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// RYL 2 Quest
////////////// Functions //////////////
void QuestEnd();
void QuestSkillPointBonus(int);
void QuestStart(int, int, int, int, int, int, bool);
void QuestType(int, int);
void QuestArea(int, float, float, float, float);
void QuestTitle(string);
void QuestDesc(string);
void QuestShortDesc(string);
void QuestIcon(string, int, int, int, int);
void QuestCompleteSave(bool);
void QuestLevel(string);
void QuestAward(string);
void AddPhase(int, int, string);
void Phase_Target(int, int);
void Trigger_Start();
void Trigger_Puton(int, int, float, float, float, float);
void Trigger_Geton(int, int, float, float, float, float);
void Trigger_Talk(int);
void Trigger_Kill(int, int);
void Trigger_Pick(int, int);
void Trigger_Fame(int);
void Trigger_LevelTalk(int, int, string);
void Else();
void Event_Disappear(int, int, int);
void Event_Get(int, int);
void Event_Spawn(int, float, float, float);
void Event_MonsterDrop(int, int);
void Event_Award(int, int, int, int);
void Event_MsgBox(string);
void Event_Phase(int);
void Event_End();
void Event_AwardItem(int, int, int, int);
void Event_AddQuest(int, int);
void Event_Move(int, float, float);
void Event_TheaterMode();

QuestStart(61441, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Almighty Ground");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 520\\- Gold 4,800\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Welcome to Pirate's Bluff, land o'\\freedom and peace! Ha Ha Ha!
If\\you be new here, shouldn't ye learn\\the rules? I'll even introduce meself\\as
a bonus!");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Rockham's story then visit\\Mihael, the leader of
God's Pirate");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Conversation with Iron John\\Rockham");

Event_MsgBox("I be Iron John Rockham. My friends\\call me John,
so you can call me that\\too, if you
like.\\ \\I don't know if ye be new here or if
ye\\have been here long, but if yer not\\leaving right away then ye should\\know
that this place be Almighty\\Ground, an island with freedom and\\peace for
everyone.\\ \\Now, we won't stop ye when ye
all\\want to fight each other, but when one\\party doesn't wanna fight, then
the\\fight ain't allowed. of course, this rule\\applies no matter yer looks or the
color\\of yer skin, so long as ye be steppin' on\\the grounds of Almighty
Event_MsgBox("Since ye be new to Almighty Ground,\\you should
visit Mihael, the leader of\\God's Pirates. He lives at the top of\\Pirate's
Bluff.\\ \\You should also listen carefully
to\\what Jenny and Shan have to say.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Find NPC\\
\\Quest to find NPC will be marked with\\a red colored X shape on the map.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Visit Mihael at the top of the\\Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_MsgBox("Avast! I be Mihael, Captain o' the\\God's
Pirates.\\ \\Ha ha ha! \\
\\Sorry about that, I can't resist. Don't\\mind the silly pirate speak among
my\\crew. You know, I often find that\\visitors are both confused and
excited\\about the prospect of Almighty\\Ground.\\
\\ To put it bluntly, Almighty Ground is a\\land with equal peace and
freedom ...\\for anyone, whether they are Human,\\Ak'Kan, or anyone else. That is
to\\say, in Pirate's Bluff on Almighty\\Ground, Humans and the Ak'kan are\\not
enemies. Everyone has equal\\access to peace and happiness.\\
\\ But perhaps it is best if you experience\\Almighty Ground for yourself, so I
will\\stop there for now. Go, have\\adventures. And once you've\\achieved something
great, come\\back. Be sure to bring me a Class\\Conversion Certificate.\\
\\If you go and visit Willy, the trainer in\\Pirate's Bluff, he can fill you in on
all\\the details.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61442);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Adventurer Trainer Willy],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("Find a trainer suiting your class and\\get a Class
Upgrade Certificate.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Visit Mihael with a Class Upgrade\\Certificate");

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have great skills. You have\\received a Class
Upgrade Certificate\\quickly. Since you kept your promise, I\\will tell you the
rest of the story.");
Event_MsgBox("Pirate's Bluff is a small portion of\\Almighty
Ground. Freedom and peace\\is protected by God's Pirates and by\\me Mihael, but I
can not protect other\\areas.\\ \\Also, it is
hard to rule others who came\\from the bloody land of Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("It is time for me to seek help from\\other
warriors. \\ \\when you are willing and able
to help,\\come and back and visit me. \\
\\God's Pirates and I, Mihael, will\\always welcome you.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 15, 4, 3);
Event_Award(520, 4800, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Not happy in your current profession?\\Why not get
a Class Upgrade\\Certificate by taking the Class tests\\given by the Trainer of
your choice?");

QuestStart(61442, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Adventurer Trainer Willy");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 70\\- Gold 440");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Willy's advice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Adventurer Trainer Willy of\\Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2884, 2361);
Event_MsgBox("Welcome to Pirate's Bluff, the land of\\freedom and
peace. I am Willy, Sillian\\Willy.\\ \\Mihael
told you to get a Class Upgrade\\Certificate? You must be one of the\\warriors
gathering in... It is your own\\decision to fight, but you should at\\least be able
to protect yourself. That\\is, if you are going to change classes.");
Event_MsgBox("I can give you some jobs that will give\\you
experience, if you think you can\\handle it.\\
\\Do you know about the Ichmen? I\\don't know if they came hidden in the\\ships of
travelers or through traders,\\but recently goods stolen and ships\\destroyed by
Ichmen have been\\increasing. At the start, their numbers\\and the quantity of
goods stolen had\\been small enough to be taken care\\of by us. Now, their numbers
have\\increased. At night they steal goods\\and destroy ships more often. Its
hard\\for us to handle them. Please hunt\\them down.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Monster Hunt 1\\
\\In a Monster Hunt quest, you can find\\the number and the type of monster\\you
need to kill by bringing up the\\quest list window by pressing T and\\then clicking
on the quest details icon\\for that quest.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Monster Hunt 2\\
\\In a Monster Hunt quest, you can find\\the location of the monster you need
to\\kill by bringing up the quest list window\\by pressing T and then clicking on
the\\map icon for that quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 5 Young Ichmen");

Phase_Target(2915, 2498);
Trigger_Kill(5, 1);
Event_Get(5, 10200);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 5 Young Ichmen.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 5 Young Ichmen\\Scales.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Quest Item\\
\\During the quest, items dropped by the\\monster which is needed for the
quest,\\will be automatically placed in the\\inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give Young Ichmen Scales to\\Adventurer Trainer Willy of

Phase_Target(2884, 2361);
Event_Disappear(5, 10200, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha! You have finished already?\\You might be
better than what I\\expected.\\ \\In order to
clarify your class, a class\\upgrade can be selected when you\\become level 10. You
can get a Class\\Upgrade Certificate from your trainer\\after a class upgrade. They
may\\lecture you a bit, but it is worthwhile to\\listen. They can teach you
many\\things.\\ \\And speaking of listening,
you still\\have more to learn. Go and visit\\Morin, the Beginner Trainer from
the\\Ak'Kan.\\ \\Oh, I almost forgot your
reward for\\hunting down the Young Ichmen! Ha!");
Event_AddQuest(0x4001200D, 61443);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Skill Usage by Morin], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Award(70, 440, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Young Ichmen Scales as a\\proof.");

QuestStart(61443, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Skill Usage by Morin");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 40");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Lets practice after listening to\\Morin's advice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Morin the beginner trainer of\\Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2854, 2255);
Event_MsgBox("I am Morin. Willy told you to visit me? \\
\\What I can do for beginners like you is\\to teach you how to use skills and
buy\\skill books.\\ \\In order to use skills,
you should learn\\to put skills you have into the Quick\\Slot.\\
\\Listen carefully. First open the Skill\\Window and activate Quick Slot\\window.
Then, by clicking on the Skill\\Icon in the skill window, you can move\\it to the
Quick Slot window.\\ \\Lastly, if you press
the number\\corresponding to the Quick Slot, you\\can select a skill. Then, you can
click\\on the Right Mouse Button to use the\\skill.\\
\\How easy is it? Try it yourself.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Register skill in the Quick Slot\\
\\1. Activate skill window by pressing
K.\\ \\2. Activate Quick Slot window on
the\\screen using Quick Slot button.\\ \\3.
Register skill icon in the Skill window\\to Quick Slot.\\
\\4. Select skill to be used using the\\number key and use the skill using\\right
mouse button.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Types of skills\\
\\1. A Passive Skill is activated by just\\learning it and does not have to
be\\registered in the Quick Slot.\\ \\2. An
Instance skill is effective after\\activation.\\
\\3. A Cast skill is a skill which is\\effective up to the amount of bar filled\\up
by keeping the right mouse
button\\down.\\ \\4. A Chant skill is
effective after\\activation. Usually, it is used to give\\magical power to yourself
or your party\\and it will consume MP while being\\activated.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Talk with Morin after registering a\\skill");

Phase_Target(2854, 2255);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha! Master Morin explained to\\you very easily
so you can't say you\\don't understand, right? In order to find\\a skill that suits
your style, you need to\\find a Trainer that suits you.\\
\\If you are Ak'Kan, there are trainers\\beside me. And if you are Human,\\there
are some trainers near Willy. You\\can visit them to learn skills and to do\\a
class upgrade. Ha Ha Ha.");
Event_Award(40, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61444, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Jenny's Help I");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 70");
QuestDesc("Hail to ye. I am Jenny. My job is to\\help ye who be new to
Pirate's Bluff.\\It be very basic but necessary. So,\\do ye be needin' help?");
QuestShortDesc("Lets practice after listening to\\Jenny's advice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk with Jenny");

Event_MsgBox("Great. The things that I be teachin'\\you will be
very basic things, but they\\be useful for explorin' every corner of\\Almighty
Ground, so listen carefully. Ho\\Ho!\\
\\First, I'll tell ye how to move. In Mouse\\Mode, ye can click on the ground
with\\yer mouse. In Keyboard Mode, ye can\\move around usin' the W A S or D\\keys
from yer keyboard, and change\\direction with the mouse ... So there be\\two
modes.\\ \\Ye can change to the other mode
by\\pressin' ESC. Could ye go to the end\\of the dock using Mouse Mode
and\\Keyboard Mode and come back?");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Mouse Mode & Keyboard Mode\\
\\You can move and fight with an\\enemy using mouse alone in Mouse\\Mode. In
Keyboard Mode, you can\\move ForwardMove\\LeftBackwardMove Right using W A S\\D,
and change direction using mouse.\\Unlike Mouse Mode, you need to use\\the keyboard
and the mouse together.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to the end of the dock marked\\on the quest list map
using Mouse\\Mode and Keyboard Mode");
Phase_Target(2759, 2546);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2759, 13.816, 2546.031, 10);
Event_MsgBox("Arrived at the end of the dock. Return\\to
AddPhase(12, 3, "Talk with Jenny in Pirate's Bluff by\\referencing the
location marked on\\the quest list map");
Phase_Target(2804, 2493);
Event_MsgBox("Good job. Both Mouse Mode and\\Keyboard Mode have
advantages\\and disadvantages so change modes\\as ye need to suit your style.\\
\\If ye need, I'll explain about the\\characteristics of Keyboard Mode.");
Event_Award(70, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61445, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61444, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Jenny's Help II");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 40");
QuestDesc("There are differences in Keyboard\\Mode and Mouse Mouse which
can\\be switched by pressing the ESC\\key. Are you interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Lets practice after listening to\\Jenny's advice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Jenny's story");

Event_MsgBox("Great. I will explain to ye the\\characteristics of
Keyboard Mode.\\ \\In Keyboard Mode, unlike
Mouse\\Mode, Jump and Avoid be possible.\\Jump is useful when it is not possible
to\\move through using walk. It can be\\activated by pressing Space (The\\longest
key on the keyboard) while in\\Keyboard Mode, and it be possible to\\use jump while
moving forward and\\backwards.\\ \\Avoid is
used in order to get out of\\enemy range quickly and can be done\\by pressing Space
and the A or D\\key. Would ye like to try?");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Keyboard Mode-Jump\\
\\Press ESC key to switch to Keyboard\\Mode and press Space+W or\\Space+S\\
\\Avoid Press ESC Key to convert to the\\Keyboard Mode and press Space+A\\or

AddPhase(12, 2, "Practice Jump and Avoid then talk\\with Jenny");

Phase_Target(2804, 2493);
Event_MsgBox("How was it? It might be strange at\\first but ye'll
get used to it fast.\\ \\If you want, I can
teach ye how to be\\usin' the mouse cursor during Keyboard\\Mode.");
Event_Award(40, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61446, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61445, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Jenny's Help III");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 40");
QuestDesc("If you press ESC key on the\\keyboard to convert to
Keyboard\\Mode, the mouse cursor will\\disappear. At this point, I can teach\\you
how to display the mouse cursor\\without changin' to Mouse Mode.\\So, are you
QuestShortDesc("Lets practice after listening to\\Jenny's advice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Jenny's story");

Event_MsgBox("Great. Ye know ye in Keyboard\\Mode, the mouse
cursor disappears,\\and ye can walk around usin' the W A\\S D keys. Since the
cursor be missin',\\it can be hard to talk with village\\people (NPCs). At this
point, if you be\\pressin' the TAB key on the keyboard,\\ye'll change to Temporary
Mouse\\Mode. Ye'll be able to use the mouse\\cursor. But, ye won't be able to
move\\about. \\ \\If ye be pressin' the TAB
key again,\\ye'll return to Keyboard Mode from\\Temporary Mouse Mode.\\
\\That be it Did ye understand the\\explanation? Ok then. Could you try\\talkin'
with me using Temporary Mouse\\Mode? Just be pressin' the TAB key\\while in
Keyboard Mode.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Temporary Mouse Mode\\
\\Switch to Temporary Mouse Mode by\\pressing the TAB key while in\\Keyboard
Mode.\\ \\In order to go back to
Keyboard\\Mode, press the TAB key.");

AddPhase(12, 2, " Talk with Jenny in Temporary\\Mouse Mode by pressing the

TAB\\key while in Keyboard Mode");
Phase_Target(2804, 2493);
Event_MsgBox("Is it too hard for ye? Don't be worryin'\\if it
don't be workin' perfectly yet. I'm\\sure ye'll have it mastered in no time. \\
\\Go on now, to me right is the entrance\\to Pirate's Bluff of God's Pirates.\\
\\Look for me Ak'Kan friend Shan who is\\the only General Merchant in
Pirate's\\Bluff. He can also teach ye some skills\\that'll help yer exploration. \\
\\Ok then, I will pray for the power of\\Latra be with you in your journey.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012037, 61447);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Pirate's Bluff Stores], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Award(40, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61447, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Pirate's Bluff Stores");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- Experience 130\\- Gold 890");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's find the location of stores by\\listening to Shan's

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, find General
Merchant\\Shan of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2793, 2314);
Event_MsgBox("In Almighty Ground, there are many\\stores, but
there is no place like\\Pirate's Bluff when it comes to the\\variety of goods. You
can get lost if\\you do not know the types of stores\\and their locations. Since
you have\\come here with Jenny's introduction,\\Shan will help you find the
location of\\stores.");
Event_MsgBox("Before I tell you about the stores, let\\me say
that even though Caernarvon\\is at war, I hope the Humans don't\\feel strange
talking with me, Shan. \\ \\This is Almighty
Ground, a place full of\\freedom and peace. In this place,\\Human and Ak'Kan are no
longer\\enemies. Just individual living\\organisms that coexist in harmony.\\
\\What Shan means to say is that\\whether you are Human or Ak'Kan,\\Shan the Ak'Kan
is your best bet if you\\need Basic
Items.\\ \\There should be Merchants in
every\\village you might visit, but if you need\\anything in Pirate's Bluff, Shan
can\\tell you where to go. \\ \\Ok, I will
give you chance to find out\\where other merchants are and what\\goods they sell.
I, Shan, have\\prepared goods to be delivered to\\each merchant. Could you find
the\\merchants and deliver their goods in\\the correct order? I think that it will
help\\you to get to know this place better. \\
\\ Your first delivery is to Milloss the\\Weapon Merchant.\\
\\Safe trips my friend.");
Event_MsgBox("[Tip] Item Delivery\\
\\Please pay attention to concerned\\quest on the quest list in order to keep\\the
delivery order. From the quest list,\\you can find the location of the\\current
quest by clicking on the map\\icon of the quest in question.");
Event_Get(1, 10201);
Event_Get(1, 10202);
Event_Get(1, 10203);
Event_Get(1, 10204);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver goods to Milloss the\\Weapons Merchant by

referencing\\the location marked on the map");
Phase_Target(2814, 2297);
Event_Disappear(1, 10201, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice to meet you. You brought the\\goods I
requested from Shan. Thanks.\\I am Milloss. I operate the Weapon\\Store in Pirate's
Bluff.\\ \\Almighty Ground gives importance
to\\peace but sometimes we need to fight\\with monsters who are trying to
destroy\\us.\\ \\When that day comes, come to
Milloss\\to buy weapons..\\ \\Looks like you
are going to Hanus'\\Armor Store for your next delivery.. I\\will mark the location
on the map.\\ \\Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Have you brought goods I have\\requested from

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver goods to Hanus the Armor\\Merchant by referencing

the location\\marked on the map");
Phase_Target(2806, 2371);
Event_Disappear(1, 10202, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you brought goods from Shan. It's\\great to
meet you. I am Hanus the\\Armor Merchant. If you need armor to\\protect yourself,
then come to Hanus.\\ \\So, you're going to
see Hamil next,\\huh? I will mark location of his Black\\Market Weapons store on
the map.\\ \\May the power of our hero Latra
be\\with you in your journey.");
Event_MsgBox("Have you brought goods I have\\requested from

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver goods to Hamil the Black\\Market Weapons Dealer

by\\referencing the location marked on\\the map");
Phase_Target(2810, 2290);
Event_Disappear(1, 10203, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. I am Hamil.\\
\\Black Market Dealers do not reveal\\the statistics of weapons or armor to\\people
who want to buy them.\\ \\You won't know what
you get until\\after you buy, but if you are lucky, you\\can purchase weapons that
are not\\sold in normal stores. Moreover, you\\can buy powerful weapons at
a\\bargain price.\\ \\It might be easier to
understand to\\think of it as a form of gambling. It is\\not bad to gamble a bit in
your entire\\life, right?\\ \\Now,if you are
ready to test your luck,\\then come to Hamil. Seems your next\\stop, according to
Shan, is Vidia. Very\\attractive lady. You can find her\\nearby.\\
\\May Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Did you bring goods from Shan?");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver goods to Vidia the Black\\Market Armor Dealer by

referencing\\the location marked on the map");
Phase_Target(2807, 2285);
Event_Disappear(1, 10204, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, its goods from Shan. Thank you.\\I am Vidia. I
operate the Armor Black\\Market.\\ \\You have
already heard about the\\black market from Hamil so I won't\\explain again. If you
want to get\\excellent armor by paying a small price\\then you are always welcome.
Ho Ho.\\ \\If you go back to General
Merchant\\Shan, he will give you some rewards. I\\will pray for Latra's luck to be
with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Have you brought goods I requested\\from Shan?");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Go back to the General Merchant\\Shan by referencing the

location\\marked on the map");
Phase_Target(2793, 2314);
Event_MsgBox("You are back at last. Did it help you\\to look
around all stores in Pirate's\\Bluff?\\
\\Anyway, you have completed my\\request, so I will give you a reward.\\May the
Latra be with you in your\\journey.");
Event_Award(130, 890, 0, 0);
QuestStart(8, 10, 100, 16, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Half Vest \\- Round Shield");
QuestDesc("Hello! I am Eboyks the Figher\\Trainer. If you think that you
can\\defeat all the monsters easily by\\changing class to a Defender you\\are
wrong. How about a challenge\\that will prove your skills?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Eboyks' story");

Event_MsgBox("Ok! Before I can give you a Class\\Upgrade
Certificate, you'll need to\\prove your strength to me. \\
\\Go and defeat an Ichman King and\\show him what a Defender is like!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, deliver the
Ichman King\\Scales to Eboyks the Fighter Trainer\\of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2885, 2364);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh! Well done!\\
\\You have become a fighter walking on\\the path of a Defender and you can\\wear
very strong Armor. You will be\\able to defend your party during battle\\with your
strong physique. \\ \\Here is your Class
Upgrade Certificate.\\Don't lose the spirit of the warrior.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Fighter's Statistics\\
\\STR is a number denoting physical\\strength. If you increase your STR\\using the
stat bonus received from\\leveling up, you can use more\\powerful swords and you
can received\\a damage bonus.\\ \\CON is a
number denoting physical\\health. If you increase your CON using\\the stat bonus
received from leveling\\up, you can wear stronger armor and\\your Maximum HP and HP
Recovery\\will increase.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points of a Defender\\
\\- On odd levels STR +2, CON +1 - On\\even levels STR +1, CON +2 will be\\received
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 402);
Event_Get(1, 1702);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");
QuestStart(9, 1, 100, 32, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Half Vest\\- Short Sword");
QuestDesc("Hello! I am Eboyks the Fighter\\Trainer. If you think that you
can\\defeat all the monsters easily by\\changing class to a Warrior you are\\wrong.
How about a challenge that\\will prove your skills?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Occupation Change");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Eboyks' story");

Event_MsgBox("Ok! Before I can give you a Class\\Upgrade
Certificate, you'll need to\\prove your strength to me. \\
\\Go and defeat an Ichman King. Go\\and show what a Warrior is like!!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referencing location marked on\\the map, deliver the

Ichman King\\Scales to Eboyks the Fighter Trainer\\of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2885, 2364);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Great!\\ \\You have can become a fighter
that\\can use powerful weapons as a\\Warrior. With your powerful strength,\\you
will be able to handle all\\weapons.\\ \\Here,
receive your Class Upgrade\\Certificate. Do not lose the spirit of the\\warrior");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points of a Warrior\\
\\At each level up, STR +2 and CON +1\\will be automatically received.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 402);
Event_Get(1, 702);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(16, 1, 100, 64, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Leather Vest\\- Wind Tail");
QuestDesc("Greetings. I am Sweishia the\\Rogue Trainer. Even if it isn't
worth\\anything, a Class Upgrade\\Certificate is needed to change\\classes. Would
you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Sweishia's story");

Event_MsgBox("Ok. In order to prove yourself, you\\need to defeat
an Ichman King which\\could be very difficult for a beginner\\Rogue like you. Kill
an Ichman King\\and bring me Ichman King Scales as\\proof. Good Luck.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, bring

Ichman King\\Scales to Rogue Trainer Sweishia in\\Pirate's Bluff.");
Phase_Target(2886, 2368);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It must have been difficult to defeat,\\but you
have done very well.\\ \\Your role as an
Assassin is to hide from\\the enemy and assassinate your\\target in one blow using
a dagger. You\\can also move faster and quicker than\\any other class.\\
\\I will give you some items that might be\\helpful to you and your new
class.\\Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Rogue Statistics\\
\\DEX is a number representing\\physical quickness. You can use stat\\bonus points
received after leveling up\\to increase your DEX stat which\\improves your Block,
Critical,\\Movement Speed, and Cool Down\\skills. Also armor and daggers with
the\\higher DEX restrictions can be used.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Assassin Level Up Points\\
\\Every time you level up, you will gain\\DEX +2 and STR +1 automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 408);
Event_Get(1, 1606);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(17, 1, 100, 128, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Leather Vest\\- Short Bow\\-
QuestDesc("Greetings. I am Sweishia, the\\Rogue Trainer. Even if it isn't
worth\\anything, a Class Upgrade\\Certificate is need for a Class\\Upgrade. Would
you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Sweishia's story");

Event_MsgBox("In order to prove yourself, you need to\\defeat an
Ichman King which could be\\very difficult for a beginner Rogue like\\you. Kill an
Ichman King and bring me\\Ichman King Scales as proof. Good\\Luck.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Rogue Trainer Sweishia\\of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2886, 2368);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It must have been difficult to handle,\\but you
have done very well.\\ \\Being an Archer and
using a long\\range bow, you will try to lead your\\enemy to where your allies
are\\located. Or, like an Assassin, you\\should hide, shoot the enemy using
the\\bow and kill them instantly.\\ \\I will
give you some items that might be\\helpful to you and your new class.\\Latra be
with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Rogue Statistic\\
\\DEX is a number representing\\physical quickness. Using stat bonus\\points
received in every level up, if you\\increase the DEX stat Avoid,
Critical,\\Movement Speed, Cool Down can be\\increased, and armor and daggers\\with
DEX higher class restrictions can\\be used.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Archers\\
\\- For odd levels DEX +2, STR +1 - and\\for even levels DEX + 1, STR + 2");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 408);
Event_Get(1, 1301);
Event_Get(200, 4001);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(18, 1, 100, 1024, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Half Vest\\- Spiked Club");
QuestDesc("Greetings. I am Acolyte Trainer\\Unobess.. Proof of class upgrade
is\\needed?\\ \\In this case, it does not
matter which\\GOD that you worship. If it is ok, I\\would like to help you to get
proof of\\class upgrade.");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Unobess' story");

Event_MsgBox("It might be difficult for an acolyte like\\you who
has recently upgraded their\\class, but in order to prove that you\\can stand by
yourself in Almighty\\Ground, an Ichman King has to be\\defeated as a proof of
class change.\\I have marked the location of an\\Ichman King on the map. Please
be\\very careful.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Unobess the Acolyte\\Trainer of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2888, 2372);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I knew you could do it.\\
\\Being a Priest, as you have decided to\\be, you need to protect your party
by\\singing gospels in the war. Also, when\\there is immediate danger, you
might\\need to fight in the battle as
well.\\ \\I hope that the equipment I am
giving\\you with the class upgrade might be\\useful to you. May the gods be
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Acolyte Statistic\\
\\WIS is a number representing spritual\\belief and wisdom to fight
against\\spells. Using the stat points given in\\every level up, if you increase
the\\WIS, Maximum MP, MP Recovery\\rate, Magical Power, Magic\\Resistance can be
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Priests\\
\\For odd levels WIS + 2, CON + 1 and\\even levels WIS + 1, CON + 2 will
be\\increased automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 402);
Event_Get(1, 802);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(19, 1, 100, 2048, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Half Vest\\- Round Shield");
QuestDesc("Greetings. I am Acolyte Trainer\\Unobess.. Class Upgrade
Certificate\\is needed??\\ \\In this case, it
does not matter which\\GOD that you worship. If it is ok, I\\would like to help you
to get a Class\\Change Certificate.");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Unobess' story");

Event_MsgBox("It might be difficult for an acolyte like\\you who
has recently upgraded their\\class, but in order to prove that you\\can stand by
yourself in Almighty\\Ground, an Ichman King has to be\\defeated as a proof of
class change.\\I have marked the location of an\\Ichman King on the map. Please
be\\very careful.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Unobess the Acolyte\\Trainer of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2888, 2372);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I believed that you could do it.\\
\\Being a Cleric, rather than\\participating in a war, you could blind\\your
enemies and take a role in\\healing your party with the power of\\the gods. \\
\\I hope that the equipment that I am\\giving you with this Class
Upgrade\\Certificate may be useful to you. May\\the gods be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Statistics of Acolyte\\
\\WIS is a number representing spritual\\belief and wisdom to fight
against\\spells. Using the stat points given in\\every level up, if you increase
the\\WIS, Maximum MP, MP Recovery\\Rate, Magical Power, Magic\\Resistance can be
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Clerics\\
\\In every level up WIS +2, CON +1 of\\bonus points will be
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 402);
Event_Get(1, 1702);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(20, 1, 100, 256, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Magician Robe \\- Quarter
QuestDesc("I am Archshi the Mage Trainer in\\Almighty Ground. People
who\\changed class to become Sorcerer\\just like you face many challenges.\\It is
not an easy act to follow. So,\\would you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Archshi's story");

Event_MsgBox("This will be a decision well made\\among various
decisions you would be\\facing in the future. It might be difficult\\to handle but
in order to acquire a\\Class Upgrade Certificate, you need to\\defeat an Ichman
King and bring\\Ichman King Scales. I will be counting\\on you, beginner

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Mage Trainer Archshi of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2889, 2376);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. Ha Ha.\\
\\Among mages Sorcerers are those\\who have learned most powerful\\elemental
magics. Mainly 3 elements\\such as fire, cold, electricity. Despite\\that you will
not be actually carrying\\sword to war, but you can be more\\powerful than any
other classes. I\\have prepared things that might be\\useful to you. Of course with
the proof\\of class change.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Statistics of the Mage\\
\\INT is a number representing magical\\knowledge and intelligence. Using the\\stat
points given in every level gained,\\if you increase INT, Maximum MP, MP\\Recovery
Rate, Magical Power will be\\increased. Also every INT +10, you will\\receive 1
bonus skill point.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Sorcerers\\
\\At every level gained INT + 2, DEX + 1\\will be gained automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 413);
Event_Get(1, 1502);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(21, 1, 100, 512, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Magician Robe \\- Short Bow \\-
QuestDesc("I am Archshi the Mage Trainer in\\Almighty Ground. People
who\\changed class to become an\\Enchanter just like you face many\\challenges. It
is not an easy act to\\follow. So, would you like a\\challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Archshi's story");

Event_MsgBox("This will be a decision well made\\among various
decisions you would be\\facing in the future. It might be difficult\\to handle but
in order to acquire proof\\of class upgrade, you need to defeat\\an Ichman King and
bring back\\Ichman King Scales. I will be counting\\on you, beginner Enchanter.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Mage Trainer Archshi of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2889, 2376);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. Ha Ha.\\
\\Enchanters learn magic to handle\\power in actual reality. Mainly,\\weakening
enemies and strengthening\\allies in war. Taking the role of a\\supporter. I have
prepared somethings\\that may be helpful to you. Of course\\with the proof of class
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Statistics of Mages\\
\\INT is a number representing magical\\knowledge and intelligence. Using the\\stat
points given in every level up, if\\you increase the INT, Maximum MP,\\MP Recovery
Rate, Magical Power\\will be increased. Also every INT +10,\\you will receive 1
bonus skill point.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Enchanters\\
\\- For odd levels INT + 2, DEX + 1 and\\for even levels INT + 1, DEX + 2 will
be\\gained automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 413);
Event_Get(1, 1301);
Event_Get(200, 4001);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(22, 1, 100, 524288, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Turtlebone Armor\\- Iron
QuestDesc("I am Bagnus. I am in charge of the\\education of combatants who
have\\upgraded classes. Young Ak'Kan, in\\order to get proof of class upgrade\\you
need to pass a simple test.\\Would you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Bagnus' story");

Event_MsgBox("In order to get proof of class\\upgrade, you need
to defeat an\\Ichman King and acquire Ichman King\\Scales. Do not forget that
combatants\\who have recently changed\\occupation realize their foolishness
for\\being proud of their power through the\\process of acquiring proof of

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Combatant Trainer\\Bagnus of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2856, 2260);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done well.\\
\\You have to remember that an\\Attacker equiped with an ancient\\treasure Attack
Arm will take the role\\of scouting and defeating enemies with\\power. Since you do
not know much\\about Attack Arm, Bagnus will give\\you proof of class change. May
the\\luck of Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Attackers\\
\\For every level up STR + 2 and CON +\\1 will be acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 5102);
Event_Get(1, 6104);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(23, 1, 100, 262144, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Turtlebone Armor\\- Pine
QuestDesc("I am Bagnus. I am in charge of the\\education of combatants who
have\\upgraded class. Young Ak'Kan, in\\order to get proof of class upgrade\\you
need to pass a simple test.\\Would you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Bagnus' story");

Event_MsgBox("In order to get proof of class\\upgrade, you need
to defeat an\\Ichman King and acquire Ichman King\\Scales. Do not forget that
combatants\\who have recently upgraded classes\\realize their foolishness for being
proud\\of their power through the process of\\acquiring proof of class change.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Combatant Trainer\\Bagnus of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2856, 2260);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done well.\\
\\Do not forget that a Templar equiped\\with an ancient treasure Guard Arm\\will be
scouting in war to defeat\\enemies with excellent physique. Since\\you do not know
much about\\Guardarm, Bagnus will give you proof\\class upgrade. May the luck of
Latra\\be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Templars\\
\\- For odd levels STR + 2, CON + 1 and\\for even levels STR + 1, CON + 2 will\\be
acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 5102);
Event_Get(1, 6101);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(24, 1, 100, 1048576, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Turtlebone Armor\\- Pea
Shooter\\- Bullets");
QuestDesc("I am Bagnus. I am in charge of the\\education of combatants who
have\\upgraded class. Young Ak'Kan, in\\order to get proof of class upgrade\\you
need to pass a simple test.\\Would you like a challenge?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, listen to

Bagnus' story");
Event_MsgBox("In order to get proof of class\\upgrade, you need
to defeat an\\Ichman King and acquire Ichman King\\Scales. Do not forget that
combatants\\who have recently changed\\occupation realize their foolishness
for\\being proud of their power through the\\process of acquiring proof of

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Combatant Trainer\\Bagnus of Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2856, 2260);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done well.\\
\\A Gunner is equiped with an ancient\\treasure Gun Arm taking the role
of\\supporting attacks in war. Gun Arm\\unlike other weapons need Bullets,\\Gunner
Skill, and Firing. Don't forget\\this.\\
\\Since you don't know much about Gun\\Arm, Bagnus will give you items along\\with
the proof of class change. May\\the luck of Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Gunners\\
\\- For odd levels DEX + 2, CON + 1 and\\in even levels DEX + 1, CON + 2 will
be\\acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 5102);
Event_Get(1, 6107);
Event_Get(200, 4003);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(25, 1, 100, 2097152, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Runes Guard\\- Cockatrice");
QuestDesc("Greetings. My name is Dekra. I am\\in charge of educating
officiators\\who have upgraded classes. Would\\you like to take a course to
get\\proof of class upgrade?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk with Dekra");

Event_MsgBox("Great. In order to get proof of class\\change, you
have to go to location\\where Ichman are situated and\\defeat an Ichman King to
acquire\\Ichman King Scales as proof. Good\\Luck");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Officiator Trainer Dekra of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2858, 2266);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done great.\\
\\Rune Officiators have the capacity to\\use powerful spells if they learn
and\\practice runes left by the Ancients. You\\will be behind the clash in battle,
but\\you would be able to give greater\\damage to the enemy with more\\powerful
spells than any other\\classes. I will give you basic\\equipment for Rune
Officiators along\\with the proof of class upgrade. May\\the luck of Latra be with
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Rune\\Officiators\\
\\For every level gained INT + 2 and\\DEX + 1 will be acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 6003);
Event_Get(1, 5111);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(32, 1, 100, 4194304, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Runes Guard\\- Studded Hammer");
QuestDesc("Greetings. My name is Dekra. I am\\in charge of educating
officiators\\who have upgraded class. Would\\you like to take a course to
get\\proof class upgrade?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk with Dekra");

Event_MsgBox("Great. In order to get proof of class\\change, you
have to go to location\\where the Ichman are situated and\\defeat an Ichman King to
acquire\\Ichman King Scales as proof. Good\\Luck");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Officiator Trainer Dekra of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2858, 2266);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done great.\\
\\The Life Officiator's role is healing or\\protecting allies in the battle
using\\ancient ways of treating lives. I will\\give you basic Life
Officiator\\equipment along with the proof of\\class upgrade. May the luck of
Latra\\be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Level Up Points for Life Officiator\\
\\For every level up WIS + 2 and DEX +\\1 will be acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 5601);
Event_Get(1, 5111);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(33, 1, 100, 8388608, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Proof of Class Upgrade");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 310\\- Gold 3000\\- Runes Guard\\- Dirktop");
QuestDesc("Greetings. My name is Dekra. I am\\in charge of educating
officiators\\who have upgraded class. Would\\you like to take a course to
get\\proof of class upgrade?");
QuestShortDesc("Get Proof of Class Upgrade");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk with Dekra");

Event_MsgBox("Great. In order to get proof of class\\change, you
have to go to the location\\where Ichman are situated and\\defeat an Ichman King to
acquire\\Ichman King Scales as a proof. Good\\Luck");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat an

Ichman King");
Phase_Target(2482, 2492);
Phase_Target(3061, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(1, 117);
Event_Get(1, 10205);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ichman King.\\You have
received Ichman King\\Scales.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, deliver

Ichman King\\Scales to Officiator Trainer Dekra of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2858, 2266);
Event_Disappear(1, 10205, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done great.\\
\\Shadow Officiator hides in the\\shadows and kills enemies with one\\blow. They
have fast movement skills.\\I will give you basic equipment for a\\Shadow
Officiator along with the proof\\of class change. Latra be with you.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Shadow Officiator Level Up\\Points\\
\\- For odd levels STR + 2, DEX + 1 and\\for even levels STR + 1, DEX + 2 will\\be
acquired automatically.");
Event_Get(1, 10199);
Event_Get(1, 6131);
Event_Get(1, 5111);
Event_Award(310, 3000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Ichman King Scales as proof.");

QuestStart(61474, 10, 100, 4095, 61441, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Secret Organization I");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,800\\- Gold 22,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Are you ready to help God's Pirate?");
QuestShortDesc("Help God's Pirates to find out\\about a secret right-

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("Before I proceed, I would like to\\thank you for
your help in this matter.\\ \\There are
organizations within Almighty\\Ground that have beliefs that\\contradict the
beliefs of God's Pirates.\\One of them is called the Kartefant\\Inner Circle, and
they believe that\\people have to support Kartefant in\\Caernarvon, which is
covered with the\\blood stains of war.");
Event_MsgBox("They believe that to support them, all\\Humans in
Almighty Ground should\\participate in the war of Caernarvon.\\
\\Now, I really have no right to dispute\\their beliefs, as I was once a soldier
of\\the Kartefant and have hated the\\Ak'Kan.");
Event_MsgBox("Recently, there have been incidents\\of warriors
being murdered nearby.\\ \\The Kartefant Inner
Circle has never\\killed others for invading their territory,\\but I believe they
are now.");
Event_MsgBox("Please investigate what is happening\\in the
Kartefant Inner Circle.\\ \\There is a God's
Pirates spy named\\Trowan in the nearby camp. Go and\\visit him. Oh, you must bring
back the\\Spy's Letter.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Get Letter From Spy], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61475);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver the Spy's Letter from the\\Kartefant Inner Circle to

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10206, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for delivering the letter.\\Give me a
chance to look it over...\\ \\......");
Event_MsgBox("As I thought.. Maybe the Kartefant\\Inner Circle is
involved with the recent\\murder of warriors. According to the\\Spy's Letter, it
seems that they are\\being threatened by another\\organization of fanatics...");
Event_MsgBox("Could you find out what the Fanatic\\Organization
is and at the same time\\examine the relationship with the\\Kartefant Inner Circle?
If you bring this\\letter to him, Trowan will help you. I ask\\for your help.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received Mihael's Secret\\Letter.");
Event_Get(1, 10207);
Event_MsgBox("Go to Trowan who is in the Kartefant\\Inner Circle
and get the Spy's Letter.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Mihael's Secret Letter to\\Trowan in the Kartefant

Inner Circle\\camp.");
Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_Disappear(1, 10207, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It is you again! .. You have Mihael's\\Secret
Letter.. ");
Event_MsgBox("Trowan whispers to you\\
\\It seems that you have to join the\\Kartefant Inner Circle ..If you join\\them,
come back to me. Don't act\\suspicious, ok...\\
\\Hey - Bache! This kid wants to join the\\Kartefant Inner Circle!");
\\Really? Send him here!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Join Organization I], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012038, 61478);
Event_MsgBox("..Where is the letter from Master\\Mihael..?");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Join the Kartefant Inner Circle and\\go back to Trowan");

Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_Disappear(1, 10209, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I heard what Mulligan had to say\\about you. He
likes your skills very\\much! Well done. It should be a piece\\of cake to find out
what is going on in\\the Kartefant Inner Circle, and their\\relationship with the
Event_MsgBox("Why..? Mulligan always gives a task\\to his most
trusted new recruits. That\\task is to deliver a secret letter to the\\fanatic
organization. You might be\\incharge of that task.");
Event_MsgBox("Why give the important task to a new\\recruit? The
rumors say that the\\fanatic organization is made of lunatic\\mercenaries and a war
hero that\\Mulligan himself doesn't even want to\\see. It is a perfect task to give
it to a\\new recruit who doesn't know anything\\about it.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, have I talked too much..?\\Anyway, wait for the
right moment. If\\your skill is noticed by Mulligan, he will\\give you the task of
delivering a\\secret letter to the fanatic organization\\and all you have to do is
deliver that\\secret letter to Master Mihael");
Event_MsgBox("Take care!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Mulligan's Secret Letter],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012038, 61490);
Event_MsgBox("For us not to be suspicious, you need\\to join the
Kartefant Inner Circle.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Get Mulligan's Secret Letter that\\Mulligan is sending to

the fanatic\\organization and deliver it to Mihael");
Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10218, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, is this the secret letter of the\\Kartefant
Inner Circle!? Please excuse\\me for a bit.");
Event_MsgBox("It seems that the Kartefant Inner\\Circle is
threatened by the fanatic\\mercenary Madcat Free Company.\\
\\Maybe they might have something of\\importance to Mulligan.");
Event_MsgBox("The Kartefant Inner Circle is\\renowned for their
violence! You have\\done very well. I hope the gold and\\equipment might be helpful
to you");
Event_MsgBox("It might be more difficult than I had\\imagined
with the involvement of\\Madcat Free Company.\\
\\Return to me when you are stronger.\\The Madcat Free Company is not a\\force to
be trifled with. You are not a\\beginner warrior anymore, but the\\enemy is the
Madcat Free Company, a\\fanatic organization.");
Event_MsgBox("Come back to Mihael when you are\\more skillful.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You have received a C Grade Item.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\It is a dangerous mission to face\\Madcat Free Company. Visit Mihael\\when you
reach level 20. Mihael will\\give you a task involving Madcat Free\\Company.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 25, 4, 3);
Event_Award(2800, 22000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Did you bring information about the\\Kartefant
Inner Circle?");

QuestStart(63897, 10, 100, 0xFF0000, 61441, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Secret Organization I");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,800\\- Gold 22,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Are you ready to help God's Pirate?");
QuestShortDesc("Help God's Pirate to find out about\\the secret right-wing

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("Warrior of Ak'Kan, I would like to\\thank you
before I proceed with the\\story.\\ \\There
are organizations within Almighty\\Ground that have beliefs that\\contradict the
beliefs of God's Pirates.\\One of them is called the Kartefant\\Inner Circle and
they believe that\\people have to support Kartefant in\\Caernarvon, which is
covered with the\\blood stains of war.");
Event_MsgBox("They believe that to support them, all\\Humans in
Almighty Ground should\\participate in the war of Caernarvon.\\
\\Now, I really have no right to dispute\\their beliefs, as I was once a soldier
of\\the Kartefant and have hated the\\Ak'Kan.");
Event_MsgBox("Recently, there have been incidents\\of warriors
being murdered nearby.\\ \\The Kartefant Inner
Circle has never\\killed others for invading their territory,\\but I believe they
are now.");
Event_MsgBox("Please investigate what is happening\\in the
Kartefant Inner Circle.\\ \\There is a God's
Pirates spy named\\Trowan in the nearby camp. Go and\\visit him. Oh, you must bring
back the\\Spy's Letter.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Get Letter From Spy], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61475);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver the Spy's Letter in the\\Kartefant Inner Circle to

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10206, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for delivering the letter.\\Give me a
chance to look it over...\\ \\......");
Event_MsgBox("As I thought.. Maybe the Kartefant\\Inner Circle is
involved with the recent\\murder of warriors. According to the\\Spy's Letter, it
seems that they are\\being threatened by another\\organization of fanatics...");
Event_MsgBox("Could you find out what the Fanatic\\Organization
is and at the same time\\examine the relationship with the\\Kartefant Inner Circle?
If you bring this\\letter to him, Trowan will help you. I ask\\for your help.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received Mihael's Secret\\Letter.");
Event_Get(1, 10207);
Event_MsgBox("Go to Trowan who is in the Kartefant\\Inner Circle
and get the Spy's Letter.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Mihael's Secret Letter to\\Trowan in the Kartefant

Inner Circle\\camp.");
Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_Disappear(1, 10207, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It is you again! .. You have Mihael's\\Secret
Letter.. ");
Event_MsgBox("Trowan whispers to you\\
\\ It seems that you have to join the\\Kartefant Inner Circle ..If you join\\them,
come back to me. Don't act\\suspicious, ok...\\
\\Hey - Bache! This kid wants to join the\\Kartefant Inner Circle!");
\\Really? Send him here!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Join Organization I], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012038, 61478);
Event_MsgBox("..'Where is the letter from Master\\Mihael..?'");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Join the Kartefant Inner Circle and\\go back to Trowan");

Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_Disappear(1, 10209, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I heard what Mulligan had to say\\about you. He
likes your skills very\\much! Well done. It should be a piece\\of cake to find out
what is going on in\\the Kartefant Inner Circle, and their\\relationship with the
Event_MsgBox("Why..? Mulligan always gives a task\\to his most
trusted new recruits. That\\task is to deliver a secret letter to the\\fanatic
organization. You might be\\incharge of that task.");
Event_MsgBox("Why give the important task to a new\\recruit? The
rumors say that the\\fanatic organization is made of lunatic\\mercenaries and a war
hero that\\Mulligan himself doesn't even want to\\see. It is a perfect task to give
it to a\\new recruit who doesn't know anything\\about it.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, have I talked too much..?\\Anyway, wait for the
right moment. If\\your skill is noticed by Mulligan, he will\\give you the task of
delivering a\\secret letter to the fanatic organization\\and all you have to do is
deliver that\\secret letter to Master Mihael");
Event_MsgBox("Take care!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Mulligan's Secret Letter],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012038, 61490);
Event_MsgBox("..('For us not to be suspicious, you\\need to join
the Kartefant Inner Circle.')");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Get Mulligan's Secret Letter that\\Mulligan is sending to

the fanatic\\organization and deliver Mulligan's\\Secret Letter to Mihael");
Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10218, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, is this the secret letter of the\\Kartefant
Inner Circle!? Please excuse\\me for a bit.");
Event_MsgBox("It seems that the Kartefant Inner\\Circle is
threatened by the fanatic\\mercenary Madcat Free Company.\\
\\Maybe they might have something of\\importance to Mulligan.");
Event_MsgBox("The Kartefant Inner Circle is\\renowned for their
violence! You have\\done very well. I hope the gold and\\equipment might be helpful
to you");
Event_MsgBox("This is a Cooperation Letter to Elder\\Ramir of the
Ak'Kan, who leads\\Pirate's Bluff along with me. Deliver\\this to him for me.
Farewell, and Latra\\be with you.");
Event_Get(1, 10244);
Event_MsgBox("Did you bring the information about\\the Kartefant
Inner Circle?");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver Cooperation Letter from\\Mihael to Ramir");

Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_Disappear(1, 10244, 0);
Event_MsgBox("This is a cooperation request\\document from
Mihael, the leader of\\Pirate's Bluff. Thank you for delivering\\it to me.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\C Grade Item has been received.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 25, 4, 3);
Event_Award(2800, 22000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Did you lose Cooperation Letter from\\Mihael given
to you by Mihael?");

QuestStart(61475, 10, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Get Letter from Spy");
QuestLevel("LV 11");
QuestAward("- Experience 380\\- Gold 2000\\- Spy's Letter");
QuestDesc("Get letter from Trowan the spy and\\deliver it to Mihael");
QuestShortDesc("Get letter from Trowan the spy and\\deliver it to Mihael");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Trowan the spy who is in the\\Kartefant Inner Circle

Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_MsgBox("Trowan whispers to you\\
\\...Did you get orders from Master\\Mihael? I will explain to you briefly.\\
\\..You need to prove that you are\\worthy of delivering my Spy's Letter.\\So, go
to Bache the guard who is\\posted at the outside of camp and get\\some jobs to do.
The rest will follow.");

Event_MsgBox("Hum..Hum!\\ \\It is not

possible to talk to strangers,\\lest they catch on that I am a spy. Go\\Back.");
Event_MsgBox("Bache\\ \\Hey
Hey!? What are you doing there?\\Hey - Come here!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get jobs to do from Bache a guard\\from the Kartefant Inner

Event_MsgBox("What..? You came to get some\\work? You shouldn't
have gone to\\Trowan. He's new here, and he is only\\in charge of reward
distribution. If you\\want work, you should have come to\\me.\\
\\Ok. I will give you work. But, if you\\have to have a certain amount of\\skill,
or I won't give it to you.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Some quests have level requirements.\\Sometimes, NPCs will require you to be\\a
certain level to continue with your\\current quest. Bache requires you to\\be level

AddPhase(12, 3, "Solve Bache's task when you are\\at least level 14, receive
a Level 5\\Reward Certificate, and pretend as\\if you are giving it to Trowan the
spy\\to get the Spy's Letter from Trowan.");
Phase_Target(3374, 2599);
Event_Disappear(1, 10208, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Should we check for the authenticity?\\
\\Here we go... They won't notice if I slip\\the Spy's Letter in with your
reward...\\Take this money for your work for\\Bache, and take the Spy's Letter
back\\to Mihael as soon as possible. Good\\job.");
Event_MsgBox("You trade your Level 5 Reward\\Certificate for 1000
Gold + 1000 Gold\\as reward from Trowan. You also\\received the Spy's Letter.");
Event_Get(1, 10206);
Event_Award(380, 2000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Please bring me a Level 5 Reward\\Certificate.");

QuestStart(61476, 14, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61441, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Level 5 Reward Certificate");
QuestLevel("LV 14");
QuestAward("- Experience 630\\- Gold 5,500");
QuestDesc("Hum..You might be able to handle\\Level 5 work.. Would you like to
QuestShortDesc("Receive a Level 5 Reward\\Certificate by doing Level 5

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Bache's story");

Event_MsgBox("Great. Recently, the wolves have\\been troublesome.
Please Hunt 5 Wolf\\Pups. Don't forget to get Wolf Pup\\Teeth as proof. You
shouldn't relax\\thinking this is only Level 5 work.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Wolf Pups");

Phase_Target(3379, 2454);
Trigger_Kill(5, 25);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Wolf Pups.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 5 Wolf Pup Teeth.");
Event_Get(5, 10228);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Wolf Pup Teeth to Bache,\\the Kartefant Inner Circle

Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Event_Disappear(5, 10228, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Great. These are 5 Wolf Pup Teeth.\\
\\If you bring this Level 5 Reward\\Certificate to Trowan, he will give you
a\\reward. I'd give you your reward, but\\Master Mulligan, the leader of
the\\Kartefant Inner Circle, divides up all\\the work evenly. As you become
more\\skillful, try to get higher level work.");
Event_MsgBox("Received Level 5 Reward Certificate.");
Event_Get(1, 10208);
Event_Award(630, 5500, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You should bring 5 Wolf Pup Teeth.\\Ok? I have
marked the location of\\Wolf Pups on the map.");

QuestStart(61478, 14, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Join Organization I");
QuestLevel("LV 14");
QuestAward("Join Organization II");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Join the Kartefant Inner Circle and\\visit Trowan the spy");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Bache's story");

Event_MsgBox("So, you want to join the Kartefant\\Inner Circle,
do you?");
Event_MsgBox("You should know by now that you\\should come to me
first!? Why did you\\go to Trowan
first? \\ \\Suspicious..");
Event_MsgBox("Ok. A beginner like you can never do\\that..\\
\\Master Mulligan is at the larger camp\\on top of the hill. If you want to join
the\\Kartefant Inner Circle, Visit Master\\Mulligan.\\
\\Master Mulligan is a rough person so\\you had better be careful.. Ha ha.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find Mulligan the leader of the\\Kartefant Inner Circle");

Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_MsgBox("Hum? A beginner like you, wants to\\join the
Kartefant Inner Circle led by\\the great Master Mulligan? Ha!\\
\\It has been a while since I've met a\\brave beginner like you! Ha Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("OK!! Master Mulligan will let you in!\\
\\But! You need to get a Membership\\Pass from my head guards Bache,\\Daldoh, and
Une, located in 3 guard\\camps of the Kartefant Inner Circle! Go\\to Bache
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Join Organization II], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Membership Pass I], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012040, 61479);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012040, 61480);

QuestStart(61479, 14, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Join Organization II");
QuestLevel("LV 19");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,500\\- Gold 12,000\\- Membership Pendant");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Join the Kartefant Inner Circle and\\visit Trowan the Spy");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Get Membership Passes from\\Bache, Daldoh, and Une, the

head\\guards of the 3 camps and give them\\to Mulligan. Daldoh and Une may\\require
you to have more experience.");
Phase_Target(3388, 2592);
Phase_Target(3436, 2367);
Phase_Target(3569, 2516);
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_Disappear(1, 10211, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10212, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10213, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha! You might be the fastest\\person to get
all three passes! Just my\\style - Um Ha Ha!\\
\\I welcome you as a member of the\\Kartefant Inner Circle! Here! Take
this\\pendant as proof of membership in the\\Kartefant Inner Circle! Get it!");
Event_MsgBox("I want to give you a very difficult task\\as you
are the only one who has\\excited Mulligan in a great while. If you\\have the
skills come and visit me!\\ \\This is the
house of Mulligan Um Ha Ha!");
Event_Get(1, 10209);
Event_Award(1500, 12000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You can not join if you have missed\\any of
membership passes from\\Bache, Daldoh, or Une.");

QuestStart(61480, 14, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Get Membership Pass I");
QuestLevel("LV 16");
QuestAward("- Experience 870\\- Gold 7,300\\- Membership Pass of Bache");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Receive Membership Pass by\\passing Bache's test");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Membership Pass from\\Bache");

Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Event_MsgBox("Hum..Master Mulligan said so? Ok.\\You need
membership passes from the\\head guards located in three camps\\of the Kartefant
Inner Circle.");
Event_MsgBox("Each of us will test your skill by giving\\you a
test. If you do not have the\\basic skills, none of us will give you\\work to do.
Bache will be the first head\\guard to test you.");
Event_MsgBox("So, I will not waste anymore time and\\give you a
test. Hunt 5 Wolf Attackers\\and bring Wolf Attacker Teeth as\\proof. Then I will
give you a\\Membership Pass.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map and defeat 5
Phase_Target(3462, 2592);
Trigger_Kill(5, 27);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Wolf\\Attackers. You have
received 5 Wolf\\Attacker Teeth.");
Event_Get(5, 10210);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring 5 Wolf Attacker Teeth to\\Bache of the Kartefant Inner

Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Event_Disappear(5, 10210, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Its amazing! You have defeated them\\so fast! I
will give you Bache's\\Membership Pass.\\
\\You can get rest of passes from the\\other head guards of the other camps\\and
deliver them to Master Mulligan.\\Good Luck.");
Event_Get(1, 10211);
Event_Award(870, 7300, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You can not get Bache's Membership\\Pass with out
Wolf Attacker Teeth.");

QuestStart(61481, 19, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61480, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Get Membership Pass II");
QuestLevel("LV 19");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,000\\- Gold 15,000\\- Daldoh's Membership Pass");
QuestDesc("Did you say you need Membership\\Pass? Burp!");
QuestShortDesc("Pass Daldoh's test and receive\\Daldoh's Membership Pass");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Daldoh's story");

Event_MsgBox("Oh my..Oh My..Do you need a\\Membership Pass for
the Kartefant\\Inner Circle..?\\ \\Burp!\\
\\Great..Great.. Ok then...Bring me the\\wine I reserved from General\\Merchant
Shan of Pirate's Bluff. \\ \\Burp!");
Event_MsgBox("Ah..! And when you come back.. the\\Giant Spiders..
You know Giant\\Spiders..? Just hunt two of them..Burp!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get wine reserved by Daldoh from\\General Merchant Shan of

Phase_Target(2795, 2315);
Event_MsgBox("Hmm.. Did you say Daldoh? Daldoh\\of the Kartefant
Inner Circle? I heard\\that there have been some incidents\\happening around their
camp.. Are you\\involved with them? Anyway, Shan\\can help you..");
Event_MsgBox("Here is the Daldoh's Wine, that he\\reserved with
me. Take care of\\yourself.");
Event_Get(1, 10214);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Defeat 2 Giant Spiders");

Phase_Target(3643, 2501);
Trigger_Kill(2, 30);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 2 Giant Spiders.\\You have
received 2 Giant Spider\\Legs.");
Event_Get(2, 10215);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver Daldoh's Wine and the\\Giant Spider Legs to Daldoh

of the\\Kartefant Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3573, 2511);
Event_Disappear(1, 10214, 0);
Event_Disappear(2, 10215, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Um Ha Ha Great! Great! Burp! I will\\give you a
reward and the Membership\\Pass.. Be gone with them. Burp! Ha\\Ha Ha... Wine..");
Event_Get(1, 10212);
Event_Award(2000, 15000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("My wine..? My Giant Spider\\Legs..Burp!?");

QuestStart(61488, 18, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61480, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Get Membership Pass III");
QuestLevel("LV 18");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,100\\- Gold 17,000\\- Une's Membership Pass");
QuestDesc("I can not give the Membership\\Pass to everyone. I will think
about\\it if you pass Master Une's test.");
QuestShortDesc("Pass Une's test and receive a\\Membership Pass");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Une's story");

Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_MsgBox("Since Master Mulligan sent you.. you\\might not be
a beginner. Hu Hu..Ok\\defeat 5 Rock Beetles and bring me\\their skins.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Rock Beetles");

Phase_Target(3555, 2350);
Trigger_Kill(5, 28);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Rock Beetles.\\You have
received 5 Rock Beetle\\Skins.");
Event_Get(5, 10216);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Rock Beetle Skins to Une");

Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_Disappear(5, 10216, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ho.. You have done better than I had\\imagined!!..
Now, you didn't think that\\the test was over after defeating weak\\Rock Beetles?
Defeat 3 Wolves and\\bring me 3 Wolf Pelts. If you can do it,\\I will give you a
Membership Pass.");
Event_MsgBox("You are not afraid of Rock Beetles\\are you?");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat 3 Wolves");

Phase_Target(3609, 2402);
Trigger_Kill(3, 29);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Wolves. You\\have received 3
Wolf Pelts.");
Event_Get(3, 10217);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver 3 Wolf Pelts to Une of the\\Kartefant Inner

Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_Disappear(3, 10217, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. Wolf Pelts! Hum, I will give you\\a reward
and Une's Membership Pass,\\as I have promised. You better feel\\very lucky to pass
the test of Master\\Une!");
Event_Get(1, 10213);
Event_Award(2100, 17000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You better give up if you can't even\\defeat a
Wolf! Ha Ha..");

QuestStart(61490, 19, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61479, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mulligan's Secret Letter");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 570\\- Mulligan's Secret Letter");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve quest message.");
QuestShortDesc("Receive Mulligan's Secret Letter\\and deliver it to Mihael");

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, find

Mulligan, the\\leader of the Kartefant Inner Circle\\camp");
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Trigger_LevelTalk(20, 0x40012040, "You are a new recruit and you
want\\me to give you important task? I trust in\\you, but you need more
training. \\ \\Come back to me when you
reach\\Level 20.");
Event_MsgBox("Ok. I have an important task for our\\new
recruit.\\ \\I am not entirely sure whether or
not a\\new recruit like you could even do\\this! Ha Ha!\\
\\Have you heard of the Madcat Free\\Company? You probably haven't.\\Simply said,
they are low life creatures\\living together and forming an\\organization!\\
\\To be honest, they are the worst!");
Event_MsgBox("I haven't been myself lately...\\
\\Anyway, I have sealed an impossible\\agreement with them so I am doing\\things
that I don't want to do.. It is not\\the concern of a new recruit like you..\\Don't
worry about it..");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, Yes..Ha Ha..! What I want you to\\do is to
deliver this letter to the\\Madcat Free Company. It is a very\\important task, so
you must deliver it.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Bring Mulligan's Secret Letter to\\Mihael.");
Event_Get(1, 10218);
Event_Award(570, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61496, 20, 100, 0xFF0000, 63897, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Ramir's Test");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,700\\- Gold 43,000");
QuestDesc("Oh the son of the land, Warrior of\\the Ak'Kan.\\
\\I was referring to you. If it is ok with\\you, I would like to test your
QuestShortDesc("Pass Ramir's simple test");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ramir's story");

Event_MsgBox("The introduction of Ramir might be\\confusing to a
young Ak'Kan like you.\\Let Ramir give you a test first. Defeat 3\\Poison Spiders
for Ramir.");
Event_MsgBox("You do not have to bring anything as\\proof. Ramir
knows everything. Now\\go.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 3 Poison Spiders");

Phase_Target(3051, 2218);
Trigger_Kill(3, 31);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Poison Spiders.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Go back to Ramir of Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_MsgBox("Oh... you have defeated 3 Poison\\Spiders. Ramir
knows everything. I\\knew that you would pass my test.\\
\\Please forgive me for being rude.");
Event_MsgBox("Now Ramir will ask you to do a\\favor.\\
\\It is a very simple task but it might be a\\big and important task. I will do
my\\introduction next time. I pray for\\protection of Latra to be with
Event_Award(1700, 43000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61491, 20, 100, 0xFF0000, 61496, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Shrine of Sacrifice");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 14,800\\- Gold 92,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Son of the land, Warrior of\\Ak'Kan.. I'm glad to meet you.
Did\\you know that Ramir and you will\\meet someday? Ramir wants to ask\\the son of
the land, Warrior of\\Ak'Kan, you, a little favor.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Ramir find the location of the\\Shrine of Sacrifice and
fill in the\\blank map.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Ramir's story");

Event_MsgBox("You will be blind to a flame before\\you. Latra is
beside you, despite that\\you might not see it. You will be a\\candle that lights
the darkness of the\\Ak'Kan");
Event_MsgBox("The role of an elder Ak'Kan is to light\\the path
of the sons of the land with\\the power to see the future from birth\\till death..
That is the job of Ramir.");
Event_MsgBox("Unfortunately, Ramir can see many\\things in the
world, but I am very weak\\with other things.\\
\\I never had the energy like you to run\\around large continents from the
Event_MsgBox("It is your destiny to help Ramir, as a\\son of the
land and the Warrior of the\\Ak'Kan. Ramir knows everything.");
Event_MsgBox("Do you know about the Shrine of\\Sacrifice?\\
\\It is an object that gathers life energy\\from the land to give birth to
the\\Ak'Kan.\\ \\But recently, the location of
the Shrine\\of Sacrifice is getting further and\\further from Ramir. Something
is\\happening and Ramir is very\\uncomfortable.");
Event_MsgBox("Can you find the location of the\\Shrine of
Sacrifice for Ramir?\\ \\It has no meaning to
Ramir, but for you\\and future Ak'Kans who will help\\Ramir, please complete the
Shrine of\\Sacrifice Map.");
Event_MsgBox("Ak'Kan Cojan who is the guide of\\Thornbush Grove
may of be some help\\to you. He was in the Shrine of\\Sacrifice recently.\\
\\Do not forget about the protection of\\the Shrine of Sacrifice. Latra is
with\\you always.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Stubborn Guide Cojan],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10220);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012029, 61492);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Complete the the Shrine of Sacrifice\\Map and deliver it to

Ramir of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_Disappear(1, 10221, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ah Ha! You met Kinat.\\
\\Ramir can not see the map, but I know\\the location of the shrine from
Event_MsgBox("Also, since you have talked with\\Kinat of the
Shrine of Sacrifice, I know\\the worries of Kinat. Kinat worries\\about the same
worries that I do. I\\want you to find out what is going on\\with the Shrine of
Event_MsgBox("However, you will be facing battles\\this time so
please be careful. So, son\\of the land, please go and increase\\your strength
first. This is a small token\\of appreciation from Ramir for\\completing the map.
Latra be with you\\in your journey.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\C grade Item has been received.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 35, 4, 3);
Event_Award(14800, 92000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Haven't you completed the map yet?");

QuestStart(61492, 20, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Stubborn Guide Cojan");
QuestLevel("LV 22");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,600 \\- Gold 44,000");
QuestDesc("The Shrine of Sacrifice is not a\\place a young Ak'Kan like you
can\\challenge. I think you are not even a\\bit close to that level. You can
not\\even pass the Fungus Forest that is\\full of scary fungi. Do you still want
to\\know how to get to the Shrine of\\Sacrifice?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Cojan and find a way to\\reach the Shrine of

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map visit Guide
Cojan in the\\Thornbush");
Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_MsgBox("It seems that you are having\\difficulties to
getting out of Thornbush\\as well.");
Event_MsgBox("I can not tell you anymore.\\
\\Why? It is not that you will be facing\\danger, but if you die passing
through\\Thornbush, I will be punished by God's\\Pirates, who are the ones who
have\\hired me!!");
Event_MsgBox("You still want me to tell you how to\\get to the
Shrine of Sacrifice? You are\\very stubborn! Hum.. Let me see..\\
\\Ok!\\ \\Go to the guardhouse on the
bridge\\and get a Thornbush Pass from Asida\\the guard. Then I will tell you how
to\\get to the Shrine of Sacrifice.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get a Thornbush Pass from the\\guard Asida who is in front

of the\\guardhouse on the bridge and is in\\charge of construction of
Pirate's\\Bluff. Then deliver the pass to Cojan\\the Thornbush guide");
Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10222, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh..? You really brought the\\Thornbush Pass? Hum..
Asida has\\gone soft!");
Event_MsgBox("I can not allow this. What I mean is\\that, I can
not tell you the location of\\the Shrine of Sacrifice and pass\\through Thornbush.
Why don't you\\increase your skills first?. Then I will let\\you pass.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\In order to proceed with the quest, you\\need to prove your skill to Cojan
the\\Thornbush guide by being at least\\Level 23.");
Event_Award(5600, 44000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Asida could not have given the pass\\to a beginner
like you easily.");

QuestStart(61493, 22, 100, 0xFF0000, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Thornbush Pass");
QuestLevel("LV 22");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,600\\- Gold 41,000");
QuestDesc("This is a place called Thornbush\\and a beginner like you should
not\\be allowed to enter. If you really\\want to go through that place, you\\need
to pass my test and get a pass.");
QuestShortDesc("Pass the test of Asida and get a\\Thornbush Pass");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Asida's story");

Event_MsgBox("Recently, some people have entered\\this place and
have never come\\back.\\ \\Those are the ones
who have ignored\\my warnings.");
Event_MsgBox("If you still want to go, then please\\defeat a
Lizardman Warchief who is\\located under the bridge in lizard\\territory. And as
proof, bring a\\Lizardman Warchief Claw.\\
\\Then I will give you a Thornbush Pass.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat a Lizardman Warchief\\marked on the map and bring

back\\a Lizardman Warchief Claw");
Phase_Target(2540, 2087);
Trigger_Kill(1, 20);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated a Lizardman\\Warchief. You have
received a\\Lizardman Warchief Claw.");
Event_Get(1, 10223);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Lizardman Warchief\\Claw to Asida the guard

located at\\the guardhouse on the bridge");
Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(1, 10223, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ho! Do you really have to go to\\Thornbush?\\
\\I guess I can't complain, since you\\have passed my test..");
Event_MsgBox("Fine then. I will write you a Pass.\\Please take
care of yourself. May the\\Spirit of Latra be with you always.");
Event_Get(1, 10222);
Event_Award(6600, 41000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Why don't you give up now!");

QuestStart(61494, 23, 100, 0xFF0000, 61492, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Dissimulation of Cojan");
QuestLevel("LV 28");
QuestAward("- Experience 14,900\\- Gold 109,000");
QuestDesc("You.. You really trained hard!\\Great. Then you pass the test
of\\Master Cojan.");
QuestShortDesc("Pass the test of Cojan and find the\\path to the Shrine of

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Cojan's story");

Event_MsgBox("I have told you before, if you get lost\\in
Thornbush Grove I will be in
deep\\trouble.\\ \\Despite all my warnings,
you still want\\to pass Thornbush to go to the Shrine\\of Sacrifice? Then, I will
tell you how\\scary Thornbush is.");
Event_MsgBox("There is a creature called a Gaiger\\Spider in
Thornbush which even made\\the Master Cojan scared. It will be\\difficult for you
to defeat it, so go and\\defeat 5 Cactopods and bring their\\legs as proof. Then I
will tell you the\\path.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Cactopods");

Phase_Target(2515, 2693);
Trigger_Kill(5, 44);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Cactopods.\\You have received 5
Event_Get(5, 10224);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Cactopod Thorns to\\Cojan the guide of

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(5, 10224, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh my, Oh my? This is the real thorn\\of a
Cactopod!? Did you really defeat\\this? Really? Um, Hum. Ah..What I\\mean is that
the Cactopod is strong.. I\\have underestimated you. Damn.");
Event_MsgBox("Did you say a request from Ramir?\\Rather than
telling you the path, I can\\just give you the map.. Wait a\\minute... where did I
put it?..");
Event_MsgBox("Not here.. Not there..\\
\\...\\ \\...");
Event_MsgBox("Oh my.. It's time to take care of\\Thornbush
monsters.. Could you kill 5\\Killer Beetle Elites instead .. um.. just 5\\of them?
I will find the map in the mean\\time.");
Event_MsgBox("Hurry up! If you don't get there in\\time,
travelers will be in danger.. Ok-\\Hurry Hurry.");
Event_MsgBox("A Cactopod is not an easy target..\\Yes Yes

AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat 5 Killer Beetle Elites");

Phase_Target(2466, 2782);
Trigger_Kill(5, 46);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Killer Beetle\\Elites. You have
received 5 Killer\\Beetle Elite Pincers.");
Event_Get(5, 10225);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver Killer Beetle Elite Pincers to\\Cojan the Thornbush

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(5, 10225, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have already defeated 5 Killer\\Beetle
Elites?!? Oh no.. I am very\\sorry.. ..I think I have lost the map.\\
\\What I mean.. is that..\\ \\I think I have
dropped the map while\\being chased after by a Gaiger Spider\\during my rounds in
Event_MsgBox("Could you defeat a Gaiger Spider\\and search its
body..? They really love\\to stick things on their horrible thorns..\\There are two
of them in the Thornbush\\and I don't know which of them has\\it.. I will put it on
your map so don't\\worry and be careful!.. Ok!");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Defeat 1 Gaiger Spider");

Phase_Target(2580, 2849);
Phase_Target(2400, 2876);
Trigger_Kill(1, 118);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 1 Gaiger Spider.\\You have found
a Torn Map.");
Event_Get(1, 10226);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Torn Map to Cojan the\\guide of Thornbush");

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10226, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh my..Oh my.. The Gaiger Spider\\has damaged the
map with its big\\thorns.. Oh well.. I will mark it on your\\map anyway..");
Event_MsgBox("Don't think as if you have helped me\\for nothing!
You have done a good\\deed!\\ \\You have done
my job.. \\ \\..what I meant was, don't you
think\\that many travelers can safely travel\\now, since you have
defeated\\Thornbush monsters? Don't you?");
Event_MsgBox("Ah.. And, When you reach the Shrine\\of Sacrifice,
you can meet a very\\gorgeous Ak'Kan Officiator called\\Kinat. She is very
gorgeous.. She is in\\charge of the Shrine of Sacrifice, so go\\and visit her.. And
this is just a letter..\\Please ah... give it to her..\\
\\It's a long way to go and there are\\many monsters, so you better run!..\\Good
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Cold Shrine of Sacrifice],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012031, 61495);
Event_Get(1, 10227);
Event_Award(14900, 109000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I can't even look at a Cactus\\because of the
Gaiger Spider.. Damn..");

QuestStart(61495, 23, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Cold Shrine of Sacrifice");
QuestLevel("LV 28");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,500");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Deliver the Cojan's Letter to Kinat\\the Officiator at the
Shrine of\\Sacrifice and mark location of the\\Shrine of Sacrifice on the Blank

