Mark of The Beast The Great Counterfeit

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of the

The Great
Volume 1

Table of Contents
Introduction & Summary 3
Chapter 1 the Biblical Definition 14
Chapter 2 666 36
Chapter 3 Frequencies 79
Chapter 4 Ivy 94
Chapter 5 the Cross 149
Chapter 6 the Hexagram 218
Chapter 7 Saturn 302
Chapter 8 Solomon & Freemasonry 387
Chapter 9 the Pentagram 478


Years ago I believe the Most High led me to study the subject of the mark of the beast
in greater depth. As I began to study the topic from the Scriptures I realized that the mark
of the beast subject ran all throughout the Holy Scriptures and was not relegated to just
the book of Revelation. It is one of the main themes of Scripture. By letting the Scriptures
define the mark of the beast, it is seen that it is a counterfeit of the mark/seal of YHWH. I
realized that one of the most important ideas put forth in the Word is that the
adversary/devil/Lucifer/Beelzebub etc. seeks to be like the Most High (Isaiah 14:14). He is
a counterfeiter. As this became more clear to me, the subject of the mark of the beast
became more clear as well.

I began this study by looking into Revelation 13:16-18 in more detail in the Greek
and tracing the Greek back to Hebrew as well as thematic connections found in Scripture.
From there I followed what I found and continued to follow the subject matter that was laid
out from thereon out. I attempted not to interject my own preconceived notions as to what
the mark was, but to truly let the Scriptures/Holy Spirit be my guide.

In short, the mark of YHWH is His Word. His Messiah. His people will be marked
with His mark. The mark of the adversary is his 'word.' His Messiah. His people will be
marked with his mark which will be an counterfeit version of the mark of YHWH. The mark
of YHWH is His 'Image.' The mark of the beast is his 'image.' Man must choose which side
he wants to be on. This has been the choice ever since the garden, the tree of Life or the
tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The mark of the beast is a replay of the deception in the Garden of Eden. The
Scriptures state that the end is in the beginning (Isaiah 46:10). The first temptation of man
will also be his last. The tree of knowledge was an offer by the adversary for man to reject
the true Word and to obtain immortality (ye shall not die) via another method, the obtaining
of knowledge. This has been the offer of the adversary ever since. If one looks into any
religion in the world today he or she will find that this is the same lie being proposed in
various forms. All of these religions trace back to the Mystery Religions of old which
descend from the Garden and the serpent in the tree. This includes Christianity, Judaism
& Islam. The symbols used to represent these religions tell the story.

In summary, the mark of the beast is his image, his name/character placed upon his followers. Just as
believers in YHWH are marked/sealed with His Name & will be formed into His Image. The first choice man
had to make was between the tree of Life or the tree of knowledge of good and evil. This will be the last choice
man must face as well.

By allowing Scripture to define what the mark of YHWH is and what the mark of the beast is, and by
following the facts through history one can see that there has only been two choices all along. Salvation by
grace through faith in Messiah Yahshua or salvation by 'works' or 'knowledge' that must be attained by
graduations after being initiated.

In the beginning, YHWH Elohim created man in His image and likeness. After man fell in the Garden,
the promise was that He would restore man back to that estate by taking upon Himself the punishment for man's
sin. It is then that mankind will be restored to the image and likeness of the Most High. The adversary seeks to
be like the Most High so his desire is to see mankind formed into his image and likeness. In the end this may be
accomplished by corrupting the book of life which is DNA.

This is a very shortened summary of what this study entails. Each chapter examines a different aspect of the
mark of the beast but always points back to the same conclusion. The number 666, images such as Ivy, the
Cross, the Hexagram and the Pentagram all teach the same thing in different ways. It does not matter which
religion man follows, it leads to the same object, the tree of knowledge of good and evil. It is only through faith
in Messiah Yahshua that man can reach the tree of Life. May we all choose life.

Rev 22:14 Blessed are the ones doing His commands, that their authority will be over the
Tree of Life, and by the gates they may enter into the city.
Rev 22:17 And the Spirit and the bride say, Come! And the one hearing, let him say, Come!
And the one thirsting, let him come; and the one desiring, let him take of the water of life
Rev 22:20 The One testifying these things says, Yes, I am coming quickly. Amen. Yes, come,
Lord Jesus!
Rev 22:21 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with all of you. Amen.

Chapter 1 Review - Biblical Definition of the Mark

In order to understand the mark of the beast, one must go to the Scriptures and let them define what it is.
The Scriptures define the mark of the beast as a counterfeit of the mark of YHWH. The mark of YHWH is His
Image, His Word, His Messiah. The mark of the beast is the image, word and messiah of the adversary.

The adversary is the great counterfeiter who desires to be like the Most High. The phrase 'like God' in
Hebrew has the numerical value of 666. This phrase was first used in reference to partaking of the fruit of the
tree of knowledge and sets the precedent for the meaning of the number 666 and the mark of the beast.

The Scriptures link the mark to the resurrection. Resurrected to life through Messiah or to death through
the beast. Again, it goes back to Life through the Tree of Knowledge or 'ye shall not die' through the knowledge
of good and evil.

YHWH marks His people with His Name just as He marked Israel in the wilderness. The adversary
seeks to mark his people with his name and to be the head of a false Israel. The adversary seeks to sit in the
sides of the North which is defined in the Holy Scriptures as Mt. Zion. Throughout this study it will become
clear that Satan desires to be the Christ of Zion/Sion, a counterfeit of the Zion of Scriptures.

Chapter 2 Review - the Number 666

The number 666 is the number of the name of the beast. It points back to the false Christ of the
mysteries. The counterfeit of Messiah Yahshua. The Greek letters χξς have the literal meaning of a serpent in a
tree, again pointing back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

The number is about more than gematria and finding names of world leaders that add up to 666. The
word name in Hebrew, shem, has the meaning of character. This is what 666 is all about. It is the character of
the beast. The Name of YHWH is His Word. The counterfeit is the name of the adversary, his 'word.' The
Word of YHWH dwelt in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle/Temple which is a picture of the human body. In
the human body this is pictured by the heart, and on a deeper level the DNA within the cellular structure of man.
This is where the adversary seeks to dwell. In the hearts of men and to manipulate their DNA to turn them into
his image.

666 is linked with sun worship and the sun god which again links back to the Mystery Religions. 666
also points to Asherah/the tree of knowledge, the Kundalini spirit and Jacob's ladder which on a deeper level
point to DNA.

The only name in the TaNaKH that adds up to 666 is Sethur which means mystery. In the mystery
religions this is equivalent to the 'god' Saturn. As this study progresses it will be seen that Saturn and the
'golden age' of the gods is intimately related to the mark of the beast.

Chapter 3 Review - Frequencies & Symbols.

The use of symbols to represent the Most High traces back to the Mystery religions. Symbolism is the
language of the mysteries. By examining religious symbols and their meanings, one is led to a better

understanding of the mark of the beast.

All of creation came forth from the Word of Elohim. Hence, His Image is embedded in all of His works.
The adversary seeks to corrupt His Image and lead mankind into the worship of idols, and ultimately himself.
This chapter sets the stage that images and symbols are used to represent ideas and concepts, in specific the
mark of the beast.

Initiates in the mystery religions used symbols to communicate due to the confusion of languages at the
Tower of Babel. As one further studies these images it is seen that similar themes are displayed. The Garden of
Eden, the tree of knowledge and the temptation of the adversary that 'ye shall be as gods.' Over and over again,
this is the message that is portrayed.

Chapter 4 Review - Ivy

In the Apocryphal book of Maccabees, it is described how the ivy symbol of Bacchus/Dionysius was
branded upon Jews during the days the Greek kingdom. These times were a foreshadow of the end of days.
Through the study of ivy and its meanings one comes to the conclusion that ivy is a symbol for the mark of the

The time of the Maccabees displays an important message in relation to the mark. A defilement of the
Temple. The Temple is a picture of the human body, so it is seen that the mark of the beast is in relation to this

The topics of DNA, Kundalini, Saturn, Sion etc are all related to Ivy. Through the study of occult
symbology it is seen that the same themes are continually portrayed. Again, they point back to the tree of
knowledge of good and evil and the temptation of 'ye shall be as gods.'

Chapter 5 Review - The Cross

As shocking as it may sound, the cross symbol points to the mark of the beast. Messiah took upon
Himself the sins of mankind by becoming a 'serpent on a pole.' He overcame the mark of the beast that the
adversary brought forth in the garden by becoming that sin so that mankind could be delivered from its

The cross symbol is a portrayal of the Hebrew letter tav. Tav represents a covenant. Covenant
relationship is the most important theme in Scripture, culminating in the new covenant which was cut in
Messiah during the crucifixion. According to Ezekiel 9, the mark of the righteous is a 'tav' in the foreheads.
Religion is the counterfeit of covenant with Elohim with the mark of the wicked being a cross. Again, the
counterfeit theme is seen.

Today, the cross represents Christianity which is a religion of man that leads to death. Christianity
mixes the truth of the Scriptures with the errors of man. This is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

The serpent encoiled around the tree points back to the tree of knowledge and is seen in the concept of
the Kundalini spirit where the serpent coiled at the base of the spine climbs the 33 backbones to reach the pineal
gland to 'open' the third eye of enlightenment. This has passed down through the ages as the image of the
caduceus prevalent in the mysteries.

The cross is a symbol linked to Saturn, who is represented for the most part by the hexagram. On the
surface it would seem that the cross and hexagram are not related, but in reality have the same meaning. This is
how the adversary works. On the surface level he will use supposedly opposing concepts to divide man but in
reality is the one who is pulling the strings behind the scenes.

Chapter 6 Review - The Hexagram

The Hexagram, like the cross, represents the mark of the beast. It has become the symbol of 'Israel' and
Judaism and the same can be said about the hexagram as the cross, in reference to the tree of knowledge of good
and evil. Judaism is a mixture of good and evil. The Holy Scriptures along with man's interpretations.

The hexagram has been used for thousands of years by those in the mystery religions and contrary to
popular thought today, did not originate with King David or Solomon. In reality it is the mark of Saturn.

The hexagram is a mark used by false Messiahs of Israel in the past and therefore is a proper symbol of
the beast.

The hexagram is used in the mysteries as a symbol representing the concept of 'as above, so below.' The
mixture of man and God. The false kingdom of heaven and a false resurrection.
In alchemy it represents the transmutation of lead into gold, pointing to the 'evolution' of mankind into gods.

The hexagram symbol was used by the Sumerians, Hittites, ancient Grecians & Romans, Japanese,
Mexicans, Muslims, Mormons as well as Hindus and Buddhists. The symbol does not represent Israel, it
represents satan and his many faces.

The Rothschilds are responsible for the hexagram being used to represent the State of Israel today. The
Rothschilds are the main power behind the founding of the State and are the epitome of what false Israel is.

Chapter 7 Review - Saturn

Saturn is represented by the image of the hexagram. Saturn is just another name for Satan. He
represents the kingdom of Atlantis in the antediluvian world, the 'golden age of the gods.' The desire of the
adversary is to bring about this kingdom once again. He will attempt to counterfeit the 1,000 year reign of
Messiah and the restoration of Eden.

The kingdom of Saturn points back to the days of Noah where the fallen angels mixed with woman and
brought forth giants/nephilim. The religion of those days was resurrected by Nimrod and has passed down
through the ages in various forms. This is why the symbolism in all religions throughout the world link back to
Saturn and these days.

Saturn is the god of false Israel. The days of Noah precede the return of Messiah. This will be a time
where the adversary counterfeits the kingdom of Heaven and the return of the Messiah. Part of this deception is
using the name of Israel for his followers.

Chapter 8 Review - Solomon & Freemasonry
Solomon is a picture of Messiah Yahshua, as well as the counterfeit antichrist. The beast will be a
'reincarnated' Solomon, who builds a false Temple and rules over the earth.

Freemasonry relies heavily on the Temple and Solomon for the foundation of their teachings but in
reality, Freemasonry is a continuation of the Mystery religions of old which mixes truth with error. The Tree of
Knowledge of Good and Evil. The main objective of Freemasonry is finding the 'Lost Word' which is the Name
of YHWH. They seek to rebuild the Temple of Solomon which on the surface level is speaking of a literal
temple, but on a deeper level is speaking of the human body.

The seal of Solomon is the hexagram which is the same as the square and compass of Freemasonry.
Freemasonry traces back to the Mystery religions and the Kabbalah. The Kabbalah is a mixture of the doctrines
of the mystery religions and the Bible, a perfect picture of the tree of knowledge. The Kabbalah played a major
role in the founding of the United States.

The United States of America has a secret history where it was hoped that it would be a New Atlantis
and be used to bring about a New World Order. The Kingdom of the antichrist, the golden age of the gods.

Chapter 9 Review - The Pentagram

The pentagram is linked with all of the previous chapters. It is another symbol that is used in reference
to Messiah but in reality is a counterfeit that points to the antichrist, the ‘god-man’ and the counterfeit kingdom
of heaven known as the Golden Age of Saturn.

The pentagram is a symbol tracing back to the hand. It is a counterfeit of the Hand of Elohim who is
Messiah and is portrayed by the 'hand of mysteries.'

The Fibonacci spiral is linked with the number 5 and the pentagram. The Fibonacci Spiral is also known
as the Golden ration or Divine Proportion as it was used by the Most High in many of His works of creation.
Hence, the counterfeiter seeks to use this proportion to glorify himself over YHWH.

The pentagram was also used in ancient times to represent Jerusalem. This points to Revelation 11 and
the description of Jerusalem as Sodom & Egypt. Jerusalem above versus Jerusalem below...

The rose symbol is linked to the pentagram. The rose has been an ancient symbol pointing to the 'divine
feminine.' It is a symbol of the great mystery of the ancient mystery schools. Man becoming gods.

The crescent moon is linked to the pentagram and displays that Islam is also a religion that traces back to
the mysteries.

Baphomet, an image made famous by the Templars, is linked to the pentagram as well. Baphomet
represents transformation. Man becoming god.

Freemasonry's blazing star is described in same instances as the pentagram and is a link between the
pentagram and the hexagram.

The pentagram is most famous today for its use in witchcraft and the occult. This traces back to its use

in magic and the occult going back to the days of Solomon and beyond.

Ultimately, the image of the pentagram represents the union of opposites. The joining man and god.

The Counterfeiter
To begin the study, the idea of satan being the great counterfeiter will need to be discussed
in greater detail in order to understand how he mimics the Most High in order to lead
mankind astray.
The adversary (devil, satan, lucifer, beelzebub, etc) is a counterfeiter. This is a key to
understand the end time delusion. Satan knows the Scriptures, and he knows what
mainstream religion has taught man about the end times. He will use this to his
advantage, fulfilling what mankind believes is going to happen in order to set them up for
his coming to appear as Adonai Yahshua.
The great prophecies of the Messiah speak of Him regathering Yisrael, coming back to earth
with His angels, the angels portioning out the land to His people, building the Temple, the
restoration of Eden, Him reigning as King over all the earth and sitting on the throne of the
ark of the covenant.
The counterfeit of the Messiah is the adversary regathering “Israel”, coming to earth with
the fallen angels, the fallen angels portioning out the land (aka dividing of the land),
building a temple, restoring a counterfeit Eden, reigning as king over all the earth and
sitting on the throne proclaiming to be God.
First, however, the adversary will fake the prophecies regarding the antichrist, the beast
and the rest of the end time prophecies in order that he can truly counterfeit the end time
Example. The counterfeit of the antichrist would be an UN Dictator or Prince Charles or
Barack Obama etc.. The true antichrist would come afterwords to save mankind from the
counterfeit antichrist and appear as though he is the true Messiah.
Satan the counterfeiter
The 5 “I wills”
Isa 14:12 Oh shining star (Lucifer), son of the morning, how you have fallen from the heavens! You
weakening the nations, you are cut down to the ground.
Isa 14:13 For you have said In your heart, I will go up to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the
stars of God, and I will sit in the mount of meeting, in the sides of the north.
Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be compared to the Most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet you shall go down to Sheol, to the sides of the Pit.

This is a counterfeit of the “I Wills” of Exodus

Exo 6:6 Therefore, say to the sons of Israel, I am YHWH, and I will bring you out from under the
burdens of Egypt, and will deliver you from their slavery. And I will redeem you with an outstretched
arm and with great judgments.
Exo 6:7 And I will take you for Myself for a people, and I will be a God for you. And you shall know that

I am YHWH your God, the One bringing you out from under the burdens of Egypt.
Exo 6:8 And I will bring you into the land which I raised My hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
Jacob. And I will give it to you for a possession. I am YHWH!
Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be compared* to the Most High.
*The adversary wants to appear just like the Messiah. This is a key to understanding what
the mark of the beast is and who the antichrist is. The word used by Yeshayahu is 'damah'
meaning the resemblance of a son to his father which is passed down through blood (DNA).
The adversary appears as an angel of light, a counterfeit of the True Light (1)
2Co 11:13 For such ones are false apostles, deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of
2Co 11:14 And did not Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
2Co 11:15 It is not a great thing, then, if also his ministers transform themselves as ministers of
righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
Rev 13:11 And I saw another beast coming up out of the earth. And it had two horns like a lamb, but
spoke like a dragon.

Serpent in the tree

Joh 3:14 And even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
The adversary counterfeits this in ancient religions as the serpent entwined. The entwined
serpent is a counterfeit symbol of the tree of life. The Torah points to the adversary as the
enemy of mankind for seducing Adam and Chavvah into eating from the tree of knowledge,
whereas, the mystery religions point to the adversary as the benevolent one who freed
mankind from Adonai and led us into enlightenment. They turn the tree of knowledge into
the tree of life. Hence, the process of counterfeiting goes all the way back to the Garden.
The word for serpent (nachash) and the word for messiah (mashiach) both have a gematria
of 358. The word for lion in Job 10:16 (shachal) also has the gematria of 358. Messiah is
spoken of as the lion of the tribe of Judah (Revelation 5:5), the adversary is spoken of as a
roaring lion by Peter (1 Peter 5:8). Messiah is spoken of as the bright and morning star (2
Peter 2:19; Revelation 2:28; 22:16) and so the adversary counterfeits this with the name of
‘Lucifer’ (Isaiah 14:12). The picture of the adversary as the counterfeit of the Messiah is
seen over and over again in Scripture.
The serpent entwined is the counterfeit of the tree of life and Jacobs ladder as well as DNA.
DNA is the physical picture in our bodies (Temples) of the Torah. The Torah made flesh is
Messiah. Therefore, the adversary uses the serpent entwined to represent DNA. The
counterfeit religions teach that the “gods” created man through DNA manipulation whereas
the Torah teaches that YHWH created man in His image through the Messiah.


This concept of satan as a counterfeiter is seen all throughout Scripture, especially in the
Book of Revelation:
Father, Son , Spirit
Dragon, Beast, False Prophet
All Power unto the Son Heb 1:8; Rev 6:2
Power unto the beast Rev 13:2
Keys of death and hades Rev 1:18
Keys to bottomless pit Rev 9:1
Who is like unto the Word Isa 40:18
Who is like unto the beast Rev 13:4
A lamb as it had been slain Rev 13:8
One of the heads wounded Rev 13:3
Who was and is and is to come Rev 1:4
Beast was, is not and is to come Rev 17:8
Wrath of Lamb Rev 6:16
Wrath of devil Rev 12:12
Elohim’s seal Rev 7:2
Beasts mark Rev 13:16
Name of Elohim Rev 14:1
Name of beast Rev 13:17
Tribes of Yisrael Rev 1:4
Tribes of earth Rev 1:7
Armies of heaven Rev 19:14
Armies of earth Rev 19:19
War against satan and his people Rev 12:7; 16:14; 19:11
War against Messiah and His people Rev 12:17; 17:14; 20:8
Supper of Lamb Rev 19:9
Supper of birds Rev 19:17-20
Lamb’s bride Rev 21:9-10
Harlot of Babylon Rev 17:1, 5
Apostles of Lamb Rev 21:14
False Apostles Rev 2:2
Jerusalem Rev 11:2; 14:20
Babylon Rev 14:8; 16:19
Ruler of heaven and earth and sea
Beast out of sea, out of earth
These are only small portions of how the adversary counterfeits the Scripture. He is a
master counterfeiter and will give people many different choices according to their desires.

Every religion on this earth is a counterfeit of the truth and is based in truth when you dig
down to the root of their teachings. In the end it comes down to this: Fear YHWH and
keep His commandments. Anything else is a counterfeit to feed that need within all of us
for a relationship with the Creator without the need for us to die to ourselves and let Him
be Lord of our lives.

Understanding the adversary and his schemes

This book will discuss in some detail the kingdom of darkness. I have attempted to rely on
Scripture as much as possible but in order to understand the schemes of the adversary,
some explanation of evil must be done. Before I began studying this subject I was hesitant
to delve too deeply into the evil side of this world (Revelation 2:24) but the Scriptures do
admonish the righteous to 'study' the house of the wicked in order to overthrow and defeat

Pro 21:12 The Righteous One wisely considers the house of the wicked: He overthrows the wicked for his

In order to come out of the Babylonian system as Scripture admonishes (Revelation 18:4), we must know what
is of Babylon.

Eph 5:11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather even reprove them.
2Co 2:11 so that we should not be overreached by Satan, for we are not ignorant of his devices.

These studies are from a website ( and have not been edited completely
as of yet for book form so some information will be repeated in different chapters. Each chapter was originally
written as a single study and not for book form. Therefore the book may not 'flow' as well as it would have if it
was originally intended to be a book.

I have attempted to put resources for all the information referenced in these studies but I'm sure I've overlooked
some resources and not given proper references for them. If you find information that is not properly credited
please email me at

Chapter 1
Mark of the Beast
the Biblical Definition
Rev 13:16 And the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the freemen and the slaves, it causes
that they give to them all a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads,
Rev 13:17 even that not any could buy or sell, except the one having the mark, or the name of the beast, or
the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number of
a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.
In short the mark of the beast is a counterfeit of YHWH (Isaiah 14:14). The Mark of YHWH is His Word, His
Image. The mark of the beast is his ‘word’, his image. The Tree of Life vs. the tree of knowledge of good and
evil. It is the mark of a beast and a number of a man. Man/beast (Genesis 3:1). Part man, part beast (angel/god
Psalm 8:5 & Genesis 3:1). A mixture.
This is the definition of Babel of which we are admonished to come out of (Revelation 18:4). Babel = mixture
in Hebrew. To the Sumerians Babel meant Gate of God or Gate to God. This points to a false ladder to heaven
seen by Jacob and referenced by Messiah Yahshua. As this study progresses these two choices will be seen over
and over again. Messiah Yahshua or the false Messiah. The word Messiah, or anointed one, further explains
this concept. The Hebrew word for Messiah is moshiach from mashach which is referring to oil being smeared
onto the heads of individuals who are selected as authority figures. The word Babel comes from the root ‫בל‬
which is also the root for ‫ בלל‬which means to mix, mingle, to anoint. The third word translated from Hebrew
into the English word anoint is 'yasak' which comes from the root ‫ צק‬which means an image, as in molten
metal poured into a mold to form a cast object. Here, in the word anoint, is seen the message of this entire
book. There are two anointed ones/messiahs/christs that man can choose from, just as there were two trees in
the Garden to choose from. Which Messiah one chooses determines what image that person will be formed
into. Which image one is formed into determines eternity. Formed into the image of Messiah Yahshua unto
eternal life, or formed into the image of the beast unto eternal damnation.
The adversary desires to be like the Most High. In Hebrew, the phrase ‘like Elohim’ is equivalent to 666.
This is the first use of the phrase and sets the stage for the rest of Scriptures as to
what the mark of the beast is. Partaking of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to
be 'as God' 'knowing good and evil' so that 'ye shall surely not die.' This is the lie that
the adversary spoke to the first man and woman and it has been passed down through
all religious institutions ever since.

Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as
God, knowing good and evil.
As God = ‫כאלהים‬
The Truth (1) or the Counterfeit (2)
The word mark comes from the Hebrew word Tav

Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the
abominations that are done in her midst.
The above verse is speaking of the mark of YHWH which is put on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a
direct counterfeit of this mark. This will be discussed in more detail in chapter 5.
The root word for mark is a picture of an ox plowing toward a mark. In ancient Hebrew thought, Elohim was
seen as the strong ox that we are yoked with in covenant relationship. The word for mark is a picture of
walking with your Elohim toward your mark/goal (Philippians 3:14). Walking with Messiah (Mat 11:29)
towards the Kingdom of Heaven or walking with the adversary towards sheol. This is what Shaul was alluding
to in his letter to the Corinthians.
2Co 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership does righteousness have
with lawlessness? And what fellowship does light have with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what agreement does Christ have with Belial? Or what part does a believer have with an
2Co 6:16 And what agreement does a temple of God have with idols? For you are a temple of the living
God, even as God said, “I will” dwell in them and “walk among them, and I will be their God, and they
shall be My people.” Lev. 26:12; Ezek. 37:27
2Co 6:17 Because of this, “come out from among them” “and be separated,” says the Lord, “and do not
touch the unclean thing,” and I will receive you. Isa. 52:11
2Co 6:18 “And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons” and daughters to Me, says the Lord
Almighty. 2 Sam. 7:8, 14; Isa. 43:6
The letter ‫‘ ת‬tav’ in pictograph form is two crossed sticks which has the meaning of a covenant. We can choose
the covenant of Life in Messiah Yahshua (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8; Zechariah 9:11; Jeremiah 31:31; Matthew 26:28) or
we can choose the covenant of death (Isaiah 28:15) which promises deliverance from death (ie the tree of life)
but in reality leads to hell.


This root is related to ‫את & תא‬

This is the root for the word sign. This is significant because the Torah is a sign on the hand and the forehead
(Deuteronomy 6:8). The mark of YHWH is His Torah. The mark of the beast is lawlessness for the beast is the
man of sin (2 Thessalonians 2:3; Psalm 130:3; Jeremiah 2:22; Job 10:14) . Again, the mark of the beast is a
direct counterfeit of YHWH’s mark/signs.

Tav aleph is related to the word tav ‫ תו‬and aleph tav ‫ את‬and means a mark/boundary.

‫ תא‬tav aleph relates to the word tar ‫ תר‬which means the ‘mark of man’ or the border/outline.

From this root we get ta’ar and to’ar. These words mean form, outline or border. This is an important
connection to see in that the mark of the beast versus the mark of YHWH ultimately reflects whose image/form
you are in.

This connection between the mark and the image/form/outline/shadow picture of YHWH Yahshua versus the
antichrist is further seen in that the word Torah comes from this same root.

We can have the mark of YHWH and be in His image by walking in His Torah and letting Messiah live through
us (Galatians 2:20), or we can have the mark of the beast and be in the image of satan by walking in his torah
which is lawlessness (Ephesians 2:2-3Isaiah 30:8-11; 1 Peter 2:8).
We can choose the tree of life or the tree of knowledge. The Light of the Word or the false light which is in
reality darkness (Matthew 6:23).
At this point of the study it would be beneficial to define what Torah means. The Torah is the whole Bible, not
just the 5 books of Moses. The Torah is the instructions or teachings of YHWH which is usually translated into
English as 'law.' The Torah is also a shadow (Hebrews 10:1) of the true Image Elohim who is Messiah
(Hebrews 1:3). (1)
Connection to the resurrection
Rom 1:1 Paul, a slave of Jesus Christ, a called apostle, separated to the gospel of God,
Rom 1:2 which He promised before through His prophets in the holy Scriptures,
Rom 1:3 concerning His Son who came of the seed of David according to flesh,
Rom 1:4 who was marked out the Son of God in power, according to the Spirit of holiness, by the
resurrection of the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord;

The phrase 'marked out' in the above verse comes from the following Greek word:
Thayer Definition:
1) to define
1a) to mark out the boundaries or limits (of any place or thing)
1b1) that which has been determined, acc. to appointment, decree
1b2) to ordain, determine, appoint
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G3725
The meaning of this word corresponds to the Hebrew word Tor. It is only through the resurrection that we will
be formed into His image.
1Jn 3:1 See what manner of love the Father has given us, that we may be called children of God. For this
reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it was not yet revealed what we shall be. But we know
that if He is revealed, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.
So what is the counterfeit? It is a false ‘resurrection’ or born again experience. It is partaking of the tree of
knowledge. Those who put their faith in Messiah must die to the flesh to be reborn again in the Spirit through
His power. Those who partake of the tree of knowledge must go through degrees and graduations to reach
‘godhood’. This is one of the meanings of the ‘Holy Grail.' More on this in volume 2, Yah willing. This false
born again/resurrection concept is seen throughout the world and the various belief systems of mankind. The
Buddhists and Hindus have the reincarnation concept. The Jews have the concept of ‘climbing the sephirotic
ladder’ and reaching the status of Adam Kadmon (image of Elohim). The esoteric teachings have initiation
experiences. Catholicism has sacraments. They are all the filthy garments of man’s attempts at righteousness.

It is only YHWH’s righteousness, the garments of salvation that will save us. We must be in the image of
Messiah not the image of the beast. We must partake of the tree of life, not the tree of knowledge. Otherwise
we will be among those who weep and gnash the teeth in outer darkness (Matthew 22:11).
We are called to overcome the mark as well as the image of the beast
Rev 15:2 And I saw, as a glassy sea having been mixed with fire. And the ones overcoming the beast, and
its image, and its mark, of the number of its name, were standing on the glassy sea, having harps of God.
The word translated as mark in Revelation is used only one other time in Scripture referring to man engraving
an image to represent the Almighty
Act 17:29 Then being offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Godhead is like gold or silver or
stone, engraved by art and the imagination of man.
This is the essence of the mark of the beast…it is a counterfeit worship of YHWH. This is what the golden calf
was. Making a golden calf and calling it YHWH. This is who the antichrist will be. A counterfeit Yahshua.
The greek word that is translated as mark
Thayer Definition:
1) a stamp, an imprinted mark
1a) of the mark stamped on the forehead or the right hand as the badge of the followers of the Antichrist
1b) the mark branded upon horses
2) thing carved, sculpture, graven work
2a) of idolatrous images
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from the same as G5482
Another Greek word that comes from the same root is:
Thayer Definition:
1) the instrument used for engraving or carving
2) the mark stamped upon that instrument or wrought out on it
2a) a mark or figure burned in (Lev_13:28) or stamped on, an impression
2b) the exact expression (the image) of any person or thing, marked likeness, precise reproduction in every
respect, i.e facsimile
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from the same as G5482
This word charakter is only used once in the Scriptures. It is translated as express image. Again we see a
connection to the mark and the image.
Heb 1:3 who being the shining splendor of His glory, and the express image of His essence, and
upholding all things by the Word of His power, having made purification of our sins through Himself, He
sat down on the right of the Majesty on high, Psa. 110:1

This word was used to translate only one Hebrew word in the Septuagint
charakter H6867 tsarevet
From H6686; conflagration (of fire or disease): – burning, inflammation.
This word is used 2x in the Scriptures
Pro 16:27 A worthless (belial) man plots evil, and on his lips it is like a burning fire.
Here we see a connection to Beliyaal and the tongue/words. The word belial means without the yoke. Men of
belial are men of lawlessness.
Belial: Belial is derived by some from beli, not, and al, over, i.e., one so proud and envious as not to bear a
superior; by others, from beli, not, and ol, a yoke, i.e., a lawless, ungovernable person, ανδρες παρανομοι,
“lawless men,” as the LXX render.
The Yoke is Torah/Word (Matthew 11:28-30). It is associated with walking with Messiah as His disciple (1).
The lawless are yoked to sin and are enslaved (John 8:34; Deuteronomy 28:47-48; Leviticus 26:13; Jeremiah
30:8) Another word for yoke in Hebrew is ‘tsamad’ {Numbers 25:3; Psalm 106:28} which also means a
bracelet as is used in marriage. We can yoke up with Messiah and enter the wedding supper of the Lamb
(Revelation 19:9) or we can yoke up with the lawless one and be a feast for the fowls. (Revelation 19:17-19).
Belial are the thorns (2 Samuel 23:6; 2 Corinthians 12:7-9), the tares among the wheat (Deuteronomy 13:13; 2
Corinthians 6:15-16)
The other use of this word is in reference to the metzora/leper
Lev 13:23 And if in its place the bright spot is stayed, it has not spread; it is an inflamed (burning kjv)
boil, and the priest shall pronounce him clean.
Lev 13:28 And if the bright spot stays in its place, and does not spread in the skin, but is somewhat
faded, it is a swelling of the burning; and the priest shall pronounce him clean. for it is a scar (kjv
inflammation tsarebeth) of the burning (micvah..burn or brand).
The leper is a picture of one with the mark of the beast. His flesh is defiled, and is a picture of the walking
dead. He is alive and yet dead. The tree of knowledge of good and evil caused Adam and Eve to experience the
same thing. They were alive, yet dead. They were cast out of the garden just as the leper is cast out of the
camp. The sin of leprosy is linked with accusing others (Numbers 12:1, 10-15) and pride (2 Chronicles 26:16-
20) both of which point to the adversary (Revelation 12:10; Isaiah 14; Ezekiel 28). The flesh of the leper was
defiled because his soul was defiled. Leprosy could also be found in clothing and one’s house. Both clothing
and the house are pictures of the body. As seen above, the clothing one wears is a picture of their
righteousness. The house is a picture of the body/temple (Ephesians 2:19; Hebrews 3:5-6; 1 Corinthians 3:16-


The root of charagma and charakter is charax
Thayer Definition:
2) a palisade or rampart***
2) a palisade or rampart
2a) pales between which earth, stones, trees, and timbers are heaped and packed together
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from charasso (to sharpen to a point, akin to G1125* through the
idea of scratching)

***Mat 23:5 And they do all their works to be seen by men. And they make their phylacteries broad and
enlarge the borders of their robes.
Thayer Definition:
1) a fortified place provided with a garrison, a station for a guard or garrison
2) a preservative or safeguard , an amulet. The Jews used this word to describe small strips of parchment on
which were written the following passages of the law of Moses, Exo_13:1-10, Exo_13:11-16; Deu_6:4-9; and
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: neuter of a derivative of G5442

As seen in the verses referenced above, the phylacteries that Jews wear come from the commandment that
YHWH’s Word is to be a mark on our hands and head. However, it is seen in the same definition that
phylacteries are amulets. This is personification of Judaism and religion as a whole. Taking the truth of
Scripture and perverting it by our interpretations and then turning the Truth into a lie (John 8:44; Romans 1:25).
A mixture of good and evil.

*Charax is akin to grapho which means to write with reference to letters. This theme of the mark being
associated with the Word is seen over and over again.
Thayer Definition:
1) to write, with reference to the form of the letters
1a) to delineate (or form) letters on a tablet, parchment, paper, or other material
2) to write, with reference to the contents of the writing
2a) to express in written characters
2b) to commit to writing (things not to be forgotten), write down, record
2c) used of those things which stand written in the sacred books (of the OT)
2d) to write to one, i.e. by writing (in a written epistle) to give information, directions
3) to fill with writing

4) to draw up in writing, compose

This word is used in the following verse

Luk 19:43 For the days will come on you, and ones hostile to you will raise up a rampart (KJV trench) to
you and will surround you and will keep you in on all sides,
Charax was used to translate the following Hebrew words:
charax H3733 kar

Notice the connection to the mark. The word itself is made up of the Hebrew pictographs for hand & head…the
exact places where the mark is located.

charax H4674 mutstsav

Again we see a connection to the mark. As explained above the mark is associated with an image & a garrison.
The connection to pillars and His image will be seen in more details in the following chapters. In short the
pillars link to the Temple, the body & DNA. It was at Bethel (House of God) that Jacob anointed the pillar
where the ladder to heaven was seen. Jacob’s pillar is connected with the ladder to Heaven. Messiah applies
this to Himself. The ladder also points to DNA within our bodies which is the ‘word’ that creates our bodies.
Messiah is the Word made flesh who is the olive tree/tree of life which we can be grafted into through faith. He
is the body, we are members of that body through faith. He is the Temple, we are the stones of the building by
faith. Satan seeks to be like the Most High {Isaiah 14} and is the great counterfeiter. Hence, he wants a false
Olive tree/tree of knowledge of good and evil. He wants a false temple. A ‘false’ body. A corrupted body. A
false Israel. A corruption of DNA/the word.
Interestingly, the Greek word for star (aster) is used in the Septuagint to translate this same Hebrew word. This
will come be discussed in more detail, in the following chapters as the hexagram star figure is seen again and
again in connection with the mark.

Commentaries on ‘the mark’

From Payne Smith’s Compendious Syriac Dictionary pg 536 “MARK”
A sign, mark, toke, indication, index; ascription, inscription; title of a book*, copy of a book*, annotation;
setting down, committing to writing*; description, design, plan of a house**; signing with the sign of the
cross***; leavened bread marked with a cross=Eucharistic bread****; the sign of salvation I.e. Baptism; index
of chapters
*Again, notice the association with the Word, the book etc.

**The Hebrew word which describes the planning of a house is ben ‫ בן‬which means son. This is important to
note because it is deeply connected to the mark. The Son of YHWH is the Word (John 1). The ‘son’ of satan is
his ‘word.’ DNA is passed from the father to the son to continue the ‘house’. DNA is composed of letters and
sentences…it is a book. Just as there are two marks, the Mark of YHWH and the mark of the beast…so too,
there are two ‘sons’. The sons of Elohim and the sons of the serpent.
*** The meaning of this symbol, as well as others which point to the mark is heaven joining with the earth.
More on this in Chapter 5
****Bread is associated with the mark as well. The mark/sign of YHWH is Passover and the Feast of
Unleavened bread. The mark of the beast is a counterfeit which would be…Easter (1) and the mass. Food (in
specific bread) is a shadow picture that points to Messiah. (2)

John Gill
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads; or “that they might give themselves marks”, as the
Complutensian edition reads; which is an allusion either to the custom among the Romans of imprinting
marks upon their servants and soldiers, by which they might be known to whom they belonged*; servants
had them in their foreheads (i), and soldiers in their hands (k); or to the usages of the Jews in binding their
phylacteries upon their arms and foreheads , to put them in mind of the law of God, and their obedience to it; or
to the practices of the Heathens, in putting the mark of the god they worshipped upon their bodies;
Maimonides (l) says, it was a custom with the Gentiles to mark themselves with their idols, showing that
they were their bought servants, and were marked for their service: the sense is, that some received the
mark in one place, and some in another: those who were obliged to receive the mark in the right hand seem to
be the clergy, such who entered into holy orders; who lifted up their right hand, and swore and vowed allegiance
to the pope, and testified they were ready to defend and support his religion and interest; and who in their
ordination are said to have an indelible character impressed on them: and those who received the mark in their
foreheads are the common people in general, who one and all have the same impress upon them; which may
intend either the sign of the cross in baptism, or rather their open confession of the Popish religion, which they
as publicly avow and declare as if it had been written on their foreheads.
(i) Apulei Metamorph. l. 9. Ausonii Epigram. l. 15. Seneca de Ira, l. 3. c. 3. (k) Aetius apud Turnebi Advers. l.
23. c. 12. (l) Hilchot Obede Cochab. c. 12. sect. 11.
*This idea can be seen in the Scriptures:
Isa 44:5 This one shall say, I am YHWH’s; and this one will call himself by the name of Jacob; and this
one shall write with his hand, For YHWH, and be surnamed by the name of Israel.
3 Maccabees Chapter 2 verses 27-30
27: He (Philopater/Ptolemy IV) proposed to inflict public disgrace upon the Jewish community, and he set up a
stone on the tower in the courtyard with this inscription:
28: “None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews shall be subjected to a
registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves. Those who object to this are to be taken by force and
put to death;
29: those who are registered are also to be branded on their bodies by fire with the ivy-leaf symbol of
Dionysus, and they shall also be reduced to their former limited status.”
30: In order that he might not appear to be an enemy to all, he inscribed below: “But if any of them prefer to
join those who have been initiated into the mysteries, they shall have equal citizenship with the Alexandrians.”


James, Fausset, Brown
Rev 13:16
to receive a mark — literally, “that they should give them a mark”; such a brand as masters stamp on their
slaves, and monarchs on their subjects. Soldiers voluntarily punctured their arms with marks of the general
under whom they served. Votaries of idols branded themselves with the idol’s cipher or symbol*. Thus
Antiochus Epiphanes branded the Jews with the ivy leaf, the symbol of Bacchus (2 Maccabees 6:7; 3
Maccabees 2:29). Contrast God’s seal and name in the foreheads of His servants, Rev_7:3; Rev_14:1;
Rev_22:4; and Gal_6:17, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus,” that is, I am His soldier and servant.
The mark in the right hand and forehead implies the prostration of bodily and intellectual powers to the beast’s
domination. “In the forehead by way of profession; in the hand with respect to work and service” [Augustine].

Vincent Word Studies

Rev 13:16
A mark (χαραγμα)
The word occurs frequently in Revelation, and only once elsewhere (Act_17:29) on which see note.
Commentators find illustrations in the brand set upon slaves by their masters, or upon soldiers by their
monarchs, and in the branding of slaves attached to certain temples. Herodotus describes a temple to Hercules at
the Canopic mouth of the Nile, and says: “If a slave runs away from his master, and taking sanctuary at this
shrine gives himself up to the God, and receives certain sacred marks upon his person, whosoever his master
may be, he cannot lay hand on him” (ii., 113). In the treatise “concerning the Syrian goddess” falsely attributed
to Lucian, it is said of the slaves of the temple, “all are branded, some upon the wrist and some upon the neck.”
Paul, in Gal_6:17, applies the word for these brands, στιγματα (stigmata), to the marks of Christ’s service which
he bears in his body. In 3 Macc. 2:29, we read that Ptolemy Philopator required all the Jews of Alexandria to be
registered among the common people; and that those who were thus registered were to be marked (χαρασεσθαι)
on their persons by the ivy-leaf symbol of Dionysus (Bacchus). In Lev_19:28, the Israelites are forbidden to
make cuttings in their flesh for the dead and to print marks (γραμματα στικτα) upon themselves.

The Counterfeit


Isa 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High (1)
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and he shall wear out the saints of the Most
High. And he intends to change times and law. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and
times and one half time.

The numbering/mark of YHWH in the wilderness
Num 1:2 Lift the heads (KJV take the sum) of all the congregation of the sons of Israel, by their families,
by their fathers’ houses, according to the number of names, every male, by their heads;
Num 1:3 from a son of twenty years and upward, all that are able to go forth to war in Israel. You and
Aaron shall number them by their armies.
Num 1:17 And Moses and Aaron took these men who were marked (naqab) out by name.
BDB Definition:
1) to pierce, perforate, bore, appoint
Num 1:18 And they assembled all the congregation on the first of the second month. And they declared
their births according to their families, by their fathers’ house, according to the number of names, from a
son of twenty years and upward, by their heads.
Num 1:19 As YHWH commanded Moses, so he numbered them in the wilderness of Sinai.
Psa 87:5 And it shall be said to Zion, This man and that man was born in her; and the Highest Himself
shall establish her.
Psa 87:6 In recording (saphar= counting) the peoples YHWH shall mark down, This man was born there.

The prophecies speaking of the dividing of the land in the end times is a counterfeit of the allotting of land
spoken of by the prophets (Eze 48 & Rev 20). As the above verses indicate, being numbered/marked by YHWH
in the wilderness was associated with the dividing of the land at that time. 1948 (1) is a counterfeit of the
regathering but is just a foreshadowing of things to come. The adversary seeks to appear as the savior of the
world and will bring about a false kingdom appearing as the Kingdom of Heaven along with the mark of the
beast which will he will attempt to make look like the mark of YHWH. Along with this kingdom will come a
dividing of the land with a numbering of the peoples…a counterfeit Zion. See Counterfeit study (2)
The mark of the beast being the antithesis to the mark of YHWH (the Torah) is further
emphasized by delving into the meaning and usage of the Aramaic word for mark (ruoshma)
2Co 3:7 Now if the ministration of death was engraved(aetrashmat)* upon stones in writing,
and was so glorious that the children of Israel could not look on the face of Moses, on account of the glory
upon his face which vanished away;
*Here we see this word being linked to the Torah which was engraved on stone. In the human body the ‘word’
is engraved on stone (DNA)…
Rom 8:29 He knew them in advance and he marked (Gk predestined) them with the likeness of the image
of his Son that he might be the first-born among many brethren.
Again the connection to the mark and the image. The image of the Son vs. the image of the beast.
Eph 1:4 according as he had previously chosen us in him, before the foundation of the world, that we
might be holy and without blame before him; and, in love, predestinated (Gk chosen) us for himself;

The chosen people (1) are marked with the mark of YHWH…those who keep the Torah and the testimony
(belief in Messiah Yahshua Revelation 12:17). Those with the mark of the beast are those who reject Messiah
Yahshua and according to the Scriptures are already antichrists (1Joh 2:18).

Eph 1:11 By whom we have been chosen, as he had marked (Gk. predestinated) us from the beginning so
he wanted to carry out everything according to the good judgment of his will:
This connection of predestination and being marked is connected by the heavenly books.
Psa 56:8 You have counted my wandering; O put my tear in Your bottle; are they not in Your Book?
Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw my embryo; and in Your book all my members were written the days they were
formed, and not one was yet among them. *
Mal 3:16 Then those fearing YHWH spoke together, each man to his neighbor. And YHWH gave
attention and heard. And a Book of Remembrance was written before Him for those who feared YHWH,
and for those esteeming His name.
The word ‘Ruoshma’ in the Aramaic Peshitta = the Greek word ‘proorizo.’
Thayer Definition:
1) to predetermine, decide beforehand
2) in the NT of God decreeing from eternity
3) to foreordain, appoint beforehand
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G4253 (pro – before) and G3724 (horizo mark out)
Thayer Definition:
1) to define
1a) to mark out the boundaries or limits (of any place or thing)
1b1) that which has been determined, acc. to appointment, decree
1b2) to ordain, determine, appoint
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G3725
The meaning of horizo is linked with the above definition of ‘mark.’ It means to mark out a boundary. The
English word horizon comes from this Greek word.


This word obviously links to the sun as it is the horizon where the sun rises and sets. It further linked to
‘predestination’ as we are chosen before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4). In Hebrew this is the
concept of ‘olam’ which is usually translated as forever or eternity but in concrete thought means ‘beyond the
horizon.’ In part 2 of this series more detail will be given on the sun as it is strongly linked with the mark of the
beast. The word for time in Hebrew, ‫עת‬, means to ‘see the mark.’
What is this ‘mark’? It is the sun setting (death) and rising (resurrection) above the horizon.
This connection between the mark of the beast, the sun
& the calendar/holidays will be discussed in more detail
in volume 2, Yah willing.

See also

The true mark/sign of YHWH

The blood
Exo 12:13 And the blood shall be a sign to you, on the houses where you are. And I will see the blood, and
I will pass over you*. And the plague shall not be on you to destroy, when I strike in the land of Egypt.
*This is connected to the book of Ezekiel and the mark of the righteous
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark a mark on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the abominations
that are done in her midst.
Eze 9:5 And He said to those in my hearing, Pass over in the city after him and strike. Do not let your eye
spare, and do not have pity.
It is the blood of Messiah that marks us as His own
Rev 1:5 even from Jesus Christ the Faithful Witness, the First-born out of the dead, and the Ruler of the
kings of the earth. To Him loving us and washing us from our sins by His blood,
Rev 1:6 and made us kings and priests to God, even His Father. To Him is the glory and the might
forever and ever. Amen.
The blood is associated with Passover and unleavened bread
1Co 5:7 Then purge out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, even as you are unleavened. For
also Christ our Passover was sacrificed for us.
UNLEAVENED BREAD is also a sign/mark of YHWH
Exo 13:6 Seven days thou shalt eat unleavened bread, and in the seventh day shall be a feast to the
Exo 13:7 Unleavened bread shall be eaten seven days; and there shall no leavened bread be seen with
thee, neither shall there be leaven seen with thee in all thy quarters.
Exo 13:8 And thou shalt shew thy son in that day, saying, This is done because of that which the LORD
did unto me when I came forth out of Egypt.

Exo 13:9 And it shall be for a sign unto thee upon thine hand, and for a memorial between thine eyes,
that the LORD’S law may be in thy mouth: for with a strong hand hath the LORD brought thee out of
Leavened bread (1) = hypocrisy = being clothed in the filthy garments of man…ie the man of sin. Leaven also
comes from the word:

This is what Shaul refers to in his letter to the

Corinthians were he says to get rid of the leaven of
wickedness. Shaul used the word:
Thayer Definition:
1) depravity, iniquity, wickedness
2) malice
3) evil purposes and desires
Webster’s dictionary
WICKED, a. [The primary sense is to wind and turn, or to depart, to fall away.]

Here wickedness is connected with leavened bread that is twisted and turned in a kneading bowl.
A related word in Hebrew is:

Twisting of the Scriptures

2Pe 3:15 And think of the long-suffering of our Lord
as salvation, as also our beloved brother Paul wrote
to you, according to the wisdom given to him;
2Pe 3:16 as also in all his epistles, speaking in them concerning these things, in which are some things
hard to understand, which the unlearned and unsettled pervert*, as also they do the rest of the
Scriptures, to their own destruction.
Thayer Definition:
1) to twist, turn awry

This word is used in the LXX to translate the following Hebrew word:

This word comes from the root:

1Co 5:8 So let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with leaven of malice* and of evil, but with
unleavened bread of sincerity and truth.
Thayer Definition:
1) malignity, malice, ill-will, desire to injure
2) wickedness, depravity
2a) wickedness that is not ashamed to break laws
3) evil, trouble
This concept of wickedness being equated with lawlessness is seen in how the following verse in translated into
the English.

2Th 2:8 And then “the Lawless One” will be revealed, “whom” “the Lord” “will consume” “by the spirit
of His mouth,” and will bring to nought by the brightness of His presence. Isa. 11:4
Notice that the lawless one, the man of sin is pictured by a twisted cord. This is yet another link to the changing
of DNA being the mark of the beast.
Exo 31:13 Speak thou also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths ye shall keep: for it is a
sign between me and you throughout your generations; that ye may know that I am the LORD that doth
sanctify you.
Exo 31:14 And you shall keep the Sabbath, for it is holy for you; the profaners of it dying shall die; for
everyone doing work in it, that soul shall be cut off from the midst of his people.
Exo 31:15 Work may be done six days, and on the seventh day is a sabbath of rest, holy to YHWH;
everyone doing work on the Sabbath day dying shall die.
Exo 31:16 And the sons of Israel shall observe the Sabbath, to do the Sabbath for their generations; it is
a never ending covenant.
Exo 31:17 It is a sign between me and the children of Israel for ever: for in six days the LORD made
heaven and earth*, and on the seventh day he rested, and was refreshed.
*Creation versus Evolution is associated with the mark as well. Evolution is a big part of the strong delusion to

bring forth the mark of the beast as mankind will once again have to face the temptation of the serpent in the
garden at the tree of knowledge…ye shall be as gods (1)….Homo noeticus, supermen. This is where the theory
of evolution comes in. If man has evolved from apes then that means he is still evolving. Evolving into
godhood. All of creation points to Messiah Yahshua. Everywhere we look there are shadow pictures that point
to Him. (2) The adversary seeks to take these shadows and pervert their meanings and apply them to himself.
This will be seen in more detail as this study progresses.
The other aspect of the sabbath is redemption (Deuteronomy 5:15). What is the counterfeit? A false redemption
of mankind through the mark of the beast. In Hebrew the word for redemption is ‫‘ פדת‬padut’ which means to
bring back to an original state.
‫ פד‬means to bring back to an
original state. When the letter tav
is added it means that redemption
comes through the cross/covenant
of Messiah Yahshua.
This is what redemption is. To
bring back man to the state of Adam before he fell. This can only be done through Messiah Yahshua who is the
tree of life. In the end, the man of sin is going to offer redemption through the tree of knowledge…’ye shall not
surely die’, yet this is going to lead to eternal damnation. The sons of Elohim are those who are adopted and
redeemed through Messiah Yahshua(Romans 8:11-39). The adversary is going to offer mankind to become one
with the fallen sons of Elohim who come down from heaven offering to mix with mankind just as they did in
the days of Noah (Matthew 24:37). (3)


His Sabbaths, His Feasts are a sign that we are His people. It is His mark. What is the counterfeit? A false
feast/holiday system (1). Christmas (2), Easter (3) etc. are all counterfeits which point to the antichrist. As seen
above, the mark is all about the resurrection and who’s image one chooses. The image of Messiah Yahshua who
is the tree of life or the image of the beast which is the tree of knowledge. The feasts of YHWH point to
Messiah. The holidays of this world system point directly to the antichrist. A deeper study of the symbology
and rituals of these holidays show that death and resurrection are the main themes and ultimately the desire of
man to be ‘gods’ knowing good and evil is portrayed.
Exo 31:18 And when He finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave to Moses the two tablets of
the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.
A partial fulfillment of the mark of the beast is clearly set forth as ‘Sunday Sabbath.”
”Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical
power and authority in religious matters.” C. F. Thomas, Chancellor of Cardinal Gibbons, in answer to a letter
regarding the change of the Sabbath, November 11, 1895. (4)
Looking at the marks/signs of YHWH there are always counterfeits. Instead of Unleavened Bread there is
Easter & the Mass. Instead of the Torah there is religious ‘law’/dogma.
Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
Deu 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deu 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
thine eyes.
Deu 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
Deu 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a
sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.
Redemption of the 1st born…pointing back to Passover and especially referring to Messiah Yahshua. At the
time of the end when the mark of the beast is instituted, at the same time the mark of YHWH will be in the
foreheads of the 144,000 who are the firstfruits/firstborn.
Exo 13:15 And it happened when Pharaoh hardened himself against sending us away, YHWH killed
every first-born one in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of men even to the first-born of animals. On
account of this I sacrifice to YHWH every one of the males opening the womb, and I redeem every first-
born of my sons.
Exo 13:16 And it shall be for a sign on your hand, and frontlets between your eyes. For YHWH brought
us out from Egypt by the might of His hand.
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 22:4 And they will see His face; and His name will be on their foreheads.


His Name is the Word
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.
We are marked by the Name/Torah/Yahshua
Rev 7:3 Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we seal the slaves of our God on their
Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of those having been sealed: one hundred forty four thousands, having
been sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 14:2 And I heard a sound out of Heaven, as a sound of many waters, and as a sound of great
thunder. Also I heard a sound of harpers harping on their harps.
Rev 14:3 And they sing as a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the
elders. And no one was able to learn the song except the hundred and forty four thousands, those having
been redeemed from the earth.
Rev 14:4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones
following the Lamb wherever He may go. These were redeemed from among men as a firstfruit to God
and to the Lamb.
Rev 14:5 And no guile was found in their mouth, for they are without blemish before the throne of God.
Exodus 8:23 Distinction=redemption=sign=ephod=mark of YHWH
Exo 8:23 And I will put redemption (KJV distinction) between My people and your people. This miracle
shall be for tomorrow.
Brought back to an original state.
A sinless state. Like the 2nd
1Jn 3:1 See what manner of love
the Father has given us, that we
may be called children of God.
For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it was not yet revealed what we shall be. But we
know that if He is revealed, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.
We shall be in His image. The seed of the serpent will be in his image. This is what the mark of the beast is.
The Sons of Elohim (Romans 8) will be clothed in the garments of righteousness and salvation (Yeshua). The
seed of the serpent will be clothed in the garments of the serpent.
The 144,00 are the firstborn, the
priests…redeemed from the earth.
The “distinction” is seen in the end
Mal 3:16 Then those fearing
YHWH spoke together, each man to
his neighbor. And YHWH gave
attention and heard. And a Book of
Remembrance was written before
Him for those who feared YHWH, and for those esteeming His name.

Mal 3:17 And they shall be Mine, says YHWH of Hosts, for the day that I will make up My treasure. And
I will pity them as a man has pity on his son who serves him.
Mal 3:18 Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him who
serves God and him who does not serve Him.

Psa 132:13 For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
Psa 87:5 And of Zion it shall be said, This and that man was born in her: and the highest himself shall
establish her.
Isa 51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand,
that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my
H6726 ‫ ציון‬tsiyon tsee-yone’
The same (regular) as H6725; Tsijon (as a permanent capital), a mountain of Jerusalem: – Zion.
H6725 ‫ ציון‬tsiyun tsee-yoon’
From the same as H6723 in the sense of conspicuousness (compare H5329); a monumental or guiding pillar:
– sign, title, waymark.
Zion comes from the following root

Which means a sign or waymark

As seen above in the definition of the word
aleph tav, the word mark pictures a traveler
that is following a mark to arrive at a
destination. This what Zion is. There is true
Zion and there is false Zion (1). True Zion points the way to Messiah Yahshua. False Zion points the way to
the antichrist.
Isa 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
Isa 8:17 And I will wait upon the LORD, that hideth his face from the house of Jacob, and I will look for
Isa 8:18 Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs(H226 Ot flag, beacon,
monument) and for wonders(H4159 mopheth conspicuousness,miracle, sign, wonder) in Israel from the
LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.


Rev 12:1 And a great sign* was seen in the heavens, a woman having been clothed with the sun, and the
moon was underneath her feet; and on her head a crown of twelve stars;
*Sign = Zion…the birth of Zion, the manchild in the image of Messiah Yahshua…what is the counterfeit (1)?
Believers in Messiah are the CHOSEN PEOPLE who are MARKED with the MARK OF YHWH, they will
receive the INHERITANCE. The counterfeit is the false chosen people, the mark of the beast, the false
inheritance. This will be discussed in more detail, in the chapter on Solomon & Freemasonry & in Volume 2 in
the chapter on Zionism.
Lamsa Aramaic translation
Eph 1:4 Just as from the beginning he has chosen us through him, before the foundation of the world,
that we may become holy and without blemish before him.
Eph 1:5 And he marked us with his love {His love is His Torah (2)…this is what the Mark of YHWH is} to
be his from the beginning, and adopted us to be sons through Jesus Christ, as it pleased his will.
Eph 1:11 in whom we also have been chosen to an inheritance, being predestinated (Aramaic mark)
according to the purpose of the One working all things according to the counsel of His own will,
In Greek the word chosen is from:
Thayer Definition:
1) to cast lots, determine by lot
2) to choose by lot
3) to allot, assign by lot
3a) on to another as a possession
4) in NT: to make a lot, i.e. a heritage, private possession
Part of Speech: verb
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G2819
Eph 1:11 By whom we have been chosen, as he had marked us from the beginning so he wanted to carry
out everything according to the good judgment of his will:
Eph 1:12 That we should become the first to trust in Christ, to his honor and his glory:
Eph 1:13 In whom, you also have heard the word of truth, which is the gospel for your salvation: in him
you have believed, so you are sealed with the Holy Spirit that was promised,
Marked and Chosen
Rom 8:23 And not only they, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we groan
within ourselves, waiting for the adoption, that is, the redemption of our bodies.
Rom 8:24 For we live in hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for if we see it, why should we yet hope?
Rom 8:25 But if we hope for that which we do not see, then do we wait for it in patience.
Rom 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helps our weaknesses: for we do not know what is right and proper for
us to pray for: but the Spirit prays for us with that earnestness which cannot be described.

Rom 8:27 And he who searches the hearts knows what is the mind of the Spirit, for the Spirit prays for
the saints according to the will of God.
Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are
the called according to his purpose.
Rom 8:29 He knew them in advance and he marked them with the likeness of the image of his Son that
he might be the first-born among many brethren.
Rom 8:30 Moreover, those he did mark in advance, he has called, and those he has called, he has
declared righteous, and those he has declared righteous, he has glorified.

Resources for Chapter 1

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Bible Wheel - Richard McGough -

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Compendious Syriac Dictionary - Payne Smith

James, Fausset, Brown Bible Commentary

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

King James Version of the Holy Bible: 1769 Version

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Online Etymology Dictionary -

Thayer's Greek Definitions

Vincent's Word Studies

Chapter 2

Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.
Albert Barnes commentary
(e) The method of designating persons obscurely by a reference to the numerical signification of the
letters in their names was not very uncommon, and was one that was not unlikely, in the circumstances of the
case, to have been resorted to by John. “Thus, among the pagans, the Egyptian mystics spoke of Mercury, or
Thouth, under the name 1218, because the Greek letters composing the word Thouth, when estimated by their
numerical value, together made up that number. By others, Jupiter was invoked under the mystical number 717;
because the letters of ±Η ΑΡΧΗ HEE ARCHEE – “Beginning,” or “First Origin,” which was a characteristic of
the supreme deity worshipped as Jupiter, made up that number. And Apollo under the number 608, as being that
of ηυς eus or υης hues, words expressing certain solar attributes. Again, the pseudo-Christian, or semi-pagan
Gnostics, from John’s time and downward, affixed to their gems and amulets, of which multitudes remain to the
present day, the mystic word αβρασαξ abrasax or αβραξας abraxas, under the idea of some magic virtue
attaching to its number 365, as being that of the days of the annual solar circle,” etc. See other instances referred
to in Elliott, 3:205. These facts show that John would not be unlikely to adopt some such method of expressing
a sentiment which it was designed should be obscure in form, but possible to be understood. It should be added
here, thath this was more common among the Jews than among any other people.

In order to understand the mark of the beast and the number 666 it must be understood that John was speaking
of a beast that existed before his time and would exist again after his time.
Rev 17:8 The beast which you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss, and goes to
perdition. And those dwelling on the earth will marvel, the ones whose names have not been written on
the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, seeing the beast, that it was a thing, and is not, yet now
Many see the head of Catholicism, Islam or the U.N. etc as the beast in the end and have many good reasons to
believe that idea. However, through study of Scripture and ancient writings it is clear that the being that John is
speaking about had been around for thousands of years before John was alive. It all goes back to Nimrod and
then further to the Garden of Eden. For the days of Nimrod were a replay of the antediluvian beast system. It
all goes back to the Garden and the original beast (Genesis 3:1) who offered Adam & Eve the opportunity to
become ‘gods’ without the tree of Life, who is Messiah Yahshua. Going from the garden and then tracing
history up to John’s day and through today, the same theme is seen over and over again. Whether it be through

religious doctrine or religious symbology the same concept is seen…the desire of satan to offer mankind
‘godhood’ through the ‘tree of knowledge of good and evil.’ This is what 666 is all about…

This idea of attaching numbers to letters is called Gematria in Hebrew and Isopsephia in Greek or
alphanumerics. In Hebrew, Greek & Aramaic each letter had a corresponding number.

The Hebrew words for number and scroll/book are from the same root word. The Word is strongly associated
with numbers and in fact each Hebrew letter is a number as well. Therefore the Holy Scriptures are words as
well as numbers…

Hebrew letters=numbers. It is easy to see why the word for number (mispar) is from the same root as Scroll
(sepher). From the root:

The parent root of ‘saphar’ is ‘saph’ which links to the Greek word ‘manthano’ (manthano is the root of the
word mathematics) and the Hebrew words it translates in the LXX.

Mathematics points to Messiah Yahshua (1). Therefore, the beast will attempt to counterfeit this concept.

Here is a chart with the numerical equivalents of the Hebrew and Greek alphabets.

There are also different types of Gematria

There is also ‘ATBaSH’ where each letter is flipped to its opposite. Aleph is tav bet is shin hence the word
ATBaSH. Jeremiah even used this method of cyphering in Jeremiah 51:41 for example Sheshach = Babel.
With that being said, it is easy to see why this enigmatic number 666 has so many different interpretations.

In Hebrew & Greek, letters have corresponding numbers, hence the number of its name. Letters produce words
which are sound. Sound is a frequency/vibration that corresponds to color. Words, which are sound also form
images or shapes as can be seen in cymatic studies. The mark of the beast, therefore, can be associated with
numbers, letters, sounds & colors or whatever else resonates through frequencies (1).
Numbers are equivalent to shapes. Gematria comes from the Greek word for Geometry.

In following studies it will be seen that numerous symbols/geometric figures are linked to the mark of the beast
through number and meaning, in specific those symbols used to represent the Almighty such as the cross and
hexagram. As seen in chapter 1 on the Biblical definition of the mark, the mark refers to an image engraved of

Stephanos 1550 text
In the Greek manuscripts, the
Number is rendered in Greek
numerical form as “χξς”, or
sometimes literally as “six hundred and sixty-six”, “ἑξακόσιοι ἑξήκοντα ἑξι”. [hexakosioi hexékonta hex, lit.
six hundred sixty six]
The Aramaic Peshitta writes the word out:


The Vulgate writes out 666 as well

Rev 13:18 hic sapientia est qui habet intellectum conputet numerum bestiae numerus enim hominis est et
numerus eius est sescenti sexaginta sex
Oxyrhynchus Papyrus

The First and last letters of χξς are the the first and last letters of Christos Χριστος. The middle letter is the
Greek letter for Serpent ξ because it looks like a serpent. Hence, serpent Messiah.
Connection to Islam (1)
Walid Shoebat, author of Why I Left Jihad, does not believe the Greek letters χξς’ in Revelation 13:18 should be
translated “666”. He proposes that if these were Arabic letters, the χ becomes the crossed swords of Islam, and
ξς’ is Arabic for “in the name of Allah”. Shoebat, Walid. Why I Left Jihad.

If you lay the ξ on its belly you get the word Allah

Bilsmillah (in the name of Allah)

The common translation for bismillah is “In the name of Allah”, which is actually an idiom, an expression that
really doesn’t make much sense on a literal word-by-word basis.
The phrase In the name of is an idiom having the connotation of with the blessings of, under the guidance of,
as an instrument of, with the support of, or for the glory of. In each of these cases, the idiom In the name of
means submitting to, honoring or glorifying that which is referred to.
Now, let’s take a deeper look into the Arabic roots of this word bismillah.
The term bismillah, is a combination of three words:
1. The particle bi which can mean by, for, with the aid of, through or by means of and points toward that which
happens next.
2. The next word in this phrase is ism, based on the root variously reported to be s-m-w or a-s-m, which
indicates the means by which something is distinguished, whether by use of an identifying mark, or by
being raised up high so that it may be distinguished, and would include a name, reputation, light or vibration,
and points toward the very essence of something, the inherent qualities and signs of the existence of something,
the underlying reality of something.
3. The ending of the term is the word Allah, which is the Arabic name of the god. The Semitic roots of the word
Allah extend back several thousand years to the Canaanite Elat, Hebrew El and Elohim, and Aramaic Alaha. In
modern English this would generally be translated as God (which is old English, likely based on the Sanskrit
word hu, meaning that which is worshipped, honored or adored).
To say bismillah is to humbly offer one’s self as a vehicle for the glory and majesty of Allah.

‘Bismillah’ is certainly a valid interpretation of 666 in
Revelation 13, however ‘bismillah’ is not the fullness of the
meaning. Islam is only part of the beast system part not the
entirety. The mark of the beast is a counterfeit of the mark of
YHWH, so the mark of the beast will be seen in all the
religions of this world as each religion points to Messiah, yet
at the same time corrupt His Image. Again, it comes down to
the tree of life or the tree of knowledge. We must beware of
the teaching that Islam is the fullness of the beast system.
The adversary seeks to use Islam as a stepping stone to his
counterfeit kingdom. WWIII has been planned for over a
century to bring about this kingdom. Islam is being pitted
against Judeo-Christianity. The false Israel will be
miraculously saved by the antichrist when he comes and
defeats Islam. More on this in volume 2, Yah willing.

{Image source}

The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is the same as Paleo Hebrew.
χξς would be rendered in Phoenician as:

χ= which is a picture of crossed sticks

ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch

ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled serpent.
Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree. It is the equivalent of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.

χξς In Hebrew this would be rendered

The ‫ ם‬mem sofit is only at the end of Hebrew words so the only word which could be translated
correctly is ‫( וסם‬v’sam) starting at the left and going right. This makes sense as Greek is written from left to
right and Hebrew is written from right to left.

‫ סם‬samek mem sofit is translated into hebrew as drug/poison…the vav in the front would be rendered
‘and’ or ‘adding’. Adding poison. The Hebrew word for number is mispar which is from the same root
as the word for book sepher.

The number 666 then may be alluding, on a deeper level, to a poison 'book' that is added or mixed into the Book
of Life (Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19). The Quran…The Talmud (Oral law)…The Gnostic
Gospels…The Catholic Catechism…All of these are based upon the Holy Scriptures but mix man's
interpretations and put them on equal footing with the Word. On a physical level what is the book of life?

DNA. Adding poison to the book of life = adding ‘poison’ to DNA.
This word samek mem sofit is not used in Scripture. It's meaning is to place, set or store something.

However, looking at the word sum which comes from this root draws some interesting connections to 666.
Notice that this word is translated into
English as name and mark. Also notice that
the word shem ‫ שם‬is related to this word
as it is a ‘df’ defective spelling. Shem is
the word typically translated as name. It
means the character, the breath of a thing.
Looking at the word 'shem' in it's original pictograph form also sheds light on the mark of the beast.
The Hebrew letter shin is related to ‘fire’ in ancient thought. The Hebrew letter Mem is a pictograph of water.
Water & fire is represented by the following figures.

Illustration 1: Source: The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol- David Ovason

Notice what image is formed by combining fire and water in occultic thought. The Hexagram. Also notice that

it is the combination of air (heaven) and earth. ‫ וסם‬means to add poison or ‫ שם‬the name of the beast…his
character. The mixture of heaven and earth. As above so below…beast & man. As this study progresses this
idea will be seen more clearly.
Rev 13:17 even that not any could buy or sell, except the one having the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.

Poison is also connected with wormwood. Wormwood may be related to the planet Nibiru and the return of the
fallen angels. (1)
Rev 8:11 And the name of the star is said to be Wormwood. And the third part of the waters became
changed into wormwood. And many men died from the waters, because they were bitter.

Wormwood=bitterness, hemlock, poison

BDB Definition:
1) wormwood
1a) bitterness (metaphorically)
Part of Speech: noun feminine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from an unused root supposed to mean to curse*
*Hence the word wormwood is associated with ‘Allah’. One of the meanings of the word alah in Hebrew
means a curse.
Dan 9:11 Yea, all Israel have transgressed thy law, even by departing, that they might not obey thy voice;
therefore the curse is poured upon us, and the oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of God,
because we have sinned against him.
BDB Definition:
1) oath
2) oath of covenant
3) curse
3a) from God
3b) from men
4) execration
Part of Speech: noun feminine


It is also interesting to note that Allah is associated with a star…ie wormwood.
2nd Esdras 15:35 They shall smite one upon another & they shall smite down a great multitude of stars upon
the earth, even their own star*; and blood shall be from the sword unto the belly.
*Allah is referred to a star in the Quran
Surah 24:35 Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a
lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star {Notice the similarities to
Revelation 8:10-11 speaking of the star Wormwood} , lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western,
the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not — light upon light — Allah guides to His light whom
He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things.
However, as this study progresses, it will be seen that the 'poison star' is also linked to the hexagram and
pentagram. Again on the surface it may seem that Islam is the main tool of the adversary but on deeper
inspection it is seen that Judaism & Christianity are his greatest weapons to deceive mankind.
La’anah comes from the root ‫לע‬.
‫ לע‬has the concrete meaning of a throat and also the color scarlet as the throat is that color. The word for
crimson and worm (tola), as in the worm in Psalm 22:6 comes from this same word. Hence, the cross is linked
with this word as well. More on this in Chapter 5.
Idol worship is linked wormwood
Deu 29:16 For you know how we lived in the land of Egypt, and how we came through the nations
through which you passed.
Deu 29:17 And you have seen their detestable things, and their idols of wood and stone, silver and gold,
which were among them;
Deu 29:18 that there not be among you man, or woman, or family, or tribe, whose heart turns away
today from YHWH our God, to go and serve the gods of these nations; lest there should be among you
today a root that bears gall and wormwood;
The Whore is linked to wormwood. Here we see idol worship, which traces back to Ba’al worship and the
whore, who traces back to Ashterah is what the Scriptures link to wormwood. This is what the mark of the
beast traces back to. As this study progresses this will be seen in more detail.
Pro 5:3 For the lips of a strange woman drip honey, and her palate is sweeter than oil,
Pro 5:4 but afterwards, she is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a sword of mouths;
Pro 5:5 her feet go down to death; her steps take hold on hell,
666 could also be rendered
600 Tav Gershayim Resh 400+200) ‫)ת”ר‬
60 60 Samekh 60 ‫ס‬
6 Vav 6 ‫ו‬
‫……רתסו‬there is no Hebrew word spelled like this, if it was a name it would be pronounced ratso or ratsu
‫…תרסו‬there is no Hebrew word spelled like this, if it was a name it would be pronounced tarso or tarsu..
Tarsus? As in Paul of Tarsus…a Caricature of Shaul of Tarsus who was anti-Torah? This will be discussed in
more detail in Volume 2, Yah willing. Men have truly twisted the teachings of Paul to their own destruction (2
Peter 3:15).
The pictographic meaning of these letters is head,covenant/cross, thorn, nail. The mark of YHWH, spoken of in

Ezekiel 9, is the word TAV which means a cross. Is the mark of the beast a direct counterfeit of that word,
which refers to the crucifixion? The antichrist is a counterfeit of the Messiah…the mark of the beast is the
counterfeit of the mark of YHWH...
Strong’s Concordance #5516 “Chi Xi Stigma [khee xee stig-ma]; 22nd, 14th and obsolete letter (4742 as a
cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th letters) used as numbers; denoting
respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral:
The 22nd, 14th and 6th letters of the Hebrew alphabet spell:
This word means ‘his dragon’.

Sun worship
1Ki 10:14 And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty six
talents of gold,

The phrase shesh ma’ot sheesheem vashash kekar (666 talents) acronomically add up to 666 as well.
Acronomically this phrase this teaches that 666 is the sun YHWH. The Scriptures refer to the sun as a
descriptive tool for YHWH (Malachi 4:2; Psalm 84:11; Psalm 19:4-5; Isaiah 9:2; 49:6; 60:1-3; John 8:12). The
adversary counterfeited this idea and this is why we see sun worship prevalent in all the pagan mystery
Psa 84:11 For YHWH God is a sun and shield; YHWH will give grace and glory; He will withhold
nothing good from those who walk in integrity.
Mal 4:2 But to you who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall rise up, and healing will be on His
wings. And you shall go out and frisk like calves of the stall.
The adversary counterfeits the Most High
Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be compared* to the Most High.
*The adversary wants to appear just like the Messiah. This is a key to understanding what the mark of the beast
is and who the antichrist is. The word used by Yeshayahu is damah meaning the resemblance of a son to his
father which is passed down through blood (DNA).

DNA is further linked to the sun through the equinoxes (tequphot). The word for ‘equinox’ in Hebrew is
tequphah. It literally means the mark of the sun. At the Spring tequfah the sun is at 23 degrees in the Tropic of

Cancer. At the Autumn tequfah the sun is at 23 degrees in the Tropic of Capricorn. 23 +23 = 46. 46 is the
number of chromosomes in the human body that stores our DNA. The chromosome is also in the shape of a
There are multiple words for time in Hebrew, the most used is ‫( עת‬et) which pictographically means to ‘see the
cross’, and in ancient Hebrew thinking meant to ‘see the mark.’ What is this ‘mark’? It is the sun setting
(death) and rising (resurrection) above the horizon.
‫ עת‬corresponds to the Greek word καιρος (kairos)
through comparing Daniel 7:25 & Revelation 12:6, 14.
In the Septuagint, kairos is used to translate numerous
words but one of which is very interesting. The word
‘tor’ due to its relation to the concept of ‘the mark.’

From this root we get ta’ar and to’ar. These words mean form,
outline or border.

‘Toar’ is from the same root ‘tor’ as Torah

The heavenly bodies and their movements are ‘signs’ or ‘marks.’

Gen 1:14 And God said, Let luminaries be in the expanse of the heavens, to divide between the day and
the night. And let them be for signs and for seasons, and for days and years.

The signs of the heavens are a mark/reminder of the
covenant with His people. The Biblical calendar (1) is
based upon the movement of the sun through the ‘zodiac’
and this same movement teaches the Gospel (2). What is
the counterfeit? Applying this same system to the beast…a
false calendar and a false gospel of a false christ.
YHWH is in control of the calendar. He changes the times
and the seasons (Daniel 2:21). What does the beast
attempt to due? Change times and seasons (Daniel 7:25)
Further connecting the sun to the body is through the human heart. The human heart represents the throne of
Elohim in the body.
In the book of Revelation (Chapter 4) John is shown a vision of the Throne of Elohim. Around the throne and
the 4 living creatures are 24 elders (Revelation 4:4) representing the 24 ribs surrounding the human heart. From
the heart blood is pumped to the Lungs. As seen in the study 'Messiah in the Torah- Genesis 1:2-5' (3), the
etymology of the English word ‘Lung’ traces back to the meaning of Light. In our bodies our lungs have 7
vascular bundles called nodes. These represent the 7 Spirits of Elohim (Revelation 4:5; Isaiah 11:1-3). These 7
Spirits/Ruach/Breathe are pictured in the earthly Tabernacle/Temple by the Menorah. The Menorah is a picture
of the Tree of Life. The Light of the world.
Rev 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are
burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;
This is where the man of sin seeks to be enthroned (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
The sun and time
The word for hour is related to the sun:

This comes from the root ‘‫ ’שע‬which is a picture of a shepherd watching over his flock. ‘Sha’ is also the root
of the word Yeshua, the Good Shepherd (John 10:11). Note that the antichrist is described as the idol shepherd
(Zechariah 11:17).
This is why the sun god is portrayed with an ‘all seeing eye’ as well as being related to the triangle/pyramid,
which is in the same shape as the ancient Hebrew letter dalet, which is the origin of the Greek letter delta. Dalet
has the gematria of 4 which relates to the 4th dimension of time, of which the sun is intimately connected.
Further connecting to the Messiah, the letter dalet means a ‘door.’
Joh 10:7 Then Jesus again said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you that I am the door of the sheep.


The word for day is associated with the sun
The word for tomorrow is related to the sun

Another word relating time and the sun is “pa’am”

How does the rhythmic beating of a drum relate to the sun? The human heartbeat...

At sunrise the sky appears red

This word comes from ‘dam’ meaning blood.
‘Dam’ literally means waters from the door. As in
the living waters that come forth from the Temple,
or the living waters of blood that come forth from
the heart. The sun moving through the zodiac is
also a picture of this. Psalm 19 speaks of the sun
following the path of the zodiac and coming forth
from ‘his canopy’ representing the Temple. A
healthy heart pumps on average 72 times a minute,
the sun moves a degree through the ecliptic every
72 years. It seems that the beating of the human
heart corresponds with the movement of the sun
through the ecliptic.
“The ‘circle’ traced by the earth’s axis around the north ecliptic pole is not smooth but wavy, as the moon’s

gravitational pull causes the earth to ‘nod’ about once every 18 years (currently 18.6 years), a movement known
as nutation. The circle therefore contains about 1440 waves, since 18 x 1440 = 25,920. Note that the average
human heartbeat is equal to 72 beats a minute, and on average we breathe about 18 times a minute. 72 years (=
6+60+6 or 6×12) is said to be the ‘ideal’ lifespan of a human being, during which time the sun moves through
one degree of the zodiac in the precessional cycle. A human breathes 72 times in 4 minutes, the time required
for the earth to turn 1 degree on its axis. In 24 hours (86,400 seconds) we breathe 18 x 1440 = 25,920 times,
equal to the number of years in the precessional cycle.”
According to the National Geographic’s ‘Incredible Human Machine’ it takes 72 muscles for man to speak. The
Hebrew word for time, ‫עת‬, means to see the mark. What is the mark? It is when the sun rises directly east
(qedem ‘sun of blood’) at the time of the tequphah which literally means the ‘sun speaks.’
According to Ecclesiastes 1:5-6, the sun moves upon the
wind/ruach again linking to the blood which flows through the
human body and the living waters which flow forth from the
throne of Elohim.

The path of the sun through the zodiac comes from the following Hebrew word:

According to the Revelation 22:1-2, the river of life that comes forth from the throne of Elohim, is linked to 12
fruits of the tree of life.
The word for the constellations/zodiac in Hebrew is ‘mazzaroth’ which traces back to the Hebrew word nazar.

What was on the crown of the High Priest? The sacred name of YHWH (Exodus 29:6; 39:30) According to
Josephus (Wars of the Jews Book 5 Chapter 5 Section 7) the sacred name consisted of 4 vowels which are
pronounced with our breath. The Hebrew word for ‘name,’ is ‘shem’ which means breath/wind. It is the root
for the word ‘shamayim’ which means heaven. ‘Shem’ is also the root of the word ‘shemesh’ which means the
sun. Every breath we take we are proclaiming His Name. Each breath we take brings oxygen into our lungs
which brings life to our blood and to our cells.
As the sun moves through the sky it is proclaiming the gospel. Each breathe we take and every beat of our
hearts proclaims the gospel. Hence, the adversary seeks to portray himself as the sungod.
Another connection between the sun and 666 is the “magic square of the sun”.
Babylonian astrologers divided the starry heavens into 36 constellations (ten days each). These were represented
by different amulets called “Sigilla Solis,” or the Sun Seal. These amulets were worn by the pagan priests and
they contained all the numbers from 1 to 36. By these figures they claimed to be able to foretell future events.

These amulets were usually made of gold, yellow being the sun color. While being carried, these amulets were
wrapped in yellow silk, as it was thought that the bearer would thus receive the beneficent powers believed to
emanate from that jewel. Adding the numbers of any column either horizontally or vertically, and also the two
diagonals crossing the square, the total is the same — 111. The sum of the six columns, either horizontally or
vertically, is 666. The illustrations below taken from actual amulets in the Berlin Museum.

“The second illustration is also a solar seal, but it honors the star Basilisco, which was the diminutive form of
the Greek basileus (king), thus meaning the same as the Latin regulus. Now, Regulus is the only first-magnitude

star in the constellation of Leo. The sun and the moon are again clearly seen on this amulet, and on the
reverse side is the same arrangement of numerals, with the actual figure given of the total 666.”
[The lower coin shows the conjunction of the Sun, Moon and the star Regulus in the constellation of Leo the
Lion that occurred on 19 August 1705.]
Table #1 as illustrated above is also referred to in numerology as the magic Square of the Sun. There are similar
magic squares for Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury and the Moon, all of which have been known for
So 666 is a number associated with pagan sun-worship, which originated in the mysteries of ancient pagan
Babylon. In Revelation, 666 is associated with the number of the beast (from the sea), the Antichrist, and the
harlot church of Mystery Babylon.

The “devil’s triad” which is the 5th harmonic .666 looks like an inverted shin. The 'devil's triad' or tritone is the
harmonic that is used to make sinister music for horror movies and in olden times Monks refused to sing it
because it was considered evil. It looks like an inverted Hebrew letter shin, which is connected with 666 and
the sun.

This is mentioned because His Word is likened to a song. Is it no wonder

that the adversary uses music to spread his gospel of rebellion and
lawlessness? (1) Music is linked to the mark as those with the mark of
YHWH will sing a new song:


Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 14:2 And I heard a sound out of Heaven, as a sound of many waters, and as a sound of great thunder.
Also I heard a sound of harpers harping on their harps.
Rev 14:3 And they sing as a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders.
And no one was able to learn the song except the hundred and forty four thousands, those having been
redeemed from the earth.
Rev 14:4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones
following the Lamb wherever He may go. These were redeemed from among men as a firstfruit to God
and to the Lamb.
Rev 14:5 And no guile was found in their mouth, for they are without blemish before the throne of God.
Rev 15:2 And I saw, as a glassy sea having been mixed with fire. And the ones overcoming the beast, and its
image, and its mark, of the number of its name, were standing on the glassy sea, having harps of God.
Rev 15:3 And they sing the song of Moses the slave of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying, Great and
marvelous are Your works, Lord God Almighty, righteous and true are Your ways, King of the saints.
Rev 15:4 Who will not fear You, Lord, and glorify Your name? For You only are holy. For all the nations
will come and will worship before You, because Your righteousnesses were made known.

Interestingly,there is a verse in Scripture which has a word which equals 666 in it which connects to this
'inverted shin' of the 'devils triad.'
1Sa 13:21 And the sharpening charge was a pim for the plowshares, and for the mattocks, and for the
three (666) pronged forks, and for the axes, and for setting the plowshares.
The word for mark in Hebrew is associated with farming, in particular plowing a field which links with the
above verse. The root word for mark is a picture of an ox plowing toward a mark. In ancient Hebrew thought,
Elohim was seen as the strong ox that we are yoked with in covenant relationship. The word for mark is a
picture of walking with your Elohim toward your mark/goal (Philippians 3:14).

The number 3 is also linked to resurrection (1). A false resurrection/born again experience is what the mark of
the beast is all about. Interestingly, the letter gimel is equivalent to the number 3. In Kabbalistic thought, the
came represents the serpent in the Garden of Eden. This is yet another link to the tree of knowledge of good
and evil and the false resurrection.


How a Mystic Reads the Garden of Eden - Rabbi David Cooper
“One of the most ancient midrashic texts, written by Rabbi Eliezer, suggests that the serpent who seduced Eve
had the appearance of a camel. Most people have never heard this idea. The Jewish oral tradition goes on to say
that the angel Samael, otherwise known as Satan, rode this camel. Many say that the serpent itself was Satan.
When Rabbi Eliezer says that the serpent represented a camel, he is alluding to the number three. The word
camel in Hebrew is gamal, which is the same as word as the Hebrew letter gimel. Gimel in the Hebrew alphabet
represents the number three. Mathematically, the number three is necessary for the physical world--which is
three dimensional--composed of three lines of direction: north-south, east-west, and up-down.”
The letter G symbol of freemasonry traces back to the Hebrew letter gimel and
interestingly links to the serpent as well. It is said that the letter G also represents the
ouroboros, the snake eating it's tail which represents immortality/resurrection.
“The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED… the sign of the deity, and to
make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter ‘G’, for God…
In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form… is a serpent curled round with its tail in its
mouth… This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was altered so as to form
the letter G.” (The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater p. 79)
Masonic writers also speak of the letter G tracing back to the Hebrew letter yod which was used as an
abbreviation by Kabbalists for the Sacred Name of Elohim.
This 'magic square of the sun' is associated with the 'The Philosophers stone'
The Philosopher's stone is associated with the hexagram...a symbol that comes up over and over again in
connection with the number 666.

The Hexagram of Earth represents the Solar energy that makes concrete matter that we can move and touch, in
short, The Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist of Queen Elizabeth I, in his book Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the
following quote:
"'Mahatma Letters,' page 345: 'The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon's Seal is...the
Sri--Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the whole occult
doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the 'squaring of the
Circle,' the 'Philosophers' Stone,' the great problems of Life and Death--the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can
explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.'"Hieroglyphic Monad, Dr John Dee, page
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret of Freemasonry with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s

The philosopher's stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It
was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.
For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making
the philosopher's stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also
known by several other names, such as 'materia prima.' Ultimately, it is about bringing heaven down to earth.
Or the Sun (father) joining with the earth (mother) according to occult belief. This will be discussed in more
detail as this study progresses.

The tri-quetra is another subject that will be addressed in more detail as the study progressed. It is connected
strongly to the 'Philosopher's stone' and the 'new man', homo-noeticus.
THE SUN-KING: 666 = A (111x6), THERION (Beast), ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T), Sorath (Spirit of the
Sun), and Shemesh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton). "666 is the Most Holy Number of the Sun" (according
to them). It is symbolized by the letter Shin made of three Vavs (=666). Shin is the letter of Path 31 on the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life and 31=AL (The All). 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed
Glory, for there are 36 Paths within the Tree of Life, 32 known, while four remain secret. 666 is also the occult
number of the Hexagram, another symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal
parts each of which may be represented by the number one, so that every line can be symbolized by the number
111. There are six lines in all, making 111x6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun.
Six Hundred is the number of Evil personified. Sixty is the number of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which is the
letter of the Holy Guardian Angel, the Adam Kadmon, {Adam Kadmon represents the new man, homo-noeticus,
the next step in man's "evolution"} (or Sun-King), the Solar Self within Man. Six is the number of Man, making
666 to convey a Evil Man who has as his symbol, the Sun. {666 is a number of a man but also a beast (angel)...
Six angles of 60 degrees each equals 360 degrees, and 360 is the number of the Hebrew letter Shin spelled in
full. Shin is the letter of the Sun and of 666*. The most ancient symbol of the Sun is the Celtic triple knot
or Spiral. The Triquetra is one form, the Celtic Triskel is another.

*Shin Shemesh connection
The letter vav = 6
The letter shin consists of 3 vavs…666...
The number 6 is further linked to the letter shin in that the Hebrew word for 6 is shesh
which consists of two shins.

Notice on the palm of the human hand there is the letter shin

The mark of YHWH is a sign on the hand and frontlets between the eyes, the mark of the beast
is a counterfeit. Interestingly, on mezuzot, the letter shin is many times displayed on the
outside of the box with the verses referring to the mark of YHWH within.

The letter shin is also placed on the tefillin/phylacteries that are worn by traditional Jews as

In Jewish thought 666 is a positive number pointing to the Messiah and the Messianic kingdom...
Joh 5:43 I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own
name, you will receive that one.
Ohr Somaych - 666
“The number 666 has significance as the numerical value of the Hebrew verse: "Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai --
Now, I pray, let the Power of my Lord be great." (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe's prayer invoking Divine
Mercy on behalf of the Jewish People.
"Mosad Hayesod" cites the Vilna Gaon's commentary on the Zohar that "the number 666 contains
hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential." No other explanation is offered there.
We do know that the number six represents the physical world. The Torah describes the creation of the universe
as a six part, six day, process. Our ancient sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions -- north,
south, east, west, up, down -- from a central point. All physical space and all physical objects have these six
666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that
concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which
Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose,
to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.
• Sources: Mosad Hayesod pp. 204-205
* Rabbi Dovid Rossoff, author o "Where Heaven Touches Earth," Guardian Press”

The Hebrew Letters

Shin: The Eternal Flame
“The letter shin appears engraved on both sides of the head- tefilin. On the right side, the shin possesses three
heads, while on the left side it possesses four heads. In Kabbalah we are taught that the three-headed shin is the
shin of this world while the four- headed shin is the shin of the World to Come.”
“Shin is the twenty first letter, and symbolizes the Spirit, the Spiritual Fire, The Flaming Sword. It is said that
when Shin is not in the middle of a word it turns to anger and resentment. When in the middle of a word, it is
the central equilibrating fire. For example is the word Moses, which is M Sh H, or Yeheshuah, which is Y H Sh
V H. Shin also stands for the Shekinah.
The image of the letter Shin is a tooth. The form of this letter refers to the three roots of the molars. Shin has
also its traditional meaning of the Cosmic Fire or the Fiery Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Because the tooth or the
molar refers to the taking of food, to eating, to taking in, it indicates, in combination with its other meaning, the
reception of Cosmic Fire. It is the influx of the Holy Spirit that flowed into the heads of the Apostles, shown as
a flame above each of their heads.

The body has taken in the Fiery Spirit. This Fire or Shin is the dynamic movement in the Universe and its active
and expansive forces. With this fire one dances on the World. Shin is the movement of everything that exists.
Shin vivifies all beings great or small. It is the Cosmic Snake or the Cosmic Dragon.
The shape of Shin also refers to the Trinity, here in its fiery aspect, the descending Dove. Its shape is
composed of three Vau’s, placed next to each other, giving the number 666, which is the number of the
Sun, and also of the Beast of the Book of Revelation of John. The number 666 is not evil as it is often
thought, it is a number of mystery.
The three flames in the letter Shin are also explained as being representations of the Od or the active force of
life, the Ob or the passive force of life, and the Aur or the balancing force of life.”

Bet & 666

The Pythagorean Triangle pg 22
"The Rabbi Mannasseh, Ben Israel, in his explanation of the cabala, says, 'The fourth rule is founded on the
shape of the letters. If it be asked, Why does the law begin with a ‫ ?ב‬The answer is, Because it is formed by
three lines, or ‫'ו‬s, which, being written at length, spell ‫ואו‬, numerically thirteen; this number being multiplied by
three (the three lines), makes thirty-nine, equal to ‫( יהוה אחד‬the Lord is One), also thirty-nine."
Bet is formed by 3 vav's, vav = 6. Hence, the letter Bet is linked to 666. The letter Bet represents the
house/temple. This points to the human body. The mark of the beast is all about defiling the human body. A
false resurrection. Partaking of the tree of knowledge. More on this, Yah willing, in volume 2 on DNA & the
Mark of the Beast.
The letter Bet also points to creation as it is the first letter of the Torah. Creation is linked to the number 6 as
the heavens and earth were created in 6 days. Yah willing, this will be discussed in more detail in volume 2 as
The Fibonacci spiral & 666
“Revelation 13:18 says the following:
"This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the
beast, for it is a man's number. His number is 666."
This beast, regarded by some as the Anti-Christ described by John, is thus related to
the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.
Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º, you get -0.80901699, which is one-half of negative phi, or
perhaps what one might call the "anti-phi."
The trigonometric relationship of sin 666º to phi is based on an isosceles triangle with a base of phi and sides of
1. When this triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the lower line, which has an angle of
306º on the first rotation and 666º on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.
In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or
good and evil. Could this "sine" be a "sign" as well?
In addition, 666 degrees is 54 degrees short of the complete second circle and when dividing the 360 degrees of
a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66... The other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees and 36
divided by 54 is .666.

Phi appears throughout creation, and in every physical proportion of the human body. In that sense it is the
number of mankind, as the mysterious passage of Revelation perhaps reveals.”

The relation to the Fibonacci pattern, the Temple & the human body is discussed in more detail in Chapter 9 on
the Pentagram. The Fibonacci pattern is a shadow of Messiah (1), hence the adversary will seek to counterfeit
this pattern in nature and apply it to himself.

The Beast
The Pythagorean Triangle pg 235-236
"It is the opinion of Mr. Faber, whose learning and extensive researches into the hidden mysteries of antiquity
are entitled to universal respect, that in the Book of Revelation 'an important prophecy is most curiously and
artfully veiled under the very language and imagery of the Orgies. To the sea-born Great Father was ascribed a
threefold state: he lived, he died, and he revived; these changes of condition were duly exhibited in the
mysteries. To the sea-born wild beast is similarly ascribed a threefold state: he lives, he dies, and he revives.
While dead, he lies floating on the mighty ocean, just like Horus, or Osiris, Siva or Vishnu; when he revives,
again like those kindred deities, he emerges from the waves; andwhether dead or alive, he bears seven heads
and ten horns, corresponding in number with the seven art-preserved Rishis, and the ten aboriginal patriarchs.
Nor is this all; as the worshippers of the Great Father bore his special mark or stigma, and were distinguished by
his name, so the worshippers of the maritime beast equally bear his mark, and are equally designated by his
appellation.' (From Fab. Pag. Idol, vol iii. pg 643.)
If this be true, and the arguments adduced in its support appear sound and conclusive, the above mystical
ceremony of sealing the redeemed may be taken from the custom of marking the aspirant with a permanent
badge of initiation, which may be an indelible token of his acceptance. This mark or badge in India and Egypt
was the Tautic Cross {More on this in chapter 5}; and it still appears amongst the hieroglyphics of the
Brahmins, and profusely on the monuments of Egypt, where most of the deities bear it conspicuously about
their persons. In the Dionysiaca, or the mysteries of Bacchus, the mark was a leaf of the ivy or vine {More on
this in Chapter 4} There is a pointed reference to it in the divine command given to Moses in the wilderness,
when many of the Israelites had been initiated into the disgusting mysteries of Baalpeor: 'Take all the heads of
the people and hang them up;' referring to the princes of the tribes, who were directed to hang all those who
had been thus initiated. Boothroyd translates the original thus: 'Take all the heads of the people, and let them
slay those men who have worn the badges of Baal-peor."
Num 25:1 And Israel lived in Shittim. And the people began to fornicate with the daughters of Moab.
Num 25:2 And they called the people to the sacrifices of their gods. And the people ate and bowed
themselves to their gods.
Num 25:3 And Israel was joined* to Baal-peor, and the anger of YHWH burned against Israel.
Num 25:4 And YHWH said to Moses, Take all the leaders of the people and hang them up to YHWH
before the sun, that the fierce anger of YHWH may be turned away from Israel.
Num 25:5 And Moses said to the judges of Israel, Each one of you kill his men, those who joined to Baal-
peor. (Baal = Saturn...more on this in Chapter 7)


*the word translated as 'joined' in Numbers 25:3 is from the Hebrew 'tsamad' which means a bracelet, used in
specific to a man and woman in marriage (Genesis 24:22; Ezekiel 16:11). It also refers to the yoke. We can be
yoked to Messiah, or yoked to the antichrist. Tsamad also is pictured by the frame of a building being fit
together to form a house. We can partake of the Wedding supper of the Lamb, or the feast of the beast. We can
members of the body of Messiah, or the body of antichrist. The true Temple or the fale one. It is our choice.
Notice that 'tsamad' is pictured by two oxen plowing a field. As
mentioned above, this is also the meaning of 'the mark.'
Mar 10:9 Therefore, what God yoked together, let not man
put apart.
2Co 6:14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For
what partnership does righteousness have with lawlessness?
And what fellowship does light have with darkness?
2Co 6:15 And what agreement does Christ have with Belial?
Or what part does a believer have with an unbeliever?
2Co 6:16 And what agreement does a temple of God have
with idols? For you are a temple of the living God, even as
God said, "I will" dwell in them and "walk among them,
and I will be their God, and they shall be My people." Lev.
26:12; Ezek. 37:27
2Co 6:17 Because of this, "come out from among them"
"and be separated," says the Lord, "and do not touch the unclean thing," and I will receive you. Isa.
2Co 6:18 "And I will be a Father to you, and you will be sons" and daughters to Me, says the Lord
Almighty. 2 Sam. 7:8, 14; Isa. 43:6

Tree of knowledge
The Pythagorean Triangle pg 70
"The superstition, which was so common throughout all antiquity, of realising the duality by combining the
worship of the serpent with that of a tree, or offering rites to the Ophite deity in a sacred grove, originated with
the paradisiacal serpent and the tree of knowledge."
The superstition mentioned above, according to the author of 'The Pythagorean Triangle,' is referring to the
'dying and rising god,' Bacchus, Osiris, Adonis etc. Hence, the author alludes to the serpent on the tree being
linked with 'resurrection/born again experience.' This is the duality that the author is referring to as well. As
above, so below. The 'god's (immortal) mixing with mankind (mortal).
The Pythagorean Triangle pg 72
"For the same reason, Christianity has two sacraments, and a divine symbol of two united equilateral triangles,
to figure the two natures of Christ. It represents man in a twofold state, as referring to time and eternity...'not
first which was spiritual, but that which was natural, and afterward that which was spiritual; the first man is of
the earth, earthy; the second man is the Lord from heaven.' Our first estate is Time, our second Eternity."

Asherah - Tree of knowledge

John Gill commentary on Act 7:43

the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of
David}, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning
the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell
from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the
wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they
made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
Astarte was the wife of Saturn. Otherwise known as the wife of Nimrod.
Please notice in the image above that the hexagram was her symbol as well.

In Assyrian asirtu, which appears also under the forms asratu, esreti (plural)
and asru, had the further signification of “sanctuary.” Originally Asirtu, the
wife of Asir, and asirtu, “sanctuary,” seem to have had no connection with
one another, but the identity in the pronunciation of the two words caused
them to be identified in signification, and as the tree-trunk or cone of stone
which symbolized Asherah was regarded as a Beth-el or “house of the
deity*,” wherein the goddess was immanent, the word Asirtu, Asherah,
came to denote the symbol of the goddess. The trunk of the tree was often
provided with branches, and assumed the form of the tree of life*. It was
as a trunk, however, that it was forbidden to be erected by the side of “the
altar of Yahweh” (Deu_16:21; see Jdg_6:25, Jdg_6:28, Jdg_6:30; 2Ki_23:6).
Accordingly the symbol made for Asherah by his mother was “cut down” by
Asa (1Ki_15:13). So, too, we hear of Asherim or symbols of the goddess
being set up on the high places under the shade of a green tree (Jer_17:2; see 2Ki_17:10). Manasseh introduced
one into the temple at Jerusalem (2Ki_21:3, 2Ki_21:7).
*This connection between the Asherah & the House of God (Bethel) and the tree of Life is important to note.
The Asherah is a counterfeit tree of life which is really the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life
represents the Messiah who is pictured by the menorah. The tree of knowledge represents the adversary who is
pictured by the Christmas tree/Asherah pole.
Exo 23:24 You shall not bow down to their gods, and you shall not serve them. And you shall not do
according to their works. But tearing you shall tear them down, and smashing you shall smash their
H4676 ‫ מצבה‬matstsebah
BDB Definition:
1) pillar, mastaba, stump
1a) pillar
1a1) as monument, personal memorial
1a2) with an altar
1b) (Hophal) stock, stump (of tree)*

*This is the word used in Genesis referring to the stone that Jacob anointed and proclaimed as Bethel.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz at the first.
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon {This is a strong
reference to the Messiah, which means anointed one.}.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Messiah is the image of Elohim
2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, so that the brightness of
the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.
The congregation of believers are to be the “image” of Messiah
Rom 8:29 because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son,
for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.
2Co 3:18 But we all with our face having been unveiled, having beheld the glory of the Lord in a mirror,
are being changed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord Spirit.
Here we see that the pillar that Jacob anointed is to be the house of Elohim. His house are His people (Hebrews
3:6). His body. Pictured by the menorah, the tree of Life. The counterfeit is a pillar/Asherah which is called
Bethel. The antichrist’s house are his people. His body. Pictured by the Asherah, the tree of knowledge.
Our “star,” Greek ” aster,” Latin stella, is akin*. Her worship was most licentious and abominable; closely
connected with that of (See ASHERAH, “THE GROVE”. Ashtoreh is the goddess, asherah “the grove,” the
image or the symbol of the goddess, of wood;* asher, yashar, “to be straight,” a straight stem of a tree living,
or fixed upright (1Ki_18:19; 2Ki_21:7; 2Ki_23:6; 2Ki_23:13-14; 2Ki_23:15; Jdg_6:25; Jdg_6:30). The
“bringing out the asherah from the house of the Lord,” and the “cutting down,” suit such a symbol, not a grace
in our sense. The active and passive powers of nature, generative and receptive, suggested the male and
female deities, Baal and Ashtoreh.
Again, another connection to the star (hexagram/pentagram) and the Asherah.
Exo 34:11 Take heed for yourself what I am commanding you today. Behold, I am about to drive out
from before your face the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite,
and the Jebusite.
Exo 34:12 Take heed to yourself, that you not cut a covenant with the people of the land to which you are
going in, that it not be a snare in your midst.
Exo 34:13 But you shall cut down their altars, break their pillars, and you shall cut off their Asherahs.
Exo 34:14 For you shall not bow to another god, for YHWH whose name is Jealous, He is a jealous
1Co 10:20 But the things the nations sacrifice, “they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.” Deut. 32:17
But I do not want you to become sharers of demons;
1Co 10:21 you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of
the Lord, and a table of demons.
1Co 10:22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He? Deut. 32:21
Deu 7:5 But you shall deal with them in this way: you shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces

the cult-stones; and you shall cut down their Asherahs; and you will burn their carved images with fire.
Deu 7:6 For you are a holy people to YHWH your God. YHWH your God has chosen you to be His own
treasure out of all the people on the face of the earth.

John Gill commentary on Deu. 7:5

Deu 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them,…. The inhabitants of the land of Canaan:
ye shall destroy their altars; on which they sacrificed to their idols:
and break down their images; of their gods, and the statues and pillars erected to the honour of them:
and cut down their groves; sacred to idols, which were usually planted on hills, and about Heathen temples, and
under which idols were placed to be worshipped. The Targum of Jonathan calls them trees of their
adoration, under which they worshipped; though there was a worship paid to them, not indeed directly to
them, or for their sakes, but for the sake of the idols they were sacred to, or were placed under them; so
Maimonides (e) says, a tree which at first was planted to be worshipped is forbidden of any use (or
profit); and this is the ‫אשרה‬, or “grove”, spoken of in the law, a tree planted and lopped, of which a graven
image is made for an idol; and so the tree that has been worshipped, though the body of it is, not forbidden, all
the shoots and leaves, and the branches, and the fruits it produces all the time it is worshipped, are forbidden to
be used: though the word here used sometimes seems to signify, not a grove of trees, but some image itself,
since we read of it in the temple, 2Ki_21:7,
and burn their graven images with fire; distinguished from their molten images, which may be meant in a
preceding clause, and which are particularly mentioned as to be destroyed as well as these, Num_33:52.
(e) Hilchot Obede Cochabim, c. 8. sect. 3, 4. Vid. Misn. Avodah Zarah, c. 3. sect. 7.
Deu 12:3 And you shall break down their altars, and shatter their standing pillars. And you shall burn
their Asherahs with fire. And you shall cut down the carved images of their gods, and shall destroy their
names out of that place.
Deu 12:4 You shall not do so to YHWH your God.

Kundalini connection

Kundalini is the belief that there is a serpent encoiled at the base of

the spine which can be meditation and ’spiritual’ acts, causing it to
climb the spine where it reaches your pineal gland and opens your
‘3rd eye.’ Interestingly, the word for spine and tree are the same.

The serpent rises up the spine to the pineal gland which was represented in ancient cultures as the pine
cone….the fruit of the pine tree.

Illustration 2: Staff of Osiris

Illustration 3: Staff of Bacchus...more on Bacchus in Chapter 4

The pine cone is associated with the Sumerian Annunaki (1) who are said to have ‘created’ men from clay jars.
This is referring to manipulation of DNA which will need to be discussed in greater detail in another study but
needless to say it is associated with the Kundalini spirit, the ‘awakening’ of the serpent and the result of man
being ‘enlightened’ or evolving into a higher spiritual being.


Stairway to heaven

Here is an image of a Masonic tracing board, with three columns

(Ionic, Doric, and Corinthian) representing the three sacred trees of
the ancient Arya. Notice the design of the pilasters on top of each
column. The column on the left has no floral motif or scroll. This
column denotes the initiated beginner whose mind is rude and
spiritually unawakened. The central column’s pilaster bears a
scroll, signifying the first stages of the awakening process. The
column on the right bears floral motifs, denoting the “flowering”
or “blossoming” of the mind. It is also taller than the other two
columns. The ladder is a simulacra for the Kabalistic Tree of Life
and the journey toward enlightenment.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 101
‘Prior to its adoption by Masonry, the ladder was a standard
symbol of that form of alchemy which was concerned with rising,
by way of self perfection, to God.’

Initiated artists such as Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro

Botticelli, and Nicholas Poussin incorporated Kabalistic
and Hermetic leitmotifs in their canvases. In Poussin’s
painting entitled Grapes from the Promised Land, we see
the ladder and tree.
Gerald Massey in his book Ancient Egypt: Light of the
World, speaks of the ‘mother of life’ being
represented as a tree in Egyptian mythology.
The ladder, the tree of knowledge, kundalini/the
serpent coiling up the tree, bethel are all related.
The tree-trunk or cone of stone which symbolized Asherah
was regarded as a Beth-el or “house of the deity*,”
wherein the goddess was immanent, the word Asirtu,
Asherah, came to denote the symbol of the goddess. The
trunk of the tree was often provided with branches, and

assumed the form of the tree of life*. It was as a trunk, however, that it was forbidden to be erected by the side
of “the altar of Yahweh” (Deu_16:21; see Jdg_6:25, Jdg_6:28, Jdg_6:30; 2Ki_23:6). Accordingly the symbol
made for Asherah by his mother was “cut down” by Asa (1Ki_15:13). So, too, we hear of Asherim or symbols
of the goddess being set up on the high places under the shade of a green tree (Jer_17:2; see 2Ki_17:10).
Manasseh introduced one into the temple at Jerusalem (2Ki_21:3, 2Ki_21:7).

