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SolidCAM2007 R11.

2 SolidCAM

Power and Ease of Use - the winning combination

SolidCAM2007 R11.2
What’s New

©1995-2007 SolidCAM

WW W. S O L I D C A M . C O M All Rights Reserved.

SolidCAM2007 R11.2
What’s New

©1995-2007 SolidCAM

All Rights Reserved.

Document number: SCWNENG07003


1. General

1.1 GCode Generation......................................................................................8

1.2 Coordinate Systems.....................................................................................15
1.3 Item search in the SolidCAM Manager tree.............................................20
1.4 Generating a copy of the operation..........................................................22
1.5 Sequential numbering of the operations in SolidCAM Manager.........23
1.6 Operation renaming.....................................................................................24
1.7 Split.................................................................................................................25
1.8 Adding tools in the View page...................................................................26

2. 2.5D Milling

2.1 Delta Depth option in 2.5D Milling..........................................................28

2.2 New features in Thread Milling Operation..............................................30
2.3 Defining the Lead Out strategy same as Lead In strategy.....................33
2.4 Drilling depth type.......................................................................................34

3. 3D Milling

3.1 Trochoidal milling........................................................................................36

4. High-Speed Machining Module

4.1 HSM Combined Strategy............................................................................38

4.2 Tangential pass extension...........................................................................41
4.3 Rest machining.............................................................................................42
4.4 Tool path trimming when ramp is used....................................................44
4.5 Absolute ramp height..................................................................................45
4.6 Tangential position of the tool on the working area..............................47
4.7 Miscellaneous parameters...........................................................................48

5. Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.1 Tool................................................................................................................50
5.2 Levels.............................................................................................................52
5.3 Geometry.......................................................................................................54
5.4 Surface quality options in Finish parameters...........................................66
5.5 Link Macro....................................................................................................68
5.6 Tool axis control...........................................................................................71
5.7 Gouge check.................................................................................................72
5.8 Roughing........................................................................................................75
5.9 Extra Parameters..........................................................................................81

6. Turning

6.1 Generating sketch for the Material boundary..........................................84

7. Wire Cut

7.1 Definition of Insertion point using points of the CAD sketch...........86

7.2 Automatic definition of Start point for multi-chain geometry.............87

8. Machining Processes

8.1 New Turn-Mill Machining Process table type.........................................90

8.2 Tool definition and search in Machining Processes................................91

9. Automatic Feature Recognition Module

9.1 Using color information to assign technology........................................98

General 1
1.1 GCode Generation

In the previous versions of SolidCAM, the GCode files were generated in the
CAM-Part folder. A new functionality has been added to enable you to choose a
location other than the CAM-Part folder and common for all the CAM-Parts, into
which the GCode files will be generated.

1.1.2 Temporary GCode file generation

The temporary GCode file is generated using the operation interface by clicking
on the GCode button in the Operation dialog box.

In this case, the GCode file is generated in the CAM-Part folder regardless
of SolidCAM Settings. The generated GCode file is opened in the text editor
determined by SolidCAM Settings. When you close the Operation dialog box, the
file is removed.

To save the temporary GCode file, use the text editor functionality.


1.1.3 GCode generation using SolidCAM Manager

The right-click menu available on the Operations header in the SolidCAM

Manager tree contains two commands to generate the GCode file for a complete
CAM-Part: Calculate & GCode All and GCode All, Generate. For one or several
operations, you can generate the GCode file by right-clicking on the single operation
or the group of selected operations and choosing the Calculate & GCode or GCode,
Generate commands from the menu.

The GCode files location defaults are found on the GCode Generation page of the
SolidCAM Settings dialog box. These defaults are applied to every newly created
CAM-Part. If you want to modify these settings for each Part separately, SolidCAM
offers you a similar page in the Part Settings dialog box.

1.1.4 Part Settings dialog box

The GCode Generation page enables

you to define the parameters of the
GCode generation.

The Save GCode files box offers three

options to define the parameters related
to saving of GCode files:

In the CAM-Part directory

SolidCAM saves the generated GCode

files in the CAM-Part directory. The
path to this directory is displayed in the
read-only field. This option is used by

According to the MAC file

SolidCAM saves the generated GCode files according to the parameters defined in
the MAC file (see topic 1.1.5). The path to the directory that appears in the MAC
file is displayed in the read-only field.

In the GCode directory

SolidCAM saves the generated GCode files in the specified GCode folder location.
When the GCode generation is started, SolidCAM creates a new folder with the
CAM-Part name in the specified GCode directory and saves the GCode files there.
If this folder already exists, SolidCAM uses it for the GCode output.

This group box enables you to define the path for the
GCode directory. You can enter the path or click on
the Browse button and choose the destination folder
using the Browse for Folder dialog box.

If you have entered the path to a non-existing folder, the following

message is displayed after the confirmation of the SolidCAM Settings
dialog box:

The Create button enables you to create the folder that will be used
for GCode directory in the specified location. The Browse button
displays the browser dialog box that enables you to choose another
location that will be used for the GCode directory.
If the new folder cannot be created, the following message is

If the chosen folder has the read-only attribute, the following message
is displayed after the confirmation of the Browse dialog box or the
SolidCAM Settings dialog box:


By default, the GCode directory location is not defined. You have to specify it
when you choose the Save GCode files in the GCode directory option for the first

Create subfolders for split GCode files

When split marks are detected in SolidCAM Manager during the GCode generation
for the entire CAM-Part, SolidCAM creates a number of GCode segment files.
Each such GCode segment file is created for one or several operations enclosed
by split marks. These files are named with the CAM-Part name followed by the “-”
sign and an the order number of split segment.

Split marks are ignored in case of GCode generation for several


With the In the GCode directory option, SolidCAM creates separate CAM-Part
GCode folders in the specified folder location.

When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box
is selected, SolidCAM creates a separate folder for each
GCode segment file and saves the GCode segments files
there. The folder is created in the GCode folder of the
CAM-Part in the specified GCode folder location. The
name of the folder is the same as the GCode segment file

When the Create subfolders for split GCode files check box is
not selected, SolidCAM generates all the GCode segment
files directly in the GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the
specified GCode folder location.

By default, the Create subfolders for split GCode files option

is not selected.

Create separate folders for each CAM-Part

When this check box is selected, SolidCAM creates a folder for each CAM-Part
and saves the GCode file there. Otherwise, the GCode files for all CAM-Parts are
generated into the GCode directory.

