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Joint Offloading Decision and Resource Allocation

with Uncertain Task Computing Requirement

Nima Eshraghi and Ben Liang
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Toronto, Canada
Email: {neshraghi, liang}

Abstract— We study the problem of joint offloading decision and usage charges, associated with the task execution, and it
and resource allocation for mobile cloud networks with a depends on both the task and the processor where the task is
computing access point (CAP) and a remote cloud center. We served.
consider the case where the task computing requirement is not
fully known before their execution. We aim to jointly optimize While many prior studies consider task offloading when
the offloading decisions as well as the allocation of computation the processing times of all tasks are available [3] - [7], the
and communication resources, to minimize a weighted sum of computing cycles that a task requires is generally uncertain
the average cost and cost variation. The problem is formulated until it is processed to completion [4]. Thus, in this work, we
as a mixed-integer program. We propose an efficient algorithm, consider task offloading when the computing cycle require-
termed Task Offloading and Resource Allocation with Uncertain
Computing (TORAUC), and show that it always converges to ment is not fully known before task execution. Such a system
a Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) point of an alternate form of needs robustness to limit performance degradation despite the
the original problem, which has its binary constraints removed processing time uncertainty.
but guarantees an offloading decision solution that is arbitrarily In particular, we study the problem of joint offloading
close to binary. We extend TORAUC to TORAUC-MP for the decision and resource allocation under uncertain computing re-
case of a multi-processor CAP. Through trace-based simulation,
we study the performance of TORAUC and TORAUC-MP. We
quirement, for multiple competing mobile users. The presence
observe that TORAUC is nearly optimal, and both algorithms of uncertainty adds substantial challenge to the system design,
substantially outperform several alternatives. complicating task scheduling and user competition in the shar-
ing of communication and computation resources at the CAP.
In fact, limited available shared resources can drastically affect
Recent advances in smart mobile devices have laid the foun- task offloading decision under processing time uncertainty.
dation to support a broad range of interactive services such as Under-allocation of resources results in excessive user delay.
augmented reality, online gaming, and social networking. As Over-allocation, on the other hand, would adversely impact
mobile applications grow in complexity, so does the demand other users in the shared system. Consequently, satisfactory
on computing resources. The insufficient computational re- and sustained computation performance can only be achieved
sources and limited energy supply in mobile devices, hence, by a careful robust design.
impede the accommodation of high computation demand in A resource allocation policy is robust if its performance is
emerging resource-hungry applications. With the help of cloud not affected immensely across a wide range of operational
computing, mobile devices can potentially reduce their energy conditions [5]. Here, we account for robustness in terms
consumption by offloading computation-intensive tasks to the of maintaining a desired level of cost efficiency despite the
resource-rich cloud environment. Nevertheless, offloading to uncertainty involved in the task computation requirements. The
remote cloud servers can incur significant delays, particularly contributions of this work are as follows:
if a large amount of data needs to be communicated over • We study joint offloading decision and allocation of com-
already congested backhaul links. munication and computation resources in a computing
Different from conventional mobile cloud networks, in Mo- network with one CAP and a remote cloud server, where
bile Edge Computing (MEC) additional computing resources the computation requirement of the tasks is uncertain.
are deployed in close proximity to end users [1] [2]. Therefore, We consider a system cost that accounts for energy con-
MEC serves as an attractive alternative to those offloaded sumption, processing delay, and communication delay.
tasks that require low latency. The concept of MEC may be We formulate a robust optimization problem toward the
abstracted by a computing access point (CAP), which is a objective of minimizing a weighted sum of the average
wireless access point, such as a cellular base station, with built- cost and cost variation. It is a mixed-integer program and
in computation capability [3]. The computation tasks can be is non-convex even after binary relaxation.
processed locally at the mobile device, offloaded to the CAP, • For the case where the CAP has a single processor,
or further forwarded by the CAP to a remote cloud center. we propose an efficient algorithm, termed Task Offload-
There is a cost, which may include delay, energy consumption, ing and Resource Allocation with Uncertain Computing
This work has been funded in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering (TORAUC). It is based on the construction of an it-
Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. eratively updated sequence of locally tight approximate


