Week 10 Summary

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Castillo 1

Jacqueline Castillo

Professor Hugetz



Week 10 Summary

I honestly have not been working as much on my passion project. I have been bombarded

with way too many assignments for all of my classes and I can’t keep up. I’m trying my hardest

to finish but I don’t know if I am going to be able to do everything by Friday. I am honestly still

confused about what the passion project is because I cannot find the rubric or direct answers. I

am just doing the Weebly website like my support group. I am looking at their websites and

trying to copy whatever they are doing. I honestly do not think a passion project was particularly

necessary, but I do understand how it related to the class. The work for this class is not hard but

it is very time consuming. I feel like I speak for a lot of us when I say that we need more time,

but I understand that life is like that. Life will be full of work and to make it worse more work

will be added just when you think it couldn’t get any worse. This website is one of those things

where most likely no one can help because of the topic and my groups members are hard

workers but I do know they are overloaded with work as well and I would not like to take their

time away. I hope to finish by the deadline but I cannot confirm it right now.


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