AddPhase(12, 1, "Deliver Cojan's Letter to Kinat\\located on the marked

position on\\the map and complete the blank map");
Phase_Target(3207, 3392);
Event_Disappear(1, 10227, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10220, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I am Kinat, the Officiator of the Shrine\\of
Sacrifice. This letter must be from\\Cojan. Thank you for delivering it. \\
\\However, this letter means nothing to\\me now.. My love has for him
already\\faded. Please tell Cojan this.");
Event_MsgBox("..If you don't have any other business\\here,
please leave now. This place\\has been built to give birth to Ak'Kan\\and is holy
ground, protected from\\outer forces.");
Event_MsgBox("The location of the Shrine of Sacrifice\\has been
marked on the blank map\\and the Shrine of Sacrifice Map has\\been completed.");
Event_Get(1, 10227);
Event_Get(1, 10221);
Event_MsgBox("This is a holy place. If you don't have\\any
special business, then please\\leave now.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver the words of Kinat 'My love\\has already ended' to

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10227, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh... \\ \\I
see...\\ \\Well, anyway, you have completed
the\\map so I should give you a reward or\\something.. right? Ha Ha..!");
Event_MsgBox("Then see you next time.. Ha Ha Ha!");
Event_Award(4500, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Kinat did not give any reply to me? It\\is
impossible. Maybe.. did you not find\\the Shrine of Sacrifice?");

QuestStart(61497, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 61491, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("An Ill Omen");
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- Experience 55,000\\- Gold 259,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Wise son of the land, Your strength\\might be very useful to Ramir
to\\solve ill omens that are surrounding\\the Shrine of Sacrifice. Please
QuestShortDesc("Help Ramir the Ak'Kan elder and\\another leader of God's
Pirates to\\investigate ill omen surrounding the\\Shrine of Sacrifice");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ramir's story");

Event_MsgBox("I can sense bad spirits surrounding\\the Shrine of
Sacrifice of Kinat that\\you have recently visited.\\
\\I want you to secretly investigate what\\is going on there.");
Event_MsgBox("If Kinat does not tell you anything\\then please
visit Barak of Barrick\\Village.\\ \\Barak is
the king of the Barricks and\\even though he is a bit rough, he is an\\honorable
Event_MsgBox("Investigate the Shrine of Sacrifice,\\and if you
find any clues then bring it to\\me. May the protection of Latra be\\with you in
your journey.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Officiator's Pride], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012029, 61504);

AddPhase(12, 2, "When you find clues for the ill\\omens surrounding the
Shrine of\\Sacrifice, deliver the clues\\immediately to Ak'Kan elder Ramir");
Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_Disappear(1, 10234, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Um.. This is a Fungus Sleeping\\Potion.\\
\\This Potion even makes dead people\\sleep forever.");
Event_MsgBox("If Kinat has been looking for this, then\\a Zombie
Lord must have been\\conjured.\\ \\Please
deliver this letter to Kinat.\\Please get detailed information from\\her how the
Zombie Lord was conjured.");
Event_Get(1, 10235);
Event_MsgBox("Bring back any clues about ill omens\\surrounding
the Shrine of Sacrifice.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Ramir's Letter to Kinat the\\Officiator of the

Shrine of Sacrifice");
Phase_Target(3207, 3392);
Event_Disappear(1, 10235, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Is this the letter from Master Ramir?\\
\\...\\ \\Oh well, Master Ramir must
have\\already foreseen everything. Oh well...\\I will tell you everything about
Event_MsgBox("Recently, the spirit of land has been\\forcefully
absorbed. Due to its side\\effects, some priests here were turned\\in to Zombies
and it was very difficult\\to give them peace.");
Event_MsgBox("I thought it was not a big problem and\\continued
with the absorption of the\\spirit of
land.\\ \\A few days ago, A Woman with
a\\Black Hawk Image gave a Strange\\Spell to restricted Zombies. It was only\\a
matter of seconds.\\ \\After that, the Zombie
Lord was\\conjured.");
Event_MsgBox("I tried to use the Fungus Sleeping\\Potion to make
them sleep and was\\able to stop the Zombie Lord for a\\moment, but I could not
stop all of\\them. \\ \\It is not possible to
undo it.");
Event_MsgBox("The Ramir's Letter that you brought to\\me says
that he foresees that you will\\be the one to defeat the Zombie Lord.\\
\\Please defeat the Zombie Lord. And\\please give them an eternal peace\\which they
Event_MsgBox("Do you have any business with me?");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat the Zombie Lord!");

Phase_Target(3127, 3553);
Trigger_Kill(1, 152);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated the Zombie Lord");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Inform Kinat the Officiator of the\\Shrine of Sacrifice that

you have\\defeated the Zombie Lord");
Phase_Target(3207, 3392);
Event_MsgBox("I can still feel the evil spirit of the\\Zombie
Lord. I thought you have\\defeated all of them.");
Event_MsgBox("It may be that evil spirit is not here. It\\is a
matter of time before Zombie Lord\\resurrects.\\
\\Please inform Master Ramir about\\this. There is no time. We need to
stop\\resurrection of the Zombie Lord.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Inform Ramir of Pirate's Bluff about\\Zombie Lord and A

Woman with a\\Black Hawk Image");
Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_MsgBox("A woman bearing the image of a\\Black Hawk ...\\
\\Yes ... yes ... I remember. It is Bree,\\who hails from a place darker
and\\colder than death, the Dimension of\\Lost Spirits ...");
Event_MsgBox("Bree, a black hawk that rules the\\dead.\\
\\A dimensional creature that comes out\\when the Dimension Gap falters.\\
\\To her, it is easier to conjure a Zombie\\Lord than it is for you to break a
Event_MsgBox("The situation is worse than what\\Ramir has felt.\\
\\The fact that Bree is here in the\\Almighty Ground means that a\\gateway to
another dimension\\somewhere in this continent is breaking\\down.");
Event_MsgBox("If so, Almighty Ground is no longer a\\peaceful
land. Through the\\dimensional gateway, dimensional\\creatures will gather here in
Event_MsgBox("Maybe Master Latra might have a\\solution for this
problem.\\ \\Yes. Certainly he will have a
solution.\\ \\We need to find Master Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("You need to find the Shrine of\\Sacrifice Trackers
who are after\\Latra.\\ \\Shrine of Sacrifice
Trackers might\\have detailed information on where\\abouts of Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("Tribal Clan must know the\\whereabouts of a Shrine
of Sacrifice\\Tracker. I can sense the spirit of the\\Shrine of Sacrifice Tracker
from Tribal.\\A recent spirit.");
Event_MsgBox("They may try to test your strength\\first. If they
feel that you are very\\weak, then they will not tell you a\\thing.\\
\\Listen to the story of Tribal and find\\Master Latra with help of Shrine
of\\Sacrifice Tracker");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [North Tribal], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\C Grade Item has been received.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012029, 61509);
Event_AwardItem(1, 45, 4, 3);
Event_Award(55000, 259000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61504, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Officiator's Pride");
QuestLevel("LV 38");
QuestAward("- Experience 21,700\\- Gold 90,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find what is going on in the Shrine\\of Sacrifice from Kinat
the Officiator");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Meet Kinat the officiator and ask\\about the ill omen
surrounding the\\Shrine of Sacrifice");
Phase_Target(3207, 3392);
Event_MsgBox("You have been asked by Master\\Ramir to be here.\\
\\The reason why is that Master Ramir\\knows that there were some incidents\\of
dead ancestors being conjured as\\Zombies while absorbing the spirit of\\the land
Event_MsgBox("If you are worried about that, for your\\kind, and
for you, could you lend your\\power to Kinat for a while?");
Event_MsgBox("Great. You might have no other\\option as you have
been ordered by\\Master Ramir.\\ \\Those who
had been conjured as\\Zombies are too strong for me to\\handle alone.");
Event_MsgBox("Also I can not raise my sword\\against my kind who
are already\\dead..\\ \\Thus, a Fungus
Sleeping Potion was\\the only way to give them eternal\\peace.\\
\\Could you go to Fungus Forest and\\get some Fungus Sleeping Potions from\\the
Spore Factory operated by the\\Barricks?");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Get Fungus Sleeping\\Potion], has been added to your\\Quest List
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [King Barak's Hint], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012032, 61505);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012032, 61506);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to the Spore Factory to get a\\Fungus Sleeping Potion and
deliver\\it to Kinat of the Shrine of Sacrifice");
Phase_Target(3207, 3392);
Event_Disappear(1, 3203, 0);
you.\\ \\With this, I can give them eternal
rest.\\May the Spirit of Latra be with you\\always.");
Event_MsgBox("If you need help from the Shrine, you\\are welcome
Event_MsgBox("Before giving the Fungus Sleeping\\Potion to Kinat,
you have kept some\\of the Fungus Sleeping Potion that will\\be given to Ramir as
Event_Get(1, 10234);
Event_Award(21700, 90000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I need a Fungus Sleeping Potion.");

QuestStart(61505, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Get Fungus Sleeping Potion");
QuestLevel("LV 36");
QuestAward("- Experience 26,700\\- Fungus Sleeping Potion");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Gather raw materials requested by\\Villbug the manager of the
Spore\\Factory and make Fungus Sleeping\\Potion");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Get Fungus Sleeping Potion from\\the Spore Factory operated

by the\\Barricks in Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Event_MsgBox("Hello? I am Villbug, and I'm in charge\\here. \\
\\No No No?\\ \\Don't breath so deep here! If
you get\\addicted to the spores here, you will\\not feel that pleasant! Ha Ha
Event_MsgBox("Ok, is there something that you want\\from here?\\
\\Hum, I am selling Fungus Sleeping\\Potions. No No- What? Expensive?\\Hey, I can't
do anything about it. The\\works here are very hard and some\\strange guys are
disturbing us so we\\can't make large quantities anymore!");
Event_MsgBox("If you really need it, and you can get\\the raw
materials, I might be able to\\sell it to you at a bargain price.\\
\\In order to get raw materials, you need\\to fight with powerful Fungus
monsters.\\Is it ok with you? \\ \\Fine, first
you need to defeat Gigantic\\Roaming Fungi and get Fungus\\Spores from its body as
the first raw\\material.");
Event_MsgBox("Oops- I forgot to tell you that in order\\to get
fungus spores, you need to buy\\a special bag I have made. Hal Hal..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Purchase an Empty Spore Sac from\\Villbug, defeat 5 Gigantic

Roaming\\Fungi, and put Fungus Spores in
it\\ \\Monster Tip A Gigantic Roaming\\Fungus
is a Level 34 Monster.");
Phase_Target(3081, 3107);
Trigger_Kill(5, 55);
Event_Disappear(1, 10230, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Gigantic\\Roaming Fungi.");
Event_MsgBox("You have put fungus spores in the\\empty sac.");
Event_Get(1, 10229);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get fungus spores, you\\need to
purchase an Empty Spore Sac\\sold by Villbug.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Send a Fungus Spore Sac to\\Villbug at the Spore Factory");

Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Event_Disappear(1, 10229, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh ho.. These certainly are spores of\\a Gigantic
Roaming Fungus.\\ \\Ok.. The next raw material
you need is\\Toadstool Spores.");
Event_MsgBox("A Gigantic Popping Fungus is much\\stronger than a
Gigantic Roaming\\Fungus so you better train your skills\\first before you
challenge them.\\ \\I have marked the location
of Gigantic\\Popping Fungus on your map so go\\and find them.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat 5 Gigantic Roaming Fungi\\and collect spores
from their bodies.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Purchase an Empty Spore Sac sold\\by Villbug, defeat 5

Gigantic\\Popping Fungi and collect\\Toadstool Spores\\
\\Monster Tip A Gigantic Popping\\Fungus is a LV 35 Monster.");
Phase_Target(3073, 3071);
Trigger_Kill(5, 56);
Event_Disappear(1, 10230, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Gigantic\\Popping Fungi.");
Event_MsgBox("Toadstool Spores have been placed\\in the Sac.");
Event_Get(1, 10231);
Event_MsgBox("To store Toadstool Spores, you need\\to purchase an
Empty Spore Sac sold\\by Villbug.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Toadstool Spore Sac to\\Villbug at the Spore

Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Event_Disappear(1, 10231, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. Are you really going to collect\\all these
materials? \\ \\Great,Great. The last raw
material is\\seasonings of Barak the king of the\\Barrick. He is a very tricky
person so\\please be careful.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012035, 61507);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Get King Barak's Special\\Seasonings and give it to Villbug

at\\the Spore Factory");
Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Event_Disappear(1, 10232, 1000);
Event_MsgBox("Yes? Oh.. You really did get the\\seasonings? Did
you know King\\Barak? Damn, Oh well. Barrick have\\to keep our promise. The
Fungus\\Sleeping Potion is here so you just get\\them.");
Event_Get(1, 3203);
Event_Award(26700, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("To make Fungus Sleeping Potion, you\\need King
Barak's Special\\Seasonings and 1000 Gold. Hal Hal.");

QuestStart(61506, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("King Barak's Hint");
QuestLevel("LV 33");
QuestAward("- Experience 14,400\\- Gold 77,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help the Barrick King and get hints\\for ill omens
surrounding the Shrine\\of Sacrifice.");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Barak the King of Barrick.");
Phase_Target(2879, 3577);
Event_MsgBox("You want to know what happened in\\the Shrine of
Sacrifice recently? Ok\\then. We the Barricks are also being\\affected because of
recent\\happenings at the Shrine. Because of\\that, we are lacking manpower in
the\\Fungus Farms!\\ \\Barrick keep their
promises but this is a\\clear violation of contract!");
Event_MsgBox("Ok, Barak will give you information.\\But you need
to defeat Swamp Fungi\\that are obstructing the cultivation of\\Fungi by the
Barrick. Then I will give\\you the information you need.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Swamp Fungi.");

Phase_Target(2953, 3100);
Trigger_Kill(5, 54);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Swamp Fungi.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 5 Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles.");
Event_Get(5, 10233);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Swamp Fungus Tentacles\\to Barak the King of Barrick

village\\as proof.");
Phase_Target(2879, 3577);
Event_Disappear(5, 10233, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. Since you brought Swamp\\Fungus Tentacles,
you must really\\have hunted them.\\ \\Barak
among all Barrick keeps his\\promises but this time, Kinat has\\violated the
contract first. We have\\agreed that she will never cause any\\damage to our
Event_MsgBox("..But I can not tell you everything.\\Kinat asked
you to bring a Fungus\\Sleeping Potion right? If you can get\\Fungus Sleeping
Potion then bring it to\\Ramir first. Ramir will know about it.\\Fungus Sleeping
Potion can be found\\in the large fungus structure. There,\\Villbug can make a
Fungus Sleeping\\Potion.");
Event_Award(14400, 77000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Swamp Fungus is a parasite to\\Barricks who
cultivate Fungus.");

QuestStart(61507, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("King Barak's Special Seasonings");
QuestLevel("LV 32");
QuestAward("- Experience 12,300\\- Gold 69,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Exchange materials needed by\\Barak the king of Barrick and
King\\Barak's Special Seasonings.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Barak the king of Barrick in\\Barrick Village");

Phase_Target(2879, 3577);
Event_MsgBox("I can make King Barak's Special\\Seasonings.\\
\\I need some materials. Get the\\materials I need.");
Event_MsgBox("Please go and get Mushrooms living\\in a small pond
with white long stems.\\ \\Other materials can
be easily found\\here, but they are not easy to get..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map and collect
5 Small\\White Pond Mushrooms");
Phase_Target(2871, 3266);
Trigger_Kill(5, 150);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Small White\\Pond
Event_Get(5, 3201);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver 5 Small White Pond\\Mushrooms to Barak the King of

the\\Barrick of North Barrick Village");
Phase_Target(2879, 3577);
Event_Disappear(5, 3201, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So fast?\\
\\As long as you were going to get\\them, you should have brought more\\of them...
Oh well, I will make the\\seasonings.");
Event_Get(1, 10232);
Event_Award(12300, 69000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Small White Pond Mushrooms can be\\found in any
pond within the Fungus\\Forest.");

QuestStart(61509, 30, 100, 0xFF0000, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("North Tribal");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- Experience 376,000\\- Gold 1,000,000\\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("We the Tribal do not welcome\\strangers. Strangers are
just\\problematic to us who are dealing\\with rough Trolls. What I mean is\\that,
if you want to talk with the\\Chief of this place, you need to pass\\a test.");
QuestShortDesc("Pass the Tribal Chief's test and\\collect information about
the Shrine\\of Sacrifice Tracker");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit the Chief of the Tribal Clan by\\referencing the

location of North\\Tribal marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Trigger_LevelTalk(40, 0x4001204C, "We the honorable Tribal Clan do
not\\speak with any creatures who are\\weaker than a Level 40 Troll.");
Event_MsgBox("Great. If you want to ask me for a\\favor, defeat 5
Trolls around here and\\get Troll Claws as proof! If you can do\\that, I will allow
you to talk with me.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Trolls.");

Phase_Target(2422, 3194);
Trigger_Kill(5, 74);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Trolls.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Troll Claws.");
Event_Get(5, 10237);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Troll Claws to Omar the\\Chief of Tribal Village.");

Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(5, 10237, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ok. I will give you the honor of talking\\with
me.\\ \\You want to know the location of
the\\Shrine of Sacrifice Tracker?\\ \\I
certainly know the location, but you\\have to do something for me.\\
\\If you don't like the way we do\\business, then you can always give up.");
Event_MsgBox("My two sons seem to be having some\\problems
recently. When they should\\bravely fight with Trolls..\\
\\Anyway, please solve problem of my\\sons Mokor and Kror.");
Event_MsgBox("My younger son Mokor and elder son\\Kror can
determine brave warriors and\\if you do not pass their test, they will\\not even
try to listen to your story.\\ \\That is how
the Tribal Clan does\\business.");
Event_MsgBox("And, you should be warned about\\Tribals guarding
my sons.\\ \\They will sacrifice their lives
to protect\\my sons. No matter what, they attack\\strangers first!");
Event_MsgBox("You did not defeat the Trolls and\\want to talk
with Tribal. Be gone.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Find Tribal Chief Omar's two sons\\Mokor and Kror, solve
their problems\\and go back to Omar the chief.");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Phase_Target(2314, 3297);
Phase_Target(2425, 3512);
Event_Disappear(1, 10241, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 10243, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have solved the problems of my\\two sons Mokor
and Kror. Thank you.\\ \\You are better fella
than what I have\\thought.. But you have one more thing\\to do.\\
\\You have to defeat Giant Troll Guards\\near by here.");
Event_MsgBox("A Giant Troll Guard is difficult to\\defeat even by
the best warrior of our\\clan.\\ \\If you can
defeat them, I will tell you\\the location of the Shrine of Sacrifice\\Tracker.");
Event_MsgBox("Please solve problems of my two sons\\Mokor and

AddPhase(12, 5, "Defeat 5 Giant Troll Guards located\\in the position marked

on the map");
Phase_Target(2307, 3480);
Trigger_Kill(5, 103);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Giant Troll\\Guards.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Giant Troll\\Guard Claws.");
Event_Get(5, 10236);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver 5 Giant Troll Guard Claws to\\Omar the Chief of

Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(5, 10236, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have come back safely! A brave\\friend of the
Tribal.\\ \\The Giant Troll Guards you
have\\defeated are not Trolls from this place.\\We have traditional methods of
Event_MsgBox("One day, the sky was disturbed, mist\\covered the
sky and Giant Troll\\Guards came down with the mist.\\
\\We tried everything to fight against\\them. But they were too strong for us.\\
\\As you could have seen, it was all we\\could do to defend from their attacks.");
Event_MsgBox("I don't know who the Shrine of\\Sacrifice Trackers
are. But I have\\seen them doing some rituals deep in\\the Gavial Swamp Valley.\\
\\If you are going to enter the Gavial\\Swamp Valley, remember that it is a\\very
dangerous place, and be careful.\\We the Tribal do not even want to\\enter that
place.\\ \\Brave Tribal Ancestors will be with
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\C Grade Item has been received.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Shrine of Sacrifice Tracker\\Hideout], has been added to your\\Quest
List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x4001204C, 61508);
Event_AwardItem(1, 55, 4, 3);
Event_Award(376000, 1000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("A Giant Troll Guard is very strong. If\\you are not
skillful, then only death will\\welcome you.");

QuestStart(61510, 42, 100, 0xFF0000, 61497, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mokor's Test");
QuestLevel("LV 42");
QuestAward("- Experience 162,200\\- Gold 290,000");
QuestDesc("Mokor does not speak with weak\\warriors. If you want to talk
with\\Mokor, you need to pass the\\Mokor's test.");
QuestShortDesc("Pass Mokor's Test.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mokor's story");

Event_MsgBox("Mokor no like weak. Mokor like\\strong.\\
\\Troll Fighter strong. Mokor defeat 3\\Troll Fighters.\\
\\You defeat 3 Troll Fighters.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 3 Troll Fighters");

Phase_Target(2374, 3304);
Trigger_Kill(3, 76);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Troll Fighters.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 3 Troll Fighter\\Claws.");
Event_Get(3, 10238);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver 3 Troll Fighter Claws to\\Mokor the son of Tribal

Chief Omar");
Phase_Target(2314, 3297);
Event_Disappear(3, 10238, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Troll Fighter Claws this is.\\
\\You stronger than Troll Fighter. Mokor\\like you. Mokor like you.");
Event_Award(162200, 290000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Troll Fighter strong. Mokor stronger\\than Troll
Fighter.\\ \\You weaker than Troll Fighter.
Mokor\\no like weak. Mokor no like you.");

QuestStart(61511, 42, 100, 0xFF0000, 61510, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Worry of Mokor");
QuestLevel("LV 43");
QuestAward("- Experience 122,200\\- Gold 540,000\\- Mokor's Fish Dish");
QuestDesc("Mokor have problem. Mokor\\problem no more, Mokor thank
you.\\Mokor many gold.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Mokor's problem and solve\\it");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mokor's story");

Event_MsgBox("Mokor catch fish for father Omar.\\
\\Fish very fast. Mokor no like fish.\\
\\Mokor know where delicious fish swim.\\You catch fish for me. Then Mokor\\thank

AddPhase(12, 2, "Catch 5 Swellfish from location\\marked by Mokor on the

Phase_Target(2576, 3406);
Trigger_Kill(5, 153);
Event_MsgBox("You have caught 5 Swellfish.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Swellfish Meats.");
Event_Get(5, 10239);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver 5 Swellfish Meats to Mokor\\the son of Tribal Chief

Phase_Target(2314, 3297);
Event_Disappear(5, 10239, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Fish, yes. Thank you. Me make\\delicious dish.\\
\\Mokor need 10 Tribal Fruits.\\ \\You get
fruits. You get 10 Tribal Fruits.");
Event_MsgBox("Mokor no like water. You promise\\Mokor you catch

AddPhase(12, 4, "Go to Tribal Orchard marked on the\\map by Mokor of the

Tribal Clan and\\collect 10 Tribal
Fruits\\ \\Tribal Fruits can be collected
by\\attacking Fruit Trees among trees in\\orchard.");
Phase_Target(2245, 3608);
Trigger_Kill(10, 154);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 10 Tribal Fruits.");
Event_Get(10, 10240);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver 10 Tribal Fruits to Mokor, the\\son of the Tribal

Phase_Target(2314, 3297);
Event_Disappear(10, 10240, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. Thank you. Mokor\\happy.\\
\\Father eat delicious dish. Father like\\delicious dish.\\
\\I give delicious dish to father. You no\\eating ok?. I give father dish. I
give\\you this. You give delicious dish to\\father.");
Event_Get(1, 10241);
Event_Award(122200, 540000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Mokor need Tribal Fruit. You get fruit.");

QuestStart(61512, 44, 100, 0xFF0000, 61497, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Kror's Test");
QuestLevel("LV 44");
QuestAward("- Experience 164,500\\- Gold 350,000");
QuestDesc("We the Tribal Clan worship strong\\warriors but do not care about
weak\\warriors. This is a kind of law applied\\in the Tribal society as well as
to\\strangers. If you can pass the test\\of Kror, I will be the one to deal
QuestShortDesc("Pass Kror's Test");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Kror's story");

Event_MsgBox("You are full of confidence.\\
\\Go and defeat one Troll Guard. I don't\\need any proof. If you can defeat
a\\Troll Guard, Kror will deal with you.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat one Troll Guard with\\reference to the location

marked on\\the map");
Phase_Target(2380, 3361);
Trigger_Kill(1, 78);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated a Troll Guard.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Inform Kror, the eldest son of Omar\\the Tribal Chief, as

located on the\\map, that you have defeated an\\Iron Troll");
Phase_Target(2425, 3512);
Event_MsgBox("Ok. If you can defeat a Troll Guard,\\it means that
you are strong. Welcome\\stranger!");
Event_Award(164500, 350000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61513, 44, 100, 0xFF0000, 61512, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Kror's Problem");
QuestLevel("LV 45");
QuestAward("- Experience 134,900\\- Gold 520,000\\- 10 Troll Guard Claws");
QuestDesc("My father, Omar the Tribal Chief is\\worried about Troll Guards
that have\\suddently appeared. So Kror wants\\to make my father happy. But I
have\\a problem with how to do that.\\Stranger, could you help me out?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen Kror's problem");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Kror's story");

Event_MsgBox("I can not stop laughing when I face\\the Troll
Guards..\\ \\What? Hey! You stranger. I don't
know\\how you think of me but I am the next\\Chief of the brave Tribal Clan!");
Event_MsgBox("Do you think I am afraid of that ugly\\Troll Guard?
Anyway I need a Fungus\\Recovery Potion in order to cure my\\disease.\\
\\I know that you can purchase a\\Fungus Recovery Potion from\\anywhere in the
Fungus Forest. But\\only South Fungus Forest Barricks\\knows how to make it. I want
to ask\\you for a favor.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get a Fungus Recovery Potion from\\the Spore Factory of

Barrick village\\and deliver it to Kror the son of the\\Tribal Chief");
Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Phase_Target(2425, 3512);
Event_Disappear(1, 3204, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What? It can not be cured even if I\\take the
potion? Oh well..\\ \\Could you defeat Troll
Guards for me..\\I want to do it myself but I can not stop\\laughing when I face
the Troll Guards..");
Event_MsgBox("Then hurry! Go and defeat 10 Troll\\Guards! Kror
could kill 1000 of them in\\no time!!!");
Event_MsgBox("Barricks sell Fungus Recovery\\Potions in the
Fungus Forest. If I take\\them, I might stop laughing when I\\face Troll Guards.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map and defeat
10 Troll\\Guards");
Phase_Target(2401, 3410);
Trigger_Kill(10, 78);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 10 Troll Guards.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 10 Troll Guard\\Claws.");
Event_Get(10, 10242);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver Troll Guard Claws to Kror\\the son of the Tribal

Phase_Target(2425, 3512);
Event_Disappear(10, 10242, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Um ha ha ha, Ha Ha Ha!\\
\\Euk..\\ \\Hey, get rid of those Troll
Guard\\Claws!\\ \\Get rid of them!");
Event_MsgBox("Um ha ha ha- I can't stop laughing!!\\
\\Not just the Troll, but the Troll Guard\\Claws as well..");
Event_MsgBox("Please give the Troll Guard Claws to\\my father
instead of me.. Please!");
Event_Get(10, 10243);
Event_Award(134900, 520000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Kror can kill 1000 Troll Guards in no\\time.");

QuestStart(61508, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Shrine of Sacrifice Tracker Hideout");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,115,800\\- Gold 1,600,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find the Shrine of Sacrifice\\Trackers somewhere in the
Gavial\\Swamp Valley and get information\\about the whereabouts of Latra");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the Shrine of Sacrifice\\Tracker's hideout somewhere in

the\\Gavial Swamp Valley");
Event_MsgBox("Don't tell me why you came here.\\
\\I knew when you started to disturb the\\Gavial Swamp Valley.");
Event_MsgBox("Anyway, could you defeat a Selphi\\that disrupts my
concentration. Their\\singing might sound beautiful to you,\\but their endless
singing is worse than\\the noise you are making to me. I\\cannot talk to you until

AddPhase(12, 2, "With reference to location marked\\on the map defeat a

Phase_Target(1559, 2057);
Trigger_Kill(1, 155);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated a Selphi.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Go back to Ruan in the Gavial\\Swamp Valley and inform him
that\\you have defeated a Selphi");
Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_MsgBox("Its good to hear that the painful\\singing of a
Selphi is turning into a\\song of
pleading.\\ \\Shall we talk about what you
wanted\\to talk about?");
Event_MsgBox("Despite that I don't have the power to\\foresee
things, I can already tell there\\are 3 things on your mind just by\\looking at
your face.\\ \\First, you might be wondering
why I\\look like Ramir.\\ \\Second, you must
be amazed that I am\\alone in the
Trackers.\\ \\Third, you came to ask me how to
Event_MsgBox("Ramir, the Ak'Kan elder of Pirate's\\Bluff, and I
are twins. Unfortunately I\\am the younger one.. darn.\\
\\I also have similar skills as Ramir but\\my predictions are way weaker than\\his.
But I have a better skills in chasing\\after the thoughts of a single creature.\\
\\Ak'Kan Elder do not want that kind of\\skill.");
Event_MsgBox("With that skill, I am chasing after the\\thoughts
of Master Latra.\\ \\But lately, I am having
the hardest time\\of all.\\ \\The thoughts of
Latra are getting\\weaker by the day and I need a spirit\\of the dead skill, but
even that is\\lacking now.");
Event_MsgBox("There is one thing that you can help\\me with.\\
\\One traveler in the Gavial Swamp\\Valley knows how to make a tool to\\collect
spirits.\\ \\Do you want to find Latra? Then
get\\me the tool so that can store
spirits.\\ \\The thoughts of Latra are
getting\\weaker.. Hurry..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Ruan's Skill], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012050, 61525);
Event_Award(1115800, 1600000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61525, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Ruan's Skill");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,859,600\\- Gold 2,600,000\\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("To help Ruan to increase his skill\\of thought tracking, find
a person\\who can make a Tool to Store\\Spirits somewhere in the Gavial\\Swamp
Valley and make the Tool to\\Store Spirits, deliver it to Ruan, and\\get
information on the whereabouts\\of Latra");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Make a Tool to Store Spirits and\\deliver it to Ruan");
Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(1, 10246, 0);
Event_MsgBox("This pipe is a well made! I want to\\appreciate
this long enough to blame\\Latra with a weak thought.\\
\\Ok.. You put 3 spirits released from\\Gavial Masters into this pipe.\\
\\Don't forget that we are running out of\\time.. We need to track the
Event_Get(1, 10246);
Event_MsgBox("Unlike Ramir, I need to consume\\spirits in order
to track thoughts. So\\please bring me the tool that can store\\spirits.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find 3 Gavial Masters located on\\the position marked on the

map and\\defeat them");
Phase_Target(1707, 2464);
Trigger_Kill(3, 96);
Event_Disappear(1, 10246, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Gavial Masters.");
Event_MsgBox("The spirits of Gavial Masters have\\been stored in
the Spirit Pipe.");
Event_Get(1, 10247);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have a Spirit Pipe.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Spirit Pipe containing\\spirits to Ruan of

Gavial Swamp\\Valley");
Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(1, 10247, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ah, wonderful. These Gavial Master\\Spirits will
enhance my skills greatly!\\ \\Excellent ...
please be still as I\\concentrate on deciphering the\\remaining wisps of Latra's
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\...\\
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\...A
cold place....\\ \\Cold snows keeps on falling
down from\\the sky....\\ \\Latra still has
powerful strength......");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\It is
getting darker and darker...\\ \\A strange
fear...\\ \\I am just tracking thoughts, but I
can\\feel the evil omen...\\ \\But Latra is
not stirred by that...");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\What
is this.. There is a light beyond\\the darkness..\\
\\Its so warm...\\ \\It feels like I am in the
worth of the\\land..");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\...The
warmth has just vanished..\\ \\Oh..Oh....Oh
no!..\\ \\No..!\\
Event_MsgBox("Huk,Huk.. Damn..\\
\\I lost Latra's thoughts ..! \\ \\Damn..
Damn.. What was the\\darkness that covered her thoughts!!\\
\\..Something is wrong..\\ \\I am afraid..");
Event_MsgBox("Damn..! Latra went into Frozen\\Steppe for sure..
Walk pass the Frozen\\Steppe, darkness... then the warmth..\\
\\What is next!! \\ \\Please chase after
Event_MsgBox("Her thoughts are getting weaker..\\She is passing
Event_AwardItem(1, 65, 4, 3);
Event_Award(1859600, 2600000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Put fresh Gavial Master spirits into the\\Spirit

QuestStart(61520, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Lost Pipe");
QuestLevel("LV 51");
QuestAward("- Experience 265,100\\- Gold 690,000");
QuestDesc("Oh no.. What am I going to do..? I\\went to the swamp and lost
my\\precious pipe.. Somebody help me!!..");
QuestShortDesc("Find the girl's lost pipe");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Astidia's story");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you traveller. Thank you.\\
\\My name is Astidia Palvati..\\ \\I came here
with my parents away from\\Caernarvon the land of war between\\the Humans and the
Ak'Kan, but my\\parents passed away and I have\\been left alone.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh..I am sorry. I was introducing\\myself and told
you of nonsense.\\ \\I have lost a pipe in the
Gavial Swamp\\Valley.. Its a very precious pipe.. I was\\shocked by the Gavial and
dropped\\the pipe somewhere in the swamp.");
Event_MsgBox("Please find the lost pipe of Astidia.. I\\will mark
the location of where I lost\\the pipe on the map..\\
\\Please help me traveller..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, find

Astidia's Lost Pipe");
Phase_Target(1676, 3292);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1676, 6, 3292, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have found Astidia's Lost Pipe.");
Event_Get(1, 10248);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the lost pipe to Astidia\\waiting at the north gate

of the\\Gavial Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_Disappear(1, 10248, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Yes! This is Astidia's Lost Pipe! Thank\\you. Thank
you traveller. Thank you\\very much.");
Event_MsgBox("This pipe might look like a piece of\\wood to
people but to me this is a pipe\\that has significance..\\
\\It has a very unique skills..\\ \\Since you
have found the pipe for me,\\I will tell you about this pipe.");
Event_MsgBox("..But.. to know about this pipe, you\\must be
stronger.. If you want to know\\about this pipe after you have trained\\yourself to
be stronger then come and\\visit me..\\ \\May
the protection of Latra be with\\you always.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You must be level 54 to know about\\the pipe.");
Event_Award(265100, 690000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Please find Astidia's Lost Pipe..");

QuestStart(61521, 54, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61520, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Lost Pipe's Meaning");
QuestLevel("LV 54");
QuestAward("- Experience 429,300\\- Gold 910,000");
QuestDesc("Do you want to know the meaning\\of the pipe that Astidia is
so\\attached with?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Astidia's story and find out\\the meaning of the

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Astidia's story");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you for your interest in Astidia's\\Lost
Pipe. The real name of the pipe\\that Astidia is so attached with is\\Astidia's
Spirit Pipe.");
Event_MsgBox("The method to make this pipe has\\been passed on
from my great\\grandmother. Like its name, it can\\store spirits.\\
\\Actually..both of my parents have\\vanished from this swamp. So I played\\this
pipe to store their spirits.");
Event_MsgBox("If you store the spirit of the dead in\\the pipe
and play the pipe, it is said\\that the melody will send the dead to a\\very
peaceful place.\\ \\So.. I tried to store
spirits of my father\\and mother in the pipe and send them\\to a peaceful place
with my only friend\\Oakry.");
Event_MsgBox("Oakry\\ \\Kry-
Event_MsgBox("However.. I was shocked by the\\Gavial Militia and
dropped the pipe in\\the swamp.\\ \\The Gavial
Militia of Gavial Swamp\\Valley swallows the spirit of the ones\\they have
killed..\\ \\Its horrible.");
Event_MsgBox("I want to send both of my parents to a\\peaceful
place..\\ \\Traveller..May I ask a favor to
you? \\ \\For my poor mother and father,
the\\Gavial Militia may have swallowed my\\parents so please defeat Gavial
Militia\\and when the Gavial Militia dies,\\please store spirits that gets
released\\from the body of Gavial Militia in thie\\pipe three times..\\
\\I beg you traveller..Please..");
Event_Get(1, 10249);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 3 Gavial Militia");

Phase_Target(1504, 3125);
Trigger_Kill(3, 90);
Event_Disappear(1, 10249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Gavial Militia.");
Event_MsgBox("You have stored the spirits of the\\Gavial Militia
into Astidia's Spirit Pipe.");
Event_Get(1, 10250);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have the Spirit Pipe.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Astidia's Spirit Pipe to\\Astidia waiting at the

northern\\entrance to the Gavial Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_Disappear(1, 10250, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you.. Now I can send my\\mother and father to
a peaceful\\place.. I sincerely thank you traveller..\\
\\May blessings be on your path.");
Event_Award(429300, 910000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Please store spirits from 3 Gavial\\Militia into
Astidia's Spirit Pipe.");

QuestStart(61522, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Gavial Gathering");
QuestLevel("LV 51");
QuestAward("- Experience 441,800\\- Gold 1,100,000");
QuestDesc("I am Saykin, the guide of Gavial\\Swamp Valley. I watch over the
flora\\and fauna of this swamp, but the\\strong monsters make it hard to get\\any
work done around here. Do you\\have the time to help me out for a\\bit?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Saykin with his work");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Saykin's story");

Event_MsgBox("I appreciate your help. The Phibios\\can be very
troublesome..\\ \\There are many kinds of
Phibios,\\though only a few live right around\\here. There are the Phibios, and
the\\Speckled Phibios with their\\splendorous spots. Beware the ones\\that use
poison, they are very\\dangerous. But I digress.. Can you\\defeat 5 Phibios, and
bring me their\\Phibios Teeth? I might yet get\\something done today.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Phibios marked on the map");

Phase_Target(2269, 1775);
Trigger_Kill(5, 85);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Phibios.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Phibios Teeth.");
Event_Get(5, 10252);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Phibios Teeth to\\Saykin, the guide located near
the\\southern entrance to the Gavial\\Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(2287, 1696);
Event_Disappear(5, 10252, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You're back so soon? I'm glad\\someone as strong as
you came to\\help me out! \\ \\Gavial Swamp
Valley is a dangerous\\place. The fertile valley supports many\\kinds of monsters.
But, it also supports\\many herbs that you can't find\\anywhere else. \\
\\A water plant called a Gavial Plant, is\\rumored to have the power to
comfort\\and contain spirits. There are some\\people who come here to get
Event_MsgBox("Speaking of Gavial Plants...\\
\\If it is ok with you, could you cut 10\\Gavial Plants for me?\\
\\Sometimes a poor girl named Astidia,\\who rides an Ostrisaurus, comes here\\to
get Gavial Plants. I want to give\\some Gavial Plants to her, so she\\doesn't have
to endanger herself.");
Event_MsgBox("I have marked the location on the\\map.. Thank you
for helping me again.");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, Phibios are the weakest\\among all of
the Gavial Swamp Valley\\monsters.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Cut 10 Gavial Plants from around\\the location marked on the

Phase_Target(2023, 1590);
Trigger_Kill(10, 156);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 10 Gavial Plants.");
Event_Get(10, 10253);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Gavial Plants to\\Saykin, the guide located near
the\\southern entrance to the Gavial\\Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(2287, 1696);
Event_Disappear(10, 10253, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Exactly 10 Gavial Plants.. Thank you\\very much.\\
\\Astidia will be happy as well. It's not\\much, but please take this as a
token\\of my appreciation.\\ \\May the
protection of Latra be with\\you.");
Event_Award(441800, 1100000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Gavial Plants in that area grow really\\fast, so
you should be able to find\\plenty of them.");

QuestStart(61523, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61508, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Spirit Pipe I");
QuestLevel("LV 51");
QuestAward("- Experience 265,100\\- Gold 690,000");
QuestDesc("If you say the maker of the Spirit\\Storage Tools is not clear,
but I know\\a person who makes a similar tool.\\Do you want to hear about
QuestShortDesc("Get information about a traveller\\who can make a Spirit
Storage Tool\\in Gavial Swamp Valley");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Saykin's story");

Event_MsgBox("Yes.. on the other entrance.. That is..\\near by
northern entrance, I have met\\a girl who has the Spirit Pipe.");
Event_MsgBox("A girl called Astidia can store spirits in\\her
pipe and play it..\\ \\I remember her often
asking me to cut\\Gavial Plants which are needed to\\make the pipe.");
Event_MsgBox("If you are looking for her, and the\\tool that she
has is the one that can\\store spirits, then you might need 10\\Gavial Plants.\\
\\Gavial Plants live near by here. Would\\you like to cut 10 of them? I will
mark\\the location on the map.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Cut 10 Gavial Plants from the\\location marked on the map");

Phase_Target(2023, 1590);
Trigger_Kill(10, 156);
Event_MsgBox("You have received 10 Gavial Plants.");
Event_Get(10, 10254);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Gavial Plants to Saykin\\the guide near the

southern\\entrance to the Gavial Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(2287, 1696);
Event_Disappear(10, 10254, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. These are the Gavial\\Plants.\\
\\I will arrange them so that Astidia can\\use them right away.");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\...\\
Event_MsgBox("It is done. Bring these and look for\\Astidia
living near the northern\\entrance to the swamp.\\
\\You can show the girl these Gavial\\Plants.");
Event_Get(10, 10255);
Event_Award(265100, 690000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The Gavial Plants from location\\marked on the map
grows very fast.\\So you don't have to worry about them.");

QuestStart(61524, 54, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61508, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Spirit Pipe II");
QuestLevel("LV 56");
QuestAward("- Experience 983,700\\- Gold 1,800,000\\- Spirit Pipe");
QuestDesc("Do you need my help?");
QuestShortDesc("Get help from Astidia to make a\\Spirit Storage Tool");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Help Astidia and go back to Astidia");

Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_MsgBox("You need a Spirit Pipe! To make the\\pipe, you need
a water plant called a\\Gavial Plant from the swamp. Do you\\have them?\\
\\If you don't have them, you might be\\able to get some from Saykin the
guide\\located near the southern entrance to\\the Gavial Swamp Valley.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get Arranged Gavial Plants from\\Saykin the guide located

near the\\southern entrance to the Gavial\\Swamp Valley and deliver them
Phase_Target(2287, 1696);
Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_Disappear(10, 10255, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ah! You brought them. Its great.\\
\\If you have the water plants, then we\\need the second raw material.\\
\\In order to solidify the surface of the\\pipe, it is horrible, but we need
Kramos\\Larva Blood.\\ \\Kramos Larva is
protected by the\\Mother Kramos in the deep side of\\Gavial Swamp Valley so it is
Event_MsgBox("I will give you an Empty Vial..\\
\\You need to kill 20 of them to fill it up..\\
\\Could you get them? Astidia will pray\\for your safe return. Please be
Event_Get(1, 10256);
Event_MsgBox("Arranged Gavial Plants can be\\received from Guide
Saykin located\\near the southern entrance to the\\Gavial Swamp Valley.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Defeat 20 Kramos Larva from\\location marked on the map");

Phase_Target(1700, 2926);
Trigger_Kill(20, 98);
Event_Disappear(1, 10256, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 20 Kramos Larva.");
Event_MsgBox("You have filled the Empty Vial with\\Kramos Larva
Event_Get(1, 10257);
Event_MsgBox("You need an empty vial to store\\Kramos Larva

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver the Vial of Blood to Astidia\\the near the northern

entrance to the\\Gavial Swamp Valley");
Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_Disappear(1, 10257, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Its great. Really. Astidia was worried\\if
something had happened to you..\\Thats great..\\
\\I have completed the pipe while you\\were gone.. Its a horrible thing but
it\\will be completed when we varnish the\\pipe with the Kramos Larva Blood
you\\have brought...");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\...\\
Event_MsgBox("... That will be all..\\
\\If this will solve your problems, Astidia\\will be very glad.\\
\\May the protection of Latra be with\\you always.");
Event_Get(1, 10246);
Event_Award(983700, 1800000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Kramos Larva is always protected by\\the Kramos
Mother so please be\\careful..");

QuestStart(61526, 20, 100, 4095, 61474, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Madcat Free Company");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 14,800\\- Gold 92,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("I am glad to see that you have\\raised your skills. The problem
about\\Madcat Free Company has not been\\resolved. Could you help me and\\finish
the business with Madcat Free\\Company?");
QuestShortDesc("Solve the problem with Madcat\\Free Company, prepare the
report\\and deliver it to Mihael.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("You have finished the task involving\\the Kartefant
Inner Circle before so I\\know that you can do this task very\\well.\\
\\But, unlike the last time, you can not\\avoid having fights this time.");
Event_MsgBox("Please deliver a letter to Mulligan of\\the
Kartefant Inner Circle. On this\\letter, I have written that you will
help\\Mulligan to solve the problem with\\Madcat Free Company.\\
\\Right now, Mulligan is threatened by\\Madcat Free Company. Please help\\him.");
Event_MsgBox("In the worse case, you might have to\\defeat the
captain of Madcat Free\\Company so be well prepared.\\
\\I thank you for helping me.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Mulligan in Hardship], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61527);
Event_Get(1, 10258);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Help Mulligan to solve Madcat Free\\Company and deliver the

Madcat\\Free Company Report to Mihael");
Event_Disappear(1, 10259, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done! You were faced defeat\\from the captain
of the Madcat Free\\Company and you did very well.");
Event_MsgBox("By this, I think understanding\\between each
organization has been\\settled. I want to thank you on behalf\\of God's Pirate.\\
\\This is a reward that you must accept.\\Please accept them.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 25, 4, 3);
Event_Award(14800, 92000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Madcat Free Company is a fanatic\\organization so
please be very careful");

QuestStart(61527, 20, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mulligan in Hardship");
QuestLevel("LV 26");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,200 \\- Gold 46,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Mulligan the leader of the\\Kartefant Inner Circle who
is in\\hardship and solve the problem with\\Madcat Mercenary Camp");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Deliver a letter from Mihael to\\Mulligan");

Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_Disappear(1, 10258, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh..the letter from Mihael..? Why did\\Mihael give
a letter to a new recruit? If\\this letter is a fake then you will not
live\\another day..");

Event_MsgBox("......\\ \\......\\
\\......\\ \\ ");
Event_MsgBox("Oh my.. you have fooled me..!!");
Event_MsgBox("I was suspicious about you, you did\\not approach
me to join the Kartefant\\Inner Circle. A spy of Mihael.. Damn..");
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. I don't know what kind of\\information you
have given, but do you\\think Master Mulligan will be\\threatened by the Madcat
Free\\Company?\\ \\Just that the filthy Madcat
Free\\Company stole my treasure and told\\me that they will crush it, if I
come\\near! That's all..!!");
Event_MsgBox("And asking a beginner like you to\\help me.. Mihael
must have been\\crazy from the moment he said he will\\make peaceful pirates out of
Almighty\\Ground!!\\ \\Damn..!");
Event_MsgBox("...No.. All right.. Rather than talking
to\\illiterate Madcat Free Company it\\might be better to use you..\\
\\Ok.. Ok.. Then.. the Master Mulligan\\will train you so that I can use you.");
Event_MsgBox("You brat! Finish the training from the\\three head
guards of the Kartefant\\Inner Circle!\\
\\Starting with Bache! Ha Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Bache's Training], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012040, 61536);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Finish the training given by Bache,\\Une, and Daldoh.

Deliver proof of\\training to Mulligan of the Kartefant\\Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Phase_Target(3573, 2511);
Event_Disappear(1, 10260, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10261, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10262, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh have completed the all\\the training!\\
\\Ok.. But you need to pass the training\\of Master Mulligan for the last time.");
Event_MsgBox("There is a place within this camp\\where boxes are
stored. You need to\\break 5 boxes and return.\\
\\ is not that hard to do, but you\\will find out soon why you need to
train\\that as it is related to the problem with\\Madcat Free Company.");
Event_MsgBox("Hey beginner.. I will give you a hint.\\You better
break the box in one blow..\\Ha Ha..");
Event_MsgBox("Complete the training given by\\Bache, Une, and
Daldoh and bring\\proof of training!");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Break 5 boxes from location\\marked on the map");

Phase_Target(3538, 2879);
Trigger_Kill(5, 160);
Event_MsgBox("You have destroyed 5 boxes.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Talk with Mulligan of the Kartefant\\Inner Circle");

Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_MsgBox("Since you have destroyed the boxes,\\the training
ends here. I will give you a\\reward for your excellent effort in\\training.");
Event_MsgBox("So.. only the Madcat Free Company\\problem is left.
Come back to me when\\you are ready to depart to Madcat\\Free Company.. Hey you
brat... don't\\run away..Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Mulligan's Plan], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012040, 61528);
Event_Award(6200, 46000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61528, 20, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mulligan's Plan");
QuestLevel("LV 28");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,400\\- Gold 44,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Mulligan's Plan and solve\\the problem with Madcat

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Mulligan the leader of the\\Kartefant Inner Circle

when you are\\ready to depart to Madcat Free\\Company");
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Trigger_LevelTalk(28, 0x40012040, "Hum.. Brat.. I will not give you
the\\task until you reach Level 28..");
Event_MsgBox("Ho.. You must have finished\\preparation.. I will
tell you the plan to\\get the Mulligan's Treasure from filthy\\Madcat Free Company.
So you listen\\carefully.");
Event_MsgBox("You might have heard of them, but\\Madcat Free
Company is an\\organization full of fanatics. Killing\\others for nothing is inborn
into them. It\\is better not to bother them as they\\have skills as well..");
Event_MsgBox("Hey Brat, What you need to do to\\them..\\
\\is to get Master Mulligan's Treasure\\back. I do not expect you to
Event_MsgBox("That means, all you have to do is,\\penetrate to
the Madcat Free\\Company camp, break boxes they put\\stolen goods into and bring
the goods\\to me.\\ \\And, my intelligence has
told me that\\they put their stolen goods in only one\\box amongst all the
Event_MsgBox("Its easy to say, but I don't know if a\\beginner
like you can do that job.\\ \\Please do not
forget that Mulligan's\\Treasure is in only one box amongst\\all the boxes.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to the Madcat Free Company\\camp marked on the map,

find\\where they put their stolen goods,\\break the box containing Stolen\\Goods
and find the Stolen Goods.");
Phase_Target(3216, 1991);
Trigger_Kill(1, 161);
Event_MsgBox("You have found the Stolen Goods\\from a box.");
Event_Get(1, 10263);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Stolen Goods to Mulligan");

Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_Disappear(1, 10263, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Oh.. You have returned so\\quickly! Great.. Well
done.. Shall we\\see..?");
Event_MsgBox("...A stinky shoes ...Oh my what a\\smell... \\
\\...dirth cloth ...Darn..\\ \\...Old animal
skin.. ...\\ \\...Rusty Knife, rotten bread,
smelly\\fungus ");
Event_MsgBox("What are all these!! Damn..!\\
\\It is not here.. There is only one\\method. To defeat him..");
Event_MsgBox("If that bastard sees me, he might\\break my
treasure. That leaves you to\\defeat the captain of Madcat Free\\Company.. Oh
well... we need to train\\you to become stronger..\\
\\Anyway, I will give you a reward for\\your job well done.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\When your character level reaches\\29, Mulligan of the Kartefant Inner\\Circle
will give you the task to\\defeating Madcat Free Company.");
Event_Award(6400, 44000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Penetrate the Madcat Free Company\\camp and bring
back the Stolen\\Goods as planned.");

QuestStart(61529, 29, 100, 4095, 61528, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("The End of Madcat");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,900\\- Gold 55,000");
QuestDesc("Are you ready to defeat the fanatic\\warrior, the captain of the
Madcat\\Free Company?");
QuestShortDesc("Defeat the Captain of the Madcat\\Free Company and bring
back\\Mulligan's Treasure.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mulligan's story");

Event_MsgBox("Finally.. it ends up here.. Filthy\\bastard Madcat
Free Company..\\ \\Anyway, you could have run
away if\\you wanted, but why are you still\\helping me? Is it because of orders
from\\Mihael?\\ \\Thank you for your courage
to help me\\till the last.");
Event_MsgBox("...Nobody in the mercenary knows\\this, but I will
tell you what Mulligan\\has lost out of all treasures!.");
Event_MsgBox("...Portrait of Mother..\\
\\I don't care what you think. I have lost\\my mother even before I could\\remember
anything. That is why the\\portrait is the only thing that I have\\got.\\
\\..It is the most precious treasure to\\me.. If it is possible, I would like you
to\\go and get it for me..");
Event_MsgBox("Ok. you simply have to defeat that\\bastard..!
Right on!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat the Madcat Free Company\\Captain in the Madcat

Free\\Company camp and find the\\Mulligan's Treasure");
Phase_Target(3211, 1989);
Trigger_Kill(1, 165);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated the Captain of\\the Madcat Free
Event_MsgBox("You have found treasure that might\\be Mulligan's
Event_Get(1, 10264);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Mulligan's Treasure to\\Mulligan the leader of the

Kartefant\\Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_Disappear(1, 10264, 0);
my..!!\\ \\Hey you brat..!\\
\\You found it... Yes..This is the Portrait\\of my Mother..!\\
\\Ha Ha Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha Ha!!\\
\\Mulligan has never laughed out
so\\loud!\\ \\You have defeated the Captain
of\\Madcat Free Company. I will not call\\you a brat anymore.. Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("This is my sincere thanks to you for\\your help.
You are always welcome if\\you need help from Master Mulligan!\\Ha Ha!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You have completed writing the\\Madcat Free Company Report.");
Event_Get(1, 10259);
Event_Award(8900, 55000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You should tighten your guard. The\\Captain of
Madcat Free Company is a\\very strong fella!");

QuestStart(61536, 20, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Bache's Training");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,700\\- Gold 13,000\\- Bache's Training
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Safely pass Bache's training and\\receive proof of training
from Bache");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Bache to receive training");

Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Event_MsgBox("What?\\ \\Hum,
That is why.. Master Mulligan's\\trust hasn't changed because he still\\has given
you the task..");
Event_MsgBox("Ok. What ever. I just have to train\\you following
the order of Master\\Mulligan.\\ \\Defeat 5
Poison Spider and bring their\\poison sacs. If you haven't had any\\poison
training, this might be a great\\experience.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Poison Spiders from the\\location marked on the map

and\\collect 5 Poison Spider Sacs");
Phase_Target(3538, 2649);
Trigger_Kill(5, 31);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Poison Spiders.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Poison Spider\\Sacs.");
Event_Get(5, 10265);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Poison Spider Sacs to\\Bache the camp guard of
the\\Kartefant Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3374, 2590);
Event_Disappear(5, 10265, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Um.. These are definitely the poison\\sacs of a
Poison Spider. Ok. Your\\training from Bache has ended here.\\
\\But there are two more trainings you\\have to complete from others.. Go to\\Une
Event_MsgBox("Une is more strict than me... You\\better tighten
up yourself..\\ \\This is Bache's Training
Certificate\\that you need to give to Master\\Mulligan. And this is a small reward
for\\your efforts.");
Event_MsgBox("This is just some advice, but you will\\be facing
fanatic warriors from\\Madcat Free Company .. simply put\\they are out of their
minds..\\ \\The training has ended. You may go
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Une's Training], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10260);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012039, 61537);
Event_Award(1700, 13000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Poison Spider attacks with Poison\\Attacks so you
better be very careful.");

QuestStart(61537, 20, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Une's Training");
QuestLevel("LV 24");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,500\\- Gold 45,000\\- Une's Training
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Safely pass Une's training and\\collect proof of training
from Une");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Une to receive training");

Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_MsgBox("A brat like you want to get training\\from Une?
With the order from Master\\Mulligan?\\
\\Master Mulligan must be out of his\\mind. Madcat Free Company is just a\\blow to
Event_MsgBox("Hey brat, you need to defeat 5 Night\\Wolves and
bring 5 Night Wolf Teeth\\as proof of hunting. A 3 year old child\\can even do
that. Ha Ha Ha!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Night Wolves from the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(3066, 2133);
Trigger_Kill(5, 33);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Night Wolves.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Night Wolf\\Teeth.");
Event_Get(5, 10266);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Night Wolf Teeth to Une\\the camp guard of the
Kartefant\\Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_Disappear(5, 10266, 0);
Event_MsgBox("..This certainly is the teeth of Night\\Wolves..
Hum, I told you before but\\even a child can do this!");
Event_MsgBox("Next training is to hunt 2 Killer\\Beetles. Ha,
This will be a bit difficult?\\Let me see if you can get Killer Beetle\\Pincers");
Event_MsgBox("Even a child can defeat Night\\Wolves. Ha Ha!");
AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat Killer Beetles from the\\location marked on the map
and\\collect 2 Killer Beetle Pincers.");
Phase_Target(3032, 2078);
Trigger_Kill(2, 35);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 2 Killer Beetles.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 2 Killer Beetle\\Pincers.");
Event_Get(2, 10267);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Killer Beetle Pincers to\\Une the camp guard of
the\\Kartefant Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3444, 2374);
Event_Disappear(2, 10267, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you really defeated the Killer\\Beetles?.. It
couldn't have been an\\easy target..\\
\\Fine.. Since you brought the evidence,\\I will give you proof of training.");
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, you need to get proof of\\training from
Daldoh, once called a\\silent assasin. He once was a great\\assasin but now he has
become so\\fat, that he doesn't want to do\\anything..");
Event_MsgBox("Visit Daldoh northeast of the camp.\\He will give
you the last proof of\\training.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Daldoh's Training], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x4001204B, 61538);
Event_Get(1, 10261);
Event_Award(5500, 45000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It is impossible to defeat Killer Beetles\\with
your skills. Go and train more.");

QuestStart(61538, 20, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Daldoh's Training");
QuestLevel("LV 26");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,600\\- Gold 34,000\\- Daldoh's Training
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Safely pass Daldoh's training and\\receive proof of training
from Daldoh ");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Daldoh to receive training.");

Phase_Target(3573, 2511);

Event_MsgBox("Ahammm-...\\ \\Huh? You

came to get training..?\\ \\Oh my.. if it is
the order of Master\\Mulligan.. anything..");
Event_MsgBox("Lets see.. Um...Um.. \\
\\Right.. I am out of my appetizers so, it\\will be wonderful if you could get
some\\Ostrisaurus Meat ..");
Event_MsgBox("Um.. the softer the better.. Yes, just\\one
Ostrisaurus will be enough.. You\\have to sellect a very fresh one.. Then\\I will
give you the proof of training.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah.. they don't look like it but they are\\very
strong. So you better be very\\careful..\\ \\I
will rest for a while in the mean time..\\

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 1 Ostrisaurus from the\\location marked on the map");

Phase_Target(3076, 2056);
Trigger_Kill(1, 37);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated an Ostrisaurus.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected Ostrisaurus Meat.");
Event_Get(1, 10268);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Ostrisaurus Meat to Daldoh\\the camp guard of the

Kartefant\\Inner Circle");
Phase_Target(3573, 2511);
Event_Disappear(1, 10268, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What? So fast? You really came\\back so fast..\\
\\He is my sincere thanks to you for\\bringing a very delicious apperizer for\\me.
And this is the proof of training as\\I have promised.");
Event_MsgBox("...The captain of Madcat Free\\Company is
strong..\\Becareful..Ahmmmm -");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You have collected Training\\Certificates from Bache, Une, and\\Daldoh.");
Event_Get(1, 10262);
Event_Award(4600, 34000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The flank of an Ostrisaurus is the\\best

QuestStart(61539, 29, 100, 4095, 61526, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mihael's Doubt");
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- Experience 30,000\\- Gold 110,000\\- C Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Thank you very much for taking\\care of the large and small
problems\\around Almighty Ground. Currently,\\we are looking for a scholar who
is\\missing. Would you like to listen to\\the details of this matter?");
QuestShortDesc("Use the little information Mihael has\\to find the Missing

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("I do not know how much you know\\about Almighty
Ground. What I say\\now may seem quite unfamiliar to you.");
Event_MsgBox("This place Almighty Ground, was first\\discovered
by the hero Latra of the\\Ak'Kan. Some time later, Latra\\disappeared without
leaving a trace,\\but I Mihael sometimes feel that\\Almighty Ground is still
protected by the\\powers of Latra.");

Event_MsgBox("However..\\ \\recently.. I
have felt uneasiness and\\fear, which I can't quite put my finger\\on. I may not
have the power of\\premonition like Ramir, the Ak'Kan\\elder, but I am most certain
of the fear\\and uneasiness.\\ \\Maybe Latra
is trying to give me a\\message like the time when he led us\\to this continent.");
Event_MsgBox("I don't know if it is due to my\\uneasiness.. but I
keep thinking about\\what Latra had told me a few days\\before he left.\\
\\Latra said that the Ancients, who\\acquired knowledge and intelligence\\before
the Humans and the Ak'Kan,\\might be still living in this area Almighty\\Ground..\\
\\He also said that they may be able to\\tell us the true existence of the
Event_MsgBox("I still believe Latra. And so, I want to\\find the
Ancients who may still be\\alive.\\ \\I feel
that once we find them, we may\\be able to find some clues as to the\\disappearance
of Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("Ak'Kan Elder Ramir did not say\\anything in
response to my\\assumptions, but I Mihael want to\\search for the truth.\\
\\I must..");
Event_MsgBox("There was an Archeologist who had\\heard of
Almighty Ground and\\demanded that he be taken there\\despite the danger that may
face him.\\ \\Although he was reported to
be\\missing, an adventurer reported having\\seen him few days ago near the
South\\Fungus Forest.");
Event_MsgBox("Please find the Missing Archeologist\\in the South
Fungus Forest.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Missing Archeologist I], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61540);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the Missing Archeologist in the\\South Fungus Forest

and report\\back to Mihael in Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10269, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for finding the Missing\\Archeologist.
So, his name was\\Wignor..\\ \\Could you wait
while I read this letter?");

Event_MsgBox("......\\ \\......\\
Event_MsgBox("According to the letter from Wignor\\that you gave
me, he found some\\faint traces of the Ancient Civilization\\during his journey
near the Grasslands\\of South Nohnuut in Almighty Ground.\\
\\This might be the traces of the\\Ancients which Latra mentioned.");
Event_MsgBox("Could you talk to Wignor again and\\investigate
these ruins?\\ \\This is a reward for finding
the\\archeologist Wignor.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Wignor's Assumption], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61545);
Event_AwardItem(1, 45, 4, 3);
Event_Award(30000, 110000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Please go to the South Fungus\\Forest and look for
the Missing\\Archeologist.");

QuestStart(61540, 29, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Missing Archeologist I");
QuestLevel("LV 31");
QuestAward("- Experience 27,600\\- Gold 100,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read the conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Look for the Missing Archeologist\\near the South Fungus

AddPhase(12, 1, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map and find the
Missing\\Archeologist near the South Fungus\\Forest");
Phase_Target(3616, 1816);
Event_MsgBox("What..? What about Latra..? Who is\\missing?\\
\\You come up to me, and ask me\\whether I know the Missing\\Archeologist or not!
Who are you?");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, you must be an adventurer.\\
\\I do have some juicy information, but I\\can't give it to you for free.. I will
tell\\you if you do some errands for me!");
Event_MsgBox("I'm trying to use these huge fungus to\\make
medicine, but it's not very easy.\\As you can see, I am not the young\\and vibrant
person I used to be.. Could\\you young folks find some ingredients\\for me..\\
\\You will do it, won't you?");
Event_MsgBox("Well then, take this bag with you,\\and collect
some fungus spores. You\\can obtain the spores once you\\defeat 5 Roaming Fungi. I
will mark\\down the location on your map.");
Event_Get(1, 10270);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Put Wignor's Sack in your\\inventory, go to the

location\\indicated on the map and defeat 5\\Roaming Fungi ");
Phase_Target(3282, 1850);
Trigger_Kill(5, 52);
Event_Disappear(1, 10270, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Roaming\\Fungi.");
Event_MsgBox("You have filled Wignor's Sack.");
Event_Get(1, 10271);
Event_MsgBox("In order to collect Roaming Fungus\\Spores,
Wignor's Sack must be in your\\inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Roaming Fungus Spores\\Sack to the fisherman Wignor

at\\South Fungus Forest ");
Phase_Target(3625, 1845);
Event_Disappear(1, 10271, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you brought back the Roaming\\Fungus Spores
earlier than I\\expected. Being young is a great\\thing, you youngsters..");
Event_MsgBox("Right.. next, I need some\\mushrooms.. I will mark
down the\\location on the map. Go there, and\\gather 5 Small White
Pond\\Mushrooms.\\ \\Hurry back.");
Event_MsgBox("Roaming Fungi may be located at a\\far distance
from here, but I really need\\the Roaming Fungus Spores.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, collect 5 Small

White Pond\\Mushrooms ");
Phase_Target(3504, 1736);
Trigger_Kill(5, 150);
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 5 Small White\\Pond Mushrooms.");
Event_Get(5, 3201);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Give the Small White Pond\\Mushrooms to the fisherman

Wignor\\at South Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3625, 1845);
Event_Disappear(5, 3201, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh.. it's the Small White Pond\\Mushrooms.. Thank
you adventurer..");
Event_MsgBox("As I promised, I will tell you the people\\who
might know something about it.\\They might be tough to handle.\\
\\I don't know if you are already aware\\of this, but the group who have
lived\\here the longest are called Barrick.");
Event_MsgBox("Barricks are small dwarves who look\\like odd
fairies in fairy tales, and you\\can find them anywhere near Fungus\\Forest.\\
\\It seems that they use the giant\\Fungus to live. It is quite evident from\\the
large factory that multiples fungus\\spores.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, they seem to harvest some\\crops such as
barley, but I guess it\\doesn't help them too much. Anyway,\\if you look to the
west from the point\\where you are standing, you can see a\\large structure that
looks like a\\gigantic fungus.\\ \\That is the
Spore Factory operated by\\the Barricks.");
Event_MsgBox("Go and talk to the Barricks there.\\They might be
able to help you. Thank\\you for collecting the ingredients for\\me.\\
\\Good luck then.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Missing Archeologist II],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012055, 61541);
Event_Award(27600, 100000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You see, the Small White Pond\\Mushrooms.. can be
found anywhere\\near the forest lakes..");

QuestStart(61541, 29, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Missing Archeologist II");
QuestLevel("LV 33");
QuestAward("- Experience 14,400\\- Gold 77,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Find the Missing Archeologist in\\South Fungus Forest");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the Barricks in the Spore\\Factory near the South
Phase_Target(3419, 1823);
Event_MsgBox("Are there any Humans that live in this\\area?\\
\\We welcome any gold from the\\Humans, but if the Humans requested\\for something
from Vuir, a Barrick, it\\will cost you! hee hee.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunt down 5 Swamp Fungus that\\distracts our fungus
harvesting and\\bring back the Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles as proof.\\
\\Swamp Fungus are fungus parasites\\that do no good to fungus harvesting.\\hee

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, defeat 5 Swamp

Fungus\\and collect the Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles");
Phase_Target(3414, 1770);
Trigger_Kill(5, 54);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Swamp Fungi.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 5 Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles.");
Event_Get(5, 10272);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Swamp Fungus Tentacles\\to the Spore Factory

Manager Vuir\\near the South Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3419, 1823);
Event_Disappear(5, 10272, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hee hee.. It really is the tentacle of\\those
disgusting creatures. Since you\\have kept your side of the bargain, I\\will tell
you what Vuir knows ");
Event_MsgBox("In the South Fungus Forest where we\\live, exactly
3 types of animals are\\found. Although sometimes, Ak'Kans\\come here. The animals
that live here\\are..\\ \\Barrick, Fungus, and
an old Human\\named Wignor. hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("Wignor is the only Human that lives\\around here.\\
\\I do not know what an archeologist is\\though.. When that old Human first\\came
here, he observed us from some\\distance always writing something\\down on a
notebook or something,\\and took interest only in our Fungus\\Medicines. But
nowadays, all he does\\is fish in a pond where he hardly\\catches any. hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("If you ever go back to Wignor, tell him\\that as
long as Barrick's Fungus don't\\disappear, we will never tell him the\\secrets to
making the Fungus\\Recovery Potion. hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Missing Archeologist III],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012056, 61542);
Event_Award(14400, 77000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Swamp Fungi are disgusting\\creatures and the worst
parasites that\\eat our fungus.. Hurry and kill those\\creatures.");

QuestStart(61542, 29, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Missing Archeologist III");
QuestLevel("LV 38");
QuestAward("- Experience 23,700\\- Gold 90,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Find the Missing Archeologist in the\\South Fungus Forest");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Refer to the location on the map\\and find Wignor the only
Human\\that resides in the South Fungus\\Forest");
Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Event_MsgBox("Huh?\\ \\You
are saying that I lied to you?");
Event_MsgBox("I have no idea what you are talking\\about. Aren't
you the one who came\\up to me looking for the Missing\\Archeologist?\\
\\I have never gone missing and I am no\\longer an archologist. I am just an
old\\man who enjoys to fish.");
Event_MsgBox("Anyway, if what you say is true.. then\\that
Missing Archeologist you are\\looking for would be me, Wignor..\\
\\Hmph.. I have known captain Mihael\\since he was the commander of the\\army
commanding the war on\\Caernarvon continent.. but why is he\\looking for me?");
Event_MsgBox("..Ho ho.. are you talking about the\\ruins I
found..? Hm..I may be able to\\help you there..\\
\\But in return, you must bring back the\\Fungus Recovery Potion created by\\the
Event_MsgBox("I have no idea how they make the\\Fungus Recovery
Potion.. I thought I\\had cast aside all qualities of a\\scholar, but I must have
still retained\\some qualities... So, please bring back\\the Fungus Recovery Potion
made by\\the Barricks...");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Fungus Recovery Potion],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012055, 61543);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the Fungus Recovery Potion\\and give it to the

Missing\\Archeologist Wignor in the South\\Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Event_Disappear(1, 3204, 0);
Event_MsgBox("OH! It is the Fungus Recovery\\Potion.. While you
were searching for\\the Fungus Recovery Potion I wrote a\\letter for Mihael.");
Event_MsgBox("Please give this letter to Mihael. I\\guess I will
start my research on this\\Fungus Recovery Potion starting from\\today.. Ho Ho..");
Event_Get(1, 10269);
Event_Award(23700, 90000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Could you get the Fungus Recovery\\Potion from
Vuir, the Spore Factory\\Manager ..?");

QuestStart(61543, 29, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Fungus Recovery Potion");
QuestLevel("LV 36");
QuestAward("- Experience 33,400\\- Gold 110,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Get the Fungus Recovery Potion\\from Vuir, the Spore

AddPhase(12, 1, "Look for Vuir, the Spore Factory\\Manager in the South

Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3434, 1822);
Event_MsgBox("What? You want one of the Fungus\\Recovery Potions?
hee hee..\\ \\There are 2 ways to obtain the
Fungus\\Recovery Potion..hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("One, is to purchase it from me Vuir,\\which will
only cost you a fraction of\\your gold..\\
\\The second method is to collect 2\\Toadstool Vermin which are the\\parasites of
Event_MsgBox("Of course.. don't forget to bring back\\the
Toadstool Vermin Tentacles.. hee\\hee..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map and defeat 2

Phase_Target(3479, 1799);
Trigger_Kill(2, 57);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 2 Toadstool\\Vermin.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 2 Toadstool\\Vermin Tentacles.");
Event_Get(2, 10273);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring back the Toadstool Vermin\\Tentacles to Vuir, the

Spore Factory\\Manager in the South Fungus Forest");
Phase_Target(3434, 1822);
Event_Disappear(2, 10273, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hee hee.. it is the disgusting\\Toadstool Vermin
Tentacles..\\ \\Alright, I will tell you the
second method\\to obtain the recovery potion..");
Event_MsgBox("Second method is to gather the\\ingredients you
need to make the\\Fungus Recovery Potion. hee hee..\\
\\It is not an easy task to collect all\\ingredients needed for making
the\\recovery potion.. hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("It would be better for you to just hand\\over those
shining gold of yours and\\buy it from me.. hee hee..\\
\\You insist on making the Fungus\\Recovery Potion by yourself? Well\\then, come
back tomorrow..");
Event_Award(33400, 110000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Toadstool Vermin are disgusting\\parasites that eat
our fungus.. Hurry\\and hunt them down.");

