Electromagnetic Waves in Bounded Open Media: Cristian Villegas

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Electromagnetic Waves in Bounded Open Media

Made by:

Cristian Villegas.




Omar Leonardo Leyton.


Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia (UNAD).


Teoría Electromagnética y Ondas.


08 – 04 – 2020.

Santa Marta D.T.C.H.


The present work deals with basic and fundamental concepts for the development of the
course electromagnetic theory and waves in addition to associating the importance of the
topics of the course according to the training of each student either electronic engineering
or telecommunications. In this unit, we will approach the concepts of physics and
electromagnetism, to determine the behavior of electromagnetic wave when propagated in
bounded open media, using mathematical methods to solve application exercises.
Activities to Develop

For the development of this activity, explore in the Knowledge Environment, in Unit 2, the
bibliographical reference of Chen, W. (2005), on pages 519-524, Wiley, J. y Sons Ltd.
(2003), on pages 31-51 and supplement with the aids generated by the tutor within the
forum, to solve the following consultation and application exercises:

a) What are the modes of propagation of electromagnetic waves?

The propagation modes refer to each of the possible configurations adopted by the
electromagnetic waves that travel through the waveguide. A mode of propagation
is characterized by satisfying certain boundary conditions. In theory, there are an
infinite number of modes of propagation and each has its cutoff frequency from
which it exists. The propagation modes depend on the wavelength, its polarization
and the dimensions of the guide. As each mode has an associated cutoff
frequency, the frequency of the signal to be transmitted must be greater than the
cutoff frequency, thus the electromagnetic energy will be transmitted through the
guide without attenuation. The transverse modes are classified as follows:

 TE (Electric Transverse): There is no component of the electric field in the

propagation direction.
 TM (Magnetic Transverse): There is no component of the magnetic field in the
propagation direction.
 TEM (Transverse Electromagnetic): There is no component of the electric
and magnetic field in the propagation direction.
 Hybrid modes are those where there are components of the electric and
magnetic field in the direction of propagation.

b) What does it mean to polarize an electromagnetic wave?

Electromagnetic polarization is a property of waves that can oscillate in more than

one orientation. In an electromagnetic wave, both the electric field and the
magnetic field are oscillating, but in different directions; both perpendicular to each
other and perpendicular to the wave propagation direction; Maxwell's equations
model this behavior. Usually it is decided by agreement that for the study of
electromagnetic polarization, exclusively the electric field is taken into account,
ignoring the magnetic field, since the magnetic field vector can be obtained from
the electric field vector, since it is perpendicular and proportional to it.
c) What is the phenomenon of total reflection of an electromagnetic wave?

When waves of any kind hit a flat barrier like a mirror, new waves are generated
that move away from the barrier. This phenomenon is called reflection. When light
is reflected by a surface, a percentage of that light is lost due to the absorption
phenomenon. The relationship between reflected light and incident light is called
surface reflectance. Any surface that is not completely black can reflect light. The
amount of light that reflects and the way in which said light is reflected is
determined by the reflection properties of the surface. Four types of reflections are
distinguished, namely: specular reflection, composite reflection, diffuse reflection
and mixed reflection. Reflective systems are based on these reflection properties.

d) What is the phenomenon of total refraction of an electromagnetic wave?

Refraction is the change in direction and speed that a wave undergoes when
passing from one medium to another with a different refractive index. It only occurs
if the wave impinges obliquely on the separation surface of the two media and if
they have different refractive indices. Refraction originates from the change in the
propagation speed of the indicated wave. An example of this phenomenon is seen
when a pencil is immersed in a glass of water: the pencil appears broken.
Refraction also occurs when light passes through layers of air at different
temperatures, on which the refractive index depends. Mirages are produced by an
extreme case of refraction, called total reflection. Although the phenomenon of
refraction is frequently observed in electromagnetic waves such as light, the
concept is applicable to any type of wave.

e) What is the purpose of Snell's Law in the study of the propagation of waves?

