Noureen-Aiman-Atia Project

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International Relations
South China Sea Dispute With its Implication on Regional and
Global Security
Submitted by:
Aiman Farooq, Atia Ziaullah, and Noureen Asif
Course Instructor:
Dr. Ayesha Safdar
Course Title:
Traditional and non-Traditional Security Threats
Date of Submission:
November 30, 2020

Table of Content

Abstract 4
Part I-
Explaining South China Sea Dispute with contextual background and apply
relevant theory of IR 5
i- Research Question 7
ii- Historical Background 7
iii- Ongoing SCS Dispute 7
iv- Importance of SCS 8
v- Recent Development 9
vi- Theoretical Framework-Hegemonic Stability Theory 9
vii- Application of Theory 10
What role has ASEAN played in SCS dispute and elaborate the application of
UNCLOS in SCS Dispute? 12
i- UNCLOS and it’s provision in South-China Sea 13
ii- China-Philippine Arbitrary case 13
iii- Role of ASEAN in South China Sea Dispute 14
What are the roles played by US and Japan in SCS dispute and analyze the
security implication of SCS Dispute at regional and global level? 16
i- Role of US 17
ii- Role of Japan 18
iii- Impact of South China Sea on Regional Security 19
iv- Impact of South China Sea on Global Security 20
v- Conclusion 21


South China Sea Dispute has been started since mid-1940’s and still an ongoing issue of
territorial sovereignty between China, Vietnam, Taiwan, Philippines, Brunei and Malaysia.
The issue has gained more significance due to presence of rising power China, potential
natural gas and oil reserves and participation in global fishery industry. This paper has
explained the change in regional status quo and its impact on global hegemony by the
application of Theory of Hegemonic Stability. This theory explains the changing policy of
China from cooperation to coercion over the South China Sea dispute and how the issue takes
the hegemon attention because its regional interest are on stake due change in regional power
status. This dynamic has resulted into ongoing struggle between regional power China and
global Hegemon US. In south China Sea Dispute both ASEAN and UNCLOS have extremely
important role which have influence over the fate of these long-standing disputes. In addition,
China, US and Japan are also dominant player in the dispute which is further explained in the
project. At the end this project document take into consideration the security impact of SCS
dispute at regional and global level.


Explain South China Sea dispute with contextual background and apply
relevant theory of IR.

South China Sea Dispute With its Implication on Regional and Global

Research Questions

 Explain South China Sea dispute with contextual background and apply relevant
theory of IR.
 What role has ASEAN played in SCS dispute and findout the application of UNCLOS
in SCS Dispute?
 What roles have played by US and Japan in SCS dispute and analyze the security
implication of SCS Dispute at regional and global level.

Historical Background

The South China Sea is a semi enclosed sea which is surrounded by China,Taiwan, Vietnam,
Phillipines, Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia, Singapore and Indonesia.South China Sea consist
of 1.2 million square miles of aquatic area and characterised by small islands,coral reefs and
rocks. This areas did not gather much of attention from regionla and global states till 20 th
century.It was in 1930 that France invaded the region and claimed both Islands of South
China Sea i.e. Spratlys and Paracels Islands. Japan get the administration of both
archipelagoes after the defeat of France in the area in WWII but at the end of WWII Japan
also left these archipelagoes un claimed. It is at that time when the regional realized the
importance of these islands and control over islands has turned to a reginal concern.[ CITATION
Sto09 \l 1033 ]

Ongoing South China Sea Dispute

The South China Dispute is revolving arround the two archipelagoes one of which is
Paracels located in northwestern part and another is Spratlys which is comprised of dozens of
small islands located in southern part of South China Sea.

China along with Vietnam and Taiwan claimed the control of Paracels Islands all on the
basis of historical records.Accoridng to China, Chinese archaeologist have found more than
2000 years old chinese object at these Islands and they also provide the historical literature in
this regard to enhance the chinese claim about previous ownership over these Paracels
Islands.While Vietnam also have historical records to proved their claim over Paracel island.

