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EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑

Activity 1. Brainstorming Outline. Find a topic of personal interest. You are going to present that topic orally to your teacher and
classmates in a video. Research your topic’s keywords and most important aspects in a brainstorming session to create an outline.

 From your chosen topic brainstorm ideas to make an outline.
 Underline and/or color your key ideas and vocabulary.
 Use expressions learned from the material or on your own.
 Use connectors, capitalization, and punctuation properly.

accept negative emotions

 Emotion, a complex experience of consciousness.
 Aviation refers to the use of commercial and non-commercial
aircrafts for transportation of people or goods.
 People do things to try to avoid that feeling like taking drugs or
 The A380, by Airbus Industries, is the biggest plane ever made, and
the 747, by Boeing Industries, is one of the most iconic aircraft. alcohol to feel better.
 There are several types of aircraft based on their wing configuration
and materials of construction.  Emotions have their beginning and their end
 Aviation began in the 18th century with the development of the hot
air balloon. Powered planes with engines were first introduced in
 Allow yourself to accept what you feel
the early 1900s by the Wright brothers.


1.Introduction 3.1. Civil aviation

1.1. Modern manufacturers 3.2. Military Aviation
1. Definition … 3.1 The responsibility is ours
1.2. Most famous aircrafts 4.Accidents
1.1. Emotions 4. Strategies for managing negative
2.History 4.1. Air Safety
2. Because it happens to us emotions
2.1. Early Beginnings 4.2. Traffic Control
2.1 Why we feel bad about our
5. References
2.2. Lighter than air 5.Environmental Impact
2.3. Heavier than air 5.1. Air pollution
2.4. High tech 5.2. Noise pollution 3.Accept emotions
3.Operations 6.References

Additional Instructions: use composite words as learned in the material.

EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑
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EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑

Activity 2. Signposting and Cards. Select three random points from your outline in Activity 1 and create presentation cards to
support your future slide presentation pronunciation using the signpost language learned in this unit. Make at least three cards-

Cards Example and Signposting Expressions 2A. PRESENTATION NOTES CARD 2

 Use signpost expressions learned from the material or on your own.
Introducing: “the subject/topic is…”
 Use connectors, capitalization, and punctuation properly.

Overview: “there are a number of Definition

points/parts.” “Basically, briefly” “I’d like
to start by…” Section Ending: “that’s all  Emotion, a complex experience of consciousness,
about…” “We’ve looked at…” bodily sensation, and behavior.

Start a New Section: “Moving on to…”, “Let us turn now to…”. “The next
issue/topic/area I’d like to focus on…”
I’m going to talk about emotions…”

Giving examples: “for example…”, “to illustrate…”, “for instance…”

Summarizing: “to sum up…”, “to conclude…”, “in short…” .

Paraphrasing: “simply put”, “In other words”, “to put it more simply…”

Summarizing: “I’m happy to answer any…”, “Please feel free to ask questions…”


To accept

 Meditation and mindfulness.

 We do not want to feel that way or we are used to blame other.
 I am the one who has built a negative feeling.
Allow yourself to accept what you feel.

“to conclude

Please feel free to ask questions


Fuente de imágenes: SENA

EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑

Activity 3. World Role Models. Review the slide presentation about World Food on the left. Search for world leaders related to your
selected topic and prepare your final presentation by answering the questions on the right about Leadership and Responsibility.


EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑

Initial Outlining
And introduction

Per slide:

-One point/title  Who are the world leaders/celebrities for your topic on mass media?
-One main image
-Image captions
-Short captions Begoña Ibarrola : Psychologist
María Soto: Coach
Álvaro Bilbao:Neuropsychologist

 What are the main characteristics a leader should have in this field?

They should have empathy

They should be confident
They should be good listeners
They should be good communicators

 What functions should leaders or role models exercise in this role?


Q&A Session
They should adapt to the virtual environment
They should adapt to different personalities
They should adapt to preventive work.
They should adapt to the inclusive language
They see new technologies as both a challenge and a resource.

Additional Instructions: use expressions from the unit’s glossary.


 Save your audio online, you can use or drive for example.
 Get the file link and copy it below to share it with your tutor and peers.
EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑
 Alternatively, upload the mp3 file as an attachment in the platform.

Audio Link: click here to introduce text.

Additional Instructions: check this video tutorial for using Vocaroo on a computer.
Fuente de imágenes: SENA
EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑

Assessment Rubric. This is what is evaluated from your learning evidence and how it is graded. Use this rubric for self-assessment
(auto-evaluation) to review your learning experience from your strengths and weak points.

Criterion and Weight Below Standards -69% Meets Standards 70-89% Exceed Standards 90-100% Numeric
Does not use and combine Uses and combines composite words Uses and combines composite words
Grammar composite words and language and language structures as expected. and language structures as expected 16
structures as expected. in an analytical way.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☑ 19-20 points ☐

Does not use signposting Uses signposting expressions words Use signposting expressions to
Communication expressions words to present topics to present topics of interest. present topics in an attractive way. 16
of interest.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☑ 19-20 points ☐

Does not share information on oral Shares information on oral Shares information on oral
Topic presentations regarding leadership presentations regarding leadership presentations about leadership and 10
and responsibility. and responsibility. responsibility with creativity.
10 points
0-6 points ☐ 7-9 points ☐ 10 points ☑

Depends, or abuses automatic Does not depend on or abuse Refers to tools or sources used and
Process translation. Does not use the model automatic translation. Uses the model demonstrates learning from them, not 15
as guide and copies from it. as guide and does not copy from it. depending on them.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☑ 19-20 points ☐

Does not complete all the expected Completes all the expected activities Completes the file as expected using
Presentation activities in this file using proper from this file using proper English, proper English with a formal 10
punctuation and capitalization. punctuation, and capitalization. academic tone and resources.
10 points
0-6 points ☐ 7-9 points ☐ 10 points ☑

Does not demonstrate using own Demonstrates using own voice and Demonstrates an advanced-basic
Speaking voice and previously listening to what previously listening to what is going to pronunciation level (A2.3) with own 16
is going to be pronounced. be pronounced. voice and good pronunciation.
20 points
0-13 points ☐ 14-18 points ☑ 19-20 puntos ☐

Feedback You need to improve your learning You have done a good job, but there You did an excellent job and you 83
evidence. are opportunities to improve. probably learned a lot.
EdW6 Learning Outcome 4 Outlining 📑
Final Slide Presentation Project. Your work on this evidence file “Outlining” is the basis for the final evidence to present in the course,
an oral slide presentation video to be shared during the final online session.
To know more about how these evidences work in a sequence, do not forget to attend the Live Online Session corresponding to unit 4.
You can also use the “FAQ Forum” to ask your questions or contact your tutor via email or chat as indicated in the platform.

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