Ark of the Covenant – DNA – Jacob’s Pillar

On a deeper level, there are connections between the ark of the covenant and Jacob’s pillar & DNA (1) .
The ladder
Gen 28:11 And he came on a place and stayed the night there, for the sun had gone. And he took stones
of the place and placed them at his head; and he lay down in that place.
Gen 28:12 And he dreamed. And, behold, a ladder was placed on the earth, its top reaching to the
heavens. And, behold, the angels of God were going up and going down on it!
Gen 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, How fearful is this place! This is nothing except the house of
God, and this is the door to Heaven.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob started up early in the morning and took the stone which he had placed at his
head, and he placed it as a pillar; and he poured oil on the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place, The House of God {Bethel}. And yet the name of the city
was at first Luz.
The ladder = Messiah
Joh 1:51 And He says to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, From now on you will see Heaven opened, and
“the angels of God ascending and descending” on the Son of Man.
Messiah Yahshua = the Word
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
DNA – Ladder

DNA & Language (2)

Nucleotide Character (Letter)
Codon Letter
Gene Word
Operon Sentence
Regulon Paragraph
DNA Book
Simplified it could be said
Nucleotide bases Letters
Codons Words
Genes Sentences
Book DNA

DNA is a message from Elohim. The DNA molecule is just the carrier. Similar to the Torah. The Torah is
YHWH…the scrolls and books on which it is written is the carrier.
As George Williams puts it: “The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a
DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it’s not the message”
The DNA molecule is the instruction manual for
the forming of amino acids which are made are
the structural elements of proteins that turn into
the biochemical units that drive all biological
processes. There are only 22 amino acids found
in proteins. Certain proteins are called enzymes.
They are catalysts (agents that are necessary for a
reaction to occur but are not themselves changed
in the process); others are called structural
proteins which help to build cells and tissues.
If DNA can be thought of as the language of life,
then the four bases can be seen as letters and the
codons as arrangements of letters, or words. But
like English, DNA’s language is more than
words. Some codons function as punctuation
marks, containing instructions to stop or start
manufacturing a protein. This chemically simple
yet stunningly complex DNA molecule dictates
not only what proteins the organism will be made
of, but how these proteins are to be arranged.
We have seen that one codon contains the
instructions for one amino acid, and that
sequences of codons specify the production of
proteins. Groups of codons that have been
arranged in “grammatically” correct sentences to
form specific proteins are called “genes”.
DNA contains all the information needed to
perpetuate life. This information builds in complexity from nucleotides to codons to genes, ultimately giving the
complete text to form the body.
His body = the Temple
Joh 2:19 Jesus said to them, Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up.
Joh 2:20 Then the Jews said, This sanctuary was forty six years being built, and do You raise it up in
three days?
Joh 2:21 But He spoke about the sanctuary of His body.
The Temple/Tabernacle = the Body
Exo 25:8 And let them make a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell in their midst.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my

1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
The Holy of Holies contained the ark of the covenant which had the Word within. Our cells contain our DNA
which is a physical picture of that Word.
The Olive tree = His Body = the Pillar/Bethel
Romans 11:16 the Root of the Olive Tree = Messiah
Rom 11:16 Now if the firstfruit
is holy, so also the lump. And if
the root is holy, so also the
Isa 6:13 But yet in it shall be a
tenth, and it shall return, and
shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and
as an oak, whose
substance{H4678matstsebeth a
monumental stone; also the stock
of a tree: – pillar, substance.} is in
them, when they cast their
leaves: so the holy seed(Gal
Illustration 4: Image source: Mother of All Secrets - Mike Hoggard 3:16) shall be the
substance(H4678 ROOT) thereof.
Gen 28:10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
Gen 28:11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and
he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Gen 28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven:
and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Gen 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew
it not.
Gen 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of
God, and this is the gate of heaven.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz* at the first.
Gen 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go,
and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,
Gen 28:21 So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:
Gen 28:22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt
give me I will surely give the tenth {Isaiah 6:13} unto thee.
*Luz is linked to the spinal column, as mentioned above in connection with 'Kundalini.'
In My Flesh I see God pg 179
"Relates the Midrash: The Roman emperor Hadrian once asked Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, 'From which
part of the body will God make man sprout forth when the dead are revived?'

He replied, 'From the luz bone of the spinal column.'"
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of
God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Eph 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and
of the household of God;
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the
chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
This is interesting to note. Jacob’s pillar is connected with the ladder to Heaven. Messiah applies this to
Himself. The ladder also points to DNA within our bodies which is the ‘word’ that creates our bodies. Messiah
is the Word made flesh who is the olive tree/tree of life which we can be grafted into through faith. He is the
body, we are members of that body through faith. He is the Temple, we are the stones of the building by faith.
Satan seeks to be like the Most High {Isaiah 14} and is the great counterfeiter. Hence, he wants a false Olive
tree/tree of knowledge of good and evil. He wants a false temple. A ‘false’ body. A corrupted body. A false
Israel. A corruption of DNA/the word.

Names associated with 666

Adonikam had 666 sons
Ezr 2:13 The sons of Adonikam, six hundred and sixty six.
'adonıÞ yqam
BDB Definition:
Adonikam = “my lord arose”
As this study progresses it will be shown that the mark of YHWH is given through belief in the death and
resurrection of Messiah Yahshua. The mark of the beast is given through belief in the death and rising of the
Adonis/Attis/Balder/Horus/Tammuz etc.

V’Yitran = 666
Gen 36:26 And these were the sons of Dishan: Hemdan, and Eshban, and Ithran*, and Cheran.
Yitran comes from the word

BDB Definition:1) to be left over, remain, remain over, leave (ROOT MEANING CORD/NAVEL CORD...this
is important to note due to the DNA connection)

Sethur = 666
Num 13:13 of the tribe of Asher, Sethur ‫(סתור‬mystery, hide) the son of Michael;
BDB Definition:
Sethur = “hidden”

This is the only name in Scripture that equal 666. It is connected to the hexagram in that
the pagan god Saturn is spelled with the same Hebrew letters.
Saturn is a pagan code name for satan. Freemason J.S. Ward wrote a book called
Freemasonry and the Ancient gods where he speaks of Saturn being another name for
satan. Saturn was also called Baal. Saturn is connected to the number 6. Saturn is the 6th
planet from the sun. The Talisman of Saturn is a hexagram which is comprised of 3 pairs of
triangles with their apexes touching with each pair representing 6 forming 666. Saturn was
the most important of the Titans (which equals 666 in Greek) and ruled during the 'Golden
Age' which is a picture of the kingdom of antichrist. The holiday of Christmas derives from
the feast of Saturnalia and is a yearly rehearsal of this antichrist kingdom.
Amo 5:26 Yea, you have lifted up the booth of your king, and Kiyyun, your images,
the star of your gods which you made for yourselves!
Footnote in the JPS pocket edition of the Tanakh on Amos 5:26
"astral deity Saturn-R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of
Illustration 5: More on Saturn & the mark of the beast in Chapter 7.
Image source:
Gods and
Goddesses of The Number of a man
Mythology - The number of a man
Samuel Willard It is counted as men usually count. Compare Rev_21:17, and a man's pen, Isa_8:1. Some
Crompton explain, a symbolical number denoting a person.
Six hundred threescore and six (χ. ξ. ς')
Each letter represents a component of the whole number: χ = 600; ξ = 60; ς' = 6. In the earlier MSS: it is written
in full, εξακοσιοι εξηκοντα εξ. The method of reading generally adopted is that known as the Ghematria of the
Rabbins, or in Greek, ισοψηφια numerical equality, which assigns each letter of a name its usual numerical
value, and gives the sum of such numbers as the equivalent of the name. Thus, in the Epistle of Barnabas, we
are told that the name Ιησους Jesus is expressed by the number 888. Ι = 10; η = 8; σ = 200; ο = 70; υ = 400; σ =
200. The majority of the commentators use the Greek alphabet in computation; others, however, employ the
Hebrew; while a third class employ the Roman numerals.

The interpretations of this number form a jungle from which escape is apparently hopeless. Reuss says: “This
famous number has been made to yield almost all the historical names of the past eighteen centuries: Titus,
Vespasian, and Simon Gioras; Julian the Apostate and Genseric; Mahomet and Luther; Benedict IX. and Louis
XV.; Napoleon I. and the Duke of Reichstadt; and it would not be difficult, on the same principles, to read in it
one another's names.” Some of the favorite names are Λατεινος, Latinus, describing the common character of
the rulers of the former pagan Roman Empire: Nero Caesar; Diocletian; χς' the name of Christ abridged, and ξ
the emblem of the serpent, so that the sublimated sense is the Messiah of Satan.
Ancient commentators believed that 666 referred to the Latin man, pointing to a Roman antichrist.
The word Λατεινος Lateinos - “Lateinos, the Latin” (Man) - actually has all the conditions supposed in the
interpretation of this passage. From this word the number specified - 666 - is made out as follows:
Thus it was suggested by Irenaeus, who says, “It
seems to me very probable; for this is a name of the
last of Daniel’s four kingdoms; they being Latins that
now reign.” It is true that he also mentions two other words as those which may be meant - ευανθας euanthas, a
word which had been suggested by others, but concerning which he makes no remarks, and which, of course,
must have been destitute of any probability in his view; and Τειταν Teitan, which he thinks has the clearest
claims for admission* - though he speaks of the word Λατεινος Lateinos as having a claim of probability.
*Titan refers to the Nephilim. There is a lot of evidence to support that the antichrist will be of the Nephilim.
This will be discussed in more detail as the study progresses.
For one reason or another all these religious and political celebrities and institutions have been considered the
Antichrist by someone: Papacy, Luther, Pope John Paul II, Pat Robertson, Mormons, Adventists, Jehovah's
Witnesses, Sun Myung Moon, Freemasonry, Illuminati... Arafat, Ayatollah Khomeini, Saddam Hussein,
Kennedy, Gorvachev, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, George Bush, Barack Obama (1), Bill Gates, David
Rockefeller, Kissinger, Mussolini, Hitler, Nero, Reagan, Saddam Hussein, Willy Brandt, Caligula, King Juan
Carlos of Spain, Emperor Frederick II of Germany, King George II of England, Emperor Justinian, Nikita
Khrushchev, Napoleon Bonaparte, Czar Peter the Great, Josef Stalin, Kaiser Wilhelm, Boris Yeltsin, Trilateral
Commission, the Bilderberg...elaborate methods of gematria have been used to attach the number 666 to each of
these names.
Among many persons, too, this name is accounted divine, so that even the sun is termed "Titan" by those who
do now possess [the rule]. This word, too, contains a certain outward appearance of vengeance, and of one
inflicting merited punishment because he (Antichrist) pretends that he vindicates the oppressed. And besides
this, it is an ancient name, one worthy of credit, of royal dignity, and still further, a name belonging to a tyrant.
Inasmuch, then, as this name “Titan” has so much to recommend it, there is a strong degree of probability, that
from among the many [names suggested], we infer, that perchance he who is to come shall be called “Titan.”
* Andrew of Caesarea in his Commentary on Revelation gives seven names: Lampetis (the lustrous one),
Teitan, Palaibaskanos (an ancient sorcerer), Benediktos (blue bastard), Kakos Odegos (bad guide), Alethes
Blaberos (really harmful), and Amnos Adikos (unjust lamb) each of which gives a total of 666. Most of these
names are repeated by Arethas of Caesarea, who in his Commentary adds Teitan from Irenaeus and O Niketes
(the winner).
* Victorinus of Pettau gives the names Teitan, Antemos (opponent), Diclux (double-dealer) and Genserikos; the
last he calls Gothic. As it is plainly Genseric, the Vandal king, who captured Rome in 455 AD., the passage as a
whole can not go back to Victorinus, who belonged to the third century. It is not, however surprising that the

commentary should be brought up to date, after Genseric became notorious through the sack of Carthage or of
Rome. Of the other names in Victorinus only Diclux needs mention. It is said to be the Latin counterpart of
Teitan and by reckoning each letter at its value in Roman numerals, the total of 666 is again given.
• Venerable Bede gives three names: Teitan, Antemos (opponent), and Arnoyme (I deny).

* Beatus, a Spanish monk, gives eight names among which are Damnatus (Damned), Antichristus (Antichrist),
and Acxyme (for aichime or achine=666). The numerical interpretation of Antichristus is based on the order of
letters in the Latin alphabet, a=1 to x =300, but the accusative must be taken and spelled Antechristum
The Pope
Again in the April 18th, 1915 edition of Our Sunday Visitor, Rev. John F. Noll, editor, the following question
was addressed on page 3, in the section titled Bureau of Information:
What are the letters supposed to be in the Pope’s crown, and what do they signify, if anything?
The letters inscribed in the Pope’s mitre are these: Vicarius Filii Dei, which is the Latin for the Vicar of the Son
of God. Catholics hold that the church which is a visible society must have a visible head. Christ, before His
ascension into heaven, appointed St. Peter to act as His representative. Upon the death of Peter the man who
succeeded to the office of Peter as Bishop of Rome, was recognized as the head of the Church. Hence to the
Bishop of Rome, as head of the Church, was given the title “Vicar of Christ.”
V……………….. 5
I………………… 1
A……………….. 0
R……………….. 0
I………………… 1
U……………….. 5
S……………….. 0
L………………. 50
I…………………. 1
TOTAL = 666
* Lateinos, Ecclesia Italika, and Romith are cited as possible solutions by Johannes Gerhard (1582-1637), a
Lutheran, in his Adnotationes in Apocalypsin, page 110.
* Romith, Vicarius Filii Dei, Dux Cleri, Ordinarius Ovilis Christi Pastor, and Dic Lux are cited by the rector of
Berlin, Andreas Helwig [or Helwich] (1572-1643) in his Antichristus Romanus.
* Dux Cleri is cited by Walter Brute (or Britte), a fourteenth century follower of Wycliff, in his Registrum, page
* Ludovicus was proposed by James Bicheno (d. 1831), a British minister and author, applying it at the time to

the French King Louis XIV, as the two-horned beast from the earth.
* He Latine Basileia and Lateinos are cited by Alexander Campbell (1788-1866), founder of the Disciples of
Christ, in A Debate on the Roman Catholic Religion of 1837.
And on and on it goes…perhaps we should look at the meaning of the word name in Hebrew.
BDB Definition:
1) name
1a) name
1b) reputation, fame, glory
1c) the Name (as designation of God)
1d) memorial, monument
The breath of a man is character, what
makes one what he is. The name of an
individual is more than an identifier it is
descriptive of his character or breath. This
information was discussed in Chapter 1 on how there are two marks associated with the character/image of
YHWH or the image/character of the beast. The tree of life vs. the tree of knowledge. The Torah vs.
lawlessness (religion). The Messiah vs. the serpent Messiah. The seed of the woman vs. the seed of the
This is what the word name means. The character. Our focus should not be entirely on what world leader’s
name adds up to 666 in whatever language we can find to get that number, but our focus should be on dying to
ourselves so that the righteous name/character/image of Adonai Yahshua can be formed in us. The mark of the
beast is enigmatic and many hours of study can be done trying to connect the dots. Whereas, the mark of
YHWH is easy to see. It is the Word. Let the Word be formed in and through you so that the mark of YHWH
will be on your hands and your foreheads that you may be among those who overcome the mark of the beast,
his image and his name.

Some researchers believe that John wrote chi, iota, sigma which would render the number 616. Personally, I do
not ascribe to this interpretation. I firmly believe that the Holy Scriptures are perfect and without error. This
will be discussed in more detail in volume 2 but a short explanation is relevant for this portion of chapter 2.
One of the biggest parts of the strong delusion is an attack on the Scriptures. The adversary is working hard to
cast doubt upon the trustworthiness of the Bible, just as He did in the Garden..'ye hath God said.' 616 points to
a microchip type device which tracks man and is a part of an economic system in order to buy and sell. This is
the mainstream view on what the mark of the beast is. The Scriptures do not back up this idea. This is a
counterfeit mark of the beast to lead mankind into the real mark which is partaking of the tree of knowledge and
becoming 'gods.'


“The Oxyrhynchus Papyrus is the oldest known copy of the

Book of Revelation.
Close examination of this fragment indicates the mark of the beast is 616, not
In Paleo Hebrew this would be rendered tav, vav, lamed
X – Tav: is a mark or sign, also written as a cross +
I – Vav: means to attach, like a peg or nail, or fixed into like a hook in a fish.
C – Lamed: means to direct, as in giving instructions, like the goad used to herd
oxen. The verb form of Lamed means to prick or puncture as in using a sharp
object to pierce the skin.”
Refers back to the mark of Cain?
Gen 4:15 And YHWH said to him, If anyone kills Cain, he shall be avenged sevenfold. And YHWH set a
mark* on Cain, so that anyone who found him should not kill him.
*The Zohar associates the letter
vav to the mark of Cain.
Zohar, Vol. 1, Beresheet A, Section 48: 458. “And Hashem set a mark upon Kayin lest anyone finding him
should smite him. This is one of the 22 letters of the Torah, which is the letter vav…”
Vav = 6 = the number of man
“The symbols decipher to mean: A mark, attached like a peg or hook, as a means to direct or control, applied by
a piercing of the skin.”
This links to the mark of Cain. Here we see 616 with the vav which means to pierce. It is taught in the
mainstream that the mark of the beast is going to be a microchip which will pierce the skin (1). This is going to
be a ‘false mark’ which leads mankind into thinking the mark of the beast has come and hence the Messiah is
coming next to save them. This is a counterfeit (2) It would appear on the surface level of the text that the
mark of Cain is the first mention of a mark in Scripture and would be the best reference point to understand the
mark (Isaiah 46:10). However as seen above, the movement of the heavenly bodies refers to the mark but there
is one earlier mention in Scripture. This is Genesis 1:1 (3) and the ‫את‬. As seen in Chapter 1, the aleph tav is
the root of the work mark. The Aleph Tav in Genesis 1:1 refers to Yahshua the Messiah, who is the mark of
YHWH, the Name of YHWH, the tree of Life. The counterfeit is the false word (lost word), false name, the tree
of knowledge of good and evil.
666 is the mark of the beast, his image formed in man. It is accepted by mankind because they desire
immortality and to escape death. We need to DIE to ourselves so that the mark of YHWH, His Word/Messiah,
can be formed through us. The man who seeks to save his life will lose it and the man who loses his life will
save it.

Mar 8:34 And calling near the crowd with His disciples, He said to them, Whoever desires to come after
Me, let him deny himself and take his cross, and let him follow Me.
Mar 8:35 For whoever desires to save his life, he shall lose it. But whoever shall lose his life for My sake
and the gospel, that one shall save it.
Mar 8:36 For what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?
Mar 8:37 Or what shall a man give as an exchange for his soul?
Mar 8:38 For whoever may be ashamed of Me and My Words in this adulterous and sinful generation,
the Son of Man will also be ashamed of him when He comes in the glory of His Father, along with the holy
May we take up our crosses and die to our flesh so that Messiah may dwell in us
Col 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the
Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

The Spirit of Elohim dwells within us

1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
Rom 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if
any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Rom 8:10 And if Christ be in you, the body is dead because of sin; but the Spirit is life because of
Rom 8:11 But if the Spirit of him that raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you, he that raised up
Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit that dwelleth in you.
May we resist the devil and his offer of a new temple where his spirit dwells (2 Thessalonians 2:4) and die to
ourselves that Messiah may raise us up again to Life (1 Corinthians 6:14).

Resources for Chapter 2:

616, not 666? -

Albert Barnes Notes on the Bible

Ancient Egypt: Light of the World - Gerald Massey

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Aramaic P'shitto (

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Exploring Theosophy -

Freemasonry and the Ancient gods - J.S. Ward

The Hebrew Alphabet -

The Hebrew Letters Shin: The Eternal Flame -

The Hebrew TaNaKH

The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater

Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee

How a Mystic Reads the Garden of Eden - Rabbi David Cooper

Incredible Human Machine - National Geographic DVD

In My Flesh I See God - Avraham Yaakov Finkel

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

King James Version of the Bible: 1769 Version

The Latin Vulgate

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Ohr Somaych - 666 -

Online Etymology Dictionary -

Phi in the Bible -

The Pythagorean Triangle - G. Oliver

The Quran - English Translation

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol - David Ovason

Stephanos 1550 Greek text of the New Testament

The True Religion -


Why I Left Jihad - Walid Shoebat

Chapter 3
The use of symbols to represent the Most High traces back to the mystery religions. The mystery religions are
the source of the beast and the beast system. In order to gain an understanding of what the mark is, one must go
to the mysteries that John was referring to in Revelation 13.
The Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 20
Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries; in fact it is the language not only of mysticism and philosophy
but of all Nature, for every law and power active in universal procedure is manifested to the limited sense
perceptions of man through the medium of symbol. Every form existing in the diversified sphere of being is
symbolic of the divine
activity by which it is produced. By symbols men have ever sought to communicate to each other those
thoughts which transcend the limitations of language. Rejecting manconceived dialects as inadequate and
unworthy to perpetuate divine ideas, the Mysteries thus chose symbolism as a far more ingenious and ideal
method of preserving their transcendental knowledge. In a single figure a symbol may both reveal and
conceal, for to the wise the subject of the symbol is obvious, while to the ignorant the figure remains
inscrutable. Hence, he who seeks to unveil the secret doctrine of antiquity must search for that doctrine
not upon the open pages of books which might fall into the hands of the unworthy but in the place where
it was originally concealed….concealed
within the emblematic figures, allegories, and rituals of the ancients is a secret doctrine concerning the inner
mysteries of life, which doctrine has been preserved in toto among a small band of initiated minds since the
beginning of the world. Departing, these illumined philosophers left their formulæ that others, too, might attain
to understanding. But, lest
these secret processes fall into uncultured hands and be perverted, the Great Arcanum was always concealed in
symbol or allegory; and those who can today discover its lost keys may open with them a treasure house of
philosophic, scientific, and religious truths.
James, Fausset, Brown commentary
Rev 13:16
to receive a mark — literally, “that they should give them a mark”; such a brand as masters stamp on their

slaves, and monarchs on their subjects. Soldiers voluntarily punctured their arms with marks of the general
under whom they served. Votaries of idols branded themselves with the idol’s cipher or symbol. Thus
Antiochus Epiphanes branded the Jews with the ivy leaf {More on this in the next chapter}, the symbol of
Bacchus (2 Maccabees 6:7; 3 Maccabees 2:29). Contrast God’s seal and name in the foreheads of His servants,
Rev_7:3; Rev_14:1; Rev_22:4; and Gal_6:17, “I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus,” that is, I am His
soldier and servant. The mark in the right hand and forehead implies the prostration of bodily and intellectual
powers to the beast’s domination. “In the forehead by way of profession; in the hand with respect to work and
service” [Augustine].
The ivy leaf symbol was used as a shadow picture of the mark of the beast in the end. In Revelation 15, the
Scriptures speak of those who overcome the mark, the name, the number and the image of the beast. Hence,
The mark is associated with a name (letters), number & an image (signs/symbols).
Rev 15:2 And I saw, as a glassy sea having been mixed with fire. And the ones overcoming the beast, and
its image, and its mark, of the number of its name, were standing on the glassy sea, having harps of God.
In Hebrew & Greek, letters have corresponding numbers, hence the number of its name. Letters produce words
which are sound. Sound is a frequency/vibration that corresponds to color. Words, which are sound also form
images or shapes as can be seen in cymatic studies (1). The mark of the beast, therefore, can be associated with
numbers, letters, sounds & colors or whatever else resonates through frequencies.
Numbers are equivalent to shapes. Gematria comes from the Greek word for Geometry.

This is where the concept of ‘sacred geometry’ comes from. Everything in the universe is based on math (2).
Language is math because sound is electromagnetic frequencies which is math. Language and sounds are heard
because they vibrate at certain rates called Hertz frequencies, or cycles per second. Your brain perceives these
energized vibrations and interprets the messages according to your programming or neurology and memory
circuits formed from life experiences. In essence, frequencies = sound =the Word. All things were created
through the Word, so it seen all throughout nature the image of Word embedded in creation (3). Hence, all
things can be traced back to frequencies. This is what science has found as well through string theory (4).
String theory proposes that all matter derives from vibrating strings. Interestingly, the Holy Scriptures also
allude to this. Creation came forth from the Word (Psalm 33:6) which is sound (frequencies). Sound/music
comes from the Hebrew word ‘shir’ which has a concrete meaning of vibrating strings.


Shapes corresponding to sound
E.W. Bullinger- Number in
Scripture Chapter 1 Sound &
“When sand is thrown upon a
thin metal disc, to which a
chord is attached and caused to
vibrate, the sand will
immediately arrange itself in a
perfect geometrical pattern.
The pattern will vary with the
Illustration 6: Designer Universe pg 126 number of the vibrations.
These are called “Chladni’s figures.” Moist plaster on glass or moist water-cloud on rigid surfaces will vibrate
at the sound, say, of the human voice, or of a cornet, and will assume forms of various kinds-geometrical,
vegetable and floral; some resembling ferns, others resembling leaves and shells, according to the pitch of the
The Pendulograph is used for rendering these vibrations visible to the eye. A pen is attached to one end of the
pendulum and the paper to the other and these are made to oscillate at right angles with each other. According
to the vibrations of the sound, patterns will be formed.”
Here we see that shapes and images are formed by sound. Words produce sound and words= numbers. Hence,
the number of the beast is represented by shapes/symbols.
The Hebrew words for number and scroll/book are from the same root word. The Word is strongly associated
with numbers and in fact each Hebrew letter is a number as well. Therefore the Holy Scriptures are words as
well as numbers…
Hebrew letters=numbers. It is easy to see why the word for number (mispar) is from the same root as Scroll
From the root:

The parent root of ‘saphar’ is ‘saph’ which links to the above Greek word ‘manthano’ and the Hebrew words it
translates in the LXX.

This is the root for lip/language which further

connects the Word with Numbers

The mystery religions link the meanings behind the symbols to the written word.

Morals & Dogma pg 283

The word translated as mark in Revelation is used only one other time in Scripture referring to man engraving
an image to represent the Almighty…ie a symbol.
Act 17:29 Then being offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Godhead is like gold or silver or
stone, engraved by art and the imagination of man.
“Symbolism is the language of the Mysteries, [and] all Nature…to communicate…thoughts which transcend the
limitations of language…those who can discover its lost keys may open with them a treasure house of
philosophic, scientific, and religious truths.” [Secret Teachings of All Ages Manly P. Hall pg 26]
“The psychological mechanism that transforms energy is the symbol.” (Carl Jung)
The Messianic Legacy pg
Language is the product
of the intellect and of
raionality; arhcetypes and
archetypal patterns extend
beyond the intellect and
rationality. In
consequence, they
generally find expression most directly by means of symbols, because a symbol does not address itself to the
intellect alone, evoking resonances from deeper levels of the psyche – from what the psychologist calls the

“To cast a spell is to project energy through a symbol.” (Starhawk – from “The Spiral Dance” (popular manual
for witchcraft)) 1999 Psychic Journal and Sabrina Scott Co., Inc
“Part of the symbols are displayed there to the Initiate, but he is intentionally misled by false interpretations. It
is not intended that he shall understand them; but it is intended that he shall imagine he understands them. Their
true explication is reserved for the Adepts, the Princes of Masonry.” (Morals and Dogma)
Geometric patterns formed by sound
Dr. Hans Jenny extensively studied the relationship between waveforms and matter, how sound vibrations affect
and create physical form. He would send constant pitches into materials such as a droplet of water, and a thin
surface covered with licopodium powder, as well as others. When the pitch sounded it would create incredible
geometric patterns in the substances. They would look like pentagonal stars, hexagonal cells, spirals, leaves, and
complex Mandalas.
Joshua Leeds – Sound Remedies – Author of the Power of Sound

The following is quoted from the website:
It is speaking of yantras, which is an eastern spiritual concept of shapes/symbols being associated with certain
energies and entities.
“How do Yantras work? At the basis of yantra operation is something called “shape energy” or “form
energy”. The idea is that every shape emits a very specific frequency and energy pattern. Examples of old
believes in shape energy are the yantras and mandalas of eastern philosophies, the star of David, the five
pointed star (pentagon), the Christian cross, the pyramids and so on. Certain ‘powers’ {gods, angels etc.} are
ascribed to the various shapes.
When one focuses on a yantra, his mind is atomatically “tuned in” by resonance into the specific form energy of
that yantra. The process of resonance is then maintained and amplified. The yantra acts only as a “tune in”
mechanism or a doorway. The subtle energy does not come from the yantra itself, but from the macrocosm.
Basically yantras are secret keys for establishing resonance with the benefic energies of the macrocosm.
Very often the yantras can put us in contact with extremely elevated energies and entities, being of
invaluable help on the spiritual path.”
Please notice that these symbols are used to ‘connect’ with spiritual entities. If YHWH our Elohim adamantly
proclaimed that signs/symbols/images should not be made of Him (Exodus 20:3), then what spiritual entity is
being contacted through the use of the cross, star of David, etc.? It points one to demons. This is what one sees
in the occult and witchcraft. The use of symbols to contact demons.
“To cast a spell is to project energy through a symbol.” (Starhawk – from “The Spiral Dance” (popular manual
for witchcraft)) 1999 Psychic Journal and Sabrina Scott Co., Inc
The question then needs to be asked, if the hexagram or pentagram are used in magical incantations, should it
also be a symbol that resides in your house (or around one’s neck)?
Deu 7:26 And you shall not bring an abomination into your house, that you not be a cursed thing like it.
You shall utterly detest it, and you shall utterly hate it; for it is a cursed thing.
Alexander Lauterwasser, homepage:
“In Sanskrit, ‘YANTRA’ means machine or absorber of cosmic energy, Yantra resonate with our solar system, a
tuning fork connecting to universal consciousness. Vedic scholars understood the symbiotic relationship of
wave energy; that sound vibrations ARE geometry [i]. The entrainment phenomenon, where weak pulsations
are engulfed by stronger ones, would create the frequency of OM within the mantra-chanting devotee. The
Hindus knew the transubstantiating [1] ability of sound [ii] and geometry.”
[1] Transubstantiate To change (one substance) into another; transmute.
Perhaps this gives a deeper meaning to the words of the Messiah.
Luk 8:18 Take heed therefore how ye hear: for whosoever hath, to him shall be given; and whosoever
hath not, from him shall be taken even that which he seemeth to have.
Sacred Geometry: it is the “art and science of describing the universe by number and universal patterns.” ["The
New Age Dictionary" p. 170]

Notice which symbol represents the number 6. The hexagram in sacred geometry is associated with the human
embryo at eight cells and to water crystals. This will be discussed in greater detail as the study progresses, but
needless to say it is connected to DNA very strongly.
The beautiful elegance of our Father’s creation can be seen in mathematical and geometrical forms. Each of
these shapes is a shadow pointing to Messiah. However, each of these shapes is also a counterfeit pointing to
the mark of the beast. A perfect example of this is the hexagram.
Hexagonal shapes are related to water, and sapphire (blue), both of which point to the Word/Messiah (1).
However, the hexagram shape points to the adversary, the mark of the beast/Saturn. Why is this? The
adversary seeks to counterfeit the Messiah (2). Yahshua is the image of the Father (Hebrews 1:3). The
adversary seeks to counterfeit that image so instead of the living waters pointing to Yahshua, mankind is led to
make images of the hexagram which point to satan. The pentagram is linked with the mark of the beast as well,
yet the Fibonacci pattern which points to Messiah is intimately connected with the pentagon. In short, creation,
the handiwork of YHWH points to Messiah Yahshua. The handiwork of man, ‘images engraven by man’s
device’, point to the adversary. One is living, the other dead. Choose ye this day, life or death…
Sacred Geometry is the “art and science of describing the universe by number and universal patterns.” This
‘science’ has been used by mankind for millenia. Nature is full of circles and squares, triangles, hexagonal,
pentagonal shapes etc. As shown in a previous study, all of nature is a shadow picture of Messiah (3).


DNA consists of letters (numbers), shapes, and perhaps even sound. It is believed that on the Solfeggio scale
that Mi is for “Miracles” or 528Hz – is the exact frequency used by genetic engineers throughout the world to
repair DNA. The more one studies about the mark of the beast, the more it leads to the conclusion that the
mark is associated with DNA and changing man into a part man, part beast/angel.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.
The word for number comes from the
same Hebrew root:
The ancients understood these things
and that is why we see signs and
symbols everywhere in their cultures,
especially applied to religion. They
understand these things because of
what the fallen angels (1) taught mankind when they rebelled against the Most High. This is precisely why
Adonai YHWH commanded us not to apply symbols and signs to Him.
Exo 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness {temunah} of any thing that is
in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

Symbols – DNA connection

Job 19:26 And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
In Hebrew this is in the imperfect tense which can be either present or future, most interpret this as future,
however this verse can also be rendered as:
“Yet in my flesh I am seeing Elohim”
Man will look into himself and see the Creator. DNA, molecules, cells etc.. show the Creator (the Word).
Components of DNA
So the bridge between the edges of the helix is made of a combination of four chemicals, Adenine, Thymine,
Cytosine and Guanine. Abbreviated as A, T, C and G. Those are the letters of the DNA alphabet.
DNA & Language
Nucleotide Character (Letter)
Codon Letter
Gene Word
Operon Sentence
Regulon Paragraph
DNA Book
Simplified it could be said
Nucleotide bases Letters
Codons Words
Genes Sentences
Book DNA

DNA is a message from Elohim. The DNA molecule is just the carrier. Similar to the Torah. The Torah is
YHWH…the scrolls and books on which it is written is the carrier. This is further seen in the ‘epigenome.’ The
Epigenome tells the cell how to ‘translate’ the DNA code. All of the parts of our bodies have the same genetic
code, it is the Epigenome that tells whether the cell is going to be a skin, hair, eye etc cell. This corresponds to
the Holy Spirit. The Scriptures can be read by anyone yet it is only through the Holy Spirit that one can
understand and see the ‘image’ of Elohim. His Image is not seen through signs and symbols created by man,
but only through the Holy Scriptures.
Messiah, who is the Word, is the only Image of YHWH. The religious symbols carved out by man are
Heb 1:1 In many ways and in various ways of old, God spoke to the fathers in the prophets;
Heb 1:2 in these last days He spoke to us in the Son, whom He appointed heir of all; through whom He
indeed made the ages;
Heb 1:3 who being the shining splendor of His glory, and the express image of His essence, and
upholding all things by the Word of His power, having made purification of our sins through Himself, He
sat down on the right of the Majesty on high, Psa. 110:1
‘Express image’ in the above verse comes from the following Greek word:
Thayer Definition:
1) the instrument used for engraving or carving
2) the mark stamped upon that instrument or wrought out on it
2a) a mark or figure burned in (Lev_13:28) or stamped on, an impression
2b) the exact expression (the image) of any person or thing, marked likeness, precise reproduction in every
respect, i.e facsimile
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from the same as G5482
As seen in Chapter 1, this word traces back to the word for the mark in Revelation 13.
As George Williams puts it: “The gene is a package of information, not an object. The pattern of base pairs in a
DNA molecule specifies the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium, it’s not the message”
The DNA molecule is the instruction manual for the forming of amino acids which are made are the structural
elements of proteins that turn into the biochemical units that drive all biological processes. There are only 22
amino acids* found in proteins. Certain proteins are called enzymes. They are catalysts (agents that are
necessary for a reaction to occur but are not themselves changed in the process); others are called structural
proteins which help to build cells and tissues.
DNA functions exactly like the Hebrew language (1). This will be discussed in more detail in Volume 2.
If DNA can be thought of as the language of life, then the four bases can be seen as letters and the codons as
arrangements of letters, or words. But like English, DNA’s language is more than words. Some codons function
as punctuation marks, containing instructions to stop or start manufacturing a protein. This chemically simple
yet stunningly complex DNA molecule dictates not only what proteins the organism will be made of, but how
these proteins are to be arranged.

We have seen that one codon contains the instructions for one amino acid, and that sequences of codons specify
the production of proteins. Groups of codons that have been arranged in “grammatically” correct sentences to
form specific proteins are called “genes”.
DNA contains all the information needed to perpetuate life. This information builds in complexity from
nucleotides to codons to genes, ultimately giving the complete text.
The word sign/symbol traces back to the Greek word ‘sememe’ (smallest part of a word) which traces back
further to ‘semen’ which means seed in Latin.
The smallest part of a word is called ‘Sememe’ from same root as Semen (seed/DNA).
root sem=sign in Greek (semiology=study of signs)
English word seed is from Hebrew word sod (mystery/secret).
Hebrew word for sign is ‫אות‬, which is the same word for ‘letter(s)’ in Hebrew.
‫ אות‬ot=aleph vav tav also translated as a miracle from the root aleph tav

As seen in Chapter 1, the word ‫ אות‬is the same word translated as ‘mark.’
Again we see that language (words) are comparable to signs/symbols and DNA.
Rev 1:1 A Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave to Him to show to His slaves things which must
occur quickly. And He signified (Greek semaino=signed) by sending through His angel to His slave, John,
Exo 18:20 And you warn them as to the statutes and the laws, and make known (Greek semaino = Hebrew
yada*)to them the way in which they should walk, and the work which they should do.
*This word means to know intimately, as in a man ‘knowing’ his wife. Here we see that the word semaino (sign
in Greek) is associated with procreation. When a man and woman bring forth a child it is through their
combination of DNA that the child gets its ‘image.’
Blood (DNA) =image, resemblance

In Isaiah 14, Lucifer is described as desiring to be like the Most High. This word ‘like’ is the same word above,
First the natural, then the spiritual
1Co 15:44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body; there is a natural body, and there is a
spiritual body.
1Co 15:45 So also it has been written, “The” first “man”, Adam, “became a living soul;” the last Adam a
life-giving Spirit. Gen. 2:7
1Co 15:46 But not the spiritual first, but the natural; afterward the spiritual.
1Co 15:47 The first man was out of earth, earthy. The second Man was the Lord out of Heaven. Gen. 2:7

1Co 15:48 Such as is the earthy man, such also are the earthy ones. And such as is the heavenly Man,
such also are the heavenly ones.
1Co 15:49 And as we bore the image of the earthy man, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly
DNA is a picture of the Word in the natural. The Tabernacle = our bodies.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my

1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1Co 3:17 If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy,
which temple ye are.
The body = the Tabernacle. The Holy of Holies =the cell. The ark of the covenant = the nucleus of the cell.
The Word was placed inside the ark, DNA is inside the nucleus. Man was created in the image of Elohim.
Specifically, believers in Yahshua are created in His image and are now sons of Elohim (1). Satan seeks to
counterfeit this by creating people in his image. The mixture of the sons of God and the daughters of men. The
mark of YHWH is His Word. The mark of the beast is a counterfeit word…
Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw my embryo; and in Your book all my members were written the days they were
formed, and not one was yet among them.
The adversary’s desire is always to enter YHWH’s secret place, hidden place…His Temple.
Eze 7:22 I also will turn My face from them, and they shall defile My hidden (KJV secret) place. And
violent ones shall enter into it and defile it.
3 Maccabees 1
9 – After he had arrived in Jerusalem, he offered sacrifice to the supreme God and made thank-offerings
and did what was fitting for the holy place. Then, upon entering the place and being impressed by its
excellence and its beauty,
10 – he marveled at the good order of the temple, and conceived a desire to enter the holy of holies.
11 – When they said that this was not permitted, because not even members of their own nation were
allowed to enter, nor even all of the priests, but only the high priest who was pre-eminent over all, and he
only once a year, the king was by no means persuaded.

12 – Even after the law had been read to him, he did not cease to maintain that he ought to enter, saying,
“Even if those men are deprived of this honor, I ought not to be.”
13 – And he inquired why, when he entered every other temple, no one there had stopped him.
The womb is secret
Psa 139:15 My bones were not hidden from You when I was made in secret; when I was woven* in the
depths of the earth.
raqam…this words means fashion, needlework or twisted threads (DNA).
Psa 139:16 Your eyes saw my embryo; and in Your book all my members were written the days they were
formed, and not one was yet among them.
Psa 139:17 And how precious are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!
To sum up, this study is shared to show that the mark of the beast is associated with symbols. Symbols such as
Ivy {see Chapter 4}, the cross {see Chapter 5}, the Hexagram {see Chapter 6}etc. These symbols have great
spiritual significance. They represent the concept ‘as above, so below.’ They point to the ‘transmutation’, the
‘evolution’ of mankind into divine beings (elohim). They point back to the original temptation of mankind in
the garden. ‘Ye shall be as gods.’

The natural versus the spiritual

Exo 20:4 You shall not make a graven image for yourself, or any likeness in the heavens above, or in the
earth beneath, or in the waters under the earth;
The left brain is the analytical part of the brain dealing with language, words…the right brain is the part of the
brain that deals with emotions and symbols. Movies, television, music, etc. fall into this category. Our
Heavenly Father knows how our brains work, this is why He commanded us to muse on His Word, not on
images. The 4th book of Maccabees is all about reason versus emotion. It was during the period of Maccabees
that a foreshadowing of the antichrist and his mark was revealed. In Hebraic thought ‘reason’ is using the
rational mind to keep the Torah. In Hellenized Greek thought, ‘reason’ is using the mind to “be your own
god”…do what thou wilt…follow your heart (emotions). The natural mind or the carnal man lives by the
emotions or the flesh. The spiritual mind or the new man lives by the Word. The natural, fleshly man is
synonymous with beasts. It is no surprise then that the mark/symbol of beast would be associated with symbols
and emotions whereas the mark of YHWH is linked to the Word.
Psa 94:8 Understand you beastly {natural, fleshly man} ones among the people; yea, you fools, when will
you be wise?
Psa 94:9 He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?
Psa 94:10 He who chastises the nations, shall He not punish, He who teaches man knowledge?
Psa 94:11 YHWH knows the thoughts of man, that they are a mist.
Psa 94:12 Blessed is the man You chasten, O YHWH , You teach him out of Your Law; {spiritual man}
Psa 94:13 to give him rest from troubled days, until the pit is dug for the wicked.
Jer 10:8 But they are at once foolish and animal like; their tree* is an instruction of vanities.
See chapter 4…the Christmas tree mark of the beast connection
Jer 10:14 Every man is stupid (KJV brutish Heb. ba’ar = beastly) from lack of knowledge; every refiner is
put to shame by the carved image. For his molten image is a lie and no breath is in them.
Jer 10:15 They are vanity, the work of delusion. In the time of their judgment they shall perish.
Jer 10:16 The Portion of Jacob is not like these. For He is the Former of all things; and Israel is the tribe

of His inheritance; YHWH of Hosts is His name.

The Media
The media is one of the greatest tools of the adversary to prepare mankind for the mark. It appeals to the right
side of the brain through images, movies, music etc. The word ‘media’ is the plural of the word ‘medium’

The word ‘Media’ comes from the following Hebrew word.

BDB Definition:
Media or Medes or Madai = “middle land”
The Medes were known as magicians and sorcerers. This is what we see today in the media. The adversary
uses the media as a tool to keep the masses in the right brain frame of mind with television, music,
advertisements etc..(1). Our communication should be in the Word (the left brain). Meditating on the things of
the Spirit, not the flesh.
Symbols & Psyche: Exploring Gateways to Realms of Knowledge, Power & Understanding
The universe of sacred symbols, whose resonance in the archetypal levels of the human psyche can cause
spiritual change and expand consciousness beyond the confines of mundane reality. Symbols that serve as
gateways to realms of knowledge, power, and understanding that inform and control life on earth, and,
presumably, the after-death state of non-physical life as well. Symbols that can open the mind to communication
with spiritual beings who welcome the opportunity to interact with human consciousness. Symbols that confirm
to the aspiring student the nature of the truths he or she seeks.
In The Mystery Traditions, I quoted the following statement by Titus Burckhardt from his book Alchemy, “True
symbolism depends on the fact that things which may differ from one another in time, space, material nature,
and many other limitative characteristics, can possess and exhibit the same essential quality.”


In the diagram of the {Kabbalistic} Tree of Life the traditional esoteric geometric representation of the mystic
totality of existence – the Sun is the number six, the Sephira, or sphere, of Tiphareth, Beauty. Tiphareth stands
in the balance, midway between the topmost sphere of Kether, the Crown – the Point, the first manifestation of
the Infinite – and the bottom sphere of Malkuth, the Kingdom – the world of three-dimensional physical reality
in which we live. Tiphareth occupies the central of the three pillars of the Tree of Life, the Middle Pillar,
surrounded on either side by the Pillars of Mercy and Severity.

As the Sun is Tiphareth, the number six, its geometrical figure is the hexagram. The hexagram further
exemplifies the nature of the Sun as intercessor or balance point between above and below, heaven and
earth, God and man. The hexagram is formed by the union of the ascending male triangle of Fire, and the
descending female triangle of Water. The number six, or hexad, was called “the Perfection of Parts” by
Pythagoras. This reminds us that Tiphareth (Beauty) is the sphere of Harmony. And harmony is produced by the
joining together of distinct, and, in some cases, discordant elements, to produce a unified and aesthetically
pleasing whole. Pythagoras observed that the number six is the first mixture of odd and even, being the
multiplication of two by three. The Pythagoreans designated odd numbers as male, and even numbers as female.
Thus, we are reminded once again that the number six and the hexagram represent the union of male and
female, the harmony upon which all creation relies. The Sun’s metal is gold, the luminous and most beautiful of
all, whose value has been an unchanging indicator of wealth and a medium of exchange for millennia. A visit to
any fine Egyptian collection, in either a museum or the pages of a book, will show the prominence of gold as
the chosen metal of pharaonic iconography and architecture. Similarly, gold was the metal chosen for most of
the ritual implements in the Temple of Solomon. It was also used to cover the sacred Ark of the Covenant.
Medieval and Renaissance Europe used gold liberally in churches, shrines, and palaces, as did the Aztec,
Mayan, Indian, and Chinese royalty and priesthood. Gold is the ultimate symbol of the perfection reached by
the alchemist – who removes in countless stages the myriad of impurities that make up lead, and allows for its
transformation and refinement into the king of metals.
In the body, the Sun is the heart, symbolically the single most important organ. The heart is the central pumping
station of the blood, the essence of life. All survival and health depend on its regular and consistent motion.
Long regarded as the seat of courage, the heart was torn from the chest of enemies and eaten by ancient
warriors, that they might increase their own strength by ingesting the essence of worthy opponents. Colloquially
we speak of a person “with heart” to describe the motivation and self-discipline necessary to pursue a course of
success in life. The heart denotes sincerity, the appreciation of the essence of the self in action. It is also the
symbolic seat of love, the motivating force that sustains the world through generation.
Among the parts of the Soul in the Qabalah, the Sun is one of six of the ten Sephiroth that compose the intellect,
known as the Ruach. Here again, the Sun acts as an intercessor between the higher levels of the soul (the Self,
Life Force, and Intuition) and its lowest aspect (the Animal Soul of Nature). The Intellect weighs and analyses,
decides on the appropriate response to stimulation from above and below. It acts as the mediator between
“heaven” and “earth.”
This is a direct counterfeit of Messiah
1Ti 2:5 For God is one, also there is one Mediator of God and of men, the Man Christ Jesus,

Resources for Chapter 3:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible – Jeff Benner

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Designer Universe - Jimmy H. Davis & Harry Lee Poe

Introduction to Yantra -

James, Fausset, Brown Bible commentary

Literal Version of the Bible – Jay P. Green

Messianic Legacy - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike

The New Age Dictionary

Number in Scripture - E.W. Bullinger

The Online Etymology Dictionary -

The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall

The Spiral Dance - Starhawk

Symbols & Psyche: Exploring Gateways to Realms of Knowledge, Power & Understanding -

Thayer's Greek Definitions

Wasser-Klang-Bilder Chladnische Klangfiguren -

Chapter 4

Ivy is a symbol of the mark of the beast as it was used to represent the false christs as well as representing the
concept of man ‘evolving’ into godhood or ‘knowing good and evil…ye shall not surely die…
The ivy symbol was used to represent the false christs because they are a counterfeit (1) of Messiah Yahshua.
Joh 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman.
Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches : He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth
much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
3 Maccabees Chapter 2 verses 27-30
27: He (Philopater/Ptolemy IV)* proposed to inflict public disgrace upon the Jewish community, and he set up a
stone on the tower in the courtyard with this inscription:
28: “None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews shall be subjected to a
registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves. Those who object to this are to be taken by force and
put to death;
29: those who are registered are also to be branded on their bodies by fire with the ivy-leaf symbol of
Dionysus, and they shall also be reduced to their former limited status.”
30: In order that he might not appear to be an enemy to all, he inscribed below: “But if any of them prefer to
join those who have been initiated into the mysteries, they shall have equal citizenship with the Alexandrians.”
*3 Maccabees 1:10 records that Philopater desired to enter the holy of holies…2 Thessalonians 2:4 speaks of
the Antichrist desiring to do the same thing. This links Ptolemy IV with the man of sin.


The above coin depicts Ptolemy IV with an image of the trident. The trident is a symbol of the
transformation/born again experience. It was the symbol of Poseidon (the beast from the sea.)
Poseidon-The horse, the dolphin (the symbol of the calm sea) and the
pine-tree, with wreaths* of which the Isthmian victors were crowned,
were sacred to him.
By far the most famous of his festivals was that celebrated every alternate
year on the isthmus of Corinth, at which the “Isthmian games” were held
{More on this below}. Here a colossal statue of him was set up in bronze
by the Greeks after their victory over the Persians.
The triden of Shiva is another representation of Poseidon…In Hinduism it
is associated with transformation…

As seen in Chapter 2, the Shin is associated with 3 vav’s…ie 666

Here we see Zeus in the forefront and an image of Ptolemy IV in the background giving the idea that Ptolemy
IV was ‘Zeus on earth.’ On the back is the inscription of Ptolemy Basileos (Kingdom of Ptolemy) with the
image of an eagle/phoenix (1) which again points to the false resurrection/born again experience.


The Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, Myers, 1987, p. 284, “DIONYSUS”:

wreath of
notice the
in shape
to the
(more on
2Ma 6:4
For the
was filled
with riot and revelling by the Gentiles, who dallied
with harlots, and had to do with women within the
circuit of the holy places, and besides that brought in things that were not lawful.
2Ma 6:5 The altar also was filled with profane things, which the law forbiddeth.
2Ma 6:6 Neither was it lawful for a man to keep sabbath days or ancient fasts, or to profess himself at all
to be a Jew.
2Ma 6:7 And in the day of the king’s birth every month*** {every month not in Bishops, Douay-Rheims or
Geneva translation} they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and when the fast of
Bacchus was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in procession** to Bacchus, carrying ivy*.
*Geneva Bible translates as garlands of ivy
Bishops Bible translates as wearing ivy
New Jerusalem Bible translates ivy wreaths
Douay-Rheims translates as crowned with ivy
Here we see that men were forced to take upon the mark of Dionysus/Bacchus.
**19th of the month Poseidon (roughly December)-International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
***For more on birthdays see

Ivy in Hebrew is ‫ קיסוס‬qeesoos.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ı÷ ´vi (κισσος, kissos): The only mention of the word in all the sacred writings is in 2 Macc 6:7
in connection with the oppression of the Jews by Antiochus Epiphanes: “On the day of the
king’s birth every month they were brought by bitter constraint to eat of the sacrifices; and
when the feast of Bacchus (Dionysus) was kept, the Jews were compelled to go in procession
to Dionysus, carrying ivy,” this plant (Hedera helix)* being sacred to the Greek god of wine and of the culture
of the vine (compare Eur. Bacchae, passim). It was of ivy or of pine that the “corruptible crown” of the famous
1sthmian games was made (1Co_9:25).
1Co 9:25 But everyone striving controls himself in all things. Then those truly that they may receive a
corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible.
Notice here that those who were victors in the Isthmian games were given a crown which was supposed to
promise them immortality. Shaul says this is a crown of corruption. The mystery religions and the mark of the
beast promise immortality but in reality they offer the same thing as the tree of knowledge…death.
Robertson Word Pictures
A corruptible crown (phtharton stephanon). Stephanos (crown) is from stepho, to put around the head, like the
Latin corona, wreath or garland, badge of victory in the games. In the Isthmian games it was of pine leaves
{the pine tree if linked to the Temple as well as the pineal gland…more on this below}, earlier of parsley, in the
Olympian games of the wild olive. “Yet these were the most coveted honours in the whole Greek world”
*Hedera is a latin word meaning ivy. The word helix comes from the Greek word ἕλιξ which is a type of space
curve, i.e. a smooth curve in three-dimensional space. It is characterized by the fact that the tangent line at any
point makes a constant angle with a fixed line called the axis. Examples of helixes are coil springs and the
handrails of spiral staircases & deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). The symbol of Bacchus is 3 leaved ivy. Could
this be a veiled reference to the future Triple Helix (1) structure of DNA? More on this in the future, Yah
*The plant is considered invasive and destructive in parts of Australia and the United States. Its sale and
cultivation is banned in several places. It is a weed…a tare…The Scriptures speak of two seeds. The seed of
the woman (wheat) versus the seed of the serpent (tares). This ivy brand is a picture of the seed of the serpent.
Bacchus is even specifically called the ‘seed of the serpent.’


The Biology of Kundalini – The Fire of Life – Jana Dixon
Musings on the Caduceus
Interestingly the word pineal stems from the word pineus for
pinecone although the pineal gland is about the size of a grain of
rice. The Thyrsus is a staff tipped with a pinecone and twined
with ivy, carried by Dionysus, his revelers, and satyrs.
Dionysus represents the God of the metamorphic process of
spiritual death and rebirth; the most mysterious human
experience ever to be encountered. Dionysus must have been
the first God of Kundalini for he carries a Thyrsus. Whether it
signifies the pineal gland or not, it is obvious that the pinecone
represents the “flowering” of consciousness. The pinecone is
reminiscent of the thousand petalled crown chakra–the Sahasrara,
and the ivy represents the double-helical flow of kundalini
around the central channel of the spine–the sushumna. This
symbol is perhaps a more ancient version of the staff of Hermes–
the Caduceus, which used in alchemical and esoteric schools and now the medical industry.
The caduceus is synonymous with ivy. More on this in chapter 5.

Kundalini is the belief that there is a serpent encoiled at the base of

the spine which can be meditation and ‘spiritual’ acts, causing it to
climb the spine where it reaches your pineal gland and opens your
’3rd eye.’ Interestingly, the word for spine and tree are the same.

The serpent rises up the spine to the pineal gland which was
represented in ancient cultures as the pine cone….the fruit of the pine
Kundalini is linked to a tree…the tree of knowledge of good and evil
where partaking of the fruit ‘opens the eyes’ to ‘godhood.’
Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your
eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and
Gen 3:6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and the

tree was desirable to make one wise. And she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave to her husband
with her, and he ate.
Gen 3:7 And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked. And they sewed
leaves of the fig tree, and made girdles for themselves.

Ivy is an Evergreen
Hedera (English name ivy, plural ivies) is a genus of 15 species of climbing or
ground-creeping evergreen woody plants in the family Araliaceae,
The common ivy (Hedera Helix) while not a tree is a sacred plant of
Wicca/Witchcraft, revered of old by the ancients as much as it is today by
contemporaries. Its most common association is with the Holly tree, the
“Holly and the Ivy” being used extensively worldwide as a Yuletide
*Ivy, Bacchus/Dionysus and the story of the Maccabees is strongly associated with Christmas (1). This will be
detailed further throughout this study.
According to “The Green Mountain Gardener,” Dr. Leonard Perry, ancient pagans fashioned ivy “into wreaths
and garlands for decorations during the winter months.” Ivy had close ties with the Roman god of wine,
Bacchus. Holly, meanwhile, figured prominently in the Roman celebration of the Saturnalia (upon which
the Christmas holiday was directly modeled), as it was considered sacred to Saturn.
Ivy was in high esteem among the ancients and its leaves formed the poet’s crown. The ivy was dedicated to
the Roman god Bacchus (the Greek god Dionysus, see “The Vine”), the God of Intoxication who is often
depicted wearing a wreath of ivy and grapevines. He is also depicted holding a chalice {‘holy grail’ this will
be discussed in more detail in a future study, Yah willing} and carrying a thyrsus (a wand) which was also
entwined with ivy and vine leaves. Ivy leaves were thought to prevent intoxication and the binding of the brow
with ivy was seen as a counterbalance to the vine. Old writers tell us that the effects of intoxication by wine are
removed if a handful of ivy leaves are bruised and gently boiled in wine and drunk. In former days old English
taverns bore a sign of an ivy bush over their doors, this to indicate the excellence of the liquor supplied within,
hence the old saying “A good wine needs no bush”.
Through its connection with the vine and nature, the ivy is also associated with one of the most popular of the
ancient Egyptian gods Osiris, God of the Sun, Agriculture and Health. His queen was Isis who was also his
wife and sister. As Osiris ruled the sun, Isis represented the moon and was believed to have taught the
Egyptians the arts of agriculture and medicine.
Ivy is known by the folk name Gort. Its gender is Feminine. Its planet ruler is Saturn*. Its element association
is Water. Its deities associated are with: Osiris, Dionysus, Bacchus and Persephone.
Astrologically ivy people (i.e. those people born in September)
*This is important to note. Saturn is connected with Bacchus as will be seen below in more detail. Saturnalia is
the origin of Christmas and Saturn in Hebrew = 666. The main symbol of Saturn was the hexagram. Here we
see the hexagram which is strongly linked to the mark of the beast being connected to ivy which is a symbol of
the mark as well. Ivy is connected to the symbol of the cross as well as will be seen in more detail below and
the cross is synonymous to the hexagram.

The Dionysia, ancient Greece
The Rural or Lesser Dionysia (late December, early January) were celebrated in the month of Poseidon. This the
most ancient festival of all, when even slaves enjoyed full freedom. There were dramatic contests; Aristotle
claimed (Poet. 1449a) that comedy was born in the Rural Dionysia. The peasants would assail the bystanders as
they rode by in wagons. According to Plutarch (3.527D), there was a procession of the carriers of a jar of wine
and a vine, with someone leading a he-goat**, followed by the Kanêphoros (Basket-bearer) who carried a
basket of raisins. Then came the carriers of an erect, wooden phallus-pole, decorated with ivy and fillets*,
and finally the singer of the Phallikon (Phallic Song), which was addressed to ‘Phalês’.
*The allusions to Christmas/Saturnalia are very strong. Celebrated in late December. Slaves were set free.
Decorated phallus/obelisk/tree. Over and over again, Christmas continues to pop up in association with the
mark of the beast subject. Christmas is Saturnalia, a yearly rehearsal of the return of the ‘golden age of
Saturn’ ie the kingdom of antichrist. The return of the nephilim (god-men). The ivy is ‘hedera helix’…the triple
helix. The ‘evolution’ of mankind..homo noeticus.
**He-goat. This links Dionysus with Pan.
To the right is an image of Pan with a wreath of ivy.

Pan – the hidden one

Two Babylons pg 119
Dionysus or Bacchus, in one of his transformations, was represented as Capricorn, the “goat-
horned fish”; and there is reason to believe that it was in this very form that he had the name
of Oannes. In this form in India, under the name “Souro,” that is evidently “the seed,” he is
said to have done many marvellous things.
The reason for believing that Oannes, that was said to have been the first of the fabulous
creatures that came up out of the sea and instructed the Babylonians, was represented as the
goat-horned fish, is as follows: First, the name Oannes, as elsewhere shown, is just the Greek
form of He-annesh, or “The man,” which is a synonym for the name of our first parent, Adam.
Now, Adam can be proved to be the original of Pan, who was also called Inuus, which is just another
pronunciation of Anosh without the article, which, in our translation of Genesis 5:7, is made Enos. This name,
as universally admitted, is the generic name for man after the Fall, as weak and diseased. The o in Enos is what
is called the vau, which sometimes is pronounced o, sometimes u, and sometimes v or w. A legitimate
pronunciation of Enos, therefore, is just Enus or Enws, the same in sound as Inuus, the Ancient Roman name of
The name Pan itself signifies “He who turned aside.” As the Hebrew word for “uprightness” signifies
“walking straight in the way,” so every deviation from the straight line of duty was Sin; Hata, the word for sin,
signifying generically “to go aside from the straight line.” Pan, it is admitted, was the Head of the Satyrs–
that is, “the first of the Hidden Ones,” for Satyr and Satur, “the Hidden One,” are evidently just the same
word; and Adam was the first of mankind that hid himself.

In Hebrew, the only name that adds to 666 is Satur.
Num 13:13 of the tribe of Asher, Sethur ‫(סתור‬mystery, hide) the son of Michael;
BDB Definition:
Sethur = “hidden” ‫סתור‬
The pagan god Saturn is spelled with the same Hebrew letters.
Saturn is a pagan code name for satan. Freemason J.S. Ward wrote a book called Freemasonry and the Ancient
gods where he speaks of Saturn being another name for satan. Saturn was also called Baal. Saturn is connected
to the number 6. Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun. The Talisman of Saturn is a hexagram which is
comprised of 3 pairs of triangles with their apexes touching with each pair representing 6 forming 666. Saturn
was the most important of the Titans (which equals 666 in Greek) and ruled during the ‘Golden Age’ which is a
picture of the kingdom of antichrist. Christmas derives from the feast of Saturnalia and is a yearly rehearsal of
this antichrist kingdom.
Two Babylons pg 119
Pan is said to have loved a nymph called Pitho, or, as it is given in another form, Pitys (SMITH, “Pan”); and
what is Pitho or Pitys but just the name of the beguiling woman, who, having been beguiled herself, acted the
part of a beguiler of her husband, and induced him to take the step, in consequence of which he earned the name
Pan, “The man that turned aside.” Pitho or Pitys evidently come from Peth or Pet, “to beguile,” from which verb
also the famous serpent Python derived its name. This conclusion in regard to the personal identity of Pan and
Pitho is greatly confirmed by the titles given to the wife of Faunus. Faunus, says Smith, is “merely another
name for Pan.” * In Chaldee the same letter that is pronounced P is also pronounced Ph, that is F, therefore Pan
is just Faun.
Pitys turned into a pine tree to escape him. This pine tree allusion is also connected with the mark of the
beast/hidden one connection to Pan, as will be seen below.
Two Babylons pg 119-120
Now, the wife of Faunus was called Oma, Fauna, and Fatua, which names plainly mean “The mother that turned
aside, being beguiled.” This beguiled mother is also called indifferently “the sister, wife, or daughter” of her
husband; and how this agrees with the relations of Eve to Adam, the reader does not need to be told.
Now, a title of Pan was Capricornus, or “The goat-horned” (DYMOCK, “Pan”), and the origin of this title must
be traced to what took place when our first parent became the Head of the Satyrs–the “first of the Hidden
ones.” He fled to hide himself; and Berkha, “a fugitive,” signifies also “a he-goat.” Hence the origin of the
epithet Capricornus,
or “goat-horned,” as applied to Pan. But as Capricornus in the sphere is generally represented as the “Goat-
fish,” if Capricornus represents Pan, or Adam, or Oannes, that shows that it must be Adam, after,
through virtue of the metempsychosis, he had passed through the waters of the deluge: the goat, as the
symbol of Pan, representing Adam, the first father of mankind, combined with the fish, the symbol of
Noah, the second father of the human race; of both whom Nimrod, as at once Kronos, “the father of the
gods,” and Souro, “the seed,” was a new incarnation. Among
the idols of Babylon, as represented in KITTO’S Illust. Commentary, we find a representation of this very
Capricornus, or goat-horned fish; and Berosus tells us that the well known representations of Pan, of which
Capricornus is a modification, were found in Babylon in the most ancient times. A great deal more of evidence

might be adduced on this subject; but I submit to the reader if the above statement does not sufficiently account
the origin of the remarkable figure in the Zodiac, “The goat-horned fish.”
Pan & the Pine tree
Pan is also often depicted with a crown of pine needles
“When Pan found the nymph Pitys unresponsive, he took pity on her and transformed her into his sacred tree,
the pine tree. From then on, the nymph weeps every time the North Wind blows; her teardrops are the droplets
of pine resin that dribble down each autumn of the year.”
Pan’s worship spread far beyond Greece into many neighbouring countries such as Egypt, and local equivalents
of him seem to have appeared all over the world, either by diffusion or coincidence. Pan-like deities existed
everywhere. In Greece there were rustic gods such as Aristaeus (flocks, agriculture, bee-keeping*, vineculture),
Priapus (the same) and Silenus (vineculture and knowledge)**.
**Vineculture points to DNA and knowledge points to the tree of knowledge.
In Greek mythology, Silenus (in Greek, Σειληνός) was a companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus. The
plural Seleni (in Greek, Σειληνοί) usually refers to drunken followers of Dionysus.

Pan & Bees

*Pan was also the ‘god of bee keeping’. This is
connected to the ancient mystery religions as well as
the ‘Merovingian bloodline.’
Two Babylons pg 175
In this very character was Nimrod worshipped when
he was deified. As the Sun-god he was regarded not
only as the illuminator of the material world, but as
the enlightener of the souls of men, for he was
recognised as the revealer of “goodness and truth.” It
is evident, from the Old Testament, not less than the
New, that the proper and personal name of our Lord
Jesus Christ is, “The Word of God,” as the Revealer
of the heart and counsels of the Godhead. Now, to
identify the Sun-god with the Great Revealer of the
Godhead, while under the name of Mithra, he was exhibited in sculpture as a Lion; that Lion had a Bee
represented between his lips (Fig. 42). The
bee between the lips of the sun-god was intended to point him out as “the Word”; for Dabar, the expression
which signifies in Chaldee a “Bee,” signifies also a “Word”; and the position of that bee in the mouth leaves no
doubt as to the idea intended to be conveyed. It was intended to impress the belief that Mithra (who, says
Plutarch, was worshipped as Mesites, “The Mediator”), in his character as Ouranos, “The Enlightener,” was no
other than that glorious one of whom the Evangelist John says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word
was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God…In Him was life; and the life
was THE
LIGHT OF MEN.” The Lord Jesus Christ ever was the revealer of the Godhead, and must have been known to
the patriarchs as such; for the same Evangelist says, “No man hath seen God at any time: the only-begotten Son,

which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared,” that is, He hath revealed “Him.” Before the Saviour
came, the ancient Jews commonly spoke of the Messiah, or the Son of God, under the name of Dabar, or the
“Word.” This will appear from a consideration of what is stated in the 3rd chapter of 1st Samuel. In the first
verse of that chapter
it is said, “The WORD of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision,” that is, in
consequence of the sin of Eli, the Lord had not, for a long time, revealed Himself in vision to him, as He did to
the prophets. When the Lord had called Samuel, this “vision” of the God of Israel was restored (though not to
Eli), for it is said in the last verse (v 21), “And the Lord APPEARED again in Shiloh; for the Lord revealed
Himself to Samuel by the WORD of the Lord.” Although the Lord spake to Samuel, this language implies more
than speech, for it is said, “The LORD appeared”–i.e., was seen. When the Lord revealed Himself, or was seen
by Samuel, it is said that it was “by (Dabar) the Word of the Lord.” The “Word of the Lord” to be visible, must
have been the personal “Word of God,” that is, Christ.
*After the Babylonish captivity, as the Chaldee Targums or Paraphrases of the Old Testament show, Christ was
commonly called by the title “The Word of the Lord.” (1)
In these Targums of later Chaldee, the term for “The Word” is “Mimra”; but this word, though a
synonym for that which is used in the Hebrew Scriptures, is never used there. Dabar is the word
employed. This is so well recognised that, in the Hebrew translation of John’s Gospel in Bagster’s
Polyglott, the first verse runs thus: “In the beginning was the Word (Dabar).”
This had evidently been a primitive name by which He was known; and therefore it is not wonderful that
Plato should speak of the second person of his Trinity under the name of the Logos, which is just a
translation of “Dabar,” or “the Word.” Now, the light of the wax-candle, as the light from Dabar, “the
Bee,” was set up as the substitute of the light of Dabar, “the Word.” Thus the apostates turned away from
the “True Light,” and set up a shadow in His stead. That this was really the case is plain; for, says Crabb,
speaking of Saturn, “on his altars were placed wax-tapers lighted, because by Saturn men were reduced
from the darkness of error to the light
of truth.” In Asiatic Greece, the Babylonian god was evidently recognised as the Light-giving “Word,”
for there we find the Bee occupying such a position as makes it very clear that it was a symbol of the
great Revealer. Thus we find Muller referring to the symbols connected with the
worship of the Ephesian Diana: “Her constant symbol is the bee, which is not otherwise attributed to
Diana…The chief priest himself was called Essen, or the king-bee.” The character of the chief priest
shows the character of the god he represented. The contemplar divinity of Diana,
the tower-bearing goddess, was of course the same divinity as invariably accompanied the Babylonian
goddess: and this title of the priest shows that the Bee which appeared on her medals was just another
symbol for her child, as the “Seed of the Woman,” in his assumed character, as Dabar, “The Word” that
enlightened the souls of men. That this is the precise “Mystery” couched under the wax-candles burning
on the altars of the Papacy, we have very remarkable evidence from its own formularies; for, in the very
same place in which the “Mystery” of the wax-candle is spoken of, thus does Rome refer to the Bee, by
which the wax is produced: “Forasmuch as we
do marvellously wonder, in considering the first beginning of this substance, to wit, wax-tapers, then
must we of necessity greatly extol the original of Bees, for…they gather the flowers with their feet, yet
the flowers are not injured thereby; they bring forth no young ones, but deliver
their young swarms through their mouths, like as Christ (for a wonderful example) is proceeded from
His Father’s MOUTH.” *


Here it is evident that Christ is referred to as the “Word of God”; and how could any imagination ever have
conceived such a parallel as is contained in this passage, had it not been for the equivoque [wordplay, double
meaning] between “Dabar,” “the Bee,” and “Dabar,” “The Word.”
In a Popish work already quoted, the Pancarpium Marianum, I find the Lord Jesus expressly called by the name
of the Bee. Re ferring to Mary, under the title of “The Paradise of Delight,” the author thus speaks: “In this
Paradise that celestial Bee, that is, the incarnate Wisdom, did feed. Here it found that dropping honeycomb, with
which the whole bitterness of the corrupted world has been turned into sweetness.” This blasphemously
represents the Lord Jesus as having derived everything necessary to bless the world from His mother! Could
this ever have come from the Bible? No. It must have come only from the source where the writer learned to
call “the incarnate Wisdom” by the name of the Bee. Now, as the equivoque from which such a name applied to
the Lord Jesus springs, is founded only on the Babylonian tongue, it shows whence his theology has come, and
it proves also to demonstration that this whole prayer about the blessing
of wax-candles must have been drawn from a Babylonian prayer-book. Surely, at every step, the reader must see
more and more the exactitude of the Divine name given to the woman on the seven mountains, “Mystery,
Babylon the Great”!

Bees & DNA

Frans Kamp on the ‘Orion Queen’

The bee and the beehive are

connected to
Diana/Artemis/Hecate worship.
Hecate is depicted with snake feet
and snakes for hair. Dogs, the
sacred animal of Hecate, were
sacrificed to her in rituals during
the dark phrase of the moon.
(Incidentally, Valentines day will
fall on the dark phrase of this
Illustration 7: Image from Children of the Matrix - David Icke year 2010). The ancient Egyptian
word and hieroglyph for goddess
als means serpent and the hieroglyph for Sirius means tooth. The Egyptian word for tooth also means dog and
more specifically dog-god. This connection between honey and the dog/sirius will be seen in more detail below.

Bees & the Merovingian bloodline
From J.R. Church’s Guardians of the Grail:
In the tomb of Childeric I, son of Merovee, a special set of 300 miniature golden bees were found. Napoleon
affixed these bees to his coronation robe. The Mormons use the symbol of the bee and also hold to the doctrine
that Yahshua of Nazareth married Mary Magdalene. It is believed that the Merovingians used the bee symbol
because of the connection to Samson. Samson was known for the power that came from his long hair. So too,
the Merovingian kings were known as the long haired kings which claimed their hair was the source of their
occult powers. King Merovee supposedly possessed magical powers and could heal by the laying on of hands
and by touching the tassels on the bottom of their garments. Here we see the Merovingians associating
themselves with Samson and the tallit and tsitsit worn by ancient Israelites.
It was taught that the Merovee had two fathers. Clodio, king of the Franks, and Neptune the beast from the sea.
It is also believed that Merovee claimed descent from Odin. The Merovingians also claim descent from the
Trojans whose founder was named Dardanus. Dardanus was the son of Zeus. Zeus was pictured as an eagle,
but at other times as a serpent to whom offerings of honey were made. J.R. Church connects this to Dan who
had the insignia of the serpent as well as the eagle. According to the book of 1 Maccabees 12:20-21 the
Spartans were descendants of Abraham and brothers of the Jews in Israel at that time. Josephus wrote that the
letters sent to the Jews from the Spartans were foursquare; and the symbol is an eagle, with a dragon in its
claws. This is symbolism of Dan from which tribe Samson came.
During the Trojan – Spartan war the spartans used the ‘trojan horse’ to defeat the city of Troy. Aeneas, a Trojan
prince escaped the city and went to Italy, where his children, Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Church
states that over the centuries the Spartans migrated to Southern France and some of the Trojans migrated to
Germany, Belgium and Northern France along the Danube river. That area eventually became known as
Austrasia in the province of Lorraine. The lineage of the Merovingian kings, therefore, may have been rooted
in the Trojans.
Tribe of Dan & the serpent seed
Guardians of the Grail pg 109
“Four symbols are used in the Bible concerning the Danites – a serpent, an eagle, a lion, and the bees. In the
story of Samons, we find the famous riddle of the bees who made honey in the carcass of a lion which had been
killed by Samson. the symbolic nature of the bees could represent the concept that the descendants of the tribe
of Dan would one day try to bring about the destruction of the tribe of Judah, whose symbol was the lion, and
from the carcass of the lion the tribe of Dan would attempt to produce the golden age of a world empire,
symbolized by the honey. The Merovingian claim of coming from the tribe of Judah (through Mary Magdalene
and Jesus Christ) is not true. The lie may have been advanced because the symbol of Judah was the lion.
However, I believe the Merovingians were from the tribe of Dan.”
Gen 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Gen 49:17 Let Dan be a serpent on the way, a horned snake on the path that bites the horses’ heels, and
its rider falls backward.
In the apocryphal writing of the Testament of Dan it states “I read in the book of Enoch, the Righteous, that
your prince is satan.”
Guardians of the Grail pg 120
“Aside from the fact that the Spartans wore long hair as a symbol of their power (like Samson) there is a legend
written about the son of Belus, king of the Spartans — in which is given the story of on named ‘Danaus,’ who

arrived in Greece with his daughters by ship. According to the legend his daughters called themselves
Danades. They introduced the cult of the mother goddess, which became the established religion of the
Arcadians and developed over the years into the worship of Diana.”
The Holy Grail
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte (Diana), the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for
themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of
that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change
its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill but
that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His
appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for
two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone
give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.” (1)
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”…The Philosopher’s stone will need to be
discussed in more detail in a future study, but it points to the ‘evolution of man’ into a ‘god.’ DNA is a stone,
when it is mixed with the ’stone’ from heaven the ‘Holy Grail’ or transformation is attained. The return of the
age of Saturn. The age of Aquarius. The golden age of the ‘gods.’
Guardians of the Grail pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in
his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the
doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human
body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at
the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”

(1) The Bloodlines subject will be discussed in

more detail in Volume 2. The point worth making here is that the Scriptures state that we are adopted in the
Family of the Most High by grace through faith in Messiah Yahshua. The counterfeit system states that it comes
through bloodlines (DNA).

Gates of Hell – Counterfeit Zion
Deu 4:47 And they took possession of his land, and the land of Og the king of Bashan, the two kings of
the Amorites who were beyond the Jordan, toward the sunrising;
Deu 4:48 from Aroer, which is on the edge of the river of Arnon, even to Mount Sion, which is Hermon;
The adversary and his servants appear as the real thing
2Co 11:13 For such ones are false apostles, deceitful workers transforming themselves into apostles of
2Co 11:14 And did not Satan marvelously transform himself into an angel of light?
2Co 11:15 It is not a great thing, then, if also his ministers transform themselves as ministers of
righteousness, whose end will be according to their works.
According to the book of Enoch chapter 7, the fallen angels descended upon Mt. Hermon.
The fallen angels descended on Mt Hermon which the inhabitants of that land called Sirion. Sirion in Hebrew
comes from the root meaning to tie or to twist together. The allusion to manipulation to DNA is found in this
Hebrew word as the word for navel, and relatives comes from this root as well.

Another prophecy associating Mt. Hermon with “twisted work”

Isa 17:1 The burden of Damascus: Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a
ruined* heap**.
*The word ruin here is ‘naphal’ which has the same root as the
word Nephilim. The word translated as heap is ‫ עי‬which means
a ‘twisted work.’
Earnest Martin – “We now come to Mount Hermon. Damascus
also had a “high place” as its own “holy place” and it was a
legitimate “holy mount.” The people of Damascus had their own
“holy mountain.” It was the highest of the mountains from the
Euphrates in the north all the way south to Egypt and down to the
center part of the Sinai Peninsula. That mountain was “Mount
Hermon.” It was the greatest of the sacred mountains of the
Middle East. It was considered the most holy mountain of the
early Hittites, of all the Gentiles of Palestine and even by the
Greeks and Romans (see Encyclopaedia Britannica, vol.5,
p.876). Even in the Greek and Roman periods Mount Hermon’s
sanctity was recognized as the central worship of all the Gods of
the world (no matter who they were).
Look at this fact. At the bottom of Mount Hermon on the southwest side was a place called Panias by the
Greeks after the time of Alexander the Great (it is the modern day, Banias) which was Caesarea Philippi in New
Testament times.
Panias was named after the ‘god’ Pan.
Mount Hermon, to the ancients, was called the “Gateway to Heaven.” Here the reports of antiquity claim divine
emissaries as inter-dimensional beings could be seen moving from one dimension to another. It we take their
testimony literally, they could see beings, that they called angels or “Watchers”, appear out of nowhere and
disappear as though they were walking through a “star-gate.” Here on this mount called Hermon these

“Watchers” entered the environment of this planet earth and then returned back to the heavens.
Messiah Yahshua proclaimed war against this false Zion
Mat 16:13 And coming into the parts of Caesarea of Philip, Jesus questioned His disciples, saying, Whom
do men say Me the Son of Man to be?
Mat 16:14 And they said, Some say John the Baptist, and others Elijah, and others Jeremiah, or one of
the prophets.
Mat 16:15 He said to them, But you, whom do you say Me to be?
Mat 16:16 And answering, Simon Peter said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.
Mat 16:17 And answering, Jesus said to him, Blessed are you, Simon, son of Jonah, for flesh and blood
did not reveal it to you, but My Father in Heaven.
Mat 16:18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My assembly, and the
gates of Hades will not prevail against her.
How do we overcome the gates of hell? Just as Kepha did. By holding fast to the testimony of Messiah
Rev 12:11 And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb, and because of the Word of their
testimony. And they did not love their soul even until death.
Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels
by J. R. Church
According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, Hermon means “Forbidden Place.” Jerome (4th-century translator of
the Latin Vulgate Bible) interpreted Hermon as “anathema.” Mount Hermon was the port of entry for a group of
wicked angels, who corrupted the human race in the days of Noah. Moses wrote: “The sons of God saw the
daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose …. There were giants in
the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they
bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown” (Gen. 6:1-4).
We have discussed these “Nephilim” in previous issues, but in this article, I want to add some things that you
may not have heard before. For example, there is a rabbinical remark about this story in an ancient Jewish
commentary, in which two rabbis add the following insight:
“Rabbi Jose says, following a tradition, that these [Nephilim] were Uzza and Azazel, whom, God deprived of
their supernal sanctity. How, it may be asked, can they exist in this world? Rabbi Hiya answers, that they were
of a class of spirits referred to in the words, ‘and birds which fly on the earth’ (Gen 1:20), and these, as we have
said, appear to men in the form of human beings. If it is asked, how can they transform themselves? The answer
is, that they do, in fact, transform themselves into all kinds of shapes, because when they come down from
heaven they become as concrete as air and take human shape. These are Uzza and Azazel, who rebelled in
heaven, and were cast down by God, and became corporeal on the earth and remained on it, not being able to
divest themselves of their earthly form. Subsequently, they went astray after women, and up to this day they
exist and teach men the arts of magic. They begat children whom they called Anakim (giants), while the
Nephilim themselves were called ‘sons of God’” (Zohar, vol. 1, p. 186).
Note that one rabbi alluded to a class of spirits described as “birds” in Genesis 1:20. Perhaps this was the origin
of the story that angels had bird-like wings. To this day, white Doves are symbolic of good, while black crows
are typical of evil. It should also be noted that birds seem to have a reptilian connection. The Phoenix was
depicted as an eagle in the West, but in the East, it was a winged dragon. From ancient lore, Satan was thought
to be somewhat of a gargoyle with bat-like wings.

The Book of Enoch
The apocryphal Book of Enoch enlarges upon the story of the Nephilim. First, let me give you a little
background on this mysterious book. Scholars have traced its origin back past the first century:
“In the early literature of the church there is a whole chain of evidences to this effect. Nearly all of the church
[leaders] knew of an apocryphal Book of Enoch. Among the Apostolic [leaders], the Epistle of Barnabas refers
to such a work. From that time on to about the seventh-century, Christian literature produces ample proof of the
constant use and high standing of this book. The early theologians Justin Martyr, Clemens of Alexandria,
Origen, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Eusebius, Jerome, Hilary, Epiphanius, Augustine, and others refer to and use it …
following the example of Jude, whose citation is taken from Enoch 1:9. They all, with possibly the one
dissenting voice of Tertullian, deny the canonicity of this book, and properly regard it as apocryphal; some
going even so far as to deny the canonicity of Jude because he had dared to quote an apocryphal work” (George
H. Schodde, Nov. 21, 1881, General Introduction to the Book of Enoch).
The following is quoted from the Book of Enoch:
“And it came to pass, after the children of men had increased in those days, beautiful and comely daughters
were born to them.
“And the angels, the sons of the heavens, saw and lusted after them, and said one to another: ‘Behold, we will
choose for ourselves wives from among the children of men, and will beget for ourselves children.’
“And they descended on Ardîs, which is the summit of Mount Hermon; and they called it Mount Hermon,
because they had sworn on it and bound themselves mutually by a curse” (Enoch 6:1-6).
Of all places on this planet where angels could have descended, it was on the northern border of the Promised
Land. Perhaps knowing something about God’s future plans to give territory to Abraham’s descendants, these
angels plotted their strategy to introduce “the seed of the serpent” into the human race. Also, Mount Hermon lay
in the territory where Ham and his family migrated after God’s judgment at the Tower of Babel. According to
Genesis 10:6, Ham had four sons: “And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan” (Gen.
Canaan settled in the area of Mount Hermon and southward into the territory that was to become Abraham’s
Promised Land. This is why the Promised Land was called “Canaan” in the days of Moses and Joshua. Mizraim
continued to move southward into Egypt. Coincidentally, Mount Hermon has three peaks, and Ham’s family
encountered another set of “three peaks” that had been built before the Flood (those being three great pyramids).
Evidently, Mizraim was fascinated by the pyramids and developed a system of worship based on those ancient
structures. Cush and Phut continued the family migration southward and settled in Ethiopia and parts of
Southern Africa.
To this day, Mount Hermon is still the place where evil continually rains down upon Israel. It is the area of the
Syrians, and Hezbollah. The Book of Enoch continues:
“And they took unto themselves wives, and each chose for himself one, and they began to go in to them, and
mixed with them, and taught them charms and conjurations, and made them acquainted with the cutting of roots
and of woods. And they became pregnant and brought forth great giants whose stature was three thousand ells.
These devoured all the acquisitions of mankind till men were unable to sustain themselves. And the giants
turned themselves against mankind in order to devour them” (Enoch 7:1-4).
It seems that these fallen angels (the Nephilim) contaminated almost all life on earth. We do not know how
many people were contaminated, but we are told that at least Noah’s family remained genetically pure. For that
reason, God destroyed the world with a Flood. Had it not been for Noah and his three sons, those fallen angels

might have brought an end to all life on the planet. Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth helped save the animals and
repopulate the earth.
God Judged the Angels
Both Peter and Jude added further insight about these fallen angels. Peter said, “God spared not the angels that
sinned, but cast them down to hell, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment;
and spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the
flood upon the world of the ungodly” (II Peter 2:4,5).
Jude put it this way: “The angels which kept not their first estate, but left their own habitation, he hath reserved
in everlasting chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day” (Jude 6).
Both passages tell of severe punishment upon the Nephilim. Yet, Moses said that “sons of God” reappeared after
the Flood (Gen. 6:4). How can this be? Well, the Book of Enoch only mentioned 200 angels, and Satan was not
among them. Bear in mind, Satan’s forces were much larger then a mere 200. Perhaps the original group of
Nephilim were scouts for a much larger force of demonic angels who, under the leadership of Satan, came to
earth after the Flood. It seems to me that the Tower of Babel (meaning “Gate to God”) may have been built in
an effort to contact these dark forces and forge a defense against the threat of another judgment. As noted in the
Zohar (above) Rabbi Hiya said, “… to this day they exist and teach men the arts of magic.”
As noted above, Genesis 6:4 adds, “… and after that” — meaning that more Nephilim returned to this area after
the Flood and established what Joshua called the “land of giants.” Moses and Joshua conquered those giants, of
whom, Og was king. Moses wrote that Og’s bed was almost 15 feet long! (Deut. 3:11-13). Og reigned in Mount
Hermon. Joshua wrote:
“And the coast of Og king of Bashan, which was of the remnant of the giants, that dwelt at Ashtaroth and at
“And reigned in mount Hermon, and in Salcah, and in all Bashan, unto the border of the Geshurites and the
Maachathites, and half Gilead, the border of Sihon king of Heshbon.
“Them did Moses the servant of the LORD and the children of Israel smite” (Joshua 12:4-6).
The tribe of Dan moved to this area during the days of the Judges, and adopted the Canaanite worship of these
angels. It was an ancient idolatry that opposed the worship of Jehovah. In fact, Baal and Ashtaroth were
Canaanite deities, whose origin was Mount Hermon! The book of Judges even calls Mount Hermon
“Baalhermon,” saying:
“Namely, five lords of the Philistines, and all the Canaanites, and the Sidonians, and the Hivites that dwelt in
mount Lebanon, from mount Baalhermon unto the entering in of Hamath” (Judges 3:3).
Furthermore, the fallen angels living on and around Mount Hermon adopted a biblical name for the mountain.
They had the audacity to plagiarize a name that God had given to Mount Moriah — Mount Sion! Moses wrote:
“And they possessed his [Sihon's] land, and the land of Og king of Bashan, two kings of the Amorites, which
were on this side Jordan toward the sun rising; From Aroer, which is by the bank of the river Arnon, even unto
Mount Sion, which is Hermon” (Deut. 4:47,48).
Sion means “lofty,” whereas, Zion means “stronghold.” It is evident that Satan was pushing for a counterfeit of
God’s plan for man’s redemption. The devil was determined to replace the “seed” of the woman with the “seed”
of the serpent.
In a book entitled, The Gods of the Lodge, author Reginald C. Haupt, Jr., described what he found during his
trip to Mount Hermon:

“In the excavations of Baalbek, renamed Heliopolis by the Greeks, temples were uncovered honoring Baal and
Bachus. The same is true of the site at Sidon. The Temple there is named the Temple of Baal of Sidon. But by
far, of greater importance was the temple of Baal found on Mt. Hermon. Perhaps it would be more meaningful
to you if I [Reginald Haupt] quote direct from my source. In the 1982 edition of the Thompson Chain Reference
Bible (Fourth Improved Edition), the archaeological supplement was provided by G. Fredrick Owen, D.D.,
Ed.D. Dr. Owen wrote on page 376 of his supplement the following:
“Mount Hermon, the ‘chief’ of the mountains of Palestine is five miles wide and twenty miles long. It has three
peaks, the tallest of which is 9,166 feet above the Mediterranean Sea. For centuries before Abraham’s time, the
mountain had been venerated in connection with Baal.
“Baal worship was the leading religion of Canaan. On most of the high peaks of the country were shrines
known as ‘high places,’ the higher the holier. Here groves were planted and shrines erected for worship. Since
Mount Hermon towered above all the other mountains in the region, it was the chief high place, the shrine of
shrines. Canaanites looked to Mount Hermon much as the Moslems face Mecca when they pray.
“During the summer of 1934, Dr. Stewart Crawford and this writer [Reginald Haupt] led a small expedition, in
which we studied the ancient Baal shrines surrounding Mount Hermon. We located many ruins and in each case
the shrine was so oriented that when the priests and the devotees were at the altar, they faced the chief Baal
sanctuary, or Quibla, located on the highest of the three peaks of Hermon.
“We then ascended the mountain and found the ruined temple of Baal, constructed of Herodian masonry, which
dated it to just previous to and during the early Christian era. In a low place near the northwest corner of the
temple, we excavated and found loads of ash and burnt bone, which had been dumped there as a refuse from
sacrifices” (Reginald C. Haupt, Jr., The Gods of the Lodge, p. 126).
During the ministry of Jesus, He and His disciples visited Caesarea Philippi (see cover photo) where the Jordan
River springs forth from the slopes of Mount Hermon. In the cover photo, one can see the grotto and cave where
Baal worship was in full swing. While observing these shrines, Jesus posed the question: “Whom do men say
that I the Son of man am?” (Matt. 16:13). Jesus was standing in the territory of His great enemy, Satan, and his
idolatrous Nephilim. It was the area out of which the Antichrist would arise.
The French Connection
In 1666, Louis XIV of France, authorized the building of an observatory in Paris to measure longitude. This was
the beginning of the Paris Zero Meridian. Believe it or not, according to the “Paris Zero Meridian” Mount
Hermon (and the ancient territory of Dan) is located at the 33 degrees east of the Paris Zero Meridian
(longitude), and 33 degrees north of the Equator (latitude)! The 33rd degree became an important part of
Freemasonry, probably due to a history that dates back to the Knights Templar, the French Merovingian
Dynasty, and their family ties to the Danites (see our chapter on Dan in Guardians of the Grail).
However, the British would not be outdone. In 1675, England’s first Astronomer Royal, Sir Flamsteed,
established a Prime Meridian in London to rival the one in Paris. In 1725, Edmund Halley, the second
Astronomer Royal established a second Meridian. In the mid-18th century, another Astronomer Royal, James
Bradley, established a third. And in 1851, another Astronomer Royal, Sir George Airy, set up new measuring
equipment in a room alongside Bradley’s original equipment (just 19 feet away), which eventually became the
basis for international time.
It soon became clear that the world needed to adopt a worldwide standard for the Zero Meridian, so in 1884, 25
countries met in Washington, DC, and voted to accept Airy’s meridian at London’s Greenwich Observatory as
the Prime Meridian. France abstained from the vote. The French held to the Paris Zero Meridian as a rival to
Greenwich until 1911 for timekeeping purposes and 1914 for navigation. To this day, French cartographers

continue to indicate the Paris Meridian on some maps.
In the opening years of the twentieth century, a booklet appeared in Russia by the title, “The Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Sion.” It was touted as the exposure of a Jewish plot to rule the world. However, its Masonic
connection is obvious. The booklet ends with the statement: “Signed by the representatives of Sion of the 33rd
Degree” (Michael Baigent, Holy Blood Holy Grail, p. 193).
Note that the name “Sion” is spelled with an “S” rather than a “Z.” The connection with Mount Hermon is
The Tribe of Dan
Jacob prophesied that Dan would be “a serpent by the way, an adder in the path” (Gen. 49:17), and Moses
prophesied, “Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall leap from Bashan” (Deut. 33:22). These two prophecies are
remarkable, in that they connect Dan with the “seed of the serpent,” from which the Antichrist will emerge to
claim the title “lion of Judah.”
In the book of Judges the Danites relocated to the northern reaches of the Promised Land. They settled at the
foot of Mount Hermon in the territory of Bashan, and adopted the idolatrous Canaanite religion of Baal and
Ashtaroth. Eventually, they left for parts unknown and became the proverbial “Lost Tribe.”
However, the Danaans (i.e., Spartans) of the Greece, established the same religious practices that the Danites
had developed on Mount Hermon. Greek Mythology is an elaborate reinvention of the Danite religion. The
Spartans invented a “messenger of the gods” and called him Hermes (a variation of Hermon), whom the
Romans called Mercury. Supposedly, Hermes had a son named Pan. The name “Pan” could be a corruption of
the name “Dan.” Today, the Arabs call Caesarea Philippi “Banias,” but that is because there is no “P” sound in
Arabic. The older form was “Paneas” (meaning “city of Pan”) from “Paneion.” The name comes from Pan, the
pagan god who was worshiped there. Niches for Pan’s statues can still be seen. Observe the niches and
cave/grotto in the cover photo. In 4 B.C., this area became the tetrarchy of Herod’s son Philippus, who renamed
Paneas as Caesarea Philippi. This name continued until the reign of Nero.
The name Pan means “All things, all gods, or all life.” Therefore, when the Romans built a domed temple to
commemorate all their gods, they named it the “Pantheon.” It is a combination of two root words, “Pan,”
standing for the son of Hermes (Mercury) and “theo” meaning “gods.” It is clear that Mount Hermon, with its
infamous “fallen angels” found its way into the mythologies of many ancient cultures.
Solomon also had something remarkable to say about Mount Hermon:
“Come with me from Lebanon, my spouse, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of
Shenir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards” (Song of Solomon 4:8).
Here, Solomon mentioned a “lion’s den” and “the mountains of the leopards.” This may be a reference to the
prophecy made by Moses, calling Dan a “lion’s whelp” (Deut. 33:22). It seems that Solomon was aware of the
Danite connection to Mount Hermon and used the metaphor of the Danite “lion’s den.” When the Danites first
arrived in Northern Israel, they conquered the village of Laish (meaning “lion”) and renamed it “Dan.” The
book of Judges reports:
“And they called the name of the city Dan, after the name of Dan their father, who was born unto Israel:
howbeit the name of the city was Laish at the first” (Judges 18:29).
Furthermore, Solomon mentioned the Mount Hermon in connection with “leopards.” It is said that Ham’s
grandson, Nimrod, wore a Leopard skin as a symbol of his kingship. Also, there are paintings of Egyptian
Pharaohs adorned with leopard skins. Even some medieval European royals wore leopard skins. An ancient

Jewish commentary connected Nimrod’s Leopard skins with the coats of skin belonging to Adam and Eve:
“Truly he was a man of might, because he was clad in the garments of Adam, and was able by means of them to
lay snares for mankind and beguile them. Rabbi Eleazar said: ‘Nimrod used to entice people into idolatrous
worship by means of those garments, which enabled him to conquer the world and proclaim himself its ruler, so
that mankind offered him worship. He was called Nimrod for the reason that he rebelled against the most high
King above, against the higher angels and against the lower angels.’
“Rabbi Simeon said: ‘Our colleagues are acquainted with a profound mystery concerning these garments.’”
(Zohar, vol. 1, p. 250). In Daniel 7 and Revelation 13, the Antichrist seems to be connected to the metaphoric
We cannot say with certainty that Adam and Eve wore leopard skins, but there are a number of sources that
suggest Nimrod wore a leopard skin. Among them was Alexander Hislop, in his work, The Two Babylons:
“This custom of taming the leopard, and pressing it into the service of man in this way, is traced up to the
earliest times of primitive antiquity. In the works of Sir William Jones, we find it stated from the Persian
legends, that Hoshang (i.e., Nimrod), the father of Tahmurs, who built Babylon, was the ‘first who bred dogs
and leopards for hunting.’ As Tahmurs, who built Babylon, could be none other than Nimrod, this legend only
attributes to his father what, as his name imports, he got the fame of doing himself.
“Now, as the classic god bearing the lion’s skin is recognized by that sign as Hercules, the slayer of the Nemean
lion, so in like manner, the god clothed in the leopard’s skin would naturally be marked out as Nimrod, the
“leopard-subduer.” That this leopard skin, as appertaining to the Egyptian god, was no occasional thing, we
have clearest evidence.
“Wilkinson tells us, that on all high occasions when the Egyptian high priest was called to officiate, it was
indispensable that he should do so wearing, as his robe of office, the leopard’s skin.
“As it is a universal principle in all idolatries that the high priest wears the insignia of the god he serves, this
indicates the importance which the spotted skin must have had attached to it as a symbol of the god himself”
(Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons).
The Danite Antichrist
In recent articles, we covered the teaching of the early church theologians, Irenaeus and Hippolytus, who said
that the Antichrist would come from the tribe of Dan, based upon Jeremiah 8:16: “The snorting of his horses
was heard from Dan: the whole land trembled at the sound of the neighing of his strong ones.” We discussed the
fact that the Greek king, Alexander the Great, claimed to be born of the “seed of the serpent.” And we have
discussed the possibility that the Roman Emperor Nero could have descended from the Danites. Well, when
Nero ruled the Roman Empire, he renamed Caesarea Philippi in honor of himself. For a while, the site of the
ancient Danite city (seen in the cover photo) was called “Neronias” (meaning “city of Nero”) (Encyclopedia
Judaica, “Banias,” p. 162).
Finally, an ancient Jewish Midrash likens Samson to their expected messiah, saying, “Samson in some respects
was considered a forerunner of the Messiah who will come from Judah but his mother, according to the Midrash
will be of the tribe of Dan” (Yair Davidy, “Dan”).
Amazing! The Jews are looking for a messiah whose father is from the royal family of Judah, but whose mother
will be from the tribe of Dan!
Those fallen angels who descended to Mount Hermon introduced the “seed of the serpent” into the human race.
Evidently, after the Flood, they consorted with members of the tribe of Dan, mixing the “seed of the serpent”

into the human genome once again. The first time it happened, God judged the world with water. The next time,
it will be by fire.”
International Standard Bible Dictionary
bak´us Διονυσος, Dıonusos; later Βακχος, the Feast of Bacchus; Διονυσια, Dionusia: The god of wine. His
worship had extended over the whole Greek and Roman world centuries before the Christian era, and had
degenerated into an orgy of drunkenness and unnamable immoralities, possibly under the influence of oriental
Baal worship, such as the Hebrew prophets condemned. It has been surmised that Dionysus was originally not
a Greek, but an oriental deity. His worship had been introduced into Egypt, perhaps by the Ptolemies, and
Ptolemy Philopator (222-204 bc) had branded the Jews there with his emblem, the sign of the ivy.
When Antiochus Epiphanes made his assault upon Jerusalem in the year 168 bc, he determined to extirpate the
worship of Yahweh, which he recognized as the strength of the Jewish resistance, and to replace it by Greek
religion. All worship of Yahweh and the observance of Jewish rites, such as the Sabbath and circumcision, were
prohibited. Heathen worship was set up all over Judea, and in the temple at Jerusalem on the altar of burnt
offering an altar to Jupiter was erected, “the abomination that maketh desolate” (Dan_11:31), and a swine was
sacrificed upon it. The immoral practices associated with heathen worship in those days established themselves
in the temple. When this feast of Bacchus (Dionysus) with all its revelry came round, the Jews were
compelled to go in procession in honor of Bacchus (Dionysus), wearing wreaths of ivy,the emblem of the
god (2 Macc 6:7). Some years later, when the worship of Yahweh had been restored, Nicanor the general of
Demetrius I, in conducting the war against Judas Maceabacus, threatened the priests that, unless they delivered
Judas up as a prisoner, “he would raze the temple of God even with the ground, break down the altar, and erect
there a temple unto Bacchus (Dionysus) for all to see” (2 Macc 14:33).
Dionysus, (Bacchus)
dı÷ -o÷-nı÷ ´sus (Διονυσος, Dionusos): The youngest of the Greek gods. In Homer he is not associated with the vine.
In later Greek legend he is represented as coming from India, as traversing Asia in a triumphal march,
accompanied by woodland beings, with pointed ears, snub noses and goat-tails. These creatures were
called satyrs. The vine was cultivated among European-Aryans first in Thrace, and here Dionysus is said to
have established his worship first in Europe. Then the cult of Dionysus passed down through the Balkan
peninsula to Thebes; and in the localized form of the myth the deity was born here – son of Zeus and Semele.
Among all the Greek deities none appealed more vividly to the imagination than Dionysus. Greek tragedy* is
a form of worship, the ritual cult of the god of wine, who makes the initiate wise and the ungodly mad.
Dionysus speaks most strongly to the sense and to the spirit at the same time. There is nothing monotonous in
the Dionysiac legend; it is replete with both joy and sorrow – in some aspects it is a “passion” in others a
triumph. All the passion plays of the world (even the Oberammergau Schauspiel) are in the ancient spirit. One
Dionysus after another has been substituted, but from the first there has been a desire on the part of the devotee
to realize his god vividly with thrilling nearness, to partake of his joys and sorrows and triumphs in his manifold
adventures. In the early myths Dionysus was one of the lesser gods; he is mentioned only twice in the Iliad and
twice in the Odyssey; but he is always represented as being more nearly akin to man than the great august
deities of Olympus. He is a man-god, or god-man. To the inhabitants of the vine-clad slopes of Attica, to
which his cult had been brought from Phrygia through Thracian Boeotia, he was particularly dear. At their
vintage feasts last year’s cask of wine was opened; and when the new year brought life again to the vines, the
bountiful god was greeted with songs of joyful praise. The burial of the wine in the dark tomb of the jars

through the winter, and the opening of these jars at the spring festival symbolized the great awakening of man
himself, the resurrection of the god’s worshippers to a fuller and more joyous life. The vine was not the only
manifestation of the god – oil and wheat were also his; he was the god of ecstasy, the giver of physical joy and
excitement, the god of life, the god of certain laws of Nature, germination and extinction, the external coming
into being and the dying away of all things that are, fructification in its widest aspect whether in the bursting of
the seed-grain that lies intreasured in the earth, or in the generation of living creatures. Hence, the prominence
given to the phallus in the solemn processions in honor of the god.
Nicanor (2 Macc 14:33) and Antiochus Epiphanes (2 Macc 6:7) thought that the cult of Dionysus would not be
objectionable to the Jews. Ptolemy Philopator branded the Jews with an ivy-leaf (3 Macc 2:29), which was
sacred to Dionysus.
*Greek tragedy, Drama, plays are linked to modern day Christmas plays & Christmas carols
Gal 5:21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings,G2970 and such like: of the which I tell you before,
as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God.
Thayer Definition:
1) a revel, carousal
1a) a nocturnal and riotous procession of half drunken and frolicsome fellows who after supper parade
through the streets with torches and music in honour of Bacchus or some other deity, and sing and play
before houses of male and female friends; hence used generally of feasts and drinking parties that are protracted
till late at night and indulge in revelry
The European drama had its origin in Greece. Both forms, tragic and comic, took their rise in the celebrations of
the Greek festivals of Dionysus (Bacchus), at which hymns and chants were sung by choruses in honour of the
god, and the chorus continued to be a prominent feature of the old Greek drama.
In most modern European countries the regular drama took its rise in the mysteries, miracle-plays, and
moralities of the middle ages.
Regular comedies in Italian were written by Ariosto, Aretino, Macchiavelli, and others; and to the same period
(15th and 16th centuries) belongs the Italian pastoral Drama, which sprung from the ancient idylls, and aimed at
a fanciful delineation of Arcadian and mythological scenes.
The French drama was in a miserable state before Corncille (1606-84), who indeed is looked on as the founder
of the drama in France. Racine, Moliere, Voltaire, and in later times Hugo, are some of the other distinguished
French dramatists. Victor Hugo was a leader in the movement away from classic drama to Romanticism. Hugo
was also a grand master of the Prieure de Sion (Priory of Sion) which is the alleged organization associated with
the Merovingian bloodline. The connections to the mark of the beast and this bloodline will be discussed in
more detail in a future study, Yah willing. The reason for bringing up this subject is that one of the main tools
of the adversary to bring about the antichrist kingdom is the media. Movies, television, radio, the news etc.. (1)


Two Babylon’s Dictionary
“The lamented one”; from Bakhah ,”to weep” or “lament”. The revelries of Bacchus were suppose to purify the
This connects Bacchus with Tammuz. The prophet Ezekiel speaks of Israel partaking of customs pertaining to
Tammuz worship at the house of YHWH. This is what Antiochus was forcing upon Yisrael during the times of
the Maccabees. Mixing Tammuz/Bacchus/Dionysus worship at the Temple.
Eze 8:14 And He brought me to the opening of the gate of the house of YHWH, toward the north. And,
behold, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz.
Two Babylons- Alexander Hislop pg 22
In Scripture he is referred to (Eze 8:14) under the name of Tammuz, but he is commonly known among classical
writers under the name of Bacchus, that is, “The Lamented one.” *
* From Bakhah “to weep” or “lament.” Among the Phoenicians, says Hesychius, “Bacchos means weeping.” As
the women wept for Tammuz, so did they for Bacchus.
To the ordinary reader the name of Bacchus suggests nothing more than revelry and drunkenness, but it is now
well known, that amid all the abominations that attended his orgies, their grand design was professedly “the
purification of souls,” and that from the guilt and defilement of sin. This lamented one, exhibited and adored as
a little child in his mother’s arms, seems, in point of fact, to have been the husband of Semiramis, whose name,
Ninus, by which he is commonly known in classical history, literally signified “The Son.”

Two Babylons pg 49-50

As Nin “the Son,” he was portrayed as a youth or child; and that youth or child was generally depicted with a
cup in his hand. That cup, to the multitude, exhibited him as the god of drunken revelry; and of such revelry in
his orgies, no doubt there was abundance; but yet, after all, the cup was mainly a hieroglyphic, and that of the
name of the god. The name of a cup, in the sacred language, was khus, and thus the cup in the hand of the
youthful Bacchus, the son of Aethiops, showed that he was the young Chus, or the son of Chus. In the
accompanying woodcut (Fig. 22), the cup in the right hand of Bacchus is held up in so significant a way, as
naturally to suggest that it must be a symbol; and as to the branch in the other hand, we have express testimony
that it is a symbol. But it is worthy of notice that the branch has no leaves to determine what precise kind of a
branch it is. It must, therefore, be a generic emblem for a branch, or a symbol of a branch in general; and,
consequently, it needs the cup as its complement, to determine specifically what sort of a branch it is. The two
symbols, then, must be read together, and read thus, they are just equivalent to–the “Branch of Chus”–i.e., “the
scion or son of Cush.”
Here we see how Bacchus is a counterfeit of the Messiah who is the TRUE BRANCH
Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, says YHWH, that I will raise to David a righteous Branch, and a King
shall reign and act wisely, and He shall do justice and righteousness in the earth.
Jer 23:6 In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely. And this is His name by which He
shall be called, YHWH our Righteousness.

Zec 3:8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and
your associates who are sitting before you; for they are
men of symbol.
Zec 3:9 For, behold, I will bring forth My Servant, the
BRANCH. For behold, the stone which I have given
before Joshua, on the one stone are seven eyes. I will
engrave its engraving, says YHWH of Hosts, and I will
remove the iniquity of that land in one day*.
Zec 3:10 In that day, says YHWH of Hosts, you shall
call each man to his neighbor to sit under the vine and
under the fig tree.
Zec 6:12 And speak to him, saying, So says YHWH of
Hosts, saying, Behold! The Man whose name is THE
BRANCH! And He** (Yahoshua) shall spring up out of
His place, and He shall build the temple of YHWH.
*This is important to note. It is the BRANCH who
removes the sins of the people. Dionysus (Bacchus) the
heathen BRANCH is called the sin bearer as a direct
**Here we see a prophecy that the name of the BRANCH
is going to be Yahoshua.
From SMITH’s Classical Dictionary, p. 208
There is another hieroglyphic connected with Bacchus
that goes not a little to confirm this–that is, the Ivy
branch. No emblem was more distinctive of the
worship of Bacchus than this. Wherever the rites of
Bacchus were performed, wherever his orgies were celebrated, the Ivy branch was sure to appear. Ivy, in some
form or other, was essential to these celebrations. The votaries carried it in their hands, bound it around
their heads, or had the Ivy leaf even indelibly stamped upon their persons. What could be the use, what
could be the meaning of this? A few words will suffice to show it. In the first place, then, we have evidence that
Kissos, the Greek name for Ivy, was one of the names of Bacchus; and further, that though the name of Cush, in
its proper form, was known to the priests in the Mysteries, yet that the established way in which the name of his
descendants, the Cushites, was ordinarily pronounced in Greece, was not after the
Oriental fashion, but as “Kissaioi,” or “Kissioi.” Thus, Strabo, speaking of the inhabitants of Susa, who were the
people of Chusistan, or the ancient land of Cush, says: “The Susians are called Kissioi,” –that is beyond all
question, Cushites.
Now, if Kissioi be Cushites, then Kissos is Cush. Then, further, the branch of Ivy that occupied so
conspicuous a place in all Bacchanalian celebrations was an express symbol of Bacchus himself; for
Hesychius assures us that Bacchus, as represented by his priest, was known in the Mysteries as “The
branch.” From this, then, it appears how Kissos, the Greek name of Ivy, became the name of Bacchus. As
the son of Cush, and as identified with him, he was sometimes called by his father’s name–Kissos. His actual
relation, however, to his father was specifically brought out by the Ivy branch, for “the branch of Kissos,”
which to the profane vulgar was only “the branch of Ivy,” was to the initiated “The branch of Cush.” *

* The chaplet, or head-band of Ivy, had evidently a similar hieroglyphical meaning to the above, for the Greek
“Zeira Kissou” is either a “band or circlet of Ivy,” or “The seed of Cush.” The formation of the Greek “Zeira,” a
zone or enclosing band, from the Chaldee Zer, to encompass, shows that Zero “the seed,” which was also
pronounced Zeraa, would, in like manner, in some Greek dialects, become Zeira. Kissos, “Ivy,” in Greek,
retains the radical idea of the Chaldee Khesha or Khesa, “to cover or hide,” from which there is reason to
believe the name of Cush is derived, for Ivy is characteristically “The coverer or hider.” In connection with
this, it may be stated that the second person of the Phoenician trinity was Chursorus (WILKINSON), which
evidently is Chus-zoro, “The seed of Cush.” We have already seen that the Phoenicians derived their mythology
from Assyria.
Here we see that Ivy is associated the covering or hiding. This is the meaning of the word satur and is
associated with the ‘god’ Saturn. As seen in Chapter 2, the Hebrew word for mystery/hidden/secret is setur
which equals 666.
BDB Definition:
Sethur = “hidden”
Another interesting connection between ivy and mystery is the wine of Bacchus. In rabbinic tradition wine is
connected to mystery because it has the same gematria as the Hebrew word sod (mystery).

