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appendix to

Order no. 24/2020

of the Rector of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
of 26 March 2020

Detailed rules and regulations on the admissions procedure

in SWPS University of Social Sciences And Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021


General provisions
1. The Detailed rules and regulations on the admissions procedure at SWPS University of Social Sciences and
Humanities, hereinafter referred to as the “SWPS University,” applicable in academic year 2020/2021,
hereinafter referred to as the “Detailed Rules,” provide additional detail to the admission conditions and
procedure for studies conducted at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in accordance with § 5
section 2 in connection with § 8 section 2 in connection with § 14 section 3 - 5 of the Conditions, Procedure,
Commencement and Completion of Enrolment for Studies in SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021 constituting an appendix to Resolution no. 59/2019 of the Senate of SWPS
University of Social Sciences and Humanities of 28 June 2019 regarding the determination of the conditions,
procedure, commencement and completion of enrolment for studies in SWPS University of Social Sciences and
Humanities in academic year 2020/2021, hereinafter referred to as the “Admissions Resolution.”
2. The Detailed Rules do not apply to studies conducted in the English language. Detailed rules and regulations
on the admissions procedure for studies in English have been determined in detail by way of Order no.
132/2019 of the Rector of the Rector of SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities of 18 December
2019 regarding the adoption of the detailed rules and regulations on the admissions procedure for studies in
English conducted at SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities in academic year 2020/2021.
3. The basic terms used throughout these Detailed Rules are:
1) “nowa matura” - shall mean the certificate of secondary education (Pol. świadectwo dojrzałości) awarded
based on the final secondary school examination (Pol. egzamin maturalny);
2) “stara matura” - shall mean the certificate of secondary education awarded based on the final secondary
school examination in the previous system (Pol. egzamin dojrzałości);
3) “matura międzynarodowa” - shall mean the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma issued by the
International Baccalaureate Organization in Geneva, which is deemed to be of equal standing as the Polish
certificate of secondary education pursuant to Article 93 section 1 pt. 2 of the Act of 7 September 1991 on
the Educational System;
4) “matura europejska” - shall mean the European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma issued by European Schools in
accordance with Convention defining the Statute of the European Schools concluded in Luxembourg on 21
June 1994 and deemed to be of equal standing as the Polish certificate of secondary education pursuant to
Article 93 section 1 pt. 3 of the Act of 7 September 1991 on the Educational System;
5) “matura zagraniczna” - shall mean a certificate or other document issued abroad by a school or educational
institution recognised by the state where such school or institution operates which are recognised in the
Republic of Poland as confirming qualifications to apply for admission to higher education studies or,
pursuant to the provisions on the recognition of foreign diplomas, deemed to be equivalent to the
certificate of secondary education issued in the Republic of Poland;
6) “matura” - shall mean collectively the documents referred to in clauses 1-5 above;

Admission procedure:

