson's ratio = Souunon. Hoop stress Longitudinal stress Circumferential strain Longitudinal strain —*, (50-025 x 100) = 0.0001250 2x10 2e, + €,= 2(0.0004375) + 0.0001250 = 0.001 = B= eg! = 0.001250 « 3000 = 0.375 mm 0004375 x 800 = 0.35 mm + Increase in length Increase in diameter 1507965 mm. = 0,001 x (B00)? 3000 ‘external diameter and 10 mam thick the length being 1830 mm. Find the change is 530 mm eee jen chrged tO Nom? internal pressure. Take E = 2.1 x 10° Ninn? and Poisson's ratio | Increase in the volume Posten 10. The in the external diameter and the length 13. ‘Souunon. Internal diameter = 530-20 = 510 mm Circumferential stress Scanned with CamScan 2 = 0,0002551 x 1830 = 0.4669 mm o i internal pressure of 1 Nim. Ifthe thickness of ee Prosuan 11. A shell 325 mete lng, 1 mete in diameter ise’ © ‘shear stress andthe changes inthe dimen “shell is 10 mo, find the circumferential and longitudinal stresses. ofthe shell Take E = 2 10° Ninm and + = 0.3. ‘Soumon. p= 1 Nim I= 3250 mm d= 1000 mm ( t= 10mm (Circumferential stress ‘Longitudinal stress =f= 2. 225 Nimm? / ‘Maximum shear stress = 12.5 Nim? 1 225, i, ~4). FOS0-03%25)= ii Circumferential strain seeo7 Longitudinal strain = i we 210, 85_ 95 Strain of the capacity Hea preateaet eae 4 x 1000 = 0.2125 mm is Change in ler ginal length aera ge in length = e, x original lengt DergF %3250= 0.1625 mm rf nd? ‘Change in the capacity 4, X original eapaciy = ¢,. SE . i ‘ 9 ok = Feaor'4 (1000)? x 3250 = 1212458 mm \ Prostem 12. A water main 800 mm diameter contains water at a pressure head of 115 m cubic metre, find the thickness ofthe metal required ifthe permissible stress is 25 Nimm?. Souwmon. Pressure intensity inside the pipe = wH = 9810 x 115 Nimetre? _ S810K115 ; [000% 1000 = 1128 Nim? ietres. If the weight of water is 9810 N per \ ‘pd _1.128%800 oe Thi red for the pi ‘Thickness requi Pipe of axas 8mm, rE Scanned with CamScan oe 13. A 6 mm thick ir is seenbagunt 19,8 Grim hick meta ynder i filed wih on compres ld ta pressure of 3 Nm. The elder hs inte im fons. Find the addtional volume of uid purped ito the linden Take E = 1.05 % 10% Ninn? and ~ = 0.3 for the cylinder metal ‘Sousnon. Initial volume of the cylinder Ve © (250)? x 750 = 3.6815539 x 107 mm? Let f, and f, be the hoop stress and the longitudinal stress 3x250 2x6 3x250 4x6 Circumferential strain, ae 4). $(625-03%31.25)= E mas) E Longitudinal strain, - ko 1.25- 0.3x625)= 125 _ mars EE Increase in volume = Additional volume of fluid pumped into the cylinder e,V= SIS. 5. 3,6815539 x 107 mn = 41636 mm? = 41.636 ec. 7.05%10 Prosten 14. A cylindrical shell 900 mm long, 150 mm intemal diameter, having a thickness of metal 8 mm, is filled with a fluid atamospheric pressure. If an additional 20000 mr! offuid is pumped into the cylinder find (i) the pressure exerted by the fluid on the ollinder, and (i) the hoop stress induced. = 2x 10° Ninm? and Take, Souumion. Let the internal pressure be p Nim? Hoop stress Longitudinal stress 9.375 - 0.3 x 4.6875) = 7.96875 & Circumferential strain z° y E 2 (4.6875 -03 x 9.375) = 1.875 © Longitudinal strain Ez E =i7815 Z 1+ 6, = (2X 7.96875 + 1.875) Volumetric strain Increase in volume = AV =e, = 20000 ma? 17.8125p ,.® (450)? x900 = 20000 ‘ p= 14.12 Ninn? ie = 132.375 Nim. Scanned with CamScan pd _1.5%1500 4 gg = 7031 Nin’, «Strain of the diameter 1)_ 7031 fe (1-03) = 0.000246 :, Increase in diameter * original diameter = 0,000246 x 1500 mm, 369 mn. in of capacity Strain of capacity fe = 3 5 0.000246 = 0,000738 - in volume = ex ori OS Lah mt Chang = ¢,X original diameter = 273 =~ 19007 1304154 mn Prose 27. A spherical shell 300 mm diameter with a wall : "m diameter with a wall thickness of 8 mm is flled with « fluid at atmospheric pressure. Ifan abiinal 6600 man! of the fluid is pumped into the estinder find the pressure exerted by the fl the wa ofthe sphere. Find also the hoop stress induced. Take E = 2x 10° Ninn? and © = 0,3, Sowumow. Let the pressure exerted by the uid on the wal ofthe sphere be p Ninn? Wt px300 Hoop stress = fy= Pe = P*3M 9 5955 Nin? 4 axe sumferential strain = Strain of the diameter = , i(,_1 Volumetic stain qe tye ffi! 3K9.3759 . ‘ 2 U-O.8) = 9847S x 108 p Increase in volume Ate ¢.