Two Babylons pg 69
D’ion-nuso-s signifies “THE SINBEARER,”
* a name entirely appropriate to the character of him whose sufferings were
represented as so mysterious, and who was looked up to as the great “purifier of souls.”
As stated above, we see again Bacchus/Dionysus as a counterfeit Messiah.
Two Babylons pg 71
Now, this Babylonian god, known in Greece as “The sin-bearer,” and in India as the “Victim-Man,” among the
Buddhists of the East, the original elements of whose system are clearly Babylonian, was commonly addressed
as the “Saviour of the world.” It has been all along well enough known that the Greeks occasionally worshipped
the supreme god under the title of “Zeus the Saviour”; but this title was thought to have reference only to
deliverance in battle, or some suck- like temporal deliverance. But when it is known that “Zeus the Saviour”
was only a title of Dionysus, the “sin-bearing Bacchus,” his character, as “The Saviour,” appears in quite a

As the true Messiah was prophesied of under the title of the “Man whose name was the branch,” he was
celebrated not only as the “Branch of Cush,” but as the “Branch of God,” graciously given to the earth for
healing all the ills that flesh is heir to. * He was worshipped in Babylon under the name of El-Bar, or “God the
Son.” Under this very name he is introduced by Berosus, the Chaldean historian, as the second in the list of
Babylonian sovereigns.
* This is the esoteric meaning of Virgil’s “Golden Branch,” and of the Mistletoe Branch of the Druids.
The wreaths with mistletoe are the same as the garlands of ivy of the Bacchus rites.

Christmas Bacchus connection

Two Babylons pg 95
It was no mere astronomic festival, then, that the Pagans celebrated at the winter solstice. That festival at Rome
was called the feast of Saturn, and the mode in which it was celebrated there, showed whence it had been
derived. The feast, as regulated by Caligula, lasted five days; * loose reins were given to drunkenness and
revelry, slaves had a temporary emancipation, ** and used all manner of freedoms with their masters.
{Exactly the same as the feast of Bacchus seen above that Antiochus forced Yisrael into doing}
* Subsequently the number of the days of the Saturnalia was increased to seven.
** If Saturn, or Kronos, was, as we have seen reason to believe, Phoroneus, “The
emancipator,” the “temporary emancipation” of the slaves at his festival was exactly in keeping with his
supposed character.
This is important to note. This is a counterfeit of the Jubilee of the Scriptures. The Jubilee was sounded at Yom
Kippur and Sukkot which follows 5 days later is a picture of dwelling/tabernacling with the Messiah when He
returns. According to the book of Maccabees, Hanukkah is just a replay of Sukkot (2Maccabees 1:9). So we
see two opposing feasts which represent two opposing marks. Hanukkah which is a ’2nd Sukkot’ where the
Temple (body) is rededicated (resurrection) at the coming of the Messiah or Christmas which is a rehearsal of
the coming of the antichrist where the Temple (body) is defiled (mark of beast).
“…the divine child born at the winter solstice was born as a new incarnation of the great god (after that god had
been cut in pieces…on purpose to revenge his death upon his murderers.) Now the great god, cut off in the
midst of his power and glory, was symbolised as a huge tree, stripped of all his branches, and cut down almost
to the ground. But the great Serpent, the symbol of the life restoring Aesculapius, twists itself around the
dead stock…and lo, at its side sprouts a young tree – a tree of an entirely different kind,* that is never to
be cut down by a hostile power -…and thus shadowed forth the perpetuity and everlasting nature of his power,
how that after having fallen before his enemies, he has risen triumphant over them all. Therefore, the 25th of
December, the day that was observed in Rome as the day when the victorious god reappeared on earth
was held at the Natalis invicti solis, ‘The birthday of the unconquered Sun.”
*the serpent coiling up the tree (spine) bringing about a new being…in Hebrew the word for spine is the same
word for tree. The serpent wrapping around the tree/spin is what the mystery religions call Kundalini which
allows the ‘third eye’ to be opened which is really the pineal gland. The pineal gland is represented in heathen
cultures as the pine cone…hence the Christmas tree is an evergreen or pine which has lights (serpent/Lucifer…
light bringer) enwrapping around to the top where there is usually a pentagram or hexagram or angel crowned
at the top all representing the new man, the enlightened being.
This was precisely the way in which, according to Berosus, the drunken festival of the month Thebeth,

answering to our December, in other words, the festival of Bacchus, was celebrated in Babylon. “It was the
custom,” says he, “during the five days it lasted, for masters to be in
subjection to their servants, and one of them ruled the house, clothed in a purple garment like a king.”
This “purple-robed” servant was called “Zoganes,” the “Man of sport and wantonness,” and answered exactly to
the “Lord of Misrule,” that in the dark ages, was chosen in all Popish countries to head the revels of Christmas.
The wassailling bowl of Christmas had its precise counterpart in the “Drunken festival” of Babylon; and
many of the other observances still kept up among ourselves at Christmas came from the very same quarter. The
candles, in some parts of England, lighted on Christmas-eve, and used so long as the festive season lasts, were
equally lighted by the Pagans on the eve of the festival of the Babylonian god, to do honour to him: for it was
one of the distinguishing peculiarities of his worship to have lighted wax-candles on his altars. The Christmas
tree, now so common among us, was equally common in Pagan Rome and Pagan Egypt. In Egypt that tree was
the palm-tree; in Rome it was the fir; the palm-tree denoting the Pagan Messiah, as Baal- Tamar, the fir referring
to him as Baal-Berith. The mother of Adonis, the Sun-God and great mediatorial divinity, was mystically said to
have been changed into a tree, and when in that state to have brought forth her divine son. If the mother was a
tree, the son must have been recognised as the “Man the branch.” And this entirely accounts for the putting
of the Yule Log into the fire on Christmas-eve, and the appearance of the Christmas-tree the next morning. As
Zero-Ashta, “The seed of the woman,” which name also signified Ignigena, or “born of the fire,” he has to enter
the fire on “Mother-night,” that he ma y be born the next day out of it, as the “Branch of God,” or the Tree that
brings all divine gifts to men. But why, it may be asked, does he enter the fire under the symbol of a Log? To
understand this, it must be remembered that the divine child born at the winter solstice was born as a new
incarnation of the great god (after that god had been cut in pieces), on purpose to revenge his death upon his
murderers. Now the great god, cut off in the midst of his power and glory, was symbolised as a huge tree,
stripped of all its branches, and cut down almost to the ground. But the great serpent, the symbol of the life
restoring Aesculapius, twists itself around the dead stock (see Fig. 27), and lo, at its side up sprouts a young
tree–a tree of an entirely different kind, that is destined never to be cut down by hostile power–even the palm-
tree, the well-known symbol of victory. The Christmas-tree, as has been stated, was generally at Rome a
different tree, even the fir; but the very same idea as was implied in the palm-tree was implied in the Christmas-
fir; for that covertly symbolised the new-born God as Baal-berith, * “Lord of the Covenant,” and thus shadowed
forth the perpetuity and everlasting nature of his power, not that after having fallen before his enemies, he had
risen triumphant over them all. * Baal-bereth, which differs only in one letter from Baal-berith, “Lord of the
Covenant,” signifies “Lord of the fir-tree.”

Fig. 27: The Yule Log

From MAURICE’s Indian Antiquities, vol. vi. p. 368.
Therefore, the 25th of December, the day that was observed at Rome as the day when the victorious god
reappeared on earth, was held at the Natalis invicti solis, “The birth-day of the unconquered Sun.” Now the
Yule Log is the dead stock of Nimrod, deified as the sun- god, but cut down by his enemies; the
Christmas-tree is Nimrod redivivus–the slain god come to life again. In the light reflected by the above
statement on customs that still linger among us, the
origin of which has been lost in the midst of hoar antiquity, let the reader look at the singular practice still kept
up in the South on Christmas-eve, of kissing under the mistletoe bough. That mistletoe bough in the Druidic
superstition, which, as we have seen, was derived from Babylon, was a representation of the Messiah,
“The man the branch.” The mistletoe was regarded as a divine branch *–a branch that came from
heaven, and grew upon a tree that sprung out of the earth.

* In the Scandinavian story of Balder, the mistletoe branch is distinguished from
the lamented god. The Druidic and Scandinavian myths somewhat differed; but
yet, even in the Scandinavian story, it is evident that some marvellous power was
attributed to the mistletoe branch; for it was able to do what nothing else in the
compass of creation could accomplish; it slew the
divinity on whom the Anglo-
Saxons regarded “the empire” of their “heaven” as
“depending.” Now, all that is
necessary to unravel this apparent inconsistency, is just
to understand “the
branch” that had such power, as a symbolical expression
for the true Messiah. The
Bacchus of the Greeks came evidently to be
recognised as the “seed of the
serpent “; for he is said to have been brought forth by
his mother in consequence
of intercourse with Jupiter, when that god had appeared
in the form of a serpent.
If the character of Balder was the same, the story of his
death just amounted to
this, that the “seed of the serpent” had been slain by the
“seed of the woman.”
This story, of course, must have originated with his enemies. But the idolators
took up what they could not altogether deny, evidently with the view of
explaining it away.
Thus by the engrafting of the celestial branch into the earthly tree, heaven and earth, that sin had
severed, were joined together, and thus the mistletoe bough became the token of Divine

Two Babylons pg 98
reconciliation to man, the kiss being the well-known token of pardon and reconciliation. Whence could
such an idea have come? May it not have come from the eighty-fifth Psalm, ver. 10,11,
“Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have KISSED each other. Truth shall spring out of
the earth [in consequence of the coming of the promised Saviour], and righteousness shall look down from
heaven”? Certain it is that that Psalm was written soon after the Babylonish captivity; and as multitudes of the
Jews, after that event, still remained in Babylon under the guidance of inspired men, such as Daniel, as a part of
the Divine word it must have been communicated to them, as well as to their kinsmen in Palestine. Babylon
was, at that time, the centre of the civilised world; and thus Paganism, corrupting the Divine symbol as it ever
has done, had opportunities of sending forth its debased counterfeit of the truth to all the ends of the earth,

through the Mysteries that were affiliated with the great central system in Babylon. Thus the very customs of
Christmas still existent cast surprising light at once on the revelations of grace made to all the earth, and the
efforts made by Satan and his emissaries to materialise, carnalise, and degrade them.
In many countries the boar was sacrificed to the god, for the injury a boar was fabled to have done him.
According to one version of the story of the death of Adonis, or Tammuz, it was, as we have seen, in
consequence of a wound from the tusk of a boar that he died.
Here we see a strong connection to Christmas and Hanukkah. Hanukkah is the story of an antichrist figure who
sacrificed a pig on the altar of YHWH in honor Tammuz/Bacchus. This was done on the 25th of Kislev which
occurs near the winter solstice and the time of Christmas. Hence, it makes perfect sense of Antiochus
Epiphanes to sacrifice a pig at this time in honor of his god ‘triumphing’ over the God of the Jews.
The Phrygian Attes, the beloved of Cybele, whose story was identified with that of Adonis, was fabled to have
perished in like manner, by the tusk of a boar. Therefore, Diana, who though commonly represented in popular
myths only as the huntress Diana, was in reality the great mother of the gods, has frequently the boar’s head as
her accompaniment, in token not of any mere success in the chase, but of her triumph over the grand enemy of
the idolatrous system, in which she occupied so conspicuous a place. According to Theocritus, Venus was
reconciled to the boar that
killed Adonis, because when brought in chains before her, it pleaded so pathetically that it had not killed her
husband of malice prepense, but only through accident. But yet, in memory of the
Two Babylons page 99
deed that the mystic boar had done, many a boar lost its head or was offered in sacrifice to the offended
goddess. In Smith, Diana is represented with a boar’s head lying beside her, on the top of a heap of stones, * and
in the accompanying woodcut (Fig. 28), in which the Roman Emperor Trajan is represented burning incense to
the same goddess, the boar’s head forms a very prominent figure. On Christmas-day the Continental Saxons
offered a boar in sacrifice to the Sun, to propitiate her ** for the loss of her beloved Adonis.
* SMITH’s Class. Dict., p. 112.
** The reader will remember the Sun was a goddess. Mallet says, “They offered
the largest hog they could get to Frigga”– i.e., the mother of Balder the lamented
one. In Egypt swine were offered once a year, at the feast of the Moon, to the
Moon, and Bacchus or Osiris; and to them only it was lawful to make such an
offering. (AELIAN)

Bacchus & the Fish

Two Babylons Pg 112

One of the many sacred names by which Tammuz or Nimrod was called, when he
reappeared in the Mysteries, after being slain, was Oannes. *
* BEROSUS, BUNSEN’S Egypt. To identify Nimrod with Oannes, mentioned by Berosus as appearing out
of the sea, it will be remembered that Nimrod has been proved to be Bacchus. Then, for proof that Nimrod
or Bacchus, on being overcome by his enemies, was fabled to have taken refuge in the sea, see chapter 4,

section i. When, therefore, he was represented as reappearing, it was natural that he should reappear in the very
character of Oannes as a Fish-god. Now, Jerome calls Dagon, the well known Fish-god Piscem moeroris
(BRYANT), “the fish of sorrow,” which goes far to identify that Fish-god with Bacchus, the “Lamented
one”; and the identification is complete when Hesychius tells us that some called Bacchus Ichthys, or
“The fish.”
Two Babylons pg 134
Fig. 36: Symbols of Nimrod and Baal-Berith

From BRYANT: the first figure, the divided bull, is from vol. iii. p. 303; the second, the god on the fish, from
the same vol., p. 338. The former is just another symbol of that which is represented by the mighty tree
cut asunder (see Christmas and Lady-day). That tree represented Nimrod as “the mighty one” cut in pieces
in the midst of his power and glory. The divided man-bull symbolises him as “The prince” who was cut
asunder in like manner; for the name for a prince and a bull is the same. The fish over the bull shows the
transformation he was supposed to undergo when put to death by his enemies; for the story of Melikerta, who
with his mother Ino was cast into the sea, and became a sea-god (SMITH’s Class. Dict., “Athamas,” p. 100), is
just another version of the story of Bacchus, for Ino was the foster-mother of Bacchus (SMITH, sub voce
“Dionysus,” p. 226). Now, on the second medal, Melikerta, under the name of Palaemon, isrepresented as
triumphantly riding on the fish, his sorrows being over, with the fir-tree, or pine, the emblem of Baal-
Berith, “Lord of the Covenant,” as his ensign. This, compared with what is stated … about the Christmas-
tree, shows how the fir-tree came to be recognised in the character of
the Christmas-tree. The name Ghelas above the divided bull and the fish is equivocal. As applied to the fish, it
comes from Ghela, “to exult or leap for joy,” as dolphins and such like fished do in the sea; as applied to the
divinity, whom both the fish and the bull represented, it comes from Ghela, “to reveal,” for that divinity was the
“revealer of goodness and truth” (WILKINSON, vol. iv. p. 189)., Heathen Words, “Jesus”:
The common abbreviation for Iesous was IHS, which is found on many inscriptions of the “Church.” IHS was
the mystery name of Bacchus, aka Tammuz. Both were known as “The Fish” god. Jesus was also associated
with fish, and thus his name was used synonymously — Jesus/Iesous/Ichthus (fish)., Chapter Five …Something Fishy… (5-3-02):
IHS is a mystic surname of Bacchus: I(ota) = Iacchus; H(eta) = Helios, the sun; S(sigma) = son or incarnation of

the sun.”[25] … All major dictionaries and reference works recognize that “IHS” is shortened from of the name
“IHSOUS”–the name commonly attributed to the Messiah. However, it has been learned that “IHS” was a
hidden or mysterious surname for the mythical god Bacchus. Bacchus was known as a sun-deity who also had
the symbol of the “Tau cross” as well as the Fish symbol and was also recognized by many of the classical
writers as Tammuz, the youthful returning sun-deity. … Now that brings us again to the fish story. Bacchus was
also called the ICHTHUS, or the Fish.
Dagon mark of the beast connection
1Sa 5:4 And they rose early in the morning on the next day; and, behold! Dagon had fallen on its face to
the earth before the ark of YHWH, and the head of Dagon, and the two palms of its hands, were cut off at
the threshold. Only the flat (fishy) part had been left to him.
“Out of (the) deluge emerged DAGON, the fish-god, or GOD OF THE SEA… In the secret mysteries… they
sought to regain their influence and power by scenic representation… of the flood, in which NOAH was
introduced under the name DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 243-44)
In the mystery religions, both the forehead and hands were tattooed during the initiation rites. (Reason for
Dagon’s hands and head cut off)
Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the
woman sitteth.
Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when
he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into
The following comes from Barbara Aho's website 'Watch Unto Prayer'. Her research has been very valuable in
regards to this subject matter. I highly recommend her studies.
“Horus I represents the soul of life, which came by water to a dried up world… Here the FISH…was a sign of
his incorporation in matter… Horus came by water as Ichtus the FISH before there was a boat or Ark… The
inundation (of the Nile) was the source of the life of Egypt. It was her annual salvation, and Horus…the Fish-
man, was her Saviour.” (Churchward, p. 420-21)
“In Babylon, Capricorn symbolized the dual life of Ea, a god often shown walking in a great FISH-SHAPED
cloak with the head of a FISH over his own head… It was said to have come from the OCEAN to teach men
how to live.”
“In the great Assyrian temple of Assur…stood a large stone ritual basin dedicated to the god OANNES…
Flanking him are 4 FISH-CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 243) In an etching of “Assyria, 7th century BCE: FISH-
CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 245)”

Notice the
top of the
hat on this
being. It
is half of
the star of
“DAGON…under the name ‘MITHRA’, was worshipped.” (Hislop, p. 264)
“In Mythraic mysteries, SATURN was the Sun God.” (Springmeier, p. 160, quoting Manly P. Hall)
“Jerome calls DAGON…fish of sorrow which goes far to identify that Fish-god with Bacchus.” (Hislop, p. 114)
One is – Imperial Rome
“SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the
country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saturn,” p. 231)
One is yet to come – Papal Rome
“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began
to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215) One is –
Imperial Rome
“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began
to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
Eighth Beast – World Kingdom
“The religion of SATURN…
teaches…the RETURN OF THE
(Springmeier, p. 160-61)
“The Merovingian dynasty – male
line (are) descendants of the
FISHER KINGS.” (Gardner, p.
“Between the 5th and 7th
centuries the MEROVINGIANS
ruled large parts of … France and
Germany… The ruler from whom
the Merovingians derived their name is…Merovee…a semi-supernatural figure worthy of classical MYTH…
His name… echoes the French word of…SEA…Merovee’s mother supposedly went swimming in the OCEAN.

In the water she is said to have been seduced and/or raped by… a BEAST OF NEPTUNE.” (Biagent, p. 396)

Here we see the hexagram is associated with the beast from the sea…

Illustration 8: Coat of Arms of

Rennes-le-Chateau (Merovingian
castle) (Baigent, p. 396)”
Ivy & heart symbols

Illustration 9: Helmeted head of Athena on the

left, on the right an ivy leaf

Two Babylons pg 133
The reader will remember that Jupiter, as “Jupiter puer,” or
“Jupiter the boy,” was worshipped in the arms of the goddess
Fortuna, just as Ninus was worshipped in the arms of the
Babylonian goddess, or Horus in the arms of Isis (see Ch. II,
Section II). Moreover, Cupid, who, as being the son of Jupiter,
is Vejovis – that is, as we learn from Ovid (vol. iii. p. 179, in a
Note to Fasti, lib. iii. v. 408), “Young Jupiter” – is
represented, as in the above cut, not only with the wine-cup
of Bacchus, but with the Ivy garland, the distinctive mark of
the same divinity, around him.

Illustration 10: Fig. 35: Cupid with Wine-Cup

and Ivy Garland of BacchusFrom Pompeii, vol.
ii. p. 150.

Two Babylons pg 172From MOOR’s Pantheon, Plate 11, Fig.

The veneration of the “sacred heart” seems also to have
extended to India, for there Vishnu, the Mediatorial god, in one
of his forms, with the mark of the wound in his foot, in
consequence of which he died, and for which such lamentation
is annually made, is represented as wearing a heart suspended
on his breast It is asked, How came it that the “Heart” became
the recognised symbol of the Child of the great Mother? The
answer is, “The Heart” in Chaldee is “BEL”; and as, at first,
after the check given to idolatry, almost all the most important
elements of the Chaldean system were introduced under a veil,
so under that veil they continued to be shrouded from the gaze
of the uninitiated, after the first reason–the reason of fear–had
long ceased to operate. Now, the worship of the “Sacred
Heart” was just, under a symbol, the worship of the
“Sacred Bel,” that mighty one of Babylon, who had died a
martyr for idolatry; for Harpocrates, or Horus, the infant god,
was regarded as Bel, born again. That this was in very deed the
case, the following extract from Taylor, in one of his notes to
his translation of the Orphic Hymns, will show. “While
Bacchus,” says he, was “beholding himself” with
admiration “in a mirror, he was miserably torn to pieces by
the Titans, who, not content with this cruelty,first boiled his

members in water, and afterwards roasted them in the fire; but while they were tasting his flesh thus dressed,
Jupiter, excited by the steam, and perceiving the cruelty of the deed, hurled his thunder at the Titans, but
committed his members to Apollo, the brother of
page 172
Bacchus, that they might be properly interred. And this being performed, Dionysius [i.e., Bacchus], (whose
HEART, during his laceration, was snatched away by Minerva and preserved) by a new REGENERATION,
again emerged, and he being restored to his pristine life and integrity, afterwards filled up the number of the
gods.” This surely shows, in a striking light, the peculiar sacredness of the heart of Bacchus; and that the
regeneration of his heart has the very meaning I have attached to it–viz., the new birth or new
incarnation of Nimrod or Bel.*
*The Christmas tree is a symbol of the resurrection/regeneration of Nimrod and so is the heart symbol.
When Bel, however was born again as a child, he was, as we have seen, represented as an incarnation of the
sun. Therefore, to indicate his connection with the fiery and burning sun, the “sacred heart” was frequently
represented as a “heart of flame.” So the “Sacred Heart” of Rome is actually worshipped as a flaming heart, as
may be seen on the rosaries devoted to that worship.
Of what use, then, is it to say that the “Sacred Heart” which Rome worships is called by the name of
“Jesus,” when not only is the devotion given to a material image borrowed from the worship of the
Babylonian Antichrist, but when the attributes ascribed to that “Jesus” are not the attributes of the living
and loving Saviour, but the genuine attributes of the ancient Moloch or Bel?
The heart represents the throne of Elohim. The Temple of YHWH was a representation of the human body,
where the human heart corresponds to the ark of the covenant.
In the book of Revelation (Chapter 4) John is shown a vision of the Throne of Elohim. Around the throne and
the 4 living creatures are 24 elders (Revelation 4:4) representing the 24 ribs surrounding the human heart. From
the heart blood is pumped to the Lungs. As seen in Genesis 1:2-5 (1), the etymology of the English word
‘Lung’ traces back to the meaning of Light. In our bodies our lungs have 7 vascular bundles called nodes.
These represent the 7 Spirits of Elohim (Revelation 4:5; Isaiah 11:1-3). These 7 Spirits/Ruach/Breathe are
pictured in the earthly Tabernacle/Temple by the Menorah. The Menorah is a picture of the Tree of Life. The
Light of the world.
Rev 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are
burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;
This is where the man of sin seeks to be enthroned (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Tree of Life vs the Tree of knowledge
The ivy symbol points to the tree of knowledge which is a counterfeit of the tree of life. Messiah is the vine we
are the branches…this points back to the Menorah, a picture of the body of Messiah. Hence, the ivy symbol is a
picture of the antichrist and his body where he desires to sit in the temple of Elohim (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Psa 80:14 O God of Hosts, we beg You, return! Look down from Heaven and see and visit this vine,
Psa 80:15 and the vineyard (kannah ‫ )*** כנה‬which Your right hand has planted, and on the son (KJV
branch) You made strong for Yourself.
***In the Hebrew text this word has an enlarged kaf which represents the palm of the hand.

The palm of the hand points to the Word.

The human hand has 27 bones: the carpus or wrist account for 8; the
metacarpals or palm contains five; the remaining fourteen are digital bones;
fingers and thumb. The 27 bones of the hand correspond to the 27 books of
the New Testament. The human arm consists of the humerus, ulna and
radius representing the Torah, the Prophets and the Writings (TaNaKH).
Psa 80:16 It is burned with fire, cut down; they perish at the rebuke of
Your face.
Psa 80:17 Let Your hand be on the man of Your right hand; on the son
of man whom You have made strong for Yourself.
On a deeper level, our bodies are also pictures by books.
Psa 40:7 Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume of the book it is written
of me,

‘Tome’ is the root of the word anatomy

In the same passage of Scripture mentioned above in reference to Messiah, it speaks of the body being given to
Heb 10:5 For this reason, coming into the world, He says, “Sacrifice and offering You did not desire, but
You prepared a body for Me.
Heb 10:6 You did not delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices concerning sins.”
Heb 10:7 “Then I said, Lo, I come, in the heading*** of the Book (Biblion) it was written concerning Me,
to do Your will, O God.” LXX-Psa. 39:7 -9; MT-Psa. 40:6 -8
Thayer Definition:
1) a little head
2) the highest part, extremity of anything
2a) as the capital of a column

2b) the tips or knobs of the wooden rod around which parchments were rolled were called by this word,
because they resembled little heads
3) the Alexandrian writers transferred the name to the roll or volume itself
3a) in the roll of the book
Part of Speech: noun feminine
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G2776
In Hebrew this word is ‘megillah’ which is also related to the ‘head’. The word golgolet (Golgotha/skull)
comes from this same root in Hebrew meaning round. The word ‘megillah’ is related to the Hebrew word
‘galgal’ (circle) which has the gematria of 66, referring back to the 66 books of the Word.
The word for ‘chapter’, also means a ‘head’ from the Latin capitulum.
Traditionally, Torah scrolls were treated like living beings. They were clothed and when they wore out they
were buried. The armor worn by a man (specifically speaking of Messiah) as mentioned in Isaiah 59:13;
Ephesians 6:11 corresponds with the clothing of a Torah Scroll. The Armor of Elohim is linked with baptism in
Messiah Armor of Elohim(1)

The word in Greek for armor is ‘panoplia’ which is used to translate the Hebrew
word ‘chalatz’ in the Septuagint

Going back to the word anatomy, as seen above it used to be a synonymous word
with ‘skeleton.’

Notice that the word skeleton traces back to the meaning of ‘dried up.’ This links to the current study through
the word for ‘dry land’ (yabesh). Interestingly, the body of Messiah is likened to dry bones ‫העצמות היבשות‬
in Ezekiel 37 which is resurrected and brought back to the land of Israel.
The word for bone in Hebrew comes from the word ‫ עץ‬meaning a tree…it is no coincidence that Ezekiel 37
speaks of bones in reference to the resurrected body of Messiah and then speaks of 2 trees becoming one in
reference to His body.
There are 206 bones in the human skeleton.


Here are a few times that the gematria of 206 is seen in the Scriptures. Notice the connections to the
current study.

The etymology of the word codex comes from a block of wood.

In the 5th century, Isidore of Seville explained the relation between codex, book and scroll in his Etymologiae
(VI.13): “A codex is composed of many books; a book is of one scroll. It is called codex by way of metaphor
from the trunks (codex) of trees or vines, as if it were a wooden stock, because it contains in itself a multitude of
books, as it were of branches.”
Those who are reborn in Messiah will be in His image. Walking Torah Scrolls.
2Co 3:3 it having been made plain that you are Christ’s letter, served by us, not having been inscribed by
ink, but by the Spirit of the living God, not in tablets of stone, but in fleshly tablets of the heart.
The word for letter above is the Greek word Epistole (Epistle) which comes from the Hebrew word ‫אגרת‬. In
Hebrew ‫ אגר‬means to gather and the letter tav means the cross/covenant. 2 Corinthians 3:3 describes the New
covenant (Jeremiah 31:31; Hebrews 8:8; 10:16; Ezekiel 11:16-20; 36:26) Interestingly, ‫ אגר‬comes from the
root ‫ גר‬which literally means a ‘walking man.’ It is translated as a sojourner, traveler, and as a stranger
(Genesis 17:8; 47:9; Leviticus 25:23; Psalm 39:12; 1 Peter 2:11; 1:17; Hebrews 11:9, 13-16; 13:14).
Interestingly, the word for ink in 2 Corinthians 3 is from the Greek word melan
Thayer Definition:

1) ink
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from G3189 as noun
This is the root word for ‘melanin’, that which is found in the skin which brings forth the various colors.
Who is the one that writes on the hearts of the living epistles with the ink of the Spirit? Messiah, who is putting
the Mark of YHWH on the foreheads of the righteous. Notice here that the man with the inkhorn is one among
Eze 9:2 And, behold, six men were coming from the way of the Upper Gate, which faces north. And each
had his shattering weapon in his hand. And one man among them was clothed in linen, and an ink horn
of a scribe at his loins. And they went in and stood beside the bronze altar.
Eze 9:3 And the glory of the God of Israel had gone on, from on the cherub where it was on it, to the
threshold of the house. And He called to the man clothed in linen with the ink horn of a scribe at his loins.
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark a mark on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the abominations
that are done in her midst.
Here we see an inkhorn instead of a sword. This links with the armor of Elohim mentioned above as the Word
is the Sword of the Spirit. (Ephesians 6:17; Hebrew 4:12).
Going even deep into this connection between men and books is DNA.

Ark of the Covenant – DNA – Jacob’s Pillar

On a deeper level, there are connections between the ark of the covenant and Jacob’s pillar & DNA (1).
The ladder
Gen 28:11 And he came on a place and stayed the night there, for the sun had gone. And he took stones
of the place and placed them at his head; and he lay down in that place.
Gen 28:12 And he dreamed. And, behold, a ladder was placed on the earth, its top reaching to the
heavens. And, behold, the angels of God were going up and going down on it!
Gen 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, How fearful is this place! This is nothing except the house of
God, and this is the door to Heaven.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob started up early in the morning and took the stone which he had placed at his
head, and he placed it as a pillar; and he poured oil on the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place, The House of God {Bethel}. And yet the name of the city
was at first Luz.
The ladder = Messiah
Joh 1:51 And He says to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, From now on you will see Heaven opened, and
“the angels of God ascending and descending” on the Son of Man.
Messiah Yahshua = the Word
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.


DNA – Ladder
DNA & Language (1)
Nucleotide Character (Letter)
Codon Letter
Gene Word
Operon Sentence
Regulon Paragraph
DNA Book
Simplified it could be said
Nucleotide bases Letters
Codons Words
Genes Sentences
Book DNA
DNA is a message from Elohim. The DNA
molecule is just the carrier. Similar to the Torah.
The Torah is YHWH…the scrolls and books on
which it is written is the carrier.
As George Williams puts it: “The gene is a
package of information, not an object. The
pattern of base pairs in a DNA molecule specifies
the gene. But the DNA molecule is the medium,
it’s not the message”
The DNA molecule is the instruction manual for
the forming of amino acids which are made are
the structural elements of proteins that turn into
the biochemical units that drive all biological
processes. There are only 22 amino acids found
in proteins. Certain proteins are called enzymes.
They are catalysts (agents that are necessary for a
reaction to occur but are not themselves changed
in the process); others are called structural
proteins which help to build cells and tissues.
If DNA can be thought of as the language of life,
then the four bases can be seen as letters and the
codons as arrangements of letters, or words. But
like English, DNA’s language is more than words. Some codons function as punctuation marks, containing
instructions to stop or start manufacturing a protein. This chemically simple yet stunningly complex DNA
molecule dictates not only what proteins the organism will be made of, but how these proteins are to be
We have seen that one codon contains the instructions for one amino acid, and that sequences of codons specify
the production of proteins. Groups of codons that have been arranged in “grammatically” correct sentences to
form specific proteins are called “genes”.

DNA contains all the information needed to perpetuate life. This information builds in complexity from
nucleotides to codons to genes, ultimately giving the complete text to form the body.

His body = the Temple

Joh 2:19 Jesus said to them, Destroy this sanctuary, and in three days I will raise it up.
Joh 2:20 Then the Jews said, This sanctuary was forty six years being built, and do You raise it up in
three days?
Joh 2:21 But He spoke about the sanctuary of His body.
The Temple/Tabernacle = the Body
Exo 25:8 And let them make a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell in their midst.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
The Holy of Holies contained the
ark of the covenant which had the
Word within. Our cells contain
our DNA which is a physical
picture of that Word.
The Olive tree = His Body = the
Romans 11:16 the Root of the
Olive Tree = Messiah
Rom 11:16 Now if the firstfruit
is holy, so also the lump. And if
the root is holy, so also the
Isa 6:13 But yet in it shall be a tenth, and it shall return, and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, and as an oak,
whose substance{H4678matstsebeth a monumental stone; also the stock of a tree: – pillar, substance.} is in
them, when they cast their leaves: so the holy seed(Gal 3:16) shall be the substance(H4678 ROOT) thereof.
Gen 28:10 And Jacob went out from Beersheba, and went toward Haran.
Gen 28:11 And he lighted upon a certain place, and tarried there all night, because the sun was set; and
he took of the stones of that place, and put them for his pillows, and lay down in that place to sleep.
Gen 28:12 And he dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven:
and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.
Gen 28:16 And Jacob awaked out of his sleep, and he said, Surely the LORD is in this place; and I knew
it not.
Gen 28:17 And he was afraid, and said, How dreadful is this place! this is none other but the house of
God, and this is the gate of heaven.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,

and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz* at the first.
Gen 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go,
and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,
Gen 28:21 So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:
Gen 28:22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt
give me I will surely give the tenth {Isaiah 6:13} unto thee.
*Luz is linked to the spinal column, as mentioned above in connection with ‘Kundalini.’
In My Flesh I see God pg 179
“Relates the Midrash: The Roman emperor Hadrian once asked Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, ‘From which
part of the body will God make man sprout forth when the dead are revived?’
He replied, ‘From the luz bone of the spinal column.’”
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Mat 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of
God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Eph 2:19 Now therefore ye are no more strangers and foreigners, but fellowcitizens with the saints, and
of the household of God;
Eph 2:20 And are built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the
chief corner stone;
Eph 2:21 In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:
Eph 2:22 In whom ye also are builded together for an habitation of God through the Spirit.
This is interesting to note. Jacob’s pillar is connected with the ladder to Heaven. Messiah applies this to
Himself. The ladder also points to DNA within our bodies which is the ‘word’ that creates our bodies. Messiah
is the Word made flesh who is the olive tree/tree of life which we can be grafted into through faith. He is the
body, we are members of that body through faith. He is the Temple, we are the stones of the building by faith.
Satan seeks to be like the Most High {Isaiah 14} and is the great counterfeiter. Hence, he wants a false Olive
tree/tree of knowledge of good and evil. He wants a false temple. A ‘false’ body. A corrupted body. A false
Israel. A corruption of DNA/the word.

Bacchus and the cross

Two Babylons Pg 178-179
The cross thus widely worshipped, or regarded as a sacred emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of
Bacchus, the Babylonian Messiah, for he was represented with a head-band covered with crosses (See Fig.
45). This symbol of the Babylonian god is reverenced at this day in all the wide wastes of Tartary, where

page 179
prevails, and the way in which it is represented among them forms a striking commentary on the language
applied by Rome to the Cross. “The cross,” says Colonel Wilford, in the Asiatic Researches, “though not an
object of worship among the Baud’has or Buddhists, is a favourite emblem and device among them. It is exactly
the cross of the Manicheans, with leaves and flowers springing from it. This cross, putting forth leaves and
flowers (and fruit also, as I am told), is called the divine tree, the tree of the gods, the tree of life and
knowledge, and productive
of whatever is good and desirable, and is placed in the terrestrial paradise.” (Fig. 46). Compare this with the
language of Rome applied to the cross, and it will be seen how exact is the coincidence. In the Office of the
Cross, it is called the “Tree of life,” and the worshippers are taught thus to address it: “Hail, O Cross, triumphal
wood, true salvation of the world, among trees there is none like thee in leaf, flower, and bud…O Cross, our
only hope, increase righteousness to the godly and pardon the offences of the guilty.”

Bacchus Saturn connection

Two Babylons Page 243
As Mystery signifies the Hidden system,
so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *
* In the Litany of the Mass, the
worshippers are taught thus to pray: “God
and my Saviour, have mercy upon us.”
(M’GAVIN’S Protestant) Whence can this
invocation of the “God Hidden” have
come, but from the ancient worship of
Saturn, the “Hidden God”? As the Papacy
has canonised the Babylonian god by the
name of St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus,
the “martyr,” so by this very name of
“Satur” is he also enrolled in the calendar;
for March 29th is the festival of “St.
Satur,” the martyr. (CHAMBER’S Book of Days)
To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee
is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus–Stur. This
name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:–
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope, as head of the

Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the original name of Rome
itself was Saturnia, “the city of Saturn.” This is vouched alike by Ovid, by Pliny, and by Aurelius Victor. Thus,
then, the Pope has a double claim to the name and number of the beast. He is the only legitimate representative
of the original Saturn at this day in existence, and he reigns in the very city of the seven hills where the Roman
Saturn formerly reigned; and, from his residence in which, the whole of Italy was “long after called by his
being commonly named “the Saturnian land.” But what bearing, it may be said, has this upon the name Lateinos
{see Chapter 2 666}, which is commonly believed to be the “name of the beast”? Much. It proves that the
common opinion is thoroughly well-founded. Saturn and Lateinos are just synonymous, having precisely the
same meaning, and belonging equally to the same god. The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil,
which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin race traced back their lineage, was represented with
a glory around his head, to show that he was a “child of the Sun.” Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular
opinion, the original Lateinos hadoccupied the very same position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was
equally worshipped as the “offspring of the Sun.” Moreover, it is evident that the Romans knew that the name
“Lateinos” signifies the “Hidden One,” for their antiquarians invariably affirm that Latium received its name
from Saturn “lying hid” there. On etymological grounds, then, even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos
is equivalent to the “Hidden One”; that is, to Saturn, the “god
of Mystery.” *
* Latium Latinus (the Roman form of the Greek Lateinos), and Lateo, “to lie hid,” all alike come from the
Chaldee “Lat,” which has the same meaning. The name “lat,” or the hidden one, had evidently been given, as
well as Saturn, to the great Babylonian god. This is evident from the name of the fish Latus, which was
worshipped along with the Egyptian Minerva, in the city of Latopolis in Egypt,
now Esneh (WILKINSON), that fish Latus evidently just being another name for
the fish-god Dagon. We have seen that Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus; and the
Assyrian goddess Atergatis, with her son Ichthys is said to have been cast into the lake of Ascalon. That the sun-
god Apollo had been known under the name of Lat, may be inferred from the Greek name of his mother-wife
Leto, or in Doric, Lato, which is just the feminine of Lat. The Roman name
Latona confirms this, for it signifies “The lamenter of Lat,” as Bellona signifies
“The lamenter of Bel.” The Indian god Siva, who, as we have seen, is sometimes
represented as a child at the breast of its mother, and has the same bloody
character as Moloch, or the Roman Saturn, is called by this very name, as may be
seen from the following verse made in reference to the image found in his
celebrated temple at Somnaut:


The symbol was later used by Christians as a symbol of the Trinity. This
appropriation was particularly easy because the triquetra conveniently

incorporated three shapes that could be interpreted as Christian Ιχθς (Ichthus/fish) symbols
Another form of the triquetra is the Fleur De Lis
the Fleur de Lis is a symbol of the Priory of Sion which points back to the
Merovingian (beast from the sea) bloodline seen above.

The triquetra a symbol of the Saturnian/Golden age/Aquarian age?

Rosicrucian, Masonic, Dionysian connection
Holy Blood, Holy Grail pg 185
“In the late eighteenth century, when different Masonic systems were proliferating wildly, the so-called Oriental
Rite of Memphis made its appearance. In this rite the name Ormus occurred, to our knowledge, for the first
time- the name allegedly adopted by the Prieure de Sion between 1188 and 1307. According to the Oriental
Rite of Memphis, Ormus was an Egyptian sage who, around A.D. 46, amalgamated pagan and Christian
mysteries and, in so doing, founded the Rose-Croix.“
Footnote 26 “The underlying legend of the rite was that it descended from the Dionysian and Egyptian
mysteries. The sage Ormus is said to have combined the mysteries of Christianity to produce the original Rose-
The main symbols of the Rosicrucians is the rose and the cross. The cross is a symbol
of Bacchus that is linked to the mark of the beast and will be discussed in more detail in
the next chapter… along with the Rosicrucian order and the Merovingian bloodline
which is also linked to the mark of the beast.
The rose is a symbol of secrecy or mystery. This links back to Saturn…
Bacchus….mystery 666.

I.H.S. Bacchus Connection

Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary: Ia-Iz:,
Iao (Gnostic) A three-letter mystery-name, parallel in one sense with the Sanskrit
pranava, and reminiscent of triune deities represented by a triplicity of sounds. It
occurs in many variations: Io, the Grecian moon goddess; Iaho, Jevo, Jehovah, and
other Hebraic forms; Iaso, the possible origin of the name Jesus; Iacchos, the
Bacchus of the Mysteries. It is at once threefold, fourfold, and sevenfold in
meaning. I. H. S. Well-known Christian monogram, taken as being the initials of
Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus Savior of Men); and the first three letters of the
Greek Iesous ({Greek char}, Jesus). It is also a monogram representative of
Dionysos used in the Mysteries. As a Latin abbreviation, having mystic
significance, it means acrostically, In hoc signo victor eris (in this sign thou shalt be
God or Goddess? Christian Symbols, “The Cross”:
As with the cross and the labarum, so it is with many other Christian symbols. They are borrowed from
paganism. The insignia on the walls of the Temple of Bacchus in Rome was a Roman cross and I H S—the three
mystical letters to this day retained in Christian churches, and falsely supposed to stand for Jesus hominum
salvator—Jesus mankind’s saviour. Christian women who work this sign on altar cloths for their churches little
think that they are working a pagan sign. The same monogram was that of the heathen sun god Bacchus.

139, Words with
Heathen Origins in the Scriptures, “Jesus”:
The Greek abbreviation for Iesous is IHS, which is found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the
Middle Ages. IHS was the mystery name of Bacchus (Tammuz), another Sun-deity.
THEOSOPHY, Vol. 25, No. 5, March, 1937, (Pages 197-207), (Number 12 of a 29-part series): GREAT
“Constantine, the first Christian Emperor … Constantine’s conversion to Christianity, as the result of a psychic
vision, is described by Eusebius, who was his close friend and companion as well as his famous biographer. On
the night before his final battle with Maxentius, who had denounced him as a usurper to the throne, Constantine
appealed to his own god for help. According to Eusebius,
While he was praying with fervent entreaty, a most marvelous sign appeared in the heavens, the account of
which, related by any other person, would be difficult of belief. But since the victorious Emperor himself
declared it to the writer of this history, and confirmed his statement with an oath, who could hesitate to credit it?
He said that when the sun was beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a Cross of
blazing light, with this inscription: “I. H. S. In this sign thou shalt conquer.” (Vita Constantin.)(Vita

On the following night Constantine had another psychic vision. This time the figure of Christ himself appeared,
wearing the same cross that Constantine had seen the night before. Constantine declared that on this occasion
Christ spoke to him, telling him to place this cross on his battle flag and to march against Maxentius with
full assurance of victory. Constantine obeyed, and Maxentius was defeated. In adopting this symbol —
henceforth placed upon the Imperial banner and carried at the head of the army in its conquest for Christ and the
Church — Constantine added two more pagan symbols to Christianity. For the long lance crossed at right
angles by a staff was the ancient sign of Osiris, and the letters I. H. S. one of the names of Bacchus.
Constantine was a picture of the antichrist who did many of the same things as Antiochus Ephiphanes but
Constantine did it more subvertly.”

Notice the Bacchus symbology on
the sarcophagus of Constantine’s
daughter. The ivy, the wine, the
cupid like figures…also notice
the intertwining serpent and the
pine cones coming out of the head
of figure on the top. The
intertwining serpent and the pine
cone are symbols for the ‘god
man’ and ‘evolution’ of DNA .

Illustration 11: Illustration 11: Early Christian and Byzantine Art, Beckwith,
1979, pp. 29-30, “Early Christian Art: Rome and the Legacy of the
Caesars”:P. 30, illustration 14, “Vintage scenes”

Maccabees & Chanukkah

In the midst of Jeremiah 10 we read:
Jer 10:6 There is none like You, O YHWH; You are great, and Your name is great in might.
This is a direct reference to Revelation 15 and those who overcome the mark of the beast. ‘Who is like thee’ is a
reference back to the Maccabees who overcame the mark of the beast in their day. The name Maccabee is an
acronym for mi kamokah b’elim YHWH {who is like you among the gods YHWH}…which comes from Exodus
15. The song of Moshe and the song of the Lamb. Interesting also that Jeremiah 10 is the chapter which
speaks of not putting a ‘christmas tree’ in your house.
Messiah Yahshua refers to this time of the Maccabees as a foreshadowing of the end of days.
Mat 24:15 When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)
Mat 24:16 Then let them which be in Judaea flee into the mountains:
Lamsa Aramaic translation

Mat 24:15 When you see the sign of the refuse of desolation, as spoken by the prophet Daniel,
accumulating in the holy place, whoever reads will understand it.
Etheridge Aramaic translation
Mat 24:15 But when you see the unclean sign of desolation which was spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
that it standeth in the holy place; – he who readeth let him understand!
1Ma 1:59 Now the five and twentieth day of the month they did sacrifice upon the idol altar, which was
upon the altar of God.
1Ma 1:60 At which time according to the commandment they put to death certain women, that had
caused their children to be circumcised.
1Ma 1:61 And they hanged the infants about their necks, and rifled their houses, and slew them that had
circumcised them.
1Ma 1:62 Howbeit many in Israel were fully resolved and confirmed in themselves not to eat any unclean
1Ma 1:63 Wherefore the rather to die, that they might not be defiled with meats, and that they might not
profane the holy covenant: so then they died.
1Ma 1:64 And there was very great wrath upon Israel.
2Ma 5:11 Now when this that was done came to the king’s car, he thought that Judea had revolted:
whereupon removing out of Egypt in a furious mind, he took the city by force of arms,
2Ma 5:12 And commanded his men of war not to spare such as they met, and to slay such as went up
upon the houses.*
*Messiah specifically warned us not to do this in Matthew 24
2Ma 5:13 Thus there was killing of young and old, making away of men, women, and children, slaying of
virgins and infants.
1Ma 2:27 And Mattathias cried throughout the city with a loud voice, saying, Whosoever is zealous of the
law, and maintaineth the covenant, let him follow me.
1Ma 2:28 So he and his sons fled into the mountains, and left all that ever they had in the city.
1Ma 2:29 Then many that sought after justice and judgment went down into the wilderness, to dwell
Antiochus, a picture of the antichrist, destroyed the Temple service, and forbid Israel from keeping the Torah
1Ma 1:20 And after that Antiochus had smitten Egypt, he returned again in the hundred forty and third
year, and went up against Israel and Jerusalem with a great multitude,
1Ma 1:21 And entered proudly into the sanctuary, and took away the golden altar, and the candlestick of
light, and all the vessels thereof,
1Ma 1:22 And the table of the shewbread, and the pouring vessels, and the vials. and the censers of gold,
and the veil, and the crown, and the golden ornaments that were before the temple, all which he pulled
1Ma 1:23 He took also the silver and the gold, and the precious vessels: also he took the hidden treasures
which he found.

1Ma 1:24 And when he had taken all away, he went into his own land, having made a great massacre,
and spoken very proudly.
1Ma 1:41 Moreover king Antiochus wrote to his whole kingdom, that all should be one people,
1Ma 1:42 And every one should leave his laws: so all the heathen agreed according to the commandment
of the king.
1Ma 1:43 Yea, many also of the Israelites consented to his religion, and sacrificed unto idols, and
profaned the sabbath.
1Ma 1:44 For the king had sent letters by messengers unto Jerusalem and the cities of Juda that they
should follow the strange laws of the land,
1Ma 1:45 And forbid burnt offerings, and sacrifice, and drink offerings, in the temple; and that they
should profane the sabbaths and festival days:
1Ma 1:46 And pollute the sanctuary and holy people:
1Ma 1:47 Set up altars, and groves, and chapels of idols, and sacrifice swine’s flesh, and unclean beasts:
1Ma 1:48 That they should also leave their children uncircumcised, and make their souls abominable
with all manner of uncleanness and profanation:
1Ma 1:49 To the end they might forget the law, and change all the ordinances.
1Ma 1:50 And whosoever would not do according to the commandment of the king, he said, he should

BDB Definition:
1) dedication, consecration
Hanukkah is a replay of the Feast of Sukkot. Sukkot is a picture of the Kingdom of Heaven where the Most
High dwells among His people. Hanukkah was a time where the false kingdom of Antiochus and the
perversion/corruption of the Temple was ended.
Sukkot (1) & Hanukkah
2Ma 1:7 What time as Demetrius reigned, in the hundred threescore and ninth year, we the Jews wrote
unto you in the extremity of trouble that came upon us in those years, from the time that Jason and his
company revolted from the holy land and kingdom,
2Ma 1:8 And burned the porch, and shed innocent blood: then we prayed unto the Lord, and were
heard; we offered also sacrifices and fine flour, and lighted the lamps, and set forth the loaves.
2Ma 1:9 And now see that ye keep the feast of tabernacles in the month Casleu.

2Ma 1:18 Therefore whereas we are now purposed to keep the purification of the temple upon the five
and twentieth day of the month Casleu, we thought it necessary to certify you thereof, that ye also might
keep it, as the feast of the tabernacles, and of the fire, which was given us when Neemias offered sacrifice,
after that he had builded the temple and the altar.
2Ma 10:1 Now Maccabeus and his company, the Lord guiding them, recovered the temple and the city:
2Ma 10:2 But the altars which the heathen had built in the open street, and also the chapels, they pulled
2Ma 10:3 And having cleansed the temple they made another altar, and striking stones they took fire out
of them, and offered a sacrifice after two years, and set forth incense, and lights, and shewbread.
2Ma 10:4 When that was done, they fell flat down, and besought the Lord that they might come no more
into such troubles; but if they sinned any more against him, that he himself would chasten them with
mercy, and that they might not be delivered unto the blasphemous and barbarous nations.
2Ma 10:5 Now upon the same day that the strangers profaned the temple, on the very same day it was
cleansed again, even the five and twentieth day of the same month, which is Casleu.
2Ma 10:6 And they kept the eight days with gladness, as in the feast of the tabernacles, remembering
that not long afore they had held the feast of the tabernacles, when as they wandered in the mountains
and dens like beasts.
2Ma 10:7 Therefore they bare branches, and fair boughs, and palms also, and sang psalms unto him that
had given them good success in cleansing his place.
2Ma 10:8 They ordained also by a common statute and decree, That every year those days should be
kept of the whole nation of the Jews.
2Ma 10:9 And this was the end of Antiochus, called Epiphanes.
As seen in the above verses, Hanukkah is a replay of Sukkot. Christmas is a counterfeit Sukkot. Christmas is
the celebration of the birthday of the false Messiah, whereas Sukkot was the actually time that Yahshua
ha’Moshiach was born. Sukkot & Hanukkah are both called the festival of lights. Christmas is known for the
beautiful lights on the houses of those who celebrate it. This custom traces back to putting candles in windows
to invite the pagan gods into your home. And on and on it goes…these holidays are wedding rehearsals. The
Biblical feasts are rehearsals for the wedding with Messiah Yahshua and seal the mark of YHWH on us.
Christmas, Easter etc are wedding rehearsals for the wedding of the antichrist and seal the mark of the beast on
Image of Nebuchadnezzar
Dan 3:1 Nebuchadnezzar the king made an image of gold, whose height was threescore cubits (60), and
the breadth thereof six cubits: he set it up in the plain of Dura, in the province of Babylon.
Dan 3:2 Then Nebuchadnezzar the king sent to gather together the princes, the governors, and the
captains, the judges, the treasurers, the counsellors, the sheriffs, and all the rulers of the provinces, to
come to the dedication (chanukah) of the image which Nebuchadnezzar the king had set up.
Interesting that the image of Nebuchadnezzar, which is a foreshadow of the image in Revelation 13 is associated
with the word Chanukah…Nebuchadnezzar, and in specific the image he made (Daniel 3) point directly to the
beast and the image of the beast.

Chanukah and Messiah
Joh 10:22 And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter.
Joh 10:23 And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon’s porch.
Joh 10:24 Then came the Jews round about him, and said unto him, How long dost thou make us to
doubt? If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Joh 10:25 Jesus answered them, I told you, and ye believed not: the works that I do in my Father’s name,
they bear witness of me.
Joh 10:26 But ye believe not, because ye are not of my sheep, as I said unto you.
Joh 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
Yahshua is referring here to earlier in the chapter where He speaks of the true Shepherd versus the thief. Here
again is the association between the true Messiah versus the false Messiah.
Joh 10:1 Truly, truly, I say to you, The one not entering through the door into the sheepfold, but going up
by another way, that one is a thief and a plunderer.
Joh 10:2 But the one entering through the door is the shepherd of the sheep.
Joh 10:3 The doorkeeper opens to him, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name,
and leads them out.
Joh 10:4 And when he puts forth his own sheep, he goes in front of them, and the sheep follow him
because they know his voice.*
The sheep follow Him…they walk with Him. Interesting that Enoch is known for walking with YHWH. The
name Enoch comes from the word Chanak. The same root as Chanukah.
Joh 10:5 But they will not follow a stranger, never! But they will flee from him, because they do not know
the voice of the strangers.
Joh 10:6 Jesus spoke this allegory to them, but they did not know what it was which He spoke to them.
Joh 10:7 Then Jesus again said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you that I am the door of the sheep.
Joh 10:8 All who came before Me are thieves and plunderers, but the sheep did not hear them.*
Here Messiah alludes to all of the false Messiahs that came before Him and were worshiped by those who were
not of His flock. As seen above with Bacchus, there are many parallels between the Messiah and the pagan
christs. Satan has tried to bring about the counterfeit Christ since the time of the garden and the prophecy of the
seed of the woman crushing his head. The gospel in the stars (1) has been there since the beginning and has told
the story of the Messiah so satan has tried to deceive mankind by telling of false christs that have similar traits
to the true Messiah. (2)
Joh 10:9 I am the door. If anyone enters through Me, he will be saved, and will go in, and will go out, and
will find pasture.
Joh 10:10 The thief does not come except that he may steal, and kill, and destroy. I came that they may
have life and may have it abundantly.

Joh 10:11 I am the Good Shepherd! The Good Shepherd lays down His life on behalf of the sheep.
Joh 10:12 But the hireling, not even being a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming
and forsakes the sheep and flees. And the wolf seizes them, and scatters the sheep.
Joh 10:13 But the hireling flees because he is a hireling, and there is not a care to him concerning the
Joh 10:14 I am the Good Shepherd, and I know those that are Mine, and I am known by the ones that
are Mine.
Joh 10:15 Even as the Father knows Me, I also know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep.
Joh 10:16 And I have other sheep which are not of this fold. I must also lead those, and they will hear My
voice; and there will be one flock, one Shepherd.
Ultimately this is what it is all about…being one flock of the Messiah. The adversary seeks to counterfeit this.
This is why Antiochus sought to make the people in his kingdom one. The antichrist seeks to have one flock,
one bride. The Messiah will have one flock, one bride. We must decide which flock and which mark we will

Resources for Chapter 4:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Bible Wheel - Richard McGough -

The Biology of Kundalini - The Fire of Life - Jana Dixon

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Children of the Matrix - David Icke

Encyclopedic Theosophical Glossary: Ia-Iz: -

Freemasonry and the Ancient gods - J.S. Ward

God or Goddess? Christian Symbols, “The Cross”:
Great Theosophists: Hypatia: The Last of the Neoplatonists -,
Guardians of the Grail - J.R. Church

Holy Bible From The Ancient Eastern Texts: Aramaic Of The Peshitta by George M. Lamsa

Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

J. W. Etheridge English translation of Peshito New Testament.

King James Version of the Bible: 1769 Version

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Mount Hermon: Gate of the Fallen Angels - J.R. Church

Online Etymology Dictionary -

The Orion Queen - Frans Camp

Thayer's Greek Definitions

The Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop

Watch Unto Prayer - Barbara Aho -

Chapter 5
The Cross
Col 2:15 having stripped the rulers and the authorities, He made a show of them in public, triumphing
over them in it (the cross). Messiah made an open show of His enemies through the cross. This has multiply
meanings. He became sin so that we might be made righteous and He revealed His enemies through the act.
2Co 5:21 For He made the One who knew no sin to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness
of God in Him.
The word mark comes from the Hebrew word Tav

Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the
abominations that are done in her midst.
The above verse is speaking of the mark of YHWH which is put on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a
direct counterfeit of this mark (1).
The Hebrew letter tav is a picture of two crossed sticks:
It’s meaning is covenant. The mark of YHWH is
His covenant which is His Word (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8; Zechariah 9:11; Jeremiah 31:31; Matthew 26:28). The mark
of the beast is a counterfeit, the covenant with death (Isaiah 28:15).
1Co 1:18 For the Word of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, it is the power
of God.
Believers look to the Word of the cross. The Word of the covenant. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the
Word of Elohim (Romans 10:17). Not by vision, not of images & symbols (2 Corinthians 5:7).
The covenant with YHWH is His Word which was cut with Abraham at Passover (Genesis 15) and eternally
solidified at Passover when Messiah hung on the tree. The ‘covenant’ with the adversary was ‘cut’ in Genesis 3
at the tree of knowledge of good and evil and the ‘agreement’ of ‘ye shall not die’ was passed down through the
ages via the mystery religions and was represented by the image of the cross.


The Pythagorean Triangle pg 235-236
“It is the opinion of Mr. Faber, whose learning and extensive researches into the hidden mysteries of antiquity
are entitled to universal respect, that in the Book of Revelation ‘an important prophecy is most curiously and
artfully veiled under the very language and imagery of the Orgies. To the sea-born Great Father was ascribed a
threefold state: he lived, he died, and he revived; these changes of condition were duly exhibited in the
mysteries. To the sea-born wild beast is similarly ascribed a threefold state: he lives, he dies, and he revives.
While dead, he lies floating on the mighty ocean, just like Horus, or Osiris, Siva or Vishnu; when he revives,
again like those kindred deities, he emerges from the waves; andwhether dead or alive, he bears seven heads
and ten horns, corresponding in number with the seven art-preserved Rishis, and the ten aboriginal patriarchs.
Nor is this all; as the worshippers of the Great Father bore his special mark or stigma, and were
distinguished by his name, so the worshippers of the maritime beast equally bear his mark, and are
equally designated by his appellation.’ (From Fab. Pag. Idol, vol iii. pg 643.)
If this be true, and the arguments adduced in its support appear sound and conclusive, the above mystical
ceremony of sealing the redeemed may be taken from the custom of marking the aspirant with a permanent
badge of initiation, which may be an indelible token of his acceptance. This mark or badge in India and
Egypt was the Tautic Cross; and it still appears amongst the hieroglyphics of the Brahmins, and profusely
on the monuments of Egypt, where most of the deities bear it conspicuously about their persons. In the
Dionysiaca, or the mysteries of Bacchus, the mark was a leaf of the ivy or vine. There is a pointed reference to
it in the divine command given to Moses in the wilderness, when many of the Israelites had been initiated into
the disgusting mysteries of Baalpeor: ‘Take all the heads of the people and hang them up;’ referring to the
princes of the tribes, who were directed to hang all those who had been thus initiated. Boothroyd translates the
original thus: ‘Take all the heads of the people, and let them slay those men who have worn the badges of Baal-
peor.” {Baal-Peor traces back to Saturn whose image is the hexagram}
The word for cross in Hebrew is ‫צלב‬. This comes from the root ‫ צב‬which means to stand. This corresponds to
the Greek word for cross ‘stauros’ which comes from the root ‘histemi’ which also means to stand.
As seen in Chapte 1, the word for
‘mark’ in Greek traces back to this
same Hebrew word ‫צב‬.

The Greek word charax comes from H4674 mutstsav

As also explained in Chapter 1,
the mark is associated with an
image & a garrison. The
connection to pillars and His
image will be seen in more details
in future studies but in short the
pillars link to the Temple, the
body & DNA. It was at Bethel
(House of God) that Jacob
anointed the pillar where the ladder to heaven was seen (Genesis 28:12-19):. Jacob’s pillar is connected with
the ladder to Heaven. Messiah applies this to Himself (John 1:51). The ladder also points to DNA within our
bodies which is the ‘word’ that creates our bodies.

Messiah is the Word made flesh who is the olive tree/tree of life (1) which we can be grafted into through faith.
He is the body, we are members of that body through faith. He is the Temple, we are the stones of the building
by faith. Satan seeks to be like the Most High {Isaiah 14} and is the great counterfeiter (2). Hence, he wants a
false Olive tree/tree of knowledge of good and evil. He wants a false temple. A ‘false’ body. A corrupted
body. A false Israel. A corruption of DNA/the word.
Another interesting connection to the mark of the beast seen through the Hebrew word for cross (‫ )צלב‬is when
one breaks down the meaning of the letters. As seen above, ‫צב‬, means the side of the tent, a standing wall, an
enclosure of a camp. The middle letter of ‫ צלב‬is lamed which has the meaning of a shepherd. There are two
shepherds in the Scriptures. The Good Shepherd (John 10:11) who lays down His life for the sheep and the idol
shepherd who abandons the flock (Zechariah 11:17).

The Cross & the Name

In the wilderness Yisrael was healed through looking upon the serpent on a pole. This was a figure of being
saved through ‘looking’ upon the Messiah on the cross/tree.
Num 21:9 And Moses made a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole; and it happened, if a serpent had
bitten any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.
Joh 3:14 And even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
Joh 3:15 that everyone believing into Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Exo 14:13 And Moses said to the people, Do not be afraid. Take your stand and see the salvation of
YHWH, which He will prepare for you today. For as you see the Egyptians today, you shall not continue
to see them again forever.
Luk 3:6 “and all flesh shall see the salvation of God.” Isaiah 40:3-5
Isa 52:10 YHWH has bared His holy arm in the eyes of all the nations; and all the ends of the earth shall
see the salvation of our God.
How was His arm revealed? On the cross.
Isa 53:1 Who has believed our report? And to whom is the arm of YHWH revealed?
Gen 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place YHWH Will See; so that it is said until this day,
In the mount of YHWH it will be seen.

Gen 22:14 ‫ויקרא אברהם שם־המקום ההוא יהוה יראה אשר יאמר היום בהר‬
‫יהוה יראה*׃‬
*Literally, in/on the mountain YHWH will be seen.


Abraham calls the place YHWH Yireh (YHWH will be seen) Yireh is in the Kal stem, 3rd person masculine
singular future tense.
Joh 8:56 Your father Abraham leaped for joy that he should see My day, and he saw, and rejoiced.
Joh 8:57 Then the Jews said to Him, You do not yet have fifty years, and have You seen Abraham?
Joh 8:58 Jesus said to them, Truly, truly, I say to you, Before Abraham came to be, I AM!

On the mountain YHWH will be seen. Yerah’eh is in the Niphal stem 3rd person masculine singular future
tense. Truly YHWH will provide HIMSELF as a lamb in the place of Isaac (mankind).
Gen 22:7 And Isaac spoke to his father Abraham and said, My father. And he said, Behold me. And he
said, Behold, the fire and the wood! But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?
Gen 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will see to the lamb for Himself, for a burnt offering. And the
two of them went together.
‫( הר האלהים‬the Mountain of Elohim) has the gematria of 296. This is equivalent to ‫( לאור גוים‬For a light of
the nations). This links the Messiah on the cross on the Mountain of Elohim to Light which points to the
Menorah. This will be seen in more detail below.
Isa 49:3 and said to Me, You are My servant, Israel, You in whom I shall be glorified. This verse is
referring to Messiah as Yisrael, the Olive tree (1)
Isa 49:6 And He said, It is too little that You should be My servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob, and to
restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also give You for a light of the nations, that You may be My
salvation (Heb. Yeshuah) to the end of the earth.
Isa 42:6 I, YHWH, have called You in righteousness, and will hold Your hand, and will keep You, and
give You for a covenant of the people, for a Light of the nations;
Luk 2:32 a Light for revelation to the nations, and the Glory of Your people Israel.
Isa 40:5 And the glory of YHWH shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of
YHWH has spoken.
How was His glory revealed?
Joh 8:28 Then Jesus said to them, When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I AM; and
from Myself I do nothing; but as My Father taught Me, these things I speak.


Joh 19:19 And Pilate also wrote a title and put it on the cross.
And having been written, it was: JESUS THE NAZARENE,
Joh 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, I will draw
all to Myself (John 8:28 Messiah states this is how they will
know He is ‘I AM’).
Joh 12:33 But He said this, signifying by what kind of death He was about to die.
Joh 12:34 The crowd answered Him, We heard out of the Law that The Christ remains to the age. And
how do You say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?
Joh 12:35 Then Jesus said to them, Yet a little while the Light is with you. Walk while you have the Light,
that darkness not overtake you. And the one walking in the darkness does not know where he is going.
Joh 12:36 While you have the Light, believe into the Light, that you may become sons of Light. Jesus
spoke these things, and going away He was hidden from them.
Joh 12:37 But though He had done so many miraculous signs before them, they did not believe into Him,
Joh 12:38 so that the Word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he said, “Lord, who has
believed our report? And the arm of the Lord, to whom was it revealed?” Isa. 53:1
Joh 12:39 Because of this they could not believe, because Isaiah said again,
Joh 12:40 “He has blinded their eyes” and “has hardened their heart,” “that they might not see with the
eyes” and “understand with the heart,” “and be converted,” “and I should heal them.” Isa. 6:10
Joh 12:41 Isaiah said these things when he saw His glory, and spoke about Him.
The pictographs of ‫ יהוה‬speak of Him being revealed through the nails in His Hands

Joh 20:27 Then He said to Thomas, Bring your finger here and see My hands, and bring your hand and
thrust into My side, and be not unbelieving, but believing.
Joh 20:28 And Thomas answered and said to Him, My Lord and my God!
The Cross (tav) is linked with His Name
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the
abominations that are done in her midst.

Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 22:4 And they will see His face; and His name will be on their foreheads.
His Name is the Word
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.
We are marked by the Name/Torah/Yahshua
Rev 7:3 Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we seal the slaves of our God on their
Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of those having been sealed: one hundred forty four thousands, having
been sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
The counterfeit is the name/word/covenant of the beast
Rev 13:17 even that not any could buy or sell, except the one having the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.

Bacchus and the Cross

The cross is associated with ivy as symbols of Bacchus.
Two Babylons Pg 178-179
The cross thus widely worshipped, or regarded as a sacred emblem, was the unequivocal symbol of
Bacchus, the Babylonian Messiah, for he was represented with a head-band covered with crosses (See Fig.
45). This symbol of the Babylonian god is reverenced at this day in all the wide wastes of Tartary, where
Buddhism prevails, and the way in which it is represented among them forms a striking commentary on the
language applied by Rome to the Cross. “The cross,” says Colonel Wilford, in the Asiatic Researches, “though
not an object of worship among the Baud’has or Buddhists, is a favourite emblem and device among them. It is
exactly the cross of the Manicheans, with leaves and flowers springing from it. This cross, putting forth leaves
and flowers (and fruit also, as I am told), is called the divine tree, the tree of the gods, the tree of life and
knowledge, and productive
of whatever is good and desirable, and is placed in the terrestrial paradise.” (Fig. 46). Compare this with the
language of Rome applied to the cross, and it will be seen how exact is the coincidence. In the Office of the
Cross, it is called the “Tree of life,” and the worshippers are taught thus to address it: “Hail, O Cross,
triumphal wood, true salvation of the world, among trees there is none like thee in leaf, flower, and bud…O
Cross, our only hope, increase righteousness to the godly and pardon the offences of the guilty.”

Is the cross a symbol of the false Messiah?

The Greek acrostic here is represented by the letters CHI, XI, STIGMA, which are 666. Each letter represents a
Chi is the first letter of Christos (Christ). X (Chi) is an abbreviation for Christ, viz. X-mas is Christmas.Xi, is
the abbreviation letter for Xulon, a timber or tree (Strong’s #3586). Thayer’s New Testament Lexicon defines

xulon as, “that which is made of wood, as a beam from which anyone is suspended, a gibbet, a cross” (p.432,
#3586). Peter used the word xulon when speaking of the cross (Acts 10:39, Acts 5:30, Gal. 3:13, 1Peter 2:24).
Stigma (Strong’s #4742) “from a prime stizo (to ‘stick’, or prick); a mark incised or punched (for recognition or
ownership) i.e. (figurative) a scar of service; a mark,” i. e. “pierced.” According to Donnegan’s Greek Lexicon,
stigma is “a hole, or mark, made with a pointed instrument. a mark of recognition or of disgrace. a mark of
infamy. a mark made on the hands of persons who had enlisted as soldiers” (p. 1150). Under the entry of #5516
(Chi Xi Stigma), Strong’s informs us that #4742 (stigma) is also a cross. Therefore, the word, and letter, stigma
have a definite reference to being nailed to a cross, or the marks/nail-holes from being nailed to a cross.
From Payne Smith’s Compendious Syriac Dictionary pg 536 “MARK”
A sign, mark, toke, indication, index; ascription, inscription; title of a book, copy of a book, annotation; setting
down, committing to writing; description, design, plan of a house; signing with the sign of the cross; leavened
bread marked with a cross=Eucharistic bread; the sign of salvation I.e. Baptism; index of chapters
On pages 197 and 198 of The Two Babylons, Alexander Hislop wrote:
The same sign of the cross that Rome now worships was used in the Babylonian Mysteries, was applied by
Paganism to the same magic purposes, was honoured with the same honours. That which is now called the
Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau of the Chaldeans and
Egyptians–the true original form of the letter T–the initial of the name of Tammuz–which, in Hebrew, radically
the same as ancient Chaldee, as found on coins, was formed as in No. 1 of the accompanying woodcut (Fig. 43)
and in Etrurian and Coptic, as in Nos. 2 and 3. That mystic Tau
was marked in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the
Mysteries {See Lent study (1)}*, [Tertullian, De Proescript.
Hoeret. cap.40, vol. ii. p.54, and Note. The language of Tertullian
implies that those who were initiated by baptism in the Mysteries
were marked on the forehead in the same way, as his Christian country-men in Africa, who had begun by this
time to be marked in baptism with the sign of the cross.] and was used in every variety of way as a most sacred
symbol. To identify Tammuz with the sun it was joined sometimes to the circle of the sun, as in No. 4;
sometimes it was inserted in the circle, as in No. 5. [Stephen's Central America, vol. ii. p.344, Plate 2.] Whether
the Maltese cross, which the Romish bishops append to their names as a symbol of their episcopal dignity, is the
letter T, may be doubtful; but there seems no reason to doubt that that Maltese cross is an express symbol of the
sun; for Layard found it as a sacred symbol in Nineveh in such a connection as led him to identify it with the
sun. [Layard's Nineveh and Babylon, p.211; Nineveh and its Remains, vol. ii, p.446.] The mystic Tau, as the
symbol of the great divinity, was called “the sign of life;” it was used as an amulet over the heart; [Wilkinson,
vol. i. p. 365, Plate.] it was marked on the official garments of the priests, as on the official garments of the
priests of Rome; it was borne by kings in their hand, as a token of their dignity or divinely-conferred authority.
The Vestal virgins of Pagan Rome wore it suspended from their necklaces, as the nuns do now. [Pere Lafitan,
Moeurs des Sauvages Ameriquains, vol. i. p. 442.]


*Tav in the foreheads. Here is a perfect example of how the
adversary counterfeits the Truth of the Scriptures. In Ezekiel 9,
true believers are marked with a mark which in Hebrew is the
word ‫( תו‬tav).
Eze 9:3 And the glory of the God of Israel had gone on, from
on the cherub where it was on it, to the threshold of the house.
And He called to the man clothed in linen with the ink horn of
a scribe at his loins.
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of
the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and mark (tavah) a mark
(tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are
mourning over all the abominations that are done in her

In ancient Hebrew the letter tav looked just like 2 crossed sticks.

The above verse is speaking of the mark of YHWH which is put on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a
direct counterfeit of this mark.

This root is related to ‫את & תא‬

This is the root for
the word sign. This
is significant
because the Torah is
a sign on the hand
and the forehead.
Again, the mark of
the beast is a direct counterfeit of YHWH’s mark/signs.

Tav aleph is related to the word tav ‫ תו‬and aleph tav ‫ את‬and means a mark/boundary.

‫ תא‬tav aleph relates to the word
tar ‫ תר‬which means the ‘mark of
man’ or the border/outline.
From this root we get ta’ar and
to’ar. These words mean form, outline or border. This is an important connection to see in that the mark of the
beast versus the mark of YHWH ultimately reflects whose image/form you are in.
This connection between the mark and
the image/form/outline/shadow picture
of YHWH Yahshua versus the
antichrist is further seen in that the
word Torah comes from this same
We can have the mark of YHWH and be in
His image by walking in His Torah, or we
can have the mark of the beast and be in the image of satan by walking in his torah which is lawlessness.
We are called to overcome the mark as well as the image of the beast
Rev 15:2 And I saw, as a glassy sea having been mixed with fire. And the ones overcoming the beast, and
its image, and its mark, of the number of its name, were standing on the glassy sea, having harps of God.
The word translated as mark in Revelation is used only one other time in Scripture referring to man engraving
something to represent the Almighty
Act 17:29 Then being offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Godhead is like gold or silver or
stone, engraved by art and the imagination of man.
This is the essence of the mark of the beast…it is a counterfeit worship of YHWH. This is what the golden calf
was. Making a golden calf (beast) and calling it YHWH (Exodus 32:5). This is who the antichrist will be. A
counterfeit Yahshua.
Notice above that those initiated into the mystery religions saw the cross as a picture of the tree of life/tree of
knowledge. Those in the mystery religions saw the serpent as the great emancipator of mankind who gave
Adam & Eve freedom from the ‘bondage’ of Adonai. This is why the tree of knowledge of good and evil is
portrayed as the tree of life to them.
Labarum (Chi Rho)
When the Labarum, or far-famed standard of Constantine itself, properly so called, was made, we
have the evidence of Ambrose, the well-known Bishop of Milan, that that standard was formed on the
very principle contained in the statement of Lactantius–viz., simply to display the Redeemer’s name.
He calls it “Labarum, hoc est Christi sacratum nomine signum.”–”The Labarum, that is, the ensign
consecrated by the NAME of Christ.”*
*Here we see the cross symbol associated with the name of Christ. But which Christ was Constantine
Constantine, the first Christian Emperor … Constantine’s conversion to Christianity, as the result of a psychic
vision, is described by Eusebius, who was his close friend and companion as well as his famous biographer. On
the night before his final battle with Maxentius, who had denounced him as a usurper to the throne, Constantine
appealed to his own god for help. According to Eusebius,

While he was praying with fervent entreaty, a most marvelous sign appeared in the heavens, the account of
which, related by any other person, would be difficult of belief. But since the victorious Emperor himself
declared it to the writer of this history, and confirmed his statement with an oath, who could hesitate to credit it?
He said that when the sun was beginning to decline, he saw with his own eyes the trophy of a Cross of
blazing light, with this inscription: “I. H. S. In this sign thou shalt conquer.” (Vita Constantin.)(Vita
On the following night Constantine had another psychic vision. This time the figure of Christ himself appeared,
wearing the same cross that Constantine had seen the night before. Constantine declared that on this occasion
Christ spoke to him, telling him to place this cross on his battle flag and to march against Maxentius with
full assurance of victory. Constantine obeyed, and Maxentius was defeated. In adopting this symbol —
henceforth placed upon the Imperial banner and carried at the head of the army in its conquest for Christ and the
Church — Constantine added two more pagan symbols to Christianity. For the long lance crossed at right
angles by a staff was the ancient sign of Osiris, and the letters I. H. S. one of the names of Bacchus.
I.H.S. Well-known Christian monogram, taken as being the initials of Iesus Hominum Salvator (Jesus
Savior of Men); and the first three letters of the Greek Iesous ({Greek char}, Jesus). It is also a
monogram representative of Dionysos used in the Mysteries. As a Latin abbreviation, having mystic
significance, it means acrostically, In hoc signo victor eris (in this sign thou shalt be victorious).
God or Goddess? Christian Symbols, “The Cross”,:
“As with the cross and the labarum, so it is with many other Christian symbols. They are borrowed from
paganism. The insignia on the walls of the Temple of Bacchus in Rome was a Roman cross and I H S—the three
mystical letters to this day retained in Christian churches, and falsely supposed to stand for Jesus hominum
salvator—Jesus mankind’s saviour. Christian women who work this sign on altar cloths for their churches little
think that they are working a pagan sign. The same monogram was that of the heathen sun god Bacchus.”
Words with Heathen Origins in the Scriptures, “Jesus”,:
The Greek abbreviation for Iesous is IHS, which is found on many inscriptions made by the Church during the
Middle Ages. IHS was the mystery name of Bacchus (Tammuz), another Sun-deity.

The inquisitor, AEneas Sylvius, who wrote a history of Bohemia said of the Waldenses, that:
Their third class of errors is as follows. They contemn all ecclesiastical customs which they do not read of in the
gospel, such as the observation of Candlemas, Palm-Sunday, the reconciliation of penitents, and the adoration of
the cross on Good-Friday. They despise the feast of Easter, and all other festivals of Christ and the saints, and
say that one day is as good as another, working upon holy-days, where they can do it without being taken notice
of. (The History of the Christian Church by William Jones, volume II, pages 34-35)

On page 500 of volume I, Jones says, of the Paterines in the eleventh century, that, “They called [the
adoration of] the cross the mark of the beast.” The inquisitor AEneas Sylvius, quoted above, who came to be
Pope Pius II, and in his words, “had an exact knowledge of the Waldenses,” and attended many of their trials
and executions, wrote in his History of Bohemia, in the fourteenth century, that:
They abhor the holy cross, because of Christ’s suffering thereon. Their aversion seems to have been taken from
the sermons of those who maintained, that the cross being taken away from Christ, returned of itself. They say,
that the wood of the cross is no more than other wood: they do not arm themselves with the sign of the cross.

They set no value upon the sepulchre of our Lord, nor of the saints; Matth. “Woe to you, Pharisees, for ye build
the sepulchres of the prophets.” (The Ecclesiastical History of the Ancient Churches of Piedmont by Peter Allix,
page 255.)Kundalini & the Cross
The crucifixion of the Messiah is likened unto the brazen serpent in the wilderness
Joh 3:14 And even as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
Num 21:7 And the people came in to Moses and said, We have sinned, for we have spoken against
YHWH, and against you. Pray to YHWH, and He shall turn the serpent away from us. And Moses
prayed on behalf of the people.
Num 21:8 And YHWH spoke to Moses, Make yourself a fiery serpent, and set it on a pole; and it shall be
that when anyone is bitten, when he sees it, he shall live.
Num 21:9 And Moses made a serpent of bronze and put it on a pole; and it happened, if a serpent had
bitten any man, when he looked to the bronze serpent, he lived.

2Ki 18:4 he took away the high places, and broke in pieces the pillars, and cut down the Asherah, and
beat to bits the bronze serpent that Moses made (for in those days it was that the sons of Israel burned
sacrifices to it) and called it Nehushtan. (nachash=divine tan=dragon, serpent) They called it the divine
dragon…the same thing has happened to the image of the cross. The Messiah being crucified which brought
forgiveness, and life has been changed into an image to be worshiped just as the brazen serpent was.
Strong’s Concordance #5516 “Chi Xi Stigma [khee xee stig-ma]; 22nd, 14th and obsolete letter (4742 as a
cross) of the Greek alphabet (intermediate between the 5th and 6th letters) used as numbers; denoting
respectively 600, 60 and 6; 666 as a numeral: -Six hundred three score and six.” [Interestingly, the 22nd, 14th
and 6th letters of the Hebrew Alphabet (Tau, Nun, Waw) spell tanu, "his dragon"].

Col 2:15 having stripped the rulers and the authorities, He made a show of
them in public, triumphing over them in it (The cross).
The Messiah became sin/the curse in order to deliver mankind (Galatians 3:13;
2 Corinthians 5:21).
The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is
the same as Paleo Hebrew. χξς would be rendered in Phoenician as:
χ= which is a picture of crossed sticks

ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch

ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled
Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree. It
is the equivalent of the tree of knowledge of good and evil

The tree of knowledge of good and evil
Gen 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, Dying you shall not die,
Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your eyes shall be opened, and you shall be as
God, knowing good and evil.
Eze 28:2 Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, So says the Lord YHWH, Because your heart is lifted up,
and you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas; yet you are a man, and not
God, though you give your heart as the heart of gods.
Eze 28:3 Behold, you are wiser than Daniel. Every one of the secret things are not hidden to you.
Act 12:22 And the mass of people cried out, The voice of a god, and not of a man!
Act 12:23 And instantly an angel of the Lord struck him, because he did not give the glory to God. And
having been eaten by worms, his soul went out.
Is this the seduction that the fallen angels brought to mankind? Another form of the tree of knowledge of good
and evil…deceiving mankind into thinking they could evolve into “enlightened” divine beings?
Here we see the tree of knowledge of good and evil which has the adversary associated with it versus the tree of
Life which is the Messiah, the Word. The serpent promised man ‘godhood’ through knowledge (gnosis). The
word serpent comes from the Hebrew word nachash which means to learn something through divination.

Kundalini is a psycho-spiritual energy, the energy of the

consciousness, which is thought to reside within the sleeping body,
and is aroused either through spiritual discipline or spontaneously to
bring new states of consciousness, including mystical illumination.
Kundalini is Sanskrit for “snake” or “serpent power,” so-called
because it is believed to lie like a serpent in the root chakra at the
base of the spine. It traces back to the garden where the serpent
offered Eve knowledge (gnosis) that her eyes would be opened.
Notice that the opening of the eyes is linked to the Truth as well as
the counterfeit. YHWH was revealed through Messiah being
crucified, as all nations saw His Glory. The counterfeit is the opening
of the ’3rd eye’ through the tree of knowledge, the mystery religions
and the cross of Tammuz.

To the left is the Kabbalistic ‘tree of life’, which in reality is the tree of
knowledge. At the top is Keter which is ‘union’ with the Creator. It is
the same concept as the opening of the 3rd eye. Kabbalistic teaching has
the same concept of the ‘evolution of man’ as the new age movement.
The Essential Kabbalah pg 31
“The theory of evolution accords with the secrets of Kabbalah better
than any other theory. Evolution follows a path of ascent and thus
provides the world with a basis for optimism. How can one despair,
seeing that everything evolves and ascends? When we penetrate the
inner nature of evolution, we find divinity illuminated in perfect clarity.
Ein Sof generates, actualizes potential infinity.”
This evolution of man into a ‘god’ is seen in the Kabbalistic teaching of
Adam Kadmon. Yah willing, this will be discussed in more detail in a
future study.

Tree of Knowledge – Kundalini connection

Kundalini is the belief that there is a serpent coiled at the base of the spine which can be meditation and
’spiritual’ acts, causing it to climb the spine where it reaches your pineal gland and opens your ‘3rd eye.’
Interestingly, the word for spine and tree are the same.

The serpent rises up the spine to the pineal
gland which was represented in ancient
cultures as the pine cone….the fruit of the
pine tree.

Illustration 12: Staff of Osiris

Illustration 13: Staff of Bacchus

Notice that Christmas tree lights are connected to the serpent. The word for serpent is nachash which literally
means shining one. This is also connected to Lucifer which means light bringer. Here we see the Christmas tree,
which represents the ‘born again’ pagan Christ who brings enlightenment to mankind.
Pro 3:7 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear YHWH and depart from evil.
Pro 3:8 Healing shall be to your navel and marrow to your bones*.
The word bones in verse 8 is ‫ לעצמותיך‬which has the gematria of 666. There are 33 bones in the human spinal
column which is why there are 33 levels in Scottish Rite Freemasonry. It is about leading the serpent up the
spine to bring about enlightenment.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz* at the first.
Gen 28:20 And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God will be with me, and will keep me in this way that I go,
and will give me bread to eat, and raiment to put on,
Gen 28:21 So that I come again to my father’s house in peace; then shall the LORD be my God:
Gen 28:22 And this stone, which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s house: and of all that thou shalt
give me I will surely give the tenth {Isaiah 6:13} unto thee.
*Luz is linked to the spinal column, as mentioned above in connection with ‘Kundalini.’
In My Flesh I see God pg 179
“Relates the Midrash: The Roman emperor Hadrian once asked Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, ‘From which
part of the body will God make man sprout forth when the dead are revived?’
He replied, ‘From the luz bone of the spinal column.’”
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}

Antichrist connection
The tradition of the Christmas tree symbolically portrayed the death and reincarnation of Osiris in his son,
“…the divine child born at the winter solstice was born as a new incarnation of the great god (after that god had
been cut in pieces…on purpose to revenge his death upon his murderers.) Now the great god, cut off in the
midst of his power and glory, was symbolised as a huge tree, stripped of all his branches, and cut down almost
to the ground. But the great Serpent, the symbol of the life restoring Aesculapius, twists itself around the dead
stock…and lo, at its side sprouts a young tree – a tree of an entirely different kind, that is never to be cut down
by a hostile power -…and thus shadowed forth the perpetuity and everlasting nature of his power, how that after
having fallen before his enemies, he has risen triumphant over them all. Therefore, the 25th of December, the
day that was observed in Rome as the day when the victorious god reappeared on earth was held at the
Natalis invicti solis, ‘The birthday of the unconquered Sun.”
So here it is seen that the cross is connected to the Christmas tree, an image of death and resurrection or
transformation. Ultimately, this is what the mark of the beast points to. The transformed/evolved man-beast.

DNA is linked to the sun through the equinoxes (tequphot). The word for ‘equinox’ in Hebrew is tequphah. It
literally means the mark of the sun. At the Spring tequfah the sun is at 23 degrees in the Tropic of Cancer. At
the Autumn tequfah the sun is at 23 degrees in the Tropic of Capricorn. 23 +23 = 46. 46 is the number of
chromosomes in the human body that stores our DNA. The chromosome is also in the shape of a cross…

There are multiple words for time in Hebrew, the most used is ‫( עת‬et) which pictographically means to ‘see the
cross’, and in ancient Hebrew thinking meant to ‘see the mark.’ What is this ‘mark’? It is the sun setting
(death) and rising (resurrection) above the horizon.

In esoteric mystery thought, the movement of the sun through the 12 signs of the zodiac is spiritually connected
to the initiate moving to ‘godhood.’ This is a counterfeit of the Gospel in the stars (1) which speak of Messiah
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 102
“The entrance to the Lodge (that is to the Cosmos) begins at Capricorn and reaches the center in Cancer…This
orientation followed not only the direction of the seasons, but also the direction of the neophyte in his or her
search for God.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 108
“…Porphyry recalls that the ancient philosophers insist that in the heavens are two gates, one of which is the
Gate of Cancer, the other the Gate of Capricorn. Cancer is the gate through which souls descend into earthly
birth, while Capricorn is the one through which they ascend in the postmortem return to the spiritual realm. It
is, Porphyry continues, the reason that the Romans celebrate their Saturnalia, when the Sun is in Capricorn, and
why during this festivity, the slaves wear sandals of those who are free:
‘the legislator obscurely signified by this ceremony, that, through this gate of heavens, those who are now born
slaves will be liberated through the Saturnian festival, and the house attributed to Saturn, that is, Capricorn,
when they live again, and return to the fountain of life.’”


Many “medical” organisations use a symbol of a short rod
entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of wings,
which is actually the caduceus or magic wand of the Greek
god Hermes (Roman Mercury), messenger of the gods,
inventor of (magical) incantations, conductor of the dead
and protector of merchants and thieves. It is derived from
the Greek karykeion = “herald’s staff”, itself based on the
word “eruko” meaning restrain, control. It is interesting to
see that most of organisations using this symbol are generally either commercial or military
The link between the caduceus of Hermes (Mercury) and medicine seems to have arisen by the seventh
century A.D., when Hermes had come to be linked with alchemy. Alchemists were referred to as the sons of
Hermes, as Hermetists or Hermeticists and as “practitioners of the hermetic arts”.
The caduceus was the magic staff of Hermes (Mercury), the god of commerce, eloquence, invention, travel
and theft, and so was a symbol of heralds and commerce, not medicine. The words caduity & caducous imply
temporality, perishableness and senility, while the medical profession espouses renewal, vitality and health.
Notice the EMS symbol’s combining of the cross and the hexagram.

Caduceus power wand

Caduceus Power Wand: This wand is sold at occult, new age & witchcraft stores such as
Abaxion with descriptions such as “It’s central phallic rod represents the potentiality of the
masculine, and is initmately surrounded by the writhing, woven shakti energies of two coupling
serpents. The rod also represents the spine [sushumna] while the serpents conduct spiritual
currents [pranas] along the ida and pingala channels in a double helix pattern from the chakra at
the base of the spine up to the pineal gland”.

According to occultists, there are three principal nadis (Sanskrit for channel) in the human body. The sushumna
(the spinal column through which the life-forces flow), by which means we enter and leave the body, the Ida
(refreshment and stimulation of spirit), which is associated with the higher mind or manas and the Pingala,
(reddish-brown), associated with kama or the force of desire. (G. de Purucker “Man in Evolution” ch. 15 & 16;
and “Fountain-Source of Occultism”, pp. 458-63).

Symbol of Mercury
But again, Cush, as the son of Ham, was Her-mes or Mercury; for Hermes is just an Egyptian
synonym for the “son of Ham.” Cush=Bacchus
Caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it. It was an ancient astrological
symbol of commerce and is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the messenger for the gods,
conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves. It was originally a herald’s staff,
sometimes with wings, with two white ribbons attached. The ribbons eventually evolved into
snakes in the figure-eight shape.
In the Greek myths, this constellation represented Asclepius, the god of medicine, who was so skilled that he
could even raise the dead
In the seventh century, the caduceus came to be associated with a precursor of medicine, based on the Hermetic
astrological principles of using the planets and stars to heal the sick.

Hermes & Saturn

Hermes connection to satan
Zeus the all powerful intervened saying he had been watching and Hermes should return the cattle to Apollo. As
the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre. The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered
Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre. Apollo later became the grand master of the instrument, and
it also became one of his symbols. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a
syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. Hermes was also credited with inventing the flute. Apollo, also
desired this instrument, so Hermes bartered with Apollo and received his golden wand which Hermes later used
as his heralds staff.
Hermes – Ancient Mystery School Teachings – the Hermetic Orders – which is linked with Alchemy of
Consciousness – Moving to a higher frequency of thought – Releasing the Hermetic seals at the End of Time –
Or the Illusion of Time – the release of the soul from the physical form.
Hermes was the Master of all arts and sciences, perfect in all crafts, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of the
Gods, and Keeper of the Books of Life, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus – the Three Times, the “First Intelligencer”
– was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the embodiment of the Universal Mind.
Hermes is known as the trickster
The trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is
he, through his creations that destroy, points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels
against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays
with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, to cause us to
question not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded needs to be torn

down built anew. He is the Destroyer of Worlds at the same time the savior of us all.

Hermes and Saturn

Planet Saturn and the Trickster
Saturn, the grim reaper, rules responsibilities, restrictions, limitations, and the lessons you must learn in life. He
does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, or good fortune, but he does demand that these
things be given structure and meaning. The karmic lessons we have come to experience and overcome in this
lifetime are expressed by Saturn. Saturn is a great teacher if you allow it to be so. If you resist, then you feel like
you have been dealing with the Trickster. It takes spiritual maturity to move beyond the challenges of the
Trickster and to embrace Saturn the Teacher.

Money & the Cross

The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill pg 7
“One of the symbolic forms, which was linked with the idea of healing, was represented as follows:”

Is the caduceus the origin of the dollar symbol?

Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill – David Ovason pg 3
“The word dollar is derived from the German taler. The name taler was first
given to silver coins made in 1519. This metal was mined in Joachimsthal
(Joachim’s valley, or thaler), in what was Bohemia.
The obverse of one thaler showed the crucified Christ. On the reverse was
the image of a serpent, hanging from a cross.”

Secrets of the Dollar Bill Pg 4
Near the serpent’s head are the two letters NU, and on the
other side of the cross the number 21. This is a reference to
Numbers 21.

Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 5

“It is this origin that has led some historians to claim that the
thaler image of the serpent-cross is the origin for the dollar

Illustration 14: Bank of England
Connection to Saturn, hexagram

“SATURN was also…connected with…the minting of COINS:

he was the guardian of the TREASURY.” (Cavendish, p. 479-
What was the symbol of Saturn? The hexagram. The cross and
the hexagram are linked together. Ivy, the cross and the
hexagram are linked together as well. It is not the images
themselves that are as important as what they stand for.
Transformation. Evolution of man. ‘Ye shall be as gods’.

Illustration 15: Goddess Columbia presiding

over Federal Reserve building

Notice the hexagram above the head of the ‘eagle’ inside the sun image. It is also important
to note that the eagle pictured is actually a phoenix (1) which represents resurrection or
being reborn/transformed.
Notice on the head of the eagle the little ‘tuft’ of feathers on the back of the head…this is not
on an eagle but was placed there to allude to the phoenix.

Here it is seen that the word ‘MASON’ is hidden in the exterior of the pyramid
but is revealed when the hexagram is superimposed over the image.
“…Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries,” (Albert Pike, “Morals and
Dogma”, p. 624, Teaching of the 28th Degree)
“Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see,
to the Kabalah.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 741, Pike was a 33rd Degree
Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry).
“All…religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything
scientific and grand in the religious dreams of the Illuminati … all the Masonic associations owe to it [the
Kaballah] their Secrets and their symbols.” (Pike, Morals and Dogma )

The Sephirot, which the Kabbalists call the tree of life, is the main object of their belief. It is a picture of the tree
of knowledge which leads to ‘enlightenment’. However, it is not the Light (1) of the Holy Scriptures, but a
counterfeit (2).
Morals and Dogma pp 210
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son
of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish
Souls ? Doubt it not!
Here we see that lucifer is the light of Freemasonry, which is the same as the mystery religions. What is the
ultimate goal?
Notice the terminology. ‘Triple
crown’. This points to the ‘triple
helix’ DNA structure of the
‘evolved’ man. This is pictured by
the three leaved ivy, the hedera
“It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ’s than that they should believe that Jesus was
Christ.” J D Buck, Mystic Masonry, (1913).
Albert Pike alludes to the Freemasonic Messianic legacy within its mythology in his seminal work, Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1872)
Albert Pike “Behold the object, the end, the result, of the great speculation and logomachies of antiquity; the
ultimate annihilation of evil, and restoration of Man to his first estate, by a Redeemer, a Masayah, a Christos,
the incarnate Word, Reason, or Power of Diety … God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man

W.I. Wilmhurst, The Meaning of Masonry pg 47, 94

“This…the evolution of man into superman…was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries…Man, who has
sprung from the earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature…has yet to complete his
evolution…by becoming a god-like being…”


The letters on the base of the Illuminati pyramid stand for certain numbers. And all those numbers when added
up equal 1776, the year the Illuminati formed.

More than one method exists for arriving at 1776. However, there is only one way to arrive at the following
sequence. The Babylonian numbering system was used by the Masonic designers of the Seal. That numbering
system was not based on ten, but on six. For example, “600″ would be 1000, “60″ would be 100 and “6″ would
be 10.

4 Elements
Angelic wings symbolize a superior degree of consciousness and mind. As a
whole, the caduceus symbolizes regeneration and enlightenment. It further
depicts the atunement of the mind of man with the Cosmic Mind.
According to Pike, the Caduceus, It was originally a simple Cross, symbolising
the equator and equincoctial Colure, and the four elements proceeding from a
common centre. This Cross, surmounted by a circle, and that by a crescent,
became an emblem of the Supreme Deity – or of the active power of generation
and the passive power of production conjoined – and was appropriated to Thoth
or Mercury. It then assumed an improved form, the arms of the Cross being
changed into wings, and the circle and crescent being formed by two snakes,
springing from the wand, forming a circle by crossing each other, and their heads
making the horns of the crescent; in which form it is seen in the hands of Anubis. The caduceus additionally
symbolises the four elements.
The 4 elements point to the Word
2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away
with rushing sound, and having burned the elements will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will
be burned up.
2Pe 3:11 Then all these being about to be dissolved, of what sort ought you to be in holy behavior and
2Pe 3:12 looking for and hastening the coming of the Day of God, through which the heavens having
been set afire will be dissolved; and burning, the elements will melt?

The elements here mentioned are linked to the Hebrew Aleph-Bet (1)
Tanya, Shaar HaYichud V’haEmunah I
“If the letters (with which heaven was created) were to remove themselves for an instant, God Forbid, and
return to their source, the entire heaven would become an absolute vacuum”
The Greek word translated as elements in 2 Peter 3:10 = letters
Thayer Definition:
1) any first thing, from which the others belonging to some series or composite whole take their rise, an
element, first principal
1a) the letters of the alphabet as the elements of speech, not however the written characters, but the spoken
1b) the elements from which all things have come, the material causes of the universe
1c) the heavenly bodies, either as parts of the heavens or (as others think) because in them the elements of man,
life and destiny were supposed to reside
1d) the elements, rudiments, primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline
1d1) i.e. of mathematics, Euclid’s geometry
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from a presumed derivative of the base of G4748
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene pg 13
“The fundamental particles of the universe that physicists have identified- electrons-neutrinos, quarks, and so
on- are the ‘letters’ of all matter.”
Vincent Word Studies – 2 Peter 3:10
The elements (στοιχεια)
Derived from στοιχος, a row, and meaning originally one of a row or series; hence a component or element. The
name for the letters of the alphabet, as being set in rows. Applied to the four elements – fire, air, earth, water;
and in later times to the planets and signs of the zodiac…The kindred verb στοιχεω, to walk, carries the idea of
keeping in line, according to the radical sense. Thus, walk according to rule (Gal_6:16); walkest orderly
(Act_21:24). So, too, the compound συστοιχεω, only in Gal_4:25, answereth to, lit., belongs to the same row or
column with. The Greek grammarians called the categories of letters arranged according to the organs of speech
συστοιχιαι. Here the word is of course used in a physical sense, meaning the parts of which this system of
things is composed.


Uri Harel – Making the Case for Hebrew
“Hebrew, as a conceptual language, operates on a different principal altogether. A quick study of how words are
formed in Hebrew reveals a stunning resemblance between the structure of the language, where its letters
combine to form words with an inherent meaning; and the structure of the physical universe, where atoms
combine into molecules to form various substances.
In the material world, each atom expresses an inherent unique property. When a combination of several atoms
occurs, it becomes a molecule, which is the smallest expression of a particular material. Each of the Hebrew
letters, in exactly the same way, expresses a concept. When put together in combinations with other letters
(typically sets of three letters) they form the equivalent of a molecule: a Hebrew root. And from this root many
words spring out, all carrying within them the three letters of the root and some of the original meaning of the
concept of the root.”
The word στοιχεια (element), in Greek means ‘orderly, in a row’ which is precisely what scientists have found
when studying the elements of the universe.
For more on the elements and how they are a shadow picture of Messiah (1)
The use of the cross representing the 4 elements in the mystery religions yet again shows forth the concept of
the Truth vs. the counterfeit. The Tree of Life vs. the tree of knowledge.
4 elements & the Hexagram
‘The Wicca Bible’ by Ann-Marie Gallagher pg 315-316
Traditionally, the Hexagram can be seen as the combination of the 4 elements. The triangle with the point
upwards symbolises Air, and with a horizontal line across its center symbolises Fire. The triangle with the point
downwards symbolises Earth, and with a horizontal line across its center symbolises Water. The two combined
create the Hexagram, and hence a combination of the elements.

Saturn & the Cross

Saturn was a symbol of the Sun in the form of a Sun-cross.
“The cross, according to the alchemist, stands for Light…” – A History of Secret Societies pg 195
“Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: ‘To the one we call Saturn they give a
special name, ‘Sun-Star’.” – Diodorus
“…Franz Cumont offered…’Saturn-Chronus’…’the strange god Ninub, of whom little more is known and that
he was sometimes regarded as the nightly representative of the sun and was therefore, in spite of Marduk,
considered the ‘mightiest’ of the five planets’.”
“Four primary streams of light appeared to radiate from Saturn, dividing the Saturnian band into quarters. The
symbols of these four streams are the sun-cross and enclosed sun-cross. Mythically, these are the four rivers of
the lost paradise, the four winds, and the four pillars of Saturn’s cosmos. The enclosed sun-cross is thus the
universal image of the ‘unified state’ on our earth, for every terrestrial ‘holy land’ was a copy of the ideal
kingdom above.”…as above, so below….


The Sumerian Ningirsu, the planet Saturn,”comes forth in terrifying splendor. In the land it becomes day.”
Ningirsu is thus “the god who
changes darkness into light,” the god “whose splendor is heroic.”
The Babylonian sun god is Shamash, and Babylonian astronomical texts say in unequivocal terms: “The planet
Saturn is Shamash.” Thus the Greek historian Diodorus reports that Babylonian astronomers knew the planet
Saturn as the star of the “sun” (Helios)
The Babylonian sun god is Shamash, and Babylonian astronomical texts say in unequivocal terms: “The planet
Saturn is Shamash.”
The seated figure is the sun-god Shamash, sitting in front
of a sun disc, and below a cross, both his symbols. The
seven-line cuneiform inscription, a prayer to Shamash,
can be translated: ‘Shamash, king of heaven and earth
whose me’s are brilliant, who advances with horns, who –
through his (servant) who reveres him – has brought
salvation: Sha-ilimma-damqa, son of Lugal-mansi.’
Shamash represents the brilliant light of the sun, which
returns every day to illuminate the life of mankind, as
well as giving beneficial warmth, which causes plants to
grow. In Akkadian tradition he was sometimes the son of
the god of heaven Anu or of the supreme god Enlil. His
principal temple was called E-babbar (‘White House’) at
Illustration 16: Pink Chalcedony cylinder
Sippar. Presumably because the sun, in its path across the
seal with Shamash seated before a sun
skies, see everything, Shamash came to be regarded as
dish...notice the cross image above Shamash
the god of truth, justice and right. As a protector and
destroyer of evil, he also acted as a warrior.
Though early Egyptian sources do not offer a
formal astronomy to directly connect their gods
with planets, a later Egyptian ostrakon cited by
Franz Boll identifies the sun god Ra as the Greek
Kronos, the planet Saturn.
In the Epinomis of Plato, the names of the five
planets are given. In the
earliest copies of the text, the name for the planet
Saturn is Helios, the
“sun.” For many years scholars considered this a
mistake and the reading was usually “corrected”
to Kronos, the accepted Greek name of the planet
Saturn. But the identity of the sun and Saturn
occurs in other Greek texts as well: Originally,
Saturn was “the sun.”
Illustration 17: Shamash enthroned with the solar disk as his The Hindus knew the planet Saturn as arka,
symbol meaning “of the sun.” Certain wise men of India
also asserted that Brahma, called the “true sun,” was none other than Saturn.
The Sun-cross symbolized Satan’s rebellion against God.

“The Cross: Its Origin and Significance,” Christian Churches of God
“Thus, we are dealing with a very serious form of idolatry in the symbolism of the cross as a
representation here of sun worship. It must also be recalled that this process of the four divisions of the
celestial system is represented not only by the division of Israel into the four groups of three tribes around the
tabernacle as typified by Numbers 10. It must also be understood that the very symbols used to denote these
tribes, such as the Bull (of Ephraim), the Lion (of Judah), the Serpent/Eagle (of Dan) and the Aquarian Man of
Reuben, are themselves representative of the divisional symbols of the Covering Cherubs of God’s Government,
represented in Revelation 4:7-9. These Lion-headed, Bull-headed, Eagle-headed and Man-headed creatures are
the four archangels, the Seraphim or Covering Cherubs of God’s Government. Thus, by the appropriation of
the symbolism to sun worship, we are seeking to transfer the centrality of the authority of God the Father
to the Man-headed Cherub who was Azazel, now Satan. The sun cross is, thus, the symbol of the
rebellion. This cross symbolism is then transferred into various aspects of idolatry and is then imported into
Christianity with further idolatrous consequence.”

Nibiru & the Rosy Cross

“Behold the day is coming, burning like an oven and all the proud, yes, all who do wickedly will be stubble.
And the day which is coming shall burn them up. Says the Lord of Hosts… But to you who fear My Name the
SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS shall arise with healing in HIS WINGS…”

“The symbols of the Rose and the Cross are themselves deeply
suggestive of Nibiru which was often depicted in the form of a cross by
the ancients, as Zecharia Sitchin describes:
“The pictographic sign for the Twelfth Planet, the “Planet of the
Crossing”, was a cross. This cuneiform sign, which also meant “Anu”
and “divine”, evolved in the Semitic languages to the letter tav, which meant “the sign”.
“This vital observation is often lost during arguments about the nature and timing of this mythical planet and its
“The earliest symbol of Nibiru was a cross, and this seems inextricably linked to its later Messianic symbolism
during the Graeco-Roman era. Nibiru’s red countenance perfectly fits with the ‘Rosy Cross’ symbol used by
Freemasons and Rosicrucians, and is connected with esoteric concepts such as the ‘Blazing Star’, the ‘Dark
Satellite’…and the ‘Eighth Sphere’ of the Theosophists.


On page 515 Heindel discusses “ancient truths” associated with
Christian Rosenkreutz and the ‘Order of the Rosicrucians.’ Heindel
says that our Sun is the physical light bringer that travels from east
to west but he also says we have an INVISIBLE SUN [THE
DARK STAR] that also travels from east to west.
Then on page 502 the Max Heindel states that “Christ Himself
symbolizes the Divine Initiate of the Vulcan Period.” And on page
391 Max Heindel discusses “THE STAR” and how “THE
BLAZING STAR is ever there to guide HIM.”
From Pages 410 & 413 notice the symbology of the invisible Sun-God (shown below) and how it portrays the
classic Egyptian winged-disc. So as you can observe, Heindel’s book also has deep symbolic clues as to the
existence of a Dark Star/Nibiru binary system.

The late Father Malachi Martin (an ex-Jesuit Priest) said to a well-known American radio personality, Art Bell,
in an interview I personally listened to back in ’97 or ’98.
“…the sign will be in the form of a Red Cross and everyone will see it…”
To signify change and herald in a new age. Simply put, the ‘Rosy Cross’ of the Rosicrucians is the celestial
‘Red Cross,’ the ‘Christ Star’ and yes, the ‘Sun of the Magi’ known as Nibiru..
“God, your Father, sends the sun to shine upon you. God, your Father, can also send the sun to burn you. A
SECOND SUN lies out in your atmosphere [solar system], the Ball of Redemption. I repeat, My children, it is
not a myth, nor a story; it is a fact.”
The Virgin Mary gave this vision to the devout Catholic, Veronica Lueken on December 31, 1974.

Rose Croix

Notice the feathered disc is a symbol of the Rosicrucian order.

Here the name of YHWH is on the four points of the cross and the name Yahshua is in the 5 points of the
Here the Phoenix is seen with
Rosicrucian symbology. The
Phoenix is a symbol of
resurrection as well as the coming
antichrist kingdom (1).

Illustration 18: Morals & Dogma pg 276


INRI….IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM (Yahshua the Nazarene King of the Jews)…is the Latin
parallel to YHWH.

Notice the mixture of seemingly Biblical figures with purely occult mystery religion symbols such as the
Oroboros. This is the epitome of the tree of knowledge. A mixture between good and evil.

The Word = Adam?

In the degree of Rose Croix, The first Adam is likened unto the Word

Through angels man can return to his

‘former lofty estate’ as ‘the Word.’ The
Holy Scriptures speak of man being
redeemed through Messiah Yahshua, not
angels. Could this be an allusion back to
Genesis 6?

Illustration 19: Morals & Dogma 281

Illustration 20: Morals & Dogma 281
Man becomes Sons of God through knowledge? The Scriptures state that man can only become adopted Sons
of Elohim through Messiah Yahshua who is the Tree of Life. The mysteries teach that through knowledge, the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, man can became Sons.

Illustration 21: Morals & Dogma 285

The meaning of ‘Light’ in Masonry is man being made like unto angels.

