Speaking Part 3

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1. Is X important?

>>> Trả lời X có quan trọng hay không >>> giải thích >>> đưa ví dụ

Một số cách nói "quan trọng":

- X is of great importance

- X plays an integral part in Y

- It is essential that S + bare infinitive

E.g. Do you think it's important that friends share the same hobbies?

>>> Well I believe it is essential that friends share some common hobbies. This is because when
everyone engages in a shared activity that they're all into, no one is left out and everyone can have fun
while spending time together. For instance, a group of friends can probably enjoy a board game
together like Monopoly or Uno if the majority are into this kind of game. On the other hand, if just a
handful of people in the group had a thing for sport then the others would probably feel left out. (các
bạn để ý các cụm từ mình dùng để đưa lí do, nối ý, và đưa ví dụ nha)

- essential (a): cần thiết

- engage in = participate in = take part in: tham gia

- be into sth = have a thing for sth: thích cái gì

- be left out: bị cho ra rìa

- a handful of sth = small number/amount of sth

2. Why X?

Nói rằng có vài lí do cho vấn đề này >>> giới thiệu lí do 1 >>> giới thiệu lí do 2 . . .

[ sườn bài ]: Well, I suppose there are a number of reasons for this. The first explanation that springs to
mind is that ... Another point I can think of is that ... And finally ...

E.g. Why do some people enjoy shopping with friends?

>>> Well, I suppose there are a number of reasons for this. The first explanation that springs to mind is
that when you go shopping with your peers, you can get their input in terms of whether or not you
should purchase an item. For example, it's always good to be accompanied by a friend or two who can
tell you whether you look good or ridiculous in a piece of outfit. Another point I can think of is that
maybe it's just more fun to share this experience with your friends, especially for extroverts like myself; I
would never want to shop on my own. It would bore me to death honestly.

- peer ( n ) = friend

- input ( n ): ý tưởng / góp ý

- accompany sb (v): đi cùng ai

- outfit ( n ) = clothes

- extrovert ( n ): người hướng ngoại

- bore sb to death: làm ai chán chết

3. X or Y?

Xác nhận rằng X hoặc Y đều có cái tốt, nhưng mình chọn một cái >>> giải thích lí do (+ ví dụ)

[ sườn bài ]:

- Well, both X and Y have their pros and cons, but if I had to choose one I would go for X / Y.

- Well, I guess it really depends on ..., but if I had to choose one I would go for X / Y.

E.g. Which do you think is better for communication, face to face or texting?

>>> Well, each mode of communication certainly has its pros and cons, but if I had to choose one I
would go for face to face. The reason behind is that by talking to someone in person, you can minimize
misunderstanding because you get to see the person's facial expressions and hear their tone of voice,
which are lacking in texting. Another reason why I think face to face communication is superior to
texting is that the former allows people to build better rapport and trust as compared to the latter. For
instance, when you can look into the person's eyes and look at their body language, you can probably
tell if they're sincere or not. This kind of information isn't available in texting, which in my opinion,
renders it an inferior communication method.

- mode / method of communication (n): loại hình giao tiếp

go for sth (v): choose

- .. in person = ... face to face

- minimize misunderstanding: giảm thiểu hiểu lầm

- facial expression (n): biểu hiện khuôn mặt

- tone of voice (n): giọng điệu

- be superior to sth >< inferior to sth (a): tốt hơn >< tệ hơn
- rapport (n): mối quan hệ tốt đẹp với ai (a friendly - relationship in which people understand each other
very well)

- sincere (a) = genuine: chân thành

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