Module 6-1-Operating System Management and Maintenance

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Module 6-1: Operating Systems Management and Maintenance

1. Module Objectives

Upon completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

● Describe and apply troubleshooting methodology;

● Apply steps of change management;
● Describe the tasks involved in system administration and management

2. Introduction

So far in this course, we have built an understanding of several OS management sub-

systems. In actual production lines, users and organizations have to implement
adequate troubleshooting and change management policies. This module introduces the
methodology for system and network troubleshooting and change management. Key
tasks and activities of systems and network administrators are also introduced.

3. Troubleshooting Methodology [1], [2]

Network and Computer Systems Troubleshooting

Generally, troubleshooting follows steps in Figure 6-1.1.

Figure 6-1.1: Troubleshooting steps

Given a scenario where a system or network failure occurs, users or administrators

should implement the following network troubleshooting methodology These steps
should be followed in the order that they appear:
1. Information gathering - identify symptoms and problems
Ask the user to describe the problem, check for error messages, and recreate the
problem. Resist the urge to start fixing things at this point.
2. Identify the affected areas of the network
Determine how large the problem is. For example, fixes for one client workstation
would likely be very different than fixes for an entire network segment.
3. Determine if anything has changed
Most often, problems are caused by new hardware or software or changes to the
configuration. If necessary, ask questions to discover what might have changed that
could have caused the problem.
4. Establish the most probable cause
Look for common errors or solutions that can be tried quickly.
5. Determine if escalation is necessary
When forwarding the problem on to someone else, be sure to describe the nature of the
problem, the actions you have already taken, and the symptoms that lead you to believe
the problem is outside of your area of responsibility.
6. Create an action plan and solution identifying potential effects

Your plan might include purchases for hardware or equipment that need approval
before proceeding. In addition, your plan might involve taking some services offline for
a period of time. Identifying the affects ahead of time helps you put measures into place
to eliminate or reduce any potential negative consequences.
7. Implement and test the solution
When side effects have been weighed against the fix and all concerns have been
addressed, fix the problem. If necessary, implement additional steps to correct the
problem if your first solution did not work. After you think you have resolved the
problem, test the result.
8. Identify the results and effects of the solution
Make sure that the solution has fully fixed the problem and has not caused any other
9. Document the solution and the entire process
In the future, you can check your documentation to see what has changed or to help
you remember the solution to common problems.

Software Troubleshooting
In the scenario of a software problem, administrators should try these troubleshooting
tips in the order they're listed below. Theys should document the steps carefully. That
way, if an escalation (more tech support) becomes necessary, at least the administrator
would have a good idea of what isn't causing the problem.
1. Free up RAM by closing other open programs.
Every piece of software uses Random Access Memory (RAM). The more software that's
running on your computer, the more RAM it uses. This can be especially problematic if
you're using older machines that don't have a lot of RAM. So if a software program
refuses to load or is running slowly, the first thing to do is to close all other open
applications. If you want to find out which open applications might be hogging your
RAM, both Windows and Macintosh operating systems (OS) have tools that display this
● In Windows, hit Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then choose the Start Task Manager option.
From the window that appears, click the Processes tab, then click the Memory
menu item. This sorts all open processes based on the amount of RAM they're
using. You can shut down a runaway process by clicking the End Process button.
Before you do that, you may want to do a bit of research on the process to ensure
that you don't accidentally stop a critical process or program.
● In Mac OS X, use the Activity Monitor (called the Process Viewer in older
versions of OS X). Access the Activity Monitor by going to Applications >
Utilities. Once you've called up the Activity Monitor, sort programs based on
RAM usage by clicking the column labeled "Real Memory."
2. Restart the software.
Software problems can stem from a conflict with other programs or simply from
difficulties the software encountered when starting up. Shutting the program down and
restarting it can sometimes resolve these issues.
3. Shut down and restart your computer.
If restarting the problematic program doesn't resolve the issue, try rebooting your
computer. Once the computer has fully restarted, re-launch the application in question
and see if the problem has been resolved.

