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Castillo 1

Jacqueline Castillo

Professor Hugetz



Week 13 summary

To be honest, I am still confused and worried about my passion project. I don’t know if

everything that is supposed to be in there is in the website but I’m doing my best to try and work on it. I

am still not done and this week was really weird as it went by really fast. I had a lot of essays due and

instead of continuing to work on my english homework I spent that time on my essays and my

priortities. I feel like time is passing by really fast. One of my concerns is that we have the passion

project and the redux project and the portfolio. I don’t work on my passion project because I am

working on the redux or portfolio or vise versa. I can’t really focus or work to the best of my abilities on

one website because I am occupied with the other two. Hopefully I will try to work on it tommorow

since we have off.

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