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February 29, 2008

Official Conspiracy Theory Called ‘dogma of

political correctness’
By Len Hart

Bush's approval rating of some 18 percent (give or take a gopper)

approaches zero. We're talking black holes and singularities here. This
historic plunge is traced to numerous hoaxes Bush pulled on the American
people: Iraq, the economy, a phony war on 'tehrruh', the GOPs elitist agenda.
Bush has gotten away with it because the GOP are trained to believe
whatever is repeated three times. Lately, Bush followers have surpassed the
high standards of Lewis Carroll, believing "as many as six impossible things
before breakfast." Among them is Bush's 'official conspiracy theory' of 911.
The causes officially given for the incidents are not a sufficient
explanation for what actually happened on that day, especially as
regards the logistics of this highly sophisticated operation and the
very advanced infrastructure required for it.
Instead of dealing with the contradictions and inconsistencies in the
official version of events and the numerous gaps in terms of the factual information, a
"dogma of political correctness" has been promulgated according to which 19 Islamic-
inspired Arab hijackers, directed by an elusive "Al-Qaeda" ("base"), succeeded in
carrying out the atrocities all by themselves.
--Scoop, Dr. Hans Koechler: 9/11 may have been an insider job
As Bush hangs by a thread, there is a list of indictments for which he could hang later. As the Bush
'vision thing' crashes and burns, an increasingly tiny band of loud mouthed GOP cultists, deniers of
science and logic, born again believers in fairy tales and miracles are left only their loud mouths and
astounding intellectual challenges. I am referring, of course, to gullible folk whose ancestors most
certainly burned witches in Europe and hanged them at Salem. In other words, the born again
believers in Bush's 'official conspiracy theory of 911'.
It makes no sense to believe a man about one thing when he has told nothing but lies about
everything else. What makes 911 different? As Dr. Hans Koechler points out, it has become 'politically
correct dogma'. As Ronald Reagan's 'trickle down theory' and 'fundamentalist Christianity' has done
for 'true believers', the 'official conspiracy theory of 911, relieves its 'true believers' of responsibility
for their 'sins' and places it with a 'rag tag band' of 'evil terrorists'. The GOP's faith in the 911
orthodoxy has become a secular religion, akin to their unquestioned belief in Christianity, a faith --not
a science --in which they are relieved of responsibility, forgiven all sins in exchange for merely
believing a 'dogma' for which there is not a shred of logic or fact in support. The 'terrorists' have
become Christ-like. They have borne America's collective guilt and died for our sins.
The good news is that we true skeptics have won this debate. Our case is logical and precise. As the
case against Bush grows stronger, that of Bush's authoritarian officialists grows more desperate, its
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partisans more shrill and nonsensical. When freepers, GOP hypocrites and 'bitter enders' descend
into utter lunacy, the debate is over. We win!
Among the more absurd fallacies indulged by Bush apologists is an attempt to 'spin' the Bush
administration's refusal to release all the photos taken of whatever it was that crashed into the
Pentagon. The attempt ignores the fact that the photos were ordered seized by the Bush
administration. With absurd circular fallacies, Bush officialists criticize 'us' for not having seen the
photos. That, of course, is precisely the problem and precisely our complaint. The photos, evidence of
a crime, were not released, in fact, covered-up in an act of obstruction of justice --a felony! There is
the very real possibility that all have been destroyed by now. Missing the point and mistaking
conclusions for premises, however, is to be expected from a political wing that most surely has more
idiots in it than is statistically normal!
Another idiocy typical of Bush partisans involves what firefighters called a 'punch out' hole in the
inner ring. Bush kiss ups, in a masterpiece of circular logic, claim that the hole cannot be evidence of
a missile because, uh... 'there is no evidence of a missile.' That this is said with a straight face is
evidence of the utter failure of the American educational system.
A theory --even stupid 'official theories' that are handed top from the top --must account for every
observed phenomenon. What Johnny Cochran said of a glove can be said of every theory: if it does
not fit, you must acquit! The 'official theory' fails that very first and critical test. Just as Newtonian
physics cannot account for the slowing of clocks at near light speeds, the official conspiracy theory of
911 does not, cannot explain the Pentagon punch-out hole, an observed phenomenon of which
photos were made. Contrary to what Bush officialists would have you believe, the 'hole' is evidence of
something and that 'something' is not a 757, of which there is nary a scrap.
Besides --Bush's brigade of official conspiracy theorists have stated on this blog that 757 airliners
--made of aluminum --simply vaporized, that is, turned into a gas upon hitting the Pentagon outer
wall at some 530 MPH. Lunacy!
The official conspiracy theorists simply cannot get their stories straight. Did the 757 vaporize? Or did
it manage to shrink sufficiently to create and 'get through' the tiny punch out hole in the inner ring?
Or --are we to believe that the hole has nothing to do with whatever it was that hit the Pentagon?
Perhaps, the hole is a portal into another dimension, the Twilight Zone, where airliners turn into
gasses, where evidence of something is evidence of nothing, and Alice is expected to believe six
impossible things before breakfast.
Though 911 is the GOP's last redoubt, I suspect Bush's warning of new terrorist attacks that would
