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~~-EM 1 .

: Pre- and Post-tests


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i '
,;~enced Spelling Test
·'" . ,1.'

I lt Oil thl.! :,t 11dent ro, ll1 Ju11nd Oil pngc (J

do,, It, lurnn,;,

( 11111 1ct tte tile ,,ord-. 111 the context ol ,cnknccs sc1:: pngc 5
[ a1 he \\l.>rd ~U) the sentence and I e1K•at the ,, 01 d 10 be ~pl'I led

Cou he · meet!) 5p~lled ,,ord:, and rnulttpl) that nu111be1 b) , to

<. magc "Cl)J"e

JJ. D, D,
eve p t mud hop

ccvc slip flop trot

sh shop mush crash

ay pay way clay

cvcc ask rink help

ee feet speed steep

ch chop pinch torch

-ck luck deck block

th thick with path

non-phonetic was have come

v-e hope
pipe tape

Number Correct - -- x 3 = - - -- % Correct

n I c.:1 II the , rd t h p Iled

,, lip
p I\
II \\ 1,
II th me hope
( lum
I" 11111d
p flop d , 11 JI lli
11 lllll'ih lh melt d 1c ere 1111 t11111cd 10 11111-;h mu,h
1, \\,1\ \\ l11l,h" " J1d he p., 1 1 \\ ,I\
I<, 1111k ,,)11 l,\ll "'"'tc at the 1111k nnk
17 ~pCl'd \\atch the <,peed ltm1t ,p1:cd
IX p1mh Did ,ou p111ch ,our l1111J,c1'>
j l) clccJ.. l sl! th.II dcl k l'I l nrd~ deck
20 "1th ( .in, nu c, 111c "1th me,, \\llh
21 h,I\C I h,I\C t\\l) p1Cl'l'',
,, pipe \\,\let ll1mcd lHII of the ptpc
C 1)l11m11 ~

') ...
_, h11p I l1)p llll lllll' hl(ll lllll
21 twt I he hn1 ..c \\Ill 1101 Ill the le11cc ti 1lt
2'1 l I.t,h Diel he ll .,..,h h1.., l: :11 ' lr,i-.h
26 l ln\ ( ,111 ,011 ln1111 lcttl'fs 111 d,I\ da,
27 help l help, ou help
2X .,,ccp I he 111011111,111111ail "'::itecp ,tcep
101d1 I 1g.h111 ,,1th the to1ch tord1
1() block Don t hllkk the .,,de\\,1IJ.. block
;I p,tlh \\alk do,\11 the path to thc l,il,c p.llh
1'> (.llll\C She" 1111.;omc in the mo111111g ClllllC
,1 t,tpc Sl'al the p,tl k.igc ,, 1th tape tape
TN ■ ■UNI IIAY' •T•l~■M 1 - r·, e. ana r--. . .---
<'rittril■•RI . rN .....H11 lnt . S.■dtll •.• , .

6 1 28

7 18 29 ==--~ ~~

19 30.
8 ~ =¾-·=--- -=-

9 20. 31 ---~
10 21. 32.

11 22. 33
k lhc Iler:,, 'it t, JI• 1~ <,lu en• d ie<, not 1-.'1

a b cdefgh 'k Im no p qr st u v w x y z

'-iL m r c. rre1.1 uf 2 Prete,

\it mber correct ot .2 Po,t-test

l ,1 = t l,ttcr-,o fl i
\Luk tht 'c>tter tiel0\ hat the ,

d f j m k I b r v x cg n y p z h qt w s
:\lumber 1.:orret t of : I Prt'te,t
\umbe llll"Ttd ()f 21 1,t
( onsonant Sounds:
l :)tng the letters on the fol Ill\\ 111g page .hi-- the !:>tUJent to :sa\ t 11t ~ound t)f e,1ch letter \larl-. the ~,,und,
belO\\ th,1t the student doe-, not 1--nO\\

d fj m k I b r v x cg n y p z h qt w s
\lllrht' t,xre.:: J,\ t1f : l I Pre1e,t
\umber lOffet ! ot : I f\i--•-te,t

\o\\el '\ame~
L ,111- the lettt' ·'!, 011 the !'til!t)\\I '!.! p.1gc ,h~ the )t.. dc 11 t,1 -.,1\ the name L'f c:., 1 01·11,e, ,eh \ 1 • " t

let1er-, hdcn, 1h,1t 1he -,ll!dent Jo.:-, not knO\\

o a u e
\umh:r l't,rie.:t s t1 f .; ?rete,t
\umbc · u'rfi:l'l ,f.; P,,•-,e,t
\o\\ el Sounds:
l ,11 .! l "letter:) 1•11 the 1'11ll)\\lllg PJ~e J,k thi;: , ti Jent{,) -,a~ rhc.> ,hort ' l nJ ,,r~a,1 V t e \t' ,e'
\I irk 1he ,t\linJ, belt)\\ that the ,tude111 doe, not ~no\\

o a u e
\u111b~1 .:vm'l't 2 ,,t ~ Pret~,t
\.umber l1Jrre1.:t ,, 1 :; Pt,,t-te,t

\ \ \ \ , i i .... , , I. . 1 11 _ ""' 1I
THE SONDAY S~~JEM 1 - Pre- and Post-tests >r

Read Letter Names and Sounds

\tttLntr-.dJ"lth .. \.:nt:rn 1L J

d f J m k

I b r V X

C g n y p

z h q t w

\ O\\ els

• e
I 0 a u
.,,l',Y I NI: ::»ON . AY SYS . "f
q .·. .

Administering the IOTA Reading Test

, ronne.:

IOTA Rea I g Con ersion Cha rt

\ l de t , \~ l £1.

- Pre- and Post-tests
IOTA· Card 1

dig on Jack
dog saw tack

dug of sack

card for wend

cart who tend

Carl how send

11,YIITIIM- : - P r• and Po •M
IOTA· Card 2

blind done m ar e

bl ond one fare

choke a care

chuck •
nip pardon

sp ur t ta p ta rg et

sq ui rt to n pa rl or

re pa st gr ay tarnish

re qu es t chew
IOTA· Car d 3

as fo m pig

it a bed
to pod sung

left balk plea

- re- an os ests
Student Response Sheet
• , • J

\ \ )


,, l l

I l p,i,1 fil Jiu I ,,, f J

I. <11~


dus ' .

card \ j

can le

Carl -,end

2. blind mr

blond '1 1, ~ fJ ~

ch()ke !Jr .. Jrt-

chuck nip pard r:

:,purt t,1p ar -~

~Ljlll rt lJll ;.,arl r

repasi ~rn IJf"b"

requc.?,, d1c\\

3. as form p-

It b.tll ✓ b.J

!O pl)J v :.c r_

✓ left bJlk ✓ "e

\umrt:!r Correct Per..:ent<1..te Preie:,~


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