QuestStart(61544, 30, 100, 4095, 61543, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Make a Fungus Recovery Potion");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,000\\- 3 Fungus Recovery Potions");
QuestDesc("Did you come to make a Fungus\\Recovery Potion?");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the ingredients that the\\Spore Factory Manager
wants, and\\make a Fungus Recovery Potion");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Spore Factory\\Manager's story");

Event_MsgBox("In order to make the Fungus\\Recovery Potion, you
need the spores\\of a Great Fungus to begin with. Hee\\hee..\\
\\You can't collect the spores of a\\Great Fungus unless you have an\\Empty Spore
Sac made by the\\Barricks.");
Event_MsgBox("You have to purchase the Empty\\Spore Sac from me,
hunt down 3\\Great Fungi then place the spores in\\the bag, then bring it back to
me. Hee\\hee..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Purchase the Empty Spore Sac\\from Vuir, the Spore

Factory\\Manager, refer to the location\\marked on the map and defeat 3\\Great
Fungi then collect the spores");
Phase_Target(3480, 1805);
Trigger_Kill(3, 58);
Event_Disappear(1, 10230, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Great Fungi\\and obtained the
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained the Great Fungus\\Spores Sacs.");
Event_Get(1, 10274);
Event_MsgBox("In order to obtain the Great Fungus\\Spores, you
need the Empty Spore\\Sac sold by the Spore Factory\\Supervisor.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Great Fungus Spores Sac\\to Vuir the Spore Factory
Phase_Target(3418, 1825);
Event_Disappear(1, 10274, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hee hee..You brought them back..\\
\\Next, gather 5 Small Red Pond\\Mushrooms. Hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("In order to gather the Great Fungus\\Spores, you
will have to purchase an\\Empty Spore Sac from me..Hee hee\\Other bags can not hold
the\\spores..Hee hee..");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map and collect 5

Small Red\\Pond Mushrooms");
Phase_Target(3506, 1704);
Trigger_Kill(5, 158);
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 5 Small Red\\Pond Mushrooms.");
Event_Get(5, 3202);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Give the 5 Small Red Pond\\Mushrooms to Vuir, the

Spore\\Factory Manager");
Phase_Target(3418, 1825);
Event_Disappear(5, 3202, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Sniff sniff..\\
\\Hmmm... It really is Small Red Pond\\Mushrooms..\\
\\Right, since you have gathered all the\\ingredients, I will give you 3
Fungus\\Recovery Potions.");
Event_MsgBox("If you need more Fungus Recovery\\Potions, just
come and see me..Hee\\hee..");
Event_Get(3, 3204);
Event_Award(1000, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I will mark the location of Small Red\\Pond
Mushrooms on your map. Hee\\hee..");

QuestStart(61545, 29, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Wignor's Assumption");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- Experience 376,000\\- Gold 1,000,000\\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Wignor's story and gather\\information about the

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the archeologist Wignor in the\\South Fungus Forest");

Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Event_MsgBox("Hmph.. Mihael asked you to find me\\and investigate
the ruins..?\\ \\He usually doesn't take
interest in\\things such as that.. Well then.. Since\\I already owe him for the
Caernarvon\\incident, I will help him..");
Event_MsgBox("I found the ruins near South Nohnuut\\Grasslands..
I found it in my early\\years, so I guess... that was about 8\\years ago..\\
\\During that time, it wasn't even called\\the South Nohnuut Grasslands.. It
was\\just a wild land that no one visited.");
Event_MsgBox("I remember it being a land with many\\wild life
animals.. I also remember\\seeing many ferocious beasts because\\of the weather..\\
Event_MsgBox("Hm..?\\ \\But
you .. don't seem to be strong\\enough to investigate the South\\Nohnuut
Grasslands?\\ \\Oh, I almost sent a person to
the other\\side!.");
Event_MsgBox("South Nohnuut Grasslands are filled\\with ferocious
beasts. I think you\\should build up experience and see me\\when you get
stronger..\\ \\If you don't stack up on
experience\\and become stronger, I will not tell you\\anymore information.
Please\\understand, it is for your own good.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Earn more experience by hunting\\monsters and once you have

gained\\enough experience, talk to Wignor\\again.\\
\\You must be at least level 40 in\\order to continue the quest in South\\Nohnuut
Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Trigger_LevelTalk(40, 0x40012055, "No, no.. You can not survive in
the\\South Nohnuut Grasslands with your\\experience. Come back again once\\you have
trained more.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh.. This is amazing!\\
\\You have become very strong in a\\short period of time..");
Event_MsgBox("So.. Where was I..?\\
\\Oh yes, I ventured deep into the land\\avoiding the beasts of the South\\Nohnuut
Grasslands.. I remember\\thinking that the grasslands were just\\ordinary lands
with no extraordinary\\things to find, but I discovered a small\\clearing that
looked like the lot for a\\house..");
Event_MsgBox("It really was a house, but it looked\\nothing like
the ones I've seen before.\\ \\Judging by the
shape and materials\\used for the house, I could easily tell\\that it was built by
a race more\\advanced than us Humans..");
Event_MsgBox("That wasn't the only peculiar\\discovery.\\
\\After observing the area around the\\house thoroughly, I came to the\\conclusion
that the house was built\\more than 1000 years ago. Meaning, it\\really could be
called an ancient\\structure built a long time ago.");
Event_MsgBox("Thus, I was able to discover the\\traces of life
form that occupied this\\land more than 1000 years before our\\existence. At that
time, I was very\\much excited.. It really was an\\incredible discovery! ... I
immediately\\took out my record book and started to\\write down my discoveries in
full\\detail..\\ \\Then suddenly.. A large
shadow\\approached me..");
Event_MsgBox("..That shadow.. was the one-eyed\\monster
Nohnuut!\\ \\What would you have done if
you\\were there? I was taken over with\\fear, and ran without even looking\\back! I
just ran and ran as if I was\\crazy.");
Event_MsgBox("When I thought I had outrun\\Nohnuut.. No,
actually, when I had\\stopped to catch my breath, I found\\myself on the other side
of the river\\outside the South Nohnuut\\Grasslands.. Ha ha-.\\
\\When I had finally caught my breath, I\\tried to take out my notebook from
my\\bag but..");
Event_MsgBox("The notebook wasn't there! I must\\have dropped it
while I was running\\away from Nohnuut.. After that\\incident, I tried to go back
many times\\to look for my notebook, but I could go\\no where near Nohnuut.. and
I\\couldn't find my notebook either.\\ \\Could
you go and look for the\\notebook for me?");
Event_MsgBox("Since it was so long ago, I already\\forgot the
location and other details,\\but I heard that with the active\\operations of God's
Pirate, they\\created a Guard's Camp around that\\area.\\
\\The Guide of that camp might be able\\to give you some information. Why\\don't
you go and look for him?");
Event_MsgBox("I trust that you will be able to bring
my\\notebook, Wignor's Notebook, back to\\me.. ha ha. Well then, good luck.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Wignor's Lost Notebook],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012055, 61552);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Find Wignor's Notebook and bring\\it back to him.");

Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Event_Disappear(1, 10275, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh! Oh! You found it.. ho ho I\\haven't seen this
for such a long time..\\Thank you very much..");
Event_MsgBox("Hm.. Oh yes.. Was it called the\\Ancients..?\\
\\I do not know who Latra was.. and I\\certain don't know the things he said.\\
\\But, many things recorded in my\\notebook match the things Mihael said\\about the
Event_MsgBox("Please show Wignor's Notebook to\\Mihael. I prefer
the title Fisherman\\rather than an archeologist. Ha ha..\\
\\If you ever look for me again in the\\future, look for Wignor the
Fisherman\\rather than the missing archeologist..\\Right, off you go then ha ha.");
Event_Get(1, 10275);
Event_MsgBox("Please look for Wignor's Notebook in\\South Nohnuut
Grasslands.. You\\should first look for the Guide at the\\camp.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Give Wignor's Notebook to Mihael\\of Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10275, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done! Thank you very much for\\delivering the
details related to the\\Ancient's Ruins.");
Event_MsgBox("But we have no time to waste.\\
\\I have received a message from\\Ak'Kan elder Ramir that Latra, who\\gave us the
hope we call Almighty\\Ground, has disappeared and is in\\danger.");
Event_MsgBox("Ramir predicts that your path to find\\Latra will
be very difficult, but I believe\\that brave adventurers like yourself\\will be a
big help in finding the\\whereabouts of Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("When you are ready, please go and\\talk to the
Ak'Kan elder Ramir. He will\\tell you the details of the task.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Ramir's Request for Help],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61556);
Event_AwardItem(1, 55, 4, 3);
Event_Award(376000, 1000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Will you gather some information\\regarding the
Ancient's Ruins from\\Wignor who lives in the South Fungus\\Forest?");

QuestStart(61546, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Tear's of Blacksmith");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("500 Tears Of Blacksmith");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of them
to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive 500 Tears Of Blacksmith.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - GREEN BANDIT.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - GREEN BANDIT.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Green Bandits.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Green
Bandits\\Kill next mob - BLUE BANDIT.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Green
Bandits\\Kill next mob - BLUE BANDIT.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Blue Bandits.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2006);
Event_Get(250, 2006);

QuestStart(61552, 40, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Wignor's Lost Notebook");
QuestLevel("LV 45");
QuestAward("- Experience 134,900\\- Gold 520,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Go and find the guard's camp in\\the South Nohnuut Grasslands
and\\gather information regarding the\\Ancient's Ruins");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, and talk to the
Guide of\\guard's camp in South Nohnuut\\Grasslands");
Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_MsgBox("Hm..You have come to investigate\\this place? I
haven't heard of any\\ruins in this area.. ..but are you\\planning on going to the
inner areas\\of the South Nohnuut Grasslands?");
Event_MsgBox("Then you will need the Adventurer's\\Pass from me.
Although this place is\\dangerous for adventurers to wander\\around, you seem to be
a well trained\\person, so I will give you an\\Adventurer's Pass.");
Event_MsgBox("Carrying this Adventurer's Pass might\\not be of
much help, but I think I can\\give you some hints regarding the\\ruins..\\
\\It is very simple and easy to get this\\Adventurer's Pass.");
Event_MsgBox("It basically states that 'It is safe for\\me to
travel around this area'.\\ \\You just have to
defeat 5 Gorgon\\Pups which are the weakest beasts\\around this area, and bring the
Gorgon\\Pup's Hides as proof.");
Event_MsgBox("I will indicate the location inhabited\\by Gorgon
Pups, so just follow the map.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, defeat 5 Gorgon

Pups and\\collect Gorgon Pup's Hides.");
Phase_Target(2588, 1679);
Trigger_Kill(5, 64);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Gorgon Pups.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 5 Gorgon Pup's\\Hides.");
Event_Get(5, 10276);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Gorgon Pup's Hides to\\Broys, the guide of South
Nohnuut\\Grasslands guard's camp");
Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_Disappear(5, 10276, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hm.. since you have defeated the\\Gorgon Pups and
brought their hides\\as proof, I have no choice but to give\\you the Adventurer's
Event_MsgBox("You said you were looking for the\\ruins..? I am
sorry to say this, but I am\\not the person who can give you the\\details of this
matter. Since I was\\assigned to this location not too long\\ago.\\
\\This is such a dangerous area that it is\\almost impossible to build a
guard's\\camp and hire a Guide");
Event_MsgBox("But I am quite acquainted with the\\Qualf Clan who
have lived in this area\\for a long time. You see, I built a small\\camp for them..
Although it's not a\\fancy camp..\\ \\Anyway,
they might be able to help\\you. Go and look for the Qualf Clan.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, and could you take the hides you\\brought back
to the Qualf Clan and\\ask them to tan
it?\\ \\I will mark their location on the
Event_MsgBox("Once you arrive in Qualf Clan Camp,\\look for the
chief Hunai and tell him\\that you heard about the clan from\\me. Well then, good
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Settled Qualfs], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012058, 61553);
Event_Get(1, 10277);
Event_MsgBox("A Gorgon Pup is only a baby, but still\\they are as
ferocious as the adult\\Gorgon, so you should be careful.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Give the Gorgon Pup's Hides to\\Qualf clan chief Hunai in
South\\Nohnuut Grasslands, and once it is\\tanned, give them back to Broys");
Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_Disappear(1, 10280, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh.. This excellent quality truly is the\\work of
Qualf clan chief Hunai..\\ \\Thank you... this
is your reward.");
Event_Award(134900, 520000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61553, 40, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Settled Qualfs");
QuestLevel("LV 43");
QuestAward("- Experience 122,200\\- Gold 540,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Help the Chief of the Qualf Clan\\and obtain information
about the\\Ancient's Ruins");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Go to the camp of Qualf Clan in\\South Nohnuut Grasslands,

and\\look for Hunai, the Chief of the\\Qualf Clan");
Phase_Target(2824, 1650);
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- Broys is Hunai's\\friend. Broys- made
Hunai's house.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- Hunai, want to help\\Human. Hunai
knows the location of\\the house you Human speak of.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- Hunai, need Sabre\\Tiger Teeth. Hunai
needs Sabre Tiger\\Teeth.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- If you bring the Sabre\\Tiger Teeth I
will tell you the location of\\the old house. Hunai know where old\\house is.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, defeat 3 Sabre

Tigers and\\obtain the Sabre Tiger Teeth");
Phase_Target(2731, 1574);
Trigger_Kill(3, 66);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Sabre Tigers.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 3 Sabre Tiger\\Teeth.");
Event_Get(3, 10278);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring the Sabre Tiger Teeth to the\\Qualf Clan Chief Hunai
in South\\Nohnuut Grasslands");
Phase_Target(2824, 1650);
Event_Disappear(3, 10278, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- trim hides well with\\Sabre Tiger
Teeth. Hunai- Happy.\\Hunai-Hunai- Human kind.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- know old house. Old\\house behind the
Nohnuut hill. Giant\\Nohnuut scary. Nohnuut always stay\\in old house.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- wil show you on\\map. You go look for
book you need\\there.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Go to the Ancient's Ruins and look\\for Wignor's Notebook

which\\Wignor lost");
Phase_Target(2727, 1264);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2727.63, 120, 1264.32, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You search the Ancient's Ruins\\thoroughly, but
Wignor's Notebook\\was nowhere to be found. Go back to\\the Qualf Clan chief Hunai
and gather\\more information regarding Wignor's\\Notebook.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Go to the Qualf Clan camp in South\\Nohnuut Grasslands and

ask the\\tribal chief Hunai for information\\regarding Wignor's Notebook");
Phase_Target(2824, 1650);
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- not know Human\\things. Hunai- if
something lost,\\Nohnuut likes to pick up anything on\\the ground, Nohnuut pick
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- If small Nohnuut\\picks up something,
he keep until he\\dies. If small Nohnuut pick up\\something, he never gives.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai- Hunai- Large Nohnuut stays\\near small
Nohnuut. Hunai- Large\\Nohnuut very scary. Human watch\\out for large Nohnuut.
Hunai- be\\careful ");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Nohnuut's Habits], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012059, 61554);
Event_Award(122200, 540000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61554, 40, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Nohnuut's Habits");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- Experience 150,400\\- Gold 140,000\\- Wignor's Notebook");
QuestDesc("Unable to read conversation\\dialogue.");
QuestShortDesc("Approach the Nohnuut near the\\Ancient's Ruins and look
for\\Wignor's Notebook, then give it to\\Wignor the fisherman in the South\\Fungus

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the Nohnuut near Ancient's\\Ruins that carries

Wignor's\\Notebook. \\ \\One of the Nohnuuts
near Ancient's\\Ruins carries Wignor's Notebook.\\Defeat the Nohnuut that
carries\\Wignor's Notebook.");
Phase_Target(2728, 1279);
Trigger_Kill(1, 162);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed a Nohnuut. You\\have found Wignor's
Event_Get(1, 10275);
Event_Award(150400, 140000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61555, 40, 100, 4095, 61553, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Tan the Hides");
QuestLevel("LV 45");
QuestAward("- Experience 101,100\\- Gold 320,000\\- Tanned Gorgon Pup's
QuestDesc("Hunai- Hunai- Leave tanning to\\Hunai. Hunai very good at
QuestShortDesc("Help Hunai to trim and tan the\\Gorgon Pup's Hides which

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Hunai's story");

Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- very good at tanning\\Gorgon Pup's
Hides. Hunai Human\\friend Broys always requests tanning.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- need Sabre Tiger\\Teeth to trim Gorgon
Pup's Hides.\\Need Gorgon King's Oil.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- Hunai already have\\Sabre Tiger Teeth.
Don't have Gorgon\\King's Oil. Hunai need Gorgon King's\\Oil.");
Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- need Gorgon King's\\Oil. Kind Human
bring it to me.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, defeat 3 Gorgon

Kings and\\obtain the Gorgon King's Oil");
Phase_Target(2650, 1587);
Trigger_Kill(3, 68);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Gorgon Kings.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained Gorgon King's Oil.");
Event_Get(1, 10279);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Gorgon King's Oil to\\Hunai, the chief of the Qualf
Clan in\\the South Nohnuut Grasslands and\\obtain the Tanned Gorgon Pup's\\Hides");
Phase_Target(2824, 1650);
Event_Disappear(1, 10279, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10277, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- have Gorgon King's\\Oil, Hunai tan
very fast. Kind Human,\\wait for a while.");
\\....\\ \\Hunai-Hunai-\\
Event_MsgBox("Hunai-Hunai- Kind Human, finished\\trimming and
tanning Gorgon Pup's\\Hides. Hunai gives tanned Gorgon\\Pup's Hides to kind
Event_Get(1, 10280);
Event_Award(101100, 320000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61556, 40, 100, 4095, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Ramir's Request for Help");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- Experience 75,200\\- Gold 80,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Go to God's Pirate located on the\\map and look for Ak'Kan
elder\\Ramir and find out what his request\\is");
Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_MsgBox("I knew that we would meet like this\\someday.. but
that moment came\\sooner than I had expected. It is good\\to greet you properly. Oh
Human of\\Almighty Ground..");
Event_MsgBox("You might have heard that Latra is\\getting weaker
day by day. We\\Ak'Kan have realized that Latra who\\is the hero of Ak'Kan and a
savior who\\disappeared after leading us to the\\new vibrant land, is slowly
Event_MsgBox("I do not know if there is a soul in\\Ak'Kan who can
help Latra, but we\\must find Latra and help him. Looking\\for Latra is like
stepping a foot into a\\mysterious place.. Our reasons may\\not be enough to
convince you Human\\to help us, but we Ak'Kan wish to ask\\for your helping
Event_MsgBox("Go to the Gavial Swamp Valley.\\There, look for the
Shrine of Sacrifice\\Trackers and find out the whereabouts\\of Latra and find
Latra.\\ \\This is the request I, Ramir ask of
you.\\Please before the life energy of Latra\\disappears..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Shrine of Sacrifice\\Tracker], has been added to your\\Quest List
Event_AddQuest(0x40012029, 61508);
Event_Award(75200, 80000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61557, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Little Guide");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- Experience 743800\\- Tip on the path to Caernarvon");
QuestDesc("Obtain information on how to get to\\Caernarvon ");
QuestShortDesc("Hm.. I see that you guys are\\adventurers? Do you know the
way\\to Caernarvon, the continent of war?\\Well.. if you want, I, pirate Nail,
the\\future king of the ocean can tell\\you.\\
\\If, you agree to invest 10 gold for my\\future?");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Nail");

Event_MsgBox("If you want to know the path to\\Caernarvon, bring
10 Gold and a loaf\\of bread to me.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Prepare 10 Gold and bread, then\\talk to God's Pirate

Phase_Target(2809, 2464);
Event_Disappear(1, 3020, 10);
Event_MsgBox("Alright! I will tell you how to get
Event_MsgBox("If you want to go to Caernarvon, you\\have to ride
a ship. If you follow the\\path on my side and reach the end of\\the road, you will
find a small harbor.\\All you have to do is just ask Abris to\\take you to
Caernarvon, and that's\\that!\\ \\The 10 gold
you gave me will be put to\\good use for future pirates!\\
\\Oh, just to make sure, I marked the\\location on your map. Well then, have\\a
nice trip. Hee hee.");
Event_MsgBox("You don't even have 10 Gold and a\\loaf bread?");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Refer to the location indicated on\\the map, go to the

harbor that leads\\to Caernarvon and talk to Abris.");
Phase_Target(2747, 2410);
Event_MsgBox("You want to go to Caernarvon? The\\destination of
the ship that I sail is\\Grand Fall Valley in Caernarvon,\\which is a peace camp in
that land. I\\wonder if that would be alright. Ha ha..");
Event_MsgBox("If you want to go somewhere else,\\you should try
other ships next to mine.\\It is up to you, make your own\\decision. We have the
support of\\various countries, so don't worry about\\the fare.");
Event_Award(743800, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61558, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61525, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Latra's Contributions");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,984,900 \\- Gold 6,300,000\\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("Did you say Latra..? I can't say\\that I know him well, but I
definitely\\know a person who introduced\\himself as Latra. Can you tell me
the\\reason why you are looking for him?");
QuestShortDesc("Gather information on Latra from\\Trarawiel in the Frozen

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Trarawiel");

Event_MsgBox("So.. in simple words..\\
\\In order to let the two nations at war\\know the true meaning of peace,
Latra\\guided you guys to find this place.. and\\the augurs of your land has
warned\\you guys of the danger that befell\\Latra?");
Event_MsgBox("..Actually.. Latra looks very much like\\the Ak'Kan
tribe.. and he seemed quite\\uneasy for no particular reason..\\
\\But I never imagined that he was in\\danger..");
Event_MsgBox("But that makes me to doubt you guys\\more.\\
\\How can I trust you?");
Event_MsgBox("When we were in danger from the\\cruel savage
poachers, Latra saved\\us Snowrimp and the town which you\\are standing on,
Elior..\\ \\You can not guarantee that once
I\\tell you her whereabouts, she will not\\face greater danger, right?");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, I do not sense any evil\\from you, but
I would rather play it\\safe. Please go back to where you\\came from.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Earn Trarawiel's trust \\

\\Look around the Snowrimps village\\of Elior and find ways to earn
Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_Disappear(1, 10281, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm? This is a Snowrimp's Amulet?\\
\\So you must be the one who fixed\\Inuar and Asar's problems? Those 2\\rascaks?
Then that means you are\\also the one who helped savage\\poachers and picked the
flower of\\hope?");
Event_MsgBox("I am right.. oh my..\\
\\Why did you help the Savage\\Poachers survive winter when you\\needed the help of
Snowrimp?\\ \\I do thank you for the good
deeds you\\have done for us Snowrimp, but you\\must have stopped there.");
Event_MsgBox("Please go back to where you came\\from.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Snowrimp's\\Misunderstanding] has been added to\\your Quest List
Event_AddQuest(0x4001207E, 61570);
Event_MsgBox("I can not trust you. Please go back to\\where you
came from.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Fix Trarawiel's misunderstanding\\and obtain information on

Latra\\ \\Find ways to calm down
Trarawiel's\\rage over the Savage Poachers");
Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_Disappear(1, 10282, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh I see. Now you even bring the\\threatening
letters sent by the Savage\\Poachers.\\
\\Hrmph, these things don't work on me\\anymore!\\
\\Let's see what those savages wrote\\this time!");
Event_MsgBox("...I'm sure that it has something to do\\with
treatening to steal if we don't give\\them some food rations...\\
\\.. Hmmm?");
Event_MsgBox("..the group that attacked Elior were\\the works of
our rebels. During the\\endless battles with the rebel group,\\we Savage Poachers
were fortunate\\to receive help of these adventurers\\and defeat the rebel group.
We are\\deeply sorry for the unwanted harm\\that we inflicted on you for a long
time,\\and we are willing to make it up to you\\for many many generations until
our\\transgressions are forgiven. I beseech\\you, pease accept this letter of
Event_MsgBox("p.s. As proof of our victory over the\\rebel group,
we have cut off their ears\\and sent it to you.\\
\\... A letter made from well groomed\\Gorgon hides.. .. This really is a
letter\\sent by the leader of Savage\\Poachers. All the incidents
Event_MsgBox("Even if they were rebels.. cutting the\\ear off of
the same tribe seems to be\\too much.. but I will accept it as their\\effort to fix
the misunderstandings..");
Event_MsgBox("I am sorry.. I believe we didn't trust\\you
adventurers for no particular\\reason. But I hope you could\\understand that it is
our way, the\\Snowrimp's way.");
Event_MsgBox("It may not happen immediately.. but\\the ties of
misunderstanding finally\\seems to untangling themselves...");
Event_MsgBox("..Latra always said that.. 'should a\\brave and
righteous soul come in\\search for me, please give this\\message to them'\\
\\This is it..");
Event_MsgBox("I may have been stubborn.. but I\\knew that this
would happen from the\\beginning.. I don't know what to say..\\
\\Thank you!!");
Event_MsgBox("Please help Latra! I wish you good\\luck!!");
Event_Get(1, 10283);
Event_AwardItem(1, 75, 4, 3);
Event_Award(5984900, 6300000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You helped the Savage Poachers! I\\can't understand
you. Please go back.");

QuestStart(61559, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61525, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Snowrimp's Teaching Method");
QuestLevel("LV 62");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,054,900\\- Gold 1,900,000");
QuestDesc("According to the rumors, you are\\quite an adventurer who
has\\traveled to many places.. I know this\\may seem like a difficult request,
but\\could you find my child who is going\\through his adult initiaition rite?");
QuestShortDesc("Find the grandson of Inuar who is\\performing the Snowrimp's

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Inuar");

Event_MsgBox("How strange.. I thought you might\\consider this
request inappropriate.. I\\never expected you to gladly accept it!");
Event_MsgBox("The child's name is Rodin. Very\\adorable child..\\
\\We Snowrimp have continued to live in\\this barren lands. As a result, we had\\to
learn the minimal number of things to\\maintain our lives.");
Event_MsgBox("As time passed by, that became a\\form of ritual
among the barrenness,\\and the ritual that recognizes a\\Snowrimp as an adult is
the adult\\initiation ritual. Grandfather's\\grandfather..and his grandfathers..
it's\\not just because our ancestors have\\continued the tradition through out
Event_MsgBox("My adorable little grandson Rodin\\has also
embarked on a journey to\\complete such an initiaition ritual.");
Event_MsgBox("Yes, you are correct.. looking for a\\child who is
performing a ritual is.. not\\only a violation of the rules, but also\\an act that
will taunt the child's\\reputation forever. I know..");
Event_MsgBox("But aging must have made me\\weaker.. and here I
am, asking you\\adventurers for such task.. Please\\give this food sack to my
Event_MsgBox("I do not know where and how my\\grandson lives. But
Cerisracyel who\\stayed together with Rodin might know\\where he is.");
Event_MsgBox("Anyways, Snowrimps are not allowed\\to speak of the
child who has left the\\initiation ritual..");
Event_MsgBox("Please, I beg you..please.. May the\\Snow God be
with you..");
Event_Get(1, 10284);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Look for Rodin's friends and gather\\information regarding

Rodin the\\young Snowrimp who left for the\\adult initiation ritual");
Phase_Target(1153, 2899);
Event_MsgBox("Rodin..? No! Mother told me that I\\should never
tell anyone about Rodin!");
Event_MsgBox("Hm..Cerisracyel must be somewhere\\around playing.
Find the shadow.. He\\must be hiding somewhere.. He should\\be somewhere in Elior

AddPhase(12, 3, "Find Cerisracyel who is hiding\\somewhere in Elior village

in Frozen\\Steppe");
Event_MsgBox("Wow..! You startled me!\\
\\Shhh.. I'm playing find the shadow..");
Event_MsgBox("..Hmmm!? Rodin..?\\
\\well.. I am quite close to Rodin.. but I\\don't know where he is..");
Event_MsgBox("My mom told me that.. Rodin went\\away for a
while.. If Rodin was playing\\the shadow game, he would be here\\with me..");
Event_MsgBox("Rodin and I used to play hide and\\seek in the Tree
Cave everyday.\\Well.. it was Rodin who first showed\\me the Tree Cave.. I wish
Rodin will\\return quickly and play with me.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Rodin's Initiation], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Award(1054900, 1900000, 0, 0);
Event_AddQuest(0x4001207D, 61560);

QuestStart(61560, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Rodin's Initiation");
QuestLevel("LV 62");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,054,900\\- Gold 1,900,000\\- 5 Mithril");
QuestDesc("Can not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Rodin who is taking the adult\\initiation where he needs
to survive\\certain period of time in the Frozen\\Steppe following the tradition
of\\Snowrimp and deliver food sack\\given by Inuar.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "By considering information provided\\by Cerisracyel that,

Rodin often\\hides in the Tree Cave, find Rodin\\hiding somewhere in the
Event_Disappear(1, 10284, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh my my.. How did you know?\\
\\Could you find me easily from the\\outside?");
Event_MsgBox("..Eh? Inuar Grandfather? Oh my\\Grandfather.. I can
do well without\\these.. Ha Ha..");
Event_MsgBox("Are you a traveller..? By hiding here,\\I often see
a brave travelers between\\the wood cracks.. I sometimes see\\strange men..");
Event_MsgBox("Ah! You must be good at fighting for\\since you are
a traveller!? I know I\\shouldn't be doing this.. In fact.. I saw\\Snow Wolves near
by here.. and\\because of them, I couldn't go out for a\\few days..");
Event_MsgBox("So..Um.. This is just a secret between\\two of us
but.. could you defeat 5\\Snow Wolves close by for me?!.. Will\\you!?");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Snow Wolves, who are\\near at the location marked

by\\Rodin near by the wood trunk he is\\hiding in");
Phase_Target(785, 2508);
Trigger_Kill(5, 169);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Snow Wolves.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, inform

Rodin who is\\hiding in a wood trunk that you have\\defeated the Snow Wolves");
Phase_Target(772, 2479);
Event_MsgBox("Wow.. Certainly travelers are strong!?\\I wish the
Snowrimp were strong as\\well.. So we don't have to be afraid of\\the Savage
Event_MsgBox("Um..anyway thank you traveller. I\\was going to
give this to my\\grandfather when I get back but can\\you deliver them to him now?
Of\\course, you should not tell him that you\\have defeated Snow Wolves for
me..\\Grandfather might get really mad at\\me..");
Event_MsgBox("Um..this was dropped by one of\\travelers when I
was hiding in the\\wood trunk near here.. I don't know\\what this is, but if you
think it might be\\helpful, it is yours.");
Event_MsgBox("The Goddess of Snow will protect\\you. As she has
protected me.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Rodin's Letter], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(5, 2002);
Event_Get(1, 10285);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012110, 61561);
Event_Award(1054900, 1900000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61561, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Rodin's Letter");
QuestLevel("LV 66");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,299,700\\- Gold 1,800,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Deliver Rodin's Letter, who is taking\\the Adult Initiation

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, visit Inuar
of Elior village\\and deliver Rodin's Letter");
Phase_Target(1118, 2917);
Event_Disappear(1, 10285, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Oh Oh.. This is a letter from my\\cute kid
Rodin.. Ha Ha.. you must not\\be just an ordinary traveller.. good\\enough to find
Snowrimp who is taking\\the Adult Initiation..");
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. Oh.. I think that you could..\\solve the
problem of Sidur. Sidur, who\\lives on the hill side of the village, has\\a rare
disease only found in\\Snowrimps.");
Event_MsgBox("Despite the disease, it breaks my\\heart to see him
put up effort to fight\\back.. Would you like to meet\\Treetrandel, Sidur's
Event_MsgBox("If the problem of Sidur can be\\solved.. this old
man will give you a\\small token of appreciation as reward.");
Event_MsgBox("Treetrandel is on my right.. Please\\meet with
him.. I beg for your help..Hum\\Hum..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Snowrimp's Rare\\Disease], has been added to your\\Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012083, 61568);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Solve the problem of Sidur who has\\rare disease only

occuring in\\Snowrimps of Elior village and meet\\Inuar the old man");
Phase_Target(1118, 2917);
Event_Disappear(1, 10295, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hu Hu Hu.. I knew that everything\\would be fine..
Thank you very much..\\It seems as if the Goddess of Snow is\\looking after the
Snowrimp again after\\Latra of Ak'Kan..Ha Ha");
Event_MsgBox("I have told you before.. This\\Snowrimp's Amulet
was owned only by\\the Snowrimp.\\ \\As a
tradition, we give this to sincerely\\thank somebody for helping us..");
Event_MsgBox("It is not much of a thing to give you\\but.. Please
accept it.. It belonged to\\an old man but it will bring you luck for\\sure..Ha
Event_MsgBox("May the protection of the Goddess of\\Snow be with
you on your journey.");
Event_Get(1, 10281);
Event_Award(1299700, 1800000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61568, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Snowrimp Rare Disease");
QuestLevel("LV 64");
QuestAward("- Experience 957,100\\- Gold 1,000,000\\- Item 3 Iternium.");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Treetrandel of Elior village in\\the Frozen Steppe and
help him to\\cure Sidur's rare disease");

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, meet

Treetrandel\\mentioned by Inuar");
Phase_Target(1110, 2913);
Event_MsgBox("Among the Snowrimp of Elior, It is just\\me
Treetrandel and my son Sidur ..\\What brings you here?");
Event_MsgBox("...\\ \\Oh..
Inuar asked you to come and\\help my son.. How can I thank him in\\return?..");
Event_MsgBox("But.. It is a very dangerous task.. So\\I am
worried that we might put a\\traveller who came from a far far land\\to face
trouble in the Frozen Steppe..");
Event_MsgBox("My son Sidur is very weak to the cold\\due to a
rare disease that only occurs\\in the Snowrimp.. Thank god that it is a\\little bit
warmer.. but thinking that a\\harsh cold winter is comming.. I don't\\know what to
Event_MsgBox("At least, I know that from the wisdom\\of elders, a
leaf from Papio's Flower\\will help.. unfortunately..No Snowrimp\\knows where
Papio's Flower\\blossoms..");
Event_MsgBox("But rumor says that Papio's Flower\\blossoms in
cruel Savage Poachers\\village.. It is just a rumor and even a\\Snowrimp who lives
to help their kind\\do not want to fight with Savage\\Poachers..");
Event_MsgBox("I have told you too much.. I think it is\\better if
the traveller give up now.. I\\thank god that Sidur is healthy and\\bright now..");
Event_MsgBox("I know how kind you are.. but I do\\not want to put
you the traveller in\\danger..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Papio's Flower], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x4001207B, 61569);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Get Papio's Flower and go back to\\Treetrandel, the father

of Sidur");
Phase_Target(1110, 2913);
Event_Disappear(1, 10287, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh My, This.. This is the Papio's\\Flower..?\\
\\How did..");
Event_MsgBox("Oh I see.. I thought Savage\\Poachers were cruel..
How may I\\thank you.. Thank you.. Thank you..");
Event_MsgBox("This is not a precious item to us the\\Snowrimp,
but please take this.. I will\\never forget your kindness.. Please\\deliver this to
Inuar. Thank you very\\much..");
Event_MsgBox("May the protection of the Goddess of\\Snow be with
Event_Get(1, 10295);
Event_Get(3, 2003);
Event_Award(957100, 1000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Still the problem about Sidur hasn't\\been

QuestStart(61569, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Papio's Flower");
QuestLevel("LV 64");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,914,200\\- Gold 3,000,000\\- Papio's Flower");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Savage Poachers and get\\information about Papio's

AddPhase(12, 1, "By referring to location on the map,\\find Savage Poachers

village and\\get information about Papio's Flower");
Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_MsgBox("I am... Goma.. the chief of Savage\\Poachers.");
Event_MsgBox("..If you are looking for Papio's\\Flower.. I.. Goma
the chief of Savage\\Poachers..might be able to tell you.");
Event_MsgBox("But.. Please help the Savage\\Poachers.. to survive
the.. winter.. In\\order to survive the winter.. we are\\collecting.. Snow Gorgon
Event_MsgBox("You simply have to get 5.. 5 Snow\\Gorgon Pelts..
It is very simple..");
Event_MsgBox("Then.. I will be waiting..");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat 5

Snow Gorgons\\and collect 5 Snow Gorgon Pelts");
Phase_Target(722, 2481);
Trigger_Kill(5, 170);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Snow Gorgons.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 5 Snow Gorgon\\Pelts.");
Event_Get(5, 10286);

AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, go back to

the Savage\\Poachers village and deliver 5 Snow\\Gorgon Pelts to Goma the
Savage\\Poachers Chief");
Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_Disappear(5, 10286, 0);
Event_MsgBox(".. Ah, very nice.. Snow Gorgon Pelts..\\We thank
you...for helping us Savage\\ get through the...cold\\winter.. Thank
Event_MsgBox("As I promised..I will tell you the\\location ...of
Papio's Flower..");
Event_MsgBox("Papio's Flower..grows in a\\place..where the
dangerous Snow\\Tigers live.. It is said that when you\\take the leaf from Papio's\\can be protecteed from the cold\\winter..");
Event_MsgBox("I will mark..the location on the map..\\A Snow
Tiger is even hard to handle\\by the Savage Poachers tribe\\so..please be
Event_MsgBox("Snow Gorgon Pelts.. are necessary\\for Savage
Poachers.. in the winter.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Collect Papio's Flower at the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(1057, 2073);
Trigger_Kill(1, 159);
Event_MsgBox("You have received Papio's Flower.");
Event_MsgBox("Bring Papio's Flower to Treetrandel.");
Event_Get(1, 10287);
Event_Award(1914200, 3000000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61570, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Snowrimp's Misunderstanding");
QuestLevel("LV 68");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,647,100\\- Gold 3,200,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Goma the chief of Savage\\Poachers and clear up
the\\misunderstanding of Trarawiel.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "To find out the truth about the\\Snowrimp, go to Savage

Poachers\\and meet Goma the chief.");
Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_MsgBox("Did you say Savage Poachers\\attacked Elior.. Oh
my..oh my.. I now\\understand.. what had really\\happened and..\\
\\why the Snowrimp were cautious\\about the Savage Poachers..");
Event_MsgBox("I don't know.. where to start.. the\\explaination..
simply speaking.. it was\\Savage Poachers who had attacked\\Elior village..");
Event_MsgBox("..But..they were dismissed as a\\Savage Poacher..
and was destined\\to be hanged in this village..");
Event_MsgBox("They.. hunt wild animals for fun..\\showing violent
actions.. and are\\classified in the Savage Poachers\\society as criminals..");
Event_MsgBox("We the Savage Poachers have\\decided to excute them
but.. they..\\took upon a method.. to run away\\forever..");
Event_MsgBox("We have chased after the wanted\\Savage
Poachers..and executed them\\as planned.. but couldn't not find a few\\of them..
They have disgraced the\\name.. of the Savage Poachers..\\
\\They will not be forgiven..");
Event_MsgBox("Recently.. I was informed that they\\have put up a
small camp somewhere\\north of the Frozen Steppe.");
Event_MsgBox("I Goma.. wants to ask you for a\\favor... as the
Chief of Savage\\Poachers. Defeat them for me Goma..\\And.. bring proof.. for
defeating them.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map defeat 3 of

the wanted\\Savage Poachers");
Phase_Target(2152, 1029);
Trigger_Kill(3, 181);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 wanted\\Savage Poachers.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 3 Savage\\Poacher Helms as proof
of defeating\\the wanted Savage Poachers.");
Event_Get(3, 10288);
AddPhase(12, 3, "By referring to the location marked\\on the map, defeat the
wanted\\Savage Poachers and deliver the\\Savage Poacher Helms to the Goma\\the
Chief of Savage Poachers");
Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_Disappear(3, 10288, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you...for your help.. members\\of the wanted
Savage Poachers\\may..still be there.. the rest of them are\\certainly the task
of.. me Goma.. and\\rest of the Savage Poachers people.");
Event_MsgBox("Please.. deliver.. this letter to the\\chief of
Elior.. for me.. As the chief of\\Savage Poachers.. I am sending this\\letter.. to
the Snowrimp chief.. to clear\\up misunderstandings in the past..");
Event_MsgBox("I believe.. It will absolutely be..\\delivered..\\
\\May the protection of the Ancestral\\Savage Poachers be with you..");
Event_Get(1, 10282);
Event_Award(2647100, 3200000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The wanted Savage Poachers might\\be stronger than
the Savage\\Poachers.");

QuestStart(61571, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61558, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Descendant of the Ancients");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,787,900 \\- Gold 5,100,000");
QuestDesc("You are of a strange clan. It seems\\to me that you need knowledge
to\\support your inherent wisdom. It is\\heartbreaking to know that your\\people
will spend much time seeking\\such knowledge. Tell me what you\\need to know.
Perhaps I will be able\\to give you some of the answers\\that you seek.");
QuestShortDesc("Get help from the Ancients, Sodo,\\and learn about Latra's

AddPhase(12, 1, "Ask Sodo about Latra.");

Event_MsgBox("... \\ \\Oh...
You are looking for the brave\\heroine of the Ak'Kan, Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("Mmmm ... the message that you have\\brought
is ... ... unfortunately, is not the\\words of Latra. \\
\\The message that you are holding is\\the Poem of Bareha. He was guardian\\of the
Ancients Ruins for a long time.");
Event_MsgBox("The depths of Bareha's knowledge\\would fill all
the years of his life. The\\Poem of Bareha was inspired by one\\of his theories
about the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, it is time that I tell you the\\answers to your
questions. The owner\\of this poem lives in the highest point\\of the Ancients
Ruins. I can mark the\\location on your map.");
Event_MsgBox("Traveling through the Woods of\\Death will be
dangerous, so be\\careful.");
Event_MsgBox("Go and find him. He who lives as a\\Nihilist ...
AddPhase(12, 2, "Go and find Bareha at the location\\marked on the map and
gather\\information on the whereabouts of\\Latra.");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. Ah yes, this poem is mine,\\without a
doubt. \\ \\See, I know because there is only
one\\person in this entire Dimension who\\can write poetry this bad.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, yes You are looking for Latra. \\
\\The heroine ... Latra.. Latra is known\\as Latra the Brave here.");
Event_MsgBox("Whatever Latra's past, and\\whatever her future,
Latra exhibited\\immense courage similar to that of the\\Ancients here in these
Ancients Ruins.");
Event_MsgBox("She did ... is doing what we did not\\... No, what
we couldn't do. \\ \\But before I tell you
what that is ...");
Event_MsgBox("I had better tell you about the\\Dimensional
Gateway. \\ \\I cannot simply tell these
secrets to\\anyone, you understand. Please help\\me and pass my test first. Could
you\\defeat five Bullents for me?");
Event_MsgBox("Fighting the Bullents will give you\\experience
that could be quite\\relevant to my explanation. ");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Fight five Bullents at the location\\marked on the map.");

Phase_Target(1191, 1403);
Trigger_Kill(5, 106);
Event_MsgBox("You have bested five Bullents.");
Event_MsgBox("Return to Bareha.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to the Ancients Ruins and\\listen to the rest of the

story about\\Dimensional Gateway from Nihilist\\Bareha");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_MsgBox("Ah, you are quite trustworthy. I see\\that I can
share even the most\\important matters with you.\\
\\This place, on which you and I,\\Bareha, stand ... is just one of many\\worlds
trapped in one of the\\Dimensions.");
Event_MsgBox("No matter how fast a ship at sea or in\\the air
that you or I board, we can\\never travel to another Dimension for\\we are trapped
in this Dimension.");
Event_MsgBox("That is to say in other words ... \\
\\Other worlds ... perhaps millions of\\worlds ... exist in Dimensions that we\\do
not know. ");
Event_MsgBox("There, other living things exist as\\well. Just as
the Ancients, the\\Humans, the Ak'Kan and other living\\things exist on Almighty
Event_MsgBox("Myself, Bareha, and you are like\\small seeds
within our own Dimension.\\Each Dimension has a kind of shell\\that covers the
seeds so the seeds\\can not escape.");
Event_MsgBox("The shell is very hard and no one can\\break it. \\
\\This has been true since before the\\time of the Ancients just as it is
Event_MsgBox("Our ancestors understood the\\existence of the
Dimensions and\\wanted to see other Dimensions. ... ...\\And they were able to do
Event_MsgBox("They were not able to crack open the\\shell so they
built a Dimensional\\Gateway, which is like a bridge\\between the shells that
connects one\\Dimension to another.");
Event_MsgBox("Using the Dimensional Gateway, they\\acquired the
skill to see through the\\various shells of a Dimension. Soon,\\they were able to
immigrate to a safer\\Dimension!");
Event_MsgBox("This place, the continent called\\Almighty Ground
by newcomer Latra,\\was populated by the Ancients that\\immigrated through the
Dimensional\\Gateway here. I, Bareha, am\\descended from that race. We\\Descendants
of the Ancients are also\\beings that can open a Dimensional\\Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("My ancestors worked against the\\principles of
Mother Nature. ...and\\compared to the work of Mother\\Nature which is made
perfect, the\\Dimensional Gateway is a very weak\\and unstable creation ... ...
which in\\time, inevitably caused many problems.");
Event_MsgBox("The ancestors of Bareha, that is, the\\Ancients,
sought sanctuary here from\\other worlds using the Dimensional\\Gateway, but were
unable to seal the\\Gateway behind them perfectly. ");
Event_MsgBox("Finally... the unstable Gateway\\began to collapse.
Routes to many\\Dimensions other than those picked by\\the Ancients formed in
Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("This is a very long explanation ... But\\the
Bullents that you have defeated\\are creatures that crossed Dimensions\\through the
cracks of the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("This is the source of our problem. Now\\beings flow
through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway like poison.\\They are driven by
violent instincts and\\lack intelligence, just like those\\Bullents. Occasionally,
creatures like\\the nefarious Fallen Archfiend come\\through the Collapsing
Event_MsgBox("Certainly ... Bree is one such\\dangerous being
that entered our\\world as the Dimensional Gateway\\Collapsing. I have devoted much
time\\to researching the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("First came Bree who seduced the\\innocent into her
Legion of Undead\\with her deadly blade. Then came\\Death Bringer who was drawn
into our\\world as he held fast to the edge of\\Bree's sword. Death Bringer
further\\damaged the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway and even more
bestial\\creatures, who know only hunger,\\poured out of the cracks of
the\\Gateway. \\ \\And finally came the
Ancient\\Guardian, who chases after these\\abominations, slaying them one by
one\\in an attempt to restore balance.");
Event_MsgBox("Then, the first thing that they did\\\was to wipe
out all of the remaining\\Ancients. I, Bareha, as a Descendant\\of the Ancients is
not nearly so\\powerful, and so I have escaped their\\deadly rage.");
Event_MsgBox("These are the beings who are bent\\on destroying
all who have the ability\\to repair the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway ... \\
\\And thus preventing them from calling\\forth the Fallen Archfiend through
the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("We Descendants of the Ancients\\have fought their
plan with all our\\might, but we have lost the knowledge\\of our ancestors the
Ancients. We do\\not have the strength to defeat them.");
Event_MsgBox("Descendant of the Ancients are wise\\enough to know
our own foolishness.\\We know we cannot fight a losing\\battle, and we simply
accepted what\\is before us.");
Event_MsgBox("... Latra, heroine of the Ak'Kan, was\\different.
She appeared to us suddenly\\one day. She said she had read the\\Poem of Bareha ...
...and repeatedly\\asked us ... what she can do to help\\us.");
Event_MsgBox("I, Bareha, Descendant of the\\Ancients told her
about the threat of\\the creature called a Fallen Archfiend\\and told her that
acceptance is the\\only option. But she did not agree with\\me. \\
\\Finally, it seems that she acquired the\\method to breach the
Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway and left us,\\leaving only a message that she
will\\protect Almighty Ground. A simple\\message like that felt like ...
Event_MsgBox("Before her words could fade from my\\memory ... ...
and despite the icy\\darkness that fills my heart with dread\\... I noticed that
the sudden changes\\in our pure land caused by the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway
have\\slowed ... Brave Latra must be trying to\\stop the Fallen Archfiend from
crossing\\the Collapsing Dimensional Gateway\\alone..");
Event_MsgBox("I can not decide what is right. To\\accept the
coming threat of the Fallen\\Archfiend or to try to stop the Fallen\\Archfiend.
Whichever we choose, it\\seems that inevitably Almighty Ground\\will fall to the
Fallen Archfiend. His\\forces have more strength and\\willpower than we do.");
Event_MsgBox("Should you chase after Latra, you\\will only meet a
swifter death. Go, train\\in this area, and reflect on the\\graveness of our
situation. If you still\\want to chase after the brave Latra\\then come back to
Nihilist Bareha.");
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for listening to my long\\story.");
Event_Award(4787900, 5100000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61572, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61571, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Dimensional Key");
QuestLevel("LV 80");
QuestAward("- Experience 27,053,100 \\- Gold 15,000,000 \\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("I see that you have decided to\\come back. Surely this is a sign
of\\brave Latra's prophecy. Will you\\follow in Latra's footsteps?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn how to follow Latra from\\Nihilist Bareha at the
Ancients\\Ruins, and gather materials for\\creating a Dimensional Key.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Ask Bareha how to follow Latra.");

Event_MsgBox("... Perhaps the brave Latra has\\powers beyond my
Event_MsgBox("Brave Latra also wanted to go\\though the
Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway ... .. like a moth that throws\\its body into the
candle, even though\\it will be consumed by its flames.");
Event_MsgBox("As a Descendant of the Ancients,\\Bareha is not
inconsiderate. I had my\\reasons for teaching the way to the\\Collapsing
Dimensional Gateway to\\Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("I was attracted to her wisdom and\\strong will, but
most of all, for I could\\feel her insurmountable inner strength.\\I was hoping ...
against hope ... that\\she may indeed be able to influence\\... no matter how
slightly ... the course\\of events for the better. It was terribly\\selfish, but I
felt she could handle the\\awesome responsibility.");
Event_MsgBox("But right now, you do not possess her\\powers. I
cannot in good conscience\\teach you the way. I can foresee only\\your death.");
Event_MsgBox("Come back when you are stronger.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Train to LV 75 and return to\\Bareha, Descendant of the

Ancients\\at the Ancients Ruins.");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Trigger_LevelTalk(75, 0x40012115, "But right now, you do not possess
the\\power and strength of Latra. I cannot\\in good conscience teach you the
way\\to the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway. I foresee only your death.");
Event_MsgBox("When I discovered that Bree was\\trying to freeze
the atmosphere of\\Almighty Ground to bring eternal\\darkness and draw the
Fallen\\Archfiend through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway ... I realized\\that
it was impossible to stop them.");
Event_MsgBox("... I mean with the powers that my\\race currently
possess it is impossible\\to resist. \\ \\The
sum of the abilities of my people is\\to know the way to open the\\Collapsing
Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("You need the Dimensional Key to\\open the
Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway. My ancestors the Ancients\\created the Dimensional
Gateway to\\be unreachable by common means.");
Event_MsgBox("And they crafted a Dimensional Key\\to open the
Dimensional Gateway so\\they can transfer though the\\Dimensional Gateway
instantly. Most\\fortunately, I was able to discover the\\method for creating a
Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("In order to make a Dimensional Key,\\you need
special materials. One of the\\material is called a Forging Stone\\which is widely
used to strengthen\\weapons.");
Event_MsgBox("Just like Latra, you need to collect\\materials to
make the Dimensional\\Key. Now, Bareha will tell you the\\ingredients for the
Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("The Dimensional Key first requires a\\Star
Fragment, a Dimensional Souls\\and a rare mineral called Soul Metal.\\Fortunately,
you can get the Star\\Fragment from Edlander Wes in the\\Ancients Ruins. \\
\\But for the rest of the ingredients like\\the Dimensional Souls and the
Event_MsgBox("You need to get Spirit Storing Tool to\\store the
Dimensional Souls. Then, you\\need to defeat Cleanser the leader of\\the Cross
Dimensional Beings and\\store his soul in the Spirit Storing Tool.");
Event_MsgBox("The last ingredient for the\\Dimensional Key is the
rare mineral\\called Soul Metal. Soul Metal has\\better strength and flexibility
than any\\other mineral. However, it does not\\exist naturally in this
present\\Dimension. Brave Latra was told to\\look for the Navigator to find the
Soul\\Metal from the other Dimensions.");
Event_MsgBox("When you collect the Star Fragment,\\the
Dimensional Souls and some Soul\\Metal come back to Bareha. If we\\have the
ingredients, it doesn't take\\long to make the Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Believe in your strength.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Star Fragment], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Dimensional Souls], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Soul Metal], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61573);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61574);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61575);

AddPhase(12, 3, "In order to open the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway to

follow\\Latra, collect the Star Fragment, the\\Dimensional Souls, some Soul
Metal\\for the Dimensional Key. Then visit\\Nihilist Bareha at the Ancients
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_Disappear(1, 10289, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10290, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10291, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Just like the brave Latra ... ... You\\have
collected ingredients for the\\Dimensional Key to open the\\Collapsing Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("It is not difficult to make the\\Dimensional Key.
However, It might\\take some time. \\
\\Prepare yourself for the journey through\\the Collapsing Dimensional
Gateway\\while I make the Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("By the time you finish your\\preparations to
transverse for the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway using\\the Dimensional Key, I
will be finished\\with making the Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("the Star Fragment, the Dimensional\\Souls and some
Soul Metal are\\needed to make the Dimensional Key.\\It is not so difficult to make
the\\Dimensional Key if you can collect all\\ingredients.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Train yourself until Bareha the\\Descendant of the Ancients

of the\\Ancients Ruins finishes making the\\Dimensional Key.\\
\\By the time you reach LV 78, the\\Dimensional Key will be finished.");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Trigger_LevelTalk(78, 0x40012115, "I am still making the Dimensional
Key\\to open the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway. Please train for a while\\longer,
brave Adventurer.");
Event_MsgBox("It seems that you are ready to depart\\for the
Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway. The Dimensional Key has\\been completed.");
Event_MsgBox("However, the Dimensional Key is\\something that you
must take great\\care of. The Dimensional Key is not a\\perfect item. \\
\\the Dimensional Key also makes a\\small hole between the Dimensions as\\it opens
the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway. Occasionally, creatures on\\the opposite end
of the small\\Dimensional Gap created by the\\Dimensional Key will cross into
Event_MsgBox("Should this happen, it could mean\\that the Fallen
Archfiend has\\managed to cross into the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway. Though
Latra\\prophesied that she would protect our\\world, prophecies do not always
come\\true. Be on your guard should you\\need to confront the Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("The Dimensional Key will be\\activated once placed
on top of\\Bree's Tomb.");
Event_MsgBox("It is your decision to the Dimensional\\Key or not.
It is ... very likely that you\\will face the Fallen Archfiend when you\\pass
through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway using the\\Dimensional Key.\\
\\On the other hand, should you choose\\not to use the Dimensional Key you
are\\merely prolonging the Fallen\\Archfiend's passage to this world.");
Event_MsgBox("Either way, it is impossible to hold\\back the
power of the Fallen\\Archfiend. That means that there is no\\right and wrong to
your decision, so\\rest easy.");
Event_MsgBox("But the decision is yours to make.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Bree's Tomb], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61576);
Event_Get(1, 10292);
Event_AwardItem(1, 85, 4, 3);
Event_Award(0x19CCC2C, 15000000, 0, 0);
QuestStart(61573, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Star Fragment");
QuestLevel("LV 74");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,588,800 \\- Gold 5,300,000 \\- Item Star
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Gather the first ingredient required\\to make the Dimensional
Key, the\\Star Fragment, from Edlander Wes\\of the Ancients Ruins at the
location\\marked on the map.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Learn about the Star Fragment from\\Edlander Wes, Descendant

of the\\Ancients.");
Phase_Target(750, 866);
Event_MsgBox("I heard about you from Nihilist\\Bareha. I am
Edlander Wes, Keeper\\of the Star Fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("The Star Fragment is a relic left by\\our ancestors
the Ancients. It might be\\more correct to say that it has been\\passed down from
keeper to keeper,\\rather than simply left alone.");
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps you think that their\\civilization was much
more developed\\than our civilization. It is said that the\\Ancients developed
their civilization\\and science up to the level where they\\could create new
species at will.");

Event_MsgBox("However.. \\ \\They were

destroyed by natural\\disasters. So they opened the\\Dimensional Gateway to escape
their\\original world. Some settled here on\\Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("And they lived in peace here for\\many years, but
became complacent\\and their children slowly forgot the\\knowledge of their great-
great-great\\grandparents. How ironic it is that their\\Descendants are once
again\\struggling to recover the knowledge of\\their grandparents.");
Event_MsgBox("The Star Fragment is a kind of a\\mineral found
only in the Dimension\\where our ancestors originated. We\\are not sure what this
is made of.\\What we know for sure is that this can\\not be found on this world.");
Event_MsgBox("... Maybe that is why the Star\\Fragment disappears
if it is removed\\from its special storage place. All that\\can delay its
disappearance is\\carrying it in the hide of a Beholder.");
Event_MsgBox("That is the conclusion of this story. In\\order to
transfer the Star Fragment,\\you need to bring the hides of\\Beholders. I will mark
the location of\\the Beholders on the
map. \\ \\I will be waiting here for you.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Slay 3 Beholders at the location\\marked on the map and skin

them\\for their hides.");
Phase_Target(1191, 1276);
Trigger_Kill(3, 108);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Beholders.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired 3 Beholder Hides.");
Event_Get(3, 10293);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Defeat 3 Beholders and acquire 3\\Beholder Hides at the

location\\marked on the map and deliver them\\to Edlander Wes, Keeper of the
Phase_Target(750, 866);
Event_Disappear(3, 10293, 0);
Event_MsgBox("A pouch made of the Beholder Hides\\will prevent
the disappearance of the\\Star Fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("You have the courage of Latra. We\\hope this Star
Fragment will bring much\\luck to you.");
Event_MsgBox("Good luck in your quest. Keep this\\safe.");
Event_Get(1, 10289);
Event_Award(6588800, 5300000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("In order to transport the Star\\Fragment, you need
a pouch made of\\Beholder Hides. Defeat 3 Beholders\\and bring he their hides.");

QuestStart(61574, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Dimensional Souls");
QuestLevel("LV 76");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,938,100 \\- Gold 4,200,000 \\- Item Dimensional
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Gather the second ingredient\\required to make the
Dimensional\\Key by capturing the Dimensional\\Souls with a Spirit Pipe from
Astidia.\\Defeat Cleanser who collects the\\Dimensional Souls and store
the\\Dimensional Souls within the Spirit\\Pipe");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Obtain a Spirit Pipe from Astidia in\\the Gavial Swamp

Phase_Target(1728, 3348);
Event_MsgBox("What!? You need the Spirit Pipe\\again?!..");
Event_MsgBox("Um.. Might I know ... how the Spirit\\Pipe will be
used? If I'm not prying,\\that is ...");
Event_MsgBox("... \\ \\Oh ..
well.. I've never heard of the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway ... \\
\\But ... If what you say is true, then we\\need to complete our work
quickly,\\don't we?");
Event_MsgBox("Here, I will give you the Spirit Pipe\\that I have.
Please help Latra the\\Ak'Kan Heroine!");
Event_Get(1, 10294);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Place the Spirit Pipe from Astidia in\\the inventory and
defeat 3\\Cleansers.");
Phase_Target(1194, 1225);
Trigger_Kill(3, 110);
Event_Disappear(1, 10294, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Cleansers.");
Event_MsgBox("You have successfully placed the\\Dimensional Souls
collected by\\Cleanser in the Spirit Pipe.");
Event_MsgBox("You have filled your pipe with\\Dimensional
Event_Get(1, 10290);
Event_Award(5938100, 4200000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("In order to collect Dimensional Souls,\\you need to
have a Spirit Pipe in your\\inventory.");

QuestStart(61575, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Soul Metal");
QuestLevel("LV 76");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,938,100 \\- Gold 4,200,000 \\- Item Soul Metal");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Gather the final ingredient required\\to make the Dimensional
Key, by\\acquiring some Soul Metal. Ask the\\Navigators in Almighty Ground how\\to
gather some Soul Metal.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Gather information about the Soul\\Metal from the God's

Pirates\\Navigators at the location marked\\on the map.");
Phase_Target(2747, 2410);
Event_MsgBox("Arr, what did you say? ... Ye be\\talking about the
Soul Metal, arr!?");
Event_MsgBox("Do I be knowing where ye can find\\the rare mineral
Soul Metal? \\ \\Ha-! \\
\\Ye be scurvy .. The Soul Metal be the\\dream treasure of all pirates! That
is\\all I know for certain, me hearty!");
Event_MsgBox("... Oh, If I had been a navigator 20\\years ago. Ha
Ha Ha -");
Event_MsgBox("Hey hearty ... Surely ye don't believe\\the wives'
tale that Descendant of the\\Ancients blah blah blah be spinning\\are ye? ");
Event_MsgBox("What I mean to say is that should\\that Soul Metal
be found, it would build\\ships that neither sink nor crack in the\\harshest seas,
arr. ");
Event_MsgBox("But if ye insist on followin' silly rumors,\\ye
might be able to get some\\information from the retired navigator\\Liger Will! Yo
ho ho!");
Event_MsgBox("If ye are really stuck on trying to visit\\Liger
Will, ye best be careful. He might\\throw ye in Davey Jones' locker at\\anytime.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Visit retired navigator Liger Will of\\God's Pirates and get
information\\about the Soul Metal.");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_MsgBox("A young fellow like yeself knowing the\\rare
mineral Soul Metal ... I want to\\congratulate ye. Before I give ye
your\\information, first ye must tell ol' Liger\\Will why and for what purpose ye
seek\\the Soul Metal.");
Event_MsgBox("... \\
\\Arr.... Finally the Dimensional Gateway\\be collapsing, eh?");
Event_MsgBox("When I was traveling around the\\world on me flying
ship, I once saw the\\Dimensional Gateway. I tried to go\\near but ... the
Dimensional Key was\\the only way to reach it and open it's\\wonders.");
Event_MsgBox("Aye, the Soul Metal has been found,\\me hearty. A
pirate called Raul\\stumbled upon it accidentally during\\his journeys. Once he
brought it on\\board, Raul's Ship never took any\\damage, be it in storm or
fighting\\cannons. I meself once tried hard to\\find me some Soul Metal.");
Event_MsgBox("Unfortunately, the Soul Metal is not a\\mineral
from the Dimension in which\\you and I live. What is fortunate is..");
Event_MsgBox("... that I be lucky enough to have\\succeeded at
finding Soul Metal for\\meself!!");
Event_MsgBox("Normally, I wouldn't give a parrots\\behind if
creatures from other\\Dimensions poured out from the\\Collapsing Dimensional
Gateway But\\if I have to surrender me ship to that\\scurvy the Fallen Archfiend,
I'll be\\angrier than a hurricane.");
Event_MsgBox("So bring this Soul Metal and make\\the Dimensional
Key to open the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway. I\\don't know ye too well, but me
feeling\\is that ye shall be successful at yer\\task.");
Event_MsgBox("Me, Liger Will, will pray that the\\Goddess bring
you fair seas on yer\\journey.");
Event_MsgBox("Don't ye be forgetting about me when\\ye be savin'
the world.");
Event_Get(1, 10291);
Event_Award(5938100, 4200000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61576, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Bree's Tomb");
QuestLevel("LV ??");
QuestAward("- Experience 21,642,500");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Place the Dimensional Key in the\\deepest place in Bree's
Tomb and\\transverse the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway into the\\Dimension where
Latra fights for her\\life. Remember that a Dimensional\\Gate is a two-way portal,
and be\\prepared.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Place the Dimensional Key in the\\Strange Box in the deepest

part of\\Bree's Tomb.");
Phase_Target(717, 1778);
Event_Disappear(1, 10292, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have successfully activated the\\Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("Hordes of Cross-Dimensional\\Creatures have poured
from the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway!");
Event_Spawn(187, 717.81, 146.85, 1778.86);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Report to Bareha that you have\\failed to cross the

Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway using the\\Dimensional Key because the\\creatures
within the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway blocked your\\path.");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_MsgBox("I see that our worst fears have been\\realized. It
is certain that the condition\\of the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway has worsened,
perhaps\\beyond repair ... ");
Event_MsgBox("The dominance of the Fallen\\Archfiend is becoming
more and more\\inevitable.");
Event_MsgBox("In this condition, the Dimensional Key\\that I,
Bareha, made will only transfer\\creatures from the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("With all of the knowledge of\\Descendant of the
Ancients, I know no\\other way to reach the brave Latra. It\\seems the last words
of Latra were\\not a prophecy after all.");
Event_MsgBox("We Descendants expected this\\result so we are not
disappointed ...\\but you might not feel the same.\\Sometimes hope is the worst
thing you\\can have ...");
Event_MsgBox("There is little time left in this world,
but\\please visit us again whenever you\\can. Whatever happens, the lives
of\\Descendant of the Ancients and\\Nihilist Bareha will trudge
Event_MsgBox("I will pray that good luck blesses you\\for the
remainder of your short life.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Journey's Report], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61577);
Event_Award(0x14A3D04, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61577, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Journey's Report");
QuestLevel("LV 80");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,410,600 \\- Gold 2,900,000\\- Ramir's Warning
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Report to Ramir of God's Pirates\\what happened during your
quest to\\find Latra.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Ramir of God's Pirates in the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_MsgBox("Ah ... I can see that you have\\successfully
finished your long journey\\safely. I hope my twin brother Ruan\\wasn't impolite to
Event_MsgBox("Allow me to read your trip ... I see ...\\the
Collapsing Dimensional Gateway\\guarded by the Descendants of the\\Ancients ... ...
Bree and Death Bringer\\entered into this Dimension through the\\Gateway's
cracks ... ... and ... what is\\this? The Lord of Darkness ... the\\Ancient
Guardian ... who has come to\\stop them and restore balance!");
Event_MsgBox("... Finally ... I see the Fallen\\Archfiend,
Breaker of Balance,\\Destroyer of Worlds ... and Latra who\\fights vainly against
him. Unfortunately\\... Latra's powers grow weaker by the\\minute ... she is almost
at the mercy of\\the Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("It is very unfortunate that the\\Dimensional Key,
which you struggled\\so hard to build was of no use ...");
Event_MsgBox("But perhaps there is a fortunate\\result with this
string of unfortunate\\circumstances! The story of the\\Collapsing Dimensional
Gateway has\\been spreading around Caernarvon by\\a magician who suddenly
Event_MsgBox("Go to the Caernarvon with\\Navigators of God's
Pirates. Look for\\the magician in Caernarvon. \\
\\Perhaps he has the key to crossing the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("When you request for help from them,\\give them
this letter. I've detailed all\\the dire consequences of ignoring the\\situation
around the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway within it.\\However, young Adventurer,
to\\proceed with this task, you must first\\align yourself with one nation or
the\\other to proceed with this task. Those\\to whom you chose to deliver this
letter\\- it is their nation that will help you\\along your way. The choice lies
literally\\in your hands, young one. Fine fortune\\to you.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\You can reach Caernarvon with the\\sailors in the harbor at Pirate's Bluff.\\Go
to Caernarvon continent by riding\\on the ship corresponding to
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Only the first nation you give the letter\\to will help. That is, if you change
the\\nationality while carrying out the\\Caernarvon quest, then you will not
be\\able to do the quest again. So,\\carefully choose your nationality and\\then
proceed with the quest.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Mysterious Magician], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10329);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012029, 61589);
Event_Award(5410600, 2900000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61584, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61577, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Calas' Request");
QuestLevel("LV 81");
QuestAward("- Experience 18,844,800\\- Gold 9,500,000");
QuestDesc("So what would you like to know?\\No rumor around here can
escapes\\the me. Ho Ho. Ask me");
QuestShortDesc("Gather information about the\\Mysterious Magician who
is\\spreading the rumors about the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway in\\Caernarvon
and hunt him down");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk to Calas");

Event_MsgBox("Oh ho ... You want to know about the\\recent rumors
circulating about the\\Mysterious Magician, right friend?");
Event_MsgBox("I thought it was a total rumor, but do\\you know
any other stories related to\\Mysterious Magician?");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Bring Ramir's Warning Letter to\\Calas.\\

\\[Note] If you ask for help from Calas\\using Ramir's Warning Letter, you\\can
only take quests about the\\Mysterious Magician from Kartefant.\\
\\[Note] If you already used your\\Ramir's Warning Letter to side with\\another
nation, you cannot continue\\with this quest for the Kartefant\\Nation.");
Phase_Target(1103, 1051);
Event_Disappear(1, 10329, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It wasn't very long ago.. He arrived\\at Middle
Camp and immediately\\began telling everyone that the end of\\the world was
Event_MsgBox("Hmm... If you're so interested in him, I\\believe I
can introduce you to a person\\who knows more about that\\Mysterious Magician.. But
first, can\\you do me a favor?");
Event_MsgBox("Have you seen Gnolls around here?\\Among their
filthy kind, the Gnoll\\Warriors annoy us merchants the\\most! They steal things
and threaten\\us! Caernarvon is a difficult enough\\place to conduct business
under\\constant threat of attack, without\\these troublesome Gnolls
Event_MsgBox("Could youw chase 5 of them away\\from here?\\
\\Hmmm.. It shouldn't be hard for brave\\adventurer like you..");
Event_MsgBox("Good luck to you.");
Event_MsgBox("I can't just help you with rumor only.\\Do you have
any proof for the rumor?");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You need Ramir's Letter to take the\\quest. If you have asked other\\countries
for help, you can only go on\\quests regarding the Mysterious\\Magician from those

AddPhase(8, 3, "Defeat 5 Gnoll Warriors at the\\location marked on the map");

Phase_Target(1049, 1118);
Trigger_Kill(5, 120);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Gnoll Warriors.");
Event_MsgBox("Return to Calas in Middle Camp and\\ask again about
the Mysterious\\Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 4, "Return to Calas in Middle Camp\\and ask again about the

Phase_Target(1103, 1051);
Event_MsgBox("Wow! You defeated them so fast!\\Thank you.");
Event_MsgBox("As I said, he was recently spreading\\rumors that
the would be destroyed.\\General Selena, the female general in\\charge of the
Kartefant Army in Green\\Wales might know something about\\him.");
Event_MsgBox("... Everything that happens in\\Caernarvon is
reported to her. If\\anyone knows, she would. Hope I was\\able to help! Heh
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [General Selena], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40008101, 61585);
Event_Award(0x11F8C80, 9500000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61585, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("General Selena");
QuestLevel("LV 84");
QuestAward("- Experience 49,022,150 \\- Gold 20,000,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Meet with General Selena of the\\Kartefant Army in Green
Wales and\\gather information about the\\Mysterious Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Meet General Selena of Green\\Wales at the location marked on

the\\map and get information about the\\Mysterious Magician.");
Phase_Target(1107, 2581);
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. I am General Selena,\\leader of Green
Event_MsgBox("..You must be here because of the\\recent rumors
concerning the\\Mysterious Magician. We are\\investigating him thoroughly as
Event_MsgBox("Excuse me, but I must ask ... Why\\does the
Mysterious Magician concern\\you?");
Event_MsgBox("... \\ \\Oh..
My.... Your tale sounds like the\\ranting of a crazy person ... However,\\if Mihael
of Almighty Ground is also\\worried about the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway then
I have no\\choice but to trust you ... ");
Event_MsgBox("If what you are saying is true, chaos\\worse than
the Caernarvon war is\\imminent. Life is enough of a hell\\already!");
Event_MsgBox("As a General of the Kartefant Army, I\\will do
anything to be help to you. But\\... as a fellow soldier for the Kartefant\\Nation,
could you help me with a little\\thing as well?");
Event_MsgBox("You said, you have defeated the\\Gnoll Warriors as
a favor to Calas of\\Middle Camp right? Well, it is very hard\\to command the
defense of the Middle\\Camp from here.");
Event_MsgBox("Please deliver this scroll to General\\Niche of
Middle Camp.");
Event_Get(1, 10296);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Deliver the Selena's Letter to\\Niche, the General in Middle

