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TPACK Creating Assignment Template

Content Knowledge

Subject Physical Education

Grade Level 10th

Learning Objective 10.2 The student will apply knowledge of

The objective of the lesson is what students will be able to do biomechanics and anatomy and analyze and
as they finish the activity. For this objective, use the
Standards of Learning (SOL) to say what you want to focus evaluate the ability to move proficiently and
on. efficiently in a variety of lifetime activities.
You can find the SOLs at look on the right of the a) Explain how the body responds to energy needs for
screen for the subjects and go from there. anaerobic and aerobic activities, to include fast and
slow-twitch muscle fibers, and anaerobic respiration
(ATP-PC and Lactic Acid System) and aerobic
Pedagogy Planning

Complete this sentence by naming the technology tool and the creation activity:

In this activity, my students are going to use Autodraw to create a drawing of an aerobic and
anaerobic activity .

Activity Describe what the learning activity will be. What

will the students and the teacher be doing? (This includes
what they are doing with the technology). Many people tend
1. Students will use their device whether its
to find this part easier if they number the action in order and their laptop or phone and go to
think of this from the view of a substitute teacher. This lesson
was left on the desk, can you follow it and teach the class
today? Add numbers as you need to describe your 2. Students will then use the autodraw feature
class/activity for the day.
or draw feature to draw an example of an
aerobic activity, and anaerobic activity and
label which is which. Students will be given
the option to use either to give them the
choice to be as creative as they want to be.

Web 2.0 Technology,

Name of the device and/or programs being used. (The
description of what the students will be doing with the
technology will be included in the pedagogy/activity section).

Link to the example product you

made pretending to be a student
Autodrawing is the name of the app. The app is free and is on the Apple App Store.
Mobile App Option

Before you submit, delete the explanatory text (the text in small italics).

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