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Employee Payroll Management System

Tahira Bibi (2018-BCS-087)
Ayesha Bashir (2018-BCS-057)
Rabbia Ramzan (2018-BCS-032)
Ma’am Rabail Shafique

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Employee Payroll Management System


.................................................................................................................................................................... 1
1. Introduction:..................................................................................................................................3
2. Problem statement:........................................................................................................................4
2.1 Project Objectives:.....................................................................................................................5
3. Software Requirements:................................................................................................................5
4. Software Design.............................................................................................................................9
5. Software Implementation............................................................................................................14
7. Conclusion:...................................................................................................................................30
8. Refferences:..................................................................................................................................30

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Employee Payroll Management System

1. Introduction:

This software and database system model is designed for Employee and Payroll Management
System. The statistics are based on the client's details provided about the worker. The system
generates pay slips, employee details and their respective designations automatically on the basis
of these user inputs. For any number of employees, details can be saved by the computer. This
data is stored in the Oracle payroll database. Workers can also change personal information such
as names, addresses, and passwords [1].

Using MYSQL Server, Java Server Pages (JSP) language for system development makes it
simple to modify the design of the framework. The system architecture can also be directly
applicable to every other central government entity, with minor modifications.

It is cost-effective as the customer handles the web application himself and does not go for
professional service. This saves time as it accelerates every aspect of the management of
employee databases and payroll processes with a number of automated features. It is safe as the
employee database and the payroll process are handled by the admin in-house instead of sending
private data to a third party. Procedures and checks for validation protect users from making
errors. The software is easy to use and user-friendly, so it doesn't require any experience.
Calculations are automatic, so there is no risk of error.

The unified database system minimizes labor and time. This database includes self-descriptive
labels for the correct data input forms and consists of modules which are interrelated for better
summaries. By preventing the duplication of files and documents and using the available space
effectively, it also optimizes computing power. These features reduce the risk of data redundancy
and build monthly pay bills, pay slips and other forms of timetables that are reliable and error-

The main advantage of this database is that it reduces the number of input requirements, avoids
delays, records errors and manages the steps easily. Insertion, data update, deletion, modules for
pay slips are included. This user-friendly structure can be introduced straight into the server
environment. In addition, this robust database makes it easy to rapidly retrieve data and produce
reports by uploading data online.

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This approach to the database is often used in design because it helps to create a consistent Entity
Relationship data model (ER). The database can easily be expanded to basic pay roll-related data
of the newly entered workers by using the Add Employee form. Using this form, in the specified
text area, users can enter basic employee information such as ID, name, salary, rank, grade pay
and all other details, in the designated text field.

2. Problem statement:

Owing to the non-availability of a proper database management system, all the information is
handled manually. Due to the vast volume of payroll data and projections, it is very hard to
manually handle the data and prolong the pay roll process. This produced an urgent need to
incorporate a new computer-based pay roll data base system to avoid the delay in generating pay
bills, loan schedules, payment reports, pay slips and so on. So this new Employee Pay roll
Management System is developed [2].

To create a database that can be used by an employer to keep track of their workers. We need a
way to represent a single worker and a way to maintain an unknown number of workers (name,
ID number, salary). It is important to improve the ability to add or delete employees from the
database and to include some other features described below:

 Add Employee:

This method reads the name and salary to identify a new worker. The number of the staff ID
is just the number that can be joined by the staff. If an employee ends up leaving the
company, the number of workers stays the same and new employees are then given the next

 Remove Employee:

This process deletes an employee from the database with the employee identification number
passed on.

 Print By Name:

This form will print out all the employees in the database with their name.

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2.1 Project Objectives:

 “With the aid of computerized equipment and full-edge computer applications, the
Employee Database and Payroll Management System is designed to make the current
manual system automatic and to meet their needs so that their essential information and
data can be processed over a longer period of time with easy access and handling. It is
readily accessible and easy to work with, using the necessary tools. This web application
can maintain and view computerized records without getting redundant entries. The
project explores how user data can be used to deliver positive outcomes and improved
services to customers.
 Any environment that the corporation needs to tackle faces problems with human
resources. There are several employee and payroll management requirements for every
company. Therefore we are aimed to establish an exclusive employee and payroll
management system customize to the Managerial Requirements of the organization.
This website is intended which will allow the employees to electronically record time
card data and create paychecks automatically based on the number of hours worked and
the total amount of sales (for commissioned employees).
 In order to increase the consistency of the processing data and ensure that the protocol
prescribes how to perform a particular job, information and database system systems are
implemented. A computer program can maintain a precise and reliable database, leading
to improved performance [3].