The Light in Masonry = being like unto

the angels. Which angel personifies that
Light? According to Albert Pike it is
Lucifer (Morals & Dogma pg 321)
The order of the Rose Croix links the
faith of Israel to Egypt. This concept
personifies the mark of the beast. The
mixing of the seed. The Seed of the
Word and the seed of the serpent. This is
will be discussed in more detail, in
Volume 2 on the ‘Holy Blood, Holy
Grail’ and it’s connection to the mark of
the beast.

Illustration 22: Morals & Dogma pg 741

It is also interesting to note that Masonry traces back it’s origin’s to the Kabbalah.
“Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.”

Illustration 23: Morals & Dogma pg 744

In 1855, the renowned Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote: “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades,
official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.”
However, Albert Pike also states that Freemasonry traces it’s origin’s back to the Mystery Religions.
“…Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries,” (Morals & Dogma pg 624)
This is because Judaism, in specific, Kabbalistic Judaism traces it’s teachings back to the Tower of Babel, not
Mt. Sinai. The mysteries have always been an amalgamation of the Truth of Scripture and the lies of the
adversary. The knowledge of good (the Word) and evil (the adversary). This connection between Judaism and
the mark of the beast will be discussed in volume 2 on Zionism.
An Entrance to the Tree of Life – Yehuda Ashlag pg 32
“From the year 1540 onward, it is most important that all study the Kabbalah in public and preoccupy
themselves with the study of Kabbalah. For through the merit of Kabbalah and in fact solely through Kabbalah

will the Messiah appear and forever efface war, destruction, social injustice, and above all, man in humanity.”
According to Kabbalistic doctrine, this will occur when ‘perfect knowledge’ is attained…the tree of knowledge
An Entrance to the Tree of Life pg 49
“However, it is necessary to understand that the redemption and the coming of the Messiah who is awaited by
us, (may he come speedily, Amen!), will only occur when the pinnacles of perfect wisdom and knowledge have
been reached. As it is written (Jeremiah 31:33): ‘And no more shall a man teach his neighbour to know the
Lord, for all will know Me, from the youngest of them to the oldest of them…’ And with the perfection of
knowledge there will also come perfection of the physical bodies, as it is written (Isaiah 65:20): ‘For the
youngest shall die a hundred years old.’
An Entrance to the Tree of Life pg 51
“For it is impossible to imagine at all a perfect physical body without the attaining first of perfect knowledge…
However, when perfect knowledge is attained then the physical body also reaches its perfection with it
together…’Through this composition will the people of Israel leave the Exile.’ For it will only be as a result of
the spreading of the wisdom of the Kabbalah amongst the masses of the people that we will be worthy of
achieving the complete redemption.”
Notice that Kabbalistic thought links this perfection to the New Covenant. As seen in part 1, the mark is linked
to covenant relationship. The covenant with YHWH through Yahshua or the covenant of death.
Explanation of the symbols of the Order of Rose-Croix

Illustration 24: Morals & Dogma pg 290

Illustration 25: Morals & Dogma pg 291

Illustration 26: Morals & Dogma 291

Illustration 27: Morals & Dogma pg 291

Illustration 28: Morals & Dogma pg 291

The ultimate goal of the order of Rose-Croix is coming of the kingdom. Is this speaking of the Kingdom of
Heaven and the 1,000 year reign of Messiah? Or is this speaking of the counterfeit, the 3 1/2 year reign of the

Illustration 29: Morals & Dogma 307

Illustration 30: Morals & Dogma pg 308
Masonry claims to represent the true faith of Messiah. Notice that Albert Pike speaks of the ‘pure’ teachings of
Yahshua as Masonry. Notice however, that Pike states that Yahshua isn’t divine. Throughout the whole book of
Morals & Dogma, Pike doesn’t deny that Yahshua was the Word made flesh, but here denies that He was
‘divine.’ It is clear in the Holy Scriptures that Yahshua is YHWH (1). The belief that Yahshua was merely a
man is seen throughout Masonic teachings which were handed down from the Knights Templar and traced back
to the Merovingians. This will be discussed in more detail, Yah willing, in the study on the ‘Holy Blood, Holy
Grail.’ The point which needs to be addressed is that if Yahshua was a mere man that become ‘a god,’ then we
as mere men can ‘become gods.’ This is ultimately what it all comes down to. Eternal life through Yahshua,
the Tree of Life where we will be reborn in His image as adopted Sons of Elohim, or ‘ye shall not die’ but ‘shall
be as gods’ knowing good and evil…


Illustration 31: Morals & Dogma pg 308

Fra. Thomas D. Worrel, VII
The cross is a symbol that is about as universal and ancient as any
symbol that has emerged out of man’s psyche. The cross symbolizes the
meeting at right angles of horizontals and perpendiculars. Forces going
in quite opposite directions but meeting at a central point, a common
ground. It can symbolize the union of opposites and the dualism in
nature. It can be the outstretch archetypal man with the infinite
possibilities of growth being immortal. It represents eternal life. The
cross can symbolize the decent of Spirit into matter.
It is the intersection of the level of time with the Eternity of the Spirit.
The cross is the axis of the cycle of the year whose spokes are the
equinoxes and solstices. It is the crossroads where the four directions
meet. In a Christian sense the cross signifies acceptance of sacrifice,
suffering, and death as well as immortality. There is a legend that the

cross of Christ was made out of wood from the Tree of Knowledge, the cause of the Fall, making it the
instrument of Redemption. In the Egyptian mythos the crux ansata or – a type of cross – was a symbol of
life, immortality, and health. It is held by the gods and goddesses. It also represented the union of Isis and
Numerologically, the cross is sometimes represented by the number four. Within our own teachings: “No.4 is
the Mystic number, and indicates the operative influence of the four elements.
Under this number, or the geometrical square, Pythagoras communicated the Ineffable Name of God to his
chosen disciples.” In the Hebrew alphabet the last letter is called Tav. And Tav means “mark” or “cross” and its
original form was written much like ankh or cross. I could go on with many more examples but I think we can
see that the cross transcends human culture in both time and space. It is a symbol that ties us all together as a
Brotherhood of Mankind. It is a symbol that goes to the very root of our being.
The rose (Latin, rosa, in Greek, rhodon) also is a symbol that has a rich and ancient history. And like the cross,
it can have paradoxical meanings. It is at once a symbol of purity and a symbol of passion, heavenly perfection
and earthly passion; virginity and fertility; death and life. The rose is the flower of the goddess Venus but also
the blood of Adonis and of Christ. It is a symbol of transmutation – that of taking food from the earth and
transmuting it into the beautiful fragrant rose. The rose garden is a symbol of Paradise. It is the place of the
mystic marriage. In ancient Rome, roses were grown in the funerary gardens to symbolize resurrection. The
thorns have represented suffering and sacrifice as well as the sins of the Fall from Paradise.
The rose has also been used as a sign of silence and secrecy. The word sub rosa “under the rose” referring to
the demand for discretion whenever a rose was hung from the ceiling at a meeting. In the Mysteries roses were
sacred to Isis. It is also the flower of her son Harpocrates or younger Horus, the god of silence.
Numerologically, the rose represents the number 5. This is because the wild rose has 5 petals. And the petals on
roses are in multiples of five. Geometrically, the rose corresponds with the pentagram and pentagon. Our
teachings state: “No.5 is the emblem of Health and Safety; …it represents Spirit and the four elements.”
The Pythagorean brotherhood used the pentagram as the symbol of their school.
The number five being associated with the rose has linked them with the 5 senses. In an absolute sense the rose
has represented the expanding awareness of being through the development of the senses.
The Symbolism of the Rose-Cross
The basic rose cross symbol is that of a rose appended to the junction of the two lines of the cross – the center
point. But the traditional Rosicrucian symbol is a cross of 6 squares whereon is a red rose of five petals.
The cross is of 6 squares for a number of reasons. It relates the cross to the number six which is the number of
the Tree of rife Sphere to which it corresponds, that is, the Sphere of Tiphareth (Beauty) also known as the
Sphere of the Sun. The cross of six squares is also the unfolded cube of six faces. The perfect cube has been
used to represent the Holy of Holies since Old Testament times. We know the tabernacle was 10 cubits in
length, breadth, and height. The Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon’s Temple likewise was cubically shaped
using the measure of 20 cubits (666)*.
*Esarim Amah (20 Cubits) = 666

The number 666 is associated with the Tabernacle as can be seen by the Gematria of the following words: This
does not mean that the Temple/Tabernacle was evil but that this number is intimately connected with the

Tabernacle/human body.

In Revelation (21:17-18) the New Jerusalem is likened to a perfect cube of pure gold. Gold is related to the
cube, cross, and Sun sphere for a number of reasons. Gold is the metal associated with the sun. But also
Qabalistically, the cube unfolds to a cross of six; this means that the units around the cross (the perimeter) add
up to 14. The Hebrew word zahab means gold and the letters of the word add up to 14 (Zain + Heh + Beth or 7
+ 5 + 2 = 14). In addition, all these symbols that correspond to six correspond geometrically to the
Genesis of the Cosmos Paul A. LaViolette pg 177
“Several key aspects of this physics of cosmogenic process are summarized in the Rose Cross, an emblem
consisting of a single circular rose at the center of an equal-armed cross. During a lecture in 1785, Alessandro
Cagliostro, a renowned Sicilian scholar of the esoteric, reportedly stated that the ancient magi wore the Rose
Cross around their necks on a golden chain.
Its origin was attributed to the god Hermes-Thoth, founder of the Order of the Magi. It was said that four letters
were written between the branches of the cross, each letter expressing a mystery of nature. According to
Cagliostro, these letters, taken from the 22 character “Alphabet of the Magi are as follows

So as not to reveal this sacred word to

the profane, the magi replaced these
letters on the Rose Cross with the four
zodiac figures that compose the
sphinx. The bull (Taurus), lion (Leo),
eagle (Scorpio) and water bearer
(Aquarius). The meanings ascribed to
these four sacred letters of the magi
alphabet correspond to the four sacred
Hebrew letters yod he vav he.
According to Sefer Bereshit, these four letters designated the divinity and were said to contain the key to all the
sciences, divine as well as human. Yod signified the masculine unity principle; he, the femine duality principle;
vav, the dynamic linking or uniting of these active and passive principles; and the second he signified the
transition from one world to the next. The Rose Cross also relate to this creation theme. The cross signifies the
implicit order, yod-he-vav. Like the Egyptian ankh and Tibetan dorjes, it symbolizes the crossing and coupling
of the two primary ether transmutation streams, that unique juncture in the ether transmutation network that
give birth to our physical universe. The rose, which is superimposed on the cross, apparently signifies the
higher-level manifestation represented by the second he. Like the blooming cosmic lotus of Egyptian and
Hindu mythology, it represents the physical creation. Applies to spiritual evolution, the Rose Cross also

signifies the rebirth of the spirit into the afterlife.
The crown of the magi is the sign which the magus decorated himself when he reached the highest degree of

Talismans of the Magi

“Theophrastus Paracelsus revived, in the XVIth century, the ancient doctrine of Talismans, which he claimed
to be able to use successfully in the treatment of illnesses and accidents. This medical doctrine, derived from
the Cabala, or secret tradition of the Jewish rabbis, was said to be borrowed from the ancient occult
sciences of Chaldea and Egypt. The talisman (tsilmenaia) signifies an image, a figure, and was engraved
in the form of an emblem or symbol on metals consecrated to the genii of the seven planets. This magical
task had to be carried out at a fixed time of a certain day, with the firm intention of attracting to the talisman the
beneficent influence of the genius which was invoked, whether for health or any other protective measures…
“These are the principal Talismans whose traditions have been preserved for us by the most ancient monuments
of the highest magical art and by the most reliable archaeologists in this type of research. These talismans are
recommended under the name of Teraphim by the Hebrew Qabalists of the Middle Ages, who replace the
names of the planetary Genii of Egypt by those of: Oriphiel (REMPHA), Zachariel (Pi-Zeus), Samael
(Ertosill), Michael (Pi-Rh3), Anabel (Suroth), Raphael (Pi-Hermes) and Gabriel (Pi-Ioh). These Cabalists add
another seven talismans to which they attribute the power of conjuring the influence of seven demons who,
according to their doctrine, share with the seven planetary angels the government of the divine creation. Against
the angel of Saturn they set the demon Nabam; against the angel of Jupiter the demon Acham; against the angel
of Mars the demon Nambroth; against the angel of Venus the demon Lilith or Naemah; against the angel of
Mercury the demon Astaroth or Tharthac; and against the angel of the Moon the demon Sathan, See Judges xvii
and xviii in the Bible. The Teraphim appear to correspond to the serpent images or seraphim which in turn

are said to derive from the Kabeiri Assyrian divinities worshipped at Hebron (Beni Anak). The Daimons or male
spirits of the planets are now given by esoteric students of the Qabala as: Adonai=sun, Evoe=Moon.
Saba=Mars, Astaphoi=Mercury, Eloi=Jupiter. Ouraioa=Venus and Ilde-baoth, or according to the Orphites
“Now, the name SATURN in Chaldee is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only
of four letters, thus – Stur [ed. Star?]. This name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number.” (Hislop, p. 269)
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
= 666

Mark in the Forehead

The cross being placed in the forehead by the mystery religions has been passed down to
us today through the holiday of Lent (1).
The Wednesday after Quinquagesima Sunday, which is the first day of the Lenten fast.
The name dies cinerum (day of ashes) which it bears in the Roman Missal is found in the
earliest existing copies of the Gregorian Sacramentary and probably dates from at least
the eighth century. On this day all the faithful according to ancient custom are exhorted to approach the altar
before the beginning of Mass, and there the priest, dipping his thumb into ashes previously blessed, marks the
forehead (Ash Wednesday. The Catholic Encyclopedia).

Tammuz connection
Two Babylons pg 177
That which is now called the Christian cross was originally no Christian emblem at all, but was the mystic Tau
of the Chaldeans and Egyptians–the true original form of the letter T– the initial of the name of Tammuz–which,
in Hebrew, radically the same as ancient Chaldee, as found on coins, was formed as in No. 1 of the
accompanying woodcut (Fig. 43); and in Etrurian and Coptic, as in Nos. 2 and 3. That mystic Tau was marked
in baptism on the foreheads of those initiated in the Mysteries, and was used in every variety of way as a
most sacred symbol.


Tav in the foreheads. Here is a perfect example
of how the adversary counterfeits (1 the Truth of
the Scriptures. In Ezekiel 9, true believers are
marked with a mark which in Hebrew is the
word ‫( תו‬tav).
Eze 9:3 And the glory of the God of Israel
had gone on, from on the cherub where it was
on it, to the threshold of the house. And He
called to the man clothed in linen with the ink
horn of a scribe at his loins.
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the
abominations that are done in her midst.

In ancient Hebrew the letter tav looked just like 2 crossed sticks.

The above verse is speaking of

the mark of YHWH which is put
on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a direct counterfeit of this mark.
The Douay Rheims (Catholic translation) Bible translated Ezekiel 9:4 as such:
Eze 9:4 And the Lord said to him: Go through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem: and mark
Thau upon the foreheads of the men that sigh, and mourn for all the abominations that are committed in the
midst thereof.
Secret Teaching of All Ages pg 45
Candidates who successfully passed the Mithraic initiations were called Lions and were marked upon their
foreheads with the Egyptian cross.
Secret Teaching of All Ages pg 182
The TAU cross was inscribed on the forehead of every person admitted into the Mysteries of Mithras. When a
king was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, the TAU was placed against his lips. It was tattooed upon the
bodies of the candidates in some of the American Indian Mysteries. To the Qabbalist, the TAU stood for
heaven and the Pythagorean tetractys. The Caduceus of Hermes was an outgrowth of the TAU cross.
Mithra there, (in the kingdom of Satan,) sets his marks on the foreheads of his soldiers (Tertullian. The
Prescription against Heretics, Chapter 40.)
Tertullian certainly writes that Mithras marks (signat) his soldiers on the forehead, but what ’sign’? Some
writers have even speculated that this mark was the mark of the “Beast of Revelations,” as the numerological
value of the Sun is 666!…

Mithratic…initiates…would henceforth have the Sun Cross on their foreheads. The similarity to the cross of
ashes made on the forehead on the Christian Ash Wednesday is striking. Some have suggested this to be an
example of the early Christians borrowing from the Mithratic cult; others suggest that both cults were drawing
upon the same prototype (Nabarz P. The mysteries of Mithras: the pagan belief that shaped the Christian world.
p. 36).

Weeping for Tammuz

Eze 8:13 And He said to me, You turn back, you shall see greater abominations which they are doing.
Eze 8:14 And He brought me to the opening of the gate of the house of YHWH, toward the north. And,
behold, women were sitting there weeping for Tammuz.
Tammuz. This god can be traced back to the Sumerian Dumuzi, the god of the subterranean ocean and a
shepherd deity, whose sister-consort, Inanna-Ishtar, descended into the lower world to bring him back to life. In
his worship are similarities to that of Egyptian Osiris, the Canaanite Baal, and the Syrian Adonis. Gebal or
Byblos, twenty-one miles north of Beirut, was the great seat of Adonis worship. The nightly death of the god,
the god’s dying before the touch of winter, or the vernal god’s dying with the parched summer are variations on
the theme of death and resurrection. Mourning for the god was followed by a celebration of resurrection (from
The Wycliffe Bible Commentary).
Babylon Mystery Religion, by Ralph Edward Woodrow page 139
Legend has it that Tammuz was killed by a wild boar when he was forty years old. Hislop points out that forty
days–a day for each year Tammuz had lived on earth — were set aside to “weep for Tammuz.” In olden times
these forty days were observed with weeping, fasting, and self chastisement — to gain anew his favor — so he
would come forth from the underworld and cause spring to begin. This observance was known not only at
Babylon, but also among the Phoenicians, Egyptians, Mexicans, and, for a time, even among the Israelites.
A Lent of forty days was observed by worshipers of the Babylonian Ishtar and by the worshipers of the great
Egyptian meditorial god Adonis or Osiris…Among the pagans, this Lent period seems to have been an
indispensable preliminary to the great annual (usually spring) festivals (Bacchiochi S. God’s Festivals in
Scripture and History, Part 1. Biblical Perspectices p. 108).
Near Eastern scholars have questioned the connection (Burkert, p 177 note 6 bibliography). The connection in
cult practice is with Adonis’ Mesopotamian counterpart, Tammuz:
“Women sit by the gate weeping for Tammuz, or they offer incense to Baal on roof-tops and plant pleasant
plants. These are the very features of the Adonis cult: a cult confined to women which is celebrated on flat roof-
tops on which sherds sown with quickly germinating green salading are placed, Adonis gardens… the climax is
loud lamentation for the dead god.”—Burkert, p. 177.
Alexander Hislop Two Babylons pg 102 & following
Whence, then, came this observance? The forty days’ abstinence of Lent was directly borrowed from the
worshippers of the Babylonian goddess… This Egyptian Lent of forty days, we are informed by Landseer, in
his Sabean Researches, was held expressly in commemoration of Adonis or Osiris, the great mediatorial god. At
the same time, the rape of Proserpine seems to have been commemorated, and in a similar manner; for Julius
Firmicus informs us that, for “forty nights” the “wailing for Proserpine” continued; and from Arnobius we learn
that the fast which the Pagans observed, called “Castus” or the “sacred” fast, was, by the Christians in his time,
believed to have been primarily in imitation of the long fast of Ceres, when for many days she determinedly
refused to eat on account of her “excess of sorrow,” that is, on account of the loss of her daughter Proserpine,
when carried away by Pluto, the god of hell. As the stories of

Bacchus, or Adonis and Proserpine, though originally distinct, were made to join on and fit in to one another, so
that Bacchus was called Liber, and his wife Ariadne, Libera (which was one of the names of Proserpine), it is
highly probable that the forty days’ fast of Lent was made in later
times to have reference to both. Among the Pagans this Lent seems to have been an indispensable
preliminary to the great annual festival in commemoration of the death and resurrection of Tammuz,
which was celebrated by alternate weeping and rejoicing, and which, in many countries, was considerably later
than the Christian festival, being observed in Palestine and Assyria in June, therefore called the “month of
Tammuz”; in Egypt, about the middle of May, and in Britain, some time in April… But at last, when the
worship of Astarte was rising into the ascendant, steps were taken to get the whole Chaldean Lent of six
weeks, or forty days, made imperative on all within the Roman empire of the West.

Tammuz Saturn connection

The Osirian mysteries, the wailing for Tammuz, all refer to the transformation of Saturn during and following
the Deluge. Osiris was not a king but the planet Saturn, Kronos of the Greeks, Tammuz of the Babylonians. The
Babylonians called Saturn “the Star of Tammuz.”
E. F. Weidner, Handbuch der babylonisches Astronomie (Leipzig, 1915), p. 61; cf. A. Jeremias, Handbuch der
altorientalistischen Geisteskultur (Leipzig, 1913), pp. 92, 137.
After the Deluge Saturn was invisible (the sky was covered for a long time by clouds of volcanic dust) and the
Egyptians cried for Osiris, and the Babylonians cried for Tammuz. Isis (Jupiter at that time) went in search of
her husband, and Ishtar (also Jupiter at that early time) went to the netherworld to find her husband Tammuz.
For a time Saturn disappeared, driven away by Jupiter, and when it reappeared it was no longer the same planet:
it moved very slowly. The disappearance of the planet Saturn in the “nether world” became the theme of many
religious observances, comprising liturgies, mystery plays, lamentations, and fasts. When Osiris was seen again
in the sky, though greatly diminished, the people were frenzied by the return of Osiris from death; nevertheless
he became king of the netherworld. In the Egyptian way of seeing the celestial drama, Isis (Jupiter), the spouse
of Osiris (Saturn) wrapped him in swathings. Osiris was known as “the swathed”—the way the dead came to be
dressed for their journey to the world of the dead, over which Osiris reigns. Similar rites were celebrated in
honor of Adonis, who died and was resurrected after a stay in the netherland , in the mysteries of Orpheus.
Cf. C. Vellay, Le Culte et les fetes d’Adonis-Thammouz dans l’orient antique (Paris, 1904); Sir James G. Frazer,
Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Vols. I-II (London, 1922).
Sir James G. Frazer, the collector of folklore, came to regard Osiris as a vegetation god ; likewise he saw in the
Babylonian Tammuz, an equivalent of the Egyptian Osiris, a vegetation god and, carried away by this concept,
wrote his The Golden Bough, built around the idea of the vegetation god that dies and is resurrected the
following year.
A few peoples through consecutive planetary ages kept fidelity to the ancient Saturn, or Kronos, or Brahma,
whose age was previous to that of Jupiter. Thus the Scythians were called Umman-Manda by the Chaldeans.
“People of Manda”—and Manda is the name of Saturn. The Phoenicians regarded El-Saturn as their chief deity;
Eusebius informs us that El, a name used also in the Bible as a name for God, was the name of Saturn.
Praeparatio Evangelica IV.xvi: “Kronos [El] was deified in the star Saturn.” This statement is quoted by
Eusebius from Philo’s redaction of the lost Phoenician History of Sanchuniathon. Some classical writers,
among them Tacitus (Histories V.4) alleged that the Jews were worshippers of Saturn; cf. Augustine’s refutation
in Contra Faustum Manichaeum XX. 13.

In Persia Saturn was known as Kevan or Kaivan. Dabistan 31; Bundahis, E. West. P. Jensen, Die Kosmologie
der Babylonier, p. 114.
The different names for God in the Bible reflect the process of going through the many ages in which one planet
superseded another and was again superseded by the next one in the celestial war. El was the name of Saturn;
Adonis of the Syrians, the bewailed deity, was also, like Osiris, the planet Saturn; but in the period of the
contest between the two major planets, Jupiter and Saturn, the apellative of the dual gods became Adonai, which
means “my lords” ; then, with the victory of Jupiter, it came to be applied to him alone.”Origen, Contra
Celsum, V. 41.

Ashes, Purification & Resurrection

In the India Vedic ashes were considered the seed of the fire god Agni, with the power to absolve all sins…
“Roman paganism, which in turn took it from Vedic India. Ashes were called the seed of the fire god Agni,
with power to absolve all sins. Even if a person does ‘a thousand things that one ought not to do, by bathing in
ashes he will cause all of that to be burnt to ashes as fire burns a forest with its energy’ . . . At Rome’s New Year
Feast of Atonement in March, people wore sackcloth and bathed in ashes to atone for their sins. Then, as now,
New Year’s Eve was a carnival of eating, drinking and sinning, on the theory that all sins would be wiped out
the following day. As the dying god of March, Mars took his worshippers’ sins with him into death. Therefore
the carnival fell on dies martis, the Day of Mars. In English this was Tuesday, because Mars was identified with
the Saxon god Tiw. In French the carnival day was Mardi Gras, ‘Fat Tuesday’, the day of merrymaking before
Ash Wednesday.” (Barbara Walker The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets pp. 66-67).
Ashes were said to were a symbol for the purifying blood of Shiva, in which, one could bathe away sins.
Ashes are the residue of fire, and just as fire is regarded in mythology and folklore as something which purifies
and also regenerates, or brings new life, so the same properties are associated within ashes.
Third Eye: Shiva is often depicted with a third eye with which he burned Desire (Kama) to ashes
Vibhuti: Vibhuti is three lines of ashes drawn on the forehead that represents the essence of our Being, which
remains after all the malas (impurities of ignorance, ego and action) and vasanas (likes and dislikes, attachments
to one’s body, world, worldly fame, worldly enjoyments, etc.) have been burnt in the fire of knowledge.
Hence vibhuti is revered as the very form of Shiva and signifies the Immortality of the soul and
manifested glory of the Lord.
Ashes: Shiva smears his body with ashes (bhasma). Some forms of Shiva, such as Bhairava, are associated with
a very old Indian tradition of cremation-ground asceticism that was practiced by some groups who were outside
the fold of brahmanic orthodoxy. These practices associated with cremation grounds are also menteioned in the
Pali canon of Theravada Buddhism. One epithet for Shiva is “Inhabitant of the cremation ground” referring to
this connection.
Though he possesses nothing, he is the source of all possessions. He is the master of the world yet he lives in a
cemetery. His physical appearance is frightening yet he is called ‘Shiva,’ the gentle source of all blessings.
The funeral ashes that have touched his body acquire the power to purify all living beings. Therefore, when he
performs his great dance, even the dwellers of heaven vie with each to collect the particles falling off from his
limbs, applying them to their foreheads.

Shiva often frequents the cremation grounds and smears himself with ashes. What better example could there be
of disenchantment with the living world? Vairagya means sacrificing everything, and the one who even while
living, gives himself up to the funeral grounds, not needing nor expecting anything from the world, is perhaps
the ideal example.

Ashes, Resurrection & the Phoenix


A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of

gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some
legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it
builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn
fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix
or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is
destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new
phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh
and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).
Manly P. Hall The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism
and Philosophy

“Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early
writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences.
The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the
plumes in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color,
and about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the
Phoenix has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for
500 years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges.
Because of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing
immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of
the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to
one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn.
Wisdom confers a new life, and those who become wise are born again.” [p. p. 176-77]
Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281
“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a
morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”


William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a
divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most
occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day
rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”
Manly P. Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry pg 108
“These were the immortals to whom the term ‘phoenix’ was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-
headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem .”
Biederman’s Dictionary explains the symbolism of the eagle: “In ancient Syria, the eagle was associated with
the sun-god. It was said to be capable of rejuvenation, like the phoenix.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 265
“They {Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton} knew that the Stone {Philosopher’s Stone} was directly related to
higher degrees of consciousness and perception, while being represented by the legendary Phoenix which rises
from destruction in a blaze of rebirth and new light.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 27
“In the romance of Parzival by the Bavarian knight Wolfram von Eschenbach, we read: ‘Around the end of the
stone, an inscription in letters tells the name and lineage of those, be they maids or boys, who are called to make
the journey of the Grail. No one needs to read the inscription, for as soon as it has been read it vanishes.’ The
stone being discussed here was said to be the ‘perfection of earthly paradise,’ with remarkable healing and anti-
ageing properties. It was called Lapis Elixis, a variant of Lapis Elixir, the alchemical Philosopher’s Stone. The
text continues: ‘By the power of that stone the Phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes speedily restore him to life
again. Thus doth the Phoenix Destiny.”
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s Stone.”
Morals and Dogma pg 64
…Grand Arcanum,…that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and Heaven. Let no one expect us to
give them its explanation! He who passes behind the veil that hides this mystery, understands that it is in its
very nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by surprise, as well as to him who reveals it.
This secret is the Royalty of the Sages, the Crown of the Initiate whom we see redescend victorious from the
summit of Trials, in the fine allegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanun makes him master of gold and the light,
which are at bottom the same thing, he has solved the problem of the quadrature of the circle, he directs the
perpetual movement, and he possesses the philosophical stone. Here the Adepts will understand us. There is
neither interruption in the toil of nature, nor gap in her work. The Harmonies of Heaven correspond to those of
Earth, and the Eternal Life accomplishes its evolutions in accordance with the same laws as the life of a dog.
“God has arranged all things by weight, number, and measure,” says the Bible; and this luminous doctrine was
also that of Plato.
Azoth was considered to be a ‘universal medicine’ or ‘universal solvent’ sought in alchemy, its symbol was the
Caduceus (the rod of Hermes) and so the term, which being originally a term for an occult formula sought by
alchemists much like the philosopher’s stone, became a poetic word for the element Mercury.
As the works of more of the alchemists have come to light, it becomes clear that the philosopher’s stone wasn’t
really a stone at all—even though it is always referred to as such. Sometimes the catalyst of transmutation is
described as a divine child, an angel, a dragon, an elixir, a tincture, or an as-yet unknown chemical compound.

Many alchemists began to consider that somehow the philosopher’s stone was not a thing at all, but a system of
knowledge. Once the alchemist truly perceived the reality that lay behind the symbols, he would achieve an
intellectual and spiritual level wherein he would become one with the power that existed within the mysterious
goal for which he searched so long. Once he understood what the philosopher’ stone represented, he would have
found it at last—and he would have become one with it.
Many scholars have since insisted that the true alchemists sought not to turn base metals into gold, but to
transform the dense material of their physical bodies into a spiritually evolved immaterial entity. In this
perspective, the philosopher’s stone becomes the Holy Spirit that mystically transmutes humans into true
manifestations of God on Earth.
Saturn, Hexagram connection
The Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon.

From James Fausset Brown commentary on Amos 5:26

the star of your god — R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star
of Israel. Probably there was a figure of a star on the head of the image of the idol, to
represent the planet Saturn; hence “images” correspond to “star” in the parallel clause. A
star in hieroglyphics represents God (Num_24:17). “Images” are either a Hebraism for
“image,” or refer to the many images made to represent Chiun.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the
same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*,
mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to
take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always
when they ride out, as they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether
their reward be defeat or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They
live from a stone of purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit
exillis. By the power of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does
the phoenix molt and change its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before.
There never was a human so ill but that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that
follows. And in looks he will not fade. His appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life
began, and though he should see the stone for two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might
perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again.
The stone is called the Grail.” (1)
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”…The Philosopher’s stone will need to be
discussed in more detail in a future study, but it points to the ‘evolution of man’ into a ‘god.’ DNA is a stone,
when it is mixed with the ’stone’ from heaven the ‘Holy Grail’ or transformation is attained.

This is what Christmas is a foreshadow of. The return of the age of Saturn. The age of Aquarius. The golden
age of the ‘gods.’
Guardians of the Grail pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in
his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the
doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human
body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at
the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”
This ‘magic square of the sun’ is associated with the ‘The Philosophers stone’
The Philosopher’s stone is
associated with the hexagram…a
symbol that comes up over and
over again in connection with the
number 666.
The Hexagram of Earth
represents the Solar energy that
makes concrete matter that we
can move and touch, in short, The
Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist
of Queen Elizabeth I, in his book Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the following quote:
“‘Mahatma Letters,’ page 345: ‘The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon’s Seal is…the
Sri–Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the whole occult
doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the ‘squaring of the
Circle,’ the ‘Philosophers’ Stone,’ the great problems of Life and Death–the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can
explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.’”Hieroglyphic Monad, Dr John Dee, page
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret of Freemasonry with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s

The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It
was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.
For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making
the philosopher’s stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also
known by several other names, such as ‘materia prima.’ Ultimately, it is about bringing heaven down to earth.
Or the Sun (father) joining with the earth (mother) according to occult belief.

Tetractys the Cross & the Philosophers stone
Secret Teaching of All Ages pg 182
The TAU cross was inscribed on the forehead of every
person admitted into the Mysteries of Mithras. When a king
was initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, the TAU was
placed against his lips. It was tattooed upon the bodies of the
candidates in some of the American Indian Mysteries. To
the Qabbalist, the TAU stood for heaven and the
Pythagorean tetractys. The Caduceus of Hermes was an
outgrowth of the TAU cross.

1. The Tetractys symbolized the four elements — earth, air,

fire, and water.
2. The first four numbers also symbolized the harmony of
the spheres and the Cosmos.[citation needed]
3. The four rows added up to ten, which was unity of a
higher order (in decimal).
4. The Tetractys represented the organization of space:
1. the first row represented zero-dimensions (a point)
2. the second row represented one-dimension (a line of two
3. the third row represented two-dimensions (a plane defined
by a triangle of three points)
4. the fourth row represented three-dimensions (a
tetrahedron defined by four points)
A prayer of the Pythagoreans shows the importance of the
Tetractys (sometimes called the “Mystic Tetrad”), as the
prayer was addressed to it.
“Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy, holy Tetractys, thou that containest the
root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number begins with the profound, pure unity
until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-comprising, all-bounding, the first-born,
the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all”.
The Pythagorean oath also mentioned the Tetractys:
“By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high,
nature’s eternal fountain and supply,
the parent of all souls that living be,
by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee.”

Pythagorean tetractys
The correspondence between the Shem ha-meforash and the
Tetragrammaton (IHVH) is revealed when we apply another rule of
gematria to the four-letter word

There are some who believe that the tetractys and its mysteries
influenced the early kabbalists. A Hebrew Tetractys in a similar
way has the letters of the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name
of God in Hebrew scripture) inscribed on the ten positions of the
tetractys, from right to left. It has been argued that the Kabbalistic
Tree of Life, with its ten spheres of emanation, is in some way
connected to the tetractys, but its form is not that of a triangle.

Here we see a connection of the Sacred Name, the tetractys, & the cross on the forehead. Again, a counterfeit is
As seen in Ezekiel 9, the ‘tav’ is marked on the head of the righteous
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark a mark on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the abominations
that are done in her midst.
In the Book of Revelation it is seen that the sacred Name is marked in the foreheads of the righteous
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 22:4 And they will see His face; and His name will be on their foreheads.
His Name is the Word
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.

Hexagram connection
The Kenites who claim to have descended from Cain wore the mark of the Tau Cross, the letter of Saturn, on
their foreheads.
“In this overlapping form [the Star of David] is the mark of the double messiah: the priestly … messiah
and the kingly…messiah. As such it is the only true sign of Jesus, and it carries the extra meaning as
being the representative of the BRIGHT STAR OF DAVID’S LINE THAT AROSE IN THE MORNING.
If the Star of David is a symbol of the unified messiah-ship of Jesus, it should be the mark of Christianity.
Then the question has to be, what is the symbol of Judaism? The answer is the cross. This is the mark of
the ‘TAU’ and it is this shape of cross upon which Jesus was crucified. The TAU was the mark of
Yahweh…the Kenites bore ON THEIR FOREHEADS long before Moses came across them in the
wilderness… “ – The Hiram Key

“TAU… [is the] letter of Saturn…” Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn (153:215)
The Chaldean number for Saturn is 666, suggesting that the mark of Cain was a prototype of the mark of the
beast—the six-pointed star received by those who will worship the god Saturn during the Golden Age of
Saturn , the occult millennium (which will be shortened to 3 1/2 years). Some Jewish sources also say the mark
of Cain was the Seal of Solomon or Star of David.
The Cross a demonic symbol?
Magellan and the Patagonian giants
“Leaving that place, we finally reached 49 and one-half degrees toward the Antarctic Pole. As it was winter, the
ships entered a safe port to winter. We passed two months in that place without seeing anyone. One day we
suddenly saw a naked man of giant stature on the shore of the port, dancing, singing, and throwing dust on his
head. The captain general sent one of our men to the giant so that he might perform the same actions as a sign of
peace. Having done that, the man led the giant to an islet into the presence of the captain-general. When the
giant was in the captain-general’s and our presence, he marveled greatly, and made signs with one finger raised
upward, believing that we had come from the sky. He was so tall that we reached only to his waist, and he was
well proportioned. His face was large and painted red all over, while about his eyes he was painted yellow; and
he had two hearts painted on the middle of his cheeks. His scanty hair was painted white. He was dressed in the
skins of animals skillfully sewn together. That animal has a head and ears as large as those of a mule, a neck and
body like those of a camel, the legs of a deer, and the tail of a horse, like which it neighs, and that land has very
many of them. His feet were shod with the same kind of skins which covered his feet in the manner of shoes. In
his hand he carried a short, heavy bow, with a cord somewhat thicker than those of the lute, and made from the
intestines of the same animal, and a bundle of rather short cane arrows feathered like ours, and with points of
white and black flint stones in the manner of Turkish arrows, instead of iron. Those points were fashioned by
means of another stone.” (Diary of Pigafetta, pp. 51-52).
“When one of those people die, ten or twelve demons all painted appear to them and dance very joyfully about
the corpse. They notice that one of those demons is much taller than the others, and he cries out and rejoices
more. They paint themselves exactly in the same manner as the demon appears to them painted. They call the
larger demon Setebos, and the others Cheleulle. That giant also told us by signs that he had seen the demons
with two horns on their heads, and long hair which hung to the feet belching forth fire from mouth and buttocks.
The captain-general called those people Patagoni (bigfeet). They all clothe themselves in the skins of that
animal above mentioned; and they have no houses except those made from the skin of the same animal, and
they wander hither and thither with those houses just as the Cingani do. They live on raw flesh and on a sweet
root which they call chapae. Each of the two whom we captured ate a basketful of biscuit, and drank one-half
pailful of water at a gulp. They also ate rats without skinning them.” (Diary of Pigafetta, p. 61).
“Once I (Pigafetta) made the sign of the cross, and, showing it (the cross) to him, kissed it. He immediately
cried out ” Setebos,” and made me a sign that if I made the sign of the cross again, Setebos would enter into my
body and cause it to burst. When that giant was sick, he asked for the cross, and embracing it and kissing it
many times, desired to become a “Christian” before his death. We called him Paulo.” (Diary of Pigafetta, p. 83)

Was the crucifixion really an image of the Menorah?
The Scriptures speak of the crucifixion being on a tree
Act 5:30 The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you seized, hanging Him on a tree.
Act 10:39 And we are witnesses of all things which He did, both in the country of the Jews, and in

Jerusalem. They did away with Him, hanging Him on a tree.
Act 13:29 And when they finished all the things having been written concerning Him, taking Him down
from the tree, they laid Him in a tomb.
Gal 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the Law, having become a curse for us; for it has been
written, “Cursed is everyone having been hung on a tree;” Deut. 21:23
1Pe 2:24 who “Himself carried up in His body our sins” onto the tree; that dying to sins, we might live to
righteousness, of whom “by His wound you were healed.”

Yahshua was crucified in the midst of two thieves

Joh 19:18 where they crucified Him, and two others with Him,
on this side and on that side, and Jesus in the middle.

Traditionally this is the image that is portrayed of the crucifixion.

But if this were the case the following Scripture would make no sense.
Joh 19:31 Then, since it was Preparation, that the bodies not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for
great was the day of that sabbath, the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and they be taken
Joh 19:32 Then the soldiers came and broke the legs of the first, and of the other crucified with Him.
Joh 19:33 But on coming to Jesus, when they saw He was dead already, they did not break His legs.
Why would the soldiers break the legs of the 1st and 3rd person and then go to Yahshua last? If they were all
crucified on one tree this would make perfect sense as they would make a circle starting from the 1st thief and
working around to the Messiah. If Messiah and the two thieves were crucified on a single tree then the image
that would have been formed would have been a menorah.
Another hint of this is seen in the following verse:
Joh 19:31 Then, since it was Preparation, that the bodies not remain on the cross on the sabbath, for
great was the day of that sabbath, the Jews asked Pilate that their legs might be broken and they be taken
Notice it says bodies (plural) should not remain on the cross (singular). The text seems to indicate that all 3
bodies were on a single ‘cross’ which in Greek would be stauros (tree).

Ernest Martin
Since we are told by the apostle John (who was an eyewitness to the crucifixion) that all three were crucified on
ONE stauros (i.e. a single tree), it is easy to see how the Roman soldiers broke the legs of the robber in the
Messiah’s right side (who had his back to the Messiah and was located on the northeast side of him) and then
they broke the legs of the robber on the Messiah’s left side (who also had his back to the Messiah but was
located on the southeast side of him). So, proceeding from the northeast side of the tree of crucifixion, the
soldiers killed the first robber, went to the southeast side and killed the second robber, but they then came to the
Messiah who was facing (let us say) westward towards his Father’s Temple. When they reached Yeshua they
found him dead already. (Secrets of Golgotha, pp. 176-177).
Tree of Life
The verses that speak of Messiah being crucified on a tree use the word ξυλον xulon for tree. This is the same
word used for tree of life in the New Testament.
Rev 22:2 In the midst of its street and of the river, from here and from there, was a tree of life producing
twelve fruits: according to one month each yielding its fruit. And the leaves of the tree were for healing of
the nations.
Rev 22:14 Blessed are the ones doing His commands, that their authority will be over the Tree of Life,
and by the gates they may enter into the city.
The Menorah is a symbol of the tree of Life
The Menorah/lampstand/candlestick=Light (1)
Exo 35:14 The candlestick also for the light, and his furniture, and his lamps, with the oil for the light,
Lev 24:2 Command the children of Israel, that they bring unto thee pure oil olive beaten for the light, to
cause the lamps to burn continually.
Num 8:2 Speak unto Aaron, and say unto him, When thou lightest the lamps, the seven lamps shall give
light over against the candlestick.
YHWH is a light to us
2Sa 22:29 For thou art my lamp, O LORD: and the LORD will lighten my darkness.
Mic 7:8 Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the
LORD shall be a light unto me.
Psa 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life;
of whom shall I be afraid?
Isa 60:19 The sun shall be no more thy light by day; neither for brightness shall the moon give light unto
thee: but the LORD shall be unto thee an everlasting light, and thy God thy glory.
Rev 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the
Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever.
the Messiah is the Light
Joh 1:9 That was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world.
Joh 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me
shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.

Joh 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world.
Isa 9:2 The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the
shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.
the Word is Light
Psa 119:105 NUN. Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.
The law/Torah is light
Pro 6:23 For the commandment is a lamp; and the law is light; and reproofs of instruction are the way of
We, His body, are to be lights in the world, shining forth His light:
Mat 5:14 Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Mat 5:15 Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth
light unto all that are in the house.
Mat 5:16 Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father
which is in heaven.
Phi 2:12 Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much
more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling.
Phi 2:13 For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.
Phi 2:14 Do all things without murmurings and disputings:
Phi 2:15 That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a
crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;
2Co 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:
2Co 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of
the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.
2Co 4:5 For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’
2Co 4:6 For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give
the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
Luk 12:31 But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you.
Luk 12:32 Fear not, little flock; for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.
Luk 12:33 Sell that ye have, and give alms; provide yourselves bags which wax not old, a treasure in the
heavens that faileth not, where no thief approacheth, neither moth corrupteth.
Luk 12:34 For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.
Luk 12:35 Let your loins be girded about{Eph 6:14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth,
and having on the breastplate of righteousness; }, and your lights burning
The Torah and the Word of YHWH will go forth out of Zion
Isa 2:3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the
house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion
shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem.
Zion is a people
Isa 51:15 But I am the LORD thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The LORD of hosts is
his name.
Isa 51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand,
that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my

We are the branches of the menorah
Joh 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the
branches{G2814 κλημα klema a limb or shoot} : He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth
forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Act 24:5 For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews
throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:
Jer 31:6 For there shall be a day, that the watchmen{H5341 ‫ נצר‬natsar ‫}נצרים‬upon the mount Ephraim
shall cry, Arise ye, and let us go up to Zion unto the LORD our God.
The almonds of the Menorah are the the hebrew word shaqad which is the same Hebrew word for WATCH…
notice the connection to the word Natsar which is translated as branches and watchmen
Exo 25:34 And in the candlestick shall be four bowls made like unto almonds*, with their knops and
their flowers.
Isa 11:1 And there shall come forth a rod out of the
stem of Jesse, and a Branch{H5342 ‫ נצר‬netser} shall
grow out of his roots:
Isa 60:21 Thy people also shall be all righteous: they
shall inherit the land for ever, the branch{H5342
netser} of my planting, the work of my hands, that I
may be glorified.
Isa 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
and to restore the preserved{H5341 natsar} of Israel: I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that
thou mayest be my salvation unto the end of the earth.
Mat 2:23 And he came and dwelt in a city called Nazareth: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by
the prophets, He shall be called a Nazarene. ß-Isa 11:1…Nazarene=Netser/Netserim/Natsarim/Branches
His disciples (1) have the testimony of Messiah(Light) and keep His commandments/Torah(Light)
Isa 8:16 Bind up the testimony, seal the law among my disciples.
Isa 8:20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no
light in them. Rev 12:17 And the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went to make war with the
remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Rev 14:12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the
faith of Jesus
Exo 25:31 And you shall make a lampstand of pure gold. The lampstand shall be made of beaten work;
its base and its shaft, its calyxes, its knobs, and its blossoms shall be from it.
Exo 25:36 Their knobs and their branches shall be of it, all of it one beaten work of pure gold.
Rom 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female:
for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Eze 34:23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he
shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
Eze 37:16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the

children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of
Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:
Eze 37:17 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.

The Body of Messiah

Rev 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw on My right, and the seven golden lampstands:
the seven stars are angels of the seven assemblies, and the seven lampstands you saw are seven
Joh 15:5 I am the vine, ye are the branches: He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth
much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing.
Pro 11:28 He that trusteth in his riches shall fall: but the righteous shall flourish as a branch.
Joh 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit,
he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.
Pro 12:12 The wicked desireth the net of evil men: but the root of the righteous yieldeth fruit.
Pro 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.
the Messiah is the Life (1)
Joh 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me.
the Messiah is the resurrection
Joh 11:25 Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were
dead, yet shall he live:
Joh 11:26 And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
Gen 3:22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and
now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
The Word
Joh 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
Joh 1:2 The same was in the beginning with God.
Joh 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
Joh 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the
only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
Psa 33:6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his


The Bible as a Menorah

The Hebrew letters running down the center column represent the
number of books on the corresponding branches. The letters are:

Tav: 22nd letter

Heh: 5th letter

12th letter

Heh: 5th letter

These letters spell the word tehillah which means praise.
Exo 25:33 three almond like calyxes on the one branch with knob
and blossom; and three almond like calyxes on the one branch with
knob and blossom, so for the six branches, those going out from the
3×6+4=22…corresponding to the 22 Hebrew letters.
Each side branch has three sets of three items – three bowls, each with a
“knop” and a “flower.” The central branch has four sets of the same three
items. Thus, the numerical arrangement of these decorations follow a
symmetric pattern on the seven branches:
9 + 9 + 9 + 12 + 9 + 9 + 9
The number of these “decorations” sums to 66, the number of books in
the Bible. Furthermore, the sum subdivides into the sum of the first four (9 + 9 + 9 + 9 + 12 = 39) and the last
three (9 + 9 + 9 = 27) to give the number of books in the Old and New Testaments. Putting it all together, we
see that the Bible and the Menorah have a large set of structural numbers in common:
• 7 Branches [Canonical Divisions] symmetrically displayed
• 3 Branches [Canonical Divisions] are paired, with one set apart.
• 22 Bowls [Hebrew Letters]
• 66 Decorations [Books] that subdivide into groups of 39 and 27
The structure of the Menorah also integrates with axis of the Wheel, with the Tav on the central pillar referring
back, yet again, to the Crucifixion. Taking just the distinct letters from the central column yields the Tav
KeyWord (Talah, to hang). God used this word to describe the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ when
He gave this command in Deuteronomy 21:22
Deu 21:22 And if a man has committed a sin worthy of death, and he is put to death, and you hang him
on a tree,
Deu 21:23 his body shall not remain all night on the tree; but burying you shall bury him the same day.

For he that is hanged is a reproach to God. And you shall not defile your land which YHWH your God is
giving to you as an inheritance.
The divine integration is astounding. The Number 22 – the Number that unites the entire body of Scripture – is
also the value of the fundamental Hebrew word (Yachad, Unite) used in Psalm 86, Yet there is more, the
phrase “unite my heart” is numerically equivalent for the Hebrew
word for the Wheel, Gilgal. We have a pair of identities:
Unite My Heart!
= 66 =
(Galgal, Wheel)
Yached Levavi

The triliteral root common to the two words rolled and Gilgal is galal ( ) which expresses the idea of
something round, circular, or rolling. It is the root of the word Galilee, the region of the Lord’s earthly ministry,
so called because it consisted of a circuit (galeel ) of cities on the furthest outreaches of the Israeli
kingdom. This root also gives rise to megillah ( ) denoting a scroll, or roll of a book. The prophet
Zechariah used this word when he wrote, “Then I turned, and lifted up mine eyes, and looked, and behold a
flying roll ( ).” Likewise, it is used in Psalm 40, the prophetic Psalm of the Lord’s first advent, where we
read: “Then said I, Lo, I come: in the volume ( ) of the book it is written of me, I delight to do thy will, O
my God: yea, thy law is within my heart.”
All of these ideas come together in the meaning of the root (Galah, S# H1540) which is various
translated as uncovered, discovered, opened, or revealed. It is used in Isaiah 53.1 “Who hath believed our
report? and to whom is the arm of the LORD revealed?” This is the Hebrew root – the root of the word
Revelation – that governs the overall structure of Scripture!
The name of the place where the Lord was crucified is the Aramaic3 Gulgoltha ( ) which became
Golgotha ( ) in Greek. It arose from galal through the Hebrew word for a skull, gulgoluth ( ),
so called because of its round form.
The name of the place where the Lord was crucified, therefore, differs from the Hebrew word denoting a wheel,
galgal ( ), by the addition of two letters, the Aleph ( ) and the Tav ( ). These are the first and last letters
of the Hebrew alphabet that govern the overall structure of God’s Wheel. They correspond to the Greek Alpha
and Omega, by which the Lord God identified himself, saying, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the
ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.”
This intimate relation between the Wheel, the letters Aleph and Tav, and Golgotha is but a glimpse of the
infinite depth of God’s perfect wisdom. How mighty are his works! He designed each letter of the Hebrew
alphabet to be kind of hieroglyph with a complex set of symbolic meanings that marvelously mix and merge to
form the living words of the Hebrew language. By studying each letter’s name, grammatical function, numerical
weight and relation to other letters, we come to understand its essential meaning and how it governs the themes
of its corresponding Spoke. The thoroughly Jewish understanding of these letters can be found at Rabbi
Yitzchak Ginsburgh’s (1) site.


These two letters, Aleph and Tav, combine to form the word , Eth, which in a mundane sense merely serves
to indicate the direct object in the accusative case. But both scholars and mystics have noted that there is much
more to be found in this simple word. The ever scholarly Ernst Klein, in his Etymological Dictionary of the
Hebrew Language, noted that was originally “a noun in the sense of ‘being, essence, existence,’” while the
esoteric author of the Zohar elaborated on this, stating that signifies essence of a thing, from beginning to
end, first and last, and noted its use in Genesis 1.1 where it appears at the center of first seven words of the

With this understanding of Eth, we discover that the true essence of the Wheel, Eth Galgal, , is an
anagram of , Golgotha, where the only change is that the First has become Last!6
Golgotha remains fixed as the inescapable central point about which God’s revelation eternally revolves. It is
the unmovable axis of the Wheel. From Aleph to Tav, from beginning to end, from Genesis to Revelation, this is
the message encoded in the supernatural structure of the Bible.
Behold the wisdom of God! The very word denoting the intrinsic geometric structure of God’s Word, Galgal,
points directly and inevitably to its central event at Golgotha, the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ, where the
reproach of our sin was forever rolled away. Glory to God in the highest!

Resources for Chapter 5:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Babylon Mystery Religion - Ralph Edward Woodrow

The Bible as a Menorah -

Bible Wheel - Richard McGough -

The Caduceus vs the Staff of Asclepius - Keith Blarney -

Compendious Syriac Dictionary

The Cross: Its Origin and Significance

Diary of Pigafetta

The Elegant Universe - Briane Greene

An Entrance to the Tree of Life - Yehuda Ashlag

Frequent Asked Questions About the Roman Catholic Church -


Genesis of the Cosmos - Paul LaViolette

God or Goddess? Christian Symbols, “The Cross”
Gods and Goddesses of Ancient India -

God's Festivals in Scripture and History Part 1 - Samuel Bacchiochi

The Golden Dawn - Israel Regardie

Guardians of the Grail - J.R. Church

Hebrew TaNaKH

Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee

The Hiram Key

A History of Secret Societies

Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

In My Flesh I See God - Avraham Yaakov Finkel

James, Fausset, Brown Bible Commentary

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P. Hall

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner

Making the Case for Hebrew - Uri Harel -

The Meaning of Masonry - W.I. Wilmhurst

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike

Mystic Masonry - J.D. Buck

Now Is The Dawning - Barbara Walker

The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy - Manly P. Hall

The Pythagorean Triangle - G. Oliver

Satan's Door Revisted - William Schnoebelen

Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol - David Ovason

Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill - David Ovason

Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall

Thayer's Greek Definitions

Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop

Vincent Word Studies

The Wicca Bible - Ann-Marie Gallagher

The Woman’s Encyclopedia of Myths and Secrets - Barbara Walker

Words with Heathen Origins in the Scriptures, “Jesus”

Chapter 6
The Hexagram

The great seal (mark) of Lucifer is the six-pointed star.

“I” Sail with the Seal
by John M. Tapia
“*I*am that I am the *I* as I am in you as I am in all things. *I*give you my peace to mankind my peace the
peace of *I* *I* made heaven for those who are worthy to be aware of all of light *I* made you because of
love, you are my family of the greater whole of the universe. My symbol in light is the six pointed star in
heaven. This is my great seal.”
Notice in this poem the use of ‘I.’ I am this, I am that. This points to Lucifer, the counterfeiter.
The 5 “I wills”
Isa 14:12 Oh shining star (KJV Lucifer), son of the morning, how you have fallen from the heavens! You
weakening the nations, you are cut down to the ground.
Isa 14:13 For you have said In your heart, I will go up to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the
stars of God, and I will sit in the mount of meeting, in the sides of the north.
Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be compared to the Most High.
Isa 14:15 Yet you shall go down to Sheol, to the sides of the Pit.

This is a counterfeit of the 6 “I Wills” of Exodus

Exo 6:6 Therefore, say to the sons of Israel, I am YHWH, and I will bring you out from under the
burdens of Egypt, and will deliver you from their slavery. And I will redeem you with an outstretched
arm and with great judgments.
Exo 6:7 And I will take you for Myself for a people, and I will be a God for you. And you shall know that
I am YHWH your God, the One bringing you out from under the burdens of Egypt.
Exo 6:8 And I will bring you into the land which I raised My hand to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to
Jacob. And I will give it to you for a possession. I am YHWH!

Although scholars have attempted to trace the Star of David back to King David himself; to Rabbi Akiva and
the Bar Kokhba (“son of the star”) rebellion (135 C.E.); or to *kabbalists, especially Rabbi Isaac Luria (16th
century), no Jewish literature or artifacts document this claim. Rather, all evidence suggests that the early use of
the hexagram was limited to “practical Kabbalah,” that is, Jewish magic, probably dating back to the 6th
century C.E. Legends connect this symbol with the “Seal of Solomon,” the magical signet signet *ring used by

King Solomon to control demons and spirits. Although the original ring was inscribed with the
Tetragrammaton, the sacred Four-Letter *Name of God, medieval *amulets imitating this ring substituted the
hexagram or pentagram (five-pointed stare), often accompanied by rampant *lions, for the sacred Name. The
star inscribed on these rings was usually called the “Seal of Solomon.”
The Jewish view of God, which permitted no images of Him, was and still is opposed to the acceptance of any
symbols, and neither the Bible nor the Talmud recognizes their existence. It is noteworthy, moreover, that the
shield of David is not mentioned in rabbinical literature. The “Magen Dawid,” therefore, probably did not
originate within Rabbinism, the official and dominant Judaism for more than 2,000 years. Nevertheless, a
David’s shield has recently been noted on a Jewish tombstone at Tarentum, in southern Italy, which may date as
early as the third century of the common era (see Herbert M. Adler in “J. Q. R.” xiv. 111). The earliest Jewish
literary source which mentions it, the “Eshkol ha-Kofer” of the Karaite Judah Hadassi (middle of the 12th
cent.), says, in ch. 242: “Seven names of angels precede the mezuzah: Michael, Gabriel, etc. . . .
Tetragrammaton protect thee! And likewise the sign called ‘David’s shield’ is placed beside the name of each
angel.” It was, therefore, at this time a sign on amulets.
“The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the Six-pointed star…according to the Rosicrucians…was
known to the ancient Egyptians.” (O.J. Graham, The Six Pointed Star p. 13)
The Hexagram traces back to the hieroglyphic for Amsu

Illustration 32: Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man pg 175

“Ancient Egyptian Seal of Solomon” (Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man -Albert Churchward, p. 188)
Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man By Albert Churchward pg 3, 38, 65

“In the Astro-Mythology of the Egyptians, we find belief in the first man-god (Horus I) …and his death and
resurrection as Amsu”
“This (6-pointed star) was the first sign or hieroglyphic of Amsu”
“Amsu – the risen Horus – was the first man-god risen in spiritual form.”
– The Six-Pointed Star – O.J. Graham
“In retrospect, the six-pointed star was an Egyptian occult symbol which King Solomon adopted when he
went into idolatry and witchcraft and built an altar for Ashteroth* (star). It was seen in Arab associations
with Jews (and these were obviously cabalists) till the 16th century and the influence of the Cabalist Isaac Luria
to the 17th century when Mayer Amschel Bauer used it on his door. Then he changed his family name to
Rothschild, meaning red shield, incorporating it into his family’s coat of arms. Finally, it became the insignia
for Zionism (1).”
*Ashtoreth (2)
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of
David}, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning
the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell
from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the
wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they
made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
John Gill commentary
Act 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Molech. Sometimes called
Molech, and sometimes Milcorn; it was the god of the Ammonites, and the
same with Baal: the one signifies king, and the other lord; and was, no
doubt, the same with the Apis or Serapis of the Egyptians, and the calf of the
Here it is seen that the hexagram symbol traces back to Molech which is
linked to the golden calf in the wilderness (Exodus 32:4), and later set up as
a counterfeit Temple by the Northern tribes. The important thing to notice
here is that the golden calf was used to worship YHWH.
Exo 32:4 And he took them from their hand and formed it with an
engraving tool. And he made it a casted calf. And they said, These are
your gods, O Israel, who made you go up from the land of Egypt.
Exo 32:5 And Aaron saw, and he built an altar before it. And Aaron
called and said, A feast to YHWH tomorrow.


1Ki 12:28 And the king took counsel and made two calves of gold. And he said to them, It is too much for
you to go up to Jerusalem. Behold your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt!
1Ki 12:29 And he set the one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.
1Ki 12:30 And this thing became a sin, for the people went before the one, to Dan.
1Ki 12:31 And he made a house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of people, who were not of
the sons of Levi.
1Ki 12:32 And Jeroboam made a feast in the eighth month, in the fifteenth day of the month, like the
feast that is in Judah; and he offered on the altar, so he did in Bethel, to sacrifice to the calves which he
made; and he made stand in Bethel the priests of the high places that he made.
1Ki 12:33 And he offered up on the altar that he made in Bethel, on the fifteenth day of the eighth
month, in the month that he devised out of his own heart; and he made a feast for the sons of Israel, and
offered on the altar, to burn incense.
Notice that golden calf worship (1) is a mixture between the worship of YHWH and the worship of the beast.
It is also associated with the feasts and changing of the calendar. More on this in a future study, Yah willing.
It was in the wilderness that The Holy Scriptures state that Yisrael took up star worship.
Act 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and led a sacrifice up to the idol, and made merry in the
works of their hands.
Act 7:42 But God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heaven, as it has been written in the
book of the Prophets: “Did you bring slain beasts and sacrifices to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Act 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you
made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. Amos 5:25-27
Ashteroth Karnaim
Gen 14:5 And in the fourteenth year Chedorlaomer and the kings that were with him came and struck
the giants in Ashteroth Karnaim, and the Zuzims in Ham, and the Emim in Shaveh Kiriathaim,
Gen 14:6 and the Horites in the hills of Seir, as far as the oak of Paran, which is by the wilderness.
‫עשתרת קרנים‬
‛ashteroth qarnayim
BDB Definition:
Ashtoreth-karnaim = “Ashtoreth of the two horns or peaks*”
1) a city in Bashan east of the Jordan given to Manasseh
Part of Speech: noun proper locative
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from H6252 and the dual of H7161
*2 horns/peaks

John Gill commentary on Gen 14:6

Gen 14:5 And in the fourteenth year came Chedorlaomer,…. Not in the fourteenth
year of their rebellion against him, as Jarchi, but from their becoming vassals to him:
and the kings that were with him; those kings before mentioned:

and smote the Rephaims in Ashteroth Karnaim; which were in their way to Sodom, &c. and very probably
were confederates with the five kings; the Targum, and so the Septuagint, render the word “giants”, as it is in
Deu_2:11; but they were one of the nations or tribes of the Canaanites, Gen_15:20; and had their name either
from the Hebrew word ‫רפא‬, which signifies to be healthful and robust, as those people might be, or from
Rephas, the Remphan of Stephen, Act_7:43; called Chiun, Amo_5:26; and with Cronus or Ham the father
of Canaan, as Bishop Cumberland (c) observes; and these dwelt in Ashteroth Karnaim, which was a place in
Bashan, Deu_1:4; it is about six miles, as Eusebius (d) says, from Adraa or Edrei, and in the Apocrypha:”Then
Maccabeus marched forth to Carnion, and to the temple of Atargatis, and there he slew five and twenty
thousand persons.” (2 Maccabees 12:26)mention is made of a place called Carnion, where was a temple of
Atergates, a Phoenician deity, as Ashteroth or Astarte, was; and this city here had its first name from Astarte
the wife of Cronus or Ham, and whose name may be preserved in Carnaim, as Bishop Cumberland thinks;
though as Astarte is said by Sanchoniatho (e) to put on her head the mark of her sovereignty, a bull’s head, that
is, with its horns, this might be another of her names retained in this city; and it is certain that she was a
Phoenician goddess, called the goddess of the Zidonians, 1Ki_11:5; and Sanchoniatho relates (f), that the
Phoenicians say, that Astarte is she, who among the Greeks is called Aphrodite or Venus; and Astarte is called
by Lucian (g) the Phoenician Venus, and by Cicero (h) the Syrian Venus; and if she was the same with Diana or
the moon, as some think, she might have the name of Carnaim from its two horns, as the word signifies: our
English poet (i) seems to have this in his thoughts, when he speaks of Astoreth as the goddess of the
Phoenicians: however the in habitants of this place who belonged to the Canaanites were first attacked by the
four kings and routed, though not utterly destroyed, because we hear of them afterwards, as well as they that
Ashtoreth represents the false temple/false body.
In Assyrian asirtu, which appears also under the forms asratu, esreti (plural) and asru, had the further
signification of “sanctuary.” Originally Asirtu, the wife of Asir, and asirtu, “sanctuary,” seem to have had no
connection with one another, but the identity in the pronunciation of the two words caused them to be identified
in signification, and as the tree-trunk or cone of stone which symbolized Asherah was regarded as a Beth-
el or “house of the deity*,” wherein the goddess was immanent, the word Asirtu, Asherah, came to denote the
symbol of the goddess. The trunk of the tree was often provided with branches, and assumed the form of
the tree of life*. It was as a trunk, however, that it was forbidden to be erected by the side of “the altar of
Yahweh” (Deu_16:21; see Jdg_6:25, Jdg_6:28, Jdg_6:30; 2Ki_23:6). Accordingly the symbol made for Asherah
by his mother was “cut down” by Asa (1Ki_15:13). So, too, we hear of Asherim or symbols of the goddess
being set up on the high places under the shade of a green tree (Jer_17:2; see 2Ki_17:10). Manasseh introduced
one into the temple at Jerusalem (2Ki_21:3, 2Ki_21:7).
*This connection between the Asherah & the House of God (Bethel) and the tree of Life is important to note.
The Asherah is a counterfeit tree of life which is really the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The tree of life
represents the Messiah who is pictured by the menorah. The tree of knowledge represents the adversary who is
pictured by the Christmas tree/Asherah pole.
Exo 23:24 You shall not bow down to their gods, and you shall not serve them. And you shall not do
according to their works. But tearing you shall tear them down, and smashing you shall smash their
H4676 ‫ מצבה‬matstsebah
BDB Definition:
1) pillar, mastaba, stump

1a) pillar
1a1) as monument, personal memorial
1a2) with an altar
1b) (Hophal) stock, stump (of tree)*
*This is the word used in Genesis referring to the stone that Jacob anointed and proclaimed as Bethel.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz at the first.
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon {This is a strong
reference to the Messiah, which means anointed one.}.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Messiah is the image of Elohim
2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, so that the brightness of
the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.
The congregation of believers are to be the “image” of Messiah
Rom 8:29 because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son,
for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.
2Co 3:18 But we all with our face having been unveiled, having beheld the glory of the Lord in a mirror,
are being changed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord Spirit.
Here we see that the pillar that Jacob anointed is to be the house of Elohim. His house are His people (Hebrews
3:6). His body. Pictured by the menorah, the tree of Life. The counterfeit is a pillar/Asherah which is called
Bethel. The antichrist’s house are his people. His body. Pictured by the Asherah, the tree of knowledge.

Illustration 33: Ceiling of the temple of Ba'al

The Hexagram also appears on a coin of Herod the Great and on that coin it is poised over the dome of the
Temple in Jerusalem.

This is important to note as Herod did not build the 2nd Temple, but changed
it. It took him 46 years (John 2:20) to build which links to the 46
chromosomes in the human body that holds our DNA. More on this, Yah
willing, on the study on DNA & the mark.

Symbol of Nimrod
Illustration 34: Coin of Herod the Recent findings in Redpaths History of the world, shows several cuts taken
Great from Babylonian engravings that pictures the hexagram used as a symbol of
Nimrod. It appears the symbol was also used to represent Shemesh or the sun-god. {The cross is also used as a
symbol of Shemesh} If it can be drawn that Nimrod was represented as the son of Shemesh in the same manner
that the Pharaohs were considered sons of Ra, the Egyptian sun-god, then the history of the hexagram back to
Babylon and to ancient satanic pagan religions would be unrefutable. That the hexagram then came to Canaan

via the dispersion of the races in the figure used for Baal and his consort goddess Ashtoreth as copies of Nimrod
and Simeramus, makes the hexagram the symbol of the snake throne of Mystery Babylon.
Kabbalists have associated the Hexagram with Druid temple of the sun in Stonehenge as pictured by Kabbalist
Charles Ponce.

This is a satanic union that should not be ignored. It is a confession in symbolism

that they are both of the same religious antiquity. The first use of the Hexagram in
Babylon is found within the winged sun-disc. The Hexagram then is an ancient
pagan symbol having nothing to do with God. By the Kabbalist superimposing the
hex upon Stonehenge, they are confirming through symbolism that the six-pointed
star is the *mark, seal, or symbol* of the sun god. If this sun god Shemesh is found
to be worshiped in the person of Baal or lucifer, the light bearer, and the one to
enlighten mankind in the mystery of iniquity, then the hexagram becomes a symbol
of the highest satanic religion upon the earth. It is symbolic of the snake throne.

Counterfeit Messiah
Did the ‘star of David’ originate with King David? Or perhaps a false Messiah who took the name David?

Illustration 35: The Thirteenth Tribe Arthur Koestler pg 136

Illustration 36: Thirteenth Tribe – Arthur Koestler Pg 137

Illustration 37: Thirteenth Tribe – Arthur Koestler pg 137

Shabbatai Tzevi (1)

The Star of David came into its greatest prominence during the messianic era of the false 17th century
Rabbi Shabbatai Tzevi who heralded the coming Messianic Era in Judaism in the year of 1666. Out of this
era, the German Jews designed a special star shaped brass oil lamp that was called the Judenstern (Jewish star)
that was symbolic that the lighting of the candles on the eve of the Shabbat (Sabbath) was a foreshadow of the
coming Age of the Messiah.
The Star of David in Jewish lore goes back to the 6th century symbols of the “Seal of Solomon” that was the
signet ring that King Solomon used to counter the magic and spells of the demons and beings of the spirit
world. According to legend the original ring was inscribed the Tetragrammaton, the sacred Four-letter Name of
Hashem, the God of Israel.
Then there were the legends of the Magic Shields of King David what were inscribed with the seventy-two
letter name of YHVH God, or the word Shaddai (Almighty) or angelic names. This shield by legend was passed
down to the possession of Judas Maccabee, in Hasmonean patriarch that started the Hasmonean Royal Dynasty.

Over the centuries the popularity of Star of David as was engraved on the Shield of King David was replaced by
the Menorah when the 15th century kabbalist, Isaac Arama revealed that the “Menorah Psalm” in Psalm 67 with
its seven verses were engraved on King David’s shield with the menorah. Yet later Isaiah 11:2 was depicted as
revealing the six manifestation of the divine spirit was inscribed on King David Shield. As such, soon the six
star hexagram began to replace the menorah symbol in popular legends, and the five-pointed star called a
pentagram became identified with the Seal of Solomon.
During the 17th century era of Rabbis Shabbatai Tzevi and Jacob Frank, for the first time in history the Star of
David was used to represent Judaism as a whole. In the 17th century Jewish quarter in Vienna, Austria, a
boundary stone inscribed with a hexagon on the Jewish side and the “cross” on the Christian side was used to
mark the dividing line of the two religious communities.

According to locals this place was a gathering place of Shabtai Tzvi and his followers. Shabtai Zvi was exiled to
Ulcin and had been buried there. His grave is located indoors and is considered a holy place.
The hexagram is a counterfeit of the Lily of the valley.

Yahshua is the Lily of the Valley
Son 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

‫ שושן‬comes from the root ‫ שש‬which means white and is the same root for the Hebrew word for 6.

The hexagram is a counterfeit of the Living Waters

Sacred Geometry: it is the “art and science of describing the universe by number and universal patterns.” ["The
New Age Dictionary", edited by Alex Jack p. 170]
Notice which symbol represents the
number 6. The hexagram in sacred
geometry is associated with the human
embryo at eight cells and to water
crystals. This will be discussed in greater
detail but needless to say is connected to
DNA very strongly.
The beautiful elegance of our Father’s creation can be seen in mathematical and geometrical forms. Each of
these shapes is a shadow pointing to Messiah. However, each of these shapes is also a counterfeit pointing to
the mark of the beast. A perfect example of this is the hexagram.

Hexagonal shapes are related to water, and sapphire (blue), both of which point to the Word/Messiah (1).
However, the hexagram shape points to the adversary, the mark of the beast/Saturn. Why is this? The
adversary seeks to counterfeit the Messiah (2). Yahshua is the image of the Father (Hebrews 1:3). The
adversary seeks to counterfeit that image so instead of the living waters pointing to Yahshua, mankind is led to
make images of the hexagram which point to satan. The pentagram is linked with the mark of the beast as well,
yet the Fibonacci pattern which points to Messiah is intimately connected with the pentagon. In short, creation,
the handiwork of YHWH points to Messiah Yahshua. The handiwork of man, ‘images engraven by man’s
device’, point to the adversary. One is living, the other dead. Choose ye this day, life or death…
Joh 5:43 I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own
name, you will receive that one.
The Scriptures associate the Messiah with a star
Num 24:17 I shall see him, but not now; I shall behold him, but not near. A star marches out of Jacob,
and a scepter shall rise out of Israel and shall dash the corners of Moab, and break down all the sons of
The ‘star’ of David is the counterfeit of this. This is why the false Messiah of the 2nd century was given the title
‘bar Kochba’ (son of the star) by Rabbi Akiva.
Jewish commentaries admit that Shimon bar Kochba was a false Messiah but that is only because he failed to
deliver Israel from Rome. If he would have succeeded they would have proudly hailed him as the Messiah.
Midrash Lamentations II. 2, sec.4
“A Bath Kol issued forth an proclaimed, ‘Woe to the worthless shepherd that leaveth the flock! The sword shall
be upon his arm, and upon his right eye’ (Zec 11:17)…Forthwith the sins (of the people) caused Bethar to be
captured. Bar Koziba was slain and his head taken to Hadrian.”
Maimonides on the Messiah
“If a king will arise from the house of David, a student of Torah, performing good deeds like his ancestor David,
in the spirit of both the Written and the Oral Torah, and prevail upon all Israel to reinstate the Torah and to
follow its direction, and will fight the battles of the Lord, he will presumably be the Messiah. If he has done
these things an succeeded, having overcome the surrounding enemy nations and rebuilt the sanctuary on its site
and gathered the dispersed of Israel, he will certainly be the Messiah.”
“The sages have declared: ‘The only difference between the present world and the messianic era is our present
subjection to foreign powers’ (Berakoth 34b)
Rabbi Akiva’s Messiah pg 23
“Maimonides says that, ‘Rabbi Akiva was a great sage, one of the authors of the Mishnah, yet he was the right-
hand man of Ben Koziva, the ruler, whom he thought to be King Messiah. He and all the sages of his
generation imagined Bar Kokhba to be King Messiah until he was slan unfortunately. Once he was slain, it
dawned on them that he was not [Messiah].”


“during the Bar Kochba rebellion (first century), a new technology was developed for shields using the inherent
stability of the triangle. Behind the shield were two interlocking triangles, forming a hexagonal pattern of
support points. (Buckminster Fuller showed how strong triangle-based designs are with his geodesics.)”

Rabbi Akiba allegedly used it {hexagram} as a Messianic symbol in the war of liberation conducted by Simon
ben Cozeba who took on the messianic name *Bar Kochba,* which means the “son of the star.” He led the
Jewish revolt against the Emperor Hadrian (Gershom Scholem Star of David p 261).
Mat 24:30 And then the sign of the Son of Man will appear in the heavens. And then all the tribes of the
land will wail. And they will see the Son of Man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much
glory. Dan. 7:13
Mat 24:31 And He will send His angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they will gather His elect
from the four winds, from the ends of the heavens to their ends.
The ‘Christmas star’
The Star of Bethlehem, also called the Christmas Star, is a star in Christian tradition that revealed the birth of
Yahshua to the magi (or “wise men”) and later led them to Bethlehem.
The Gift Of The Magi, p. 4.
“Christ is a Greek word for king. A king was one who was literally born under the cosmic signature of the
King’s Star. Jesus, as we know, was born in the lineage of the House of David. But to be born in the lineage of
David didn’t only mean that you had parents in that lineage. It also meant that you were born under the Star of
David, which occurred when Jupiter, the King ’s Star, aligned with Saturn…there was, in fact, a triple
conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, in the sign of Pisces, in the years 7-6 BC.”
“…the religion of Saturn is Saturnian gnosis – which turns out to be a rehash of the gnosticism that the high
level Satanists believe in. Saturn is severe. Jupiter is mild. The merging of Saturn (severity) with Jupiter is the
creation of the new Golden Age — according to high level Satanic hierarchy teachings.” Fritz Springmeier &
Cisco Wheeler, The Illuminati Formula, 1996, p.160
Counterfeit sign of the true Messiah
The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God
with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.
The Star of David, or magen David (‘Shield of David’), is a strong symbol of Jewish identity, and as a
hexagram it represents the interaction of the Divine with the mortal*. It gets its name from the tradition that
David carried a hexagram-shaped shield during his defeat of the giant Goliath. It has strong links with the
Kabbalah, and is sometimes known as the Seal of Solomon or the Creator’s Star. When the Star of David is
called the Creator’s Star, the six points each represents a day of the week and the center corresponds to the
*The Hexagram is a picture of the ‘god-man’. The beast.
Some assign a benign origin to the hexagram symbol by saying it is two dalets combined together from the
ancient Hebrew name of David.
David in Ancient Hebrew is:
These letters are explained as thus:

‘The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail. The meaning of this symbol when it is
combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the “Messiah” who comes to rule the earth
as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.’
Notice the ‘as above, so below’ theme. Truly, Messiah Yahshua was Elohim in the flesh…this is why the
adversary seeks to bring about a counterfeit that will be part ‘god/elohim’ part man. The beast will be part
fallen angel (1).
Bar Nafli
Sanhedrin 96b-97a
“Rav Nachman asked R. Yitzchak: Have you heard when Bar Nafli (Son of the Fallen One) will come? He
said to him: Who is Bar Nafli? He said to him: Mashiach. Do you call Mashiach Bar Nafli? He answered
him: Yes, for it is written, On that day I will establish the sukkah of David that is fallen.”
Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England. Jerusalem: Magnum Press, 1975.
“the Messiah will come in the form of a great fish from the sea.”
Sanhedrin 98a
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi meets Elijah the Prophet and asks, “When will Mashiach come?”
Elijah responds, “Why are you asking me? You can ask Mashiach himself.”
“Really?! Where can I find Mashiach?”
Elijah tells him, “Go to the gates of Rome and there you’ll find him.”
King David is known as David ben Yishai—the son of Yishai. It is interesting to note that the gematria of ‫בן‬
‫ישי‬, “ben Yishai,” is 372, the same value as the words ‫בר נפלי‬, bar nafli.

The Hebrew Letters Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Avraham Ariah Trugman pg 208

The awaited Messiah of Rabbinic

Judaism is represented by the
number 666.
The number 666 has significance as the numerical value of the Hebrew verse: “Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai —
Now, I pray, let the Power of my Lord be great.” (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe’s prayer invoking Divine
Mercy on behalf of the Jewish People.

“Mosad Hayesod” cites the Vilna Gaon’s commentary on the Zohar that “the number 666 contains
hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential.” No other explanation is offered there.
We do know that the number six represents the physical world. The Torah describes the creation of the universe
as a six part, six day, process. Our ancient sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions — north,
south, east, west, up, down — from a central point. All physical space and all physical objects have these six
666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that
concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which
Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose,
to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.
* Sources: Mosad Hayesod pp. 204-205
* Rabbi Dovid Rossoff, author o “Where Heaven Touches Earth,” Guardian Press

Antichrist Kingdom
The term “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” A New Order of the Ages, was adapted by Charles Thomson in 1782 who,
while designing the Great Seal of the United States, was inspired by a line in Virgil’s Ecologue IV from the first
Now the last age by Cumae’ Sibyl has come and gone,
And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew:
Justice returns, old Saturn’s reign
With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.
On do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom
The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,
Befriend him, chaste Lucina: ‘this thine own Apollo reigns….
He shall receive the life of gods,
And see Heroes and gods commingling,
And himself be seen of them,
And with his father’s worth.
“This Chosen One of God is chosen from above to demolish the senseless forces moved by instinct and not
reason, by brutishness and not humanness. These forces…have overthrown all forms of social order to erect on
the ruins the throne of the King of the Jews; but their part will be played out the moment he enters into his
“Then will it be possible for us to say to the peoples of the world: ‘Give thanks to God and bow the knee before
him who bears on his front the seal of the predestination of man, to which God Himself has led his star that
none other but He might free us from all the beforementioned forces and evils.’” – Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Sion (Protocol 23), 799


The hexagram has enjoyed popular use among alchemists. Alchemists of old and
particularly those from the 5th century to the 15th century in Europe and the
Middle East were very consistent in their use of the hexagram. For most cultures
the hexagram symbolized male [the upward triangle] and female [the downward
triangle] or just something auspicious, but for the Alchemist the hexagram
symbolized fire and water. Alchemists also used the hexagram to represent the six
planets [each of the 6 points] and the sun was in the middle of the hexagram. The
symbol universally represented the art of Alchemy for Muslims, Christians and
Jews as the representation of the combination of opposites and transmutation.
The alchemy of the middle ages had it’s origins in the Kabbalah and it’s end goal was the transmutation of lead
into gold which was an allegory of turning man into god.
In alchemy the hexagram represents the joining of the opposites, male and female, to bring about the
philosopher’s stone.
The ‘magic square of the sun’, which equals 666, is associated with the ‘The Philosophers stone’

The Hexagram of Earth

represents the Solar energy that
makes concrete matter that we
can move and touch, in short, The
Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist
of Queen Elizabeth I, in his book
Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the
following quote:
“‘Mahatma Letters,’ page 345: ‘The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon’s Seal is…
the Sri–Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the
whole occult doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the
‘squaring of the Circle,’ the ‘Philosophers’ Stone,’ the great problems of Life and Death–the mystery of
Evil. The Chela who can explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.’”John Dee,
Hieroglyphic Monad, page 76
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret of Freemasonry with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s
The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It
was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.
For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making
the philosopher’s stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also
known by several other names, such as ‘materia prima.’ Ultimately, it is about bringing heaven down to earth.
Or the Sun (father) joining with the earth (mother) according to occult belief.
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s Stone.”

Morals and Dogma pg 64
…Grand Arcanum,…that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and Heaven. Let no one expect us to
give them its explanation! He who passes behind the veil that hides this mystery, understands that it is in its
very nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by surprise, as well as to him who reveals it.
This secret is the Royalty of the Sages, the Crown of the Initiate whom we see redescend victorious from the
summit of Trials, in the fine allegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanun makes him master of gold and the light,
which are at bottom the same thing, he has solved the problem of the quadrature of the circle, he directs the
perpetual movement, and he possesses the philosophical stone. Here the Adepts will understand us. There is
neither interruption in the toil of nature, nor gap in her work. The Harmonies of Heaven correspond to those of
Earth, and the Eternal Life accomplishes its evolutions in accordance with the same laws as the life of a dog.
“God has arranged all things by weight, number, and measure,” says the Bible; and this luminous doctrine was
also that of Plato.
Azoth was considered to be a ‘universal medicine’ or ‘universal solvent’ sought in alchemy, its symbol was the
Caduceus (the rod of Hermes) and so the term, which being originally a term for an occult formula sought by
alchemists much like the philosopher’s stone, became a poetic word for the element Mercury.
As the works of more of the alchemists have come to light, it becomes clear that the philosopher’s stone wasn’t
really a stone at all—even though it is always referred to as such. Sometimes the catalyst of transmutation is
described as a divine child, an angel, a dragon, an elixir, a tincture, or an as-yet unknown chemical compound.
Many alchemists began to consider that somehow the philosopher’s stone was not a thing at all, but a system of
knowledge. Once the alchemist truly perceived the reality that lay behind the symbols, he would achieve an
intellectual and spiritual level wherein he would become one with the power that existed within the mysterious
goal for which he searched so long. Once he understood what the philosopher’ stone represented, he would have
found it at last—and he would have become one with it.
Many scholars have since insisted that the true alchemists sought not to turn base metals into gold, but to
transform the dense material of their physical bodies into a spiritually evolved immaterial entity. In this
perspective, the philosopher’s stone becomes the Holy Spirit that mystically transmutes humans into true
manifestations of God on Earth.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves,
and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power
of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt
and change its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a
human so ill but that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he
will not fade. His appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should
see the stone for two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such

power does the stone give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the
Grail.” (1)
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”…The Philosopher’s stone will need to be
discussed in more detail in a future study, but it points to the ‘evolution of man’ into a ‘god.’ DNA is a stone,
when it is mixed with the ’stone’ from heaven the ‘Holy Grail’ or transformation is attained. This is what
Christmas is a foreshadow of. The return of the age of Saturn. The age of Aquarius. The golden age of the
Cup of Destiny pg 134
“No one can come to the Grail without knowledge of the secrets of time – Chronos. And it is Saturn that
teaches these secrets.
Guardians of the Grail pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in
his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the
doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human
body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at
the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”


15th century alchemy manuscript
This work contains an emblematic figure of the
hexagram associated with the planets with the
caduceus like image of the intertwined snakes and
the sun at the centre.
The alchemists of the Middle Ages used the
hexagram first and foremost as a general symbol
representing the art of alchemy and secondly as a
sign for combinations of

Combined these two triangles formed the symbol

for fire water, the essence or spiritus of wine:
alcohol. The Star of David is used by occultists to
represent “wine”. Who was the god of wine?
Bacchus/Dionysus. His ivy mark was branded on
Jews during the time of Maccabees.
In the alchemical tradition, the four elements
(which were believed to lie behind all matter) were
symbolized as triangles.

Illustration 38: Image source: Secret Architecture of Our

Nation's Capitol

Illustration 39: Image Source: Secret Architecture of Our Nation's

Notice on the head of these 4 women the images of cherubim spoken of in Ezekiel 1. This links the hexagram
to the chariot seen by Ezekiel. This chariot is called by Kabbalists the merkabah and is linked with the
‘evolution’ of man. More on this below.
666 connection
χξς In Hebrew this would be rendered

The ‫ ם‬mem sofit is only at the end of Hebrew words so the only word which could be translated
correctly is ‫( וסם‬v’sam) starting at the left and going right. This makes sense as Greek is written from left to
right and Hebrew is written from right to left.
‫ סם‬samek mem sofit is translated into hebrew as drug/poison…the vav in the front would be rendered
‘and’ or ‘adding’. Adding poison. The Hebrew word for number is mispar which is from the same root
as the word for book sepher.

The number 666 then may be alluding, on a deeper level, to a poison book that is added to the Book of Life
(Deuteronomy 12:32; Revelation 22:18-19). The Quran…The Talmud (Oral law)…The Gnostic Gospels…The
Catholic Catechism… On a physical level what is the book of life? DNA. Adding poison to the book of life =
adding ‘poison’ to DNA
This word samek mem sofit is not used in Scripture.

However, looking at the word sum which comes from this root draws some interesting connections to 666.
Notice that this word is translated into
English as name and mark. Also notice that
the word shem ‫ שם‬is related to this word
as it is a ‘df’ defective spelling. Shem is
the word typically translated as name. It
means the character, the breath of a thing.
The hebrew letter shin is related to ‘fire’ in ancient thought. The Hebrew letter Mem is a pictograph of water.
Water & fire.

Illustration 40: Image Source: Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol

Notice what image is formed by combining fire and water in occultic thought. The Hexagram. Also notice that
it is the combination of air (heaven) and earth. ‫ וסם‬means to add poison or ‫ שם‬the name of the beast…his
character. The mixture of heaven and earth. As above so below…beast & man.
The 4 elements point to the Word
2Pe 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away
with rushing sound, and having burned the elements will be dissolved, and earth and the works in it will
be burned up.
2Pe 3:11 Then all these being about to be dissolved, of what sort ought you to be in holy behavior and
2Pe 3:12 looking for and hastening the coming of the Day of God, through which the heavens having
been set afire will be dissolved; and burning, the elements will melt?
The elements here mentioned are linked to the Hebrew Aleph-Bet
Tanya, Shaar HaYichud V’haEmunah I
“If the letters (with which heaven was created) were to remove themselves for an instant, God Forbid, and
return to their source, the entire heaven would become an absolute vacuum”
The Greek word translated as elements in 2 Peter 3:10 = letters
Thayer Definition:
1) any first thing, from which the others belonging to some series or composite whole take their rise, an
element, first principal
1a) the letters of the alphabet as the elements of speech, not however the written characters, but the spoken
1b) the elements from which all things have come, the material causes of the universe
1c) the heavenly bodies, either as parts of the heavens or (as others think) because in them the elements of man,
life and destiny were supposed to reside
1d) the elements, rudiments, primary and fundamental principles of any art, science, or discipline
1d1) i.e. of mathematics, Euclid’s geometry
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from a presumed derivative of the base of G4748
The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene pg 13
“The fundamental particles of the universe that physicists have identified- electrons-neutrinos, quarks, and so
on- are the ‘letters’ of all matter.”
Vincent Word Studies – 2 Peter 3:10
The elements (στοιχεια)
Derived from στοιχος, a row, and meaning originally one of a row or series; hence a component or element. The
name for the letters of the alphabet, as being set in rows. Applied to the four elements – fire, air, earth, water;
and in later times to the planets and signs of the zodiac…The kindred verb στοιχεω, to walk, carries the idea of
keeping in line, according to the radical sense. Thus, walk according to rule (Gal_6:16); walkest orderly
(Act_21:24). So, too, the compound συστοιχεω, only in Gal_4:25, answereth to, lit., belongs to the same row or
column with. The Greek grammarians called the categories of letters arranged according to the organs of speech

συστοιχιαι. Here the word is of course used in a physical sense, meaning the parts of which this system of
things is composed.
Uri Harel – Making the Case for Hebrew
“Hebrew, as a conceptual language, operates on a different principal altogether. A quick study of how words are
formed in Hebrew reveals a stunning resemblance between the structure of the language, where its letters
combine to form words with an inherent meaning; and the structure of the physical universe, where atoms
combine into molecules to form various substances.
In the material world, each atom expresses an inherent unique property. When a combination of several atoms
occurs, it becomes a molecule, which is the smallest expression of a particular material. Each of the Hebrew
letters, in exactly the same way, expresses a concept. When put together in combinations with other letters
(typically sets of three letters) they form the equivalent of a molecule: a Hebrew root. And from this root many
words spring out, all carrying within them the three letters of the root and some of the original meaning of the
concept of the root.”
The word στοιχεια (element), in Greek means ‘orderly, in a row’ which is precisely what scientists have found
when studying the elements of the universe.
For more on the elements and how they are a shadow picture of Messiah (1)
The use of the cross representing the 4 elements in the mystery religions yet again shows forth the concept of
the Truth vs. the counterfeit. The Tree of Life vs. the tree of knowledge.

Mark of Saturn

“On the first face is engraved…a pentagram or a star with five points. On the other side is
engraved a bull’s head enclosed in a SIX-POINTED STAR, and surrounded by letters
composing the name REMPHA, THE PLANETARY GENIUS OF SATURN, according to
the alphabet of the Magi.” (Christian, p. 304-5


Another form of the talisman of Saturn:

The sum of each row gives an equal of 15, and 1+5=6

And the explanation of this so called “holy square of saturn” its
the following: if we
separate the 9 numbers in three parts, (1 2 3) (4 5 6) (7 8 9), and if
a line its draw
from the first to the last number: 1 to 2 to 3, another line starting
in the number 4 to
5 to 6, and the last line draw from 7 to 8 to 9, the following
symbol its created.
And in Qabbalism 1+2+3=6; 4+5+6=15, 1+5=6; 7+8+9=24,
2+4=6. Hence the talisman represents 666.
Another form of the ‘magic square’ of Saturn

Notice the ’3rd eye’ which points to the pineal gland and the ‘transformation’ of man
into a ‘god.’ The talisman also uses the Sacred name which again portrays the
adversary’s attempt to counterfeit the Most High.

The most important of the Titans was Cronus, in Latin Saturn.
The Roman god of agriculture concerned with the sowing of the seeds*.
*The Holy Scriptures state that the Son of Man (the Messiah) is the one who sows the seed. Saturn/satan is the
counterfeiter…he sows the tares.
Mat 13:37 And answering, He said to them, The One sowing the good seed is the Son of Man.
Mat 13:38 And the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the
darnel are the sons of the evil one.
Mat 13:39 And the hostile one who sowed them is the Devil, and the harvest is the end of the age, and the
angels are the reapers.
Mat 13:40 Then as the darnel is gathered and is consumed in the fire, so it will be in the completion of
this age.
Mat 13:41 The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all the
offenses, and those who practice lawlessness.
Mat 13:42 And they will throw them into the furnace of fire; there will be weeping and gnashing of the
Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturnus (that became the namesake of Saturday (1), equated to the Greek
Kronos (the Titan father of Zeus) the Babylonian Ninurta and to the Hindu Shani. Saturn’s symbol represents
the god’s sickel {Angel of Death (2)…’Father Time' (1)}.
In memory of the Golden Age of man, a mythical age when Saturn was said to have ruled, a great feast called
Saturnalia was held during the winter months around the time of the winter solstice (3).
In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Cronus by the Greeks, was, at the
dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife, Ops, (called Rhea by the
Greeks) was a Harvest Helper. Saturn was one of the Seven Titans or Numina and with them, reigned supreme
in the Universe. The Titans were of incredible size and strength and held power for untold ages, until they were
deposed by Jupiter.

The Romans said that when Saturn’s son, Jupiter (Zeus) ascended to the throne, Saturn fled to Italy and brought
in the Golden Age, a time of perfect peace and happiness, which lasted as long as he reigned. In memory of the
Golden Age, when Saturn reigned in Italy, the great feast of Saturnalia (1) was held every year during the
winter. The idea of it was that the Golden Age returned to the earth during the days it lasted.
The giants (2) sprang forth from his blood. Cronus was lord of the universe, with his sister-queen, Rhea (lat.
Ops). His son, the future ruler of heaven and earth, whose name in Greek is Zeus and in Latin Jupiter, rebelled
against him.
Zeus punished his conquered enemies by bounding them in bitter chains beneath the wide-wayed earth, as far
below the earth as over earth is heaven, for even so far down lies Tartarus.
Star of Saturn/Moloch
Act 7:37 This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel, “The Lord your God will raise up a Prophet to
you” “from your brothers, One like me.” You shall hear Him. Deut. 18:15
Act 7:38 This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him
in Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living Words to give to us,
Act 7:39 to whom our fathers did not desire to be subject, but thrust him away, and turned their hearts
back to Egypt,
Act 7:40 saying to Aaron, “Make for us gods which will go before us; for this Moses who led us out of the
land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.” Ex. 32:1
Act 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and led a sacrifice up to the idol, and made merry in the
works of their hands.
Act 7:42 But God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heaven, as it has been written in the
book of the Prophets: “Did you bring slain beasts and sacrifices to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Act 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you
made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. Amos 5:25-27
Amo 5:25 Have you brought near sacrifices and food offerings to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Amo 5:26 Yea, you have lifted up the booth of your king, and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods
which you made for yourselves!


Brown Driver’s Briggs Hebrew
BDB Definition:
Chiun = “an image” or “pillar”
1) probably a statue of the
Assyrian-Babylonian god of the
planet Saturn and used to
symbolise Israelite apostasy
Part of Speech: noun proper deity
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s
Number: from H3559
Footnote in the JPS pocket edition
of the Tanakh on Amos 5:26
“astral deity Saturn-R. Isaac Caro
says all the astrologers
represented Saturn as the star of
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
1. Chiun, Certainly the Planet Saturn
One planet is certainly mentioned in Old Testament, and we may safely infer that the other four were
known, since this particular planet is the least conspicuous both in brightness and in motion, and was
therefore probably the last to be discovered. The reference to Saturn occurs in Amo_5:25, Amo_5:26 :
“Did ye bring unto me sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? Yea, ye
have borne the tabernacle of your king (the King James Version Moloch) and the shrine of (the King
James Version Chiun) your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” This passage
was quited from Septuagint by Stephen in his defense, “And they made a calf in those days, and brought
a sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced in the works of their hands. But God turned, and gave them up to
serve the host of heaven; as it is written in the book of the prophets,
“Did ye offer unto me slain beasts and sacrifices
Forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
And ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch,
And the star of the god Rephan,
The figures which ye made to worship them” (Act_7:41-43).
The difference between the names Chiun and Rephan, is due either to Rephan being local Egyptian
name for the planet Saturn, and therefore used by the Septuagint as its equivalent, or to an actual error of
transcription in the text from which they were translating: the initial of the word being taken as resh (‫)ר‬

when it should have been kaph (‫)כ‬, r instead of k. The word should therefore be transliterated Kaivan,
which was the name of the planet Saturn amongst the ancient Arabs and Syrians, while kaimanu,
“constant” or “regular,” was its name with the Assyrians. The English Revised Version in Amo_5:26
adopts the reading of the King James Version margin, “Siccuth your king,” Moloch meaning king; but
the authority of the Septuagint and the parallelism of the text and its general line of thought support the
reading given by some of the ancient versions and followed by the King James Version.
2. Saturn or Moloch Worship
The difficulty of the passage is that both Amos and Stephen appear to represent the worship of the
golden calf as identical with the worship of Moloch and of the planet Saturn; yet though Kaivan is only
mentioned here, the nature of the reference would imply that this deity was one familiar both to speaker
and hearers. The difficulty vanishes at once, if the plain statement of Stephen be accepted, that when
God permitted Israel to “go after the stubbornness of their heart, that they might walk in their own
counsels” (Psa_81:12) He “gave them up to serve the host of heaven.” The worship of the golden calf
was star worship; it was the solar bull, the constellation Taurus, in which the sun was at the time of the
spring equinox, that was thus represented. The golden calf was therefore analogous to the familiar
symbol of the Mithraic cult, the bull slain by Mithra, Sol Invictus, if indeed the latter did not take its
origin from this apostasy of Israel. See CALF, GOLDEN.
And Moloch the king, the idol of the Ammonites and Phoenicians, was intimately connected both
with the solar bull and the planet Saturn. According to the rabbins, his statue was of brass, with a
human body but the head of an ox (1). On the Carthaginian worship of Moloch or Saturn, Diodorus
(book xx, chapter i) writes: “Among the Carthaginians there was a brazen statue of Saturn putting forth
the palms of his hands bending in such a manner toward the earth, as that the boy who was laid upon
them, in order to be sacrificed, should slip off, and so fall down headlong into a deep fiery furnace.
Hence it is probable that Euripides took what he fabulously relates concerning the sacrifice in Taurus,
where he introduces Iphigenia asking Orestes this question: ‘But what sepulchre will me dead receive,
shall the gulf of sacred fire me have?’ The ancient fable likewise that is common among all the Grecians,
that Saturn devoured his own children, seems to be confirmed by this law among the Carthaginians.”
The parallelism of the text therefore is very complete. The Israelites professed to be carrying the
tabernacle of Yahweh upon which rested the Shekinah glory; but in spirit they were carrying the
tabernacle of the cruelest and most malignant of all the deities of the heathen, and the light in which they
were rejoicing was the star of the planet assigned to that deity.
Moloch then was the sun as king, and especially the sun as he entered upon what might be considered
his peculiar kingdom, the zodiac from Taurus to Serpens and Scorpio, the period of the six summer
months. The connection of the sun with Saturn may seem to us somewhat forced, but we have the most
direct testimony that such a connection was believed in by the Babylonians. In Thompson’s Reports,
obverse of No. 176 reads: “When the sun stands in the place of the moon, the king of the land will be
secure on his throne. When the sun stands above or below the moon, the foundation of the throne will be
secure.” The “sun” in this inscription clearly cannot be the actual sun, and it is explained on the reverse
as being “the star of the sun,” the planet Saturn. No. 176 rev. reads: “Last night Saturn drew near to the
moon. Saturn is the star of the sun. This is the interpretation: it is lucky for the king. The sun is the
king’s star.” The connection between the sun and Saturn probably arose from both being taken as
symbols of Time. The return of the sun to the beginning of the zodiac marked the completion of the year.
Saturn, the slowest moving of all the heavenly bodies, accomplished its revolution through the signs of
the zodiac in about 30 years, a complete generation of men. Saturn therefore was in a peculiar sense the
symbol of Time, and because of Time, of Destiny.
2. (1)

Swift Platinum Easton’s Topical Bible:
“Remphan (Acts 7:43; R.V., “Rephan”). In Amos 5:26 the Heb. Chiun (q.v.) is
rendered by the LXX. “Rephan,” and this name is adopted by Luke in his narrative of
the Acts. These names represent the star-god Saturn or Moloch.”

Illustration 41: Morals & Dogma pg 509

Smith’s Bible Dictionary by William Smith, L.L.D. p.561:

“Remphan, Acts 7:43, and Chi’un, Amos 5:26, have been supposed to be names of
an idol worship secretly by the Israelites in the wilderness. Much difficulty has been
occasioned by this corresponding occurrence of two names so wholly different in
sound. The most reasonable opinion seems to be that Chiun was a Hebrew or
Semitic name and Remphan and Egyptian equivalent substituted by the LXX.
This idol corresponded probably to Saturn or Molech. The mention of Chiun or
Remphan as worshipped in the desert shows that this idolatry was, in part at least,
that of foreigners, and no doubt of those settled in lower Egypt.”

2Ki 23:10 And he defiled Topheth in the valley

of the sons of Hinnom, so that no man could
cause his son and his daughter to pass through
the fire of Molech.
Tophet: which is the valley of the children of
Hinnom; a valley that belonged to the posterity of
a man of this name, near to Jerusalem, see
Jos_15:8, hence the Greek word “geenna” for hell,
in the New Testament:
Gehinnom…translated as hell in most English
versions comes from this concept of human
sacrifice at the valley of Hinnom. Halloween is a
picture of this ‘hell on earth’. Demons and evil
spirits let loose on the earth. At the fall of Babylon
this is what is seen. Babylon falls and becomes a habitation of evil spirits and unclean beasts.
Jer 32:34 But they set their idols in the house on which My name has been called, to defile it.
Jer 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons
and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come
into My heart, that they should do this detestable thing, to cause Judah to sin.

Jer 7:30 For the sons of Judah have done evil in My eyes, says YHWH. They have set their idols in the
house on which is called My name, in order to defile it.
Jer 7:31 They have built the high places of Tophet in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons
and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into My heart.
John Gill commentary
to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire: which was done, as Jarchi says, by putting them into the arms
of the brasen image Moloch, heated hot. The account he gives of Tophet is this,
“Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being
stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried
out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be
but in this he is mistaken; for “Tophet” was not the name of an idol, but of a place, as is clear from this and the
following verse. There is some agreement between this account of Jarchi, and that which Diodorus Siculus (z)
gives of Saturn, to whom children were sacrificed by the Carthaginians; who had, he says, a brasen image of
Saturn*, which stretched out his hands, inclining to the earth; so that a child put upon them rolled down, and
fell into a chasm full of fire:
1Ki 11:1 And King Solomon loved many foreign women, even the daughter of Pharaoh, Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, Hittites;
1Ki 11:2 of the nations which YHWH said to the sons of Israel, You shall not go in to them, and they shall
not go in to you; they shall turn aside your heart after their gods; Solomon clung to these in love.
1Ki 11:5 And Solomon went after Ashtoreth, goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom, the
abomination of the Ammonites;
1Ki 11:6 and Solomon did evil in the sight of YHWH, and did not go fully after YHWH like his father
1Ki 11:7 Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is
before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the sons of Ammon;

Valley of Giants – Valley of Hinnom…Hell & the

Nephilim (1)
Jos 18:16 And the border went down to the end of
the mountain that is before the valley of the son of
Hinnom, which is in the Valley of the Giants
northward, and went down the valley of Hinnom to
the side of the Jebusite on the south, and went down
to En-rogel.
Jos 15:8 And the border went up to the valley of the
son of Hinnom, to the side of the Jebusite on the
south (it is Jerusalem) and the border went up to the
top of the mountain which is before the valley of
Hinnom westward at the far end of the Valley of the
Giants northward.

1Ch 14:9 And the Philistines came and made a raid in the Valley of the Giants.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ge÷ -hen´a (γεεννα, geenna (see Grimm-Thayer, under the word)): Gehenna is a transliteration from the Aramaic
form of the Hebrew ge-hinnom, “valley of Hinnom.” This latter form, however, is rare in the Old Testament,
the prevailing name being “the valley of the son of Hinnom.”
In the New Testament (King James Version margin) Gehenna occurs in Mat_5:22, Mat_5:29, Mat_5:30;
Mat_10:28; Mat_18:9; Mat_23:15, Mat_23:33; Mar_9:43, Mar_9:15, Mar_9:47; Luk_12:5; Jam_3:6.
Gehenna is rendered as ‘hell’. That “the valley of Hinnom” became the technical designation for the place of
final punishment was due to two causes. In the first place the valley had been the seat of the idolatrous worship
of Molech, to whom children were immolated by fire (2Ch_28:3; 2Ch_33:6).
Paul G. Mosca, in his thesis described below, translates Cleitarchus’ paraphrase of a scholia to Plato’s Republic
There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a
bronze brazier, the flames of which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the
body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems almost to be laughing until the
contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known as
‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die laughing.
Diodorus Siculus (20.14) wrote:
There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus extending its hands, palms up
and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon
rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol 1 pg 132
“Sabaism, or the worship of the stars, was one of the earliest deviations from the true system of religion. One of
its causes was the universally established doctrine among the idolatrous nations of antiquity, that each star was
animated by the soul of a hero god, who had once dwelt incarnate upon earth. Hence, in the hieroglyphical
system, the star denoted a god. To this signification, allusion is made by the prophet Amos, when he says to
the Israelites, while reproaching them for their idolatrous habits: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your
Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” (Amos v. 26)
This idolatry was early learned by the Israelites from their Egyptian taskmasters; and so unwilling were they to
abandon it, that Moses found it necessary strictly to forbid the worship of anything “that is heaven above”;
notwithstanding which we find the Jews repeatedly committing the sin which had been so expressly forbidden.
Saturn was the star to whose worship they were more particularly addicted under the names of Moloch
and Chiun, already mentioned in the passage quoted from Amos. The planet Saturn was worshipped
under the names of Moloch, Malcom or Milcom by the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and
the Carthaginians, and under that of Chium by the Israelites in the desert. Saturn was worshipped
among the Egyptians under the name Raiphan, or, as it is called in the Septuagint, Remphan. Stephen,
quoting the passage of Amos, says, “ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god
Remphan.” (Acts vii.43)
Alexander Hislop Two Babylon’s Chapter 7
The name of the system is “Mystery” (Rev 17:5). Here, then, we have the key that at once unlocks the enigma.
We have now only to inquire what was the name by which Nimrod was known as the god of the Chaldean

Masteries. That name, as we have seen, was Saturn. Saturn and Mystery are both Chaldean words, and they
are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *
* In the Litany of the Mass, the worshippers are taught thus to pray: “God Hidden, and my Saviour, have mercy
upon us.” (M’GAVIN’S Protestant) Whence can this invocation of the “God Hidden” have come, but from the
ancient worship of Saturn, the “Hidden God”? As the Papacy has canonised the Babylonian god by the name of
St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the “martyr,” so by this very name of “Satur” is he also enrolled in the calendar;
for March 29th is the festival of “St. Satur,” the martyr. (CHAMBER’S Book of Days)
To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee is
pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus–Stur. This name
contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:–
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope, as head of the
Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the original name of Rome
itself was Saturnia, “the city of Saturn.”
The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil, which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin
race traced back their lineage, was represented with a glory around his head, to show that he was a “child of the
Sun.” Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular opinion, the original Lateinos had occupied the very same
position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was equally worshipped as the “offspring of the Sun.” Moreover, it
is evident that the Romans knew that the name “Lateinos” signifies the “Hidden One,” for their antiquarians
invariably affirm that Latium received its name from Saturn “lying hid” there. On etymological grounds, then,
even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos is equivalent to the “Hidden One”; that is, to Saturn, the “god of
Mystery.” *
Number of a man
Saturn, the hidden god,–the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets were revealed only
to the initiated,–was identical with Janus (1) , who was publicly known to all Rome, to the uninitiated and
initiated alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had the key of the invisible world. Now,
what means the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient
Chaldee, E-anush signifies “the Man.” By that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it
first made its appearance. *
* The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might expect “He-
anesth,” “the man,” to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-sarsiphon, Osarsiphon; and,
in like manner, He-anesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of a “Man-god,” the name Oannes is taken by
Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion of the H’ into O’ among our own immediate neighbours, the
Irish; what is now O’Brien and O’Connell was originally H’Brien and H’Connell (Sketches of Irish History).