Snell's law is a simple formula used to calculate the angle of refraction of light as it
passes through the separation surface between two means of different refractive
index. Snell's law consists of a formula that is particularly used to achieve the
calculation of the angle of refraction of light when it passes the separation surface
that exists between two media that have a different index of refraction. Although
Snell's law was formulated to explain the refraction phenomena of light, it can be
applied to all types of waves crossing a surface of separation between two media
in which the speed of propagation of the wave varies.
Application Exercise:
For the development of the following exercises, note that ¿ corresponds to the group
number and CCC to the first 3 digits of the identification number.
mW /m ¿
1) An electromagnetic wave of f =38 MHz and P+¿=120 1
, incident from the air
(η1 =120 πΩ), perpendicular to an infinite wall with an intrinsic impedance
η2=108 Ω. Calculate the reflected power P−¿
¿ +¿¿
and the transmitted power P2 to the

Figure 1: Propagation of “normal

wave” in infinite medium.

Reflection Coefficient:

η2−η1 108 Ω−120 πΩ 108−377 −269

Γ= = = = =−0.55
η2+ η1 108 Ω+ 120 πΩ 108+377 485
Reflectance: R=|Γ| =(−0.55 )2=0.3025∗100 %=30.25 %

Transmittance: T =1−R=1−0.3025=0.6975=69 .75 %

Reflected Power:

Transmitted Power:

mW /m ¿
2) An electromagnetic wave of f =38 MHz and P+¿=1201
, coming from a wave
generator located 12 cm from the wall, which impinges from the air (η1 =120 πΩ) ,
perpendicularly on a wall with an intrinsic impedance η2=108 Ω and 20 cm thick.
The wall is made of a non-magnetic and non-dissipative material. On the other side
of the wall is a receiver located 20 cm away.

Figure 2: Propagation of “normal

wave” in finite medium.

a) Calculate the coefficient of reflection and

transmission seen by the generator.

Let us assume that the intensity

provided as data is what affects the wall, at the interface of the air with the wall,
the reflection coefficients ρ and transmission τ , depending on the intrinsic
impedances they are:

Z 2−Z 1
Z 2+ Z 1

2 Z2
τ =1+ ρ=
Z2 + Z 1

Replacing with the data provided is:

108 Ω−377 Ω
ρ= =−0.55
108 Ω+377 Ω
2∗108 Ω
τ =1+ ρ= =0.44
108 Ω+377 Ω

The negative sign of the reflection coefficient indicates that the reflected wave
will be 180 ° out of phase with the incident.
However, in terms of the incident and reflected powers we have the Fresnel
coefficients of reflection R and transmission T:
R=|ρ| = (−0.55 )2=0.3025
T =1−R=1−( 0.55 ) =0.6975

Therefore, the Reflection Coefficient is 0 . 3025 and the Transmission

Coefficient is 0.6975.

b) Determine in % and [ mW /m 2 ] the power that is transmitted to the receiver.

As for the wall, it is made of non-magnetic and non-dissipative material, so that

during the course of the wall the wave does not undergo attenuation. Only the
decrease in intensity with distance is taken into account. The intensity that is
transmitted to the wall is:
2 2
mW /m =83 mW /m ¿
Ptp 0=T∗P+¿=0.6975∗120

The intensity that enters the wall assuming that the antenna is a point source
and transmits in all directions is:

Ptp 0=
4 π r 21

Moreover, the one that reaches the other side is:

Ptp 1=
4 π r 22
It remains as a relationship between the power that enters the wall and that
which reaches the end of it, the start of the wall is 12 cm from the source and
the end of it at 1 2 cm+20 cm=32cm .

Ptp1 r 21 2
( 12 cm )
= = =0.1406
P tp0 r 22 (12 cm+20 cm )2

Therefore, the intensity that reaches the second interface is:

Ptp 1=0.1406∗83 mW /m 2=11.66 mW /m 2

Now we calculate the transmission coefficient of the second interface to find

how much power passes to the other side of the wall:

Z 2−Z1 2 108 Ω−377 Ω 2

T =1− ρ2=1− ( ) (
Z 2 +Z 1
108 Ω+377 Ω )

Now the power coming out of the wall is:

Ptp 2=R∗P tp1=0.307∗11.66 mW /m2 =3.58 mW /m2

Since the receiver is 20 cm away, there is another intensity attenuation due to

distance if we assume that the wavefronts are still spherical:

Pr r 22 2
( 32 cm )
= 2= =0.3786
P tp1 r 3 ( 32 cm+20 cm )2

Therefore, the received power is:

Pr =0.3786∗3.58 mW / m2=1.35 mW /m 2

The power transmitted to the receiver is 1 .35 mW /m 2 or 0 .6 % of the incident

power on the wall.
3) An electromagnetic wave propagates through several media as shown in the

Initially the ray travels through the ice layer striking the air layer at point B, forming
an angle of θa =44.9 ° . Using Snell's Law, calculate systematically the total path of
the wave to determine the value of "d". Note that each layer is 108 mm thick and
that at point C there is a total refractive effect, so it is necessary to identify which
material is in layer 3 by calculating its refractive index.