Camp\\at the location marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(1107, 1084);
Event_Disappear(1, 10296, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good day! I am General Niche from\\the glorious
beginning of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("What did ya say? You brought me a\\scroll from the
dainty hand o' General\\Selena of Green Wales!? \\
\\Good! Hand it over, bairn!");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...Hum");
Event_MsgBox("She sent the letter personally\\because of the
recent Gnoll attacks in\\Middle Camp! I can't help but be\\touched by the attention
of the fair\\General ...");
Event_MsgBox("Great! You, soldier of the great\\Kartefant Nation,
off you go! Deal with\\this problem! According to the letter\\from the General, you
must slay three\\Death tad Gnoll Prince leading the\\Gnolls first.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I will mark down the location of\\the Gnoll
Princes myself, laddy! You\\have to defeat them and bring back\\some Gnoll Armor
Fragments as proof\\of your victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Well well! If you be wanting to talk\\with heroic
master Niche then ye\\needn't hesitate there, bairn.");
AddPhase(8, 3, "Battle 3 Gnoll Princes at the\\location marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(1334, 1242);
Trigger_Kill(3, 122);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Gnoll Princes\\and saved
fragments of their armor to\\show Niche.");
Event_MsgBox("Report back to Middle Camp's\\General Niche.");
Event_Get(3, 10297);

AddPhase(8, 4, "Report back to Middle Camp's\\General Niche and show him

the\\Gnoll Armor Fragments.");
Phase_Target(1107, 1084);
Event_Disappear(3, 10297, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha! Without doubt ya must\\have defeated them
beautifully right?");
Event_MsgBox("Here! Take this. If you bring this to\\General
Selena in Green Wales, she\\will give you a bit o' gold to line that\\pouch o'
Event_MsgBox("This is ah ... your wonderful work so I\\think you
should be the one receiving\\the reward. Then be gone with ya!");
Event_Get(1, 10298);
Event_MsgBox("I have marked the location of the\\Gnoll Princes
for you. Be ya daft?\\Even a bairn could find their way!");

AddPhase(8, 5, "Deliver the Gnoll Report to General\\Selena of Green Wales in

the\\location marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(1107, 2581);
Event_Disappear(1, 10298, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. You personally delivered\\General
Niche's report from Middle\\Camp. This is very good. I have\\something to tell
Event_MsgBox("... Oh my.. you solved the problem of\\the Gnolls
near Middle Camp yourself?\\I think Niche might have been impolite\\to ask you to
do so ... But I thank you,\\and I will reward you in accordance\\with the laws of
the Kartefant Nation.");
Event_MsgBox("But besides that ... I learned that\\there is more
information regarding our\\friend the Mysterious Magician you\\were asking about. I
have not yet\\received the report ... But perhaps you\\can retrieve it for me. I
will share all\\that's inside if you do.");
Event_MsgBox("It will be of great help to Mihael. Visit\\Aida ...
her nickname is the Fox on the\\Battlefield in Middle Camp. She will be\\of help to
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Fox on the Battlefield], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40009009, 61586);
Event_Award(0x2EC04C6, 0x1312D00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Has Niche solved the problems with\\the Gnolls
QuestStart(61586, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, false);
QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Fox on the Battlefield");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 50,850,600 \\- Gold 12,000,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Get information on the Mysterious\\Magician from Aida the Fox
on the\\Battlefield in Middle Camp.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Meet Aida of Middle Camp in the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(1110, 1051);
Event_MsgBox("... Master Selena has sent you, I can\\tell. Nice
to see you ... ");
Event_MsgBox("Certainly you are here to get\\information about
the recent rumors\\from the Mysterious Magician, right?\\I'll tell you right now
that I am a bit\\disappointed that Master Selena did\\not come here herself.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, no matter. I just have to get my\\reward for
the information, so .... Is the\\source of the information important to\\you?");
Event_MsgBox("It was very difficult to dig up anything\\on that
Mysterious Magician. Despite\\the fact that war-torn Caernarvon has\\spies in every
direction and on every\\side, he completely slipped past my\\senses. That's why the
information is\\more expensive ...");
Event_MsgBox("I can tell by the look in your eyes that\\you don't
give a damn, do you? You\\need this information at any cost!");
Event_MsgBox("Let's get back to business. I know\\where the
Mysterious Magician is\\now. I require two things as reward for\\the
Event_MsgBox("First I want the Kingdom Diamond.\\Then, I want a
letter from Hartman of\\Green Wales. \\ \\The
Kingdom Diamond can be\\acquired from the foulest of all leaders\\... Helmire of
Green Wales. Hartman is\\also in Green Wales. \\
\\So how about it? Isn't it worth the price?");
Event_MsgBox("I will be waiting. Let me remind you\\that there
are plenty of people about\\who want this information.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Kingdom Diamond], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Niche's Network], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40009014, 61587);
Event_AddQuest(0x40009014, 61588);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Collect both the Kingdom Diamond\\and the Hartman's Letter

and\\deliver them to Aida, the Fox on the\\Battlefield, in Middle Camp and
learn\\the location of the Mysterious\\Magician");
Phase_Target(1110, 1051);
Event_Disappear(1, 10299, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10300, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have brought items that I have\\wanted.
Event_MsgBox("Now, I will tell you about the old\\magician who is
spreading rumors\\about the Dimensional Gateway in\\Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("His name is Sheminke. Yes. It is very\\strange
name, for now, we shall know\\hams simply as Sheminke.");
Event_MsgBox("Sheminke has told everyone that he\\is not from
this world. He says that he\\came from another Dimension through\\the Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("It was very dangerous for him to\\come here, but he
himself does not\\present a danger to us.");
Event_MsgBox("He added that the seal on the\\Dimensional Gateway
linking this\\Dimension to the other Dimensions has\\Collapsing and soon,
dangerous\\creatures will pour out from the\\Gateway and bring chaos to our
Event_MsgBox("It was a most interesting story.\\Despite the fact
that that Sheminke\\might be only the crazy old guy that\\everyone thinks he is and
despite the\\fact that this continent is already quite\\acquainted with the chaos
of war, I\\found his tale ... intriguing.");
Event_MsgBox("His story ends there. But he told me\\that he wants
to stop the Gateway\\from leaking hordes of demons or\\whatever from this other
Dimension. He\\also requested a medal from me.");
Event_MsgBox("He thanked me for listening to all his\\stories and
asked me to visit him once\\I have fulfilled his request. He handed\\me this
Teleport Scroll to locate him.");
Event_MsgBox("As a reward for your efforts, I will give\\you the
Teleport Scroll and medal he\\asked me to bring. Now you can go\\and visit
Event_MsgBox("It seems like our business\\successfully drawn to a
close. But I\\don't doubt I will meet you again. I\\have many useful things at
my\\fingertips. Hu Hu.. \\ \\Farewell then.");
Event_MsgBox("Take this Teleport Scroll to see\\Sheminke, and use
this Medal to show\\that you have my permisson");
Event_Get(1, 10310);
Event_Get(1, 10309);
Event_Award(0x307EB28, 12000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have not collected all items that\\I have
requested. Be off, lazy\\Adventurer!");

QuestStart(61587, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Kingdom Diamond");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 81,701,952 \\- Gold 24,000,000 \\- Item Kingdom
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Visit Helmire of Green Wales in\\Caernarvon, obtain the
Kingdom\\Diamond, and deliver it to Aida of\\Middle Camp in exchange
for\\information about the Mysterious\\Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Meet with Helmire of Green Wales\\to get the Kingdom Diamond
in the\\location marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(1191, 2641);
Event_MsgBox("You very lucky to find Commander\\Helmire at a good
time. What brings\\you here, chum?");
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha! You came to get the\\Kingdom Diamond!?
Oh, that's rich.\\Let me see.. Hmm. Seems you've had\\a bit more training, but
you're rather\\puny, aren't you? Nothing more than a\\babe.");
Event_MsgBox("The Kingdom Diamond is a reward\\designed
personally by yours truly,\\Commander Helmire to be bestowed on\\the greatest hero
of the Kartefant\\Nation who fought valiantly for its\\honor. Did you know that?");
Event_MsgBox("That is to say, it will be granted only\\to those
warriors who will vanquish\\those accursed Headless Knights for\\the glory of
Event_MsgBox("Be gone. Should you show me that\\you are worthy to
receive the honor\\then I shall give you an opportunity to\\share my glory.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Train to level 89 and return to\\Helmire and accept his

challenge\\for the Kingdom Diamond.");
Phase_Target(1191, 2641);
Trigger_LevelTalk(89, 0x40009012, "Be gone. Should you show me
that\\you are worthy to receive the honor\\then I shall give you an opportunity
to\\share my glory.");
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. You are only on the border of\\being worthy
of this challenge, but ...\\Your efforts are remarkable. Oh Oh..\\you needn't thank
me now! I am very\\generous man. Ha Ha.");
Event_MsgBox("What are you waiting for? Shouldn't\\you defeat
three of the cursed\\Headless Knights now? Of course you\\shall need to bring three
vials of\\Headless Knight Blood as evidence of\\your victory.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, Don't forget this! You just barely\\made the
cut! Ha Ha Ha!");

AddPhase(8, 3, "Battle 3 Headless Knights at the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(1099, 2893);
Trigger_Kill(3, 128);
Event_MsgBox("You are victorious over 3 Headless\\Knights.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired 3 vials of\\Headless Knight Blood
to show to\\Helmire as proof of your victory.");
Event_Get(3, 10301);

AddPhase(8, 4, "Deliver the vials of Headless\\Knight Blood to Helmire of

Green\\Wales as proof of the Headless\\Knights defeat.");
Phase_Target(1191, 2641);
Event_Disappear(3, 10301, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. I will be honest with you..\\I was
unsure of you. I was worried\\that you would be killed by the\\Headless Knights.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, Now, it is the glorious moment\\of receiving
the Kingdom Diamond\\personally awarded by Master Helmire.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, chap, your reputation will soar\\as high as
the sky! Just like my own,\\the amazing Commander Helmire! You\\can bet on
Event_MsgBox("Do your best for the glory of\\Kartefant and
Commander Helmire!");
Event_Get(1, 10299);
Event_Award(0x4DEAC40, 0x16E3600, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What are you waiting for? Shouldn't\\you defeat
three of the cursed\\Headless Knights now?");

QuestStart(61588, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Niche's Network");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestAward("- Experience 49,639,600 \\- Gold 14,000,000 \\- Item Hartman's
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Meet with Hartman of Green Wales\\in Caernarvon and
deliver\\Hartman's Letter to Aida of Middle\\Camp in exchange for
information\\about the Mysterious Magician");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Find Hartman of Green Wales to\\acquire Hartman's Letter at

the\\location marked on the map.");
Phase_Target(1090, 2568);
Event_MsgBox("Hum? You are a new customer, right\\...?");
Event_MsgBox("Oh Oh.. The Fox on the Battlefield\\must have sent
you. \\ \\Aida is known as Fox on the
Battlefield\\to us because she sneaks around like\\a fox and gathers information
about\\the battle to sell.");
Event_MsgBox("No information floating around\\Caernarvon can
escape the Fox on\\the Battlefield. I don't know what she\\has planned this time,
but I can tell you\\this..");
Event_MsgBox("Hmm. The information the Fox on the\\Battlefield
needs from me this time is\\about the relics in northwestern\\Caernarvon.. I am
happy to be paid\\for this, but ... I wonder why Aida\\wants to know this kind of
Event_MsgBox("I won't give the information away for\\free, but
I'll reward you for your efforts\\with Hartman's Letter for Aida. \\
\\Heh. The Fox on the Battlefield will\\never change.");
Event_MsgBox("Great. If you want to deliver this\\information to
Aida ... I need Minotaur\\Horns. Five big ones.");
Event_MsgBox("You don't have to wonder too far,\\Adventurer. Even
if you tell Aida about\\this, nothing is going to change. Just\\go and get the
horns. I will mark the\\location on the map.");
Event_MsgBox("Be careful, Minotaurs are strong.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Hunt 5 Minotaurs at the location\\marked on the map, and saw

off\\their horns for Hartman.");
Phase_Target(851, 1104);
Trigger_Kill(5, 125);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Minotaurs.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired 5 Minotaur Horns.");
Event_Get(5, 10302);

AddPhase(8, 3, "Deliver the five Minotaur Horns to\\Hartman of Green Wales");

Phase_Target(1090, 2568);
Event_Disappear(5, 10302, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Ho.. You are back. Minotaur\\Horns are used to
bewitch warriors on\\the battlefield, giving their owner\\ultimate power.");
Event_MsgBox("In actual reality, it simply befuddles\\the mind so
that warriors can't\\remember what they are doing. A\\simple hypnosis effect.");
Event_MsgBox("Since you have paid for this, I will\\give you
Hartman's Letter. Deliver this\\to Fox on the Battlefield.");
Event_Get(1, 10300);
Event_Award(0x2F570B0, 14000000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61589, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Mysterious Magician");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestAward("- Experience 118,102,700 \\- Gold 32,000,000\\- C Grade Item
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Talk to people in Caernarvon and\\try to find the whereabouts
of the\\Mysterious Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Track down the Mysterious\\Magician by gathering information

Event_Disappear(1, 10309, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It's the first ... time. ... someone has\\visited
Sheminke by himself.");
Event_MsgBox("It helps to use patience learned from\\here. You
are very welcome.");
Event_AwardItem(1, 90, 4, 3);
Event_Award(0x70A1AAC, 0x1E84800, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("How did you find me?! Do you by\\chance have
Sheminke's Medal? I\\won't say a thing without seeing\\Sheminke's Medal first.");

QuestStart(61590, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61577, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Rumors Clouded in Smoke");
QuestLevel("LV 80");
QuestAward("-Experience 16,231,900\\- Gold 8,700,000");
QuestDesc("Without desire, without knowledge,\\you have followed the smoky
rumors\\here. How can this old man be of\\help to you, snapper?");
QuestShortDesc("Ask Nomaos in Roche Camp of the\\Merkhadian Nation on
Caernarvon\\about the Mysterious Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk to Nomaos");

Event_MsgBox("Nice to meet you. ho ho..");
Event_MsgBox("I am Nomaos. I was the Ak'Kan\\Elder for the
Merkhadian Nation on\\Caernarvon continent until recently,\\but I am very relieved
to have resigned\\from that position. Oh ho ho");
Event_MsgBox("Is that right... Because you are\\curious about
Mysterious Magician. If\\you can help use, it's an honor but this\\is a delicate
matter I have to be\\careful. Do you have anything which\\can prove yourself?");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Show Ramir's Warning Letter to\\Nomaos in Roche Camp

on\\Caernarvon and ask for help.\\ \\[Note] If
you ask for help with\\Ramir's Warning Letter to Nomaos,\\you can only take
Merkhadian\\quests related to the Mysterious\\Magician.\\
\\[Note] If you already used your\\Ramir's Warning Letter to side with\\another
nation, you cannot continue\\with this quest for the Merkhadian\\Nation.");
Phase_Target(3056, 1463);
Event_Disappear(1, 10329, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The letter... You must be coming to\\this continent
of war zone because of\\the recent Caernarvon's smokey rumor\\of Mysterious
Event_MsgBox("I do not know why but.. I called you\\because
somehow I thought I should\\help you. Please understand this.");
Event_MsgBox("To find an information about\\Mysterious Magician,
You need to go\\find Inaco in this war zone of\\continent Clauzhuz.");
Event_MsgBox("I must be old now.. I can't see\\through further
than that. Rests are\\depends on your luck. Go find Inaco.");
Event_MsgBox("He is a new elder of Merkhadia. Go\\see him not
even expecting any words\\from him. The first clue will show up\\only by that.");
Event_MsgBox("This old man wishes you a good luck.");
Event_MsgBox("I can't help you if you just came\\because you
heard the rumor. I am\\sorry. hmmmm..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You need Ramir's Letter to take the\\quest. You can only take the quest\\after
you ask for help to other\\countries with Ramir's Letter.");

AddPhase(8, 3, "Refer coordination on the map, see\\Inaco the Ak'Kan Elder

of\\Merkhadia in Clauzhuz on\\Caernarvon");
Phase_Target(3284, 3008);
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. I am Inaco the Ak'Kan\\Elder of
Event_MsgBox("..But you have wasted your time if\\you came here
to get information\\about the Mysterious Magician.\\Indeed, what else would you
have\\come for..");
Event_MsgBox("Its unfortunate, but I have nothing to\\tell you. I
will have no business with\\stinky creatures that use weird magic\\like the
Event_MsgBox("I am suggesting to you as a fellow\\Merkhadian ...
What you should be\\doing is following orders in Roche\\Camp and helping Nomaos
instead of\\chasing after useless rumors.");
Event_MsgBox("Please go back.");

AddPhase(8, 4, "Find Nomaos of Roche Camp in the\\location marked on the

Phase_Target(3056, 1463);
Event_MsgBox("Oh well.. I might have expected it....\\There is
disappointment in everything.");
Event_MsgBox("As Inaco the new the Ak'Kan Elder\\has told you,
meet with Satiros and\\work to preserve the peace of this\\camp. He will explain
many things that\\will help you, young Ak'Kan.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Path to a Meaningful\\Place], has been added to your Quest\\List
Event_AddQuest(0x40009124, 61591);
Event_Award(0xF7ADDC, 8700000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61591, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Path to a Meaningful Place");
QuestLevel("LV 84");
QuestAward("- Experience 49,022,200 \\- Gold 20,000,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Satiros and help him with\\preserve the peace in Roche
Camp\\as Nomaos suggested.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Locate Satiros of Roche Camp in\\the location marked on the

Phase_Target(3069, 1473);
Event_MsgBox("I am Satiros, Guardian of Roche\\Camp just like
Master Nomaos. You\\want to help me with my work?");
Event_MsgBox("On the battlefield, a warrior's aid is\\always is
needed. What more can I\\ask in a battle like this?");
Event_MsgBox("Ak'Kan warrior, you must complete\\two tasks for
me. First, defeat 5 Gnoll\\Knights near the area.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you defeat all of the Gnoll\\Knights, I will
give you your second\\task. Good luck!");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Slaughter 5 Gnoll Knights near\\Roche Camp at the location

marked\\on the map.");
Phase_Target(2926, 1500);
Trigger_Kill(5, 121);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Gnoll Knights.");
Event_MsgBox("Report to Satiros of Roche Camp.");

AddPhase(8, 3, "Report to Satiros of Roche Camp\\that you have defeated the

Phase_Target(3069, 1473);
Event_MsgBox("You have done well, Ak'Kan warrior.\\You must be
quite familiar with these\\terrible creatures to work so fast.");
Event_MsgBox("Ak'Kan warrior, I have given you\\your first task!
Defeat the Gnoll\\Knights! Warriors keep their word, and\\do what they have to
Event_MsgBox("Recently the Gnolls have increased\\in power and
number. They often\\attack the Roche Camp. Their savage\\siege seems endless.");
Event_MsgBox("Many think that the Gnoll Knights\\lead the Gnoll
monsters. They are\\wrong. I have uncovered the true\\reason that the Gnolls are
attacking\\more frequently ... It is because of the\\recent rise of the Giant Gnoll
Knight\\among Gnolls.");
Event_MsgBox("Ak'Kan warrior, can you defeat one\\Giant Gnoll
Knight? When you attack\\the Giant Gnoll Knight be wary of the\\Gnolls nearby
guarding it. Good\\Fortune!");

AddPhase(8, 4, "Challenge 1 Giant Gnoll Knight at\\the location marked on the

Phase_Target(2588, 1313);
Trigger_Kill(1, 188);
Event_MsgBox("You have triumphed over the Giant\\Gnoll Knight.");
Event_MsgBox("Report to Satiros of Roche Camp.");

AddPhase(8, 5, "Report to Satiros of Roche Camp\\that you have defeated the

Giant\\Gnoll Knight.");
Phase_Target(3069, 1473);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated the Giant Gnoll\\Knight! It must
have been hard to\\defeat.");
Event_MsgBox("The Giant Gnoll Knight is a mutant\\Gnoll. This
worries Master Nomaos.");
Event_MsgBox("Despite the fact that Master Nomaos\\has resigned
from the position of\\Ak'Kan Elder I believe that his skills\\are still excellent.
I am certain that he\\is waiting for someone to solve the\\recent rumors
surrounding the\\Mysterious Magician.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe that will be you, the Ak'Kan\\warrior!
Anyway, thank you for helping\\Satiros. Oh, by the way, I heard that\\Lapatrop of
Clauzhuz knows about the\\Mysterious Magician. I know that\\gossip is not worthy of
the tongues of\\warriors like ourselves, but I thought it\\might be some help to
Event_MsgBox("Maybe what I am telling you will be\\included in
the prophecy of Master\\Nomaos. Ok ... My work here seems to\\be finished. Good
Fortune to you.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [On the Rumor's Trail], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40009125, 61592);
Event_Award(0x2EC04F8, 0x1312D00, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61592, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("On the Rumor's Trail");
QuestLevel("LV 86");
QuestAward("- Experience 39,500,600 \\- Gold 14,000,000 \\-Item Lightning
Kwen Heart");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Lapatrop of Clauzhuz in\\Caernarvon on a tip from
Satiros\\and get information about the\\Mysterious Magician");
AddPhase(8, 1, "Find Lapatrop of Clauzhuz at the\\location marked on the
Phase_Target(3296, 3023);
Event_MsgBox("Your courage amazes me! That you\\would come to see
Lapatrop with such\\a weak mind ... it is like an open\\book. Anyway, it's nice to
meet you.");
Event_MsgBox("What Satiros of Roche Camp has\\told you is true. I
personally have met\\the Mysterious Magician ... But what\\proof do you have that
Satiros sent\\you? Even if I believe that, how can I\\trust myself for believing in
you enough\\to tell you the story!");
Event_MsgBox("I have lost my hometown! I have lost\\my hometown
during this useless\\bloody war that destroys innocent\\lives. However, I have
survived to\\discover those that destroyed my home.");
Event_MsgBox("How can I believe anyone? All I can\\believe is
honesty itself. Prove to me\\that you are honest by passing a\\simple test.");
Event_MsgBox("Do you know the Wings of Death? It\\is a dangerous
creature that frightens\\the sky itself. They even kill others of\\their own race
and eat their hearts.\\But there are those animals that can\\resist the Wings of
Event_MsgBox("They are the Lightning Kwen. Despite\\the fact that
they are weaker than the\\Wings of Death, Lightning Kwen are\\not get attacked by
them. I do not\\know why but I think that it is because\\the hearts of the Wings of
Death are\\so evil that only honesty can destroy\\them. The hearts of Lightning
Kwen\\are honest, and are therefore\\poisonous to the horrible Wings of\\Death.
They do not attack the hearts\\of the Lightning Kwen.");
Event_MsgBox("In fact, the heart of a Lightning Kwen\\can only be
acquired by a truly honest\\person. Bring me the heart of a\\Lightning Kwen and
prove your\\honesty.");
Event_MsgBox("Lightning Kwen are difficult to find.\\But if you
are honest, they should not\\be a problem. I will be expecting you.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Hunt a Lightning Kwen and cut out\\its honest Heart.");

Phase_Target(3440, 2237);
Trigger_Kill(1, 189);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated a Lightning Kwen.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired a Lightning Kwen\\Heart.");
Event_Get(1, 10304);

AddPhase(8, 3, "Deliver the Lightning Kwen Heart to\\Lapatrop of Clauzhuz.");

Phase_Target(3296, 3023);
Event_Disappear(1, 10304, 0);
Event_MsgBox("This is.. ... a heart of a.. ...
Event_MsgBox("You are a honest person!\\
\\Ok. I will tell you about the Mysterious\\Magician.");
Event_MsgBox("I don't want you to think that I am\\strange. \\
\\I saw the Mysterious Magician ... in my\\dream. ... but I can not say it was
only\\a dream.");
Event_MsgBox("It was far too clear to be a dream.\\The Mysterious
Magician told me this:\\That he wanted to find an Ak'Kan who\\truly believes and
that Ak'Kan is me.");
Event_MsgBox("He asked me if I believe in the\\creators. That is,
I mean, he asked if I\\knew the creators of the Ak'Kan. He\\told me that he is
trying to find the\\place where they lived.");
Event_MsgBox("I can not remember it all for it was a\\strange
story but ... he told me that the\\Fallen Archfiend is trying to manifest in\\this
world through the Dimensional\\Gateway built by the creators of the\\Ak'Kan.");
Event_MsgBox("However, I was not able to answer\\any of his
questions. The Ak'Kan\\people were not created and I have\\never heard of the
Event_MsgBox("Then ... .. I woke up and he was\\gone ...");
Event_MsgBox("Actually, I do not believe that it was a\\dream.
But the Lightning Kwen Heart\\that you brought is telling me that my\\dream was
real ...");
Event_MsgBox("This is the extent of what I know. \\
\\Bring the Lightning Kwen Heart to\\Nomaos. He might be able to give you\\some
advice. The Lightning Kwen\\Heart will help you find the truth that\\you are
Event_MsgBox("I have lost my hometown, but I am\\trying to build
a new home on\\Caernarvon ... A home for my children.");
Event_MsgBox("If the story of the Mysterious Magician\\is the
true then .. You must stop the\\Fallen Archfiend! Please! I wish you\\good fortune
on your journey.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Heart of Honesty], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10304);
Event_AddQuest(0x40009123, 61593);
Event_Award(0x25ABB38, 14000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Lightning Kwen can not be seen or\\felt by one
without honesty.");

QuestStart(61593, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Heart of Honesty");
QuestLevel("LV 86");
QuestAward("- Experience 13,166,900 \\- Gold 4,700,000 \\- Item Lightning
Kwen Heart");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Deliver the Lightning Kwen Heart to\\Nomaos of Roche Camp
as\\requested by Lapatrop and get his\\advice.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Deliver the Lightning Kwen Heart to\\Nomaos of Roche Camp

Phase_Target(3056, 1463);
Event_Disappear(1, 10304, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The Lightning Kwen Heart.. The\\Jewel of
Honesty ...");
Event_MsgBox("The Jewel of Honesty moves the\\possessor ever
closer to the truth ..");
Event_MsgBox("This Jewel of Honesty has started to\\disappear ...
Maybe, it means that you\\are near to the truth already.");
Event_MsgBox("You do not need the advice of this\\old man
anymore. Turn around and go\\back.");
Event_MsgBox("And face the truth that you must\\face. And may the
Blessings of Latra\\be with you always..");
Event_Award(13166900, 4700000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps you forgot to bring that item\\that proves
your honesty? Oh ho ho ...");

QuestStart(61696, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61593, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Win-Win Situation I");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestAward("- Experience 70,861,602 \\- Gold 19,000,000");
QuestDesc("He He He! Young fella you are\\looking too hard for the truth!
Maybe\\I have got what you want also!\\Shall we strike a deal? I can give\\you
clues to the whereabouts of the\\Mysterious Magician! Khee khee\\Khee ...");
QuestShortDesc("Go to Roche Camp in Caernarvon,\\listen to Narcy's demands,
and learn\\the whereabouts of the Mysterious\\Magician.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk to Narcy");

Event_MsgBox("Ah, you are so young! Khee hee hee..");
Event_MsgBox("I tell you are almost an adult ... I can\\smell it!
... but I'm still not too sure you\\can defeat the Headless Knights!\\Khee ...");
Event_MsgBox("Come back when you are older.. An\\adult who can
defeat a Headless\\Knight ... Then I will let you do business\\with Narcy. Khee hee

AddPhase(8, 2, "Train until level 89 and then return\\to Narcy.");

Phase_Target(3056, 1490);
Trigger_LevelTalk(89, 0x40009129, "Hey Kid, You are nowhere
near\\strong enough for my challenge. Ha ha\\ha!");
Event_MsgBox("Here, yes .. You have become an\\adult, someone
that that Narcy would\\like to deal with ...");
Event_MsgBox("What you want to know is where the\\Mysterious
Magician called Sheminke\\is located right? Khee hee ... ");
Event_MsgBox("That man Sheminke.. ... he is really\\strange.. ...
worse than I, Narcy! Khee\\hee.");
Event_MsgBox("Fine.. Lets start our deal! \\
\\I need the ingredients for a reagent.\\You don't need to know what the\\reagent
is, ok?");
Event_MsgBox("Just find the things on this list. If you\\can
bring them to me, I will trade what\\you brought for the information that
you\\need. Khee hee.");
Event_MsgBox("You better hurry! I am very impatient.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Win-Win Situation II], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40009129, 61697);
Event_Get(1, 10305);

AddPhase(8, 3, "Gather all the ingredients on\\Narcy's Ingredient List and

deliver\\them to Narcy of Roche Camp in\\Caernarvon, and gather information\\about
the location of the Mysterious\\Magician Sheminke.");
Phase_Target(3056, 1490);
Event_Disappear(1, 10305, 0);
Event_Disappear(5, 10306, 0);
Event_Disappear(3, 10307, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10308, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Minotaur Horns ... Kwen Claws ...\\Headless Knight
Blood ... Great,\\great.. You've got them all ... Khee hee\\hee.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, as promised this is the Teleport\\Scroll to
go to Sheminke and\\Sheminke's Medal. That is how he will\\know you can be trusted.
Khee hee\\hee!");
Event_MsgBox("That crazy Sheminke came to be not\\so long ago and
told me his story..\\Khee hee! \\ \\He said
that the end of the world is\\near or something!? \ Khee hee hee!");
Event_MsgBox("Anyway, it is a wonderful news to\\me, right? That
means I don't have to\\kill all my enemies myself! \\
\\So I agreed with him and he gave me\\these items. He said to visit him if I\\want
to help him or something. Khee\\hee hee!");
Event_MsgBox("That crazy Magician. Khee hee hee!");
Event_MsgBox("Our transaction is complete. We both\\have what is
important to us... Khee\\hee hee.");
Event_MsgBox("Hey, let's not meet each other again,\\ok?.. Khee
hee hee!");
Event_Get(1, 10311);
Event_Get(1, 10309);
Event_Award(0x4394322, 0x121EAC0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61697, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Win-Win Situation II");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestAward("- Experience 61,275,900\\- Gold 13,100,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Retrieve all the items on Narcy's\\Ingredient List.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Defeat 5 Minotaurs and collect 5\\Minotaur Horns");

Phase_Target(3051, 1034);
Trigger_Kill(5, 125);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Minotaurs.");
Event_MsgBox("You have sawed off 5 Minotaur\\Horns.");
Event_Get(5, 10306);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Defeat 3 Kwen and acquire 3\\Kwen Claws");

Phase_Target(3232, 2631);
Trigger_Kill(5, 126);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 3 Kwen.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired 3 Kwen Claws.");
Event_Get(3, 10307);
AddPhase(8, 3, "Defeat 1 Headless Knight and fill a\\vial with Headless
Knight Blood.");
Phase_Target(2873, 2923);
Trigger_Kill(1, 128);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 1 Headless\\Knight.");
Event_MsgBox("You have filled a vial with Headless\\Knight
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired all the ingredients\\that Narcy
requested. Deliver them to\\Narcy of Roche Camp.");
Event_Get(1, 10308);
Event_Award(0x3A6FEFC, 13100000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61698, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61586, 0, false);

QuestType(1, 1);
QuestTitle("Sheminke's Hideout");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestDesc("If you use the Teleport Scroll made\\by Sheminke you will be
teleported to\\the Sheminke's Hideout. The\\Teleport Scroll can be used only\\once
and it will disappear once the\\teleport is complete.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Sheminke's Hideout using the\\teleport scroll made by
Sheminke,\\and meet with him.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Use the Teleport Scroll");

Event_Move(8, 3165.1, 1572.73);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Teleportation complete.");

Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 3165.1, 169.59, 1572.73, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have arrived at Sheminke's\\Hideout.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61699, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61696, 0, false);

QuestType(1, 1);
QuestTitle("Sheminke's Hideout");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestDesc("If you use the Teleport Scroll made\\by Sheminke you will be
teleported to\\the Sheminke's Hideout. The\\Teleport Scroll can be used only\\once
and it will disappear once the\\teleport is complete.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Sheminke's Hideout using the\\teleport scroll made by
Sheminke,\\and meet with him.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Use the Teleport Scroll");

Event_Move(8, 3165.1, 1572.73);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Teleportation complete.");

Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 3165.1, 169.59, 1572.73, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have arrived at Sheminke's\\Hideout.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61700, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61586, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Enhanced Dimensional Key");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestAward("- Experience 145,437,400 \\- Gold 28,000,000");
QuestDesc("I think you know who I am by now.\\What you should be asking is
not\\who Sheminke is but why is\\Sheminke here. Are you interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Sheminke's tale, meet his\\demands and gather
information\\about the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway.");

AddPhase(8, 1, " Listen to Sheminke's story");

Event_MsgBox("It doesn't matter where I start..\\Nevertheless, I
will try to get to the\\heart of the matter.");
Event_MsgBox("I, Sheminke, have followed the Fallen\\Archfiend
who has entered your\\dimension through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Your worst enemy, the Fallen\\Archfiend, sucks
energy out of all living\\things in the world and is trying to\\make your world his
Event_MsgBox("We are not sure how and when the\\Fallen Archfiend
was created, but we\\know how dangerous it is without even\\seeing it with our own
eyes. You will\\understand what I am talking about\\when you see the village of
the\\Ancients in Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("Simply put, the Fallen Archfiend and\\I, Sheminke,
should not remain here in\\your dimension. The Fallen Archfiend is\\from the
Underworld and I, Sheminke\\am a magician ordered to keep both\\eyes on the
movement of the Fallen\\Archfiend within my own country. I\\must know his
whereabouts at all\\times.");
Event_MsgBox("The Fallen Archfiend is trying to\\exploit the
weaknesses of the\\Dimensional Gateway created by the\\race called the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("I can say that I was able to transfer\\to this
place through the Dimensional\\Gateway as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, your dimension is in danger of\\destruction.
That destruction may have\\already begun.");
Event_MsgBox("We need to stop the Fallen\\Archfiend. This is not
just the problem\\of your dimension. It is my duty to stop\\the Fallen Archfiend
before it\\endangers any other dimensions.");
Event_MsgBox("I'm sorry. I've gone on too long, and\\there are
things you need to know.");
Event_MsgBox("You know something about the\\Dimensional Key
right? ... \\ \\As I have guessed. It is not
difficult to\\make, from what I know from my\\research, but I can understand
why\\you would not know about it. In your\\dimension you do not use
the\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, the process in making the\\Dimensional
Key known by the\\Decendant of Ancients is not entirely\\wrong. Actually, it is the
correct one. \\ \\However, I have the
blueprint for\\making an Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I had the blueprint...\\Unfortunately, I have
lost it when I was\\passing through the Leokin of the\\Caernarvon continent. \\
\\Please find the blueprint for making an\\Enhanced Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Using the blueprint, I can make the\\Enhanced
Dimensional Key and you\\will not fail to reach the Collapsing\\Dimension
Gateway. \\ \\Please find the
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you the Teleport Scroll so\\that you
can come back here quickly.\\I can make the Teleport Scroll easily.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Lost Blueprint], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61701);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Find the lost Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint

for\\Sheminke and deliver it to him.");
Event_Disappear(1, 10317, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. You have found it faster\\than what I
had expected.");
Event_MsgBox("The ingredients for making Enhanced\\Dimensional
Key are the same ones\\that you collected before. We need the\\rare mineral Soul
Metal, an Underworld\\Soul, and a Star Fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("I tried to find ingredients for
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key once. I received a\\nickname that I never wanted.");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, I found out that all the\\ingredients
can be found in your\\dimension as well. And I know where\\how to get them.");
Event_MsgBox("First, the rare Soul Metal. This is a\\metal that
has not been researched in\\your dimension. \\
\\This mineral is more rare and useful\\than Iternium. Unfortunately, no one\\from
your dimension knows where to\\find this mineral, but I was able to find\\a
location where you can find the rare\\Soul Metal using the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("Check the Lost Ruins, located in the\\northwest of
Caernarvon, or around a\\small lake located in the northeast. It\\is rare, so
you'll have to search the\\area carefully. Of course, you need to\\be careful of
nearby monsters as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Second is the Underworld Soul. The\\strongest
Underworld soul in your\\dimension is the soul of Bree. With the\\Soul Jar that I
am giving you, you can\\collect it by just defeating Bree.");
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, the Star Fragment. Star\\Fragment is a
reagent used by the\\Ancients in item creation. Now, Star\\Fragments exist in all
dimensions but if\\the Star Fragment can not be found by\\a living thing due to its
instinct, then it\\can not be found at all. I am the same\\as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe the Ancients had innate skills\\to find them.
It is ironic to know that\\their descendants do not know how to\\find them.
Fortunately, I have found a\\living being in Caernarvon that finds\\and uses the
Star Fragment just like\\the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you collect all the ingredients, I\\can make
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key. I will give you another Teleport\\Scroll. Good
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Soul Metal], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Underworld Soul], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Star Fragment], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10313);
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61702);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61703);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61704);
Event_MsgBox("Go to the place of Leokin to find the\\lost

AddPhase(8, 3, "After collecting Soul Metal,\\Underworld Soul and Star

Fragment,\\go back to Sheminke using Teleport\\Scroll");
Event_Disappear(7, 10314, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10315, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 10316, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I have collected all materials. Please\\deliver the
ingredients that you have\\collected and the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint to
Bareha\\the Descendant of the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("He will make you the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key. And
when the\\Enhanced Dimensional Key is\\completed, you will be able reach to\\the
Collapsing Dimension Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("You should know that the Fallen\\Archfiend is not
an easy enemy. It is\\not wrong to say that the future of\\your dimension depends
on you.");
Event_MsgBox("Please stop the Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Enhanced Dimensional\\Key II]], has been added to your\\Quest List
Event_Get(7, 10314);
Event_Get(1, 10315);
Event_Get(20, 10316);
Event_Get(1, 10317);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61705);
Event_Award(0x8AB32D8, 0x1AB3F00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have to collect all the ingredients\\for making
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");

QuestStart(61701, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Enhanced Dimensional Key Blueprint");
QuestLevel("LV 93");
QuestAward("- Experience 72,847,500");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find Sheminke's lost Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint
near\\home of the Leokin tribe and return\\it to Sheminke.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Meet with the chief of the Leokin\\tribe at the location

marked on the\\map.");
Phase_Target(2085, 1672);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha.. At last a visitor has come\\here.. So,
what was so important that\\you would risk your life to meet with\\me, the chief of
the Leokin Tribe? He\\He He..");
Event_MsgBox("... On no, worry not, my friend. Your\\item is not
lost forever... He He He. \\ \\Though many
only see us as a\\strange, different people, we have\\formed a quiet, fair
community for the\\Leokin Tribe.");
Event_MsgBox("He He He ... So, friend, you are sure\\that you
have lost your blueprint here,\\and you have to find it ... at all costs,\\even if
you need to harm the people in\\my tribe who took it? Ha Ha Ha..");
Event_MsgBox("We, the Leokin share our food\\equally. You must
find the Leokin who\\has taken your blueprint and defeat\\him in a fair battle. He
He He..");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Find the Leokin who found the\\Enhanced Dimensional

Key\\Blueprint, defeat him in a fair battle,\\and retrieve the lost blueprint.");
Phase_Target(2085, 1672);
Trigger_Kill(1, 190);
Event_MsgBox("You have retrieved the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key
Blueprint from the\\defeated Leokin Monk.");
Event_Get(1, 10317);
Event_Award(0x457908C, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61702, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Soul Metal");
QuestLevel("LV 93");
QuestAward("- Experience 109,271,300");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Acquire seven Soul Metal shards\\needed to make the
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Find seven Soul Metal shards by\\breaking the Mineral Stones
in the\\field.");
Phase_Target(932, 3318);
Phase_Target(2802, 3335);
Trigger_Kill(7, 191);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 7 Soul Metal\\shards.");
Event_Get(7, 10314);
Event_Award(0x6835904, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61703, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Underworld Soul");
QuestLevel("Named Hunt");
QuestAward("- Experience 193,916,500");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Challenge Bree in the northern area\\of the Woods of Death
and store\\her underworld soul within the Soul\\Jar received from Sheminke.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Slay Bree in the Woods of Death\\at the location marked on

the map,");
Phase_Target(764, 1736);
Trigger_Kill(1, 4005);
Event_Disappear(1, 10313, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have triumphed over Bree, Lord\\of the Dead,
and successfully stored\\her Underworld Soul in the Soul Jar.");
Event_Get(1, 10315);
Event_Award(0xB8EEE54, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You cannot collect Bree's Soul\\without a Soul Jar
in your inventory.");

QuestStart(61704, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Star Fragment");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestAward("- Experience 145,437,400");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Hunt twenty Omurton and collect\\the Star Fragments needed to
make\\the Enhanced Dimensional Key.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Defeat 20 Omurton located on the\\northern side of Caernarvon

as\\marked on the map and collect 20\\Star Fragments");
Phase_Target(2048, 3380);
Phase_Target(1975, 2245);
Trigger_Kill(20, 134);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 20 Omurton.");
Event_MsgBox("You have acquired 20 Star\\Fragments.");
Event_Get(20, 10316);
Event_Award(0x8AB32D8, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61705, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Enhanced Dimensional Key II");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestAward("- Experience 145,437,400 \\- Gold 28,000,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Bring the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key Blueprint and the
required\\ingredients to Bareha, Descendant\\of the Ancients in Almighty
Ground\\and make the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Bring ingredients for making the\\Enhanced Dimensional Key:

-\\Bree's Underworld Soul - 7 Soul\\Metal shards - 20 Star Fragments to\\Bareha in
the village of the\\Descendants of the Ancients in\\Almighty Ground.");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_Disappear(7, 10314, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10315, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 10316, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10317, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Hmm! Is this an Enhanced\\Dimensional Key
Blueprint created by\\our ancestors the Ancients!? Excellent\\... Give me a moment
to study the\\blueprint for a while.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Excellent..! With this the Enhanced\\Dimensional
Key, you can open the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway in\\only one direction
temporarily ...\\allowing you to pass through, but no\\monsters can enter our
Event_MsgBox("Isn't the greatest happiness when we\\acquire new
Event_MsgBox("Using this blueprint, it will not take\\long to
make the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key. Please wait for a\\while.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ... ...!!");
Event_MsgBox("It is completed. What a wonderful\\idea. This
blueprint is perfect. \\ \\With this, you will
not have any problem\\reaching the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("... However, I, Bareha do not\\understand
something. Why do you\\want to throw your precious life to a\\place awaited by
Event_MsgBox("The Fallen Archfiend is more evil and\\stronger
than any other creature in our\\Dimension. You know that all living\\things will
lose their life before the\\Fallen Archfiend. Thus, you should try\\to live the
rest of your life happily, but\\why do you still want to challenge
Event_MsgBox("Fine.. You and I are different beings\\from
different Dimensions so it will be\\impossible to understand one another.");
Event_MsgBox("The usage of the completed\\Enhanced Dimensional
Key is the\\same as the previous one. I will give\\you this. \\
\\But, Please remember this. The Fallen\\Archfiend can even make your soul
to\\disappear and that you only have one\\life..");
Event_MsgBox("Take this Enchanced Dimensional\\Key, and make your
way to the\\Collasped Dimensional Gateway,\\where you will find Latra and
the\\Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Fallen Archfiend], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10318);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012115, 61713);
Event_Award(0x8AB32D8, 0x1AB3F00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Do you really have the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key

QuestStart(61712, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61705, 0, true);

QuestType(1, 1);
QuestTitle("Collapsing Dimensional Gateway");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestDesc("By using the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key, you can cross\\through the
Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway to the world where Latra\\and the Fallen Archfiend
are\\battling. Would you like to use the\\Enhanced Dimensional Key?");
QuestShortDesc("Place the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key that can open the
Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway at the\\deepest point within Bree's Tomb\\and cross
over to the Underworld\\where Latra is trapped.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Place the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key here once more.");

Event_MsgBox("Place the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key in the
innermost part of the Bree's\\Tomb at the location marked on the\\map and transfer
through the\\Collapsing Dimensional Gateway");
Event_Get(1, 10318);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Place the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key in the Strange Box, in

the\\deepest part of the Bree's Tomb.");
Phase_Target(717, 1778);
Event_Disappear(1, 10318, 0);
Event_Get(1, 10318);
Event_MsgBox("You feel the energies of the\\Enhanced Dimensional
Key swirling\\around you. It begins to warp you to\\the Collapsing Dimensional
Event_Move(12, 817.88, 3286.92);
Event_MsgBox("You don't have the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key to
place in the box.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "You have successfully entered the\\Collapsing Dimensional

Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 817.88, 50, 3286.92, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have successfully transferred\\through the
Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61713, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Fallen Archfiend");
QuestLevel("Named Raid");
QuestAward("- Experience 339,353,800 \\- A Grade Item (Random)");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Battle the Fallen Archfiend in the\\Collapsing Dimensional
Gateway\\and meet Latra.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Battle the Fallen Archfiend in the\\Collapsing Dimensional

Trigger_Kill(1, 4007);
Event_Disappear(1, 10318, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have triumphed over the Fallen\\Archfiend,
scourge of 1000\\Dimensions, Eater of Worlds!! You\\have saved your home and the
home\\of millions of other honorable beings.");
Event_MsgBox("Meet Latra, protector of the\\Collapsing
Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("To banish the Fallen Archfiend, you\\must have the
Enhanced Dimensional\\Key in your inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Talk to Latra, Protector of the\\Collapsing Dimensional

Phase_Target(816, 3409);
Event_MsgBox("You ... have defeated the Fallen\\Archfiend from
the Underworld.. I,\\Latra, believed with all my heart that a\\hero would come and
save us all ...");
Event_MsgBox("However, the Fallen Archfiend that\\you have
defeated is only a projection\\of his evil spirit ... Fear not! Your heroic\\act
has delayed the arrival of the\\Fallen Archfiend in our Dimension and\\bought us
precious time.");
Event_MsgBox("What you see behind me is the\\Collapsing
Dimensional Gateway. I\\have struggled to return the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Gateway to its proper\\state, but I all I have done is realize\\the futility of
this task. Sadly ... It is\\impossible to stop the Dimensional\\Gateway from
Event_MsgBox("The most we can hope for is to\\impede the progress
of this imminent\\collapse and buy more time for our\\honorable friends in our
Dimension. I\\am most pleased that you have joined\\me. It was quite lonely to
protect this\\place alone. \\ \\However..");
Event_MsgBox("However ... I, Latra, have done all\\that I can
do ... Once again the evil\\sprit of the Fallen Archfiend will rise from\\the dark
recesses of the Underworld\\and reunite with the portion of his\\black soul that
you just defeated in\\battle.");
Event_MsgBox("The Collapsing Dimensional Gateway\\can not be
stopped, only slowed,\\which is what I, Latra have been\\doing to protect our home.
You hero,\\must return to our Dimension and\\prepare for the time when
the\\Dimensional Gateway opens wide ...\\and the Fallen Archfiend pours from
its\\gaping rifts.");
Event_MsgBox("Return to our home and report back\\to those who
support and believe in\\you.");
Event_MsgBox("Then spread the message to all who\\will listen to
your fantastic story. \\ \\ Finally ...");
Event_MsgBox("You and your friends must rally an\\army with
enough power to rival the\\army of the Fallen Archfiend on the\\other side of the
Dimensional Gateway!");
Event_MsgBox("With a powerful army, challenge the\\Fallen
Archfiend's minions with your\\fresh hearts and swift swords! Prepare\\for the day
when the Fallen Archfiend's\\Army will crash through the\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Show no mercy to the horrible beings\\the Fallen
Archfiend with have at its\\side! Rally your formidable battalion\\and lead our
world to victory ... and\\hope for peace. Please prepare for the\\day when the
Fallen Archfiend's Army\\will rend the Dimensional Gateway\\open and pour forth
like poison! Please\\protect Almighty Ground!");
Event_MsgBox("In only a moment, I can return you,\\the Grand
Hero, who bested the evil\\spirit of the Fallen Archfiend in battle,\\to our
beautiful home.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Back to Asrahan], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012119, 61714);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Bree's Tomb via Latra");

Phase_Target(816, 3409);
Event_Move(12, 730.97, 1751.78);

AddPhase(12, 4, "By the power of Latra, you have\\arrived in Bree's

Tomb ...");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 730.97, 145, 1751.78, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have returned to Bree's Tomb in\\Almighty
Ground by the power of Latra.");
Event_MsgBox("Your backpack feels heavier. It\\seems that Latra
has left you a gift.");
Event_Award(0x143A20C8, 0, 0, 0);
Event_AwardItem(1, 100, 2, 3);

QuestStart(61714, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Back to Asrahan");
QuestLevel("LV Final");
QuestAward("- Experience 242,395,600 \\- Gold 46,000,000\\- A Grade Item
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Report the events in the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway to
Bareha,\\Descendant of the Ancients, Ramir\\and Mihael.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Bareha, Descendant of the\\Ancients at the location

marked on\\the map. ");
Phase_Target(703, 728);
Event_MsgBox("What came through the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Gateway was the evil\\spirit of the Fallen Archfiend. Just the\\evil spirit alone
could have destroyed\\the village where the Descendant of\\the Ancients are
Event_MsgBox("Brave Latra can not stop the Fallen\\Archfiend from
collapsing the\\Dimensional Gateway. It is\\unfortunate, but it is just as
Event_MsgBox("I am sorry but what will happen to us\\after the
Dimensional Gateway\\collapses is the same. Whether it be\\the Fallen Archfiend
alone or the\\Fallen Archfiend's Army, we will be the\\first ones to face death.");
Event_MsgBox("Until then, I will make the most out of\\the time I
have left.\\ \\Oh dear .. Please return to
your friends\\and family at home. They are most\\important now. ");
Event_MsgBox("Even if you don't have family to go\\to, according
to social traditions, you\\should play the hero and report to your\\superior,
Event_MsgBox("I, Bareha also want to thank you for\\defeating the
Fallen Archfiend. Now,\\it's time for you to go back.");
Event_MsgBox("All that is left for us is to accept the\\future
confronting us.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the Ramir of God's Pirates and\\report the

Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_MsgBox("Thank God for your safe return. We\\already know
about the story of the\\Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("However, the turn of events at the\\Dimensional
Gateway and the\\information about the Fallen\\Archfiend's Army were unexpected.
I\\can't imagine what it would have been\\like if had Latra not lent us her
power\\and made the sacrifice she did.");
Event_MsgBox("I don't know how well I can do this,\\but I will
have to prepare for the time to\\come.");
Event_MsgBox("Anyway, thank you for your safe\\return after the
long journey. \\ \\Please tell this to

AddPhase(12, 3, "Find Mihael of God's Pirates and\\report on the

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Ho! You came back at last, from\\your long
journey. \\ \\Can you tell me stories of your
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("You have done an excellent job! I do\\not know how
to thank you.. You are a\\real hero!");
Event_MsgBox("Despite the act that you only bested\\the Fallen
Archfiend's evil sprit in\\battle, this is most commendable. Not\\many people can
defeat him!");
Event_MsgBox("Should I face the Fallen Archfiend\\alone or the
Fallen Archfiend's Army,\\Mihael will not surrender! We, the\\God's Pirates will
not kneel before them!");
Event_MsgBox("We may not have the power to\\swallow the whole
world like the Fallen\\Archfiend ... ... but we have heroes like\\yourself and many
strong people who\\have the heart and courage to fight!");
Event_MsgBox("We know not the price of peace in\\Almighty Ground,
but we will pay it at\\any cost! We will preserve our\\beautiful home! Please join
Event_MsgBox("For Peace and Honor!");
Event_MsgBox("For Peace and Honor!!");
Event_Award(0xE72A9D0, 0x2BDE780, 0, 0);
Event_AwardItem(1, 100, 2, 3);

QuestStart(61715, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(1, 1);
QuestTitle("Sheminke's Hideout");
QuestLevel("LV - ??");
QuestAward("- Experience 0");
QuestDesc("If you use the Teleport Scroll made\\by Sheminke you will be
teleported to\\the Sheminke's Hideout. Teleport\\Scroll can be used once only and
it\\will disappear after use.");
QuestShortDesc("Using teleport scroll made by\\Sheminke, meet him at

AddPhase(8, 1, "Use the Teleport Scroll");

Event_Move(8, 3165.1, 1572.73);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Completed using the Teleport Scroll");

Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 3165.1, 169, 1572.73, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have arrived at Sheminke's\\Hideout.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61716, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61696, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Enhanced Dimensional Key");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestAward("- Experience 145,437,400 \\- Gold 28,000,000");
QuestDesc("I think you know who I am by now.\\What you should be asking is
not\\who Sheminke is but why is\\Sheminke here. Are you interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Sheminke's tale, meet his\\demands and gather
information\\about the Collapsing Dimensional\\Gateway.");

AddPhase(8, 1, " Listen to Sheminke's story");

Event_MsgBox("It doesn't matter where I start..\\Nevertheless, I
will try to get to the\\heart of the matter.");
Event_MsgBox("I, Sheminke, have followed the Fallen\\Archfiend
who has entered your\\dimension through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Your worst enemy, the Fallen\\Archfiend, sucks
energy out of all living\\things in the world and is trying to\\make your world his
Event_MsgBox("We are not sure how and when the\\Fallen Archfiend
was created, but we\\know how dangerous it is without even\\seeing it with our own
eyes. You will\\understand what I am talking about\\when you see the village of
the\\Ancients in Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("Simply put, the Fallen Archfiend and\\I, Sheminke,
should not remain here in\\your dimension. The Fallen Archfiend is\\from the
Underworld and I, Sheminke\\am a magician ordered to keep both\\eyes on the
movement of the Fallen\\Archfiend within my own country. I\\must know his
whereabouts at all\\times.");
Event_MsgBox("The Fallen Archfiend is trying to\\exploit the
weaknesses of the\\Dimensional Gateway created by the\\race called the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("I can say that I was able to transfer\\to this
place through the Dimensional\\Gateway as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, your dimension is in danger of\\destruction.
That destruction may have\\already begun.");
Event_MsgBox("We need to stop the Fallen\\Archfiend. This is not
just the problem\\of your dimension. It is my duty to stop\\the Fallen Archfiend
before it\\endangers any other dimensions.");
Event_MsgBox("I'm sorry. I've gone on too long, and\\there are
things you need to know.");
Event_MsgBox("You know something about the\\Dimensional Key
right? ... \\ \\As I have guessed. It is not
difficult to\\make, from what I know from my\\research, but I can understand
why\\you would not know about it. In your\\dimension you do not use
the\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, the process in making the\\Dimensional
Key known by the\\Decendant of Ancients is not entirely\\wrong. Actually, it is the
correct one. \\ \\However, I have the
blueprint for\\making an Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I had the blueprint...\\Unfortunately, I have
lost it when I was\\passing through the Leokin of the\\Caernarvon continent. \\
\\Please find the blueprint for making an\\Enhanced Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Using the blueprint, I can make the\\Enhanced
Dimensional Key and you\\will not fail to reach the Collapsing\\Dimension
Gateway. \\ \\Please find the
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you the Teleport Scroll so\\that you
can come back here quickly.\\I can make the Teleport Scroll easily.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Lost Blueprint], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61701);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Find the lost Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint

for\\Sheminke and deliver it to him.");
Event_Disappear(1, 10317, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. You have found it faster\\than what I
had expected.");
Event_MsgBox("The ingredients for making Enhanced\\Dimensional
Key are the same ones\\that you collected before. We need the\\rare mineral Soul
Metal, an Underworld\\Soul, and a Star Fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("I tried to find ingredients for
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key once. I received a\\nickname that I never wanted.");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, I found out that all the\\ingredients
can be found in your\\dimension as well. And I know where\\how to get them.");
Event_MsgBox("First, the rare Soul Metal. This is a\\metal that
has not been researched in\\your dimension. \\
\\This mineral is more rare and useful\\than Iternium. Unfortunately, no one\\from
your dimension knows where to\\find this mineral, but I was able to find\\a
location where you can find the rare\\Soul Metal using the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("Check the Lost Ruins, located in the\\northwest of
Caernarvon, or around a\\small lake located in the northeast. It\\is rare, so
you'll have to search the\\area carefully. Of course, you need to\\be careful of
nearby monsters as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Second is the Underworld Soul. The\\strongest
Underworld soul in your\\dimension is the soul of Bree. With the\\Soul Jar that I
am giving you, you can\\collect it by just defeating Bree.");
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, the Star Fragment. Star\\Fragment is a
reagent used by the\\Ancients in item creation. Now, Star\\Fragments exist in all
dimensions but if\\the Star Fragment can not be found by\\a living thing due to its
instinct, then it\\can not be found at all. I am the same\\as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe the Ancients had innate skills\\to find them.
It is ironic to know that\\their descendants do not know how to\\find them.
Fortunately, I have found a\\living being in Caernarvon that finds\\and uses the
Star Fragment just like\\the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you collect all the ingredients, I\\can make
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key. I will give you another Teleport\\Scroll. Good
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Soul Metal], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Underworld Soul], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Star Fragment], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10313);
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61702);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61703);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61704);
Event_MsgBox("Go to the place of Leokin to find the\\lost

AddPhase(8, 3, "After collecting Soul Metal,\\Underworld Soul and Star

Fragment,\\go back to Sheminke using Teleport\\Scroll");
Event_Disappear(7, 10314, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10315, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 10316, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I have collected all materials. Please\\deliver the
ingredients that you have\\collected and the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint to
Bareha\\the Descendant of the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("He will make you the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key. And
when the\\Enhanced Dimensional Key is\\completed, you will be able reach to\\the
Collapsing Dimension Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("You should know that the Fallen\\Archfiend is not
an easy enemy. It is\\not wrong to say that the future of\\your dimension depends
on you.");
Event_MsgBox("Please stop the Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Enhanced Dimensional\\Key II], has been added to your Quest\\List
Event_Get(7, 10314);
Event_Get(1, 10315);
Event_Get(20, 10316);
Event_Get(1, 10317);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61705);
Event_Award(0x8AB32D8, 0x1AB3F00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have to collect all the ingredients\\for making
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");
QuestStart(61717, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 1, true);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Nationality Documents");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestDesc("Greetings! Now is the time to show\\your patriotism for your
nation by\\becoming a full citizen of the nation\\of Kartefant. Becoming a full
citizen\\gives you benefits that you can't\\take advantage of as a normal\\citizen.
Are you ready to declare\\your patriotism?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about the benefits provided\\by the nation of Kartefant
from Guild\\Master Roid.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Learn about the benefits provided\\by the nation of

Kartefant from Guild\\Master Roid.");
Event_MsgBox("Great. The Kartefant Nation is an\\independent
country separated from\\the large empire called the Kartheenan\\Empire. \\
\\It is now its own country based in\\Caernarvon as a result of a\\treacherous
attack from the Empire\\during the war with Merkhadia. The\\formation of the
Kartefant Nation is\\also the fruit of the guidance from our\\ruler, His
Excellency, Conlatin the King.");
Event_MsgBox("Master Mihael leads the God's\\Pirates but he also
is from the\\Kartefant Nation. \\ \\As a
breakthrough policy, the\\Kartefant Nation is providing Bonus\\Skill Points and
Kartefant Nationality\\to those citizens who wish to join them\\so that they can
increase the growth\\of their population.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, in order to receive these\\benefits, you
will have to obtain\\Nationality Registration Documents\\stating that you will
serve the\\Kartefant Nation for many years, and\\you should also visit the
Kartefant\\Armed Forces Recruiter.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, I will give you the Nationality\\Registration
Event_Get(1, 10319);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61718, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 1, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Kartefant Nationality");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Greetings. I see that you intend to\\join the ranks of the
honorable\\citizens of the Kartefant Nation!\\Have you yet received your
benefits\\as a citizen of the Kartefant Nation?\\If not, perhaps I can explain
them\\more in detail!");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about the Kartefant Nation\\from Aberis, show her the
Nationality\\Registration Documents and receive\\the benefits afforded citizens of
the\\Kartefant Nation.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Learn more about the benefits of\\being a Kartefant National

Event_MsgBox("So you plan to become a citizen of\\the Kartefant
Nation. Of course, if you\\are member of the Kartefant Empire\\you already have
status as a citizen\\of the Kartefant Nation. In the grand\\scheme of things, there
is little\\difference between being a member of\\the Kartheenan Empire and
the\\Kartefant Nation. However, should you\\register properly as a citizen, you
will\\receive many fine benefits not afforded\\to other unregistered citizens.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want to register as Kartefant\\National, go
and visit the Guild Master\\at the location where I will show you.\\He will give
you documents required to\\register your Kartefant Nationality. Ok?\\Then, return
here and bring the\\documents, please.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Talk to Guild Master Roid and bring\\the Nationality

Registration\\Documents to Aberis.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_Disappear(1, 10319, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful! You have brought the\\Nationality
Registration Documents. \\ \\From now on, you
are eligible to\\receive all the benefits provided by the\\Kartefant Nation.");
Event_MsgBox("As you grow in power and prestige\\among your
fellow citizens, I will be\\assigning your duties. These will\\benefit the glory of
the Kartefant\\Nation! Naturally, for every duty you\\complete, you will receive
an\\appropriate reward.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, bringing the Nationality\\Registration
Documents was one of\\the duties that I have given you. With\\the blessings of
Conlatin the King of\\Kartefant, your skill points have been\\increased by 2
Event_MsgBox("I will give you your next duty, once\\you have
reached a certain level of\\experience.");
Event_MsgBox("If you complete all duties for\\Kartefant, you will
receive 3000\\Contribution Medals as your reward.");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Gems for the Nation], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012121, 61719);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61719, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Gems for the Nation");
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Once you reach Level 40, find\\Aberis the Kartefant Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Aberis of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty

to gain the\\benefits you deserve as a Kartefant\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(40, 0x40012121, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the Kartefant\\Nation and receive benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. Comrade of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("We need your help for the\\development of our
nation Kartefant.\\Did you know that you can make\\Instant Potions that are quite
useful on\\the battlefield using gems?");
Event_MsgBox("Now is the time that we need plenty\\of Instant
Potions for the glory of\\Conlatin the King of Kartefant on the\\battlefield that
is Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("Thus, we would like to ask you to\\collect some
gems to brew potions. \\ \\Please help your
fellow warriors who\\fight against the enemies of Kartefant\\for glory and
Event_MsgBox("With your small effort, we will be able\\to recover
the courage to restore the\\glory of Kartefant!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect the gem chips listed below\\and deliver them to the
Kartefant\\Armed Forces Recruiter to receive\\more benefits. \\
\\10 Black Moon Chips, 10 Diamond\\Chips, 10 Sapphire Chips, 10 Ruby\\Chips, 10
Emerald Chips");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_Disappear(10, 1901, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1902, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1903, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1904, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1905, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! It must have been difficult\\to collect
all these. \\ \\I will give you 50 percent of
the gems\\that you brought and some distilled\\water to dissolve gems.");
Event_MsgBox("Please use them well. \\
\\And, come back to me after you train a\\little more. The next duty I will give
you\\can be started soon.");
Event_MsgBox("Please use them well. For the glory
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [National Stones], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_Get(5, 1901);
Event_Get(5, 1902);
Event_Get(5, 1903);
Event_Get(5, 1904);
Event_Get(5, 1905);
Event_Get(25, 3101);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012121, 61720);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you finished collecting gems to\\support the
soldiers fighting for the\\glory of the Kartefant Nation?");

QuestStart(61720, 40, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("National Stones");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 50, find\\Aberis the Kartefant Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Aberis of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty

to gain the\\benefits you deserve as a Kartefant\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(50, 0x40012121, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the Kartefant\\Nation and receive benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. Comrade of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("Your next duty is to help us collect\\Forging
Stones, also known as\\minerals for strengthening and forging\\equipment. I believe
that you are\\already familiar with them, but ... ...\\just to clarify things, we
require\\minerals like Silvin, Mithril and Iternium.");
Event_MsgBox("Please collect 10 stones of the most\\basic
strengthening mineral, Silvin. \\ \\The
minerals you collect in this task\\will be used by Blacksmiths to further\\research
in the field of forging and\\strengthening of weapons for the\\Kartefant Nation.");
Event_MsgBox("I will be waiting!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 10 stones of the mineral\\Silvin, deliver them to

the Kartefant\\Armed Forces Recruiter and receive\\more benefits provided by
the\\Kartefant Nation.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_Disappear(10, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have brought 10 Silvin exactly!\\Thank you very
much! \\ \\With these, the Kartefant will be
able\\to make progress constructing the\\most powerful weapons.");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [War and Materials], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012121, 61721);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you finished collecting the\\Forging Stones to
support the soldiers\\fighting for the glory of Kartefant?");

QuestStart(61721, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("War and Materials");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach level 60, find\\Aberis the Kartefant Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Aberis of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty

to gain the\\benefits you deserve as a Kartefant\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(60, 0x40012121, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the Kartefant\\Nation and receive benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings! As time passes, you are\\becoming a most
dignified soldier of\\Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("You don't need to be reminded again\\but.... battle
rages ceaselessly on the\\Caernarvon continent . \\
\\The longer the war lasts, the more\\advances are made in the building of\\various
weapons. These days, there\\are many glorious weapons that are\\needed to win the
current battles.");
Event_MsgBox("From now, the battles will be\\determined by the
power of the\\soldiers' weapons. We of the\\Kartefant must also prepare for
the\\war with siege weapons!");
Event_MsgBox("In order to do so, we need to collect\\various
Siege Materials to enhance\\and develop more powerful weapons.\\That means, for
your next duty I want\\you to collect 10 Siege Materials.");
Event_MsgBox("If we can collect a lot of Siege\\Materials then,
we Kartefant will be\\closer to victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat monsters and collect Siege\\Materials!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 10 Siege Materials from\\monsters to enhance and

develop\\more powerful weapons used in\\battle, deliver it to the Kartefant\\Armed
Forces Recruiter to receive\\more benefits from the Kartefant\\Nation.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_Disappear(10, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It must have been very difficult to\\collect these
Siege Materials, but you\\have done it in no time! You are an\\excellent citizen of
Event_MsgBox("In the future, even if new weapons\\are introduced
in the battles, we\\Kartefant will not be behind!");
Event_MsgBox("Excellent citizen of Kartefant! Please\\collect as
many Siege Materials as\\you can for future battles. It will be of\\help
Event_MsgBox("The next duty might be very hard to\\do. Please
raise your skills. Be\\stronger!");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Defending the Nation I],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012121, 61728);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you collected all the Siege\\Materials needed
for making weapons?");
QuestStart(61728, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, true);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defending the Nation I");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 70, find\\Aberis the Kartefant Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Aberis of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty

to gain the\\benefits you deserve as a Kartefant\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(70, 0x40012121, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the Kartefant\\Nation and receive benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings! Warrior of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("Now, you are ready to fight for the\\glory of
Kartefant. It is very honorable\\to fight against the enemies in the\\battlefield
for your country!");
Event_MsgBox("Presently, we are under attack from\\the Merkhadian
Nation. Of course, we\\also need to fight the God's Pirates ...\\because they are
getting stronger.");
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps it is clearer to say that\\anyone who does
not have Kartefant\\blood pulsing through his veins is our\\sworn enemy!");
Event_MsgBox("We will survive this war! We will be\\victorious!
For the benefit of yourself\\and the ones that you love ... ... For\\the glory and
power of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("In the footsteps of our ancestors, it is\\time for
you to fight for the glory of\\Kartefant! When you prove your\\devotion to
Kartefant, you will be\\rewarded with Contribution Medals.");
Event_MsgBox("Contribution Medals will increase\\your powers.");
Event_MsgBox("Fight enemies. And be victorious! This\\is the duty
given to you.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat enemies and earn Fame! You\\must be
victorious! \\ \\Kartefant will give special
benefits to\\returning heroes.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Fight with enemies, increase your\\Fame to 1,300 points,

return to the\\Kartefant Armed Forces Recruiter in\\Almighty Ground and
receive\\benefits provided by your country.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! Soon you will be a hero of\\the
Kartefant Nation!");
Event_MsgBox("Your efforts will lead Kartefant to\\victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Go to the battlefield! Defeat the\\enemies! Claim
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Defending the Nation II],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012121, 61735);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You need more Fame! Defeat more\\enemies and earn
your victory!");

QuestStart(61735, 70, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 1, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defending the Nation II");
QuestLevel("LV 80");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points \\- Contribution Medals 3,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 80, find\\Aberis the Kartefant Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Aberis of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty

to gain the\\benefits you deserve as a Kartefant\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(80, 0x40012121, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the Kartefant\\Nation and receive benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings! Warrior of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("Now, you are ready to fight for the\\glory of
Kartefant. It is very honorable\\to fight against the enemies of your\\country on
the battlefield!");
Event_MsgBox("Presently, we are under attack from\\the Merkhadian
Nation. Of course, we\\also need to fight the God's Pirates ...\\for they are
getting stronger.");
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps it is clearer to say that\\anyone who does
not have Kartefant\\blood pulsing through his veins is our\\sworn enemy!");
Event_MsgBox("We will survive this war! We will be\\victorious!
For the benefit of yourself\\and the ones that you love ... ... For\\the glory and
power of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("In the footsteps of our ancestors, it is\\time for
you to fight for the glory of\\Kartefant! When you prove your\\devotion to
Kartefant, you will be\\rewarded with Contribution Medals.");
Event_MsgBox("Contribution Medals will increase\\your powers.");
Event_MsgBox("Fight enemies. And be victorious! This\\is the duty
given to you.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat enemies and earn Fame! You\\must be
victorious! \\ \\Kartefant will give special
benefits to\\returning heroes.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Fight with enemies, increase your\\Fame to 2,000 points,

return to the\\Kartefant Armed Forces Recruiter in\\Almighty Ground and
receive\\benefits provided by your country.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! You are the jewel of\\Kartefant! You are
a hero of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("Your efforts will lead Kartefant to\\victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Go to the battlefield! Defeat the\\enemies! Claim
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Kartefant!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two. You have received\\3,000
Contribution Medals.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 3000);
Event_MsgBox("You need more Fame! Defeat more\\enemies and earn
your victory!");

QuestStart(61729, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Nationality Documents");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestDesc("Greetings! Now is the time to show\\your patriotism for your
nation by\\becoming a full citizen of the nation\\of Merkhadia. Becoming a full
citizen\\gives you benefits that you can't\\take advantage of as a normal\\citizen.
Are you ready to declare\\your patriotism?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about the benefits provided\\by the nation Merkhadia
from Guild\\Master Roid.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Learn about the benefits provided\\by the nation of

Merkhadia from\\Guild Master Roid.");
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful. Now, Merkhadia is the\\nation built by
the noble race of the\\Ak'kan! Rumor has it that they are a\\people very closely
related to the\\Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("In the past ... And I mean, of course,\\up until
the present, the nations of\\Kartefant and Merkhadia have been\\fighting over the
fertile land that is\\Caernarvon continent. The Ak'kan are\\giving those humans of
Kartefant quite\\the fight, you know, even though some\\say they have superior
technology. ");
Event_MsgBox("In order to support warriors defending\\Merkhadia,
the blessings of Latra is\\given to those Ak'Kan with\\Merkhadian Nationality. To
receive\\benefits, please visit the Merkhadian\\Armed Forces Recruiter by
bringing\\your Nationality Registration\\Documents.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, I will give you the Nationality\\Registration
Documents. May the\\blessings of Latra be with you.");
Event_Get(1, 10320);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61730, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Merkhadian Nationality");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Greetings. So you intend to become\\registered as Merkhadian
National!\\Then you shall be able to receive all\\the benefits due our citizens. If
you\\want, I will explain it to you.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Skott's explanation about\\the Merkhadian
Nationality, bring\\the Nationality Registration\\Documents to him, and
receive\\benefits as a Merkhadian National.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Skott's explanation about\\the Merkhadian