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geometric programming (GP) problems. We show that it B. Unknown Processing Times
converges to a KKT point of an alternate form of the Job assignment under processing time uncertainty is well
original problem that has its binary constraints removed studied in theoretical computer science. In [11], an energy-
but guarantees an offloading decision solution that is efficient scheduling policy is proposed, where tasks are sched-
arbitrarily close to binary. uled based on an online estimation of their required compu-
• We further extend our solution to the case where the CAP tation cycle. For such estimation, the scheduler requires the
has multiple processors. We propose the TORAUC-Multi- probability distribution of the computing cycle demand. The
Processor (TORAUC-MP) algorithm. It is shown to have authors of [12] consider the scheduling of dependent tasks,
the same convergence property as TORAUC. with the goal of both maximizing robustness and minimizing
• Through trace-based simulations with Google cluster the makespan. The robustness metric is based on the slack
data [6], we study the impact of system settings on the of a task, which represents the window within which the
performance of TORAUC and TORAUC-MP. We observe task can be delayed without affecting the makespan. In [13],
that TORAUC is nearly optimal over a wide range of a task scheduling problem is considered to minimize the
parameter settings. Both algorithms outperform several worst-case makespan under discrete scenario of uncertain
alternatives. processing times. In [14] and [15], two different models of
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In Sec- partial information about task processing times are considered,
tion II we present the related works. Section III describes and semi-online task scheduling algorithms are proposed with
system model and problem formulation. We present TORAUC, guaranteed competitive ratios on the makespan. In [16], dy-
prove its optimality, and derive its complexity in Section IV. namic job shop scheduling problem is studied under uncertain
Extension to multi-processor CAP is studied in Section V. processing times. To minimize the total flow time, a clustering
We evaluate the performance of TORAUC via trace-driven approach is proposed to classify the bottleneck machines.
simulations in Section VI, followed by concluding remarks in The focus of all of the above works is on the design of
Section VII. efficient task scheduling algorithms. They do not concern the
allocation of computation or communication resources. In this
work, we aim for robust minimization of a weighted sum
II. R ELATED W ORKS of energy consumption, processing delay, and communication
delay, through joint consideration of the offloading decision
The problem of task offloading and resource allocation and allocation of computation and communication resources.
has been studied in the literature under various settings with To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been
different objectives. In this section, we summarize existing studied in the literature.
works that investigate this problem for a three-tier cloud
computing network. We further present related works on job III. S YSTEM M ODEL AND P ROBLEM F ORMULATION
assignment under processing time uncertainty. A. Mobile Cloud Offloading System Model
Consider a cloud access network consisting of N mobile
A. Offloading and Resource Optimization in MEC with Known users, one CAP, and a remote cloud center. The CAP is a
Processing Times wireless access point (e.g., a cellular base station) equipped
with computation resources. Instead of just serving only as a
The joint optimization of offloading decision and allocation relay to forward the received tasks from users to cloud center,
of communication and computation resources for a three- the CAP also has the capability to execute users’ tasks subject
tier network, consisting of mobile users, a local computing to its computation resource constraints.
node (e.g, cloudlet or CAP), and a remote cloud server, has 1) Users and Tasks: We denote the set of all users by N =
been studied in [3] - [7]. In [3], scheduling of computation {1, . . . , N }. Each mobile user has one computation task to be
and communication resources is studied for a CAP with either executed locally at the mobile device, offloaded and
multiple users, each with a single task. The multi-user multi- served at the CAP, or sent further and processed at the remote
task scenario is further studied in [8] [9], where upper and cloud servers. We assume that user tasks are indivisible, i.e.,
lower bounds are used for the overall processing delay, to computation tasks cannot be further divided into sub-tasks, and
address the complicated overlapping delays in offloading and thus, the entire task must be executed in a single processor.
processing multiple tasks in a shared medium. Task offloading Denote the offloading decisions for user i by xli , xai , xci ∈
with dynamic voltage frequency scaling is discussed in [10]. {0, 1}, indicating whether user i’s task is processed locally,
Fairness-aware cost minimization in a fog computing network at the CAP, or at the cloud center, respectively. Then, the
for a multi-user single task scenario is studied in [7]. These offloading decisions are constrained by
works assume that the processing times of the tasks are
xli + xai + xci = 1, i ∈ N. (1)
exactly known a priori. This assumption is impractical, since
processing requirement of a task is generally unknown until Note that only one of xli , xai , and xci for user i can be non-zero.
the task is executed to completion [4]. In this work, we account Similar to existing studies [3] - [7], we assume that all tasks
for the uncertainty of the task processing time. are available at time zero. If the tasks arrive dynamically in