1. Administrative support for the enrolment procedure shall be provided by the relevant Admissions Offices of
each faculty of SWPS University offering studies selected by the given candidate:
1) in Warszawa - ul. Chodakowska 19/31, Warszawa
2) in Katowice - ul. Techników 9, Katowice;
3) in Poznań - ul. Gen T. Kutrzeby 10, Poznań;
4) in Sopot - ul. Polna 16/20, Sopot;
5) in Wrocław - ul. Ostrowskiego 30b, Wrocław.
2. The admission procedure is carried out in the following stages:
1) Candidate registration in the enrolment system;
2) delivery of the required documents to SWPS University;
3) a positive outcome of the qualification procedure for fields of study with entry requirements;
4) publication of the results of enrolment proceedings on candidates’ individual accounts in the admissions
system, and in case of negative outcome of the enrolment proceedings - issue of an administrative
decision rejecting the application, and in case of foreigners - issue of an administrative decision granting
or rejecting the application;
5) conclusion of the Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies.
3. The SWPS University launches a given field of study, specialisation or path in the given mode provided that a
sufficient number of candidates to compose a study group are admitted. A sufficient number of candidates
shall be 18 unless the SWPS University decides to lower that limit for a selected field of study, specialisation
or path.
4. In the event that studies in the given field are not launched at SWPS University due to insufficient interest in
said field, SWPS University shall notify candidates of the possibility to change the selected field of study within
a time frame of 7 days. Change of the field of study takes place upon a written request. Failure to submit the
request shall be deemed equivalent to resignation from studies and lead to deregistration.
5. Appendix no. 1 to the Detailed Rules contains:
1) list of undergraduate studies and uniform integrated Master’s Degree studies subject to admission limits
in academic year 2020/2021;
2) principles of verification of foreign language competence on the required level within the framework of
the admissions procedure for undergraduate studies in the field of: Filologia.
6. Appendix no. 2 to the Detailed Rules contains:
1) list of graduate studies subject to admission limits in academic year 2020/2021;
2) list of graduate studies which require additional verification of learning outcomes in the admissions
procedure as well as the scope and method of such verification;
3) principles of verification of foreign language competence on the required level within the framework of
the admissions procedure for graduate studies in the field of: Filologia.
7. If the admissions procedure provides for the organisation of examinations, including entry examinations, the
composition and functioning of examination committees shall be decided upon by the dean of the relevant
faculty by issuing an appropriate order.
Application fee

1. SWPS University charges an application fee in the amount of PLN 85.00.

2. SWPS University may determine a lower amount of the application fee for selected groups of candidates.
3. Graduates of the following shall be exempt from the obligation to pay the application fee:
1) studies, post-graduate studies and doctoral studies completed at SWPS University;
2) Collegium Da Vinci in Poznań;
3) Liceum Akademickie Da Vinci in Poznań;
4) post-graduate studies completed at Collegium Da Vinci in Poznań.
4. The SWPS University reimburses the application fee solely in the event that the field of study applied for by
the given candidate is not launched and the candidate is not admitted to any other field of study.


Submission of documents
1. Following the introduction of all the required information to into the admissions system, the candidate
applying for admission to studies in SWPS University shall upload the required documents in scanned copy
to the enrolment form and subsequently submit said documents to SWPS University in hard copy:
1) copy of the certificate of secondary education (Pol. matura) with the original presented for inspection
- for undergraduate studies;
2) copy of the diploma of higher education (Pol. matura) with the original presented for inspection - for
graduate studies;
3) two copies of the Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies, signed on each page, along with the
appendices thereto (printed out from the student’s individual account in the admissions system) -
applicable to foreigners;
4) questionnaire printed from the admissions system;
5) for studies in the fields of “Psychologia dla magistrów i licencjatów” and “Prawo w trybie
indywidualnej organizacji studiów:”
a) copy of or excerpt from the diploma of completion of studies (with originals presented for
inspection); for candidates who completed studies but have not been issued a diploma yet, a
certificate of completion of studies along with a transcript will be sufficient;
b) in the event that the candidate has already obtained a professional title of magister in the
course of a two-level program - also a copy of or excerpt from the diploma of completion of
undergraduate studies (with originals presented for inspection);
c) in the case of diplomas issued after 1 January 2005 - also a copy of the supplement provided
(with originals presented for inspection);
d) in the case of diplomas issued before 1 January 2005 - copy of the legible and fully completed
record book documenting the course of the uniform Master’s degree studies or copies of both
record books where the candidate has obtained the professional title of magister in the course
of a two-level program (with originals presented for inspection). In the event the record book
is not available, the candidate should submit copy of the relevant transcript (with the original
presented for inspection); Candidates for studies in the field of “Prawo w trybie indywidualnej
organizacji studiów” should submit copies of the relevant transcripts;
e) syllabi or course descriptions for subjects completed by the candidate in another university
(applies to candidates for for studies in the field of “Prawo w trybie indywidualnej organizacji
2. The documents listed under section 1 should be submitted by the candidate in hard copy to the relevant
Admissions Office within the time frames determined by SWPS University. The candidate may submit the
aforementioned documents in person (including via a representative) or by post (including private shipping
3. For foreigners:
1) irrespective of whether the foregoing documents are submitted in person or otherwise, the candidate
shall be obliged to personally sign the Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies along with the
appendices thereto;
2) The Agreement on the Payment Terms for Studies may be signed by an authorised representative
solely based on a written power of attorney - in which case said power of attorney should also be
submitted in hard copy.