Event_MsgBox("So you intend on becoming a\\Merkhadian National.
Of course, all\\Ak'Kan naturally belong to the\\Merkhadian Nation, but in order
to\\receive the benefits provided our\\country, you must go through\\Nationality
Registration as a citizen of\\Merkhadia.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want to register as a\\Merkhadian National,
first go and visit\\the Guild Master at the location I will\\show you. He will give
you documents\\for registering as a citizen of\\Merkhadia. Ok? Bring the
documents\\to me, please.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Meet Guild Master Roid and bring\\the Nationality

Registration\\Documents to Skott.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Event_Disappear(1, 10320, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have brought the Nationality\\Registration
Documents! Wonderful. \\ \\From now, you are
eligible to receive\\benefits provided by the Merkhadia\\Nation.");
Event_MsgBox("As you grow in power and prestige\\among your
fellow citizens, I will be\\assigning you duties. These will benefit\\the glory of
the Merkhadia Nation!\\Naturally, for every duty you complete,\\you will receive an
appropriate reward.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, bringing the Nationality\\Registration
Documents was one of\\the duties that I have given you. With\\the blessings of
Latra, your skill points\\have been increased by 2 points.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you your next duty, once\\you have
reached a certain level of\\experience.");
Event_MsgBox("If you complete all duties for\\Merkhadia, you will
receive 3000\\Contribution Medals as your reward.");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Gems for the Nation], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012122, 61731);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61731, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Gems for the Nation");
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 40, find\\Skott the Merkhadian Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the Skott of Almighty Ground\\and receive your next

duty to duties\\to gain the benefits you deserve as\\Merkhadian National.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Trigger_LevelTalk(40, 0x40012122, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the\\Merkhadian Nation and receive\\benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. Comrade of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("We need your help for the\\development of our
nation Merkhadia.\\Did you know that you can make\\Instant Potions that are useful
in\\battlefield using gems?");
Event_MsgBox("Now is the time that we need plenty\\of Instant
Potions for the glory of Latra\\of Merkhadia on the battlefield that
Event_MsgBox("Thus, we would like to ask you to\\collect some
gems to brew potions. \\ \\Please help your
fellow warriors who\\fight against the enemies of Merkhadia\\for glory and
Event_MsgBox("With your small effort, we will be able\\to recover
the courage to restore the\\glory of Merkhadia!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect the gem chips listed below\\and deliver to the

Merkhadian\\Armed Forces Recruiter to receive\\more benefits. \\
\\10 Black Moon Chips, 10 Diamond\\Chips, 10 Sapphire Chips, 10 Ruby\\Chips, 10
Emerald Chips");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Event_Disappear(10, 1901, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1902, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1903, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1904, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 1905, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! It must have been difficult\\to collect
all these. \\ \\I will give you 50 percent of
the gems\\that you brought and some distilled\\water to dissolve gems.");
Event_MsgBox("Please use them well. \\
\\And, come back to me after you train a\\little more. The next duty I will give
you\\can be started soon.");
Event_MsgBox("Please use them well. For the glory
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [National Stones], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_Get(5, 1901);
Event_Get(5, 1902);
Event_Get(5, 1903);
Event_Get(5, 1904);
Event_Get(5, 1905);
Event_Get(25, 3101);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012122, 61732);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you finished collecting gems to\\support the
soldiers fighting for the\\glory of Merkhadia?");

QuestStart(61732, 40, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("National Stones");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 50, find\\Skott the Merkhadian Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Skott of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty to

duties to\\gain the benefits you deserve as\\Merkhadian National.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Trigger_LevelTalk(50, 0x40012122, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the\\Merkhadian Nation and receive\\benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings. Comrade of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("Your next duty is to help us collect\\Forging
Stones, also known as\\minerals for strengthening and forging\\equipment. I believe
that you are\\already familiar with them, but ... ...\\just to clarify things, we
require\\minerals like Silvin, Mithril and Iternium.");
Event_MsgBox("Please collect 10 stones of the most\\basic
strengthening mineral, Silvin. \\ \\The
minerals you collect in this task\\will be used by Blacksmiths to further\\research
in the field of forging and\\strengthening the weapons for the\\Merkhadian
Event_MsgBox("I will be waiting!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 10 stones of the mineral\\Silvin, deliver them to

the\\Merkhadian Armed Forces Recruiter\\and receive more benefits provided\\by the
Merkhadian Nation.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Event_Disappear(10, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have brought 10 Silvin exactly!\\Thank you very
much! \\ \\With these, Merkhadia will be able
to\\make progress constructing the most\\powerful weapons.");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [War and Materials], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012122, 61733);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you finished collecting Forging\\Stones to
support the soldiers fighting\\for Merkhadia?");
QuestStart(61733, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, true);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("War and Materials");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 60, find\\Skott the Merkhadian Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Skott of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty to

gain the\\benefits you deserve as Merkhadian\\National.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Trigger_LevelTalk(60, 0x40012122, "If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the\\Merkhadia Nation and receive\\benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings! As time passes, you are\\becoming a most
dignified soldier of\\Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("You don't need to be reminded again\\but.... battle
rages ceaselessly on the\\Caernarvon continent . \\
\\The longer the war lasts, the more\\advances are made in the building of\\various
weapons. These days, there\\are many glorious weapons that\\needed are to win the
current battles.");
Event_MsgBox("From now, the battles will be\\determined by the
power of the\\soldiers' weapons. We of Merkhadia\\must also prepare for the war of
Event_MsgBox("In order to do so, we need to collect\\various
Siege Materials to enhance\\and develop more powerful weapons.\\That means, for
your next duty I want\\you to collect 10 Siege Materials.");
Event_MsgBox("If we can collect a lot of Siege\\Materials then,
we the Merkhadia will\\be closer to victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat monsters and collect Siege\\Materials!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 10 Siege Materials from\\monsters to enhance and

develop\\more powerful weapons used in\\battle, deliver them to the\\Merkhadian
Armed Forces Recruiter\\receive more benefits from the\\Merkhadian Nation.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Event_Disappear(10, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It must have been very difficult to\\collect these
Siege Materials but you\\have done it in no time! You are an\\excellent citizen of
Event_MsgBox("In the future, even if new weapons\\are introduced
in the battles, we\\Merkhadia will not be behind!");
Event_MsgBox("Excellent citizen of Merkhadia!\\Please collect as
many Siege\\Materials as you can for future\\battles. It will be of help
Event_MsgBox("The next duty might be very hard to\\do. Please
raise your skills. Be\\stronger!");
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Defending the Nation I],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012122, 61734);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you collected all the Siege\\Materials needed
for making weapons?");

QuestStart(61734, 60, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defending the Nation I");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 70, find\\Skott the Merkhadian Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the Skott of Almighty Ground\\and receive your next

duty to gain\\the benefits you deserve as\\Merkhadian National.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Trigger_LevelTalk(70, 0x40012122, " If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country the\\Merkhadian Nation and receive\\benefits as
Event_MsgBox("Greetings! Warrior of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("Now, you are ready to fight for the\\glory of
Merkhadia. It is very honorable\\to fight against the enemies in the\\battlefield
for your country!");
Event_MsgBox("Presently, we are under attack from\\the Kartefant
Nation. Of course, we\\also need to fight the God's Pirates ...\\for they are
getting stronger.");
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps it is clearer to say that\\anyone who does
not have\\Merkhadian blood pulsing through his\\veins is our sworn enemy! ");
Event_MsgBox("We will survive this war! We will be\\victorious!
For the benefit of yourself\\and the ones that you love ... ... For\\the glory and
power of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("In the footsteps of our ancestors, it is\\time for
you to fight for the glory of\\Merkhadia! When you prove your\\devotion to
Merkhadia, you will be\\rewarded with Contirbution Medals.");
Event_MsgBox("Contribution Medals will increase\\your powers.");
Event_MsgBox("Fight enemies. And be victorious! This\\is the duty
given to you.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat enemies and earn Fame! You\\must be
victorious! \\ \\Merkhadia will give special
benefits to\\returning heroes.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Fight with enemies, increase your\\Fame to 1,300 points,

return to the\\Merkhadian Armed Forces Recruiter\\in Almighty Ground and
receive\\benefits provided by your country.");
Phase_Target(2730, 2252);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! Soon you will be a hero of\\the
Merkhadia Nation!");
Event_MsgBox("Your efforts will lead Merkhadia to\\victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Go to the battlefield! Defeat the\\enemies! Claim
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Defending the Nation II],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012122, 61736);
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You need more Fame! Defeat more\\enemies and earn
your victory!");

QuestStart(61736, 70, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 2, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defending the Nation II");
QuestLevel("LV 80");
QuestAward("- 2 Skill Points \\- Contribution Medals 3,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("When you reach Level 80, find\\Skott the Merkhadian Armed
Forces\\Recruiter of Almighty Ground and\\proceed with your next duty.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Skott of Almighty Ground and\\receive your next duty to

gain the\\benefits you deserve as Merkhadian\\National.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Trigger_LevelTalk(80, 0x40012122, " If you train some more, you will
be\\able to help your country Merkhadia\\and receive benefits as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Greetings!. Warrior of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("Now, you are ready to fight for the\\glory of
Merkhadia. It is very honorable\\to fight against the enemies of your\\country on
the battlefield!");
Event_MsgBox("Presently, we are under attack from\\the Kartefant
Nation. Of course, we\\also need to fight the God's Pirates ...\\for they are
getting stronger.");
Event_MsgBox("Perhaps it is clearer to say that\\anyone who does
not have Merkhadia\\blood pulsing through his veins is our\\sworn enemy! ");
Event_MsgBox("We will survive this war! We will be\\victorious!
For the benefit of yourself\\and the ones that you love ... ... For\\the glory and
power of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("In the footsteps of our ancestors, it is\\time for
you to fight for the glory of\\Merkhadia! When you prove your\\devotion to
Merkhadia, you will be\\rewarded with Contribution Medals.");
Event_MsgBox("Contribution Medals will increase\\your powers.");
Event_MsgBox("Fight enemies. And be victorious! This\\is the duty
given to you.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat enemies and earn Fame! You\\must be
victorious! \\ \\Merkhadia will give special
benefits to\\returning heroes.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Fight with enemies, increase your\\Fame to 2,000 points,

return to the\\Merkhadian Armed Forces Recruiter\\in Almighty Ground and
receive\\benefits provided by your country.");
Phase_Target(2778, 2267);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! You are the jewel of\\Merkhadia! You are
a hero of\\Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("Your efforts will lead Merkhadia to\\victory!");
Event_MsgBox("Go to the battlefield! Defeat the\\enemies! Claim
Event_MsgBox("For the glory of Merkhadia!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\Your maximum skill points have been\\increased by two. You have received\\3,000
Contribution Medals.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 3000);
Event_MsgBox("You need more Fame! Defeat more\\enemies and earn
your victory!");

QuestStart(61737, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Santa's Lost Presents I");
QuestDesc("Oh.. Boo hoo hoo ... You came to\\get your present as well? Boo
hoo!\\Oh dear ... I am sorry, kiddo, but I\\accidentally lost my sack with
the\\presents for you and all the people in\\Caernarvon and Almighty
Ground..\\Maybe could you find them for me?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Santa Claus find his lost\\presents.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Help Santa find his lost sack of\\presents. ");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you kiddo! Well, I will explain\\to you what
Event_MsgBox("You know that where I live is a very\\special place
right? You could say\\that it is just like one of the stars in the\\sky, but I know
that is a special star\\among all the other stars..");
Event_MsgBox("It is a tiny star, but depending on the\\faith of
people believe in Christmas\\and Santa Claus, the star will come\\closer to them or
drift further away ...");
Event_MsgBox("Yes ... simply put ... If you believe in\\Santa
Claus then where I live will draw\\closer and closer to you..");
Event_MsgBox("Ok, Ok.. Regardless ... ... what I am\\saying is
that I came from a very far\\away place ... Though is slightly more\\convenient
than other stars ... Ho Ho\\Ho!");
Event_MsgBox("I was very tired from working all year\\on the
presents ... And I don't know\\what happened but ... I fell asleep in\\the sleigh..
... And lost all the presents\\to give to you here.");
Event_MsgBox("That is why I am very worried! So\\could you help
me find the presents\\that I lost with this Red Sack?");
Event_MsgBox("And one more thing. The Red Sack I\\gave you
contains a small gift. If you\\open it, the Red Sack will be useless\\and won't
carry any of the presents\\you find.");
Event_MsgBox("If you bring back the Red Sack and\\my lost
presents, I will give you a\\bigger gift! Ho Ho Ho!");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe my lost presents were taken\\by the Young
Ichman or... the Barricks\\... perhaps all of them picked a few\\each.. They are
very greedy so they\\may just have all of them!");
Event_MsgBox("Can you do me another favor as\\well? Please
collect 10 of Rudolph's\\Name Tags for me.. It should be very\\easy to do. You'll
find them among the\\presents that I lost. Thank you, kiddo!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Santa's Lost Presents II],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012123, 61744);
Event_Get(1, 12001);

QuestStart(61744, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Santa's Lost Presents II");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Santa Claus find his lost\\presents.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find 10 of Rudolph's Name Tags\\among the lost presents of

Santa\\Claus, and deliver them to Santa\\Claus in Almighty Ground with the\\Red
Sack. \\ \\[Quest Notice] If you open the
Red\\Sack from Santa Claus then you\\won't be able to finish this quest.");
Event_Disappear(1, 12001, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 12010, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh.. Ho.. you have found 10 of\\Rudolph's Name
Tags! Thank you. Ho\\Ho Ho!");
Event_MsgBox("I haven't found all my lost presents,\\but I will
give you another Red Sack\\with a wonderful present inside as a\\reward ...");
Event_MsgBox("If you can bring me 10 Fairy Ribbons\\among my lost
presents, I will replace\\that Red Sack with another containing\\an even bigger
Event_MsgBox("Were you able to find the Fairy\\Ribbons?");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Santa's Lost Presents III],\\has been added to your Quest List
Event_Get(1, 12002);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012123, 61745);
Event_MsgBox("If you bring me the 10 Rudolph's\\Name Tags in the
Red Sack I gave\\you, I will replace that Red Sack I\\gave you with another Red
Sack that\\has a bigger gift inside.");

QuestStart(61745, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Santa's Lost Presents III");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Santa Claus find his lost\\presents.");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Find 10 of Fairy Ribbons among the\\lost presents of Santa
Claus, and\\deliver them to Santa Claus in\\Almighty Ground with the Red Sack.\\\\
\\[Quest Notice] If you open the Red\\Sack from Santa Claus then you\\won't be able
to finish this quest.");
Event_Disappear(1, 12002, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 12011, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh Ho Ho! You have found 10 Fairy\\Ribbons! Thank
you. Ho Ho Ho!");
Event_MsgBox("Now I just have to find Santa's Magic\\Powder. If
you can find the Santa's\\Magic Powder then I will give you a\\Red Sack with a nice
big gift inside.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, the Red Sack that you are\\holding has a
good gift in it, but will you\\do me another favor for a better gift?");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Santa's Lost Presents IV],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 12003);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012123, 61746);
Event_MsgBox("If you bring me the 10 Fairy Ribbons in\\the Red
Sack I gave you, I will replace\\that Red Sack I gave you with\\another Red Sack
that has a bigger\\gift inside.");

QuestStart(61746, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Santa's Lost Presents IV");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Santa Claus find his lost\\presents.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find 10 bottles of Santa's Magic\\Powder among the lost

presents of\\Santa Claus, and deliver them to\\Santa Claus in Almighty Ground
with\\the Red Sack. \\ \\[Quest Notice] If you
open the Red\\Sack from Santa Claus then you\\won't be able to finish this
Event_Disappear(1, 12003, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 12009, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ho Ho Ho! This certainly is my lost\\Magic Powder.
Ho Ho Ho! Thank you.");
Event_MsgBox("Because of you, I have found all of\\my lost
presents. I must acknowledge\\your sincere efforts by giving you a\\wonderful
Event_MsgBox("So I will give you the chance to earn\\Santa's
Special Red Sack!");
Event_MsgBox("If you bring 20 pieces of all items that\\you have
found ... Rudolph's Name\\Tags, the Fairy Ribbons and Santa's\\Magic Powder in your
Red Sack then\\I will exchanged that Red Sack with\\Santa's Special Red Sack!");
Event_MsgBox("Will you give it a try!? Ho Ho Ho!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Santa's Lost Presents V],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 12004);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012123, 61747);
Event_MsgBox("If you bring me 10 bottles of Santa's\\Magic Powder
in the Red Sack that I\\gave you then I will replace that Red\\Sack with another
Red Sack\\containing a better gift.");

QuestStart(61747, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Santa's Lost Presents V");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Santa Claus find his lost\\presents.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find 20 Rudolph's Name Tags, 20\\Fairy Ribbons and 20

bottles of\\Santa's Magic Powder, deliver them\\to Santa Claus in Almighty
Ground\\with the Red Sack. Quest Tip If you\\have opened the Red Sack from\\Santa
Claus then you can not finish\\this quest.");
Event_Disappear(1, 12004, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 12009, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 12010, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 12011, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ho Ho Ho~! What an excellent job!");
Event_MsgBox("Because of you, all the people in the\\Almighty
Ground and Caernarvon will\\receive their gifts!");
Event_MsgBox("Thank you very much! I will give you\\Santa's
Special Red Sack as your\\Christmas gift, kiddo!");
Event_MsgBox("Merry Christmas!!!");
Event_Get(1, 12005);
Event_MsgBox("I will give you Santa's Special Red\\Sack if you
bring 20 each of my lost\\Rudolph's Name Tags, Fairy Ribbons,\\and Santa's Magic
Powder in the Red\\Sack you're carrying!");

QuestStart(63489, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("exchange with 5 red bags");
QuestAward("- item small gift box");
QuestDesc("Happy New Year!! scary ??! Awful\\things from the new year! Can
you\\defeat ??? If you hunt ?? and bring\\me 5 red bags, I will give you
QuestShortDesc("Let's get a new year gift from Levis\\by collecting 5 red

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receiving a small gift by collecting\\5 red bags");

Event_Disappear(5, 20007, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are awesome~!!. If you need\\more gift bring me
more red bags!");
Event_Get(1, 20009);

QuestStart(63490, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("exchange with 10 red bags");
QuestAward("- item gift box");
QuestDesc("Hi? Have you heard about the\\rumor of ?? monster showing
up\\everywhere? If you hunt ?? and\\bring me 10 red bags I will give you\\gift!!");
QuestShortDesc("Let's get new year gift from Palo by\\collecting 10 red

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receiving a gift by collecting 10 red\\bags");

Event_Disappear(10, 20007, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are awesome~!!. If you need\\more gift bring me
more red bags!");
Event_Get(1, 20008);

QuestStart(63491, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("exchange with 5 red bags");
QuestAward("- item small gift box");
QuestDesc("Happy New Year!! scary ??! Awful\\things from the new year! Can
you\\defeat ??? If you hunt ?? and bring\\me 5 red bags, I will give you
QuestShortDesc("Let's get new year gift from Kaload\\by collecting 5 red

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receiving a gift by collecting 5 red\\bags");

Event_Disappear(5, 20007, 0);
Event_MsgBox("ou are awesome~!!. If you need more\\gift bring me
more red bags!");
Event_Get(1, 20009);

QuestStart(63492, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("exchange with 10 red bags");
QuestAward("- item gift box");
QuestDesc("Hi? Have you heard about the\\rumor of ?? monster showing
up\\everywhere? If you hunt ?? and\\bring me 10 red bags I will give you\\gift!!");
QuestShortDesc("Let's get new year gift from Kaload\\by collecting 10 red

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receiving a gift by collecting 10 red\\bags");

Event_Disappear(10, 20007, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are awesome~!!. If you need\\more gift bring me
more red bags!");
Event_Get(1, 20008);

QuestStart(61748, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61577, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Monster Hunt");
QuestLevel("LV 82");
QuestAward("- Experience 29,155,500\\- Gold 14,000,000");
QuestDesc("Mysterious Magician? Ho-! What a\\fool to believe that rumor! It
seems\\that you are a new comer from\\Almighty Ground, um.. lets talk\\about those
rumors later. How\\about you help me with a very\\urgent matter first? Your reward
will\\be greatly considered!");
QuestShortDesc("Completing the task of hunting\\down surrounding monsters
then\\acquire information about the\\Mysterious Magician");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk with Romarin");

Event_MsgBox("By looking at the content of the\\letter, um.. it
might not be a false rumor\\at all.. However, there are other, more\\important
Event_MsgBox("If you come back to me with an item\\that could
serve as a proof of your\\claim, I might reconsider then.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, bring Ramir's
Warning\\Letter and talk to Romarin.\\ \\
[Quest Notice] By requesting help\\from Romarin using Ramir's Warning\\Letter, you
can only proceed with\\God's Pirate nation quests related to\\the Mysterious
Magician.\\ \\[Quest Notice] If you already
used\\your Ramir's Warning Letter to a side\\with another nation, you
cannot\\continue with this quest for God's\\Pirates.");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(1, 10329, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I don't want to brag, but let me\\introduce myself!
I am Romarin. I have\\been sent by Master Mihael to\\Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("I know that you might not like to follow\\my
orders, but I have to give you a\\task of hunting down monsters around\\here. The
only useful people around\\here are either Kartefant or\\Merkhadian or
Event_MsgBox("I am not very fond of you. You gave\\me a bad first
impression, coming in\\here, chasing after some false rumors.\\You want some help?
Go hunt down 5\\Gnoll Warriors and 3 Gnoll Knights.");
Event_MsgBox("Are you asking me for help by\\believing in that
false rumor?.. I can\\not give you any help with just a false\\rumor.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You need Ramir's Warning Letter in\\order to proceed with the quest. If you\\have
already requested help to other\\nation using the Ramir's Warning\\Letter then you
can only proceed with\\the quest from the concerned nation.");

AddPhase(8, 3, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, hunt down 5
Phase_Target(2270, 1324);
Trigger_Kill(5, 120);
Event_MsgBox("You have hunted down 5 Gnoll\\Warriors.");

AddPhase(8, 4, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, hunt down 3
Phase_Target(2270, 1324);
Trigger_Kill(3, 121);
Event_MsgBox("You have hunted down 3 Gnoll\\Knights.");

AddPhase(8, 5, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, visit Romarin
the Grand\\Fall Valley Commander and tell him\\the hunt has been successful");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_MsgBox("What? You have already hunted\\them down? Hmm..I
was amazed\\after looking at the report.. It was true.\\You are more skilled than I
thought.\\Where have you been training?");
Event_MsgBox("Here is your payment. I want to ask\\to do another
task for me, since you\\have done an excellent job. So what\\do you think?");
Event_MsgBox("I will tell you what it is. I want you to\\get the
exact location of the first lines\\of defense for Kartefant and\\Merkhadia, the
Middle Camp and the\\Roche Camp, located here in\\Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you 2 Blank Maps. Here.\\Please mark
the location of those\\places here. Don't worry about the\\payment.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Search Surroundings], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40008066, 61749);
Event_Get(2, 10326);
Event_Award(0x1BCE0AC, 14000000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61749, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Search Surroundings");
QuestLevel("LV 85");
QuestAward("- Experience 45,457,300\\- Gold 17,000,000");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("By following the command of\\Romarin, find the locations of
first\\lines of defense of Kartefant and\\Merkhadia. Complete the maps then\\go
back to Romarin");
AddPhase(8, 1, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, approach the
location\\of the Middle Camp, then find the\\exact location");
Phase_Target(1103, 1043);
Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 1103, 100, 1043, 80);
Event_Disappear(1, 10326, 0);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You have found the first line of\\defense, the Middle Camp of\\Kartefant in
Caernarvon, and\\completed the empty map.");
Event_Get(1, 10327);
Event_MsgBox("In order to mark the location of the\\Middle Camp,
you need to have the\\Blank Map in your inventory.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, deliver the
map\\containing location of Middle Camp\\of Kartefant to Romarin of God's\\Pirates,
at Grand Fall Valley.");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(1, 10327, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are sure you have marked the\\exact location of
the place? Then for\\the next task, find the location of the\\first line of
defense, the Roche Camp\\of Merkhadia.");
Event_MsgBox("Hmm, you haven't found the location\\of the first
line of defense, the Middle\\Camp of Kartefant? Maybe, you are\\afraid of the
Kartefant fools?");

AddPhase(8, 3, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, approach the
Roche\\Camp and mark the exact location");
Phase_Target(3061, 1478);
Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 3061, 100, 1478, 80);
Event_Disappear(1, 10326, 0);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You have found the first line of\\defense, the Roche Camp of\\Merkhadia in
Caernarvon, and\\marked the location on the map.");
Event_Get(1, 10321);
Event_MsgBox("In order to mark the location of the\\Roche Camp,
you need the Empty\\Map in the inventory.");

AddPhase(8, 4, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, deliver the
map\\containing location of Roche Camp\\of Merkhadia to Romarin of God's\\Pirates,
at Grand Fall Valley.");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(1, 10321, 0);
Event_MsgBox("My prediction on the location of their\\first line
of defense, the Roche Camp\\of Merkhadia was right. I am sick of\\this war. Aren't
Event_MsgBox("Here, this is the payment for your\\task. About the
rumor that you have\\mentioned before.. ");
Event_MsgBox("As a token of my appreciation for a\\task well
done, I will look in to it. But,\\there are some tasks left around.");
Event_MsgBox("The current movement of Kartefant\\and Merkhadia is
very strange. They\\are collecting more Materials than they\\need to create the
Event_MsgBox("On this, you have to find out. Go and\\visit
Syrecian, and do what he asks of\\you.");
Event_MsgBox("Your neck seems to last longer than\\what I have
thought!. Ha Ha Ha!");
Event_Award(0x2B59F94, 0x1036640, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hmm, you haven't found the location\\of the first
line of defense, the Roche\\Camp of Merkhadia? Maybe, you are\\afraid of the
Merkhadia fools?");

QuestStart(61750, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61748, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Reasonable Doubts");
QuestLevel("LV 85");
QuestAward("- Experience 34,093,000\\- Gold 13,000,000");
QuestDesc("Greetings. I am looking for brave\\and arrogant God's Pirates
Member\\who will help me to do some simple\\but dangerous spy work. Can you\\help
me with this?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Syrecian and acquire\\information about Kartefant

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk with Syrecian");

Event_MsgBox("Great. I will explain very briefly. Right\\now,
God's Pirates is facing a very\\dangerous challenge. You might know\\this but
people who don't want war are\\recruited into God's Pirates.");
Event_MsgBox("Are you asking me why it is a\\dangerous challenge?
Ha Ha.. You\\don't know what it means.");
Event_MsgBox("The Caernarvon continent has been\\at war for a
long period of time.. Did\\you not feel your heart beat rising\\when you stepped on
to this continent?");
Event_MsgBox("Slowly, everyone's nerves will be\\excited by the
slaughter.. and before\\you know it, you'll find yourself swinging\\your sword at
the enemy.");
Event_MsgBox("We have to find those who don't\\want war on this
continent and\\persuade those who have been\\condemned by the slaughter.");
Event_MsgBox("However, I do not want to negate the\\actions taken
by the God's Pirates. I\\just wanted to explain our current\\situation.");
Event_MsgBox("Alright, shall we go back to our\\discussion? I am
in charge of\\conducting Military Intelligence work\\here. Presently in Kartefant,
a\\colleague of mine is conducting spy\\work, and we have been successful
in\\planting a reliable informer in\\Merkhadia as well.");
Event_MsgBox("However, there is a problem.. They\\may have
uncovered our activities.\\Maybe they already know about me\\as well.");
Event_MsgBox("That is why I am looking for someone\\who will
continue the work on behalf\\of myself, and you can help me on\\that task. Please,
get reports of my\\spies instead of me.");
Event_MsgBox("Movements of both nations are\\strange. Maybe they
are creating\\weapons of mass destructions.. That\\weapon will be more powerful
than\\what we can imagine.. Please hurry up.");
Event_MsgBox("I will mark the location where you\\have to visit
on your map. Please\\successfully complete your task.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Promised Location], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [The Spy's Proviso], has\\been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40008067, 61751);
Event_AddQuest(0x40008067, 61752);

AddPhase(8, 2, "After completing task of acquiring\\reports of God's Pirates

spies who\\have penetrated inside Kartefant\\and Merkhadia, deliver both
reports\\to Syrecian by referring to the map");
Phase_Target(2303, 1206);
Event_Disappear(1, 10322, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10323, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh ho.., You have safely brought the\\reports of
both spies.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("As expected, both Kartefant and\\Merkhadia are
developing a new\\weapon. I won't know the details until\\I can decipher this
complicated\\blueprint but I can guess what it is just\\by looking at the 'Warning
Message'\\sent by the spies.");
Event_MsgBox("Please bring this Secret Weapon\\Blueprint to Jort
who can decipher it.");
Event_MsgBox("He will be able to decipher this\\blueprint
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Secret Weapon\\Blueprints], has been added to your\\Quest List
Event_Get(1, 10324);
Event_AddQuest(0x40008067, 61753);
Event_Award(0x20837C8, 13000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Please bring reports from the spies in\\Middle Camp
and Roche Camp.");

QuestStart(61751, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Promised Location");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,524,900");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Find the box planted in the Middle\\Camp by Syrecian's
Kartefant Spy\\and acquire the Spy's Report");

AddPhase(8, 1, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, find the Box
planted by\\the spy at the Middle Camp and\\acquire the Spy's Report.");
Phase_Target(1163, 1074);
Trigger_Kill(1, 193);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] You have found the\\Spy's Report in
the box.");
Event_Get(1, 10322);
Event_Award(1524900, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61752, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("The Spy's Proviso");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestAward("- Experience 30,498,800");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Visit the spy planted in nearby\\Merkhadia by Syrecian then
acquire\\the Spy's Report containing current\\activities of the Ak'Kan.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, find the
Phase_Target(2931, 1439);
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. Were you asked by Syrecian\\to come here?");
Event_MsgBox("As you know, we will not reveal our\\identity to
anybody. Ok then, lets go\\back to the discussion.");
Event_MsgBox("The information requested by\\Syrecian was harder
to acquire than\\normal. Because of this, I am under\\suspicion by the
Event_MsgBox("You know why I am telling you this?\\For my
trouble, the price for the\\information has gone up. I need 3\\Diamonds in addition
to the payment\\given by Syrecian.");
Event_MsgBox("Don't blame me for this. The war has\\made me who I
am now. Come back\\when you have the payment.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Give 3 Diamonds to Bog the\\Ak'Kan spy to acquire the

Phase_Target(2931, 1439);
Event_Disappear(3, 1914, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You came back faster than I\\expected. Here is the
Spy's Report\\containing the national secrets of\\Merkhadia.");
Event_MsgBox("You might think of me as a greedy\\spy, but please
note that before I\\became the warrior of Merkhadia, I\\was an Ak'Kan who wanted
Event_MsgBox("I hope we will not meet again like\\this..");
Event_Get(1, 10323);
Event_Award(0x1D15FF0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I will not give you the information that\\I have if
you do not bring me 3\\Diamonds as an extra payment.");

QuestStart(61753, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Secret Weapon Blueprints");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 40,850,600\\- Deciphered Blueprint");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Visit Jort the weapon manufacturer\\in Grand Fall Valley,
deliver the\\Secret Weapon Blueprints, then ask\\him to decipher it");

AddPhase(8, 1, "By referencing location marked on\\the map, find Jort and
deliver the\\Secret Weapon Blueprints");
Phase_Target(2340, 1198);
Event_Disappear(1, 10324, 0);
Event_MsgBox("How are you? I am Edbaloon Jort the\\Weapon
Manufacturer. People around\\here just call me Jort.");
Event_MsgBox("Hum.. this is the love letter requested\\to me by
Syrecian? Let me see...");
Event_MsgBox("... Maybe this is Um... It's too early to\\say
this, but.. unfortunately as\\Syrecian predicted, both nations might\\be engaged in
development of a\\Secret Weapon.");
Event_MsgBox("I will have to decipher this encoded\\blueprint to
be sure..");
Event_MsgBox("Here Here.. I will decipher this\\encrypted love
letter. In the mean\\time, collect some Siege Material for\\me. I'll only need 5 of
Event_MsgBox("Didn't Syrecian sent a love letter to\\me?");

AddPhase(8, 2, "While Jort the weapon\\manufacturer of Grand Fall

Valley\\deciphers the Secret Weapon\\Blueprints of Kartefant and\\Merkhadia, train
to level 89 and\\collect 5 Siege Materials and deliver\\them to Jort.");
Phase_Target(2340, 1198);
Trigger_LevelTalk(89, 0x40008069, "Um..the Secret Weapon
Blueprints\\have not been deciphered yet..could\\you give me more time? I think it
will be\\deciphered by the time you reach\\Level 89.");
Event_Disappear(5, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Damn, It's nice to see you.");
Event_MsgBox("The Secret Weapon Blueprints you\\brought by the
command of Syrecian\\were true.");
Event_MsgBox("According to these Secret Weapon\\Blueprints, not
only have Kartefant\\and Merkhadia developed secret\\weapons, but in a short while
they will\\be able to develop weapons of mass\\destruction that could
completely\\destroy a small town with just the push\\of a button.");
Event_MsgBox("No. Perhaps they have already\\developed those
weapons. They could\\blow away camps as big as where you\\and I are standing with
just the push\\of a button!");
Event_MsgBox("Oh my.. they are actually making\\these foolish and
horrible weapons..\\It's a disaster!");
Event_MsgBox("Here, this is the Deciphered\\Blueprint. Please
take this to the\\Romarin, our commander.");
Event_MsgBox("If we ignore this, something terrible\\will
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Danger of a Secret\\Weapon], has been added to your\\Quest List
Event_Get(1, 10325);
Event_Award(0x26F54A8, 0, 0, 0);
Event_AddQuest(0x40008066, 61760);
Event_MsgBox("Analyzing the blueprint has been\\completed but..
Where are 5 Siege\\Material I requested?");

QuestStart(61760, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 65535, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Danger of a Secret Weapon");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 20,425,300\\- Gold 17,900,000\\- Teleport Scroll \\-
Sheminke's Medal");
QuestDesc("Could not retrieve message.");
QuestShortDesc("Deliver the Deciphered Blueprint to\\Romarin who is in charge
of the\\God's Pirates first line of defense in\\Caernarvon, Grand Fall Valley");

AddPhase(8, 1, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, deliver the
Deciphered\\Blueprint to Romarin");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(1, 10325, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Finally, you have done an important\\task. Thank
Event_MsgBox("So.. these are the Secret Weapon\\Blueprints of
both nations analyzed by\\Jort..? May I have a look?");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Oh..Damn! Damn! Those war freaks!\\This is a weapon
of mass destruction.");
Event_MsgBox("I never imagined that both nations\\would actually
develop these high\\powered weapons .. This is a serious\\matter..");
Event_MsgBox("If we leave this alone.. The Master\\Mihael's and
my dream will be gone\\forever..");
Event_MsgBox("I am not sure if this will be sufficient\\as a
reward for your hard work.. I\\have found some information regarding\\the
Mysterious Magician that you had\\requested before.");
Event_MsgBox("It wasn't a false rumor at all.. A\\person called
Sheminke actually does\\exist.. Here, this is a Teleport Scroll\\leading to the
secret hideout of the\\Mysterious Magician given to me by a\\reliable informer. He
also told me that\\this Medal must be presented to the\\Mysterious Magician.");
Event_MsgBox("As for me, I haven't seen Latra who\\lead Master
Mihael.. Nor do I believe\\in such things as.. evil or the end of the\\world. But,
I hope all the best for you.\\Let's meet again as a dedicated\\members of God's
Event_Get(1, 10328);
Event_Get(1, 10309);
Event_Award(0x137AA54, 0x11121E0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Haven't you found anything yet?");
QuestStart(61761, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61760, 3, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("God's Pirates Duty");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 61,275,900\\- Gold 18,000,000\\- Contribution Medals
QuestDesc("Do you know the meaning of God's\\Pirates? I have somewhat
different\\ideas compared to Master Mihael,\\but our goal is the same. Would
you\\do your duty to God's Pirates by\\helping me?");
QuestShortDesc("Complete the God's Pirate duty\\given by Romarine and

AddPhase(8, 1, "Talk to Romarin");

Event_MsgBox("Master Mihael and I have the same\\dream. Aren't
you curious to know\\what it is?");
Event_MsgBox("We dream of a world full of peace.\\Who might be
holding a sword.. or who\\isn't.. or anything else might not be\\important in that
world.. We just want\\everyone to feel happiness and peace.");
Event_MsgBox("However, we have our differences in\\how to achieve
our dreams.. Master\\Mihael does not prefer force... But I am\\different.");
Event_MsgBox("The Caernarvon continent is full of\\slaughter and
cruelty. There are no\\other means to achieve that dream\\without using force.");
Event_MsgBox("That is, by defeating those who want\\war with
force, we might bring a\\temporary respite from it. There is no\\other means than
Event_MsgBox("They will do anything to win that war.\\So must we.
Are you with me? The\\choice is yours to make.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want peace, shouldn't we\\teach them what
peace is? Go and\\defeat them!");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Defeat warriors of Kartefant and\\Merkhadia then teach them

what\\peace is! When you reach 4,000\\fame, return to Romarin.");
Event_MsgBox("Your fame has surpassed 4,000.\\Please go back to
Romarin and\\receive your reward.");

AddPhase(8, 3, "By referencing the location marked\\on the map, go back to

Romarin in\\the God's Pirate first line of defense\\and get recognition for your
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha Ha! Now you are a full\\member of God's
Pirates! Here, this is\\the reward promised to you by the\\God's Pirates, in
recognition of your\\service.");
Event_MsgBox("Please do not forget that the duty of\\God's
Pirates is to stop the war\\between Kartefant and Merkhadia,\\then to bring peace
to this land!");
Event_Award(0x3A6FEFC, 0x112A880, 0, 2000);
QuestStart(61762, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61760, 0, false);
QuestType(1, 1);
QuestTitle("Sheminke's Hideout");
QuestLevel("LV 90");
QuestDesc("When you use the Teleport Scroll\\made by Sheminke then you will
be\\instantly transferred to Sheminke's\\Hideout. Teleport scroll is
disposable\\and it will be disappeared after using\\it.");
QuestShortDesc("Using the teleport scroll created by\\Sheminke to transfer to
Sheminke's\\Hideout then meet him.");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Use the Teleport Scroll");

Event_Move(8, 3165.1, 1572.73);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Used Teleport Scroll");

Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 3165.1, 169.59, 1572.73, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You have arrived at Sheminke's\\Hideout.");
Event_Award(0, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61763, 89, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 61760, 3, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Enhanced Dimensional Key");
QuestLevel("LV 95");
QuestAward("- Experience 145,437,400\\- Gold 28,000,000");
QuestDesc("I think you know who I am by now.\\What you should be asking is
not\\who the Sheminke is but why is\\Sheminke here. Are you interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to the story of Sheminke,\\meet his demands and
gather\\information about the Collapsing\\Dimension Gateway");

AddPhase(8, 1, " Listen to Sheminke's story");

Event_MsgBox("It doesn't matter where I start..\\Nevertheless, I
will try to get to the\\heart of the matter.");
Event_MsgBox("I, Sheminke, have followed the Fallen\\Archfiend
who has entered your\\dimension through the Collapsing\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Your worst enemy, the Fallen\\Archfiend, sucks
energy out of all living\\things in the world and is trying to\\make your world his
Event_MsgBox("We are not sure how and when the\\Fallen Archfiend
was created, but we\\know how dangerous it is without even\\seeing it with our own
eyes. You will\\understand what I am talking about\\when you see the village of
the\\Ancients in Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("Simply put, the Fallen Archfiend and\\I, Sheminke,
should not remain here in\\your dimension. The Fallen Archfiend is\\from the
Underworld and I, Sheminke\\am a magician ordered to keep both\\eyes on the
movement of the Fallen\\Archfiend within my own country. I\\must know his
whereabouts at all\\times.");
Event_MsgBox("The Fallen Archfiend is trying to\\exploit the
weaknesses of the\\Dimensional Gateway created by the\\race called the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("I can say that I was able to transfer\\to this
place through the Dimensional\\Gateway as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, your dimension is in danger of\\destruction.
That destruction may have\\already begun.");
Event_MsgBox("We need to stop the Fallen\\Archfiend. This is not
just the problem\\of your dimension. It is my duty to stop\\the Fallen Archfiend
before it\\endangers any other dimensions.");
Event_MsgBox("I'm sorry. I've gone on too long, and\\there are
things you need to know.");
Event_MsgBox("You know something about the\\Dimensional Key
right? ... \\ \\As I have guessed. It is not
difficult to\\make, from what I know from my\\research, but I can understand
why\\you would not know about it. In your\\dimension you do not use
the\\Dimensional Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, the process in making the\\Dimensional
Key known by the\\Decendant of Ancients is not entirely\\wrong. Actually, it is the
correct one. \\ \\However, I have the
blueprint for\\making an Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I had the blueprint...\\Unfortunately, I have
lost it when I was\\passing through the Leokin of the\\Caernarvon continent. \\
\\Please find the blueprint for making an\\Enhanced Dimensional Key.");
Event_MsgBox("Using the blueprint, I can make the\\Enhanced
Dimensional Key and you\\will not fail to reach the Collapsing\\Dimension
Gateway. \\ \\Please find the
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you the Teleport Scroll so\\that you
can come back here quickly.\\I can make the Teleport Scroll easily.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Enhanced Dimensional\\Key Blueprint], has been added to\\your Quest
List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61701);

AddPhase(8, 2, "Find the lost Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint

for\\Sheminke and deliver it to him.");
Event_Disappear(1, 10317, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. You have found it faster\\than what I
had expected.");
Event_MsgBox("The ingredients for making Enhanced\\Dimensional
Key are the same ones\\that you collected before. We need the\\rare mineral Soul
Metal, an Underworld\\Soul, and a Star Fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("I tried to find ingredients for
Enhanced\\Dimensional Key once. I received a\\nickname that I never wanted.");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, I found out that all the\\ingredients
can be found in your\\dimension as well. And I know where\\how to get them.");
Event_MsgBox("First, the rare Soul Metal. This is a\\metal that
has not been researched in\\your dimension. \\
\\This mineral is more rare and useful\\than Iternium. Unfortunately, no one\\from
your dimension knows where to\\find this mineral, but I was able to find\\a
location where you can find the rare\\Soul Metal using the Collapsing\\Dimensional
Event_MsgBox("Check the Lost Ruins, located in the\\northwest of
Caernarvon, or around a\\small lake located in the northeast. It\\is rare, so
you'll have to search the\\area carefully. Of course, you need to\\be careful of
nearby monsters as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Second is the Underworld Soul. The\\strongest
Underworld soul in your\\dimension is the soul of Bree. With the\\Soul Jar that I
am giving you, you can\\collect it by just defeating Bree.");
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, the Star Fragment. Star\\Fragment is a
reagent used by the\\Ancients in item creation. Now, Star\\Fragments exist in all
dimensions but if\\the Star Fragment can not be found by\\a living thing due to its
instinct, then it\\can not be found at all. I am the same\\as well.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe the Ancients had innate skills\\to find them.
It is ironic to know that\\their descendants do not know how to\\find them.
Fortunately, I have found a\\living being in Caernarvon that finds\\and uses the
Star Fragment just like\\the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you collect all the ingredients, I\\can make
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key. I will give you another Teleport\\Scroll. Good
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Soul Metal], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Underworld Soul], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Star Fragment], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10313);
Event_Get(1, 10312);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61702);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61703);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61704);
Event_MsgBox("Go to the place of Leokin to find the\\lost

AddPhase(8, 3, "After collecting Soul Metal,\\Underworld Soul and Star

Fragment,\\go back to Sheminke using Teleport\\Scroll");
Event_Disappear(7, 10314, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10315, 0);
Event_Disappear(20, 10316, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I have collected all materials. Please\\deliver the
ingredients that you have\\collected and the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key Blueprint to
Bareha\\the Descendant of the Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("He will make you the Enhanced\\Dimensional Key. And
when the\\Enhanced Dimensional Key is\\completed, you will be able reach to\\the
Collapsing Dimension Gateway.");
Event_MsgBox("You should know that the Fallen\\Archfiend is not
an easy enemy. It is\\not wrong to say that the future of\\your dimension depends
on you.");
Event_MsgBox("Please stop the Fallen Archfiend.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] \\
\\The quest, [Enhanced Dimensional\\Key II], has been added to your Quest\\List
Event_Get(7, 10314);
Event_Get(1, 10315);
Event_Get(20, 10316);
Event_Get(1, 10317);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012118, 61705);
Event_Award(0x8AB32D8, 0x1AB3F00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have to collect all the ingredients\\for making
the Enhanced Dimensional\\Key.");

QuestStart(327, 3, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Hunting Basics I");
QuestLevel("LV 3");
QuestAward("- Experience 40\\- Gold 750");
QuestDesc("If you are new to Almighty Ground,\\I have a some advice for
you.\\Would you like to listen?");
QuestShortDesc("Follow Letas's directions");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Letas' story");

Event_MsgBox("This advice may seem like nothing,\\but I'll say it
to you anyway. 'Don't bite\\off more than you can chew'.");
Event_MsgBox("In other words, while you might earn\\more
experience fighting a tougher\\monster, fighting weak enemies is\\smarter than
facing too many strong\\enemies and getting into trouble. For\\example...");
Event_MsgBox("Hmm.. Hunt 5 Young Ichmen for now.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 5 Young Ichmen located on\\the map");

Phase_Target(2916, 2501);
Trigger_Kill(5, 1);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 5 Young Ichmen.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Letas");

Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_MsgBox("You will earn better experience if you\\are
fighting stronger enemies, and you\\can probably fight them and live, but\\since
you may have to rest more often\\to do it, it might not be worth it.");
Event_MsgBox("You will learn when you try it for\\yourself. But
don't take my word for it.\\Oh, come back and see me after\\you've hunted for a
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Letas will have some more advice for\\you when you reach Level 5.");
Event_Award(40, 750, 0, 0);

QuestStart(328, 5, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 327, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Hunting Basics II");
QuestLevel("LV 5");
QuestAward("- Experience 60\\- Gold 1,500");
QuestDesc("Aren't you getting bored killing\\Young Ichmen by now?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to the Letas and follow his\\orders.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Letas' story");

Event_MsgBox("I know I told you that fighting weaker\\monsters is
more efficient, but that's all\\relative. As you get stronger, you can\\fight those
monsters that were too\\strong for you before. Even though\\they may have been too
much work in\\the past, they just might be the perfect\\monster for you to
Event_MsgBox("It's hard to draw a line for efficient\\criteria...
Hmm... Let's even the odds a\\litte. Why don't you buy me 10 Bread\\from General
Merchant Shan?");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the general merchant Shan on\\the map, buy 10 bread,
and bring\\them to back to Letas");
Phase_Target(2796, 2313);
Event_Disappear(10, 3020, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good. Now, put the bread into a\\quick slot and
fight enemies.");
Event_MsgBox("Why don't you fight Young Ichmen\\and test since
they shouldn't hurt you\\too much now. You can't eat all your\\bread at once
anyway. Once you're\\comfortable with that, kill 5 Elite\\Ichamen for me.");
Event_MsgBox("Most usable items can be placed in\\your quickslot
bar. You can use them\\by pressing the corresponding number\\key (1-0).");
Event_Get(10, 3020);
Event_MsgBox("You can buy bread from the general\\merchant Shan.
He is marked on the\\map for your reference.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 5 Elite Ichman. Don't forget to\\use bread if you need
Phase_Target(3053, 2500);
Trigger_Kill(5, 5);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 5 Elite Ichman.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to Letas");

Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_MsgBox("Elite Ichman can be easier to fight\\when you have
bread to keep your\\strength up. As you get stronger, there\\are other tasty foods
that can keep\\you going.");
Event_MsgBox("Keep an eye on your money, and\\work your way up to
using bacon.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\HP heal of bread is 200 and it's 30\\gold each. Not a bad deal.");
Event_Award(60, 1500, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61769, 10, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fight the Hard Fight");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 190\\- Gold 1,900");
QuestDesc("I've heard how to deal with\\stronger enemies. Do ye want to
be\\knowin' it?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn tactics about fighting higher\\level monsters");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Serabess");

Event_MsgBox("Sometimes, ye be needin' to fight\\some tough
monsters. Sometimes,\\someone be tellin' ye to, and\\sometimes ye might just feel
like it.");
Event_MsgBox("You could be waitin' until you're\\strong enough to
do it, but it might be\\takin' a while to get that strong. In\\those cases, using a
Lightning potion\\or a Defense potion could be an option\\for you.");
Event_MsgBox("Alright then. Go talk to Letas. He be\\knowin'
about potions and can tell ye\\more about them.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, I'd be mighty grateful if you\\could bring me
a Crafted Grub Ruby on\\your way back. I'm beggin' ye.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Notions about Potions],\\has been added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10330);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012060, 61776);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Return to Serabess with a Crafted\\Grub Ruby");

Phase_Target(2847, 2282);
Event_Disappear(1, 10331, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Welcome back, and thanks to ye.\\Letas does some
fine work, he does.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, let me point out some others\\who can be
givin' you some good\\advice. A very important thing ye can\\be doing' out there is
to get yerself a\\party. You can find it out more about\\this from Mihael and
Ramir's protector,\\Zira.");
Event_MsgBox("It be easier to fight the tough\\monsters if ye be
having good gear.\\Black Smith Gyd knows much about\\gear.");
Event_MsgBox("When you're ready to be hearin'\\what they have to
say, seek 'em out.\\They'll help ye.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, let it be known that they might\\not be ready
to talk to ye if they don't\\think ye have enough experience\\under your belt.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You can take Zira's quest at Level 12\\and Gyd's quest at Level 14.");
Event_Award(190, 1900, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ahh... I be needin' Crafted Grub\\Ruby... Letas
knows about 'em.. Help\\a lass out.");

QuestStart(61776, 10, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Notions about Potions I");
QuestLevel("LV 10");
QuestAward("- Experience 670\\- Gold 6,800");
QuestDesc("Can't receive conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about making potions");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Go to Letas to make a Crafted\\Grub Ruby for Serabess");

Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_MsgBox("Serabess sent you? Gee...");
Event_MsgBox("She is always like this.. I have\\emphasized to her
that I am not the\\only one who knows about the jewel\\but she keeps sending people
to me.\\ \\<sigh>");
Event_MsgBox("I'll do it for her, again. But first, let me\\tell
you about potions. Bring me a\\Diamond Chip and Distilled Water (S).\\I will
explain about the Lightning Potion\\first.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Return to Letas with a Diamond\\Chip and a Distilled Water

(S). You\\can collect Diamond Chips from\\hunting and purchase Distilled\\Water(S)
from a general merchant.");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 1904, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 3101, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good. Now, dissolve the Diamond\\Chip into the
Distilled water(s). All you\\need to do is add a Diamond Chip to\\the Distilled
Event_Get(1, 1904);
Event_Get(1, 3101);
Event_MsgBox("Hmm... We really need a Diamond\\Chip and Distilled
Water (S). I can't\\explain the usage without them. Shan\\is sells Distilled Water

AddPhase(12, 3, "Make a Lightning Potion (S) with\\Diamond Chip and Distilled

Water\\(S) and take it to Letas");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 3169, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good work. This potion increases\\your attack
Event_MsgBox("Your accuracy will be increased and\\there will be
a huge increase in your\\damage.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, Serabess wants a Crafted Grub\\Ruby? Let me
mark Grubs on your\\map. Go hunt 5 of them, and take\\their Grub Rubies to Rake who
is on\\the near island.");
Event_MsgBox("He will explain to you about the\\Defense potion
and make the Crafted\\Grub Ruby for you.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, when you are strong enough,\\return to me
with a Ruby Chip and\\Sapphire Chip. I will explain about them\\too.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Potions can also be placed in a quick\\slot just like bread and be assigned
to\\the 1~0 number keys. Lightning Potions\\can raise accuracy and attack
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Letas will explain about Healing\\Potions and Magic Potions when you\\reach level
27. Come back with a\\Ruby Chip and a Sapphire Chip.");
Event_Get(1, 3169);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Combining a Diamond Chip and\\Distilled Water (S) in your inventory\\window will
create a Lightning Potion\\(S).");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt 5 Grubs");

Phase_Target(3124, 2545);
Trigger_Kill(5, 7);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 5 Grubs.");
Event_MsgBox("You have gained 5 Grub Rubies from\\the Grubs.");
Event_Get(5, 10330);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Take Grub Rubies to Rake.");

Phase_Target(2962, 2616);
Event_Disappear(5, 10330, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What? Ahhh. Serabess and Letas\\asking again, are
Event_MsgBox("Oh well, I was bored anyway. We'll\\get to that.
Did you want to hear\\about Defense potion? Don't worry\\about the Crafted Grub
Ruby. Bring me\\a Black Moon Chip and a Distilled\\Water (S). I'll work on the
Crafted Grub\\Ruby while you gather the ingredients.");
Event_MsgBox("To make a Crafted Grub Ruby, you\\need something
else, but it seems you\\lost it.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Return to Rake with Black Moon\\Chip and Distilled Water (S)
You can\\get a Black Moon Chip by hunting\\and you can purchase Distilled\\Water
(S) from a general merchant.");
Phase_Target(2962, 2616);
Event_Disappear(1, 1905, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 3101, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good. You have created Lightning\\potion, right?
Making a Defense potion\\is just like that.");
Event_MsgBox("You only need to switch the Diamond\\Chip with a
Black Moon Chip.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Combining Black Moon Chip and\\Distilled Water (S) in your inventory\\window will
create a Defense potion(s).");
Event_Get(1, 1905);
Event_Get(1, 3101);
Event_MsgBox("Bring me a Black Moon Chip and\\Distilled Water
(S). I will need these to\\explain.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Create a Defense Potion (S) by\\using Black Moon Chip and
Distilled\\Water (S) and bring it to Rake");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 3157, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Your body can absorb enemy attack\\or damage by
using Defense potion. It\\will decrease physical attack damage\\from the enemy and
can also give you\\a chance to totally avoid the attack.");
Event_MsgBox("Also.. Here is the Crafted Grub Ruby\\you needed me
to make.");
Event_MsgBox("Serabess doesn't usually ask for\\another ruby so
soon, but you can\\bring this to her. Oh yeah, when you\\need to know about
Disenchant\\Potions, come back to me with an\\Emerald Chip. I will tell you what
you\\need to know.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Defense Potions temporarily increase\\your Defense and Evade Rate.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Rake will explain about Disenchant\\Potions when you reach level 17.\\Please come
back with an Emerald\\Chip at level 17.");
Event_Get(1, 10331);
Event_Get(1, 3157);
Event_Award(670, 6800, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Combining Black Moon Chip and\\Distilled Water (S) in inventory window\\will
create Defense Potion (S).");

QuestStart(337, 12, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61769, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Looking for Party I");
QuestLevel("LV 12");
QuestAward("- Experience 400\\- Gold 4,000");
QuestDesc("God's Pirates, and Almighty Ground\\in general, is about a team-
oriented\\and symbiotic relationship! Would\\you like to hear explanation?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about Parties");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Zira's story");

Event_MsgBox("Fightin' a strong enemy alone, even\\when ye be
prepared, is not an easy\\task. Once the battle is over, ye'll\\surely have to
rest. However, teamin'\\up more than 2 people will make\\more'n double the
Event_MsgBox("If ye can, try to be findin' someone\\like yerself
and hunt 3 Wolf Pups?\\Don't be worryin' about what they be\\needin' just yet.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, and be bringin' their fur back to\\me. I'll buy
them from ya.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 3 Wolf Pups. Their location\\has been marked on your

Phase_Target(3067, 2336);
Trigger_Kill(3, 25);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 3 Wolf Pups.");
Event_MsgBox("You have gained 3 Wolf Pups' Furs.");
Event_Get(3, 10332);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Take 3 Wolf Pups' Fur to Zira");

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(3, 10332, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Alright then. Good work. Let's say\\there is one
enemy against ye. If two\\people of about equal strenth be\\fightin' together, how
much damage ye\\be thinkin' they'd take compared to\\just one of 'em alone?");
Event_MsgBox("It's not even half! Think about it. The\\monster
can only be attackin' one of\\ye, and the two of ye together can\\dispatch it twice
as fast! It's closer to a\\fourth of the damage ye'd take alone!");
Event_MsgBox("Hmm? Monsters only attackin' one of\\ye... There
might just be somethin' to\\that.");
Event_MsgBox("Fer now, just stop fightin' when ye get\\attacked,
and I'll give ye some more\\pointers about it later.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\You will gain less experience points\\when you are in a party, and the\\larger
the party, the more experience\\you have to share. However, a large\\group can kill
monsters faster, making\\up for the experience penalty.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Come back to Zira at level 22 if you\\want more party strategy.");
Event_Award(400, 4000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Come on, It's only a Wolf Pup. You\\couldn't even
catch it?");

QuestStart(338, 14, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Being Clear About Gear");
QuestLevel("LV 14");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,000\\- Gold 11,000");
QuestDesc("You don't look ready to fully\\apprecaite all I can offer you,
but\\there isn't a weapon or piece of\\armor in Pirate's Bluff that doesn't\\pass
through my hands. You want\\some advice?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about merchants and\\equipment");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gyd's story");

Event_MsgBox("Adventurers needs good gear. And\\the first place
you can get some is to\\buy it from a store, if you have some\\money.");
Event_MsgBox("If you take this Weapons Delivery\\and go see
weapon merchant\\Ro'kan, he will explain how to\\purchase equipment. Tell him I
Event_Get(1, 10333);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver the Weapons Delivery to\\Ro'kan and listen to his

Phase_Target(2807, 2304);
Event_Disappear(1, 10333, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ah, it's the weapons I've been waiting\\for. Very
good. Gyd asked me to give\\you some advice, did he? Okay, then.");
Event_MsgBox("You probably already know how to\\purchase items.
Easy right? The\\confusing part is the Refresh function\\and the Page function.");
Event_MsgBox("All the items a merchant shows you is\\not all the
items we sell. It's only a\\catalog.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want same kind of gear but\\with different
bonuses, click the\\Refresh button. The merchant will offer\\you different items,
even though it\\looks same.");
Event_MsgBox("High quality gear is more expensive,\\so you might
want to consider your\\economic situation carefully before you\\buy. Also,
merchants may have\\multiple pages of equipment. You can\\use the page arrows to
browse all our\\wares.");
Event_MsgBox("Can you memorize what I told you\\and try it? Then
come back to me");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\You can find more gear by clicking the\\Refresh and the Page arrow
buttons.\\Normally, public stores sell gear up to D\\grade only.");
Event_MsgBox("Didn't Gyd give you some weapons to\\deliver to

AddPhase(12, 3, "Use Ro'kan's store menu, try to use\\the Refresh & Page
functions, then\\talk to Ro'kan");
Phase_Target(2807, 2304);
Event_MsgBox("Very good. I hope you're familiar with\\all things
shopping related. Now, take\\this. It's a Delivery Receipt for Gyd.");
Event_MsgBox("Gyd will pay you if you take this.");
Event_Get(1, 10334);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return the Delivery Receipt to Gyd");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(1, 10334, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good work. Let me give you a bit\\more advice. If
you're low on funds,\\you could always hunt for your\\equipment. Monsters sometimes
carry\\odd bits of gear, and you can take it\\when you kill them.");
Event_MsgBox("There is risk, but you don't need any\\money, and
it could give you profit.");
Event_MsgBox("Speaking of which, can you hunt\\Stone Beetles and
bring me their\\carapaces? Four would be enough.");
Event_MsgBox("I am not sure that you'll find exactly\\what you
want by hunting, but why\\don't you try anyway?");
Event_MsgBox("Have you taken the Delivery Receipt\\to Gyd?");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Hunt 4 Stone Beetles and obtain 4\\Stone Beetle Carapaces");

Phase_Target(2980, 2334);
Trigger_Kill(4, 26);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 4 Stone Beetles.");
Event_MsgBox("You gained 4 Stone Beetle\\Carapaces.");
Event_Get(4, 10335);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Go back to Gyd with Stone Beetle\\Carapace");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(4, 10335, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Very well. Now, there are other ways\\of getting
good gear besides what I've\\already told you, however, you are not\\ready for
those methods yet.");
Event_MsgBox("There is a feature called Stat\\Transfer, but it
might be a waste right\\now. Come back when you are\\stronger. I will show you
about Stat\\Transfer.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Return to Gyd when you are level 20 to\\learn what Stat Transfer is all about.");
Event_Award(1000, 11000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Stone Beetles are gentle creatures, it\\should be
easy to hunt them.");

QuestStart(339, 17, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61776, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Notions About Potions II");
QuestLevel("LV 17");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,400\\- Gold 14,000");
QuestDesc("Long time no see. You've grown so\\much. I guess it's time for me
to\\explain about Disenchant Potions.");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about Disenchant Potions");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Rake's story");

Event_MsgBox("The reason why I've waited talking\\about
Disenchant Potions until now is\\because now is the time when you will\\begin to
need them.");
Event_MsgBox("You remember how to make potions,\\right? This
time, the ingredients are and\\Emerald Chip and Distilled Water (S).");
Event_MsgBox("Get the ingredients and bring them\\back to me.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the ingredients for a\\Disenchant Potion: one

Emerald\\Chip and Distilled Water(s), then go\\back to Rake. You can get
and\\Emerald Chip from hunting and you\\can purchase Distilled Water (S) from\\a
general merchant.");
Phase_Target(2962, 2616);
Event_Disappear(1, 1902, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 3101, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good. Then, make a Disenchant\\Potion using what
you brought me. You\\know how to do it, right?");
Event_Get(1, 1902);
Event_Get(1, 3101);
Event_MsgBox("Well, you tried few times already. I\\can't start
your education without an\\Emerald Chip and Distilled Water (S),\\come on now.");
AddPhase(12, 3, "Using an Emerald Chip and Distilled\\Water (S), make a
Disenchant\\Potion (S). Then talk to Rake");
Phase_Target(2962, 2616);
Event_Disappear(1, 3161, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Disenchant Potions destroy all the\\magic effects
on you. Of course, all\\means all. They destroy positive\\effects on you, too.");
Event_MsgBox("Then, why use a Disenchant Potion?\\In addition to
dispelling magical\\effects, a Disenchant Potion restores\\HP and MP, and it gives
a bonus to\\Magic Power and Resistance when a\\(M) Potion or greater is used.");
Event_MsgBox("However, the most basic function is\\dispelling
magical effects. Now, catch\\a Poison Spider with this potion, and\\bring me the
Poison Sac.");
Event_MsgBox("You can catch it without a\\Disenchant Potion, but
if it poisons\\you, you'll be in a world of hurt without\\one.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Disenchant Potions destroy all the\\spells effects and recover little bit of
HP\\and MP. (M) level or higher level\\potions also have the effect of\\increasing
Magic Power and Magic\\Resistance for some time.");
Event_Get(1, 3161);
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Combining Emerald Chip and Distilled\\Water (S) from the inventory window\\will
create Disenchant Potion (S).");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt 1 Poison Spider. Rake has\\marked its location on the

your\\quest map");
Phase_Target(3043, 2229);
Trigger_Kill(1, 31);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Poison Spider.");
Event_MsgBox("You obtained a Poison Spider Poison\\Sac.");
Event_Get(1, 10336);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Poison Spider Poison\\Sac to Rake");

Phase_Target(2962, 2616);
Event_Disappear(1, 10336, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good work. I need this Poison Sac.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want to know more about\\potions, go see
Letas when you\\became stronger. He knows well\\about Healing Potions and
Event_Award(1400, 14000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I know poison is hard to deal with,\\but that's
what the Disenchant Potion\\is for. Have courage and face the\\spider with it.");

QuestStart(340, 20, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 338, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Stat Transfer");
QuestLevel("LV 20");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,400\\- Gold 23,000");
QuestDesc("I think it's time to learn how to Stat\\Transfer. Stat Transfer is
not as risky\\as upgrading, but it's only for the\\certain level players. So,
unless you\\are capable of helping me, I have a\\policy not to stat transfer. You
need\\to have a certain amount of\\experience adventuring before you\\can truly
understand the value of\\Stat Transferring. However, if you\\use it well, it's
worth it. Care to try?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about the Blacksmiths ability\\to Stat Transfer

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gyd's story");

Event_MsgBox("I may not be a wizard, but I can use\\a different
form of magic. I can\\transfer magic from one item to\\another.");
Event_MsgBox("To do so, I need an item imbued with\\magic. I have
learned how to Stat\\Transfer to help out those who are\\capable of acquring those
Event_MsgBox("Listen to me carefully... Bring me 8\\Lizardman
Skirmisher's Amulets.");
Event_MsgBox("You think I'm going to give you all
this\\information for nothing? Go, and bring\\me those amulets!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 8 Lizardman Skirmishers and\\bring 8 Lizardman

Skirmisher's Amulet");
Phase_Target(2415, 2146);
Trigger_Kill(8, 17);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 8 Lizardman Skirmishers.");
Event_MsgBox("You collected 8 Lizardman\\Skirmisher's Amulet.");
Event_Get(8, 10337);

AddPhase(12, 3, "To Gyd, deliver Lizardman\\Skirmisher's Amulet");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(8, 10337, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good work. Now, Stat Transfer\\requires a target
item to strenthen and\\an item to sacrifice.");
Event_MsgBox("You can Stat Transfer if the item to\\sacrifice has
at least one stat better\\than the target item. You start by\\giving me the item
you would like\\strengthened. Then you give me the\\item you would like to
sacrifice. If that\\item has any stats that are better than\\your first item, I
will let you pick one of\\those stats to transfer to the first item.");
Event_MsgBox("You can decide which stat you would\\like me to
transfer, and each one will\\have a different price. Once you\\decide, I'll take
your money and move\\a portion of that stat to your first item\\and give it back to
you. You will notice\\that the stat you transferred to the item\\is now higher than
it used to be,\\although not as high as the item you\\had to sacrfice to get it.
The sacrificed\\item will be gone after Stat Transfer,\\but now your first item is
stronger than\\before!");
Event_MsgBox("Now I need 5 Lizardman Fighter's\\Amulets. What? I
need more than one\\item. You scratch my back, I scratch\\yours. Let's go.");
Event_MsgBox("You're not having a hard time fighting\\against
Lizardman Skirmishers, are\\you?");
AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt 5 Lizardman Fighters and\\collect 5 Lizardman Fighter's
Phase_Target(2546, 2066);
Trigger_Kill(5, 18);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 5 Lizardman Fighters.");
Event_MsgBox("You found 5 Lizardman Fighter's\\Amulets.");
Event_Get(5, 10338);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Lizardman Fighter's\\Amulets to Gyd");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(5, 10338, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good! Good! Good work. I will teach\\you a little
more for now.");
Event_MsgBox("For Stat Transfer, there are two\\important things
to remember. The first\\is that I can only transfer items that are\\the same type.
For example, I can't\\Stat Transfer from a Crimson Axe to a\\Twin Axe. But I could
transfer between\\to two Bloodsoak Cuirasses.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, grade is an important part of the\\Stat
Transfer process. The sacrificial\\item must be of the same grade or\\better than
the item you wish to\\strengthen. Why? The magic just isn't\\strong enough to
improve an item of\\higher grade. Of course, you're more\\than welcome to sacrifice
your B item\\to strengthen your C item, provided\\they are the same type.");
Event_MsgBox("Do me one last favor, and you'll get\\your reward.
I need 3 Lizardman\\Mage's Amulets. Don't worry, I won't\\give you any more
Event_MsgBox("It might be tough because of other\\stronger units
around the Lizardman\\Fighters, but keep at it.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Hunt 3 Lizardman Mages and\\collect 3 Lizardman Mage's

Amulets ");
Phase_Target(2554, 2069);
Trigger_Kill(3, 19);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 3 Lizardman Mages.");
Event_MsgBox("You obtained 3 Lizardman Mage's\\Amulets.");
Event_Get(3, 10339);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Lizardman Mage's\\Amulets to Gyd");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(3, 10339, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good work! You passed the test. You\\proved your
strength and you are\\strong enough to use Stat Transfer.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, if you come to me, I will do Stat\\Transfers
for you at the proper price.\\Actually, there is another way to bring\\up the
strength of your equipment\\called Refining but now is not the time\\for that. It
won't do any good to you at\\your current level and it requires as\\much
instruction Stat Transfer did, so\\come back to me later.");
Event_Award(2400, 23000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Lizardman Mages could be too hard\\for you. Try

QuestStart(341, 22, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 337, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Looking For Party II");
QuestLevel("LV 27");
QuestAward("- Experience 7,300\\- Gold 64,000");
QuestDesc("I want to keep the old promise I\\made earlier. I promised you
to\\explain more about parties, didn't I?\\Care to listen more?");
QuestShortDesc("Let Zira teach you about parties");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Zira's story");

Event_MsgBox("Monsters usually aren't very smart, ye\\see, but
they be havin' no problem\\figurin' out who be the biggest threat to\\'em. They be
preferin' to attack the\\person who be doin' them the most\\harm.");
Event_MsgBox("However, as long as a person be a\\certain distance
away, and don't be\\doing any damage to 'em, they won't\\attack. They won't attack
someone at\\range unless they be doin' three times\\the damage compared the
people\\close around 'em. Therefore, it be a\\good idea to team up with
Event_MsgBox("Warriors can be dealin' with monsters\\up close 'n'
personal-like, while the\\magic users be attackin' from a\\distance.");
Event_MsgBox("Let's not be borin' ya too much too\\quickly. Why
don't you go out and\\stretch a bit? And while you're at it,\\can you bring me 5
Night Wolf Furs? I\\need some of those, but I need to stay\\here. Ye understand,
don't ye?");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Monsters prefer to attack the closest\\player who is doing the most damage\\to
it, but if an attacker at range can\\do three times more damage than\\those up
close, the monster will chase\\after them instead.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 5 Night Wolfs, and skin them\\for their Night Wolf's
Phase_Target(3108, 2171);
Trigger_Kill(5, 33);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 5 Night Wolf.");
Event_MsgBox("You have gained 5 Night Wolf's Fur.");
Event_Get(5, 10340);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Night Wolf's Fur to Zira");

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(5, 10340, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Haha. I like it. Alright, back to the\\teachin' we
Event_MsgBox("I told ye that monsters be attackin'\\accordin' to
distance and damage?\\Well, thar be some ways to change\\the situation.\\
\\That is, a warrior could be usin' a skill\\like Hard Hit. Hard Hit makes
a\\monster hate ye more than the\\amount of damage ye did. What be\\lookin' like a
minor hit makes the\\monster more angry at you than a hit\\like that should be
doin'. That kinda\\skill be called a Taunt Skill, because it\\be taunting a monster
to attack you.\\When one of yer magic users in the\\back row starts gettin' a bit
too\\zealous, and the monster attacks 'em,\\try usin' a Taunt Skill to get
the\\monster back to attackin' ye, where it\\belongs.");
Event_MsgBox("On the other hand, you can be\\lowerin' the threat
to yourself by using\\skills like the Warrior's Chain Reaction\\or the Attacker's
Shockwave. Skills\\like these be reducin' how much the\\monsters be hatin' you.
This is called a\\Detaunt Skill.");
Event_MsgBox("If ye be usin' what I've told ye wisely,\\you can
be beatin' enemies that be\\much stronger than yerself. If it's\\possible, try to
hunt a Giant Killer\\Beetle by usin' all the things ye've\\learned so far.\\
\\It'd be very hard to fight alone, but it\\might be easy to kill it with enough
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\ \\A
Taunt Skill is a skill of that lowers the\\Threat Level towards allies
and\\increases the Threat Level toward\\yourself and Detaunt Skill is a skill
of\\that lowers the Threat Level toward\\yourself and increases Threat Level
of\\your allies. Monsters use the Threat\\Level to choose who is their
biggest\\threat, and therefore who they want to\\attack.");
Event_MsgBox("Be careful. Night Wolves are wild.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill one Giant Killer Beetle");

