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Internet of Things: Overview, Sources,

Applications and Challenges

Chapter · January 2016

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-29504-6_7


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6 authors, including:

Nour Oweis Hussein Soori

VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava


Vaclav Snasel
VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava


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Internet of Things: Overview, sources, applications and

Nour E. Oweis1, Claudio Aracenay2, Waseem George1, Mona Oweis3, Hussein Soori1,
Vaclav Snasell
1Facultyof Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Department of Computer Science
and IT4Innovations, VŠB-Technical University of Ostrava,17.Listopadu 15/2172, 708 33
Ostrava - Poruba, Czech Republic.
2Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Chile Santiago, Chile
3Department of Computer Science, Middle East University, Amman, Jordan

Abstract. Nowadays, Internet of Things (IoT) is growing rapidly. Billions of de-

vices are expected to be associated in the coming future. Smart and sensing de-
vices have impacted the Big Data area through huge data generation and gather-
ing during the communication between new physical object. The challenges in
this communication process can be seen in the necessity to handle huge amount
of data that can serve different purposes in various fields such as, medical, social,
commercial, industrial and scientific fields. This study aims at presenting some
of the most recent advances in IoT. We divided the study into four main parts:
short history, Big Data concept, IoT sources (hardware and software), and finally
some challenges and future expectations. The objective of the study is to give
readers an updated description of the IoT and its impact on Big Data.

Keywords: Internet of Things; Big Data; smart devices; Internet of Things ap-


Currently there are more than two billion users of smart technologies including smart
phones, home, city, business and entertainments applications [1, 3]. These smart object
facilities allow machines to communicate with or without user intermediary means
which leads to the term known as the IoT. However, all these modern techniques are
creating a huge amount of structured, semi-structure and unstructured data which even-
tually leads to the increase in data capacity, variety of storage and processing systems.
S. Haller et al. [2] define the term IoT as: "a world where physical objects are seam-
lessly integrated into the information network and where the physical objects can be-
come active participants in business process".
We divide this study into four main sections: the first section is review and short
history of IoT. The second section reviews the main concept of Big Data and its relation
to IoT. The third section involves IoT sources (hardware and software). The fourth sec-
tion review two main IoT challenges: data mining and security.


IoT is not new to computer science, yet it has taken a new paradigm that combines the
huge amount of smart objects - that are widely growing, their ability to be remotely
connected - and data sharing from several resources.
In 1990 the first things was born and known as the Internet Toaster by John Romkey
and Simon Hackett in their first connected Toaster device powered by the Internet. Af-
ter that in 1991, Interop added a small robotic to pick up a slice of bread into the toaster
to be a full automating machine [4].
Ten year later in 1999, the Internet Toaster was connected to the Internet. The name
of the IoT has been widely known when Kevin Ashton coined the term Internet of things
[5]. In the same year, Dr Andy Stanford-Clark of IBM, and Arlen Nipper of Arcom
(now Eurotech) introduced the first machine-to-machine protocol for connected devices
which is called (MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT)) [6, 7].
One year later, LG Company announced plans for the first refrigerator connected to
the Internet known as LG Internet Refrigerator [8]. Nowadays, after more than 40 years
of Internet emergence, more than 20 years of the birth of Internet Toaster, and more
than ten years after the coinage of the term Internet of Things, 13 billion devices are
connected worldwide (2 devices per person) and by 2020, 50 billion devices are ex-
pected to be connected to the Internet (6 devices per person) [9]. In the next section Big
Data concept and characteristics are presented with their relation to the IoT.


Massive set of data that is so large and complex to be managed by traditional processing
applications lead to what is known as Big Data. The term Big Data includes a huge,
complex, and abundant structured, semi-structure and unstructured, as well as, hidden
data that are generated and gathered from several fields and resources. Gartner define
the term Big Data as, " high-volume, high-velocity and high-variety information assets
that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced
insight and decision making"[10]. Big Data can be categorized by its 6Vs characteris-
tics (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, Viability and Value) [11, 12, 13, 14].
IoT is considered the most important source of Big Data, including the hardware
devices, and software application. The following section presents the IoT hardware and
software that cover the structure of the IoT.
4 IOT Sources (Hardware and Software)