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time, one can apply our model and proposed solution in a rate to user i, which is constrained by the total processing rate
quasi-static manner, where the system processes the tasks in F a at the CAP:
batches that are collected over time intervals [4]. N

The computation task of user i is represented by (Li , ωi ), fia ≤ F a . (4)
where Li denotes the size of the task in bits including i=1
programming instructions and input data, and ωi is the number Initially, we consider a CAP model where F a is concentrated
of computing cycles required to process the task. We assume in a single fast processor. In Section V, we will extend
that Li are known but precise values of ωi are not available. our consideration to the case where the CAP has multiple
This represents a realistic scenario where the size of the task processors.
can be measured but its processing time is generally uncertain If the task is served by the CAP, the time delay is mainly
until it is processed to completion [4]. Nevertheless, given contributed by wireless communication latency and processing
the application type, some statistical information about the time and is denoted by Tia = bLi ηii + fωai . Hence, considering
tasks (such as expected value of the computing cycles) can i
shared and limited resources, careful joint allocation of com-
be reasonably inferred through measurements and experimen- munication and computation resources is necessary to improve
tal studies [17]. The revealed statistical information can be user latency.
leveraged to limit performance degradation in the presence 4) Cloud Processing Model: We further assume that the
of uncertainty. Hence, in this work, we assume that although remote cloud center provides an essentially infinite number of
ωi is random, its expected value ωi and some measure of processors, each with processor rate of f c , possibly through
its uncertainty, such as standard deviation or upper and lower leasing of virtual machines. If task i is offloaded to the remote
bounds, are available. In particular, we consider a certain range cloud, besides the wireless communication delay, there is
of ωi , denoted by Δω i , which is generally defined and may an additional transmission time between the CAP and cloud
represent, e.g., the full range of possible ωi values or some center, and the time required to complete the process at the
multiples of standard deviation around the mean value. cloud server. Therefore, the overall delay can be expressed
2) Local Execution Model: Denote the processing rate of as Tic = bLi ηii + rLaci + fωci , where riac is the rate allocated to
user i’s local mobile device by fil , which can be adjusted i
user i to transmit its task over the limited-capacity backhaul
depending on the application requirements and is limited by
max link between the CAP and cloud. Let Rac be the capacity of
the device computing capability Fil , i.e.,
backhaul. We have
fil ≤ Fil . (2) N

riac ≤ Rac . (5)
The time delay for locally processing user i’s task is i=1
denoted by Til = ωi /fil . The energy consumption model
The consumed energy by user i in this case is due to wireless
for local processing, denoted by Eil (ωi , fil ), is linear in the
transmission and is denoted by Eic = pi Li /bi ηi .
task computing cycle requirement ωi , and is generally a
Note that although a vast number of servers are available
polynomial function of fil [18]. Different mobile devices may
at the cloud center, and each can be fully devoted to a user,
have different coefficients and exponents that can be captured
the overall delay does not only depend on the task itself as
by the general energy model Eil (ωi , fil ) .
multiple users compete to reach the cloud through a limited
3) CAP Processing Model: To offload the computation backhaul link.
tasks, the data bits need to be transmitted to the CAP over
the wireless channel. For spectrum sharing among users, as B. Problem Formulation
an illustrative example, we consider orthogonal frequency The goal is to reduce the total system cost and maintain a
devision, but this work can be extended to other sharing desired level of performance for every potential realization of
methods. The data rate of user i is given by bi log(1 + hiσpi ), uncertainty. The cost incurred by each user is defined as the
where pi is the transmit power, hi is the channel power gain, σ weighted sum of the user energy consumption and the task
is the noise power at the CAP receiver, and bi is the allocated processing delay as follows:
bandwidth to user i and is constrained by the total available
bandwidth as follows: Ci = Ei + ρi Ti , (6)
 where Ei = Eil xli + Eia xai + Eic xci and Ti = Til xli + Tia xai +
bi ≤ B. (3) Tic xci , and ρi is the relative weight of time delay compared
with energy usage.
Energy consumed by user i for wireless transmission to The overall system cost involves some uncertainty brought
the CAP is denoted by Eia = pi Li /(bi log(1 + hiσpi )). For by unknown computation cycles required for task execution.
notational convenience we define ηi = log(1 + hiσpi ). Despite this uncertainty, statistical information provided by
Since there are possibly multiple tasks offloaded to the CAP, experimental studies [17] can be exploited to limit the risk
we need to further allocate computation resources available at of cost fluctuation. Reducing cost fluctuation is necessary to
the CAP as well. Denote fia as the assigned CAP processing the maintenance of a certain desired system performance for