Admissions procedure for undergraduate studies and uniform integrated Master’s degree studies
1. Candidates applying for admission to undergraduate according to the procedure laid down in pt. 3 of the
Admissions Resolution. A list of fields of study subject to admission limits, open admissions, competitive
enrolment or admission based on the results of the secondary school examination are specified in appendix
no. 1 to the Detailed Rules.
2. For studies in the fields of “Psychologia dla magistrów i licencjatów” and “Prawo w trybie
indywidualnej organizacji studiów,” the dean of the relevant faculty shall, on a case by case basis,
specify the subjects that will be deemed passed based on the application documentation submitted by
the candidate.
3. Applications for admission to the field of “Psychologia” are accepted up to 31 August 2020.
4. Applications for admission to the higher years in the field of “Prawo” and “Prawo w indywidualnej
organizacji studiów” are accepted up to 5 September 2020.
5. The scope, mode and organisation of examinations for the fields where such examinations are required
shall be announced by 15 April 2020.
6. The scope, mode and organisation of the foreign language examination as part of the qualification
procedure shall be specified not later than by 15 April 2020.


The admissions procedure for graduate studies

Candidates shall be qualified for undergraduate studies according to the procedure laid down in pt. 3 of the
Admissions Resolution and subject to the requirements specified in appendix no. 2 to the Detailed Rules.


Admissions procedure for studies for candidates who passed the IB or EB examination, the matura
zagraniczna examination or who possess a Polish diploma of completion of higher education studies as well
as foreign candidates
1. Candidates being Polish citizens qualified based on the IB or EB examinations shall be admitted according
to the procedure referred to in chapter 3 of the Admissions Resolution.
2. Candidates being Polish citizens and holding the matura zagraniczna certificate or a diploma of completion
of higher education studies issued abroad must additionally submit a translation of their certificate or
diploma in line with the provisions of § 9 of the Admissions Resolution.
Appendix no. 1
to the Specific rules of enrolment
in the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021

List of requirements for the particular fields in undergraduate studies and uniform integrated Master’s
Degree studies in SWPS University of Social Sciences And Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021

The admissions procedure for the particular fields of study takes place pursuant to the terms and conditions
specified in the “nowa matura” and stara matura” columns.

List of abbreviations:

JSM - uniform integrated Master’s Degree studies

1 st. - undergraduate studies

Faculty of Psychology in Warsaw

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of

two highest scores two highest scores

3 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies
120 pts. than 120 pts.

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
120 pts. than 120 pts.

psychologia, studia
3.5 years
dla magistrów i weekend studies documented completion of studies PL – B2

Faculty Arts and Social Sciences in Warszawa

duration required
field of study, nowa matura stara matura
and level mode of study level of
specialisation (written part) (written part) competence
of study
in the
language of

- English: not less than

80% on basic level or
not less than 50% on
extended level

- document confirming English language

filologia, filologia
competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
angielska (English
3 years full-time the Admissions Resolution
Studies) ENG – B2
1 st. weekend studies or
studies conducted in
English language examination consisting of
the English language:
three parts:
Reading - multiple choice test and/or open-
ended comprehension questions
Grammar & Vocabulary – multiple choice
test, open cloze exercise etc.
Writing - an essay on a topic selected out of
5 options in 250-350 words

filologia, filologia - English: not less than

angielska (English 80% on basic level or
Studies) not less than 50% on
with Spanish extended level
filologia, filologia
angielska (English
- document confirming English language
with Chinese
competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
3 years the Admissions Resolution
filologia, filologia full-time ENG – B2
1 st. or
angielska (English
English language examination consisting of
three parts:
with extended
Reading - multiple choice test and/or open-
ended comprehension questions
Grammar & Vocabulary – multiple choice
filologia, filologia
test, open cloze exercise etc.
angielska (English
Writing - an essay on a topic selected out of
5 options in 250-350 words
with extended