It was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan contained the
Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was “by far the most probable name” of the beast
from the sea. *

IRENAEUS. Though the name Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became thoroughly
naturalised in the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more abundant evidence on this important
subject, the Spirit of God seems to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan should be found
according to the Greek computation, while that of Satur is found by the Chaldee.
Now, on inquiry, it will actually be found, that while Saturn was the name of the visible head, Teitan was the
name of the invisible head of the beast. Teitan is just the Chaldean form of Sheitan, * the very name by which
Satan has been called from time immemorial by the Devil-worshippers of Kurdistan; and from Armenia or
Kurdistan, this Devil-worship embodied in the Chaldean Mysteries came westward to Asia Minor, and thence to
Etruria and Rome.
The learned reader has no need of examples in proof of this frequent Chaldean transformation of the Sh or S
into T; but for the common reader, the following may be adduced: Hebrew, Shekel, to weigh, becomes Tekel in
Chaldee; Hebrew, Shabar, to break–Chaldee, Tabar; Hebrew, Seraphim–Chaldee, Teraphim, the Babylonian
counterfeit of the Divine Cherubim or Seraphim; Hebrew, Asar, to be rich–Chaldee, Atar; Hebrew, Shani,
second–Chaldee, Tanin, &c.
That Teitan was actually known by the classic nations of antiquity to be Satan, or the spirit of wickedness, and
originator of moral evil, we have the following proofs: The history of Teitan and his brethren, as given in
Homer and Hesiod, the two earliest of all the Greek writers, although later legends are obviously mixed up with
it, is evidently the exact counterpart of the Scriptural account of Satan and his angels. Homer says, that “all the
gods of Tartarus,” or Hell, “were called Teitans.” Hesiod tells us how these Teitans, or “gods of hell,” came to
have their dwelling there. The chief of them having committed a certain act of wickedness against his father, the
supreme god of heaven, with the sympathy of many others of the “sons of heaven,” that father “called them all
by an opprobrious name, Teitans,” pronounced a curse upon them, and then, in consequence of that curse, they
were “cast down to hell,” and “bound in chains of darkness” in the abyss. While this is the earliest account of
Teitan and his followers among the Greeks, we find that, in the Chaldean system, Teitan was just a synonym for
Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon, who was universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all
wickedness. It was Typhon, according to the Pagan version of the story, that killed Tammuz, and cut him in
pieces; but Lactantius, who was thoroughly acquainted with the subject, upbraids his Pagan countrymen for
“worshipping a child torn in pieces by the Teitans.” It is undeniable, then, that Teitan, in Pagan belief, was
identical with the Dragon, or Satan.

Pope Benedict XVI, wearing his Saturn hat, greets the faithful at the end of his
weekly general audience in St. Peter's square at the Vatican, Wednesday, June 17,

The Statue of “Saint Peter” which is really a statue of Jupiter… which the Romans called Saturnus, we can see,
in his throne, an hexagram the six pointed star of Saturn.

The Planet Saturn
Hexagram found on North pole of planet Saturn
NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2 spacecraft imaged the feature over two decades ago. The fact
that it has appeared in Cassini images indicates that it is a long-lived feature. A second
hexagon, significantly darker than the brighter historical feature, is also visible in the
Cassini pictures. The spacecraft’s visual and infrared mapping spectrometer is the first
instrument to capture the entire hexagon feature in one image.
The hexagon is nearly 15,000 miles across. Nearly four Earth’s could fit inside.
Richard Hoagland states that this hexagonal figure is one hexagon within another that is made of ammonia
clouds. He states that it is hyper-dimensional.

Hexagram & 19.5 degrees

Da Vinci understood, our body is based on geometric patterns. these patterns in turn relate perfectly to nature.

Secrets in the Fields pg 153
"The tetrahedron is also said to be a formula 'for changing base metals into gold...The tetrahedron is a guide to
understanding the Universal mechanics of light, sound and magnetism, and how an understanding of such
transforms the base metal (physical human) into gold (spiritually enlightened human).

19.5 degrees falls over the heart. The heart represents the throne of Elohim.
In the book of Revelation (Chapter 4) John is shown a vision of the Throne of Elohim. Around the throne and
the 4 living creatures are 24 elders (Revelation 4:4) representing the 24 ribs surrounding the human heart. From
the heart blood is pumped to the Lungs. As seen in Genesis 1:2-5 (1), the etymology of the English word
‘Lung’ traces back to the meaning of Light. In our bodies our lungs have 7 vascular bundles called nodes.
These represent the 7 Spirits of Elohim (Revelation 4:5; Isaiah 11:1-3). These 7 Spirits/Ruach/Breathe are
pictured in the earthly Tabernacle/Temple by the Menorah. The Menorah is a picture of the Tree of Life. The
Light of the world.
Rev 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are
burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;
This is where the man of sin seeks to be enthroned (2 Thessalonians 2:4).


The universe of sacred symbols, whose resonance in the archetypal levels of the human psyche can cause
spiritual change and expand consciousness beyond the confines of mundane reality. Symbols that serve as
gateways to realms of knowledge, power, and understanding that inform and control life on earth, and,
presumably, the after-death state of non-physical life as well. Symbols that can open the mind to communication
with spiritual beings who welcome the opportunity to interact with human consciousness. Symbols that confirm
to the aspiring student the nature of the truths he or she seeks.
In The Mystery Traditions, I quoted the following statement by Titus Burckhardt from his book Alchemy, “True
symbolism depends on the fact that things which may differ from one another in time, space, material nature,
and many other limitative characteristics, can possess and exhibit the same essential quality.”
In the diagram of the {Kabbalistic} Tree of Life the traditional esoteric geometric representation of the mystic
totality of existence – the Sun is the number six, the Sephira, or sphere, of Tiphareth, Beauty. Tiphareth stands
in the balance, midway between the topmost sphere of Kether, the Crown – the Point, the first manifestation of
the Infinite – and the bottom sphere of Malkuth, the Kingdom – the world of three-dimensional physical reality
in which we live. Tiphareth occupies the central of the three pillars of the Tree of Life, the Middle Pillar,
surrounded on either side by the Pillars of Mercy and Severity.
As the Sun is Tiphareth, the number six, its geometrical figure is the hexagram. The hexagram further
exemplifies the nature of the Sun as intercessor or balance point between above and below, heaven and
earth, God and man. The hexagram is formed by the union of the ascending male triangle of Fire, and the
descending female triangle of Water. The number six, or hexad, was called “the Perfection of Parts” by
Pythagoras. This reminds us that Tiphareth (Beauty) is the sphere of Harmony. And harmony is produced by the
joining together of distinct, and, in some cases, discordant elements, to produce a unified and aesthetically
pleasing whole. Pythagoras observed that the number six is the first mixture of odd and even, being the
multiplication of two by three. The Pythagoreans designated odd numbers as male, and even numbers as female.
Thus, we are reminded once again that the number six and the hexagram represent the union of male and
female, the harmony upon which all creation relies. The Sun’s metal is gold, the luminous and most beautiful of
all, whose value has been an unchanging indicator of wealth and a medium of exchange for millennia. A visit to
any fine Egyptian collection, in either a museum or the pages of a book, will show the prominence of gold as
the chosen metal of pharaonic iconography and architecture. Similarly, gold was the metal chosen for most of
the ritual implements in the Temple of Solomon. It was also used to cover the sacred Ark of the Covenant.
Medieval and Renaissance Europe used gold liberally in churches, shrines, and palaces, as did the Aztec,
Mayan, Indian, and Chinese royalty and priesthood. Gold is the ultimate symbol of the perfection reached by
the alchemist – who removes in countless stages the myriad of impurities that make up lead, and allows for its
transformation and refinement into the king of metals.
In the body, the Sun is the heart, symbolically the single most important organ. The heart is the central pumping
station of the blood, the essence of life. All survival and health depend on its regular and consistent motion.
Long regarded as the seat of courage, the heart was torn from the chest of enemies and eaten by ancient
warriors, that they might increase their own strength by ingesting the essence of worthy opponents. Colloquially
we speak of a person “with heart” to describe the motivation and self-discipline necessary to pursue a course of
success in life. The heart denotes sincerity, the appreciation of the essence of the self in action. It is also the
symbolic seat of love, the motivating force that sustains the world through generation.
Among the parts of the Soul in the Qabalah, the Sun is one of six of the ten Sephiroth that compose the intellect,
known as the Ruach. Here again, the Sun acts as an intercessor between the higher levels of the soul (the Self,

Life Force, and Intuition) and its lowest aspect (the Animal Soul of Nature). The Intellect weighs and analyses,
decides on the appropriate response to stimulation from above and below. It acts as the mediator between
“heaven” and “earth.”
This is a direct counterfeit of Messiah
1Ti 2:5 For God is one, also there is one Mediator of God and of men, the Man Christ Jesus,
The following information comes from a message board Posted by jesta_g
“Da Vinci understand that we have a “field” around or body that is known as the MERKABA {more on this in
volume 2) which is (as with everything) connected to the unified field. this field is an electro-magnetic field
(which every living thing has, including celestial bodies (planets/stars)) that rotates so fast that we can not see it
as it is part of the “light body” the same as the CHAKRA system.
Something interesting about these star tetrahedral fields which richard hoagland announced in his nasa mars
cydonia seminar was that planets have this MERKABA.
This tetrahedral shape when looked in 2D form looks like a hexagram (star of david). The 6 points of the
hexagram are the poles (north and south) and for other points that are at *19.5 degrees*. Now when we place
this star tetrahedron inside a specific planet we get some interesting locations.
For example the large vortex that is on jupiter is at *19.5 degree*
saturns white spot is at *19.5 degrees*
Neptunes great “dark spot” is at …… you guessed it *19.5 degrees*
mars’ Mt Olympus ad also the “city” of cydonia (home to the face on mars) is at …… ah yes of course…..
*19.5 degrees*
On the Sun: sunspot activity and the region of peak temperatures is limited to 19.5 degreees north and south.
On Venus: the presumably active major volcano complexes Alpha and Beta Regio are near 19.5 degrees.
On Earth:
Mauna Loa, Hawaii (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 155 degrees 37 minutes W) The largest shield volcano is at 19.6
degrees north. This is Mauna-Kea volcano on the island of Hawaii.
Mexico City, Mexico (19 degrees 23 minutes N, 99 degrees 10 minutes W) The Pyramid of the Sun at
Teotihuacan is at 19.6 degrees north.
Dzibalchen, (Yucatan), Mexico (19 degrees 28 minutes N, 89 degrees 46 minutes W)
Georgetown, Grand Cayman Island (19 degrees 18 minutes N, 81 degrees 26 minutes W) Mount Emi Koussi,
Chad, Africa (19 degrees 47 minutes N, 18 degrees 34 minutes E)
Mount Kalsubai, (near Bombay), India (19 degrees 33 minutes N, 73 degrees 43 minutes E)
Mountain near Xiangkhoang, Laos (19 degrees 17 minutes N, 103 degrees 17 minutes E)
Mountain near Potosi, Bolivia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 66 degrees 22 minutes W)
Yasur Volcano, Tanna Island, Vanuatu (South Pacific Ocean) (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 169 degrees 25 minutes
Mount Samuel, Northwest Territory, Australia (19 degrees 13 minutes S, 134 degrees 8 minutes E)
Gweru, Zimbabwe, Africa (19 degrees 31 minutes S, 29 degrees 49 minutes E)
On Mars: the “vast” Olympus Mons shield cone volcano is at 19.5 degrees.
On Jupiter: the “red spot” which is an obvious vortex is at 19.5 degrees.

On Neptune: in 1986 Voyager II discovered a similar spot at 19.5 degrees north.
19.5 degrees is the angle that’s been found by researchers (Richard C. Hoagland, Stanley
McDaniel, Erol Torun, Horace W. Crater, etc.) to be repeatedly encoded in the structures of Cydonia
(1). It is viewed as a definite ‘signal in the noise’ – some kind of a ‘message’ left there by some
intelligence. 19.5 is called t, the ‘tetrahedral constant’, because of its significance in tetrahedral
geometry (a tetrahedron is a pyramid shape composed of four equilateral triangular sides): the
apexes of a tetrahedron when placed within a circumscribing sphere, one of the tetrahedron’s apexes
touching the north pole, the other three apexes touch the surface of the sphere at 19.5 degrees south
latitude. Why this number would be important to the builders of the Martian structures is not clear
(though Hoagland is theorizing that it has to do with what he calls “hyperdimensional
physics”).Hyperdimensional hexagon

Heart chakra


The heart chakra is the seat of balance within the body. There is no longer any concern with attachments to
worldly pleasures, honors or humiliations.
Anahata chakra has twelve vermillion petals. The Yantra in the centre of the chakra is composed of two
overlapping, intersecting triangles. One triangle, facing upward symbolizes Shiva, the male principle. The other
triangle, facing downward, symbolizes Shakti, the female principle. A balance is attained when these two forces
are joined in harmony.

It is in the heart chakra that Kundalini Shakti appears for the first time as
a beautiful goddess.
She sits in lotus posture within a triangle.
The triangle is pointing upward, showing the tendency of Shakti to move
upward and carry the aspirant into the higher planes of existence. Behind
Kundalini Shakti stands a lingam in which Rudra Shiva appears as
Sadashiva (sada : “eternal”, shiva : “benefactor”). He is Shabda Brahma,
or the eternal Logos.

Kabbalistic interpretation
Kabbalah is a discipline and school of thought discussing the mysticism aspect of Judaism. It is a set of esoteric
teachings that are meant to explain the relationship between an infinite, eternal and essentially unknowable
Creator deity with the finite and mortal universe of His creation…., the Star of David symbolizes the six
directions of space plus the center, under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira
Sefer Yetzirah is the title of the earliest extant book on Jewish esotericism.The Sefer Yetzirah is devoted to
speculations concerning God’s creation of the world….: Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and Center.
The Zohar is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, or Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical
commentary on the Torah , written in medieval Aramaic language…. , it represents the Six Sefirot of the Male
Ze’ir Anpin , meaning “small countenance”, is an important term in Kabbalah. Ze’ir Anpin is the partzuf of the

midot, corresponding to the emotive faculties of the soul….united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female

Illustration 42: Morals & Dogma pg 799

Maimonides protested that the Jews had perverted the great commandment regarding the
proclamation of God’s unity, the honor and love of him of which the Mezuzah speaks by
making it an amulet, …i.e. inserting hexagrams at the end of Deut 6:4, when it was
supposed to be a mark of distinction upon their doorways of the monotheism of God and his
blessings provided they keep the Law, otherwise a curse would be upon the home and
family. Some believe that the use of the hex was to ward off God bringing evil upon a
Jewish home or family if they did not observe or keep all the Sinai Covenant.
The above mentioned practice of the magic version of the Mezuzah originated no doubt in
Babylon. During the dark ages, the Jews numbering in the millions still lived there until
around 1054 AD when an Arab ruler evicted them.
Isaac (Isaak) Luria’s students in Safed, Israel knew of a certain “general talisman” which they describe as a
hexagram and designate it as the seal of Solomon.
Sholem reports: “Beginning in the 16th century, many such amulets displaying a hexagram achieved
considerable popularity (Star of David – Gershom Scholem p 267).”
This sign of the distinctive MARK of the Davidic house was thus connected with magic within the Kabbalistic
symbolism of the “kingdom of David”. Among the Kabbalist this “kingdom” is a symbol of the tenth sefirah
(Malkuth) in the tree of the ten emanations by which the Godhead manifests itself. This sefirah is represented
in the upper world by the mystical body of the congregation of Israel, in the lower, however, by the “kingdom of
David” (Star of David – Gershom Scholem p 271).

This is important to note. Here we see the mezuzah being used as an amulet in Judaism. The commandment
does not say to put little boxes on your doorposts but to write the commandments on your doorposts.

Deu 6:9 And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house, and on your gates.
Rabbi Eliezer of Metz (12th Century) said it was a common practice to add seals at
the end of the verse contained in the Mezuzah for the sake of the increased security of
the home from evil.
In Arabic magic the “seal of Solomon” was widely used, but at first its use in Jewish
circles was restricted to relatively rare cases. Even then, the hexagram and pentagram were
easily interchangeable and the name was applied to both figures. As a talisman, it was
common in many of the magical versions of the mezuzah which were widespread between
the tenth and 14th centuries. Frequently, the magical additions to the traditional text of the
mezuzah contained samples of the hexagram, sometimes as many as 12. In magical
Hebrew manuscripts of the later Middle Ages, the hexagram was used for certain amulets,
among which one for putting out fires attained great popularity (Heinrich Loewe
-Juedischer Feuersegen, 1930).

Shin & the Hexagram

THE SUN-KING: 666 = A (111×6), THERION (Beast), ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T), Sorath
(Spirit of the Sun), and Shemesh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton). “666 is the Most Holy
Number of the Sun” (according to them). It is symbolized by the letter Shin made of three Vavs
(=666). Shin is the letter of Path 31 on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life and 31=AL (The All). 666 is
the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed Glory, for there are 36 Paths within the Tree
of Life, 32 known, while four remain secret. 666 is also the occult number of the Hexagram,
another symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal parts each of
which may be represented by the number one, so that every line can be symbolized by the number
111. There are six lines in all, making 111×6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun.
The mark of YHWH is a sign on the hand and frontlets between the eyes and also on the doorposts
of your home… the mark of the beast is a counterfeit.
Deu 6:6 And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
Deu 6:7 And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest
in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
Deu 6:8 And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between
thine eyes.
Deu 6:9 And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house, and on thy gates.
Deu 11:18 Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a
sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.

The Hebrew Letters
Shin: The Eternal Flame
The letter shin appears engraved on both sides of the head- tefilin. On the right side, the shin
possesses three heads, while on the left side it possesses four heads. In Kabbalah we are taught
that the three-headed shin is the shin of this world while the four- headed shin is the shin of the
World to Come.
Shin is the twenty first letter, and symbolizes the Spirit, the Spiritual Fire, The Flaming Sword.
It is said that when Shin is not in the middle of a word it turns to anger and resentment. When
in the middle of a word, it is the central equilibrating fire. For example is the word Moses,
which is M Sh H, or Yeheshuah, which is Y H Sh V H. Shin also stands for the Shekinah.
The image of the letter Shin is a tooth. The form of this letter refers to the three roots of the molars. Shin has
also its traditional meaning of the Cosmic Fire or the Fiery Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Because the tooth or the
molar refers to the taking of food, to eating, to taking in, it indicates, in combination with its other meaning, the
reception of Cosmic Fire. It is the influx of the Holy Spirit that flowed into the heads of the Apostles, shown as
a flame above each of their heads.
The body has taken in the Fiery Spirit. This Fire or Shin is the dynamic movement in the Universe and its active
and expansive forces. With this fire one dances on the World. Shin is the movement of everything that exists.
Shin vivifies all beings great or small. It is the Cosmic Snake or the Cosmic Dragon.
The shape of Shin also refers to the Trinity, here in its fiery aspect, the descending Dove. Its shape is composed
of three Vau’s, placed next to each other, giving the number 666, which is the number of the Sun, and also
of the Beast of the Book of Revelation of John. The number 666 is not evil as it is often thought, it is a
number of mystery.
The three flames in the letter Shin are also explained as being representations of the Od or the active force of
life, the Ob or the passive force of life, and the Aur or the balancing force of life
The Shins Of The Tefillin And Messianic Consciousness
Commentary By Liorah Chanah Elishaba Tsabrah
The Divine 4-headed shin of Hashem and of the matriarchs represents chochmah
of binah of atzilut, with its base representing the malchut of echad. Concealed
within the natural functions of the universe, it is imperceptible to the limited and
unrectified human mind. This shin represents the changeless dark essence – the
dark light corresponding to the love of the Land of Israel, and represents
rectification of the sin of the spies. The 4 heads of the shin represent the future
to come (lamed ayin tav yud dalet – lamed beit aleph) and the level of imma ila’ah (of atzilut) in unity with the
malchut of echad (of Ein Sof). The lower partzuf of imma ila’ah is tevunah, the power to apprehend the future
world. Comprehension of this apprehension is also called the coming world (olam haba). Thus, the 4-headed
shin alludes to both the coming world (the lower brilliance) and to the future world (the higher brilliance).
Found on the original tablets from Sinai, the 4-headed shin is embossed on the left side of the tefillin worn on
the head (the reish of raz, where raz symbolizes the mystery of Mashiach Ben David). This shin comes into

existence by framing and penetrating the innards of the 3-headed shin of this world (olam hazeh). By
penetrating the innards of the 3-headed shin, a fourth vav, representing the archetypal righteous convert (ger
tzedek) or baal teshuvah transforms upon arising from the dark base point of the malchut of echad into a zayin
(the zayin of raz, where the zayin represents revelation of a once-hidden holy spark through the ger tzedek
and/or baal teshuvah). This zayin (true favor) unifies the Divine, the spiritual and the physical, and serves as a
conduit for the provision of sustenance to Israel and to the whole world, atzilut to assiyah, flowing from the
malchut of echad. The true favor found in zayin is the sum (58) of seven components hidden in the form of the
3-headed shin of this world (3 yuds above 3 vavs on the yud of the base). The 3-headed shin of Elokim and of
the patriarchs, similar to the one used in the Torah scroll, represents binah of chochmah of the lower worlds of
beriyah, yetzirah and assiyah, with its base (turned upside down and inside out like a nun hafucha) established
in the malchut of atzilut. It is found on the right side of the tefillin worn on the head and refers to the human
mind and to its ability to receive intangible insight through the connecting dalet of darga (the ta’am elyon) and
to perceive reality.
Additionally regarding the 4-headed shin, the transformative vav, the letter of truth, represents of the penetration
of unblemished truth into the false grace of this world, transforming the lie (shin kof reish) into the vowel
shurek (shin vav reish kof), thereby redeeming and revealing the once-hidden spark of truth upon which the lie
once stood. This transformation is the rectification of the sefirah yesod, which in the form of a tet (having the
power to bear opposites and to unite heaven and earth) “frames” malchut, and in the form of a vav contains the
seed of truth. The rectification of the dark essence of malchut by framing (a function of tet) and penetrating into
the heart of vav (a function of zayin) through tevunah (the lower partzuf of imma ila’ah), transforms the inner
essence of vav (da’at) into the zayin of shabbat consciousness, and raises the 3-headed shin “above the wood”
of the lower worlds into the world of atzilut, by turning it inside out and upside down upon the pivoting action
of tradition through shalshelet (ta’am tachton). Attainment of shabbat consciousness and the elevation of
the mundane to the holiness of atzilut marks rectification of the tree of knowledge, enabling unification of
truth with favor through knowledge – ushering into every malchut the messianic consciousness of echad.
Through the prism action of malchut, messianic consciousness is reflected, iterated and spread throughout all
levels of existence, surging through all with the brightness and brilliance of the Ein Sof. Thus is the dark
primordial pit of the tehiru and the whole world infused with the brilliance of the Infinite One.

“The special moment when the Kohanim blessed the assembly moved me deeply, for it possessed a great sense
of magic and theatricality… I had heard that this indwelling Spirit of God was too powerful, too beautiful, too
awesome for any mortal to look upon and survive, and so I obediently covered my face with my hands. But of
course, I had to peek.” (Nimoy, “I am Spock”.)
Did the Kohanim really use this hand symbol when blessing the children of Yisrael? Is this in Scripture?
Num 6:24 YHWH bless you and keep you;
Num 6:25 YHWH cause His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you;

Num 6:26 YHWH lift up His face to you, and give you peace.
Num 6:27 So they shall put My name on the sons of Israel, and I Myself will bless them.
There is nothing in these verses about lifting your hands in the form of the letter Shin. It is clear however that
this blessing is associated with putting His Name on His people. The Rabbinic interpretation of the letter shin is
that it is equal to 666. Is there a connection?

Highlights of Moshiach: A Spark of Moshiach Within Each Jew

In Bilaam’s prophetic vision, he states,[28] “There steps forth a star from Jacob and there arises a scepter out of
Israel.” Targum Onkelos notes that this “star” alludes to Moshiach. The Jerusalem Talmud,[29] however, learns
that this term alludes to every Jew, inasmuch as Jews are likened to the stars. How do we reconcile these
seemingly contradictory interpretations?
Actually, both meanings are correct. The star in our verse alludes to both Moshiach and to every Jew, as the
Meor Aynayim[30] writes, in name of Baal Shem Tov, that within each and every Jew there is a `spark’ of the
soul of Moshiach. This reconciles both aforesaid interpretations. As such, every Jew today has the ability to
rectify the `spark’ of Moshiach within the soul, which originates from the first human being – Adam. Adam is
an acrostic for: Adam (Alef), David (Daled) and Moshiach (Mem).
Since the Jerusalem Talmud makes its comment on the verse “there steps forth (a star)” and “there arises,” this
indicates that it is a revealed aspect: Every Jew has the power to reveal the `spark’ of Moshiach within him.
In practical terms this means that everyone has the ability, through Torah and mitzvos – to hasten the actual
revelation of Moshiach. For, through Torah and mitzvos one effects a refinement within himself and within the
world at large, thereby decreasing – slowly but surely – the spirit of impurity,[31] until we shall see the
realization of the prophecy,[32] “And the spirit of impurity I shall remove – completely – from the earth,” in the
advent of Moshiach.
This personal and world refinement is also expressed in the Talmud with reference to the first Biblical
commandment,[33] “to procreate and have children”:
“The son of David (i.e. Moshiach) will not come until all souls will be brought forth from the spiritual treasure
called `guf’ (“body” in the heavens above),” which at the time of birth, becomes vested into a physical,

corporeal body.
It does not suffice that the neshamah, the soul, remain in its lofty soul-treasure called guf, or the way it stands
beneath the Throne of Glory (from where all souls come forth), but the soul must descend to earth (through
birth), and then must use the soul-powers to refine and elevate the materialistic world in and around the person.
Through this endeavor we will bring Moshiach, a descendant of David.
The career of the shield of David as magic not only reaches its height, but it moves beyond the realm of magic
to become a symbol of the vision of the messianic redemption, which the followers of the Kabbalistic messiah
Sabbatai Zevi (1666), believed they had already begun to detect (1).
The following is from Dr. Asher Eder’s book The Star of David,
which was published in 1987 in English in Jerusalem by Rubin Mass
Ltd. The publication here is courtesy of Oren Mass
The harmonious balance of a relationship as indicated by the Star of
David is possible only if the two partners are balanced in themselves.
Yet, behind these countless outward forms is something higher. In
fact, the “higher” we go the more closely we approach this unifying
point which, in modern terms, is sometimes called the Higher Self; or
archetype of man. The Torah, much more to the point, speaks of it as
the Adam Kadmon, the human being created in God’s image.
Following the Torah, we may see the Higher Self as a sephirah open
to Man below and to the influx from above. It can be compared to a
center which maintains the balance between our earthly nature and the
Divine, as well as between our right and left, and all that is
symbolized by these terms. As descendants of Adam, we all share in
it. It enables us to know ourselves, to know and love one another, and
to realize our common humanity.
The Jewish Kabbalah expresses these principles in a diagram known
as the Tree of Life.

Judaism, with Kabbalah as its mystic foundation, is indeed characterized by a constant flow of energy between
keter (Crown) and malkuth (Kingdom), the former marking also mathan torah, the continuous Giving of the
Torah, to be received by every generation anew in. The triad of Wisdom-Understanding-Splendor marks God’s
spirit in Man, while the path connecting Crown and Kingdom marks God’s presence and Will everywhere, even
if “behind the scenes”.
Thus, this diagram, rightly called the Tree of Life, mirrors the perfect and balanced stature of the archetypal
adam kadmon. We, the descendants of adam rishon, the First Man, are meant to grow towards this stature as
individuals and as a species. Our lives here on Earth should reflect this heavenly blueprint, just as the lower
rhomb of Splendor-Victory-Majesty-Kingdom reflects the upper rhomb of Crown-Wisdom-Understanding-
This process of growth occurs within the field marked by the sephirot Greatness-Might-Victory-Majesty. The
center, or hinge, is the sephirah Splendor, or Higher Self, while Knowledge reflects the functioning of the ten
sephirot. Yet, all this finds its expression in malkuth, Kingdom.

We will see later that the Star of David expresses these ideas in a simpler but no less impressive way.
Let us consider the six-pointed star as consisting of two equilateral triangles. The triangle is the simplest
conceivable plane figure with distinct points. While in mysticism the number four and the square represent the
created world, the number three and the triangle represent the various possibilities resulting from the division of
the One into two. The One Creator brought about these possibilities by the very act of Creation.
If, for the sake of argument, we depict the Creator and the Creation each by a dot, then the line connecting these
dots denotes the relationship between them, the relationship between “above” and “below”:
We draw the triangle with both sides of equal length in order to express the harmony between these different
In our context, the triangle may be seen as the symbol of a power field, while two triangles, as in a hexagram,
represent two related power fields. The two primordial power fields would, then, be the creative force of the
creator symbolized by one of the two triangles, while the creation and the forces invested in it would be marked
by the second triangle. The interlacing of the triangles, then, indicates that Creator and creation cannot be
separated; one can’t be without the other. They are a unit: One.
These three entities are each comprised
of a pnimiyut (inner dimension) and a
chitzoniyut (external dimension): The
Torah is comprised of both exoteric
teachings (the Talmud, Jewish law, etc.)
as well as esoteric teachings (the
Kabbalah). Gd’s “revealed” energy
permeates and provides existence to all
worlds, but His essence is completely
hidden, transcending all of creation.
Similarly, the soul (which is a
reflection of Gd2) has a revealed
element, that level that expresses itself
within and vivifies the body, as well as
an essence that transcends the body.
The double triangle of the Star of David (Magen David) symbolizes the connection of both dimensions of Gd,
Torah and Israel: The external level of the soul connects to the external expression of Gd via studying the
exoteric parts of Torah; the essence of the soul connects with Gd’s essence through the study – and application
of – the teachings of Kabbalah.
Another explanation:
Kabbalah teaches that Gd created the world with seven spiritual building blocks—His seven emotional
attributes. Accordingly, the entire creation is a reflection of these seven foundational attributes.
They are: Chesed (Kindness), Gevurah (Severity), Tiferet (Harmony), Netzach (Perseverance), Hod (Splendor),
Yesod (Foundation) and Malchut (Royalty).
These attributes are divided into three columns: right, center and left:

Correspondingly, the Star of David contains seven compartments—six peaks protruding from a center.
The upper right wing is Chesed.
The upper left wing is Gevurah.
Correspondingly, the Star contains seven compartments—six peaks protruding from a centerThe upper center
peak is Tiferet. Kabbalah teaches that Tiferet finds its source in Ketter, “the Crown,” which is infinitely higher
than all the divine attributes which are involved in the “mundane” pursuit of creating worlds.
The lower right wing is Netzach.
The lower left wing is Hod.
The center is Yesod. Yesod is “Foundation,” and as such all the other attributes are rooted in, and give rise from,
this attribute.
The star’s bottom that descends from its belly is Malchut—the attribute that absorbs the energies of the higher
six attributes and uses them to actually descend and create everything—and “reign” over them.

Lesser Hexagram Ritual
Kabbalah cosmology identifies the hexagram as God’s kingdom representing the six-days of creation and the
six-directions of space (up, down, left, right, front, back) with an implied seventh day of rest and spatial center.
As such it also represents the seven planets of classical antiquity (Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and
Moon), with the Sun acting as the active Central Principle amidst the six planets.
For the Pythagorean philosophers the hexagram represents the alchemical marriage of opposites; the fusion of
Philosophic Fire and Philosophic Water, and creation of the macrocosmic universe. In terms of Theurgical
practice, this is the allegorical union of Man and God within the initiate. In Kabbalistic Merkavah mysticism
and in the majority of Gnostic gospels this is the discussed metaphorically through the rites of the “Bridal
Chamber” and the spiritual marriage of the central Fire of Messiah/Chreistos with the divine Waters of
The Lesser Hexagram Ritual made its way into the Western Magical tradition as the ritual taught to Golden
Dawn initiates into the Grade of Adeptus Minor. To properly and safely wield the macrocosmic forces drawn
upon in the operation, the initiate is required to have mastery of the Lesser Pentagram Ritual and a full
understanding of elemental principles, Kabbalistic pathworking (at least to Tiferet), Sacred Astronomy, and
alchemical theory. It is intended to be practiced after the Lesser Pentagram ritual as it is symbolic of the
unification between the initiate as the microcosm (the centering that takes place during the LPR) and the
greater macrocosm.
The version of the Lesser Hexagram Ritual presented here operates on the Principles exemplified by the three

Magical Formulas: I.N.R.I, IAO, and ARARITA.
I.N.R.I., is the acronym for the Latin IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM (Jesus Nazarenus, Rex
Judaeorum), or “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. In Christian tradition this is the inscription that Pontius
Pilate placed over Jesus during the crucifixion.The keyword is analyzed by first substituting Hebrew letters for
the Latin. I.N.R.I. = Yod — Nun — Raysh — Yod (‫)ינרי‬. Each of these letters has a correspondence pertaining
to Sacred Astronomy, and as a cyclic formula is a metaphorical allusion to the life patterns of the initiate.
In the Golden Dawn system I.N.R.I yields Virgo — Scorpio — Sun — Virgo. In the Gra or Sefer Yetzirah
systems the planetary attribution can be Mercury or Saturn . The substitution of Mercury(or Saturn ) for Sun has
some fundamental alchemical implications regarding the purification of Mercury (from lunar passive Mercury
to the solar active Mercury) or the extraction of Gold from Saturn. Regardless of the planetary correspondence
however, we are looking at the initiatic stages of Birth, Death, Initiation/Transmutation, and Resurrection. This
same cyclic Principle of Life, Death, Resurrection is echoed in the Greco-Egyptian Magical Formula IAO as
representative of the mythological narrative of the deities Isis, Apophis, and Osiris.
The Magical Formula ARARITA expresses the underlying unity of the entire operation. This word, which first
appears in 17th Century Kabbalistic texts, is a notaricon formed from the first letters of the Hebrew phrase:
Achad Rayshethoh, Achad Resh Yechidathoh, Temurathoh Achod. It translates to “One is His beginning, One is
His individuality, His permutation is One”, and essentially sums up the Kabbalistic doctrine of Unity. Note, that
the seven letters or ARARITA correspond to the seven planets and as such can be attributed to the points and
center of the Hexagram.

Note, that together the four God-form signs connect all of the Sefirot and draw on the structural power of the
three horizontal paths. In traditional Kabbalah these paths are the three Mothers and represent the three
elements of creation (Fire, Ruach/Logos, and Water). Furthermore, the only Sefirah that is prevalent in all four
of the God-forms is Tiferet, which is the Kabbalistic plane principally addressed by this operation.

The pentagram is the symbol of the

microcosm, man, its five points corresponding
to the four limbs and the head. Each of the
points of the pentagram are traditionally
associated with one of the four elements
following the formula YHShVH moving
anticlockwise from the lower right point.
The hexagram is the symbol of the
macrocosm, of God or the Universe. Its points
traditionally correspond to planetary energies
drawn from the position of the corresponding
sephiroth on the tree of life.
The union of the microcosm and macrocosm
is one (if not the) aim of magick. This could

be symbolised by overlaying the hexagram and the pentagram or by combining an upright and an inverted
pentagram to form the hexagram (a good symbol of Tantrik gnosis). In doing so, Crowley’s Thelemic unicursal
hexagram is revealed.

Hexagram & Freemasonry

Square and compass = Hexagram
Morals and Dogma pg 552
Measure a corner of the Creation, and multiply that
space in proportional progression, and the entire
Infinite will multiply its circles filled with
universes, which will pass in proportional segments
between the ideal and elongating branches of your
Compass. Now suppose that from any point whatever of
the Infinite above you a hand holds another Compass or
a Square, the lines of the Celestial triangle will
necessarily meet those of the Compass of Science, to
form the Mysterious Star of Solomon.

“…Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries,” (Albert Pike,

“Morals and Dogma”, p. 624, Teaching of the 28th Degree)
“Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly
back, as you see, to the Kabalah.” (Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma,
p. 741, Pike was a 33rd Degree Mason, Head of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry).
“All…religions have issued from the Kabalah and return to it; everything scientific and grand in the religious
dreams of the Illuminati … all the Masonic associations owe to it [the Kaballah] their Secrets and their
symbols.” (Pike, Morals and Dogma )
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and
explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” (Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, a major pioneer of Reform Judaism
in America, 1855)
“Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is
left?” (The Jewish Tribune, editorial, 1927)
‘Holy Blood Holy Grail’ Baigent, Lincoln, & Leigh
The 6-pointed star or Hexagram is a Masonic Symbol. It’s non-masonic use was propagated during the 19th
century by Freemasons into new congregation construction in Industrial Britain and then it’s farflung empire.
The Menorah, not the Hexagram is the true symbol of God’s covenent with the Jewish people. There is
absolutely no proof that the Hexagram was ever used by, or associated with, King David or the Temple he
planned and prepared for which was erected after his death by his son, King Solomon.

Illustration 43: Ency. of Freemasonry pg

Illustration 44: Ency. of Freemasonry

pg 801

the deity, and to make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually
inscribed the letter ‘G’, for God… In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual
form… is a serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth… This was
the original form, but the head of the serpent was altered so as to
form the letter G.” (The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater
p. 79)
Morals and Dogma pp 210
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to
the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son of the Morning! Is it he who
bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble,
sensual or selfish Souls ? Doubt it not!

Masonic G

The letter G symbol of freemasonry traces back to the Hebrew letter gimel
and interestingly links to the serpent as well. It is said that the letter G also
represents the ouroboros, the snake eating it’s tail which represents
deity, and to make that more evident, in the middle of it is usually inscribed
the letter ‘G’, for God… In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form… is a
serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth… This was the original form,
but the head of the serpent was altered so as to form the letter G.” (The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W.
Leadbeater p. 79)
Masonic writers also speak of the letter G tracing back to the Hebrew letter yod which was used as an
abbreviation by Kabbalists for the Sacred Name of Elohim.

How a Mystic Reads the Garden of Eden – Rabbi David Cooper
One of the most ancient midrashic texts, written by Rabbi Eliezer, suggests that the serpent who seduced Eve
had the appearance of a camel. Most people have never heard this idea. The Jewish oral tradition goes on to say
that the angel Samael, otherwise known as Satan, rode this camel. Many say that the serpent itself was Satan.
When Rabbi Eliezer says that the serpent represented a camel, he is alluding to the number three. The word
camel in Hebrew is gamal, which is the same as word as the Hebrew letter gimel. Gimel in the Hebrew alphabet
represents the number three. Mathematically, the number three is necessary for the physical world–which is
three dimensional–composed of three lines of direction: north-south, east-west, and up-down.
What is the Mystical Significance of the Star of David? By Rabbi Naftali Silberberg
The Star of David at least since the 20th century remains associated with the number seven and thus with the
Menorah, and popular accounts associate it with the six directions of space plus the center (under the
influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira: Up, Down, East, West, South, North, and
Center), or the Six Sefirot of the Male (Zeir Anpin) united with the Seventh Sefirot of the Female
God is a Verb pg 43 ft note 24
“The Hebrew letter gimel, when spelled out, uses the letters gimel, mem and lamed. The word golem uses the
same letters. It is the word for the Frankenstein-like creatures that ancient Kabbalists are said to have created
by using magical formulas of various names of God. The numeric value of golem or gimel is the same as
chochma, which is usually defined as wisdom.”
Notice that this Masonic G, Ouroboros, serpent on a tree is linked with wisdom and the golem (man-beast)….

Emblem of the Theosophical society

“The Interlaced Triangles, one (lighter) pointing upwards and the other (darker)
pointing downwards, symbolise the descent of spirit into matter* and its
emergence from the confining limits of form. At the same time they suggest the
constant conflict between light and dark forces in nature and man. When, as in
the emblem, the double triangle is depicted within the circle of the Serpent, the
whole of manifested nature is represented, the universe bounded by the
limitations of time and space. The symbol of the interlaced triangles is known in
the Hebrew religion as the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David.”
*’descent of spirit into matter’…this is the same terminology used to describe
the symbol of the cross. This is because this is what these marks of the beast
represent. Heaven coming to earth…as above so below…the ‘god-man’.
Fra. Thomas D. Worrel, VII
The cross is a symbol that is about as universal and ancient as any symbol that has emerged out of man’s
psyche. The cross symbolizes the meeting at right angles of horizontals and perpendiculars. Forces going in
quite opposite directions but meeting at a central point, a common ground. It can symbolize the union of
opposites and the dualism in nature. It can be the outstretch archetypal man with the infinite possibilities of
growth being immortal. It represents eternal life. The cross can symbolize the decent of Spirit into matter.

New Age
“A growing number of New Agers have already undergrone an initiation ceremony and received the mark. They
almost universally report that although they approach the ceremony with dread and foreboding, after it is over…
‘I discovered that the lines on the palm of my right hand had been altered, and a portion of them now formed a
six-pointed star about an inch in circumference. It terrified me when I first spotted it… But as time went on, I
learned to accept the changes within my body, and I really felt quite special.” (Texe Marrs: Mystery Mark, p.
John Dee’s Sigel

John Dee (1527-1608) British alchemist, occultist,

mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, geographer, and
consultant to Queen Elizabeth I.
This ‘magic square of the sun’ is associated with the ‘The
Philosophers stone’
The Philosopher’s stone is associated with the hexagram…a
symbol that comes up over and over again in connection with
the number 666.
The Hexagram of Earth represents the Solar energy that makes
concrete matter that we can move and touch, in short, The
Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist of Queen Elizabeth I, in his
book Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the following quote:
“‘Mahatma Letters,’ page 345: ‘The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon’s Seal is…the
Sri–Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the whole occult
doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the ‘squaring of the
Circle,’ the ‘Philosophers’ Stone,’ the great problems of Life and Death–the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can
explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.’”Hieroglyphic Monad, Dr John Dee, page
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret of Freemasonry with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s
The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It
was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.
For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making
the philosopher’s stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also
known by several other names, such as ‘materia prima.’ Ultimately, it is about bringing heaven down to earth.
Or the Sun (father) joining with the earth (mother) according to occult belief.

Ancient Cultures
Another indication that the hexagram did not originate with King David is the fact that it is seen throughout the

world for thousands of years.
Ancient Sumeria

Illustration 45: Ancient Archaeological dig- Hittites

On the ceilings of the temples of Baal
‘Black Obelisk’ of Shalamaneser
III in Iraq. This obelisk was
erected in the Assyrian city of
Nimrud as a public monument in
825 BCE at a time of civil war. In
one of the panels on the
monument there is a six-pointed
star with a hexagram above King
Jehu’s head.

Carthage 5th century BC

Coin discovered in Carthage (modern day Tunisia) These Phoenician coins date back to the 5th Century BC

The Kagome Crest can be found in some of Shinto oldest shrines in Japan dating back to the 5th Century BCE.
At the Ise Grand Shrine that was built for the Imperial House of Japan, a symbol resembling the Sat-Kona is
carved on all the lamps along the approaches to the shrine.

In the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York there is a Greek Terracotta Drinking Cup, which is dated to ca.
560 BCE. This cup shows Hercules fighting an Amazon. In the middle is a six-pointed star. Aside from the inner
hexagram, the stylized composition imitates Sat-kona when lines are drawn between: arms, toes, heads and

Sri Lanka

A Sat-kona yantra was found at Kataragama in Srilanka, a famous pilgrimage site for both Hindus and
Buddhists. The carving dates back to the 3rd Century BCE. This carving with a Tamil ‘Om’ in the center is
found in the Museum für Völkerkunde, Basel.


Found on seals dating back to the 3rd Century BCE in Egypt as well as weights dating back to the 2nd Century

In the middle of the picture there are seven Roman emperors who represent the seven days of the week or the
Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. Around them the animals sacred to them: wolf, eagle,
dove, horse, bull and goat. Around them the signs of the Zodiac.
This well preserved zodiac floor from the third century now in the Bardo Museum in Tunis, but it was
discovered in Bir-Chana near Zaghouan,in central Tunisia.

The Vermand Treasure

This spear shaft was found in the grave of a warrior in the Roman province of Gaul. This belt buckle was also

The symbol is known in Arabic as , Najmat Dawud (Star of David) or Khatem Sulayman (Seal of Solmon),

Six pointed stars have also been found in cosmological diagrams in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism.

In Buddhism, some old versions of the Bardo Thodol, also known as The Tibetan Book of the Dead, contain a
hexagram with a Swastika inside. In Tibetan, it is called the ‘origin of phenomenon’ (chos-kyi ‘byung-gnas). It
is especially connected with Vajrayogini, and forms the center part of Her mandala. In reality, it is in three
dimensions, not two, although it may be portrayed either way.

The following paragraph is from Dr. Asher Eder’s book The Star of David, which was published in 1987 in
English in Jerusalem by Rubin Mass Ltd. The publication here is courtesy of Oren Mass
In the culture of India, where it must have been known since ancient times, the six-pointed star still plays a role.
It is found there in Hindu temples and shrines, and also on the flag of Indian ships, while in Nepal it is
embroidered on the front of the king’s headgear.
There, it is considered a symbol of harmony between spirit and matter. In Yoga schools, this idea is well
expressed by graphic representations of the human chakras with the star marking the heart chakra as the central
and connecting link between the three lower “carnal” chakras and the three upper “spiritual” chakras. While the
lower and upper chakras are all represented by Sanskrit letters, it is noteworthy that only the heart chakra is
depicted by an abstract sign, the six-pointed star.
In the tantric teaching, the star serves as a symbol for relationship between man and wife.
Some Indian tribes of North America have used it “since ancient times as a symbol expressing the wisdom of
‘as it is above, so it is below’, as well as the union of spirit and matter, heaven and earth.”
Ancient religion of Hinduism
The first hindu trinity are the three Hindu gods. Which are Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva. They represent the
cycle of rebirth and reincarnation. Brahman is the creator of the universe, Vishnu is the preserver of the
universe, and Shiva is the destroyer and the recreator. The second Hindu trinity are the three goddesses and
wives of the gods of the first trinity. All six of these gods and goddesses have other incarnations. The double
trinity of Hinduism represents the Jewish Star of David. In other words, two triangles, one upside down and the
triangle right side up and they intersect each other. The six pointed star of David was originally a Hindu symbol
meaning double trinity and the Jews of Israel adopted it from the Hindus and turned it into the Star of David.
18th century depiction of the Birth of the World. Hexagrams appear above the shoulders of the central blue

This metal shield with the zodiac
Signs and with Solomon’s Seal
framing the date 1594, belonged
to the Moghul emperor Akbar
(1542 –1605)
The disciples of Bhagawan Shri
Lahari Krishna they write that the
hexagram is known for almost all
the Hindus in India as a symbol of
the arrival of their king, who
would unite them and rebuild the
Indian nation. The authors of this
page go on and tell us that
Akbar’s shield reflects this
messianic belief, since he put this
six-pointed star near Pisces
believing that the Indian Messiah
is expected to come in February.

The Mark of Vishnu
Goddesses and angels By Doreen Virtue pg 190

Sat Kona
In the oldest known Vedic literature, Sri Brahma-samhita
[in that it has been attributed to Lord Brahma and
composed shortly after creation], the Sat-kona is
mentioned in a description of the supreme abode of
Goloka, the abode of Krsna.
karnikaram mahad-yantram sat-konam vajra-kilakam
sadanga-satpadi-sthanam prakrtya purusena ca
premananda-mahananda-rasenavasthitam hi vat
jyotirupena manuna kama-bijena sangatam
“The center of the divine lotus is the core — Krsna’s
residence. It is presided over by the Predominated and
Predominating Moiety. It is mapped as a hexagonal
mystic symbol [sat-konam]. Like a diamond, the
effulgent Supreme Entity of Krsna, the Fountainhead of
all divine potencies, presides as the central pivot. The

great mantra of eighteen syllables [Gopala-mantra], which is formed of six integral parts, is manifest as a
hexagonal place with six-fold divisions.” [Sri Brahma-samhita, Ch-5, Tx-3]

The Mayan citadel of Uxma in Mexico shows several examples that resemble the hexagram. It is believed by
Mesoamerican scholars that these symbols represented the sun. Uxmal was built around 700 CE

Ancient Israel fell into idolatry and the usage of symbols as talismans
The Bible as History Werner Keller
Notice the cross image along with
the hexagram.

Illustration 46: The Bible as

History Werner Keller pg 305
figure 64Pentagram stamped on a
Judahite pitcher bearing the
inscription Jerusalem

Pentagram & Hexagram connection

the Pentagram

The pentagram symbol is based on Venus (the Queen of Heaven). From a fixed location
over an eight year period, the planet Venus travels a unique celestial pathway that exactly
describes a pentagram.
Carl Ljungman- Dictionary of Symbols
“As the orbi of Venus is closer to the sun than the earth’s position, she is never seen more
than 48 degrees from the sun. During a period of 247 days, Venus is visible as the Evening star that is, withing
48 degrees or less of the sun after the sun has set. Then Venus comes too close to the sun for us to see her. She
remains invisible for 14 days, then reappears as the Morning star (or Eastern star) immediately before the sun
rises in the east….Only Venus possesses the five-pointed star sign.”

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen

from heaven, O Lucifer, son of
the morning! how art thou cut
down to the ground, which
didst weaken the nations!
The Targum is,
“how art thou fallen from on high,
who was shining among the sons
of men, as the star Venus among
the stars.”
Keil & Delitzsch commentary on
Isaiah 14:12
(Note: It is singular, however, that
among the Semitic nations the
morning star is not personified
as a male (Heosphoros or
Phosphoros), but as a female
(Astarte, see at Isa_17:8), and
that it is called Naghah,
Ashtoreth, Zuhara, but never by a name derived from halal; whilst the moon is regarded as a male deity (Sin),
and in Arabic hilal signifies the new moon, which might be called ben- shacar (son of the dawn), from the fact
that, from the time when it passes out of the invisibility of its first phase, it is seen at sunrise, and is as it were
born out of the dawn.)*
*This is interesting to note in that the crescent moon is a symbol of Astarte/Ishtar/Semiramis etc. More on this

The Bible as History Werner Keller

Dr. Asher Eder’s -The Star of David,

“In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, the five-
pointed star, or pentagram, was also called the Shield
of David, or Star of David, while the hexagram was
sometimes called “Solomon’s Seal.” We shall deal
briefly with the pentagram symbol.
As far as we know, 6th-Century Byzantine scholars
were the first to speak of the pentagram as the Shield
of David, while in the Middle Ages this idea was
occasionally taken up by Jews and Muslims as well.
Judging from archaeological evidence, artists were
drawing pentagrams long before they started drawing
hexagrams. One of the oldest known artifacts is a clay
jug with a pentagram painted on it, found in Jamdad Nasr (modern-day Iraq) and dated to the 4th millenium
Similar designs were found in Megido, one on a seal dating from the 19th Century B.C.E., the other on a clay
jug, dated 17th Century B.C.E.
One of the many other findings worth mentioning is the impression of a pentagram on a jar handle – probably
an official seal (possibly royal) in the Kingdom of Judah. In its angles appear the word “Jerusalem”, written in
ancient Hebrew characters. Fine examples can also be found on Celtic brooches (1):
Another outstanding example is a pentagram carved in stone, with disks in its five angles. It can be seen in the
ruins of Kfar Nahum, in the following design
Although no other known design of this type exists, the five disks in the angles of the star may well symbolize
the five planets known in ancient times, pointing to the astronomical connotations of the design.

In ancient times, the pentagram was indeed the sign of those initiated into the wisdom of astronomy and
astrology. Priests imbued with this knowledge calculated the calendar with its agricultural and religious

It is for this reason that the ancient Babylonians were known as Chaldeans – still a byword for astrologers, for
their religion was based upon such calculations.
All in all, the pentagram can be seen as a symbol for nature, i.e. the material aspect of Creation. This would be
supported by the fact that the entire pentagram can be drawn without lifting pen off paper, while the interwoven
hexagram depicts polarities in their balance requires that its two triangles be drawn separately. (To be sure, one
could draw the hexagon first and then add the six outer triangles without lifting the pen, but that would not do
justice to the meaning of the symbol). – Interestingly enough, the ancient Pythagoreans gave the name
“health” to the pentagram. It was probably before this background that later on it went into magic.
True, the Jewish people in their worship of the Creator of Heaven and Earth also had to develop a calendar
based on the “lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and to be for signs and
for seasons and for days and for years…”(Gen.1:14), so it should not be surprising to find the figure of the
pentagram with the five disks in a synagogue next to the six-pointed star (see fig.6-8); nor should it be
surprising that the five-pointed star is often called Solomon’s Seal. The Tanakh says Solomon was renowned for
his wisdom in both heavenly and earthly matters, and this could explain why the five-pointed star as a symbol
of wisdom was attributed to him, and named after him. However, we should keep in mind that the term ‫ מגן‬,
magen, shield, is used in connection with Abraham and with David, while the term ‫ חותם‬, hotam, seal, is used
in connection with Solomon irrespective whether the pentagram or the hexagram is related to him.”
Seal of Solomon – Connection to the hexagram & Pentagram
Joseph Jacobs and M. Seligsohn wrote in the Jewish Encyclopedia the entry Solomon, Seal of.
The legend that Solomon possessed a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved and by means of which
he controlled the demons is related at length in Gittin 68a, b.
B. Arabic development of the Jewish legend
This legend is especially developed by Arabic writers, who declare that the ring, on which was engraved “the
Most Great Name of God,” and which was given to Solomon from heaven, was partly brass and partly iron.
With the brass part of the ring Solomon signed his written commands to the good genii, and with the iron part
he signed his commands to the evil genii, or devils. The Arabic writers declare also that Solomon received four
jewels from four different angels, and that he set them in one ring, so that he could control the four elements.
C. Another legend
The legend that Asmodeus once obtained possession of the ring and threw it into the sea, and that Solomon was
thus deprived of his power until he discovered the ring inside a fish (Jellinek, “B. H.” ii. 86-87), also has an
Arabic source (comp. D’Herbelot, “Bibliothèque Orientale,” s.v. “Soliman ben Daoud”; Fabricius, “Codex
Pseudepigraphicus,” i. 1054; and see Solomon in Arabic Literature).
D. Josephus
The legend of a magic ring by means of which the possessor could exorcise demons was current in the first
century, as is shown by Josephus’ statement (“Ant.” viii. 2, § 5) that one Eleazar exorcised demons in the
presence of Vespasian by means of a ring, using incantations composed by Solomon Fabricius (l.c.) thinks that
the legend of the ring of Solomon thrown into the sea and found afterward inside a fish is derived from the story
of the ring of Polycrates, a story which is related by Herodotus (iii. 41 et seq.), Strabo (xiv. 638), and others, and

which was the basis of Schiller’s poem “Der Ring des Polykrates.”
E. Six-pointed star
The Arabs afterward gave the name of “Solomon’s seal” to the six-pointed star-like figure (see Magen, Dawid)
engraved on the bottom of their drinking-cups.
F. Table of Solomon
It is related in the “Arabian Nights” (ch. xx.) that Sindbad, in his seventh voyage, presented Harun al-Rashid
cup on which the “table of Solomon” was represented; and Lane thinks that this was the figure of “Solomon’s
seal” (note 93 to ch. xx. of his translation of the “Arabian Nights”).
G. Pentacle
In Western legends, however, it is the pentacle, or “druid’s foot,” that represents the seal. This figure, called by
Bishop Kennet the “pentangle” of Solomon, was supposed to have the power of driving away demons.
Mephistopheles says to Faust that he is prevented from entering the house by the druid’s foot (“Drudenfuss”), or
pentagram, which guards the threshold (“Faust,” in Otto Devrient’s edition, part i., scene 6). The work entitled
“Claviculæ Salomonis” contains treatises on all kinds of pentacles. The tradition of Solomon’s seal was the
basis of Büschenthal’s tragedy “Der Siegelring Salomonis,” specimens of which are given in “Bikkure
ha-’Ittim,” v. 3 et seq. (German part). A work regarding a magic signet-ring is ascribed to Solomon (see
Solomon, Apocryphal Works of). See also Asmodeus; Solomon in Rabbinical Literature.

Synagogue in Galilee
Pentagram is connected with the Hexagram
The pentacle is also the logo of the Theosophical Society. Founder H.P. Blavatsky identifies the pentacle as:
“Any geometrical figure, especially double equilateral triangle, the six-pointed star, (like the theosophical
pentacle).” The Theosophical Glossary, p. 251.
Theosophist Charles Leadbeater wrote in The Hidden Life of Freemasonry: “The blazing star is properly six-
pointed.” The History Of Freemasonry, p. 79.

Albert Pike, stated: “…the blazing star… represents [the] Star of Horus…Morning Star…Star of Set…
Lucifer.” Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets Of The Eastern Star, pp.52-53
Since the quintessence is symbolized by the pentacle or six-pointed star, we may infer that this essence which
enhances material elements is Lucifer, symbolized in occult language by the eagle or phoenix.
In Hebrew the word for eagle is:
H5404 ‫ נשר‬nesher
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for calf (ie. golden calf) is ‫ עגל‬which sounds like eagle. Yet another connection
to Ishtar-Baal golden calf worship.
H5695 ‫‛עגל‬egel BDB Definition:1) calf, bull-calf

Necklace of Mysteries

The Necklace of the Mysteries in the possession of Credo Mutwa that appears in accounts going back over 500
years. Credo Mutwa is a Zulu Shaman from South Africa. According to Credo Mutwa, “In every language in
Africa, the meaning of star is Bringer of knowledge? or Bringer of enlightenment.” Elder Credo Mutwa has
travelled the continent of Africa, sculpting haunting images of visitors from the stars, which were described to
him by other African shamans. “These beings have been coming and going to Africa for forty thousand years,”
he says. Some bear striking resemblance to beings reported by modern experience’s of the UFO phenomenon.

On this hand is an all seeing eye which represents the
Watchers according to Credo Mutwa and there is a
constellation of Orion which is connected with
‘extraterrestrial’ activity. There is also a star of David
on this hand as well associating this symbol with
Genesis 6 and the fallen angels taking human woman
to produce hybrid nephilim. As seen above, the
hexagram represents ‘as above, so below’ the joining
of the male and female to create a ‘new man.’ This is
what the mark of the beast is.

The Rothschilds

“Avi hayeshuv” Father of the Settlement

“In 1822 it [the Six-Pointed Star] was adopted
by the Rothschild family and put on their coat
of arms… It began in 17th century Frankfurt,
Germany, where Mayer Amschel Bauer hung a
red hexagram…on his door to identify his
address. Soon after this [he]…began supplying
coins to Prince William of Hanau and upon
becoming supplier to the court, he changed his
family name to Roth and Schild and Schild,
meaning Red Shield.”
[N.B. Rothschild actually means "Ruth's Child"
and refers to the lineage of David and Solomon
whose ancestor was Ruth (I Chron. 2:12-15)
“Saturn was also…connected with…the minting of coins: he was even the guardian of the treasury.”
“…a six pointed star [is] known as…hexagram, Solomon’s Seal, Star of David. It is even called the ‘Talisman
of Saturn’.”
“In 1836, [Zevi] Kalischer appealed to Mayer Amschel (…Rothschild) to buy out completely the land of Israel
or at least Jerusalem and particularly the Temple area in order to ‘bring about the miraculous redemption from
below’. Zevi Kalischer said the salvation promised by the prophets of old could come only gradually and by
self-help from the Jews.” – Graham, O.J. THE SIX-POINTED STAR New Puritan Library, 1984.
Nineveh’s red shields
According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the
Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.(8a)

The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. The Rothschilds are an important part of the history
of the Seal of Solomon (also known as hexagram, Magen David, six-pointed star, Star of
David.) The Seal of Solomon, the hexagram, was not considered a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds began
using it.9 Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon had been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist
Magicians, Druid witches and Satanists. One of the few ancient uses of the symbol was on the floor of a 1,200
year old Moslem Mosque found where Tel Aviv is today.10 In the twelve century an Ashkenazic Jew Menahem
ben Duji, who thought he was the Messiah, used the magical symbol.11
11 Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat- of-
arms. The name they adopted for their family actually comes from the fact that in the 17th century Mayer
Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their house to identify it. Mayer Amschel then
decided to take the name red-schield (Rothschild in German) after the red Seal of Solomon that they used. In
1836 Zevi Hirsch Kalischer approached Rothschild and proposed Rothschild buy all of Erez Israel. It took many
years for the Rothschilds to finally create Israel. The Rothschilds have been a primary force behind the creation
of Israel, and so it is appropriate that the nation carries their magical Seal of Solomon as the state logo.

1/2 Shekel coin of Israel

Anka Muhlstein wrote in her book Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds,
“The success of the five brothers, who seemed to share Europe among themselves without
ever dividing their forces, fired the imagination. The best writers of the time gave credence to
the notion of the all-powerful bankers. ‘The Jewish banker says: ‘[God] has given me the
royalty of wealth and the understanding of opulence, which is the scepter of society. . . . ‘A
Jew now reigns over the Pope and Christianity. He pays monarchs and buys nations,‘
stated Alfred de Vigny. Jewish polemists joined in and declared: ‘There is only one power
in Europe, and that is Rothschild. . . and speculation is his sword. . . . Rothschild needed
states in order to become Rothschild. . . . However, today he no longer needs the state, but
the state needs him.’ Heine put it more humorously, recalling olden times when the King
would have had the teeth of M. de Rothschild pulled out had he refused a loan. Today,
‘Rothschild, Baron and Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic, may stroll over to the
Tuileries whenever it strikes his fancy, without fear of losing even one tooth to a cash-hungry King.’
Metternich’s spies took the same line and in their reports feigned surprise at the presence in James’ office of
General Rumigny, whom Louis-Philippe had put in charge of everything related to the Bourse. Rothschild,
wrote a certain Klindworth to Count Apponyi, the Austrian Ambassador, ‘places in each ministry, in every
department at all levels, his own creatures who feed him the greatest variety of information.’
While the European press devoted long articles to the Rothschild triumphs, American newspapers, often
influenced by a group of German Jews to whom the image of an all-powerful Court Jew was familiar, portrayed
Rothschild as fabulous and fantastical: ‘The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves
without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to
Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the
true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary
people. . . . The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David—more

wisdom than Solomon.’ Even the wildest rumors came to seem credible. In 1830 an American weekly
reported on its front page that the Rothschilds had purchased Jerusalem: ‘We see nothing improbable that
in the pecuniary distress of the sultan, he should sell some parts of his dominions to preserve the rest; or that the
Rothschilds should purchase the old capital of their nation. They are wealthy beyond desire, perhaps even
avarice; and so situated, it is quite reasonable to suppose that they may seek something else to gratify their
ambition, that shall produce most important effects. If secured in the possession, which may be brought about
by money, they might instantly, as it were, gather a large nation together, soon to become capable of defending
itself, and having a wonderful influence over the commerce and condition of the east—rendering Judah again
the place of deposit of a large portion of the wealth of the ‘ancient world.’ To the sultan the country is of no
great value; but, in the hands of the Jews, directed by such men as the Rothschilds, what might it not become,
and in a short period of time?’—A. Muhlstein, Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds, The Vendome
Press, New York, Paris, (1982), pp. 104-106.
More on the Rothschilds in Volume 2, Yah willing.

Hexagonal Crystal
Crystals (solids) tend to take upon an hexagonal shape. The solid form of water is a perfect example of this
hexagonal structure.
The word crystal comes from the Greek word krustallos.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
kris´tal: In English Versions of the Bible the word is probably intended to signify rock-crystal, crystallized
quartz. This the Greeks called κρυσταλλος, krustallos, “ice,” believing it to have been formed from water by
intense cold. Thus in Rev_4:6; Rev_21:11; Rev_22:1, either “crystal” (EV) or “ice” (Greek, krustallos) suits the
Notice that crystal is linked to the throne of Elohim & the sea of glass mentioned in Revelation. As seen in
Chaper 4, overcoming the mark of the beast is part of those who stand upon the sea of glass in Revelation 15.
The Pythagorean Triangle – George Oliver pg 152
Nature herself seems to affect a partiality for the hexad, in the formation of crystals; all of which are
hexangular or six-cornered; for which Pliny and other ancient naturalists endeavoured in vain to assign a
reason. There are three different forms, however, which crystals appear to assume: 1. The perfect columnar
crystal is composed of eighteen planes, in an hexangular column, terminated by an hexangular pyramid at each
end. 2. Crystals without a column are composed of two hexangular pyramids, connected at the base. 3.
Imperfect crystals have usually an hexangular column, irregularly affixed to some solid body, showing also an
hexangular or pentangular pyramid. “Which regular figuration,” as Dr Brown observes, “hath made some to
opinion, that it hath not its determination from circumscription, or as conforming unto contiguities, but rather
from a seminal root and formative principle of its own, even as we observe in several other concretions.”
Hexagon & bees
Pythagorean Triangle George Oliver pg 151
The number six signified perfection of parts, because it is the only number under ten which is whole and equal
in its divisions; and produces a hexagon by extending the measure of the radius of a circle six times round the
circumference. The above proposition is beautifully illustrated “in the edificial palaces of bees, those monarchal
spirits, who make their combs six-cornered, declining a circle, whereof many stand not close together, and
completely fill the area of the place; but rather affecting a six-sided figure, whereby every cell affords a

common side unto six more, and also a fit receptacle for the bee itself, which, gathering into a cylindrical figure,
aptly enters its sexangular house, more nearly approaching a circular figure than either doth the square or
triangle. And the combs themselves are so regularly contrived, that their mutual intersections make three
lozenges at the bottom of every cell; which, severally regarded, make three rows of neat rhomboidal figures,
connected at the angles, and so continue three several chains throughout the whole comb.”
The word for bee in Hebrew is ‘devorah’ which comes from the root ‘davar’ which means the Word. One of the
symbols of Astarte was a bee. As seen above, she also represented the concept of Bethel, the House of God.
Astarte also had the lion as her symbol, a counterfeit of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. At the same time, the
bee was a symbol for Nimrod/Pan.
*Pan was also the ‘god of bee keeping’. This is connected to the ancient mystery religions as well as the
‘Merovingian bloodline.’
Two Babylons pg 175
In this very character was Nimrod worshipped when
he was deified. As the Sun-god he was regarded not
only as the illuminator of the material world, but as
the enlightener of the souls of men, for he was
recognised as the revealer of “goodness and truth.” It
is evident, from the Old Testament, not less than the
New, that the proper and personal name of our Lord
Jesus Christ is, “The Word of God,” as the Revealer
of the heart and counsels of the Godhead. Now, to
identify the Sun-god with the Great Revealer of the
Godhead, while under the name of Mithra, he was
exhibited in sculpture as a Lion; that Lion had a
Bee represented between his lips (Fig. 42). The
bee between the lips of the sun-god was intended
to point him out as “the Word”; for Dabar, the
expression which signifies in Chaldee a “Bee,”
signifies also a “Word”; and the position of that
bee in the mouth leaves no doubt as to the idea intended to be conveyed. It was intended to impress the
belief that Mithra (who, says Plutarch, was worshipped as Mesites, “The Mediator”), in his character as
Ouranos, “The Enlightener,” was no other than that glorious one of whom the Evangelist John says, “In the
beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning
with God…In Him was life; and the life was THE
LIGHT OF MEN.” The Lord Jesus Christ ever was the revealer of the Godhead, and must have been known to
the patriarchs as such; for the same Evangelist says, “No man hath seen God at any time: the only-begotten Son,
which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared,” that is, He hath revealed “Him.” Before the Saviour
came, the ancient Jews commonly spoke of the Messiah, or the Son of God, under the name of Dabar, or the
“Word.” This will appear from a consideration of what is stated in the 3rd chapter of 1st Samuel. In the first
verse of that chapter
it is said, “The WORD of the Lord was precious in those days; there was no open vision,” that is, in
consequence of the sin of Eli, the Lord had not, for a long time, revealed Himself in vision to him, as He did to
the prophets. When the Lord had called Samuel, this “vision” of the God of Israel was restored (though not to
Eli), for it is said in the last verse (v 21), “And the Lord APPEARED again in Shiloh; for the Lord revealed
Himself to Samuel by the WORD of the Lord.” Although the Lord spake to Samuel, this language implies more

than speech, for it is said, “The LORD appeared”–i.e., was seen. When the Lord revealed Himself, or was seen
by Samuel, it is said that it was “by (Dabar) the Word of the Lord.” The “Word of the Lord” to be visible, must
have been the personal “Word of God,” that is, Christ. *
* After the Babylonish captivity, as the Chaldee Targums or Paraphrases of the Old Testament show, Christ was
commonly called by the title “The Word of the Lord.”
In these Targums of later Chaldee, the term for “The Word” is “Mimra”; but this word, though a synonym for
that which is used in the Hebrew Scriptures, is never used there. Dabar is the word employed. This is so well
recognised that, in the Hebrew translation of John’s Gospel in Bagster’s Polyglott, the first verse runs thus: “In
the beginning was the Word (Dabar).”
This had evidently been a primitive name by which He was known; and therefore it is not wonderful that Plato
should speak of the second person of his Trinity under the name of the Logos, which is just a translation of
“Dabar,” or “the Word.” Now, the light of the wax-candle, as the light from Dabar, “the Bee,” was set up as the
substitute of the light of Dabar, “the Word.” Thus the apostates turned away from the “True Light,” and set up a
shadow in His stead. That this was really the case is plain; for, says Crabb, speaking of Saturn, “on his altars
were placed wax-tapers lighted, because by Saturn men were reduced from the darkness of error to the
of truth.” In Asiatic Greece, the Babylonian god was evidently recognised as the Light-giving “Word,” for
there we find the Bee occupying such a position as makes it very clear that it was a symbol of the great
Revealer. Thus we find Muller referring to the symbols connected with the
worship of the Ephesian Diana: “Her constant symbol is the bee, which is not otherwise attributed to Diana…
The chief priest himself was called Essen, or the king-bee.” The character of the chief priest shows the character
of the god he represented. The contemplar divinity of Diana,
the tower-bearing goddess, was of course the same divinity as invariably accompanied the Babylonian goddess:
and this title of the priest shows that the Bee which appeared on her medals was just another symbol for her
child, as the “Seed of the Woman,” in his assumed character, as Dabar, “The Word” that enlightened the souls of
men. That this is the precise “Mystery” couched under the wax-candles burning on the altars of the Papacy, we
have very remarkable evidence from its own formularies; for, in the very same place in which the “Mystery” of
the wax-candle is spoken of, thus does Rome refer to the Bee, by which the wax is produced: “Forasmuch as we
do marvellously wonder, in considering the first beginning of this substance, to wit, wax-tapers, then must we of
necessity greatly extol the original of Bees, for…they gather the flowers with their feet, yet the flowers are not
injured thereby; they bring forth no young ones, but deliver
their young swarms through their mouths, like as Christ (for a wonderful example) is proceeded from His
Father’s MOUTH.” *
Here it is evident that Christ is referred to as the “Word of God”; and how could any imagination ever have
conceived such a parallel as is contained in this passage, had it not been for the equivoque [wordplay, double
meaning] between “Dabar,” “the Bee,” and “Dabar,” “The Word.”
In a Popish work already quoted, the Pancarpium Marianum, I find the Lord Jesus expressly called by the name
of the Bee. Re ferring to Mary, under the title of “The Paradise of Delight,” the author thus speaks: “In this
Paradise that celestial Bee, that is, the incarnate Wisdom, did feed. Here it found that dropping honeycomb, with
which the whole bitterness of the corrupted world has been turned into sweetness.” This blasphemously
represents the Lord Jesus as having derived everything necessary to bless the world from His mother! Could
this ever have come from the Bible? No. It must have come only from the source where the writer learned to
call “the incarnate Wisdom” by the name of the Bee. Now, as the equivoque from which such a name applied to
the Lord Jesus springs, is founded only on the Babylonian tongue, it shows whence his theology has come, and
it proves also to demonstration that this whole prayer about the blessing
of wax-candles must have been drawn from a Babylonian prayer-book. Surely, at every step, the reader must see

more and more the exactitude of the Divine name given to the woman on the seven mountains, “Mystery,
Babylon the Great”!
Bees & DNA
Frans Kamp on the ‘Orion Queen’

Illustration 47: Image Source: Children of the Matrix - David Icke

The bee and the beehive are connected to Diana/Artemis/Hecate worship. Hecate is depicted with snake feet
and snakes for hair. Dogs, the sacred animal of Hecate, were sacrificed to her in rituals during the dark phrase
of the moon. The ancient Egyptian word and hieroglyph for goddess als means serpent and the hieroglyph for
Sirius means tooth. The Egyptian word for tooth also means dog and more specifically dog-god.
Bees & the Merovingian bloodline
From J.R. Church’s Guardians of the Grail:
In the tomb of Childeric I, son of Merovee, a special set of 300 miniature golden bees were found. Napoleon
affixed these bees to his coronation robe. The Mormons use the symbol of the bee and also hold to the doctrine
that Yahshua of Nazareth married Mary Magdalene. It is believed that the Merovingians used the bee symbol

because of the connection to Samson. Samson was known for the power that came from his long hair. So too,
the Merovingian kings were known as the long haired kings which claimed their hair was the source of their
occult powers. King Merovee supposedly possessed magical powers and could heal by the laying on of hands
and by touching the tassels on the bottom of their garments. Here we see the Merovingians associating
themselves with Samson and the tallit and tsitsit worn by ancient Israelites.
It was taught that the Merovee had two fathers. Clodio, king of the Franks, and Neptune the beast from the sea.
It is also believed that Merovee claimed descent from Odin. The Merovingians also claim descent from the
Trojans whose founder was named Dardanus. Dardanus was the son of Zeus. Zeus was pictured as an eagle,
but at other times as a serpent to whom offerings of honey were made. J.R. Church connects this to Dan who
had the insignia of the serpent as well as the eagle. According to the book of 1 Maccabees 12:20-21 the
Spartans were descendants of Abraham and brothers of the Jews in Israel at that time. Josephus wrote that the
letters sent to the Jews from the Spartans were foursquare; and the symbol is an eagle, with a dragon in its
claws. This is symbolism of Dan from which tribe Samson came.
During the Trojan – Spartan war the spartans used the ‘trojan horse’ to defeat the city of Troy. Aeneas, a Trojan
prince escaped the city and went to Italy, where his children, Romulus and Remus founded Rome. Church
states that over the centuries the Spartans migrated to Southern France and some of the Trojans migrated to
Germany, Belgium and Northern France along the Danube river. That area eventually became known as
Austrasia in the province of Lorraine. The lineage of the Merovingian kings, therefore, may have been rooted
in the Trojans.
Tribe of Dan & the serpent seed
Guardians of the Grail pg 109
“Four symbols are used in the Bible concerning the Danites – a serpent, an eagle, a lion, and the bees. In the
story of Samons, we find the famous riddle of the bees who made honey in the carcass of a lion which had been
killed by Samson. the symbolic nature of the bees could represent the concept that the descendants of the tribe
of Dan would one day try to bring about the destruction of the tribe of Judah, whose symbol was the lion, and
from the carcass of the lion the tribe of Dan would attempt to produce the golden age of a world empire,
symbolized by the honey. The Merovingian claim of coming from the tribe of Judah (through Mary Magdalene
and Jesus Christ) is not true. The lie may have been advanced because the symbol of Judah was the lion.
However, I believe the Merovingians were from the tribe of Dan.”
Gen 49:16 Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.
Gen 49:17 Let Dan be a serpent on the way, a horned snake on the path that bites the horses’ heels, and
its rider falls backward.
In the apocryphal writing of the Testament of Dan it states “I read in the book of Enoch, the Righteous, that
your prince is satan.”
Guardians of the Grail pg 120
“Aside from the fact that the Spartans wore long hair as a symbol of their power (like Samson) there is a legend
written about the son of Belus, king of the Spartans — in which is given the story of on named ‘Danaus,’ who
arrived in Greece with his daughters by ship. According to the legend his daughters called themselves
Danades. They introduced the cult of the mother goddess, which became the established religion of the
Arcadians and developed over the years into the worship of Diana.”
The Holy Grail
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26

the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte (Diana), the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for
themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of
that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change
its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill but
that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His
appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for
two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone
give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.” (1)
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”
Guardians of the Grail pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in
his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the
doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human
body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at
the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”
Pan is also represented by the pine tree & the pine cone, the symbols of the pineal gland.
Pan = Saturn
Two Babylons pg 119
The name Pan itself signifies “He who turned aside.” As the Hebrew word for “uprightness” signifies
“walking straight in the way,” so every deviation from the straight line of duty was Sin; Hata, the word for sin,
signifying generically “to go aside from the straight line.” Pan, it is admitted, was the Head of the Satyrs–
that is, “the first of the Hidden Ones,” for Satyr and Satur, “the Hidden One,”
More on Saturn in part 7…
Crystalline structure of the human body
Love the Real DaVinci Code pg 64
[Dr. Hartmut] Müller and co-workers showed that your body, like
all biology, is mathematically generated piece by
piece, or “fractally.” Mathematically, you crystallize
or fall apart. As an expert in space-time mathematics
and physics, Müller compared biological elements

to cosmic elements: planets, galaxies and particles
in space. Comparing double helix DNA to “the universe
as a double helix on the logarithmic line,” he
concluded, “the genetic code itself is a product of the
Global Standing Gravitational Wave = time wave.”

Liquid Crystalline DNA
DNA is a crystalline structure. In fact, the double-helical structure of DNA was deduced from crystallographic

Single Crystal DNA. Notice the hexagonal formation…


Resources for Chapter 6:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

The Ancient Religion of Hinduism -

The Aramaic Targum
The Bible as History - Werner Keller
Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Children of the Matrix - David Icke

Dictionary of Symbols - Carl Ljungman

Ecologue IV- Virgil

The Elegant Universe - Brian Greene

God is a Verb - Rabbi David Cooper

Goddesses and Angels - Doreen Virtue

The Gift of the Magi

Guardians of the Grail - J.R. Church

The Hebrew Alphabet -

The Hebrew Letters - Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh & Avraham Ariah Trugman

The Hebrew Letters - Shin: The Eternal Flame -

The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater

Hidden Secrets of the Eastern Star - Cathy Burns

Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee

Highlights of Moshiach: A Spark of Moshiach Within Each Jew -

Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

How a Mystic Reads the Garden of Eden - Rabbi David Cooper

The Illuminati Formula - Fritz Springmeier

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Jewish Publication Society TaNaKH pocket edition

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Juedischer Feuersegen - Heinrich Loewe

Lesser Hexagram Ritual -
Liquid Crystalline DNA -
Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Love the Real DaVinci Code - Len Horowitz

Making the Case for Hebrew - Uri Harel -

Midrash Lamentations

Morals & Dogma - Albert Pike

Mystery Mark - Texe Marrs

Protocols of the Learned Elders of Sion

The Pythagorean Triangle - George Oliver

Rabbi Akiva's Messiah - Daniel Gruber

Sacred Geometry - Alex Jack

Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol - David Ovason

The Shins of the Tefillin and Messianic Consciousness - Liorah Chana Elishaba Tsabrah

Signs & Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward

The Six Pointed Star - O.J. Graham

Six Six Six -

Smith's Bible Dictionary
The Star of David - Asher Eder
Star of David - Gershom Scholem

Star of David -

Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England
Swift Platinum Easton's Topical Bible
Talmud - Berakoth

Talmud - Sanhedrin

Thayer's Greek Definitions

The Thirteenth Tribe - Arthur Koestler

Two Babylon's - Alexander Hislop

Vincent's Word Studies

Chapter 7
Saturn represents the ‘golden age’ of the gods, Atlantis/Days of Noah. The 7 Heads and 10
horns of the beast kingdom is pictured by the 7 rings and 10 moons of Saturn. This
kingdom will be replay of what was seen in the days of Noah, just as Adonai Yahshua spoke
of (Matthew 24:37; Luke 17:26) where the fallen angels mix with mankind(Daniel 2:43),
promising them that ‘ye shall not die(Genesis 3:4; Isaiah 28:15, 18).’
The term “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” A New Order of the Ages, was adapted by Charles
Thomson in 1782 who, while designing the Great Seal of the United States, was inspired by
a line in Virgil’s Ecologue IV from the first century:
Now the last age by Cumae’ Sibyl has come and gone,
And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew:
Justice returns, old Saturn’s reign
With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.
On do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom
The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,
Befriend him, chaste Lucina: ‘this thine own Apollo reigns….
He shall receive the life of gods,
And see Heroes and gods commingling,
And himself be seen of them,
And with his father’s worth.
“On the first face is engraved…a pentagram or a star with five points. On the other side is engraved a bull’s
head enclosed in a SIX-POINTED STAR, and surrounded by letters composing the name REMPHA, THE
PLANETARY GENIUS OF SATURN, according to the alphabet of the Magi.”

The most important of the Titans was Cronus, in Latin Saturn.
The Roman god of agriculture concerned with the sowing of the seeds*.
*The Holy Scriptures state that the Son of Man (the Messiah) is the one who sows the seed. Saturn/satan is the
counterfeiter…he sows the tares.
Mat 13:37 And answering, He said to them, The One sowing the good seed is the Son of Man.
Mat 13:38 And the field is the world; and the good seed, these are the sons of the kingdom; but the
darnel are the sons of the evil one.
Mat 13:39 And the hostile one who sowed them is the Devil, and the harvest is the end of the age, and the
angels are the reapers.
Mat 13:40 Then as the darnel is gathered and is consumed in the fire, so it will be in the completion of
this age.
Mat 13:41 The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all the

offenses, and those who practice lawlessness.
Mat 13:42 And they will throw them into the furnace of fire; there will be weeping and gnashing of the
Saturn is named after the Roman god Saturnus (that became the namesake of Saturday (1)), equated to the
Greek Kronos (the Titan father of Zeus) the Babylonian Ninurta and to the Hindu Shani. Saturn’s symbol
represents the god’s sickle {Angel of Death (2)…’Father Time' (1)}.
In memory of the Golden Age of man, a mythical age when Saturn was said to have ruled, a great feast called
Saturnalia was held during the winter months around the time of the winter solstice (3).
In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Cronus by the Greeks, was, at the
dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife, Ops, (called Rhea by the
Greeks) was a Harvest Helper. Saturn was one of the Seven Titans or Numina and with them, reigned supreme
in the Universe. The Titans were of incredible size and strength and held power for untold ages, until they were
deposed by Jupiter.
The Titans = the Nephilim (4)
The Romans said that when Saturn’s son, Jupiter (Zeus) ascended to the throne, Saturn fled to Italy and brought
in the Golden Age, a time of perfect peace and happiness, which lasted as long as he reigned. In memory of the
Golden Age, when Saturn reigned in Italy, the great feast of Saturnalia (3) was held every year during the
winter. The idea of it was that the Golden Age returned to the earth during the days it lasted.
This ‘Golden Age’ is a foreshadowing of the kingdom of the antichrist. The Holy Scriptures speak of this time
as a time of peace which proceeds the destruction that comes from the Almighty when Yahshua Ha’Moschiach
returns to earth. Ezekiel 35:14; Isaiah 14:7; Revelation 18:20…

The giants (4) sprang forth from his blood. Cronus was lord of the universe, with his sister-queen, Rhea (lat.
Ops). His son, the future ruler of heaven and earth, whose name in Greek is Zeus and in Latin Jupiter, rebelled
against him.
Zeus punished his conquered enemies by bounding them in bitter chains beneath the wide-wayed earth, as far
below the earth as over earth is heaven, for even so far down lies Tartarus.


Star of Saturn/Moloch
Act 7:37 This is the Moses who said to the sons of Israel, “The Lord your God will raise up a Prophet to
you” “from your brothers, One like me.” You shall hear Him. Deut. 18:15
Act 7:38 This is the one who was in the congregation in the wilderness with the Angel who spoke to him
in Mount Sinai, and with our fathers, who received living Words to give to us,
Act 7:39 to whom our fathers did not desire to be subject, but thrust him away, and turned their hearts
back to Egypt,
Act 7:40 saying to Aaron, “Make for us gods which will go before us; for this Moses who led us out of the
land of Egypt, we do not know what has happened to him.” Ex. 32:1
Act 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and led a sacrifice up to the idol, and made merry in the
works of their hands.
Act 7:42 But God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heaven, as it has been written in the
book of the Prophets: “Did you bring slain beasts and sacrifices to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Act 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you
made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. Amos 5:25-27
John Gill commentary
Act 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Molech. Sometimes called Molech, and sometimes Milcorn; it was
the god of the Ammonites, and the same with Baal: the one signifies king, and the other lord; and was, no
doubt, the same with the Apis or Serapis of the Egyptians, and the calf of the Israelites.
Here it is seen that the hexagram symbol traces back to Molech which is linked to the golden calf in the
wilderness (Exodus 32:4), and later set up as a counterfeit Temple by the Northern tribes. The important thing
to notice here is that the golden calf was used to worship YHWH.
Exo 32:4 And he took them from their hand and formed it with an engraving tool. And he made it a
casted calf. And they said, These are your gods, O Israel, who made you go up from the land of Egypt.
Exo 32:5 And Aaron saw, and he built an altar before it. And Aaron called and said, A feast to YHWH
1Ki 12:28 And the king took counsel and made two calves of gold. And he said to them, It is too much for
you to go up to Jerusalem. Behold your gods, O Israel, which brought you up out of the land of Egypt!
1Ki 12:29 And he set the one in Bethel, and the other he put in Dan.
1Ki 12:30 And this thing became a sin, for the people went before the one, to Dan.
1Ki 12:31 And he made a house of high places, and made priests of the lowest of people, who were not of
the sons of Levi.
1Ki 12:32 And Jeroboam made a feast in the eighth month, in the fifteenth day of the month, like the
feast that is in Judah; and he offered on the altar, so he did in Bethel, to sacrifice to the calves which he
made; and he made stand in Bethel the priests of the high places that he made.
1Ki 12:33 And he offered up on the altar that he made in Bethel, on the fifteenth day of the eighth
month, in the month that he devised out of his own heart; and he made a feast for the sons of Israel, and
offered on the altar, to burn incense.

Notice that golden calf worship (1) is a mixture between the worship of YHWH and the worship of the beast.
It is also associated with the feasts and changing of the calendar. Saturn = Chronus who is synonymous with
time. The beast changes the times.
Dan 7:25 And he shall speak words against the Most High, and he shall wear out the saints of the Most
High. And he intends to change times and law. And they shall be given into his hand until a time and
times and one half time.
More on this in Volume 2 on holidays and the mark of the beast, Yah willing.
The word translated as mark in Revelation is used only one other time in Scripture referring to man engraving
something to represent the Almighty.
Act 17:29 Then being offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Godhead is like gold or silver or
stone, engraved by art and the imagination of man.
This is the essence of the mark of the beast…it is a counterfeit worship of YHWH. This is what the golden calf
was. Making a golden calf (beast) and calling it YHWH (Exodus 32:5). This is who the antichrist will be. A
counterfeit Yahshua.
Amo 5:25 Have you brought near sacrifices and food offerings to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Amo 5:26 Yea, you have lifted up the booth of your king, and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods
which you made for yourselves!
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of David}, which ye made to
yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star
that fell from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn,
is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.

Brown Driver’s Briggs Hebrew

BDB Definition:
Chiun = “an image” or “pillar”
1) probably a statue of the
Assyrian-Babylonian god of the
planet Saturn and used to
symbolise Israelite apostasy
Part of Speech: noun proper deity
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s
Number: from H3559 ‫כיון‬

Footnote in the JPS pocket edition of the Tanakh on Amos 5:26

“astral deity Saturn-R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of Israel.”

Gnostics and Their Remains Ancient and Mediaeval pg 241
“Inasmuch as the genius of the planet Saturn, or Kronos, was held by the Talmudists to be good and pure,
contrary to those of the other planets, the Four-winged image, so common upon Gnostic gems, may reasonably
be considered as a copy from the ancient original, devised by Taut. Saturn, the sole inspirer of the Law and
the Prophets, had special claims to the veneration of the Alexandrine Kabbalists. And this belief explains
wherefore Valentinus fixed upon this planet for the abode of Ildabaoth, the Giver of the Law to the Children of
Israel in the Wilderness.”
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
1. Chiun, Certainly the Planet Saturn
One planet is certainly mentioned in Old Testament, and we may safely infer that the other four were known,
since this particular planet is the least conspicuous both in brightness and in motion, and was therefore probably
the last to be discovered. The reference to Saturn occurs in Amo_5:25, Amo_5:26 : “Did ye bring unto me
sacrifices and offerings in the wilderness forty years, O house of Israel? Yea, ye have borne the tabernacle
of your king (the King James Version Moloch) and the shrine of (the King James Version Chiun) your
images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” This passage was quited from Septuagint by
Stephen in his defense, “And they made a calf in those days, and brought a sacrifice unto the idol, and rejoiced
in the works of their hands. But God turned, and gave them up to serve the host of heaven; as it is written in the
book of the prophets,
“Did ye offer unto me slain beasts and sacrifices
Forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel?
And ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch,
And the star of the god Rephan,
The figures which ye made to worship them” (Act_7:41-43).
The difference between the names Chiun and Rephan, is due either to Rephan being local Egyptian name for the
planet Saturn, and therefore used by the Septuagint as its equivalent, or to an actual error of transcription in the
text from which they were translating: the initial of the word being taken as resh (‫ )ר‬when it should have been
kaph (‫)כ‬, r instead of k. The word should therefore be transliterated Kaivan, which was the name of the planet
Saturn amongst the ancient Arabs and Syrians, while kaimanu, “constant” or “regular,” was its name with the
Assyrians. The English Revised Version in Amo_5:26 adopts the reading of the King James Version margin,
“Siccuth your king,” Moloch meaning king; but the authority of the Septuagint and the parallelism of the text
and its general line of thought support the reading given by some of the ancient versions and followed by the
King James Version.
2. Saturn or Moloch Worship
The difficulty of the passage is that both Amos and Stephen appear to represent the worship of the golden calf
as identical with the worship of Moloch and of the planet Saturn; yet though Kaivan is only mentioned
here, the nature of the reference would imply that this deity was one familiar both to speaker and hearers. The
difficulty vanishes at once, if the plain statement of Stephen be accepted, that when God permitted Israel to “go
after the stubbornness of their heart, that they might walk in their own counsels” (Psa_81:12) He “gave them up
to serve the host of heaven.” The worship of the golden calf was star worship; it was the solar bull, the
constellation Taurus, in which the sun was at the time of the spring equinox, that was thus represented. The
golden calf was therefore analogous to the familiar symbol of the Mithraic cult, the bull slain by Mithra, Sol
Invictus, if indeed the latter did not take its origin from this apostasy of Israel. See CALF, GOLDEN.
And Moloch the king, the idol of the Ammonites and Phoenicians, was intimately connected both with the
solar bull and the planet Saturn. According to the rabbins, his statue was of brass, with a human body but the
head of an ox. On the Carthaginian worship of Moloch or Saturn, Diodorus (book xx, chapter i) writes: “Among

the Carthaginians there was a brazen statue of Saturn putting forth the palms of his hands bending in such a
manner toward the earth, as that the boy who was laid upon them, in order to be sacrificed, should slip off, and
so fall down headlong into a deep fiery furnace. Hence it is probable that Euripides took what he fabulously
relates concerning the sacrifice in Taurus, where he introduces Iphigenia asking Orestes this question: ‘But what
sepulchre will me dead receive, shall the gulf of sacred fire me have?’ The ancient fable likewise that is
common among all the Grecians, that Saturn devoured his own children, seems to be confirmed by this law
among the Carthaginians.” The parallelism of the text therefore is very complete. The Israelites professed to be
carrying the tabernacle of Yahweh upon which rested the Shekinah glory; but in spirit they were carrying the
tabernacle of the cruelest and most malignant of all the deities of the heathen, and the light in which they were
rejoicing was the star of the planet assigned to that deity.
Moloch then was the sun as king, and especially the sun as he entered upon what might be considered his
peculiar kingdom, the zodiac from Taurus to Serpens and Scorpio, the period of the six summer months. The
connection of the sun with Saturn may seem to us somewhat forced, but we have the most direct testimony that
such a connection was believed in by the Babylonians. In Thompson’s Reports, obverse of No. 176 reads:
“When the sun stands in the place of the moon, the king of the land will be secure on his throne. When the sun
stands above or below the moon, the foundation of the throne will be secure.” The “sun” in this inscription
clearly cannot be the actual sun, and it is explained on the reverse as being “the star of the sun,” the planet
Saturn. No. 176 rev. reads: “Last night Saturn drew near to the moon. Saturn is the star of the sun. This is the
interpretation: it is lucky for the king. The sun is the king’s star.” The connection between the sun and Saturn
probably arose from both being taken as symbols of Time. The return of the sun to the beginning of the zodiac
marked the completion of the year. Saturn, the slowest moving of all the heavenly bodies, accomplished its
revolution through the signs of the zodiac in about 30 years, a complete generation of men. Saturn therefore was
in a peculiar sense the symbol of Time, and because of Time, of Destiny.
Swift Platinum Easton’s Topical Bible:
“Remphan (Acts 7:43; R.V., “Rephan”). In Amos 5:26 the Heb. Chiun (q.v.) is
rendered by the LXX. “Rephan,” and this name is adopted by Luke in his narrative of
the Acts. These names represent the star-god Saturn or Moloch.”

Illustration 48: Morals & Dogma pg 509

Smith’s Bible Dictionary by William Smith, L.L.D. p.561:

“Remphan, Acts 7:43, and Chi’un, Amos 5:26, have been supposed to be names of
an idol worship secretly by the Israelites in the wilderness. Much difficulty has been
occasioned by this corresponding occurrence of two names so wholly different in
sound. The most reasonable opinion seems to be that Chiun was a Hebrew or
Semitic name and Remphan and Egyptian equivalent substituted by the LXX.
This idol corresponded probably to Saturn or Molech. The mention of Chiun or
Remphan as worshipped in the desert shows that this idolatry was, in part at least,
that of foreigners, and no doubt of those settled in lower Egypt.”

2Ki 23:10 And he defiled Topheth in the valley of the sons of Hinnom, so that no man could cause his son
and his daughter to pass through the fire of Molech.

Illustration 49: a base of a column near the Temple of Saturn which

stands at the foot of the Capitoline Hill in Rome
Saturn – The Golden Calf

Saturn – Molech

2Ki 23:10 And he defiled Topheth in the valley of the sons

of Hinnom, so that no man could cause his son and his
daughter to pass through the fire of Molech.
which is the valley of the children of Hinnom; a valley that
belonged to the posterity of a man of this name, near to
Jerusalem, see Jos_15:8, hence the Greek word “geenna” for
hell, in the New Testament:
Gehinnom…translated as hell in most English versions comes
from this concept of human sacrifice at the valley of Hinnom.
Jer 32:34 But they set their idols in the house on which My
name has been called, to defile it.
Jer 32:35 And they built the high places of Baal in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to cause their sons
and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech, which I did not command them, nor did it come
into My heart, that they should do this detestable thing, to cause Judah to sin.
Jer 7:30 For the sons of Judah have done evil in My eyes, says YHWH. They have set their idols in the
house on which is called My name, in order to defile it.
Jer 7:31 They have built the high places of Tophet in the valley of the son of Hinnom, to burn their sons
and their daughters in the fire, which I did not command, nor did it come into My heart.
John Gill commentary
to burn their sons and their daughters in the fire: which was done, as Jarchi says, by putting them into the arms
of the brasen image Moloch, heated hot. The account he gives of Tophet is this,
“Tophet is Moloch, which was made of brass; and they heated him from his lower parts; and his hands being
stretched out, and made hot, they put the child between his hands, and it was burnt; when it vehemently cried
out; but the priests beat a drum, that the father might not hear the voice of his son, and his heart might not be
but in this he is mistaken; for “Tophet” was not the name of an idol, but of a place, as is clear from this and the
following verse. There is some agreement between this account of Jarchi, and that which Diodorus Siculus (z)
gives of Saturn, to whom children were sacrificed by the Carthaginians; who had, he says, a brasen image of
Saturn*, which stretched out his hands, inclining to the earth; so that a child put upon them rolled down, and
fell into a chasm full of fire:
1Ki 11:1 And King Solomon loved many foreign women, even the daughter of Pharaoh, Moabites,
Ammonites, Edomites, Sidonians, Hittites;
1Ki 11:2 of the nations which YHWH said to the sons of Israel, You shall not go in to them, and they shall
not go in to you; they shall turn aside your heart after their gods; Solomon clung to these in love.
1Ki 11:5 And Solomon went after Ashtoreth, goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom, the
abomination of the Ammonites;

1Ki 11:6 and Solomon did evil in the sight of YHWH, and did not go fully after YHWH like his father
1Ki 11:7 Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is
before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the sons of Ammon;

Valley of Giants – Valley of Hinnom…Hell & the

Nephilim (1)
Jos 18:16 And the border went down to the end of
the mountain that is before the valley of the son of
Hinnom, which is in the Valley of the Giants
(Rephaim) northward, and went down the valley of
Hinnom (Rephaim) to the side of the Jebusite on the
south, and went down to En-rogel.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
…but Rephas, or Rephan, was the same with Chronus,
or Saturn, from whence came the Rephaim…
Jos 15:8 And the border went up to the valley of the
son of Hinnom, to the side of the Jebusite on the south (it is Jerusalem) and the border went up to the top
of the mountain which is before the valley of Hinnom westward at the far end of the Valley of the Giants
1Ch 14:9 And the Philistines came and made a raid in the Valley of the Giants.
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
ge÷ -hen´a (γεεννα, geenna (see Grimm-Thayer, under the word)): Gehenna is a transliteration from the Aramaic
form of the Hebrew ge-hinnom, “valley of Hinnom.” This latter form, however, is rare in the Old Testament,
the prevailing name being “the valley of the son of Hinnom.”
In the New Testament (King James Version margin) Gehenna occurs in Mat_5:22, Mat_5:29, Mat_5:30;
Mat_10:28; Mat_18:9; Mat_23:15, Mat_23:33; Mar_9:43, Mar_9:15, Mar_9:47; Luk_12:5; Jam_3:6.
Gehenna is rendered as ‘hell’. That “the valley of Hinnom” became the technical designation for the place of
final punishment was due to two causes. In the first place the valley had been the seat of the idolatrous worship
of Molech, to whom children were immolated by fire (2Ch_28:3; 2Ch_33:6).
Paul G. Mosca, translates Cleitarchus’ paraphrase of a scholia to Plato’s Republic as:
There stands in their midst a bronze statue of Kronos, its hands extended over a bronze brazier, the flames of
which engulf the child. When the flames fall upon the body, the limbs contract and the open mouth seems
almost to be laughing until the contracted body slips quietly into the brazier. Thus it is that the ‘grin’ is known
‘sardonic laughter,’ since they die laughing.


Diodorus Siculus (20.14) wrote:
There was in their city a bronze image of Cronus extending its hands, palms up
and sloping toward the ground, so that each of the children when placed thereon
rolled down and fell into a sort of gaping pit filled with fire.

Star of Saturn
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol 1 pg 132
“Sabaism, or the worship of the stars, was one of the earliest deviations from the true system of religion. One of
its causes was the universally established doctrine among the idolatrous nations of antiquity, that each star was
animated by the soul of a hero god, who had once dwelt incarnate upon earth. Hence, in the hieroglyphical
system, the star denoted a god. To this signification, allusion is made by the prophet Amos, when he says to
the Israelites, while reproaching them for their idolatrous habits: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your
Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.” (Amos v. 26)
This idolatry was early learned by the Israelites from their Egyptian taskmasters; and so unwilling were they to
abandon it, that Moses found it necessary strictly to forbid the worship of anything “that is heaven above”;
notwithstanding which we find the Jews repeatedly committing the sin which had been so expressly forbidden.
Saturn was the star to whose worship they were more particularly addicted under the names of Moloch
and Chiun, already mentioned in the passage quoted from Amos. The planet Saturn was worshipped
under the names of Moloch, Malcom or Milcom by the Ammonites, the Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and
the Carthaginians, and under that of Chium by the Israelites in the desert. Saturn was worshipped
among the Egyptians under the name Raiphan, or, as it is called in the Septuagint, Remphan. Stephen,
quoting the passage of Amos, says, “ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star of your god
Remphan.” (Acts vii.43)
Alexander Hislop Two Babylon’s Chapter 7
The name of the system is “Mystery” (Rev 17:5). Here, then, we have the key that at once unlocks the enigma.
We have now only to inquire what was the name by which Nimrod was known as the god of the Chaldean
Masteries. That name, as we have seen, was Saturn. Saturn and Mystery are both Chaldean words, and they
are correlative terms. As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *
* In the Litany of the Mass, the worshippers are taught thus to pray: “God Hidden, and my Saviour, have mercy
upon us.” (M’GAVIN’S Protestant) Whence can this invocation of the “God Hidden” have come, but from the
ancient worship of Saturn, the “Hidden God”? As the Papacy has canonised the Babylonian god by the name of
St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the “martyr,” so by this very name of “Satur” is he also enrolled in the calendar;
for March 29th is the festival of “St. Satur,” the martyr. (CHAMBER’S Book of Days)
To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee is
pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus–Stur. This name
contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:–
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope, as head of the
Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the original name of Rome
itself was Saturnia, “the city of Saturn.”

The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil, which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin
race traced back their lineage, was represented with a glory around his head, to show that he was a “child of the
Sun.” Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular opinion, the original Lateinos had occupied the very same
position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was equally worshipped as the “offspring of the Sun.” Moreover, it
is evident that the Romans knew that the name “Lateinos” signifies the “Hidden One,” for their antiquarians
invariably affirm that Latium received its name from Saturn “lying hid” there. On etymological grounds, then,
even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos is equivalent to the “Hidden One”; that is, to Saturn, the “god of
Mystery.” *
Number of a man
Saturn, the hidden god,–the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets were revealed only
to the initiated,–was identical with Janus (1), who was publicly known to all Rome, to the uninitiated and
initiated alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had the key of the invisible world. Now,
what means the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient
Chaldee, E-anush signifies “the Man.” By that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it
first made its appearance. *
* The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might expect “He-
anesth,” “the man,” to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-sarsiphon, Osarsiphon; and,
in like manner, He-anesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of a “Man-god,” the name Oannes is taken by
Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion of the H’ into O’ among our own immediate neighbours, the
Irish; what is now O’Brien and O’Connell was originally H’Brien and H’Connell (Sketches of Irish History).
Pope Benedict XVI, wearing his Saturn hat, greets the faithful at the end of his
weekly general audience in St. Peter’s square at the Vatican, Wednesday, June 17,


The Statue of “Saint Peter” which is really a statue of Jupiter… which the Romans called Saturnus, we can see,
in his throne, an hexagram the six pointed star of Saturn.

It was long ago noticed by Irenaeus, about the end of the second century, that the name Teitan contained the
Mystic number 666; and he gave it as his opinion that Teitan was “by far the most probable name” of the beast
from the sea. *
* IRENAEUS. Though the name Teitan was originally derived from Chaldee, yet it became thoroughly
naturalised in the Greek language. Therefore, to give the more abundant evidence on this important subject, the
Spirit of God seems to have ordered it, that the number of Teitan should be found according to the Greek
computation, while that of Satur is found by the Chaldee.
Now, on inquiry, it will actually be found, that while Saturn was the name of the visible head, Teitan was the
name of the invisible head of the beast. Teitan is just the Chaldean form of Sheitan, * the very name by which
Satan has been called from time immemorial by the Devil-worshippers of Kurdistan; and from Armenia or
Kurdistan, this Devil-worship embodied in the Chaldean Mysteries came westward to Asia Minor, and thence to
Etruria and Rome.
The learned reader has no need of examples in proof of this frequent Chaldean transformation of the Sh or S
into T; but for the common reader, the following may be adduced: Hebrew, Shekel, to weigh, becomes Tekel in

Chaldee; Hebrew, Shabar, to break–Chaldee, Tabar; Hebrew, Seraphim–Chaldee, Teraphim, the Babylonian
counterfeit of the Divine Cherubim or Seraphim; Hebrew, Asar, to be rich–Chaldee, Atar; Hebrew, Shani,
second–Chaldee, Tanin, &c.
That Teitan was actually known by the classic nations of antiquity to be Satan, or the spirit of wickedness, and
originator of moral evil, we have the following proofs: The history of Teitan and his brethren, as given in
Homer and Hesiod, the two earliest of all the Greek writers, although later legends are obviously mixed up with
it, is evidently the exact counterpart of the Scriptural account of Satan and his angels. Homer says, that “all the
gods of Tartarus,” or Hell, “were called Teitans.” Hesiod tells us how these Teitans, or “gods of hell,” came to
have their dwelling there. The chief of them having committed a certain act of wickedness against his father, the
supreme god of heaven, with the sympathy of many others of the “sons of heaven,” that father “called them all
by an opprobrious name, Teitans,” pronounced a curse upon them, and then, in consequence of that curse, they
were “cast down to hell,” and “bound in chains of darkness” in the abyss. While this is the earliest account of
Teitan and his followers among the Greeks, we find that, in the Chaldean system, Teitan was just a synonym for
Typhon, the malignant Serpent or Dragon, who was universally regarded as the Devil, or author of all
wickedness. It was Typhon, according to the Pagan version of the story, that killed Tammuz, and cut him in
pieces; but Lactantius, who was thoroughly acquainted with the subject, upbraids his Pagan countrymen for
“worshipping a child torn in pieces by the Teitans.” It is undeniable, then, that Teitan, in Pagan belief, was
identical with the Dragon, or Satan.
Titans = Nephilim
Nephilim :
Days of Noah :
Fallen Angels :
The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God
with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.
Counterfeit sign of the true Messiah
The Hexagram or six-pointed star, is a potent symbol of the interaction of the Divine with the mortal, of God
with Humankind. It has particular significance in Judaism as the Star of David.
The Star of David, or magen David (‘Shield of David’), is a strong symbol of Jewish identity, and as a
hexagram it represents the interaction of the Divine with the mortal*. It gets its name from the tradition that
David carried a hexagram-shaped shield during his defeat of the giant Goliath. It has strong links with the
Kabbalah, and is sometimes known as the Seal of Solomon or the Creator’s Star. When the Star of David is
called the Creator’s Star, the six points each represents a day of the week and the center corresponds to the
*The Hexagram is a picture of the ‘god-man’. The beast.
Some assign a benign origin to the hexagram symbol by saying it is two dalets combined together from the
ancient Hebrew name of David.
David in Ancient Hebrew is:
These letters are explained as thus:
‘The meaning of the dalet is door, the meaning of the vav is nail. The meaning of this symbol when it
is combined is the door to heaven and the door to earth is combined by the “Messiah” who comes to rule the
earth as the king of mankind with a rod of iron, just as David did.’

Notice the ‘as above, so below’ theme. Truly, Messiah Yahshua was Elohim in the flesh…this is why the
adversary seeks to bring about a counterfeit that will be part ‘god/elohim’ part man. The beast will be part
fallen angel.
Bar Nafli
Sanhedrin 96b-97a
“Rav Nachman asked R. Yitzchak: Have you heard when Bar Nafli (Son of the Fallen One) will come? He
said to him: Who is Bar Nafli? He said to him: Mashiach. Do you call Mashiach Bar Nafli? He answered
him: Yes, for it is written, On that day I will establish the sukkah of David that is fallen.”
Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England. Jerusalem: Magnum Press, 1975.
“the Messiah will come in the form of a great fish from the sea.”
Sanhedrin 98a
Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi meets Elijah the Prophet and asks, “When will Mashiach come?”
Elijah responds, “Why are you asking me? You can ask Mashiach himself.”
“Really?! Where can I find Mashiach?”
Elijah tells him, “Go to the gates of Rome and there you’ll find him.”
King David is known as David ben Yishai—the son of Yishai. It is interesting to note that the gematria of ‫בן‬
‫ישי‬, “ben Yishai,” is 372, the same value as the words ‫בר נפלי‬, bar nafli.
The Hebrew Letters Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh, Avraham Ariah Trugman pg 208

The awaited Messiah of Rabbinic Judaism is represented by the number 666.
The number 666 has significance as the numerical value of the Hebrew verse: “Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai —
Now, I pray, let the Power of my Lord be great.” (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe’s prayer invoking Divine
Mercy on behalf of the Jewish People.
“Mosad Hayesod” cites the Vilna Gaon’s commentary on the Zohar that “the number 666 contains
hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential.” No other explanation is offered there.
We do know that the number six represents the physical world. The Torah describes the creation of the universe
as a six part, six day, process. Our ancient sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions — north,

south, east, west, up, down — from a central point. All physical space and all physical objects have these six
666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that
concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which
Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose,
to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.
* Sources: Mosad Hayesod pp. 204-205
* Rabbi Dovid Rossoff, author o “Where Heaven Touches Earth,” Guardian Press

Saturn & the Antichrist Kingdom

The term “Novus Ordo Seclorum,” A New Order of the Ages, was adapted by Charles Thomson in 1782 who,
while designing the Great Seal of the United States, was inspired by a line in Virgil’s Ecologue IV from the first
Now the last age by Cumae’ Sibyl has come and gone,
And the majestic roll of circling centuries begins anew:
Justice returns, old Saturn’s reign
With a new breed of men sent down from heaven.
On do thou, at the boy’s birth in whom
The iron shall cease, the golden race arise,
Befriend him, chaste Lucina: ‘this thine own Apollo reigns….
He shall receive the life of gods,
And see Heroes and gods commingling,
And himself be seen of them,
And with his father’s worth.
Quoted on page 391 The Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital – David Ovason
“Now the Virgin returns, the Saturnian reigns return:
Now a new Offspring is sent down from high heaven.
O chaste Lucina favour the Boy now being born, with whom the iron race Shall end and a golden arise in all
the world…”

Saturday -
The 7th day of the week, the Biblical Sabbath is a picture of the Kingdom of Heaven (1)…why was it named
Saturday? It was after the false god Saturn to represent the false kingdom of the golden age of Saturn.
It was named no later than the second century for the planet (Saturn), which controlled the first hour of that day
according to Vettius Valens. The planet was named for the Roman god of agriculture Saturn. It has been called
dies Saturni (“Saturn’s Day”), through which from it entered into Old English as Sæternesdæg and gradually
evolved into the word “Saturday.”