3. Software Requirements:

3.1 External Interface Specifications

3.1.1 Interfaces optimized for users

The software offers a decent graphical interface for the self-explanatory front end.

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3.1.2 Interfaces in hardware

• Minimum 2 GB RAM memory

• 40 GB hard disc

• Mouse

• Keyboard

• Printer

3.1.3 Interfaces in the apps

• The Used Editor:

1. For PHP Dreamweaver:

PHP is a server-side application that dynamically constructs web pages. Let's say there is a
product catalogue for you. You can save the information in a database instead of updating your
web pages every time a product is added or deleted, and use PHP to query the database and
automatically create the page. Nor do you need a separate page to be produced for and product.
Just build one tab, and the details are filled in by PHP. Creating authentication systems,
downloading files, and sending emails are other uses of PHP. PHP or a related server-side
technology is used for just about every online shop, news website, forum, or social networking

PHP code may be inserted into a web page or stored in external files, depending on how it is
used. However, PHP code still stays on the web server, unlike CSS or JavaScript. It is never seen
by visitors to your website. What they see is the performance.

2. MySQL's WAMP server:

MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) based on the
Structured Query Language (SQL) backed by Oracle (SQL). MySQL operates on almost all
platforms, including Linux, UNIX and Windows. Although it may be used in a wide range of
applications, MySQL is most widely associated with web applications and online publishing.

A major component of LAMP, an open source enterprise stack, is MySQL. LAMP is a web
development platform which uses the Linux operating system, the Apache web server, the
MySQL relational database management system and the PHP object-oriented scripting language.

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3. JSP:
JSP stands for "Java Server Page." This standard was created by Sun Microsystems as an
alternative to Microsoft's active server page (ASP) technology. JSP pages are the same as ASP
pages because they are compiled on the server and not on a user's Web browser. "After all, they
don't call "server pages" for nothing. JSP, however is Java-based, while ASP is Visual Basic-
based. JSP pages are useful for building interactive Web sites and accessing database data from
the Web server. On the server, all Java code is parsed, while JSP pages would have HTML
interspersed with Java. Consequently, once the page gets to the browser, it is all HTML. On the
other hand, the Web browser, not the Web server, usually parses JavaScript.
Operating System: Windows 10.

3.1.4 Functional demands

 Admin:
The administrator logs in with a username and password that is correct. The administrator may
hire new workers, add new departments, and add new pay scales for employees. In a separate
pay grade department, admin will set the from and to 'date worked by an employee. The
automatic monthly salary of an employee can be generated by the admin. The admin will view
all the previous records of any registered employee.

 Add new employee:

This module contains equipment that allows a user to add new records. Before the new employee
record user is introduced, the usable ID in the respective system has to be checked.

 Delete employee:

Often the circumstance arises that we need to remove from our database the required employee
record, such as when an employee is retired, moves elsewhere, leaves the business, and so on. In
this case, this facility is provided by the Remove Employee module to delete a particular
employee's record.

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 Update employee:

Using the Employee Module Update, whether the user wants to update the specifics of a current
employee as Grade Pay, Basic Pay, Designation, any miscellaneous deduction or credit.

 Pay slip:

This module is used to generate the pay slips of all workers for the current month.

 Report:

This module enables administrative reports to be made, such as the Wage Report, Attendance

The report and the employee report can be exported to Word, pdf.

3.1.5 Performance requirements:

 The overall scheme should be quick and error free.

 For error testing and correction, it should have built-in facilities.
 The computer should be able to handle large amounts of data conveniently.

3.1.6 Attributes

3.1.7 Reliability:

This framework is created to ensure reliability using software that has been developed.

To be stable and easy to use.

3.1.8 Availability

This system is designed to run 24/7 and be conveniently accessible to the user.

3.1.9 Security

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Entry to the program is given to only legitimate operators. We need a clear ID and Password to
get access to the app.

