MD Rabbi Hasan, ID: 1530350030, Section: 06: Answer To Question Number: 1

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MD Rabbi Hasan, ID: 1530350030, Section: 06

Answer to question number: 1

Well, after reading the story I feel like Jenna and me we both was wrong is this following
situation. From some couple of weeks she isn’t treating well by his boss. And as a result she’s
getting worst shifts and many more worst things. So she should keep this in her mind too when
she was undercharging me for drinks she should have keep this in her mind that situation
between her and her boss isn’t that well right now and her boss will definitely ask her about it.
Another thing is she could offer me for an undercharge whenever I’m alone because this time
I’m hanging with my friends and if she had to undercharged me then had to do it for all my
friends otherwise it seemed so odd but right now she’s having some hard times with her job.
For this consideration I would it was her fault before she have undercharged for me.
But on the other hand she’s one of my good friend and I already knew that she isn’t having
good times with her job so I had to refuse her undercharging offer when she gave that offer to
me. Because she thought that she should serve her friend bit special than others and also I also
had to think twice about her offer.

Answer to question number: 2

In this situation I could do these following things:

 I’ll definitely stop her to undercharging me.

 I’ll reminder about her the current situation she’s facing in her job right now.
 I’ll try to understand her that, she could undercharged me if I’m alone. Because if she
have to do it then she had to do it for my all friends. Or else it’s bit odd.
 And one more thing is if I have to accept her offer then I can keep it secret and should
not share with my friends.

Answer to question number: 3

If I’m going to consider this situation as a job perspective then being deliberately undercharged
and serving me in front of other waiting customers is absolutely odd and not appreciated. And
it’s also illegal by breaching of business ethics.
In this context if I think that I need to be served before all the waiting customer by doing
something illegal then I must be wrong. And it also looks so odd because there might be a
regular customer from the waiting peoples and that customer also expecting to serve a bit
earlier and seeing that the bartender’s friend is serving specially then it’s also effect on their
brand image and equity too.
So keeping all this things in my head I shouldn’t expect to be treat specially in front of waiting

Answer to question number: 4

The fact that jenna feels aggrieved at the treatment she receives from her boss, I think it
doesn’t bother or can’t condone her behavior too after that incident happened. Even if I’ve
done the same mistake like I already knew that she’s not having good times with her job so had
to keep this in my mind but I didn’t. Treating me in front of the whole waiting customers wasn’t
good decision for jenna and accepting her offer without any further thinking was also worst
decision for me also as I knew her situation earlier.
So at the end I can say that undercharging my bill would be fine but serving me over waiting
customers is absolutely illegal and it’s breaching the business ethics also.

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