¥'= 6000 mon nx 30" — s 9.84375 x 108 pe Ew GO 2 HT Mi : nd _ 4.31300 Hoop st -& He ase Nm? = 40.40 Nim, loop stress ax ameter $00 mm with 8 mim wall thickness is given a coating of lacquer which cracks ‘which the lacquer will develop cracks. Take E = 2.05 x 10° Nfum?, Prosten 28, AA spherical pressure vessel of di when the strain reaches 1.5 x 10-4. Find the internal pressure at Poisson’ ratio o = 0.30. the value ¢ = 1.5% 104 Let f be the hoop stress at which the maximum strain reaches t La-o) =6 Aft _ 443.928 _ 2.81 Nin? i 3 Pq 500 3 ee is made of steel plates of uniform thickness: tts filled with hing hasbeen completed relief valve fitted to the vessel | ea pancyinders ind Spheres gieiinoen wm HEMISPHERICAL ENDS” fig 12-11 shows 2 thin cylinder provided with hemispherical ends. a {_= Thickness of the cylinder i,= Thickness of the hemisphere pd Hoop stess in the cylindrical part = 2, Longitudinal sre in the eylindrical part = f, = Fig. 12.14 Hoop stress in the hemispherical part Circumferential strain in the cylindrical part Circumferential strain in the hemispherical part For the condition of no distortion of the junction, fae en we(?-m) For the condition of the same maximum stress in cylindrical and hemispherical parts, fat in aoe mu 4, te rovided with hemispherical ends. If it is subjected to an internal Prosusu in cylindrical shell of diameter 1.50 m isp rd he 4 herical parts for a permissible stress of 100 Ninn, pressure of 2 N/mm?. Find the thickness of the cylindrical and her Sourmon. Cylindrical part Limiting the hoop stress to 100 Nimm? Spherical part Limiting the hoop stress to 100 N/m? = 100 *sindrical sells provided with hemispherical ends, and subjected to internal fluid eae A 100 eee aera sndition of no distortion ofthe junction. Take Poisson's ratio = 0.25. Pree thickness of the hemisp . For the condition of no distortion of the junction: Scanned with CamScan dis! ‘At this level Ah oe a ne ae where r, = radius of the circumferential curvature, But = wih-y) and n= xm cose where w = weight per unit volume of water This is the hoop stress atthe level XX. Maximum hoop stress For the hoop stress to be maximum, MUANG (hoy) =0 eos. Ls 2 5 im the general expression for the hoop sess, we get : whan Fuemass= “are0s0. Wecan also calculate the stress fin the meridional direction, The total weight of the shaded volume of water must be resisted by i the vertical component of the induced meridional tension on the ct sumference XX. «+ For this condition ny? ta? ct wm? tan? 27) {fy2nyrtan arcosar= w (h=3) tance he wane Maximum meridional stress For the meridional stress to be maximum, 2n 4 the meridional stress, we get sneral expression for ? tance Sub ne | Scanned with CamScan PROBLEMS FOR EXERCISE Shes & A seamless pipe 1 metre diameter contains a fluid under a pressure of 1.5 Ninn. If the permissible tensile stress be 100 Nin’, fi ‘minimum thickness ofthe pipe. sn i ‘cylindrical shell is 400 mon internal diameter and 8m thick and 1 meire long. Find the change inthe intemal diameter andthe eng x3 the cylinder is charged with an internal prescure of Ninwn*. Take E'=2 10° Ninun? and Poisson's ratio=0:3. (0.34 mm: 02mm, A cylindrical shell is3 metres Yong. 1 metre in diameter and is subjected to an intemal pressure of 1 N/mm. Ifthe thickness ofthe sey ‘mm, find the circumferential and longitudinal stresses, Find also the maximum shear stress and the changes inthe dimensions ofthe sel. Tig E=2% 108 Ninn? and 20.84 Nimon? : 10:44 Nimo 0.12 mm ; 8, = 931000 mx) A water main 600 mm diameter contains water at a pressure head of 100 metres. Ifthe weight of water is 9810 N per cubic metre, ide thickness of the metal required ifthe permissible sess is 30 Nm, 31 mn) cylindrical shell 1.20 m long, 200 mm internal diameter and 10 mm thick is filled with a luid at atmosphere pressure. Ifan additonal} ‘mnt? ofthe fluid be pumped into the cylinder. find the pressure exerted by the fluid on the wall of the cylinder. Find also the hoop stress induce Take E =2 105 Ninn? and +. 75 Nim 83.75 Nw?) Ariveted boileris made out of 15 nun thick platestoadiameter of 1.80 metre. Ifthe efficiency ofthe longitudinal and circumferential joinste 75% and 60% respectively. find the safe pressure in the hoiler if the maximum tensile stress on the plate section through rivets may notexed Find also the longitudinal stress on the section through the rivets. (LS Ninn? 575 Nin) A thin spherical shell of 1.80 metres diameter is 10 mm thick. Its filled with a tiquid so that the internal pressure is 1 N/mm? Findtheincrese ‘of the shell. Take 210° Nin and in diameter and capaci (0.28 mim j 1443 x 10 n' A thin spherical shell 1.50 metre diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of 2 Nim? . Ifthe permissible stress in the plate materialis 4) ‘Nimo? and the joint efficiency is 80%. find the minimum thickness. Cm, Scanned with CamScan

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