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SSEP APR 2017-APR 2019

FEB 2019

Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Gas Tankers
giving reference to the conventions and justify for their requirement.

JAN 2019

Name various statutory Certificates and Documents to be carried on board Chemical

Tankers giving reference to the conventions and justify for their requirement.

JAN 2018

With reference to classification society’s survey, explain the following:-

A. Why a Class certificate is issued to a newly built ship after satisfactory completion of
survey and sea trials, what is the purpose of a Class certificate?
B. Is it necessary to call a Class surveyor after repair or alteration to the ship’s structure
If so, why?
C. Describe the requirement for initial and periodical survey respect to International
Load Line Certificate.

FEB 2019

With reference to free fall life boat of an ocean-going ships:

A. Periodical maintenance, tests and checks on life boat and releasing gear.
B. Secondary means of lowering.
C. Lifeboat Drills.

FEB 2019

Give a pragmatic approach to dealing with a sea water leakage, which is flooding the
engine room and which has the potential of causing a serious impairment to a vessel’s

During unit overhauling of Main engine, sudden rough weather caused accident in
engine room. State what all checks and precaution taken up prior to carry out such
JUL 2018

A hydraulically operated ballast tank valve situated in the duct keel has keel has failed
to close. Describe the procedure to repair.
B. Describe the procedure for entry in the duct keel.

FEB 2019

With respect to the hazardous areas of tankers,

A.Explain the term flameproof (Ex d) for electrical equipment; B. State the type of
electrical equipment that would be protected in this way. C. List likely defects of
flameproof equipment.

With reference to a bank of emergency lead acid batteries:

A. State the conditions of the battery bank if the specific gravity of a number of cells in
the bank is in the region of 1.11 with an ambient temperature of 160C
B. Describe a systematic procedure for checking the conditions of the battery bank if it
is divided into section for charging;
C. Describe the necessary routine maintenance;

NOV 2017

Sketch a simplified circuit that may be incorporated in a control panel for an array of fire
detectors. Describe
(i) Audible fire alarm circuits;
(ii) Identification of zone of fire;
(iii) Automatic change over from normal power supply.


FEB 2019

Your ship entering SECA zone, you have changed over from high sulphur to low sulphur
fuel oil. On arrival Port State authority boarded your vessel and took sample and proved
you have violated the relevant regulations of MARPOL regarding sulphur limits as
prescribed. Write a statement, stating what are the possibilities of in correct change
over process or incorrect sampling process

JAN 2019

With regard to new sulphur cap of 0.5% w.e.f. 1st Jan.2020, list the challenges likely to
be faced onboard. What are the options in case a vessel is unable to get compliant fuel.
DEC 2018

With respect to Bunkering operation onboard:

A. As Second Engineer of a new ship, prepare standing orders for all future bunkering
operations onboard;
B. State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel bunkers
taken and state how a representative sample is obtained;

JAN 2018

A) As Second Engineer of a new ship, prepare standing orders for all future bunkering
B) (i) State why it is very important to obtain a representative sample of heavy fuel
bunkers taken.
(ii) State how a representative sample is obtained;
(iii) What information is provided in bunker Delivery note.
SEPT 2017

Receiving of bunkers is an important aspect of a Senior Engineers responsibility A.

Stale the safety precautions that should be observed when bunkering;
B. Explain the importance of taking samples when bunkering;
C. Explain a preferred method of taking samples
D. State the effect of each in a fuel oil – i. High density; ii. High pour point; iii. High water

FEB 2019

Explain the following terms/statements: -

A. Categories of Noxious liquid substance;
B. Special Areas as defined in MARPOL 73/78;
C. Double hull tanker;

SEP 2018

Explain the following terms/statement:

B. Special Areas as defines in MARPOL 73/78

JULY 2018

A.Which legislation is framed at preventing the emission of black smoke, sets the limits
on the length of time of such emission? B. Discuss the reasons for setting time limits
rather than imposing a complete ban on emission C. State why different times are
quoted, giving examples. D. State the likely constituents of black smoke from the
combustion of residual fuel in a boiler. E. List the contaminants likely to be found in the
clear exhaust from a diesel driven alternate burning gas.

FEB 2018

With reference to MARPOL Annex IV; A. Draw a biological sewage treatment plant and
explain the principal of operation B. Periodical maintenance and checks and tests
required to be done to verify the effectiveness of the above system.

Your vessel due for International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate renewal survey and
company advised to offer your vessel for survey at next port of call. A. How you will
prepare yourself as Engineer for the renewal survey. B. What records, procedures,
certificates etc. you will keep ready for attending surveyor verification.

Discuss the following with respect to MARPOL Annex-1. A. Tanks for oil residue. B. Oil
fuel tank protection C. Oil filtering equipment.

DEC 2017

With respect to MARPOL 73/78, Annex - II, Noxious liquid chemicals are divided into
A. State the number of categories, and what does each category signify.
B. State the requirement of Procedures and Arrangements Manual, and what
information is available.