4. Use the Internet to find help.

No matter what software problems you encounter, chances are it's happened to
someone else. So there's a good chance you can find help on the Internet. Here are a few
places to get started:
● Search for answers: In your search engine query, include the software program
name and version, the problem you encountered, and the circumstances under
which the problem occurred. If you received a specific error message, enter the
exact error message text, along with the name of the application.
● Check the vendor's website: Most software vendors provide some form of
product help, such as answers to frequently asked questions, product
documentation, or user discussion forums.
● Check other websites: TechSoup's article Learning About Technology Online lists
a number of other websites that offer technology tutorials, articles, and
discussion forums.
5. Undo any recent hardware or software changes.
Changes to software and hardware can sometimes cause software problems, such as:
● Conflicts with other software: Newly installed software may conflict with other
software. For example, Symantec Norton Antivirus can conflict with other
competing antivirus products. So, if you recently installed another antivirus
program and Norton Antivirus no longer works correctly, uninstalling the other
antivirus product could solve your problem.
● Changes to computer settings: Undo any recent changes to your computer's
settings, and try launching the software again. For example, the Windows
Control Panel includes an option to "Set Program Access and Defaults," which
allows you to disable access to certain applications. If you accidentally disable
access to a program here, the program may not run.
Conflicts with new or improperly configured hardware, such as scanners and printers.
If you've recently connected new hardware to one of your computers, try disconnecting
the hardware and see if that corrects the software issue.
6. Uninstall the software, then reinstall it.
Sometimes, software problems occur because critical application files have been
removed, updated, or deleted. For example, many Windows applications use Dynamic
Link Library (DLL) files to perform basic tasks. Often, several applications will use the
same DLL file. If you've recently removed one program from your computer, it's
possible you removed DLL files that another program relied on. Similarly, adding a
program could add or update DLL files. Applications that were dependent on those
DLL files may become unstable or stop working entirely.
To ensure that all the necessary files are intact, you can completely uninstall the
problematic software, then reinstall it. Even if you remove a program using its built-in
uninstall wizard (if it includes one), it's still a good idea to check your hard drive's
Program Files folder — usually located on the C drive — for any remnants of the
program, and delete any files or folders you find.

Before reinstalling, check to see if there's a new version of the program available. The
vendor or developer might have introduced bug fixes that address the issue you're
7. Look for software patches.
Software vendors may also fix bugs by issuing patches — small software updates that
address known problems. Even if you're using the most current version of the software,
there may be a more recent patch available for that version.
8. Scan for viruses and malware.
Viruses, spyware, and other forms of malicious software (or "malware") can cause
software to freeze, crash, or quit working entirely. If tips 1 through 8 haven't helped
solve your software problem, you may also want to scan the computer using both
antivirus and anti-malware tools to find and remove viruses and malware. Use the most
thorough scan mode available, and remember to restart your machine if the antivirus or
anti-malware programs found any threats.
9. Check for a firewall conflict.
Some organizations may choose to install personal firewall software on each computer,
rather than a centralized hardware or software-based firewall. Personal firewalls can be
an important line of defense against hackers and other security threats, but they can
also cause software conflicts.
Firewalls frequently display messages asking whether it should allow a program to run
or block it. Therefore, it's possible to accidentally tell the personal firewall to block a
program from running. Check the firewall's settings to see if the problematic software
was added to the firewall's list of programs to block. If so, change the firewall's settings
to allow the software to run, then check to see if you're still having issues with your
10. Boot up in Safe Mode.
Some software malfunctions can be caused by OS settings or other system problems.
Windows and Mac operating systems both offer a troubleshooting environment known

