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complete 4-piece MODERN LIVING

Here's on easy way to build the essential furniture in smart contem-

porary design-lounge choir and sofa, entertainment center with cup-
board, bookshelves and TV stand, and coffee table with dropped center

OUR pieces of furniture can provide appearance. These three pieces utilize make sure the two sides are square and
all the requirements for a living room stock legs which simplify the construction straight-lay out the profile of the side
-seating accommodations, table space, considerably. member. Notice that the dimensions of the
bookshelves, cupboard for entertainment
main reference lines-the seat, the slant of
equipment, TV stand and a spare bed for ARMLESS lOUNGE CHAIR the legs and the back-are given parallel
the overnight guest. All of these pieces
to and at right angles to the edges of the
have an air of inherent luxury with the In the past the chair has always been panels. After these lines have been estab-
restrained elegance of the best contem- considered to be the most difficult article of lished, the dimensions of the details are
porary design. It is hard to believe that furniture to build. This armless easy chair given parallel and at right angles to them
every one of the pieces is very easy to can be cut out almost entirely on the jig because it is much more convenient to work
build, and that all the stock items are avail- saw or band saw. There is not a single in this manner.
able in neighborhood hardware stores or complicated joint in it. After the outline of the side member is
from mail-order houses. The chair is built around a standard finished, cut out the blank, keeping as close
The entertainment center has shelves for foam-rubber cushion 22" x 2+" with 3Yz" to the outline as possible, particularly in
the latest books, a compartment that will sides and 5;/z" crown. The two side mem- those places near the other parts. The
take all sizes of magazines and a cupboard bers, the three back ribs and the seat can placement of the different parts on the
with adjustable shelves that can hold re- all be cut from a piece of %" veneer-core panel are shown in the layout sketch. Cut
freshments or games or movie projector or plywood 36" x +8". Birch, good one side, out another blank from the opposite corner
other equipment. There is table area and is probably the best choice. The front rail identical with the first side member; nail
space enough for a 21" TV set. The stor- is made of solid stock and the back is made them together and saw out the parts on
age unit has a unique joint that is very of Ys" thick plywood. Two thicknesses of the band saw.
strong and easy to make. Removing the 1" foam rubber will be needed for the Make a paper pattern of the back rib
bolsters from the sofa converts it into a back cushion. and mark the outlines in the posttwns
30" wide bed. The coffee table has a Starting at the lower left-hand corner of shown on the layout sketch. Then mark
dropped center which gives it a smart the 36" x +8" panel-and after checking to the shape of the seat. Saw out all these
Planing edges of assembled lounge chair


The back is upholstered over foam rubber

1--1---t--- zzr~-~---'--,1


parts on the band saw. Notice that there be u sed to fasten the back in place. Trim
is a bevel at the front of the notch that the panel flush with the side members and
receives the top of the front legs. This the top rib.
can be cut with a back saw after the band- Finish the chair before upholstering it.
sawi ng is completed. After sand ing the wood thoroughly, apply
Glue and screw the side members and the enamel undercoat and two coats of
the back ribs together. All of the screws black eggshell enamel, sanding between A standard crowned cushion covers the seat
used in the assembly are ly,(" No. 7 flat- coats.
head screws. Then get out the front rail, Cement two 1" thicknesses of foam rub-
which is made of solid maple y,(" x 2fu" ber together for the back cushion and make
x 22 )/,". The top edge must be planed to a cover for it. The sides and top should
be parallel with the line of the seat. Glue have enough excess material to tack onto
and screw this in place. the side member and the top rib. The bot-
The inside edges of the backs of the side tom should ha ve 6" more than enough to
members should be planed to follow the cover the thickness of the foam rubber.
curve of the back ribs. Glue and screw The sketch showing the section through
the seat onto the front rail and the side the bottom of the back cushion makes clear
members to the edge of the seat. There how the upholstery is attached. Begin at
should be 78" space between the back of the bottom, doubling 'the material and tack -
the seat and the members of the back. ing from the inside into the bottom rib.
The back itself is cut from a piece of The remaining material is glued to the
78" plywood 24" x 24". Bend the blank back panel. Now cement the two thick-
around· the back of the seat and rna rk the nesse s of foam rubber to the back panel,
locations of the y,(" deep notches on the br:ing the cover up over the cushion and
bottom corners. Cut these out and then tack on the sides and top. Cover the tacks
glue and nail the panel to the ribs and with gimp. The chair has good lines, front and back
back of the seat, starting in the middle and The seat cushion, described previously,
working to the sides. Finally, nail to the is covered in the u sual way and laid on
side members. Screwnails, 91;) " long, should the plywood sea t. CONTINUED