Phase_Target(3070, 2032);
Trigger_Kill(1, 38);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Giant Killer Beetle.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Inform Zira about the success of\\killing Giant Killer

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed Giant Killer Beetle?\\Nice! Very
good work.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, I forgot to explain, were there any\\Clerics or
Life Officiators to heal yer\\wounds? They could be in as much\\trouble as the
damage dealers in your\\party. You see, since the healin' of\\your party members
keeps them\\monsters from killin' ye, ye can be\\raisin' yer Threat Level by tryin'
to be\\healin' yer party.");
Event_MsgBox("That's why it be a good idea to heal\\farther away
from the monsters, so ye\\need to be healin' three times as much\\as yer friends up
Event_MsgBox("You've done a good job, yer a good\\student. There
still be things I can\\teach you. Come back in a few levels\\and we'll continue yer
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Because healing works against the\\monsters' desire to kill you, healing\\raises
your Threat Level as much as\\doing damage to it. All the Threat\\Level advice
about range and\\damage apply to healing classes as\\well.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You can hear more explanation from\\Zira when you come back at level 25.");
Event_Award(7300, 64000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Giant Killer Beetles are not easy\\targets. Be
careful not to end your life\\at the shore.");

QuestStart(342, 25, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 341, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Looking For Party III");
QuestLevel("LV 28");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,400\\- Gold 39,000");
QuestDesc("Sometimes, monsters can team up\\against you the way you team
up\\against them. It can cause some\\problems for you if you're not ready,\\but you
can use that knowledge to\\your advantage. Care to listen to the\\advice?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about monsters teaming up\\on you.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Zira's story");

Event_MsgBox("Sometimes, you be meetin' a group of\\monsters.
Normally, monsters of the\\same race be helpin' each other out,\\but thar be
exceptions to that rule.");
Event_MsgBox("Let's check the easy case first. Go\\hunt 10
Ostrisauruses and collect their\\beaks.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Ostrisauruses are pack animals, so\\when one is attacked, many will\\response to
defend their brethern. It\\would be wise to fight them as a party.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 10 Ostrisauruses");

Phase_Target(2834, 2942);
Trigger_Kill(10, 37);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted 10 Ostrisauruses.");
Event_MsgBox("You gained 10 Ostrisaurus Beaks.");
Event_Get(10, 10341);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Ostrisaurus Beaks to\\Zira in Pirate's Bluff.");

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(10, 10341, 0);
Event_MsgBox("How was it? It weren't as easy as it\\would seem,
was it? Each one's\\strength might be small, but together\\they be a dangerous
Event_MsgBox("You can be findin' groups like these\\all over
Almighty Ground. When they\\attack, they all attack, so be careful.");
Event_MsgBox("However, it also be meanin' a lot of\\quick killing
if you be handlin' all of\\them. If you can be fightin' against\\many
Ostrisauruses, it would be a\\good idea to be fightin' against many\\of them
Event_MsgBox("This be the end of me lesson. You\\already be
strong enough, so if you be\\lookin' for a job, go see Roid.");
Event_MsgBox("I was lookin' fer an adventurer, and\\now here one
is before me. Me hat's\\off to ye.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\If you attack any monster in a group,\\all the monsters will team up and\\attack
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Guild Master Roid is collecting\\adventurers.");
Event_Award(4400, 39000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(343, 25, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 342, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Guild Membership");
QuestLevel("LV 25");
QuestAward("- Experience 3,100\\- Gold 30,000");
QuestDesc("Now is the time that you should\\think about registering for a
guild.\\Registering for the guild means the\\possibility of the ownership of
land\\through our strong forces and guild\\fortresses. Would you like to
hear\\about guilds?");
QuestShortDesc("Let Roid teach you about guilds");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Roid's story");

Event_MsgBox("When you grow a little more and\\reach level 30,
you have two choices\\when it comes to guilds. You can join a\\guild that already
exists, or you can\\start your own.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, creating your own guild\\makes you the
leader and Guild\\Master of that guild. All guild rules and\\fortress building will
be under your\\jurisdiction, and you will be responsible\\for all the actions of
your guild.");
Event_MsgBox("It is also important to know that your\\nation
determines some of the rules of\\your guild. Pirate's Bluff is a protected\\and
safe place on Almighty Ground.\\God's Pirates makes no attempt to use\\it as a base
of operations for war, and\\so it is tolerated by the nations of\\Kartefant and
Event_MsgBox("That is not the case for other such\\fortresses. Be
mindful of that.");
Event_MsgBox("Now, might you do me a favor?\\Mulligan runs his
Organization out on\\the East Plain. Perhaps he would like\\to make a formal guild.
Please take\\this message to Mulligan and bring\\back his reply.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Once you reach level 30, you may\\create a guild or apply for another\\guild.
When you are registered for a\\guild, you have the advantage of\\building and using
guild fortresses.");
Event_Get(1, 10342);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver to Mulligan, leader of the\\Kartefant Right-Wing

Organization,\\Roid's Guild Entry Invitation");
Phase_Target(3645, 2900);
Event_Disappear(1, 10342, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Huh? What is this...");
Event_MsgBox("Is this Roid again? Why should I\\listen to Roid,
who is the servant of the\\God's Pirates?!");
Event_MsgBox("Listen carefully to what I have to say\\and tell
this to Roid. We, the Karterant\\Right-Wing Organization, will not sign\\up for the
guild that is sanctioned by\\God's Pirates!");
Event_MsgBox("What? What do you want? You left\\something

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Mulligan's response to Roid");

Phase_Target(2871, 2358);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, is that right? Mulligan still does\\not change
his mind.");
Event_MsgBox("When you build a fortress on the\\Almighty Ground,
you automatically\\become enemies of guilds formed by\\God's Pirates. Maybe
Mulligan is\\aware of that.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, if you build a fortress on\\Caernarvon,
it becomes a war\\situation no matter who your opponent\\is. Anyway, here is a
compensation for\\what you have done. Please accept it\\for now.");
Event_Award(3100, 30000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(344, 27, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 339, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Notions About Potions III");
QuestLevel("LV 27");
QuestAward("- Experience 7,300\\- Gold 64,000");
QuestDesc("Finally, we will make Healing and\\Magic Potions. We could have
done\\it sooner, but you probably didn't\\need them too badly. Are you ready\\for
the explanation?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about more potions from Letas");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Letas' story");

Event_MsgBox("It's been a while, but you know the\\drill. I need
to ask you for some\\obvious materials. Don't tell me that\\you haven't got any
rubies or\\sapphires.");
Event_MsgBox("Bring me a Ruby Chip and Distilled\\Water (S), and
we will make a healing\\potion first.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Bring Letas a Ruby Chip and\\Distilled Water (S). Ruby Chips
can\\be obtained through hunting, and\\Distilled Water (S) can be purchased\\at a
general merchant.");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 1901, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 3101, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You know what happens next, right?\\You need to mix
the Ruby Chip and\\Distilled Water (S).");
Event_Get(1, 1901);
Event_Get(1, 3101);
Event_MsgBox("You still don't know? Ruby Chips can\\be obtained
through hunting, and\\Distilled Water (S) can be purchased\\at the general
AddPhase(12, 3, "Make the Healing Potion (S) and\\give it to Letas");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 3153, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Very good. I really think you're getting\\the hang
of this. Let me tell you a little\\bit about this potion.");
Event_MsgBox("Basically, Healing Potions recover a\\certain
percentage of their health,\\based on size. So, the more health you\\have, the more
health you'll get back\\when you use it, unlike food that\\recovers a set amount of
health,\\regardless of how much you have.");
Event_MsgBox("If it is used in an emergency, it will be\\more
effective at maintaining your\\health level than even bacon! Magic\\Potions are
Event_MsgBox("So, let's find the ingredients for one of\\those.
Bring me the Sapphire Chip and\\Distilled Water (S).\You should know\\where to find
those by now.");
Event_Get(1, 3153);
Event_MsgBox("When Ruby Chips and Distilled\\Water (S) are
combined, they become\\Healing Potion (S).");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to Letas with a Sapphire\\Chip and Distilled Water

(S).\\Sapphire Chip can be obtained\\through hunting, and Distilled Water\\(S) can
be purchased at the grocery\\store.");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 1903, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 3101, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It is obvious, but mix the Sapphire\\Chip and
Distiller Water (S).");
Event_Get(1, 1903);
Event_Get(1, 3101);
Event_MsgBox("Hey hey.. All kinds of sapphires can\\sometimes be
obtained by hunting the\\monsters.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Combine the Sapphire Chip into the\\Distilled Water (S) in

your inventory,\\make a Magic Potion (S) and give it\\to Letas");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 3165, 0);
Event_MsgBox("With this one as well, the more mana\\you have, the
more effective this\\potion will be.");
Event_MsgBox("But that's not all. After you sip this\\potion, for
a limited amount of time,\\spells you cast cannot be interrupted,\\even if you are
being engaged in\\melee combat.");
Event_MsgBox("It can be an effective tactic to use\\one of these
potions so that even if\\someone runs up to you, you can still\\cast spells on
them. Of course, that\\advice is much more suited to the\\warfront than the hunting
Event_MsgBox("This is all I have to say about that\\potion. Hmmm,
I might ask you for\\some real work in the future.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, and go visit Cojan, the Thornbush\\Guide, if
you know him. Because he\\has high expectations, he might not\\give you the work
right away, but it\\shouldn't be too painful to go see him.");
Event_MsgBox("Game Tip\\
\\Magic Potions recover a certain\\percentage of your mana, depending\\on their
size. Also, the larger they are,\\the longer the uninterruptable period of\\the
potion will last.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\You are invited to go see Cojan, the\\Thornbush Guide when you reach\\level
Event_Get(1, 3165);
Event_Award(7300, 64000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(345, 31, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Freeze's Request");
QuestLevel("LV 31");
QuestAward("- Experience 19,300\\- Item Freeze's Ring");
QuestDesc("This is called the House of Freeze.\\If you are looking for a
work, you are\\in the right place. The work is a little\\bit hard, but if you
accomplish it, I\\will be able to give you something\\small but rare. Are you
QuestShortDesc("Help Asida help Freeze");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Asida's Story");

Event_MsgBox("Freeze, who built the house you are\\seeing right
now, was badly injured\\and now he refuses to talk to other\\people. He is
concentrating on treating\\his injury as we speak.");
Event_MsgBox("I am almost out of the medicine I\\need to help
him. I would appreciate it\\if you could get me some medicine from\\the Spore
Factory Supervisor of the\\Fungus Forest (West).");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the supervisor of the West\\Spore Factory, as marked on

your\\quest map");
Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_MsgBox("Freeze's medicine, hmmm? People\\come here often
for that.");
Event_MsgBox("It is not easy to make them. Kekeke.");
Event_MsgBox("You have to get materials I need.\\Only the special
mushrooms make\\spores that can be the materials. It is\\rather a typical one that
you can't\\even kill it.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh by the way, you need a special\\pouch to pick
spores. Nothing's free.\\Since I am selling them, you wlll have\\to buy one from
Event_MsgBox("The location where you can get the\\spore is the
mushroom on the big\\mushroom. I will mark the approximate\\location. Make sure
that you can get\\the spore only when you buy a pouch\\from me.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Find the Mushroom on the Big\\Mushroom that Nanak

talked\\about. He marked the spot on your\\map");
Phase_Target(2136, 2967);
Event_MsgBox("That very typical mushroom looks like\\it has
something to tell you, if that's\\possible.");
Event_MsgBox("And it seems to be pointing at the\\Swamp Fungus
with its thorns... What\\could that mean?");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill the Swamp Fungus that the\\Mushroom on the Big

Mushroom\\pointed at");
Phase_Target(2160, 2946);
Trigger_Kill(1, 54);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed a Swamp Fungus.");
Event_MsgBox("You look back at the Mushroom on\\the Big Mushroom,
and it seems to be\\pleased...");
Event_MsgBox("And you're sure it's calling you back\\to it.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "For some reason, you're listening to\\a mushroom, and you
hear it calling\\you back to it");
Phase_Target(2136, 2967);
Event_Disappear(1, 10230, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The mushroom gushes out a spore\\and it puts it in
the spore pouch.");
Event_MsgBox("Your Empty Spore Sac is now a\\Special Spore
Event_Get(1, 10343);
Event_MsgBox("The mushroom spits out the spore you\\need, but you
have nothing to put it in.\\Come back with an Empty Spore Sac.\\You can purchase
them from the\\Spore Factory Supervisor.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Special Spore Sac to\\Nanak");

Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_Disappear(1, 10343, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Kekeke, you got it. Alright, take this.\\This is
the Special Mushroom Medicine.");
Event_MsgBox("Freeze will probably be happy you\\got this for
Event_Get(1, 10344);
Event_MsgBox("You cannot make the medicine\\without the Special
Spore that the\\Mushroom on the Big Mushroom spits\\out. Even Nanak can't make it.

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Special Mushroom\\Medicine that Asida

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(1, 10344, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. You can be trusted, as I\\have
Event_MsgBox("This is the item that I promised you. A\\long time
ago Freeze got it during his\\adventure.");
Event_MsgBox("He does not need it since he does\\not travel
anymore. You will need it\\more than he does.");
Event_MsgBox("Come back when you are stronger,\\and i will have
more work for you.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] You can get a new\\quest if you come
back to Asida at\\level 40.");
Event_Get(1, 50126);
Event_Award(19300, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("If you get the Special Mushroom\\Medicine that
cures Freeze's disease,\\I will give you a rare gift. Try the Spore\\Factory in
Fungus Forest (West).");

QuestStart(352, 35, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Stone of Oblivion");
QuestLevel("LV 37");
QuestAward("- Experience 35,600\\- Gold 202,500");
QuestDesc("A Stone of Oblivion is a difficult\\thing to describe, but I will
attempt to\\explain it to you. If you do what I ask\\of you, I'll tell you
everything. But,\\just to let you know up front, you'll\\have to sell me a Stone of
Oblivion,\\so don't do this if you're not willing to\\give one up.");
QuestShortDesc("Accept Cojan's work to learn\\about the Stone of Oblivion");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Cojan's story");

Event_MsgBox("Do you have any memories that you\\want to forget?
I do..");
Event_MsgBox("There are times when the pain\\becomes unbearable
when you find\\out about something that you did not\\have to know for your entire
life. The\\Stone of Oblivion is an helpful item\\that you need when you want to get
rid\\of those kinds of memories.");
Event_MsgBox("I am not an expert on the Stone of\\Oblivion, but I
still remember how to use\\it, and that method can be very\\helpful to me. But
first, catch five\\Great Fungus and bring me its spores.\\I will continue after you
do this.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 5 Great Fungus and collect\\their Great Fungus

Phase_Target(2244, 2810);
Trigger_Kill(5, 58);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 5 Great Fungus.");
Event_MsgBox("You collected 5 Great Fungus Spores.");
Event_Get(5, 10345);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Great Fungus Spores to\\Cojan");

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(5, 10345, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done well. Please take\\these Great Fungus
Spores and a\\Stone of Oblivion to Willy, the\\adventurer trainer, who is an expert
in\\pulling the strength of the Stone of\\Oblivion together.");
Event_MsgBox("If Cojan sent it, he will know what to\\do. I
Event_Get(5, 10346);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver a Stone of Oblivion and\\Great Fungus Spores to

Adventurer\\Trainer Willy");
Phase_Target(2884, 2361);
Event_Disappear(5, 10346, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 9914, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Cojan sent it..? Is he still doing that\\same
stupid thing? <sigh>");
Event_MsgBox("As you know, the Stone of Oblivion\\has the ability
of letting you forcefully\\forgetting something you knew. This\\power is used by
the adventurers for\\Redistributing their Stats.");
Event_MsgBox("If you have regrets about your\\growth/maturity,
then bring us a Stone\\of Oblivion and enough money, which\\is based on your level.
Then Morin, the\\Beginner Trainer or I will offer you\\another opportunity.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I could use it for some other\\purpose like
Cojan does, but it is not\\something that I would recommend.");
Event_MsgBox("I can't tell you about the memory that\\Cojan is
trying to forget because of a\\promise I made him. Here's the\\Powder of Oblivion
that he wants.\\Take this to Cojan.");
Event_Get(1, 10347);
Event_MsgBox("So Cojan sent you to me? Well then,\\did you bring
the Stone of Oblivion and\\the Great Fungus Spores?");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Powder of Oblivion that\\Willy made to Cojan");

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10347, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thanks. This will let me dream once\\again.");
Event_MsgBox("Let me reward you before I forget.\\Something like
compensation and\\charge for the Stone of Oblivion.\\
\\See you later.. Though I won't be able\\to remember you.");
Event_Award(35600, 202500, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So you still haven't got the Powder of\\Oblivion
that I asked for? A Stone of\\Oblivion is something you can get by\\hunting a

QuestStart(353, 40, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 340, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- Experience 77,800\\- Gold 490,000");
QuestDesc("Upgrading is a work that has both\\great danger and potential at
the\\same time. Only the people who are\\at least as mature as you need to do\\the
upgrading. Anyone less mature\\can only dream of upgrading\\someday. Anyway, would
you like to\\learn?");
QuestShortDesc("Learn about upgrading from Gyd");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gyd");

Event_MsgBox("Do you know that you need minerals\\for upgrading?
Minerals are things like\\Silvin, Mithril, and Iternium. Whichever\\one you choose
to use, each upgrade\\requires ten pieces of mineral. When\\you bring those to me,
I'll quote you a\\price, and if you have enough money,\\we will attempt the
upgrade. If\\possible, it is better to bring Mithril\\rather than Silvin.");
Event_MsgBox("There have been cases where\\people failed during
the upgrading and\\you must understand that I am not\\responsible for such cases.
Of course,\\the better minerals we use to do the\\upgrade, the better chance we
have\\of succeeding. As I said, Mithril is\\better than Silvin, and Iternium
is\\better than Mithril. I suppose it's\\possible that there is better metal
than\\Iternium, but I have never heard of it.");
Event_MsgBox("This explanation is enough. I told you\\that I
would give you a task, right?");
Event_MsgBox("Take this weapon to an Ak'kan\\named Cojan and
bring me the\\compensation. He may not give you\\what you want so easily, but
unless\\you bring it back to me, I will not\\compensate you. Get to it!");
Event_MsgBox("You receive Cojan's Weapon.");
Event_Get(1, 10348);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location marked on the\\map and deliver Cojan's

Weapon to\\Cojan");
Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10348, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So Gyd sent you. Then did you also\\hear from Gyd
that I was going to give\\you a task? I will not let you go so\\easily when there
are things I need\\done.");
Event_MsgBox("Originally, I have had the job of being\\the
Thornbush Grove guide, but lately,\\I have been put in charge of reporting\\the
increasing risks in the Fungus\\Forest (West).");
Event_MsgBox("There is this Barrick called Yufates\\who has shown
up recently. He has\\not yet done any offensive acts, but by\\looking at his
appearance and ability,\\he is different.");
Event_MsgBox("Fortunately, there is no one who can\\be called a
king in the western Barrick\\village, but Yufates could become the\\king of the
West. The fact that Gyd\\has sent me this weapon means that\\he acknowledges that.
Should\\Yufates take up a position of\\leadership among the Western\\Barricks, we
could have a problem on\\our hands. That is where you come in.\\Take it as an honor
that you have\\been chosen to hunt down Yufates.");
Event_MsgBox("If you bring his dagger back to me as\\evidence, I
will know that you have\\accomplished your mission.");
Event_MsgBox("You didn't bring the weapon that I\\ordered from
AddPhase(12, 3, "Refer to the location marked on the\\map and hunt down
Yufates in the\\Fungus Forest (West)");
Phase_Target(2016, 2340);
Trigger_Kill(1, 196);
Event_MsgBox("You killed Yufates.");
Event_MsgBox("You take Yufates' Dagger.");
Event_Get(1, 10349);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver the Yufates' Dagger to Cojan");

Phase_Target(2556, 2666);
Event_Disappear(1, 10349, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow, you really did it.. Uh, um, ...");
Event_MsgBox("Good job. Very good job then. I guess\\it to time
to pay up to Gyd. Take this, it\\is Cojan's I.O.U., and bring it to Gyd.");
Event_MsgBox("You receive Cojan's I.O.U.");
Event_Get(1, 10350);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Cojan's I.O.U. to Gyd as\\located on the map");

Phase_Target(2747, 2346);
Event_Disappear(1, 10350, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Damnit. He still sends me these\\papers. It is such
a hassle to go\\change this.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, thanks anyway. I will give you\\upgrading in
the future when you want\\it as I have promised you.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, oh.. Let me give you one more\\advice. Just
because you Upgrade an\\item, it doesn't mean you can't Stat\\Transfer it
Event_MsgBox("The original one, when it is Stat\\Transferred,
keeps its current level of\\Upgrade. Of course, the more you\\Upgrade, the harder
it will be to Stat\\Transfer it. Keep that in mind.");
Event_MsgBox("Remember. If you use this well you\\will be able to
make weapons that are\\much stronger than the ones you will\\find in the market
right now.");
Tip]\\ \\Now Upgrading is available from
Gyd.\\With Stat Transferring and Upgrading,\\you should be able to make
Event_Award(77800, 490000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Cojan should have given you the\\payment.. Do you
have it?");

QuestStart(354, 40, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Enchanted Leather");
QuestLevel("LV 40");
QuestAward("- Experience 124,500\\- Gold 780,000");
QuestDesc("Freeze is looking for a professional\\adventurer who can get him
some\\enchanted leather. In order to get\\this you have to go to South\\Nohnuut
Field. Will you take the job?");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the Freeze's story and\\do him a favor");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Asida's story");

Event_MsgBox("I know a little bit about the materials\\you need
to make the Enchanted\\Leather. Let me tell you what I need.");
Event_MsgBox("First of all, it will be appreciated if you\\bring
me 10 Troll Toenails. I will mark\\the location on the map.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and hunt down
10 Trolls");
Phase_Target(2493, 3130);
Trigger_Kill(10, 74);
Event_MsgBox("You have vanquished 10 Trolls.");
Event_MsgBox("You salvage 10 Troll Toenails.");
Event_Get(10, 10351);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver 10 Troll Toenails to Asida");

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(10, 10351, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you! You will be very helpful.\\Now I need 5
Troll Mages Charms.");
Event_MsgBox("This will be also used for making the\\Enchanted
Leather. And I would also\\like to ask you for a Gorgon Pup Hide,\\which I'll add
the enchantment to,\\before you come back.");
Event_MsgBox("Although they look stupid, Troll\\Toenails are very
useful as magical\\ingredients. Hunt down the trolls and\\bring me their

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down 5 Troll Mages and get\\their Troll Mage Charms");
Phase_Target(2493, 3130);
Trigger_Kill(5, 75);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain 5 Troll Mages.");
Event_MsgBox("You have gathered 5 Troll Mages\\Charms.");
Event_Get(5, 10352);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Hunt down one Gorgon Pup and\\get its Gorgon Pup Hide");
Phase_Target(2585, 1735);
Trigger_Kill(1, 64);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down one Gorgon Pup.");
Event_MsgBox("You got one Gorgon Pup Hide.");
Event_Get(1, 10353);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver 5 Troll Mage Charms and 1\\Gorgon Pup Hide to

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(5, 10352, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10353, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you! I can now make the\\Enchanted Leather
with this. Hold on a\\second, please.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Yes, it's all done. Can you please\\deliver this to
Broys of the South\\Nohnuut Field? I'll give you the reward\\when you come back.");
Event_Get(1, 10354);
Event_MsgBox("In order to make the Enchanted\\Leather that Freeze
needs, I need the\\Troll Mage Charms and the Gorgon\\Pup Hide. Since the work is
difficult,\\you may take your time.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Do Asida's task and deliver the\\Enchanted Leather to Broys

who is\\at a camp near South Nohnuut Field");
Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_Disappear(1, 10354, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm.. A Gorgon Pup Hide?");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, I guess not. This is the\\Enchanted Leather!
Did Asida send\\you?");
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful. Please tell Freeze that I\\appreciate it
once again. I'm sure\\Asida will give you the reward.");
Event_MsgBox("And you. You look like a very useful\\friend to
have. If you can improve a\\little bit more, I think I can give you one\\of my
tasks. If you are interested, stop\\by later.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, don't worry. I will reward you\\well.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Once you have reached level 42, if\\you go back to Broys, he has a quest\\for
Event_MsgBox("What? You? Does this have anything\\to do with
Enchanted Leather? No?\\You don't seem to have any leather\\for me.");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Go back to Asida and receive a\\reward");

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_MsgBox("You delivered it? Thank you. Freeze\\thanks you,
Event_MsgBox("Oh, this is the reward that I promised\\you. If you
come back again later, I\\can ask give you another task. Good\\luck with your
Event_Award(124500, 780000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(355, 42, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Broys and Omar");
QuestLevel("LV 43");
QuestAward("- Experience 109,800\\- Gold 650,000");
QuestDesc("Far to the North, there is a brave\\Tribal named Omar. He was
once\\here in the South Nohnuut Field and\\went face to face with Brute and\\lost!
Since this Field is my charge, I\\feel the need to help him, and I need\\your help
to do that.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Broys and\\do his favor");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Broys' story");

Event_MsgBox("Omar, who is of the Tribal clan, came\\all the way
here, by himself, to get the\\hide of a Sabre Tiger");
Event_MsgBox("One wrong turn, and he ended up\\fighting against
Brute alone! Do you\\know how stupid it is to fight against\\that monster? In the
end, he had to\\give up his pride as a brave Tribal and\\run away.");
Event_MsgBox("I feel the need to help Omar. First of\\all, if you
could bring the 5 Sabre Tiger\\Hides that Omar has been searching\\for, it will be

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down 5 Sabre Tigers and get\\5 Sabre Tiger Hides");
Phase_Target(2790, 1484);
Trigger_Kill(5, 66);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 5 Sabre Tigers.");
Event_MsgBox("You got 5 Sabre Tiger Hides.");
Event_Get(5, 10355);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Sabre Tiger Hides to\\Broys");

Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_Disappear(5, 10355, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. Thanks a lot.\\Hmmm..there is one thing
more I would\\like to ask you to do.");
Event_MsgBox("When Omar ran away, he jumped\\into the lake near
where Brute lives.\\As you know, Tribals do not swim very\\well.");
Event_MsgBox("He lost his Charm, which is precious\\to the
Tribals, and it would be greatly\\appreciated if you could find it.");
\\Monsters like Brute are called Named\\Monsters, and they are very hard to\\fight
alone. You can tell which\\monsters are Named because their\\name appears in Gold
above their\\head. Please beware of the\\movements of Brute and find
Event_MsgBox("Don't let the sharp teeth of Sabre\\Tigers take
your hide. Hahaha.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Find Omar's Charm that was lost\\near Brute's habitat");

Phase_Target(2761, 1419);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2761, 50, 1419.031, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found Omar's Charm.");
Event_Get(1, 10356);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver Omar's Charm to Broys");

Phase_Target(2683, 1738);
Event_Disappear(1, 10356, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thanks. If you take these Sabre\\Tiger Hides and
Omar's Charm to\\Omar of North Tribal, he will reward\\you. If he says that he
can't, give him\\the name of Broys. Haha.");
Event_Get(5, 10357);
Event_Get(1, 10358);
Event_MsgBox("Have you not found Omar's Charm\\yet? He must have
lost it near Brute's\\habitat..");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Sabre Tiger Hides and\\Omar's Charm to Omar of

North Tribal");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(5, 10357, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10358, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You don't look like much! I, Omar, do\\not hold
conversation with the weak...");
Event_MsgBox("Hold on. Is that my Charm? And the\\Sabre Tiger
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Give it to me! No! Don't tell anyone!\\
\\Broys? Oh, I see. Broys had you get\\these things for me. You deserve a\\reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you very much. Omar likes\\someone strong. I
guess you are\\strong. If you are interested, come\\back to me and help me with my
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Once you have reached level 46, you\\can go back to Omar you can receive\\another
Event_Award(109800, 650000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You don't look like much! I, Omar, do\\not hold
conversation with the weak.");

QuestStart(356, 46, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Omar's Friend");
QuestLevel("LV 48");
QuestAward("- Experience 160,000\\- Gold 690,000");
QuestDesc("Pirate Zira is strong and knows how\\to deal with hide. Anyone who
is\\smart and strong can be a friend\\with this Omar. Zira sometimes gives\\Omar
strong leather craft. Omar,\\too, wants to give a present to his\\friend Zira.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to Omar's story of and\\do him a favor");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Omar's story");
Event_MsgBox("Zira deals well with hides and he\\likes it. And
the Tribals know how to\\make the leather that has a magic\\spell.");
Event_MsgBox("When I was on adventure, there\\used to be Large
Tiger in the south.\\Broys knows them well, too.");
Event_MsgBox("If you bring 5 Large Tiger Hides, you\\can do
Omar's favor.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down 5 Large Tigers, and skin\\them for their Large
Tiger Hides");
Phase_Target(2747, 1446);
Trigger_Kill(5, 71);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down five Large Tigers.");
Event_MsgBox("You got five Large Tiger Hides.");
Event_Get(5, 10359);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the five Large Tiger Hides to\\Omar in the North
Tribal area");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(5, 10359, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are brave. If you become\\braver, come find me,
and I will give\\you some other work. I, Omar will give\\it to you!");
Event_MsgBox("This is the Magic of the Tribal. When\\the hide is
enchanted with the Spell of\\Tribal, it gets stronger. Give this to Zira.");
Event_Get(1, 10360);
Event_MsgBox("If you are not as brave as I, Omar,\\you cannot
hunt down the Large\\Tiger! Then no tiger hide!");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver the Enchanted Tiger Hide\\obtained from Omar to Zira

of the\\God's Pirate Bluff");
Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(1, 10360, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh oh! The hide that Omar sent! Ha,\\he is an
awesome friend.");
Event_MsgBox("Because of the traditions of the\\Tribal, which
respects power, we\\cannot yet completely coexist,\\however, the Tribals are great
friends\\to have");
Event_MsgBox("They are brave and keep their\\promises. If the
opponents are strong,\\they show their friendship no matter\\what the clan is.");
Event_MsgBox("Please tell him that I appreciate it.\\Oh, and if
you are looking for another\\adventure, I recommend you go find\\Liger Will at the
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Once you have reached level 47, you\\can get another quest from Liger Will,\\who
is the sailor at the port.");
Event_Award(160000, 690000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You look fidgety. Take good care of\\the items.");

QuestStart(357, 47, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Rhino Hunt");
QuestLevel("LV 48");
QuestAward("- Experience 279,900\\- Gold 1,200,000");
QuestDesc("Would you like to take a task? If\\you are not good enough to
fight\\Rhinomen then it's better not to do it.\\But if you do it, I guarantee you
a\\good reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Liger Will\\and accomplish the

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listening to Liger Will's story");

Event_MsgBox("I am a sailor who loves adventures\\and I have seen
a lot of things and\\know a lot of things. There were\\people who I found in my
adventures\\who said that would buy horns at a\\high price after hearing the story
of the\\Rhinomen.");
Event_MsgBox("So there you go. You get Rhinomen\\horns, and I'll
pay you for them. Easy\\enough? Bring me five. I need few to\\choose from.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down five Rhinomen in the\\southeastern area of

South\\Nohnuut Field and get some horns");
Phase_Target(2953, 1316);
Trigger_Kill(5, 72);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down five Rhinomen.");
Event_MsgBox("You got five Rhinoman Horns.");
Event_Get(5, 10361);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the five Rhinoman Horns to\\Liger Will, the sailor
of the port");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(5, 10361, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, these are Rhinoman Horns.\\Good, let me
Event_MsgBox("Well, well, hmmm... These horns\\aren't any good.
These will not do. I\\guess Rhinomen no longer have pride\\in their horns?");
Event_MsgBox("I am sorry, but do me this favor one\\more time.
Get me three more. These\\are just not going to do.");
Event_MsgBox("You have to hunt down the\\Rhinomen to get their

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down 3 Rhinomen in the\\southeastern area of South

Nohnutt\\Field and get a few more horns");
Phase_Target(2953, 1316);
Trigger_Kill(3, 72);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down three Rhinomen.");
Event_MsgBox("You got three Rhinoman Horns.");
Event_Get(3, 10362);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the 3 Rhinoman Horns to\\Liger Will, the sailor of

the God's\\Pirate Port");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(3, 10362, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well, let's look at this carefully...");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, this one has a good color. Hmm..\\Although it
looks weird...");
Event_MsgBox("Good. This will be good when it is\\cleaned. Ask
Zira to get this polished\\and make it presentable.");
Event_MsgBox("He does a great job making these\\things look
Event_Get(1, 10363);
Event_MsgBox("Sorry, but can you go there one more\\time? You are
not scared of\\Rhinomen, are you?");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Quality Rhinoman Horn\\to Zira of Pirate's

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(1, 10363, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So did Liger Will ask for it? He is\\picky, isn't
he? Ha ha.");
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm.. This is a good horn. He still\\has a good
taste. Well, that's a good\\thing. Anyways, give it to me.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("It's all done. This is probably what he\\wants.");
Event_MsgBox("You got a Well Crafted Rhinoman\\Horn that Zira
Event_Get(1, 10364);
Event_MsgBox("I've been telling you many times, but\\you have to
keep your own things.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Well Crafted Rhinoman\\Horn that Zira worked on

to Liger\\Will, the sailor of the Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10364, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good! Zira's work is good. The client\\should be
Event_MsgBox("I am sorry that I am picky. But I don't\\want to
lose my reputation. This\\business is all I have.");
Event_MsgBox("Ten percent should be taken by the\\middleman,
don't you think? Anyway, I\\like your work. Since I am in charge of\\managing rare
items, I don't have any\\other work to give you, but come see\\me later and I might
have something\\for you.");
Event_MsgBox("Good luck, friend.");
Event_Award(279900, 1200000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You haven't gone to see Zira? You\\have not found
Zira of Pirate's Bluff? I\\marked it on the map!");

QuestStart(358, 47, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Freeze's Injury");
QuestLevel("LV 50");
QuestAward("- Experience 382,900\\- Gold 1,500,000");
QuestDesc("Do you know the Tribals? They do\\not bear a grudge against the
ones\\who they have attacked them, but\\humans are different. Freeze is
no\\exception. Do not think this is stupid.\\It will be appreciated if you listen
to\\the story.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Asida and\\do him a favor of

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen Asida's story");

Event_MsgBox("Freeze used to construct bridges all\\over Almighty
Ground and went to\\different places to consolidate the\\roads when he was
Event_MsgBox("While he was on his adventures, he\\ended up going
to where the Tribals\\live. While he was relieved by the fact\\that he could
communicate with these\\Tribals, the Tribals attacked him, and\\his face was badly
Event_MsgBox("Since then, Freeze refuses to show\\his face to
other people and I am in\\charge of taking care of most of his\\business on his
Event_MsgBox("But the Freeze's wrath against Tribals\\has not yet
been resolved. He is\\always looking for adventurers of a\\certain level to hunt
the Tribals.");
Event_MsgBox("First of all, I would like to request the\\hunting
of 5 Tribal Shamans. It will be\\greatly appreciated if you could bring\\Tribal
Shaman Charms as a proof.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down 5 Tribal Shamans in the\\North Tribal area and get
Tribal\\Shaman Charms as a proof");
Phase_Target(2232, 3438);
Trigger_Kill(5, 81);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down 5 Tribal Shamans.");
Event_MsgBox("You found 5 Tribal Shaman Charms.");
Event_Get(5, 10365);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Tribal Shaman Charms\\to Asida of Pirate's

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(5, 10365, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Next are the Tribal Warriors. They are\\the ones
who tied the hands and feet\\of Freeze.");
Event_MsgBox("Tribal Shamans live in a deep area\\of North

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down the five Tribal Warriors\\in the North Tribal area
and get\\Tribal Warrior Charms as a proof");
Phase_Target(2232, 3438);
Trigger_Kill(5, 82);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain 5 Tribal Warriors.");
Event_MsgBox("You found 5 Tribal Warrior Charms.");
Event_Get(5, 10366);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Tribal Warrior Charms to\\Asida of God's Pirate

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(5, 10366, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, there is the Tribal hero who\\injured
Freeze. He wants just one.");
Event_MsgBox("Tribal Warriors live in a deep area\\North

AddPhase(12, 6, "Hunt down the Tribal Warlord of\\North Tribal and get a
Tribal Warlord\\Charm as a proof");
Phase_Target(2239, 3446);
Trigger_Kill(1, 83);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Tribal Warlord.");
Event_MsgBox("You found a Tribal Warlord Charm.");
Event_Get(1, 10367);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Tribal Warlord Charm to\\Asida");

Phase_Target(2563, 2536);
Event_Disappear(1, 10367, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have accomplished your mission.");
Event_MsgBox("Freeze will appreciate this very\\much. Freeze
found this ring while he\\was on his adventures. We reward\\people who take revenge
on the\\Tribals with this ring.");
Event_MsgBox("This is Freeze's way of expressing
his\\appreciation. Please take this.");
Event_Get(1, 50127);
Event_Award(382900, 1500000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The Tribal Warlord lives deep inside\\the North
Tribal area.");

QuestStart(359, 47, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Troll Hunt");
QuestLevel("LV 47");
QuestAward("- Experience 171,300\\- Gold 790,000");
QuestDesc("No one knows why Troll Guards\\came to this place. But unlike
the\\trolls that used to be very obedient to\\our orders, Troll Guards are
very\\strong and did not listen to us. We\\used to fight them. Now the balance\\of
power is different, because we\\never killed the Troll Guards.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen Omar's story and do him\\a favor.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen Omar's story");

Event_MsgBox("Troll Guards are strong. However, I\\see that you
are as strong as they are.");
Event_MsgBox("There are not that many creatures\\that can win
against the Tribals,\\however, the creatures that are\\closest to us in strength
are the Troll\\Guards.");
Event_MsgBox("If you fight them, beat them, and show\\us proof,
we will reward you. First I\\want 10 Troll Guards hunted down.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location marked on the\\map and hunt down ten
Troll Guards");
Phase_Target(2330, 3345);
Trigger_Kill(10, 78);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down 10 Troll Guards.");
Event_MsgBox("You collected 10 Troll Guard Toenails.");
Event_Get(10, 10368);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver ten Troll Guard Toenails,\\which is the proof of

hunting down\\Troll Guards, to Omar");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(10, 10368, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Anyone who can knock down 10\\Troll Guards is the
warrior of the\\Tribals! You deserve the name of\\Warrior.");
Event_MsgBox("But even we can knock down the\\Troll Guards. Can
you win the fight with\\a much stronger enemy?");
Event_MsgBox("Giant Troll Guards are much stronger\\than Troll
Guards. If you could hunt 5\\of these Giant Troll Guards, it will be\\very helpful
to us and we will reward\\you.");
Event_MsgBox("Troll Guards are the enemy of the\\Tribals!");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down five Giant Troll Guards");

Phase_Target(2233, 3489);
Trigger_Kill(5, 103);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain five Giant Troll\\Guards.");
Event_MsgBox("You retrieved five Giant Troll Guard\\Toenails.");
Event_Get(5, 10369);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the ten Giant Troll Guard\\Toenails, the proof of

hunting down\\the Giant Troll Guards, to Omar");
Phase_Target(2378, 3381);
Event_Disappear(5, 10369, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Curse to the cruel Troll Guards, and\\blessings to
those who conquered them.");
Event_MsgBox("You will be blessed by the ancestors\\of the
Tribals. Your strength gave us a\\great help, and we will reward you.");
Event_Award(171300, 790000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The Giant Troll Guards are the enemy\\of the

QuestStart(360, 52, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Tied Spirits");
QuestLevel("LV 52");
QuestAward("- Experience 448,700\\- Gold 1,500,000");
QuestDesc("I am Ruan, the one with the ability\\of sensing wicked
intentions.\\Everything that has a life has\\wicked intentions, and I have
the\\ability to find it. In order to hone that\\ability, I came here, the valley of
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Ruan and\\do him a favor.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ruan's story");

Event_MsgBox("There is one thing that you need to do\\before
listening to my story.");
Event_MsgBox("I need 7 Gavial Plants in order to bind\\a few
spirits. Bring them to me. I will\\mark the location on your map.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to the location where Ruan has\\marked on the map and cut
seven\\Gavial Plants");
Phase_Target(2028, 1628);
Trigger_Kill(7, 156);
Event_MsgBox("You cut 7 Gavial Plants.");
Event_Get(7, 10370);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the seven Gavial Plants to\\Ruan");

Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(7, 10370, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The strong spirits of the Gavials work\\well when
they are used during the\\rituals of the Ak'Kan. Their spirits are\\not typically
pure, but it is clear that\\they have strong values.");
Event_MsgBox("Because the spirits of the young\\Gavials are not
yet part of the\\Underworld, it is important that we\\purify their spirits before
we send the\\there.");
Event_MsgBox("If we hunt down the Gavials with the\\Gavial Plants
the spirits will be bound\\to the plants when they die. Please\\return with
Event_Get(7, 10371);
Event_MsgBox("If you find the Gavial Plants, you\\need to cut it
with the weapon that you\\have.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down 7 Gavials, while you\\have the Gavial Plants in

Phase_Target(1560, 3264);
Trigger_Kill(7, 87);
Event_Disappear(7, 10371, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 7 Gavials.");
Event_MsgBox("You feel the spirits of the Gavials\\being captured
into the Gavial Plants.");
Event_MsgBox("You now have 7 Possessed Gavial\\Plants.");
Event_Get(7, 10372);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Possessed Gavial\\Plants to Ruan");

Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(7, 10372, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. Now take these tied spirits\\to Ramir in
the Pirate's Bluff.");
Event_MsgBox("Ramir is the Ak'Kan Elder who has\\the ability to
purify spirits. Delivering\\this to him will be the last step for this\\mission.");
Event_Get(7, 10373);
Event_MsgBox("Locking the spirits in the Gavial\\Plants is very
simple. The Gavial\\Plants just needs to be in your\\inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Possessed Gavial\\Plants to Ramir");

Phase_Target(2674, 2287);
Event_Disappear(7, 10373, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I knew that you were coming to see\\me. Ruan must
have asked for it.");
Event_MsgBox("It is nice that you are helping Ruan. I\\will
reward you with the name of Ratir,\\for be learned in the ways of the\\Ak'kan.");
Event_MsgBox("If you have some time, please go to\\Mihael, who is
the leader of Almighty\\Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Mihael has a mission that he will ask\\you to do.");
Event_Award(448700, 1500000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It looks like you lost something.");
QuestStart(61801, 52, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Swamp Ranger I");
QuestLevel("LV 52");
QuestAward("- Experience 149,600\\- Gold 510,000");
QuestDesc("The Gavial Swamp Valley is\\becoming corroded by an
unusual\\phenomenon that took place\\recently. This can be a great\\danger to us
who live in Almighty\\Ground peacefully. We want to\\reclaim the Gavial Swamp
Valley so\\that Humans and Ak'Kan can live\\there");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen Mihael's story");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("There is this fellow named Saykin\\who is the guide
of the swamp. He is\\usually responsible for watching, but\\he also wants to change
the current\\situation of the swamp and change it\\to a place where Humans and
Ak'Kan\\can live");
Event_MsgBox("I hope that you will help Saykin and\\receive a
Swamp Ranger Certificate\\and be acknowledged as a Swamp\\Ranger.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Swamp Guide I], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012027, 61808);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Receive the Swamp Ranger\\Certificate from Saykin who

is\\located near the southern entrance\\of the Gavial Swamp Valley and\\return to
Event_Disappear(1, 10381, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you are back. So how did it go?");
Event_MsgBox("So you passed all the Swamp\\Ranger tests, did
Event_MsgBox("Hmm. Well done.");
Event_MsgBox("This is a token of my appreciation.\\Please take
this. If you want another\\task, I recommend you go find guard\\Letas.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\If you go see Letas at level 56, you\\can receive another quest.");
Event_MsgBox("I heard that he was looking for an\\experienced
Event_Award(149600, 510000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61808, 52, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Swamp Guide I");
QuestLevel("LV 53");
QuestAward("- Experience 261,900\\- Gold 830,000");
QuestDesc("You cannot receive any messages.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's go to Saykin and begin the\\process of becoming a
AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Saykin");
Phase_Target(2289, 1679);
Event_MsgBox("Oh. I asked Mihael to send me\\someone to help, and
you really came.");
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. But the work that will give\\you the
title of Swamp Ranger is not\\that easy.");
Event_MsgBox("In fact, I would like to ask you to\\come back
later for your safety, but\\since Mihael sent you, let's test you.");
Event_MsgBox("First, can you bring me 3 Iguanodon\\Teeth? This
animal that lives in the\\swamp is a very dangerous animal.\\Please be careful.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down 3 Iguanodons in the\\Gavial Swamp Valley");

Phase_Target(2010, 1670);
Trigger_Kill(3, 88);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down 3 Iguanodons.");
Event_MsgBox("You pulled out 3 Iguanodon Teeth.");
Event_Get(3, 10374);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the 3 Iguanodon Teeth to\\Saykin");

Phase_Target(2289, 1679);
Event_MsgBox("Damn.. I really did not know that you\\would really
do it. You are great.");
Event_MsgBox("But I can't really tell you whether I\\can give you
the next mission or not.");
Event_MsgBox("First, I will give you the reward for\\doing a
difficult job. It would be\\appreciated if you could come back\\when you think you
have become\\much stronger.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\If you reach level 54, Saykin will give\\you the next mission.");
Event_Award(261900, 830000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(369, 54, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61808, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Swamp Guide II");
QuestLevel("LV 54");
QuestAward("- Experience 510,700\\- Gold 1,500,000");
QuestDesc("In order to become a swamp\\guide, you need to go to all
the\\dangerous places of the swamp. Are\\you ready for this task?");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to Sakin's story and\\become a Swamp Guide");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Saykin's story");

Event_MsgBox("In fact, I have already put signs in\\five most
dangerous places of the\\swamp for the test of becoming a\\Swamp Guide.");
Event_MsgBox("I will give you the locations. Please\\bring all
five signs back.");
AddPhase(12, 2, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and find the
First Sign");
Phase_Target(1778, 1582);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1778, 0, 1582, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found the First Sign.");
Event_Get(1, 10375);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and find the
Second Sign");
Phase_Target(1562, 2028);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1562, 5, 2028, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found the Second Sign.");
Event_Get(1, 10376);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and find the
Third Sign");
Phase_Target(1629, 2373);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1629, 10, 2373, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found the Third Sign.");
Event_Get(1, 10377);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and find the
Fourth Sign");
Phase_Target(1472, 3123);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1472, 5, 3123, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found the Fourth Sign.");
Event_Get(1, 10378);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Refer to the location marked on the\\quest map and find the
Fifth Sign");
Phase_Target(1450, 3457);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1450, 11, 3457, 10);
Event_MsgBox("You found the Fifth Sign.");
Event_Get(1, 10379);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the five signs to Saykin");

Phase_Target(2289, 1679);
Event_Disappear(1, 10375, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10376, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10377, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10378, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10379, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well done. You have proved that you\\have been to
the most dangerous\\places in the swamp. You are now a\\Swamp Guide.");
Event_MsgBox("You are now eligible for the title of the\\Swamp
Ranger. Mihael did not ask\\for the Swamp Guide title, but the\\Swamp Ranger,
Event_MsgBox("There is one last thing you have to\\do. If you
accomplish this mission, I\\will acknolwedge you as a Swamp\\Ranger.");
Event_MsgBox("But, in order to get a chance to try\\for a Swamp
Ranger, you may have to\\train more.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\In order to try for the title of Swamp\\Ranger you have to reach level 55\\and
then apply to Saykin for the\\challenge.");
Event_Award(510700, 1500000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It will not be easy to find the signs.");

QuestStart(370, 55, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 369, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Swamp Ranger II");
QuestLevel("LV 62");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,054,900\\- Gold 1,900,000");
QuestDesc("This is the last mission. If you\\accomplish this mission you
will\\receive the title of the Swamp\\Ranger.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the Saykin's story and\\become a Swamp

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Saykin's story");

Event_MsgBox("It is not that complicated. The mission\\of the
Ranger is the extermination of\\the Gavial Master, who is the most\\dangerous
creature in the swamp.");
Event_MsgBox("Please hunt down a Gavial Master\\and bring his
necklace as a proof.");
Event_MsgBox("A Gavial Master takes his group with\\him, so you
have to be careful. Also, if\\you have anyone whom you can get\\help from, please
do it.");
Event_MsgBox("But if you don't, it will be extremely\\difficult.
Good luck on the mission.");
Event_MsgBox("A Gavial Master is a monster that is\\level 62. It
is recommended that you\\accomplish this work with the help of a\\party.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down a Gavial Master, the\\most dangerous creature of

the\\Gavial Swamp Valley and retrieve a\\Gavial Master Necklace as a proof");
Phase_Target(1609, 2319);
Trigger_Kill(1, 96);
Event_MsgBox("You have hunted down a Gavial\\Master.");
Event_MsgBox("You have found a Gavial Master\\Necklace.");
Event_Get(1, 10380);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver a Gavial Master Necklace\\to Saykin");

Phase_Target(2289, 1679);
Event_Disappear(1, 10380, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! Since you have proved\\your own value
and devoted much of\\your strenth to the protection of\\Almighty Ground, I give you
the title of\\Swamp Ranger.");
Event_MsgBox("If you take this sign to Mihael, he will\\reward
you for what you have done.\\Also, I would like to reward you.");
Event_MsgBox("Please accept it.");
Event_Get(1, 10381);
Event_Award(1054900, 1900000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hunt down a Gavial Master and\\bring his necklace
as a proof.");

QuestStart(371, 56, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Jewel Hunt");
QuestLevel("LV 57");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,136,800\\- Item 5 Small Rubies\\- Item 5 Small
Emeralds\\- Item 5 Small Sapphires\\- Item 5 Small Black Moons\\- Item 5 Small
QuestDesc("Hmmm, whether you know it or not,\\there are special insects in
the\\Thornbush Grove. There is a way of\\getting jewels from them. Are
you\\interested? Of course you can get\\diamonds and black moons!");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Letas and\\do a jewel hunt.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen Letas' story");

Event_MsgBox("Haha, I knew it. You know about the\\Thornbush
Grove? I don't know if you\\have noticed, but there are strange\\insects there.");
Event_MsgBox("They are different from other insects,\\and they do
magic attacks. They can\\use magic that way because of their\\habit of eating
Event_MsgBox("They gush out the magic of the jewel\\from their
bodies. Oh oh.. don't hurry.\\Even if you kill them, you won't find the\\jewels.");
Event_MsgBox("Instead, if you bring their hearts in
this\\Elemental Pouch that I borrowed from\\Liger Will, you can manufacture
Event_MsgBox("Okay, now go. Special insects are\\not common. It
is your mission to find\\them.");
Event_MsgBox("Let's share the jewels between the\\people who
participated in this work\\after you return.");
Event_Get(1, 10385);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt down an Ice Beetle in the\\Thornbush Grove");

Phase_Target(2428, 2775);
Phase_Target(2518, 2849);
Phase_Target(2370, 2903);
Phase_Target(2447, 2914);
Phase_Target(2621, 2838);
Trigger_Kill(1, 197);
Event_Disappear(1, 10385, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You killed an Ice Beetle.");
Event_MsgBox("You put the heart of the Ice Beetle in\\the
Elemental Pouch.");
Event_Get(1, 10385);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the heart of the beetle,\\you need
to have an Elemental Pouch\\in your inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Hunt down a Fire Beetle in the\\Thornbush Grove");

Phase_Target(2428, 2775);
Phase_Target(2518, 2849);
Phase_Target(2370, 2903);
Phase_Target(2447, 2914);
Phase_Target(2621, 2838);
Trigger_Kill(1, 198);
Event_Disappear(1, 10385, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Fire Beetle.");
Event_MsgBox("You put the heart of the Fire Beetle in\\the
Elemental Pouch.");
Event_Get(1, 10385);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the heart of the beetle,\\you need
to have an Elemental Pouch\\in your inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down a Lightning Beetle in the\\Thornbush Grove");

Phase_Target(2428, 2775);
Phase_Target(2518, 2849);
Phase_Target(2370, 2903);
Phase_Target(2447, 2914);
Phase_Target(2621, 2838);
Trigger_Kill(1, 199);
Event_Disappear(1, 10385, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Lightning Beetle.");
Event_MsgBox("You put the heart of the Lightning\\Beetle in the
Elemental Pouch.");
Event_Get(1, 10385);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the heart of the beetle,\\you need
to have an Elemental Pouch\\in your inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Hunt down an Acid Beetle in the\\Thornbush Grove");

Phase_Target(2428, 2775);
Phase_Target(2518, 2849);
Phase_Target(2370, 2903);
Phase_Target(2447, 2914);
Phase_Target(2621, 2838);
Trigger_Kill(1, 200);
Event_Disappear(1, 10385, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You killed an Acid Beetle.");
Event_MsgBox("You put the heart of the Acid Beetle\\in the
Elemental Pouch.");
Event_Get(1, 10385);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the heart of the beetle,\\you need
to have an Elemental Pouch\\in your inventory.");
AddPhase(12, 6, "Hunt down a Dark Beetle in the\\Thornbush Grove");
Phase_Target(2428, 2775);
Phase_Target(2518, 2849);
Phase_Target(2370, 2903);
Phase_Target(2447, 2914);
Phase_Target(2621, 2838);
Trigger_Kill(1, 201);
Event_Disappear(1, 10385, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Dark Beetle.");
Event_MsgBox("You put the heart of the Dark Beetle\\in the
Elemental Pouch.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected all the hearts of\\the ice,
fire, lightning, acid, and dark\\beetles.");
Event_Get(1, 10386);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the heart of the beetle,\\you need
to have an Elemental Pouch\\in your inventory.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Deliver the Elemental Pouch to\\Letas after hunting down all
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(1, 10386, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Excellent! You did it quickly!");
Event_MsgBox("Good. Since the Elemental Pouch\\that you brought
after hunting down\\the insects has manufactured jewels, I\\will give you your
Event_MsgBox("I need to have some for myself, I did\\borrow the
bag, after all! See you later.");
Event_Get(5, 1906);
Event_Get(5, 1907);
Event_Get(5, 1908);
Event_Get(5, 1909);
Event_Get(5, 1910);
Event_Award(1136800, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Do you have a full Elemental Pouch?\\Surely there
will be gems inside!");

QuestStart(372, 57, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Kramos Extermination");
QuestLevel("LV 60");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,549,400\\- Gold 3,100,000");
QuestDesc("Do you know about the Kramos?\\Damn insects. It's been a
while.\\Kramos think that this swamp is\\something like breeding place. They\\are
horrible.. If they keep spreading,\\there will be no plants for me to eat.\\If you
clean out these damn insects,\\I will give you a reward");
QuestShortDesc("Let's do a favor for Raindy and get\\a reward");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listening to Raindy");

Event_MsgBox("Have you seen the Kramos Larva at\\the Gavial Swamp
Valley? You know,\\those strange orange colored\\caterpillars?");
Event_MsgBox("Please kill them. If I leave them like\\that, the
swamp will be filled with those\\disgusting Kramos.");
Event_MsgBox("If you go to the place that I marked,\\there will
be a lot of Kramos Larvae.\\Kill 50 of them.");
Event_MsgBox("Proof? Oh? Yes! Get 50 of the\\disgusting pincers.
I will take them as\\proof.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Move to the location that Raindy\\marked and hunt down 50

Phase_Target(1691, 2924);
Trigger_Kill(50, 98);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 50 Kramos Larvae.");
Event_MsgBox("You got the Kramos Larva Pincers.");
Event_Get(1, 10382);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the achieved Kramos Larva\\Pincer to Raindy");

Phase_Target(1450, 3457);
Event_Disappear(1, 10382, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow! Good! These damn insects.");
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm. But when you think about it,\\they exist
because there are creatures\\that lay them. Oh, yes. Can you hunt 5\\Gigantic
Kramos too?");
Event_MsgBox("First, try getting Gigantic Kramos, and\\if it
looks possible, get the Kramos\\Mother as well. It is the biggest one,\\and it is
very dangerous.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Go to the location that Raindy\\marked and slay 5 Gigantic

Phase_Target(1691, 2924);
Trigger_Kill(5, 100);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain 5 Gigantic Kramos.");
Event_MsgBox("You picked up 5 Gigantic Kramos\\Pincers.");
Event_Get(5, 10384);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Move to the location where Raindy\\marked and hunt down one
Phase_Target(1691, 2924);
Trigger_Kill(1, 97);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down one Kramos\\Mother.");
Event_MsgBox("You got one Mother Kramos Pincer.");
Event_Get(1, 10383);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Kramos Mother Pincer\\and Gigantic Kramos

Pincers to\\Raindy as marked on the map");
Phase_Target(1450, 3457);
Event_Disappear(5, 10384, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10383, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow really? Wow! You are great!");
Event_MsgBox("This is the reward that I promised. It\\will be
filled again, but it will be helpful\\at least for now. Thanks anyways.");
Event_Award(1549400, 3100000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(61813, 62, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ice King I");
QuestLevel("LV 62");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,758,100\\- Gold 1,000,000");
QuestDesc("Ice King is a name of a strong and\\brave wolf that was given this
name\\by the Savage Poachers. I am\\looking for someone who is strong\\enough to
beat this Ice King. Are you\\interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the Savage Poacher\\leader and pass the

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Goma's story");

Event_MsgBox("Wolves live together in a pack. They\\don't always
attack at once, but lone\\wolves are hard to find.");
Event_MsgBox("The story of the Ice King is completely\\different.
This is a wolf that knows how\\to use magic. It is not an easy prey to\\hunt with a
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm.. Before I ask for help with the\\Ice King, I
want to test one thing. First,\\bring me 15 Crazed Gorgons Hides and\\10 Ice Wolf

AddPhase(12, 2, "Hunt 15 Crazed Gorgons and get\\their hides");

Phase_Target(1276, 2682);
Trigger_Kill(15, 167);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 15 Crazed Gorgons.");
Event_MsgBox("You gained 15 Crazed Gorgon Hides.");
Event_Get(15, 10387);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Hunt down 10 Ice Wolves and get\\their hides");

Phase_Target(1067, 2639);
Trigger_Kill(10, 168);
Event_MsgBox("You hunted down 10 Ice Wolves.");
Event_MsgBox("You acuired 10 Ice Wolf Pelts.");
Event_Get(10, 10388);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Deliver the Crazed Gorgon Hides\\and Ice Wolf Pelts to Goma,
the\\head of the Savage Poachers");
Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_Disappear(15, 10387, 0);
Event_Disappear(10, 10388, 0);
Event_MsgBox("My eyes are not wrong. You have a\\talent as a
Event_MsgBox("But the hide of an Ice King can not\\be easily
taken. You need a special\\dagger.");
Event_MsgBox("Although I don't have it, I know who\\has it, and
how to take the hide off.");
Event_MsgBox("Bring the Dagger of Ice. I heard that\\there is
someone who has much\\experience with hides in the village\\where the Humans amd
Ak'Kan live.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Ice King II], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012102, 61814);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Dagger of Ice to Goma,\\the head of the Savage

Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_Disappear(1, 10389, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thanks for coming. Good job.");
Event_MsgBox("Now let me explain you about the\\method of
removing the Ice King's Pelt.");
Event_MsgBox("<The savage poacher explains the\\method that seems
easier said than\\done>");
Event_MsgBox("And I will mark the location where he\\is. Go.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Ice King III], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_Get(1, 10390);
Event_AddQuest(0x40012102, 61815);
Event_Award(1758100, 1000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Bring me the Dagger of Ice from the\\place that I
told you about. I will tell\\you what to do after that later.");

QuestStart(61814, 62, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ice King II");
QuestLevel("LV 65");
QuestAward("- Experience 9,575,900\\- Gold 10,000,000");
QuestDesc("You cannot receive any messages.");
QuestShortDesc("Find the person in Pirate's Bluff with\\the most experience
in dealing with\\hides, and get the Dagger of Ice.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find the person that deals with the\\best hides in the
Pirate's Bluff");
Event_MsgBox("It has to be me who has dealt with\\hides the most.
Event_MsgBox("If the name is well known even to the\\faraway
Savage Poachers, then I\\guess I am pretty good. But they are\\wrong about one
thing, I don't really\\know how to make the Dagger of Ice.");
Event_MsgBox("But I do know someone who can\\make it. It is Liger
Will who knows\\about that special Dagger.");
Event_MsgBox("Anyways, if you are going to use the\\Dagger of
Ice, you don't you mean\\that you are going to fight the Ice\\King? If you are good
enough to have\\an experienced hunter of the Savage\\Poacher ask you to do that,
there is\\something that I would like to ask.");
Event_MsgBox("First, if you want to know about\\making the Dagger
of Ice, go see\\Liger Will at the docks.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\There seems to be a mission that Zira\\wants to ask of you.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Liger Will at the Pirate's Bluff\\Port");

Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_MsgBox("So you want to make the Dagger of\\Ice? Are you
mad? I don't know what\\to tell you.");
Event_MsgBox("If you want to make the Dagger of\\Ice, go find
Letas. He knows how to\\make a Crystal of Cold, and if you\\bring that to me, I can
make you the\\Dagger of Ice.");
Event_MsgBox("But that Letas, although he looks\\easy, is very
picky. Before you go to\\him, there is something that I want to\\ask you to do. How
about you take\\care of this first?");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, by the way, whether you do it or\\not is all up
to you.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\There seems to be a mission that Liger\\Will would like to ask you to do.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Letas will ask you to do the work for\\getting the Crystal of Cold once you\\have
reached level 64.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Go see Letas to get the Crystal of\\Cold that Liger Will
asked for in\\order to make the Dagger of Ice.");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Trigger_LevelTalk(64, 0x40012127, "Crystal of Cold? That is not easy.
I\\know how to make it, but there are\\materials that are hard to find and\\even if
I had the materials, I don't\\make it for anyone. Go get some more\\experience.");
Event_MsgBox("Now you have reached the level\\where you can get
the Crystal of Cold.\\Good, I will tell you how to get the\\Crystal of Cold.");
Event_MsgBox("You need the Snow Wolf Pelts. Their\\hides have
very special powers. I need\\quite a lot of hides to extract the\\Crystal.. ");
Event_MsgBox("Can you get me 10 Snow Wolves of\\the Frozen

AddPhase(12, 4, "Hunt down 10 Snow Wolves and\\get their hides in order to

get the\\Snow Wolf Pelts that Letas needs");
Phase_Target(1594, 1453);
Trigger_Kill(10, 169);
Event_MsgBox("You killed 10 Snow Wolves.");
Event_MsgBox("You got 10 Snow Wolf Pelts.");
Event_Get(10, 10392);
AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the 10 Snow Wolf Pelts to\\Letas");
Phase_Target(2890, 2495);
Event_Disappear(10, 10392, 0);
Event_MsgBox("O ho? You really got the Snow Wolf\\Pelts.
Event_MsgBox("I will extract the Crystal as I promised\\Hold on a
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("This is it. Wait, Mihael told me to send\\any
skilled adventurers to him. If you\\are interested, go see him.");
Event_MsgBox("But you might not be skilled enough\\yet for
Event_MsgBox("You got the Crystal of Cold.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\If you go to Mihael at level 65, you can\\receive another quest.");
Event_Get(1, 10393);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the Crystal of Cold to Liger\\Will");

Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10393, 0);
Event_MsgBox("O ho. I didn't know you would\\actually bring this.
I am very surprised.");
Event_MsgBox("Good. I can't be picky anymore. I\\should make you
one. Hunting a Snow\\Tiger of the Frozen Steppe shouldn't be\\too hard for you,
with all you've done.\\Can you kill one and get me its tooth?");
Event_MsgBox("It is the primary material for the\\Dagger of
Event_MsgBox("Go to Zira about a Crystal of Cold.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Find a Snow Tiger of the Frozen\\Steppe as marked on the map

and\\kill one");
Phase_Target(1361, 1897);
Trigger_Kill(1, 176);
Event_MsgBox("You killed a Snow Tiger.");
Event_MsgBox("You got a Snow Tiger Tooth.");
Event_Get(1, 10394);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Deliver the Snow Tiger Tooth to\\Liger Will and get the
Dagger of Ice");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10394, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You got it. Hold on a second. I will\\make you
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Look, this is the Dagger of Ice. It\\doesn't look
as good as it's name.");
Event_MsgBox("Once it is used, it melts like an icicle.\\So it
can only be used once. I worked\\hard on this, so use it well.");
Event_MsgBox("You got the Dagger of Ice.");
Event_Get(1, 10389);
Event_Award(9575900, 10000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Snow Tigers live together in groups in\\the Frozen
Steppe. Be careful.");

QuestStart(61815, 62, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ice King III");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,394,000\\- Gold 4,500,000");
QuestDesc("You cannot receive any messages.");
QuestShortDesc("Hunt down the Ice King that\\Goma, the head of
Savage\\Poachers, talked about and get the\\Ice King's Pelt");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Hunt down the Ice King and get the\\Ice King's Pelt");
Phase_Target(2124, 830);
Trigger_Kill(1, 202);
Event_Disappear(1, 10390, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain the Ice King.");
Event_MsgBox("You got the Ice King's Pelt using the\\Dagger of
Event_MsgBox("The Dagger of Ice has melted away.");
Event_Get(1, 10391);
Event_MsgBox("When the Dagger of Ice is in your\\inventory, you
can get the Ice King's\\Pelt.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Deliver the Ice King's Pelt to Goma");

Phase_Target(1002, 1920);
Event_Disappear(1, 10391, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow, you are amazing! I will give you\\a reward.
This is great!");
Event_Award(2394000, 4500000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You must hunt down Ice King and\\get the hide using
the Dagger of Ice!");

QuestStart(376, 62, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Snow Gorgon Hunt");
QuestLevel("LV 64");
QuestAward("- Experience 1,435,600\\- Gold 2,300,000");
QuestDesc("The Frozen Steppe, which has a\\lot of animals with warm fur
hides,\\seems like a nice enough place to\\me. Since I cannot leave this place,\\I
need to ask you to get me some\\Snow Gorgon Hides.");
QuestShortDesc("Let's listen to the story of Zira and\\do him a favor");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Zira's story");

Event_MsgBox("It is not that hard. You just need to\\get the
hides. Although it is not\\difficult, I can't ask the unexperienced\\adventurers do
it and let them die.\\That's why I have waited until now to\\ask you. You need to
hunt 10 Snow\\Gorgons and get their hides.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find 10 Snow Gorgons in the Frozen\\Steppe");

Phase_Target(1117, 2691);
Trigger_Kill(10, 170);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 10 Snow Gorgons.");
Event_MsgBox("You collect 10 Snow Gorgon Hides.");
Event_Get(10, 10395);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the 10 Snow Gorgon Hides\\to Zira in Pirate's

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(10, 10395, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Good. Thanks a lot. It wasn't too\\hard, was it?
Here is your\\compensation.");
Event_Award(1435600, 2300000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Hunt Snow Gorgons in Frozen Steppe\\and get their
hides. It is not too difficult.");

QuestStart(377, 63, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Hydra's Egg");
QuestLevel("LV 63");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,050,300\\- Gold 3,400,000");
QuestDesc("The Hydra is very threatening. I\\wouldn't know first hand, but
people\\say that. There are people who\\want the egg of this threatening\\animal.
Can you retrieve Hydra Eggs\\for me?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Liger Will's story of and\\get the Hydra Egg");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Liger Will's story");

Event_MsgBox("There are not many animals that are\\as strong as
the Hydra. There are a\\lot of people who wanted to use the\\Hydra's body for
medicine, but the only\\thing that can be easily retrieved are\\Hydra Eggs. Hydra
Eggs are an\\exceptional medicine for healing.");
Event_MsgBox("Someone has asked me for an Egg.\\What you have to
be beware of is\\that if an egg gets too far away from\\its mother, then the egg
becomes\\rotten inside. To keep it from rotting you\\need to freeze it.");
Event_MsgBox("You need to preserve it in the Coldest\\Snow from
Almighty Ground...");
Event_MsgBox("Hmmm... Snowrimps who secretly live\\in Frozen
Steppe will know about the\\location of the snow. I can tell you the\\location, but
you have to take care of\\the rest. Go find the village of the\\Snowrimp tribe and
ask Patrob about\\the Coldest Snow.");
Event_MsgBox("You got a Small Pot.");
Event_Get(1, 10396);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the village of the Snowrimp\\Tribe in the Frozen Steppe

and ask a\\Snowrimp called Patrob about the\\Coldest Snow");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, Liger Will must have asked for it.\\Haha.");
Event_MsgBox("We know where the Coldest Snow is.\\I will tell you
where it is. Haha.");
Event_MsgBox("Patrob marked the location where the\\Coldest Snow
is on your quest map.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Go to the place that Patrob marked\\on the map and put the
Coldest\\Snow in the Small Pot");
Phase_Target(837, 2806);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 837.9, 145.7, 2806, 5);
Event_Disappear(1, 10396, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have reached the location of the\\Coldest Snow
that Patrob mentioned.\\You have put the Coldest Snow in the\\Small Pot.");
Event_Get(1, 10397);
Event_MsgBox("In order to get the Coldest Snow you\\need the
Small Pot that Liger Will has\\given to you.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Put the Hydra Egg that is in\\Hydra's area into the Snow
Filled\\Pot If you attack and hunt the Hydra\\Egg around the Hydra habitat
you\\will be able to tell if it is good enough\\to steal.");
Phase_Target(1613, 2404);
Trigger_Kill(1, 180);
Event_MsgBox("After tapping on the outside of the\\egg, it seems
too fresh to take.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Put the Hydra Egg that is in\\Hydra's area into the Snow
Filled Pot");
Phase_Target(1613, 2404);
Trigger_Kill(1, 180);
Event_MsgBox("This one sounds like it is stillborn. Try\\another

AddPhase(12, 6, "Put the Hydra Egg that is in\\Hydra's area into the Snow
Filled Pot");
Phase_Target(1613, 2404);
Trigger_Kill(1, 180);
Event_MsgBox("This one is about to hatch. It might\\not be good
to take it.");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Put the Hydra Egg that is in\\Hydra's area into the Snow
Filled Pot");
Phase_Target(1613, 2404);
Trigger_Kill(1, 180);
Event_Disappear(1, 10397, 0);
Event_MsgBox("This one is just right. Put it in the pot\\and
return to Liger Will.");
Event_Get(1, 10398);
Event_MsgBox("In order go get the Hydra Egg you\\need to have the
Snow Filled Pot.");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Deliver the Small Pot with Hydra's\\Egg to Liger Will of the
God's Pirates");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10398, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You are good. I will give you some\\more
compensation. It was difficult,\\and you did well.");
Event_Award(2050300, 3400000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It will be difficult to bring the Hydra\\Egg in its
original shape. If you do it, I\\will give you a good reward.");

QuestStart(384, 65, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Tundra Survey");
QuestLevel("LV 65");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,789,300\\- Gold 4,100,000");
QuestDesc("There are many underdevloped\\areas in Almighty Ground. One of
the\\biggest areas besides the Gavial\\Swamp is the Frozen Steppe. I've\\been
looking for an adventurer who\\can determine whether the cleaning\\out the Frozen
Steppe is a good idea");
QuestShortDesc("Listening to the story of Mihael and\\solving the problem");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("I need you to take a tour around the\\Frozen Steppe
and write me a\\exploration report.");
Event_MsgBox("You should first ask the Snowrimp\\who are
residents of the Frozen\\Steppe. Please go to Trarawiel, who is\\the leader, and
ask him if there is\\anything that you need to know.");
Event_MsgBox("Snowrimp tribes live secretly in the\\northern area
of the Frozen Steppe.\\You should find them first. The Frozen\\Steppe can be a
place that might give\\us other opportunities. Please do a\\thorough

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find the hidden village of the\\Snowrimp in the northern

Frozen\\Steppe, and ask the leader,\\Trarawiel, for help with the\\exploration of
the Frozen Steppe");
Event_MsgBox("Huh? You want to find out whether\\Ak'Kan or Humans
can live here? Just\\by the fact that you are here, I don't\\think this kind of
cold weather can kill\\anyone..");
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you mean if farming is possible\\here.\\
\\Hmmm.. it looks difficult, but I'm\\interested in that as well. Let's to do
an\\experiment on it.");
Event_MsgBox("First, take this pot and bring me the\\Coldest
Snow. I will mark the place on\\the map.");
Event_MsgBox("You got a Small Pot.");
Event_Get(1, 10399);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Go to the place that Trarawiel\\marked on the map and put in
the\\Coldest Snow in Small Pot");
Phase_Target(837, 2806);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 837.9, 145.7, 2806, 5);
Event_Disappear(1, 10399, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have reached a place that is\\colder than any
place else. You have\\put the coldest snow in the pot.");
Event_Get(1, 10400);
Event_MsgBox("You need a Small Pot to put the\\Coldest Snow

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to Trarawiel with the\\Snow-filled Pot");

Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_MsgBox("Well done! There must have been a\\group of Snow
Tigers there, yet you\\have done it very bravely.");
Event_MsgBox("With the Coldest Snow that you\\brought me, we can
study this more\\closely. While I do that, take this back\\to Mihael. It should be
the information\\he's looking for.");
Event_MsgBox("Please deliver this to Mihael of the\\Pirate's
Event_Get(1, 10401);
Event_MsgBox("Bring me the Coldest Snow with\\Small Pot. I will
mark the location on\\the map.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Snowrimp Report to\\Mihael of God's Pirates");

Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10401, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The Snowrimp Report? Hmmm.. There\\has been more
study done than last\\time. It looks like we can be closer to\\them in the
Event_MsgBox("First, I will reward you with what you\\have done.
If you are interested, I\\would like to ask you to do some\\exploration of the
Frozen Steppe..");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\If you go see Mihael at level 67 you\\can get another quest.");
Event_Award(2789300, 4100000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Find the Snowrimp tribe of the Frozen\\Steppe and
meet Trarawiel.");

QuestStart(385, 67, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 384, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Frozen Steppe");
QuestLevel("LV 69");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,166,900\\- Gold 7,000,000");
QuestDesc("This time, I would like to ask you to\\do a report of your own
based on\\your experience. I could always talk\\to the Savage Poachers
and\\Snowrimp Tribe, but you should find\\out if there are any creatures that\\can
be harmful.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Mihael's story and solve\\the request");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Mihael's story");

Event_MsgBox("First, please talk to Trarawiel. From\\what we have
seen so far, the\\Snowrimp know what we need.");
Event_MsgBox("Please write everything that you find\\out about
the threatening organisms\\on this scroll.");
Event_MsgBox("You got a Blank Scroll.");
Event_Get(1, 10402);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to the Snowrimp Village in the\\Frozen Steppe and request

the\\ecology report from Trarawiel");
Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_MsgBox("A creature that could be highly\\threatening in the
Frozen Steppe?\\Hmmm..");
Event_MsgBox("We think that the creatures that are\\more
threatening than the Savage\\Poachers are Monks. Monks are really\\scary.");
Event_MsgBox("They don't attack the Snowrimp, but\\they are the
strongest monsters in this\\area. If you can fight and win against\\the Monks,
there won't be anything\\stronger that you'd have to face when\\you are on the
Frozen Steppe.");
Event_MsgBox("But don't be in a hurry. I would\\recommend that
you fight 10 Monks, 10\\Monk Warriors, and then 10 Monk\\Defenders. If you fight
small numbers,\\it is hard to determine the strength\\level ... I think 10 each is

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 10 Monks that Trarawiel told you\\about. Trarawiel has

marked their\\location on your quest map");
Phase_Target(605, 2469);
Trigger_Kill(10, 173);
Event_MsgBox("You Killed 10 Monks");
Event_MsgBox("You wrote about 10 Monks on the\\Scroll.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 10 Monk Warriors that\\Trarawiel told you about.