as Safe Mode. Safe Mode disables non-critical applications and processes, which
theoretically makes it easier to isolate problems.
Most Windows computers allow you to enter Safe Mode by pressing the F8 key as your
computer is booting up. On a Mac, enter Safe Mode by pressing the Shift key while
your computer boots up (or immediately after it boots up).
Once your computer is in Safe Mode, launch the problematic software and try to
replicate the problem you had while your computer was in normal mode. If you don't
have the same problem in safe mode, there's a good chance that the issue was caused by
your OS or another program, not by the application you are troubleshooting.
11. Defragment your hard drive.
As a final troubleshooting step, you might defragment your computer's hard drive.
Defragmenting rearranges your hard drive's file structure so that the system runs more
efficiently. Defragmenting will probably be most useful if you're experiencing overall
sluggishness on your computer, because defragmenting is meant to make your entire
system run faster. Note that defragmenting a hard drive applies primarily to Windows-
based computers.
Most recent Windows editions — including XP, Vista, and Windows 7 — include a
built-in disk-defragmentation tool. To launch it, go to Start > All Programs > Accessories
> System Tools > Disk Defragmenter. Be aware that defragmenting a hard drive can be
time-consuming, so make sure to perform this task when you will be away from your
computer for a few hours.

In summary, if the tips listed above haven't solved the software problem, it may be time
to escalate the issue call for more adequate technical support. At a minimum, the
administrator would be able to help them narrow down the problem by describing the
troubleshooting steps you've already taken on your own.

4. Change Management

As we noticed in the troubleshooting steps, changes to systems and networks can be the
source of many issues. That is why it is important to implement strict change
management policies. At a minimum, any system change should include the following

• Logged Change Requests;

• Identification, prioritization, and initiation of change;
• Proper authorization of change;
• Requirements analysis;
• Inter-dependency and compliance analysis;
• Impact Assessment;

• Change approach;
• Change testing;
• User acceptance testing and approval;
• Implementation and release planning;
• Documentation;
• Change monitoring;
• Defined responsibilities and authorities of all users and IT personnel;
• Emergency change classification parameters.

The change management section of this module can be read from Figure 6-1.2 in [3], as

5 Policy
5.1 Preamble Changes to information resources shall be managed and executed
according to a formal change control process. The control process will ensure that
changes proposed are reviewed, authorised, tested, implemented, and released in a
controlled manner; and that the status of each proposed change is monitored. In order to fulfil this policy, the following statements shall be adhered
5.1.2 Operational Procedures The change control process shall be formally defined and
documented. A change control process shall be in place to control changes to all
critical company information resources (such as hardware, software, system
documentation and operating procedures). This documented process shall include
management responsibilities and procedures. Wherever practicable, operational and
application change control procedures should be integrated. At a minimum the change control process should include the
following phases:
• Logged Change Requests;
• Identification, prioritisation and initiation of change;
• Proper authorisation of change;
• Requirements analysis;
• Inter-dependency and compliance analysis;
• Impact Assessment;
• Change approach;
• Change testing;
• User acceptance testing and approval;
• Implementation and release planning;
• Documentation;

• Change monitoring;
• Defined responsibilities and authorities of all users and IT personnel;
• Emergency change classification parameters.
5.1.3 Documented Change All change requests shall be logged whether approved or rejected on a
standardised and central system. The approval of all change requests and the results
thereof shall be documented. A documented audit trail, maintained at a Business Unit Level,
containing relevant information shall be maintained at all times. This should include
change request documentation, change authorisation and the outcome of the change.
No single person should be able to effect changes to production information systems
without the approval of other authorised personnel.
5.1.4 Risk Management A risk assessment shall be performed for all changes and dependant
on the outcome, an impact assessment should be performed. The impact assessment shall include the potential effect on other
information resources and potential cost implications. The impact assessment should,
where applicable consider compliance with legislative requirements and standards.
5.1.5 Change Classification All change requests shall be prioritised in terms of benefits, urgency,
effort required and potential impact on operations.
5.1.6 Testing Changes shall be tested in an isolated, controlled, and representative
environment (where such an environment is feasible) prior to implementation to
minimise the effect on the relevant business process, to assess its impact on operations
and security and to verify that only intended and approved changes were made. (For
more information see System Development Life Cycle [citation here]).
5.1.7 Changes affecting SLA‘s The impact of change on existing SLA’s shall be considered. Where
applicable, changes to the SLA shall be controlled through a formal change process
which includes contractual amendments.
5.1.8 Version control Any software change and/or update shall be controlled with version
control. Older versions shall be retained in accordance with corporate retention and
storage management policies. (For more information see System Development Life
Cycle [citation here])
5.1.9 Approval All changes shall be approved prior to implementation. Approval of
changes shall be based on formal acceptance criteria i.e. the change request was done