Additional control of GCode

When this check box is selected, you can alter

the GCode file name and location. When
you click one of the GCode generation
commands, the Windows-style Save GCode
browser is displayed with the default
CAM-Part name and location that might be

All the GCode files previously generated for the current CAM-Part
remain in the specified folder.

When this check box is not selected, the GCode is generated and automatically
saved in the defined location.


Do not erase old GCode when generated for CAM-Part/for


These check boxes enable you to choose whether

the old GCode file generated for the entire
CAM-Part or for separate operations remain or
are removed when a new one is generated.

The Do not erase old GCode when

generated for CAM-Part check box is
not available if the Additional Control
of GCode check box is not selected.

1.1.5 MAC file parameters

Three new variables related to the GCode generation have been added: dir_gcode,
split_gcode_folders and gcode_part_subfolder. These variables are used when the
According to the MAC file option is chosen in the Part Settings dialog box.


This string variable contains the path for the GCode location. For example,
dir_gcode = C:\GCode\

When a non-existing folder is assigned to this parameter, the following

message is displayed during the GCode generation attempt:

The Create button enables you to create the folder that will be used
for GCode directory at the specified location.


This boolean variable controls the creation of separate folders for split GCode
files. For example,
split_gcode_folders = Y

When the variable is set to Y, SolidCAM creates a

separate folder for each GCode segment file and saves the
GCode segment files there. The folder is created in the
GCode folder of the CAM-Part in the location specified by the
dir_gcode parameter. The name of the folder is the same as the
GCode segment file name.
When the variable is set to N, SolidCAM generates all the
GCode segment files directly in the GCode folder of the
CAM-Part in the location specified by the dir_gcode
The default value of the split_gcode_folders variable is N.


This boolean variable controls the creation of separate folders for different CAM-
Parts. For example,
gcode_part_subfolder= Y

When the variable is set to Y, SolidCAM creates a separate G-Code

folder for each CAM-Part for which you generate the Cavity
GCode. This separate folder is created in the GCode folder Cavity.tap
of the CAM-Part and has the name of this CAM-Part. Mold

When the variable is set to N, the GCodes for all parts are G-Code
generated into the directory specified by the dir_gcode Cavity.tap
parameter in the MAC file.


1.2 Coordinate Systems

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with enhancements in the definition and editing
of coordinate systems for Milling and Wire Cut. You are presented with several
new options related to placing the Coordinate System, picking the origin and the
directions of the axes directly on the model, rotating and moving the CoordSys
according to a series of parameters to be defined.

1.2.1 Defining the CoordSys by selecting a face

When you define the Coordinate System by selecting a face,

the box surrounding the model is calculated. For this box,
SolidCAM generates a number of sketch points to facilitate
the CoordSys definition. The points are located in the box
corners, in the middle of each edge and in the centers of the
planes (in the intersection point of the diagonals).

Placing of the CoordSys origin

Two new options related to placing of the CoordSys origin have been added.
Top center of model box

After you select a face, the CoordSys origin

is placed in the center of the upper plane of
the model, and the Z-axis of the CoordSys is
normal to the selected face.

Corner box projection on Z-level of face

After you select a face, the CoordSys origin is

placed in the corner of the generated model
box on the same Z-level with the selected face,
and the Z-axis of the CoordSys is normal to
the selected face.


Picking the CoordSys on the solid model and flipping the axes

After the face has been selected, you have several new options that enable you to
edit the Coordinate System location by picking entities on the model and changing
the directions of the axes.
Pick XY origin
This option enables you to define a new location
for the CoordSys origin in the XY-plane by
picking a point on the model. The Z-level of
the CoordSys origin and the directions of the
axes remain the same.

Pick Y direction
This option enables you to choose a new direction for the Y-axis by
picking a point on the model.

Flip Around Z

You can rotate the defined CoordSys 90 degrees

around the Z-axis.

Moving and rotating the CoordSys


This option enables you to move the CoordSys

origin in the X-, Y-, and Z-coordinates relative
to the point in which it was previously defined.

Rotation around axis

This option enables you to rotate the defined

CoordSys a given number of degrees around
the X-, Y- and Z-axes, but the rotation can only
be defined around each axis separately. You
cannot rotate the CoordSys around more than
one axis simultaneously.

1.2.2 Defining the CoordSys normal to current view

This option enables you to define the Coordinate System with the Z-axis normal
to the model view you are facing on your screen. You may bring the model to the
desired orientation by using the CAM Views toolbar or just rotate it in an arbitrary
fashion; then click on the Capture Current View CoordSys button, and the Coordinate
System will be generated relative to the model view you are using. The CoordSys
origin will lie in the origin of the SolidWorks Coordinate System, and the Z-axis
will be directed normally to the chosen view of the model.
Y-axis of the
Normal to current view

X-axis of the
Normal to current view

You may change the location of the CoordSys using the placing options of the
Select face mode, and then choose the Normal to current view mode to adjust the
directions of the axes to the current model view.


1.2.3 Create planar surface at Part Lower level

In some cases you need to select sketch

points that do not lie on the solid model
entities, such as in definition of insertion
point for wire cutting. SolidWorks does
not allow picking points beyond the
model surface, therefore a new Create
planar surface at Part Lower level option
has been added to help you overcome
this problem. This option enables you to
generate a transparent planar surface at
the minimal Z-level of the Part so that
its lower level plane is visible. This planar
surface is suppressed by default and not
visible until you unsuppress it in the
FeatureManager Design tree.

This option is available only when the

Coordinate System has been defined
by selecting a face.

1.3 Item search in the SolidCAM Manager tree

Starting with SolidCAM2007 R11.2, you can search the SolidCAM Manager tree for
items related to the CAM-Parts and their operations, geometries, and so forth.

The new SolidCAM search system works similarly to a regular Windows searching
functionality. To activate it, click anywhere in the SolidCAM Manager area and
press Ctrl+F. The Find dialog box is displayed, and you can set the parameters for

Look in
You may look for the required items in the whole CAM-Part or only in its operations,
coordinate systems or geometries taken separately.

Whole items only

Select this check box if you want to check the availability of whole items as
opposed to partial output.

Match case
This check box enables you to determine the case sensitivity of the search.

You may also decide whether the search results will be displayed from bottom to
top or from top to bottom of the SolidCAM Manager tree.