4. Software Design

4.1 User case Diagram:








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4.2 ER-Diagram


Company Company_id

Has ==
Grade_ta ==

Departments Has Pay grades

dep_name Grade_ pt
dep_id Grade_name


Transaction_id emp_net_salary

Employees Receipts Payroll

emp_name emp_state


Emp_mobile_no emp_salary_year

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4.3 File Data Fields:

 User Table Database Structure:

user_id (Primary key) Integer Id for the user.

user_name varchar Enter the name of the user.
password varchar Enter the password of the user.
email_id varchar Enter the email_id of the user.
usertype varchar Enter the usertype of the user.

 Department Table Database Structure:

dep_id (Primary key) Integer Id for the user.

dep _name varchar Enter the name of the user.

 Grade Table Database Structure:

grade_id – Primary Key Integer Id of the pay grade.
grade_name varchar Name of the pay grade.
grade_short_name varchar Short name of the pay grade.
grade_basic Integer Enter the basic amount.
grade_ta Integer The amount of the Travel Allowance.
grade_da Integer The amount of the Dearness Allowance.
grade_hra Integer The amount of the House Rent Allowance.
grade_ma Integer The amount of Medical Allowance.
grade_bonus Integer The amount of bonus received.
grade_pf Integer Amount of Provident Fund to be deducted.
grade_pt Integer Amount of Professional Tax to be deducted.

 Employee Table Database Structure:

emp_id (Primary Key) Integer Id of the employee.

emp_title varchar Enter the title of employee.
emp_name varchar Enter the name of employee.
emp_dob Date Enter the date of birth of employee.
emp_doj Date Enter the date of join of employee.

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emp_address varchar Enter the address of the employee.

emp_city varchar Enter the city of the employee.
emp_pincode Integer Enter the pin code of the employee.
emp_mobile_no Integer Enter the mobile number of the employee.
emp_state varchar Enter the state of the employee.
emp_mail_id varchar Enter the mail id of the employee.
emp_pan_no varchar Enter the Pan number of the employee.

 Employee Grade Details Table Database Structure:

transaction_id- Primary Integer Key Unique transaction id.

emp_id Integer Employee id of employee.
emp_dept_id Integer Department Id of employee.
emp_grade_id Integer Grade Id of employee.
emp_from_date Date Date of join of employee in a department.
emp_to_date varchar Last date of an employee in a department.

 Employee Salary Details Table Database Structure:

emp_id (Primary Key) Integer Id of the employee.

emp_name varchar Enter the name of employee.
emp_dept_name varchar Department name of the employee
emp_grade_name varchar Grade id of the employee
emp_salary_month varchar Employee Salary month.
emp_salary_year varchar Employee salary year.
emp_basic Integer Enter the basic amount.
emp_ta Integer The amount of the Travel Allowance.
emp_da Integer The amount of the Dearness Allowance.
emp_hra Integer The amount of the House Rent Allowance.
emp_ma Integer The amount of Medical Allowance.
emp_bonus Integer The amount of bonus received.
emp_pf Integer Amount of Provident Fund to be deducted.
emp_pt Integer The amount of Professional Tax to be deducted.
emp_gross Integer The gross total received by employee.
emp_total_salary Integer The total salary received after deduction.

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4.3 Output Design

We will enter the employee's name and the performance will be displayed afterwards.

 Employee Details:
Employee Employee Employee DOB DOJ Address City State Pin
ID Title Name Code
2222 Jr Manager Rabbia 1990- 2000- House#253 RWP Pakistan 32456
Ramzan 11-05 05-11 Ibrhaim

Mobile Number Email ID Pan Card Number

12345678987 234324

5. Software Implementation

5.1 Front End Implementation

Sign-Up Page:

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Login Page:

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Welcome Page:

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Employee Details page:

Department Details Page:

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Add new grades:

Employee Grade Details Page:

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Employee Salary Details page:

Generate Report:

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5.2 Back End implementation

User Table Database Structure:

user_id (Primary key) Integer Id for the user.

user_name varchar Enter the name of the user.
password varchar Enter the password of the user.
email_id varchar Enter the email_id of the user.
usertype varchar Enter the usertype of the user.

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Department Table Database Structure:

dep_id (Primary key) Integer Id for the user.

dep _name varchar Enter the name of the user.

Grade Table Database Structure:

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grade_id – Primary Key Integer Id of the pay grade.

grade_name varchar Name of the pay grade.
grade_short_name varchar Short name of the pay grade.
grade_basic Integer Enter the basic amount.
grade_ta Integer The amount of the Travel Allowance.
grade_da Integer The amount of the Dearness Allowance.
grade_hra Integer The amount of the House Rent Allowance.
grade_ma Integer The amount of Medical Allowance.
grade_bonus Integer The amount of bonus received.
grade_pf Integer Amount of Provident Fund to be deducted.
grade_pt Integer Amount of Professional Tax to be deducted.

