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Going small for big Advances….





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Roll No: 07771A0426 Roll No :07771A0435

Nano scale devices used for

treatment of Cancer are based on the
constant study of cancer cells and
nanotechnology. Nanoscale devices
which are smaller than 50
At present there are wide varieties nanometers can easily enter most
of Technologies, which are vastly cells, while those smaller than 20
being used to analyze biological nanometers can move out of blood
cells to diagnose diseases and vessels as they circulate through the
develop methodologies to cure body.
diseases. One such technology is
‘Nanotechnology’. Because of their small size,
nanoscale devices can readily
A nanometer is a billionth of interact with biomolecules on both
a meter. It's difficult to imagine the surface of cells and inside of
anything so small, but think of cells. By gaining access to so many
something only 1/80,000 the width areas of the body, they have the
of a human hair. Ten hydrogen potential to detect disease and
atoms could be laid side-by-side in a deliver treatment in ways
single nanometer. Nanotechnology unimagined before now. Since
is the creation of useful materials, biological processes that lead to
devices, and systems through the cancer occur at the nanoscale at and
manipulation of matter on this inside cells, nanotechnology offers a
miniscule scale. The emerging field wealth of tools with new and
of nanotechnology involves innovative ways to diagnose and
scientists from many different treat cancer.
disciplines, including physicists,
chemists, engineers, and biologists. In our paper we design a device
that contains sensors, transceivers,
“Nanotechnology will change motors and a processor, which are
the very foundations of cancer made up of biodegradable
diagnosis, treatment, and compound. No more destruction of
prevention.” healthy cells due to harmful toxins
and radiations generated through amounts cause many problems to the
chemotherapy and radiation therapy. bodies of patients.

In general, the most common

methods used for the cancer
treatment are
� Chemotherapy, a treatment with
powerful medicines
INTRODUCTION: � Radiation therapy, a treatment
The paper deals with the given through external high energy
eradication of cancer cells by rays.
providing an efficient method of
destroying and curing the cancer so
that healthy cells are not affected in
any manner. This technology also
focuses on a main idea that the
patient is not affected by cancer
again. The purpose of using the RF
signal is to save normal cells.

Nanotechnology refers to the
interactions of cellular and
molecular components and
engineered materials at the most
elemental level of biology. This
paper emphasizes on the effective
utilization of Nanotechnology in the
treatment of cancer. PROBLEM
Both the treatments mentioned
above are harmful. Healthy cells are
WHAT IS CANCER? destroyed in the process. As a result,
Cancer cells are different from this leaves the patient very weak,
healthy cells because they divide causing him not able to recover
more rapidly than healthy cells. In quickly to medical treatments. It has
addition, when cells divide at an been proved that any individual who
accelerated rate, they form a mass of had cancer can survive on deadly
tissue called a tumor. These chemotherapy up to a maximum of
cancerous cells that come in excess
five years and after that it’s binding specific substrates- DNA
anybody’s guess. complementary to a specific gene
sequence, for example. Such micron
sized devices, comprising many
nanometer-sized cantilevers, can
PROPOSED SOLUTION detect single molecules of DNA or
The nano devices can be protein.
programmed to destroy affected
cells and kill only them, thus ending
the problem of destroying any
normally functioning cells which are
essential to one’s well-being. Thus
the treatment using nanotechnology
will make the affected man perfectly

”Noninvasive access to the

interior of a living cell affords
the opportunity for
unprecedented gains on both
clinical and basic research

Nano devices can provide As a cancer cell secretes its
rapid and sensitive detection of molecular products, the antibodies
cancer-related molecules by coated on the cantilever fingers
enabling scientists to detect selectively bind to these secreted
molecular changes even when they proteins. These antibodies have been
occur only in a small percentage of designed to pick up one or more
cells. different, specific molecular
expressions from a cancer cell. The
CANTILEVERS physical properties of the cantilevers
Nano scale cantilevers - change as a result of the binding
microscopic, flexible beams event. This change in real time can
resembling a row of diving boards - provide not only information about
are built using semiconductor the presence and the absence but
lithographic techniques. These can also the concentration of different
be coated with molecules capable of molecular expressions. Nano scale
cantilevers thus can provide rapid
and sensitive detection of cancer
related molecules.

Nano scale devices have the
potential to radically change cancer
therapy for the better and to
dramatically increase the number of
highly effective therapeutic agents.
Nano scale constructs, for example,
should serve as customizable,
targeted drug delivery vehicles
capable of ferrying large doses of In this example, nano particles
chemotherapeutic agents or are targeted to cancer cells for use in
therapeutic genes into malignant the molecular imaging of a
cells while sparing healthy cells, malignant lesion. Large numbers of
which would greatly reduce or nano particles are safely injected
eliminate the often unpalatable side into the body and preferentially bind
effects that accompany many current to the cancer cell, defining the
cancer therapies. anatomical contour of the lesion and
making it visible.
Nano scale devices have the
potential to radically change cancer These nano particles give us the
therapy for the better and to ability to see cells and molecules
dramatically increase the number of that we otherwise cannot detect
highly effective therapeutic agents. through conventional imaging. The
ability to pick up what happens in
the cell – to monitor therapeutic
intervention and to see when a
cancer cell is mortally wounded or is
actually activated – is critical to the
successful diagnosis and treatment
of the disease.
the body (or) the nano device is
injected through the blood vessel.
The positioning is done with the
help of mathematical calculations.
External Control signals could be
used to avoid mishap or any other

