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Warlock Patron

The Symbiote (v2.5) Consume

You have made a pact, whether willingly or not, with a At 6th level, the Symbiote needs to feed to grow stronger,
being that now lives within you. This creature is alive, and preferrably not on you. As an action, you touch a creature
manifests as an envelopment of your form. Fight it or that has died within the last 24 hours. You regain hit points
accept it, it is now a part of you. It grants you strength as equal to 1d12 + your Warlock level and regain all uses of
you grant it life, and together you can become a being Reactive Spines. You gain access to all information that
worthy of fear and awe. creature would freely share with a casual acquaintance.
Such information includes general details on its
background and personal life, but doesn't include secrets. It
Symbiote Expanded Spells is enough information to grant you its vague memories. You
Spell Level Spells may use this feature once, and cannot use it again until you
1 Absorb Elements, Inflict Wounds complete a short or long rest.
2 Acid Arrow, Enhance Ability Adaptable Defense
3 Life Transference, Haste Beginning at 10th level, your Symbiote will temporarily
4 Black Tentacles, Vitriolic Sphere sacrifice itself to protect its host from mortal blows. When
5 Contagion, Destructive Wave
you suffer damage, you may use your reaction to
immediately gain immunity to the triggering damage. Until
the end of your next turn, you may not use Symbiotic Bond
Symbiotic Strikes or Consume as your Symbiote collects and repairs itself.
You learn the Primal Savagery cantrip. This counts as a You regain the use of this ability at the end of a short or
Warlock cantrip for you, but does not count towards your long rest.
number of cantrips known.
Perfect Form
Symbiotic Bond At 14th level, you let your patron completely take over,
Your relationship to the Symbiote manifests as it takes becoming a terrible hybrid of mortal and Symbiote. As a
form across your body, granting you certain benefits: bonus action, you enter your Perfect Form. In this state,
you gain the following benefits for 1 minute:
Reactive Spines Beginning at 1st level, your Symbiote
jumps to defend you from harm at critical moments. As As an action, you may cast Primal Savagery twice as
a reaction when an attack roll hits you, you gain +4 to part of the same action.
your AC until the start of your next turn, even against As a bonus action, you may make one ranged spell
the triggering attack. If this would cause the triggering attack as the Symbiote lashes out with a tendril,
attack to miss, you may immediately cast Primal searching for prey. You are proficient in this attack, and
Savagery as part of the same reaction. You may use this it has a range of 30 feet. If it hits, the creature is
ability twice, and regain all expended uses at the end of grappled by you and immediately pulled 30 feet in your
a short or long rest. direction. It must succeed on an Acrobatics or Athletics
Aggressive Symbiosis As an action, you let the check against your spell save DC to free itself from this
symbiote take over to grant you some of its strength. For tendril. There is no limit to the amount of creatures you
1 hour, your jump distance is tripled and you gain can have grappled in this way.
advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving Once you use this ability, you cannot do so again until
throws. You regain the use of this ability at the end of a you complete a long rest.
short or long rest.
You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you are Art Credit
already proficient in this skill, you add double your
proficiency bonus to checks you make with it. Alex Mercer - Armored Form (Whip) by Hyb1rd-
1982, DeviantArt.
When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength,
you gain a bonus to the damage roll equal to your
proficiency modifier. Warlock Patron by


Eldritch Invocations
Perfect body
You gain proficiency in constitution saving throws. Your
Constitution scores increases by 2. Your maximum for this
score is now 22.
Dark Tendrils
Prerequisite: 7th level
As an action, you send forth a dark, shadowy tendril to
grasp and drag a creature towards you. You can make a
spell attack roll against a creature within 30 feet of you. If it
hits, the creature is grappled by you and immediately
pulled 30 feet in your direction. It must succeed on an
Acrobatics or Athletics check against your spell save DC to
free itself from this tendril. You may only have one creature
grappled like this at a time. In addition, you may use a
tendril to gain advantage on Athletics checks made to
climb, such as you would with a rope or grappling hook.
Hardened Carapace
Prerequisite: 3th level
While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
Every long rest you can receive resistance to 1 damage type
for 8 hours.
Life Leech
Prerequisite: 5th level
Whenever you deal damage with a melee spell attack,
you regain a number of hit points equal to your Charisma
Predatory Speed
Prerequisite: 5th level
You can take the Dash action as a bonus action.
Unnatural Vigor
You gain proficiency in the Acrobatics and Athletics skills.


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