Trarawiel\\has marked their location on your\\quest map");
Phase_Target(560, 2595);
Trigger_Kill(10, 174);
Event_MsgBox("You Killed 10 Monk Warriors");
Event_MsgBox("You wrote about 10 Monk Warriors on\\the Scroll.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 10 Monk Defenders that\\Trarawiel told you about.

Trarawiel\\has marked their location on your\\quest map");
Phase_Target(585, 2655);
Trigger_Kill(10, 175);
Event_Disappear(1, 10402, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You Killed 10 Monk Defenders.");
Event_MsgBox("Lastly, you have written about 10\\Monk Defenders
on the scroll and\\finished the Frozen Steppe Ecology\\Report that is to be
delivered to\\Mihael.");
Event_Get(1, 10403);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have a scroll to write\\down information
about the Monks.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the completed Frozen\\Steppe Ecology Report to

Mihael of\\Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(2590, 2291);
Event_Disappear(1, 10403, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You completed the report about the\\Frozen Steppe.
Let me take a quick\\look at the report.");
Event_MsgBox("<Mihael started looking at it without\\saying
Event_MsgBox("<Mihael nods his head and after\\thinking for a
Event_MsgBox("You have been been a great help. I\\feel better
prepared about the\\decisions I have to make.");
Event_MsgBox("I would like to do something for what\\you have
done. This is a small token\\of my appreciation.");
Event_Award(6166900, 7000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Completing the Frozen Steppe\\Ecology Report will
be difficult.");

QuestStart(61826, 71, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 384, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ancient History");
QuestLevel("LV 76");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,938,100\\- Gold 4,200,000\\- Item 10 Mithril ");
QuestDesc("Do you know the story of the\\Ancients who lived on this land? I
am\\very interested in all things related to\\the Ancients. I understand there
are\\some ancient texts with this history in\\it. Could you find them for me?");
QuestShortDesc("Find the books about the history of\\the Ancients for Liger

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Liger Will's story");

Event_MsgBox("Including here, Almighty Ground, the\\whole Land of
Solphistia belonged to\\Ancients. They were here even before\\the Merkhadians.");
Event_MsgBox("Although most people wouldn't\\believe it, there is
truth to this story. In\\fact, there are Ancient's History Books\\written by
Ancients and past\\Merkhadians. There are a total of 3\\books, and though you won't
be able\\to get the originals, I think I know\\where you might find a copy or
Event_MsgBox("According to my information that I\\obtained, there
is a man named\\Duncan, who was dispatched to the\\Woods of Death, who may know
the\\whereabouts of these books.");
Event_MsgBox("This is all I can tell you. Please\\collect all 3
Ancient's History Books\\and bring them to me. I will only settle\\for the complete
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] The quest, [Duncan\\the Explorer],
has been added to your\\Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012089, 61827);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Return to Liger Will with the 3\\Ancient's History Books

that Duncan\\has given you.");
Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10405, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10410, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10413, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. You\\have made
quite a find, my friend.");
Event_MsgBox("You have definitely earned your\\reward for this.
It's not often that I\\indulge in treasures for myself. Oh\\don't worry, I'll share
my newfound\\knowledge with the world. The book\\will always stay in my collection,
Event_MsgBox("I know I usually pay you in gold, but\\let me give
you 10 Mithrils as well.");
Event_Get(10, 2002);
Event_Award(5938100, 4200000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("No books yet? Are you not confident\\that I will
properly reward you? Get to\\it!");
Event_MsgBox("I have word that Duncan, of the\\Woods of Death has
the information\\you require.");

QuestStart(61827, 71, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Duncan the Explorer");
QuestLevel("LV 71");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,180,400\\- Gold 4,100,000");
QuestDesc("You're unable to receive the\\conversation message");
QuestShortDesc("Do what Duncan asks of you so\\that you may find the
Ancient's\\History Books for Liger Will.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find Duncan in the Woods of\\Death, and ask him about
the\\Ancient's History Books");
Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("You want to know about Ancient's\\History Books?
Hmm, must not be a\\novice adventurer since you know\\about the Ancient's History
Event_MsgBox("Alright, I'll tell you about the Ancient's\\History
Books. But, you'll have to help\\me with a little with my work. Is that\\fine?");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, can I test you if you're skilled\\enough to
help me with my work?\\Don't be too slow about it. I don't want\\to waste my time
Event_MsgBox("First, kill Dante and bring their me\\their
Cudgels. They're the weakest\\creatures here in the Woods of Death,\\but good
enough of a test.");
Event_MsgBox("Killing 10 of them should prove that\\you can help
me the task I give you.\\Then I will give you the information you\\want when you

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 10 Dante which live in\\Woods of Death");

Phase_Target(1357, 1471);
Trigger_Kill(10, 105);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 10 Dante.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 10 Dante's\\Cudgel.");
Event_Get(10, 10404);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Dante's Cudgels to Duncan");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(10, 10404, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you really settled that very\\quickly.");
Event_MsgBox("This proved that you are strong\\enough to do the
real task ahead.\\Now, if you help me with my work, I'll\\give the information
about Ancient's\\History Books, as I have promised.");
Event_MsgBox("Even though you've passed my test,\\that won't make
the work I need you to\\do easy. Look inside yourself and be\\sure that you are
ready. When you\\are, I will send you on my errand.");
Event_Award(4180400, 4100000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(388, 71, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61827, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Duncan's Plan");
QuestLevel("LV 72");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,110,200\\- Gold 7,500,000");
QuestDesc("Are you ready to help me now? You\\should find this work
interesting\\because it will lead you to the\\Ancient's History Books.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Duncan and earn information\\on the Ancient's History

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Duncan's story");

Event_MsgBox("To understand my plan, you need to\\know about the
Underworld. If you\\don't know about it, you can ask me\\later.");
Event_MsgBox("I, to be honest, am collecting\\information related
to Underworld. For\\one, I'm Ak'kan, and us Ak'kan are\\somehow connected to
the\\Underworld. But more than that, I want\\to know what it is, what it does,
and\\how it works.");
Event_MsgBox("On the one hand, it is marvelous to\\think that
there is an entire world\\beneath us. Of course, the Underworld\\is evil, and I am
not pleased that the\\Underworld is influencing Almighty\\Ground in the way that it
Event_MsgBox("The goal of my research is to try to\\block the
evil influence that the\\Underworld gives to this world. I have\\determined that
with a constant supply\\of a few magical materials, I can stop\\the force that
comes out from\\Underworld which is trying to swallow\\this world ");
Event_MsgBox("But.. The process of getting materials\\is too hard
for myself alone. And now\\you just need to help me with that.");
Event_MsgBox("Whew! I told you a long story\\Anyway, I first want
you to meet Sodo\\in the Village of the Ancients that is in\\very deep inside of
the Woods of\\Death.");
Event_MsgBox("Get from him a Dimensional Pot, and\\if there are
any problem, tell him that\\you are there by Duncan's request");
Event_MsgBox("In the Woods of Death, there are\\monsters from the
Underworld which\\are full of evil. This was why I tested\\your ability, so be
careful. I'll mark the\\Village of the Ancients' location on the\\map, I think. I
can't remember if it is\\here, or here.");
Event_MsgBox("It's probably one of these two. I wish\\you best
luck to pick the right one.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Village of the Ancients and\\speak with Sodo");

Phase_Target(1443, 744);
Phase_Target(807, 927);
Event_MsgBox("Dear stranger.. Did not you require\\much bravery
to arrive here by your\\strength alone?");
Event_MsgBox("So you seek the history our our\\people? And you
also seek the\\Dimensional Pot?");
Event_MsgBox("They say that when it comes to\\vision, hindsight
is as clear as the\\eagle's. When looking back, it is easy\\to see the errors of
your ways that\\were not apparent at the time.\\Remembering our history is
important to\\learn from our mistakes. It sounds to\\me that Duncan is trying to
fix that\\which we have done.");
Event_MsgBox("If our strength can be used to stop\\the influence
of evil in the Woods of\\Death, I'll be gladly lend this to you\\who have come so
far with such\\bravery");
Event_MsgBox("You have received a Dimensional\\Pot.");
Event_Get(1, 10407);
AddPhase(12, 3, "Give Dimensional Pot that you\\received from Sodo to
Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10407, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I guess you found the Village of the\\Ancients
without trouble, seeing as\\you've brought me the Dimensional\\Pot.");
Event_MsgBox("You say, it was very hard to find it?\\Shouldn't an
adventurer be able to\\handle such things?");
Event_MsgBox("Ahh.. Don't be too hasty. There is still\\something
that you need to help me\\with.");
Event_MsgBox("Carry this Dimensional Pot and\\defeat 10 Bullents
that have souls from\\the Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("You must defeat the Bullents while\\carrying
Dimensional Pot. Keep that in\\mind.");
Event_Get(1, 10407);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Refer to the location on map and\\defeat 10 Bullents");

Phase_Target(1415, 1384);
Trigger_Kill(10, 106);
Event_Disappear(1, 10407, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 10 Bullent");
Event_MsgBox("You can feel the dark souls being\\swallowed into
Dimensional Pot");
Event_Get(1, 10408);
Event_MsgBox("You must carry Dimensional Pot at\\all times if you
are to capture the souls.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Give the Soul-filled Dimensional\\Pot to Duncan");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("Oh ho.. I though that would have\\taken you longer.
You're pretty good.");
Event_MsgBox("I don't know if you remember, I've told\\you about
this before I requested you\\for my work... Although I am interested\\in Underworld
as a new and mysterious\\place, I am more concerned with the\\effect it's having on
this one!");
Event_MsgBox("While I was collecting information for\\Underworld,
I heard about the way to\\delaying the Underworld's Force from\\Ak'kan's Elder
Event_MsgBox("I am not sure but the Dark Soul that\\you have put
into Dimensional Pot\\after defeating Blunt is supposed to be\\used in the way to
delay the\\Underworld's Force.");
Event_MsgBox("I've been staying here to complete\\that task, and
you have helped me my\\work. I'll give you the information on\\the Ancient's
History Book, as I have\\promised, now");
Event_MsgBox("As you know, the original copy of the\\Ancient's
History Book that you're\\looking for is lost, but three smaller\\volumes that
divide the Ancient's\\History Book still remain. Now, don't be\\angry with me, but
Sodo has one of\\these books. I know you were just\\there, but I had work for you
to do.");
Event_MsgBox("Sodo should be willing to give you his\\book based
on our work with the\\Dimensional Pot. Elder Ramir should\\know whereabouts of one
of the\\remaining two books. Bring that\\Soul-filled Dimensional Pot with you,\\and
Ramir will help you regarding that\\volume.");
Event_MsgBox("And, last remaining book.. I have it.\\Ha ha ha!");
Event_MsgBox("It is no use for me since I have read\\it already,
so I will give it to you as the\\part of the reward. How about that?\\Isn't it a
worthy reward?");
Event_MsgBox("Okay, now visit Elder Ramir of\\Pirate's Bluff with
this Soul-filled\\Dimensional Pot. I wish you a good\\luck.");
Event_MsgBox("So, visit Sodo of the Village of the\\Ancients, and
Ramir of Pirate's Bluff.\\Travel safe.");
Event_Get(1, 10405);
Event_Award(8110200, 7500000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(389, 71, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 388, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ancient History, Volume II");
QuestLevel("LV 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 7,662,900\\- Gold 5,800,000");
QuestDesc("Our future is not as dark as the\\Soul of Underworld. We can
learn\\from past Ak'kans through the\\history of the Ancients.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Ramir's story and receive\\an information about
Ancient's\\History Book");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ramir's story");

Event_MsgBox("It seems like you're the one who has\\the power to
put Soul of the Underworld\\into the Dimensional Pot.");
Event_MsgBox("In Almighty Ground, the hearts of the\\people are
being affected by the evil\\of the Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("I, Ramir, am trying to stop that from\\happening.
You say you are looking\\for the Ancient's History Book?");
Event_MsgBox("Well, in order to earn the Ancient's\\History Book,
you'll need to help me,\\Ramir.");
Event_MsgBox("There is a point of sameness between\\what Ancient
people want, what I\\want, and what you want.");
Event_MsgBox("Very long ago... Even Ak'kans were\\made to be
slaves, and creatures who\\have ego and intelligence do not\\want a master.");
Event_MsgBox("The Ak'kan, who are by their very\\nature a
prideful people, did not stand\\for this. There were many violent\\uprisings.");
Event_MsgBox("There were many failures, but at one\\near-success,
there was an artifact\\that the Ak'kan called Resolve. It was\\a powerful weapon,
embodying the\\strength of the Ak'kan's will to free\\themselves from their
Event_MsgBox("When the Ancients put down that\\uprising, they
took Resolve and\\shattered it, knowing that it was a\\powerful item that could one
day\\overthrow them. However, even so\\shattered, a fragment of Resolve could\\hold
enough positive magic to combat\\the evil of the Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("My visions have shown me that a\\Fragment of
Resolve stills exists in the\\Valley of the Ancients, a place we now\\call, the
Woods of Death.");
Event_MsgBox("Take that Frament of Resolve to my\\brother Ruan in
the Gavial Swamp\\Valley. He has need for such magic,\\and has the Ancient's
History, Volume\\II that you are looking for.");
AddPhase(12, 2, "Obtain a Fragment of Resolve by\\checking the marked
locations on\\the map");
Phase_Target(2208, 656);
Phase_Target(1601, 844);
Phase_Target(1159, 1318);
Trigger_Kill(1, 220);
Event_MsgBox("You have found a Fragment of\\Resolve in a box.");
Event_Get(1, 10409);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Visit Ruan with a Fragment of\\Resolve and the Soul-

filled\\Dimensional Pot");
Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(1, 10409, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 10408, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Is this a Fragment of Resolve that\\you have
brought? It been a long time\\since I have seen one.");
Event_MsgBox("Resolve is a holy object created by\\the thirst of
the Ak'kan for their\\freedom. Originally, it was created to\\help seal away the
power of the\\Ancients. Its power directly opposed\\the Ancients, much like the
power of\\the Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("If we are going to use this Fragment\\of Resolve to
push back the power of\\the Underworld, then we will have to\\change the focus of
its power. We will\\need a Fragment of Evil for that. But\\do not worth about that
Event_MsgBox("This thing you have done for, by\\bringing me this
Fragment of Resolve,\\is already worth the prize you seek.");
Event_MsgBox("This is the second volume of the\\Ancient's History
Book. It is the one\\you are looking for.");
Event_Get(1, 10410);
Event_Award(7662900, 5800000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What happened to the Fragment of\\Resolve that
you're supposed to bring\\to me?");

QuestStart(390, 71, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 388, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ancient History, Volume III");
QuestLevel("LV 74");
QuestAward("- Experience 10,981,300\\- Gold 8,900,000");
QuestDesc("Do you want the Ancient's History\\Book Are you able to pay the
value\\that Ancient's History Book worth?");
QuestShortDesc("Meet Sodo's demands and acquire\\the Ancient's History,
Volume III");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk to Sodo once you obtain\\Level 74");

Trigger_LevelTalk(74, 0x40012111, "Unfortunately, it seems like you
will\\not be strong enough to afford the\\Ancient's History Book. Please\\increase
your abilities and come\\back. TipRequired Level : 74");
Event_MsgBox("Although I'm sure you are concerned\\about getting
the Ancient's History\\Book, I am more concerned with\\destroying the Soul of the
Underworld\\that is attacking the souls of the\\Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("To conduct our research and\\dispatch the world's
common enemy,\\the Soul of the Underworld, we need\\something outside of our area
of\\expertise: a special Dispel Potion.");
Event_MsgBox("Since we do not have an ability to\\make that
Dispel Potion, we want to\\request your help on this.");
Event_MsgBox("To our knowledge, there is an Ak'kan\\near the
enterance of Woods of\\Death, deeply researching the\\creatures of the Underworld.
His name\\is Duncan.");
Event_MsgBox("Please find him and ask for some of\\his Dispel

AddPhase(12, 2, "Visit Duncan near the enterance\\of Woods of Death and

obtain\\Duncan's Dispel Potion");
Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("Underworld... A fearful place, full of\\death");
Event_MsgBox("It inhales the essence of life A haven\\for theives
and liars A place that\\spawns evil A confusion of ice and fire");
Event_MsgBox("I'm not much of a poet, but as I learn\\more, I try
to put it into verse. The\\rhythm of it makes it easy to remember.");
Event_MsgBox("Let's get to the point. There's a\\creature called
a Beholder who flowed\\into Almighty Ground from the\\Underworld Their hearts are
the\\material for my Duncan's Dispel Potion\\that the Ancients want.");
Event_MsgBox("Each Beholder has but one heart,\\and I need 6 for
the potion.");
Event_MsgBox("You should be careful because\\Beholders are very

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 6 Beholders and collect their\\Beholder's Hearts");

Phase_Target(1161, 1306);
Trigger_Kill(6, 108);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 6 Beholder.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 6 Beholder's\\Heart.");
Event_Get(6, 10411);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Give the Beholder's Hearts to\\Duncan");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(6, 10411, 0);
Event_MsgBox("It is the Beholder's Heart. I will make\\you
Duncan's Dispel Potion if you wait\\a little.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("There, it's done. You will just need to\\bring this
to Sodo.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, I believe I have found a way to\\deal with
the monsters of the\\Underworld. Return to me when you\\have them time, and we will
take care\\of them.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\Duncan will have another quest for\\you when reach level 75.");
Event_Get(1, 10412);
Event_MsgBox("Be careful, but do not be afraid.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver Duncan's Dispel Potion to\\Sodo of the Village of

the Ancients.");
Phase_Target(807, 927);
Phase_Target(807, 927);
Event_Disappear(1, 10412, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. With Duncan's Dispel\\Potion, I can
continue researching on\\how to destroy the Soul of the\\Underworld");
Event_MsgBox("Here, this is the Ancient's History,\\Volume III.
Take it as a thanks for\\helping the Ancient's atone for their\\deeds by destroying
the Soul of the\\Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("Also, I want to request you a one\\thing. If you
get the chance, please\\test the results of our research with\\Duncan's Dispel
Event_Get(1, 10413);
Event_Award(10981300, 8900000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you obtained Duncan's Dispel\\Potion yet?");

QuestStart(391, 75, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 390, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Atonement of the Ancients");
QuestLevel("LV 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 10,217,200\\- Gold 7,700,000");
QuestDesc("You have the power to oppose the\\Soul of the Underworld. Will you
help\\the Atonement of the Ancients?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Sodo with his invention, the\\Soul Extractor");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Sodo's story");

Event_MsgBox("We can safely say, without question,\\that it is
because of the Ancients that\\the Soul of the Underworld infects\\Almighty
Event_MsgBox("Lately, you have been given many\\tasks to try to
undo the sins of our\\ancestors. And now, I have another\\task for you. It involves
my Soul\\Extractor, which was made after\\analyzing the Soul of the Underworld.");
Event_MsgBox("If you use the Soul Extractor, you can\\remove the
Soul of the Underworld from\\creatures in Woods of Death");
Event_MsgBox("No one volunteers to do this job.\\Why? Because the
Soul Extractor can\\only be used after you defeat the\\creature you wish to use it
Event_MsgBox("I wish that you could help me with\\this. Here is
the Soul Extractor. Please\\defeat 20 Doomfist with this.");
Event_MsgBox("In this way, you will further the\\atonement of the
Ancients. You will\\help this land, the land that we live\\together on.");
Event_Get(1, 10414);
AddPhase(12, 2, "With the Soul Extractor, defeat 20\\Doomfist");
Phase_Target(1117, 1260);
Trigger_Kill(20, 109);
Event_Disappear(1, 10414, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 20 Doomfist.");
Event_MsgBox("As you defeat Doomfist, you can see\\the dark soul
is burnt up instantly from\\the Doomfist's body.");
Event_MsgBox("Soul Extractor was destroyed the\\moment you
defeated the last Doomfist");
Event_MsgBox("The Soul Extractor must be in your\\inventory for
it to work.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Sodo and let him know\\that Soul Extractor was
Phase_Target(807, 927);
Event_MsgBox("Are you sure that the Soul of the\\Underworld
controlling the Doomfist\\was removed? Yes?");
Event_MsgBox("And yet, the Soul Extractor I invented\\does not
seem complete...");
Event_MsgBox("Well, I should still be grateful that we\\dealt a
blow against the Soul of teh\\Underworld. Take this as a reward.");
Event_Award(10217200, 7700000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(392, 75, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 390, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Underworld Investigator Duncan");
QuestLevel("LV 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 15,325,800\\- Gold 12,000,000");
QuestDesc("There are some creatures on\\Almighty Ground that have
come\\directly from the Underworld. I wish to\\study them, but to do so, I
need\\samples of their skin and blood. You\\have proven capable in the past,\\could
you help me again?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Duncan study the creatures\\from the Underworld");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Duncan's story");

Event_MsgBox("Creatures of the Underworld are\\definitely
different from creatures from\\Almighty Ground. Some are different\\all the way
down to their soul.");
Event_MsgBox("Even though the body usually makes\\the soul, did
you know that the\\opposite also is also true? I mean, the\\body can take the shape
that the\\soul wants it to. Such is the case with\\many of the monstrocities here
in the\\Woods of Death.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, you just need to bring the blood\\of the
Bullent, Large Dante, Beholder,\\and Doomfist into this test tube. You\\should be
able to collect enough blood\\if you defeat 5 of them each.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah, but the one thing that you need to\\pay
attention to is that you have to\\collect the blood in order of I have told\\you.
You can't collect the blood if you\\don't.");
Event_MsgBox("I'll count on you.");
Event_Get(1, 10415);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Bullents");

Phase_Target(1237, 1357);
Trigger_Kill(5, 106);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Bullents");
Event_MsgBox("You have to defeat 5 Large Dante\\next.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Defeat 5 Large Dantes");

Phase_Target(1237, 1357);
Trigger_Kill(5, 107);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Large Dantes.");
Event_MsgBox("You have to defeat 5 Beholders next.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat 5 Beholders.");

Phase_Target(1206, 1304);
Trigger_Kill(5, 108);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Beholders.");
Event_MsgBox("You have to defeat 5 Doomfist next.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Defeat 5 Doomfists.");

Phase_Target(1208, 1209);
Trigger_Kill(5, 109);
Event_Disappear(1, 10415, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Doomfists.");
Event_MsgBox("You have successfully collected\\blood of Bullent,
Large Dante,\\Beholder, and Doomfist into the test\\tube.");
Event_Get(1, 10416);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Deliver the test tube that contains\\dispense medicine to

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10416, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have done very well. I have lost\\many
adventurers who did not take\\the care to mix the blood in the right\\order.");
Event_MsgBox("I hope they rest well. I must finish this\\to make
sure their sacrifice wasn't in\\vain.");
Event_MsgBox("With this blood, I am going to look\\into an object
called the Fragment of\\Evil. With it, I hope to be able to\\defeat the Soul of the
Event_MsgBox("I have a feeling I'll be seeing you\\again
concerning this Fragment of\\Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\ Return to Duncan when you reach\\level 75 to explore the Fragment of\\Evil.");
Event_Award(15325800, 12000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you yet to collect all the blood?");

QuestStart(61833, 75, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 392, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fragment of Evil I");
QuestLevel("Party 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 16,231,900\\- Gold 8,700,000");
QuestDesc("The power of evil is the force that\\the Ancients used that
destroyed\\their society. We might be able to\\harness that power to drive back
the\\denizens of the Underworld.\\However, since evil has no form, we\\will need to
aqcuire a crystal to\\focus that power. Will you help me?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Duncan and collect objects\\that can be used to create
a\\Fragment of Evil");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Duncan's story");

Event_MsgBox("After much research and exploration,\\I had finally
found a suitable crystal\\that could be used to create a\\Fragment of Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("Among the ruins of the Valley of the\\Ancients, the
plave we now call the\\Woods of Death, I found the perfect\\crystal");
Event_MsgBox("I was delighted that I'd found a\\crystal to create
a Fragment of Evil,\\but while I rested, the Wise Black\\Wyvern stole the crystal
from me.");
Event_MsgBox("The Wise Black Wybern swallowed it\\and attacked
me, so I ran. That\\crystal is probably in its stomach right\\now.");
Event_MsgBox("I will tell you its location. Will you be\\able to
defeat the Wise Black Wyvern\\and bring me the Crystal that's in his\\stomach? He
will be difficult. You may\\need outside help to get it back.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat the Wise Black Wyvern.\\Defeating him may require

others to\\help you.");
Phase_Target(1273, 661);
Trigger_Kill(1, 221);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated the Wise Black\\Wyvern!");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained a Shattered\\Crystal from the
Wise Black Wyvern.");
Event_Get(3, 10417);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Duncan with the\\Shattered Crystal");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(3, 10417, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh dear. It seems that the Wise\\Black Wyvern was
too rough with this\\fragile crystal.");
Event_MsgBox("<sigh> If the Crystal hadn't been\\shattered, I
would have been able to\\make a Fragment of Evil right away.\\At least I seem to
have all the pieces.\\Since this Crystal is so special, I should\\be able to use it
if I put it back\\together.");
Event_MsgBox("Can you visit me again after I finish\\reassembling
the Crystal? I'll need your\\help to trap a Soul of Evil inside of it. I\\hope you
will be able to help me.");
Event_MsgBox("Let me reward you for finding the\\Crystal
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] The quest, [Fragment\\of Evil II],
has been added to your\\Quest List (T).");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] You will be able to\\continue with
Duncan's next quest if\\you train yourself and come back\\when Duncan finishes
reassembling\\the Crystal.");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012133, 61840);
Event_Award(0xF7ADDC, 8700000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wise Black Wyvern has a group, so\\you should be

QuestStart(61840, 75, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fragment of Evil II");
QuestLevel("LV 76");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,907,200\\- Gold 6,300,000");
QuestDesc("Unable to bring Conversaion\\Message.");
QuestShortDesc("Wait until Duncan fixes shattered\\Crystal then go visit him

AddPhase(12, 1, " Wait until Duncan fixes shattered\\Crystal then go visit

him again.\\Return to him after you have\\reached level 76.");
Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Trigger_LevelTalk(76, 0x40012133, "I'm sorry but restoring
shattered\\Crystal is not an easy task to do. Can\\you train more and come back? I
will\\try my best in meantime");
Event_MsgBox("You came just in time. Time has come\\to bind the
evil souls of Underworld into\\this Crystal.");
Event_MsgBox("Among all the creatures of the\\Underworld, a
Cleanser the most evil\\soul. We will need a soul as evil as\\possible to make a
strong Fragment of\\Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received the Restored\\Crystal from
Event_Get(1, 10418);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Cleanser and capture\\their souls in the Restored

Phase_Target(1227, 1205);
Trigger_Kill(5, 110);
Event_Disappear(1, 10418, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Cleanser.");
Event_MsgBox("You can see the dark souls get\\inhaled into
Restored Crystal. Once\\inside, the Crystal begins to crack.");
Event_Get(1, 10419);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have a Crystal.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Cracked Crystal to\\Duncan");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10419, 0);
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Oh dear. I was afraid this might\\happen. It seems
the force of their evil\\could be enough to overwhelm the\\strength of the
Event_MsgBox("We're not in danger now, but I\\cannot turn this
into a Fragment of\\Evil in this condition. We need to cool\\the Crystal down to
make it strong\\enough to withstand the transformation.");
Event_MsgBox("To cool this Crystal, I'll need\\something to chill
it with. The Snowrimp\\know all about the cold. Perhaps you\\could talk to
Trarawiel about it.");
Event_MsgBox("I will hold onto the Cracked Crystal in\\the
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] The quest, [Fragment\\of Evil III],
has been added to your\\Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012133, 61841);
Event_Award(8907200, 6300000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Although Crystal is not perfect, there\\shouldn't
be a problem with collecting\\souls with it. Please collect Cleanser's\\souls.");

QuestStart(61841, 75, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fragment of Evil III");
QuestLevel("LV 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 7,662,900\\- Gold 5,800,000");
QuestDesc("You're unable to receive a\\conversation messages");
QuestShortDesc("Meet with Trarawiel to learn how to\\cool the Cracked

AddPhase(12, 1, "Meet Trarawiel in Elior town of\\Snow Limp");

Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_MsgBox("Seems like we've been getting many\\vistors
lately... Oh well. If you're looking\\to cool something, the best thinkg
in\\Almighty Ground to use is the Coldest\\Snow.");
Event_MsgBox("You may already know where to find\\it, but I will
mark it on your map. Take\\this pot to collect the Coldest Snow");
Event_MsgBox("And before you go, I have a small\\task to ask of
you. If you could come\\back when you're done, we could talk\\about it over some
iced tea.");
Event_Get(1, 10420);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Take the Small Pot to the spot\\marked on your map and
collect the\\Coldest Snow.");
Phase_Target(837, 2806);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 837.9, 145.7, 2806, 5);
Event_Disappear(1, 10420, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have filled the Small Pot with the\\Coldest
Event_Get(1, 10421);
Event_MsgBox("You must have a Small Pot.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Duncan with the Pot of\\Coldest Snow");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10421, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Very good. I feel like a weight has\\been lifted
now that the Cracked\\Crystal is safe.");
Event_MsgBox("I'm not exactly sure, as it requires a\\bit of
interpretation of the Ancient's\\History Book, but it seems that the\\downfall of
the Ancients occured\\because their Fragment of Evil\\became unstable.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, their Crystal was much too\\big to be
called a fragment.");
Event_MsgBox("We're almost ready to complete the\\Fragment of
Evil, but the dangers are\\growing, and you may not be ready\\yet. Return to me
when you have\\reached level 77.");
Event_Award(7662900, 5800000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Do you have something to cool the\\Crystal?");

QuestStart(402, 77, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Frozen Vegetables");
QuestLevel("LV 77");
QuestAward("- Experience 13,809,500\\- Gold 9,100,000");
QuestDesc("We Snowrimp are used to the cold,\\but we always have to eat the
same\\things. Sure, we can eat what\\Humans and Ak'kan eat, but we\\don't want to
live down where it is\\warm. Can you help me find new\\plants that we could plant
here to\\give us something to eat?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Trarawiel find cold weather\\plants.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Trarawiel's story");

Event_MsgBox("We have tried many times to plant\\food here in the
Frozen Steppe. Not\\only do we have to deal with the cold,\\but the frozen ground
makes it hard to\\plant most vegetables and fruit trees.\\We have not been
successful\\whenever we have tried.");
Event_MsgBox("What we need is a small, resilient\\plant. We need
something with small\\roots that can take hold in the top\\layers of the ground,
and yet provide\\us with the nutrition we need.");
Event_MsgBox("I heard a rumor that that Spore\\Factory Supervisor
Nanak might know\\something about such a plant. Could\\you visit him and find out
if the rumor is\\true?");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Visit Nanak, the West Spore\\Factory Supervisor");

Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_MsgBox("So, you look for a plant that lives in\\cold
places? Nanak might know of\\something. Some kind of moss might\\work, and Nanak
might have some of\\that.");
Event_MsgBox("Give it to you? You think Nanak just\\gives things
away do you? NO! Nanak\\might trade for such things.");
Event_MsgBox("There are things Nanak wishes to\\know, and for
that information, Nanak\\might give you the spore you seek.");
Event_MsgBox("My work is not so bad, but Nanak\\gets very bored.
He is curious, and\\hears things he wants to know, like\\hearing about a man who
is\\researching the Fragment of Evil! Do\\you know this man?");
Event_MsgBox("Get me info about the Fragment of\\Evil. Nanak
wants to know how and\\why and what and who, and all things\\about it!");
Event_MsgBox("Get me that, and Nanak will give you\\the spore of
a Frost Moss.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Solve Nanak's questions about the\\Fragment of Evil by

visiting Duncan");
Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("Information on Fragment of Evil, huh?\\The Fragment
of Evil has the power to\\recreate the bodies and souls of living\\things. I'm sure
it can do more than\\that, but that is all that we are sure\\about. Maybe that's
why creatures of\\the Underworld have similar, but\\different, bodies and souls
than those\\of us on Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("The Ak'kan banned research on the\\Fragment of
Evil, knowing that it has\\contributed to the downfall of our\\creators, the
Ancients. I am breaking\\those laws because I feel there is a\\strong need for its
power now.");
Event_MsgBox("Since it is so volatile, I'm being very\\careful
about what things I use when I\\test it. Fortunately, I am responsible\\and the
only person who knows how to\\create a Fragment of Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("I understand that innovation comes\\about through
the sharing of\\knowledge, but the knowledge of the\\Fragment of Evil could be used
for\\uncouth purposes, and must be kept\\secret.");
Event_MsgBox("Since we have plans for you to use\\the Fragment of
Evil for the cause of\\peace, come back to me soon.");
Event_MsgBox("I will tell you the last story about\\Fragment of

AddPhase(12, 4, "Give Nanak of South Fungus\\Forest Spore Factory the

information\\regarding the Fragment of Evil.");
Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_MsgBox("Recreate creatures? Nanak sees\\great power...
Wait, why is that guy\\going to keep it all to himself?!");
Event_MsgBox("Nanak can't believe that! Hm, so\\that's the answer
from that damned\\guy?");
Event_MsgBox("Alright then. Nanak should be happy\\you did not
lie to him. Nanak promised\\you the Frost Moss, so that is what you\\get.");
Event_MsgBox("You have got Nanak thinking now.\\Come back after I
have had time to\\think about this, and I may have\\something for you to help Nanak
Event_Get(1, 10422);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Deliver the Frost Moss to Trarawiel\\of Elior");

Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_Disappear(1, 10422, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Adventurers are great as I thought! I\\should plant
Event_MsgBox("While you were gone, I've learned of\\another plant
that could grow here.\\Maybe you could help with that too,\\when you have a
Event_Award(13809500, 9100000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you to visited Nanak yet?");

QuestStart(403, 77, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 402, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("The Farpearl Tree");
QuestLevel("LV 77");
QuestAward("- Experience 10,357,200\\- Gold 6,800,000\\- Ring of the
QuestDesc("I have heard of another plant that\\can bear fruit in the cold of
winter. It\\is called the Farpearl Tree, and it\\grows in the Woods of Death.
Do\\you think you could get me a root to\\plant here in the Frozen Steppe?");
QuestShortDesc("Hunt for the root of a Farpearl Tree");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Trarawiel's story");

Event_MsgBox("By chance, have you heard of the\\Farpearl Tree?");
Event_MsgBox("I've finally found out what I've been\\wanting to
know. This tree can bear\\fruit in the cold of winter!");
Event_MsgBox("The valley where the Ancients used\\to live used to
be full of them. I was\\afraid that all the trees vanished after\\the valley became
the Woods of\\Death, but some have said they've\\seen live trees there today!");
Event_MsgBox("Will you bring me of root of a\\Farpearl Tree from
the Woods of\\Death)?");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find a Farpearl Tree somewhere in\\Woods of Death and bring

back\\Farpearl Tree's Root");
Phase_Target(1140, 1607);
Trigger_Kill(1, 223);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected the Farpearl\\Tree's Root.");
Event_Get(1, 10423);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Farpearl Tree's Root to\\Trarawiel of Elior

Phase_Target(1081, 2886);
Event_Disappear(1, 10423, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow! You found a Farpearl Tree's\\Root!");
Event_MsgBox("It's just excellent. Thank you very\\much. I will
be sure to plant this\\Farpearl Tree and name it after you, in\\honor of your work
for the Snowrimp.");
Event_MsgBox("Please take this.");
Event_Get(1, 20059);
Event_Award(10357200, 6800000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you yet to find a Farpearl Tree?");

QuestStart(404, 78, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61841, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fragment of Evil IV");
QuestLevel("LV 79");
QuestAward("- Experience 23,294,800\\- Gold 13,000,000");
QuestDesc("Let me tell the rest about the\\Fragment of Evil, and we will
finally\\make one. When we are finsihed, I\\must send you to Ruan to complete\\our
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Duncan's last story and\\help Duncan make a
Fragment of\\Evil");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Duncan's story");

Event_MsgBox("Before we complete the ritual, I must\\make sure
that you are up to the task.\\Do not fret, I'm not testing you to see if\\you can
help me. I want to be sure I'm\\not sending you to your death by\\asking this of
Event_MsgBox("Speaking of death, defeat 5 Death,\\evil beings
from the Underworld. Should\\you be able to handle that, I'm\\confident you can
finish the job we\\have set before us.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat 5 Death");

Phase_Target(1106, 1172);
Trigger_Kill(5, 112);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 5 Death.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Duncan and report on\\defeating Death");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for reassuring me that you\\are the
person for this task. You should\\be capable of our last step here.");
Event_MsgBox("The last step to completing the\\Fragment of Evil
is to capture a\\powerful evil soul. I need you to kill the\\Lord of Destruction, a
powerful lich\\that roams the Woods of Death.");
Event_Get(1, 10424);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Defeat the Lord of Destruction");

Phase_Target(1014, 1811);
Trigger_Kill(1, 224);
Event_Disappear(1, 10424, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated the Lord of\\Destruction and the
Freezing Crystal\\absorbed its soul.");
Event_Get(1, 10425);
Event_MsgBox("You have to have the Freezing\\Crystal to absorb
his soul.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Return to Duncan with the\\Possessed Freezing Crystal");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10425, 0);
Event_MsgBox("If we can coexist with power of evil,\\we will
expand When we are\\consumed by the power of evil, we will\\be ruined. Fragments
will be scattered,\\and blood of evil will spread from the\\Underworld. And it will
be us who\\ushered the creatures of the\\Underworld into our land. And
our\\children will cry.");
Event_MsgBox("I wish I could fully appreciate that\\poem written
by the Ancients. I know\\only the words, and the tune is lost to\\me.");
Event_MsgBox("If you read the entireity of the 'Song\\of
Destruction,' it looks like the\\Ancients tried to use too much of the\\power of
Evil, and it consumed them.");
Event_MsgBox("That is how dangerous the Fragment\\of Evil can be.
You must fight its\\promises of power with a strong will.\\Without it, you could go
the way of the\\Ancients.");
Event_MsgBox("Since you have fought creatures\\made by this
power, you should be\\aware of the power this Fragment of\\Evil has.");
Event_MsgBox("I could only ask someone who was\\aware of the
danger to carry this. You\\have been strong thus far, and I\\believe you can do it.
Please take this\\to Ruan, for he has the power to use\\the Fragment of Evil
against the very\\Underworld that made it.");
Event_Get(1, 10426);
Event_Award(0x1637350, 13000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You need to defeat the Lord of\\Destruction.");

QuestStart(405, 78, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 404, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Pure Evil");
QuestLevel("LV 79");
QuestAward("- Experience 13,976,900\\- Gold 8,000,000");
QuestDesc("You brought the Fragment of Evil,\\very good. To use the Fragment
of\\Evil for our purposes, it needs to be\\purified first. How about it? Will
you\\help me?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Ruan to purify Fragment of\\Evil and receive reward");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ruan's story");

Event_MsgBox("You know the power of Fragment of\\Evil since
you've been talking to\\Duncan, right?");
Event_MsgBox("I'm planning to send Bree, who is int\\the Woods of
Death, back to the\\Underworld, the place where her soul\\comes from.");
Event_MsgBox("However, I must be very careful. As\\one uses the
Fragment of Evil, the evil\\in his soul grows more and more.");
Event_MsgBox("I am very afraid of that. Unlike Ramir\\or Latra,
my soul is not pure. The evil\\that is in my soul will comsume me if I\\continue to
use the Fragment of Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("So, to complete the task I have set\\for myself, I
need you to purify the\\Fragment of Evil, so that I can harness\\its power without
danger to my eternal\\soul.");
Event_MsgBox("Purifying the Fragment of Evil is\\simple. You need
to take the\\Fragment of Evil with you, and visit\\Bree's Tomb.");
Event_MsgBox("Bree's Tomb acts as a font of holy\\power amidst
the death and\\destruction of the Woods of Death.\\For reasons unknown, her
Tomb\\reaches to other dimensions, and if you\\go there with good intentions,
the\\portal will open itself to places of light.");
Event_MsgBox("Place the Fragment of Evil in the\\Strange Box you
find there, and let it\\soak the holy power from a far off\\dimension. Don't leave
it in there too\\long, as you might lose it.");
Event_MsgBox("You are no match for Bree. Please do\\not take
thoughtless actions such as\\attacking Bree. Now, please go and\\come back soon.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "With Fragment of Evil, go to a\\location that's marked in

map and\\visit Bree's Grave");
Phase_Target(718, 1778);
Event_Disappear(1, 10426, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You can feel the the power of the\\Fragment of Evil
wane as it is pushed\\far from the surface of the Fragment.");
Event_Get(1, 10427);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Ruan with Purified\\Fragment of Evil");

Phase_Target(1749, 2632);
Event_Disappear(1, 10427, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You've done an excellent job. Now\\the burden to
use Fragment of Evil is\\decreased.");
Event_MsgBox("I will reward you for finishing such a\\dangerous
Event_MsgBox("Let the blessing of Latra be with you.");
Event_Award(13976900, 8000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("To purify the Fragment of Evil, you\\need a bravery
that can win in the\\face of death");

QuestStart(61846, 78, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61833, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Essence of Evil I");
QuestLevel("LV 79");
QuestAward("- Experience 9,317,900\\- Gold 13,000,000");
QuestDesc("I am so curious about Fragment of\\Evil! How can it be possible?
I'm so\\tired of studying spores. Will you\\clear out my boredom?");
QuestShortDesc("Complete Nanak's request and\\receive a reward");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Nanak's story");

Event_MsgBox("Nanak doesn't know much about the\\Ancients, but
they must have been\\powerful. They knew all about the\\Fragment of Evil, it sounds
like to me.");
Event_MsgBox("They used it, and if that power ruined\\the
powerful Ancients, then Nanak\\thinks it must be great power!");
Event_MsgBox("That's why I'm so curious! About the\\Fragment of
Evil! I'm dying of this\\curiosity!");
Event_MsgBox("Nanak is also a researcher. Did you\\know that the
Fungus Recovery Potion\\that you people always want was\\invented by me!?");
Event_MsgBox("Get me a Fragment of Evil too! I don't\\care if
it's just a little bit. I need to see\\it!");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice] The quest, [Essense\\of Evil II],
has been added to your\\Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012057, 61847);

AddPhase(12, 2, "With Essense of Evil, visit Nanak\\of West Fungus Forest");

Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_Disappear(1, 10430, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh! Good! This is enough, very good!\\Oh-ho! Hehe.
I will have to research\\with this now.");
Event_MsgBox("Visit me later if you need the results\\of my
research. I think I will be able to\\show you something very nice. Kekeke");
Event_MsgBox("Reward? Ah, of course. We Barricks\\always keep
promises well.");
Event_Award(9317900, 13000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Do you have what Nanak wants?\\He is so very bored
of spores!");

QuestStart(61847, 78, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Essence of Evil II");
QuestLevel("LV 79");
QuestAward("- Experience 13,976,900\\- Item Essence of Evil Potion");
QuestDesc("Cannot receive a conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Bring a Fragment of Evil to Nanak.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Duncan to receive a\\Fragment of Evil");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_MsgBox("Spore Factory Supervisor Nanak?");
Event_MsgBox("I heard of him, of course. He is a\\Barrick
researcher, isn't he?");
Event_MsgBox("So, he wants to study the Fragment\\of Evil does
he? He has unending\\curiosity, does he not? I'd hate to\\starve a bright mind, but
I cannot give\\him a Fragment of Evil. It is too\\dangerous.");
Event_MsgBox("Alright. I will make him an Essence of\\Evil Potion
that works in same way\\with Fragment of Evil but is very diluted.");
Event_MsgBox("I want you to collect the materials.\\Defeat 6
Headless Armor and put their\\blood into this Empty Bottle");
Event_MsgBox("I will mark their locations on the map.");
Event_Get(1, 10428);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find and defeat 6 Headless Armor.");

Phase_Target(1066, 1001);
Trigger_Kill(6, 113);
Event_Disappear(1, 10428, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 6 Headless\\Armor.");
Event_MsgBox("You have put the Headless Armor\\Blood into Empty
Event_Get(1, 10429);
Event_MsgBox("You need an Empty Bottle to collect\\the Headless
Armor's Blood");

AddPhase(12, 3, "With Headless Armor's Blood, return\\to Duncan");

Phase_Target(1422, 1602);
Event_Disappear(1, 10429, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you have returned. Give me a\\minute.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Here, the Essence of Evil Potion is\\completed. It
looks big, but it is very\\diluted. It shouldn't be too dangerous\\for him to
examine, and it should keep\\him happy.");
Event_MsgBox("But I wouldn't drink this potion if it\\were me.");
Event_MsgBox("Deliver this to him. I wonder what this\\curious
Barrick will make with this.");
Event_Get(1, 10430);
Event_Award(13976900, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Do you have the Headless Armor\\Blood yet?");

QuestStart(61848, 80, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Malice Flower I");
QuestLevel("LV 84");
QuestAward("- Experience 9,804,400\\- Gold 16,000,000");
QuestDesc("There is something interesting in\\Caernarvon. Have you heard
of\\something called a Malice Flower?\\It's very rare and beautiful, and
very\\popular among collectors. And I\\want to get one of these.");
QuestShortDesc("Find whereabouts of the Malice\\Flower that Liger Will is
talking about");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Liger Will's story");

Event_MsgBox("A Malice Flower is not a normal\\plant. It won't
grow just anywhere, and\\I can't figure out how it picks its beds.\\There is
something about it I can't quite\\put my finger on.");
Event_MsgBox("It is originally from here in Gavial\\Swamp Valley,
I think, but when Latra\\found Almighty Ground, it disappeared\\for some time.");
Event_MsgBox("But I heard from someone that they\\saw it growing
on Caernarvon again.\\Now all my contacts simply must have\\one of these rare
Event_MsgBox("Can you find whereabouts of Malice\\Flower? I think
Saykin of the Gavial\\Swamp Valley might know more about\\it.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Malice Flower II], has been\\added to your Quest List (T).");
Event_AddQuest(0x40012089, 61849);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find whereabouts of Malice Flower\\and deliver to Liger

Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10431, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, you're done eariler than I\\expected.");
Event_MsgBox("Let me look this over for a second.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Hmm, it's in Caernarvon, just as I had\\guessed.
However, it's being protected\\by Minotaur. That gives me a\\headache.");
Event_MsgBox("But still, it does have a detailed map,\\and very
good information.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe, if you have time, I would like\\to request
of you to bring me a Malice\\Flower. Of course, I will pay you very\\well.");
Event_MsgBox("Here, this is a reward for this task. I\\wish you
good luck!");
Event_Award(9804400, 0xF42400, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you yet to find the whereabouts\\of a Malice

QuestStart(61849, 80, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Malice Flower II");
QuestLevel("LV 84");
QuestAward("- Experience 29,413,300\\- Item Horten's Adventure Book");
QuestDesc("Cannot receive a conversation\\message");
QuestShortDesc("Track down information about the\\Malice Flower and figure
out the\\Malice Flower's whereabouts.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Visit Saykin of the Gavial Swamp\\Valley");

Phase_Target(2292, 1676);
Event_MsgBox("The story of the Malice Flower is a\\story of a
cruel living thing. Unlike\\normal plants, which grow on light and\\water and good
soil, the Malice\\Flower grows on hatred and evil and\\bloodshed.");
Event_MsgBox("The Malice Flower used to grow here\\on Almighty
Ground, but since Latra\\discovered and consecrated this\\place, it can only be
seen in\\Caernarvon now.");
Event_MsgBox("Since it is nourished by evil, you can't\\move it
far from where you find it. You\\may not be able to bring it back to\\Almighty
Event_MsgBox("Anyway, Caernarvon Adventurer\\Horten should know
the location of a\\Malice Flower. I will mark your map.");
Event_MsgBox("But, since Caernarvon has many\\battles going on,
be careful.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Visit Caernarvon's Horten");

Phase_Target(2294, 1207);
Event_MsgBox("Hmm.. You're looking for the Malice\\Flower..?");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, since I know every inch of\\Caernarvon,
I know where you could\\find one of your own.");
Event_MsgBox("But I doubt that you could reach the\\Malice Flower
Event_MsgBox("Since I'd feel bad if I got you killed, go\\defeat
Gnoll Knights, and show me you\\are capable.");
Event_MsgBox("Please come back after you defeat\\20 Gnoll

AddPhase(8, 3, "Refer to a location that's marked in\\map and defeat 20 Gnoll

Phase_Target(2309, 1328);
Trigger_Kill(20, 121);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 20 Gnoll Knights.");

AddPhase(8, 4, "Visit Horten and report about\\defeating the Gnoll Knights");

Phase_Target(2294, 1207);
Event_MsgBox("Seems like you won't die trying to get\\a Malice
Flower since you can defeat\\20 Gnoll Knights with no problem..");
Event_MsgBox("Since they came to Caernarvon, the\\Minotaur have
been protecting the\\Malice Flower.");
Event_MsgBox("Originally, they were not evil, but\\since being
close to the Malice\\Flower, its love for evil has rubbed off\\on them");
Event_MsgBox("Here is some information I've\\compiled about many
things in\\Caernarvon. It includes information on\\the Malice Flower. Take it.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received Horten's\\Adventure Book that has
an\\information on the whereabouts of a\\Malice Flower.");
Event_Get(1, 10431);
Event_Award(0x1C0CFB4, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(512, 80, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61848, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Malice Flower III");
QuestLevel("LV 86");
QuestAward("- Experience 34,093,000\\- Gold 13,000,000");
QuestDesc("Ah, you have returned! I was in\\agony because there weren't
any\\adventurers who could complete my\\errands like you can. Are you ready\\to
bring me the Malice Flower from\\Caernarvon?");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Liger Will's story and bring\\the Malice Flower
from the Minotaur\\of Caernarvon");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Liger Will's story");

Event_MsgBox("Good! I am very happy that a reliable\\friend like
you is going to take charge\\of this task.");
Event_MsgBox("As you already know, Horten told us\\that the
Malice Flower is being\\protected by the Minotaur of\\Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("I will mark their locations on map,\\please go to
Caernarvon and bring me\\back a Malice Flower.");
Event_MsgBox("I will wish you a good luck, my friend.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "In Caernarvon collect a Malice\\Flower that's being protected

by the\\Minotaur");
Phase_Target(843, 1104);
Phase_Target(3050, 1034);
Trigger_Kill(1, 225);
Event_MsgBox("You have gained a Malice Flower.");
Event_Get(1, 10432);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Malice Flower to Liger\\Will of Pirate's

Phase_Target(2838, 2557);
Event_Disappear(1, 10432, 0);
Event_MsgBox("This is it! Don't you think it's
Event_MsgBox("How can I describe it? Macabre\\flora? Sinister
Event_MsgBox("It's impossible to describe a Malice\\Flower in
Event_MsgBox("Anyways, thank you. Take this\\reward. You earned
Event_Award(0x20837C8, 13000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Even thinking about owning a Malice\\Flower makes
my heart pound.");

QuestStart(61953, 83, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 512, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Withered Malice Flower I");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestDesc("Ah, it's been a while, my\\adventurer friend. I am very\\depressed
nowadays. I just look at\\sea vacantly. Will you listen to your\\poor friend's
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Liger Will's story and find a\\way to resurrect the
Malice Flower");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Liger Will's story");
Event_MsgBox("My Malice Flower - the one you so\\graciously
acquired for me - has\\begun to wither. Everything I have tried\\has failed. I've
watered it. I've given it\\more light. I've stopped watering it.\\Nothing works.");
Event_MsgBox("I can't find any way to save my\\precious Malice
Flower, and that has\\made me so depressed.");
Event_MsgBox("When I asked around, I finally found\\out that a
Malice Flower takes is\\nourished by evil intent. But there's no\\way I could find
evil intention here on\\Almighty Ground.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe you, who have ventured\\many places, might
able to find me\\some way to stop my Malice Flower\\from dying.");
Event_MsgBox("Please save me from this sadness.");
Event_MsgBox("[Quest Notice]\\
\\The quest, [Withered Malice Flower II],\\has been added to your Quest List
Event_AddQuest(0x40012089, 61954);

QuestStart(61954, 83, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 65535, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Withered Malice Flower II");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestAward("- Experience 30,498,800\\ - Gold 20,000,000");
QuestDesc("Cannot receive a conversation\\message.");
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Liger Will's story and find a\\way to resurrect
Malice Flower");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Explore Fungus Forest West and\\find some way to restore

withered\\Malice Flower and deliver it to Liger\\Will");
Event_Disappear(1, 10433, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh... So there is a liquid that has an\\evil
Event_MsgBox("I've travelled many oceans and\\lands, but this is
the first time I've heard\\of such a thing.");
Event_MsgBox("...I see. So this is a new development\\of those
Barricks, who are full of\\curiosity.");
Event_MsgBox("Ah.. Thanks for saving me from this\\deep sadness,
my friend.");
Event_MsgBox("You deserve all I pay you, my friend.");
Event_Award(0x1D15FF0, 0x1312D00, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you found the the Liquid Evil\\yet? I heard
someone who heard a\\story about the Liquid Evil... If the\\Malice Flower that we
worked so hard\\to get were to withers and dies, it will\\be impossible for me to
escape this\\deep sorrow.");

QuestStart(515, 85, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 61953, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Liquid Evil");
QuestLevel("LV 87");
QuestAward("- Experience 30,498,800\\- Item Liquid Evil");
QuestDesc("You need to save a Malice Flower,\\do you? Perhaps my Liquid Evil
will\\work. Nanak is always up for trading.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete Nanak's request and\\receive Liquid Evil");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Nanak's story");

Event_MsgBox("Hahah! Nanak is a genius! There's\\already a
customer who needs for my\\invention, Liquid Evil.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, Nanak has not been able\\to test it yet.
You never mind that\\though, Nanak knows it will work.\\We'll, of course, need to
work out\\some sort of deal. Yes we will.");
Event_MsgBox("Let's see.. With Liquid Evil, I think 10\\Kwen's
Hearts would be a good trade.\\How about it, will that be good?\\Kekeke.");
Event_MsgBox("Nanak will be waiting here with Liquid\\Evil..

AddPhase(8, 2, "To earn Liquid Evil, go to\\Caernarvon and defeat 10

Kwen\\and collect their Kwen's Hearts");
Phase_Target(1638, 2139);
Phase_Target(3236, 2618);
Trigger_Kill(10, 126);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 10 Kwen.");
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 10 Kwen's Hearts");
Event_Get(10, 10434);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver the Kwen's Heart to Nanak\\of Almighty Ground and

receive\\Liquid Evil");
Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_Disappear(10, 10434, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh-ho, Well well! Here is a Liquid\\Evil. We
Barricks take promises as\\our lives, take what I promised.\\Kekeke.");
Event_Get(1, 10433);
Event_Award(0x1D15FF0, 0, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Kwen's Heart is a good material for a\\research.

QuestStart(516, 87, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Difficult Peace");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 40,850,600\\- Gold 18,000,000");
QuestDesc("God's Pirates does not want to\\involved in the war anymore.
But\\seems like the Merkhadians and\\Kartefants don't think that way. We\\always
have to be ready for\\danger. Can you help me with this\\task?");
QuestShortDesc("Complete General Romarin's task\\and receive a reward");

AddPhase(8, 1, "Listen to Romarin");

Event_MsgBox("Well, this is unexpected. It seems\\that warriors
from Merkhadia and\\Kartefant still support God's Pirates.");
Event_MsgBox("You think that this might be because\\we God's
Pirate have withdrawn from\\the war front?");
Event_MsgBox("Although I know that there are people\\who will
treat us well, I also am aware\\that we will always be in trouble as\\long as we
mantain Grand Fall Valley\\in Caernarvon.");
Event_MsgBox("For that, we always have to be ready\\to defend
ourselves. But even with\\that one task, God's Pirates is\\stretched thin.");
Event_MsgBox("Recently, we were attacked by a\\band of Headless
Knights who have\\set up camp west of here. Do you think\\you could reduce their
number by 10\\for me?");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat them and bring their Headless\\Knight's
Armor Pieces as evidence. Of\\course I will reward you very well, but\\be careful
because Headless Knight\\watch out for one another! Yes, I know\\they have no
heads. That doesn't stop\\them from attacking us either does it?\\They watch our
for each other! Now\\go!");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Defeat 10 Headless Knights");

Phase_Target(2013, 1200);
Trigger_Kill(10, 128);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated 10 Headless\\Knights.");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained 10 Headless\\Knight's Armor
Event_Get(10, 10435);

AddPhase(8, 3, "Deliver the Headless Knight's\\Armor Pieces to Romarin of

Grand\\Fall Valley");
Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(10, 10435, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Ah, I really thank you! I will let the\\Grand Fall
Valley know what you\\have done here!");
Event_MsgBox("Here, this is a reward for warriors who\\have
fought for God's Pirate!");
Event_Award(0x26F54A8, 0x112A880, 0, 0);

QuestStart(517, 85, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Lacking Resources");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 20,425,300\\- Gold 17,900,000");
QuestDesc("I don't make weapons to hurt\\people, I make them to see how
they\\work. It is very enlightening and\\rewarded. However, to continue\\making my
siege weapons, I need\\your help. Interested?");
QuestShortDesc("Collect Siege Materials for Jort");
AddPhase(8, 1, "Listen to Jort's story");
Event_MsgBox("Like I said, I don't want blood on my\\hands
because of something I\\created. That's why I was quick to join\\God's Pirates and
their message of\\peace.");
Event_MsgBox("Of course, I still make Guild Fortress\\Starter
Kits, which are used by those\\who war. At least what I make is used\\to protect,
rather than to attack.");
Event_MsgBox("Can you collect for me 5 Siege\\Materials that I
need for my research?\\I have asked many people, so that the\\burden for each would
be small.");
Event_MsgBox("I will count on you.");

AddPhase(8, 2, "Collect 5 Siege Material for Jort's\\research and deliver

them to Jort");
Phase_Target(2340, 1198);
Event_Disappear(5, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wow, you're the first one back.\\Wonderful. These
will help me in my\\craft.");
Event_MsgBox("This is a reward for those who help\\me.");
Event_Award(0x137AA54, 0x11121E0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(518, 80, 100, 0xFC0FF0, 516, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 1);
QuestTitle("Difficult Peace II");
QuestLevel("LV 89");
QuestAward("- Experience 61,275,900\\- Gold 18,000,000");
QuestDesc("Even though wars with strong foes\\such as Kartefant and
Merkhadia\\have ended, there are still those who\\see us as an enemy. Will you
QuestShortDesc("Listen to Romarin's story and help\\God's Pirate to defeate

AddPhase(8, 1, "Listen to Romarin's story");

Event_MsgBox("Right now, the enemy that are most\\threatening to
us are the Headless\\Knights. Even though we have had\\the help of Kartefant and
Merkhadian\\adventurers who are amiable to us,\\the Headless Knights are still
a\\dangerous enemy at this moment when\\we are vulnerable.");
Event_MsgBox("The Headless Knight from the west\\are always
looking for a chance to\\attack us, even though we continually\\sweep them.");
Event_MsgBox("I think they have a leader controlling\\their
power. Please find out who he is\\and defeat him");
Event_MsgBox("For evidence, please bring\\Dullahan's Armor

AddPhase(8, 2, "Find the Headless Knights' leader,\\Dullahan, and defeat

Phase_Target(2013, 1200);
Trigger_Kill(1, 222);
Event_MsgBox("You have defeated Dullahan");
Event_MsgBox("You have obtained Dullahan's Armor\\Piece");
Event_Get(1, 10436);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Deliver Dullahan's Armor Piece to\\Romarin of Grand Fall

Phase_Target(2307, 1187);
Event_Disappear(1, 10436, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You have fought well!");
Event_MsgBox("You have sent the Headless Knights\\into disarray.
That should keep them\\away from Grand Fall Valley for a\\while.");
Event_MsgBox("This is a reward from God's Pirates!");
Event_Award(0x3A6FEFC, 0x112A880, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1792, 3, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Little Girl Lost");
QuestLevel("LV 3");
QuestAward("- Experience 30\\- Gold 50");
QuestDesc("Hi! I'm Clara. I lost something very\\important. You think you
could help\\me out really really quick? Please?");
QuestShortDesc("Help a little girl find something she\\lost");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Clara's story");

Event_MsgBox("Oh, thank you very very much. I'm\\going to be in
big trouble when my\\daddy finds out I lost his Old helmet.\\You see, I was playin'
out on the rock\\past the Ichman with my daddy's\\helmet, pretending to be a
sailor, like\\my daddy. Anyways, when Daddy\\showed up and found out I was\\playing
out by the rock, he scooped\\me up and brought me home real quick.");
Event_MsgBox("Before I could say I was sorry, we\\were gone, and
I left my daddy's Old\\Helmet behind. If he finds out I was\\borrowing his Old
Helmet and lost it,\\he'll never let me leave the house\\again. Could you find it
and bring it\\back to me? Like I said, I was out by\\the big rock past the

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find Clara's Old Helmet past the\\Ichman northeast of

Pirate's Bluff");
Phase_Target(3202, 2738);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3202, 9.6, 2738.8, 8);
Event_MsgBox("You have found Clara's Old Helmet.\\Bring it back
and get her out of trouble.");
Event_Get(1, 60018);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring the Old Helmet back to Clara");

Phase_Target(2770, 2270);
Event_Disappear(1, 60018, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You found it? Oh, you've saved me! I\\don't have
much to give you, but you\\can have this week's allowance.");
Event_Award(30, 50, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Did you find it? Do you have my\\dad's Old

QuestStart(1793, 4, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Fear the Magic");
QuestLevel("LV 4");
QuestAward("- Experience 50\\- Gold 100");
QuestDesc("Those Ichman are scary. When I\\go to sleep at night, I see
Ichman\\Mages in my dreams. They're\\unstoppable!");
QuestShortDesc("Help a boy overcome his fears");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Pibot's story");

Event_MsgBox("You ever dream? When I dream, I'm\\a strong
warrior. I can stop all the\\mean monsters that try to hurt me. At\\least, I used
to. Now, when I sleep, all\\I see are Ichman Mages. They're\\unstoppable. They
fight me from every\\side and chill my bones.\\
\\Last time I was playing with Clara, we\\ran into an Ichman Mage. He wasn't\\nice
at all. He almost froze my head!\\Now I'm really scared, and I even see\\them in my
Event_MsgBox("What? You say they're not that\\tough? I don't
believe you. Those\\Ichman Mages are the meanest. If you\\think they're not so
tough, prove it.\\Maybe if you killed a few, I might not\\think they're so scary.
Not just one\\either. You'll need to kill 5 to convince\\me.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 5 Ichman Mages and prove to\\Pibot that they're not
Phase_Target(3272, 2522);
Phase_Target(2481, 2457);
Trigger_Kill(5, 4);
Event_MsgBox("You've killed 5 Ichman Mages. Go\\tell Pibot about

AddPhase(12, 3, "Tell Pibot about your exploits");

Phase_Target(2772, 2268);
Event_MsgBox("So those Ichman Mages aren't that\\tough? Well, if
you can kill them, I\\guess I shouldn't be afraid of 'em that\\much. I still not
gonna play out by them\\anymore, just to be safe. Thanks. I\\feel better now.");
Event_Award(50, 100, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Are you afraid of Ichman Mages too?");

QuestStart(1794, 6, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Ruby Necklaces");
QuestLevel("LV 6");
QuestAward("- Experience 60\\- Gold 100");
QuestDesc("I like to make and sell Grub Ruby\\necklaces, but I can't be
gettin' the\\materials by meself. For a bit o' the\\profit, you think ye might help
me out?");
QuestShortDesc("Help a woman with a business\\venture.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Serabess' proposition.");

Event_MsgBox("In me spare time, I fancy meself a\\decent necklace
maker, at least\\enough to turn a bit o' profit. But lately,\\it's been gettin'
dangerous for a lass\\such as meself to get the Grub Rubies\\I need. The Grubs make
these Grub\\Rubies in their stomachs, like clams do\\in the sea. They're not very
valuable,\\but they're looking good in a\\necklace, and people'll pay to
Event_MsgBox("So, if'n ye be up to taking a cut of the\\profit,
and ye be able to kill 5 Grubs\\and bring me 5 Grub Rubies, we might\\have
ourselves a business\\arrangement.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 5 Grubs and gather their Grub\\Rubies");

Phase_Target(2386, 2358);
Phase_Target(3094, 2490);
Trigger_Kill(5, 7);
Event_MsgBox("Now bring the Grub Rubies back to\\Serabess for
your cut.");
Event_Get(5, 60019);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring Serabess the 5 Grub Rubies,\\and get your reward.");

Phase_Target(2847, 2282);
Event_Disappear(5, 60019, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Pleasure doin' business with ye.\\Perhaps we can
work together again\\in the future.");
Event_Award(60, 100, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I can't be makin' a whole necklace\\without 5 Grub
Rubies. Don't be tryin'\\to get out of our deal early.");

QuestStart(1795, 9, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Delayed Delivery");
QuestLevel("LV 9");
QuestAward("- Experience 110\\- Gold 300");
QuestDesc("I've been expected a delivery for\\quite some time... I suspect
goblins\\may be havin' my package. Could\\ye look into it fer me?");
QuestShortDesc("Find Zira's package.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Find out about Zira's missing\\package");

Event_MsgBox("Two days ago, I was supposed to be\\gettin' a
Delivery. Right about the time\\it was to be gettin' here, the man\\bringin' it
runs up to me, without me\\sack! When I heckled 'im about it, he\\says he was
attacked by goblins, and\\that they stole me sack. The contents\\be very important
to me, and I'll give\\you the delivery fee, if you would go\\out and find it fer
Event_MsgBox("I don't know which ones might be\\havin' it, so,
you'll just be needin' to kill\\Goblins until ye find me sack.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill Goblins until you find Zira's\\Delivery");

Phase_Target(2362, 2330);
Phase_Target(3143, 2521);
Trigger_Kill(8, 9);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Zira's Delivery to Zira");
Event_Get(1, 60017);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return the Zira's Delivery to Zira\\and claim your finder's

Phase_Target(2712, 2280);
Event_Disappear(1, 60017, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, thank ye. Ye just can't get food\\this good in
Pirate's Bluff. As promised,\\here be your reward.");
Event_Award(110, 300, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1796, 11, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cut up the Middleman");
QuestLevel("LV 11");
QuestAward("- Experience 200\\- Gold 200");
QuestDesc("In life, as in business, sometimes\\little disruptions can cause a
lot of\\trouble. How would you like to cause\\the Ichman some trouble?");
QuestShortDesc("Help Hanus disrupt the Ichman.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Hanus' proposition");

Event_MsgBox("As a businessman, I know how much\\trouble the
middleman can be. He cuts\\into profits for himself, and takes half\\of the credit
for everything.\\ \\But, middlemen also make
things\\easier by taking out some of the\\responsiblities. If i didn't buy
my\\supplies from traders, I'd have to sail to\\the suppliers myself, which wastes
my\\time, and keeps me from making\\money.");
Event_MsgBox("Why am I telling you this? Well, the\\Ichman are
the same way. There are\\Ichman Kings, and they rule the\\Ichman Chiefs, and they
rule the other\\Ichman. Just like missing traders would\\upset my business, missing
Ichman\\Chiefs would disrupt Ichman
lives. \\ \\I propose buying us some peace
by\\disrupting their lives. By taking out 1\\Ichman Chief, we could cause
a\\commotion that might keep them out\\of our hair. What do you think?");
Event_MsgBox("Now, Ichman Chiefs usually stay\\behind the scenes,
but if you go to this\\location on your map, I know you'll find\\one. Kill it, come
back to me, and I'll\\give you something for your trouble.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Follow Hanus' directions and find\\an Ichman Chief");