September-OCTOBER, 1956 21
living-room COUCH converts into guest bed


4311 • 10. u • 7, 6'"

it might be best to have these cut by the are stock items, tapered and brass tipped.
HIS sofa utilizes a standard 30" x 74"

T or 75" cot or couch mattress and two

standard 12" high, 36" long wedge-type
bolsters. These are all regularly a\·ailahle
supplier as he will he able to give the
ends an additional bend that \vill provide
a secure hold on the clips. The wire should
be cut so that the bends alternate as shown
The inside faces of the ends are covered
with a piece of foam rubber 1" x 12}S" x
30". Cover both the wood and the surface
of the foam rubber with rubber cement.
in department stores and from mail-order
in the photograph. Thirty-eight helical After it has dried, begin by placing a sheet
houses. Check the sizes for any variation
springs also are needed to provide side of paper over the end, leaving about 1"
that may require adjustment in the con-
tension and, of course, enough clips and of cemented surface exposed. Carefully
nails for the \dre. Space the zigger \vire attach the end of the foam rubber strip
The frame is made of 2x4 stock. The
at equal intervals on the frame. and then slowly draw out the paper, mak-
actual measurements will be l:jlg" x 3o/s".
The back is made of J4" thick fir ply- ing sure that the rubber aligns with the
Cut the front and back rails 75" long and
wood 15" x 760". The ends are 1" lower top of the end panel and that it is firmly
the end rails 30" long. These parts are
joined with slip joints having Yi" thick -:lci" x 1+" x 30". Fasten the ends to the fastened as you go along. This operation
frame with glue and ly:(" No. 8 flathead involves a certain amount of stretching so
tenons. Glue the parts together.
screws and then fasten the back to the that when the paper is entirely removed
The spring is made of No. 9 zigger wire.
frame and the ends similarly. The legs thert! probably will be some excess of foam
Twenty pieces 23" long will be needed and

left, after the clips hove been located on the frame, the precut the clips. Center, adding foam-rubber strip on top of on arm.
lengths of zigger wire ore hooked in and the nails driven home in Right, sleeves ore sewn to cover arms snugly and slipped in place


rubber. This can be nibbled off with a
sharp-pointed pair of scissors. The top
edges of the end, including the foam rubber ,
should be covered by cementing on a strip
of foam rubber 1" x 1:y,(" x 30" .
The only part of the upholstery which
presents any unusual problem is that of
the arms. A slee ve, 1:y,(" wide, 16" high
and 36" long, open at the bottom and back,
is slipped over the arm, tacked under and
over the end rail and turned around the
back. If the couch is to stand out in the
room, the back also should be covered with
fabric, as is the front rail. The effect to be
striven for is sharp, square lines and this
can be accented by we lting at all corners.

Left, the inside of the sleeve is drawn taut enough to bring the frame. Center, the outer section of the sleeve is tacked under
welted corner even with the arm top, then tacked to the bottom the frome and to the back. Right, how arm looks when completed