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different realizations of uncertainty. To model cost fluctuation, 1) Alternate Problem Formulation: In order to reformulate
we consider the effect of Δω i , as defined in Section III-A.1, problem (8) in the GP form, equality constraints must be
on user i’s range of cost variation, denoted by ΔC i . Since Ci monomials as in the standard GP format. Nevertheless, the
is a linear function of ωi , the relation between ΔC i and Δi is
offloading decision constraint in (1) cannot be directly written
also given by (6) as follows: as a monomial. Moreover, the feasible set of problem (8)
 ω ω ω
 is not continuous as the offloading decisions can only take
l Δi a Δi c Δi
ΔCi = ρ i x i l + x i + x i c + xli Eil (Δω l
i , fi ). (7)
binary values. Therefore, we relax the offloading decisions
fi fia f and introduce the equivalent constraints (15)-(17) below, to
As a special example, if we use Δω ub lb ensure the satisfaction of offloading decision constraints (1)
i = ωi − ωi , where
ωi and ωi are the upper and lower bounds of ωi , then ΔC
ub lb and (10) in the original problem. Furthermore, we move the
represents the maximum range of cost fluctuation. energy and delay terms involved in the cost function (6), and
cost variation ΔCi from the objective (8) to the constraints
Our objective is to minimize the expected cost as well as
by introducing auxiliary variables {Ei , Ti , δi } to obtain the
the cost fluctuation by jointly optimizing the task offloading
following problem:
decisions xi = [xli , xai , xci ], and the resource allocation vec-

tor ri = [fil , fia , bi , riac ]. Hence, we consider the following
optimization problem minimize [Ei + ρi Ti + γδi ] (11)
{xi ,ri ,Ei ,Ti ,δi }
N  N
  subject to (2) − (5), (9)
minimize E Ci + γ ΔCi , (8) pi L i pi L i
{xi ,ri }
i=1 i=1 xli Eil (ω i , fil )+ xai +xci ≤ Ei ,∀i,
bi η i bi η i
subject to (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (12)
fil , fia , bi , riac ≥ 0, ∀i, (9)  
ω i L i ω i
xli l + xai + a
xli , xai , xci ∈ {0, 1}, ∀i, (10) fi bi η i fi
Li Li ωi
where E[.] is the expectation with respect to the required + xci + ac + c ≤ Ti , ∀i, (13)
computing cycles {ωi }, and γ is the weight on stabilizing bi η i ri f
 ω ω ω

the system cost compared with the expected cost. Δ
l i Δ
a i Δ
c i
ρi x i l + x i a + x i c
Optimization problem (8) is a mixed-integer program that is fi fi f
hard to solve in general. Moreover, even if we relax the binary + xli Eil (Δω l
i , fi ) ≤ δi , ∀i, (14)
constraint (1) so that the task offloading decision variables can 0 ≤ xsi ≤ 1, for s = l, a, c, ∀i, (15)
vary within the range [0, 1], problem (8) is non-convex due to
its non-convex objective and constraints. Next, we propose the M xsi xti ≤ 1, for s, t = l, a, c, s = t, ∀i, (16)
TORAUC algorithm, discuss its optimality, and further study xli + xai + xci ≥ 1, ∀i, (17)
its effectiveness in solving this problem.
where M in (16) is a parameter chosen to be sufficiently large
to have the multiplication of the decision variables arbitrarily
close to zero. Constraint (16) ensures that for every user
i, the decision tuple (xli , xai , xci ) contains at least two zero
The TORAUC algorithm belongs to the general framework elements, and since each element is less than 1 by constraint
of successive convex approximation (SCA). In particular, (15) and they sum to at least 1 by constraint (17), the tuple
locally tight approximate monomials are introduced to up- also includes an offloading decision element with the value of
perbound the offloading decision constraints. The key is to 1. As M → ∞, the set of constraints (15)-(17) are equivalent
carefully choose the approximation functions to guarantee the to constraints (1) and (10), and so the optimization problem
convergence of the algorithm to a KKT point with offloading (11) is equivalent to problem (8).
decisions arbitrarily close to binary. We now present the details 2) Monomial Approximate Functions: Toward the GP for-
of TORAUC, concluding with a discussion on its convergence mulation, the constraint (17) needs to be further approximated
properties and computational complexity. as there is a posynomial on the right-hand side. Proper
choice of approximation functions is of high importance as
A. TORAUC Algorithm it directly affects the convergence property. The following
TORAUC is comprised of three major steps: 1) Replace lemma provides monomial approximation to a posynomial.
binary constraint with relaxed constraints that provide offload- Lemma 1. Let hj be arbitrary positive values, and βj be
ing decisions arbitrarily close to binary; 2) Find locally tight positive constants that sum to one. We have
upperbound approximate monomial functions; 3) Iteratively    h j β j
form and solve a sequence of geometric programming (GP) hj ≥ .
j j
problems optimally and update the approximate functions