by an authorised user, the impact assessment was performed and proposed changes
were tested.
5.1.10 Communicating changes All users, significantly affected by a change, shall be notified of the
change. The user representative shall sign-off on the change. Users shall be required
to make submissions and comment prior to the acceptance of the change.
5.1.11 Implementation Implementation will only be undertaken after appropriate testing
and approval by stakeholders. All major changes shall be treated as new system
implementation and shall be established as a project. Major changes will be classified
according to effort required to develop and implement said changes. (For more
information see System Development Life Cycle [citation here])
5.1.12 Fall back Procedures for aborting and recovering from unsuccessful changes
shall be documented. Should the outcome of a change be different to the expected
result (as identified in the testing of the change), procedures and responsibilities shall
be noted for the recovery and continuity of the affected areas. Fall back procedures
will be in place to ensure systems can revert back to what they were prior to
implementation of changes.
5.1.13 Documentation Information resources documentation shall be updated on the
completion of each change and old documentation shall be archived or disposed of as
per the documentation and data retention policies. Information resources documentation is used for reference purposes
in various scenarios i.e. further development of existing information resources as well
as ensuring adequate knowledge transfer in the event of the original developer and/or
development house being unavailable. It is therefore imperative that information
resources documentation is complete, accurate and kept up to date with the latest
changes. Policies and procedures, affected by software changes, shall be updated on
completion of each change.
5.1.14 Business Continuity Plans (BCP) Business continuity plans shall be updated with relevant changes,
managed through the change control process. Business continuity plans rely on the
completeness, accuracy and availability of BCP documentation. BCP documentation
is the road map used to minimise disruption to critical business processes where
possible, and to facilitate their rapid recovery in the event of disasters.
5.1.15 Emergency Changes Specific procedures to ensure the proper control, authorisation, and
documentation of emergency changes shall be in place. Specific parameters will be

defined as a standard for classifying changes as Emergency changes.
5.1.16 Change Monitoring All changes will be monitored once they have been rolled-out to the
production environment. Deviations from design specifications and test results will
be documented and escalated to the solution owner for ratification.

Figure 6-1.2: ISO change management policy [3]

5. Computer and Network Systems Administration and Management Tasks

Network and Computer Systems Administrator

Job Duties and Tasks
Job Duties and Tasks of a network and computer systems administrator may include:
● Perform data backups and disaster recovery operations.
● Confer with network users about how to solve existing system problems.
● Train people in computer system use.
● Load computer tapes and disks, and install software and printer paper or forms.
● Analyze equipment performance records to determine the need for repair or
● Maintain and administer computer networks and related computing
environments including computer hardware, systems software, applications
software, and all configurations.
● Plan, coordinate, and implement network security measures to protect data,
software, and hardware.
● Operate master consoles to monitor the performance of computer systems and
networks, and to coordinate computer network access and use.
● Perform routine network startup and shutdown procedures, and maintain
control records.
● Design, configure, and test computer hardware, networking software and
operating system software.
● Recommend changes to improve systems and network configurations, and
determine hardware or software requirements related to such changes.
● Monitor network performance to determine whether adjustments need to be
made, and to determine where changes will need to be made in the future.
● Gather data pertaining to customer needs, and use the information to identify,
predict, interpret, and evaluate system and network requirements.