September-OCTOBER, 1956 23
living-room COFFEE TABLE and

Miters needed for the dropped center of

the coffee table ore cut on the bench saw


HE parts for the top of this coffee table
can be cut from several different com-
binations of small panels which are
available from local suppliers or mail-order
houses. One 2+" x +8" or two 2+" x 2+"
panels will do it, but probably the best
combination is one 2+" x 2+" and one 18"
x 36". This last will permit cutting the parts
so that the grain of the wood flows length-
wise of the table on all surfaces. The table
shown here was made of 04" walnut and
the panels were good one side with lumber
core. If another wood is desired, take into
consideration the availability of matching
\'eneer strips for the edges as these may
I F-~ ~
not be available in all woods.
The inner edges of the two 12" x 18"
I i\
end members and the upper edges of the
two vertical 2/4" x 18" members are
--I I beYeled at 45 °. This operation can be
I I performed with the tilted arbor on the
I §
- r..:-.J
- bench saw as shown in a photograph. Be
sure that the walnut veneer is on the long
face in both cases. The joint between the

t=,,_,-:--+----:~f._----+---.,·~ \'ertical members and the 18" x 2+" center

panel is a butt joint. Cut four 04" x 20" x
t----Je"·----t 2yt" triangular gussets to reinforce the
~-- step-down.
Fasten the vertical members to the end
panels with glue and eight-penny finishing
Mr-ct nails, nailing in both directions. Set the
nailheads and cover them with wood com-
!• __./
position. Then fasten the center panel to
the vertical members with glue and four

104" No. 8 flathead wood screws. The gus-
sets are set back 4" so that they cannot be
II ENDS seen and fastened with glue and 1/4" No. 7
flathead screws. In applying the veneer
strips to the edges, notice that the joining
at the step-down does not follow the actual
joining of the members but is mitered in
both cases. Use either white polyvinyl
liquid glue or contact cement for attach-
ing the veneer.
The 12" long legs are stock parts, brass
tipped. They should be located as close
to the corners as possible without showing
the mounting plates.



left, the mitered pieces may be held for nailing in a picture- tion is fastened with screws and, of course, all joints are glued .
frame vise, if available. Center, the bottom of the dropped sec- Right, brass-tipped stock legs are attached with mounting plates

ENTERTAINMENT CENTER w hil e th e shelves and en ds w ill co me out

of the other. T he sh elves are rectangl es
11 0'' x 20" and th e p a rtiti on is l O:J.i" x
ITH the excep ti on of the door 240". T he top an d botto m a re both 110"

W and back, the par ts f or the shel ves

and cupboar d ca n be cut from two
8-ft. length s of l x 12 wa ln ut. T hi s shou ld
x 35 0" wi th :J.i" x 5;J4" notches cut on the
bac k of the en d s. T hese notches ca n be
cut on th e be nch saw. Use a stop as sh own
be dr essed to %" x 11 0". T he to p, bottom m a photo g r aph for makin g the 5:v,i" cut.
and p a rtition w ill, co me ou t of one piece ( Coutiuued on page 62)

The entertainment center

is a low table with
a combination cupboard
and bookcase. The door
is shown open
above to reveal the
Peg-Board that forms
the back of the entire
unit. There is space
at the right of the
bookshelves for a modern
television set. Note
that the wooden legs
match those of the
coffee table

September-OCTOBER, 1956
liv ing-room
Entertainment Center
(Continued from page 25)

The top a lso h as a no tch ;r4" x 14;r4" on to engage those cut in the top and botto m.
the front edge. T hose on th e n a rrow end w ill be ;r4" less
One end member is 11 0" x 26" whi le th an th ose on the wide end.
th e other is 10;r4" wide x 26". Notches are T he assemb ly is begun by na ilin g the
cut in th e fro nt corners on top and bottom wide end a nd th e partition to the shelves as

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Right off you start learning with
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~~~~~~~~A~;~~~----- ~
Dept. E0- 43 10, 72 1 B' way, N. Y. 3, N.Y. I· Left, a .stop b'lock is used when cutting the lap joint s in t he side members. Center,
J l'lease send rue free book "Your New Wa y to a Sue-
the notch is completed w ith cut-off guide and stop r od . Right, naili ng the shelves
( ces!' f'ui daH~~~· s~~d~}' ca.ll. 1

