Agency Proposal Draft Final

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Running head: HOW MUCH IS TIME WORTH 1

Agency Project Outline

Cassandra Ann Hartley

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

Field Work Integrative Seminar SWK-4910-002

Professor Rezell Gore


Agency Project Outline

The purpose of this project is to provide Greater Vision Counseling & Consulting Agency

PLLC with diagnosis resource binders, this would be more than just one binder, it would be a

series of at minimum nine binders that would save incoming interns and staffed therapists time

that they could be using with clients. The purpose of this project is to provide new therapists,

therapists, and interns that may not be familiar with certain diagnosis background information,

major articles on the diagnosis, resources in the community, books on the diagnosis, and

worksheets. There will also be a section within the binder for kid screenings if a certain diagnosis

is seen within children.

I. What?

A. I will be creating individual diagnosis resource binders for Greater Vision

Counseling and Consulting Agency PLLC for Depression, Anxiety, PTSD.

Bipolar Disorder, Substance Use, Anger Management, Marriage and Family

Conflict, Grief, Adjustment and Stress Disorders. Each binder will have

information, articles, data, resources, and worksheets. This is not just for the

one clinic this is nine binders for the four clinics that they have, so a total of


II. Why?

A. Greater Vision Counseling and Consulting Agency PLLC have interned every

semester and has just opened three new offices so they have many new

therapists that may not have seen these disorders or need a refresher on the

current client’s disorder, so these binders will help them further help the client

with these resource binders. Unfortunately, the field site does not currently

have anyone resource that provides a resource list within the community for

the disorders that the facility addresses or one location that the employees can

retrieve information on disorders.

III. Who?

A. The resource binders will help therapists and interns help address clients'

needs for treatment and therapy or resources within the community.

B. It will also help therapists and interns gain knowledge and refresh knowledge

on diagnosis, read major articles on the diagnosis, resources within the

community for that diagnosis, a list of books and common resources,

worksheets on diagnosis, and a section for kid screening if available.

IV. Where?

A. This project will take place at the Greater Vision Counseling and Consulting

Agency PLLC in Raeford, NC but will be available for all the Greater Vision

Counseling and Consulting Agency PLLC offices. But the resources list will

be different for each section because the locations are different in each office.

V. How?

A. The target date for the final resource binder is April 10, 2021.

B. I plan to use The NASW website and to find resources as

well as worksheets to use within the resource binder for my agency project. I

plan to work with the therapists within the agency to find local resources that

will benefit this resource binder and clients in the future.



National Association of Social Workers (NASW). (1999). NASW - National Associations of

Social Workers.

Therapy worksheets, tools, and handouts. (2012). Therapist Aid.

Workers, N. A. (2008). NASW Code of Ethics (Guide to the Everyday Professional Conduct of

Social Workers). Washington, DC: NASW.

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