Find Next
Click this button if you want to view the search results one by one.

Find All
Click this button if you prefer to have all of the search results to be displayed


The whole line where the sought-for word appears is highlighted in the SolidCAM
Manager tree. When you close the Find dialog box, these lines remain highlighted.

1.4 Generating a copy of the operation

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to generate a copy of a specific operation inside

the Operation dialog box.

The Save & Copy command saves the current operation data and automatically creates
a new operation with the same parameters. The new operation is automatically
opened for editing.

Using the Save & Copy functionality you can quickly create a new similar operation
where most parameters are identical.


1.5 Sequential numbering of the operations in SolidCAM Manager

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to assign

sequential numbers for items (operations, splits
and fixtures) in the SolidCAM Manager tree.

When the Use automatic numbering of SolidCAM

Manager items option is activated in the SolidCAM
Manager page of the SolidCAM Settings dialog
box, all the items in the SolidCAM Manager will
be numbered.

When a new item is defined between two existing items, SolidCAM performs
renumbering in order to assign to each item an updated sequential number.

1.6 Operation renaming

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to rename a specific operation.

To rename a specific operation, right click on the

operation name in the SolidCAM Manager and
choose the Rename command from the menu.

The Operation name dialog box is displayed. This

dialog box enables you to assign a new name for
the operation.


1.7 Split

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with extended functionality of splits; by giving a

name to the split it can act as a folder containing operations, fixtures etc.

When a split is added, SolidCAM displays the Split dialog

box where you enter the name of the split.

The (-) icon located near the Split icon in the SolidCAM
Manager enables you to collapse/expand all the items
(operations and fixtures) that are located under the

The right-click menu available on split items provides

you with the capabilities to rename the actual split (the
Rename command) and to suppress/unsuppress all the
items (operations and fixtures) that belong to the split
(the Suppress/Unsuppress commands).

1.8 Adding tools in the View page

In previous SolidCAM versions it was possible to add a new tool into a tool table
only in the Edit page of the Tool table dialog box. SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you
to add tools into a tool table also in the View page.

When you click on the Add button, a new tool is created. The Tool Table dialog box
is switched to the Edit page which displays the parameters of the new tool.

2.5D Milling 2
2.1 Delta Depth option in 2.5D Milling

In previous SolidCAM versions, to assign an offset to the cutting depth defined

associatively to the model, the user had to break the associativity and change the
depth value. SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the ability to define an offset
for the cutting depth. By adding this parameter, SolidCAM enables you to change
the cutting depth while preserving its associativity.

Delta depthis always relative to the Depth defined for the operation. Suppose the
depth of your pocket is 12 mm, and you want to mill it 0.5 mm above its floor. If
you define an offset of 0.5 mm for the Delta depth, even if the model changes and
the depth of the pocket becomes greater, the pocket will be milled 0.5 mm above
the floor.

2.5D Milling

If the value of Delta depth is positive, a blue arrow is displayed near its field
indicating a positive offset value (in the positive direction of the Z-axis).

If the value of Delta depth is negative, a red arrow is displayed near its field indicating
a negative offset value (in the negative direction of the Z-axis).

2.2 New features in Thread Milling Operation

2.2.1 Tool technology tables

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 offers you a quick and efficient solution in terms of thread
pitch definition. You do not need to use external sources to find the Pitch values
conforming to the ISO, Whitworth and other standards. The table of Standard
values is embedded into the SolidCAM tool definition interface.

When a thread tool is chosen in the Part Tool Table, the Pitch/Standard field becomes
available. In this field, there is a list of Standard tables according to which you may
want to define the thread pitch.

When you choose one of the standards

from the list, the corresponding table is
displayed in a separate window.

2.5D Milling

You may open the threading table as an Excel file and edit its content. The location
of this file can be found on the User directories page of the SolidCAM Settings
dialog box.

2.2.2 Support of conical tools

Starting with the current version, SolidCAM has extended its capabilities for
support of various tool types by adding conical thread tools into the existing list
of supported tools. This enhancement enables you to cut threads in taper holes as
well as in cylindrical holes.

2.2.3 Deepening the existing thread

If the depth you have defined for threading of hole is insufficient, SolidCAM
provides you with a new option that enables you to deepen the threading by a
certain value. On the Levels page of the Thread Mill Operation dialog box, there
is a new Additional depth section in which you may define the deepening of your

In the Deeper field, enter the additional depth value required.

Start from beginning

When you have added a certain depth to be thread-milled, there is in some cases
a need to start the cutting of the thread from the beginning. This is possible with
the Start from beginning check box in the Additional depth field.

For example, you thread-milled one drill hole out of 10 identical holes to a certain
depth. Then you found that the threading is not deep enough, and added a certain
additional depth. Then you thread-milled the hole again (without starting from the
beginning, because there is no point in cutting the thread again where it is already
cut) and made sure that the depth is now satisfactory. To thread-mill the rest of the
holes, you need to start cutting from the very beginning, because these holes were
not previously machined, as the first hole.

2.5D Milling

2.3 Defining the Lead Out strategy same as Lead In strategy

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the capability to define the Lead Out strategy
same as Lead In strategy.

The Same as Lead in option is available in the Lead out group of the Operation
dialog box of 2.5D Milling operations.

With this option, SolidCAM uses for the Lead Out the same strategy and parameters
that are defined for Lead In.

2.4 Drilling depth type

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with an updated functionality of the Depth type
option in the Drill operations (formerly Use Chamfer option).

The following Depth types are available:

• Cutter tip. With this option the drill tip reaches the defined Drill Depth.

• Full diameter. With this option the drill reaches the defined Drill Depth
with the full diameter.

• Diameter value. With this option the drill reaches the defined Drill Depth
with the drill cone diameter specified by the Diameter value parameter.

The Diameter value can vary from 0 all the way up to the drill tool diameter.
A value greater than the drill tool diameter is automatically decreased to
the drill tool diameter.

Drill Drill
depth depth


Cutter tip Full diameter Diameter value

3D Milling 3
3.1 Trochoidal milling

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the

advanced functionality in the Trochoidal milling
feature. The algorithm of the trochoidal milling is
improved taking into account a new Engagement
angle parameter located in the Trochoidal dialog

The Engagement angle is the angle measured between two vectors describing the
area of contact between the tool and the machined material.