SEP 2017

A. Describe information which is available in the record which is attached as a

supplement to the IOPP Certificate, for a bulk carriers and oil tanker.
B. What are the provisions for engine room under MARPOL 73/78 Annex -1, for large
ocean going vessel? C. What is IBC Code and what Certificates are issued under the
Code and to which ship?

JULY 2017

Briefly describe the environmental impact of NOx and SOx and allowable limitations are
per Annex VI of MARPOL in emission control areas and outside emission control areas.
B. Briefly describe methods to control NOx emission.


JAN 2019

With reference to STCW Convention:

A. Explain the principles underlying the STCW Convention;
B. Explain how as a senior engineer you would implement the regulation for controlling
and monitoring of minimum hours of rest for watch keepers;
C. What type of specific shipboard familiarization is required to be given to a seafarer
new to a particular type of vessel?

With reference to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss the
requirements for seafarers regarding: -
A. Minimum age to work onboard vessels,
B. Seafarers Employment agreements
C. Hours of work and hours of rest.

SEPT 2018

With reference to the Maritime Labour Convention (MLC) 2006, discuss the
requirements for seafarers regarding;
A. Young seafarers onboard ships.
B. Repatriation.
C. Seafarers Wages.

JUNE 2017

Why is ballast water treatment important and needed? What regulations are guiding
B. What is current status of the IMO BWM convention ratification and what is included in
the certification and type approval process?


JAN 2019

Draw a plan to deal with fire in accommodation:

A. Including co-ordination with shore facilities in port, taking account of the ship’s fire
control plan;
B. Explain how drills and practices should be-organized with reference to the above.

DEC 2018

A small oil fire is slowly spreading in the ships galley. Suggest some procedures and
means of extinguishing such fires. Propose a few notices you would issue to the crew to
prevent such fires.

OCT 2018

A. (i) discuss the various hazards and problems which are associated with electric cable
insulation in the event of fire;
(ii) Suggest remedies for these problems. B. State how the spread of fire may be
reduced by the method used for installing electric cables.

Ships are provided with an independent diesel or electric or air operated emergency fire
(a) State three areas in which emergency fire pump are commonly installed and give
reasons why?
(b) Describe with aid of a simple sketch an air pump or primer used to initiate suction
when the fire pump is situated above sea water level. What suction lift would you expect
from a single stage pump system?
(c) State the water jet capacity the pump must be capable of.
(d) State how it can be ensured that the fire pump is kept in good working order.
(e) State what precaution must be taken in sub-zero temperatures?
(f) Using a simple sketch describe with reasons, how the emergency fire pump is
connected to the ship’s fire main showing position of any isolation valves fitted and
location of international shore connection

OCT 2018

Draw a plan to deal with fire in accommodation:

A. Including co-ordination with shore facilities in port, taking account of the ship’s fire
control plan;
B. Explain how drills and practices should be-organized with reference to the above.

JUL 2018

The fire protection provided for the propulsion motor and generator of a diesel electric
drive vessel is usually one of the following methods: i Fixed foam extinguisher; ii. Fixed
CO 2 system; iii. Steam smothering system; iv. Dry Chemical Powder B. Briefly state in
a comparative analysis, how each one of these methods has some disadvantages when
used with propulsion system as stated above

With reference to an automatic water sprinkler, fire detecting alarm and extinguishing
system for
accommodation spaces: - A. Sketch a typical system; B. Describe the operation of this
system; C. State the sources of water available; D. Describe the sprinkler head and its
operation; E. State how the temperature rating of the sprinkler head is determined.

JAN 2018

With reference to fire smothering agents explain why :-

A. Effectiveness of foam is directly related to its degree of effervescence and surface
B. Low expansion foam is best suited for use against localized fire, whilst high
expansion foam is most effective in major conflagrations?
C. In the absence of foam appliances, water jets can be effectively used against oil

A) Give reasons why fire detectors in cargo holds differ from those in machinery spaces.
B) Describe how to verify that each is in working order.

NOV 2017

Describe the procedure for releasing CO2 in engine room in cast of fire. How is
inadvertent of CO2 in engine room prevented?


JAN 2019

With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on:

A. Masters Review,
B. Requirement and Advantages of Familiarization of seafarer onboard,
C. Designated Person Ashore (DPA)
D. Functional requirements for a Safety Management System.

JUN 2018

With reference to “ISM Code” write short notes on; A. Management Review; B.
Advantage of drills and procedures; C. Master overriding authority.

FEB 2018

Discuss the following with respect to International Safety Management (ISM) code: A.
Emergency preparedness, drills and training; B. Reporting of near miss,
nonconformities, accidents/incidents and hazardous occurrences; C. Risk assessment
D. Identification of critical equipment, tests and minimum spares


DEC 2018

A. State the various documents pertaining to a ship that a port state control inspector
would ask for
during port state control inspection.
B. If your vessel-gets detained by the PSC owing to a deficiency, what would be your
action for redressal
OCT 2018

Explain the principle of port State control and give in detail the verification the Port State
Control Officer may carry out with particular reference to the following; A. Emergency
generator; B. Auxiliary steering gear; C. Lifeboat engine; D. Bilge pumps; E. SOPEP.