Vietnam assert that it was the French colony in 19 th century and Paracels Islands as
Vietnam’s territory were controled by France.In 1974 clash between Vietnam and China,
Chinese miliatry cleared the Paracel Islands from Vietnamese forces and later fully occupied
it. China renamed these Islands as Xisha Islands and gave its administarive control to Hianan
Island province.[ CITATION Max16 \l 1033 ]

Instead of claims over Paracels archipelago, the dispute over Spratlys Islands is far more
complex because of claims and control of namy regional states. China, Taiwan and Vietnam
claim the entire Spratlys archipelago while Brunie, Philippines and Malaysia have claim over
part of this archipelago’s islands.China and Taiwan have same claim over the territory of
South China Sea but Vieetnam gave reference to french control to region as its historical
ownership of these Archipelago. While all other sttae including Malaysia, Philippines and
Brunei claimed over islands by United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
of 1982. Currently all states except Brunei who claim over islands have occupied one or more
of these islands as Vietnam controls 21, China controls 7, Philipines controls 9, Malaysia
controls 5 and Taiwan controls 1 island in Spratly archipelago.[ CITATION Max16 \l 1033 ]

In addition to historical records, China gave reference to the Nine Dash Lines as boundary of
china which was drawn on the map at the time of Chinese independence by Chinese
geographer which was later published by government as Chinese map in December
1947.While all other regional states consider it as illegal and vague claim of China over the
South China Sea including both archipelagoes of South China Sea.[ CITATION Rob \l 1033 ]


Despite the territorial and sovereignty claims over Islands and sea routes, South China Sea
has gained much significance due to presence of estimated 11 billion barrels of oil reserves
and natural gas reserves of 900 trillion cubic feet in the archipelagoes. As it is present at the
middle of Asia which consequently result into passage of 1/3 of global trade from the South
China Sea which was comprised of 3.7 trillion USD in 2014.Also South China Sea contribute
to global fishery because of high level fishing potential in region which contribute for food
security of tens or even hundreds millions of population living in the coastal areas mainly.
[ CITATION Ter20 \l 1033 ]

For non-claimant an global powers it is important due to volume of trade passage and
presence of important sea lanes of communications SLOC at the South China Sea which

connect Indian Ocean and South China Sea to Pacific Ocean.US major concern is the
economic and energy security of its allies in the region.

Recent Development

Since 2013, China is building artificially Island by pilling sand onto existing reefs in Spratlys
Island to back its military presence in the region. China has been found increasing its claim
over sea by constructing airstrips, ports and military installation in the Paracel and Spratlys
Islands. China has also increased its military exercises and naval maneuver in the region
since March 2018 to which US responded by the by naval bases and military activity in the
region. US has been conducting Freedom of Navigation Operations (FONOPs) in the region
which the former President Trump called important for open and free access to South China
Sea. [ CITATION Sto09 \l 1033 ]

To counter increasing hold of China , Japan has provided Vietnam and Philippines with
military ships and equipment. It is important to mention that US has resorted to tough stance
against China’s South China Sea claim as Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on 13 July
2020 gave statement on US position on Maritime claim in SCS in which he declared that US
consider Chinese’s claim over maritime resources and territory as completely unlawful.
[ CITATION Les17 \l 1033 ]

Theoretical Framework

Hegemonic Stability Theory

The theory of Hegemonic Stability has evolved from the politics of International economic.
According Jeffrey Newnham and Graham Evan, scholars of IR, In International society,
stable regime depend upon norm and rules establishing hegemon who use its capabilities to
pursued the members to work under its hegemonic power. Later this theory has been further
developed by the writing of Robert Keohane, Stephen Krasner Charles Kinderberger and
Robert Gilpin.

