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Why Joule Thompson effect is considered isenthalpic even though gas cools when expanded?

In thermodynamics, the Joule–Thomson effect describes the temperature change of a real gas or liquid when it is
forced through a valve or porous plug while keeping it insulated so that no heat is exchanged with the environment.
This procedure is called a throttling process or Joule–Thomson process.
H = U + PV

where U is internal energy, P is pressure, and V is volume. Under the conditions of a Joule–Thomson expansion, the
change in PV represents the work done by the fluid If PV increases, with H constant, then U must decrease as a
result of the fluid doing work on its surroundings. This produces a decrease in temperature and results in a positive
Joule–Thomson coefficient.
The question is how the Joule Thompson effect is isenthalpic when there is a change in temperature of the gas upon
Assume H, U, and V are the specific enthalpy, specific internal energy, and specific volume.
The net work done when a mass m of the gas expands
W = mV1P1 - m V2P2

as methane expands from P1VI to P2V2, it does a W amount of work.

From the first law of thermodynamics dU-dW = dQ
In an adiabatic process, dQ=0
So, dU = dW
Since dH = dU +PV
Therefore [mU2 -mU1] - [mV1P1 - m V2P2] =0
We can write, mH2-mP2V2 - mH1+mV1P1- mV1P1 + m V2P2 =0
This gives mH1 = mH2

Or, H1 = H2
You may still seek further clarification how there is no change in enthalpy but the gas cools on expansion
The reason is both mass and energy are conserved. Only a part of the kinetic energy on expansion converts to work
energy and that reduction in KE cools the gas.
An adiabatic expansion is approximated as reversible and therefore isentropic since there is no heat transfer to the
surrounding. It is the heat transfer [change] to surrounding makes a process irreversible because you can restore
the system into the initial position but not the surrounding.

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