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Save yo ur valuable ch airs. Easy t o
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Basketry & Raffi a Instr uction
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Convert Rough
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Into Cabinet
Finished Stock.
Now anyone can make perfect cabinet finished
stock from low-cost rough lumber .. . any size up
to 12.!>4 inches wide and 6 inches thick. Turn out
high grade finished material at a fract ion of the
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makes it easy to plane heavy, wide and long pieces
... BELSAW self-feeds at 14 to 34 feet per min ute.
Jointing, Sawing, Milling, Tongue and Groove.
You can easily make flooring, siding and many
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Belsaw quickly pays for itself with savi ngs on raw
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Compare Belsaw with any 12-inch planer on the
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yet costs you $50 to $125 less than others.
Send Today for Free Literature on the
Belsaw Multi-Duty Planer.
2007 Field Bldg. Kansas City 11, Mo.


sho"· n in a photograph. T he shelves exte nd
:)4" beyond the part iti on at the front .
Next, nail the top to the partition and glue
and nail the top to the end. U >e tenpennv
finishing nails on all the joints. The nar-
row end and the bottom follow.

~~ .,~
- It's a good idea to keep them all handy. You
never know what finishing problem is liable to come up when
you work with wood. As products of the world's largest ply-
wood organization, United States Plywood Corporation, these
"wizards" are designed to give you expert results in tackling
many finishing tasks.

For protecting and bringing out the natural

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Makes the most practical and beautiful natural finish
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There is room for a TV set as large as
21". Gomes may be kept in the cabinet For blond woodsy effects without a "painty"
r-1'1~!111111~~ Wonderfully versatile! A two-fold boon to woodworkers:
f1114'1i:iil•lft (I) As an undercoater for soft wood or plywood paint
'.1.:'-J!J. jobs, its pore-sealing action helps prevent grain raise and
1 ,· ~.
' t!iH......-~ checking. (2) As a finish, it produces a blond woodsy
JIJt. "·' • •...:.•. fi~ish without that "painty" look Great for pickled and
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For making fir plywood look like costlier

woods- use CLEAR FIRZITE® r=PP.!lllliiiiii.--
Magic action for plywood stain jobs! Tame wild grain
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Wizard also helps prevent grain raise and face checking.

Box S2S- New York 46, N .Y.
Send me leaflets on:
0 Satinlac 0 White Firzite

0 Clear Firzitc
The bottom is set in place lost and fas- I CITY ONE....._STATE_ I
tened like the rest with finish ing nails

The door is of plywood Y.\ " x 14Y.\" x

Want to Make
Low-Cost Stands
You can sa re a. lot. of money building your own machine stands. New bool{. H How
To Operate Your Power Tools" shows you how. Gives comvlete chart of sizes for 18
types of machines. Power Tool book will help you hundreds of other ways.. too.
25". Choose a fancy-figured panel or g lu e Send only $2.95 nmv. l\foney refunded if not delighted. Write Horne CraftsmaJl,
yo ur O\'Cn Yeneer on the d oor pane l for best for Power Tools? 115 " 7 orth St.. New Yorlt 13.

effect. U ~e t wo n a r row butt hin ges to

fas ten the door to the ca rca se . The se
"hould be l :i;'' wid e " ·hen open, with 2"
jo int length (S tan ley 800). In se t both
l eave~ in th e edge of the ca rca se and NATIVITY SCENE. Almost life size patterns of
fasten the hin ge direct ly to the back fac ~ Ma ry, Chri st Child, Joseph, Three Wisemen,
lamb etc. Easil y made, no tracing, just mount,
of th e doo r. T he edges of th e door should cut out and pa int. Pl<>ns for stab le included.
be covered with str ip venee r attached w ith A ll fo r $2.00.
w hite po Jy ,·inyl liquid g lu e or co nta ct THE FOUR CAROLERS-Life size and in beau· SANTA AND REINDEER are eas y to make with
cement. T he back of the ca rca se is CO \' - tiful three dimensional effect. Eas ily made. th ese full size patterns. The reindeer are
ered with 78" thick perforated h ardboard Just mount the full pattern s, cut out and 45x55 inches, the sleigh with Santa is 49x52
paint. No tracing required. All for $2.00 . inches. Just tr dce, saw out and paint. Only
25 )1:? " x 35", painted white. T hi s size per - $1.00.
mits ~ " setback a 11 around so that rabbeting