Kinderberger and Keohane considered the hegemon as a kind and altruistic leader of
international system who have overwhelming power in term of industrial advantage sand
technological development to change the world order. According to their assumption of
Hegemonic Stability Theory the hegemon not only focus on its national interest rather
provide public good to member states of international system while hegemon use

organization as tool to institutionalize its vision and appear as legitimate leader of the global

While in contrast to that Giplin has described hegemon as selfish and malevolent character
who create international order which contribute to the power of hegemon and its national
interests. For such hegemon all other member state of international system are just
subordinate who contribute to its powers and national interests.[ CITATION MAS06 \l 1033 ]

Despite the difference of nature of hegemon, the providence of goods to member state and
maintenance of the regime are the sole concerns of a hegemon. That is the reason decrease in
hegemon power would result into destabilization of international system in which the
dominant power will be challenged by secondary power to gain more autonomy and to
recreating the order in its favor.

The hegemonic Stability theory can also discuss the dynamics of regional hierarchy. It is of
the view that regional dominant power will be subject to global power intervention if it does
not complement the regional interest of hegemon. Similarly, at the regional level if the
secondary is dissatisfied of regional status quo, it can challenge the regional hegemon or call
on global hegemon for intervention. The intervention of global hegemon on the regional level
depend on the value creation and interests in dispute for the international hegemon.
Depending on its interests, global hegemon will either force the regional hegemon for
reshaping the order or compel the secondary regional state to follow the regional status quo.
[CITATION Rob \l 1033 ]

Theory Application
The theory can be applied in case South China Sea dispute. In the current scenario the US has
been playing a role of global hegemon since post-cold war period. In the regional hierarchy,
China has a potential of becoming regional hegemon and is trying to become one. China has
not resorted to any means of force which challenge the global hegemon US thorough out the
history of South China Sea Dispute. Instead china focused on incremental effort to enforce its
control over territory in the South China Sea. In the face of increased role of ASEAN as an
organization united against China’s regional aim, China Again took the stance of cooperation
for collective progress and get itself into ASEAN organization. These past actions were not
taken by China because of its risk avoiding or peaceful nature instead it was backed by the
rational that China still had not contain the power and capabilities necessary to develop its

influence against the willingness of global hegemon US or secondary regional states i.e.
ASEAN states.

It is important to mention that china needed to have stable regional environment for its
economic growth which is why it followed the idea of shelving the disputes for creating the a
statement where he said “in this cooperation attempt, the sovereignty issue is not subject to
discussion.” [ CITATION MAS06 \l 1033 ] This statement reflects the diplomatic purpose of
cooperation with ASEAN.

President Xi Jinping has given a statement which point towards Chinese future policy
direction in which he said that no country should think that we will trade our core interests or
allow the harm to be done to our sovereignty, development and security. [CITATION
Placeholder3 \l 1033 ] Now China is viewing South China Sea dispute as matter of sovereignty
and are fully bended to secure the region which is very important for China for its economic
security, as 80% of china’s energy need comes from this route and securing this sea means
eliminating threat to China trade and energy lines in the future.

US as hegemon did no give much attention to this regional dispute in the past but with rise of
global trade from the region, importance of SLOC for US and its allies and presence of oil
and natural gas reserves in the South China Sea, US has changed its stance. It is important for
US to keep a regional order which serve US and its allies’ interests which majorly are Japan,
South Korea, Philippines, Vietnam and Australia. US can not support control of one powerful
state on the region which is also apparently its future biggest rival for the status of global

For this region, US is active against any change in status quo and wanted to power distributed
to multiple nations in South China Sea. US for countering Chinese militarization of Islands,
had built its naval bases in Philippines and also conducting Freedom of Navigation
Operations (FONOPs) since 2018 with the support to the ASEAN and other claiming party
with respect to rule of UNCLOS and have called Chinese claim as unlawful. Otherwise US
hegemon status will be at gradual decline and it will no longer exert its influence over Asia.


What role has ASEAN played in SCS dispute and elaborate the application
of UNCLOS in SCS Dispute?