based on the previous solutions. The equality holds if βj = hj /( j hj ), ∀j.


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Proof. Let vj = hj /βj . By Jensen’s inequality we have Algorithm 1 TORAUC algorithm
  Input: An initial feasible offloading decision {xi }; error
log( βj vj ) ≥ βj log(vj ) tolerance .
i j Output: Locally optimal offloading decision {xi } and
⇒ log( hj ) ≥ βj log( ) resource allocation {ri }.
j j
βj 1: Compute for each user i, βil , βia , and βic using (22).
β j 2: Solve the resulting GP problem (21) to find an optimal
⇒ hj ≥ . (18) solution P t .
i j
βj 3: Repeat from Step 1, and terminate if ||P t − P t−1 || ≤ .

The condition of equality is obvious. 

Using Lemma 1, we have the following upperbound mono- In particular, problem (11) belongs to the following family
mial approximation for all i: of non-convex programs
1 1 minimize f0 (x)
≤ β l β a β c , (19) x
xli + xai + xci xli i xa
i xci i
subject to fj (x) ≤ 1, j = 1, 2, . . . , m,
βil βia βic
where f0 (x) is a convex function, and fj (x), ∀j,
where βil , βia , and βic are arbitrary positive constants that sum are non-convex. Denote convex approximate functions by
to one. Thus, the following monomial inequalities provide a f˜j (x) ≈ fj (x). It has been shown that any SCA method
stronger condition than constraint (17). guarantees to converge to a KKT point of the original if the
1 following properties hold in each iteration [20]:
βil βia βic ≤ 1, ∀i. (20) (P1) fj (x) ≤ f˜j (x), ∀x,
xli xa xci
βia βic
(P2) fj (x∗ ) = f˜j (x∗ ), where x∗ is the optimal solution of the
approximated problem in the previous iteration,
3) GP Formulation and Update Rule: We replace the (P3) ∇fj (x∗ ) = ∇f˜j (x∗ ).
constraint (17) by the monomial constraints in (20). This leads We next show that TORAUC satisfies all three properties.
to a GP formulation as follows: Proposition 1. The TORAUC algorithm converges to a
KKT point of optimization problem (11).
 Proof. To ensure that TORAUC converges to a KKT point,
minimize [Ei + ρi Ti + γδi ] (21)
{xi ,ri ,Ei ,Ti ,δi }
it is sufficient to prove that the approximation functions
introduced in (19) satisfy the three properties P1-P3.
subject to (2) − (5), (9), (12) − (16) and (20).
(P1) In each
iteration, since βis , for s = l, a, c, are all
The optimization problem (21) is a standard GP that can be positive and s βi = 1 according to (22), we always have
transformed into a convex program and solved efficiently and (19) by Lemma 1.
optimally [19]. (P2) We further show that the equality in (19) holds at the
In TORAUC, we iteratively update the approximate func- optimal solution of the approximate problem. For s = l, a, c,
tions and solve a sequence of GP problems of the above form. according to (22), we have
 s ∗ βis ∗ ∗ xsi ∗∗ c ∗
In particular, by solving each GP, TORAUC tries to improve xi l∗ a∗ c ∗ xli +xa +x
= x + x + x i i .
the accuracy of the approximations to a distinct minimum in βis ∗ i i i
the original feasible set of (8). We update parameters βil , βia ,
Combining the above for different cases of s yields
and βic as follows:
 l ∗ βil ∗ a ∗ βia ∗ c ∗ βic ∗
l∗ a∗ c∗ xi xi xi
xsi ∗ xi + xi + xi = . (23)
βis = ∗ , s = l, a, c, ∀i, (22) βil ∗
βia ∗
βic ∗
xli + xai ∗ + xci ∗
(P3) First we note that the gradient of xli + xai + xci is an
where x∗i =