Phase_Target(3033, 2610);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3033.5, 6.3, 2610.2, 20);
Event_Spawn(4101, 3003.5, 6.3, 2610.2);
Event_MsgBox("There he is. Kill him!");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill the Ichman Chief.");

Trigger_Kill(1, 4101);
Event_MsgBox("Inform Hanus that you have killed the\\Ichman Chief
and upset the Ichman.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to Hanus for your reward");

Phase_Target(2847, 2282);
Event_MsgBox("Pleasure doin' business with ye.\\Perhaps we can
work together again\\in the future.");
Event_Award(200, 200, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Until you cause the Ichman some\\grief, I can't
reward you for your\\efforts. Kill an Ichman Chief.");

QuestStart(1797, 11, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 1793, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Recurring Nightmares");
QuestLevel("LV 11");
QuestAward("- Experience 300\\- Gold 200");
QuestDesc("Oh my! Those Spiketail Squirrels\\are really scary. I can't get
them out\\of my head!");
QuestShortDesc("Help a boy overcome his new fears");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Pibot's story");

Event_MsgBox("I told you I'd pick a new place to\\play, right?
Well I did, and those cute\\little Spiketail Squirrels aren't very cute\\after all.
They almost chewed my foot\\off.\\ \\Now I
can't get them out of my head.\\My dream warrior is defenseless\\again... Hey, you
helped me get over\\my fear last time. You think you could\\help me again?");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe if you brought me 8 Squirrel\\Pelts, I
wouldn't be afraid anymore.\\Protect me!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 8 Spiketail Squirrels and bring\\their Squirrel Pelts

back to Pibot");
Phase_Target(2920, 2315);
Trigger_Kill(8, 23);
Event_MsgBox("You've killed 8 Spiketail Squirrels.\\Bring the
Squirrel Pelts back to Pibot.");
Event_Get(8, 60020);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring the Squirrel Pelts back to Pibot");

Phase_Target(2772, 2268);
Event_Disappear(8, 60020, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Yay! You're the best! I'm going to\\have my mom
make me a new\\blanket from those pelts, one that I\\can sleep in peace with. You
showed\\me that I don't have to be afraid. Stuff\\is only scary depending on how
you\\look at it. Take my allowance. It's\\worth it for a good night's sleep.");
Event_Award(300, 200, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Are you afraid of Spiketail Squirrels\\too?");

QuestStart(1798, 70, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Search Party");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 3,475,000\\- Gold 2,210,000");
QuestDesc("Oh, it's terrible! We lost half of our\\expedition! It's too
dangerous for us\\to find them, but maybe you can help\\us?");
QuestShortDesc("Find the other half of the Woods of\\Death Expedition");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Amandaa's story");

Event_MsgBox("It's horrible. We came on behalf of\\God's Pirates,
with the intention of\\surveying the Woods of Death. We\\knew the mission would
be\\dangerous, but all of us felt the need to\\explore this place. The ruins of
people\\long forgotten stand as an invitation to\\discovery and adventure.");
Event_MsgBox("All was going well. We had to sneak\\and skulk
though the woods, but the\\four of us were up to the task. Then\\one night, a pack
of Bullents trampled\\into our camp. We all grabbed what\\we could and scattered.
Shon and I\\found ourselves together, but we lost\\sight of Abbylan and William in
the\\confusion. We haven't heard or seen\\anything since then, and I am
very\\worried for the two of them.");
Event_MsgBox("Shon and I alone can't go back in\\there to find
them. But if you see\\anything of theirs, please come tell\\me. If they survived
the attack, they\\could be anywhere in the Woods of\\Death.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Find Abbylan and William, or\\what's left of them");

Event_MsgBox("Amandaa survived? Wonderful!\\Although I remained
with William, I\\was always worried about her. This is\\good news indeed! Now,
staying here\\to record our findings will be a\\symphony, and not a lament!");
Event_MsgBox("You have lifted a great weight from\\my heart,
friend. Go back and tell her\\that I am okay, and that William and I\\have
discovered the temple we set\\out to find!");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Bring news of Abbylan and their\\discovery back to

Phase_Target(1493, 1609);
Event_MsgBox("He survived? Oh, by Latra, thank\\you! I am glad
you didn't have to bring\\back sad news. Abbylan is my\\soulmate, and I don't know
what I\\would do if he were taken from me\\that way. Thank you for risking your
life\\for me.");
Event_MsgBox("And they found the temple? What a\\great discovery!
I only wish that Shon\\and I could have been there to\\witness it. I hope they can
stay safe\\while they gather as much information\\as they can. Oh what a glorious
day!\\We received a stipend from God's\\Pirates for our expedition. Since you\\have
helped us in our mission, I feel no\\qualms about giving you this.");
Event_Award(3475000, 2210000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Have you found any sign of them?\\Anything at

QuestStart(1799, 70, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Lost Temple");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 2,964,000");
QuestDesc("Our expedition has failed. My\\colleague has half the map, and
I\\know not what happened to him.\\Wait, maybe you could recover it?");
QuestShortDesc("Complete the mission of the Woods\\of Death Expedition");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Shon's story");

Event_MsgBox("These last few days have been\\harrowing ones.
Amandaa could tell\\our story better. I feel as if I have been\\in a delirium since
that night. But now\\that I am more myself, I am\\disappointed that we could not,
and\\now can not, complete our mission.");
Event_MsgBox("You see, our mission was not just to\\map the Woods
of Death and explore\\the village ruins. We had recently\\discovered the two halves
of an\\ancient map that talks about a temple\\somewhere in the Woods. And though\\I
have half, William was carrying the\\other half. Now, Amandaa and I can't\\even
continue the expedition without\\them.");
Event_MsgBox("This is where you come in, brave\\adventurer. While
Amandaa and I are\\now too poorly equipped to venture\\back into the Woods of
Death, you\\might be able to continue our search.\\When we were attacked, we
didn't\\have enough time to grab all our\\equipment. If we are lucky, the map\\may
have been left behind. Let me\\give you this half, and mark the\\location of our
last camp. Look there\\for the other half of the map, and\\discover if the lost
temple is just a\\rumor!");
Event_Get(1, 60001);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Follow Shon's directions to their\\last known campsite, and

try to\\locate the Temple Map Right");
Phase_Target(1175, 1229);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1175.7, 115.3, 1229.5, 10);
Event_Disappear(1, 60001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("The camp looks thoroughly trampled.\\Supplies are
strewn everywhere. It\\barely catchs your eye among the\\carnage, but the corner of
a piece of\\parchment is visible from underneath a\\rock. After sifting through the
dirt, you\\find the Temple Map Right. You\\combine the two maps to make
the\\Ancient Temple Map. The alleged\\location of this temple is now marked\\on
your map.");
Event_Get(1, 60003);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Use the location described in the\\Ancient Temple Map to

find the\\Temple");
Phase_Target(1431, 750);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1431.9, 145, 750.4, 40);
Event_Disappear(1, 60003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Apparently the Temple does exist.\\Although you
have fufilled your\\commitment to Shon, maybe you\\should investigate the Temple
Event_Award(2964000, 0, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1800, 70, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Inscription Prescription");
QuestLevel("LV 70");
QuestAward("- Experience 3,623,000\\- Gold 3,125,000");
QuestDesc("We found it! The hidden temple in\\the Woods of Death! If only we
had\\our supplies to record this amazing\\find!");
QuestShortDesc("Help William and Abbylan retrieve\\their supplies");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to William's story");

Event_MsgBox("The past few days, Abbylan and I\\have been on the
run. By day we hid\\from monsters, and by night, we\\pushed deeper into this
forest. We did\\well, moving through the forest\\undetected, until last night.
After we\\had set up camp for the day, we were\\attacked by a Doomfist. Since
our\\original camp had been disrupted by\\Bullents, we weren't startled, but
we\\had to get out of our camp quickly,\\again.");
Event_MsgBox("We got away without a scratch, but\\we left all our
equipment behind. And\\now that we are here in this temple, we\\have nothing to
record our findings\\with. Since we are unarmed, could you\\go to our last camp and
get our\\equipment for us, so that we may\\continue working?");
AddPhase(12, 2, "Return to William's last campsite to\\recover their
Phase_Target(1234, 972);
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1234.4, 160, 972.4, 10);
Event_MsgBox("Except for the smoldering campfire,\\there is no
sign that William and\\Abbylan made camp here. There is\\nothing to salvage. Return
to William\\and find out what to do now.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to William with news that\\nothing could be

Phase_Target(1465, 725);
Event_MsgBox("That's not going to do at all. Well,\\we'll have to
improvise. Talk to\\Abbylan over there. He knows\\something of the area, and might
know\\what we can use instead of our usual\\implements.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Talk to Abbylan about acquiring\\some alternative

Phase_Target(1469, 728);
Event_MsgBox("So, nothing was left... I guess we'll\\need to
collect our supplies from the\\surrounding monsters. Many parts of a\\monster can
be used for other\\purposes. Lemme think... What will we\\need....");
Event_MsgBox("I don't have a list here, so we'll have\\to go as I
think of them. First, we need\\something to write on. Wing Leather\\will do. Go
kill 15 Wings of Death. That\\should provide us enough leather to\\write down
everything we need.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 15 Wings of Death and take\\their Wing Leather");

Trigger_Kill(15, 114);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 15 Wing Leather.\\Bring them
back to Abbylan.");
Event_Get(15, 60006);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Bring the Wing Leather to Abbylan,\\and find out what else
he needs");
Phase_Target(1469, 728);
Event_Disappear(15, 60006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Great. Now we'll need something to\\write with.
Bullent Tusks can be used\\for writing and making rubbings of the\\hieroglyphs. We
should only need 10.\\Go get 'em!");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 10 Bullents and collect their\\Bullent Tusks");

Trigger_Kill(10, 106);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected 10 Bullent Tusks.\\Bring them
back to Abbylan.");
Event_Get(10, 60007);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Bring the Bullent Tusks to Abbylan,\\and find out what else
he needs");
Phase_Target(1469, 728);
Event_Disappear(10, 60007, 0);
Event_MsgBox("We should only need one more piece\\of equipment.
We need to be able to\\transport this out of here. If you were to\\kill a few
Headless Armors, 5 should\\enough, and bring back their\\Headless Armor Boots, we
should\\have everything we need.");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 5 Headless Armors and take\\their Headless Armor

Trigger_Kill(5, 113);
Event_MsgBox("You have collect 5 Headless Armor\\Boots. Return
them to Abbylan.");
Event_Get(5, 60008);

AddPhase(12, 10, "Return the Headless Armor Boots to\\Abbylan, and find out
what to do\\next");
Phase_Target(1469, 728);
Event_Disappear(5, 60008, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful. Tell William that you\\retrieved
everything we need. He\\should have something to thank you\\with.");

AddPhase(12, 11, "Tell William you collected all the\\supplies he needed");

Phase_Target(1465, 725);
Event_MsgBox("This will do nicely. Now we should be\\able to
record our extraordinary find.\\Come back after I'm had a chance to\\translate some
of this, and I may need\\your help again.");
Event_MsgBox("Quest Notice\\
\\Return to William when you are level\\75, and he will have another task
Event_Award(3623000, 3125000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1801, 75, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 1800, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cold Hard Cache");
QuestLevel("LV 75");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,900,000\\- Gold 2,000,000\\- B Grade Item");
QuestDesc("I've discovered how to unlock the\\temple's treasure trove. It may
be\\difficult, but with your help we can do\\it. I'll even give you a piece of it
as a\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Help William open the temple's\\treasure room.");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to William's story");
Event_MsgBox("After deciphering all these\\hieroglyphics and
pictographs, I've\\found out that this temple has a\\considerable treasure
trove\\underneath it. According to these\\walls, it is more treasure that a
king\\could amass in three lifetimes. I would\\do anything to get a chance to
unlock\\that trove, including promise you a\\piece should you be able to get
it\\open. I'm sure there will be high quality\\items and gold behind this door.
But,\\there's a catch...");
Event_MsgBox("The key to this door is more than a\\button or a
switch. Apparently, the key\\is linked to the soul of the temple's\\guardian, the
Death Bringer. The\\Death Bringer is unkillable. Even if you\\should manage to
defeat him in battle,\\his body will reform to protect this\\place. However, while
he is reforming,\\the door is vulnerable to our intrusions.");
Event_MsgBox("Defeat the Death Bringer, and I will\\reward

AddPhase(12, 2, "Defeat the Death Bringer to unlock\\the treasure room");

Trigger_Kill(1, 4004);
Event_MsgBox("You hear the ethereal scream of the\\Death Bringer,
but you know he will be\\back. Hurry to William.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to William to discover if the\\plan worked");

Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! I'm sure it was no\\easy task for
you to defeat the Death\\Bringer. His mere name sends\\shudders down my spine. Now,
I can\\study these artifacts as part of my\\research, and of course, sacrifice
a\\little bauble for you. Thank you again.\\Return to me later, and I may
have\\other work for you to do.");
Event_MsgBox("Quest Notice\\
\\Return to William when you are level\\78, and he will have another task
Event_Award(8900000, 2000000, 0, 0);
Event_AwardItem(1, 0, 3, 3);

QuestStart(1802, 78, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 1801, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Document Retrieval");
QuestLevel("LV 78");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,900,000\\- Gold 7,281,000");
QuestDesc("Our work here is done. How would\\you like to deliver these notes
QuestShortDesc("Take William's notes to Shon in the\\Frozen Steppe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to William's story");

Event_MsgBox("It has been quite a project,\\cataloging and
recording all this\\information about this temple. Once we\\get home to analyze
everything, I know\\all the sweat and grief will have been\\worth it. Abbylan and I
still have some\\preparations to make so that we may\\leave here, but I would like
you to run\\my notes ahead to Shon, so that in the\\event Abbylan and I don't make
it, my\\research will.");
Event_MsgBox("Take these Explorer's Notes. Take\\them out to Shon
in the Frozen\\Steppe. He will make sure you are\\properly rewarded. Thank you for
all\\your help. Without you, this expedition\\would have failed miserably.");
Event_Get(1, 60009);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Escape the Woods of Death with\\the Explorer's Notes, and

deliver\\them to Shon");
Event_Disappear(1, 60009, 0);
Event_MsgBox("I hope William and Abbylan will be\\able to leave
the Woods of Death\\soon. In the mean time, we appreciate\\your help in this
matter, and hope that\\this is adequate compensation.");
Event_Award(8900000, 7281000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1803, 76, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 1798, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Two Temples, No Waiting");
QuestLevel("LV 76");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,673,000\\- Gold 4,071,000");
QuestDesc("Now that you have discovered the\\goal of our journey, perhaps
you'd\\like to wear the explorer's hat yet\\again?");
QuestShortDesc("Confirm the existance of a second\\temple");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Amandaa's story");

Event_MsgBox("You know that I am forever grateful\\to you for
brining me news of my\\Abbylan. I still regret that since our\\expedition is still
split in two, we\\cannot strive for any of our goals.\\Maybe you can help us yet
Event_MsgBox("We came here to confirm the rumor\\of a temple lost
deep in the Woods of\\Death. We never would have come on\\this expedition, had we
not had the\\Ancient Temple Map. Now that we\\know the map tells us the truth, it
is\\time to confirm another rumor about\\these Woods.");
Event_MsgBox("The map tells of the location of a lost\\temple,
but it also alludes to the\\existence of a second one! Guarded\\by the unsleeping
Guardian, Bree, it is\\supposedly a site of great power.\\Before we devote more
time and\\money into this second expedition,\\could you discover the location of
this\\second temple and mark it on this map?");
Event_MsgBox("If this place also exists, we can come\\back with
more people and uncover its\\secrets as well! Good luck!");
Event_Get(1, 60004);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Take the Explorer's Map with you\\and find the location of
the second\\temple within the Woods of Death");
Trigger_Geton(60004, 12, 753.2, 142.3, 1745.9, 40);
Event_Disappear(1, 60004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You've found the location of the\\second Woods of
Death temple. Now\\that you've marked it on the map, take\\it back to Amandaa.");
Event_Get(1, 60005);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Take the Explorer's Map back to\\Amandaa and collect your
Phase_Target(1493, 1609);
Event_Disappear(1, 60005, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Wonderful! You have done our work\\for us yet
again. Take this as your\\payment for services rendered.");
Event_Award(6673000, 4071000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1804, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Factory Work");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,487\\- Gold 25,000");
QuestDesc("The are many Spore Factories\\around this land. Can you help
me\\check up on all the supervisors?");
QuestShortDesc("Talk to all the Spore Factory\\Supervisors");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Nanak's request");

Event_MsgBox("You may not know it, but us Barricks\\are all over
the place. There are no\\less than three tribes of us here on\\what your people
call Almighty\\Ground. All of the tribes support\\themselves by harvesting fungi,
which\\is why you'll find our villages near the\\Fungus Forests. In each of
those\\forests is a Spore Factory, for handling\\all our fungi needs.");
Event_MsgBox("And that's where I come in. I,\\Nanak, am in charge
of all the Spore\\Factories. I mean, I only watch this\\one here, but I check in on
the others\\from time to time to see how we are all\\doing. I let King Barak know
if\\anything needs his attention.");
Event_MsgBox("As luck would have it, I haven't\\anyone to watch
my post while I check\\on the other factories. My usual\\replacement has just been
made a\\Barrick Hunter, and hasn't the time to\\be a fungus farmer anymore. But, I
do\\have some funds available to give you\\if you could gather their reports for
Event_MsgBox("Go see Villbug and Vuir and get their\\Reports for
me. I will compensate you\\when you return.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Talk to Villbug in Fungus Forest\\(East), and get his East

Phase_Target(3081, 3129);
Event_MsgBox("You don't look like Nanak... What?!?\\He sends
someone else to get my\\Report? That sounds like him. The\\more they keep him in
charge, the\\more he delegates his work to others.\\Well, as long as he doesn't
make me\\bring my Report to him next season.\\Take this back to him, and tell
him\\that Villbug has everything under\\control.");
Event_Get(1, 60015);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Talk to Vuir in Fungus Forest\\(South), and get his South

Phase_Target(3434, 1822);
Event_MsgBox("What report?");
Event_MsgBox("Oh... The, uh, South Factory Report...");
Event_MsgBox("Well, you see... I seem to have\\misplaced it. He
he. <gulp> Maybe I\\could find it while you take this to\\Wignor, the fisherman.
I'm sure I could\\find it.");
Event_MsgBox("Yes, Wignor likes the Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles to
use for bait. Take these\\to him and come back.");
Event_Get(5, 10272);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Take the Swamp Fungus\\Tentacles to Wignor, the fisherman");

Phase_Target(3624, 1845);
Event_Disappear(5, 10272, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What? Well then, I didn't need those\\quite yet. I
just got the last batch\\yesterday. Does he think I can catch\\fish that fast? Oh
well. I'm sure I can\\still put them to good use. Tell him\\thanks for me.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Return to Vuir and claim his South\\Factory Report");

Phase_Target(3434, 1822);
Event_MsgBox("Well now... See? It was here all\\along. I just,
uh, needed the time to\\find it. You take that back to Nanak\\and tell him
everything is just fine...\\Whew!");
Event_Get(1, 60014);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Bring both reports back Nanak in\\Fungus Forest (West)");

Phase_Target(2279, 2648);
Event_Disappear(1, 60014, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 60015, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well, well, welcome back. I hope the\\trip wasn't
too long. I'll go over these\\reports later, but thank you for bringing\\them to
me. I gotta keep those two in\\line somehow. Surprise report collection\\definitely
keeps them on their toes.");
Event_MsgBox("As I said, I always pay my workers.\\Here's your
compensation. Now, move\\along.");
Event_Award(6487, 25000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1805, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Spice and Dice");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 5,100\\- Gold 9,000");
QuestDesc("Cook Grot likes to make the\\tastiest food for Barrick Village,
but\\I'm almost out of spices. Help me\\out? I'll pay ya.");
QuestShortDesc("Collect fungi spices for Cook Grot");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Grot");

Event_MsgBox("Why, hello there. Welcome to Grot's\\pot. Grot
makes the bestest soup in all\\the village. Barricks from all over come\\to taste
my soup. It is very very very\\good.");
Event_MsgBox("Grot thinks that even people who\\aren't Barricks
would like Grot's soup.\\You should try it. But not today.");
Event_MsgBox("What? You think Grot is silly for\\saying, 'Try
some,' but also saying,\\'Not today?' You see, Grot does make\\very tasty soup,
because Grot uses\\good meats and good vegetables and\\good broth. But it's really
tasty\\because Grot uses the best fungi\\spices. And right now, Grot is out of
his\\favorite fungi spices.");
Event_MsgBox("Wait, it's perfect! You can go get\\Grot the spices
he needs, and Grot\\will pay you. Yes. We'll call it an\\investment. Why? You
nevermind\\that. It is good enough to say that\\Grot will spend money to make
money,\\and Grot will pay for spices. Let me tell\\you what I need.");
Event_MsgBox("First, I need Ancient Spice for that\\old, smoky
taste in Grot's soup meat. If\\you kill 10 Ancient Fungus, that should\\get you
Event_MsgBox("Second, Grot needs Popping Spice.\\It makes the
vegetables tangy and\\zesty. Giant Popping Fungus need to\\be killed for that, and
again, 10 should\\be enough to get the spice.");
Event_MsgBox("And then, I need Great Spice, cause\\it makes soup
taste great! Kill 10 Great\\Fungus, and bring me back the spice.");
Event_MsgBox("Now go, and bring Grot back the\\Spices he

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 10 Ancient Fungus and collect\\Ancient Spice");

Trigger_Kill(10, 53);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected the Ancient Spice\\that Grot
Event_Get(1, 60011);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 10 Giant Popping Fungus and\\collect Popping Spice");

Trigger_Kill(10, 56);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected Popping Spice\\for Grot.");
Event_Get(1, 60012);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 10 Great Fungus and collect\\Great Spice");

Trigger_Kill(10, 58);
Event_MsgBox("You have collected the Great Spice\\for Grot's
Event_Get(1, 60013);
AddPhase(12, 5, "Take all the Spices back to Cook\\Grot");
Phase_Target(2123, 2276);
Event_Disappear(1, 60011, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 60012, 0);
Event_Disappear(1, 60013, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Mmmm, yay! Yes, now Barricks will\\come to Grot's
pot! And others...\\Hmm... yes... maybe... that might...");
Event_MsgBox("Well, you nevermind that. Grot thinks\\he has a
plan, and can't share yet.\\Maybe after Grot has thought more,\\Grot can tell you
and you can share in\\Grot's plan. Until then, take what Grot\\owes you.");
Event_Award(5100, 9000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("No spice? No money.");

QuestStart(1806, 30, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cryin' Chef");
QuestLevel("LV 30");
QuestAward("- Experience 4,900\\- Gold 4,000");
QuestDesc("Cook Greer has great idea for new\\recipe. You must tell the other
cooks\\for me!");
QuestShortDesc("Share Cook Greer's recipe with the\\other cooks");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Cook Greer");

Event_MsgBox("'Ello, 'ello. Cook Greer needs your\\help. Greer
needs to stay here and\\cook for Barricks, but he has a good\\idea, a good idea for
good soup. But,\\Greer is not in charge of Cooks, so he\\has to show his ideas to
Grot and\\Kabul.");
Event_MsgBox("Do Greer a favor? It's an easy favor.\\You just
take Greer's new Recipe, and\\take it to them, and then when they\\like it, then
Greer give you some\\money. Money is worth being\\important to Grot and Kabul.
Okay,\\okay, take this Soup Recipe to them,\\and come back with good news for\\good
Event_Get(1, 60002);

AddPhase(12, 2, "Take Cook Greer's Soup Recipe to\\show to Cook Grot");

Phase_Target(2123, 2276);
Event_Disappear(1, 60002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What is this? Oh, Greer wants to\\make idea for new
soup, huh? Well,\\well, let Grot have a look at that. Grot\\is a very good cook,
and Grot has\\many Barricks who like his soup, so\\Grot is a good judge of soup,
let me\\tell you!");
Event_MsgBox("Well now, Grot sees promise in this,\\but it needs
a little work. Go show\\Kabul. He is the big cook. I mean, he\\is the head cook.\\
\\Big cook? Hmmm... Nevermind that.\\Just go show him, and I think he will\\say
what Grot says.");
Event_Get(1, 60002);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Take Cook Greer's Soup Recipe to\\Cook Kabul");

Phase_Target(2102, 2464);
Event_Disappear(1, 60002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Well, well, what do we have here?\\Little Greer
thinks he is big enough to\\make his own soup does he? No, no,\\this will never do.
You can't just put\\that in soup. And, where are the tasty\\things? Barricks will
not eat this soup.\\It would be a disaster.");
Event_MsgBox("Go back and tell Greer that this is\\not soup. This
is not fit to feed to\\Humans, let alone Barricks. Go, get\\out of here.");
Event_Get(1, 60002);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Take the Soup Recipe back to\\Cook Greer with the bad
Phase_Target(2005, 1941);
Event_Disappear(1, 60002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("What? They did not like the soup?\\Where did I go
Event_MsgBox("Not tasty? Not fit for Barricks?\\Noooo! They do
not like the work of\\Greer! That was Greer's best soup idea\\yet...");
Event_MsgBox("Wait! Greer has a new idea. Wait\\just a minute
while he writes it down.");
Event_MsgBox("... ...");
Event_MsgBox("... ... ...");
Event_MsgBox("Yes! Show this to them now! They\\will not say it
is fit for Barricks. You\\make sure that you tell them it was\\Greer's idea, so
they don't take it for\\their own! Hurry! Greer will still have\\money for you when
you get back.\\Go, GO!");
Event_Get(1, 60010);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Take Cook Greer's Revised Recipe\\back to Cook Grot");

Phase_Target(2123, 2276);
Event_Disappear(1, 60010, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So, he tries again does he? Grot\\knows soup, so
let me see!");
Event_MsgBox("Well, well. Grot may have his own\\idea for Greer
soon. Yes... Nevermind\\that. Take this to Kabul now, and tell\\him that Grot
thinks it might make good\\soup. But don't think that means that\\Grot likes it
yet. No no. Grot must\\always taste soup before he says it's\\good. Go! Grot has
his own soup plans\\to make.");
Event_Get(1, 60010);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Take Cook Greer's Revised Recipe\\back to Cook Kabul");

Phase_Target(2102, 2464);
Event_Disappear(1, 60010, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Again? Greer thinks he can make up\\soup so
quickly? You were just here\\for that one. Alright, I will look at his\\Revised
Event_MsgBox("Well, perhaps I underestimated\\Greer. But don't
think that makes him\\equal with Grot and I. We will try his\\soup, but that
doesn't make him a\\good cook. Tell him we will try to make\\his soup, and see what
the others say\\about it. I hope you do not come back\\with yet another recipe.
Leave, and\\let me cook.");
Event_Get(1, 60010);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Return to Cook Greer to get your\\reward");

Phase_Target(2005, 1941);
Event_Disappear(1, 60010, 0);
Event_MsgBox("They like it? Yes? Sorta? But they\\will make it,
they said? Wonderful!\\That makes Greer very happy. Maybe\\Greer will feel better
about trying new\\soups. Thank you much for your help.");
Event_MsgBox("Greer could not have taken his\\Recipe to them
without leaving his\\pot, and then they would ask me,\\'Why have you left your
pot?' So, you\\have done me a great favor. Thank\\you, and take this for helping
Event_Award(4900, 4000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1807, 35, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Blood Vassal");
QuestLevel("LV 35");
QuestAward("- Experience 6,000\\- Gold 12,000");
QuestDesc("It has been a long time since I\\have heard from King
Barak.\\Perhaps you can deliver a message\\for me?");
QuestShortDesc("Take Chief Tuk's message to King\\Barak");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Chief Tuk's request");

Event_MsgBox("Hello, stranger. You tread on\\dangerous ground,
you know. While I\\may be accustomed to receiving\\visitors, most of my people are
not.\\They may attack you on your way\\through, and I do not blame them, nor\\will
I try to stop them.");
Event_MsgBox("For me, however, your visit comes at\\a good time.
It is harvest season, and\\although I am supposed to be sending\\word to King
Barak, I haven't the extra\\hands to do so. Even some of my\\Barrick Hunters are
busy in the fields. I\\need someone to take a message for\\me to King Barak, and
you could be\\just the person.");
Event_MsgBox("I will compensate you, of course. Our\\harvest
sells for good money at the\\markets, and I will be able to afford the\\expense of
sending you abroad. All\\you need to do is deliver this message\\to him.");
Event_MsgBox("Tell King Barak that my tribe is\\prospering very
well, and although the\\fungus encroach, we are not afraid.\\Our harvest will be a
good one, and if\\his people need any food this season,\\we would be glad to
oblige. Go, tell him\\and bring me his reply.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Take Chief Tuk's message to King\\Barak");

Phase_Target(2879, 3577);
Event_MsgBox("Tuk sent you, did he? My brother is\\always
thinking of the good of the\\Barricks. He is a good Chief, and it is\\good to hear
that they are doing well.\\It seems we may need his aid in the\\near future, and it
is good to know\\that it is available to us.");
Event_MsgBox("Tell Tuk that we may take him up on\\his offer. Now
go! King Barak has\\many things to tend to.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Return to Chief Tuk for your reward");

Phase_Target(2092, 1933);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you. Hopefully your travels will\\keep the
Barrick people together. It is\\good to hear from my brother and\\King, and I am
glad that we are able\\to help them should they need it. Take\\this, and travel
Event_Award(6000, 12000, 0, 0);

QuestStart(1808, 35, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cold Caste");
QuestLevel("LV 35");
QuestAward("- Experience 8,000\\- Gold 1,000\\- Bread 10");
QuestDesc("Bula no like being a farmer. Maybe\\you can help teach hunters a
lesson\\for me.");
QuestShortDesc("Help Bula teach the hunters a\\lesson");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Bula's story");

Event_MsgBox("Why do you bother Bula?");
Event_MsgBox("Bula has a lot of things on his mind.");
Event_MsgBox("Alright, you want to hear what makes\\Bula angry?
Barrick Tribe is very strict.\\Once you're given a job, you do it. If\\you have a
strong arm, you are made\\a Hunter. If you have a strong back,\\you are made a
Farmer. That is your\\lot. So, what does Bula do, when he\\has a strong arm, and a
strong back.\\Bula should be a great warrior. He\\could attack his enemies with
his\\strong arms, and stand tall against his\\foes with his strong back.");
Event_MsgBox("But when there are so many Hunters,\\there are many
mouths to feed, and\\Chief Tuk doesn't see Bula's strong\\arms, only his strong
back. So, Bula is\\a Farmer, when he could have been a\\great warrior.");
Event_MsgBox("These Hunters need to be taught\\that there is
always someone is\\stronger than they are. They are too\\proud. Bula would do it
himself, but\\Barricks are forbidden to hurt other\\Barricks. If you could kill a
few Barrick\\Hunters, maybe there would be a need\\to make Bula a Hunter, like he
Event_MsgBox("If you kill 20 Barrick Hunters for me, I\\may have
a chance at becoming a\\Hunter once again. Do this, and come\\back to me. I'll
reward you for the pain\\you cause.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 20 Barrick Hunters and report\\back to Farmer Bula");

Trigger_Kill(20, 61);
Event_MsgBox("You have slain 20 Barrick Hunters.\\Tell Bula.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Tell Farmer Bula what you have\\done");

Phase_Target(1988, 2473);
Event_MsgBox("Yes, yes. Now maybe other Hunters\\will think twice
about being so proud\\that they are Hunters. They can use\\their strong arms to
protect\\themselves, but someone will always\\be their better. Bula thanks you
for\\teaching them a lesson about being a\\Hunter. Maybe now, Chief Tuk
will\\notice Bula's good work. Bula will go\\back to his farming, for now.");
Event_Get(10, 3021);
Event_Award(8000, 1000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You like Hunters more than you like\\Bula?");

QuestStart(1810, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Trick or Treat");
QuestAward("- Halloween Candy\\- Special Halloween Item");
QuestDesc("How would you like to go Trick or\\Treating? Not only could you
get a\\bag of candy, but I hear if you find\\everyone participating, there is
a\\special treat.");
QuestShortDesc("Go Trick or Treating");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Ghost");

Event_MsgBox("Happy Halloween, fleshy one. I\\remember skin. It's
been so long...\\ \\Anyway, some people here
have\\decided to have a little fun this season\\by letting people Trick or Treat.
In\\honor of the ancient festival of\\Samhain, those people have candy\\for you,
for free. All you have to do is\\go up to them and ask for it! Sound too\\good to
be true? Of course it is! You\\must grab the candy quickly before\\they change
their minds. If I had\\hands, I'd do it!");
Event_MsgBox("There is a catch though. I can't just\\tell you who
has the candy. They\\wanted to make it a little sporting, so\\here's the rules:\\
\\You have to talk to them in order. You\\can't just go around willy-nilly
and\\bother everyone. They have work to\\do.\\
\\Each person in the chain won't tell you\\who is next, but they'll give you a
hint,\\and they like to rhyme. Figure out the\\riddle, and move on to the
next\\person.\\ \\Most of them aren't too
tough to get\\to, but you have to watch out for\\monsters. Everyone should be able
to\\collect some candy, but you have to\\make it to the end to get the prize.");
Event_MsgBox("Got it?\\
\\So, apparently, I'm the beginning of the\\chain, but I have no candy.
Where\\would I put it? Remember, I won't tell\\you exactly who the next person is,
so\\you have to listen up.");
Event_MsgBox("Up on the hill you will find your first\\stop.\\
\\He guards the Ak'kan who lives near\\the top.");
Event_MsgBox("Good luck and have fun.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Up on the hill you will find your first\\stop. He guards the
Ak'kan who\\lives near the top.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2681, 63, 2280, 40);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Up on the hill you will find your first\\stop. He guards the
Ak'kan who\\lives near the top.");
Event_MsgBox("Trick or Treat? I choose treat. Very\\good figuring
out the first riddle. Take\\this candy. Hopefully you have as\\easy a time with the
rest of the riddles.");
Event_MsgBox("Seek out the man who eats without\\care.\\
\\You'd better hurry, lest he eats your\\share.");
Event_MsgBox("Get to it. Fill your bag with candy.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Seek out the man who eats\\without care. You'd better hurry,
lest\\he eats your share.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3573, 146, 2512, 40);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Seek out the man who eats\\without care. You'd better hurry,
lest\\he eats your share.");
Event_MsgBox("Hellooooo there. Do you like candy\\the way I like
candy. Mmmm... Okay, I\\have some for you, and a riddle. Get\\ready.");
Event_MsgBox("Everyone's friend, the man with the\\hammer, has
candy for you, if you cut\\through the clamor.");
Event_MsgBox("Find him. Now leave me to my food.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Everyone's friend, the man with the\\hammer, has candy for
you, if you\\cut through the clamor.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2748, 31, 2346, 40);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Everyone's friend, the man with the\\hammer, has candy for
you, if you\\cut through the clamor.");
Event_MsgBox("Here for the candy are ya? Lemme\\get it out from
under me anvil.\\ \\I think it melted just a
bit, but it's still\\good. Want some more, locate this\\person:");
Event_MsgBox("Find the teacher of all people\\sneaky.\\
\\She'll give you a treat, if you don't look\\too freaky.");
Event_MsgBox("More candy fer ya as you find us all.");
Event_Get(3, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Find the teacher of all people\\sneaky. She'll give you a

treat, if you\\don't look too freaky.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2887, 28, 2368, 40);

AddPhase(12, 9, "Find the teacher of all people\\sneaky. She'll give you a

treat, if you\\don't look too freaky.");
Event_MsgBox("Seems like I can't hide the candy from\\you. That
should say something about\\my roguish skills. Or maybe, I wanted\\to be found.
Wanna know who's next?");
Event_MsgBox("The guide of the field which harbors a\\brute.\\
\\Say 'Trick or Treat' and he'll give you\\some loot.");
Event_MsgBox("Hurry along now.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 10, "The guide of the field which harbors\\a brute. Say 'Trick
or Treat' and he'll\\give you some loot.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2683, 24, 1738, 40);

AddPhase(12, 11, "The guide of the field which harbors\\a brute. Say 'Trick
or Treat' and he'll\\give you some loot.");
Event_MsgBox("I'm glad I decided to do this. I've had\\so many
more visitors. Here, take this,\\young ones. What? You still want\\more? Okay
Event_MsgBox("He watches the fungi, day in and\\day out.\\
\\From far behind Madcat, he hands\\candy out.");
Event_MsgBox("Don't eat it all at once.");
Event_Get(3, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 12, "He watches the fungi, day in and\\day out. From far behind
Madcat, he\\hands candy out.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3435, 75, 1822, 40);

AddPhase(12, 13, "He watches the fungi, day in and\\day out. From far behind
Madcat, he\\hands candy out.");
Event_MsgBox("Now that you're here, you want\\Fungus Potions? No?
Just candy?\\Alright. Still hungry? Here's the riddle\\then.");
Event_MsgBox("Leading the circle inside of the\\nation, he hands
out treats, and ups\\your elation.");
Event_MsgBox("Just go.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 14, "Leading the circle inside of the\\nation, he hands out

treats, and ups\\your elation.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3645, 171, 2901, 40);

AddPhase(12, 15, "Leading the circle inside of the\\nation, he hands out

treats, and ups\\your elation.");
Event_MsgBox("Ha Ha! You seem to be doing quite\\well. When told
how far down the\\chain I was, I expected few people.\\Here take your candy, and
your riddle.");
Event_MsgBox("In the land of battle, some call him a\\spy.\\
\\As long as there's candy, you\\shouldn't care why.");
Event_MsgBox("Trick or Treat, indeed.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(8, 16, "In the land of battle, some call him\\a spy. As long as
there's candy, you\\shouldn't care why.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 8, 2303, 100, 1206, 40);

AddPhase(8, 17, "In the land of battle, some call him\\a spy. As long as
there's candy, you\\shouldn't care why.");
Event_MsgBox("Sneaky thing you are, finding your\\way here.
Usually, I do tricks, but I've\\resigned to only hand out treats. And\\now, for the
next riddle.");
Event_MsgBox("Few people know of Poah the\\Ak'kan.\\
\\Find him and his shrine, before it's all\\gone.");
Event_MsgBox("I very much wanted to do tricks. Oh,\\you mean
*you're* supposed to do\\tricks. I see.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 18, "Few people know of Poah the\\Ak'kan. Find him and his
shrine,\\before it's all gone.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 3190, 137, 3502, 40);

AddPhase(12, 19, "Few people know of Poah the\\Ak'kan. Find him and his
shrine,\\before it's all gone.");
Event_MsgBox("Welcome to the Shrine of Sacrifice.\\Today we will
be reenacting the\\Samhain ritual of making living\\offerings to the spirits in
hopes of\\otherworldy guidance. We hope they\\will be pleased with watching you
die,\\and give us the visions we seek.");
Event_MsgBox("Trick or Treat? Oh yes, I'm supposed\\to be helping
with that other Samhain\\ritual. Sorry about that. Here's the\\candy, and your
Event_MsgBox("Not far from here is a big Ak'kan\\guide.\\
\\He has so much candy. He's been\\well supplied.");
Event_MsgBox("Maybe I'll get the next visitors.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 20, "Not far from here is a big Ak'kan\\guide. He has so much
candy. He's\\been well supplied.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2556, 25, 2666, 40);

AddPhase(12, 21, "Not far from here is a big Ak'kan\\guide. He has so much
candy. He's\\been well supplied.");
Event_MsgBox("I thought there would be dressing up.\\It would
have made this more\\enjoyable for me, anyway. Yes, yes.\\Candy for you. Riddle for
Event_MsgBox("I never thought that I'd like candy\\cold.\\
\\But there is one merchant with treats\\for the bold.");
Event_MsgBox("Next time, dress up.");
Event_Get(4, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 22, "I never thought that I'd like candy\\cold. But there is one
merchant with\\treats for the bold.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 1081, 159, 2886, 40);

AddPhase(12, 23, "I never thought that I'd like candy\\cold. But there is one
merchant with\\treats for the bold.");
Event_MsgBox("You made it here! That is wonderful. I\\am the last
candy stop on your Trick\\or Treating tour. I have have some\\chilled candy for
you. I also have one\\last riddle. If you know who it points to,\\you can get
something more fun than\\candy.");
Event_MsgBox("There's just one more stop on your\\trek of the
land.\\ \\This ship captain has your reward
in\\his hand.");
Event_MsgBox("Good luck.");
Event_Get(3, 3027);

AddPhase(12, 24, "There's just one more stop on your\\trek of the land. This
ship captain\\has your reward in his hand.");
Trigger_Geton(0, 12, 2838, 16, 2557, 40);

AddPhase(12, 25, "There's just one more stop on your\\trek of the land. This
ship captain\\has your reward in his hand.");
Event_MsgBox("You've done so well, my friend. I'm\\glad people
are getting all the way to\\me, I have a hold full of these things,\\and I don't
know what I'd do if I\\couldn't get rid of them. Take this\\Pumpkinhead. It won't
protect your\\head very well, but it'll show everyone\\how much candy you've eaten
if you\\wear it.");
Event_MsgBox("It's a novelty, but I think it'll have
Event_Get(1, 9970);
QuestStart(1811, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 1);
QuestAward("- Experience 1000\\- Gold 5000");
QuestDesc("Help Gizzard with the task that he\\has asked you to do. This will
prove\\that you are worthy to help Gizzard\\with future quests.");
QuestShortDesc("Help the Shady Ostrisaurus.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gizzard.");

\\Hey, I have a job for you. I really need\\some help. I need to find some
bread\\for a little concoction I am preparing. I\\will need 10 loaves of bread
brought\\back to me.");
Event_MsgBox("Do it fast, if you know what is good\\for you!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Bring 10 loaves of bread to Gizzard.");

Event_Disappear(10, 3020, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You didn't eat any of the bread did\\you?");
Event_MsgBox("For your sake I hope you didn't. I\\have another
job for you to do. Do you\\believe you are capable enough to\\accept this job?");
Event_MsgBox("Good! here is what I need now....");
Event_Award(1000, 5000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have the 10 loaves of\\bread that I
asked you to retrieve for\\me.\\ \\I should
have known better than to\\have asked you. You don't have\\what is needed to get
the job done, I\\should have known by the looks of\\you. I should have hired an
Ichman to\\get the job done, they are more\\capable than you are.");

QuestStart(1812, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 63251, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("A Debt Paid");
QuestAward("- Experience 124500\\- Gold 1280000\\- Thanksgiving Gifts");
QuestDesc("Gizzard has set upon you a task to\\obtain Ostrisaurus meat. You
have\\to wonder why he would want to kill\\his own kind. Perhaps this
shady\\Ostrisaurus is out to save his own\\hide.");
QuestShortDesc("Help the Shady Ostrisaurus");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gizzard");

Event_MsgBox("Pssst, There's an Ancient Tradition\\that occurs
once a year around this\\time. I require a nice healthy flank of\\meat...\\
Event_MsgBox("...I need some Ostrisaurus meat.\\
\\Yeah! I said it, I need some\\Ostrisaurus meat.");
Event_MsgBox("What? Why are you looking at me\\like that? Listen,
do you want to help\\me or what?");
Event_MsgBox("Don't worry, I'll make it worth your\\while...\\
\\You will be doing our kind a service.\\There is a character you will\\encounter
who will not be missed by\\anyone. He goes by the name of\\Doobley or Oobley, or
maybe Robbley.\\I am not certain, but he goes by\\something! He is known for
hanging\\out in front of the entrance to the\\Fungus Forest South. Bring me
back\\proof of his death so I can continue\\with my preparations.\\
\\What are you waiting for? Go take\\care of the situation!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Search the entrance to Fungus\\Forest South for an

Ostrisaurus\\named Doobley Oobley, or maybe\\Robbley... something like that.");
Event_MsgBox("Gobble, Gobble.\\
\\Oh no, they are here to get me and\\take me away! Run, run run, please I\\do not
want to be taken away. I will do\\whatever you ask, just don't hurt me.\\There is
no meat on these bones,\\what good would I be for a feast? You\\don't look like the
type who likes\\bones, are you?\\ \\I have a
wife and family, you don't\\want to take me. Please spare me, I\\am of more service
to you alive than\\sitting on a plate with garnish.");
Event_MsgBox("If its meat you are after than please\\take this.
This meat will make\\everyone happy. You get what you\\want and my life is
spared.\\ \\Please, please take it and let me
Event_Get(10, 10268);
Event_MsgBox("Oh, thank you!\\
\\Gobble Gobble.\\ \\Now I can live to see
another sunset.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Take the Ostrisaurus Meat back to\\Gizzard.");

Phase_Target(2845, 2363);
Event_Disappear(10, 10268, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So, I see that you got the job done.\\
\\WAIT! We seem to have a problem\\here.");
Event_MsgBox("This meat is horrible, there isn't\\enough of it,
it looks rancid, this meat\\wouldn't be good enough for me to\\feed to an Ak'kan. I
should have\\figured you couldn't get the job done.\\
\\I can not give you the reward we had\\talked about for this job. You have
not\\finished it. I need more meat and\\better meat!");
Event_MsgBox("There is an exception to every rule,\\except this
one. Do not come back\\here until you have returned with a\\more sufficient amount
of meat with a\\higher quality of flank.\\ \\I
wouldn't doubt that the character I\\sent you to take care of tried pulling a\\fast
one on you. go back to where you\\found him and see if there is any\\higher quality
meat.\\ \\Do not talk to me until this job
Event_MsgBox("You do not have the Ostrisaurus\\meat that I asked
you to retrieve for\\me.\\ \\I should have
known better than to\\have asked you. You don't have\\what is needed to get the job
done, I\\should have known by the looks of\\you. I should have hired an Ichman
to\\get the job done, they are more\\capable than you are.");
AddPhase(12, 4, "Return to Gobbley to retrieve more\\Ostrisaurus meat.");
Phase_Target(3137, 1966);
Event_MsgBox("Bock, Bock! Oh no, it's you again,\\run, run,
run!\\ \\Please don't hurt me, remember I
have\\a family and a wife. I thought we had\\an agreement? Why are you back\\here
Event_MsgBox("HELP! You need more meat?\\
\\I know that meat I offered before was\\not the greatest but its all that I had
to\\offer. You still don't want me, I am not\\good to eat.\\
\\Please, please don't harm me.");
Event_MsgBox("Wait, I think I just had a thought.\\
\\Yep, I did! Gobble, Gobble! Don't\\mention you heard this from me but
I\\encountered a wild ancient herd of\\Ostrisaurus about this time a year\\ago. I
spotted them from a distance\\across the river south-west of that\\Pirates's Bluff
Event_MsgBox("Some of the creatures in that herd\\were plump and
looked delicious and I\\know would be to your liking. They\\migrate to the south-
west once a year\\at this time. They remain a mystery for\\the rest of the year, no
one knows\\where they go or what they do. Not\\many believe in their existence
and\\think that they are a myth. If you were\\to seek them out, look for a
wise\\Ostrisaurus named Turken, he can\\offer you much more than I could.\\
\\Just don't mention who you heard it\\from.");
Event_MsgBox("To help you along your adventure,\\Cock-a-Doodle
doooo....\\ \\Excuse me. Here is something for
you.\\Now let me go back to hiding under\\this mushroom.");
Event_Get(1, 9923);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Seek out the ancient herd of\\Ostrisaurus Gobbley was

speaking\\of south-west of Pirate's Bluff. Look\\for Turken.");
Event_MsgBox("Hello adventurer, my name is Turken\\the Wise. What
brings you into these\\parts?\\ \\A truly wise
man can understand that\\you are here seeking one of my flock\\for sacrifice.
Around this time every\\season, your kind comes seeking out\\my ancient herd.
Throughout history,\\your kind has celebrated the bountiful\\harvest with this
Event_MsgBox("Before the establishment of formal\\religions, many
ancient Humans and\\Ak'kans believed that their land\\contained spirits which
caused the\\crops to grow and die. Many believed\\that these spirits would be
released\\when the crops were harvested and\\they had to be destroyed or they
would\\take revenge on the Humans and\\Ak'kan who harvested them. Some of\\the
harvest festivals celebrated the\\defeat of these spirits. Harvest\\festivals and
ceremonial celebrations\\were held by many ancient tribes and\\all would seek out
the perfect\\specimen from my ancient herd.");
Event_MsgBox("In the beginning, I would defend my\\precious
herd.\\ \\Throughout the seasons I have
grown\\older and much wiser. I would defend\\my herd with all my might,
never\\allowing one of my herd to fall. A good\\Ostrisaurus would rather suffer
defeat\\than defeat another by foul means. So\\I fought with great passion
and\\determination. As the time went on, I\\have come to understand that\\sometimes
a sword gives you the\\body, not the
bird.\\ \\So I started to compromise and
came\\to this resolution. I will offer you one of\\my herd in exchange that you do
not\\take more than one from my herd.\\Remember, my friend, a wise man can\\see
more from the bottom of a well\\than a fool can from a mountain top.");
Event_MsgBox("I will make you this offer one time.\\Will you
please accept this offer?");
Event_MsgBox("Thank you, my friend, may your\\harvest be
bountiful and may fortune\\be upon you. Here is a token of my\\appreciation.");
Event_Award(0, 500000, 0, 0);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill one Ancient Ostrisaurus and\\salvage it's meat.");

Phase_Target(2347, 1910);
Trigger_Kill(1, 7000);
Event_Get(40, 10268);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed an Ancient\\Ostrisaurus.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 40 Ostisaurusus\\Meat from this
one Ancient Ostrisaurus");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Return to Gizzard with the\\Ostrisaurus Meat.");

Phase_Target(2845, 2363);
Event_Disappear(40, 10268, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Where did you get all this meat?\\Usually I
wouldn't care but knowing\\where all this meat came from could be\\very lucrative
for both of us.");
Event_MsgBox("Well, where did you find this source\\of meat?\\
Event_MsgBox("The ancient herd? I thought that herd\\was only a
myth, my grandma used to\\tell me about that herd as a bedtime\\story. I always
thought it was a joke. If\\this herd truly exists and you can show\\me proof then I
will definitely make it\\worth your time.");
Event_MsgBox("This is a job that you can not fail.\\Bring me back
some kind of proof that\\this herd is real and that it is not a\\myth.\\
\\Return to wherever you found all this\\meat.");
Event_MsgBox("Again, you return to me without\\enough meat! I
should have given you\\a more simpler task for you to do.");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Speak to Turken regarding proof of\\his kind.");

Phase_Target(2274, 1913);
Event_MsgBox("If you surrender to the wind my friend,\\you can
ride it. What is it that you seek\\of Turken now?\\
\\Proof? Proof of what? Is my presence\\not proof enough of my existence in\\this
world? When does the existence\\of something need to have proof?");
Event_MsgBox("The beginning of proof is the end of\\the dream.
Turken wants your dream\\born into reality. I wish you not to take\\anymore from
this herd.\\ \\However, I can offer you a
precious\\feather from one of my herd. This\\feather will be the shining light to
the\\land of the Ancient Ostrisaurus. ");
Event_Get(1, 2482);
Event_MsgBox("Take this feather and see the beauty\\in the land.
The best way to predict\\your future is to create it, my friend.\\Now leave me and
my herd, our time\\here is limited.");
AddPhase(12, 9, "Return to Gizzard with the\\[Ostrisaurus Feather] given to
you by\\Turken.");
Phase_Target(2845, 2363);
Event_Disappear(1, 2482, 0);
Event_MsgBox("So this ancient herd does exist!\\
\\Who knew that grandma was right?\\You have helped me tremendously. I\\could have
never imagined someone\\like you could have succeeded. This\\feather will be the
one thing that\\changes everything in my life. Now I\\can start selling this meat
throughout\\the land to the highest bidders.");
Event_MsgBox("Like I promised, here is your reward.\\Now beat
Event_Get(5, 9922);
Event_Award(124500, 780000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Where is the proof? of the Ancient\\Ostrisaurus?
You have brought me\\nothing and pretty soon you will be\\nothing as well!");

QuestStart(1813, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 63252, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Finish the Turkasaurus");
QuestAward("- Experience 124500\\- Gold 1000000\\- 8 Antonium\\- Thanksgiving
QuestDesc("After looking at the feather and\\meat that you gave me, I
realized\\that this did not come from a\\Ancient Ostrisaurus but from the King\\of
all Ostrisaurus.\\ \\You must go and defeat
him and\\bring me proof of its destruction.");
QuestShortDesc("There is one that rules them all.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to Gizzard");

Event_MsgBox("If you are interested in helping me out\\then I
have one last job for you. Now\\that I know this tribe does exist, I\\remember my
grandma mentioning to\\me as a child that the herd had a\\behemoth Ostrisaurus
traveling with\\them.");
Event_MsgBox("This creature has been told of being\\magical and
grand in stature. Take him\\down and get me proof of his defeat.");
Event_MsgBox("Oh yah! Don't try and get smart\\either and think
you can take these\\items and sell them. No one\\understands the true power of
them\\like I do.\\ \\Return to me when you
have the\\proof. Now leave my presence!");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill the Turkasaurus");

Phase_Target(2347, 1910);
Trigger_Kill(1, 7001);
Event_Get(1, 2590);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed the Turkasaurus.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received a Ostrisaurus Beak");
AddPhase(12, 3, "Give the Ostrisaurus Beak to\\Gizzard");
Phase_Target(2845, 2363);
Event_Disappear(1, 2590, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You finished the job, who would have\\thought that
you could do it.");
Event_MsgBox("Remembering the stories of that\\behemoth of a
creature, what's his\\name, Turkasaurus?\\
\\That must have been some fight! You\\now have my respect. Anytime you\\need
anything, you come see me,\\Gizzard.");
Event_Get(5, 9922);
Event_Get(8, 2005);
Event_Award(124500, 1000000, 0, 0);
Event_MsgBox("You do not have proof of the\\Turkasaurus. Come
back to me when\\you have his beak.");

QuestStart(2509, 100, 100, 262144, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Templar Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item.");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55956);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2510, 100, 100, 262144, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Templar Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");
Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55955);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2511, 100, 100, 524288, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Attacker Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(0, 55954);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2512, 100, 100, 524288, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Attacker Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55953);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2513, 100, 100, 1048576, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Gunner Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");
AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");
Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55958);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2514, 100, 100, 1048576, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Gunner Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(0, 55957);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2515, 100, 100, 8388608, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Shadow Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");
Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55960);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2516, 100, 100, 8388608, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Shadow Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55959);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);
QuestStart(2517, 100, 100, 4194304, 0, 2, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Life Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55962);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2518, 100, 100, 4194304, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Life Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55961);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2519, 100, 100, 2097152, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Rune Pants");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55964);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2520, 100, 100, 2097152, 0, 2, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Rune Sleeves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGES.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGES.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Eloy to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55963);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2521, 100, 100, 16, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defender Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55967);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2522, 100, 100, 16, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Defender Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");
Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55968);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2523, 100, 100, 32, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Warrior Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55965);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2524, 100, 100, 32, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Warrior Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55966);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2525, 100, 100, 64, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Assassin Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55969);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2526, 100, 100, 64, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Assassin Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(5, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(5, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(5, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(5, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55970);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2527, 100, 100, 128, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Archer Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");
Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENINGS.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrenings\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55971);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2528, 100, 100, 128, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Archer Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55972);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);
QuestStart(2529, 100, 100, 1024, 0, 1, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Priest Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55975);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2530, 100, 100, 1024, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Priest Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55975);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2531, 100, 100, 2048, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cleric Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55973);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2532, 100, 100, 2048, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Cleric Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55974);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2533, 100, 100, 256, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Sorcerer Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55979);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2534, 100, 100, 256, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Sorcerer Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55980);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2535, 100, 100, 512, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Enchanter Gloves");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - OGRENING.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Ydhrenion to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55977);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2536, 100, 100, 512, 0, 1, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Enchanter Boots");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("You will receive a new GNN item");
QuestDesc("Strong Mobs have taken over the map 3. Kill some of them to get a
QuestShortDesc("Fight like a real HERO.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive your special item GNN.");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Ogrenings.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - DARK SHOGUN MASTER.");

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Dark Shoguns.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Dark
Shoguns\\Kill next mob - VENOM TAIL.");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Venons.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7003);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Venom
Tails\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\all mobs
needed.\\Go back to take your award.");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Back to Touko to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55978);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(63971, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("GOLD TOKENS:\\- 4 billions;\\- 1 Billion.");
QuestDesc("Give me the GOLD COINS 4 billions or 1 billion, and I will give
you the right\\GOLD TOKEN. So, its easier to keep\\gold at your Vault.");
QuestShortDesc("Bring me the right GOLD COINS, and you will receive the GOLD

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk");
Event_MsgBox("Bring me the 4 BILLION GOLD COIN and i'll give GOLD
TOKEN 4 Billion.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Reward");
Event_MsgBox("GOOD! Our transaction was made with\\total
SUCCESS !!!");
Event_Disappear(1, 34784, 0);
Event_Get(1, 3199);
Event_MsgBox("Here is your GOLD TOKEN 4 Billions.");
Event_MsgBox("Did you buy the right GOLD COIN (4 bi) at my

QuestStart(63972, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("GOLD TOKENS:\\- 4 billions;\\- 1 Billion.");
QuestDesc("Give me the GOLD COINS 4 billions or 1 billion, and I will give
you the right\\GOLD TOKEN. So, its easier to keep\\gold at your Vault.");
QuestShortDesc("Bring me the right GOLD COINS, and you will receive the GOLD

AddPhase(12, 1, "Talk");
Event_MsgBox("Bring me the 1 BILLION GOLD COIN and i'll give GOLD
TOKEN 1 Billion.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Reward");
Event_MsgBox("GOOD! Our transaction was made with\\total
SUCCESS !!!");
Event_Disappear(1, 34785, 0);
Event_Get(1, 32010);
Event_MsgBox("Here is your GOLD TOKEN 1 Billion.");
Event_MsgBox("Did you buy the right GOLD COIN (1 bi) at my

QuestStart(39361, 1, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Killing Monsters 1");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("1000 - Fame\\500 - Medals\\500 - Gold");
QuestDesc("Lets not kid ourselves, everybody\\wants to be known. Everyone
wants\\to have fame. I can see that you\\want fame as well. If you do for me\\a
small favor you can get some fame.\\I have a great amount of hatred toward\\ichman.
I know it is silly, but they\\frighten me, a well known and fierce\\soldier...\\
\\Kill 50 Young Ichmen and 50 Wolves for me and\\then you will get fame,gold and
medals for it.");
QuestShortDesc("Kill 50 Young Ichmen and 50 Wolves and receive your
AddPhase(12, 1, "Kill 50 Young Ichmen.");
Phase_Target(2915, 2498);
Trigger_Kill(50, 1);
Event_Get(50, 10200);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 50 Young Ichmen.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 50 Young Ichmen\\Scales.");
Event_MsgBox("Go kill Wolves now.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 50 Wolves Attackers.");

Phase_Target(3125, 2379);
Trigger_Kill(50, 27);
Event_Get(50, 10210);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 50 Wolves.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 50 Wolves\\Teeth.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Quest End\\
\\Bring now Young Ichmen Scales and\\the Wolves Teeth to Willard and\\get your

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give Scales and Teeth to\\Willard at Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2821, 2391);
Event_Disappear(50, 10200, 0);
Event_Disappear(50, 10210, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for killing the little bastards!\\I hate
those creatures so much!");
Event_Award(0, 500, 500, 500);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Scales and Teeth as\\proof.");

QuestStart(39362, 50, 100, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Killing Monsters 2");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("1500 - Fame\\500 - Medals\\500 - Gold");
QuestDesc("Lets not kid ourselves, everybody\\wants to be known. Everyone
wants\\to have fame. I can see that you\\want fame as well. If you do for me\\a
small favor you can get some fame.\\I have a great amount of hatred toward\\ichman.
I know it is silly, but they\\frighten me, a well known and fierce\\soldier...\\
\\Kill 50 Young Ichmen and 50 Wolves for me and\\then you will get fame,gold and
medals for it.");
QuestShortDesc("Kill 50 Dantes and 50 Doomfists and receive your Reward.\\");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Kill 50 Dantes.");

Phase_Target(1372, 2379);
Trigger_Kill(50, 105);
Event_Get(50, 2593);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 50 Dantes.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 50 Dante's\\Hearts.");
Event_MsgBox("Go kill Doomfists now");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 50 Doomfists.");

Phase_Target(945, 1617);
Trigger_Kill(50, 109);
Event_Get(50, 10143);
Event_MsgBox("You have killed 50 Doomfists.");
Event_MsgBox("You have received 50 Doomfist's\\Fur.");
Event_MsgBox("Tip : Quest End\\
\\Bring now Dante's Hearts and\\the Doomfist's Fur to Jonathan and\\get your

AddPhase(12, 3, "Give Hearts and Furs to\\Willard at Pirate's Bluff");

Phase_Target(2821, 2391);
Event_Disappear(50, 2593, 0);
Event_Disappear(50, 10143, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Thank you for killing the little bastards!\\I hate
those creatures so much!");
Event_Award(0, 25000, 500, 500);
Event_MsgBox("Bring Hearts and Fur as\\proof.");

QuestStart(2537, 1, 100, 4095, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Glove Dex");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Glove Dex upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 627);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2538, 1, 100, 4095, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Boot Dex");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Boot Dex upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 1);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2539, 1, 100, 4095, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Glove Con");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Glove Con upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 533);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2540, 1, 100, 4095, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Boot Con");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Boot Con upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 51);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2541, 1, 100, 0xFF0000, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Sleeve Arm Dex");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Sleeve Arm Dex upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 5328);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2542, 1, 100, 0xFF0000, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Pelvin Dex");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Pelvin Dex upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 5144);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2543, 1, 100, 0xFF0000, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Sleeve Arm Con");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Sleeve Arm Con upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 5436);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2544, 1, 100, 0xFF0000, 0, 0, true);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get 1 Pelvin Con");
QuestLevel("LV 1");
QuestAward("- 1 Pelvin Con upgradeable");
QuestDesc("Do you have any info regarding upgradeable item");
QuestShortDesc("Collect the following items and bring them back to Rahpe.");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Listen to the Rahpe's story");

Event_MsgBox("Collecting the following items, by\\killing
monsters in game.");
Event_MsgBox("Once you've obtained all the items, come\\back to
Rahpe to finish the quest.");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Collect 2000 Silvins, 2000 Mithrils,\\2000 Iterniums, 250

Rubys, 250 Emeralds, 250 Sapphires, 250\\Diamonds and 250 Black Moons\\and bring
them back to Rahpe");
Event_Disappear(250, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(250, 1915, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2001, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2002, 0);
Event_Disappear(2000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations! Take your new item!");
Event_Get(1, 5235);
Event_MsgBox("Your not done yet, read your quest again.");

QuestStart(2546, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Skull Mask 1");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Skull Mask 1");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56249);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2547, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Skull Mask 2");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Skull Mask 2");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56299);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2548, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Pumpkinhead");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Pumpkinhead");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56199);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2549, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Snowman helmet");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Snowman Helm");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56149);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2550, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Panic Helm");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Panic helm");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");
Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56099);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2551, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("Get Lion Helm Red");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward("Helmet +50");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Receive Lion helm Red");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill some of them
and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(16, 2, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 7, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 8, "Now Pick 3000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 3000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 3000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 3000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 3000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 3000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(3000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Get(1, 56049);
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

QuestStart(2552, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55170);

QuestStart(2553, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");
Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55171);

QuestStart(2554, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55172);
QuestStart(2555, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55173);

QuestStart(2556, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");
AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");
Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55174);

QuestStart(2557, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING DAMAGE");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");
AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");
Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed

AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");

Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");
Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");
Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55175);

QuestStart(2558, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING CRITICAL");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("More strong Mobs have taken over the Dark Caernarvon. Kill some of
them to get a great\\reward.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your helmet!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Kill 250 Crazed Gorgon.");

Phase_Target(1724, 1355);
Trigger_Kill(250, 167);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Crazed
AddPhase(12, 3, "Kill 250 Monk Warrior.");
Phase_Target(1225, 2327);
Trigger_Kill(250, 174);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 4, "Kill 250 Angry Dwarf.");

Phase_Target(2096, 995);
Trigger_Kill(250, 171);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 5, "Kill 250 Poisonous Iguanadon.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 95);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 6, "Kill 250 Gavial Guard.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 94);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 7, "Kill 250 Gavial Militia.");

Phase_Target(1652, 2512);
Trigger_Kill(250, 90);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 8, "Kill 250 Dante.");

Phase_Target(1696, 2111);
Trigger_Kill(250, 105);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 9, "Kill 250 Large Dante.");

Phase_Target(1386, 1479);
Trigger_Kill(250, 107);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(12, 10, "Kill 250 Doomfist.");

Phase_Target(1415, 1421);
Trigger_Kill(250, 109);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\");

AddPhase(16, 11, "Kill 250 Yorker Rider.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 298);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250 Yorker
Rider\\Kill next mob - SAVAGE.");

AddPhase(16, 12, "Kill 250 Savages.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7007);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Savages\\Kill next mob - Ogrening.");

AddPhase(16, 13, "Kill 250 Ogrening");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7006);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations, you have now killed\\250
Ogrening\\Kill next mob - Dark Shogun.");

AddPhase(16, 14, "Kill 250 Dark Shogun.");

Trigger_Kill(250, 3005);
Event_MsgBox("Congratulations!!\\Now kill 250 ghosts.");

AddPhase(16, 15, "Kill 250 Ghosts");

Trigger_Kill(250, 2009);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Ghosts");
Event_MsgBox("Nice!!! You have killed it!\\Now kill 250

AddPhase(16, 16, "Kill 250 Horror");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7004);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Horror");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Kill 250 Red Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7012);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Red Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 18, "Kill 250 Green Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7013);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 19, "Kill 250 Black Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7014);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 20, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7015);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!");

AddPhase(16, 21, "Kill 250 White Bandits");

Trigger_Kill(250, 7016);
Event_MsgBox("Kill 250 Bantits");
Event_MsgBox("Nice, you have killed these horror monsters!!\\Now
Bring me metals!!!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 500, 500);

AddPhase(16, 22, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 23, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 24, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 25, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 26, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
AddPhase(16, 27, "Now Pick 2500 of All Jewel");
Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald.\\ 2500 Black
Moon.\\ 2500 Diamond.\\ 2500 Sapphire.\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 28, "Back to Yllaga to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55176);

QuestStart(2559, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65300);

QuestStart(2560, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65301);
QuestStart(2561, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);
QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("NECK ALL");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");
AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65302);

QuestStart(2562, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING MAGE");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");
AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");
Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65304);

QuestStart(2563, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65305);

QuestStart(2564, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING ALL");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");

AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");
Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 17, "Now Pick 5000 of All Siege Material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 5000 Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 18, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65306);

QuestStart(2565, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING CRIT SUPR.");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Go to Belludia and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask B Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56299, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Hanus, my old friend.");

AddPhase(16, 3, "Go to Hanus and talk with him\\Give Skull Mask A Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56249, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Miloss, my best friend.");

AddPhase(16, 4, "Go to Miloss and talk with him\\Give Pumpkin Mask Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56199, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Ro'kan, my friend.");
AddPhase(16, 5, "Go to Ro'kan and talk with him\\Give Snowman Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56149, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Shan...");

AddPhase(16, 6, "Go to Shan and talk with him\\Give Panic Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56099, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now go to Kwena...");

AddPhase(16, 7, "Go to Kewna and talk with him\\Give Lion Head Full to
continue your mission.");
Event_Disappear(1, 56049, 0);
Event_MsgBox("\\ Thank you, now back to Ultra Jewel to

AddPhase(16, 8, "Go to Ultra Jewel and talk with him.");

Event_MsgBox("\\ You helped my friends.\\Now follow my
instruction to receive you reward");
Event_MsgBox("\\ Pick any amount of metals and gems to me...");

AddPhase(16, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 10, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 11, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 12, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 13, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 14, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);

AddPhase(16, 15, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(16, 16, "Now Pick 2500 of All Giant Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");

AddPhase(12, 17, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 55177);

QuestStart(2566, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Now Pick 60 pack 4bi");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me money!");
Event_Disappear(60, 30008, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Now Pick 100 souls metal pack to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 90 pack SM!");
Event_Disappear(25000, 12016, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Silvin");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200,200);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 10, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 11, "Now Pick all giant gems to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 12, "Now Pick 5k of Siege material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to 5k of Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65508);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

QuestStart(2567, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING SIN/ARCHER");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Now Pick 60 pack 4bi");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me money!");
Event_Disappear(60, 30008, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Now Pick 100 souls metal pack to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 50 pack SM!");
Event_Disappear(25000, 12016, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Silvin");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");

Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 10, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 11, "Now Pick all giant gems to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 12, "Now Pick 5k of Siege material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to 5k of Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65509);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

QuestStart(2568, 100, 105, 0xFF0FFF, 0, 0, false);

QuestType(0, 0);
QuestTitle("RING DEFENDER");
QuestLevel("LV 100");
QuestAward(" ");
QuestDesc("Want the new set of jewels???\\\\Finish this quest and kill all
your enemies easy.");
QuestShortDesc("Complete all missions and pick your reward!!");

AddPhase(12, 1, "Starting your jouney");

Event_MsgBox("Arrrgh mate! We are in trouble.\\Strong mobs have
taken over the entire map 1 and map 3. We need you to clear it out.\\Go to kill
some of them and you will be\\rewarded with fame and glory");

AddPhase(12, 2, "Now Pick 60 pack 4bi");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me money!");
Event_Disappear(60, 30008, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 3, "Now Pick 100 souls metal pack to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 50 pack SM!");
Event_Disappear(25000, 12016, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick Silvin");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 4, "Now Pick 10000 Silvin");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Silvin");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2001, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now pick mithril");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 5, "Now Pick 10000 Mithril");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Mithril");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2002, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Iternium");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 6, "Now Pick 10000 Iternium");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Iternium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2003, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Soul Metal");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 7, "Now Pick 10000 Soul Metal");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 Soul Metal");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2004, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick T.O.B");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 8, "Now Pick 10000 T.O.B");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 10000 T.O.B");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2006, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! Now Pick Antonium!");
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);
AddPhase(12, 9, "Now Pick 10000 Antonium");
Event_Disappear(10000, 2005, 0);
Event_Get(250, 2005);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 10, "Now Pick 2500 of All (L) Gems");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Ruby.\\2500 Emerald\\ 2500 Black
Moon\\ 2500 Diamond\\ 2500 Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1911, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1912, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1913, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1914, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1915, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 11, "Now Pick all giant gems to me");

Event_MsgBox("Give to me 2500 Giant Ruby.\\2500 Giant Emerald\\
2500 Giant Black Moon\\ 2500 Giant Diamond\\ 2500 Giant Sapphire\\");
Event_Disappear(2500, 1996, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1997, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1998, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 1999, 0);
Event_Disappear(2500, 2000, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 12, "Now Pick 5k of Siege material");

Event_MsgBox("Give to 5k of Siege Material\\");
Event_Disappear(5000, 7104, 0);
Event_MsgBox("Nice! All missions done!");
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

AddPhase(12, 13, "Back to Ultra Jewel to get your Reward.");

Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_MsgBox("Thank you mate! You did great.\\We will now reward
Event_Get(1, 65510);
Event_Award(0, 0, 200, 200);

////////// Created on 15/05/2018 11:13:14 by rylCoder ////////////

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