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Ashlee Ross

The VGK Times

Another Kim Kardashian
Scandal! Katy Perry
Latest DUI
The beautiful
Kim Kardashian
turns out to Katy Perry was caught drunk driving, she was arrested
again for DUI after being recognized driving the
have another
failure. She is wrong way on the New York freeway. She pled guilty
and was sentenced to five days in jail, two years of
getting divorced
from Kanye probation, an alcohol education program and was
fined $3,058. Katy, who is five months pregnant, only
West. This is her
third marriage, served 72 minutes of her sentence, thanks to a policy
which allowed non-violent female lawbreakers
she is separating again. Will Kim Kardashian
stay solo for a while or will she look for sentenced to 30 days or less to be released within 12
someone. There have been rumors that she
has been talking about the bachelors. Will it  
Written By: Elizabeth Allen
be that she will join the show to find her true
soulmate and fall in love again. Will we have
the great Kim Kardashian in the bachelor
show for 2021.

Written By: Loraine Delgado

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The VGK Times Benedict Cumberbatch and the

Giant Beachball!
Benedict Cumberbatch was on vacation with his
family in Anaheim,
CA to visit the beaches
and Disneyland.
However, one day
when Cumberbatch
Sheldon from Big Bang and his family were at
the beach, they had
Theory takes a trip to Bel brought a giant beach ball to play with along with
others who wanted to join in. Everyone was
Air having a grand time until the wind started to pick
Sheldon decides to complete a student on the up. This is when controlling the giant beach ball
personality and culture in Bel Air. Sheldon became difficult for everyone. Eventually a big
gust of wind came and blew the beach ball right
decides to visit Will, the fresh prince of Bel Air
over everyone's heads and sent it tumbling down
due to his roommate Leonard's personality the beach! As several people including
changes after he moves away to Bel Air and back Cumberbatch went chasing after the beach ball
to Los Angeles. Sheldon wants to know what's in they just could not catch up to it. The beach ball
the water over there. Leonard returns home as if had knocked some tops off sandcastles and had
he has found a new sense of relaxation and people running to get out of the way from being
happiness. Sheldon meets Will and his family and knocked over by the giant ball! Sadly, in the
end the beach ball caught another big gust of wind
stays with them for a month. Sheldon is unamused
that blew it out to sea, and it was long gone.
by the choreography of Will's cousin Carlton, and However, this crazy adventure sparked an interest
he is certainly unamused by Will's outgoing in Benedict Cumberbatch about how much
personality. Sheldon particularly gets along with pollution is put into the ocean every year. After
Carlton, but he continues to observe Will and the some research and the help of friends, family, and
rest of his family as well. Sheldon find that the fans Cumberbatch opened a new
donation campaign all about helping fund
dysfunction in their household is all out of the
organizations that help clean up the ocean and
family's love for one another. Within the coming beaches. This campaign is called the
weeks, we will be reporting more information on Cumberbatch Clean Ocean Campaign. Who knew
Sheldon's findings and observations of Will and a giant beach ball could do so much! 
his family. We look forward to sharing this with Written By: Sabrina Handlon
our readers very soon!
Written By: Roman Lucero
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Will Klaus be the reason Monica and EXCLUSIVE!!! TOPANGA vs. ELEVEN

The VGK Times
Chandler Don’t get there happily ever
Everyone knows and loves the young, smart, and
"weird" Topanga from Boy Meets World, but recently
she has moved from
her hometown in
Pennsylvania. She was
forced to move to
Indiana because of her
parent's job where she
meets other "weird"
people. She became friends with the group from
you may all know Monica and Chandler were a Stranger things. Everyone is excited to have a new
happy couple, but it all came to an end when
member in the group... everyone except Eleven. She is
Klaus came into the picture. There has always
been a spark between this couple, has the spark not too happy about it at all! Topanga and Finn seem to
gone dull? Klaus has moved far way from his hit it off very well which is making Eleven pretty jealous.
toxic family and decides to live a better life in the Eleven has been using her powers to mess with
big Apple. He comes across Monica and sweeps Topanga, but because her powers are still a secret to
her off her feet with his wild side.  her, she thinks it is just bad luck. Eleven sneakily pulls
Monica is stuck between this love triangle and chairs from under Topanga so she falls and makes her
comes across the fact she loves both. Klaus and
drop her books in the hallway.
Chandler continue to try to prove they are worthy
of Monica’s love. Who will it be? Will she choose She also ignores her and
the rebellious but sexy original vampire or the mocks her when she speaks.
sweet and cheesy chandler? Watch season 5 to The rest of the group has
find out.  gotten angry at Eleven for her
Written By: Gisselle Bravo  mean little pranks and attitude
which upset Eleven even
more. The group is losing focus on the important issue
which is saving their town. Sources say Topanga is
willing to be friends will Eleven, but only if she
apologizes for her snarky behavior. Will Eleven accept
Topanga, or will her envy distract her from uniting with
her friends to save her town?! 
Written By: Ariana Luna Erives
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Kendal Jenner newest David Hasselhoff becomes The Bachelor in

Bachelorette! (Season 17) As most of us may know, David Hasselhoff has
The young and beautiful Kendal Jenner has been a star since 1975, but though he is 68 years
always said that she has been the happiest ever old now, he still all the rage for older women
being single. But in the newest gossip it is said around the world. From The Young and The
that she wants to find her true love and is ready to Restless, to the fan favorite, Baywatch, he is still
go all in. The newest season of the Bachelorette sensational. That is why he is casted as The
will be premiering Kendal Jenner in which a total Bachelor for Season 25. Thirty women ranging
of 30 men will be competing for her love to see if from ages 45 to 65 will be competing for David's
she is ready to risk it all and end of with one of heart. Each week multiple women will be
these lucky men. eliminated until David finds his final one that he
Will these men would like to marry and spend the rest of his days
be enough for her with. This season is said to be one of the most
and will they dramatic out of all previous seasons. Fans are
accept the eager to see this dynamic change in The Bachelor
challenge of franchise and this season will be making Bachelor
fighting amongst history with Hasselhoff being the oldest
one another for contestant yet. We look forward to reporting more
her. In this in the coming
newest season we months!
will see a lot of Written By: Ashlee
fighting along Ross
with tears and
sweat in the
many challenges and dates that Kendal will bring
them along in. It is said that this season will be
one of the most watched and controversial since it
will be premiering one of the most popular
models/ sisters in a famous family in our US.
Let's take a little insight on this season and look
forward to bringing a little more gossip to you all!
Written By: Marcela Arrezola

The VGK Times

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