Recently, there are many new IoT hardware devices and software applications that are
already deployed and widely spared, some of them will be mentioned in the following

4.1 IOT Hardware

In today's digital world, there are huge amount of datacenters such as SAPs. This kind
of huge and organized datacenter comes with a high tech building, security measures
certificates, and cloud-solutions of Big Data [15].
Another example is WSN where there are multiple sensors interacting together for
collecting data stream and sending these data to the distributed or centralized system
for store, process, and analytics [16]. An example of WSN is a project in Chicago state
called the Array of Things Project where they spread the WSN nodes all over the city
parts. This makes the city healthier, more livable, and more efficient. Some additional
eight nodes will be deployed along Michigan Avenue in Spring 2015 [18].
RFID Tags is a short range communication technology within one way transmission
data with unpowered tags by using radio communication signal [19]. For example,
Electronic Fuel Delivery System (EFDS) in Hung Gong, powered by Empress TM2.4
GHz Active RFID. The EFDS was developed to help oil companies enhance energy
consumption efficiency. Another example of the RFID tags is the E-invoices which are
issued instead of paper invoices annually. The Ministry of Finance of Taiwan set out to
improve environmental conditions on the East Asia Island. According to Taiwan Fiscal
Information Agency, in 2013, the state was issuing more than 8 billion E-invoices in a
year which is equivalent to 80,000 trees and 3,200 tons of CO2 emissions. E-invoices
issued by the Ministry of Finance of Taiwan was awarded the RFID Green Award by
RFID Journal 2014 because it has demonstrated the best use of RFID technology to
improve the environment and increase recycling or enhance sustainability. Electronic
invoice applies RFID technology and multi devices to replace paper invoices, signifi-
cantly reducing unnecessary paper waste and carbon dioxide emissions and revealing
the key factor of winning the award [20].
NFC tags is a development technology of RFID Tags with a short range communi-
cation technology within two way transmission data in very short distances and unpow-
ered tags by using radio communication that are widely commonly used in several ap-
plications and smart devices such as smart phone, smart travel, smart home, smart se-
curity, smart door, smart posters, electronic payment, smart fitness keychains, business
and student cards, etc. [17].
Cloud computing is a highly feasible technology and attracts a large number of re-
searchers to develop it and try to apply it on Big Data problems. At present, there are a
huge number of cloud computing storage devices such as Google cloud and Drop box
[21, 22].
Smart city is one of the most researched areas based on the application of the IoT
data. The U.S. Miami-Dade County is one example. This project is a cooperation be-
tween Miami-Dade County in Florida and IBM company in which they closely connect
35 types of key county government departments and Miami City that reduce the water
consumption by 20% and intelligent policing helping police departments reduce the
time taken for officers to identify leads, investigate crimes and remove barriers to in-
formation sharing with other law enforcement agencies [14, 23].
Smart phones are cell phone hybrid with digital computing capabilities to allow users
to interact worldwide with latest technologies and techniques. Nowadays, mostly eve-
ryone has a touch screen smart phone/s that allow access to the Internet with all of its
facilities. It is predicted that by 2018, each smart phone is expected to generate 2 GB
of data monthly [24, 25].
After we described hardware and its extensive uses by smart and sensing device with
some examples, in the next subsection, we review the different aspects related with
software in the field of IoT.

4.2 IOT Software

Today, Internet technology allows the communication of almost every kind of devices,
such as sensors or even appliances. For supporting all these structures, we, generally
speaking, need operating systems, protocols, applications and platforms. This will be
briefly described in this section to satisfy the requirements needed for each specific