Engagement angle

During the calculation, SolidCAM checks the engagement angle at each tool
position defined by Step parameter. If the engagement angle is greater than the
specified Engagement angle value, SolidCAM at this position performs a circular
tool movement with the radius defined by the Radius parameter. If the engagement
angle is smaller than the specified Engagement angle, SolidCAM does not generate
a circular movement at this position; the tool is moved to next position.

Machining Module 4
4.1 HSM Combined Strategy

SolidCAM2007 R11.1 has introduced the new option to combine two machining
strategies in a single HSM operation: the combination of the Constant Z strategy
supplemented with the secondary Horizontal strategy.

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 offers two additional combined strategies: Constant Z with

Linear or Constant StepOver machining.

To activate any of the combined strategies, do the following:

In the Technology box of the HSM Operation dialog box, choose

the Combine Constant Z and then the relevant item from the

The two combined machining strategies share the Geometry, Tool

and Constraint boundaries data. The technological parameters for
the passes calculation and linking are defined separately for each

High-Speed Machining Module

The Constant Z Passes page defines the parameters of the Constant Z machining

The Linear Passes and Constant Stepover Passes pages define the parameters of the
Linear/ 3D Constant Stepover strategies.

The following parameters, defined on the Constant Z Passes page, are automatically
assigned the same values on the Linear passes / Constant Stepover passes pages:

• Thickness

• Axial thickness

• Tolerance

• Z_Top

• Z_Bottom

When these parameters are edited in the Constant Z Passes page, their values are
updated automatically in the Linear passes / Constant Stepover passes page. But
when edited in the Linear passes / Constant Stepover passes pages, the values in the
Constant Z Passes page remain unchanged.

Two Link pages, located under the Constant Z Passes and Linear passes / Constant
Stepover passes pages, define the links relevant for each of these strategies.

In the Link page for Linear passes / Constant Stepover passes, there is a Machining
order tab that enables you to define the order in which the Constant Z and Linear /
Constant Stepover machining will be performed. The default option is Constant Z

When the tool has

finished performing
the passes of the first
machining strategy, it
goes up to the Clearance
level, then descends back
to the machining surface
to continue with the next

High-Speed Machining Module

4.2 Tangential pass extension

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the new Tangential extension option that
enables you to extend the passes tangentially to the model faces by a length defined
by the Passes extension parameter. This option is available for Linear and Radial
machining technologies.

When the Tangential extension option is not active, the extension passes are
generated as a projection of the initial pattern (either linear or radial) on the solid
model faces.

When the Tangential extension option is activated, the extension passes are generated
tangentially to the solid model faces.


Tangent extension is turned off Tangent extension is turned on

4.3 Rest machining

4.3.1 Spiral on surface machining strategy

An additional strategy to machine shallow areas has been added. The Spiral on
surface strategy links the passes with smooth curved paths resulting in continuous
passes and reducing the rapid moves. The spiral linking move is projected into the
rest corner up to the maximal depth of the cut specified.

High-Speed Machining Module

4.3.2 Machining steep or shallow areas separately

In the previous SolidCAM version, SolidCAM enabled you to determine steep and
shallow areas of the model using the Steep threshold parameter. The machining of
the steep and shallow areas was performed using different strategies inside a single
Rest machining operation.

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the Areas option. This option enables you
to decide whether to perform the machining in the steep areas only, in the shallow
areas only or in both of them..

• Shallow. With this option, the machining is performed only in the shallow
areas (the surface inclination is less than the Steep threshold value).

• Steep. With this option, the machining is performed only in the steep
areas (the surface inclination is greater than the Steep threshold value).

• All. The machining is performed in both steep and shallow areas.

4.4 Tool path trimming when ramp is used

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new option enabling you to control ramp
movements connecting Constant Z passes. The Trim to ramp advance option enables
you generate a helical style finish when linking Constant Z passes.

When this option is chosen, the Constant Z pass above which a ramp linking
movement is performed is trimmed by the length of the ramping move. In such a
way a helical style tool path is generated, avoiding the unnecessary cutting moves
at the already machined areas and maintaining a constant tool load.
Constant Z passes Ramp movements

Constant Z passes Ramp movements

If the Trim to ramp advance
option is not chosen, the whole
Constant Z passes are linked
with the ramp movements.

High-Speed Machining Module

4.5 Absolute ramp height

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new functionality for the definition of the
height from which the ramping motion is started for the upper profile of the 3D
Constant Stepover tool path.

In previous SolidCAM versions, this height was defined relative to the upper
profile height with the Ramp height offset parameter. SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables
you to define also the absolute start position for the ramp motion with the Ramp
height parameter measured from the Coordinate System origin.

The following options are available:

• Relative height. With this option Ramp height offset

the start position of the ramp
motion for the upper Constant
Stepover pass is defined relative
to the first point of the pass
using the Ramp height offset

• Absolute height.
With this option, the start position of the ramp motion
is defined with the absolute Ramp height value measured from the
Coordinate System origin.

Ramp height


These options are available only for the Helix and Profile ramping

High-Speed Machining Module

4.6 Tangential position of the tool on the working area

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new option that enables you to control
how the tool is positioned relative to the boundaries of the working area.

When the Tangent option is chosen, the tool path

is limited in such a way that the tool is tangent to
the model faces at the boundary.

This option enables you to machine the exact

working area, taking into account the 3D model
Tool on working area: Tangent

4.7 Miscellaneous parameters

With SolidCAM2007 R11.2, the new Miscellaneous parameters page has been added
to the HSM Operation dialog box.

This page contains the following options:

• Extra Parameters

In case there are special operation options implemented in the post-

processor used for the current CAM-Part, the Parameters List button
enables you to display the list of additional parameters defined in the
• Message

This option enables you to enter a message that will appear in the
generated Gcode.

5 Axis Machining 5
5.1 Tool

5.1.1 Use Rapid feed

Some 5-axis CNC machines do not support synchronization between axis motors
when the rapid movement (G0) is performed. The absence of synchronization
causes the deviation between the calculated path and the real tool movements.
SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new functionality that enables you to avoid
the problems described above by replacing all rapid movements (G0) with non-
rapid ones using a particular feed rate.

Select the Feed rates check box on the Tool page of the 5 Axis Operation dialog box
and click on the Feed rates button. The Change feed rate according to surface radius
dialog box is displayed.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

The Rapid move parameters group enables you to control the use of rapid feed

• When the Use rapid feed option is not selected, the resulting Gcode
contains rapid movements (G0).