Employee Table Database Structure:

emp_id (Primary Key) Integer Id of the employee.
emp_title varchar Enter the title of employee.
emp_name varchar Enter the name of employee.
emp_dob Date Enter the date of birth of employee.
emp_doj Date Enter the date of join of employee.
emp_address varchar Enter the address of the employee.
emp_city varchar Enter the city of the employee.
emp_pincode Integer Enter the pin code of the employee.

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emp_mobile_no Integer Enter the mobile number of the employee.

emp_state varchar Enter the state of the employee.
emp_mail_id varchar Enter the mail id of the employee.
emp_pan_no varchar Enter the Pan number of the employee.

transaction_id- Primary Integer Key Unique transaction id.

emp_id Integer Employee id of employee.
emp_dept_id Integer Department Id of employee.
emp_grade_id Integer Grade Id of employee.
emp_from_date Date Date of join of employee in a department.
emp_to_date varchar Last date of an employee in a department.
Employee Grade Details Table Database Structure:

Employee Salary Details Table Database Structure:

emp_id (Primary Key) Integer Id of the employee.

emp_name varchar Enter the name of employee.
emp_dept_name varchar Department name of the employee
emp_grade_name varchar Grade id of the employee
emp_salary_month varchar Employee Salary month.
emp_salary_year varchar Employee salary year.
emp_basic Integer Enter the basic amount.
emp_ta Integer The amount of the Travel Allowance.
emp_da Integer The amount of the Dearness Allowance.
emp_hra Integer The amount of the House Rent Allowance.
emp_ma Integer The amount of Medical Allowance.
emp_bonus Integer The amount of bonus received.
emp_pf Integer Amount of Provident Fund to be deducted.
emp_pt Integer The amount of Professional Tax to be deducted.
emp_gross Integer The gross total received by employee.
emp_total_salary Integer The total salary received after deduction.

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include "header0.php";
include "header.php";
<!doctype html>
.button {
background-color: #000000;
color: #FFFFFF;
padding: 8px;

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Employee Payroll Management System

border-radius: 10px;
-moz-border-radius: 10px;
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;
.small-btn {
width: 50px;
height: 25px;
.medium-btn {
width: 70px;
height: 30px;
.big-btn {
width: 250px;
height: 40px;
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<body class="bg">
<form action="insertemp.php" align= "center">
<!--<div class="button big-btn">This is a big button</div>-->
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="insertemp.php" name="add" ><font
size="3"><strong>Add New

<form action="insertdep.php">
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="insertdep.php" name="add" ><font
size="3"><strong>Add New

<form action="insertgrade.php">
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="insertgrade.php" name="add" ><font
size="3"><strong>Add New

<form action="insertgradedetails.php">
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="insertgradedetails.php" name="add"
><font size="3"><strong>Employee Grade

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<form action="insertsalary.php">
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="insertsalary.php" name="add" ><font
size="3"><strong>Prepare Monthly

<form action="report.php">
<button type="submit" class="button big-btn" value="#" name="add" ><font


6. Software Testing:

We used following test data to check for errors from the system:

6.1 Normal Data:

This is the correct data which was entered in the database. The system took the data and correctly
updated the tables. Below is an example of normal data entered without a system error text

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6.2 Exceptional Data:

Invalid data was used to test whether the syntax of the software was followed or not.

 Here we entered duplicated data in “Employee Title” field and it has not updated the data
in table. It means in that field we are not allowed to enter duplicated data.

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 Here we have not given the data in all the fields and it showed error message: “All fields
are required”. It means we cannot leave any field empty.

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 Here we entered “Date of birth” and “Date of joining” in wrong format and it has not
updated the data in table. Correct format is “yyyy-dd-mm”.

7. Conclusion:

Technology designed by a corporation for "Payroll management system” has been developed to
achieve optimum productivity and minimize payroll activities. It is designed to replace an
existing manual recording system, which eliminates calculation time and data storage time.
MySQL and PHP is used for the database by the framework as the front end. The device is

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robust enough to survive regular regressive operations in conditions that sustain and clear the
database over a period of time. The operational implementation of the framework greatly
eliminates data entry, time and easily measured reports [4].

8. Refferences:





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