4.2.1 IoT Operating Systems.

Windows Developer Program for IoT have been designed by OReilly Solid and Mi-
crosoft Build to allow users to run a version of Windows on the Intel Galileo board for
both makers and Windows developers entering into the IoT space [26, 27]. Some OSs
may be mentioned here as examples.
Contiki OS for the IoT is an open source operating system for memory-efficient
networked embedded systems and wireless sensor networks that provides IP commu-
nication, both for IPv4 and IPv6 [28]. This OS is described in a study [29] presenting
the low-power Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) implementation for Contiki
that leverages a generic radio duty cycling mechanism to achieve a high energy effi-
ciency, such as, Distributed Real-time Control Systems (DRCS).
Representational State Transfer (REST) is a co-coordinated set of architectural con-
straints that attempts to minimize latency and network communication while at the
same time maximizing the independence and scalability of component implementa-
tions. REST enables the caching and reuse of interactions, dynamic substitutability of
components, and processing of actions by intermediaries, thereby meeting the needs of
an Internet scale distributed hypermedia system [37]. The goal of REST is to achieve
this in a more lightweight and simpler manner seamlessly integrated to the web.
Friendly OSs for IoT (RIOTS) use URIs for encapsulating and identifying services
on the RIOT. RIOT is a standard C and C++ programming OS that explicitly considers
devices with minimal resources, provides multi- threading as well as real-time capabil-
ities, and needs only a minimum of 1.5 kB of RAM [30].
Real Time Operating System for IoT (RTOS) is defined by [31] as a system in which
the correctness of the system does not depend only on the logical results of computation
but also on the time at which the results are produced. As mentioned in [32]the rein-
vented RTOS will add improved scalability, connectivity, security, safety, and an ex-
tended feature set to the solid real-time performance, low latency, and multi-core pro-
cessor support of the RTOS of today. In addition to the above mentioned, there are
many OSs designed especially for IoT such as, ARM OS, SPARK OS, and Tiny OS.

4.2.2 IoT Protocols

In this sub-section, we mention some of the main methods related to protocols for de-
veloping IoT technologies below.
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a loosely-coupled architecture designed to
meet the business needs of organizations. A SOA does not necessarily require the use
of Web Services, but these are, for most organizations, the simplest approach for im-
plementing a loosely coupled architecture [33], in particular for sensor and device func-
tionality. SOA were primarily for connecting complex and static enterprise services
because web service developing has not always been a straightforward task. Since sen-
sors and devices have limited resources like computing such as communication and
storage capabilities, this architecture require simplification, adaptation and optimiza-
tion for a suitable performance [34]. In [35], authors propose an information-centric
session mechanism to describe service behavior working upon distributed events called,
event session. Another study [36] shows a SOA-based real-time service bus model
which can be used to support constructing web.
Over the last decades, the Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) has emerged as the
mainstream protocol for networking layer. However, this protocol was not designed for
the IoT capabilities because it is inherently limited to about 4 Billion addresses. With
the emergence of Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6), it has scaled up the Internet to an
almost unlimited number of globally reachable addresses. IPv6 provides 2128 unique
Internet addresses, or 3.4*1038 addresses, which corresponds to over 6.67*1017 unique
addresses per square millimeters of Earth surface [38]. In [39] the authors analyze the
suitability of different IPv6 addressing strategies for nodes, gateways, and various net-
work access deployment scenarios in the IoT.

4.2.3 IoT Applications

Clearly, the main contribution of IoT is its applications for facilitating and improving
people’s life and business processes. In this sub-section, we are citing some of the most
recent applications in fields of search engine, social networks, health care, supply
chains and retail.
In [40, 41] a search engine project is presented with focus on RFID devices based
on Sphinx index module [42]. Ding et al. propose a Hybrid Real-time Search Engine
Framework for the IoT based on Spatial-Temporal, Value-based, and Keyword-based
Conditions due to data are dynamically changing so that the IoT search engine should
support real-time retrieval. Additionally, the IoT search involves, not only keyword
matches, but also spatial-temporal searches and value-based approximate searches,
since IoT sampling data are generally from spatial-temporal scenario [43, 44, 45].
It has become evident that social networks are important platforms that allow people
to share information and communicate for achieving different objectives. In that sense
and in the IoT world Guo et al. have proposed a tool that enables information sharing
and dissemination within/among opportunistic communities that are formed with the
movement and opportunistic contact nature of human [46]. Atzori et al. propose to use
this kind of social relationship to introduce a communication framework among devices
and sensors in the IoT world called, SIoT paradigm (Social IoT) [47, 48].
Another area to be mentioned here is Health Care. Health care is a relevant area
where IoT can help in a significant way due to several devices and sensors that allow
monitoring and controlling diseases with low cost. In their study, Bui and Zorzi [49]
explain about issues related with IoT protocols and requirement for being a suitable
technology for health care. Ghose et al. in [50] explain the building of infrastructure for
controlling and monitoring biological signals at home and small clinics through mobile
health care devices and smart phones. In another study, they propose a method to im-
prove accessibility to IoT data resources and IoT-based system for emergency medical
services to demonstrate how to collect, integrate, and interoperate IoT data flexibly in
order to provide support to emergency medical services [51].
In business, in the area of supply chains and retail, any improvement can be helpful
since these businesses are multi- billionaire industries and a little positive change can
impact in a drastic way in revenues and costs. In [52], the authors briefly discuss how
IoT can have an effect on commercial process and supply chains and their future per-
spectives. There are also some proposals of new technologies for pedigree devices in
food safety. The main objective is to track the processes in production, storage, trans-
portation, sale, and even using phases of foods [53]. In this study [54], they presented
several technologies that combat phony products in the global supply chain.
Some other applications such as Lee et al. [55] have designed an agricultural pro-
duction system for monitoring and analyzing harvest statistics. The goal is to take
smarter decision based on information from sensors in farms. In [56], they suggest a
new schema for applying the IoT on intelligent traffic systems.

