Teach Girls Bravery

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What does Reshma say is the first thing in her life she did that was truly brave?

AJump off the monkey bars

BRun for U.S. Congress

CFound a non-profit organization

DLearn to code

What is a reason that women are under-represented in STEM fields and C-Suites?

ABravery deficit

BNational deficit

CConfidence gap

DThey don’t like math

What did Dr. Carol Dweck find was different between bright girls and boys in 5th grade?

AHow smart they are

BWhat they like to do after school

CHow they approach a challenge

DTheir interest in attending college

According to studies, women only apply for a job when they meet 100% of the qualifications. What
percent of the qualifications do men have to meet?





What do we have to build at the same time we encourage girls to take more risks?


BNew school buildings


How does society treat boys and girls differently when they are young, and reward different

Why is learning to code so useful in learning how to be brave? What are some other challenges that
require resilience?

Why is building a supportive Sisterhood important when we encourage girls to take more risks?

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