G0 X-2.942 Y75.567 Z24.402 A-88.436 B-26.482 M116

When the Use rapid feed option is chosen, the resulting Gcode does not contain
G0 commands. The rapid movements are performed using the feed rate defined by
the Rapid feed rate parameter.


G1 X-2.942 Y75.567 Z24.402 A-88.436 B-26.482 F9998


5.2 Levels

5.2.1 Angle step for rapid moves

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to approximate by lines the curved rapid

movements performed at the spherical or cylindrical clearance area.

Initial motion Approximated motion

The approximation is controlled by the Angle step for rapid moves parameter
illustrated below.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

Initial motion
Angle step for rapid moves
Approximated motion

Small values of the Angle step for rapid moves parameter cause less deviation between
the initial curve and the approximated path, but may cause some machines to slow

Using larger values of the Angle step for rapid moves parameter, you can reduce
the number of approximation lines thus increasing the motion speed; however
then there is a danger of collision, since the curved motion is simplified (when the
Angle step for rapid moves is set to 90° the circular movement is approximated to
a square).

5.3 Geometry

5.3.1 Advanced parameter for margins

Tool path strategies that use edge curves and surfaces sometimes encounter
difficulties since CAD systems deliver the drive surfaces and the edge geometry
(curves or surfaces) only within accuracy. If you would like to start the tool path
exactly at the zero distance to the edge geometry, then this is problematic, because
the geometry can never be exactly aligned. To avoid this problem, SolidCAM2007
R11.2 provides you with the Additional parameter for margins option.

This option is available only for the Morph between two curves, Parallel to curve,
Morph between two surfaces and Parallel to surface strategies, when the Area type is
Full, start and end on exact surface edges. To activate it, click on the Data button in
the Area field of the 5 Axis Operation dialog box.

The Margins dialog box is displayed. In

this dialog box, you may set the Start and
End Margin value. The Additional margin to
overcome surface edge inaccuracies parameter
enables you to compensate the inaccuracy
of the CAD model edges. For example, to
get the tool path at the 5 mm distance from
the geometry, set the margin to 4.97 mm and
the Additional margin to overcome surface edge
inaccuracies to 0.03.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.3.2 Machining of shallow and steep areas

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to perform a separate machining of steep and

shallow areas.

Select the Shallow/Steep check box and click the Shallow/Steep button.

The Parameters to define the shallow and steep areas dialog box is displayed. This
dialog box enables you to define parameters determining the steep/shallow area
to be machined.

• View direction.SolidCAM enables you to define a vector from where the

slope angle start and end are referenced. SolidCAM enables you to choose
one of the Coordinate System axis (X-axis, Y-axis and Z-axis) or define a
vector by an end point (the start point is automatically considered to be
in the Coordinate System origin).

• Slope angles. The Slope angle start and Slope angle end parameters define
the limit angles around the View direction vector. The surfaces with the
inclination angles enclosed by the range defined by the slope angles are
considered as the steep areas. All the surfaces with the inclination angles
outside of the range are considered as shallow areas.

Shallow area

Steep area

Slope end angle

Slope start angle

View orientation axis

• Machining areas. This option enables you to determine the area to be

machined. When the Machine steep areas option is chosen, the machining
will be performed only at the steep areas (surfaces with inclination angles
within the range defined by Slope Start and Slope End angles). When the
Machine shallow areas option is chosen, the machining will be performed
only at the shallow areas (surfaces with inclination angles outside the
range defined by Slope Start and Slope End angles).

Note that shallow and steep calculation is purely based on surface

contact points. In other words, some portions of the surface geometry
are virtually trimmed in order to split the part into shallow and steep

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.3.3 2D Containment boundaries

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a functionality to limit the machining to

specific model areas. The machining limitation is performed by a planar boundary
that is projected on the model. The projected boundary is “virtually” trimming the
drive surfaces. All the contact points of the tool and drive surfaces are enclosed by
this projected boundary.

Select the 2D Containment check box, and click on the 2D Containment button.

The 2D Containment dialog box is displayed enabling you to define the boundaries.

2D Containment curves

SolidCAM enables you to define a boundary based on a Working area

geometry (closed loop of model edges as well as sketch entities). For
more information on Working area geometry, refer to the SolidCAM
User Guide book.

The Define button displays the Geometry Edit dialog box that enables
you to define the geometry.

The Show button enables you to display the already defined boundary
directly on the solid model.

Projection direction

When a planar boundary is defined, SolidCAM automatically projects

the geometry onto the solid model. The direction of the projection is
defined by a vector.

SolidCAM enables you to choose an axis of the Coordinate System as

a projection direction vector or define a vector by an end point (the
start point is automatically considered to be in the Coordinate System

2D Containment boundary

direction axis

Machining area

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.3.4 Max. projection distance

When the Project curves tool path strategy is chosen, the system expects to get
projections curves lying on the drive surfaces. Due to tolerance issues in CAD
systems, sometimes the curves do not lie exactly on the drive surfaces. SolidCAM2007
R11.2 enables you to compensate the mismatches between the drive surfaces and
projection curves using the Maximal projection distance parameter.

All the deviations between the drive surfaces and projection curves that are less than
the specified Maximal projection distance value are compensated. When a deviation
is equal or greater than the parameter value, the tool path is not calculated.

5.3.5 Spiral cutting method

Previous SolidCAM versions provided you with a capability to convert a Parallel

cuts passes into a spiral path. SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new Spiral
Cutting method. This cutting method is available for use with all the Pattern types,
except the Project curves pattern.

With the Spiral Cutting method, SolidCAM generates a spiral tool path around the
drive surface according to the chosen Pattern. The spiral pitch is defined by the
Step over parameter.

Step over

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.3.6 Machining order

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to define the machining order for a Sim.
5-axis operation. The Machine by edit box located at the Geometry page enables you
to choose the order of machining of certain areas; it defines whether the surface
will be machined by Lanes or by Regions.

The generated tool path usually has a topology of multiple contours (lanes) on
the drive surfaces. When the tool path is generated in many zones, it might be
preferable to machine all the regions independently.
6 3
5 2
1 2
2 2 3
1 1
1 1

Lanes Regions

5.3.7 Start point definition

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new interface and extended functionality
for the Start point definition.