make 911 'pale by comparison' didn't 'test' well by GOP poll takers and spin-meisters. The pollsters
should have interviewed Rudy Giuliani. As Guiliani's failed candidacy proves, the 'good ol' days' when
a GOP candidate need only raise the specter of impossible tower collapses to stampede a gullible
public are gone. Having lied about everything else, odds are Bush will never tell the truth about 911.
But, if Guiliani's experience is worth anything, we might look forward to hearing less GOP
demagoguery about 911. Trolls, however, have hot yet gotten the memo. The bullshit brigades are
even more annoying than a Ron Paul supporter at a precious metals convention. Certainly, platitudes
and fear tactics have a finite shelf life.
[T]he towers came straight down. Accordingly, the official theory, by implying that fire
produced collapses that perfectly mimicked the collapses that have otherwise been
produced only by precisely placed explosives, requires a miracle. [21]
--Why the Official Account Cannot Be True, David Ray Griffin
While only controlled demolitions are known to have exhibited the observed nature of the towers'
falls, other experts, of differing backgrounds, find other fatal flaws in the official conspiracy theory.
Dr. Hans Koechler has recently called the 'official conspiracy' theory a "dogma of political
correctness", characterizing the 'official theory' as one in which "19 Islamic-inspired Arab hijackers,
directed by an elusive "Al-Qaeda" ("base"), succeeded in carrying out the atrocities all by
themselves." But, of course, being superstition, it doesn't matter to Bush's ever dwindling base that
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none of the 'hijackers' were accomplished Cessna pilots. Miraculously, they flew airliners with
impossible precision. The official conspiracy theory is a fairy tale told to gullible goppers to make
them feel better about being greedy, self-absorbed goppers for whom America is superior to an
inferior world. The official theory relieves them of all responsibility for GOP policies which have over a
period of at least 30 years made terrorism worse. [See:Terrorism is Worse Under GOP Regimes] If the
'official conspiracy theory' had been designed to dull critical thinking abilities, it succeeded.
An update:
A structural engineer who was a member of the team assembled by the American
Society of Civil Engineers to investigate the World Trade Center site after 9/11 has
described numerous phenomena indicating extremely high temperatures suffered by
the WTC structural steel. This appears to be further evidence that high-temperature
explosives, such as thermate, were used to bring down the towers.
Dr. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl is a professor of civil and environmental engineering at the
University of California at Berkeley, who specializes in studying structural damage
done by earthquakes and terrorist bombings. He flew to New York on September 19,
2001 to conduct a two-week reconnaissance of the collapsed towers, hoping to gain an
understanding of how they'd come down. He was able to examine numerous pieces of
steel taken from Ground Zero. [1]
He said the towers were exceptionally well designed and built, describing the WTC as
"the best-designed building I have ever seen." [2] Yet the structural steel had suffered
unusual warping and other major damage:
• Astaneh-Asl said that steel flanges "had been reduced from an inch thick
to paper thin." [3]
• At a recycling center in New Jersey, he saw 10-ton steel beams from the
towers that "looked like giant sticks of twisted licorice." [4] He showed the San
Francisco Chronicle a "banana-shaped, rust-colored piece of steel" that had
somehow "twisted like toffee during the terrorist attack." [5]
• He noted the way steel from the WTC had bent at several connection
points that had joined the floors to the vertical columns. He described the
connections as being smoothly warped, saying, "If you remember the Salvador
Dali paintings with the clocks that are kind of melted--it's kind of like that." He
added, "That could only happen if you get steel yellow hot or white hot--perhaps
around 2,000 degrees." [6]
• In an interview in 2007, Astaneh-Asl recalled, "I saw melting of girders in
[the] World Trade Center." [7]
• He found a foot-long twisted shard of steel that was "like a piece of
bread, but it was high-strength steel." He commented, "I haven't seen anything
like this [before]." [8]
• He came across "severely scorched [steel] members from 40 or so floors
below the points of impact [by the planes]." [9]
• The fireproofing that had been used to protect the WTC steel also
showed evidence of extreme conditions. In some places it had "melted into a
glassy residue." [10]
• Astaneh-Asl saw a charred I-beam from WTC Building 7--a 47-story
skyscraper that collapsed late in the afternoon of 9/11, even though no plane
hit it. "The beam, so named because its cross-section looks like a capital I, had
clearly endured searing temperatures. Parts of the flat top of the I, once five-
eighths of an inch thick, had vaporized." [11]
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These observations indicate that the World Trade Center steel was subjected to very
high temperatures. Yet, while postulating that the towers collapsed due to fire (and
without the use of explosives), even Thomas Eagar--an engineering professor at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology--admitted, "The temperature of the fire at the
WTC was not unusual, and it was most definitely not capable of melting steel." [12]
One must conclude that the phenomena observed by Astaneh-Asl are therefore highly
suspicious. ...
Engineer Sees Evidence of Extreme Temperatures in WTC Steel

Authors Website:

Authors Bio: Len Hart is a Houston based film/video producer specializing in shorts and full-length
documentaries. He is a former major market and network correspondent; credits include CBS, ABC-TV
and UPI. He maintains the progressive blog: The Existentialist Cowboy

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