BIG JOLLY SANTA in life like three dimen·
is not neces sary. Fin ishing is sim ple r if sional effect. 5 ft. 3 in . high . Easy to make
with fu ll s ize pattern s. No tracing, just
done before th e back is attac hed. mount, cut out and paint. Only $1.00.
The base top is of plywood ~ " x 22"
X 60". G lu e a >tr i p~~ " x I " all aro und th e MASTERCRAFT PLANS Dept. 9XC, 7041 Olcott Ave ., Chicago 31, llltnois

September- OCTOBER, 1956 63

underside, mitering the corners. The stand-
~DECORATOR AND ard veneer trim is 1" wide-just enough to
Whether you're a beginner or a skilled

cover this edge if carefully applied. This
1" thickness gives a much more substantial
appearance than that of the plywood alone.
home craftsman you need a HOBBY-

FINISHED SAMPLE PANELS The legs are stock legs, 16" or 17" high, you ~ screwdriver
AVAILABLE TO YOU tapered and with ·brass tips. The legs are
located 12" from the ends and 3;4" from nd hammer man?
HAVE THESE 4" x 8"
the front and back edges of the base top. Robbywoods has rare woods. veneers,
COLOR PANELS IN YOUR STUDIO inlays, hardware. band and power
0 Natural Mahogany tools at reasonable down*to-earth
0 Natural Walnut prices. 1\fake your hobby a pleasure
D Brown Walnut D 18th Cenf!•ry Mah. not a penalty.
0 Natural Oil Brown Mahogany

8 Gray Walnut
Teak Wood on Wal.
80 Seafoam Mahogany
!limed Oak
Send SOc for Catalog (refunded on
first $5 order)
D Antique Platinum D Blonde Oak Dept. G 1305 Eastern
0 Bisque D Ebony Ave., Baltimore 3, Md.
D Blonde D Hare Wood
D Silver Fox D Nut Brown Walnut
Korina Finish D Red Mahogany
Full-size S1
Light Fruit-Wood D Antique Oistr's Pine
Fruit-wood D Pickled Pine

32 Patterns
D Light Brown Maple 0 Cinnamon
D Dark Brown Maple 0 Brown Cherry
D Duxbury [l Old Cherry
D Red Maple 0 Bleached Mahogany
Send 50¢ for each color panel "Step by Step" illustrating
the process and detail specification on the back. They are Authentic Colonial Reproductions. Easy to
po~t paid (U. S. only}. you can keep any or all the panels, build, just trace and saw out. Shelves,
but, if they are retmned in good order, ~ithin ten da:y,-;, stools, what-nots, etc. Included FREE:
50¢ per panel will be refunded. Our complete catalog will Instructions for Fast Shellac and Wax
come- with the panels. Finishing. Send $1 today!
547 Conklin Ave., Binghamton, N. Y.
Name ....................................... .


Type P Pump has 1,001 uses. Up to 3,000

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Postpaid if cash >Yith order. Send for
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LABAWCO PUMPS, Belle Mead 51B, N. J.


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Make money. Learn profitable skills and
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With our six inch tool steel

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tion. Cutters as shown.
One inch wide $1.98.-llh
inch wide $2.49 ea.. Stati:i
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Folder free.-Guaranteed.

Easy to make. Paste patterns on wood.
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Monkey. Simplified Rocking Horse, Ring
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In Veneer, Inlays, LumlJer Plnvood, All illustrated in na- Grandfather & Grandmother
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moon dials.
Solution for Cleaning Metal
large selection other movements
Barometers, Hygrometers,
1 2052·0 Eastchester Road, New York 61, N.Y. I F YOU are all for spit and polish, here Thermometers.
I 0 }~nclosed find 25¢ (ref'lmded on your first order.) 1 I is an easy way to keep that unlacquered large Selection Case Plans.
I Name .......................................... I brass and copper ware shining. Use a
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largest Stock movements in US.
Send 25¢ for catalog.
Street .......................................... one teaspoonful of salt to a pint of vinegar.
ICity .......................... STAT& .. .. .. .. . I
Dampen a cloth with the solution and use
, it to clean the metal; dry with soft cloth.
R. W. Holwick,
Ventura, Calif.
PO Box 3062

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