Generally, SolidCAM automatically determines the start point for the tool path
taking into account the path shape. To define the start point manually, select the
Start point checkbox at the Geometry page and click on the related button.

The Start point parameters dialog box will be displayed.

This dialog box enables you to define the Start point for the first cut; it can be
defined either by entering coordinates in the related editboxes or by picking the
Start point position directly on the solid model using the button.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

The Start point will be applied in subsequent cuts as following group enables you to
define the start position of the subsequent passes.

The for the Two new options related to the definition of geometry start point have
been added. These options are available in the Start point parameters dialog box that
is displayed by clicking on the Start point button in the 5 Axis Operation dialog box.
• Shift by value

This option added in SolidCAM2007 R11.2, enables you to start the next
cut at a specified distance from the previous start point. The distance
defined in related editbox is measured along the path.

Start point

• Rotate by [deg]

With this option

SolidCAM enables you to
rotate the start position
of the cuts relative to the Start point
start position of the first
cut. The Rotate by value
defines the rotating angle
for the start position for
subsequent cuts.

• Minimize surface normal change (new option)

With this option, SolidCAM automatically chooses the start points for
passes in such a way, that the change of the direction between surface
normals at the start points will be minimal.

Start point

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.3.8 Show surface normals direction

When transferring model files from one CAD system to another, the direction
of some of the surface normals might be reversed. For this reason, SolidCAM2007
R11.2 provides you with the capability to display and edit the normals of model
surfaces during the geometry selection.

The Show Direction for highlighted faces only

check box enables you to display the surface
normals for the specific highlighted faces in the
faces list.

The Show Direction for selected faces check box

enables you to display the normals direction for
all the faces in the list.

The right-click menu available on the items in the selected faces

list, enables you to reverse the direction of the surface normals
of the chosen faces (the Reverse command) or of all the selected
faces (the Reverse all command)

5.4 Surface quality options in Finish parameters

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the several new features related to the quality
of the surface to be machined.

5.4.1 Surface edge merge distance

SolidCAM generates first tool paths for individual surfaces. Then they are merged
together to form the complete tool path. The decision about the merging is based
on the Surface edge merge distance parameter introduced in SolidCAM2007 R11.2. If
all surface paths on a tool path slice are merged, then a check is made if a closed
surface path can be built by connecting the start to the end. The Surface edge merge
distance parameter is used for deciding this.

The Surface edge merge distance parameter can be defined either as a numeric value
(the As value option) or as a percentage of the tool diameter (the % of tool diameter
option). In both cases, this limit value must be greater than or equal to the Cut
tolerance value.

5.4.2 Advanced options for surface quality

The Chaining tolerance parameter defines the tolerance of the initial grid used for
the tool path calculation. The recommended value is from 1 to 10 times the Cut
tolerance. In some cases, for simple untrimmed surfaces, the Chaining tolerance
value can be defined upto 100 times the Cut tolerance and would increase the
calculation speed significantly.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

The surface contact paths are created while analyzing and slicing the surface patches.
If due to slicing the tool path topology becomes very complex (for example,
patches parallel to curve and surface are very large), sometimes the surface contact
paths cannot be constructed safely.

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with an additional functionality to control the

surface quality. If the Slow and safe path creation check box is selected, a finer grid
(based on the maximal step over value) is applied for initial analysis of surface
patches, thus delivering slow but safe results for surface contact points.

5.5 Link Macro

5.5.1 Macro Entry/Exit strategies

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with two new strategies of Macro entry and exit:
Reverse tangential line and Reverse vertical tangential arc.

Reverse tangential line

With this option SolidCAM performs an approach/retreat movement

with a line tangential to the cutting pass like the Tangential line option,
but the direction of the approach/retreat line is reversed.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

Reverse vertical tangential arc

SolidCAM performs an approach/retreat movement with an arc

tangential to the drive surface, located in the plane of the tool axis, like
the Vertical Tangential arc option, but the direction of the approach/
retreat arc is reversed.

5.5.2 Maximal angle change

When the Tangential option is chosen for the Tool axis orientation, the tool axis
orientation is continuously changed during the approach/retreat movement. This
option enables you to avoid marks on the part surface caused by the tool rotation
at the start/end point of the cutting pass. In case of large macro moves, the total
change of tool axis orientation might be great. Therefore, SolidCAM enables you
to limit the total change of tool axis orientation along a macro move with the Max.
angle change parameter.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.6 Tool axis control

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides with an additional functionality used when the side
tilting direction is defined with the Use tilt line definition option.

The Tilting lines maximum snap distance parameter defines the maximum distance
between tilt line end points and the machining contour. When tilting is applied to
a contour, then only lines within this distance will be used, while other lines that
are far from the contour will be ignored. Note, that the tilt lines are snapped to the
machining contour via the shortest distance from the line to the contour.

5.7 Gouge check

5.7.1 Collision control

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with new collision control options available in
the Gouge Check page of the 5 Axis Operation dialog box:

Extend tool to infinity

This option enables you to consider the tool as being extended to infinity during
collision check in order to make sure that all active surfaces are checked for
collision, no matter where they are located in space.

Check link motions for collision

When this option is chosen SolidCAM automatically performs the gouge checking
for link movements in order to avoid possible collisions.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.7.2 Split contour within distance

Generally, SolidCAM tries to find a solution to avoid a possible gouges for a

complete pass. In case of long passes it is very difficult to find a solution that
will be relevant along all the pass length. To simplify this task, SolidCAM2007 R11.2
provides you with the Split contour within distance option that is enabled when you
avoid the possible collisions using tilting in the cutting direction and side tilting.
The option is located in the Advanced parameters for tilting tool away with max angle
using lead/lag and side tilt angles dialog box. It enables you to split the original
contour into multiple contours, with the length defined as percentage of the whole
contour length. When the initial passes are split into a number of smaller passes,
SolidCAM calculates the solution for avoiding collision for each pass.

This option is available only if the Make tool axis orientation continuously
if distance is smaller than check box is selected.

5.7.3 Using STL files for gouge checking

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with the functionality to define the check surfaces
used for the gouge checking with an STL file.

When the Use STL file checkbox is activated the Check surfaces group enables you
to choose a check surfaces geometry from an STL file.

The Define button enables you to display the Choose STL

dialog box.

