Entropy Question by Atul. P. Singh

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Statement 1. Entropy is a measure of disorder in a system.
Statement 2. If we consider Boltzman statement
S=K log(W) where K is the most probable state of the system.
Now, if shake a bottle that contains water (considering water as a system) does shaking lead to
entropy change of the system, if we consider statement no.1?
If a change occurs what will be the governing equation?
Entropy is also a state function. Qualitatively, entropy is simply a measure of how much the energy of atoms
and molecules becomes more spread out in a process. Entropy is also the subject of the Second and Third laws
of thermodynamics, which describe the changes in the entropy of the universe with respect to the system and
surroundings, Entropy always increases.
There are four specific situations when entropy increases

[1] Entropy increases in processes in which solid or liquid becomes gas. Entropy also increases when a solid
becomes liquid.
[2] Entropy increases when a substance is broken up into multiple parts. The process of dissolving increases
entropy because the solute particles become separated from one another when a solution is formed.
[3] Entropy increases as temperature increases. An increase in temperature means that the particles of the
substance have greater kinetic energy. The faster-moving particles have more disorder than particles that are
moving more slowly at a lower temperature.
[4] Entropy generally increases in a process that generates more molecules that the initial number
Coming to your question, “Now if shake a bottle which contains water (considering water as system) does
shaking leads to entropy change of the system”
The answer is no assuming there is no change in temperature and pressure..
Boltzman statement S=K log(W) where K is the most probable state of the system.

S=k*log(W) is a mathematical definition of entropy given by Boltzmann. Entropy (S) is - loosely speaking - the
amount of disorder or chaos in a system. That is related to the number of ways that the system could be
arranged (W) as expressed above, where k is just a constant (aptly named Boltzmann's constant).
At constant temperature, pressure, and volume shaking or no shaking water can organize only in one way,,
therefore, W=1, therefore S=0

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