{xli , xai ∗ , xci ∗ }
is the optimal decisions of the l βil a βia c βic
x xi xi
all-one vector. Let us define F (xi ) = βil βia βic .
approximated problem (21) in the previous iteration. An exact i

description of TORAUC is given in Algorithm 1. We next Then, for s = l, a, c,

 s ∗ −1  l ∗ βil
∗ β a 
∗ β c ∗
show that TORAUC converges to a KKT point of prob- ∂F (xi ) xi xi xai ∗ i xci ∗ i
= .
lem (11). ∂xsi x∗ βis ∗ βil

βia ∗ βic ∗

B. TORAUC Convergence Properties Replacing βis by the updates given in (22) and using (23) we
In this section, we prove that the proposed TORAUC  ∗ −1  ∗ 
∂F (xi )
algorithm converges to a KKT point of problem (11), with s = xli + xai ∗ + xci ∗ xli + xai ∗ + xci ∗ = 1.
∂xi x∗
offloading decisions arbitrarily close to binary. i


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Hence, one can conclude that (P3) also holds.  Thus, we formulate the problem of joint offloading deci-
sion and resource allocation for a multi-processor CAP with
C. Computational Complexity Analysis
unknown task computing cycle as
The GP problem (21) can be solved within precision by
the interior point method in O(log(V / )/ log(μ)) time, where  N
V is the total number of constraints in problem (21), and μ is minimize E Ci + γ ΔC
i , (29)
the updating accuracy parameter [19]. It is easy to show that {xi ,ri ,yi ,zi }
i=1 i=1
V = 11N +3. Moreover, computations required for monomial subject to (1) − (5), (10), (24) − (28),
approximations in (19) is O(N ). Therefore, the amount of
fil , fia , bi , riac , zi , yik ≥ 0, ∀i, ∀k.
computations in each iteration is O(N log(N/ )/ log(μ)). The
number of iterations in the algorithm required to arrive at
solution depends on the curvature of the objective function, Due to the additional CAP processors, problem (29) is more
which is difficult to quantify. In Section VI, we will present complicated than the original problem (8). If the tasks were
numerical results for the run time of TORAUC. divisible, a subset of the CAP processors could jointly serve
the users’ tasks, and problem (29) would be reduced to prob-
V. E XTENSION TO M ULTI -P ROCESSOR CAP S CENARIO lem (8), where we only deal with the overall CAP processing
In this section, we further study the scenario where instead rate assignment. Nevertheless, since computation tasks are
of a single powerful processor, the CAP contains multiple indivisible, each user task can only be processed by one of the
processors, each can be shared among all users. processors at the CAP. In fact, in problem (29) the processing
rate of each user is constrained by the maximum speed of
A. Multi-Processor CAP System Model
one CAP processor. Hence, the feasible set of (29) is smaller
Having multiple processors at the CAP complicates the compared with that of (8), and the solution of (8) can serve as
offloading decision. In fact, due to the task indivisibility, users a lower bound to (29). To tackle this problem, in the following,
need to further decide among the available processors at the we show how TORAUC can be extended for a multi-processor
CAP. Assume that the CAP contains K identical processors, CAP.
denoted by K, each with maximum speed Famax . Denote by
yik the fraction of the CAP processor k computing rate that is
assigned to user i, and let yi = [yi1 , . . . , yiK ]. Task i can only B. TORAUC-MP Algorithm
be executed by CAP processors if the decision is to offload to
Comparing optimization problem (29) with problem (8),
the CAP. Thus,
we observe that they share a similar structure except that
 additional multi-processor CAP processing constraints (24)-
yik ≤ xai , ∀i. (24)
(28) are imposed on the system. Following the procedure
in Section IV, we first replace constraints (1) and (10) by
Furthermore, the sum of the processing rate fractions assigned constraints (15)-(17). We move the energy and delay and cost
to users is less than 1 variation terms from the objective of (29) to the constraints
 by introducing auxiliary variables {Ei , Ti , δi } to form the
yik ≤ 1, ∀k. (25) following alternate problem:
Since the computation tasks are indivisible, each user i can N