● Maintain logs related to network functions, as well as maintenance and repair
● Maintain an inventory of parts for emergency repairs.
● Coordinate with vendors and with company personnel to facilitate purchases.
● Diagnose, troubleshoot, and resolve hardware, software, or other network and
system problems, and replace defective components when necessary.
● Configure, monitor, and maintain email applications or virus protection
● Implement and provide technical support for voice services and equipment, such
as private branch exchange, voice mail system, and telecom system.

Activities of a network and computer systems administrator may include:
● Interacting With Computers -- Using computers and computer systems
(including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions,
enter data, or process information.
● Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining
information from all relevant sources.
● Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events -- Identifying information by
categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting
changes in circumstances or events.
● Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing information and
evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
● Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates -- Providing
information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in
written form, e-mail, or in person.
● Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge -- Keeping up-to-date technically and
applying new knowledge to your job.
● Processing Information -- Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating,
tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.
● Thinking Creatively -- Developing, designing, or creating new applications,
ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
● Analyzing Data or Information -- Identifying the underlying principles, reasons,
or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts.
● Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work -- Developing specific goals and
plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.
● Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships -- Developing
constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining
them over time.

● Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings -- Monitoring and reviewing
information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess
● Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards -- Using
relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or
processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
● Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others -- Translating or explaining
what information means and how it can be used.
● Provide Consultation and Advice to Others -- Providing guidance and expert
advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or process-related
● Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material -- Inspecting equipment,
structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or
● Documenting/Recording Information -- Entering, transcribing, recording,
storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form.
● Developing Objectives and Strategies -- Establishing long-range objectives and
specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them.
● Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information --
Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining the time, costs,
resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity.
● Scheduling Work and Activities -- Scheduling events, programs, and activities, as
well as the work of others.
● Repairing and Maintaining Electronic Equipment -- Servicing, repairing,
calibrating, regulating, fine-tuning, or testing machines, devices, and equipment
that operate primarily on the basis of electrical or electronic (not mechanical)

Computer Hardware Engineer

Job Duties and Tasks
Job Duties and Tasks of a computer hardware technician/engineer may include:
● Analyze information to determine, recommend, and plan layout, including the
types of computers and peripheral equipment modifications.
● Analyze user needs and recommend appropriate hardware.
● Build, test and modify product prototypes, using working models or theoretical
models constructed using computer simulation.
● Confer with engineering staff and consult specifications to evaluate interface
between hardware and software and operational and performance requirements
of the overall system.

● Design and develop computer hardware and support peripherals, including
central processing units (CPUs), support logic, microprocessors, custom
integrated circuits, and printers and disk drives.
● Evaluate factors such as reporting formats required, cost constraints, and the
need for security restrictions to determine hardware configuration.
● Monitor functioning of equipment and make necessary modifications to ensure
the system operates in conformance with specifications.
● Specify power supply requirements and configuration, drawing on system
performance expectations and design specifications.
● Store, retrieve, and manipulate data for analysis of system capabilities and
● Test and verify hardware and support peripherals to ensure that they meet
specifications and requirements, analyzing and recording test data.
● Write detailed functional specifications that document the hardware
development process and support hardware introduction.
● Assemble and modify existing pieces of equipment to meet special needs.
● Direct technicians, engineering designers or other technical support personnel as
● Provide technical support to designers, marketing and sales departments,
suppliers, engineers and other team members throughout the product
development and implementation process.
● Provide training and support to system designers and users.
● Recommend purchase of equipment to control dust, temperature, and humidity
in area of system installation.
● Select hardware and material, assuring compliance with specifications and
product requirements.
● Update knowledge and skills to keep up with rapid advancements in computer

