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1 GRAMMAR verb be], subject pronouns a Complete column 1 with words from the list. Then write the contractions in column 2. she are they is | are is Full form b Complete the sentences with ‘m, ‘s, or ‘re, “Hello. You! in my class anal. ©. Thursday. « ‘My name's Bond. James Bond. Tan Fleming, British writer q © Complete the conversations with a subject pronoun (/, She, etc.) and ‘m, ‘s, or ‘re. 1. A What's your phone number? B its 314 892. 2A How are you? B fine, thanks. 3 Alex and Beth are students, University in London. at 4 A Is Anna in your salsa class? B No, ___in my English class! 5 Hil I'm Monika. my partner 6 This is Mark. your teacher. 7 A Are you and Olver in Class 2? B No, in Class 3. PRONUNCIATION vowel sounds, word stress Write the words in the chart. thre 1.1 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. Underline the stressed syllable in these words. 1 sandwich 6 good bye 2 tenis 7 email 3 eighteen 8 internet 4 thirteen 9 computer 5 basketiball 10 hotel 1.2 Listen and check. Then listen again and repeat the words. 3 VOCABULARY days of the week, numbers 0-20 d_ Complete the words with a, ¢, i, 0, or u a Put the letters in order to make days of the week. Remember to start with a CAPITAL LETTER. 1 arsaydut 2 nyauds 3 rdytusa odryma dfaryi dsyeeawnd euasdty Continue the series. 1 five, sx, 2 six, eight, ten, 3 sixteen, seventeen, t 4 five, seven, nine, Complete the sentences with days of the week or numbers ——~ t 5 No, the cl_ss is on T__sd_y, not M_nd_y! AL 15:00- 1 Thave classes on Monday. 2 Ihave six classes on 3 thave clas on Wednesday. I have five classes on 5 Ihave classes on Friday. 6 Ihave two classes on One world heiae aera En) EE VOCABULARY countries, d_ Write the numbers in words. numbers 21-100 Complete the chart with countries and nationalities. ‘Country [Nationality ie epee TE Net ages] riey Cache z Brazilian aioe | a 36928 t Tesh 7 a | ; at a Mexico : er xe a 2 Scotland 6 Polish a = z a a mete : witzerlan i 4 3 the USA a —_— ep Turkish in 5. Chloe is from the USA, She's these words, 6 Fiat cars are Italian. They're from —__ Atriea 5 Eu 7. Gazpacho is from Spain. tts 2 China 6 Poland 8 We're Scottish. We're from 3 Germany 7 tally 9 Omar and Laila are from Egypt. They're ___— 4 lreland 8 Japan 1 Vm Czech, 'm from the = “aaa b_ @1.3 Listen again and repeat the words. Complete the sentences with a continent. Se ¢ @ 1.4 Listen and éircle the word with a different sound. 2 Argentina isin S__ A 3. The Czech Republic isin E_ 4 a 5 The USA is in N A - ~ 6 Sydney isin A 2 Czech English French Sp stones 3 2h sin owe : t dd @1.4 Listen again and repeat the words. GRAMMAR verb be [=| and a Re-order the words to make questions. 1 your/'s / name / What? What's your 2 she / Where /'s/ from? 3. America / from / they / South / Are? 4 Spain / you / Are / from? 5 from/he/ Poland / 1s? 6 five from / we / Are / in? b Match these answers to the questions in a. 2 Yes, heis i bb She's from Italy, No, 'm not. d Yes, they are @ Michael d_ Complete the conversation. Write the questions. F No, we aren't A "What's your name? - ¢ Complete B's sentences. B My name's Dani a : rere Say ee 3 the Ceech Republi B pest re ia : omens B tm fe Guadorah Mein i B We aren't in room 219, we're in room 309. AS __ ee eee cena nein Bas recive ma 3 A He's German. A ‘Where 7 5 Je Bb pacioow ran na tic octanes core po eed 2 ct : Bn cies vet coon RRGSNEr eguhsiescmeh = A ae e Answer the questions about you. SA Spe rth rere eee ° al rae es oe aera q Ia cca rn France 3 Where ae you om? es Italy. cy elie aleauing TEA Van Scttah ceca aca BB tha tngo is eraiden Spee aa C Aiea Came) tts the toacher that makes the What's your email? ess ee Ps oossesve aaron myo. 61 SAACAET IS 1 VOCABULARY classroom language a CirclSEVEN more classroom objects. Ee o Nor 9Uy Se ler ak }e we 1 v aoe ce Slap AY GO 1ch BHA, \iceeor Mir Ul ak Hewe ATL tu N oD Ate De O Cloak M° P Mi eect ase Ave 8 ee UCase Eee o-oo | 2 PRONUNCIATION /2u, /us/, ia), ClabWaaicla Cia aes. JUSS the alphabet b> Match 1~12 to aI to make classroom phrases. a @1.5 Listen and éircle the word with a different vowel sound. 