only receive computation resources from one of the available minimize [Ei + ρi Ti + γδi ] (30)
{xi ,ri ,yi ,zi ,Ei ,Ti ,δi }
processors at the CAP. Similar to (16), this is formulated as i=1

M yik yiq ≤ 1, k, q ∈ K, k = q, ∀i. (26) subject to (2), (3), (5), (12) − (17), (24) − (28).

Note that (26) implies that for every user and for a sufficiently In order to cast the problem in the standard GP form,
large M , only one of the processing rate fractions can be non- we need to further approximate constraints (17) and (28).
zero. Therefore, Lemma 1 is used again to provide a monomial
Furthermore, the CAP processing rate assigned to a user is upperbound approximation for (28) as
limited to the total portion of computing resources allocated
to the user, and the maximum computing capability of a zi zi
CAP processor. Thus, we introduce an auxiliary variable zi , ≤ k αki , (31)

representing the overall portion of a CAP processor assigned yik αk
k=1 k=1
to user i, and we have

fia ≤ zi Famax , ∀i, (27) where αik are arbitrary positive constants such that k αik =
 1, ∀i.
zi ≤ yik , ∀i. (28) We replace constraint (28) by its upperbound monomial
k=1 approximation given in (31). This leads to a GP formulation


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Algorithm 2 TORAUC-MP algorithm β = 200 . We consider the full range of possible ωi values,
Input: An initial feasible offloading decision {xi }; An i.e., Δω ub
i = ωi − ωi .

initial feasible CAP processing rate {yi }; vector error The mobile device’s processor speed is set to 1.2 × 109
tolerance . cycles/s. The device energy consumption is modeled by
Output: Locally optimal offloading decision {xi } and Eil (ωi , fil ) = αl ωi fil with parameter values αl = 10−27
resource allocation {yi , ri }. and κi = 2.3, as given in [18]. In addition, the total wireless
1: Compute for each user i, βil , βia , and βic using (22). bandwidth between mobile users and the CAP is set to 40
2: Compute for each user i, αik , ∀k ∈ K, using (34). MHz. Processing rate assigned to each user at the remote cloud
3: Solve the resulting GP problem (21) to find an optimal is 10 × 109 cycles/s, and the overall CAP processing speed of
solution P t . 10×109 cycles/s is considered. In the multi-processor scenario,
4: Repeat from Step 1, and terminate if ||P t − P t−1 || ≤ . the overall computing rate is equally divided among the CAP
We further compare the performance of TORAUC with
the following alternatives: 1) Random mapping, where each
as follows:
task is served on a processor chosen with equal probability;
 and 2) Pessimistic scheme, which conservatively minimizes
minimize [Ei + ρi Ti + γδi ] (32)
{xi ,ri ,yi ,zi ,Ei ,Ti ,δi } the maximum cost using wiub as the required computing
zi cycle; 3) Optimistic scheme, which optimistically minimizes
subject to K k α k
≤ 1, ∀i, (33) the minimum cost using ωilb as the required computing cycle;
 yi i

and 4) Optimal policy, where the optimal binary decisions are
k=1 obtained by exhaustive search.
(2), (3), (5), (12) − (16), (20), (24) − (27),
B. Single CAP Processor
where constraint (33) comes from (28) and (31). TORAUC-
In Fig. 1-3, we study the effect of various parameters on the
MP iteratively solves a series of GPs given by problem (32)
performance of TORAUC in terms of average cost and cost
and the solution at each step is leveraged to better approximate
variation. We set by default γ = 0.1, F a = 1010 (cycles/s), and
the constraints (20) and (33) for the next round. In particular,
N = 6, but vary each of them in different figures. The optimal
similar to {βis } updates in (22), αik updates are given by
policy is obtained by exhaustive search over the decision