- two highest scores - two highest

3 years
filologia, filologia totalling not less than scores totalling
szwedzka 1 st. full-time 95 pts. PL – B2
not less than 95
- foreign language: not pts.
less than 50% on basic
filologia, filologia level or not less than
norweska 30% on extended level

- document confirming foreign language

competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
the Admissions Resolution)
- foreign language examination

- foreign language: not

less than 50% on basic
level or not less than
30% on extended level
4 years or
filologia, iberystyka 1 st. full-time PL – B2
- document confirming foreign language
competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
the Admissions Resolution)
- foreign language examination

- foreign language: not

less than 50% on basic
level or not less than
30% on extended level

- document confirming foreign language

competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
PL – B2
the Admissions Resolution)

- Spanish:
1. Basic level -
3 years
filologia, iberystyka full-time placement test
1 st.
2. Extended level with a
score up to 59% -
placement test
on level B1
3. Extended level with a
score of 60% or higher
- admission to the first
year of studies in the
field of iberystyka (3-
year studies),
- document confirming Spanish language
competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
the Admissions Resolution)
- Spanish language examination

- foreign language: not

less than 50% on basic
level or not less than
30% on extended level
3 years
filologia, italianistyka weekend studies PL – B2
1 st.
- document confirming foreign language
competence (in line with appendix no. 2 to
the Admissions Resolution)
foreign language examination

full time
journalism and social 3 years
studies/weekend open admissions PL – B2
communication 1 st.

kultura współczesna

projektowanie 3 years
full-time PL – B2
innowacji (soi) 1 st.

open admissions
studia azjatyckie:
Chiny i Azja

zarządzanie i
3 years full-time
przywództwo, PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies

Faculty of Law in Warszawa

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of
two highest scores two highest scores
5 years full-time
law totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
100 pts. than 100 pts.

3 years full-time
law in business open admissions PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies

to the
prawo, prawo w
indywidualnej full-time
decision documented completion of studies PL – B2
organizacji toku weekend studies
of the

Faculty of Law and Social Communication in Wrocław

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of

dziennikarstwo i
full time two highest scores two highest scores
społeczna, marka – 3 years
studies/weekend totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
kreacja i komunikacja 1 st.
studies 95 pts. than 80 pts.
(branding – reklama –
public relations)

dziennikarstwo i
komunikacja full time two highest scores two highest scores
3 years
społeczna, nowe studies/weekend totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st.
media (digital i social studies 95 pts. than 80 pts.

full time two highest scores two highest scores

3 years
Grafika studies/weekend totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st.
studies 95 pts. than 80 pts.

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years
Prawo full-time totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
100 pts. than 100 pts.

Faculty of Psychology in Wrocław

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of

two highest scores two highest scores

3 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies
120 pts. than 80 pts.

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
120 pts. than 80 pts.

psychologia, studia
3.5 years
dla magistrów i weekend studies documented completion of studies PL – B2

Faculty of Psychology in Sopot

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of

two highest scores

totalling not less
two highest scores
3 years full-time than 60 pts. (at
psychologia totalling not less than PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies least two
120 pts.

two highest scores

totalling not less
two highest scores
5 years full-time than 60 pts. (at
psychologia totalling not less than PL – B2
JSM weekend studies least two
120 pts.

psychologia, studia
dla magistrów i 3.5 years weekend studies documented completion of studies PL – B2
licencjatów JSM

Faculty of Psychology and Law in Poznań

level of
field of study, nowa matura stara matura competence
and level mode of study
specialisation (written part) (written part) in the
of study
language of

two highest scores two highest scores

3 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies
120 pts. than 100 pts.