Role of ASEAN in South China Sea Dispute

The ministers of Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore and Philippines signed an

agreement in 1967 known as ASEAN declaration. This agreement states that all the parties
will cooperate with each other and work together for the peace and security of the region.
During the cold war era the ASEAN countries avoided security related conflicts. In 1992,
ASEAN advised all the claimant states of south china sea to settle the dispute peacefully and
work for the security, navigation and communication, pollution, drug trafficking, rescue
operations and economic prosperity of the region. while many accepted the proposal, the
PRC rejected the proposal and asked for the joint development program for the south china
sea. Further the PLAN deployment for patrol in south china sea discouraged the cooperation

Another ASEAN sponsored forum was established in July 1994 with the name of ARF in
order to counter the increase influence of china in the south china sea. In the annual meeting
of ASEAN held on 1995, Chinese foreign minister stated that they will use the international
law and UNCLOS for negotiating their claim at south china sea. In august of the same year
both china and Philippines signed an agreement that they will not use any force against each
other this agreement was later joined by Vietnam too. Another confidential agreement was
signed in ASEAN-China dialogue where china agreed to not initiate any military activity in
the south china sea without any prior notice. (Rowan, 2005)

Later on, china declared its new boundaries adjacent to Paracel island soon after the foreign
minister of china declared sovereignty over Spratly island and its water which was a clear
violation of UNCLOS. Despite these setbacks, ASEAN hold another conference and
proposed a regional code of conduct in order to solve this dispute in which Philippines
proposed that all the ASEAN countries should stand together against china Chinese behavior,
Malaysia didn’t wanted to cover all the south china sea in the document while Vietnam and
Australia proposed their clauses but china refused to sign that document. In the end no
agreement was made in that talk. Later on, in 2002 south china claimed territories signed and
agreement which stated that, “refrain from action of inhabiting on the presently uninhabited
islands, reefs, shoals, cays, and other features.” It also stated that all the parties will respect
its freedom of navigation and will resolve this dispute peacefully. Both ASEAN and PRC
agreed on this agreement. Though this document wasn’t followed due to multiple reasons.
One of the major reasons was that code of conduct was a political statement not a legal one.
No legal was signed with regard to the code of conduct. The reason is that document didn’t
mentioned the geographical scope of that region specially the Paracel and Spratly islands.
(Rowan, 2005).

China continued its activities in south-china sea which was condemned by USA in July 2011
and offered a provision to solve the dispute which was clearly rejected by the china. China.
USA started its military exercises in the south china region with Vietnam Thailand etc which
made the Beijing angry and the china continues its military activities by making military
bases on the artificial lands. In the same year, china ASEAN and USA sit together in the 6 th
summit of East Asia summit and discussed the policy of south china sea. (Adil, n.d)

UNCLOS and it’s provision in South-China Sea

In an effort to peacefully resolve the maritime disputes and matter, united nations presented
the united nations convention on the law of the sea (UNCLOS) in 1982. This law has been
one the most important and recognizable in order to solve the disputes of maritime despite
facing criticism. There are three main articles of UNCLOS which are applicable in the south
china sea dispute. Those provisions are:

According to article 3 of UNCLOS, “Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its
territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles, measured from the baselines
determined in accordance with this Convention.” Every state claiming the sea has a right to

increase its territory limited to 12 nautical miles from the land which will eventually made
them the sovereign of that area. (Hossain, 2013)

Article 55 to 76 deals with the exclusive economic zones generally referred as EEZ.
According to article 55 and 56, EEZ refers to and are adjacent to the baseline of the state and
that state can explore, manage and conserve any natural resources present in that area. But
article 57 restricts the states to not exceed from 200 nautical miles from the baseline of the
country. The remaining articles address the economic activities in the region.