yk space, so it has an exponential computational complexity, i.e.,
αik =
i q ∗ , ∀i, (34) O(3N ). Therefore, we only compute the optimal policy for up
q yi
to 8 users as the required run time becomes excessively high

where {yik } is the optimal solution at the previous iteration. for cases beyond 8 users.
The details of TORAUC-MP are given in Algorithm 2. Similar We observe that TORAUC significantly outperforms all
to TORAUC, TORAUC-MP runs in O(N log(V / )/ log(μ)), alternatives, and is nearly optimal over a wide range of
where V is the number of constraints. Note that in this case parameter values. From Fig 1b, we see that naive algorithms
V = N K(K−1)
2 + 14N + K + 2. such as the optimistic scheme and random mapping perform
Proposition 2. The TORAUC-MP algorithm converges to poorly. A more conservative pessimistic scheme performs
a KKT point of the optimization problem (30). better than the other naive algorithms. However, since it only
Proof. It is sufficient to show that the approximations in targets the worst-case cost, it is ineffective in reducing the
(20) and (33) meet properties P1-P3. It is shown in the proof average cost or cost variation. In comparison, within the range
of Proposotion 1 that (20) satisfies the three properties. The of parameter values under consideration, TORAUC incurs up
structure of the upperbound monomial approximate functions to 15% lower cost variation and three times lower average
in (33) is similar to (20). Thus, it can be shown similarly (33) cost.
satisfies these properties P1-P3. 
C. Multiple CAP Processors
VI. T RACE -D RIVEN S IMULATION R ESULTS In Fig. 4 we further study the performance of TORAUC-
We investigate the performance of TORAUC via extensive MP, where we assume that there are K = 4 processors at the
simulations over a generic cloud access network, using Google CAP. In this case, we are unable to compute the optimal policy
cluster traces [6]. because of the drastically increased decision space. We see that
TORAUC-MP remains favorable against the other alternatives.
A. Simulation Setup We also observe the tradeoff between the average cost and the
We use Google cluster usage traces to extract the users’ cost variation as we vary γ.
required computing cycles. To account for the relationship
between the task computing cycle and data size, we follow the D. Computation Time Complexity
method in [21] and assume ωi fc = Γ Li , where Γ is a random In Table I, we show the run time of TORAUC for K = 1
variable with Gamma distribution with parameters α = 4 and and TORAUC-MP for K = 4, in comparison with exhaustive


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50 60
Random Mapping
Pessimistic scheme
50 Optimistic scheme
Random Mapping
Optimal policy
35 Pessimistic scheme
Optimistic scheme 40
Average cost

Average cost
Optimal policy
25 30



0 0
10-3 10-2 10-1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Control parameter Overall CAP processing rate, F a 1010

(a) Effect of control parameter γ. (a) Effect of CAP computing rate F a (cycles/s).
32 35


28 30 Random Mapping
Pessimistic scheme
Optimistic scheme
Cost variation


Cost variation
24 25 Optimal policy
Random Mapping
22 Pessimistic scheme
Optimistic scheme
20 TORAUC 20
Optimal policy

16 15


12 10
10-3 10-2 10-1 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Control parameter Overall CAP processing rate, F a 1010

(b) Effect of control parameter γ. (b) Effect of CAP computing rate F a (cycles/s).
Fig. 1: TORAUC performance vs. control parameter γ Fig. 2: TORAUC performance versus the CAP rate F a .

TABLE I: Average run time (seconds) comparison

No. of users TORAUC TORAUC-MP Optimal Policy (K=1) objective is to minimize a weighted sum of expected cost and
4 10.32 16.59 71.32 cost variation. We propose efficient algorithms TORAUC, for
6 14.98 23.56 392.77 when there is a single processor at the CAP, and TORAUC-
8 21.85 32.26 2139.62
12 29.79 49.36 N/A MP, for when there are multiple processors at the CAP. They
20 53.09 95.17 N/A both converge to a KKT point of an approximate problem
30 93.56 171.83 N/A that is arbitrarily close to the original problem. Through
trace-driven simulation, we show that TORAUC gives nearly
optimal performance, and both algorithms outperform existing
searching for an optimal policy for K = 1. They are obtained alternatives.
on a computer with Intel core i7-85500 4.0 GHz processor
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