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
120 pts. than 100 pts.

psychologia, studia
3.5 years
dla magistrów i weekend studies documented completion of studies PL – B2

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years full-time
law totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
100 pts. than 100 pts.

to the
prawo, prawo w
indywidualnej full-time
decision documented completion of studies PL – B2
organizacji toku weekend studies
of the

Faculty of Psychology in Katowice

level of
field of study, duration nowa matura stara matura competence
mode of study
specialisation in years (written part) (written part) in the
language of

two highest scores two highest scores

3 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies
120 pts. than 80 pts.

two highest scores two highest scores

5 years full-time
psychologia totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
JSM weekend studies
120 pts. than 80 pts.
psychologia, studia
3.5 years
dla magistrów i weekend studies documented completion of studies PL – B2

two highest scores two highest scores

3 years full-time
psychokryminalistyka totalling not less than totalling not less PL – B2
1 st. weekend studies
90 pts. than 80 pts.
Appendix no. 2
to the Specific rules of enrolment
in the SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021

List of requirements for the particular fields of graduate study

in SWPS University of Social Sciences And Humanities
in academic year 2020/2021

required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

Learning outcomes expected from

candidates equivalent to the learning Measures of learning outcomes /
outcomes achieved in the course of Principles of qualification
undergraduate studies in SWPS University

A candidate for studies in the field of In the scope of the admissions - psychology with a general
Psychologia (graduate studies) possesses procedure, a candidate chooses the field academic profile (field of
full qualification equal to level 6 of the of “psychologia” and a selected social social sciences)
Polish Qualification Framework as well as specialisation.
full-time the competences necessary to continue
psychologia 2 PL - B2
weekend studies education on graduate level in the same 1) For graduates of undergraduate
field, in particular: studies in the field of psychology with a
• knows and understands the biological general academic profile, including in
background of human behavior particular graduates of SWPS University:
• knows and understands the problems of open admissions;
functioning of a human being in a social 2) For other graduates, including
environment, the relevant theories and the psychology with a practical profile or
methods of conducting research in social fields of study within the main discipline
psychology of psychology: entry examination
• knows and understands the notion of consisting of a written part and an oral
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

emotion and motivation as well a the part (taken on the same day). All
relevant theories in this area and the candidates entered for the examination
methods of conducting research into these shall receive a list of problems and
phenomena recommended literature which will help
• knows and understands the notion of them to prepare for the qualification
cognitive processes as well a the relevant procedure.
theories in this area and the methods of · written part - test verifying the
conducting research into these phenomena knowledge and skills in the area of
• knows and understands the notion of learning on undergraduate level;
personality and its role in explaining human test weight: 50%, maximum score: 50;
behavior as well the methods of · oral part - interview for the verification
conducting research into this phenomenon of:
• knows and understands the notion of general aptitude (the ability to
individual differences and their role in formulate and justify opinions) - up to
explaining human behavior as well as their 20 pts.,
specific mechanisms - readiness to study hard and the ability
• knows and understands the psychological to manage own study time – up to 20
perspective of human development in the pts.,
life cycle as well as the relevant theories - expectations towards the graduate
and the specific nature of research studies in the field of Psychologia at
conducted in this area. SWPS University - up to 5 pts.,
• knows and understands the complexity of - alignment of the candidate’s
the notion of norm and pathology in professional interests and objectives
psychology with the study program - up to 5 pts.;
• knows the major systems of qualifying A starting point will be a scientific test
disorders, understands their historical and made available to the candidate 15
cultural context and is familiar with the minutes prior to the commencement of
relevant theories in the area of psycho the interview.
pathology weight of the interview: 50%, maximum
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

• knows and understands the basis of score: 50;

methodology in psychological research
• knows and understands the basic use of Examination dates:
statistics in psychology 18 July 2020 (Faculty of Psychology in
• knows and understands the theories and Warsaw)
principles relating to the measurement of 12 September 2020 (Faculty of
psychological constructs, in particular the Psychology in Warsaw and Faculty of
rule of credibility and accuracy of Psychology in Wrocław).
• formulates a research problem and Selection of candidates will be by way of
postulates a solution based on their a ranking list. In the event the number
knowledge of psychology: selects an of candidates is greater than the
appropriate psychological theory and maximum number of students to be
methods of solving the problem, carries admitted - the latter shall constitute the
out a query in sources, and subsequently admission limit.
analyses and compiles the gathered data.
• knows how to apply the knowledge
gained in the above areas of psychology
and its sub-disciplines to describe and
explain human behavior.