Job activities of a computer hardware technician/engineer may include:
● Interacting With Computers -- Using computers and computer systems
(including hardware and software) to program, write software, set up functions,
enter data, or process information.
● Updating and Using Relevant Knowledge -- Keeping up-to-date technically and
applying new knowledge to your job.
● Provide Consultation and Advice to Others -- Providing guidance and expert
advice to management or other groups on technical, systems-, or process-related

● Thinking Creatively -- Developing, designing, or creating new applications,
ideas, relationships, systems, or products, including artistic contributions.
● Drafting and specifying Technical Devices, Parts, and Equipment -- Providing
documentation, detailed instructions, drawings, or specifications to tell others
about how devices, parts, equipment, or structures are to be fabricated,
constructed, assembled, modified, maintained, or used.
● Analyzing Data or Information -- Identifying the underlying principles, reasons,
or facts of information by breaking down information or data into separate parts.
● Identifying Objects, Actions, and Events -- Identifying information by
categorizing, estimating, recognizing differences or similarities, and detecting
changes in circumstances or events.
● Getting Information -- Observing, receiving, and otherwise obtaining
information from all relevant sources.
● Making Decisions and Solving Problems -- Analyzing information and
evaluating results to choose the best solution and solve problems.
● Communicating with Supervisors, Peers, or Subordinates -- Providing
information to supervisors, co-workers, and subordinates by telephone, in
written form, e-mail, or in person.
● Communicating with Persons Outside Organization -- Communicating with
people outside the organization, representing the organization to customers, the
public, government, and other external sources. This information can be
exchanged in person, in writing, or by telephone or e-mail.
● Training and Teaching Others -- Identifying the educational needs of others,
developing formal educational or training programs or classes, and teaching or
instructing others.
● Documenting/Recording Information -- Entering, transcribing, recording,
storing, or maintaining information in written or electronic/magnetic form.
● Monitor Processes, Materials, or Surroundings -- Monitoring and reviewing
information from materials, events, or the environment, to detect or assess
● Estimating the Quantifiable Characteristics of Products, Events, or Information --
Estimating sizes, distances, and quantities; or determining the time, costs,
resources, or materials needed to perform a work activity.
● Judging the Qualities of Things, Services, or People -- Assessing the value,
importance, or quality of things or people.
● Processing Information -- Compiling, coding, categorizing, calculating,
tabulating, auditing, or verifying information or data.
● Evaluating Information to Determine Compliance with Standards -- Using
relevant information and individual judgment to determine whether events or
processes comply with laws, regulations, or standards.
● Inspecting Equipment, Structures, or Material -- Inspecting equipment,
structures, or materials to identify the cause of errors or other problems or
● Interpreting the Meaning of Information for Others -- Translating or explaining
what information means and how it can be used.
● Establishing and Maintaining Interpersonal Relationships -- Developing
constructive and cooperative working relationships with others, and maintaining
them over time.
● Organizing, Planning, and Prioritizing Work -- Developing specific goals and
plans to prioritize, organize, and accomplish your work.
● Handling and Moving Objects -- Using hands and arms in handling, installing,
positioning, and moving materials, and manipulating things.
● Developing Objectives and Strategies -- Establishing long-range objectives and
specifying the strategies and actions to achieve them.
● Monitoring and Controlling Resources -- Monitoring and controlling resources
and overseeing the spending of money.

6. References

[1] Wikibooks, "Objective 4.6: Troubleshooting Methodology," [Online]. Available:
odology [Accessed Nov. 30, 2019].
[2] Brian Satterfield, "Eleven Tips for Troubleshooting Software," [Online]. Available: February
27, 2012,
troubleshooting-software [Accessed Nov. 30, 2019].
[3] ISO, “ISO 27001 Security: Change Management and Control Policy,” [Online]. Available:
l.docx [Accessed Nov. 30, 2019].
[4] Michael T. Robinson, "Lists of Job Descriptions," [Online]. Available: [Accessed Nov. 30, 2019].


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