Nano particulate
technology can prove to be very
useful in cancer therapy allowing for
effective and targeted drug delivery The nano device is loaded with a
by overcoming the many biological, microchip. The device is also
biophysical and biomedical barriers provided with the compounds
that the body stages against a concealed so that it is initiated
standard intervention such as the externally through a computer. The
administration of drugs or contrast nano device contains sensors, motor,
agents. gene reader, processor, transceiver,
camera and power supply. The
location of the cancer cells is given
WORKING PROCEDURE: as coordinates in a 3-dimensional
point of view. This point is
The initial step of identifying considered as the reference and
the cancer and the location can be referred as (0, 0, 0)
done by scanning. Once the location
has been identified through
scanning, the task is to position the
nano device to the exact location.
We focus on the positioning of the
nano device into the required
location by itself. The nano device is
allowed to be placed into any part of
reference at a time. The motor fan is
placed in a particular direction for a
particular reference comparison.
After one of the axis is completed
and comparison is done, then the
next axis is being compared
followed by the third. Thus the three
co-ordinate comparison of the nano-
device results in any 3-Dimensional
orientation of the nano device and
results in exact positioning.

The output of the mathematical
operation is given to a driver circuit
(motor). The driver helps the device
to navigate through the blood with
precision in direction and with the
required speed. The device thus
should sample its new position with
POSITIONING the reference at a sampling rate. The
sampling rate is made such that their
value is less than the velocity of
blood flow.

The cancer killer could thus

determine that it was located in (say)
the big toe. If the objective were to
kill a colon cancer, the cancer killer
in the big toe would move to the
colon and destroy the cancer cells.
Very precise control over location of
the cancer killer's activities could
The nano device thus be achieved. The cancer killer
performs an internal calculation could readily be reprogrammed to
based on the difference between its attack different targets using
current position and the reference. acoustic signals while it was in the
Mathematical computations involve body.
such that only one axis is compared
between the nano device and the
Step1: Marking the co-ordinates.
Step2: Initialize the start With the available technology, a
command. camera is inserted which helps us to
Step3: Feed the axis. monitor the internal process.
Step4: Send command to emit Whenever multiple directions are
ultrasound. there in the blood vessel, the device
Step5: Wait for T seconds. is made to stop through the external
Step6: If there is no signal control signal and another signal is
reflected back (or) if the given to activate in the right
reflected signal is less than the direction.
threshold value, then activates the
stepper motor to rotate through a
certain distance. (Note: the distance
is proportional to one axis).
Step7: Subtract the axis value by
Step8: Continue from step4 to
step7 for both co-ordinates.
Step9: If the signal reflected back
is greater than the threshold value
then the motor is deactivated.
Step10: The motor (perpendicular
to motor1) is activated. The motor2
moves through one step thus making
the motor1 to change the axis.
Step11: The motor1 is allowed to
travel until next change is required.
Step12: Once the nano device
reaches the required spot, the motor
Current clinical ultrasound
is deactivated through external
scanners form images by
transmitting pulses of ultrasonic
Step13: Receives the RF radiation
energy along various beam lines in a
for T seconds that has been already
scanning plane and detecting and
calculated depending upon the
displaying the subsequent echo
intensity of tumor.
signals. Our imaging is based on the
absolute scattering properties and in
the frequency dependence of
scattering in tissues, which will help
to differentiate between normal and
abnormal cells.
The treatment tip contains the
IDENTIFICATION essential technology components
The nano device identifies the that transform RF to a volumetric
cancer cells using a gene reader. A tissue heating source. The heat
gene reader is a sensor which delivery surface transmits RF energy
contains ten to fifty DNA probes or to the cells. Tumors that have little
samples of cancer cells that are or no oxygen content (i.e. hypoxia)
complementary. The DNA detection also have increased resistance to
system generates an electronic radiofrequency radiation. Thus, due
signal whenever a DNA match to high resistance to radio frequency
occurs or when a virus causing radiation the affected cells get
cancer is present. Whenever we get heated and hence destroyed. The RF
a signal indicating the presence of carrier frequency is in the
cancer cells we go for further biomedical range (174 - 216MHz).
process. Once the device has been A pair of RF pulses is transmitted at
originally located, the next step is a frequency of about 1- 2Hz.
the destruction of the cancer cells.


We can remotely control the
behavior of DNA using RF energy. SYSTEM?
An electronic interface to the bio
molecule (DNA) can be created. RF Generally our immune system
magnetic field should be inductively attacks all the foreign particles
coupled to nano crystal antenna entering any part of our body. The
linked covalently to a DNA problem has been that such nano
molecule. The inductive coupling particles are similar in size to viruses
results to the increase in the local and bacteria, and the body has
temperature of the bound DNA, developed very efficient
allowing the change of state to take mechanisms to deal with these
place, while leaving molecules invaders. It is known that bacteria
surrounding the DNA relatively with hydrophilic surfaces can avoid
unaffected. The switching is fully being destroyed by immune system
reversible, as dissolved molecules and remain circulating in the body
dissipate the heat in less time for longer periods. To emulate this
duration. effect, our nano device can be
Thus RF signal generated outside coated with a polymer such as
the body can destroy the affected polyethylene glycol (PEG), which is
DNA. proved after the research?

As per our aim we have nanotechnology treatment. This can
proposed the usage of be very well used for other
nanotechnology and the RF signal dangerous diseases.
for the destruction of cancer cells.
This method doesn’t affect the BIBLIOGRAPHY
healthy cells such that the cancer Websites:
affected person is healthy after the 1.
treatment. This treatment doesn’t 2.
involve critical operations. This 3.
treatment will not take longer time 4.
as in any other treatments. Surely 5.
one day or the other cancer treated 6.
patient will be affected again in
treatments other than

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