Admission to graduate studies is possible for persons who completed graduate

filologia, filologia
studies in any field and:
angielska (English
1) hold a document confirming English language competence on level C1 according to
Studies) full-time
2 ENG - C1 the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The diplomas and
studies conducted weekend studies language certificates listed in appendix no. 2 to the Admissions Resolution shall be
in the English
deemed sufficient confirmation of English language competence on level C1;
language: or
2) does not hold a document confirming English language competence on level C1
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

but obtains a positive result in the two-component qualification examination

consisting of:
a) written English language examination on level C1 according to the Common
European Framework of Reference for Languages. The examination consists of three
parts, i.e.:
• Reading - reading comprehension test;
• Grammar & Vocabulary – grammar and vocabulary test;
• Writing – essay on a selected topic up to 250-300 words.
b) oral examination for the verification of the candidate’s ability to speak on a
selected topic in the scope of culture, literature or linguistics, as well as the ability to
engage in s fluent conversation in English.

Examination dates:
5 May 2020 at 9:00 - written examination, 10:30 - oral examination
16 July 2020 at 12:30 - written examination, 14:00 - oral examination
If necessary, additional dates will be publicly announced at the beginning of August

Admission to graduate studies is possible for persons who completed undergraduate

studies in any field
filologia, 1) hold a document confirming Swedish or Norwegian language competence on level
skandynawistyka B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. The
2 weekend studies PL - B2 diplomas and language certificates listed in appendix no. 2 to the Admissions
Norwegian) Resolution shall be deemed sufficient confirmation of Swedish or Norwegian
language competence on level B2;
2) does not hold a document confirming Swedish or Norwegian language
competence on level B2 but obtains a positive result in the two-component
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

qualification examination consisting of:

- reading comprehension, listening comprehension, vocabulary and grammar, as well
as writing, speaking and pronunciation.
- interview with the coordinators of the literature, linguistics
and cultural studies program.
Holders of diplomas of completion of studies in fields other than philology must
attend an interview in Polish concerning the following areas: linguistics or literature
and culture (each candidate will receive a list of discussion problems in the selected
area prior to the examination).
Documented Polish language competence on level B2 is required from foreign

1) For persons who completed undergraduate studies in the field of cultural studies - culture, religion, arts and
in SWPS University: philosophy, literature
2) For graduates of studies in selected fields in the area of humanities and in the area studies, linguistics (field of
of social sciences - open admissions; humanities)
3) For graduates outside of the aforementioned disciplines - students are qualified - the following disciplines:
kulturoznawstwo, social communication and
based on the grade obtained in:
media i kultura
a) interview for the verification of knowledge, skills and social competences media, sociological
appropriate to undergraduate studies, which are essential in order to engage in sciences (field of social
2 weekend studies PL - B2 cultural studies in graduate level - up to 60 pts. sciences)
a starting point for the interview is a short article related on a topic
menedżer, agent,
associated with the subject matter of the studies, which will be made available to the
producent (MAP) candidate up to 7 days prior to the date of the interview,
b) questionnaire concerning the candidate’s prior academic experience and
experience in the area of culture, arts or media as well as the motivation to pursue
the studies; the questionnaire should be brought to the interview - up to 40 pts.