Counterfeit kingdom
The Scriptures speak of when the Messiah returns and establishes His kingdom, the earth will be restored to its
original state (Garden of Eden)
Isa 51:3 For YHWH comforts Zion. He comforts all her desolations, and He makes her wilderness like
Eden, and her desert like the garden of YHWH; joy and gladness shall be found in it, thanksgiving and
the voice of singing praise.

Eze 36:33 So says the Lord YHWH: In the day I cleanse you from all your iniquities, I will cause
the cities to be inhabited, and the wastes shall be built.
Eze 36:34 And the desolated land shall be cultivated, rather than being a ruin in the eyes of all
passing by.
Eze 36:35 And they shall say, This land that was desolated has become like the garden of Eden.
And the wasted and desolated and razed cities are fortified and inhabited.
Eze 36:36 And the nations left all around you shall know that I, YHWH, built the razed places
and planted that which was desolated. I, YHWH have spoken it and will do it.
The adversary will counterfeit this paradise state. When the day of YHWH comes, it comes upon a time of a
counterfeit Eden (paradise).
Joe 2:1 Blow a ram’s horn in Zion, and shout an alarm in My holy mountain. Let all those living in the
land tremble. For the day of YHWH approaches; it is near,
Joe 2:2 a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, as the dawn spread out on
the mountains, a great and a strong people. There has never been the like, nor shall there ever be again to
the years of many generations;
Joe 2:3 a fire devours before it, and a flame burns behind it. The land is as the garden of Eden before
them, and behind them is a desolate wilderness; yea, also there is no escape to them.
Sodom and Gomorrah likened to the Garden of Eden
Gen 13:10 And Lot lifted up his eyes and saw all the circuit of Jordan, that it was well-watered before
YHWH destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, even like the garden of YHWH, like the land of Egypt as you
come to Zoar.
What is the land of Israel called in the end times?
Rev 11:8 And their bodies will be on the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom, and
Egypt, where our Lord was crucified.
Gen 13:10 also likens this false Eden to Egypt. This is where Yisrael was in bondage and slavery before
deliverance. So too in the end there will be slavery and bondage as the prophets speak of the Exodus in the end
being likened to the Egyptian exodus (Micah 7:15; Jeremiah 16:14-21).
After the counterfeit dividing of the land, the fallen angels and false Israel will enslave the ‘goyim’ as a
counterfeit fulfillment of the Kingdom of Heaven where Yahshua rules as King and His kings and priests rule
the earth with a rod of iron (Revelation 2:26-27; 12:5; Daniel 2:44) .

Joe 3:2 I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will
plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the
nations, and parted my land.
Joe 3:3 And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine,
that they might drink.
Isa 14:2 And the peoples shall take them and bring them to their own place. And the house of Israel shall
possess them in the land of YHWH for slaves and slave girls. And they shall be captives of their captors;
and they shall rule over their oppressors.
Isa 14:24 YHWH of Hosts has sworn, saying, Surely as I have thought, so it shall be; and as I have
purposed, it shall rise up;
Isa 14:25 to break Assyria in My land, and trample him on My mountains. Then his yoke shall depart
from them, and his burden shall depart from his shoulders.
Isa 14:26 This is the purpose that is purposed on all the earth; and this the hand that is stretched out on
all the nations.

This concept of the false kingdom is seen in the festival of Saturnalia which has been passed down to us today
as Christmas.
In memory of the Golden Age of man, a mythical age when Saturn was said to have ruled, a great feast called
Saturnalia was held during the winter months around the time of the winter solstice.
In Babylon he was called Ninib and was an agricultural deity. Saturn, called Cronus by the Greeks, was, at the
dawn of the Ages of the Gods, the Protector and Sower of the Seed and his wife, Ops, (called Rhea by the
Greeks) was a Harvest Helper.
In memory of the Golden Age, when Saturn reigned in Italy, the great feast of Saturnalia was held every year
during the winter. The idea of it was that the Golden Age returned to the earth during the days it lasted.
Two Babylons pg 95
It was no mere astronomic festival, then, that the Pagans celebrated at the winter solstice. That festival at Rome
was called the feast of Saturn, and the mode in which it was celebrated there, showed whence it had been
derived. The feast, as regulated by Caligula, lasted five days; * loose reins were given to drunkenness and
revelry, slaves had a temporary emancipation, ** and used all manner of freedoms with their masters.
{Exactly the same as the feast of Bacchus seen above that Antiochus forced Yisrael into doing}
* Subsequently the number of the days of the Saturnalia was increased to seven.
** If Saturn, or Kronos, was, as we have seen reason to believe, Phoroneus, “The
emancipator,” the “temporary emancipation” of the slaves at his festival was
exactly in keeping with his supposed character.
This is important to note. This is a counterfeit of the Jubilee of the Scriptures. The Jubilee was sounded at Yom
Kippur and Sukkot which follows 5 days later is a picture of dwelling/tabernacling with the Messiah when He
returns. According to the book of Maccabees, Hanukkah is just a replay of Sukkot (2Maccabees 1:9). So we
see two opposing feasts which represent two opposing marks. Hanukkah which is a ‘2nd Sukkot’ where the
Temple (body) is rededicated (resurrection) at the coming of the Messiah or Christmas which is a rehearsal of
the coming of the antichrist where the Temple (body) is defiled (mark of beast).


The Beast government of Revelation has many connections to the ‘myths’ about Atlantis. Looking at the
‘myths’ about Atlantis leads one back to the ‘Golden Age of Saturn’ before the flood.
Rev 13:1 And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten diadems, and on its heads names of blasphemy.
Rev 11:7 And when they complete their witness, the beast coming up out of the abyss will make war with
them, and will overcome them, and will kill them.
Atlantis: The Antediluvian World – Ignatius Donnelly
“We have seen Chronos identified with the Atlantic, called by the Romans the ‘Chronian Sea.’ He was known to
the Romans under the name of Saturn, and ruled over ‘a great Saturnian continent’ in the Western ocean.”
Atlantis divided into 10
Rev 13:1 And I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having seven
heads and ten horns, and on his horns ten diadems, and on its heads names of blasphemy.
Point for point the story of Atlantis matches with Moses and Enoch’s accounts of the antediluvian world, and
how divine beings had intermarried with humans, giving birth to semi-divine giants. Poseidon is said here to
have married a human woman, and her name is even given: Cleito. Cleito bore him 10 sons, and he arranged
and populated the island of Atlantis with such florae and faunae that their every need was met.
He also begat and brought up five pairs of twin male children; and dividing the island of Atlantis into ten
portions, he gave to the first-born of the eldest pair his mother’s dwelling and the surrounding allotment, which
was the largest and best, and made him king over the rest; the others he made princes, and gave them rule over
many men, and a large territory. And he named them all; the eldest, who was the first king, he named Atlas, and
after him the whole island and the ocean were called Atlantic. To his twin brother, who was born after him, and
obtained as his lot the extremity of the island towards the Pillars of Heracles, facing the country which is now
called the region of Gades in that part of the world, he gave the name which in the Hellenic language is
Eumelus, in the language of the country which is named after him, Gadeirus. Of the second pair of twins he
called one Ampheres, and the other Evaemon. To the elder of the third pair of twins he gave the name Mneseus,
and Autochthon to the one who followed him. Of the fourth pair of twins he called the elder Elasippus, and the
younger Mestor. And of the fifth pair he gave to the elder the name of Azaes, and to the younger that of
Diaprepes. All these and their descendants for many generations were the inhabitants and rulers of divers
islands in the open sea; and also, as has been already said, they held sway in our direction over the country
within the Pillars as far as Egypt and Tyrrhenia.
Atlas, in the Greek myths, was actually a titan, one of the original deities who ruled over Earth before the
Olympic gods (Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, etc.) overthrew them and took supremacy over Earth. The titans of the
Greek myths were giants of great stature that ruled over a “golden age” of mankind: “The Golden Age of
mankind lived during the rule of Kronos and the Titanes. This race of man was created by Prometheus
and lived in peace and harmony, blessed with the fruits of the earth which grew freely in a garden of
Eden-like paradise.” However, all was not well in Paradise, as the titans did not share their power freely: “The
Titanes were jealous of their privileges and refused to devolve any power to the younger generations of gods.
Zeus led these in rebellion and after a violent ten year war the Titanes were overthrown and cast into Tartaros.”

Tartaros is the Greek word for “hell” or “abyss”, the same place where the archangels threw the fallen angels
after they had intermarried with women and brought such violence and corruption to Earth. (1 Enoch 10:1-16,
cf. also 2 Peter 2:5)
So Plato’s account of Atlantis so far matches Moses and Enoch’s descriptions of the antediluvian world point
for point: divine beings were given rule over various parts of Earth, and they intermarried with human females,
who gave birth to giants. Up to this point, however, the account is different on one important point. In the
Critias, Atlantis was a place of earthly paradise, set up by Poseidon to be an ideal place for his progeny to live.
However, at the end of the narrative, Plato’s account of the rise of Atlantis then turns to its fall, and our next
point of collusion is matched perfectly:
For many generations, as long as the divine nature lasted in them, they were obedient to the laws, and well-
affectioned towards the god, whose seed they were; for they possessed true and in every way great spirits,
uniting gentleness with wisdom in the various chances of life, and in their intercourse with one another. They
despised everything but virtue, caring little for their present state of life, and thinking lightly of the possession
of gold and other property, which seemed only a burden to them; neither were they intoxicated by luxury; nor
did wealth deprive them of their self-control; but they were sober, and saw clearly that all these goods are
increased by virtue and friendship with one another, whereas by too great regard and respect for them, they are
lost and friendship with them. By such reflections and by the continuance in them of a divine nature, the
qualities which we have described grew and increased among them; but when the divine portion began to fade
away, and became diluted too often and too much with the mortal admixture, and the human nature got the
upper hand, they then, being unable to bear their fortune, behaved unseemly, and to him who had an eye to see
grew visibly debased, for they were losing the fairest of their precious gifts; but to those who had no eye to see
the true happiness, they appeared glorious and blessed at the very time when they were full of avarice and
unrighteous power.
Just like the Nephilim, the titans grew more and more abased as they continued to intermarry with humans,
becoming twisted, abhorrent travesties of their formerly glorious selves. Just as good as they were in the
beginning, they became irretrievably evil, with an unbridled lust for power and wealth that led to a mighty thirst
for conquest. The “gods” of Atlantis wished to extend their power beyond their divinely mandated boundaries,
and thus risked the judgment of God. Their decision to wage war on Europe and Asia in order to dominate the
world, causing great corruption and disorder in the process, was an indicator that these deities had gone too far
and were in need of chastisement. The final point of collusion in the two accounts, the biblical and the Platonic,
now comes to the fore, as Zeus, leader of the Greek gods, convenes a council in heaven and decides to punish
the Atlanteans for their unbridled hubris.
An allusion to the kingdom of Atlantis can be seen in the book of Ezekiel when the prophet is speaking of the
prince and king of Tyre.
Eze 28:2 Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, So says the Lord YHWH, Because your heart is lifted up,
and you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas; yet you are a man, and not
God, though you give your heart as the heart of gods.
Eze 28:3 Behold, you are wiser than Daniel. Every one of the secret things are not hidden to you.
Eze 28:4 With your wisdom and with your understanding you have made riches for yourself, and have
worked gold and silver into your treasuries.
Eze 28:5 By your great wisdom, by your trade you have multiplied your riches, and your heart is lifted
up because of your riches.

Eze 28:6 So the Lord YHWH says this: Because you have given your heart as the heart of gods,
Eze 28:7 behold, so I will bring on you awesome strangers of the nations. And they shall draw their
swords against the beauty of your wisdom and will defile your splendor.
Eze 28:8 They will cause you to go down to the Pit, and you shall die the deaths of the slain in the heart
of the seas.
Eze 28:9 Saying, do you say, I am of the gods before him who strikes you? But you are a man, and not
God, in the hands of him who pierces you.
Eze 28:10 You shall die the deaths of the uncircumcised, by the hand of strangers. For I have spoken,
says the Lord YHWH.
Eze 28:11 And the Word of YHWH was to me, saying,
Eze 28:12 Son of man, lift up a lament over the king of Tyre, and say to him, So says the Lord YHWH:
You seal the measure, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Eze 28:13 You have been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering; the ruby,
the topaz, and the jasper, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise, and the
carbuncle, and gold; the workmanship of your tambourines and of your flutes in you. In the day you
were created, they were prepared.
Eze 28:14 You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I had put you in the holy heights of God, where
you were. You walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you.
Eze 28:16 By the multitude of your trade, they filled your midst with violence, and you sinned. So I cast
you defiled from the height of God, and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from among the stones of
Eze 28:17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your
splendor. I have cast you to the ground. I will put you before kings, that they may see you.
Eze 28:18 By the host of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your trade, you have defiled your holy places.
So I brought a fire from your midst and it shall devour you, and I will give you for ashes on the earth in
the sight of all who see you.
Eze 28:19 All who know you among the peoples shall be appalled at you. You shall be terrors, and you
will not be forever.

Illustration 50: Children of the Matrix pg 32

Pan = Saturn…more on this below

The New Atlantis
Secret Destiny of America - Manly P Hall
Chapter 11. The Objective of the Secret Society
One reference to a secret society in Bacon’s New Atlantis is scarcely less than a proclamation of the Society of
Unknown philosophers, but has gone unnoticed for three hundred years. …
This fable is of the land of Bensalem, meaning the Son of Peace, which with its merchandise,
the Light of Truth, maintained a trade with Atlantis, which was declared to be the same
as America. … Every thing indicates that it was Sir Francis Bacon’s dream
that the enlarging of the bounds of human empire should be instituted on our own continent,
an area peculiarly set aside by Nature for the perfection of philosophy and the sciences.
The New Atlantis was first published in 1627, as a kind of appendix to the Sylva Sylvarum, a natural history in
ten centuries. On the title page is a curious design. It shows the figure of an ancient creature representing Time
drawing a female figure from a dark cavern. The meaning is obvious: Through time, the hidden truth shall be
revealed. This figure is one of the most famous of the seals or symbols of the Order of the Quest. Contained
within it is the whole promise of the resurrection of man, and the restitution of the divine theology.
Rawley writes in his introduction to Bacon’s the New Atlantis, “This fable My Lord devised, to the end that he
might exhibit therein, a model or description of a college, instituted for the interpreting of nature, and the
producing of great and marvelous works, for the benefit of men; under the name of Solomon’s house, or
the college of the six days work.”
The college of the six days work is, of course, a thinly veiled reference to the perfection of nature through art.
The six days are the days of creation by which the natural world was brought into existence, according to the
account given in Genesis. As God created the Universe in six symbolic days, so man by art–that is,
philosophy–must create the condition of his own perfection by means of six philosophical steps.
The name of the land in which stood the Wise Man’s City was Bensalem; this means the Son of Peace.
Bensalem maintained a trade with all parts of the world, but not for gold, silver, jewels, silks, spices, nor any
other material commodity; its merchandise was the Light of Truth. Among the nations traded with was
Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America.
Religion, science, and philosophy are the three parts of essential learning. A government based upon one or
even two of these parts must ultimately degenerate into a tyranny, either of men or opinion. These three realize
the unity of knowledge; they are the orders of the Quest…The supreme human purpose is the perfection of
man. This must come first, and when this end has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow….These
three [religion, science, philosophy], then, are the orders of the Quest. Together they can bring about the
perfection of man through the discovery of the Plan for man…..One of the great secrets of antiquity was this
realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the Quest in all the branches of learning. The great
philosophers of the past were truly great because they approached the problem of life as priest-philosopher-
scientist. The title “The Wise” is properly applied only to those in whose consciousness the unity of knowledge
has been established as the pattern of the Quest.
It was part of the ancient plan that has descended to us to build again the ideal university–the college of the six
days work. Here would be taught the same arts and sciences that we teach today, but from a different basic
premise. Here men would learn that the sciences are as sacred as the theologies, and the philosophies are as
practical as the crafts and trades. Those mystical extra-sensory perceptions viewed with suspicion by the
materialist would then be developed according to the disciplines of the sciences, and all learning would be
consecrated to the supreme end that men become as the gods, knowing good and evil

David Ovason writes in regards to the truncated pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill:
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 235
“This ‘invisible’ symbolism recalls one important strain of arcane symbolism within Masonry itself, which
maintains that the present era is that during which the Temple of Solomon is being rebuilt. At the completion of
this Temple, the present era will come to an end, and be succeeded by a more splendid spiritual era.

The Weeping Virgin

The ‘weeping Virgin’ is portrayed with Saturn
which portrays in symbology the ‘resurrection of
man’ or the new temple.

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 186

“…the celestial version of this Beautiful Virgin was the Virgin whom the Masons used in their mystery symbols
of Washington D.C., the city of Virgo. The important point is this: in some way, the Masonic fraternities of the
United States have visualized their federal city as the founding stone not merely for the United States, but of the
Fourth Ear, which will see the rebuilding, on the inner plane, of the Temple of Solomon.”…”Such imagery
reflects the Masonic appreciate of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful
Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C. The
image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, that most enduring of Masonic symbols.
This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the
unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is incomplete
because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon. Virgo is the star goddess weeping that
so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 184
“It seems then, that the Beautiful Virgin is a representation of the Virgin of the skies, the celestial Virgo, and
that in certain Masonic contexts she is represented as weeping. The link between Virgo and Isis is nowhere
more openly revealed than in this idea, for Isis was herself on of the two ‘weeping sisters.’ In some Masonic
accounts, she is said to be weeping because she symbolizes the unfinished Temple – that is, the Temple of
Solomon from which some Masonic fraternities still date the passage of the years. Since the Masonic
symbolism sees the building of the external Temple as representative of the building of the internal temple of

spirit, it seems that the Virgin weeps either for the imperfections still in mankind or because the Temple is not
yet finished.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 186
“Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciation of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth
of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to
Washington, D.C. The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, the most enduring
of Masonic symbols. This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a
lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is
incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon: Virgo is the star goddess
weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”
The cabbalistic design of the great seal of the United States is seen with intimate connection to the Queen of
Heaven (1) (Ashtoreth the wife of Saturn).

Notice the link between the pentagram and hexagram above the head of
the eagle as seen above, both are linked to the seal of Solomon. E
Pluribus Unum refers back to the Bacchic rites of the ‘awakening’ of
man where the resurrected Bacchus is seen as the flaming Sun which is
seen above the head of the eagle which in reality is the Phoenix.


A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of

gold and scarlet (or purple, blue, and green according to some
legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-cycle, near the end of which it
builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest and bird burn
fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix
or phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is
destined to live as long as its old self. In some stories, the new
phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self in an egg made of myrrh
and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in Greek).
Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281
“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god
who “rose to heaven in the form of a morning star, like Lucifer, after
his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”

William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a
divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most
occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day
rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”
Venus & the Phoenix
Apart from its brightness, the most distinctive feature of Venus is its cycle as a morning star and evening star.
Accordingly, the Egyptians symbolized Venus as the Bennu, a heron-like bird commonly equated with the
phoenix. Venus represents Lucifer, the ‘morning star’.

Notice on the head of the eagle the little ‘tuft’ of feathers on the back of the head…this is not on an eagle but
was placed there to allude to the phoenix.

Serpent Goddess
Children of the Matrix pg 146
“The serpent goddess is known under countless names around the
world, including Diana, Artemis, Semiramis, Barit, Britannia, Hecate,
Rhea, Persephone (‘First Serpent’) and so on. These same names have
also been used to symbolise esoteric concepts like the phases of the
Moon and female energy, but at its foundation this goddess worship of the Illuminati would seem to relate to the
DNA transmitted through the female and possibly originating in the constellation of Orion….this DNA
source symbolised in various cultures as the Dragon Queens, the Orion Queen or Queens, and the ‘Snake
Mother.’ Artemis is depicted with eggs all over her chest and she is associated with bees. One of the prime
symbols of the Merovingian bloodline, so connected to Artemis/Diana worship, is the bee and the hive.
Children of the Matrix pg 147
Sir Laurence Gardner is a spokesman for the Imperial Royal Dragon Court an Order that represents the interests
of the ‘Dragon bloodlines’ seeded by the DNA of the ‘Dragon Queens.’ He says that this symbolism and the
theme of the Dragon Queens goes back to the ‘founding mother’ of the Annunaki he calls Tiamat, the Sea-
dragon in Mesopotamian accounts. These queens, he suggests, were commonly represented as mermaids and
were called Ladies of the Lake. Throughout the lands settled by former Atlantean-Lemurian peoples you find
the worship of the serpent goddess and her serpent son, who is often symbolised as a bull.

Julius Caesar descendant of the Queen of Heaven

Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 214-15

“The land of the Pyramid, Egypt, is where Caesarean Rome was inaugurated. By
‘Caesarean’ I mean the empire whose head commands ontonly affairs of state but those of
religion as well. Caesarean Rome officially began in Alexandria, Egypt, at the temple of
Jupiter, on the winter solstice- December 25 – in the year 48 BC, when a fifty-two-year-old
priest of Jupiter was declared to be Jupiter’s incarnation, thus ‘Son of God.’ His name was
Caius of the family of Marius, Caius Maria. After deification, and occasionally before,
Caius Maria was referred to as ‘Caesar,’ a cabalism formed by the letter ‘C’ (for Caius)
Illustration 51: attached to ‘Aesar,’ the Etruscan word for ‘God.’ The God Caius. According to Scottish
Caesar theologian Alexander Hislop, Caesar consented to deification in order to inherit the huge
kingdom of Pergamum. Consisting of most of Asia Minor (present day Turkey), Pergamum was bequeathed to
the Roman people in 133 BC by its king, Attalus III. But there was a catch: the people of Rome had to regard
their leader as God.”
The Pergamenian kings had begun ruling as God when the title Pontifex Maximus fled the fall of Babylon in
539 BC. In that eventful year, Persian invaders assassinated the Babylonian king Belshazzar. Just moments
prior, Belshazzar had seen his assassination prophesied by the famous handwriting on the wall: ‘Mene Mene
Tekel Upharsin,’ (‘The Numberer is numbered’). Ruling as God by divine appointment, Belshazzar had
profaned the sacred vessels of the Israelite temple. This was the unpardonable sin of blasphemy, for which God
sent the Persian to destroy him.
Belshazzar’s priests were evidently spared. Rather than submit to the Persian conquerors, they furtively
gathered together all their portable treasures, entitlements, codes, inscriptions, astrology, sacred formulae, and
insignia and fled with them northwesterly to Pergamum….Pergamum, became the new residence of Pontifex
Rulers of Evil Pg 216
Deification entitled Caesar now to assume the title Pontifex Maximus. To indicate his infinitely holier status,
he took the name ‘Julius.’ The name was a claim of descent from Julius Ascanius, the legendary son of
legendary Aeneas, Virgil’s maritime hero who sailed westward with a band of his Trojan fellow countrymen
fleeing the sack of Troy by Greek marauders. Assisted by the whole heavenly network of mythic deitices,
Aeneas led his followers to sacrifice their individuality for a glorious collective existence that would one day be
called ‘Rome.’
Aeneas was considered the offspring of a union between a human being, Anchises, and Jupiter’s wife
Venus…By taking the name of Aeneas’ son Julius and claiming descent from him as well, Caesar was able
to trace his lineage back to the Queen of Heaven*. The divine lineage supposedly flowed through his mother,
Maia, who was purported to have conceived him without losing her virginity. Maia also claimed to have
remained a virgin even in child birth by having her son delivered from the side in a surgical operation that still
bears Caesar’s name.
*According to David Icke, Philip Eugene de Rothschild told him that the ‘Aeneas’ bloodline became the Bauer-
Rothschilds and the Battenbergs. This is the Merovingian bloodline and the Hapsburgs.

Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 219-220
“Six hundred years after Isaiah {Isaiah 7:14; 9:6}, Virgil solemnly announced in the Fourth Eclogue that the
Prince of Peace would be produced by the unrolling of a New World Order (‘NOVUS ORDER SECLORUM’):
Now returns the Golden Age of Saturn, now appears the Immaculate Virgin. Now descends from heaven a
divine Nativity. O! Chaste Lucina, speed the Mother’s pains, haste the glorious Birth, and usher in the reign of
thy Apollo. thy consulship, O Pollio, shall lead this glorious Advent, and the new world order shall then begin
to roll. Thenceforth whatever vestige of Original Sin remains, shall be swept away from earth forever, and the
Son of God shall be the Prince of Peace!
Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital – David Ovason pg 391
“Now the Virgin returns, the Saturnian reign return:
Now a new Offspring is sent down from high heaven.
O Chaste Lucina favour the Boy now being born, with whom the iron race
Shall end and a golden arise in all the world…”
Rulers of Evil pg 221
“When Octavian reached the age of twelve, great-uncle Caius became his legal father through adoption. Three
years later, in Octavian’s fifteenth year, his adoptive father was deified as Julius Caesar, Pontifex Maximus.
That’s when the propagandists of Maecenas got busy promoting the Son’s divine origins…about how he had
been conceived on December 25 by Apollo, who came in serpent form and impregnated the virgin Atia Maria as
she lay sleeping on the floor of the Apollonian temple…The propaganda circulated the story of how the great
astrologer Theogenes, when told Octavian’s birth sign (Capricorn), rose and flung himself at the lad’s feet.
Theogenes knew the astrological ruler of Capricorn was Saturn, whose second Golden Age was at hand –
Saturn, the celestio-mythical Father-God of Rome and father of Jupiter. Octavian, as the incarnation of Jupiter,
would be ruled by Saturn, the most ditatorial house in the zodiac…In 28 BC, twelve years after the publication
of the Fourth Eclogue, Octavian entered Rome triumphantly as the Prince of Peace. Like Julius had done,
the new Pontifex Maximus received a new and holier name, Caesar Augustus. And like Julius, he was
hailed as ‘Son of God.’”

Rulers of Evil pg 222 quoting The Worship of Augustus Caesar (1899)

“Augustus wore on his head a pontifical mitre surmounted by a Latin cross…The images of Augustus upon the
coins of his own mintage, or that of his vassals, are surrounded with the halo of light which indicates divinity,
and on the reverse of the coins are displayed the various emblems of religion, such as the mitre, cross, crook,
fishes, labarum, and the Buddhic or Bacchic or Dionysian monogram of PX (Greek Chir-rho)…The Augustan
writers furnished material showing that his Incarnation was the issue of a divine father and mortal mother’s…”
The symbols on the Great Seal of the United States show from whence it’s government is derived. From Pagan
Rome which was to be a new Golden Age of Saturn, passed down through Roman Catholicism to the ‘New
Atlantis’, America. {More on this in the next chapter}

Days of Noah
Mat 24:37 But as the days of Noah, so also will be the coming of the Son of Man.
Luk 17:26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so also it will be in the days of the Son of Man.
Luk 17:27 They were eating, drinking, marrying, giving in marriage, until the day Noah went into the

ark. And the flood came and destroyed all.
Luk 17:28 And likewise, as it was in the days of Lot, they were eating, drinking, buying, selling, planting,
Luk 17:29 but on the day Lot went out from Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from the heaven and
destroyed all.
Luk 17:30 According to those things, it will be in the day the Son of Man is revealed.
The above Scriptures indicate that the world system is going to continue up until the day Messiah returns and it
will all come to an end in the blink of an eye.
The above Scriptures also indicate that the days of Noah, the days of Lot are the main reference points to
understanding the times before the return of the Messiah through the Scriptures. The other main reference to
look at is the Egyptian Exodus (Mic 7:15; Jer 16:14; 23:7).
Jude connects the days of Noah and the days of Lot via the fallen angels.
Jud 1:6 And those angels not having kept their first place, but having deserted their dwelling-place, He
has kept in everlasting chains under darkness for the judgment of a great Day;
Jud 1:7 as (Aramaic ‘just as’…connecting sins of angels with Sodom an Gomorroah) Sodom and Gomorrah,
and the cities around them, in like manner to these, committing fornication, and going away after other
flesh, laid down an example before-times, undergoing vengeance of everlasting fire.
The Rephaim are connected to Saturn
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and
worshipped as a deity. The Targum is,
“ye have borne the tabernacle of your priests, Chiun your image, the star your God, which ye have made to
It may be further observed, for the confirmation and illustration of what has been said concerning Chiun, that
the Egyptian Anubis, which Plutarch (x) says is the same with Saturn, is called by him Kyon, which seems to be
no other than this word Chiun: and whereas Stephen calls it Rephan, this is not a corruption of the word, reading
Rephan or Revan for Chevan; nor has he respect to Rimmon, the god of the Syrians, but it is the Egyptian name
for Saturn; which the Septuagint interpreters might choose to make use of, they interpreting for the king of
Egypt: and Diodorus Siculus (y) makes mention of an Egyptian king called Remphis, whom Braunius (z) t akes
to be this very Chiun; see Act_7:43; but Rephas, or Rephan, was the same with Chronus, or Saturn, from
whence came the Rephaim (a), who dwelt in Ashtaroth Karnaim, a town of Ham or Chronus; see

Corruption of the earth

Rev 11:18 And the nations were full of wrath; and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the
dead, and to give the reward to Your slaves, to the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing
Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth.
Gen 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his
way upon the earth.
The book of Jasher defines this corruption as mixing of genetics

Jasher 4
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands
according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the
field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order
therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had
corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.
This will happen in the end as well
Deu 31:29 For I know that after my death you shall utterly corrupt (shachat shachat) yourselves, and will
turn aside from the way which I have commanded you. And evil shall happen to you in the latter end of
the days because you shall do evil in the eyes of YHWH, to make Him angry with the work of your hands.
Genesis Rabbah 28:8
Rabbi Azaryah said in Rabbi Y’hudah’s name, ‘All acted corruptly in the generation of the Flood; the dog had
intercourse with the wolf, and the fowl with the peacock; hence it is written, for all (flesh) on the earth had
corrupted their way (Gen 6:12).’ Rabbi Julian ben Tiberius said in Rabbi Yitzchak’s name, ‘Even the earth
debauched itself; wheat was sown and it produced zunim, for the zunim we find now came from the age of the
Enoch 9:10 Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it.
Enoch 10:6 Uriel is told to “heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the
earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things
that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through
the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”
Testament of Reuben 5
Therefore flee fornication, my children, and command your wives and your daughters that they adorn not their
heads and their faces; because every woman who acteth deceitfully in these things hath been reserved to
everlasting punishment. For thus they allured the Watchers before the flood; and as these continually beheld
them, they fell into desire each of the other, and they conceived the act in their mind, and changed themselves
into the shape of men, and appeared to them in their congress with their husbands; and the women, having in
their minds desire toward their apparitions, gave birth to giants, for the Watchers appeared to them as reaching
even unto heaven.
Testament of Naphtali 3
Nations went astray, and forsook the Lord, and changed their order, and followed stones and stocks, following
after spirits of error. But ye shall not be so, my children, recognising in the firmament, in the earth, and in the
sea, and in all created things, the Lord who made them all, that ye become not as Sodom, which changed the
order of its nature. in like manner also the Watchers changed the order of their nature, whom also the
Lord cursed at the flood, and for their sakes made desolate the earth, that it should be uninhabited and fruitless.

Saturn = Rome
“SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the
country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saturn,” p. 231)

Romulus & Remus

Archaeologists say they have unearthed

Lupercale-the sacred cave where,
according to legend, a she-wolf nursed the
twin founders of Rome and where the city
itself was born.
According to myth, Lupercale is where a
she-wolf suckled Romulus and Remus, the
twin sons of the war god Mars and mortal
priestess Rhea Silvia, who had been
abandoned in a cradle on the bank of the
Tiber River…
Rome is said to have been founded by
Romulus and Remus. L.A. Waddell in the
‘British Edda’ points out that in the Edda
text Rom is another name for Edin or
Eden. Rom or Romil was also a title of the Set and serpent worshippers of ancient Egypt. Waddell
associates the ‘wolf tribe’ with the star Sirius (dog star).
British Edda L.A. Waddell pg 277
“Rome” Title for Eden & Mother-Son Cult
“Rom of the Edda is thus seen to have been a synonym for Eden and its Wolf-tribe priestess and Chaldee
people. This now appears to explain the legend that the mythical founders of the new Rome in Italy, Romulus
and Remus, were ‘wolf suckled,’ suggesting that they were of the Mother-cult of the Wolf-Tribe of the
Roms….Moreover, Rom or Romit was the title of the Set-Wolf and Serpent worshipping aborigines of Ancient
Egyptian Serpent Worship
In the Temple of Serapeum in Alexandria (‘City of the Serpent’s Son’) which was one of the seven wonders of
the ancient world, Serapis was portrayed as a massive statue standing on a crocodile holding a staff with a
serpent coiling around it. At the top of the staff were the heads of a lion, dog, and wolf, all symbols of the
serpent cult. {Return of the Serpent’s of Wisdom pg 56}

Wolf symbolism connected to Serpent Worship

While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek
origins. Later Roman writers like Plutarch suggested that it originated in Arcadia in southern Greece, where

Lykaian Pan was worshiped (lykos is the Greek word for wolf). The Roman poet Virgil would turn that same
Arcadia into an ideal image of Paradise, a lost Golden Age.
The ‘lost Golden Age’ is speaking of the days of Noah/’Atlantis’/the age of Saturn (1). The origin of
Lupercalia/Valentine’s day comes from these times. Therefore, the myth of Romulus and Remus must be traced
back much further than the days of Rome.
When thinking of dogs as deities few come to mind as quickly as Anubis (aka Anpu). While sometimes
represented clearly as a dog, at other times he appears more like a jackal.
The most common representation appears like a cross between a dog and a jackal and/or wolf. The same image
is commonly used to portray Wepwawet, another important if lesser known Egyptian deity. This portrayal has
led some to believe that the Egyptians may have interbred domestic dogs with the wild dogs of Egypt, and in
particular the jackal and wolf.
Anubis was one of the most ancient of Egyptian gods closely associated with funerary rites and the afterlife. He
was guide to the dead and the one who weighted the souls of the deceased against the feather of Maat (truth and
order). Socrates referred to Anubis when he swore “by the Dog of Egypt.”
While the Greeks called Anubis sacred city Cynopolis, the city of Wepwawet was known as Lycopolis “Wolf
City.” The original king of the dead before Osiris took that position, Wepwawet was intimately connected with
Egyptian royalty. The Lord of the Dead in Egyptian religion was the King of Kings and Wepwawet’s original
honor survived in his placement on two of the four royal standards. The king’s standard, the shedshed with the
form of the royal placenta had an image of Wepwawet and was used to lead Pharaoh’s armies into battle. It was
also supposed to carry Pharaoh into heaven after his death. Wepwawet’s own standard was the other of the four,
and represented Upper Egypt, the unification of the two lands and the Egyptian nobility.
Like Anubis, Wepwawet appeared to be associated at various times with the wolf, dog and jackal and often with
an apparent cross of these types.
Another prominent god who appeared most often in dog form was Set. Also an ancient god, Set’s popularity
declined with time. He was a god of the desert and the storm and was best known for his conflict with Osiris,
and the latter’s son Horus. Although portrayed as a number of animals and also as a human with possibly an
aardvark’s head, Set in full animal form was usually represented as a dog.
One hieroglyph variant of his name has an image of his dog form somewhat
resembling a greyhound.
Originally Set was the equal of Osiris, but as that god and his son Horus
rose in popularity, Set became more demonic in quality. He was symbolized
Lower Egypt until the Hyksos invaders adopted him as their patron god.
After the Hyksos were driven from Egypt, Set became the practical
equivalent of the devil.
The indigenous people of the Americas revered the wolf, coyote and the
domestic dog.
Some tribes were known as the “Wolf People” like the Mohican or

Mohegan. The Pawnee were known by other tribes by a similar name. Numerous tribes had wolf divisions or
bands. Also, animist wolf societies were very pervasive and widespread.
It is interesting to note that while the ancient Egyptians associated the star Sirius with the dog calling it the
“Dog Star,” the Pawnee knew Sirius as the “Wolf Star.” Medicine men and shamans donned wolf clothing
before rituals.
Dog worship extended into Central and South America also. One of the important concepts here is that of the
nahuali or animal twin. Not only humans but gods had nahauli. The twin of Quetzalcoatl, the Toltec god of
goodness and light, was the dog god Xolotl. The latter was a guide of the dead and of the Sun, and also the
personification of the planet Venus, the most important Mesoamerican planet/star.
In Mesoamerican art, Xolotl is portrayed as a man with a dog’s head. He is said to have created a protector and
guide for humans in the underworld in the form of the hairless dog, the Xoloitzcuintle.
Among most Turko-Mongol and Siberian peoples, the wolf and dog hold a very high place. One of the most
well-known traditions in this regard is the descent of the great Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan from the wolf
and the doe.
In Siberia, along with many cases of people who claim the wolf as ancestor one will also find many who claim
descent from the dog.
Dogs in ‘Ur of the Chaldees’
Bau was originally one of the three main deities of the Sumerian pantheon. She is portrayed as a dog-headed
goddess of healing and life. Dogs are her sacred animals with dog and puppy burials found at her temples.
The belief that a dog’s licking of wounds aided healing seems connected with Bau’s position of goddess of
With the rise of the goddess Inanna in Sumerian religion, Bau and her various manifestations began to be
assimilated by Inanna. The latter goddess had seven hunting dogs. Her husband Dumuzi is also said to have
black royal dogs in the story of Inanna’s descent into the underworld.
In the Old Testament, the priests of Inanna (Asherah) and Dumuzi (Tammuz) are known as kelabim “dogs.”
Deu 23:17 There shall be no prostitute among the daughters of Israel, nor shall there be a homosexual
among the sons of Israel.
Deu 23:18 You shall not bring the hire of a prostitute, or the price of a dog (kelavim) , into the house of
YHWH your God for any vow; for even both of these are an abomination to YHWH your God.
Sumerian royal inscriptions use the compound ur-sag “hero, warrior” which means literally “top dog.”
In the latter religion of Babylon and Assyria, the god Bel-Merodach, king of all heavenly gods, had four dogs
named Ukkumu (Seizer), Akkulu (Eater), Ikšsuda (Grasper), and Iltebu (Holder).
Leto, the mother of Apollo and Artemis, took the form of a wolf or was said to be escorted from the
Hyperboreans by wolves. Artemis was known as the “Wolf Goddess” and had a wolf on her shield. Both
she and her Roman counterpart Diana were accompanied by a pack of hunting dogs.
Temples to Lycian Apollo or “Wolf-like Apollo” were common in ancient Greece. Apollo was known as
Lykegenes “of she-wolf descent” in reference to his mother Leto. The wolf was Apollo’s sacred animal.
Even Zeus had wolf connections among the Arcadians. Zeus Lykaios or “Wolf Zeus” was the patron deity of
Arcadia. There was a story that a man turned into a wolf at each yearly sacrifice to Zeus Lykaios.

The death goddess Hecate was closely linked with dogs and sometimes portrayed as dog-headed. Her special
pet was Cerebos, the three-headed guard dog of the entrance to Hades. The connection of dogs to death, the
underworld and resurrection may be linked to their burying and retrieving of bones and also to the practice of
“dog burial” — the devouring of corpses by dogs
The Norse supreme deity Woden (Odin) chose two wolves, Freki and Geri, as his companions. His own death
by the great apocalyptic wolf Fenrir was considered a fitting warrior’s death for the god.
The underworld known as Hel to the Norse was guarded by a pack of dogs and wolves headed by the massive
dog Garm. This could be the origin of the term ‘hell hounds.’
Mithras, the Persian savior god, also had hunting dogs that helped him in the slaying of the bull. The dog was
considered sacred to Mithras followers in ancient Europe.

Sirius & Saturn

Children of the Matrix pg 33
“A focus on Sirius can be found at the heart of most ancient societies – and secret societies.”
Sirius Mystery pg 96
“The Sumerian heaven-god is called Anu…Anu is represented by the jackal. Well, of course, the jackal is the
symbol (interchangeable with the dog) of the Egyptian Anpu (Anubis)!…Anu is king of some attendant deities
called the Anunnaki.”
Sirius Mystery pg 98
“Others again are of the opinion that by Anubis is meant Time, and that his denomination of Kuon [the Greek
word for the 'dog'] does not so much allude to any likeness which he has to the dog, though this be the general
rendering of the word, as to that other significance of the term taken from breeding; because Time begets all
things out of itself, bearing them within itself, as it were in a womb. But this is one of those secret doctrines
which are more fully made known to those who are initiated into the worship of Anubis.”
Sirius Mystery pg 99
“Plutarch says: ‘Some are of the opinion that Anubis is Chronos.’ Chronos, of course, was the Greek ‘time the
devourer’, spelt with an h. Cronos in Latin is Saturn.
Quest of the Dragon and Bird Clan
The name of Sirius probably is derived from the Egyptian word seir meaning “prince,” and related also to
Hebrew sar. Another possibility is that the word comes from the Greek form for Osiris, the Egyptian god of the
It was pictured in cultures throughout the world as a dog or wolf situated in the southern sky and associated
with the hot or “dog days” of summer.
Sirius is also often connected with the image of a hunter. Among the Sumerians, Ninurta, the hunter, and
husband of the dog goddess Bau (Gula), was linked with Sirius, while his wife had Venus associations. Later,
when Inanna absorbs Bau’s attributes she is likewise viewed as a huntress with links both to Venus and Sirius.
In Greek myth, Sirius formed the head of the hunter Orion’s dog, the constellation Canis Major. According to
Monier-Williams, the dog star was known among Hindus as Lubdhaka and Mrgavyadha both meaning “hunter”
and referring to the god Siva or Rudra.

Another association of Sirius connects the star with the Milky Way, known often as the “Way of Souls” or the
“Way of the Dog/Wolf.” In this sense, Sirius is viewed as one or more dogs or wolves guarding the path taken
by departed souls.
In ancient Egypt, the heliacal rising of Sirius was central to the yearly calendar. Sirius and Orion are personified
respectively by the deities Sopdet and Sah, who are in turn manifestations of Isis and Osiris. Sopdet and Sah
beget Sopdu, who is the manifestation of Horus, the son of Isis and Osiris, and the patron deity of Egyptian
royalty. Sopdet is sometimes portrayed as a large dog, or as riding side-saddle on a dog (during the Roman
When the Sun and Moon conjoined at the start of the Egyptian New Year a festival known as the “sacred
marriage” was celebrated. This may relate to the Pyramid Texts which state that Pharaoh unites with Isis in a
form of hieros gamos bringing forth Horus-Sopdu. In another passage, the royal-divine union is said to beget
the Morning Star, and thus may connect Venus with Horus.
Among the Sumerians, the sacred marriage took place between the priest-king and Inanna, the latter
probably represented by the Lukur priestess, who was in turn linked with the daughters of dog-headed
Bau. Inanna again has as her planet Venus and Sirius as one of her fixed stars. The king during this ritual
stands for Dumuzi, the husband of Inanna, and every year near the rising of Sirius in the summer, the Kelabim
or dog priests of Dumuzi (Tammuz) held rites for the god.
Dogon tribe
In Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon. The Dogon are believed to be of Egyptian decent
and their astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star
Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical
orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis. How did a people who lacked
any kind of astronomical devices know so much about an invisible star? The star, which scientists call Sirius B,
wasn’t even photographed until it was done by a large telescope in 1970.
The Dogon stories explain that also. According to their oral traditions, a race people from the Sirius system
called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that
resembled mermen and mermaids. They also appear in Babylonian, Accadian, and Sumerian myths. The
Egyptian Goddess Isis, who is sometimes depicted as a mermaid, is also linked with the star Sirius.
The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system.
They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was
the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.
According to Credo Mutwa (1), the Zulu people call the star Sirius the ‘Star of the Wolf’ and their ancient
accounts say that a ‘sea-dwelling fish people’ from Sirius came to earth., Chapter Five …Something Fishy… (5-3-02):
IHS is a mystic surname of Bacchus: I(ota) = Iacchus; H(eta) = Helios, the sun; S(sigma) = son or incarnation of
the sun.”[25] … All major dictionaries and reference works recognize that “IHS” is shortened from of the name
“IHSOUS”–the name commonly attributed to the Messiah. However, it has been learned that “IHS” was a
hidden or mysterious surname for the mythical god Bacchus. Bacchus was known as a sun-deity who also had
the symbol of the “Tau cross” as well as the Fish symbol and was also recognized by many of the classical
writers as Tammuz, the youthful returning sun-deity. … Now that brings us again to the fish story. Bacchus was
also called the ICHTHUS, or the Fish.
Dagon mark of the beast connection

1Sa 5:4 And they rose early in the morning on the next day; and, behold! Dagon had fallen on its face to
the earth before the ark of YHWH, and the head of Dagon, and the two palms of its hands, were cut off at
the threshold. Only the flat (fishy) part had been left to him.
“Out of (the) deluge emerged DAGON, the fish-god, or GOD OF THE SEA… In the secret mysteries… they
sought to regain their influence and power by scenic representation… of the flood, in which NOAH was
introduced under the name DAGON.” (Two Babylons pg 243-44)
In the mystery religions, both the forehead and hands were tattooed during the initiation rites. (Reason for
Dagon’s hands and head cut off)
Rev 17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the
woman sitteth.
Rev 17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when
he cometh, he must continue a short space.
Rev 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into
“Horus I represents the soul of life, which came by water to a dried up world… Here the FISH…was a sign of
his incorporation in matter… Horus came by water as Ichtus the FISH before there was a boat or Ark… The
inundation (of the Nile) was the source of the life of Egypt. It was her annual salvation, and Horus…the Fish-
man, was her Saviour.” (Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward p. 420-21)
The following list comes from Barbara Aho's work, 'Watch Unto Prayer.'
“In Babylon, Capricorn symbolized the dual life of Ea, a god often shown walking in a great FISH-SHAPED
cloak with the head of a FISH over his own head… It was said to have come from the OCEAN to teach men
how to live.”

“In the great Assyrian temple of Assur…stood a large stone ritual basin dedicated to the god OANNES…
Flanking him are 4 FISH-CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 243) In an etching of “Assyria, 7th century BCE: FISH-
CLAD priests.” (Johnson, p. 245)

“DAGON…under the name ‘MITHRA’, was worshipped.” (Hislop, p. 264)
“In Mythraic mysteries, SATURN was the Sun God.” (Springmeier, p. 160, quoting Manly P. Hall)

“Jerome calls DAGON…fish of sorrow which goes far to identify that Fish-god with Bacchus.” (Hislop, p. 114)
One is – Imperial Rome
“SATURN wandered to Italy, where he ruled as king in the Golden Age and gave the name SATURNIA to the
country.” (Encyclopedia Britannica, “Saturn,” p. 231)
One is yet to come
“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began
to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215) One is –
Imperial Rome
“About the very time when the Bishop of Rome was invested with the pagan title of Pontifex, the Saviour began
to be called ICHTHUS, of ‘THE FISH’, thereby identifying him with DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
“The two-horned mitre, which the Pope wears…is the very mitre worn by DAGON.” (Hislop, p. 215)
Eighth Beast – World Kingdom

“The religion of SATURN…teaches…the RETURN OF THE LOST SON SATURN.” (Springmeier, p. 160-61)
“The Merovingian dynasty – male line (are) descendants of the FISHER KINGS.” (Gardner, p. 163)
“Between the 5th and 7th centuries the MEROVINGIANS ruled large parts of … France and Germany… The
ruler from whom the Merovingians derived their name is…Merovee…a semi-supernatural figure worthy of
classical MYTH… His name… echoes the French word of…SEA…Merovee’s mother supposedly went
swimming in the OCEAN. In the water she is said to have been seduced and/or raped by… a BEAST OF

NEPTUNE.” (Biagent, p. 396)
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a
triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of
Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.
On a statue to Isis the following was described “I am all that has been, that is, or shall be, and none among the
mortal has hiterto taken off my veil.”

The south pole of Saturn looks like the ‘all seeing eye’ of Isis/Osiris.

Children of the Matrix pg 35

“The Dogon call Sirius the ‘Eye Star’ and Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius was a triangle – three points
representing the three Sirius stars; and the triangle symbolised water in Pythagorean code.”
Hexagram (water is in the hexagonal shape) found on North pole of planet Saturn

Nimrod connection

Nimrod is a picture of the antichrist who sought to bring back the golden age of Saturn. He is linked with the
Nephilim through the language used in Scripture and shows that the ‘rulers of the world’ have also traced their
lineage back to this mixed seed bloodline.
Nimrod connection
Gen 10:8 And Cush fathered Nimrod; he began (chalal – profane, defile) to be a mighty one in the land.
Gen 10:9 He was a mighty hunter before (paniym) YHWH; so it is said, Even as Nimrod the mighty
hunter before YHWH.
Gen 10:8 And Cush begot Nimrod: he began (archos – beginning/chief) to be a giant (gigas) upon the earth.
Gen 10:9 He was a giant hunter before the Lord God; therefore they say, As Nimrod the giant hunter before the
Nimrod = Bacchus
John Gill commentary Genesis 10:8
In the Greek version he is called Nebrod, and by Josephus, Nebrodes, which is a name of Bacchus; and indeed
Nimrod is the same with the Bacchus of the Heathens, for Bacchus is no other than Barchus, the son of Cush;
and Jacchus, which is another of his names in Jah of Cush, or the god the son of Cush
Nimrod is linked to Orion
John Gill – Genesis 10:9
Cedrenus (r) says, that the Assyrians deified Nebrod, or Nimrod, and placed him among the constellations of
heaven, and called him Orion; the same first discovered the art of hunting, therefore they joined to Orion the
star called the dog star.
Two Babylons pg 24
“The Kronos to whom Hesiod refers is evidently at bottom a different Kronos from the human father of the
gods, or Nimrod, whose history occupies so large a place in this work. He is plainly none other than Satan
himself; the name Titan, or Teitan, as it is sometimes given, being, as we have elsewhere concluded, only the
Chaldee form of Sheitan, the common name of the grand Adversary among the Arabs, in the very region where
the Chaldean Mysteries were originally concocted,–that Adversary who was ultimately the real father of all the
Pagan gods,–and who (to make the title of Kronos, “the Horned One,” appropriate to him also) was symbolised
by the Kerastes, or Horned serpent. All “the brethren” of this father of the gods, who were implicated in his
rebellion against his own father, the “God of Heaven,” were equally called by the “reproachful” name “Titans”;
but, inasmuch as he was the ringleader in the rebellion, he was, of course, Titan by way of eminence. In this
rebellion of Titan, the goddess of the earth was concerned, and the result was that (removing the figure under
which Hesiod has hid the fact) it became naturally impossible that the God of Heaven should have children
upon earth–a plain allusion to the Fall.”
Two Babylons pg 25
“it is to Satan, the Hidden Lord of hell, ultimately that all came at last to be traced back; for the different myths
about Saturn, when carefully examined, show that he was at once the Devil, the father of all sin and idolatry,
who hid himself under the disguise of the serpent,–and Adam, who hid himself among the trees of the garden,–
and Noah, who lay hid for a whole year in the ark,–and Nimrod, who was hid in the secrecy of the Babylonian
Two Babylons pg 33
It is well known that Kronos, or Saturn, was Rhea’s husband; but it is not so well known who was Kronos

himself. Traced back to his original, that divinity is proved to have been the first king of Babylon. Theophilus of
Antioch shows that Kronos in the east was worshipped under the names of Bel and Bal; and from Eusebius we
learn that the first of the Assyrian kings, whose name was Belus, was also by the Assyrians called Kronos. As
the genuine copies of Eusebius do not admit of any Belus, as an actual king of Assyria, prior to Ninus, king of
the Babylonians, and distinct from him, that shows that Ninus, the first king of Babylon, was Kronos. But,
further, we find that Kronos was king of the Cyclops, who were his brethren, and who derived that name from
him, * and that the Cyclops were known as “the inventors of tower-building.”
The king of the Cyclops, “the inventors of tower-building,” occupied a position exactly correspondent to that of
Rhea, who “first erected (towers) in cities.” If, therefore, Rhea, the wife of Kronos, was the goddess of
fortifications, Kronos or Saturn, the husband of Rhea, that is, Ninus or Nimrod, the first king of Babylon, must
have been Ala mahozin, “the god of fortifications.”
Dan 11:36 And the king shall do according to his will. And he shall exalt and magnify himself above
every god; he shall even speak marvelous things against the God of gods and shall prosper until the fury
is completed. For that which is decreed shall be done.
Dan 11:37 He shall not regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women; yea, he will not come to
any god. For he shall magnify himself above all.
Dan 11:38 But in his place he shall honor the god of forces (*mahuzzim-angels), and he shall honor a god
whom his fathers did not know, with gold and silver and with precious stones, and desirable things.
forces: or, munitions, Heb. Mauzzim or, gods protectors, Saints and angels, who were invoked as
intercessors and protectors, had miracles ascribed to them, their relics worshipped, and their shrines and
images adorned with costly offerings.
Two Babylons pg 34
“The name Kronos itself goes not a little to confirm the argument. Kronos signifies “The Horned one.” As a
horn is a well known Oriental emblem for power or might, Kronos, “The Horned one,” was, according to the
mystic system, just a synonym for the Scriptural epithet applied to Nimrod–viz., Gheber, “The mighty one”
(Gen 10:8), “He began to be mighty on the earth.” The name Kronos, as the classical reader is well aware, is
applied to Saturn as the “Father of the gods.”
“The meaning of this name Kronos, “The Horned one,” as applied to Nimrod, fully explains the origin of the
remarkable symbol, so frequently occurring among the Nineveh sculptures, the gigantic HORNED man-bull, as
representing the great divinities in Assyria. The same word that signified a bull, signified also a ruler or prince.
* The name for a bull or ruler, is in Hebrew without points, Shur, which in Chaldee becomes Tur. From Tur, in
the sense of a bull, comes the Latin Taurus; and from the same word, in the sense of a ruler, Turannus, which
originally had no evil meaning. Thus, in these well known classical words, we have evidence of the operation of
the very principle which caused the deified Assyrian kings to be represented under the form of the man-bull.
Hence the “Horned bull” signified “The Mighty Prince,” thereby pointing back to the first of those “Mighty
ones,” who, under the name of Guebres, Gabrs, or Cabiri, occupied so conspicuous a place in the ancient world,
and to whom the deified Assyrian monarchs covertly traced back the origin of their greatness and might. This
explains the reason why the Bacchus of the Greeks was represented as wearing horns, and why he was
frequently addressed by the epithet “Bull-horned,” as one of the high titles of his dignity.”
Two Babylons pg 42
The ordinary way in which the favourite Egyptian divinity Osiris was mystically represented was under the
form of a young bull or calf–the calf Apis–from which the golden calf of the Israelites was borrowed. There was
a reason why that calf should not commonly appear in the appropriate symbols of the god he represented, for

that calf represented the divinity in the character of Saturn, “The HIDDEN one,” “Apis” being only another
name for Saturn. *
* The name of Apis in Egyptian is Hepi or Hapi, which is evidently from the Chaldee “Hap,” “to cover.” In
Egyptian Hap signifies “to conceal.” (BUNSEN)
Uriel’s Machine pg 137
“The word ‘Nephilim’ is of uncertain origin, but it has been observed by specialist scholars that the root
Aramaic word nephila is the name of the constellation Orion, and therefore, Nephilim would seem to mean
‘those that are of Orion’…the Australian Aborigines identified that their own version of the Watchers (the
Nurrumbunguttias) had come to earth from Orion.
Uriel’s Machine pg 216
The Nurrumbunguttias, according to the Aborigines, were a ‘spirit’ people who came down from the sky and
ruled the earth but the sea rose up and flooded the land so that even the mountain tops were covered and the
whole world was water. Many Nurrumbunguttias were drowned, but others escaped to the heavens to become
gods in the sky.
Sacred Books of the East Volume 1 Assyria & Babylon pg 26
The city of Babylon owes its foundation to those who were
saved from the catastrophe of the flood ; these were the giants,
and they built the tower which is noticed in history. But
the tower being overthrown by the interposition of God, the
giants were scattered over all the earth.
The INTERNATIONAL STANDARD BIBLE ENCYCLOPEDIA connects the constellation of Orion with
He who was to the Babylonians a deified hero, was to the Hebrews a rebel Titan, bound in chains among the
stars that all might behold his punishment, and in this aspect the question, “Canst thou … loose the bands of
Orion?” (Job_38:31) would be equivalent to asking “Canst thou bring down out of their places the stars that
make up this figure and so, as it were, set the Titan free?”
In the very brief reference to Nimrod in Gen_10:8, Gen_10:9, he is three times overemphatically termed
gibbor, “a mighty (one)” and this has been the name of this constellation among Syrians, Arabs and Jews for
many centuries.
Pleiades – Saturn Connection
Chaos & Creation Chapter 8 – Saturn’s Children
Cardona produces evidence to show that Saturn (Khima) is connected with the Pleiades. For one thing
their names are often confused, as in the King James and other versions of the Bible where Khima is translated
as ‘Pleiades’ instead of as ‘Saturn. ‘ The Pleiades are connected with the Flood of Noah (Saturn) in many
places. Further, two stars from (Super) Saturn caused the deluge. As Ginzberg reports the legend, “the upper
water rushed through the space left when god removed two stars out of the constellation Pleiades [Saturn].” [8]
The stars, says Cardona, were better called comets; the Earth was deluged when it passed through their tails.
(Super) Saturn was in the North polar region prior to its explosion. The Pleiades were presumably behind
Saturn. After the Deluge, Saturn had been moved and the Pleiades were observed in his place.
Now we recite the Osiris-Saturn legend in Egypt. The great and beloved god, Osiris, is drowned by the devil
god, Seth, who then cuts his body to pieces and scatters its fragments. The Pleiades, we surmise, are the

fragments and worshipped on the day of Saturn’s death. The discrepancy between early November and late
December, when Saturn is celebrated and the Saturnalia are held, indicates that the length of the year shifted
once again after the deluge, perhaps from 260 to 320 days or so. At least one of the Pleiades has since lost much
of its brightness, for many peoples, who can today observe only six stars, cite its true number of seven stars.
From the very beginnings in Urania, mankind was impressed by the great eye that appeared in the “northern”
opening of the sky. In Talbott’s drawings (Figure 25) we see it. In the course of the day, the eye is often lidded
with the crescent of the Sun’s reflection (the inverted sky-boat). The image also changes into the face of the
Heavenly Cow, horned by the crescent. Rudolf Anthes writes :
The concept of the Eye of the highest god was mentioned in the story of the heavenly cow. The Eye occurs
either as the Eye of Horus or the Eye of Re, though not exclusively : we encountered the Eye of Atum before.
The characteristic of the Eye appears to be that its removal from the highest god means disturbance, while its
return means pacification and the restitution of order.”
The great battle when Seth plucked out the Eye of Horus (Jupiter) was one such occasion. The Eye prevailed
until the end of Jovean times; it is still found in many occult philosophies and on the face of the American
Saturn the god was identified by the Romans with the planet Saturn. As sun and king of gods, Saturn’s names
were many. Besides those listed by D. Talbott above (p. 179), one might mention as Saturnian Elohim
(Hebrews), Odin (norse), Baal (Near East), and Tiamat-Apsu (Assyrian). Many identities are lost or
undiscovered; several were once used for Uranus (as Varuna) or are given to later gods (as Baal became Venus).
Also god heroes and gods act interchangeably, as Manu and Vishnu (Hindu). His home is supposed to be in the
north where he presided on his throne. An early Egyptian account in the age of Mercury says that “when
[Pharaoh] Pepi standeth upon the north of heaven with Ra, he becometh lord of the universe, like unto the king
of the gods.” Pepi is also called brother of the Moon. A Chaldean oracle called him the companion of Helios,
the Titanic Sun. M. Jastrow (1898) states: “… at all events, the fact that Saturn was also called the ‘sun’ is
vouched for, both by explanatory notes attached to the astrological connotations, and by notices in classical
writings to that effect.” Many peoples of the Age of Saturn could see the planet there; it was huge and becoming
more continuously distinct as the boreal heavens cleared of the Uranian canopies and the Lunarian debris.
Saturn was the first irradiator of light, wrote Westropp and Wake, but we recognize Super-Uranus in this
capacity and Saturn, the son of Uranus, as continuing where he left off.”
This connection is further seen in the symbols connected with the Pleiades and Saturn.
In the video the ‘UFO Chronicles’ a lady who goes by the name ‘AriaA’ claims to be a ‘walk-in’ from the
A “Walk-in” is a one-dimensional, inter-planetary “soul exchange”. A “soul” from a more developed ET or
Angelic civilization (or an evolved Earth soul) enters the voluntarily surrendered body and personality of a
human being to better serve humanity and Earth.
AriaA makes are through her host, notice the symbology:

Notice that these human

figures have marks in their
foreheads. The mark of
the hexagram and the mark
of the cross, both are
symbols that point to the

mark of the beast, the ‘evolution’ of man. What do these ‘Pleiadians’ promise mankind?
The Pleiadians are ‘alien beings’ from the star cluster in the constellation Taurus known as the Pleiades. Barbara
Marciniak claims that the Pleiadians chose her to be their messenger. She reveals this in her channeled book,
Bringers of the Dawn and the Alchemy of Human Evolution.
“The Awakeners carry a DNA code that is not genetic in a literal sense but rather a cosmic code, encoded with
light fields. Those light fields are receptive to cosmic particles; they receive and transmit the new light forms
and harmonic frequencies which emanate from Creation Source to become the New Creation.”
“The Awakeners carry a cosmic code within their cosmic DNA, and not their genetic DNA, that was seeded into
planetary bloodlines of ancestral lineages. They have always questioned authority, sought creativity and
established (firmly the basis of) individuality. These are the Awakeners who question authority and foster
individuality and creativity as prime fields for cosmic DNA so as to illuminate holographic projections within a
critical mass of human beings in order to alter the nature of reality. Thus, a new holographic field is being
created out of an alchemical relationship of the Awakeners, these pioneers of consciousness and their capacity to
perceive, interpret and project reality within this self-perpetuating universe. Remember, the cosmic code and the
cosmic DNA constitute the capacity of the soul for enlightenment. “
The ancient astronaut, alien delusion is a part of leading mankind into the ‘Golden-Age of Saturn.’

John Dee, who likened the hexagram to the Philosopher’s Stone, was the chief astrologer in the court of
Elisabeth the first but he was a practiser of Enochian Magic used to invoke “angels” during rituals. In one of
those sessions Dee drew up an ‘angel’ by the name of Lam.
Aleister Crowley was known as the most wicked man on the planet and proclaimed himself as the beast 666.
Crowley stated that he met a being named Aiwass who dictated to him the Book of the Law on April 8-10 1904.
This is what Crowley said this being looked like.

From on 'Aiwass'

Crowley had a revelatory experience in 1904, while on holiday in Cairo, Egypt,which led to his founding of the
Magickal philosophy known as Thelema. Aleister’s wife Rose started to behave in an odd way, and this started
to lead Aleister to believe that an entity had made contact with her. At her instructions, he performed an
invocation of the Egyptian God Horus on March 20 with (he wrote) “great success.” According to Crowley,
the God told him that a new Aeon for mankind had begun, and that Crowley would serve as its prophet.
Rose continued to give information, telling Crowley in detailed terms to await a further revelation. On 8 April
and for the following two days at exactly noon he heard a voice, dictating the words of the text, Liber AL vel
Legis, or The Book of the Law, which Crowley wrote down. The voice claimed to be that of Aiwass (or Aiwaz)
“the minister of Hoor-paar-kraat”, or Horus, the god of air, child of Isis and Osiris and The Crowned and
Conquering Child of the New Aeon, which was to be announced through his chosen scribe “the prince-
priest the Beast”.
The influence that Crowley has made on our society is staggering, especially popular culture. Since the 1960′s
much of Crowley’s teachings have become mainstream in our society. In can be summed up in the following:

Illustration 52: 14th
century painting of
Chronus (Saturn)

Luk 21:11 Also there will be great earthquakes from place to place,
and famines, and plagues. And also there will be terrors and great
signs from Heaven.
This Greek word for ‘terrors’ is only used once in the NT
Thayer Definition:
1) that which strikes terror, a terror, (cause of) fright
It is used in the LXX to translate:
phobetron * H2283 chogga
Illustration 53: Ashtar Sheran of the
Ashtar command
BDB Definition:
1) terror, a reeling (in terror)

Fearful sights=spinning circles…UFOs

Strongs #2283: AHLB#: 1164-E (N

Encounters with UFO’s have occurred all throughout history (1). It is not a new phenomenon beginning at
Roswell in 1947. Alexander the Great, Columbus, St. Bartholomew and even ancient Sanskrit writings from
India speak of UFO encounters. This topic will need to be discussed in more detail in the future but suffice it to
say, the UFO phenomenon may become a big part of the end time strong delusion. One of the things that made
me realize how this may become a great deception was a program on the history channel called UFO’s in the
Bible. In this program YHWH and the angels become ‘aliens’ that have been leading mankind for centuries.
The Word of YHWH coming to a prophet becomes an encounter of ‘alien telepathy’ and so forth. Of course this
is complete fallacy, but while watching this program I could see how if ‘alien’ beings came to earth they could
use this to unite mankind. Especially if they ‘prove’ that the Christ has been an alien being all along.
Here is a link on youtube to the History Channel’s program on UFO’s in the Bible.

Deception from other planets?

1Ti 4:1 But the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, cleaving to
deceiving (G4108) spirits and teachings of demons (gods Act 17:18),
1Ti 4:2 in lying speakers in hypocrisy, being seared in their own conscience,
G4108 πλανος planos
Thayer Definition:
1) wandering, roving
Webster’s Dictionary – Planet
PLAN’ET, n. [L. planeta; Gr. wandering, to wander, allied to L. planus. See Plant.] A celestial body which
revolves about the sun or other center, or a body revolving about another planet as its center.
The symbols seen above in the heads of the artwork of the Pleiadian ‘walk-in’ correspond to the symbols related
to Saturn.


Notice the symbols held by the Saturn figure. Both the cross and hexagram have been discussed in previous
chapters and both are linked to Saturn. Also notice the chalice in the left hand of Saturn, this will be discussed
in more detail in Volume 2.

Chaos and Creation - Saturn's Children
gg h i g. Solar Symbol at Uxmal. (Publications of the Bureau of Ethnography vol. ii., pl. 57, no. 5) from Goblet,
p. 226.
h. A composite of Saturn imagery (drawn by D. Talbott). In terms of Solaria Binaria, the view is up the
Magnetic Tube from Earth
i. Pendant called “The Female Sun.” *From Fisher H. Mesmith, Jr., (1979) “Dogon Bronzes,” XII African Arts,
No. 2, (Feb.) 23.
Notice the image in the middle, the star in the crescent.
A Saturnian Cosmology –Jno Cook
The Star in the Crescent
The “Enuma Anu Enlil” records have been used by the Saturnians as one of the sources for the concept that
Saturn was known in antiquity as “the Star of the Sun” and in fact was considered to be the Sun.

The crescent moon is linked to the Queen of Heaven/Lucifer/Allah (1).


Pan – Saturn

Two Babylons pg 119

Dionysus or Bacchus, in one of his transformations, was represented as Capricorn {Capricorn
= Saturn}, the “goat-horned fish”; and there is reason to believe that it was in this very form
that he had the name of Oannes. In this form in India, under the name “Souro,” that is
evidently “the seed,” he is said to have done many marvellous things.
The reason for believing that Oannes, that was said to have been the first of the fabulous
creatures that came up out of the sea and instructed the Babylonians, was represented as the
goat-horned fish, is as follows: First, the name Oannes, as elsewhere shown, is just the Greek
form of He-annesh, or “The man,” which is a synonym for the name of our first parent, Adam. Now, Adam can
be proved to be the original of Pan, who was also called Inuus, which is just another pronunciation of Anosh
without the article, which, in our translation of Genesis 5:7, is made Enos. This name, as universally admitted,
is the generic name for man after the Fall, as weak and diseased. The o in Enos is what is called the vau, which
sometimes is pronounced o, sometimes u, and sometimes v or w. A legitimate pronunciation of Enos, therefore,
is just Enus or Enws, the same in sound as Inuus, the Ancient Roman name of Pan.
The name Pan itself signifies “He who turned aside.” As the Hebrew word for “uprightness” signifies
“walking straight in the way,” so every deviation from the straight line of duty was Sin; Hata, the word for sin,

signifying generically “to go aside from the straight line.” Pan, it is admitted, was the Head of the Satyrs–
that is, “the first of the Hidden Ones,” for Satyr and Satur, “the Hidden One,” are evidently just the same
word; and Adam was the first of mankind that hid himself.
Two Babylons pg 119
Pan is said to have loved a nymph called Pitho, or, as it is given in another form, Pitys (SMITH, “Pan”); and
what is Pitho or Pitys but just the name of the beguiling woman, who, having been beguiled herself, acted the
part of a beguiler of her husband, and induced him to take the step, in consequence of which he earned the name
Pan, “The man that turned aside.” Pitho or Pitys evidently come from Peth or Pet, “to beguile,” from which verb
also the famous serpent Python derived its name. This conclusion in regard to the personal identity of Pan and
Pitho is greatly confirmed by the titles given to the wife of Faunus. Faunus, says Smith, is “merely another
name for Pan.” * In Chaldee the same letter that is pronounced P is also pronounced Ph, that is F, therefore Pan
is just Faun.
Pitys turned into a pine tree to escape him. This pine tree allusion is also connected with the mark of the
beast/hidden one connection to Pan, as will be seen below.
Two Babylons pg 119-120
Now, the wife of Faunus was called Oma, Fauna, and Fatua, which names plainly mean “The mother that turned
aside, being beguiled.” This beguiled mother is also called indifferently “the sister, wife, or daughter” of her
husband; and how this agrees with the relations of Eve to Adam, the reader does not need to be told.
Now, a title of Pan was Capricornus, or “The goat-horned” (DYMOCK, “Pan”), and the origin of this title must
be traced to what took place when our first parent became the Head of the Satyrs–the “first of the Hidden
ones.” He fled to hide himself; and Berkha, “a fugitive,” signifies also “a he-goat.” Hence the origin of the
epithet Capricornus,
or “goat-horned,” as applied to Pan. But as Capricornus in the sphere is generally represented as the “Goat-
fish,” if Capricornus represents Pan, or Adam, or Oannes, that shows that it must be Adam, after,
through virtue of the metempsychosis, he had passed through the waters of the deluge: the goat, as the
symbol of Pan, representing Adam, the first father of mankind, combined with the fish, the symbol of
Noah, the second father of the human race; of both whom Nimrod, as at once Kronos, “the father of the
gods,” and Souro, “the seed,” was a new incarnation. Among
the idols of Babylon, as represented in KITTO’S Illust. Commentary, we find a representation of this very
Capricornus, or goat-horned fish; and Berosus tells us that the well known representations of Pan, of which
Capricornus is a modification, were found in Babylon in the most ancient times. A great deal more of evidence
might be adduced on this subject; but I submit to the reader if the above statement does not sufficiently account
the origin of the remarkable figure in the Zodiac, “The goat-horned fish.”
Pan & the Pine tree
Pan is also often depicted with a crown of pine needles
“When Pan found the nymph Pitys unresponsive, he took pity on her and transformed her into his sacred tree,
the pine tree. From then on, the nymph weeps every time the North Wind blows; her teardrops are the droplets
of pine resin that dribble down each autumn of the year.”

Kundalini connection

Kundalini is the belief that there is a serpent encoiled at the base of the spine which can be meditation and
’spiritual’ acts, causing it to climb the spine where it reaches your pineal gland and opens your ‘3rd eye.’
Interestingly, the word for spine and tree are the same.

The serpent rises up the spine to the pineal gland which was represented in ancient cultures as the pine
cone….the fruit of the pine tree.

Illustration 54: Staff of Osiris

Osiris & the All Seeing Eye

The All Seeing Eye corresponds to the ‘pineal gland.’
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a
triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of
Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.

Interestingly, it is believed by some people such as Robert Bauval and Robert Temple that the Giza pyramids
are a mirror image, the Earthly representation of the Belt of Orion

The pine cone is associated with the Sumerian Annunaki who are said to have ‘created’ men from clay jars.
This is referring to manipulation of DNA which will need to be discussed in greater detail in another study but
needless to say it is associated with the Kundalini spirit, the ‘awakening’ of the serpent and the result of man
being ‘enlightened’ or evolving into a higher spiritual being.

This picture is of the Sumerian ‘god’ Ninurta.
Ninurta = Saturn.

Saturn statue at Ostia A.D. 190
The Beast from the Sea
The term ‘beast out of the sea’ represented one aspect of the Sun as the god of the
cosmic sea, whom the Mediterranean countries worshipped as Pan/Pallas, Saturn
or Chronos, the god of time.
The Saturn Myth – David Talbott pg 93
“In the earliest age recalled by the ancients, the planet [Saturn] – PROTO-
PLANET – came forth from the cosmic sea to establish dominion over the entire
world. The planet-god ruled as the solitary central light, worshipped as the god
One – the only god in the beginning.”
“Great God Pan,”
“Sophocles also has Pan as the sea wanderer, roaming the seas, and the conch
shell can replace the pipes in some tales… Is Pan the archetype of the sign of
Capricorn, the Sea-Goat, half-Goat, half fish.”
The Saturn Myth – David Talbott
“Almost uniformly ignored is the connection of the primordial man-god with the
actual planet Saturn – even though it is precisely the latter that can tell us why the
great father appears in both human and celestial form.
“The overwhelming preoccupation with ancient ritual is with an ancient ‘great
1. The myths say that the great god emerged alone from the cosmic sea as the
preeminent power in the heavens. Out of watery chaos he produced a new order. The ancients worshiped him as
the creator and the supreme lord of the Cosmos.
2. This solitary god, according to the legend, founded a kingdom of unparalleled splendor. He was the divine
ancestor of all earthly rulers, his kingdom the prototype of the just and prosperous realm. Throughout his reign
an unending spring prevailed, the land produced, and men knew neither labor nor war.
3. In the god-kings towering form the ancients perceived the Heaven-Man, a primordial giant whose body was
the newly organized Cosmos. The legends often present the figure as the first man or ‘primordial man’ whose
history personified the struggle of good and evil.
4. Whether emphasizing the great father’s character as creator, first king, or Heaven-Man, widespread traditions
proclaimed him to be the planet Saturn.”
Bloodline of the Holy Grail – Laurence Gardner
“It was the Arcadian legacy that was responsible for the mysterious sea beast – the Bistea Neptunis – as
symbolically defined in the Merovingian ancestry. The relevant sea-lord was King Pallas, a god of old
Arcadia = the Golden age of the gods, celebrated during Lupercalia
While we know little about it, the Lupercalia seems to have been a curious Latin festival with mysterious Greek
origins. Later Roman writers like Plutarch suggested that it originated in Arcadia in southern Greece, where

Lykaian Pan was worshiped (lykos is the Greek word for wolf). The Roman poet Virgil would turn that same
Arcadia into an ideal image of Paradise, a lost Golden Age of musical shepherds and right religion, in a
marvelous cycle of poems called “The Eclogues” (or “The Bucolics”).
Francis Bacon and the A.A.
“Pan was the Great God of Arcadia… In Arcadian imagery he was also Time; Man who fell as Lucifer from the
heavens and Saturn, or Satan, meaning ‘adversary’ and intelligence… This Pan represents our path to
Arcadia: The Ancient Egyptian Mysteries – Francis Bacon
“The symbolical form of Pan was invented so as to suggest the gradual transformation and transmutation of
nature from the lowest earthly forms to the highest celestial forms – the highest form of life being celestial or
angelical man, the Christ man. The highest form transcends and contains all the lower ones, and hence Pan is
pre-eminently a symbol of Man who, as Adam, was intended to be the Lord of Nature, and who may still (and is
intended to) attain that end. Pan is the Archetype for the whole evolution and crowning achievement of the
human soul. In other words, Pan signifies the Spirit of Man, whilst the Bride (or Truth) represents the human
soul in whom Truth is revealed when ‘she’ attains perfection and virtuous mastery over all nature. Bacon reveals
that what is now known as the ‘Church of Christ’ was once known as the ‘Brotherhood of Pan’.
“Pan is also known as Saturn or Satan, meaning the ‘Tester’ or ‘Adversary’. Properly understood, this signifies
Intelligence, which tests the Spirit to see whether it is good (i.e. God) or not. This is the function of the mind, or
intellect, which is directly associated with what primarily Man is – a ‘thinker’. Through thinking man comes to
understand and eventually, through thought put into action, to know truth – to know God. Pan carries the sickle
and hourglass, symbols of death and time, for it is only through the changing experiences of nature, which we
call mortality, that the human soul is perfected and true knowledge is obtained.”
Pan’s worship spread far beyond Greece into many neighbouring countries such as Egypt, and local equivalents
of him seem to have appeared all over the world, either by diffusion or coincidence. Pan-like deities existed
everywhere. In Greece there were rustic gods such as Aristaeus (flocks, agriculture, bee-keeping*, vineculture),
Priapus (the same) and Silenus (vineculture and knowledge)**.
**Vineculture points to DNA and knowledge points to the tree of knowledge.
In Greek mythology, Silenus (in Greek, Σειληνός) was a companion and tutor to the wine god Dionysus. The
plural Seleni (in Greek, Σειληνοί) usually refers to drunken followers of Dionysus.

Saturn, Ivy & Bacchus

According to “The Green Mountain Gardener,” Dr. Leonard Perry, ancient pagans fashioned ivy “into wreaths
and garlands for decorations during the winter months.” Ivy had close ties with the Roman god of wine,
Bacchus. Holly, meanwhile, figured prominently in the Roman celebration of the Saturnalia (upon which the
Christmas holiday was directly modeled), as it was considered sacred to Saturn.
Circular wreaths of evergreen
branches (especially holly) were a featured part
of the festival. These were formed in the shape of the
sun, and represented life which could not exist without sunlight. These wreaths were placed on inside and

walls during the celebrations. At the time of initiation
into the Dionysian mysteries, these were worn by
the initiates as fertility symbols. They represented the
perpetuity of existence through on-going cycles of life,
death, and rebirth.
“Holly berries were also considered sacred to the sungod.
“The use of Christmas wreaths is believed by authorities
to be traceable to the pagan customs of decorating
buildings and places of worship at the feast
which took place at the same time as Christmas.”—
Frederick J. Haskins, Answers to Questions.

Where did the mistletoe custom originate?
Among the ancients, because mistletoe was considered
sacred to the sun, it was used at the December
festival of the winter solstice, when the sun was lowest
in the noon sky.
Kissing under the mistletoe was thought to be an
act of solar worship, empowering the worshipers for still
further worship. As this indicates, pagan sun-worship
services were very licentious. Temple prostitution was
performed during the eight-day Roman Saturnalia which
immediately preceded the December 25 sun-birth celebration.
“The winter solstice (Dec 25) was the time
at which all the sun-gods from Osiris to Jupiter
and Mithra had celebrated their (birthdays),
the celebration being adorned with the pine tree of
Adonis, the Holy of Saturn, and the Mistletoe tappers
represented the kindling of the newborn sun-god’s
–[Man and His Gods, p.2013].

Bacchus Saturn connection

Two Babylons Page 243
As Mystery signifies the Hidden system, so Saturn signifies the Hidden god. *
* In the Litany of the Mass, the worshippers are taught thus to pray: “God Hidden,
and my Saviour, have mercy upon us.” (M’GAVIN’S Protestant) Whence can this
invocation of the “God Hidden” have come, but from the ancient worship of Saturn, the “Hidden God”? As the
Papacy has canonised the Babylonian god by the name of St. Dionysius, and St. Bacchus, the “martyr,” so by
this very name of “Satur” is he also enrolled in the calendar; for March 29th is the festival of “St. Satur,” the
martyr. (CHAMBER’S Book of Days)
To those who were initiated the god was revealed; to all else he was hidden. Now, the name Saturn in Chaldee

is pronounced Satur; but, as every Chaldee scholar knows, consists only of four letters, thus–Stur. This
name contains exactly the Apocalyptic number 666:–
S = 060
T = 400
U = 006
R = 200
If the Pope is, as we have seen, the legitimate representative of Saturn, the number of the Pope, as head of the
Mystery of Iniquity, is just 666. But still further it turns out, as shown above, that the original name of Rome
itself was Saturnia, “the city of Saturn.” This is vouched alike by Ovid, by Pliny, and by Aurelius Victor. Thus,
then, the Pope has a double claim to the name and number of the beast. He is the only legitimate representative
of the original Saturn at this day in existence, and he reigns in the very city of the seven hills where the Roman
Saturn formerly reigned; and, from his residence in which, the whole of Italy was “long after called by his
being commonly named “the Saturnian land.” But what bearing, it may be said, has this upon the name Lateinos
{see chapter 2 666}, which is commonly believed to be the “name of the beast”? Much. It proves that the
common opinion is thoroughly well-founded. Saturn and Lateinos are just synonymous, having precisely the
same meaning, and belonging equally to the same god. The reader cannot have forgotten the lines of Virgil,
which showed that Lateinos, to whom the Romans or Latin race traced back their lineage, was represented with
a glory around his head, to show that he was a “child of the Sun.” Thus, then, it is evident that, in popular
opinion, the original Lateinos hadoccupied the very same position as Saturn did in the Mysteries, who was
equally worshipped as the “offspring of the Sun.” Moreover, it is evident that the Romans knew that the name
“Lateinos” signifies the “Hidden One,” for their antiquarians invariably affirm that Latium received its name
from Saturn “lying hid” there. On etymological grounds, then, even on the testimony of the Romans, Lateinos
is equivalent to the “Hidden One”; that is, to Saturn, the “god
of Mystery.” *
* Latium Latinus (the Roman form of the Greek Lateinos), and Lateo, “to lie hid,” all alike come from the
Chaldee “Lat,” which has the same meaning. The name “lat,” or the hidden one, had evidently been given, as
well as Saturn, to the great Babylonian god. This is evident from the name of the fish Latus, which was
worshipped along with the Egyptian Minerva, in the city of Latopolis in Egypt,
now Esneh (WILKINSON), that fish Latus evidently just being another name for
the fish-god Dagon. We have seen that Ichthys, or the Fish, was one of the names of Bacchus; and the
Assyrian goddess Atergatis, with her son Ichthys is said to have been cast into the lake of Ascalon. That the sun-
god Apollo had been known under the name of Lat, may be inferred from the Greek name of his mother-wife
Leto, or in Doric, Lato, which is just the feminine of Lat. The Roman name
Latona confirms this, for it signifies “The lamenter of Lat,” as Bellona signifies
“The lamenter of Bel.” The Indian god Siva, who, as we have seen, is sometimes
represented as a child at the breast of its mother, and has the same bloody
character as Moloch, or the Roman Saturn, is called by this very name, as may be
seen from the following verse made in reference to the image found in his
celebrated temple at Somnaut:

Saturn & Money

“Saturn was also…connected with…the minting of coins: he was even the guardian of the treasury.”
Saturn – Hermes connection

Many “medical” organisations use a symbol of a short rod entwined by two snakes and topped by a pair of
wings, which is actually the caduceus or magic wand of the Greek god Hermes (Roman Mercury), messenger
of the gods, inventor of (magical) incantations, conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves. It
is derived from the Greek karykeion = “herald’s staff”, itself based on the word “eruko” meaning restrain,
control. It is interesting to see that most of organisations using this symbol are generally either commercial or
The link between the caduceus of Hermes (Mercury) and medicine seems to have arisen by the seventh
century A.D., when Hermes had come to be linked with alchemy. Alchemists were referred to as the sons of
Hermes, as Hermetists or Hermeticists and as “practitioners of the hermetic arts”.
The caduceus was the magic staff of Hermes (Mercury), the god of commerce, eloquence, invention, travel
and theft, and so was a symbol of heralds and commerce, not medicine. The words caduity & caducous imply
temporality, perishableness and senility, while the medical profession espouses renewal, vitality and health.

Notice the EMS symbol’s combining of the cross and the hexagram.
Caduceus power wand

Caduceus Power Wand: This wand is sold at occult, new age & witchcraft stores such as
Abaxion with descriptions such as “It’s central phallic rod represents the potentiality of the
masculine, and is initmately surrounded by the writhing, woven shakti energies of two coupling
serpents. The rod also represents the spine [sushumna] while the serpents conduct spiritual
currents [pranas] along the ida and pingala channels in a double helix pattern from the chakra at
the base of the spine up to the pineal gland”.
According to occultists, there are three principal nadis (Sanskrit for channel) in the human body.
The sushumna (the spinal column through which the life-forces flow), by which means we enter
and leave the body, the Ida (refreshment and stimulation of spirit), which is associated with the
higher mind or manas and the Pingala, (reddish-brown), associated with kama or the force of
desire. (G. de Purucker “Man in Evolution” ch. 15 & 16; and “Fountain-Source of Occultism”,
pp. 458-63).
Symbol of Mercury
But again, Cush, as the son of Ham, was Her-mes or Mercury; for Hermes is just an Egyptian
synonym for the “son of Ham.” Cush=Bacchus
Caduceus is a winged staff with two snakes wrapped around it. It was an ancient astrological
symbol of commerce and is associated with the Greek god Hermes, the messenger for the gods,
conductor of the dead and protector of merchants and thieves. It was originally a herald’s staff,
sometimes with wings, with two white ribbons attached. The ribbons eventually evolved into
snakes in the figure-eight shape.
In the Greek myths, this constellation represented Asclepius, the god of medicine, who was so skilled that he
could even raise the dead

In the seventh century, the caduceus came to be associated with a precursor of medicine, based on the Hermetic
astrological principles of using the planets and stars to heal the sick.

The caduceus
The Greek alphabet comes from the Phoenician alphabet which, in essence, is the same as Paleo Hebrew. χξς
would be rendered in Phoenician as:
χ= which is a picture of crossed sticks

ξ= which is a picture of a thorn or branch

ς= Stigma means a mark and like the letter ξ was used to represent a coiled serpent.
Hence, the pictograph meaning of the χξς is a serpent on the branch of a tree. It is the equivalent of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil.

Hermes & Saturn

Hermes connection to satan
Zeus the all powerful intervened saying he had been watching and Hermes should return the cattle to Apollo. As
the argument went on, Hermes began to play his lyre. The sweet music enchanted Apollo, and he offered
Hermes to keep the cattle in exchange for the lyre. Apollo later became the grand master of the instrument, and
it also became one of his symbols. Later while Hermes watched over his herd he invented the pipes known as a
syrinx (pan-pipes), which he made from reeds. Hermes was also credited with inventing the flute. Apollo, also
desired this instrument, so Hermes bartered with Apollo and received his golden wand which Hermes later used
as his heralds staff.
Hermes – Ancient Mystery School Teachings – the Hermetic Orders – which is linked with Alchemy of
Consciousness – Moving to a higher frequency of thought – Releasing the Hermetic seals at the End of Time –
Or the Illusion of Time – the release of the soul from the physical form.
Hermes was the Master of all arts and sciences, perfect in all crafts, Ruler of the Three Worlds, Scribe of the
Gods, and Keeper of the Books of Life, Thoth Hermes Trismegistus – the Three Times, the “First Intelligencer”
– was regarded by the ancient Egyptians as the embodiment of the Universal Mind.
Hermes is known as the trickster
The trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is
he, through his creations that destroy, points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels
against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays
with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, to cause us to
question not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded needs to be torn
down built anew. He is the Destroyer of Worlds at the same time the savior of us all.

Hermes and Saturn

Planet Saturn and the Trickster

Saturn, the grim reaper, rules responsibilities,
restrictions, limitations, and the lessons you must learn
in life. He does not deny or diminish imagination,
inspiration, spirituality, or good fortune, but he does
demand that these things be given structure and
meaning. The karmic lessons we have come to
experience and overcome in this lifetime are expressed
by Saturn. Saturn is a great teacher if you allow it to be
so. If you resist, then you feel like you have been
dealing with the Trickster. It takes spiritual maturity to
move beyond the challenges of the Trickster and to
embrace Saturn the Teacher.

Money & the Cross

The Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill pg 7
“One of the symbolic forms, which was linked with the idea of healing, was represented as follows:”
Is the caduceus the origin of the dollar symbol?
Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill – David Ovason pg 3
“The word dollar is derived from the German taler. The name taler was first
given to silver coins made in 1519. This metal was mined in Joachimsthal
(Joachim’s valley, or thaler), in what was Bohemia.
The obverse of one thaler showed the crucified Christ. On the reverse was
the image of a serpent, hanging from a cross.”

Pg 4
Near the serpent’s head are the two letters NU, and on the other side of the cross the number 21. This is a
reference to Numbers 21.
IBID pg 5
“It is this origin that has led some historians to claim that the thaler image of the serpent-cross is the origin for
the dollar sign.

Connection to Saturn, hexagram

Goddess Columbia presiding over Federal Reserve building

Bank of England
“SATURN was also…connected with…the minting of COINS:
he was the guardian of the TREASURY.” (Man, Myth and
Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural -
Richard Cavendish p. 479-80)
What was the symbol of Saturn? The hexagram. The cross and
the hexagram are linked together. Ivy, the cross and the
hexagram are all linked together. It is not the images
themselves that are as important as what they stand for. Transformation. Evolution of man. ‘Ye shall be as

Notice the hexagram above the head of the ‘eagle’ inside the sun image. It is also important to
note that the eagle pictured is actually a phoenix which represents resurrection or being

Saturn & the Cross

Saturn was a symbol of the Sun in the form of a Sun-cross.

“The cross, according to the alchemist, stands for Light…” – A History of Secret Societies pg 195
“Of the Babylonian star-worshippers the chronicler Diodorus writes: ‘To the one we call Saturn they give a
special name, ‘Sun-Star’.” – Diodorus
“…Franz Cumont offered…’Saturn-Chronus’…’the strange god Ninub, of whom little more is known and that
he was sometimes regarded as the nightly representative of the sun and was therefore, in spite of Marduk,
considered the ‘mightiest’ of the five planets’.” Patriarchs of Time: Dualism in Saturn-Chronus, Father Time,
The Watchmaker God, and Father Christmas pg 29
“Four primary streams of light appeared to radiate from Saturn, dividing the Saturnian band into quarters. The
symbols of these four streams are the sun-cross and enclosed sun-cross. Mythically, these are the four rivers of
the lost paradise, the four winds, and the four pillars of Saturn’s cosmos. The enclosed sun-cross is thus the
universal image of the ‘unified state’ on our earth, for every terrestrial ‘holy land’ was a copy of the ideal
kingdom above.”…as above, so below…. The Saturn Myth – David Talbott pg 330
The Sumerian Ningirsu, the planet Saturn,”comes forth in terrifying splendor. In the land it becomes day.”
Ningirsu is thus “the god who
changes darkness into light,” the god “whose splendor is heroic.”
The Babylonian sun god is Shamash, and Babylonian astronomical texts say in unequivocal terms: “The planet
Saturn is Shamash.” Thus the Greek historian Diodorus reports that Babylonian astronomers knew the planet
Saturn as the star of the “sun” (Helios)
The Babylonian sun god is Shamash, and Babylonian astronomical texts say in unequivocal terms: “The planet
Saturn is Shamash.”

The seated figure is the sun-god Shamash, sitting in front of a

sun disc, and below a cross, both his symbols. The seven-line
cuneiform inscription, a prayer to Shamash, can be translated:
‘Shamash, king of heaven and earth whose me’s are brilliant,
who advances with horns, who – through his (servant) who
reveres him – has brought salvation: Sha-ilimma-damqa, son of
Lugal-mansi.’ Shamash represents the brilliant light of the sun,
which returns every day to illuminate the life of mankind, as
well as giving beneficial warmth, which causes plants to grow. In
Akkadian tradition he was sometimes the son of the god of
Illustration 55: Pink Chalcedony cylinder
heaven Anu or of the supreme god Enlil. His principal temple
seal with Shamash seated before a sun dish…
was called E-babbar (‘White House’) at Sippar. Presumably
notice the cross image above Shamash

because the sun, in its path across the skies, see everything, Shamash came to be regarded as the god of truth,
justice and right. As a protector and destroyer of evil, he also acted as a warrior.

Though early Egyptian sources do not offer a

formal astronomy to directly connect their gods
with planets, a later Egyptian ostrakon cited by
Franz Boll identifies the sun god Ra as the Greek
Kronos, the planet Saturn.
In the Epinomis of Plato, the names of the five
planets are given. In the
earliest copies of the text, the name for the planet
Saturn is Helios, the
“sun.” For many years scholars considered this a
mistake and the reading was usually “corrected”
to Kronos, the accepted Greek name of the planet
Saturn. But the identity of the sun and Saturn
occurs in other Greek texts as well: Originally,
Saturn was “the sun.”
Illustration 56: Shamash enthroned with the solar disk as his The Hindus knew the planet Saturn as arka,
symbol meaning “of the sun.” Certain wise men of India
also asserted that Brahma, called the “true sun,” was none other than Saturn.
The Sun-cross symbolized Satan’s rebellion against God.
“Thus, we are dealing with a very serious form of idolatry in the symbolism of the cross as a
representation here of sun worship. It must also be recalled that this process of the four divisions of the
celestial system is represented not only by the division of Israel into the four groups of three tribes around the
tabernacle as typified by Numbers 10. It must also be understood that the very symbols used to denote these
tribes, such as the Bull (of Ephraim), the Lion (of Judah), the Serpent/Eagle (of Dan) and the Aquarian Man of
Reuben, are themselves representative of the divisional symbols of the Covering Cherubs of God’s Government,
represented in Revelation 4:7-9. These Lion-headed, Bull-headed, Eagle-headed and Man-headed creatures are
the four archangels, the Seraphim or Covering Cherubs of God’s Government. Thus, by the appropriation of the
symbolism to sun worship, we are seeking to transfer the centrality of the authority of God the Father to the
Man-headed Cherub who was Azazel, now Satan. The sun cross is, thus, the symbol of the rebellion. This cross
symbolism is then transferred into various aspects of idolatry and is then imported into Christianity with further
idolatrous consequence.” -
“The Cross: Its Origin and Significance,” Christian Churches of God:
The Kenites who claim to have descended from Cain wore the mark of the Tau Cross, the letter of Saturn, on
their foreheads.
“In this overlapping form [the Star of David] is the mark of the double messiah: the priestly … messiah
and the kingly…messiah. As such it is the only true sign of Jesus, and it carries the extra meaning as
being the representative of the BRIGHT STAR OF DAVID’S LINE THAT AROSE IN THE MORNING.
If the Star of David is a symbol of the unified messiah-ship of Jesus, it should be the mark of Christianity.
Then the question has to be, what is the symbol of Judaism? The answer is the cross. This is the mark of
the ‘TAU’ and it is this shape of cross upon which Jesus was crucified. The TAU was the mark of
Yahweh…the Kenites bore ON THEIR FOREHEADS long before Moses came across them in the

wilderness… “ – The Hiram Key
“TAU… [is the] letter of Saturn…” Israel Regardie, The Golden Dawn (153:215)
The Chaldean number for Saturn is 666, suggesting that the mark of Cain was a prototype of the mark of the
beast—the six-pointed star received by those who will worship the god Saturn during the Golden Age of
Saturn , the occult millennium (which will be shortened to 3 1/2 years). Some Jewish sources also say the mark
of Cain was the Seal of Solomon or Star of David.
Rosy Cross
Genesis of the Cosmos Paul A. LaViolette pg 177
“Several key aspects of this physics of cosmogenic process are summarized in the Rose Cross, an emblem
consisting of a single circular rose at the center of an equal-armed cross. During a lecture in 1785, Alessandro
Cagliostro, a renowned Sicilian scholar of the esoteric, reportedly stated that the ancient magi wore the Rose
Cross around their necks on a golden chain.
Its origin was attributed to the god Hermes-Thoth, founder of the Order of the Magi. It was said that four
letters were written between the branches of the cross, each letter expressing a mystery of nature. According to
Cagliostro, these letters, taken from the 22 character “Alphabet of the Magi are as follows:

Saturn & Transformation/rebirth

Two Babylons
Now, wherever Noah is celebrated, whether by the name of Saturn, “the
hidden one,”–for that name was applied to him as well as to Nimrod, on
account of his having been “hidden” in the ark, in the “day of the Lord’s
fierce anger,”–or, “Oannes,” or “Janus,” the “Man of the Sea,” he is
generally described in such a way as shows that he was looked upon as
Diphues, “twice-born,” or “regenerate.” The “twice-born” Brahmins, who
are all so many gods upon earth, by the very title they take to themselves,
show that the god whom they represent, and to whose prerogatives they lay
claim, had been known as the “twice-born” god. The connection of
“regeneration” with the history of Noah, comes out with special evidence in
the accounts
handed down to us of the Mysteries as celebrated in Egypt. The most learned
explorers of Egyptian antiquities, including Sir Gardiner Wilkinson, admit that the story of Noah was mixed up
with the story of Osiris. The ship of Isis, and the coffin of Osiris, floating on the waters, point distinctly to that
remarkable event. There were different periods, in different places in Egypt, when the fate of Osiris was
lamented; and at one time there was more special reference to the personal history of “the mighty hunter before
the Lord,” and at another to the awful catastrophe through which Noah passed. In the great and solemn festival
called “The Disappearance of Osiris,” it is evident that it is Noah himself who was then supposed to have been
lost. The time when Osiris was “shut up in his coffin,” and when that coffin was set afloat on the waters, as
stated by Plutarch, agrees exactly with the period when Noah entered the ark. That time was “the 17th day of
the month Athyr, when the overflowing of the Nile had ceased, when the nights were growing long and the days
decreasing.” The month Athyr was the second month after the autumnal equinox, at which time the civil year of
the Jews and the patriarchs began. According to this statement, then, Osiris was “shut up in his coffin” on the
17th day of the second month of the patriarchal year. Compare this with the Scriptural account of Noah’s
entering into the ark, and it will be seen how remarkably they agree (Gen 7:11), “In the six hundredth year of

Noah’s life, in the SECOND MONTH, in the SEVENTEENTH DAY of the month, were all the fountains of the
great deep broken up; in the self- same day entered Noah into the ark.” The period, too, that Osiris (otherwise
Adonis) was believed to have been shut up in his coffin, was precisely the same as Noah was confined in the
ark, a whole year. *
* APOLLODORUS. THEOCRITUS, Idyll. Theocritus is speaking of Adonis as delivered by Venus from
Acheron, or the infernal regions, after being there for a year; but as the scene is laid in Egypt, it is evident that it
is Osiris he refers to, as he was the Adonis of the Egyptians.
Now, the statements of Plutarch demonstrate that, as Osiris at this festival was looked upon as dead and buried
when put into his ark or coffin, and committed to the deep, so, when at length he came out of it again, that new
state was regarded as a state of “new life,” or “REGENERATION.” *
There seems every reason to believe that by the ark and the flood God actually gave to the patriarchal saints,
and especially to righteous Noah, a vivid typical representation of the power of the blood and Spirit of Christ, at
once in saving from wrath, and cleansing from all sin–a representation which was a most cheering “seal” and
confirmation to the faith of those who really believed. To this Peter seems distinctly to allude, when he says,
speaking of this very event, “The like figure whereunto baptism doth also now save us.” Whatever primitive
truth the Chaldean priests held, they utterly perverted and corrupted it. They willingly overlooked the fact, that
it was “the righteousness of the faith” which Noah “had before” the flood, that carried him safely through the
avenging waters of that dread catastrophe, and ushered him, as it were, from the womb of the ark, by a new
birth, into a new world, when on the ark resting on Mount Ararat, he was released from his long confinement.
They led their votaries to believe that, if they only passed through the baptismal waters, and the penances
therewith connected, that of itself would make them like the second father of mankind, “Diphueis,” “twice-
born,” or “regenerate,” would entitle them to all the privileges of “righteous” Noah, and give them that “new
birth” (palingenesia) which their consciences told them they so much needed. The Papacy acts on precisely the
same principle; and from this very source has its doctrine of baptismal regeneration been derived, about which
so much has been written and so many controversies been waged. Let men contend as they may, this, and this
only, will be found to be the real origin of the anti- Scriptural dogma.
As can be seen above, Janus is connected with resurrection and rebirth. The spirit of this can be seen in New
Year’s resolutions. Man attempting to change himself through his own strength. This is the ultimate meaning of
this ‘holiday’. It represents the regeneration of unregenerate man without Messiah. It is by man’s own
power….eating from the tree of knowledge.
Two Babylon’s pg 244
Saturn, the hidden god,–the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets were revealed only
to the initiated,–was identical with Janus, who was publicly known to all Rome, to the uninitiated and initiated
alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had the key of the invisible world. Now, what
the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient Chaldee, E-
anush signifies “the Man.” By that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it first made
its appearance * The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might
expect “He-anesth,” “the man,” to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-sarsiphon,
Osarsiphon; and, in like manner, Heanesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of a “Man-god,” the name
is taken by Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion of the H’ into O’ among our own immediate
neighbours, the Irish; what is now O’Brien and O’Connell was originally H’Brien and H’Connell (Sketches of
Irish History). The name E-anush, or “the Man,” was applied to the Babylonian Messiah, as identifying him
with the promised seed of the Woman. The name of “the Man,” as applied to a god, was intended

to designate him as the “god-man.” We have seen that in India the Hindoo Shasters bear witness, that in order to
enable the gods to overcome their enemies, it was needful that the Sun, the
supreme divinity, should be incarnate, and born of a Woman. The classical nations had a legend of precisely the
same nature. “There was a current tradition in heaven,” says Apollodorus, “that the giants could never be
conquered except by the help of a man.” That man, who was believed to have conquered the adversaries of
the gods, was Janus, the god-man. In consequence of his assumed character and exploits, Janus was invested
with high powers, made the keeper of the gates of heaven, and arbiter of men’s eternal destinies. Of this Janus,
this Babylonian “man,” the Pope, as we have seen, is the legitimate representative; his key, therefore, he bears,
with that of Cybele, his mother-wife; and to all his blasphemous pretensions he at this hour lays claim. The very
fact, then, that the Pope founds his claim to universal homage on the possession of the keys of heaven, and that
in a sense which empowers him, in defiance of every principle of Christianity, to open and shut the gates of
glory, according to his mere sovereign will and pleasure, is a striking and additional proof that he is that head of
the beast from the sea, whose number, as identified with Janus, is the number of a man, and amounts exactly to
But there is something further still in the name of Janus or Eanus, not to be passed over. Janus, while manifestly
worshipped as the Messiah or god-man, was also celebrated as “Principium Decorum,” the source and fountain
of all the Pagan gods. We have already in this character
traced him backward through Cush to Noah; but to make out his claim to this high character, in its proper
completeness, he must be traced even further still. The Pagans knew, and could not but know, at the time the
Mysteries were concocted, in the days of Shem and his brethren, who, through the Flood, had passed from the
old world to the new, the whole story of Adam, and therefore it was necessary, if a deification of mankind there
was to be, that his pre-eminent dignity, as the human “Father of gods and men,” should not be ignored. Nor was
it. The
Mysteries were full of what he did, and what befel him; and the name E-anush, or, as it appeared in the
Egyptian form, Ph’anesh, “The man,” was only another name for that of our great progenitor. The name of
Adam in the Hebrew of Genesis almost always occurs with the article
before it, implying “The Adam,” or “The man.” There is this difference, however–”The Adam” refers to man
unfallen, E-anush, “The man,” to “fallen man.” E-anush, then, as “Principium decorum,” “The fountain and
father of the gods,” is “FALLEN Adam.” *
* Anesh properly signifies only the weakness or frailty of fallen humanity; but any one who consults OVID,
Fashti, as to the character of Janus, will see that when E-anush was deified, it was not simply as Fallen man
with his weakness, but Fallen man with his corruption.
The principle of Pagan idolatry went directly to exalt fallen humanity, to consecrate its lusts, to give men license
to live after the flesh, and yet, after such a life, to make them sure of eternal felicity. E-anus, the “fallen man,”
was set up as the human Head of this system of corruption– this “Mystery of Iniquity.” Now, from this we
come to see the real meaning of the name, applied to the divinity commonly worshipped in Phrygia along with
Cybele in the very same character as
this same Janus, who was at once the Father of the gods, and the Mediatorial divinity. That name was Atys, or
Attis, or Attes, * and the meaning will evidently appear from the meaning of the
well-known Greek word Ate, which signifies “error of sin,” and is obviously derived from the Chaldean Hata,
“to sin.”
The Christmas Tree
The feast of Christmas is, in allegorical form, the pagan celebration of the Serpent’s eventual triumph over the
very God who frustrated the Babylonian attempt to build a tower to heaven (symbolized by a tree). By reviving
and restoring the mystery religions as they were practiced in the pre-flood civilization, Horus became the

Egyptian savior and virtual counterpart of Jesus Christ. In her Theosophical Glossary, H.P. Blavatsky thus
describes Horus:
“Horus (Eg.). The last in the line of divine Sovereigns in Egypt, said to be the son of Osiris and Isis. He is the
great god ‘loved of Heaven,’ the ‘’beloved of the Sun, the offspring of the gods, the subjugator of the world.’ At
the time of the Winter Solstice (our Christmas), his image in the form of a small newly-born infant, was brought
out from the sanctuary for the adoration of the worshipping crowds…
In pagan Rome, the celebration of the Winter Solstice began on December 17 with the feast of Saturn — also
called the Saturnalia. Through December 23rd, the Roman world engaged in merrymaking and the exchanging
of gifts in honor of Saturn, the god of sowing and husbandry and, according to a Rosicrucian source, to
commemorate a future Golden Age of Saturn:

Mark of Saturn & the Antichrist Bloodline

Bloodlines of the Illuminati pg 116
Saturn is an important key to understanding the long heritage this conspiracy has back to antiquity. The city of
Rome was originally known as Saturnia or City of Saturn. The Roman Catholic church retains much of the
Saturn worship in its ritual. Saturn also relates to Lucifer.’13 In
various occult dictionaries Saturn is associated with evil. Saturn was important to the religion of Mithra, and
also the Druids (1).
From James Fausset Brown commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god — R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of Israel. Probably
there was a figure of a star on the head of the image of the idol, to represent the planet Saturn; hence “images”
correspond to “star” in the parallel clause. A star in hieroglyphics represents God (Num_24:17). “Images” are
either a Hebraism for “image,” or refer to the many images made to represent Chiun.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves,
and worshipped as a deity.
Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly Hall pg 280
“…since the beginning of all things were under the control of Saturn, the most reasonable inference is that the
first forms of worship were dedicated to him and his peculiar symbol — the stone.”
Saturn :: Lead
Saturn corresponds to the metal Lead, the elemental separating force of Salt(), and the imprisonment of the
Spirit and the Soul . The glyph alludes to this “fallen” state of man as the elements (+) are displayed in
dominion over the passive Lunar consciousness of Spirit (). It is what the Orphic mysteries called the titanic
corporal body and the “tomb” of the Spirit


Unlike the other classical planets, Saturn’s synodic cycle does not produce a coherent geometric form- it is
always in fractional state continuing for 360 years at which point the 360-pronged geometry of the Saturn
ecliptic cycles completely engulfs the ecliptic circle into a black mass of connecting lines. This in one sense
represents the bindings and restrictions of the karmic universe and the human condition of being entombed in
the life-death cycles, and in another sense is equated with the Philosopher’s stone as hiding the principle by
which the initiate can unshackle the bonds of terminal existence and obtain true spiritual immortality (“Gold
hidden in Saturn”). The dual nature of Saturn relates to the Greek Khronos as the syncretic form of the Titan
Kronos (temporal and material Demiurge) with the Orphic Æon Chronos (timeless and incorporeal). Thus, in
Saturn we find the sacred black stone of the Alchemist said to have fallen from the heavens. Isaac the
Hollander writes:

From Saturn proceeds, and from Saturn is made, the Philosopher’s Stone….There is no greater secret that this:
that is found is Saturn, since in the Sun [the vulgar Sun, that is to say in the intellectual faculties of external
consciousness] we do not find the perfection that we find in Saturn. In its interior, and in this all the
Philosophers agree, it is a most excellent Sun…In truth, Saturn is the stone that the ancient philosophers did not
want to name. (as quoted in Evola, 1995:80).
The Stone & the Grail
Cup of Destiny pg 134
“No one can come to the Grail without knowledge of the secrets of time – Chronos. And it is Saturn that
teaches these secrets.
The ‘holy grail’ is a picture of the mark of the beast. In order to understand the mark, one must know what
Saturn represents.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of
that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change
its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill but
that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His
appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for
two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone
give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.”
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”…The Philosopher’s stone will need to be
discussed in more detail in a future study, but it points to the ‘evolution of man’ into a ‘god.’ DNA is a stone,
when it is mixed with the ’stone’ from heaven the ‘Holy Grail’ or transformation is attained. This is what
Christmas is a foreshadow of. The return of the age of Saturn. The age of Aquarius. The golden age of the

The Stone of Destiny
As seen above, the golden calves (which represent Saturn) of Jeroboam were set up in Bethel. Bethel is where
the ladder that Jacob saw. The Stone of Destiny is falsely purported to be Jacob’s stone; said to have been
removed by Jeremiah to Ireland.
The Stone of Destiny was used to crown the Merovingian kings purported to be descendants of King David of
Judah’s Sceptre and Joseph’s Birthright
“Hence, if this Coronation Stone which is in Westminster…is indeed what these names [Stone of Destiny, etc.]
and what its history declare it to be, then it is indeed the veritable throne of Israel, upon which the sons of David
were formally crowned in the Temple of God at Jerusalem.”
Bloodline of the Holy Grail
“This most sacred of Scots treasures had been brought to Scotland from Ireland…in the 5th century, having
originally been carried to Ireland from Judah in about 586 BC. The venerated holy relic was said to be the Stone
of the Covenant, known as Jacob’s Pillow (Gen. 28:18-22), on which Jacob laid his head and saw the ladder
reaching up to Heaven at Bethel. God promised Jacob that his seed would generate the line of kingship to
The Stone of Destiny has been a ‘stone of contention’ between the British monarchy and Scotland; the
controversy will end when a counterfeit Michael the Archangel is manifested as one of Satan’s spiritual
hierarchy. (See: Council of Nine 10.F; War Against the Dragon 13.D)
“On declaring himself Overlord of Scotland in 1296, Edward I of England stole what he thought was the Stone
of Destiny. What he actually got was a piece of sandstone from a monastery doorway, which has since rested
beneath the Coronation Throne at Westminster Abbey. This piece of rubble is 26 inches long by 11 inches deep
(c. 66x 28 cm) and weighs about 335 lbs (c. 152 kg). Royal seals of the early Scots kings depict a much larger
installation rock, but this rock was not the sacred Stone of Destiny — no more than is the medieval masonry
prize of King Edward. The real Stone of Destiny is said to be smaller, more naturally rounded, and is of
inscribed black basalt, not of hand-cut sandstone. It was hidden by the Cistercian Abbot of Scone in 1296, and it
has remained hidden ever since. The Columbian tradition tells us that, on secreting the Stone, the Abbot
prophesied that one day ‘The Michael’ would return to his inheritance.”
In the occult, Michael is a code name for Saturn, the counterfeit YHWH. More on this below.
The Stone of Destiny will be moved to Jerusalem to be the enthroning stone of the kings of Jerusalem and to
bear witness to the false messiah.