4.2.4 IoT Platforms

For the purpose of developing new applications and spreading fundamentals of IoT, IT
companies have started to launch different platforms where it is possible to develop and
learn more about latest applications and trends in IoT as is the case with IBM and Intel.
IBM has built a complete platform where it is possible to find different features and
tools for developing and integrating to business. In IBM platform, there are several
applications like Informix, storage environment, BlueMix, developer platform, Mes-
sageSight, and product dedicated to message communication among others [57].
In a lower level, Intel has been developing a platform that allows people to create
new applications and discuss about new trends in IoT area. In addition to that, Intel has
launched a developer kit that focuses on hobbyists, students and entrepreneurial devel-
opers, all this integrated with support, community and developer zone [58].

The IoT have changed the direction of the global Internet [59]. In this section, we will
briefly discuss the two main challenges of IoT in two parts: IoT Big Data mining and
IoT security.
IoT Data mining tools have become one of the most demanding necessities during
the recent and future research challenges in terms of extracting valuable and useful data
from the set of IoT and Big Data sources [59, 60].
Traditional data processing tools and its applications are not capable of managing
such revolutionized amount of data. Nowadays, there are a few applications and plat-
forms used to manage, extract, and execute IoT Big Data mining [61, 62]. Some of the
latest software developed to manage both the IoT and Big Data are: NoSQL, which is
used to manage Big Databases, MapReduce, which is used for data mining techniques,
and Hadoop software used for processing, development, and execution of Big Data ap-
IoT security is one of the most critical areas needed for the development of different
components and tasks. For example, device and process identification and tracking,
sensing and actuation, communication, computational sensing, semantic knowledge
processing, coordinated and distributed control, and user modeling. In addition, there
are many constraints for IoT like cost, energy, lifetime and power. Nevertheless, one of
the most important challenges is security, since the Internet is always a target of mali-
cious attacks and intrusions. Usually these intrusions are fast and widely diffused [63].
Another aspect is trust and governance [64]. To create effective services, transmitted
data have to be trustable. In other words, devices have to trust the data that other devices
generated. Related with governance, some restricting policies can be applied. A classic
example is limiting countries that can have access to the data.


In this paper we presented some of the most recent advances in IoT field. We divided
the study into four main parts: short history, Big Data concept, IoT sources (hardware
and software), and finally some challenges and future expectations. The objective of
the study is to give the reader an updated description of the IoT and its impact on Big
Data. IoT is an area with a high potential of improving people’s lives. However, this
depends on how far we can reach to the challenge of the rapid growth in the day to day
development in cell phones and WWW technologies. If predictions are true, it may ease
human lives enabling us to enjoy the benefits of this technology by 2025. This is de-
pending on the research and development that enterprises and governments will do in
the coming years. We hope that this study will be helpful for researchers, students work-
ing in area of Big Data and IoT. Web of Thing (WoT) is another important part that we
have not presented yet, but will be writing about in our future papers.

This work was supported by the IT4Innovations Centre of Excellence project
(CZ.1.05/1.1.00/02.0070), funded by the European Regional Development Fund and
the national budget of the Czech Republic via the Research and Development for Inno-
vations Operational Programme and by Project SP2015/146 “Parallel processing of Big
data 2” of the Student Grand System, VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava.

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