Examination dates:
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

of 14 July 2020
11 September 2020
28 September 2020

1) For persons who completed undergraduate studies in the field of “dziennikarstwo i - media and social
komunikacja społeczna” in SWPS University - open admissions, communication, political
2) For graduates of studies in the preferred areas - open admissions, and administrative
3) For graduates outside of the aforementioned disciplines - interview during which sciences, legal sciences,
the Committee will assess the following: psychology (field of social
a) experience in the area of media and social communication - up to 5 pts., sciences)
b) interests in the area of media and social social sciences - up to 5 pts., - culture and religion
c) familiarity with the recommended literature - up to 5 pts., sciences (field of
d) orientation and familiarity with media entities (titles of the major media humanities)
and names of top journalists) - up to 5 pts.,
e) orientation in the legal and ethical aspects of the work of a journalist - up to 5 pts.,
journalism and full time
social 2 studies/weekend PL - B2
During the interview, a candidate can obtain a maximum score of 25. It is required to
communication studies
answer each of the aforementioned questions at least in a satisfactory manner (3

Up to 7 days prior to the date of the interview, the candidate shall receive a short
questionnaire regarding their previous experience of journalism
and their motivation to undertake studies, as well as three sets of material to
individually analyse before the interview.

Examination dates:
- 20 July 2020
- 21 September 2020
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

- philosophy, history,
1) For persons who completed undergraduate studies in the field of “dziennikarstwo i linguistics, literature
komunikacja społeczna” in SWPS University - open admissions, studies, cultural and
2) For graduates of studies in the preferred areas - open admissions, religious studies, studies in
3) For graduates outside of the aforementioned disciplines - interview during which arts (field of humanities),
the Committee will assess the following: - economics and finance,
a) general aptitude (the ability to formulate and justify opinions) - up to 30 pts., social and economic
b) field-related aptitude (orientation in the basic problems of communication, media geography with land
management, security
and image, familiarity with the media market in Poland) - up to 30 pts.,
science, social
full time c) readiness to study hard (also in the form of team work) and the ability to manage
communication communication and media
2 studies/weekend PL - B2 own study time – up to 20 pts.,
and the media sciences, political and
studies d) alignment of the candidate’s professional interests and objectives with the study
administrative sciences,
program - up to 10 pts.,
management and quality
e) expectations towards the graduate studies - up to 10 pts.
sciences, legal sciences,
sociological sciences,
Up to 7 days prior to the date of the interview, the candidate shall receive a short pedagogy, psychology
questionnaire regarding their previous experience of the media, image (field of social sciences),
communication, the creative industries, as well as questions regarding their - film and theatre arts,
motivation to undertake studies which will constitute the starting point for the musical arts, visual arts
interview before the Committee. and art conservation (field
of art)

- management and quality

1) For persons who completed undergraduate studies in the field of “zarządzanie i
sciences, economics and
zarządzanie i przywództwo” at SWPS University,
finance, political and
przywództwo, 2 weekend studies PL - B2 2) For graduates of studies in the preferred areas - open admissions,
administrative sciences,
zarządzanie 3) For graduates outside of the aforementioned disciplines - interview in English
legal sciences, psychology,
during which the Committee will assess the following:
sociology (field of
a) general aptitude (English language competence and the ability to formulate and
required level
disciplines/areas of
field of study, duration of competence
mode of study rules of admission completed undergraduate
specialisation in years in the language
of instruction

justify opinions) - up to 30 pts., - culture and religion

b) field-related aptitude (familiarity with the fundamentals of management) - up to sciences (field of
30 pts., humanities)
c) readiness to study hard (also in the form of team work) and the ability to manage
own study time – up to 20 pts.,
d) alignment of the candidate’s professional interests and objectives with the study
program - up to 10 pts.,
e) expectations towards the graduate studies - up to 10 pts.
Up to 7 days prior to the date of the interview, the candidate shall receive a short
questionnaire regarding their previous experience of management and their
motivation to undertake the studies. The completed questionnaire shall constitute
the basis for the interview before the Committee.

Examination dates:
23 July 2020, 12:00
23 September 2020, 12:00

human resource
2 weekend studies PL - B2 Open admissions

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