2 Close _{_ b to page 25. iz ee me os cece de ere a ca 5 Listen e down, MX | oot |2 two South you 7 Read as g your mobile. er Hi A Set et Reet ieee b @1.5 Listen again and repeat the words. ¢ Complete the classroom language sentences. @ an repeat the w« 1) Ideecineterstanel © @1.6 Listen and Circle the letters with a different vowel sound, 2s "mae 3 Canth ‘a copy, pl = fe fat | mee | i 4 How do yous 2 m | 2 & 5 wh i f paoe i 6-H doyou say hoa in Engle paseo cise ss 7 C______you help me, pl rae, q 2 8 Sorry, canyour that, pl ioay H si F 9 Ionia ues i d_ @1.6 Listen again and repeat the words / letters 3 GRAMMAR possessive adjectives d_ Circle the correct word. a Complete the chart. ‘A What's 'you /GouPfirst name? ea 5 B Gisele | Subject pronouns Possessive adjectives ‘A What's “you / yoursurname? o ‘my B Brage Z your A Where are *you / your from? a 2 areal B I'm from Sao Paulo. | ascaeeaEe ie USE [lc cae ‘A What's “you / your address? = Suey aaa B Avenida Paulista, 9800. ‘A What's Syou / your postcode? _ E | B 01311-300 you =I “a ‘A What's “you / your email address? a their B eraeaehiy--peeeaeeerea a A What's "you / your phone number? b Complete the sentences with a possessive adjective. B 35233783 rn se A How lay ou 2 name's Edward. He's from Australia 3 Were students, — teachers from the USA Peter esac atoren 4 I'm Scottish Geis pom Glare, Wit til eaneee 5 k's an Italian restaurant name is La Dolce Vito are 1 My firstname is 6 A What's phone number? ge mobile number? I's 07800 73027: of B My mobile number? k's 07800 730273 iwi 7 They're lish surname's O'Neil ¢ Write sentences with possessive adjectives: my, your, etc. Bin 4 My address 5 Rosie 6 Mareand 7 | 8 You and your Maria friends 1 b's my phone. i ae 2 It’s your z= 3 its - es H = Spe eee pe Sasi ata aA TE: sre! Caaminmanas)(Geeienomonne) Ok 1 VOCABULARY in a hotel Complete the words. ie & oe 0 1 the lif, a 4 theb, 2as room 5 3ad room 6 the gr fl 2 CHECKING IN a Complete the sentences with words from the list. ave key lift moment right sign spell you Ihave _a reservation. 1 2 Can you here, please? 3 The __ is over there. 4 Thank 5 Can you ___ that, please? 6 That's 7 Here's your 8 Justa b_ Complete the conversation with the phrases in a. ‘A Good evening, sir. B Hello. "Ihave areservation __. My name's Car! Zimmerman oon 2 BZLMM-ERMAN. A Trank you. For three nights? B Yes. ‘A Can | have your passport, please? Bt Here you are, A Thank you. © 2 Thank you. W's ream 403, on the fourth floor Enjoy your stay, Mr Zimmerman. 1 practise the Practical English Phra: Practical English Arriving in London BEATE Benes 3 WOULD YOU LIKE. Look at the pictures. Complete the conversations. @e 1 ~@o Would you like a coffee? Yes, please a> Would you 2 No, Would x 4 SOCIAL ENGLISH 1g words in the 1A Hello? B Hello, this, is David Barnsley. 2 A Where are you from? B I'm fram Boston. What a you? 3A Sorry B Nopr. 4 A Helio? B sth Tom? 5 A Are you on holiday? B No. I'm here on b 6 A Is 10.30 OK for you? B Yes, that's p 7 A Would you like another drink? B No thanks. I'st for bed ‘Can you remember...? 1 1 GRAMMAR Complete the sentences with one word. 1 Are 2 Milan north 3 Please tum off 4 They from New Zealand. They're Australian 5 I'm 19. How old are 2 6 ____your teacher English or American? you from France? in the south of aly. t's in the matile phone. 2 VOCABULARY ircle the word that is different. Monday Wednesday (Frane® Saturday four nineteen eleven today thirteen forty seventy ninety Polish Mexico italy Russia China Europe Spain Turkey Japanese Irish Swiss Germany listen understand answer door 1 2 . 4 5 6 7 ei 3 PRONUNCIATION Circle the word with a different sound. desk repeat table chair 1 he (hi) please me sa bike 31 five his my 2 bye eight say they phone 4 de knew mobile Poland 4 GRAMMAR & VOCABULARY Read about the people. Circlela, b, or ¢. SEERA" aaa CLASS PROFILE: CLASS A se This is Suk to, Yokohama in Japan. Yokohama? F cty south of Tokyo. Suk! is 25 2 emall adress ie eitomalicom a student from 4 | Enzo and Vitor“ students, too. They're *__, from Salvador in the east of the country. © surame is Oliveira, 1" English. 'm from Edinburgh in®__. Suki, Enzo and Vitor are my students, and" __ very good! name is Susan McGuirre. ‘'m an English teacher, but ARS Tals b He's © She's 2a am bis © are 3a Her b His c ks 4a am bis © are 5 a Spain b Broslian Brazil 6a Their b Your © His Tal b Her © My 8 a ‘mnot b notbe. © amno 9 a Scotland — Irish © Scottish 10 a he's b theyre © she's (Geode wsaciornens) Al

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