The Browse button in the dialog box enables you to choose

the necessary STL file. The full name (including the path) of
the chosen STL file is displayed in the STL file editbox. The
Show on model and Show buttons enable you to display the
chosen STL triangles either directly on the solid model or in
a separate window.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.8 Roughing

5.8.1 Area roughing

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with a new functionality for simultaneous 5-

axis roughing. The main target of this functionality is impeller machining. With the
Area roughing strategy, the roughing tool path is created inside the initial tool path.
E.g. the floor area between impeller blades can be machined using this strategy if
the initial tool path describes the left and right side of the area limitations.

Initial tool path Area roughing tool path

In the Roughing page, check the Area

roughing checkbox and click on the
related button.

The Area roughing dialog box is displayed enabling you to define the parameters of
the area roughing.

• Rotary axis around. This parameter defines the rotary axis. SolidCAM
enables you to choose an axis of the Coordinate System (X, Y, Z) or
define a rotary axis vector by an end point (the start point is automatically
considered to be in the Coordinate System origin).

• Rotary axis base point.

With this option, SolidCAM enables you to define
the position of the rotary axis directly on the solid model.

• SolidCAM enables you to define a number of cuts either by the Maximum

Step over parameter (the distance between two successive cutting passes)
or by the Number of cuts per section parameter.

• SolidCAM enables you to machine the area enclosed between two main
blades and containing a splitter blade. The Area option enables you to
define the area when the machining will be performed.

Complete.The machining is performed in the complete area between

the two main blades.

Left. The machining is Main blades

performed in the area between

the left main blade and the Splitter blade

splitter blade.

Right. The machining is

performed in the area between
the right main blade and the
splitter blade.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

• The Cutting method options enable you to define the passes direction and
the way how the single passes will be connected into a complete tool
path. The following options are available:

One way (along rotary axis).With this option, the machining of the pass
starts at the upper edge of the impeller floor face, continues along the
blades and stops at the lower edge of the floor. Then the tool retracts
to the start position of the next cutting pass.

One way (along reverse rotary axis). With this option, the machining of
the pass starts at the lower edge of the impeller floor face, continues
along the blades and stops at the upper edge of the floor. Then the
tool retracts to the start position of the next cutting pass.

Zig zag. With this option, the machining starts at the edge of the
impeller floor face, continues along the blades to the other edge, steps
over to the next cut at the same edge and continues machining to the
first edge. The sequence for the cuts is from the left to the right.

Zig zag (climb only). With this option, the machining begins in the center
of the surface and progresses outwards to the sides.

• Alternate direction to reduce path length. With this option, SolidCAM

changes the start position of the cut in order to minimize air cuts.

This option is available only when the Zig zag (climb only) Cutting
method is chosen.

• Calculation applied. With this option, SolidCAM enables you to define

when the calculation of the area roughing is performed. The area
roughing calculation can be performed either before the tilting calculation
(the Before tilting option) or after the collision control (the After collisions
control option). If the area roughing calculation is performed after the
collision control, the resulting tool path is checked again for collisions.

When the After collisions control option is used, SolidCAM enables you
to extend the tool path using Extension at start and Extension at end

5.8.2 Tool path rotation

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 offers you a new functionality for tool path rotation; this option
is useful for parts with multiple identical elements arranged in a circular pattern.
Instead of adding a separate operation and defining the same parameters for each
of these patterns, you can have the same tool path repeated a given number of
times by rotation around a specific axis.

To use this option, select the appropriate check box in the 5 Axis Operation dialog
box and click on the Rotate button.

The Rotate toolpath dialog box enables you to define the parameters of rotation.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

• Rotary axis around. This option provides you the choice ofthe axis around
which your tool path will be rotated. You may choose between the X-, Y-
or Z-axis of the current Coordinate System or define a rotary axis vector
by an end point (the start point is automatically considered to be in the
Coordinate System origin).

• Rotary axis base point. This option enables you to define the position of
the rotation axis. When you click on the Select point button, the Select
point dialog box is displayed and shows the coordinates of the point you
pick on the model.

• Number of steps. This parameter enables you to define the number of

instances of the circular pattern. In other word it defines how many
times the initial tool path will be repeated around the rotation axis.

• Start angle. This parameter enables you to define the rotation angle for
the first tool path instance of the circular pattern.

• Rotation angle.
This parameter enables you to define the angle between
the two adjacent instances of the circular pattern.

• Sort by. This option enables you to choose whether the whole tool path
will be rotated or only a certain part of it. The following options are

• Complete tool path. With this option the whole tool path
will be rotated.

• Passes. With this option the whole tool path will be

rotated. The resulting tool path will be sorted and linked
by passes.

• Slices. With this option the whole tool path will be rotated.
The resulting tool path will be sorted and linked by slices.

• Partial tool path.

With this option the portion of tool path
specified by a percentage is rotated. The percentage is
specified by the Perc. of whole tool path parameter.

5.8.3 Check for collision between stock and tool elements

enables you to prevent the collisions between the tool/holder

SolidCAM2007 R11.2
components and the machined stock model.

• Tool shaft

Select this check box to check for collision between the tool shaft and
the machined stock.
• Tool arbor

Select this check box to check for collision between the tool arbor and
the machined stock.
• Tool holder

Select this check box to check for collision between the tool holder and
the machined stock.

Simultaneous 5 Axis Machining

5.9 Extra Parameters

With SolidCAM2007 R11.2, the Extra parameters option has been added to the
Miscellaneous parameters page of the 5 Axis Operation dialog box.

In case there are special operation options implemented in the post-processor

used for the current CAM-Part, the Parameters List button enables you to display
the list of additional parameters defined in the post-processor.

Turning 6
6.1 Generating sketch for the Material boundary

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to generate a sketch containing the material

boundary of the part after the machining by a specific turning operation.

Right click on a specific turning operation

(Turning, Drilling, Grooving and Threading) and
choose the Generate Material boundary command
from the menu.

This command automatically creates a new

sketch in the CAM component of the CAM-
Part assembly and generates in this sketch the
geometry of the updated material boundary
after the chosen operation.

The generated updated material boundary is not

associative to the model geometry and operations.

Wire Cut 7
7.1 Definition of Insertion point using points of the CAD sketch

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 introduces a new option related to

definition of the point where the wire is inserted into the
workpiece. This option enables you to use the points of
the CAD sketch to define the insertion point for the model

Choose the By Sketch Point option in the Insertion point

section of the Initial Points dialog box for single-chain
profiles or in the Insertion points section of the Chains
Selection dialog box for multiple-chain profiles. The sketch
point closest to the start point of the chain will be chosen
as the insertion point for the wire.
Sketch points

Insertion Point

Start Point

You can display the multiple-chain geometry

with the defined insertion point by clicking on
the View Chains button at the bottom of the
Chains Selection dialog box.