Figure 3: Propagation of “oblique

wave” in finite media.

For the first part of the exercise, I consider

the following graph:

N 1 → Ice
N 2 → Air

The angle that I have is with respect to the horizontal θa which is 44.9 ° therefore I
look for the angle with respect to the normal θa

90 °−44.9 °=45.1 °

Taking into account the general formula of Snell's law. I find the angle of refraction
in medium two (air).

η1 sin θa=η2 sin θb

Replace values, bearing in mind that the refractive index of ice is 1.31 and that of
water is 1.

1.31∗ ( sin 45.1 )=1 sin θ

1.31∗( sin 45.1 )

=sin θ b

0.928=sin θb

θb =sin−1 0.928

θb =68.12°

The angle of refraction with respect to normal in air is 68.12 °

Now I find the distance between point B and normal.

I have two angles: one of 90 ° , and one of 68.12 °, the sum of the three angles must
be 180 °, therefore:

180 °−90 °−68.12°=21.88

I have the following triangle:

By means of the function:


C a Clearance, replacement and operation:

C a=
tan θ

C a=
tan ( 21.88 )

C a=268.93 mm

The distance
between point B and
normal is 268 . 93 mm

In medium three, we
analyze the angles
as follows:

N 2 → Air

I have an angle of 68.12 ° to this is subtracted 90 °

90 °−68.12 °=21.88 °

Then we would have the angle

θc =21.88°
θb =68.12°

We find N 3:

η2 sin θb=η3 sin θ c

Clearance N 3

η 2 sin θb
η3 =
sin θc

Replacement and operate:

1∗sin ( 68.12 )
η3 =
sin ( 21.88 )

η3 =2.49

Now find the distance between the normal and point C, taking into account:
By means of the function:


C a Clearance, replacement and operation:

C a=
tan θ

C a=
tan ( 68.12 )

C a=43.37 mm

The distance between point B and normal is 43 . 37 mm

In medium four, I have Refractive index of N 3=2.49 and N 4 ( crystal ) =1.6, I have
the angle of incidence that is 21.88 as shown in the diagram:

N 3 →2.49
N 4 → ( crystal )

Using Snell's law, we calculate:

η3 sin θc =η 4 sinθ d

Clear angle, replace and operate:

η3 sinθ c
sin θd =

2.49∗sin ( 21.88 )
sin θd =

sin θd =0.58

θd =sin−1 0.58

θd =35.45 °

I look for the distance between point D and normal.

180 °−90 °−35.45 °=54.55 °

By means of the function:


C a Clearance, replacement and operation:

C a=
tan θ

C a=
tan ( 54.55 )
C a=76.89 mm

The distance between point D and the normal point is 76 . 89 mm

The total distance d will be:

d=268. 93 mm+ 43.37 mm+76.89 mm



In this activity, one could glimpse each of the concepts that will be learned in the course of
electromagnetic and wave theory, such as the behavior of electromagnetic waves when
propagated in delimited open media. The theoretical and practical concepts that we
learned in this course are of vital importance for the development of professional practice,
whether in the area of electronics or telecommunications, since both require the analysis
of signals and their applications.

 Wiley J. & Sons Ltd. (2003). Electromagnetic Wave Propagation. Fixed Broadband
Wireless. (pp. 31-51). Recovered from https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?

 Woodwell, G. (2016). Reflection and Refraction. Salem Press Encyclopedia of

Science. Recovered from https://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co/login?
 Chen, W. (2005). The Electrical Engineering Handbook. Boston: Academic Press,
(pp. 519-524). Recovered from http://bibliotecavirtual.unad.edu.co:2048/login?

 Gutiérrez, W. (2017). Snell Law [Video]. Recovered from


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