The Stone of Destiny – Jack Phillips

“This Stone…will not be used ever again in the crowning of an earthly king because it has been announced that
it will go on permanent display in Edinburgh, Scotland. Therefore, this move obviously ended the Stone’s role
in the crowning of kings, ending with King George VI in 1936 … the last king crowned over the Stone. That
being the case, Messiah, according to Ezekiel, will be the next King over the House of David . . . so, the third
‘overturn’ is yet in effect. In light of these facts, as stated last month, this move (after some 700 years) would
seem to be significant as to just how close the Lord’s return could be. In other words, from Zedekiah forward,
Israel, as a nation, would have no king until Messiah comes (Gen. 49:10) …and true to prophecy, that has been
the case. This means that the scattered and divided kingdom of Israel must be restored and Christ installed as
her King…’the most holy’ Dan. 9:24..

“…and one king (Christ) shall be king to them all (Shiloh; Whose right the Stone of Destiny represents). So,
this movement of the Stone of Destiny could very well be the beginning of a chain of events to shape the world
– and prepare His remnant today for the things about to come to pass; the false Messiah shall come first and try
to – fake uniting the people (Dan.9:27) under the promised covenant of peace, but he will fail.”

The Grail connection

The Merovingian bloodline (1) and Holy Grail (2) teach of this earthly kingdom that descends from King David
through Adonai Yahshua.
The Grail -William Henry
“By strict definition “the Grail” is a Philosopher’s or Alchemist’s Stone that can turn one element into another.
The word ‘grail’ is phonetically similar to ‘grael’, old French for stone. As all Grail knights learn, the Grail is
also known as the ‘Stone of God’ that fell from Heaven.
In ancient Irish (Iris) religion and mythology Tara was also the sacred home for the Ari (later the Ari-ish or
Irish) who ranked below the Illi gods, yet above the people. Ireland (Ari-Land) takes its name from the Aris
(lion / ili-on – in Hebrew) or Arians. Ireland is considered the Great Motherland of the Aryan race, otherwise
known as Atlantis (3), Thule (4)
or Tula – William Henry (The Secret Throne of the Illuminati Discovered)
In medieval times, the line of Messianic descent was defined by the French word Sangréal – deriving from the
two words Sang Réal, meaning ’Blood Royal’. This was the Blood Royal of Judah: the kingly line of David
which progressed through Jesus and his heirs. In English translation, the definition Sangréal became ’San Graal’
(as in San Francisco). When written more fully it was ’Saint Grail’ – the word ’saint’, of course, relating to
’holy’. Then, by a natural linguistic process, came the more romantically familiar term, ’Holy Grail’. Laurence
Gardner – Bloodline of the Holy Grail
This bloodline also connects to the de Medici family which supported Christopher Columbus and produced
Catherine de Medici, the Queen of France who died in 1589. Her doctor was Nostradamus: It includes Rene
d’Anjou, Duke of Lorraine, and the House of Lorraine which employed Nostradamus and Christopher
Columbus. The bloodline relatives of the de Medicis and the House of Lorraine, Queen Isabella of Castile and
King Ferdinand of Spain, were also sponsors of Columbus when he “discovered” the Americas.
According to William Henry, Ireland is considered the Great Motherland of the Aryan race, otherwise known as
Atlantis. America is the ‘new atlantis {More on this in the next chapter}’ Is it a coincidence then that these
powerful bloodline families would be the ones to sponsor Columbus on his way to the Americas?


This bloodline also includes:
1. the Habsburgs, the most powerful family in Europe under the Holy Roman Empire
2. Geoffrey Plantagenet and the Plantagenet royal dynasty in England
3. King John, who signed the Magna Carta
4. King Henry Ist, II, and III, who were extremely close to the Knights Templar, as was King John
5. Mary Stuart and the Stuart Dynasty, including King James Ist of England, sponsor of the King James version
of the Bible
6. King George Ist, II, and III
7. Edward Ist, II, and III, Queen Victoria
8. Edward VII
9. George V and VI
10. Queen Elizabeth II
11. Prince Charles and Elizabeth’s other offspring, Anne, Andrew and Edward
12. Princes William and Harry from Charles’ “marriage” to Princess Diana
13. US Presidents, George Washington, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Franklin Delano
Roosevelt, and George Bush are all named in the charts as strands of this bloodline. Etc. etc. etc.
The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court of the Dragon Sovereignty -Nicholas De Vere
“When the Imperial and Royal Dragon Court was reconstituted by King Sigismund in 1408 as the Societas
Draconis, it was based upon an ancient bloodline tradition which Sigismund assumed that he had inherited from
his presumed Egyptian and Scythian ancestors through the Pictish, Dragon Princess Maelasanu of Northumbria
and the Ancient and Original Angevin Royal House of Vere of Anjou, the Imperial Dukes of Angiers.

This line had descended through the Tuatha de Danaan (the Dragon Kings of Anu) on the one hand, and
the Egyptian Dragon Dynasty of Sobek on the other. The latter strain included the bloodline of the
Davidic House of Judah who married into the descent of the Merovingian Kings of the Franks.”
The legends of the Grail clearly pertain to figures related to some purported lineage, as well as including
allusions to the Order of Templar Knights and doctrines of the Cathars. There are also evident links between the
ideas present in the Grail and the Kabbalah. Wolfram von Eschenbach, the most famous of the Mediaeval Grail
romances, claimed to have received his information from a Jew named Flegetanis. Furthermore, the Grail of
Eschenbach corresponds almost perfectly with the symbols the grade of Kabbalistic of initiation known
as Tiferet, consisting of a kind of sacrificial death, and rebirth or resurrection into another dimension. As
the authors explain:
For the medieval Kabalists the initiation into Tiferet was associated with certain specific symbols.
These included a hermit or guide or wise old man, a majestic king, a child, a sacrificed god. In time
other symbols were added as well — a truncated pyramid, for example, a cube and a rose cross. The
relation of these symbols to the romances is sufficiently apparent. In every Grail narrative there is a
wise old hermit — Perceval’s or Parzival’s uncle frequently — who acts as a spiritual guide. In
Wolfram’s poem the Grail as “stone” may possibly correspond to the cube.

Saturn & ‘Israel’
Amo 5:26 Yea, you have lifted up the booth of your king, and Kiyyun, your images, the star of your gods
which you made for yourselves!
Footnote in the JPS pocket edition of the Tanakh on Amos 5:26
“astral deity Saturn-R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of Israel.”
In Jewish thought 666 is a positive number pointing to the Messiah and the Messianic kingdom…
Joh 5:43 I have come in the name of My Father, and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own
name, you will receive that one.
The number 666 has significance as the numerical value of the Hebrew verse: “Ata yigdal na koach Ado-nai —
Now, I pray, let the Power of my Lord be great.” (Numbers 14:17). This was Moshe’s prayer invoking Divine
Mercy on behalf of the Jewish People.
“Mosad Hayesod” cites the Vilna Gaon’s commentary on the Zohar that “the number 666 contains
hidden within it exalted and lofty messianic potential.” No other explanation is offered there.
We do know that the number six represents the physical world. The Torah describes the creation of the universe
as a six part, six day, process. Our ancient sources describe the universe as emanating in six directions — north,
south, east, west, up, down — from a central point. All physical space and all physical objects have these six
666 is six repeated three times. Repeating a concept three times represents the affirmation and strength of that
concept. The number 666 could thus represent the strength and perfection of the physical world, which
Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era, when the physical world will reach its ultimate purpose,
to be a vehicle through which the created experience the Creator.
• Sources: Mosad Hayesod pp. 204-205
* Rabbi Dovid Rossoff, author o “Where Heaven Touches Earth,” Guardian Press

Here we see Judaism (1) embracing 666 as a number pointing to the Messianic Kingdom which in reality will
be the false, counterfeit kingdom of the antichrist. A false garden of Eden. The ‘golden age of the gods’. The
1948 counterfeit regathering and the counterfeit nation of Israel are leading the world into this counterfeit
kingdom (2). The Holy Scriptures speak of the regathering occurring at the end of the age and leading into the
Kingdom of Heaven. This is done by Messiah Yahshua. The counterfeit is happening today and is leading into
the counterfeit ‘millenium’. True Yisrael are those who are engrafted into the Olive tree (3)
of Yisrael.


The Hebrew Letters
Shin: The Eternal Flame
The letter shin appears engraved on both sides of the head- tefilin. On the right side, the shin possesses three
heads, while on the left side it possesses four heads. In Kabbalah we are taught that the three-headed shin is the
shin of this world while the four- headed shin is the shin of the World to Come.
Shin is the twenty first letter, and symbolizes the Spirit, the Spiritual Fire, The Flaming Sword. It is said that
when Shin is not in the middle of a word it turns to anger and resentment. When in the middle of a word, it is
the central equilibrating fire. For example is the word Moses, which is M Sh H, or Yeheshuah, which is Y H Sh
V H. Shin also stands for the Shekinah.
The image of the letter Shin is a tooth. The form of this letter refers to the three roots of the molars. Shin has
also its traditional meaning of the Cosmic Fire or the Fiery Spirit, the Holy Spirit. Because the tooth or the
molar refers to the taking of food, to eating, to taking in, it indicates, in combination with its other meaning, the
reception of Cosmic Fire. It is the influx of the Holy Spirit that flowed into the heads of the Apostles, shown as
a flame above each of their heads.
The body has taken in the Fiery Spirit. This Fire or Shin is the dynamic movement in the Universe and its active
and expansive forces. With this fire one dances on the World. Shin is the movement of everything that exists.
Shin vivifies all beings great or small. It is the Cosmic Snake or the Cosmic Dragon.
The shape of Shin also refers to the Trinity, here in its fiery aspect, the descending Dove. Its shape is
composed of three Vau’s, placed next to each other, giving the number 666, which is the number of the
Sun, and also of the Beast of the Book of Revelation of John. The number 666 is not evil as it is often
thought, it is a number of mystery.
The three flames in the letter Shin are also explained as being representations of the Od or the active force of
life, the Ob or the passive force of life, and the Aur or the balancing force of life.
The connection of the shin and tefillin/mezuzot to the mark of the beast will be addressed in greater detail in a
future study, Yah willing. In short it is another connection to the mark of the beast which is a counterfeit versus
the mark of YHWH which is the reality.
In the end it comes down to the original choice that mankind had. The tree of knowledge of good and evil or
the tree of life. The prophet Isaiah declares that the end is told from the beginning. The first test and the last
test of mankind will be the same. To choose the tree of Life who is Messiah Yahshua, who alone can offer
eternal life, or the tree of knowledge of good and evil which is counterfeit ‘divinity’ offered by the serpent.
Gnostics and Their Remains Ancient and Mediaeval pg 241
“Inasmuch as the genius of the planet Saturn, or Kronos, was held by the Talmudists to be good and pure,
contrary to those of the other planets, the Four-winged image, so common upon Gnostic gems, may reasonably
be considered as a copy from the ancient original, devised by Taut. Saturn, the sole inspirer of the Law and
the Prophets, had special claims to the veneration of the Alexandrine Kabbalists. And this belief explains
wherefore Valentinus fixed upon this planet for the abode of Ildabaoth, the Giver of the Law to the Children
of Israel in the Wilderness.”
Kabbalistic Tree of Life

The Symbolism of the Rose-Cross
The basic rose cross symbol is that of a rose appended to the junction of the two lines of the cross – the center
point. But the traditional Rosicrucian symbol is a cross of 6 squares whereon is a red rose of five petals. The
cross is of 6 squares for a number of reasons. It relates the cross to the number six which is the number of the
Tree of life Sphere to which it corresponds, that is, the Sphere of Tiphareth (Beauty) also known as the Sphere
of the Sun. The cross of six squares is also the unfolded cube of six faces. The perfect cube has been used to
represent the Holy of Holies since Old Testament times. We know the tabernacle was 10 cubits in length,
breadth, and height. The Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon’s Temple likewise was cubically shaped using the
measure of 20 cubits (666). In Revelation (21:17-18) the New Jerusalem is likened to a perfect cube of pure
gold. Gold is related to the cube, cross, and Sun sphere for a number of reasons. Gold is the metal associated
with the sun. But also Qabalistically, the cube unfolds to a cross of six; this means that the units around the
cross (the perimeter) add up to 14. The Hebrew word zahab means gold and the letters of the word add up to 14
(Zain + Heh + Beth or 7 + 5 + 2 = 14). In addition, all these symbols that correspond to six correspond
geometrically to the hexagram.

Tipharet = the Bull/Golden Calf = the hexagram

Initiation in the Aeon of the Child - J. Daniel Gunther

In Kabbalistic thought, Saturn is linked YHWH.
In Gnosticism, in specific the Ophites, it is said that
YHWH is synonymous with Saturn.
Ariel Guttman and Kenneth Johnson in Mythic Astrology
state that the Gnostics and early Kabbalists viewed Saturn
as Yahweh of the Old Testament, the tyrannical father God
obsessed with rigid enforcement of the law. Saturn’s
association with Yahweh is recognized with the Sabbath –
Yahweh’s holy day, devoted to Saturday, Saturn’s Day.
Origen says that the Ophite demiurge had the face of a lion
and was connected with Saturn, and this has led some
scholars to conclude that Jaldabaoth* was a combination of
Baal and Kronos. John of Damascus says that the
Phoenicians held Kronos to be a kind of demiurge, and
because Saturday was the day of Yahweh and the day of
Saturn, the two were welded together. Given the
synchretism that plagued Israel throughout much of her
history, it’s not surprising that the result could be Ophite or
Ildabaoth = Michael in occult thought
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 366
“The learned Albert Pike (who, toward the end of his life,

looked closely into Sanskrit to study the most ancient traditions behind such things) called the planetary angels
Amshaspends. Following tradition, he named the leader of the group with the Hebraic title Ialdabaoth. The
mighty beings were said to be six in number, attendant upon the sun-being Ahura Mazda, of which he is a
synthesis, and numbered as the seventh. In fact, Pike seems to have been more interested in the functions of the
angels than in their many nomenclatures. He emphasized that the function of the angels was ‘to furnish
[mankind] the means of exercising [its] liberty.’ He insists that those souls that are purified through this contact
with light will rise heavenward, while those that persevere in evil will be chained to the body of the passions,
from lifetime to lifetime. He recognized that, in this belief, he was not in any way divergin from the ‘familiar
lineaments’ of early Christian doctrine. The Russin H.P. Blavatsky, writing at almost the same time as Pike,
admitted that these spiritual beings are the Cosmocratores, or builders. She seems to have been just as alert as
Pike to the fact that the seven planetary angels had been dealth with by Trithemius, who had named the leader
of his Secundadeians Michael. They both recognized that Trithemius had sepcified 1881 as marking an
important turn in Western civilization.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 30
“Esotericists (of which there were many in the United States at that time) knew that this was the year [1881]
which the great 15th century abbot and occultist, Trithemius von Nettesheim, had predicted would mark a
fundamental turning point in history.”
Rosicrucian Thomas Henry Burgoyne in the 19th century spoke of the Dark Age (Iron Age) was coming to a
close and the new Age of Gold was to begin in 1881.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 30
“Trithemius – and, later, his followers – insisted that under the rule of this planetary angel there would be
inaugurated an exciting change of direction for mankind. The angel Michael was dedicated to the expansion of
human consciousness, and freedom. Furthermore, it would be during the Age of the Sun, which would begin in
1881, that the Jews would return to their homeland.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 32
“[Albert] Pike spurned the name Michael, and harked back to an older tradition which named the leader of the
angels Ialdabaoth. Pike was using ancient terminologies from the ancient Mystery lore, but he knew full well
from his wide reading of French occultist Eliphas Levi that Trithemius had called the angel Michael, and that he
was the ruler of the Sun, and of fire*… Madame Blavatsky, writing at almost the same time as Pike, admitted
that the spiritual beings who ruled the ages were the prototypes of the Seven Spirits of the Catholic Church: she
saw Michael as the ‘personified creation of the envoy Ilda-Baoth’, and guardian angel of the Jews.”
Blavatsky wrote a letter to the Bombay Gazette in Marh 1881 about the significance of the year 1881.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 32
“She saw it as the ‘correct number of the three figures which have most perplexed mystics and Christians for no
less than sixteen of seventeen centuries’ – including the great Newton. She insisted (in a somewhat tortuous
argument) that the four-cypher 1881 was the equivalent of the three-cypher 666 – the number of the Great Beast
of the biblical Revelation.”
*Fire = Shin = Tooth = Sirius
As seen above, the letter shin represents both fire and the tooth.
1881 was ‘birth’ of the false state of Israel.
The First Aliyah (also The Farmers’ Aliyah) was the first modern widespread wave of Zionist aliyah. Jews who

migrated to Palestine in this wave came mostly from Eastern Europe and from Yemen. This wave of aliyah
began in 1881–82 and lasted until 1903.
The First Aliyah laid the cornerstone for Jewish settlement in Israel and created several settlements – Rishon
LeZion, Rosh Pina, Zikhron Ya’aqov, Gedera etc.
Most settlements met with financial difficulties and most of the settlers were not proficient in farming. Baron
Edmond James de Rothschild took several of the settlements under his wing, which helped them survive
until more settlers with farming experience arrived in subsequent aliyot.

“Avi hayeshuv” Father of the

“In 1822 it [the Six-Pointed Star] was adopted
by the Rothschild family and put on their coat
of arms… It began in 17th century Frankfurt,
Germany, where Mayer Amschel Bauer hung a red hexagram…on his door to identify his address. Soon after
this [he]…began supplying coins to Prince William of Hanau and upon becoming supplier to the court, he
changed his family name to Roth and Schild and Schild, meaning Red Shield.”
[N.B. Rothschild actually means "Ruth's Child" and refers to the lineage of David and Solomon whose ancestor
was Ruth (I Chron. 2:12-15)
"Saturn was also…connected with…the minting of coins: he was even the guardian of the treasury."
"…a six pointed star [is] known as…hexagram, Solomon’s Seal, Star of David. It is even called the ‘Talisman
of Saturn’.”
“In 1836, [Zevi] Kalischer appealed to Mayer Amschel (…Rothschild) to buy out completely the land of Israel
or at least Jerusalem and particularly the Temple area in order to ‘bring about the miraculous redemption from
below’. Zevi Kalischer said the salvation promised by the prophets of old could come only gradually and by
self-help from the Jews.”

Nineveh’s red shields

According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the
Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.
The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. The Rothschilds are an important part of the history
of the Seal of Solomon (also known as hexagram, Magen David, six-pointed star, Star of
David.) The Seal of Solomon, the hexagram, was not considered a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds began
using it. Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon had been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist
Magicians, Druid witches and Satanists. One of the few ancient uses of the symbol was on the floor of a 1,200
year old Moslem Mosque found where Tel Aviv is today.10 In the twelve century an Ashkenazic Jew Menahem
ben Duji, who thought he was the Messiah, used the magical symbol.

Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat- of-
arms. The name they adopted for their family actually comes from the fact that in the 17th century Mayer
Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their house to identify it. Mayer Amschel then
decided to take the name red-schield (Rothschild in German) after the red Seal of Solomon that they used. In
1836 Zevi Hirsch Kalischer approached Rothschild and proposed Rothschild buy all of Erez Israel. It took many
years for the Rothschilds to finally create Israel. The Rothschilds have been a primary force behind the creation
of Israel, and so it is appropriate that the nation carries their magical Seal of Solomon as the state logo.
Anka Muhlstein wrote in her book Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds,
“The success of the five brothers, who seemed to share Europe among themselves without ever dividing their
forces, fired the imagination. The best writers of the time gave credence to the notion of the all-powerful
bankers. ‘The Jewish banker says: ‘[God] has given me the royalty of wealth and the understanding of
opulence, which is the scepter of society. . . . ‘A Jew now reigns over the Pope and Christianity. He pays
monarchs and buys nations,‘ stated Alfred de Vigny. Jewish polemists joined in and declared: ‘There is only
one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild. . . and speculation is his sword. . . . Rothschild needed states in
order to become Rothschild. . . . However, today he no longer needs the state, but the state needs him.’ Heine
put it more humorously, recalling olden times when the King would have had the teeth of M. de Rothschild
pulled out had he refused a loan. Today, ‘Rothschild, Baron and Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,
may stroll over to the Tuileries whenever it strikes his fancy, without fear of losing even one tooth to a cash-
hungry King.’ Metternich’s spies took the same line and in their reports feigned surprise at the presence in
James’ office of General Rumigny, whom Louis-Philippe had put in charge of everything related to the Bourse.
Rothschild, wrote a certain Klindworth to Count Apponyi, the Austrian Ambassador, ‘places in each ministry, in
every department at all levels, his own creatures who feed him the greatest variety of information.’
While the European press devoted long articles to the Rothschild triumphs, American newspapers, often
influenced by a group of German Jews to whom the image of an all-powerful Court Jew was familiar, portrayed
Rothschild as fabulous and fantastical: ‘The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves
without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to
Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the
true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary
people. . . . The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David—more
wisdom than Solomon.’ Even the wildest rumors came to seem credible. In 1830 an American weekly
reported on its front page that the Rothschilds had purchased Jerusalem: ‘We see nothing improbable that
in the pecuniary distress of the sultan, he should sell some parts of his dominions to preserve the rest; or that the
Rothschilds should purchase the old capital of their nation. They are wealthy beyond desire, perhaps even
avarice; and so situated, it is quite reasonable to suppose that they may seek something else to gratify their
ambition, that shall produce most important effects. If secured in the possession, which may be brought about
by money, they might instantly, as it were, gather a large nation together, soon to become capable of defending
itself, and having a wonderful influence over the commerce and condition of the east—rendering Judah again
the place of deposit of a large portion of the wealth of the ‘ancient world.’ To the sultan the country is of no
great value; but, in the hands of the Jews, directed by such men as the Rothschilds, what might it not become,
and in a short period of time?’—A. Muhlstein, Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds, The Vendome
Press, New York, Paris, (1982), pp. 104-106.
For more on the Rothschild, Israel connection:

Ashtoreth was the wife of Saturn
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of
David}, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning
the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell
from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the
wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they
made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
In Kabbalistic thought, the hexagram represents the uniting of the ‘six
sefirot of the male’ and the seventh sefirot of the female (nukva).
The Hebrew Goddess
A Hebrew inscription on a broken storage jar, found in Kuntillet ‘Ajrud in
north-eastern Sinai and dated from the beginning of the eighth century BCE
has three primitive figures: a standing male figure in the foreground; a
female figure just behind him; and a seated musician in the background.
The Hebrew inscription above the drawing reads: ‘I bless you by Yhwh of
Samaria and his Asherah’ (Dever, 1984; King, 1989). Furthermore, a tomb
inscription from el-Qom in Judea, dated to the eighth century BCE too,
concludes with the words: ‘to Yhwh and his Asherah’ (Margalit, 1989, 1990
and further references there).

The Hebrew Goddess, by Raphael Patai

Was the Hebrew God also a Woman?
The Bible gives the impression that all ancient Jews shared a common belief system … with only an occasional
group straying from the fold. But the evidence paints a different picture. As Dr. Patai states, “… it would be
strange if the Hebrew-Jewish religion, which flourished for centuries in a region of intensive goddess cults, had
remained immune to them.” Archaeologists have uncovered Hebrew settlements where the goddesses Asherah
and Astarte-Anath were routinely worshipped. And in fact, we find that for about 3,000 years, the Hebrews
worshipped female deities which were later eradicated only by extreme pressure of the male-dominated
And then there’s the matter of the Cherubim that sat atop the Ark of the Covenant in the Holy of Holies.
Fashioned by Phoenician craftsmen for Solomon and Ahab, an ivory tablet shows two winged females facing
each other. And one tablet shows male and female members of the Cherubim embracing in an explicitly sexual
position that embarrassed later Jewish historians … and even the pagans were shocked when they saw it for the
first time. [The Star of David, two triangles "embracing" became the coded symbol for God & Goddess locked
in a "creating" posture....!]
The joining of man and woman to become one. ‘Adam Kadmon.’
“In Bilaam’s prophetic vision, he states, “There steps forth a star from Jacob and there arises a scepter out of

Israel.” Targum Onkelos notes that this “star” alludes to Moshiach. The Jerusalem Talmud, however, learns that
this term alludes to every Jew, inasmuch as Jews are likened to the stars. How do we reconcile these seemingly
contradictory interpretations?”
“Actually, both meanings are correct. The star in our verse alludes to both Moshiach and to every Jew, as the
Meor Aynayim writes, in name of Baal Shem Tov, that within each and every Jew there is a `spark’ of the soul
of Moshiach. This reconciles both aforesaid interpretations. As such, every Jew today has the ability to rectify
the `spark’ of Moshiach within the soul, which originates from the first human being – Adam. Adam is an
acrostic for: Adam (Alef), David (Daled) and Moshiach (Mem).”
Messianic Mystics – Moshe Idel
“…in the context of the larger Kabbalistic views…the secret of the name Adam apparently points to a well-
known acronym: ‘Adam, David, Mashiyah’….mean(ing) that Adam’s soul has been reincarnated in the body of
David, who will return as the Messiah… The Messiah therefore, will possess the soul that first inhabited Adam
[the primordial ideal man] and then David.”
Satan/Saturn was believed to be the androgynous Adam-Eve of Gen. 1:27, aka the First Adam, heavenly Adam-
Kadmon, creator of the world.
The Saturn Myth – David Talbott
“The first religious symbols were symbols of Saturn, and so pervasive was the planet-god’s influence that the
ancients knew him as the creator, the king of the world, and Adam, the first man. …Adam was lord on earth, to
rule and control it… He is creator and supporter of the world, whose body encloses all the elements of life.”
“Saturn was the cosmic Adam… Saturn’s identity as the Heaven Man and first ancestor occurs again and again
in Gnosticism, in alchemy, and in the traditions of the Kabala. ‘As the first man’, observes Jung, ‘Adam is the
homo maximus of Saturn, the Anthropos [Man par excellence] from whom the macrocosm arose, or who is the
macrocosm. He is not only the prima materia but a universal soul which is also the soul of all men. Saturn, Jung
adds, is a synonym for Adam and the prima materia. The planet is the Philosophical Man or the Original Man
— ‘the blessed Man on high, the arch man Adamus’.”
“Islamic mystics called Adam ‘the universal man’ or ‘the perfect man’ upholding the Cosmos. To the Ophites of
the early Christian era, he was Adamus, ‘the man from on high.’”
“This quality of the central sun persists in Hebrew and Muslim imagery of Adam, the Heaven Man. The
Naasenes esteemed Adam as the ‘rock’ and ‘cornerstone’ writes Jung: ‘The stone is indeed of supreme
importance, because it fulfills the function of Adam Kadmon as the ‘capital stone,’ from which all the upper and
lower hosts in the work of creation are brought into being.’”
Isis Unveiled – H.P. Blavatsky
“The Adam Primus, or Kadmon, the Logos of the Jewish mystics, is the same as the Grecian Prometheus, who
seeks to rival with the divine wisdom… Prometheus is also the Logos of the ancient Greeks, as well as Herakles
The Secret Doctrine – H.P. Blavatsky
“Adam is therefore in one sense Jehovah.”
The New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies – William Still
“…to Luciferians, God has a dual nature; he is the good god, Lucifer, and the bad god, Adonay, both supposedly
equal in power, yet opposite in intent… Lucifer is further divided into Isis, the female principal, and Osiris, the
male principal.”
The New Age will be called the Golden Age of Adam and Saturn.

The Rosicrucian Enlightenment
“So, in the Confessio, the second Rosicrucian manifesto, the general reformation is said to presage ‘a great
influx of truth and light’ such as surrounded Adam in Paradise, and which God will allow before the end of the
world. And…this millennium, this return to the golden age of Adam and Saturn, is said to be assisted by ‘the
high society of the Rosicrucians’ who wish to turn all the mountains into gold. The satire here associates the
whole movement with a ‘Rosicrucian’ type of alchemy, for the gold referred to is not the material gold of
alchemical transmutation, but the spiritual gold of a golden age and a return to Adamic innocence.”

Resources for Chapter 7:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible: Jeff Benner

Atlantis: The Antideluvian World - Ignatius Donnelly

Bloodline of the Holy Grail - Laurence Gardner

Bloodlines of the Illuminati - Fritz Springmeier

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Jasher

The Bringers of the Dawn and the Alchemy of Human Evolution

British Edda - L.A. Waddell

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Chaos & Creation

Children of the Matrix - David Icke

The Cross: Its Origin and Significance

Cup of Destiny - Trevor Ravenscroft

The Dog as Deity, Ancestor and Royal Animal -

Ecologue IV - Virgil

Encyclopedia Britannica

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry

Francis Bacon and the A.A. -

Genesis of the Cosmos - Paul A. LaViolette
Genesis Rabbah

Gnostics and Their Remains Ancient and Mediaeval

The Golden Dawn - Israel Regardie

The Grail - William Henry

The Green Mountain Gardener - Dr. Leonard Perry

The Hebrew Alphabet -

The Hebrew Goddess - Raphael Patai

The Hebrew Goddess -

The Hebrew Letters - Rabbi Yitzchak Ginsburgh & Avraham Ariah Trugman

The Hebrew Letters Shin: The Eternal Flame -

Highlights of Moshiach: A Spark of Moshiach Within Each Jew -
The Hiram Key - Christopher Knight & Richard Lomas

A History of Secret Societies

Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Initiation in the Aeon of the Child - J. Daniel Gunther

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Isis Unveiled - H.P. Blavatsky

James, Fausset, Brown Bible Commentary

Jewish Publication Society TaNaKH pocket edition

John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

Judah's Sceptre and Joseph's Birthright - J.H. Allen

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Man and His Gods

Man, Myth and Magic: An Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Supernatural - Richard Cavendish

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike

The New Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible

The New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies - William Still

Now is the Dawning - Barbara Walker

Ohr Somaych - 666 -
Return of the Serpent's Wisdom
The Rise of the French Rothschilds - Anka Muhlstein
Rulers of Evil - Tupper Saussy
Sacred Books of the East: Volume 1 - Assyria & Babylon
Satan's Door Revisited - Bill Schoebelen
The Saturn Myth - David Talbott
Saturnian Cosmology - Jno Cook
Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol - David Ovason
Secret Destiny of America - Manly P. Hall
The Secret Doctrine - H.P. Blavatsky
Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill - David Ovason
Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall
The Secret Throne of the Illuminati Discovered - William Henry
The Septuagint
Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man - Albert Churchward
Sirius Mystery - Robert Temple
The Six Pointed Star - O.J. Graham
Smith's Bible Dictionary

The Stone of Destiny - Jack Phillips

Studies in the Cultural Life of the Jews in England

Sumerian Liturgies and Psalms - Stephen Langdon
Swift Platinum Easton's Topical Bible

Talmud - Sanhedrin

Testament of Reuben

Testament of Naphtali

Thayer's Greek Definitions

Two Babylon's - Alexander Hislop

UFO Chronicles

Uriel's Machine - Christopher Knight & Richard Lomas

Watch Unto Prayer - Barbara Aho -

The Watchmaker God and Father Christmas

Webster's Dictionary 1828

Chapter 8
Solomon & Freemasonry
Solomon was a type and picture of the Messiah. However, he is also a picture of the antichrist because the
antichrist is a counterfeit (1) of the Messiah {Isaiah 14:14}. Solomon’s reign as king began in faithfulness to
YHWH, but ended in rebellion and worship of false deities. So too, the antichrist may come appearing as the
Messiah but in the end will be revealed to be the man of lawlessness.
Solomon was the ‘beloved son’ (2 Samuel 12:25) who built the Temple
1Ch 22:9 Behold, a son shall be born to you; he shall be a man of rest, and I will give him rest from all
his enemies all around, for Solomon shall be his name, and I will give peace and quietness to Israel in his
1Ch 22:10 he shall build a house to My name, and he shall be a son to Me, and I a Father to him; and I
will establish the throne of his kingdom over Israel forever.
The Messiah builds the Temple
Zec 6:12 And speak to him, saying, So says YHWH of Hosts, saying, Behold! The Man whose name is
THE BRANCH! And He shall spring up out of His place, and He shall build the temple of YHWH.
Zec 6:13 Even He shall build the temple of YHWH; and He shall bear the majesty, and shall sit and rule
on His throne. And He shall be a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace shall be between the two
of them.
Beloved son
2Sa 12:24 And David comforted his wife Bathsheba. And he went in to her, and lay with her. And she
bore a son, and he called his name Solomon. And YHWH loved him,
2Sa 12:25 and sent by the hand of Nathan the prophet, and called his name Jedidiah, because of YHWH.
Mat 3:17 And behold! A voice out of the heaven saying, This is My Son, the Beloved, in whom I have
been delighting.
Riding upon a donkey/mule at their enthronement
1Ki 1:33 And the king said to them, Take with you the servants of your lord, and you shall cause my son
Solomon to ride on my mule, and cause him to go down to Gihon.
Zec 9:9 Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion! Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold, your King comes
to you! He is righteous and being victorious, humble, and riding on an ass, even on a colt, the son of an


Reigning from sea to sea
1Ki 4:20 Judah and Israel were many, as the sand by the sea in multitude; eating and drinking and
1Ki 4:21 And Solomon reigned over all the kingdoms from the River to the land of the Philistines, and to
the border of Egypt. They brought presents and served Solomon all the days of his life.
Speaking of Messiah…He will reign from the sea to the sea
Zec 9:10 And I will cut off the chariot from Ephraim and the horse from Jerusalem. And the battle bow
shall be cut off, and He shall speak peace to the nations. And His dominion shall be from sea to sea, and
from the River to the ends of the earth.
Kings will bring Him presents
Psa 72:8 He shall also rule from sea to sea, and from the River to the ends of the earth.
Psa 72:9 Those dwelling in the desert will bow before Him, and His enemies will lick the dust.
Psa 72:10 The kings of Tarshish and of the isles shall bring presents; the kings of Sheba and Seba shall
offer gifts.
Psa 72:11 Yea, all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him.
Wisest man on earth
1Ki 4:29 And God gave Solomon exceeding great wisdom and understanding, and largeness of heart,
even as the sand that is on the lip of the sea.
1Ki 4:30 And Solomon’s wisdom was greater than the wisdom of all the sons of the east, and than all the
wisdom of Egypt.
1Ki 4:31 For he was wiser than all men; wiser than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and
Darda, the sons of Mahol. And his name was in all nations all around.
1Ki 4:32 And he spoke three thousand proverbs, and his songs were a thousand and five.
1Ki 4:33 And he spoke of trees, from the cedar tree in Lebanon, even to the hyssop that springs out of the
wall. He spoke also of beasts and of birds, and of creeping things, and of fish.
1Ki 4:34 And there came some from all the people to hear the wisdom of Solomon, from all the kings of
the earth who had heard of his wisdom.
Messiah = Wisdom
1Co 1:24 But unto them which are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God, and the
wisdom of God.
1Co 1:30 But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and
sanctification, and redemption:
No satan in his kingdom
1Ki 5:4 And now YHWH my God has given me rest all around; there is no adversary {satan} nor evil
The Millenial Kingdom
Rev 20:1 And I saw an angel coming down out of Heaven, having the key of the abyss, and a great chain
on his hand.
Rev 20:2 And he laid hold of the dragon, the old serpent who is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a
thousand years,

Rev 20:3 and threw him into the abyss, and shut him up, and sealed over him, that he should not still
lead astray the nations, until the thousand years are fulfilled. And after these things, he must be set loose
a little time.
The falling away of Solomon led to the division of the house of Israel. On the contrary, Messiah does not fall
away or fail. He regathers Yisrael through His death and resurrection (John 10:15). The counterfeit kingdom
will be an attempt to recreate the kingdom of Israel in Solomon’s time. Therefore, there must be a counterfeit
regathering (1) to the Land, as well as a counterfeit Israel (2) living there.
1Ki 11:4 And it happened, at the time Solomon was old, his wives turned away his heart after other gods,
and his heart was not perfect with YHWH his God, like the heart of his father David.
1Ki 11:5 And Solomon went after Ashtoreth, goddess of the Sidonians, and after Milcom, the
abomination of the Ammonites;
1Ki 11:6 and Solomon did evil in the sight of YHWH, and did not go fully after YHWH like his father
1Ki 11:7 Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is
before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the sons of Ammon;
1Ki 11:8 and so he did for all his foreign wives, who burnt incense and sacrificed to their gods.
1Ki 11:9 And YHWH was angry with Solomon, for his heart had bent away from YHWH, God of Israel
who had appeared to him twice,
1Ki 11:10 and had given a charge to him concerning this thing, not to go after other gods; and he did not
keep that which YHWH commanded.
Satan’s Plot is to conspire with apostate Israel.
And the LORD said unto me, A conspiracy is found among the men of Judah, and among the inhabitants
of Jerusalem. – Jeremiah 11:9
There is a conspiracy of her prophets in the midst thereof, like a roaring lion ravening the prey; they
have devoured souls; they have taken the treasure and precious things; they have made her many widows
in the midst thereof. – Ezekiel 22:25
Because ye have said, We have made a covenant with death, and with hell are we at agreement; when the
overflowing scourge shall pass through, it shall not come unto us: for we have made lies our refuge, and
under falsehood have we hid ourselves:… And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your
agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be
trodden down by it. – Isaiah 28:15,18
Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there
many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time. – 1 John 2:18
After the century long planned WWIII occurs (3), mankind will be deceived into believing that the Gog &
Magog war/Armageddon has occurred and the one who brings peace to the earth will be the Antichrist. The
nation of “Israel” will be victorious over Islam. The temple will be rebuilt and a false millennium will ensue.


Satan’s Principle Man to deceive the world will be a counterfeit Solomon.
King Solomon is both a type of Yahshua Ha’Moshiach and a type of the Antichrist. The Jews believe that King
Solomon was the Messiah and that Solomon, rather than Yahshua, will come again to establish the Millennial

Jewish Kabbalism, the basis of Freemasonry, teaches that Solomon is the Jewish messiah.
“As a further witness respecting His eternal generation, the Spirit of Elohim which brooded over the face of the
waters is sometimes regarded as the Spirit of Messiah, who has washed His robes in heavenly wine from the
creation of the world. He is also the sacred moon on high, having no other light than that which it receives from
the sun above ; but it is to be noted that the Shekinah is also symbolised by the moon and this has led to a
precarious and indeed impossible identification of the Messiah as the Shekinah incarnate. It might be said on
the same evidence that Solomon was an incarnation of Messiah and Moses also, for both had the moon as
a symbol.”
“The idea that Solomon was the messiah was justified, for his reign was one of both splendour and peace:
1 Kings 4:21 ‘And Solomon reigned over all kingdoms from the river unto the land of the Philistines, and unto
the border of Egypt: they brought presents, and served Solomon all the days of his life. …For he had dominion
over all…the kings on this side the river: and he had peace on all sides round about him. …And Judah and
Israel dwelt safely, every man under his vine and under his fig tree, from Dan even to Beersheba, all the
days of Solomon.’” – Genesis of Eden
“The Encyclopedia Judaica says of the six-pointed star (which they call the hexagram) that two Cablists, Isaiah,
the son of Joel Ba’al Shem and Abraham Hayyim Kotten, testify that the symbol sprang up in kabbalistic circles
where the ‘Shield of David’ became the ‘Shield of the son of David,’ the Messiah.”

Counterfeit Messiah

Did the ’star of David’ originate with King David? Or perhaps a false Messiah who took the name David?

The Thirteenth Tribe Arthur Koestler pg 136

Illustration 57: The Thirteenth Tribe Pg 137

Illustration 58: The Thirteen Tribe pg 137

Shabbatai Tzevi (1)

The Star of David came into its greatest prominence during the messianic era of the false 17th century
Rabbi Shabbatai Tzevi who heralded the coming Messianic Era in Judaism in the year of 1666. Out of this
era, the German Jews designed a special star shaped brass oil lamp that was called the Judenstern (Jewish star)
that was symbolic that the lighting of the candles on the eve of the Shabbat (Sabbath) was a foreshadow of the
coming Age of the Messiah.
King of the Universe
“Ps. 72: A prayer for the success of the king, perhaps a coronation ode. Only Pss. 72 and 127 are headed by Of
Solomon. Ps. 72 is probably ascribed to Solomon because it emphasizes qualities and events for which he was
known: judicial wisdom (1 Kings 3.16-28), the great extent of the kingdom and the gifts and tribute he collected
(1 Kings 5.1-3), including from Tarshish (cf. 1 Kings 10.22), and from Sheba (cf 1 Kings 10.10); he is also the
first king who may be called (v.1) ‘the king’s son’…

The extent of the king’s dominion from sea to sea, from the Mediterranean Sea to the Persian Gulf, and from
the river the Euphrates (1 Kings 5.4). This is hyperbolic court style; or, alternatively, the language is
mythic, signifying that the king reigns over the entire universe (cf. Ps. 89.26; Zech. 9.10).” – Jewish Study
“Every true Mason…realizes that the Temple of Solomon is really the Temple of the Solar Man – Sol-Om-On –
the King of the Universe.” – Manly P. Hall, The Lost Keys of Freemasonry
“The Ritual of the Degree of Kabalistic and Hermetic Rose has th[is] passage: ‘The true philosophy, known and
practised by Solomon, is the basis on which Masonry is founded.’” – Morals & Dogma, p. 785
“The Lion that guarded the Ark and held in his mouth the key wherewith to open it, figuratively represents
Solomon, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, who preserved and communicated the key to the true knowledge of
God, of His laws, and of the profound mysteries of the moral and physical Universe… The lion [‫ אריה‬,‫ארי‬,
Arai, Araiah, which also means the altar] still holds in his mouth the key of the enigma of the sphynx.” – Albert
Pike, Morals & Dogma, p. 210
“…Solomon’s royal authority was enhanced by his status as a sacral king who supervised the religious rites,
himself offered sacrifices, blessed the people after the manner of priest, and took a decisive part in the
dedication of the Temple, the sanctification of the court and the celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles. (I Kings
3:15; 8:1-5, 14, 22, 54-56, 62-66)” – Encyclopedia Judaica,
The mark/symbol of Solomon will be the mark of the beast
Satan will recreate Solomon’s Kingdom as Yahshua’s Millennial Kingdom 3 1/2 years ahead of schedule.

Satan’s Counterfeits (1)

Satan will counterfeit the end time prophecies to make it look as if all has occurred then he can take his
antichrist kingdom while the world believes that the true Messiah has come to earth.
Satan will attempt to bring “the garden of Eden” to earth by faking the Kingdom come, and setting up his throne
in Jerusalem
Isa 14:13 For you have said In your heart, I will go up to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the
stars of God, and I will sit in the mount of meeting, in the sides of the north*.
Isa 14:14 I will rise over the heights of the clouds; I will be like the Most High.
*This is speaking of Zion


Psa 48:1 A Song, A Psalm for the Sons of Korah. Great is YHWH, and exceedingly to be praised in the
city of our God, His holy mountain.
Psa 48:2 Beautiful on high, the joy of all the earth, is Mount Zion, in the sides of the north, the city of the
great King.

Scriptural references linking Solomon and Antichrist

Amo 5:26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images, the star of your god,
which ye made to yourselves.
Act 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch*, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye
made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
*1Ki 11:7 Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abomination of Moab, in the hill that is
before Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abomination of the sons of Ammon;
2Ch 2:17 And Solomon numbered (safar) all the strangers that were in the land of Israel, after the
numbering wherewith David his father had numbered them; and they were found an hundred and fifty
thousand and three thousand and six hundred.
Notice who led David to number the people
1Ch 21:1 And Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel.
1Ch 22:1 And David said, This is the house of YHWH God, and this altar for burnt offering for Israel.
1Ch 22:2 And David commanded the aliens in the land of Israel to be gathered, and appointed masons to
cut stones to build the house of God.
1Ki 10:14 Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six
talents of gold
Dan 8:23 And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of
fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.
Dan 8:24 And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully,
and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
Dan 8:25 And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify
himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes;
but he shall be broken without hand.
1Ki 4:30 And Solomon’s wisdom excelled the wisdom of all the children of the east country, and all the
wisdom of Egypt.
1Ki 4:31 For he was wiser than all men; than Ethan the Ezrahite, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda,
the sons of Mahol: and his fame was in all nations round about.
Eze 28:2 Son of man, say unto the prince of Tyrus, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thine heart is
lifted up, and thou hast said, I am a God, I sit in the seat of God, in the midst of the seas; yet thou art a
man, and not God, though thou set thine heart as the heart of God:
Eze 28:3 Behold, thou art wiser than Daniel; there is no secret that they can hide from thee:
Eze 28:4 With thy wisdom and with thine understanding thou hast gotten thee riches, and hast gotten
gold and silver into thy treasures:
Eze 28:5 By thy great wisdom and by thy traffick hast thou increased thy riches, and thine heart is lifted
up because of thy riches:

1Ki 5:12 And YHWH gave wisdom to Solomon, as He had spoken to him. And there was peace between
Hiram and Solomon; and they cut a covenant, the two of them.
1Ki 5:13 And King Solomon caused a labor force to go out of all Israel; and the labor force was thirty
thousand men.
Abominable branch. Messiah comes from branch of David, Antichrist will too, but he is abominable
Isa 14:19 But thou art cast out of thy grave like an abominable branch, and as the raiment of those that
are slain, thrust through with a sword, that go down to the stones of the pit; as a carcase trodden under
The Branch = the Day Star
Luk 1:76 And you, child, will be called Prophet of the Most High, for you will go before the face of the
Lord to prepare His ways, Mal. 3:1
Luk 1:77 to give a knowledge of salvation to His people by remission of their sins,
Luk 1:78 through the tender heart of mercy of our God, in which the Dayspring* from on high will visit
Luk 1:79 to appear to those sitting in darkness and in shadow of death, to direct our feet into the way of
peace. Isa. 9:2
From G393; a rising of light, that is, dawn (figuratively); by implication the east (also in plural): – dayspring,
east, rising.
Anatole is used to translate the following Hebrew words in the Septuagint, including the word 'tsemach.'
anatole H3318 yatsa
anatole H4217 mizrach
anatole H5051 nogah
anatole H6780 tsemach
anatole H6921 qadim
anatole H6924 qedem
The dayspring from on high (anatole ex hupsous). Literally, rising from on high, like the rising sun or stars
(Isa_60:19). The word is used also of a sprouting plant or branch (Jer_23:5; Zec_6:12)
Tsemach is a Messianic Title
Isa 4:2 In that day shall the branch of the LORD be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth
shall be excellent and comely for them that are escaped of Israel.
Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will raise unto David a righteous Branch, and a
King shall reign and prosper, and shall execute judgment and justice in the earth.
Jer 33:15 In those days, and at that time, will I cause the Branch of righteousness to grow up unto David;
and he shall execute judgment and righteousness in the land.
Zec 3:8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for they are men
wondered at: for, behold, I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH.

Zec 6:12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the LORD of hosts, saying, Behold the man whose
name is The BRANCH; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of the LORD:
Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for your light has come, and the glory of YHWH has risen on you!
Isa 60:2 For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples. But YHWH shall
rise on you, and His glory shall be seen on you.
Rev 22:16 I, Jesus, sent My angel to testify these things to you over the assemblies. I am the Root and
Offspring of David, the bright and morning Star*.
*What is the counterfeit?
Isa 14:12 Oh shining star, son of the morning, how you have fallen from the heavens! You weakening the
nations, you are cut down to the ground.

Introduction to Freemasonry pg 132-133
“The Hiramic legend is the glory of Freemasonry; the search for that which was lost is the glory of life…it is
not a word, but The Word, the great secret, the unknowableness which the Great Architect sets before his
children, a will o’ the wisp to follow, a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.”
Meaning of the name Hiram
Hiram = the ‘sungod’

Illustration 59: Morals & Dogma pg 78

Illustration 60: Morals & Dogma pg 87

Hiram is linked to the ‘living one’ or the dying/rising god represented by the bull/golden calf.

Illustration 61: Morals & Dogma pg 79

The golden calf = Saturn

Act 7:41 And they made a calf in those days, and led a sacrifice up to the idol, and made merry in the
works of their hands.
Act 7:42 But God turned and gave them over to serve the host of the heaven, as it has been written in the
book of the Prophets: “Did you bring slain beasts and sacrifices to Me forty years in the wilderness, O
house of Israel?
Act 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you
made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. Amos 5:25-27
John Gill commentary
Act 7:43 Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Molech. Sometimes called Molech, and sometimes Milcorn; it was
the god of the Ammonites, and the same with Baal: the one signifies king, and the other lord; and was, no
doubt, the same with the Apis or Serapis of the Egyptians, and the calf of the Israelites.
The word translated as mark in Revelation is used only one other time in Scripture referring to man engraving
something to represent the Almighty.
Act 17:29 Then being offspring of God, we ought not to suppose that the Godhead is like gold or silver or
stone, engraved by art and the imagination of man.
This is the essence of the mark of the beast…it is a counterfeit worship of YHWH. This is what the golden calf
was. Making a golden calf (beast) and calling it YHWH (Exodus 32:5). This is who the antichrist will be. A

counterfeit Yahshua.
Hiram = Hermes

Illustration 62: Morals & Dogma pg 79

Hermes = ‘The Word’

History of Freemasonry pg 51
“…Hermes was the symbol of Divine Intelligence and the primitive type of Plato’s ‘Logos.’
Hermes = Saturn
Hermes is known as the trickster
The trickster is an important archetype in the history of man. He is a god, yet he is not. He is the wise-fool. It is
he, through his creations that destroy, points out the flaws in carefully constructed societies of man. He rebels
against authority, pokes fun at the overly serious, creates convoluted schemes, that may or may not work, plays
with the Laws of the Universe and is sometimes his own worst enemy. He exists to question, to cause us to
question not accept things blindly. He appears when a way of thinking becomes outmoded needs to be torn
down built anew. He is the Destroyer* of Worlds at the same time the savior of us all.
*The destroyer is also another meaning of the name Hiram
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 9
“Hiram means ‘Exaltation of Life, ‘ Their liberty,’ or ‘Whiteness,’ ‘He that destroys.’ “
Planet Saturn and the Trickster
Saturn, the grim reaper, rules responsibilities, restrictions, limitations, and the lessons you must learn in life. He
does not deny or diminish imagination, inspiration, spirituality, or good fortune, but he does demand that these
things be given structure and meaning. The karmic lessons we have come to experience and overcome in this
lifetime are expressed by Saturn. Saturn is a great teacher if you allow it to be so. If you resist, then you feel like
you have been dealing with the Trickster. It takes spiritual maturity to move beyond the challenges of the
Trickster and to embrace Saturn the Teacher.
Hiram is the Masonic version of the ‘dying and rising god’ of the mysteries. Tammuz, Bacchus, Osiris etc.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 5
“Hiram represented a popular Syrian God, against whom the champions of Jehovah strove unceasingly.”

Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 173
“Hiram, King of Tyre, was the representative of a line of priest-kings who claimed to be gods, and that the god
they represented was Adonis.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff ? Pg 15
“Hiram…was a Priest-King and a living representative of Adonis.”
Adonis was another name for Tammuz the ‘man-god.’
J.S.M. Ward in his book “Who Was Hiram Abiff?” on page 10 speaks of Tammuz/Adonis as part man part god.
It was because there was a divine spirit in Tammuz, or Adonis, that the man part was inevitably destroyed…
Adonis, the God-man
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 62
“This being (speaking of a sculpture of a God with a man’s head and a lion’s body) is the son and lover of
Astarte, depicted in his ancient animal form, a form which was doubtless shown only to the priests and
initiates. While to the outside world he was represented in human shape, here in the inner sanctuary the terrible
truth was revealed that Tammuz was half beast and half man.”
Hiram represents the ‘man-god’
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 236
“As Manicheism was merely an attempt to unite the old Syrian fertility cult with Christianity, we see a still
further strengthening of the link which unites both Masonry and Templary with Syria. As every initiate in
Freemasonry represents Hiram, and so Tammuz, it naturally follows that in taking on his character the initiate
takes also the title of ‘Son of the Widow,’ the widow being originally Astarte, and later Astarte disguised as the
fallen Sophia. In this latter form the candidate then becomes the representative of the Saviour whom the
Gnostics, like the orthodox Christians, considered to be Christ. Thus in the course of years, and by a perfectly
natural process of religious evolution, it comes about that it is to-day quite legitimate to regard the candidate as
the humble representative of Christ, and the teaching of Masonry to be a mystic allegory of the development of
the Christ spirit within us.”
The Man of Sin
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 173-174
“Concerning this Hiram some strange legends are to be found among the Jewish Rabins, all of which point to
his divine nature and to the fact that the name Hiram was the title of the kings of Tyre. He was said to have
lived from the time of David to the time of the destruction of the Temple, because he had helped to build the
Temple. Towards the close of this period he became puffed up with pride, imagined himself a god, and built
and artificial heaven in which he sat enthroned…In the tradition that Hiram walked in Paradise we seem to
have a distorted memory of the claim of these god-men that their souls were divine and ascended to the city of
the Gods, a claim probably dramatically represented in the ‘higher-grades of Tammuz’ by the visit to the Isles of
the Blest.”
2Th 2:3 Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that Day will not come unless first comes the
falling away, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition*,
2Th 2:4 the one opposing and exalting himself over everything being called God, or object of worship, so
as for him “to sit in the temple of God” as God, setting forth himself, that he is God. Dan. 11:36; Eze. 28:2
*The word for perdition, here in the Greek is:

Thayer Definition:
1) destroying, utter destruction
This corresponds with Hiram meaning the destroyer.
The destroyer (Apollyon) is the beast
Rev 11:7 And when they complete their witness, the beast coming up out of the abyss will make war with
them, and will overcome them, and will kill them.
Rev 17:8 The beast which you saw was, and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss, and goes to
perdition. And those dwelling on the earth will marvel, the ones whose names have not been written on
the Book of Life from the foundation of the world, seeing the beast, that it was a thing, and is not, yet now
Rev 9:11 And they have a king over them, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name was Abaddon, and
in Greek he has the name Apollyon.
Hiram & the pit
In Masonic tradition, there is a story told in relation to the death of Hiram Abiff where 3 men plotted together to
cause an accident to kill Hiram. It is said that they caused the doors which held back the molten brass for the
bronze articles of the Temple to be opened and the red-hot liquid overflowed to the ground. Hiram tried to stop
the molten metal with jets of water but was unsuccessful. It was at this point that the story gets interesting.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 180
“Suddenly the distracted architect saw before him a gigantic human form which said, ‘Come, my son, be
without fear, I have rendered thee incombustible, cast thyself into the flames.’ Hiram at once leapt into the
molten mass and instead of being burnt felt himself being dragged down into a bottomless abyss. He cried
‘Whither do you take me?’ and received the answer ‘Into the centre of the earth, into the soul of the world, into
the kingdom of Cain, where Liberty reigns with him. There the tyrannous envy of Adonai ceases; there
can we, despising his anger, taste the fruits of the tree of knowledge; there is the home of thy fathers.’
‘Who then am I, and who art thou?’ asked Hiram.
‘I am the father of thy fathers, I am the son of Lamech, I am Tubal-Cain.’
Hiram afterwards talked with Cain and others of his ancestors, learnt that they were descendants of the genii of
The priests of Tammuz/Adonis took his name and mark
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 65
“We know that in many parts of the Near East there were lines of priest-kings who represented the god Tammuz
and who on assuming office lost their personal names in his. Thus, at Pessinus, in Phrygia, the priest of Cybele
was called Attis; so was her high priest at Rome; the priests of Sabazus were called Saboi; the worshipper of
Bacchus, Bacchoi. Such priest-kings, moreover, wore the regalia of the gods they served.”
The Temple of Hiram is the Lodge of Masonry

Illustration 63: Morals & Dogma pg 7
The Temple of Masonry is ‘in the hearts of men’
Above the the bronze door entrance of the House of the Temple in Washington D.C. it states, “Freemasonry
Builds its Temples in the Hearts of Men and among Nations”

The heart represents the throne of Elohim. The Temple of YHWH was a representation of the human body,
where the human heart corresponds to the ark of the covenant.
In the book of Revelation (Chapter 4) John is shown a vision of the Throne of Elohim. Around the throne and
the 4 living creatures are 24 elders (Revelation 4:4) representing the 24 ribs surrounding the human heart. From
the heart blood is pumped to the Lungs. As seen in Genesis 1:2-5 (1), the etymology of the English word
‘Lung’ traces back to the meaning of Light. In our bodies our lungs have 7 vascular bundles called nodes.
These represent the 7 Spirits of Elohim (Revelation 4:5; Isaiah 11:1-3). These 7 Spirits/Ruach/Breathe are
pictured in the earthly Tabernacle/Temple by the Menorah. The Menorah is a picture of the Tree of Life. The
Light of the world.


Rev 4:5 And out of the throne come forth lightnings and thunders and voices. And seven lamps of fire are
burning before the throne, which are the seven Spirits of God;
This is where the man of sin seeks to be enthroned (2 Thessalonians 2:4).
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 11
“…the Phoenician Kings claimed to be incarnations of Adonis, and Ezekiel actually denounced the King of Tyre
because he called himself a God.”
Eze 28:2 Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, So says the Lord YHWH, Because your heart is lifted up,
and you have said, I am a god, I sit in the seat of gods, in the heart of the seas; yet you are a man, and not
God, though you give your heart as the heart of gods.
Eze 28:3 Behold, you are wiser than Daniel. Every one of the secret things are not hidden to you.
Eze 28:4 With your wisdom and with your understanding you have made riches for yourself, and have
worked gold and silver into your treasuries.
Eze 28:5 By your great wisdom, by your trade you have multiplied your riches, and your heart is lifted
up because of your riches.
Eze 28:6 So the Lord YHWH says this: Because you have given your heart as the heart of gods,
Eze 28:7 behold, so I will bring on you awesome strangers of the nations. And they shall draw their
swords against the beauty of your wisdom and will defile your splendor.
Eze 28:8 They will cause you to go down to the Pit, and you shall die the deaths of the slain in the heart
of the seas.
Eze 28:9 Saying, do you say, I am of the gods before him who strikes you? But you are a man, and not
God, in the hands of him who pierces you.
Eze 28:10 You shall die the deaths of the uncircumcised, by the hand of strangers. For I have spoken,
says the Lord YHWH.
Eze 28:11 And the Word of YHWH was to me, saying,
Eze 28:12 Son of man, lift up a lament over the king of Tyre, and say to him, So says the Lord YHWH:
You seal the measure, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
Eze 28:13 You have been in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering; the ruby,
the topaz, and the jasper, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the turquoise, and the
carbuncle, and gold; the workmanship of your tambourines and of your flutes in you. In the day you
were created, they were prepared.
Eze 28:14 You were the anointed cherub that covers, and I had put you in the holy heights of God, where
you were. You walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.
Eze 28:15 You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, until iniquity was found in you.
Eze 28:16 By the multitude of your trade, they filled your midst with violence, and you sinned. So I cast
you defiled from the height of God, and I destroyed you, O covering cherub, from among the stones of
Eze 28:17 Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you corrupted your wisdom because of your
splendor. I have cast you to the ground. I will put you before kings, that they may see you.
Eze 28:18 By the host of your iniquities, by the iniquity of your trade, you have defiled your holy places.
So I brought a fire from your midst and it shall devour you, and I will give you for ashes on the earth in
the sight of all who see you.
Eze 28:19 All who know you among the peoples shall be appalled at you. You shall be terrors, and you
will not be forever.

In the above verses we see a ‘man’ who claims to be a god but shall die, then later speaks of him being in the
Garden of Eden. This is the essence of the antichrist figures throughout history. Men who claim to be divine,
whose claim traces back to the serpent in the garden. They claim to be divine but the fruit they are partaking of
is from the tree of knowledge which brings forth death.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 31-32
“…the Kings of the neighboring city of Tyre claimed to be the off-spring of Baal and Gods, even during their
life on earth…for the King was considered a God-King. A similar custom prevailed in Egypt where the Kings
were literally worshipped as Divine…the God was supposed to transfer his Divine Soul from one generation of
Kings to the next.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 32-33
“Josephus informs us that the father of King Hiram was called ‘Abi-Baal’ which means of course, ‘the Father of
the God,’ and implies that he, at any rate, survived the period at which his son became the recipient of the
Divine Soul. It would thus appear as if Abi-Baal and Hiram Abiff were the same persons…During this period,
and long after it, Syria literally swarmed with Priest-Kings who were believed to be the incarnations of their
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 33-34
“Reverting to the Kings of Byblos and Tyre, we find that some at any rate, were not only Kings but also Priests
of Astarte…In these circumstances it seems desirable to decide exactly who the Baal of Tyre was. He was
Melcarth (Moloch)*, whom the Greeks identified with Hercules, and this fact is borne out by Josephus who
tells us that King Hiram built and consecrated ‘The Temples of Hercules and Astarte.’ He also tells us that Baal
was the God of the Phoenicians. The Phoenicians, however, usually called him Melcarth, which means ‘The
Divine King,’ while the alternative title Baal merely means ‘God.’
*Baal = Moloch = Saturn = Tammuz {see Chapter 7}
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 34
“Frazer considers that these Semitic Kings personated their God and had to marry the Goddess of the Earth,
Astarte. In short, we may say that Baal and Tammuz were really the same Deity, although, perhaps, viewed
from a slightly different angle.”
As seen above, Tammuz and Adonis were the same ‘god.’ Adonis also is equivalent to Osiris.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 35
“…the Rites of Adonis were so similar to those of Osiris that some of the Ancients considered he was Osiris.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 93
“ Osiris represents the Semitic Moloch, and Horus, Tammuz.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 58
“Freemasonry is a descendant of the Adonis cult.”
The Temples of Astarte were similar to the Temple of Solomon
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 36
“…in its main outline King Solomon’s temple corresponded with the temples of Astarte.”
This is important to note as the temple built by Solomon is a picture of the body of Messiah. The temples then
of Astarte, Molech, Ba’al etc., are a picture of the body of antichrist. These temples were counterfeits of the
Pg 56 Star of Astarte & the rising of Adonis
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 59

“Thus we find that the cult of Adonis not only dealt with death and resurrection, but its hero was murdered and
the annual celebration started when a certain bright start appeared in the East at dawn.”
This star was the star of Astarte/Venus.
Notice in addition to the hexagram symbology, Astarte is standing upon a lion. This will be discussed in more
detail below.
Hiram a shadow picture of the ‘new man’
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 2
“Later came the Mystic who, taking the ancient legend (Hiram), again
transformed it into a symbol of the inner strivings of man’s soul, the High
Quest of God: a revelation that even in poor sinful man there resides a Spark
of the Divine Being with Whom we can achieve union and At-one-ment, the
Beatific Vision, then end of the age-long Quest.
The Grail
The Graal legends trace back to the Tammuz cult (Who Was Hiram Abiff?
Pg 78)
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 78
“In the original Tammuz cult among the Jews a cauldron plays an important
part, and is referred to by both Jeremiah and Ezekiel…Now in the Mabinogion, in the story of Branwen, the
daughter of Llyr, we learn of this mysterious cauldron…We there learn that Bendigeid Vran said to Matholwch,
‘I will give unto thee a cauldron, the property of which is, that if one of thy men be slain to-day, and be cast
therein, to-morrow he will be as well as ever he was at the best, except that he will not regain his speech.’ We
learn further that originally this cauldron belonged to a gigantic man of Ireland…The legend of how this
cauldron came to Ireland is also instructive. The Tuatha de Danaan (1) were a race of magicians who came
from Syria, and in their war with the Syrians used their magic cauldron to revive their own slain…This cauldron
also had the property of bestowing fertility on the land to which it came, and in the course of years became
converted in the Graal legends into the Chalice, which nevertheless still retained many of the cauldron’s
magical properties. The Graal story clearly indicates a semi-magical initiation rite of death and resurrection,
such as is found in other parts of the world, and its connection with the old fertility cult is vouched for not only
by the mention of a similar cauldron in the Jewish rites of Tammuz, but by the fact that for its comparisons it
has the severed head, which in some versions talks, the spear which drips blood, and a magic sword. The spear
is similar to the spear of Marduk and the spear with which the human representative of Tammuz was slain. The
head reminds us of the head of Tammuz, which was thrown into the sea at Alexandria, and the sword, the magic
sword of Solomon.”

Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 75
“…it must be remembered that at Antioch and Ephesus Cybele blended with Astarte and there we find Eunuch
priests, some of whom are known as King-bees, which suggests that the survival of the Bee in Freemasonry
may be due to the fact that it reminded men of the sacrifice the male insect makes in order that the Queen may
be fertilized…”

Footnote to pg 75
“According to the article in Encyclopedia Britannica on ‘Artemis’ 11th edition pg 665, one group of these
priests were called Essenes, which suggests that the Jewish sect of the same name may have originated from a
similar order of priests attached to a local form of Astarte.”
More on the Essenes in volume 2 on Holy Blood, Holy Grail and its connections to the mark.

Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 142

“Now Diana, or Artemis of Ephesus, who was of course merely another form of Astarte, had an order of Priests
who were either called Essenes or at any rate had a High Priest over them known by the title of Essen.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 108
“…in the days of Josephus, the Essenes worked a secret Initiation Rite of four degrees, and though regarded as
good Jews, nevertheless prayed to the Sun just before the dawn as if invoking him to rise. Surely this fact is
most significant and suggests that in the Essenes we have at least one of the links by which the old Adonis Cult,
cleans and purified, was passed on to the Roman Colleges of Architects, and so, via the Mediaeval Comacine
Masons, to us.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 133-134
“the Essenes were a sect with elaborate initiatory rites, penal oaths, and so forth, whose obligation was
strikingly like the charge given in the first degree in masonry. Included in their rites was a preliminary baptism
with water, special regalia, a sort of sacramental meal, and, above all, prayers to the sun which, though alien to

the orthodox Jewish faith, were an integral part of the ceremonies connected with the death of Tammuz.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 149
“There are unmistakable signs of a fertility cult ritual in the legend of the Graal and also among the Templars.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 150-151
“the black stone of the Kaaba, which is supposed to have fallen from heaven, originally represented the ‘Great
Mother,’ and is a ‘close relation’ to the black stone which the Romans brought to the Holy city when they
established there the rites of Cybele…The ancient Order of the Assassins also had a girdle, which was red, and
these four examples suggest that the Dervish girdle is the lineal descendant of that worn by the Essenes and that
the Templar girdle came from one of the Syrian sects.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 155
“The Assassins were a sect of Ismailites and, like the parent body, believed that God was incarnated in a series
of great teachers…”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 159
“Now we have seen that the Essenes invested their novices with a girdle, that the distinguishing badge of the
Assassins was a red cord or girdle, and that in the Dervish rites, as still practiced, the candidate is first encircled
with a girdle….The ‘Chronicle of St. Denis’ says of the Templars that in their girdles was their Mahomedanism,
for that is the clear meaning of the phrase, and implies that they had dedicated themselves to the service of
Mahomed. It must not be forgotten that the Mediaeval ecclesiastics regarded the Mahomedans not as members
of an alien or non-Christian faith, but as heretics…The Cathari also used such a cord, fastening it round the
breast of their ‘Perfecti’ at the completion of their ceremonies…Thus the Essenes, the Assassins of Lebanon, the
Cathari, and the present day Dervishes use a cord to denote membership of a secret Order, and we can therefore
have little doubt as to whence the Templars derived it.”
The Head of Adonis
One of the charges of heresy placed upon the Templars was the ‘worship of a head.’ This traces back to the
severed head of Adonis.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 161
“It may be that this head represents the head of Adonis, which was thrown into the sea at Alexandria each year,
and we also cannot overlook the fact that among the ‘hallows’ of the Graal is a bleeding head, sometimes
described as the head of St. John the Baptist. We have already seen that the two St. Johns, and more especially,
St. John the Baptist, took over many of the rites and customs associated with Adonis, and therefore we are
entitled to suspect that the Templar head and the head in the Graal legends both go back to the older cult.”
The skull and cross bones symbol traces back to this head of the Templars. The legend speaks of a noble lady
named Maraclea who was loved by a Temple, who when she died dug up her body and violated it. A voice told
him to return in nine months and he would find a son. When he came back in nine months he opened the grave
and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton. The same voice told him to ‘guard it well, for it would be the
giver of all good things.’ The knight carried this head with him which gave him magical powers over his
enemies and in due course the head passed into possession of the Knights Templars (Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 162
“The legend seems to be a garbled account of an initiation rite of death and resurrection, and, moreover, one
reminiscent of the old legends of Adonis and Astarte, and also of the story of how Horus was begotten by the
dead Osiris. This legend would represent a Templar ceremony of the mystic marriage, the age-old symbol of
the attainment by the true seeker of Divine union…”

Why does it say 322 at the bottom of the Skull & Bones symbol? It is a reference
back to Genesis 3:22.
Gen 3:22 And YHWH God said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to
know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the
Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
Also notice that the skull in the above picture has a head wound…
Rev 13:3 And I saw one of its heads, as having been slain to death, and its deadly wound was healed. And
all the earth wondered after the beast.
Hiram Abiff represents the man with the fatal head wound.
Lessons in Capitular Masonry pg 62
“Hiram Abiff is Man. In the first two degrees, which symbolized the first gropings of the soul for Light, he
becomes conscious of ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ – Jachin and Boaz – which form the gateway of Matter through which
the soul must pass in the pilgrimage which it makes as the prodigal son into a far country to find the Light of
Image of Jealousy
Eze 8:3 And He put forth the form of a hand and took me by a lock of my head. And the Spirit lifted me
up between the earth and the heavens and brought me to Jerusalem (in the visions of God), to the
opening of the inner gate facing north, where there was a seat of the image of jealousy, which causes
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 99
What was the ‘Image of Jealousy’ opposite the north gate – the symbolic place of darkness? It was Ashtoreth,
that is to say, Astarte, the Great mother, the Lover of Tammuz…The exact spot on which the shrine of Astarte
stood was the Mount of Olives.”
2Ki 23:13 And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of the Mount of
Corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had built for Ashtoreth the idol of the Sidonians, and for
Chemosh the idol of the Moabites, and for Milcom the idol of the sons of Ammon, the king defiled.
2Ki 23:14 And he broke the images in pieces, and cut down the Asherahs, and filled their places with the
bones of men.
Where was Messiah crucified? On this same mount (1)
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 107
“Thus we see in both scriptural passages a reference to the worship of the sun and to a tree, and in each case the
primitive idea is clearly re-birth, or the resurrection of the slain God, Tammuz, over whom the women at the
north gate were weeping, while the seventy and one elders in the tomb were by means of prayer and incense
striving to raise him.”
Link to Solomon
The Song of Solomon on the literal level is speaking of Solomon and the Shullamite bride. On a deeper level it
is speaking of Messiah Yahshua and His bride. What is the counterfeit? Tammuz and Astarte.


Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 114
“So the Song of Solomon is the liturgy of the wooing and marriage of Astarte and Tammuz performed every
year in Palestine in the Spring, which inevitably led up to the death, or loss, of the male God in order that the
land might become fertile.”
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 244
“The name Hiram seems to be closely connected with the Greek word Hermes, the Messenger of the Gods, the
Conductor of the Dead through the Underworld, and the symbol of the higher intelligence. Is it not possible
that this connection implies that the Greeks, who accepted the Orphic teaching long before the Classical period,
who celebrated the Mysteries of Dionysius and adopted and Hellenised the Cult of of Adonis, may have derived
not only the name Hermes, but also the whole conception of that God from Hiram Abiff?”
Hiram = Cain
The History of Freemasonry pg 423
“it is as at least a curious coincidence that Cain, which I have shown to mean a smith, should have been the first
builder of a city, and that the same name should have been assigned to the first forger of metals, while the old
Masonic Legend makes the master smith, Hiram of Tyre, also the chief builder of Solomon.”
Cain is a picture of the antichrist.
Gen 4:1 And the man knew his wife Eve. And she conceived and bore Cain, and said, I have gotten a man
(with the help of) YHWH.
Literally ‘I have gotten a man YHWH’
Here we see a picture of man who was a ‘God’ (2 Thessalonians 2:4) but in reality was from the adversary.
Cain was from the evil one
1Jn 3:12 not as Cain was of the evil one, and killed his brother. And for what did he kill him? Because his
works were evil, but the things of his brother were righteous.
Both Chiun and Saturn are identified as Cain.
“The god of time was Chium in Egypt, or Saturn…and Chium is the same as Cain.” – Blavatsky, The Secret
“Chiun is sometimes called Kaiwan, or spelled Khiun, and means star. The star of Saturn was a god… Sakkuth
and Kaiwan or Chiun are objects of idolatrous worship and are Assyrian gods. In Akkadian texts both names
mean the planet or star, Saturn.” (O.J. Graham, The Six-Pointed Star pg 28-29)
Since Chiun and Cain are linked with Saturn, the planetary name for Satan, the mark of Cain was the mark of
Saturn, a six-pointed star.
Who Was Hiram Abiff? pg 179
“According to Heckenthorne, Hiram Abiff was descended from Cain, whose father was on of the Elohim, and
begot Cain by Ebe…At the flood all this gifted race [from the Elohim/genii of fire] were destroyed except
Tubal-Cain and his son. The wife of Ham fell in love with this son and by him became the mother of Nimrod,
who was not only a mighty hunter but the founder of Babylon. From Nimrod descended Hiram Abiff, who is
really the same as Adoniram.”

The Lion’s Paw
Secret Places of the Lion pg 5-6
“To understand fully what ‘lion’ means in its symbolic sense we must search the ancient mysteries known only
to selected initiates…Candidates who successfully passed the ancient Mithraic initiations were called ‘lions’ and
were marked upon their foreheads with the Egyptian cross…Mithras himself is often pictured with the head of a
lion and two pairs of wings. The reference to the ‘Lion’ and the ‘Grip of the Lion’s Paw’ in the Master Mason’s
degree have a strong Mithraic tinge and may easily have originated from this cult…Initiates of the Egyptian
mysteries were sometimes called lions or panthers. The lion was the emissary of the sun, symbolizing light,
truth, and regeneration…The lion symbolized Secret Wisdom (King Solomon was often symbolized as a lion);
to overcome this beast is to become a master of such wisdom.”
Introduction to Freemasonry pg 134
“The lion is one of Freemasonry’s most powerful and potent symbols both in the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and
the paw of the lion.”

Introduction to Freemasonry pg 135

“The idea of a resurrection is curiously interwoven with the lion..the lion was connected with the idea of
resurrection long before the Man of Galilee walked upon the earth. In ancient Egypt as we learn from the stone
carvings on the ruins of temples a lion raised Osiris from the dead level to a living perpendicular by a grip of his
paw; the carvings show a figure standing behind the altar, observing the raising of the dead, with its left arm
uplifted and forming the angle of a square.”

Illustration 64: Morals & Dogma pg 210

The Lion = Solomon in Masonic thought
According to Masons, Solomon ‘resurrected’ Hiram w/ the “Lion’s paw”. This sounds very similar to the
account in Revelation 13.
Rev 13:11 And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and
he spake as a dragon.
Rev 13:12 And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them
which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed.
Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in
the sight of men,
Rev 13:14 And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth by the means of those miracles which he had
power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to them that dwell on the earth, that they should make an
image to the beast, which had the wound by a sword, and did live.
Rev 13:15 And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should
both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed.
Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in
their right hand, or in their foreheads:

Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the
number of his name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the
number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
Major points involved in the 3rd degree of Freemasonry.
* The candidate is dressed in ‘pauper’s clothing’. with both leg bared, both arms bared, bare chest and heelless
left and right slippers.
* The second degree apron is worn over the pauper’s clothing.
* The blue blindfold, called a hoodwink, is placed over the candidate’s eyes.
* The blue ‘cable tow rope’ is wound 3 times around his body at the waist.
* Compass points are pressed against left and right breast.
* Two swords are pressed in a ‘V’ against the kidneys.
* The candidate is shown the secret handshake – the ‘lion’s paw’ grip, the ‘Due Guard’ and four further signs of
Horror, Sympathy, Grief and Distress, and Joy and Exaltation. The passwords are ‘Machoben’ and ‘Tubal Cain’
* During the oath taking the candidate will have held the ‘Volume of Sacred Law’ (VSL) which for most
UK/USA Blue Lodges would be the Bible.
• Ceremony involves enacting out a drama whereby the candidate becomes ‘Hiram Abiff’ the (mythical)
architect of King Solomon’s temple. The candidate as Hiram Abiiff is attacked by three Juwes (Joo-ees)
who kill him by three violent blows to the body and head (or sometimes all three blows are to the head,
right and left temples and forehead). The first blow is with a 24″ gauge to the throat, the second with a
square to the chest and the third (death blow) with a maul to the head. The candidate then falls onto an
open stretcher and is shown a black coffin shaped cloth with skull and bones, and is then buried
temporarily under the temple rubbish, then moved to burial under the Acacia tree.
In the drama the candidate is attempted to be raised back to life by the 1st degree secret grip but this fails. The
second degree grip also fails, and it is then that the worshipful master, impersonating King Solomon, steps
forward and applying the third degree ‘lion’s paw’ grip succeeds in raising the candidate from death into
new life in Freemasonry.
The picture shows how the grip of the Lion’s Paw was given in the Pyramid Mysteries. The priest wore over his
head the mask of a lion. By this grip the spirit in man, long buried in the sepulchre of substance, is raised
to life, and the candidate goes forth as a builder entitled to the wages of an initiate.

From the inside cover of ‘The Lost Keys of Freemasonry’
by Manly P. Hall 33rd degree
* The candidate is then given the five points of
fellowship. Foot to foot, knee to knee, breast to breast,
hand to mouth and mouth to ear.
• At this point the Grand Masonic Word ‘Mah-hah-
bone’ is revealed under penalty of death of
revealed, as is the secret word ‘Machaben'
The lion, from the earliest times of recorded history, has
been a symbol of might and royalty. It was placed on the
standard of the Tribe of Judah because it was the royal
tribe of the Hebrew Nation. The Kings of Judah were,
therefore, called the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. This
was one of the titles of King Solomon. This is the literal
meaning of the term, but it also has a symbolic one. The
Jewish idea of the Messiah was that of a mighty
temporal king. He was designated the Lion of the Tribe
of Judah, for it was from this tribe that all rulers came.
The expression does not, of necessity, refer to Jesus of Nazareth, though the Christian Mason may so interpret
the name if he desires. The Lion of the Tribe of Judah also describes the Messiah of the Jewish Mason or the
mediator of some of the ancient religions of the East whose worshippers are Masons. Freedom of choice as to
the application of these symbols is one of the reasons for the growth of Freemasonry over the centuries.
Mentor’s Manual (Florida), page 24.
The Freemason is introduced to the symbolism of the lion’s paw during the Master Masons degree during the
portrayal of the Hiramic legend where the reference is to the spiritual resurrection and immortality. The
symbolism of resurrection clearly is an important part of a Freemason’s journey and quest for Light. In
moving from darkness to Light, the Freemason recognizes his personal transformation and improvement, but
the great step forward is made in the Third degree. From the hand of a trusted Brother one is raised to a higher
level of spiritual understanding and with the strength so gained, may become a better man and Freemason.
Therefore Masonry teaches that redemption and salvation are both the power and the responsibility of the
individual Mason. Saviors like Hiram Abiff can and do show the way, but men must always follow and
demonstrate, each for himself, his power to save himself, to build his own spiritual fabric in his own time and
way. Every man in essence is his own savior and redeemer; for if he does not save himself, he will not be saved.
The reader who succeeds in getting back to the real teachings of the masters, including Jesus of Nazareth, will
find unanimity of thinking on this matter.
The Meaning of Masonry, p. 95
“It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ’s than that they should believe that Jesus was

Christ.” J D Buck, Mystic Masonry, (1913).
Albert Pike alludes to the Freemasonic Messianic legacy within its mythology in his seminal work, Morals and
Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (1872)
Albert Pike “Behold the object, the end, the result, of the great speculation and logomachies of antiquity; the
ultimate annihilation of evil, and restoration of Man to his first estate, by a Redeemer, a Masayah, a Christos,
the incarnate Word, Reason, or Power of Diety” (Morals and Dogma pg 29)
“God is, as man conceives Him, the reflected image of man himself.” (Morals and Dogma pg 288)
W.I. Wilmhurst, The Meaning of Masonry pg 47, 94
“This…the evolution of man into superman…was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries…Man, who has
sprung from the earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature…has yet to complete his
evolution…by becoming a god-like being…”

The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 74

Masonry is UNIVERSAL and recognizes no CREEDS, taking truth wherever it is found. That Jesus, the man,
lived is conceded by even a vast majority of non-Christian creeds, the Jew acknowledges him to have been a
Great Teacher. Some Christian creeds declare him to have been “conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the
Virgin Mary,” others refuse this dogma, attribute to him no supernatural birth and claim he “achieved Christ-
hood.” Occult teaching largely agrees with this latter thesis and points to him as a “prototype” of the
perfect man – the goal toward which the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE is evolving. We are here referring to the
Master strictly in that sense – one who has Mastered himself in the fullest sense of the expression.
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 124
There have been numerous prototypes of the perfect man, forerunners of the perfected race which is to come. In
some way, for some unexplainable reason, these prototypes came to be looked upon as “Saviors” rather than
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 124-5
It is of course true they are “saviors” in the sense that they exemplify what man CAN BE and what he is to
BECOME, but they do not so much “save men” as to point the way to “salvation.”
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 158
We may discover why brief but glorious glimpses of what MAN MAY BE have been vouchsafed by such
saviors as Osiris, Krishna, Jesus and Hiram.
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 156
The resurrection of Hiram is also taught by The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania through the use of The Lost
Word Its Hidden Meaning and other Masonic books they circulate which contain similar teachings. The Grand
Lodge of Pennsylvania uses the book to draw a parallel between Hiram and Jesus, just as some other Grand
Lodges do in their monitors.

Hiram, like Jesus, is subjected to three temptations which he withstands. He, like all the other saviors, loses his
life in the contest between Right and the Principle of Evil. He lies buried fifteen days in contrast to the three
days Jesus is said to have been in the tomb. The manner of his resurrection is dramatically different from all the
others. Here, in fact, is a more enlightening example of resurrection than in any of the savior legends.

The Ring of Solomon

The myth of the Ring of Solomon was principally developed by Arabic writers who
claimed that God gave the ring to Solomon. The ring is said to have had the name
of God engraved upon it. But this posed a problem with the Jewish community as
Jewish law forbade the Jews to write the name of God. Thus it was conceded that
the six pointed star and later the five-pointed star is what King Solomon had
inscribed on his ring. Medieval Jewish, Christian and Islamic legends believed that
King Solomon commanded demons and spoke with animals by the power of his
Josephus Antiquites 8.2.5
5. Now the sagacity and wisdom which God had bestowed on Solomon was so
great, that he exceeded the ancients; insomuch that he was no way inferior to the
Egyptians, who are said to have been beyond all men in understanding; nay, indeed,
it is evident that their sagacity was very much inferior to that of the king’s. He also excelled and distinguished
himself in wisdom above those who were most eminent among the Hebrews at that time for shrewdness; those I
mean were Ethan, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. He also composed books of odes and
songs a thousand and five, of parables and similitudes three thousand; for he spake a parable upon every sort of
tree, from the hyssop to the cedar; and in like manner also about beasts, about all sorts of living creatures,
whether upon the earth, or in the seas, or in the air; for he was not unacquainted with any of their natures, nor
omitted inquiries about them, but described them all like a philosopher, and demonstrated his exquisite
knowledge of their several properties. God also enabled him to learn that skill which expels demons, (4) which
is a science useful and sanative to men. He composed such incantations also by which distempers are alleviated.
And he left behind him the manner of using exorcisms, by which they drive away demons, so that they never
return; and this method of cure is of great force unto this day; for I have seen a certain man of my own country,
whose name was Eleazar, releasing people that were demoniacal in the presence of Vespasian, and his sons, and
his captains, and the whole multitude of his soldiers. The manner of the cure was this: He put a ring that had a
Foot of one of those sorts mentioned by Solomon to the nostrils of the demoniac, after which he drew out the
demon through his nostrils; and when the man fell down immediately, he abjured him to return into him no
more, making still mention of Solomon, and reciting the incantations which he composed. And when Eleazar
would persuade and demonstrate to the spectators that he had such a power, he set a little way off a cup or basin
full of water, and commanded the demon, as he went out of the man, to overturn it, and thereby to let the
spectators know that he had left the man; and when this was done, the skill and wisdom of Solomon was shown
very manifestly: for which reason it is, that all men may know the vastness of Solomon’s abilities, and how he
was beloved of God, and that the extraordinary virtues of every kind with which this king was endowed may not
be unknown to any
people under the sun for this reason, I say, it is that we have proceeded to speak so largely of these matters.
In between Psalm 89-91 in the Dead Sea Scrolls were found 4 “exorcism” psalms, 3 of which were never seen
the 4th being Psalm 91. In the second exorcism psalm it speaks of Solomon invoking the spirits and demons.

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol 2 pg 245
“The Seal of Solomon or the Shield of David, for under both names the same thing was denoted, is a hexagonal
figure consisting of two interlaced triangles, thus forming the outlines of a six-pointed star. Upon it was
inscribed on of the sacred names of God, from which inscription it was supposed principally to derive its
talismanic powers. These powers were very extensive, for it was believed that it would extinguish fire, prevent
wounds in a conflict, and perform many other wonders. The Jews called it the Shield of David in reference to
the protection which it gave to its possessors. But to the other Orientalists it was more familiarly known as
the Seal of Solomon. Among these imaginative people, there was a very prevalent belief in the magical
character of the King of Israel. He was esteemed rather as a great magician than as a great monarch,
and by the signet which he wore, on which this talismanic seal was engraved, he is supposed to have
accomplished the most extraordinary actions, and by it to have enlisted in his service the labors of the
genii for the construction of his celebrated Temple….Of all talismans, there is none, except, perhaps, the
cross, which was so generally prevalent among the ancients as this Seal of Solomon or Shield of David. It has
been found in the cave of Elephants, in India, accompanying the image of the Deity, and many other places
celebrated in the Brahmanical and the Buddhist religions.
In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have
been possessed by King Solomon (or Sulayman in the Islamic version), which variously gave him the power to
command demons (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In one of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, an evil jinn
is described as being imprisoned in a copper bottle for 1,800 years by a lead seal stamped by the ring. Other,
later books (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) manage to fit far more demons in the bottle (Wikipedia, Seal of
Story of Aladdin
Aladdin lamp
In the story the Fisherman fishes up the container of Satan stamped with the
Seal of Solomon. Upon opening, smoke arises and a beast emerges. Satan is
a Jinni (Genie) contained in a bottle or lamp or bottomless pit or prison of
some type.
The first thing out of the Jinni’s mouth is the declaration that Sulayman
(Solomon) is the prophet of God. Sulayman being dead 1800 years ago and
that we are in the last days of the world. The Jinni offers the Fisherman a
wish of choosing how to die. The Jinni declares that it is among the heretical
Jann and that it sinned against Sulayman. The Jinni declares an alliance with
Sakhr al Janni. The Janni refused to obey True Faith (God) and was locked
in the cucumber jar. The jar was sealed with the Most High Name (The
Name of God).

Witchcraft & Magic

“…How do the dictionaries define ‘hexagram’? ‘The root word hex is defined as an evil spell, a witch (v.t. to

bewitch)’ (Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend)…
“Solomon’s Seal was accepted as occult by the occult world. King Solomon was deeply involved in witchcraft
and occultism. According to The Sorcerer’s Handbook, ‘King Solomon, traditionally known as an arch
magician, used a spell to banish infernal beings sent by the king of demons to extract human hearts… [The
names of the demons are then given.]’… (The Six Pointed Star pgs 24-5, 29, 32)
Solomon used his Seal ring to communicate with evil spirits.
“The legend that Solomon possessed a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved and by means of
which he controlled the demons is related at length in Git. 68a, b. This legend is especially developed by Arabic
writers, who declare that the ring, on which was engraved ‘the Most Great Name of God,’ and which was given
to Solomon from heaven, was partly brass and partly iron. With the brass part of the ring Solomon signed his
written commands to the good genii, and with the iron part he signed his commands to the evil genii, or devils.
The Arabic writers declare also that Solomon received four jewels from four different angels, and that he set
them in one ring, so that he could control the four elements. The legend that Asmodeus once obtained
possession of the ring and threw it into the sea, and that Solomon was thus deprived of his power until he
discovered the ring inside a fish (Jellinek, ‘B. H.’ ii. 86-87), also has an Arabic source (comp. D’Herbelot,
‘Bibliothèque Orientale,’ s.v. ‘Soliman ben Daoud’; Fabricius, ‘Codex Pseudepigraphicus,’ i. 1054;… The
legend of a magic ring by means of which the possessor could exorcise demons was current in the first century,
as is shown by Josephus’ statement (‘Ant.’ viii. 2, § 5) that one Eleazar exorcised demons in the presence of
Vespasian by means of a ring, using incantations composed by Solomon Fabricius (l.c.) thinks that the legend of
the ring of Solomon thrown into the sea and found afterward inside a fish is derived from the story of the ring of
Polycrates, a story which is related by Herodotus (iii. 41 et seq.), Strabo (xiv. 638), and others, and which was
the basis of Schiller’s poem ‘Der Ring des Polykrates.’” (Jewish encyclopedia)

Illustration 65: Be Wise as Serpents - Fritz Springmeier

“Of all the objects which constitute the Masonic science of symbolism, the most important, the most cherished,
by the Mason, and by far the most significant, is the Temple of Jerusalem. The spiritualizing of the Temple is
the first, the most prominent and the most pervading, of all symbols of Freemasonry … Take from Freemasonry
its dependence on the Temple; leave out of its ritual all references to that sacred edifice, and to the legends and
traditions connected with it, and the system itself would at once decay and die … ” ["Encyclopaedia of
Freemasonry" - Albert Mackey]
King Solomon’s Temple in the Masonic Tradition pg 29
“The theory of the origin of the Masonic institution from King Solomon’s Temple is an old tradition indeed, and

stems from the Old Charges of the operative Masons…”
Indeed, Masonic leadership has spiritualized the meaning of the Temple in the life of each and every Mason.
Albert Mackey explains: “To the Master Mason, the Temple of Solomon is truly the symbol of human life
… it becomes a fit symbol of human life occupied in the search after Divine Truth, which is nowhere to be
found … Such is the symbolism of the first Temple, that of Solomon, as familiar to the class of Master
Masons.” ["Encylopaedia of Freemasonry - Albert Mackey]
“The Temple of Masonry is hence forward the house of Christ’ … [Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History", Volume
"... in the High Grades [of Masonry] we hear of a secret intention to build yet another temple at Jerusalem.”
[Author, Edward Waite, p. 486-7, "A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries:
The Rites, Literature and History", Volume II
King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition pg 50
"In some cases, our Masonic legends respecting King Solomon can in fact be found to be a reflection of the
Rabbinic and Kabbalistic lore that had been current among the Jews from very early times, and among the
Arabs as well, to whom 'Suleimann' (considered by them to have been a Moslem) is almost as fabulous a figure
as he is to his own kinsmen and to Masonry. Both to the Jews and the Arabs he is the Wise Man par excellence
and Master-Magician, and many are the tales told of his prowess and his wisdom, his miraculous domination of
the demons and the jinns, his occult and superhuman faculties and powers. Of especial interest to Royal Arch
Masons, for example, is the Rabbinic legend to the effect that Solomon, in his capacity as prophet and seer,
foresaw the destruction of his Temple by the Babylonians, and accordingly caused an underground receptacle to
be built below the Temple in which the Ark was eventually hidden."
The common belief is that Freemasonry traces it's birth to the Temple of Solomon (The History of Freemasonry
pg 73), however, Masonic scholars go back further to the Mysteries.
The History of Freemasonry pg 174
"The theory which ascribes the origin of Freemasonry as a secret society to the Pagan Mysteries of the ancient
world, and which derives the most important part of its ritual and the legend of its Third Degree from the
initiation practiced in these religious organization, necessarily connects itsefl with the Legend of the Temple
origin of the Institution, because we can only link the initation in the Mysteries with that of Freemasonry by
supposing that the one was in some way engrafted on the other, at the time of the building of the Temple and the
union of the Jewish and Tyrian workmen."
The History of Freemasonry pg 175
"These Mysteries, although they differed in name and in some of the details of initiation, were essentially alike
in general form and design. 'Their end as well as nature,' says Warburton, 'was the same in all: to teach the
doctrine of a future state.' "
The History of Freemasonry pg 181
"The third and last of the progressive steps or grades in the Mysteries was Perfection. It was the ultimate object
of the system. It was also called the autopsy, from a Greek word which signifies seeing with one's own eyes.
Here we see that the Temple of Solomon, in Masonic thought, is linked to the ancient Mysteries. According to
Knight and Lomas, the Temple was a 'carbon copy of a Sumerian temple erected for the god Ninurta a thousand
years earlier (The Hiram Key pg 23). As seen in part 7, Ninurta = Saturn.
The true Temple that Solomon built was designed by Elohim and the plans were given through David in the

same way that Moshe received the plans for the Tabernacle.
Exo 25:9 According to all that I shew thee, after the pattern of the tabernacle, and the pattern of all the
instruments thereof, even so shall ye make it.
Exo 25:40 And see that they are made by their patterns which you were caused to see in the mountain.
1Ch 28:19 All was in writing from the hand of YHWH. He caused me to understand all the work of the
The word in Hebrew for pattern is
BDB Definition:
1) pattern, plan, form, construction, figure
The root of this word is:
The pattern of the Temple and
Tabernacle are shadow pictures of
THE Son.
The patterns, types, and shadows in
the Scriptures point to the SON
Heb 9:24 For Christ did not enter
into the Holy of Holies made by
hands, types of the true things, but into Heaven itself, now to appear in the presence of God on our
Heb 10:1 For the Law had a shadow of the coming good things, not the image itself of those things.
Appearing year by year with the same sacrifices, which they offer continually, they never are able to
perfect the ones drawing near.
Heb 8:5 who serve the pattern of and shadow of heavenly things, even as Moses was divinely warned,
being about to make the tabernacle: For He says, "See that you make all things according to the pattern
being shown to you in the mount." Exodus 25:40
His people are His Body
Rom 12:5 So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another.
Gal 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female:
for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.
Phi 1:27 Only let your conversation be as it becometh the gospel of Christ: that whether I come and see
you, or else be absent, I may hear of your affairs, that ye stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving
together for the faith of the gospel;
Joh 10:16 And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear
my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd.
Joh 17:11 And now I am no more in the world, but these are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy
Father, keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me, that they may be one, as we are.
Joh 17:21 That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in
us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me.
Joh 17:22 And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are

1Co 6:15 Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of
Christ, and make them the members of an harlot? God forbid.
1Co 6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be
one flesh.
1Co 6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.
1Co 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being
many, are one body: so also is Christ.
1Co 12:13 For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether
we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
1Co 12:14 For the body is not one member, but many.
Eph 4:15 But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even
Col 3:11 Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian,
bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all.
Rom 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every
one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
The True Regathering is IN Messiah
Isa 11:12 And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and
gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Jer 30:3 For, lo, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will bring again the captivity of my people Israel
and Judah, saith the LORD: and I will cause them to return to the land that I gave to their fathers, and
they shall possess it.
Eze 34:23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he
shall feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.
Eze 37:16 Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick, and write upon it, For Judah, and for the
children of Israel his companions: then take another stick, and write upon it, For Joseph, the stick of
Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel his companions:
Eze 37:17 And join them one to another into one stick; and they shall become one in thine hand.
His Body is His Temple
Heb 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and
the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
1Pe 2:4 To whom coming, as unto a living stone, disallowed indeed of men, but chosen of God, and
1Pe 2:5 Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual
sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.
Exo 25:8 And let them make a sanctuary for Me, that I may dwell in their midst.
2Co 6:16 And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? for ye are the temple of the living God;
as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my
2Co 6:17 Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the
unclean thing; and I will receive you,
2Co 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.
1Co 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building.
1Co 3:10 According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the

foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.
1Co 3:11 For other foundation can no man lay than that is laid, which is Jesus Christ.
1Co 3:12 Now if any man build upon this foundation gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, stubble;
1Co 3:13 Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be
revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is.
1Co 3:14 If any man's work abide which he hath built thereupon, he shall receive a reward.
1Co 3:15 If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as
by fire.
1Co 3:16 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you?
1Co 6:19 What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye
have of God, and ye are not your own?
Eze 37:27 My tabernacle also shall be with them: yea, I will be their God, and they shall be my people.
Eze 43:9 Now let them put away their whoredom, and the carcases of their kings, far from me, and I will
dwell in the midst of them for ever.
Lev 26:12 And I will walk among you, and will be your God, and ye shall be my people.
Exo 29:45 And I will dwell among the children of Israel, and will be their God.
Zec 2:10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Zion: for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith
the LORD.
Rom 8:9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if
any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his.
Eph 3:17 That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,
The counterfeit Temple will draw from the tradition that Solomon built it with the assistance of demons.
It is also taught that Bezaleel used Kabbalastic witchcraft to build the Tabernacle
“Bezaleel, the builder of the Tabernacle in the Wilderness, knew how to combine the letters by which the
heavens and the earth were created.” Berakoth 55a
The word for joining together (as in the joining together of the
tabernacle to make it one) is the same word used for magic charmer
Exo 36:13 And he made fifty hooks of gold; and he joined the
curtains by the hooks, one to another. And the tabernacle became
Deu 18:11 or a magic charmer, or one consulting mediums, or a spirit-knower, or one inquiring of the
Here in this Hebrew word, chaber, the concept of true and false temple can be seen. The true Temple of Elohim
which is a picture of Messiah and His Body versus the false temple of satan...his body.
In alchemy, the combination of the fire and water symbols (up and down triangles) is known as the Seal of
Solomon. The symbol is representative of the combination of opposites and transmutation. Transmutation
is an alchemical term which is referred to the process of changing lead into gold but in reality is an allusion to
man becoming 'god'. Combining the alchemical symbols for fire (upwards triangle) and water (downwards
triangle), the alchemical symbols for earth and air are also created. The downwards facing triangle is divided
along the center by the base line of the opposite triangle. This is the alchemical symbol for earth. Conversely,
the upwards triangle divided by the base line of the downwards triangle is the alchemical symbol for air. The
Seal of Solomon is all that is unified in perfect balance; the Spirit Wheel...the merkabah. The merkabah
will be discussed in a future study, Yah willing. The seal of Solomon/star of David is therefore, a picture of the
'new man' or the false temple.

Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital pg
"Quintessence is often used as a convenient
symbol in esoteric literature to denote the
access to higher realms which follows
successful initiation."
IBID pg 110
"This star symbolizes the harmony of the
Quintessence, within which the Four
magically become five (the Latin, quintus,
means 'fifth'). May we not trace a similar
symbolism in the merging of the square and

False Temple
The next temple is not accepted...those who don't accept the next temple will be persecuted but YHWH will
appear to the glory of those who don't accept the temple and destroy those who worship falsely at this upcoming
Isa 66:1 So says YHWH: Heaven is My throne, and earth the footstool of My feet. Where then is the
house that you build for Me? And where then is the place of My rest?
Isa 66:2 And My hand has made all these things, even all these things exist, declares YHWH. But I will
look toward this one, to the afflicted, and to the contrite of spirit, even trembling at My Word.
Isa 66:3 He who kills an ox is as if he struck a man; he who sacrifices a lamb is as if he broke a dog's
neck; he who offers a present is as if it were swine's blood; he making mention of incense is as if he
blessed an idol. Yea, they have chosen their way, and their soul delights in their abominations.
Isa 66:4 I also will choose their vexations (KJV DELUSIONS**); and I will bring their fears to them;
because I called, and no one answered; I spoke, and they did not hear. But they did the evil in My eyes,
and chose that in which I had no pleasure.
Isa 66:5 Hear the Word of YHWH, those who tremble at His Word. Your brothers who hate you##, who
drive you out for My name's sake, have said, YHWH is glorified. But He shall appear in your joy, and
they shall be ashamed.
**The strong delusion spoken of in 2 Thessalonians is intimately connected to the false temple in the end of
2Th 2:1 And, brothers, we entreat you, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and of our gathering
together to Him,
2Th 2:2 for you not to be quickly shaken in the mind, nor to be disturbed, neither through a spirit, nor
through speech, nor through letter, as through us, as if the Day of Christ has come.
2Th 2:3 Do not let anyone deceive you in any way, because that Day will not come unless first comes the
falling away, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition,
2Th 2:4 the one opposing and exalting himself over everything being called God, or object of worship, so
as for him "to sit in the temple of God" as God, setting forth himself, that he is God. Dan. 11:36; Eze. 28:2
2Th 2:5 Do you not remember that I told you these things, I yet being with you?
2Th 2:6 And now you know the thing holding back, for him to be revealed in his time.
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness already is working, only he is holding back now, until it comes

out of the midst.
2Th 2:8 And then "the Lawless One" will be revealed, "whom" "the Lord" "will consume" "by the
spirit of His mouth," and will bring to nought by the brightness of His presence. Isa. 11:4 ; Rev 19:15
2Th 2:9 His coming is according to the working of Satan in all power and miraculous signs and lying
2Th 2:10 and in all deceit of unrighteousness in those being lost, because they did not receive the love of
the truth in order for them to be saved.
2Th 2:11 And because of this, God will send to them a working of error (STONG DELUSION), for them
to believe the lie,
2Th 2:12 that all may be judged, those not believing the truth, but who have delighted in

##Persecution of the true believers by those who worship at the Temple

Eze 11:15 Son of man, your brothers, your brothers, the men of your kindred, and all the house of Israel,
all of them who have said to those living in Jerusalem, Go far away from YHWH, this land is given to us
for a possession.
Psa 27:10 When my father and my mother forsake me then YHWH will take me up.
Psa 27:11 Teach me Your way, O YHWH, and lead me in a level path, because of those who watch me.
Psa 27:12 Do not give me into the soul of my foes; for false witnesses have risen up against me, and the
ones breathing out violence.
Psa 27:13 I would have fainted unless I had believed to see the goodness of YHWHin the land of the
Psa 27:14 Hope in YHWH; be strong and He will make strong your heart; yea, hope in YHWH!
Joh 16:1 I have spoken these things to you so that you may not be offended.
Joh 16:2 They will put you out of the synagogue, but an hour is coming that everyone killing you will
think to bear a service before God.
Joh 16:3 And they will do these things to you because they do not know the Father nor Me.
Joh 16:4 But I have spoken these things to you so that when the hour comes you may recall them, that I
told you these things. But I did not say these things to you from the beginning because I was with you.
This persecution takes place after WWIII when Islam is "miraculously" defeated by the FALSE Israel. The
antichrist will come from heaven with 1/3 of the angel (Rev 12) deceiving mankind into building the temple to
worship the Almighty and try to convince mankind that he is in fact the Messiah and should be worshiped. This
is when many brethren will be deceived and will gladly deliver those who don't accept this to be persecuted and
even killed as though they were doing God a service and ultimately 'saving' their loved ones from denying the
Messiah. Sadly, they will be delivering up their loved ones for a false Messiah.
Mat 24:7 For nation will be raised against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there will be
famines and plagues and earthquakes against many places.
Mat 24:8 But all these are a beginning of throes.
Mat 24:9 Then they will deliver you up to affliction, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations
because of My name.
Mat 24:10 And then many will be offended, and they will deliver up one another and will hate one
Mat 24:11 And many false prophets will be raised and will cause many to err.
Mat 24:12 And because lawlessness shall have been multiplied, the love of the many will grow cold.
Mat 10:17 But beware of men. For they will betray you to sanhedrins, and they will flog you in their

Mat 10:18 And also you will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, for a testimony to them
and to the nations.
Mat 10:19 But when they deliver you up, do not be anxious how or what you should say, for it is given to
you in that hour what you should say.
Mat 10:20 For you are not the ones speaking, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you.
Mat 10:21 But brother will betray brother to death, and the father his child. And children will rise up
against parents and will put them to death.
Mat 10:22 And you will be hated by all on account of My name, but the one enduring to the end shall be
kept safe.
Mat 10:23 But when they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For truly I say to you, In no way will
you have finished the cities of Israel until the Son of Man comes.
Fire from heaven
2Ch 7:1 And when Solomon finished praying, then the fire came down from Heaven and consumed the
burnt offering and the sacrifices; and the glory of YHWH filled the house;
What will be the 'miracle' that leads most of the earth astray by the 'reincarnated Solomon'?
Rev 13:13 And it does great signs, that it even causes fire to come down out of the heaven onto the earth
before men.
This deception is allowed by YHWH as a part of the strong delusion.
The birth of Zion happens AFTER the false temple is built...NOT 1948
Isa 66:6 A roaring sound from the city! A sound from the temple! It is the sound of YHWH repaying
retribution to His enemies.
Isa 66:7 Before she travailed, she brought forth; before pain came to her, she delivered a male child.
Isa 66:8 Who has heard a thing like this? Who has seen things like these? Shall the earth be brought
forth in one day? Shall a nation be born in one step? For Zion travailed and also brought forth her sons.
Isa 66:9 Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? says YHWH. Surely I cause birth, and
hold back, says your God.
Isa 66:10 Rejoice with Jerusalem, and be glad with her, all who love her. Rejoice a rejoicing with her, all
who mourn for her;
Isa 66:11 that you may suck and be satisfied with her comforting breasts; that you may milk out and
delight yourselves with the fullness of her glory.
Isa 66:12 For so says YHWH: Behold, I stretch out peace to her like a river, and glory of nations like an
overflowing torrent. And you shall suck; you shall be carried on the side and be dandled on knees.
Isa 66:13 As one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you. And you shall be comforted in
Isa 66:14 And you will see, and your heart shall rejoice; and your bones shall flourish like the grass. And
the hand of YHWH shall be known toward His servants, and He shall be indignant with His enemies.
Isa 66:15 For, behold, YHWH will come with fire, and His chariots like the tempest, to return His wrath
in fury, and His rebuke in flames of fire.
Isa 66:16 For by fire and by His sword YHWH will execute judgment with all flesh; and the slain of
YHWH shall be many.
Eze 13:1 And the Word of YHWH was to me, saying,
Eze 13:2 Son of man, prophesy against the prophets of Israel who prophesy. And say to those who
prophesy out of their own heart, Hear the Word of YHWH:
Eze 13:3 So says the Lord YHWH, Woe to the foolish prophets who walk after their own spirit and have

seen nothing!
Eze 13:4 O Israel, your prophets are like foxes in the deserts. (Son 2:15...the foxes spoil the vine. Foxes are
deceitful and sneaky. Yahshua compares Herod (famous for the building parts of the second Temple) as a fox.
Herod built onto the Temple to try to deceive the Yisraeli people into believing he was one of their own
although he was really an Edomite...tare among the wheat...interestingly Fox = 666 in English gematria)
Eze 13:5 You have not gone up into the breaks (Psa 106:23), nor built a wall around the house of Israel,
that it might stand in the battle, in the day of YHWH.
Eze 13:6 They have seen vanity and lying divination, saying, YHWH declares! And YHWH has not sent
them, but they hoped to lift their word.
Eze 13:7 Did you not see a vain vision and speak a lying divination? Yet you say, YHWH declares, though
I have not spoken.
Eze 13:8 So the Lord YHWH says this: Because you have spoken vanity and have seen a lie, therefore,
behold, I am against you, declares the Lord YHWH.
Eze 13:9 And My hand shall be against the prophets who see vanity, and who divine a lie. They shall not
be in the assembly (sod) of My people, and they shall not be written in the writing of the house of Israel,
and they shall not enter into the land of Israel.(Psalm 87:6; Isa 4:3; Dan 12:1; Lk 10:20; Eze 20:38) And you
shall know that I am the Lord YHWH.
Eze 13:10 Because, even because they made My people go astray, saying, Peace! and there was no peace.
And he builds a wall, and, behold, others daubed it with lime. (The false temple shall fall because it is not
built upon THE ROCK who is Messiah)
Eze 13:12 And, behold, when the wall has fallen, it shall not be said to you, Where is the daubing with
which you have daubed?
Eze 13:13 So the Lord YHWH says this: I will even break in My fury with a tempestuous wind. And
there shall be a flooding rain in My anger, and hailstones in fury, to consume it.
Reference back to Isaiah 65-66 speaking of false Jews who worship falsely and persecute the true chosen
people. YHWH will destroy them
Eze 13:14 And I will break down the wall that you have daubed with lime and bring it down to the
ground; yea, I will bare its base. And it shall fall, and you will be consumed in its midst. And you shall
know that I am YHWH.
Eze 13:15 And I will complete My wrath in the wall, and in those who daubed it with lime. And I will say
to you, The wall is not; and, Those who daubed are not.
Eze 13:16 The prophets of Israel who are prophesying concerning Jerusalem, and who see visions of
peace for her, even there is no peace, declares the Lord YHWH.
Eze 13:17 And you, son of man, set your face against the daughters of your people who prophesy out of
their heart, and prophesy against them,
Eze 13:18 and say, So says the Lord YHWH: Woe to those sewing amulets* to all joints of my hands
(mark on the hand), and make long veils for the head of every man of stature (mark on the head of ALL), to
hunt souls! Will you hunt the souls of My people, and will you save alive the souls for yourselves? Killing
or enslaving those who refuse the mark

This is the word used in Ezekiel 9 referring to the Man with the inkhorn who MARKS those who mourn for the
abominations in Jerusalem with the Mark of YHWH...