OCT 2018

With reference to chemical tankers:

A. Sketch a suitable cargo pumping and stripping system, labelling the component parts
and indicating the direction of fluid flow;
B. State the requirements of the regulations involved to reduce pollution of the sea by
chemical tanker

With reference to oil monitoring of bilge and tanker ballast discharges:

A. Describe with the aid of a sketch the general arrangement of an oil monitoring
B. State the inputs that are recorded;
C. Explain the difficulties encountered with the efficient operation of the monitoring

JUN 2018

With reference to oil content monitoring of bilge or tanker discharges: A. Describe with
the aid of a sketch the general arrangement of an oil monitoring system; B. State the
inputs that are recorded; C. Differentiate between monitoring chambers using direct light
and those using scattered light d) Explain the problem to be overcome in the design of
monitoring systems.

SEPT 2018

With reference to the pump room of an oil tanker describe the following with particular
on safety aspects;
(a) Ventilation system. (b) Procedure to be followed for pump room entry. (c) Lighting


OCT 2018

A. State the instructions you as Second Engineer will give to watch keepers with respect
to boiler uptake fire;
B. State how the incidence of uptake fires may be minimized.
C. State the reasons for blow-back from the furnace of an auxiliary boiler.
D. State the standing instructions you might have received from your Chief Engineer
With respect to the avoidance of boiler furnace blow-back.

NOV 2017

What are the various stages of fire in the exaust gas boiler? Discuss the factors
responsible for initiation and development of ignition of soot, Small soot fires, and High
temperature fires.


JAN 2018

With reference to the 1978 SOLAS protocol, which outlines mandatory requirements for
steering gear tests and drills -
A. Describe the test procedure to be carried out within the 12 hours before departure on
a sea-voyage;
B. Describe the emergency steering drills that must take place at least once every 3
C. State how often the test in (A) and the drill in (B) should be carried out for ships
which regularly engage on voyages of short duration.


JUN 2017

With reference to a periodically unattended machinery space of a dry cargo vessel

discuss the requirements For A. Protection against flooding; B. Control of propulsion
machinery from the navigating bridge.

FEB 2019

In engine rooms that are operated under UMS conditions describe with the aid of
sketches how the following are monitored:
A. The perforation of a high-pressure fuel pipe;
B. The imminence or possibility of a scavenge fire;
C. Condition that may be conducive to a crankcase explosion

JAN 2019

Define briefly the construction details peculiar to each of the following types of closure
that enables their primary function to be fully realized:
A. Water tight doors;
B. Fire proof doors;
C. Gas tight doors,
D. State why (A) can perform function of (B) as well as of (C), whereas function of (B)
and (C) are restricted solely to their primary function

DEC 2018

Describe how heat may be transmitted from one source to another and explain with the
aid of simple sketches where appropriate how heat transfer from or to the following
places is kept to a minimum:
A. Steam pipes,
B. Meat rooms,
C. furnace casings,
D. manoeuvring or control platforms

JAN 2018

A) Describe the operating mechanism for a watertight door, which has provision for
remote closure from bridge and local operation.
B) State the source of power for closure of electrical and the source of power for alarm
and indicator

JUN 2017

With reference to arresting the headway of vessels of considerable mass, give

reasoned opinions on EACH of the following statements:A.Full power availability for
astern running of the propeller is inconsequential; B. Results have been disappointing in
those instances where rudders have been adapted to act as retarders; C. Discreet use
of transverse thrust units may reduce stopping distance.

NOV 2017

Describe the operating mechanism for a watertight door, which has a provision for
remote closure from the bridge and local operation.

DEC 2017

Discuss the following with reference to structure of ships

A. Emergency towing arrangement on tankers;
B. Safe access to tanker bows;
C. Safe access to cargo holds, cargo tanks;
D.Protective coatings of ballast tanks


JULY 2017

Write short notes on - A. Role of Recognized Organization (Classification Societies) on

ship; B. Enhanced survey program (ESP); C. Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) for
oil tankers.

A. What do you understand by the terms Convention, Protocol, and Amendments?

State in which order these will be adopted by the IMO.
B. What procedure is nowadays followed for putting the amendments into effect?


JULY 2018

With reference to an oil/water separator: A. i) Sketch such a device; ii) Describe the
passage of oil/water mixture from the delivery of pump to the outlets of separator. B.
State how oil density and temperature affect the case of separation of oil from water. C.
State how the movement of oil on board ship or its discharge and the discharge of oily-
bilge ballast water overboard is recorded.

SEPT 2017

A. Sketch and describe a bilge oil separator with controls and alarm.
B. Also mention – briefly the international regulations made to prevent the pollution
C. Sources from which oil may be mixed in ballast and bilge water.
D. State the criteria for discharge of bilge water for ships in special areas and outside
special areas

FEB 2018

Discuss the following with respect to safety of navigation: A. Ship-borne navigational

equipment and systems B. Long-range identification and tracking of ships (LRIT) C.
Voyage/simplified voyage date recorder (VDR/S-VDR)

NOV 2017

With reference to Additional Safety measures for bulk carriers; Discuss Damage stability
requirements, Structural requirements, and Water ingress alarms.

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