One of the most important articles of UNCLOS in south china sea is article 121 which states
that, “Rocks which cannot sustain human habitation or economic life of their own shall have
no exclusive zone or continental shelf.” This article has been used by many regional countries
in order to address their actions to build structures in order to make a new EEZ in the sea.
(Hossain, 2013)

China-Philippine Arbitrary case

The china-Philippines arbitrary case was filed by the state of Philippines against the Chinese
claim of nine dash lines in the south china sea. Philippines stance was that the china is
violating the articles of UNCLOS which address the exclusive economic zones and its
activities. China was making its military bases on the artificial islands which are illegal itself.
While on the other hand china’s stance were that Philippine is violating the agreement of
ASEAN-china agreement of 2002 which states that the parties will solve the disputes by
negotiations. Further china issued a white paper rejecting the Philippine’s stance and declared
that this is not the case of arbitration and china will not follow any arbitrary hearings and so
its decision. Following the multiple hearings of one side party The permanent court of
arbitration ruled against the china and in favor of Philippine. It rules further rejected the
historic claim of china and thus the nine-dash line in the south china sea. Beijing rejected the
decision as they announced earlier. (Santos, 2016)


What are the roles played by US and Japan in SCS dispute and analyze the
security implication of SCS Dispute at regional and global level?

US and Japan Role in South China Sea Dispute

There are several states claims that they have some portion of South sea in their own
territory. However in addition two nation, US and Japan have particular interest in this
region. Both parties involved in this region. However this region is main issue of dispute
between China their neighboring countries.

Role of United States:

The involvement of the United states in South China Sea is a worth gaining question. There
are two major reasons why United States takes interest in South China Sea dispute. First
reason that nine dashed line map, according to this map al island of South China Sea are the
part of china. Second major reason ASEAN declaration on South China Sea. Beijing drew a
territorial line the boundary of Parcel Island and declared that this sea region is their property.
(Rowan, 2005).

In addition to the issue of navigation the several American Business interest in this region,
almost 10% of world fishing export from this region. Economically these regions have
significant importance. According to the government official we don’t want that our oil
refineries drilling in this disputed region further they said that if this disputed area have
problem US government cannot help them. Many American oil companies drilling in South
China Sea. Crestone company signed an agreement to explore oil near the Spratly island in

1992. But in 1994 Crestone Company expand their agreement with china. Due to the minerals
resource this region have numerous interests. South china sea is economically having great
importance but in other way it is main security threat for the neighboring countries and
superpower united states of America. America maintain good relationship with India so in
Indian ocean America establish military bases. American military force drilling near the
South China Sea and monitor their activity. (Farval. T, 2016).

However, Washington policy regarding south china sea remain same. There are four major
principle of Washington policy.

 The united states of America maintain peaceful situation in disputed region. It

increases the peace, security and prosperity in disputed region.

 America military force will not involve in this matter.

 South china sea dispute not resolved by the force in spite peaceful negotiation
between claiming parties work better for the settlement of the claim.

 It is a strategic interest to maintain line of communication in South China Sea and

never violet rule and Law of the agreement.

On other hand United States also signed agreement with the republic of Philippines in 1951
for the mutual defense. According to the article number 4 if any conflicted party use their
army to resolve the conflict, they could harm their own security and peace.

Role of Japan:

Historically, japan has also been active in the South China Sea. During the19 century
Japanese company drilling in South China Sea. These companies occupy large region of the
South China Sea. During the 1939 military forces of japan occupy big area of the Parcel
Island and the Hainan Island.

But when japan was defeated in Second World War all claims regarding occupied territories
was lost. Formosa, Parcel Island and Spratly all come under the authority of the Japanese
forces but later on japan lost all these territories

However, during post-cold war era once again Japanese show their interest in south china sea
region. Japanese carries almost 70% of its oil ships through the South China Sea but at this
time japan was not claiming for the territory because there is no other way for trading. If

japan trade through the Pacific Ocean it is very expansive and time taking. Japanese also
want to increase their diplomatic relation with china because in this way japan can easily
import and export their product throughout the world. In order to make better relations with
china japan promote workshop in Indonesia. In December 2003 Minister Junichiro Koizumi
signed a treaty with china.. the purpose of this treaty was to provides japan additional
diplomatic leverage in future discussion on the south china sea.

