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Removal of waste Materials

Metabolic reactions:

 Metabolism refers to all the chemical reactions, anabolic or catabolic,

that go on in living cells in order to keep an organism alive. Some
metabolic processes produce waste products which are toxic if they
accumulate in the organism. Such toxic materials or substances are
called excretory products. For example, urea, uric acid, carbon-
dioxide etc

 Excretion is a process by which metabolic wastes & other non-

useful toxic materials are removed out from the body of an organism.
 In vertebrates this is carried out by the lungs (CO2), kidneys (urine) &
skin (sweat).
 For example, as a result of catabolic reaction in the liver, extra proteins
are broken down to urea and uric acid which are toxic substances and
are removed through urination and sweating.
 Similarly when respiration occurs in cells, glucose molecule is
catabolically broken down to produce carbon-dioxide (a product of
metabolic toxic waste) which is removed out of body during exhalation.
How excretion is diferentiated
from egetsion?
 Excretion is the removal of waste products from the body produced after
several metabolic processes e.g. proteins in food are catabolically
broken down to urea in the liver which is a waste material.
 However, Egestion or defecation is the removal of the undigested
semi-solid waste (Faeces) from the anus (last part of the alimentary
canal). This undigested material is not formed from substances within
the cells but has never been absorbed into the cells. Hence, egested
material is not the product of metabolic processes.
 It is mostly fiber as body does not have enzymes to digest them
so it is removed as it is.
Metabolic wastes produced during
Biochemical Reaction:-
Sr #. Waste Process Part Excretion Organ

1. CO2 Respiration All body cells Lungs  

2. Urea Deamination of proteins Liver Kidneys Skin

3. Ammonia Deamination of amino acids Liver Kidneys Skin

4. Excess salts & water     Kidneys, Lungs Skin

5. Uric Acid Breakdown of DNA Liver Kidneys  

6. Excess water Urination, sweating, expired   Kidneys, Skin, Lungs  

air as vapors
Mammalian Urinary System:-

Pair of Kidneys
 They are bean shaped organs located on both the sides of backbone.
 In humans, the kidneys lie just above the waistline.
 The left kidney is slightly higher than the right one.
 The outer darker region of kidney is cortex & inner pale red region of
kidney is medulla.
 In both these regions there are millions of nephrons which are
specifcally involved in the purifcation of blood.
 Renal pelvis in kidneys is the portion of the ureters in kidneys where
waste material is frst collected.

 Kidneys remove extra water & mineral salts, nitrogenous waste mainly
urea & uric acid from blood as urine.
 By selective re-absorption in nephrons, kidneys maintain pH of blood
 Kidneys regulate salt & water balance of body fuids (Osmoregulation).

 Hilus is that depression region of kidney where renal artery, renal vein
and the nerves meet the kidney.
Pair of Ureters:-
 Ureter is a narrow tube that carries urine from the hilus to the urinary
bladder by process of peristalsis.
 There are two ureters, one attached to each kidney.
 The upper end of the ureter is inside the kidney & the lower end is
attached to urinary bladder.
Urinary Bladder:

 The urinary bladder is a muscular sac attached to ureters. Urine is made

in the kidneys & travels down through ureters & is stored in bladder.
 Sphincter Muscles:
 At the bottom of the bladder is a sphincter muscle. When the bladder is
full, sensory neurons send impulses to the brain. Subsequently, nervous
impulses from the brain cause the sphincter muscles to relax and allow
the urine to fow out of the body. Thus, sphincter muscles in bladder
control the exit of urine in the urinary bladder through urethra.
 Urethra:-
 Urethra is a duct through which urine passes from the bladder to the
outside of the body.
How urine is formed or working of urinary

 Blood enters the kidney through renal artery.

 Nephrons in the kidney cause ultrafltration of blood. Important
substances needed by the body are re-absorbed & is sent back to body
through renal vein while the remaining left over is now urine which is
combination of many waste substances like urea, water, salts, uric acid
 These waste substances are harmful if they are accumulated in the body
so they are removed out of the body through urine.
 Urine moves through ureters & is stored in bladder until it is expelled
out of body through urethra.
What is urine?

 A watery solution of waste materials including salts, urea, uric acid

etc produced as a result of several metabolic reactions in the body.
These substances are harmful if accumulated in the body and should be
removed from the body.
 Urine= urea + ions + toxins + water
Kidney Failure:

 Kidney failure occurs because of high blood pressure, diabetes,

consumption of alcohol, a major surgery or an injury.
 If one kidney fails to function, a person can still lead a normal life with
the other kidney. But if both the kidneys fail to work, patient with
kidney failure needs a kidney transplant. A donor with two healthy
kidneys can donate one kidney and survive with the remaining kidney.
 If a donor kidney is not available, the patient can be treated with
dialysis through a dialysis machine.
Kidney Dialysis:
Exchange of substances between
Dialysis fuid and Blood:
 Dialysis fuid contains the same concentration of essential substances such as
glucose, amino acids and essential salts as the blood. This ensures that these
substances do not difuse out of the blood into the dialysis fuid. Furthermore, if the
patient’s blood lacks essential salts, these salts will difuse from the dialysis fuid
into the blood through the partially permeable tubing.
 Dialysis fuid does not contain metabolic waste product like urea, uric acid,
creatinine, excess water and mineral salts which allows the waste products to
be difused from blood into the dialysis fuid. This maintains the water potential of
the blood.
 The tubing is narrow, long and coiled to increase the surface area to volume ratio.
This speeds up the exchange of substances between the blood and the dialysis fuid.
 The direction of blood fow is opposite to the fow of dialysis fuid. This maintains the
concentration gradient for the removal of waste products.
Disadvantages of Dialysis:

 Kidney machine restricts the movement of an individuals.

 It is very expensive.
 Risk of infectious diseases.
 A trained person is needed.
During dialysis it should be kept in
 Blood pressure & temperature is maintained.
 There is continuous fow of blood.
 Steeper concentration gradient of waste material is maintained.
 Blood does not clot & contaminate.
 During dialysis, due to same ratio proteins, glucose etc. they stay in
the blood & only extra water, salts & urea difuse into dialysis fuid
which is removed.

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