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English Language 1 – Inst.

Superior New Start D-130

English Language 1 – Inst. Superior New Start D-130
English Language 1 – Inst. Superior New Start D-130
English Language 1 – Inst. Superior New Start D-130

Assignment N° 3: Revision of present and past tenses.

Class: 1st Course
Due date: 24th April.
Prof. Alzamendi Alejandra.

1) Complete the sentences. Use the time expressions and the present simple or present continuous
form of the verbs in brackets.
O Sally _______________ (hardly ever / wear) make-up or jewellery.
O Tim _______________ (dance)! It isn’t something he usually does at parties!
O Ian _______________ (not think) that tattoos are cool these days.
O I _______________ (not need) braces on my teeth. My teeth are fine.
O These days, more teenagers _______________ (have) cosmetic surgery. I don’t think it’s a
positive trend.
O I _______________ (usually / buy) clothes in retro shops.
O My sister _______________ (always / criticize) my choice of clothes! It really annoys me!
O Joe is tall but he _______________ (look) younger than his brother.
O I _______________(meet) Jack in town later. _______________ (you/ want) to come?
O We usually _______________ (walk) to school, but tomorrow we _______________(go) by bus.
I _______________ (love) theme parks, but the tickets _______________ (cost) a lot.
O My friends _______________ (not want) to play tennis because it _______________ (rain).
O _______________ (you / enjoy) this film? Or _______________ (you / prefer) comedies?
O I _______________ (not believe) Ben´s story. He _______________ (always/ invent) things.
O Why _______________ (you / laugh) ? I _______________ (not understand) the joke.
O I _______________ (catch) the train to London as soon as it_______________ (arrive).

2) Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in
A: I hear you are working (work) in a pub at the moment. What´s it like’
B: It is (be) fine, although it´s very hard work. I´m always tired, but I 1---------------------(not mind)
A:Is the money good?
B: No, not really, but I 2 --------------------- (like) the hours. You know I don´t like working early in the
A: Oh, yes. I 3 --------------------- (remember) now. You never used to get up before 11.00.
B: Well, I´m not like that now, but I certainly don´t like getting up before 9.00. Anyway, tell me about
you. What 4------------ you --------- (do) now?
A: I 5--------------------- (be) still a student. I 6 --------------------- (study) German at university. Actually, I
7--------------------- (work) quite hard at the moment because my exams are next week. I 8 -------------------
-- (want) to be a teacher when I finish at University.
B: Oh, well, good luck in your exams. I must go – I 9 --------------------- (start) work at 12.00 on Mondays
and I 10 --------------------- (not want) to be late. I 11--------------------- (not have) my car anymore, so I 12
--------------------- (cycle) everywhere at the moment.

3) Circle the correct option.

A ghost’s tale
O When I appeared / was appearing in the hotel last night, everybody was sleeping.
O When Mr Daniels walked / was walking out of the lift, I was flying along the corridor.
O While he opened / was opening the door to his room, Mr. Daniels saw me.
O The manager heard / was hearing the screaming while he was leaving the hotel.
O I was going to the hotel reception when the police arrived / were arriving.
English Language 1 – Inst. Superior New Start D-130

O I saw the sun rising while I went / was going to the graveyard to sleep.

4) Read the police statement from a cyclist who was in an accident. Complete it with the verbs from
the box in either the past simple or the past continuous tense.

Call / Cycle / Fall / Go / Happen / Have / Hit / Hurt / Lie / Say / Stop / Take / Turn

The accident happened at 5.55 p.m on 15th August. I _______________ home from work along Manning
Road. Suddenly a car _______________ past me and _______________ left. I _______________ not
_______________ time to stop, and _______________ the side of the car. I _______________ off my
bicycle, and I _______________ on the ground when the car _______________ and the driver got out.
He asked if I was OK. I _______________ “No” because my left leg _______________ a lot. He
_______________ an ambulance and it _______________ me to hospital.

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