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End of Warfare es American Entrance “The war had raged on for three years be- fore the United States entered the conflict. ‘Although the United States had supported the Allies with financial and military aid during the war, they did not send troops to. the conflict until the cummer of 1918. What caused the US. to become mili- tarily active? “The United States had long been influenced by British propaganda, and German unre- stricted submarine warfare, and they were incenced by the German sinking of the pas- senger ship Lusitania. ‘It was the Zimmerman telegram which prompted the US. declaration of war. In the telegram, Germany attempted to entice Mexico to enter the war by promising them territory in the U.S. southwest. The Armistice “On Nov. 9, 1918, the Germans staged a revolution, and the Kaiser resigned & fled to the Netherlands. A new German government, a Republic (representative democracy) was set up. “Two days later, on Nov. 11, 1918, the new German government signed an armistice, ov a cease-fire, ‘The Germans believed that the Allies would be kind to a democratic government. ¥ Lose of the war was inevitable for the Germans, but it is important to note that Germany was never invaded, and the German army never actually lost— a fact t Hitler would exploit. Wilson's 14 Points “In a speech to Congress, President Wood- row Wilson outlined his vision for post-war Europe in what has become known as Wil- son's 14 points ‘In the 14 points, Wilson described the im- portance of open treaties of peace, freedom of the seas, removal of trade barriers, re- duction of armaments, self-determination of ethnic groups and establishment of an International Leaque of Nations. ‘Wilson idealistically envisioned a “peace ‘without victory’, or a peace settlement that did not involve revenge. ‘The 14 points were translated into German and dropped behind enemy lines to encour- age the German sur- render in anticipa- tion of a fair treaty. ‘Treaty of Versailles ‘The Treaty of Versailles was the formal peace treaty which ended World War L “The Big Four (France, Britain, USA & Italy) met in Paris to cre- ate the terms of the treaty. Mean- while, Germany sent its army home and began the process of rebuilding. ‘The Treaty did not resemble Wilson's 14 points at all, but Germany was in no posi- tion to dispute its terms. They signed it. “The Treaty set new territorial boundaries throughout Europe. It also forced Germany to pay reparations (war damages), and lim- ited the German armed forces (no air force, small navy and army). Article 22] was the War Guilt Clause, which required Germany [to accept full responsibility for the war. The League of Nations was also created. Global History World War I: End of Warfare 1. How had the United States contributed to the war effort for the first three years of the war? 2. What were three underlying causes of American entrance to World War I? 2. Why did the United States declare war? 4, What was Wilson's 14 Points speech to Congress designed to do? 5. What ideas were included in Wilson's 14 Points? 6. What is a “peace without victory’? Name 7. How were Wilson's 14 Points used by the Allies? . Define: Armistice — 9, Why did the Germans sign the armistice? 10. Did the Germans lose the war? Explain, 11. Who were the Big Four? 12, What were components of the Treaty of Versailles? 13, Why did the Treaty not resemble Wilson's 14 Points? 14, Why did the Germans sign it?

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