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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: February 22,2021

CASE STORY TITLE: The Children of Sitio Mabolon

Conflict Identification

Since Sittio Mabolon is a mountainous area, many organizations and even government welfare
services find it hard to extend and offer their services to the people living in this area. Given the
fact that children need an intense care and of course nutrition without health services,
organization and programs that could help them, most of the children wouldn’t be able to
maintain good health. Sometimes when children get sick, they would be able to treat them as
soon as possible and even if they could the remedy that they used are from albularyo also known
as quack doctor. Relying on quack doctors does not guarantee safe medical practices and
process, and also given the fact that the remedies they offer are not proven by department of
health or even the professionals. Relying on quack doctors causes bad health or even worsen the
condition of the patient. Thus, results to people of Sittio Mabolon tends to go to authorized
medical centers if the condition already worsened.

Plan of Action

Up until now, transporting, extending, and offering medical services to mountainous area like
Sittio Mabolon is still an issue that our society faces, not only medical services but as well as
education and such. In order to prevent spreading and worsening health illness in areas like this,
it would be better if there is an organization and program solely intend to help people who live in
a difficult area like mountainous areas. This program will gather passionate medical workers and
volunteers that wanted to consistently help these areas. These volunteers should perform
seminars that would teach people of these areas how to take care of themselves, first aid
procedures and other practices they could use to prevent worsening their condition. They could
also perform seminars that teaches how to spice up their foods at home to encourage kids to eat
more nutritious food that could plenish their malnutrition. These volunteers will also supply
medicine such as antibiotic, vitamins and so. This program will need passionate people because
the activities and the transportation of goods, products, medicines and services will not be as
easy as how they provide services in urban areas and they will not only perform it once but they
perform it multiple times, it might be once a week or twice a month.


As part of the youth, I have realized that I am lucky to have supplies and access to medical
services. I also found myself lucky because during my childhood days my parents provided me the
Document No.:
Effective Date:

nutrition I needed in order to grow healthy. Knowing that there are still children who suffers from
malnutrition and any other illnesses due to lack of access to medical services, I became more
grateful that I am healthy and since I am healthy I could offer my service to other youths that
needed my help.

Submitted by: Verified by:

Mansilungan, Ma. Theressa Camille M.



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