Source: Map Resources. Adapted by CRS

Impact of South China Sea on regional security:

South China Sea (SCS) is a biggest disputed region of the globe, it includes both maritime
and island claims between the several independent states within the region. Due to its

geopolitical location several nation, Malaysia, Japan, Indonesia, Vietnam and Philippines
claims to the oil and natural gas drillings in this region. South China Sea have geographical
interest because about 5.3$ trillion trade passing through this region comprise
almost one-third of global trade. Now it becomes a source of tension economic wealth for
several countries. (Zhang F, 2017)

South China Sea has crucial threat for several neighboring is a security threat for
many states. Due to the nine dash line china claim that it has control over entire region so
through political, economic and military means, making this region a source of conflict japan
significantly involve in this region due to the economy and energy security. Japan has
political, economic and strategic interest in this region. Japan appears increasingly desperate
to securities energy resources. However japan invests in hybrid cars to secure their energy
resources because oil and gas drilling in South China Sea blocked by chines military. (Zhang
F, 2017)

Japan facing energy crisis so to fulfill their energy need south china is best source of energy.
Japan made diplomatic relation with china due to the specialty of South China Sea. Japan
sign $345 billion agreement with Vietnam. This agreement act as counterbalance against the
china and Malaysia standoff that ruing for months.

South China Sea has great importance for economy of china. south china sea not only a big
source of natural gas and oil that provide economy to china for many decades but also it is
one of biggest fish producer. Almost 10% of fishes export annually.

Beside many states like japan, India, Taiwan, and US, Australia has been added to rivalry list
of the china due to the south china sea. However, Xi Jinping held a meeting with the
Narendra Modi to talk about the hostility environment in the south china region. Us is biggest
ally of India, through Indian ocean US military navigate chines activity in south china sea.

But like other nation Australia become the rival of the china because south china sea has
great impact on the Australian economy. Australia is a state party with united nation over the
United Nation Convention on the Law of Sea, (UNCLOS). Australia claims that they control
over the Paracel and Spratly Island. (Zhang F, 2017)

On July 2020 Australia redefines their defense strategy and argues that china continuously
violates the sea Law. The conduct of grey zone activity also increases in Indian Pacific

Ocean. These activities include military and non-military assertion and coercion with the
aims to gain their strategic goals without wagging any conflict.

Finally, we can say that South China Sea has great importance for the chines economy but it
is political economical and security concern for many states.

Impact of South China Sea on global security:

South China Sea is a growing tension between the china and many countries in Southeast
Asia over the water of the South China Sea; South China Sea has become one of biggest
flashpoint in the region. Tension in SCS increase during recants years, US not take any action
against the china over the issue of South China Sea but in July 2020 US issue a report which
explain that china claims over the South China Sea is illegal. On other hand US band twenty
four chines company and add into the trade blacklist by saying that these companies build
artificial island in the disputed area. (Erickson, A.S.2016).

However US handling this Asian problem, this problem become the litmus test for the future
perceptive of the super power. America face crucial challenges to prove its hegemonic
resilience a long with it protect its alliance and neighboring countries by using its military
and diplomatic tactic. US negotiating with their alliance for the peaceful settlement of the
disputed region. (Erickson, A.S.2016).


We analyze that South China Sea is a big dispute of the world. Due to the geopolitical
location it has its significant importance in Southeast Asia. However the major cause of
conflict in the region is for the hegemonic status. Due to the trade in South China Sea,
China’s economy is getting increased day by day which create security threat to the
superpower America. Many countries claim that historically South China Sea region come
under their territory but china control all area of the South China Sea.

In long run establishing peace and stability need collective input of the regional power and
significant global states. For the china and all ASEAN member state, maritime cooperation
will not only support to establish trust between rivals states but also decrease usual maritime
conflict. This is time of taking diplomatic effort of all southeast Asian state and also it is
worthwhile of taking the help of non-state actors like EU, UN and ASEAN, have opportunity
to maintain everlasting peaceful solution of this south china sea conflict.


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