Wire Cut

7.2 Automatic definition of Start point for multi-chain geometry

In the previous SolidCAM versions, the automatic definition of the start point was
supported only for single-chain profile geometries. The current release provides
you with the option to define the start point automatically for geometries consisting
of multiple chains as well.

In the Chains Selection dialog box, there is a new Start

points section that contains two possibilities of automatic
definition of the chain start point:

• Auto

The start point is defined automatically at the

closest point on the geometry to the insertion
point by dropping a normal from the insertion
point to the profile.
Insertion Point

Start Point

• At Angle

The start point is defined automatically at the intersection of the profile

and the line drawn from the insertion point, at the selected angle.
Insertion Point

Start Point

Machining Processes
8.1 New Turn-Mill Machining Process table type

Previous versions of SolidCAM enabled three types of Machining Process tables:

Milling, Turning and Wire Cut. SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you the fourth type of
Machining Process table that can be defined for your CAM-Part: Mill-Turn.

In the Machining Process Table Manager, you may add both Milling and Turning
Machining Processes.

Machining Processes

8.2 Tool definition and search in Machining Processes

In previous SolidCAM versions the when a Machining Process was defined, the
tool number was assigned to a tool automatically and the user had no control
over it. When the Machining Process was inserted into a CAM-Part, SolidCAM
performed a tool search according to the tool data in the Machining Process. The
tool search was performed in the Part Tool table and Current tool table. If a tool,
whose data matched the data of the tool as defined in the Machining Process, was
found then it was chosen; if no such tool was found, then a new tool was created
with the first available number.

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 provides you with more advanced functionality for the tool
number definition inside the Machining Process and for the tool search during the
Machining Process insertion.

8.2.1 Parametric tool definition

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 enables you to define the tool number as a variable, similar to
the other tool data that can be defined parametrically in the Operation templates.
The expression for the tool number variable can vary in the different Default sets.
The tool number variable is assigned its value during the insertion of a MP into
the CAM-Part.

By default, this option is disabled when you define the tool for an operation
template in a MP. To enable it and define the tool number parametrically, right-
click on the tool name in the Tool list area of the Part Tool table and choose
User-defined tool number.

The Tool number field becomes available for parametric definition; all other tool
parameters are disabled.

You may switch back to the method where the Tool number is assigned automatically
by right-clicking on the tool name in the list and choosing Automatically-assigned
tool number.

Machining Processes

When you insert the MP into the CAM-Part, you have to assign values for the tool
parameters that were defined as variables in the MP. If the tool was defined with
the User-defined tool number option, SolidCAM automatically checks the existence
of the tool with the specified number in the Part Tool table and Current Tool
table; if a tool with this number is not found, the number is not acceptable.

The parametric menu available for the tool number variables contains three
• Tool select from Current Tool table

This option displays the Current Tool table from which you may
choose a tool for the MP insertion. When you have selected a tool,
its tool number from the Current Tool table appears in the Expression
field of the MP Insert Manager. This option is available only when the
Current Tool table is defined.

• Tool select from Part Tool table

This option displays the Part Tool table from which you may choose
a tool for the MP insertion. When you have selected a tool, its tool
number from the Part Tool table appears in the Expression field of the
MP Insert Manager.

• Edit – View

This option displays the Edit dialog box in which you may enter the
expression manually.

8.2.2 Tool search during the insertion of Machining Process

SolidCAM2007 R11.2 automatically performs a tool search during of the machining

process insertion. The tool search is performed according to the User-defined
tool number / Automatically-assigned tool number property of the tool used in the
Operation template.

When the User-defined tool number option is used for the tool definition, the tool
search for this tool is performed using the tool number only. The tool search is
first performed in the Part Tool table; if the tool is found, it is used. If the tool
with the defined number is not found in the Part Tool Table, SolidCAM performs
an additional search in the Current Tool Table. If the tool with the defined tool
number is found in the Current Tool Table, it is copied into the Part Tool Table
(with the same number) and used.

When the Automatically-assigned tool number option is used for the tool definition,
the tool search is performed using the tool parameters. The tool parameters used
for the tool search are defined in the SolidCAM Settings (see topic 8.2.3). The tool
search is first performed in the Part Tool table; if the tool is found, it is used. If
the tool is not found in the Part Tool Table, SolidCAM performs an additional
search in the Current Tool Table. If the tool is found in the Current Tool Table, it
is copied into the Part Tool Table and used. If the tool is not found in the Current
Tool Table, a new tool with the defined parameters is created in the Part Tool
Table. SolidCAM automatically chooses the first available tool number for the
newly created tool.

Machining Processes

8.2.3 Tool search settings

The Tool search page in the SolidCAM Settings dialog box enables you to define the
parameters that will be used as search criteria when the tool search is performed
by tool parameters.

This page contains two sets of tool data for Milling and Turning tool search. To
define the parameters you want to include in the search, select the relevant check
boxes. The Check All and Clear All buttons enable you to select or clear all the check
boxes in each section separately.

Automatic Feature
Recognition Module 9
9.1 Using color information to assign technology

In SolidCAM2007 R11.2 the AFRM recognizes the color

as an additional parameter of the hole feature. When
you have a solid model where different colors were
assigned to different families of similar hole features,
SolidCAM AFRM enables you to use the color data
to assign the technology.

The color information of each hole segment is

available with other parameters in the Hole Feature
Parameters dialog box. In the Value field, the color
is presented as numerical values of the RGB color

When a hole feature segments are converted to

the machinable hole feature, the color is stored
in the hr_segm_color parameter.

9.1.1 Setting color as condition for machining

You may use color as a criterion

for machining of different hole
features. In case you want to
perform a particular operation
only on a given set of holes
with the same color, you need
first to set the color parameter
as the condition for a specific
machining solution.

Automatic Feature Recognition Module

You have then to assign this parameter a relevant color value

by using Select Color dialog box. This dialog box enables you
to either choose a color from the palette or choose the color
from the solid model faces. When you pick a color, SolidCAM
generates a numerical value for this color to be assigned to
the appropriate variable.


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