Eze 13:19 And will you profane Me among My people for handfuls of barley, and for bits of bread, to
cause to die the souls that should not die, and to save alive the souls that should not live, by your lying to
My people who listen to lies?
Eze 13:20 So the Lord YHWH says this: Behold, I am against your amulets with which you are hunting
the souls there, to make them fly. And I will tear them from your arms, and will send out the souls, souls
which you are hunting, to make them fly.
Eze 13:21 Also I will tear your long veils and deliver My people out of your hand. And they shall not
again be in your hand to be hunted. And you shall know that I am YHWH.
Eze 13:22 Because you have saddened the heart of the righteous with lies, and I have not pained him,
and you have made the hands of the wicked strong, so that he should not turn from his evil way, to keep
him alive.
Eze 13:23 So you shall not see vanity, and you shall not divine any divination. And I will deliver My
people out of your hand. And you shall know that I am YHWH.

Illustration 66: Ceiling of a temple of Baal

1Ki 16:30 and Ahab the son of Omri did evil in the eyes of YHWH above all who were before him.
1Ki 16:31 And it happened as if it were a light thing, that he walked in the sins of Jeroboam the son of
Nebat, that he took a wife, Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal, the king of the Sidonians, and went and
served Baal, and bowed himself to it.
1Ki 16:32 And he reared up an altar for Baal in the house of Baal, which he had built in Samaria.

2Ki 10:23 And Jehu and Jehonadab the son of Rechab went in to the house of Baal and said to the
servants of Baal, Search and see that there are none of the servants of YHWH here with you; but only the

servants of Baal.
2Ki 10:24 And they came in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings. And Jehu had set for himself eighty
men on the outside. And he said, The man who lets any of the men escape whom I am bringing into your
hands, his life for the life of him.
2Ki 10:25 And it happened, when he finished offering the burnt offering, Jehu said to the runners and
the third officers, Go in, strike them. Do not let any man come out. And they struck them by the edge of
the sword. And the runners and the third officers threw them out. And they went into the city to the
house of Baal,
2Ki 10:26 and brought out the pillars of the house of Baal and burned them.
2Ki 10:27 And they broke down the pillar of Baal, and broke down the house of Baal, and made it an
outhouse to this day.

2Ki 11:17 And Jehoiada cut a covenant between YHWH and the king and the people to be for a people to
YHWH, and between the king and the people.
2Ki 11:18 And all the people of the land went into the house of Baal and broke it down. They completely
smashed its altars and its images. And they killed Mattan the priest of Baal before the altars. And the
priest set guards over the house of YHWH.

2Ki 23:4 And the king commanded Hilkiah the high priest, and the priests of the second order, and the
keepers of the door, to bring out from the temple of YHWH all the vessels that were made for Baal, and
for Asherah, and for all the host of the heavens. And he burned them at the outside of Jerusalem, in the
fields of Kidron, and carried their ashes to Bethel.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital – David Ovason – pg 184
“Masonic symbolism sees the building of the external Temple as representative of the building of the internal
temple of the spirit…”
W.I. Wilmhurst, The Meaning of Masonry pg 47, 94
“This…the evolution of man into superman…was always the purpose of the ancient mysteries…Man, who has
sprung from the earth and developed through the lower kingdoms of nature…has yet to complete his
evolution…by becoming a god-like being…”
“It is far more important that men should strive to become Christ’s than that they should believe that Jesus was
Christ.” J D Buck, Mystic Masonry, (1913).
Another Yahshua
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 74
Masonry is UNIVERSAL and recognizes no CREEDS, taking truth wherever it is found. That Jesus, the man,
lived is conceded by even a vast majority of non-Christian creeds, the Jew acknowledges him to have been a
Great Teacher. Some Christian creeds declare him to have been “conceived by the Holy Ghost, born of the
Virgin Mary,” others refuse this dogma, attribute to him no supernatural birth and claim he “achieved Christ-
hood.” Occult teaching largely agrees with this latter thesis and points to him as a “prototype” of the perfect
man – the goal toward which the ENTIRE HUMAN RACE is evolving. We are here referring to the Master
strictly in that sense – one who has Mastered himself in the fullest sense of the expression.
The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 124
There have been numerous prototypes of the perfect man, forerunners of the perfected race which is to come. In
some way, for some unexplainable reason, these prototypes came to be looked upon as “Saviors” rather than

The Lost Word Its Hidden Meaning, p. 124-5
It is of course true they are “saviors” in the sense that they exemplify what man CAN BE and what he is to
BECOME, but they do not so much “save men” as to point the way to “salvation.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 123
“The ethos of Masrony encouraged Freemasons to see all worthwhile human activities as being spiritual in
nature – activities that should be conducted in the belief that the Temple was the Self. In 1870, the Masonic
author L.E. Reynolds wrote:
‘Every one that has received the degrees of Ancient Freemasonry, is aware that they represent the building of a
spiritual Temple, not made with hands; eternal in the heavens.’
Rosslyn Chapel & the Temple
Speaking of Rennes le-Chateau
The Second Messiah pg 24
“Built between 1440 and 1490, the structure is covered in is a combination of Celtic and Templar motifs wiith
elements that are instantly recognisable to modern Freemasons. Armed with a detailed awareness of the ancient
origins of Freemasonry, we began to realise that there are percise secret clues built into the fabric of the building
that establish an unambiguous link between Herod’s Temple and this medieval wonder….The hall has fourteen
free-standing pillars, twelve which are matching, but the ones in the southeast and northeast are each unique,
both being most splendidly carved to quite different designs. It has long been said that these pillars represent
the ones that stood at the inner porchway of the Temple in Jerusalem called Jachin and Boaz, which are now of
great importance to Freemasons….Closer examination revealed to us that the west wall and the entire floorplan
had been designed as a copy of the runs of Herod’s Temple and the superstructure above ground level and
forward of the west wall was an interpretation of the prophet Ezekiel’s vision of the heavenly Jerusalem…The
principal pillars of Boaz and Jachin are positioned in Rosslyn in precisely the same way as they were in
Second Messiah pg 25
“We then realized that the layout of the pillars formed a perfect triple Tau (three interlocking ‘T’ shapes),
exactly as described in the Masonic ritual (Holy Royal Arch degree). Furthermore, according to the Holy Royal
Arch degree, there should also be a ‘Seal of Solomon’ (the same as the star of David) attached to the triple Tau
and further inspection revealed that the whole geometry of the building was indeed contructed around this

According to many researchers, the origin of modern Masonry

traces back to the disbanding of the Knights Templar who fled
to Scotland and started what later became Scottish Rite
Freemasonry. According to many of these same researchers,
the Knights Templar were formed in order to find the hidden
scrolls said to have been placed beneath the Temple in
Jerusalem. These scrolls are said to have preserved the ‘truth’
of Christianity and the supposed bloodline of Jesus and Mary
Second Messiah pg 193
“When Philip the Fair moved against the Templars on 13

October 1307, the Templar fleet had escaped and many members of the accused order headed for Scotland
where Robert the Bruce was already excommunicated and ready to offer them shelter. This substantial Templar
remnant was welcomed by the Rex Deus families of Scotland such as the St. Clairs, and their beliefs continued
to form the basis of what we now know as Freemasonry, Rosslyn Chapel proving the linkage between the two
Second Messiah pg 217
“The Masonic story then tells us that Solomon did indeed establish a special priestly order that continued until
the destruction of the Temple in AD 70, at which time it was dispersed across Europe. Then, much later, the
descendants of these people returned to Jerusalem with ‘Christian princes’ and established a new order in 1118,
when eleven knights took vows of secrecy, friendship and discretion. We are then told that these knights were
the Knights Templar and that they removed fragments of Enoch’s pillar, from under the Temple in Jerusalem,
which they took with them, along with written records of their order, to Kilwinning in Scotland where they
formed their first ‘lodge’.”
Messianic Legacy pg 370
“In 1979, M. Plantard had said to us, quite categorically, that the Prieure was in possession of the treasure of the
Temple of Jerusalem, plundered by the Romans during the revolt of A.D. 66 and subsequently carried to the
south of France, in the vicinity of Rennes-le-Chateau. The treasure, M. Plantard stated, would be returned to
Israel ‘when the time is right’.”

The Temple & Buying & Selling

Rev 13:16 And the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the freemen and the slaves, it
causes that they give to them all a mark on their right hand, or on their foreheads,
Rev 13:17 even that not any could buy or sell, except the one having the mark, or the name of the beast,
or the number of its name.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.
Is this referring to a microchip and consumerism associated with a global famine and martial law? Or are the
Scriptures referring to something else?
In context, Revelation 13 is using language that refers to the Temple. Verse 12 speaks of worshiping the beast
which according to Thessalonians 2 occurs at the Temple. Verse 13 speaks of fire coming down from heaven
which points to the consuming of the Temple sacrifices as a great delusion as mentioned above. Verse 14
speaks of an image that is made which refers back to the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel (Dan.
11:31; 12:11) which had an intermediate fulfillment at the Temple during the days of Antiochus Ephiphanes.
Are we to believe then that all of a sudden the subject changes from the Temple to shopping at the supermarket
with a microchip?
Buying and Selling is connected to the Temple
Joh 2:13 And the Passover of the Jews was near. And Jesus went up to Jerusalem.
Joh 2:14 And He found those selling oxen and sheep and doves in the temple, and the money changers
Joh 2:15 And making a whip out of ropes, He threw all out of the temple, both the sheep, and the oxen,
and the money changers, pouring out the money and overturning the tables.
Joh 2:16 And to the ones selling the doves, He said, Take these things from here! Do not make My
Father’s house a house of merchandise.

Joh 2:17 And His disciples remembered that it was written, “The zeal of Your house has consumed Me.”
Psa. 69:9
Mat 21:12 And Jesus entered into the temple of God and threw out all those selling and buying in the
temple. And He overthrew the tables of the money changers and the seats of those selling the doves.
Mat 21:13 And He said to them, It has been written, “My house shall be called a house of prayer,” but
you have “made it a den of plunderers.” Isa. 56:7; Jer. 7:11
Mar 11:15 And they came to Jerusalem. And entering into the temple, Jesus began to throw out those
selling and buying in the temple; also He overturned the tables of the money changers and the seats of
those selling the doves.
Mar 11:16 And He did not allow any to carry a vessel through the temple.
Mar 11:17 And He taught, saying to them, Has it not been written, “My house shall be called a house of
prayer for all the nations.” “But you have made it a den of plunderers.”? Isa. 56:7; Jer. 7:11
When Messiah cast out the ‘buyers and sellers’ He quoted Jeremiah 7 which links this buying and selling to
Ba’al worship.
Jer 7:9 Will you steal, murder, and commit adultery, and swear falsely, and burn incense to Baal, and
walk after other gods whom you do not know?
Jer 7:10 And will you then come and stand before Me in this house on which My name is called, and say,
We are delivered in order to do all those detestable things.
Jer 7:11 Has this house on which My name is called become a den of violent ones in your eyes? Behold,
even I have seen, declares YHWH.
Jer 7:12 But go now to My place which was in Shiloh, where I made My name dwell at the first, and see
what I did to it for the evil of My people Israel.
Jer 7:13 And now, because you have done all these works, says YHWH, and I spoke to you, rising up
early and speaking, but you did not hear. Yea, I called you, but you did not answer.
Jer 7:14 And I will do to the house on which My name is called, in which you are trusting, and to the
place which I gave to you and to your fathers, as I have done to Shiloh.
Jer 7:15 And I will cast you out from My face as I cast out all your brothers, all the seed of Ephraim.
Due to this mixed Ba’al worship Judah was cast out, just as Ephraim was cast out and become ‘Lo-Ammi.’
Hos 1:9 Then He said, Call his name Not My People, for you are not My people, and I will not be for you.
Hos 1:10 Yet the number of the sons of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea, which is not measured nor
numbered. And it shall be, in the place where it is said to them, You are not My people, it shall be said to
them, Sons of the Living God.
Hos 1:11 And the sons of Judah and the sons of Israel shall be gathered together, and shall set over
themselves one head. And they shall go up out of the land; for great shall be the day of Jezreel.
Notice that Judah and Israel will come back TOGETHER through ONE HEAD who is Messiah.
Another connection to the mark and the casting out of the buyers and sellers from the Temple
Luk 19:43 For the days will come on you, and ones hostile to you will raise up a rampart* to you and will
surround you and will keep you in on all sides,
Luk 19:44 and will tear you down, and your children in you, and will not leave a stone on a stone,
because you did not know the time of your visitation.
Luk 19:45 And entering into the temple, He began to throw out those selling and buying in it,
Luk 19:46 saying to them, It has been written, “My house is a house of prayer,” but you made it “a den
of plunderers.” Isa. 56:7; Jer. 7:11

*The word ‘rampart’ above is linked to the mark of the beast. The Greek word translated as rampart is charax
G5482 which is the root of the word charagma used in Revelation 13 as mark G5480.
Charax was used to translate the following Hebrew words:
charax H3733 kar

Notice the connection to the mark. The word itself is made up of the Hebrew pictographs for hand & head…the
exact places where the mark is located. ‫ כר‬is the root word for ‘talent,’ as in the 666 talents of gold that
Solomon acquired each year.

Solomon is linked with 666 through the gold he acquired each year.
1Ki 10:14 And the weight of the gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred and sixty six
talents of gold,
Linking buying and selling, the Temple, and the image of the beast
Mat 25:1 Then the kingdom of Heaven shall be compared to ten virgins who taking their lamps, went out
to a meeting of the bridegroom.
Mat 25:2 And five of them were wise, and five foolish.
Mat 25:3 Those being foolish, taking their lamps, did not take oil with them.
Mat 25:4 But the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Mat 25:5 But the bridegroom delaying, all nodded and slept.
Mat 25:6 And at midnight, a cry occurred: Behold, the bridegroom comes! Go out to meet him.
Mat 25:7 Then all those virgins were aroused and prepared their lamps.
Mat 25:8 And the foolish said to the wise, Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out.
Mat 25:9 But the wise answered, saying, No, lest there not be enough for us and you. But rather, go to
those who sell and buy for yourselves.
Mat 25:10 But they going away to buy, the bridegroom came. And those ready went in with him to the
wedding feast, and the door was shut.
Mat 25:11 And afterwards, the rest of the virgins also came, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
Mat 25:12 But answering, he said, Truly I say to you, I do not know you.
Mat 25:13 Therefore, watch, for you do not know the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man comes.
Not knowing the time is linked to the concept of the ‘thief in the night’ which is Temple language.
Messiah comes as a thief in the night to those who aren’t doing their jobs, not secretly to the whole world.
Luk 12:35 Let your loins be girded about, and the lamps burning,

Luk 12:36 and you be like men awaiting their lord when he returns from the feasts, so that he coming
and knocking, they will at once open to him.
Luk 12:37 Blessed are those slaves whom the lord will find watching when he comes. Truly I say to you
that he will gird himself and will make them recline, and coming up he will serve them.
Luk 12:38 And if he comes in the second watch, or he comes in the third watch, and finds it so, blessed
are those slaves.
Luk 12:39 But know this, that if the house-master had known the hour the thief is coming, he would have
watched and would not have allowed his house to be dug through.
Luk 12:40 And you, then, be ready; for in the hour you think not, the Son of Man comes.
Luk 12:41 And Peter said to Him, Lord, do You speak this parable to us, or also to all?
Luk 12:42 And the Lord said, Who then is the faithful and wise steward whom the Lord will set over his
house servants, to give the portion of food in season?
Luk 12:43 Blessed is that slave when his Lord comes and will find him so doing.
Luk 12:44 Truly I say to you, He will set him over all His possessions.
Luk 12:45 But if that slave should say in his heart, My Lord delays to come, and should begin to beat the
men servants and the female servants, and to eat and to drink and be drunk,
Luk 12:46 the Lord of that slave will come in the day in which he does not expect, and in an hour which
he does not know. And He will cut him apart and will put his portion with the unbelievers.
Luk 12:47 But that slave knowing the will of his Lord, and not preparing, nor doing according to His
will, will be beaten with many stripes.
Luk 12:48 But he not knowing, and doing things worthy of stripes, will be beaten with few. And everyone
given much, much will be demanded from him. And to whom much was deposited, more exceedingly they
will ask of him.
Isa 29:10 For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and hath closed your eyes:
the prophets and your rulers, the seers hath he covered.
Rom 11:8 (According as it is written, God hath given them the spirit of slumber, eyes that they should
not see, and ears that they should not hear;) unto this day.
REV 16:15 John Gill’s COMM. 1690-1771
Rev 16:15 – Behold I come as a thief,…. These are the words of Christ, inserted in a parenthesis in this account,
before it is concluded, to acquaint his people with his near and sudden approach, and to give them a word of
caution and exhortation in these times of difficulty; for he is the Lord God Almighty, who sent forth these
angels to pour out their vials, and whose judgments are applauded as righteous, Rev_16:1 and who so often in
Rev_22:7 says “I come quickly”; and which is to be understood not of his spiritual coming, which will be
already at this time, but of his personal coming: and which will be “as a thief”: as it is often expressed, 1Th_5:2
not in the bad sense, to steal and kill, and to destroy, though Christ’s coming will issue in the everlasting
destruction of the wicked; but the phrase is designed to express the suddenness of his coming, and the surprise
of it:
blessed is he that watcheth; against sin, the lusts of the flesh, and the cares of this life, lest they bring a
sleepiness upon him, and so the day of the Lord come upon him at an unawares; and against Satan and his
temptations, who goes about seeking whom he may devour; and against his emissaries and false teachers, who
lie in wait to deceive; and blessed is he also who is wishing and waiting for the coming of Christ, and so, being

ready, will enter with him into the marriage chamber, and partake of the supper of the Lamb:
and keepeth his garments: either his conversation garments, unspotted from the world, and whenever defiled
washes them, and makes them white in the blood of the Lamb; and keeps them from being stripped of them, by
those who would lead them into sinful ways; or that keeps and holds fast the robe of Christ’s righteousness, and
garments of his salvation, which are the righteousness of the saints, that fine linen clean and white, that white
raiment which only can cover their nakedness, that the shame thereof does not appear, Rev_19:8
lest he walk naked; ‫( ערום מן המצות‬b), “naked of the commandments”, or good works, according to the
Jewish phrase; having lost, or dropped his conversation garments:
and they see his shame; or lest, being naked, he be exposed to shame and confusion, yea, to everlasting ruin and
destruction; see Mat_22:12 the allusion is to the burning of the garments of those priests who were found asleep
when upon their watch in the temple: the account that is given is this (c);
“the man of the mountain of the house (the governor of the temple) goes round all the wards (every night) with
burning torches before him; and in every ward where the person does not stand upon his feet, the man of the
mountain of the house says to him, peace be to thee; if he finds he is asleep, he strikes him with his staff, and he
has power to burn his clothes; and they say (in Jerusalem) what voice is that in the court? (it is answered) the
voice of a Levite beaten, and his clothes burnt, because he slept in the time of his watch; R. Eliezer ben Jacob
says, once they found my mother’s brother asleep, and they burnt his clothes:”
now imagine with what shame the poor Levite so served must appear the next morning among his brethren,
with his clothes burnt, and he naked; and with greater shame and confusions must he appear at the last day that
is destitute of the righteousness of Christ.
(b) Yalkut Simeoni, par. 2. fol. 91. 3. (c) Misna Middot, c. 1. sect. 2. T. Bab. Tamid, fol. 27. 2. & 28. 1. Maimon.
Beth Habbechira, c. 8. sect. 10. & Cele Hamikdash, c. 7. sect. 4.
Going back to Matthew 25…The unwise virgins did not bring their vessels of oil with them…this connects back
to Mark 11:16 where Messiah would not allow any vessels to be carried through the Temple.
The bridegroom delayed so all slept. This connects back to the incident of the golden calf (image of the beast)
in Exodus. Yisrael was still worshipping YHWH, but they were doing it through the image of a beast. Will the
image of the beast in Revelation be something similar…used to worship the one true Elohim in a false manner?
The parable of the virgins links buying and selling to the vessels in Mark 11 as well as the image of the beast in
Exo 32:1 And the people saw that Moses delayed to come down from the mountain. And the people
gathered to Aaron. And they said to him, Rise up, make for us gods who may go before our face. As for
this Moses, the man who brought us up from the land of Egypt, we do not know what has become of him.
Exo 32:2 And Aaron said to them, Break off the rings of gold which are in the ears of your wives, your
sons and your daughters; and bring them to me.
Exo 32:3 And all the people broke off the rings of gold in their ears, and they brought to Aaron.
Exo 32:4 And he took them from their hand and formed it with an engraving tool. And he made it a
casted calf. And they said, These are your gods, O Israel, who made you go up from the land of Egypt.
Exo 32:5 And Aaron saw, and he built an altar before it. And Aaron called and said, A feast to YHWH
Exo 32:6 And they rose early on the morrow, and they offered burnt offerings and brought near peace
offerings. And the people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
Exo 32:7 And YHWH spoke to Moses, Come, go down, for your people whom you caused to go up from
Egypt are corrupted;
Exo 32:8 they have quickly turned off from the way which I commanded them; they have made for

themselves a casted calf and have bowed to it, and have sacrificed to it. And they have said, These are
your gods, O Israel, who brought you up from the land of Egypt.
Here we see corruption linked with idolatry. This corruption links to the corruption of the days of Noah.

Corruption of the earth

Rev 11:18 And the nations were full of wrath; and Your wrath came, and the time of the judging of the
dead, and to give the reward to Your slaves, to the prophets, and to the saints, and to the ones fearing
Your name, to the small and to the great, and to destroy those destroying the earth.
Gen 6:12 And God looked upon the earth, and, behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted his
way upon the earth.
The book of Jasher defines this corruption as mixing of genetics
Jasher 4
18 And their judges and rulers went to the daughters of men and took their wives by force from their husbands
according to their choice, and the sons of men in those days took from the cattle of the earth, the beasts of the
field and the fowls of the air, and taught the mixture of animals of one species with the other, in order
therewith to provoke the Lord; and God saw the whole earth and it was corrupt, for all flesh had
corrupted its ways upon earth, all men and all animals.
This will happen in the end as well
Deu 31:29 For I know that after my death you shall utterly corrupt yourselves, and will turn aside from
the way which I have commanded you. And evil shall happen to you in the latter end of the days because
you shall do evil in the eyes of YHWH, to make Him angry with the work of your hands.
Genesis Rabbah 28:8
Rabbi Azaryah said in Rabbi Y’hudah’s name, ‘All acted corruptly in the generation of the Flood; the dog had
intercourse with the wolf, and the fowl with the peacock; hence it is written, for all (flesh) on the earth had
corrupted their way (Gen 6:12).’ Rabbi Julian ben Tiberius said in Rabbi Yitzchak’s name, ‘Even the earth
debauched itself; wheat was sown and it produced zunim, for the zunim we find now came from the age of the
Enoch 9:10 Restore the earth, which the angels have corrupted; and announce life to it, that I may revive it.
Enoch 10:6 Uriel is told to “heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing of the
earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may not perish through all the secret things
that the Watchers have disclosed and have taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through
the works that were taught by Azazel: to him ascribe all sin.”
Giving men a number is in connection to the Temple
2Sa 24:1 And again the anger of YHWH glowed against Israel, and moved David against them, to say,
Go, number Israel and Judah.
1Ch 21:1 And Satan stood up against Israel and moved David to number Israel.
This event is connected to the Temple for this is the passage of Scripture where David finds the spot where the
Temple was to be built.
2Sa 24:21 And Araunah said, Why has my lord the king come to his servant? And David said, To buy the
threshing-floor from you, in order to build an altar to YHWH; and the plague will be stayed from the

2Sa 24:22 And Araunah said to David, Let my lord the king take and offer up that which is good in his
eyes. Behold, the oxen for a burnt offering, and the threshing instruments, and the yokes of the oxen for
2Sa 24:23 O king, all these Araunah gives to the king. And Araunah said to the king, May YHWH your
God accept you.
2Sa 24:24 And the king said to Araunah, No, for buying I will buy from you for a price, and I will not
offer to YHWH my God burnt offerings for nothing. And David bought the threshing-floor and the oxen
for fifty shekels of silver.
2Sa 24:25 And David built an altar there to YHWH, and offered burnt offering and peace offerings. And
YHWH was entreated for the land; and the plague was stayed from Israel.
2Ch 3:1 And Solomon began to build the house of YHWH at Jerusalem, in Mount Moriah, where He
appeared to his father David, in the place that David had prepared, in the grain floor of Ornan the
The 144,000 spoken of in Revelation 7 connect the mark of YHWH to the priesthood. The mark of the beast is
a counterfeit…linked to a counterfeit priesthood.
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 22:4 And they will see His face; and His name will be on their foreheads.
This is links to the priesthood
Exo 28:36 And you shall make a plate of pure gold. And you shall engrave on it the engravings of a
Exo 28:37 And you shall put a ribbon of blue on it, and it shall be on the miter, to the front of the miter it
shall be.
Exo 28:38 And it shall be on Aaron’s forehead, and Aaron shall bear the iniquity of the holy things which
will sanctify the sons of Israel to all their holy gifts. And it shall be on his forehead continually, for
acceptance for them before the face of YHWH.
His Name is the Word
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.
We are marked by the Name/Torah/Yahshua
Rev 7:3 Do not harm the earth, nor the sea, nor the trees, until we seal the slaves of our God on their
Rev 7:4 And I heard the number of those having been sealed: one hundred forty four thousands, having
been sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel:
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion! And with Him were a hundred and
forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been written on their foreheads.
Rev 14:2 And I heard a sound out of Heaven, as a sound of many waters, and as a sound of great
thunder. Also I heard a sound of harpers harping on their harps.
Rev 14:3 And they sing as a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the
elders. And no one was able to learn the song except the hundred and forty four thousands, those having
been redeemed from the earth.
Rev 14:4 These are the ones who were not defiled with women, for they are virgins. These are the ones
following the Lamb wherever He may go. These were redeemed from among men as a firstfruit to God
and to the Lamb.

Rev 14:5 And no guile was found in their mouth, for they are without blemish before the throne of God.
Exodus 8:23 Distinction=redemption=sign=ephod=mark of YHWH
Exo 8:23 And I will put redemption (KJV distinction) between My people and your people. This miracle
shall be for tomorrow.
Brought back to an original state.
A sinless state. Like the Last
1Jn 3:1 See what manner of love
the Father has given us, that we
may be called children of God.
For this reason the world does not know us, because it did not know Him.
1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it was not yet revealed what we shall be. But we
know that if He is revealed, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is.
We shall be in His image. The seed of the serpent will be in his image. This is what the mark of the beast is.
The Sons of Elohim (Romans 8) will be clothed in the garments of righteousness and salvation (Yeshua). The
seed of the serpent will be clothed in the garments of the serpent.
Ephod comes from the same root as redeem/distinction above.
The 144,00 are the firstborn, the
priests…redeemed from the earth.
The “distinction” is seen in the end
Mal 3:16 Then those fearing
YHWH spoke together, each man to
his neighbor. And YHWH gave
attention and heard. And a Book of
Remembrance was written before
Him for those who feared YHWH, and for those esteeming His name.
Mal 3:17 And they shall be Mine, says YHWH of Hosts, for the day that I will make up My treasure. And
I will pity them as a man has pity on his son who serves him.
Mal 3:18 Then you shall again see the difference between the righteous and the wicked, between him who
serves God and him who does not serve Him.
The mark of the beast was foreshadowed during the days of the Maccabees and was linked with worship at the
3 Maccabees Chapter 2 verses 27-30
27: He (Philopater/Ptolemy IV) proposed to inflict public disgrace upon the Jewish community, and he set up a
stone on the tower in the courtyard with this inscription:
28: “None of those who do not sacrifice shall enter their sanctuaries, and all Jews shall be subjected to a
registration involving poll tax and to the status of slaves. Those who object to this are to be taken by force and
put to death;
29: those who are registered are also to be branded on their bodies by fire with the ivy-leaf symbol of
Dionysus, and they shall also be reduced to their former limited status.”
30: In order that he might not appear to be an enemy to all, he inscribed below: “But if any of them prefer to
join those who have been initiated into the mysteries, they shall have equal citizenship with the Alexandrians.”
Vincent Word Studies

Rev 13:16
A mark (χαραγμα)
The word occurs frequently in Revelation, and only once elsewhere (Act_17:29) on which see note.
Commentators find illustrations in the brand set upon slaves by their masters, or upon soldiers by their
monarchs, and in the branding of slaves attached to certain temples. Herodotus describes a temple to
Hercules at the Canopic mouth of the Nile, and says: “If a slave runs away from his master, and taking
sanctuary at this shrine gives himself up to the God, and receives certain sacred marks upon his person,
whosoever his master may be, he cannot lay hand on him” (ii., 113). In the treatise “concerning the Syrian
goddess” falsely attributed to Lucian, it is said of the slaves of the temple, “all are branded, some upon the wrist
and some upon the neck.” Paul, in Gal_6:17, applies the word for these brands, στιγματα, to the marks of
Christ’s service which he bears in his body. In 3 Macc. 2:29, we read that Ptolemy Philopator required all the
Jews of Alexandria to be registered among the common people; and that those who were thus registered were to
be marked (χαρασεσθαι) on their persons by the ivy-leaf symbol of Dionysus (Bacchus).

Solomon & Freemasonry

Illustration 68: Ency. of Freemasonry

pg 697

Illustration 67: Ency. of Freemasonry

pg 699

Illustration 70: Encyclopedia of
Illustration 69: Encyclopedia of Freemasonry pg 774
Freemasonry pg 699

Illustration 72: Ency. of Freemasonry

pg 775
Illustration 71: Ency. of Freemasonry
pg 774

For instance, in the first two degrees, the Lodge symbolizes the world, the place where all workmen labor at
useful vocations . . . But in the Master’s degree it represents the Sanctum Sanctorum, or Holy of Holies of King
Solomon’s Temple, which was itself a symbol of Heaven, or the abode of Deity. It was there that nothing earthly
or unclean was allowed to enter. . . “But there is even a deeper symbolism in the Master’s lodge. The allusion is
not only to the sacred chamber of Solomon’s physical temple, it alludes also to the sacred chamber of that
spiritual temple we all are, or should be. . .
Indiana Monitor & Freemason’s Guide, 1993, p. 155

Hexagram & Freemasonry

Illustration 74: Ency. of Freemasonry pg


Illustration 73: Ency. of Freemasonry

pg 801

Square and compass = Hexagram

Morals and Dogma pg 552
Measure a corner of the Creation, and multiply that
space in proportional progression, and the entire
Infinite will multiply its circles filled with
universes, which will pass in proportional segments
between the ideal and elongating branches of your
Compass. Now suppose that from any point whatever of
the Infinite above you a hand holds another Compass or
a Square, the lines of the Celestial triangle will
necessarily meet those of the Compass of Science, to
form the Mysterious Star of Solomon.

Illustration 75: Morals & Dogma pg 841

“Freemasonry is a search for Light. That search leads us directly back, as you see, to the Kabalah.”

Illustration 76: Morals & Dogma pg 741
However, Albert Pike also states that Freemasonry traces it’s origin’s back to the Mystery Religions.
“…Masonry is identical with the Ancient Mysteries,” (Morals & Dogma pg 624)
This is because Judaism, in specific, Kabbalistic Judaism traces it’s teachings back to the Tower of Babel, not
Mt. Sinai. The mysteries have always been an amalgamation of the Truth of Scripture and the lies of the
adversary. The knowledge of good (the Word) and evil (the adversary). This connection between Judaism and
the mark of the beast will be discussed in more detail in a future study, Yah willing.
An Entrance to the Tree of Life – Yehuda Ashlag pg 32
“From the year 1540 onward, it is most important that all study the Kabbalah in public and preoccupy
themselves with the study of Kabbalah. For through the merit of Kabbalah and in fact solely through Kabbalah
will the Messiah appear and forever efface war, destruction, social injustice, and above all, man in humanity.”
According to Kabbalistic doctrine, this will occur when ‘perfect knowledge’ is attained…the tree of knowledge
An Entrance to the Tree of Life pg 49
“However, it is necessary to understand that the redemption and the coming of the Messiah who is awaited by
us, (may he come speedily, Amen!), will only occur when the pinnacles of perfect wisdom and knowledge have
been reached. As it is written (Jeremiah 31:33): ‘And no more shall a man teach his neighbour to know the
Lord, for all will know Me, from the youngest of them to the oldest of them…’ And with the perfection of
knowledge there will also come perfection of the physical bodies, as it is written (Isaiah 65:20): ‘For the
youngest shall die a hundred years old.’ “
An Entrance to the Tree of Life pg 51
“For it is impossible to imagine at all a perfect physical body without the attaining first of perfect knowledge…
However, when perfect knowledge is attained then the physical body also reaches its perfection with it
together…’Through this composition will the people of Israel leave the Exile.’ For it will only be as a result of
the spreading of the wisdom of the Kabbalah amongst the masses of the people that we will be worthy of
achieving the complete redemption.”
Notice that Kabbalistic thought links this perfection to the New Covenant. As seen in part 1, the mark is linked
to covenant relationship. The covenant with YHWH through Yahshua or the covenant of death.
“Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and
explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” (Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, a major pioneer of Reform Judaism
in America, 1855)

“Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is
left?” (The Jewish Tribune, editorial, 1927)
‘Holy Blood Holy Grail’ Baigent, Lincoln, & Leigh
The 6-pointed star or Hexagram is a Masonic Symbol. It’s non-masonic use was propagated during the 19th
century by Freemasons into new congregation construction in Industrial Britain and then it’s farflung empire.
The Menorah, not the Hexagram is the true symbol of God’s covenent with the Jewish people. There is
absolutely no proof that the Hexagram was ever used by, or associated with, King David or the Temple he
planned and prepared for which was erected after his death by his son, King Solomon.

“The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED… the sign of the deity, and to make that more evident,
in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter ‘G’, for God… In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form… is a
serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth… This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was
altered so as to form the letter G.” (The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater p. 79)
Morals and Dogma pp 210
LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darknesss! Lucifer, the Son
of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendors intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish
Souls ? Doubt it not!
Emblem of the Theosophical society
“The Interlaced Triangles, one (lighter) pointing upwards and the other (darker)
pointing downwards, symbolise the descent of spirit into matter* and its
emergence from the confining limits of form. At the same time they suggest the
constant conflict between light and dark forces in nature and man. When, as in
the emblem, the double triangle is depicted within the circle of the Serpent, the
whole of manifested nature is represented, the universe bounded by the
limitations of time and space. The symbol of the interlaced triangles is known in
the Hebrew religion as the Seal of Solomon or the Star of David.”
*’descent of spirit into matter’…this is the same terminology used to describe
the symbol of the cross. This is because this is what these marks of the beast
represent. Heaven coming to earth…as above so below…the ‘god-man’.

Fra. Thomas D. Worrel, VII
The cross is a symbol that is about as universal and ancient as any symbol that has emerged out of man’s
psyche. The cross symbolizes the meeting at right angles of horizontals and perpendiculars. Forces going in
quite opposite directions but meeting at a central point, a common ground. It can symbolize the union of
opposites and the dualism in nature. It can be the outstretch archetypal man with the infinite possibilities of
growth being immortal. It represents eternal life. The cross can symbolize the decent of Spirit into matter.

A Masonic book called The Second Mile, an Eastern Star book, reveals that the “six pointed star is a very
ancient symbol, and one of the most powerful.” The hexagram is used in magic, witchcraft, sorcery and
occultism and the casting of zodiacal horoscopes by astrologers. “It was considered to posses mysterious
The six pointed star is used by magicians and alchemists. The sorcerers believed it represented the footprints of
a special kind of DEMON called a trued and used it in ceremonies both to call up demons and to keep them
away (O. J. Graham, The Six Pointed Star p.35).
Bill Schnoebelen, a former Satanist, says, “To the sorcerer, the hexagram is a powerful tool to invoke Satan.” In
fact, the word “hex” — as to put a “hex” or “curse” on people — comes from this word.

Masonry & the Garden of Eden

Gen 3:4 And the serpent said to the woman, Dying you shall not die,
Gen 3:5 for God knows that in the day you eat of it, even your eyes shall be
opened, and you shall be as God, knowing good and evil.
Gen 3:6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was
pleasant to the eyes, and the tree was desirable to make one wise. And she took
of its fruit and ate; and she also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
Gen 3:7 And the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they
were naked. And they sewed leaves of the fig tree, and made girdles for

Gen 3:8 And they heard the sound of YHWH God walking up and down in the garden at the breeze of
the day. And the man and his wife hid themselves from the face of YHWH God in the middle of the trees
of the garden.
The word hid in Hebrew is:

This word comes from the root:

“The members of this Degree are denominated companions, and are “entitled to a full
explanation of the mysteries of the Order”; whereas in the former Degrees they are
recognized by the common, familiar appellation of brothers, and kept in a state of
profound ignorance of the sublime secret which is disclosed in this Chapter. This
accords with the custom of Pythagoras, who thus distinguished his pupils. After a
probation of five years, as stated before, they were admitted into the presence of the
preceptor, called his companions, and permitted to converse with him freely. Previous
to the expiration of that term he delivered his instructions to them from behind a
-John Fellows, Fellows’s Inquiry into the Origin, History, and Purport of Freemasonry
“A Degree indescribably more august, sublime, and important than any which
precede it, and is, in fact, the summit and perfection of ancient Masonry. It impresses
upon our minds a belief in the being of a God, without beginning of days or end of
years, the great and incomprehensible Alpha and Omega, and reminds us of the
reverence which is due to His Holy NAME.”
-George Oliver, Historical Landmarks
This holy name is Jahbulon, a combination of words meaning “god” in Syriac,
Chaldaic and Egyptian.
“JEHOVAH. Of the varieties of this sacred name in use among the different nations of
the earth, three particularly merit the attention of Royal Arch Masons:
1. JAH. This name of God is found in the 68th Psalm, v. 4.
2. BAAL OR BEL. This word signifies a lord, master, or possessor, and hence it was applied by many of the
nations of the East to denote the Lord of all things, and the Master of the world.
3. ON. This was the name by which JEHOVAH was worshiped among the Egyptians.”
-Malcolm C. Duncan, Duncan’s Masonic Ritual and Monitor

Masonry & the land of Israel
Temple at the Center of Time – David Flynn pg 165
‘Napoleon Bonaparte began his conquest of Palestine in 1798 with an attack
on the port city of Acre. Even before moving his troops north from Egypt, he
had already prepared a proclamation making Palestine an independent Jewish
Temple at the Center of Time pg 168
‘On the first day of Passover, April 20, 1799, Napoleon issued his
proclamation of a Jewish state of Palestine. On May 22, 1799, the Paris
newspaper, Moniteur Universel, announced:
Bonaparte has published a proclamation in which he invites all the Jews of
Asia and Africa to gather under his flag in order to re-establish the ancient
Jerusalem. He has already given arms to a great number, and their battalions
threaten Aleppo.
Temple at the Center of Time pg 173
“In February 1807, through Napoleon’s aid, the ancient Sanhedrin was opened.
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769-1821) was a military and political leader of France
whose actions shaped European politics in the early 19th century. He was
initiated into Army Philadelphe Lodge in 1798. His brothers, Joseph, Lucian,
Louis and Jerome, were also Freemasons. Five of the six members of
Napoleon’s Grand Councel of the Empire were Freemasons, as were six of the
nine Imperial Officers and 22 of the 30 Marshals of France. Bonaparte’s
association with Masonry has always been played down in historical records.
Masonic researcher J.E.S. Tuckett addresses the situation:
“It is strange that evidence in favor of the Great Napoleon’s
membership of the Masonic Brotherhood has never been examined in detail, for the matter is surely
one of interest, and – seeing the remarkable part that remarkable men played in the affairs of
Europe, at a time when Continental Freemasonry was struggling out of chaos into regular order – it
cannot be without an important bearing upon Masonic history”

Napoleon was also said to be aided by occult powers. In 1813 he was

defeated at Leipzip and behind him was a “Cabinet of Curiosities” in which
a Prussian officer discovered his Book of Fate and Oraculum. Originally this
Oraculum was discovered in one of the Royal tombs of Egypt during a
French military expedition of 1801. The emperor ordered the manuscript to
be translated by a famous German scholar and antiquarian. From that time
onward, the Oraculum was one of Napoleon’s most treasured possessions.
He consulted it on many occasions and it is said to have “formed a stimulus
to his most speculative and most successful enterprises.”

Salomon Rothschild
Salomon Rothschild was the founder of the Viennese branch of the
prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. The most powerful
family in the world has greatly influenced the policies of Germany,
France, Italy and Austria. The Rothschilds are also the main players
behind the creation of Zionism and the state of Israel.
The power of the Rothschilds went way beyond the confines of the
Masonic lodge. They are said to be part of the 13 “Illuminati
Bloodlines.”. An analysis of the recently built Supreme Court of
Israel confirms the Rothschild’s embrace of Masonic symbolism.
The Israel Supreme Court is the creation of one elite family: the
Rothschilds. In their negotiations with Israel, they’ve agreed
to donate the building under three conditions: the Rothschilds were
to choose the plot of land, they would use their own architect and no
one would ever know the price of its construction. The reasons for
those conditions are quite evident: the Supreme Court building is a
Temple of Masonic Mystery Religion and is built by the elite, for the
Built in 1992, the Israel Supreme Court sits in
Jerusalem, in front of the Knesset (Israeli
legislature). Its peculiar architecture has earned
critical praise due to the architects’ opposition of
old versus new, light versus shadow and straight
lines versus curves. Almost all critics and
journalists have however omitted to mention the
blatant occult symbols present all over the
building. Masonic and Illuminati principles are
physically embodied in numerous instances,
proving without a doubt who runs the show in
The Rothschild family is an international dynasty
of Germans of jewish descent who established a
worldwide banking and finance operation. The
offsprings of Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) have spread all over Europe and became major actors in
the social, political and economic life of the continent. By knitting close ties with the elite of England, Austria,
France and Italy, the Rothschilds became a hidden force in most political events of the last centuries. Alternative
historians say they are part of the infamous 13 bloodlines of the Illuminati, along with the Rockefellers and the
The Rothschilds are one of the originators of the Zionist movement and the most active actors in the creation of
the state of Israel. James A. de Rothschild financed the Knesset, Israel’s main political building. Right in front

of it sits the Israeli Supreme Court, donated by another member of the dynasty: Dorothy de Rothschild.

In the same general area of Jerusalem we can

therefore find the Knesset and the Supreme Court,
built by the Rothschilds and, following a
perpendicular layline, several blocks away, sits the
Rockefeller Museum (other elite family). You
might start to understand who owns this area now.
Jerry Golden wrote several years ago on the
Israeli Supreme Court, appropriately pointing out
its occult concepts. When you study those types of
buildings, you quickly realize that the same
themes inevitably reappear: illumination, pyramid,
ascent, the number 13 or 33 , phallic/yonic
symbols, etc. This building has it all and more.
Illustration 77: Painting at the entrance of the Supreme A journey through the Supreme Court is in fact a
Court – The Rothschilds with Shimon Perez and Isaac Rabin symbolic course towards Illumination. The
ultimate “goal” of the journey is to reach the top of the pyramid which is located on the roof of Supreme Court,
atop of an area where the “holy of holies” would be in a Jewish Temple.
On each side of the pyramid’s apex is a hole representing the “All-Seeing Eye” of the masonic Great Architect

Illustration 78: Pyramid with all-seeing eye

Darkness to Light Stairway

One who enters the Supreme Court finds himself in a dark area, in front of a stairway leading to a source of

By climbing those stairs, the visitor gradually leaves the

depths of darkness to finally reach glorious sunlight. There
are exactly three times 10 steps, totaling 30. They
represent the 30 first degrees of Freemasonry, where the
profane is gradually taken from the depths of material life
(darkness) to wisdom and illumination (light). We know
that Freemasonry comprises a total of 33 degrees and we’ll
later see where we can find those last three degrees in the
structure. On the right side of the stairs are old rocks
reminiscent of walls of ancient Jerusalem while on the left
is a smooth and modern wall. This represents the timeless
nature of occult teachings, who have been
transmitted since ancient times to this day.
Once having climbed the stairs the visitor can admire a great view of Jerusalem. In a symbolic way,
the enlightened person gained “spiritual sight”.
The library is divided in three levels, symbolically representing the last three degrees of Freemasonry (31st,
32nd and honorary 33rd) . The first level is reserved for lawyers, the second is reserved for judges and the
books on the third level can only be read by retired judges. The library’s way of functioning – where some
information is the exclusive privilege of a selected few – directly correlates with the functioning of occult
orders, where teachings of a certain degree can only be given if the initiates have successfully cleared the
previous degrees.
In the courtrooms, the judges are illuminated by a natural source of light. So the judges, hearing the pleads of
the masses sit there with divine light constantly shining upon them. After the hearings, the judges retire to their
quarters, situated right over the courtroom. They symbolically “ascend” to the divine world. When a decision is
taken, they “descend” to bring illumination to the lower world.

The Israeli supreme court building makes use of a winding staircase
which has multiple meanings. One of which, is a fertility symbol of
the joining of the male and female. On a deeper level, it is referring
to the DNA helix. This will be discussed in more detail in a future
study, Yah willing.

This is the Dorothy de Rothschild grove.

The obelisk is the most commonly used and the most blatant occult symbol used throughout the world. In
ancient Egypt, the cult of this phallic symbol was associated with the god Osiris, who was cut in 13 pieces by
Seth. Isis traveled far and beyond to retrieve all of Osiris’ body parts and was successful, except for one body
part, the penis, which was swallowed by a fish. “The lost phallus” is thus representative of male energy, and is
almost always placed (as in this case) inside a circle, which represents female genitalia and energy. The obelisk
in the middle of a circle represents the sexual act and the union of opposite forces. In our modern world,
obelisks are found on nearly all important landmarks, and thus became and symbol of the occult elite’s power.

“Among the ancient Mysteries the pomegranate was also considered to be a divine symbol of such
peculiar significance that its true explanation could not be divulged. It was termed by the Cabiri
“the forbidden secret.” Many Greek gods and goddesses are depicted holding the fruit or flower of
the pomegranate in their hands, evidently to signify that they are givers of life and plenty.
Pomegranate capitals were placed upon the pillars of Jachin and Boaz standing in front of King
Solomon’s Temple; and by the order of Jehovah, pomegranate blossoms were embroidered upon the
bottom of the High Priest’s ephod”
-Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages

The pomegranate points back to the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Jewish tradition states that the
pomegranate has 613 seeds corresponding to the 613 commandments. This is a perfect picture of the tree of
knowledge of good and evil. It is a counterfeit of the tree of life. It represents good as well as evil. There are
not 613 commandments in the Torah. Take a look at this list, and you will see that it is man’s interpretation of
the Torah. This is what the tree of knowledge of good and evil is. It is religion. Man’s interpretations.
NEWS BRIEF: “Mason’s making a move in Israel, and a closer look at the Road Map”, Jerry Golden Report,
February 23, 2005
“This picture was taken by a friend while in Eilat recently. It is on the road that
crosses the border and one of the first things a visitor sees when coming from
Egypt into Israel. I have written about the involvement of Freemasonry in the
Israeli Government mainly through the Supreme Court and the Knesset. But this
makes a clear statement to anyone crossing the border into Israel that the
Illuminati (or freemasons) are in control here.”
Once again, we are faced with the reality that global Illuminized Freemasonry
tightly controls Israel, just as they have since May 14, 1948, when Israel announced her statehood. In fact,
Illuminized Freemasonry controlled the worldwide Zionist movement since 1896, also as is evidenced by the
hexagram symbol.
This large Masonic symbol sitting in Eilat, at the border crossing of Egypt/Israel, also means that Israel is being

protected by Illuminized Freemasonry! In fact, Masonry is virtually shouting to the Arab and Muslim world that
the Illuminized governments of the world will not allow Israel to be destroyed as a state. But why should we be
surprised? Consider the following facts:
1. With no Israel, Freemasonry will have no nation for their Masonic Christ to appear to, claiming to be their
Messiah for whom they have been awaiting, a claim which will fulfill prophecy.
2. With no Israel, Freemasonry will have no control over the Temple Mount, so they will not be able to build
their coveted Solomon’s Temple — the temple Antichrist shall profane as foretold in Matthew 24:15 and Daniel
3. With no Israel, Freemasonry cannot complete all their beloved Old Testament types and allegories.
4. In their writings, the Illuminati recognizes the need for their Christ to appear east of Jerusalem, pretending to
be the Jewish Messiah, accompanied by myriads of majestic “signs and wonders”. Their writings also foresee
that the Dome of the Rock will be demolished by an earthquake, clearing the way for the Temple to be
constructed. [Peter Lemesurier, "The Armageddon Script"]
In 1993 in Jerusalem, a celebration of political Masons was held. According to the respected Italian newspaper
La Republica (October 1993), in an article entitled, “Israel: There is a Pact Between Politicians and Masons,”
the ceremony was attended by the Mayor of Jerusalem, Teddy Kollek, as well as by the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi,
Israel Meier Lau. Kollek told the gathered Masons, “You do a great honor to Jerusalem. This is natural,
considering that King Soloman was the great builder of the temple, which is at the roots of the Masonic idea,
and that his workmen were the first Masons.”
At that same ceremony, sponsored by the “Grand Lodge of the State of Israel,” Rabbi Lau stated that, “The
principles of Freemasonry are all contained in the Book of Books of the Jewish people.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that he was initiated into the Masonic Lodge while in
the United States. The La Republica newspaper stated that Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin was active in Masonry
and estimated there are 4,000 Israeli Freemasons, divided into 76 lodges. Most Israeli judges and religious
figures are Masons. Rothschild-supported Hebrew University in Israel has erected an Egyptian obelisk, symbol
of Freemasonry, in its courtyard, and inside the new Israeli Supreme Court building is a law library
architecturally designed in the shape of an Egyptian pyramid.
Freemason prime ministers of Israel
David Ben-Gurion – Freemason
Moshe Sharett
Levi Eshkol
Yigal Allon
Golda Meir – Co-Mason
Yitzhak Rabin – Freemason
Shimon Peres* – Freemason and Jesuit (Roman Catholic) trained
Menachem Begin
Yitzhak Shamir
Benjamin Netanyahu – Freemason
Ehud Barak – Freemason
Ariel Sharon – Freemason
Ehud Olmert – Freemason

Benjamin Netanyahu – Freemason

The Rothschilds

“Avi hayeshuv” Father of the

“In 1822 it [the Six-Pointed Star] was adopted
by the Rothschild family and put on their coat
of arms… It began in 17th century Frankfurt,
Germany, where Mayer Amschel Bauer hung a
red hexagram…on his door to identify his
address. Soon after this [he]…began supplying
coins to Prince William of Hanau and upon becoming supplier to the court, he changed his family name to Roth
and Schild and Schild, meaning Red Shield.”
[N.B. Rothschild actually means "Ruth's Child" and refers to the lineage of David and Solomon whose ancestor
was Ruth (I Chron. 2:12-15)
"Saturn was also…connected with…the minting of coins: he was even the guardian of the treasury."
"…a six pointed star [is] known as…hexagram, Solomon’s Seal, Star of David. It is even called the ‘Talisman
of Saturn’.”
“In 1836, [Zevi] Kalischer appealed to Mayer Amschel (…Rothschild) to buy out completely the land of Israel
or at least Jerusalem and particularly the Temple area in order to ‘bring about the miraculous redemption from
below’. Zevi Kalischer said the salvation promised by the prophets of old could come only gradually and by
self-help from the Jews.”

Nineveh’s red shields

According to eye-witnesses, who were prominent enough to visit one of the British Rothschild homes, the
Rothschilds worship yet another god too, Satan. They set a place for him at their table.
The Rothschilds have been Satanists for many generations. The Rothschilds are an important part of the history
of the Seal of Solomon (also known as hexagram, Magen David, six-pointed star, Star of
David.) The Seal of Solomon, the hexagram, was not considered a Jewish symbol before the Rothschilds began
using it. Throughout the Middle Ages the Seal of Solomon had been used by Arab Magicians, Cabalist
Magicians, Druid witches and Satanists. One of the few ancient uses of the symbol was on the floor of a 1,200
year old Moslem Mosque found where Tel Aviv is today.10 In the twelve century an Ashkenazic Jew Menahem
ben Duji, who thought he was the Messiah, used the magical symbol.
Because the Rothschilds were Satanists they adopted this powerful magic symbol in 1822 for their coat- of-
arms. The name they adopted for their family actually comes from the fact that in the 17th century Mayer
Amschel Bauer began hanging out a red hexagram in front of their house to identify it. Mayer Amschel then
decided to take the name red-schield (Rothschild in German) after the red Seal of Solomon that they used. In
1836 Zevi Hirsch Kalischer approached Rothschild and proposed Rothschild buy all of Erez Israel. It took many

years for the Rothschilds to finally create Israel. The Rothschilds have been a primary force behind the creation
of Israel, and so it is appropriate that the nation carries their magical Seal of Solomon as the state logo.
Anka Muhlstein wrote in her book Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds,
“The success of the five brothers, who seemed to share Europe among themselves without ever dividing their
forces, fired the imagination. The best writers of the time gave credence to the notion of the all-powerful
bankers. ‘The Jewish banker says: ‘[God] has given me the royalty of wealth and the understanding of
opulence, which is the scepter of society. . . . ‘A Jew now reigns over the Pope and Christianity. He pays
monarchs and buys nations,‘ stated Alfred de Vigny. Jewish polemists joined in and declared: ‘There is only
one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild. . . and speculation is his sword. . . . Rothschild needed states in
order to become Rothschild. . . . However, today he no longer needs the state, but the state needs him.’ Heine
put it more humorously, recalling olden times when the King would have had the teeth of M. de Rothschild
pulled out had he refused a loan. Today, ‘Rothschild, Baron and Knight of the Order of Isabella the Catholic,
may stroll over to the Tuileries whenever it strikes his fancy, without fear of losing even one tooth to a cash-
hungry King.’ Metternich’s spies took the same line and in their reports feigned surprise at the presence in
James’ office of General Rumigny, whom Louis-Philippe had put in charge of everything related to the Bourse.
Rothschild, wrote a certain Klindworth to Count Apponyi, the Austrian Ambassador, ‘places in each ministry, in
every department at all levels, his own creatures who feed him the greatest variety of information.’
While the European press devoted long articles to the Rothschild triumphs, American newspapers, often
influenced by a group of German Jews to whom the image of an all-powerful Court Jew was familiar, portrayed
Rothschild as fabulous and fantastical: ‘The Rothschilds govern a Christian world. Not a cabinet moves
without their advice. They stretch their hand, with equal ease, from Petersburg to Vienna, from Vienna to
Paris, from Paris to London, from London to Washington. Baron Rothschild, the head of the house, is the
true king of Judah, the prince of the captivity, the Messiah so long looked for by this extraordinary
people. . . . The lion of the tribe of Judah, Baron Rothschild, possesses more real force than David—more
wisdom than Solomon.’ Even the wildest rumors came to seem credible. In 1830 an American weekly
reported on its front page that the Rothschilds had purchased Jerusalem: ‘We see nothing improbable that
in the pecuniary distress of the sultan, he should sell some parts of his dominions to preserve the rest; or that the
Rothschilds should purchase the old capital of their nation. They are wealthy beyond desire, perhaps even
avarice; and so situated, it is quite reasonable to suppose that they may seek something else to gratify their
ambition, that shall produce most important effects. If secured in the possession, which may be brought about
by money, they might instantly, as it were, gather a large nation together, soon to become capable of defending
itself, and having a wonderful influence over the commerce and condition of the east—rendering Judah again
the place of deposit of a large portion of the wealth of the ‘ancient world.’ To the sultan the country is of no
great value; but, in the hands of the Jews, directed by such men as the Rothschilds, what might it not become,
and in a short period of time?’—A. Muhlstein, Baron James: The Rise of the French Rothschilds, The Vendome
Press, New York, Paris, (1982), pp. 104-106.
For more on the Rothschild, Israel connection:

Freemasonry, America & Atlantis

American History :

Secret Destiny of America Manly P Hall
Chapter 11. The Objective of the Secret Society
One reference to a secret society in Bacon’s New Atlantis is scarcely less
than a proclamation
of the Society of Unknown philosophers, but has gone unnoticed for three
hundred years. …
This fable is of the land of Bensalem, meaning the Son of Peace, which
with its merchandise,
the Light of Truth, maintained a trade with Atlantis, which was declared
to be the same
as America. … Every thing indicates that it was Sir Francis Bacon’s
that the enlarging of the bounds of human empire should be instituted on
our own continent,
an area peculiarly set aside by Nature for the perfection of philosophy and
the sciences.
THE writings of Sir Francis Bacon are generally grouped under three
headings–professional, literary, and philosophical. Each of these
groups contains a variety of important works. But Lord Bacon’s mind,
taste, and conviction are best revealed through his philosophical
writings. In this group are works that are strictly philosophical, others
that verge toward the sciences, and still others which sum up
convictions relating to all branches of knowledge.
Possibly the most remarkable of Lord Bacon’s ethical contributions is the fragment called the New Atlantis,
which forms a kind of gloss upon his principal philosophical production, the Instauratio Magna. To Bacon, the
greater part of learning was the application of knowledge to the necessities of the human state. It was only
natural that he should envision the results should his inductive system be given Universal application.
The New Atlantis was first published in 1627, as a kind of appendix to the Sylva Sylvarum, a natural history in
ten centuries. On the title page is a curious design. It shows the figure of an ancient creature representing Time
drawing a female figure from a dark cavern. The meaning is obvious: Through time, the hidden truth shall be
revealed. This figure is one of the most famous of the seals or symbols of the Order of the Quest. Contained
within it is the whole promise of the resurrection of man, and the restitution of the divine theology.
The New Atlantis was not published during the recorded lifetime of Lord Bacon. It was issued the year
following his death by His Lordship’s chaplain, William Rawley. This man was Bacon’s close friend and
familiar over a period of many years, and most of Bacon’s papers were entrusted to Rawley’s care. In his
admiration for Bacon’s personal character and philosophical powers he left the expressed wish to be buried at
his master’s feet, and his wish was fulfilled.
Rawley writes in his introduction to Bacon’s the New Atlantis, “This fable My Lord devised, to the end that he
might exhibit therein, a model or description of a college, instituted for the interpreting of nature, and the
producing of great and marvelous works, for the benefit of men; under the name of Solomon’s house, or
the college of the six days work.”
The college of the six days work is, of course, a thinly veiled reference to the perfection of nature through art.
The six days are the days of creation by which the natural world was brought into existence, according to the
account given in Genesis. As God created the Universe in six symbolic days, so man by art–that is,

philosophy–must create the condition of his own perfection by means of six philosophical steps.

Illustration 79: Be Wise As Serpents - Fritz Springmeier

This is what the hexagram represents…the recreation of man. the Star of David symbolizes the six directions of
space plus the center, under the influence of the description of space found in the Sefer Yetsira. Let us consider
the six-pointed star as consisting of two equilateral triangles. The triangle is the simplest conceivable plane
figure with distinct points. While in mysticism the number four and the square represent the created world, the
number three and the triangle represent the various possibilities resulting from the division of the One into two.
The One Creator brought about these possibilities by the very act of Creation.
If, for the sake of argument, we depict the Creator and the Creation each by a dot, then the line connecting
these dots denotes the relationship between them, the relationship between “above” and “below”:
We draw the triangle with both sides of equal length in order to express the harmony between these different
In our context, the triangle may be seen as the symbol of a power field, while two triangles, as in a hexagram,
represent two related power fields. The two primordial power fields would, then, be the creative force of the
creator symbolized by one of the two triangles, while the creation and the forces invested in it would be marked
by the second triangle. The interlacing of the triangles, then, indicates that Creator and creation cannot be
separated; one can’t be without the other. They are a unit: One.
Secret Destiny of America chapter 11
The fable of the New Atlantis begins with a ship sailing from Peru for China and Japan being driven from its
course by contrary winds. Those aboard after many months faced death by starvation and disease. They prayed
to God for help, and their prayer was answered; the ship came at last to the fair harbor of a great city in an

unknown land. Here the mariners were hospitably received and after certain formalities were permitted to land;
and the wonders of the city were then revealed to them.
The title page of Bacon’s masterpiece, Novum Organum, features a small sailing ship between two columns.
These columns are the pillars of Hercules, the Strait of Gibraltar, which marked the western boundary of the
sea. The little ship is science, sailing forth from the limits and boundaries of the old world into the unknown sea
of Universal learning. Is not this the same ship that finally came to haven in the Wise Man’s City ?
The New Atlantis describes the magnificence of the college of the six days work. Here the wise dwelt together
in a gentle commonwealth of learning. One of the wise men makes the following statement in a prayer:
“Lord God of Heaven and Earth; Thou hast vouchsafed of Thy grace to those of our Order, to know Thy works
of creation, and the secrets of them; and to discern (as far as appertaineth to the generations of men) between
divine miracles, works of nature, works of art, and impostures and illusions of all sorts.”
It is difficult to understand how this reference to a secret order has passed unnoticed for so long, for it is
scarcely less than a proclamation of the Society of Unknown Philosophers.
The name of the land in which stood the Wise Man’s City was Bensalem; this means the Son of Peace.
Bensalem maintained a trade with all parts of the world, but not for gold, silver, jewels, silks, spices, nor any
other material commodity; its merchandise was the Light of Truth. Among the nations traded with was
Atlantis, which was declared to be the same as America.
In America shall be erected a shrine to Universal Truth, as here arises the global
democratic Commonwealth–the true wealth of all mankind, which is designed
in the foundation that men shall abide together in peace and shall devote
their energies to the common cause of discovery. … The power of man lies in his dreams,
his visions, and his ideals. This has been the common vision of man’s necessity
in the secret empire of the Brotherhood of the Quest, consecrated
to fulfilling the destiny for which we in America were brought into being.
Religion, science, and philosophy are the three parts of essential learning. A government based upon one or
even two of these parts must ultimately degenerate into a tyranny, either of men or opinion. These three realize
the unity of knowledge; they are the orders of the Quest…The supreme human purpose is the perfection of
man. This must come first, and when this end has been achieved all good things will inevitably follow….These
three [religion, science, philosophy], then, are the orders of the Quest. Together they can bring about the
perfection of man through the discovery of the Plan for man…..One of the great secrets of antiquity was this
realization of the unity of knowledge and the identity of the Quest in all the branches of learning. The great
philosophers of the past were truly great because they approached the problem of life as priest-philosopher-
scientist. The title “The Wise” is properly applied only to those in whose consciousness the unity of knowledge
has been established as the pattern of the Quest.
It was part of the ancient plan that has descended to us to build again the ideal university–the college of the six
days work. Here would be taught the same arts and sciences that we teach today, but from a different basic
premise. Here men would learn that the sciences are as sacred as the theologies, and the philosophies are as
practical as the crafts and trades. Those mystical extra-sensory perceptions viewed with suspicion by the
materialist would then be developed according to the disciplines of the sciences, and all learning would be
consecrated to the supreme end that men become as the gods, knowing good and evil
David Ovason writes in regards to the truncated pyramid and all seeing eye on the dollar bill:

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 235
“This ‘invisible’ symbolism recalls one important strain of arcane symbolism within Masonry itself, which
maintains that the present era is that during which the Temple of Solomon is being rebuilt. At the completion of
this Temple, the present era will come to an end, and be succeeded by a more splendid spiritual era.

The Weeping Virgin

Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 186
“…the celestial version of this Beautiful Virgin was the Virgin whom the Masons used in their mystery symbols
of Washington D.C., the city of Virgo. The important point is this: in some way, the Masonic fraternities of the
United States have visualized their federal city as the founding stone not merely for the United States, but of the
Fourth Ear, which will see the rebuilding, on the inner plane, of the Temple of Solomon.”…”Such imagery
reflects the Masonic appreciate of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth of the Beautiful
Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to Washington, D.C. The
image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, that most enduring of Masonic symbols.
This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a lamentation at the unfinished
pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is incomplete because it is the
Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon. Virgo is the star goddess weeping that so remarkable
an endeavor still remains unfinished.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 184
“It seems then, that the Beautiful Virgin is a representation of the Virgin of the skies, the celestial Virgo, and
that in certain Masonic contexts she is represented as weeping. The link between Virgo and Isis is nowhere
more openly revealed than in this idea, for Isis was herself on of the two ‘weeping sisters.’ In some Masonic
accounts, she is said to be weeping because she symbolizes the unfinished Temple – that is, the Temple of
Solomon from which some Masonic fraternities still date the passage of the years. Since the Masonic
symbolism sees the building of the external Temple as representative of the building of the internal
temple of spirit, it seems that the Virgin weeps either for the imperfections still in mankind or because the
Temple is not yet finished.
Morals & Dogma pg 241
“We no longer expect to rebuild the Temple at Jerusalem. To us it has become but a symbol. To us the whole
world is God’s Temple, as is every upright heart. To establish all over the world the New Law and Reign of
Love, Peace, Charity, and Toleration, is to build that Temple, most acceptable to God, in erecting which
Masonry is now engaged.”
David Ovason also makes an interesting connection between the zodiacal symbol of Virgo and the Egyptian
hieroglyph for rain/dew.

Illustration 80: Secret

Architecture of Our Nation’s
Capital pg 183

Illustration 81: Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital Pg 183

Illustration 82: Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital pg 183

Ovason makes a few very interesting connections in this passage of his book. He is correct that the Hebrew
word for instruction means the same thing as to ‘throw drops of water’/rain. This is the root of the word Torah.
What Ovason is describing in the above passage is a counterfeit baptism. The true baptism is being buried in

water and then being born again in the image of Messiah who is the Torah made flesh, the tree of life. The
counterfeit is a born again experience where the initiate has his ‘third eye’ opened up. He is reborn in the image
of the serpent, the tree of knowledge.
Look back at the symbol for Virgo and the hieroglyphic for the tears of Isis representing a counterfeit born again
experience and compare them to the trident of Poseidon.
The triden of Shiva is another representation of Poseidon…In Hinduism it is associated with transformation…

The shin is associated with 3 vav’s…ie 666.

The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 25 states that the symbol of the Sirians (from Sirius) in Atlantis was a
triangle, sometimes with an eye in the middle. This all seeing-eye symbol traced through Egypt as the eye of
Horus/Osiris/Ra/Isis which is what is seen on the back of the dollar bill.
The all-seeing eye, on a deeper
level, connects to the pineal
John Gill commentary on Amos
the star of your god, which ye
made to yourselves; or the star
“your god” (q); meaning the same
with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps
the same with the star that fell
from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte (Diana), the wife of Chronus or Saturn,
is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of
that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change
its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill but
that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His

appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for
two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone
give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.” (1)
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 186
“Such imagery reflects the Masonic appreciation of the arcane significance of Virgo. It is in this pregnant myth
of the Beautiful Virgin that we begin to see something of the arcane importance of the Virgo image to
Washington, D.C. The image points – by inference – to the unfinished Temple of Solomon, the most enduring
of Masonic symbols. This means that the Weeping Virgin symbolizes, in a feminine personification, a
lamentation at the unfinished pyramid on the Seal of the United States, and on every dollar bill. The pyramid is
incomplete because it is the Egyptian Mystery equivalent of the Temple of Solomon: Virgo is the star goddess
weeping that so remarkable an endeavor still remains unfinished.”

The Pentagram, Hexagram and the United States/New Atlantis

Secrets of the Dollar Bill – David Ovason pg 19
“The stars on the first Great Seal of 1782 were six-pointed.
Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 23

‘The chief difference between the eagle roundel on the dollar bill and the eagle on the first Great Seal (1782)
was in the number of radiants or points on the stars above the head of the eagle. On the dollar-bill roundel, the
thirteen stars have five radiants. The thirteen stars on the Great Seal of 1782 had six radiants.Great Seal 1782

Illustration 83: Great Seal 1782

Illustration 84: Secrets of the Dollar Bill

pg 126 Notebook of Villard de Honnecourt
“In Medieval art and symbolism, the eagle was associated with the five-pointed star. In the Medieval period,
the eagle was regarded as a magical figure….Villard de Honnecourt traced in the heraldic image of a displayed
eagle the form of the five-pointed star, or pentagram. This meant that the eagle was viewed as being the
equivalent of the five-pointed star – in terms of both symbolism and numerology.
Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 139
“As a matter of fact, the eagle was widely used in alchemy. In certain texts, the crowned eagle was seen as a

symbols of a successfully completed stage in the search for the manufacture of the secret Philosopher’s
Stone, which would confer long life and incredible riches.”
Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 219-220
“Six hundred years after Isaiah {Isaiah 7:14; 9:6}, Virgil solemnly announced in the Fourth Eclogue that the
Prince of Peace would be produced by the unrolling of a New World Order (‘NOVUS ORDER SECLORUM’):
Now returns the Golden Age of Saturn, now appears the Immaculate Virgin. Now descends from heaven a
divine Nativity. O! Chaste Lucina, speed the Mother’s pains, haste the glorious Birth, and usher in the reign of
thy Apollo. thy consulship, O Pollio, shall lead this glorious Advent, and the new world order shall then begin
to roll. Thenceforth whatever vestige of Original Sin remains, shall be swept away from earth forever, and the
Son of God shall be the Prince of Peace!
Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital – David Ovason pg 391
“Now the Virgin returns, the Saturnian reign return:
Now a new Offspring is sent down from high heaven.
O Chaste Lucina favour the Boy now being born, with whom the iron race
Shall end and a golden arise in all the world…”

Contrary to what is taught to Americans, revolt and rebellion is not biblical. ‘Rebellion to tyrants is obedience
to God’, is not Biblical.1776 ‘Mosaic’ Seal
Benjamin Franklin likened himself to Moses. However, Benjamin Franklin was far from being a type of
Moses. Franklin was a satanist who was a member of the ‘Hellfire club’ of London. The club motto was Fais
ce que tu voudras (Do what thou wilt), a philosophy of life associated with François Rabelais’ fictional abbey at
Thélème and later used by Aleister Crowley. According to Horace Walpole, the members’ “practice was
rigorously pagan: Bacchus and Venus were the deities to whom they almost publicly sacrificed; and the nymphs
and the hogsheads that were laid in against the festivals of this new church, sufficiently informed the
neighborhood of the complexion of those hermits.” Dashwood’s garden at West Wycombe contained numerous
statues and shrines to different gods; Daphne and Flora, Priapus and the previously mentioned Venus and

Fritz Springmeier- Be Wise as Serpents
A very famous Jewish Mason, born in Boston to descendants of the Puritan tradition is Benjamin Franklin. His
father and mother were
Josiah and Abiah Franklin. Benjamin Franklin contributed to the Mikveh Israel Jewish congregation in
Philadelphia. But Franklin
did not practice Judaism. He did practice the occult, and things that would be weird to Christians. He became
the head of the very
occultic Grand Orient Freemasons when he was in France. Franklin’s life was surrounded by Freemasons.
Franklin’s role in the establishment and promotion of Freemasonry is overwhelming.
Second Messiah pg 51
Abram Moses being made a Mason at a lodge in Rhode Island in the American Colonies in 1656
The Jews and Freemasons in the United States before 1810; and Encyclopedia Judaica, “Freemasons”, page 124
Jews were actively involved in the beginnings of Freemasonry in America. There is evidence they were among
those who established Masonry in 7 of the original 13 states: Rhode Island, New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland,
Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia.
A Jewish Mason, Moses Michael Hays, helped introduce the Scottish Rite in America. Hays was also Deputy
Inspector General of Masonry for North America in 1768, and Grand Master of Massachusetts from 1788 to
1792. Paul Revere served under him as Deputy Grand Master. There were several other Jews who held the title
of Deputy Inspector General of Masonry in the late 1700′s: Solomon Bush in Pennsylvania, Joseph Myers in
Maryland and later in South Carolina, and Abraham Forst of Philadelphia in Virginia in 1781. Another Jewish
Grand Master was Moses Seixas in Rhode Island from 1791 until 1800.
“Jewish Masons in the American Revolution”, The Oklahoma Mason, Dec. 1924, page 10.
Jewish Masons played an important part in the American Revolution, with 24 of them serving as officers in
George Washington’s army. In addition, several helped finance the American cause, including Haym Salomon,
a Philadelphia Jewish Mason who, with others, contributed and raised money for the American war effort and
loaned money to Jefferson, Madison, Lee, and others for their personal expenses.
Jewish names appear among the founders of Freemasonry in colonial America, and in fact it is probable that
Jews were the first to introduce the movement into the country. Tradition connects Mordecai Campanall, of
Newport, Rhode Island, with the supposed establishment of a lodge there in 1658. In Georgia four Jews appear
to have been among the founders of the first lodge, organized in Savannah in 1734. Moses Michael Hays,
identified with the introduction of the Scottish Rite into the United States, was appointed deputy inspector
general of Masonry for North America in about 1768. In 1769 Hays organized the King David’s Lodge in New
York, moving it to Newport in 1780. He was Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts from 1788 to
1792. Moses *Seixas was prominent among those who established the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island, and was
Grand Master from 1802 to 1809. A contemporary of Hays, Solomon *Bush, was deputy inspector general of
Masonry for Pennsylvania, and in 1781 Jews were influential in the Sublime Lodge of Perfection in
Philadelphia which played an important part in the early history of Freemasonry in America. Other early leaders
of the movement included: Isaac da *Costa (d. 1783), whose name is found among the members of King
Solomon’s Lodge, Charleston, in 1753; Abraham Forst, of Philadelphia, deputy inspector general for Virginia in
1781; and Joseph Myers, who held the same office, first for Maryland, and later for South Carolina. In 1793 the
cornerstone ceremony for the new synagogue in Charleston, South Carolina, was conducted according to the
rites of Freemasonry.

The historical origins of the
Masons is shrouded
in mystery. Masonic legend
claims their origins
go back to the Temple of King
Solomon. While
this cannot be confirmed or
denied, one thing is
certain: the Masons carry with
them a large body
of “C”abbalistic knowledge.
No stranger to politics, the
Masons have had a
monumental influence upon the
establishment of the United States
of America. Thus there is
an actual role that the Kabbalah has played in
the founding of the United States.
It was from the St. Andrews Masonic Lodge in Boston that a group of Masons, who were fed up
with British injustice regarding unfair taxation, dressed up as Indians and went to Boston harbor to protest. The
famous Boston Tea Party was a Masonic event.
Paul Revere set out on his historic ride, crying, “the British are coming”, after adjourning his Masonic lodge
meeting. Revere set out on his ride from the Masonic lodge.
Thirteen of the revolutionary war generals were Masons, including General George Washington. In fact,
Washington took his second oath of office as President of the United States dressed in full Masonic regalia. A
painting of Washington in this outfit still hangs today in the Library of Congress. Thomas Jefferson was a
Mason, so was John Adams, John Hancock, and according to some sources, so were the vast majority of the
signers of the Declaration of Independence. Benjamin Franklin was not only a Mason, he was a Grandmaster
Mason in charge of lodges both in the colonies as well as in France.
It seems that there were more Masons involved in the founding of the United States than non Masons. I have
only listed the prominent, known Masons. It must be remembered that usually Masonic membership is secret,
especially during that period when political revolution was being fomented. Therefore, we cannot know of
everyone who was involved.
Steeped heavily in tradition and ritual, Masonic rites are a mystery to all, except those who have been initiated
into them. Masonic usage of symbols is as old as is their order and permeates all aspects of Masonic ritual. The
symbols that represent the United States of America are full of Masonic subtleties. And the Masons themselves
say that their symbolisms are derived from the Kabbalah.
Masons and the Catholic church have been at odds since the inception of Masonry. The fundamentalist
Christians, specifically the Southern Baptists (the ones who want to convert all the Jews) especially believe that
the Masons are in league with the devil and thus, in their eyes, no Christian can ever be a Mason. Masons, of
course deny the Catholic and fundamentalist propaganda. And it is not my intention in this piece to support or to
condemn the Masons. Judging from my research, I have found no occult or demonic elements in any
aspect or form of Masonry. Mysticism, yes, occultism, no. It is, however, understandable how uninformed
Christians could be misled into mistaking Masonic mysticism for occult interests and practices Yet, in my

opinion, the Masons have a clean spiritual “bill of health”.
Although Masonic mysticism definitely came out of Christian sources, it, nonetheless, must be asked just how
“Christian” Freemasonry truly is. While a great deal of information is available on this topic to argue the
point,there are two specific points that I, as a Jew, find most interesting. Point one is that all Masonic rituals and
prayers never mention the name of Jesus Christ. This completely unheard of in any Christian order.
Second, and just as interesting, is that one famous American Mason actually rewrote the Gospels of the
Christian Bible leaving out certain aspects of the life of Jesus and simply leaving in the moralistic code that all
scholars agree Jesus took from the Talmudic Rabbis. This famous American was a signer of the Declaration of
Independence and served as the third President of the United States. I am speaking about Thomas Jefferson, the
man who designed and wrote the Declaration of Independence, and thus authored the philosophical foundation
of the United States.
It appears to me that in essence Jefferson was attempting to create what, in Judaism would be called, a country
for “righteous Gentiles.” This is the term used to describe those people who live by the commandments that G-d
had given to the children of Noah after the flood. In Jewish tradition these “righteous Gentiles” were called
Noahides (benei Noah in Hebrew) because they chose to live in accordance to seven universal principles of
spiritual law as given originally to Noah and his children. Later, at Mt Sinai, G-d reiterated these seven laws to
the children of Israel and commanded that they be observed by all mankind
What we see is that the United States of America was founded upon these seven principles of universal
spirituality. These seven are: 1. abstain from idolatry; 2. abstain from blasphemy; 3. preserve morality; 4. not to
murder; 5. not to steal; 6. not to eat blood; and last but not least, 7. to do justice. These seven principles have
been fully discussed in a previous issue of Panu Derekh (double issue 16-17), therefore there is no need to
elaborate upon them here further. The relationship between the Masons and the seven universal principles
is by no means a coincidence noticed only by me. According to the authoritative work, “The History of
Freemasonry” by Albert Mackey, Masonic writers as early as 1723 have specifically written about this
On page 410 of this most revealing book, Mackey quotes the following from an old Masonic work entitled:
“The Laws or Obligations laid before his Brother Masons by Prince Edwin” (the Krause MS.): “The first
obligation is that you shall sincerely honor G-d and obey the laws of the Noachites, because they are divine
laws, which should be obeyed by all the world.”
Mackey comments (page 411) as follows: ”The meaning is that the only righteous laws which a Freemason is
required to obey are those contained in the code that has been attributed to Noah.” One might think that maybe
some other precepts of Noah are being referred to here. Yet Mackey makes it quite clear that he and earlier
Masonic authors are talking specifically about the seven universal principles as handed down by Jewish
tradition. There is one Masonic author who goes so far as to claim that Noah was the first of the Freemasons
“according to some old traditions”.
Mackey makes it quite clear and pronounced that the Masons were strongly influenced by the benei Noah
(righteous Gentile) teachings of Judaism. It is of no wonder then that Masons were students of Kabbalah,
which is a viable and excellent path for the righteous Gentile. And, as has been shown Kabbalistic works were
available in translation for these individuals as early as the 16th century.
Masonic interest in the laws of the Noahide also explain why the Church would be so vehemently opposed to
them. After all,the first Noahide law forbids idolatry. Any prayer other than to G-d the Father is considered to
be idolatry.***
***This is important to note. The punishment for idolatry according to the ‘Noachide’ laws is death…
beheading. Noachide laws -

Rev 20:4 And I saw thrones, and they sat on them. And judgment was given to them, and the souls of the
ones having been beheaded because of the witness of Jesus, and because of the Word of God, and who
had not worshiped the beast nor its image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their
hand. And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.
Back to the words of Ariel Bar Tzadok…
The United States was thus established to be the greatest political achievement of mankind until the coming of
the messiah. Indeed, recently the seven principles were given formal recognition by the United States
Congress. The United States government, in a formal proclamation of Congress, has declared the seven
universal principles to be the “bedrock of society from the dawn of civilization.”3 This proclamation was signed
by President George Bush on March 20th, 1991. U.S. Congress, H.J. Resolution 104, Public Law 102-
14, 1991
As students of Kabbalah, Masons were naturally exposed to the prophetic teachings on life, liberty and the
pursuit of happiness. Again it is no wonder that these words found their way into the American Declaration of
Independence and into the fabric of this country. Yet the Masons did not limit their influence to simple words or
concepts. The very seals drawn to represent the United States, which are found on the back side of every United
States $1.00 bill are full of Masonic symbolism based upon their understanding of the Kabbalah. A review
of these symbols will clearly prove this to be the case.
The Great Seal of the United States The most prominent feature in the Great Seal of the United States is the
continuous appearance of images in sets of thirteen in number. Now it is well known that there were thirteen
original colonies that banded together to form the United States. Yet, only those who are familiar with Jewish
numerology, gematria, know the significance of the number thirteen. Indeed the founding fathers knew the
significance, and it was by no means coincidence that the number of original states was thus thirteen.
A brief understanding of numerology is here needed. In Hebrew there is no separate system of numbers and
letters as there is in English. So while in English we count 1,2,3 and recite A,B,C, in Hebrew, the letters
themselves are the numbers, so Alef (A) is 1, Bet (B) is 2 and so on. According to ancient Biblical tradition, the
entire Bible is, therefore, a numerical code just waiting to be deciphered by reading each and every word
numerically and exploring the numerical patterns. Hebrew numbers, therefore, have great significance. They are
simply not arbitrary as they are in English. Thirteen is the numerical value for the Hebrew word “Ehad” which
means “one” as in Deut. 6:4, the verse that declares the eternal pledge of the Jewish people, “Hear O’Israel, the
L-rd our G-d, the L-rd is One (Ehad)”. It is also the numerical value for the Hebrew word for “love” (ahava).
The country was founded upon “July the Fourth”, this date is spelled with thirteen letters. The year the country
was founded in was ‘76: 7+6=13. Washington and twelve of his generals were Masons, thirteen again.
An interesting astrological note is that when the Declaration of Independence was signed thus giving birth to the
new country, the sun was thirteen degrees into the sign of Cancer, and the ascendant was therefore, thirteen
degrees into the sign of Scorpio. Thirteen, we see that it pops up everywhere, but nowhere more prominent than
in the Great Seal. The emblem which represents the United States is filled with Masonic references to the
Hebrew numerical value for “one”, which they used to represent their initial state of unity.
Look carefully at the Great Seal and see how many thirteens you can count. In the eagles right talon, there are
thirteen leaves and there are thirteen berries (olives). 13+13=26. 26 is the numerical value of G-d’s holy Name
YHWH, where the Hebrew letters Yod (Y)=10, Hey (H)=5, Vav (W)=6 and Hey (H)=5.
There are thirteen arrows in the eagles left talon. With the number 26 concealed in the right talon and the
number 13 in the left, it appears as if there is a secret “Jewish” message concealed in the Great Seal, that “the L-
rd (26) is One (13)” (Deut. 6:4).
The right wing of the eagle has thirty-two feathers. This number holds great Kabbalistic significance. The first

letter of the Torah (the five books of Moses) begins with the Hebrew letter Bet (B), which equals 2. The final
letter in the Torah is Lamed (L), which equals 30. 30+2=32. Thirty-two is also the number value of the Hebrew
word for “heart” (lev, spelled lamed, bet). In the ancient Kabbalistic text the Sefer Yetzirah (the Book of
Creation), it is stated that G-d created the universe using 32 wondrous paths of wisdom. These 32 paths are none
other the the holy ten spheres of Divine emanation (sefirot) and the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. These are
the heart (lev=32) of the universe and of the new country.
On the left wing of the eagle, there are thirtythree
feathers. Thirty-three is a number of
significance to Masons. Their highest rank in
their order is the thirty-third degree.
Adding the entire number of feathers together
we have the number 65. This points to yet
another Jewish message, i.e., the name of the
In the Bible, and especially Jewish prayer, G-d is
always referred to as Adonai. This word in
Hebrew is numerically equal to 65. Alef (A)=1,
Dalet (D)=4, Nun (N)=50, Yod (Y)=10.
These are not the only Jewish symbols in the
great seal. Above the eagles head are a group of
thirteen stars, the symbolism if 13 we already
know. But notice that the thirteen stars are in
the shape of the six pointed Star of David. The
stars are arranged in rows of one, four, three,
four and one.
Even the statement “E Pluribus Unum” is spelled
with thirteen letters.
The Kabbalistic significance of these Masonic
symbols cannot be denied. But it is in the reverse of the great seal where even greater and more subtle secrets
The Reverse Seal In order to give you a sample of “Masonic” Cabbala, I have included a major section from
one of the works of Paul Foster Case, a known author of esoteric and Masonic works. The following selection is
from his work entitled, “The Great Seal of the United States – It’s History, Symbolism and Message for the
New Age.” Written in 1935, Mr. Case’s coverage of this topic is quite detailed. Personally, I was surprised to see
how much he knew about Hebrew numerology and Kabbalistic teachings. In order to give you a full taste of this
type of “C”abbalah, I have quoted Case’s discussion of the reverse side of the Great Seal in detail. I will include
commentary as I feel necessary. “As a single figure the triangle represents the number 34 , and since the Eye is
equivalent to the Hebrew letter Ayin, having the number 70, the triangle and the Eye, apart from glory,
represent the number 73, the value of the Hebrew noun Chokmah (Ch K M H)5 , “Wisdom”. 73 is related to the
letter-name Gimel (G M L). Thus the number 73 is related to the letter which in English is “G”.6 In other
words, the Eye in the triangle represents the same overshadowing Wisdom that is suggested by the constellation
in the crest on the obverse of the seal. All this symbolism was familiar to Qabalists and Freemasons of the
eighteenth century, who would certainly have understood the Eye in the triangle just as it is understood by
present-day members of the Craft, who learn from their monitors that the All-seeing Eye is the symbol of
the Heavenly wisdom “which the sun, moon and stars obey, and under whose watchful care even comets

perform their stupendous revolutions.”

They also learn that the vision of this Eye “pervades the inmost recesses of the human heart, and rewards us
according to our merits.” Careful analysis of the unfinished pyramid underneath the Eye of Providence shows
that in whole numbers each of its sloping lines is 60 units long9 , its base-line 70 units, and each of the four
lines of its square top 24 units. Thus the length of the four lines enclosing each of its trapezoidal faces would be
60+60+70+24 units, or 214 units10. 214 is the number of the Hebrew noun Ruach (R V Ch), “Life-Breath, or
Spirit.” Here is a hint that the structure of our national government was intended by its founders to be a spiritual
building, truly a “temple not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. ” 91, the length of units of each side of
the finished pyramid corresponding to that on the seal, is the number of the Hebrew word Amen (A
M N), signifying “to be firm; to be faithful,” and this also agrees with what is written in explanation of the
meaning of the pyramid.
Simply the pyramid is a triangle which is a shape of three sides. This it is associated with the number three and
the Hebrew letter Gimel. These letters and those like them are Case’s way of identifying the Hebrew letters used
in the words and phrases he is quoting. The letter “G” is the letter chosen by the Masons to represent their order.
The reasons behind this are the subject of another book written by Mr. Case. In brief, “G” stands for G-d, or for
the Hebrew letter gimel, which when spelled out numerically equals the numerical value of the Hebrew word
for wisdom. Thus the symbol representing Masonry means wisdom. You will notice Case’s choice of spelling
Kabbalah with a “Q”. While I cannot confirm that this means his exposure to Kabbalah was from the schools of
the occult, yet neither can I deny this.
In the original text this is earmarked a quote, yet the source of origin is not noted. What is emphasized there is
the emancipation from the forces of astrology. Kabbalah teaches that one who serves the L-rd rises above the
influence of the stars. This is a very unoccultic statement. Case must be referring to the individual lines
formatting the bricks of the pyramid. The founding fathers were very detailed in their pictorial representation of
their new country. This type of detailing is very Jewish. I have to admit that after reviewing the original
Great Seal on the back of a dollar bill, I cannot find base line units spoken of here. This concept of a temple
built without human hands is to be found in the Christian Bible. Yet, it is also to be found in the holy Zohar,
with regards to the Third Temple which is to descend to earth fully built (without human hands). To which Case
is referring is impossible to determine. 182, the total length of the two equal sides of each face, is the number of
the proper name Jacob (I O Q B), and of the phrase, melakh haelohim (M L A K H A L H I M), “messenger of
God12.” Here is a suggestion that the finished work of the New World Order13 begun in 1776 is to be the
fulfillment of the promises to Jacob, or Spiritual Israel. That fulfillment is to make the completed realization of
the principles of true Americanism a message of God to all the world. The basis of this structure of government
is represented by a line of 70 units long. 70 is the number of the letter Ayin, corresponding to the Eye in the
triangle. It is also the number of Adam Ve-Chavah (A D M V Ch V H), “Adam and Eve.” Thus it suggests that
the foundation of the building contemplated by the fathers of the republic is the Heavenly Vision (Ayin, the
Eye), expressed through the illuminated consciousness of humanity (Adam and Eve). On the bottom course of
the pyramid is the date MDCCLXXVI, or 1776. This date is significant to all students of prophecy. It is the
culmination of a time-period which began with the first captivity of Israel in 745 B.C. Seven prophetic
“times” from that date is a period of 2520 years, or seven times a prophetic year of 360 ordinary years. This
makes the year 1776 the culmination of the seven “times” mentioned in the Book of Daniel. In the gematria of
the Greek language, 1776 is the number of the phrase he soteria Israel, “the salvation of Israel.” It may be
regarded as mere coincidence by those who prefer that explanation; but the fact remains that the New World
Order begun in 1776 was the first to admit Jews and Gentiles to political, social and economic equality16. Since
then, all over the world, except in reactionary Germany17 , there has been a steady trend toward the

emancipation of the descendants of the Tribe of Judah.” There are yet other points of interest with regards to
this side of the Great Seal. According to Manly P. Hall’s “Secret Destiny of America”, quoting from an earlier
text, “The History of the Seal”19 , by Gaillard Hunt, the eagle on the Great Seal is supposed to resemble the
mythical bird, the phoenix.
Like the concept of the “divine right of kings”, Case is suggesting that the United States is the new Jacob,
invested with the divine calling to be G-d’s chosen. The New World Order, is a term that carries very
ominous meanings. To certain fundamentalist Christians, this term refers to the coming government of the anti-
Christ, (who in Jewish tradition is called Armilus). For Case, the New World Order refers to the enlightened
society created by the United States. Under the pyramid, on the Great Seal are the words “Novus Ordo
Seclorum”, which is best translated as “New World Order.” Does this mean that the of the United States is the
government of the anti-Christ (Armilus)? I know that some conspiracy theorists believe so. Jacob is “Spiritual”
Israel. This sounds like Christian replacement theology, wherein which the Jewish people have been “unchosen”
by G-d in favor of a “spiritual” as opposed to physical Israel. The Church has thus become the new or spiritual
Israel, whereas the Jews are put onto G-d’s “back burners.” Is it this that Case refers or to something else? I
cannot say.
Again Case is making the attempt to apply cosmic significance to the founding of the United States. In spite of
Case’s claims, America was (and in certain cases still is) as anti-Semitic as it was (and is) anti Black. This
original text was written in 1935, during the period of the rise of the Nazis. The Great Seal of the United States
– It’s History, Symbolism and Message for the New Age by Paul Foster Case. Builders of the Adytum, Ltd. Los
Angeles, 1976. The Secret Destiny of America by Manly P. Hall. Philosophical Research Society Inc. Los
Angeles, 1944, 1972. pages 175-180.
The phoenix bird is one of those mythical animals that actually is mentioned in the Bible. “I will live as long as
the Phoenix” (Job 29:18). Quoting Hunt, Manly states that the majority of drawings submitted for the Great
Seal were actually of the phoenix and not of an eagle. The phoenix represents rebirth or resurrection. It is the
symbol of universal good. Another interesting point is that this side of the Great Seal was only first placed on
the back of the U.S. dollar bill in 1935. Hall makes note of the precarious threats to democracy that were
growing in the world at that time. He suggests that maybe the state of international politics played a role in the
timing of the proclamation of the Great Seal.
Kabbalah & the Occult
Many notes from Texe Marrs book Codex Magica…
Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the
western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from
the sorcery of ancient Babylon and…Pharaohic Egypt.
— Craig Heimbichner
Blood on the Altar
The Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic writings that are as demonic as any incantation ever uttered in
witchcraft. Webster’s Dictionary tells us the Cabala (sometimes spelled Kabbala) is “an occult religious
philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis…”
— James Lloyd
The Apocalypse Chronicles
(Vol. VII, No. 1, 2005)
Sorcery is commonplace in the depraved religious rituals of cabalistic Judaism. Here a rabbi is seen carrying a
chicken off to be sacrificed in a voodoo/ Santeria-type ritual during the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur. (Israel, A

Photobiography, by Micha Bar-Am, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998)
Margie Martin, in her informed, unpublished manuscript for her upcoming
book, The Molten Image, explains that the Tarot cards of witches and occultists
are of Jewish origin and correspond with the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
The basic teaching of Qabalah is found in the 32 Paths of Wisdom upon a ” Tree
of Life”, as stated in its oldest written text called the Sepher Yetzirah, translated
as Book of Formation. These 32 paths are divided into the 10 numbers from 1 to
10 and the 22 letters/symbols of the Hebrew alphabet. Everything was created
out of these 32 Pathways of Wisdom, and Man, as stated in the Bible, being in
the “image and likeness” of YHVH, the Soul of the Qabalah, male/female, is
said to be the most perfect and complete expression of these 32 Paths, a
veritable Tree of Life. This would explain why the Essenes revered the tree,
symbolically and in reality, and considered its fruit the best food for a human’s
diet. Taking this concept of each of us as a Tree of Life with 32 Paths of
Wisdom, it should manifest in our bodies. Sure enough, we need look no further
than two of the most fundamental structures of our bodies, which bear
considerable responsibility for our health and beauty: the spine and teeth, both
normally comprised of 32 structural elements. And there’s more: 32 corresponds
to our 10 fingers upon which we count numbers and do the creative outer work
of our DNA, and 22 corresponds to our chromosomes, minus the one that
determines gender. Timothy Leary’s book “The Game of Life”, written in the
1980’s, relates the 23 chromosomes to the 22 Hebrew letters and 22 major
arcana of the Tarot.
Finally, Cabalism is pure Illuminism because it teaches the secret doctrine that, ultimately, the higher level adept
learns: That the Holy Serpent is the true God; that all the evil that a person does, through alchemy, is magically
transformed into righteousness; and that, yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the true and only God. That is the
essential doctrine of Cabalism.
Lady Queensborough, quoting the Jewish authority Bernard Lazare, in the classic Occult Theocracy, reported
“There were Jews behind Weishaupt, founder of the Order of the Illuminati… Jewish financiers such as Daniel
Itzig, Friedlander, Ceerfbeer, Benjamin and Abraham Goldsmid, Moses Mocatta, Veitesl Heine Ephram… also
Moses Mendelsohn, Naphtali Wessely, Moses Hersheim…”

Ben Gurion, a dedicated Marxist/Leninist, was quoted as saying, “I am in favor of Bolshevism” (American
Spectator, January, 1998). (Photos: Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry, p. 84; Israel, A Photobiography, by
Micha Bar-Am, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998)
This illustration from Mackey’s Encyclopedia of Masonry dates the founding by Jews of the Royal Order of the
Freemasons in Palestine at Anno Lucis 4037, or 37 AD.

The magic of the Cabala calls for many uses of the occultic star. Both the five pointed star and six-pointed star
are used by Jewish magicians who work the Cabala formulas and rituals. An enduring cabalistic tale is that of
the Golem. In medieval times, it was taught that by use of the magic word and by other means, an inanimate
man made of clay or dust could be made to come alive.
A huge and powerful monster, or beast, the Golem would then do the magician’s bidding. In 1920, the classic
film Der Golem created a stir. Directed by Paul Wegener, Der Golem depicted the monster variously wearing
either the five-pointed star with one point up (white magic) or two points up (satanic). Also the six pointed Star
of David played a part in the film’s plot as a Jewish Rabbi, Rabbi Low, using the secret word “AemAct”brought
life and breath into the artificial man.

In Cabala, the Sacred Tree of the Sephiroth is claimed to represent the Cosmos, including God (male), his
Shekinah (Anna, the Goddess/female), and the Kingdom of Zion. As shown here, the Foundation of all things is
the male genitals, or the sex generative process. (Zolar’s Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge,
Arco Publishing, 1984)
Qabalah [also known as Kabbalah. "According to Albert Pike, Gnosticism was an offshoot of Kabalism, an oral
occult tradition, which was adhered to by a minority of the Jews. At some point, which remains uncertain, these
occult teachings were reduced to writing, and the Kabalah was born. On page 626 of 'Morals and Dogma', Pike
states, 'The Kabalah is the key of the occult sciences; and the Gnostics were born of the Kabalists'. Kabalism
was merely a unique version of the ancient mysteries specifically designed to deceive God's chosen people.
Unlike the other mysteries, its teachings dealt specifically with Israel, offering occult counter-explanations to
the revelations of the prophets, complete with a cleverly disguised occult interpretation of the history of Israel."
["Enroute To Global Occupation", by Gary Kah p. 99]

Talisman of Saturn
1. The Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon.
In the Book The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn and it
is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon
From James Fausset Brown commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god — R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star of Israel. Probably
there was a figure of a star on the head of the image of the idol, to represent the planet Saturn; hence “images”
correspond to “star” in the parallel clause. A star in hieroglyphics represents God (Num_24:17). “Images” are
either a Hebraism for “image,” or refer to the many images made to represent Chiun.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
The star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and
worshipped as a deity. The Targum is,
“ye have borne the tabernacle of your priests, Chiun your image, the star your God, which ye have made to
It may be further observed, for the confirmation and illustration of what has been said concerning Chiun, that
the Egyptian Anubis, which Plutarch (x) says is the same with Saturn, is called by him Kyon, which seems to be
no other than this word Chiun: and whereas Stephen calls it Rephan, this is not a corruption of the word, reading
Rephan or Revan for Chevan; nor has he respect to Rimmon, the god of the Syrians, but it is the Egyptian name
for Saturn; which the Septuagint interpreters might choose to make use of, they interpreting for the king of
Egypt: and Diodorus Siculus (y) makes mention of an Egyptian king called Remphis, whom Braunius (z) takes
to be this very Chiun; see Act_7:43; but Rephas, or Rephan, was the same with Chronus, or Saturn, from
whence came the Rephaim (a), who dwelt in Ashtaroth Karnaim, a town of Ham or Chronus; see Gen_14:5.
(q) ‫“ כוכב אלהיכם‬sidus deum vestrum”, Liveleus; “sidus, vel stellam deos vestros”, Calvin. (r) Apud Euseb.
Praepar. Evangel. l. 1. p. 38. (s) ‫“ כיון צלמיכם‬placentam imagiuum vestrarum”, Pagninus, Tigurine version,
Vatablus. (t) Dictionary, in the word “Chiun”. (u) “Basim imaginum vestrarum”, Junius & Tremellius, Piscator;
“statumen”, Burkius. (w) Apud Euseb. Praepar. Evangel. l. 1. p. 35. (x) De Iside. (y) Bibliothec. l. 1. p. 56.
“…Solomon’s blatant idolatry had angered the Lord to the point of bringing about the division of the kingdom

of Israel. Part of the evidence is the six-pointed star, which was called the Seal of Solomon from then on. Let us
investigate those false gods with which he was involved.
“First mentioned was ASHTORETH, otherwise called ASTARTE, the word meaning STAR.
“II Kings 23:13 is explicit: ‘And the high places that were before Jerusalem, which were on the right hand of
the mount of corruption, which Solomon the king of Israel had builded for Ashtoreth the abomination of the
Zidonians, and for Chemosh the abomination of the Moabites, and for Milcom the abomination of the children
of Ammon, did the king defile.’…
“King Solomon built an altar for Ashtoreth, worshipped her, and also practiced Moloch rituals. It was at this
“…the Seal of Solomon or six-pointed star, or hexagram…was considered an ALL-POWERFUL TALISMAN
especially when accompanied by the Hebrew Yod…It was also combined with the Tau cross, or Crux Ansanta in
the center…

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

The moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing the passive principle in
nature, their principal female deity; frequently associated with the name of
Baal, the sun-god, their chief male deity (Jdg_10:6; 1Sa_7:4; 1Sa_12:10).
These names often occur in the plural (Ashtaroth, Baalim), probably as
indicating either different statues or different modifications of the deities.
This deity is spoken of as Ashtoreth of the Zidonians. She was the Ishtar of
the Accadians and the Astarte of the Greeks (Jer_44:17; 1Ki_11:5,
1Ki_11:33; 2Ki_23:13). There was a temple of this goddess among the
Philistines in the time of Saul (1Sa_31:10). Under the name of Ishtar, she
was one of the great deities of the Assyrians. The Phoenicians called her
Astarte. Solomon introduced the worship of this idol (1Ki_11:33). Jezebel’s
400 priests were probably employed in its service (1Ki_18:19). It was called
the “queen of heaven” (Jer_44:25).
John Gill
the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of
David}, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning
the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell
from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the
wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they
made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
In Assyrian asirtu, which appears also under the forms asratu, esreti (plural) and asru, had the further
signification of “sanctuary.” Originally Asirtu, the wife of Asir, and asirtu, “sanctuary,” seem to have had no
connection with one another, but the identity in the pronunciation of the two words caused them to be identified
in signification, and as the tree-trunk or cone of stone which symbolized Asherah was regarded as a Beth-
el or “house of the deity*,” wherein the goddess was immanent, the word Asirtu, Asherah, came to denote the
symbol of the goddess. The trunk of the tree was often provided with branches, and assumed the form of

the tree of life*. It was as a trunk, however, that it was forbidden to be erected by the side of “the altar of
Yahweh” (Deu_16:21; see Jdg_6:25, Jdg_6:28, Jdg_6:30; 2Ki_23:6). Accordingly the symbol made for Asherah
by his mother was “cut down” by Asa (1Ki_15:13). So, too, we hear of Asherim or symbols of the goddess
being set up on the high places under the shade of a green tree (Jer_17:2; see 2Ki_17:10). Manasseh introduced
one into the temple at Jerusalem (2Ki_21:3, 2Ki_21:7).
*This connection between the Christmas tree the House of God (Bethel) and the tree of Life is important to
note. The Christmas tree is a counterfeit tree of life which is really the tree of knowledge of good and evil. The
tree of life represents the Messiah who is pictured by the menorah. The tree of knowledge represents the
adversary who is pictured by the Christmas tree/Asherah pole.
Exo 23:24 You shall not bow down to their gods, and you shall not serve them. And you shall not do
according to their works. But tearing you shall tear them down, and smashing you shall smash their
H4676 ‫ מצבה‬matstsebah
BDB Definition:
1) pillar, mastaba, stump
1a) pillar
1a1) as monument, personal memorial
1a2) with an altar
1b) (Hophal) stock, stump (of tree)*
*This is the word used in Genesis referring to the stone that Jacob anointed and proclaimed as Bethel.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz at the first.
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar (H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon {This is a strong
reference to the Messiah, which means anointed one.}.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Messiah is the image of Elohim
2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, so that the brightness of
the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.
The congregation of believers are to be the “image” of Messiah
Rom 8:29 because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son,
for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.
2Co 3:18 But we all with our face having been unveiled, having beheld the glory of the Lord in a mirror,
are being changed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord Spirit.
Here we see that the pillar that Jacob anointed is to be the house of Elohim. His house are His people (Hebrews
3:6). His body. Pictured by the menorah, the tree of Life. The counterfeit is a pillar/Asherah which is called
Bethel. The antichrist’s house are his people. His body. Pictured by the Christmas tree, the tree of knowledge.
Our “star,” Greek ” aster,” Latin stella, is akin*. Her worship was most licentious and abominable; closely
connected with that of (See ASHERAH, “THE GROVE”. Ashtoreh is the goddess, asherah “the grove,” the
image or the symbol of the goddess, of wood;* asher, yashar, “to be straight,” a straight stem of a tree living,

or fixed upright (1Ki_18:19; 2Ki_21:7; 2Ki_23:6; 2Ki_23:13-14; 2Ki_23:15; Jdg_6:25; Jdg_6:30). The
“bringing out the asherah from the house of the Lord,” and the “cutting down,” suit such a symbol, not a grace
in our sense. The active and passive powers of nature, generative and receptive, suggested the male and
female deities, Baal and Ashtoreh. {This is seen further in the principle ‘as above, so below’ which will be
discussed in connection to the mark of the beast in volume2, Yah willing}
John Gill commentary on Deu. 7:5
Deu 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them,…. The inhabitants of the land of Canaan:
ye shall destroy their altars; on which they sacrificed to their idols:
and break down their images; of their gods, and the statues and pillars erected to the honour of them:
and cut down their groves; sacred to idols, which were usually planted on hills, and about Heathen temples, and
under which idols were placed to be worshipped. The Targum of Jonathan calls them trees of their
adoration, under which they worshipped; though there was a worship paid to them, not indeed directly to
them, or for their sakes, but for the sake of the idols they were sacred to, or were placed under them; so
Maimonides (e) says, a tree which at first was planted to be worshipped is forbidden of any use (or
profit); and this is the ‫אשרה‬, or “grove”, spoken of in the law, a tree planted and lopped, of which a graven
image is made for an idol; and so the tree that has been worshipped, though the body of it is, not forbidden, all
the shoots and leaves, and the branches, and the fruits it produces all the time it is worshipped, are forbidden to
be used: though the word here used sometimes seems to signify, not a grove of trees, but some image itself,
since we read of it in the temple, 2Ki_21:7,
and burn their graven images with fire; distinguished from their molten images, which may be meant in a
preceding clause, and which are particularly mentioned as to be destroyed as well as these, Num_33:52.
(e) Hilchot Obede Cochabim, c. 8. sect. 3, 4. Vid. Misn. Avodah Zarah, c. 3. sect. 7.
Deu 12:3 And you shall break down their altars, and shatter their standing pillars. And you shall burn
their Asherahs with fire. And you shall cut down the carved images of their gods, and shall destroy their
names out of that place.
Deu 12:4 You shall not do so to YHWH your God.
1Ki 11:5 For Solomon went after Ashtoreth the goddess of the Zidonians, and after Milcom the
abomination of the Ammonites.
H6253 ‫‛ עשתרת‬ashto^reth
BDB Definition:
Ashtoreth = “star”
1) the principal female deity of the Phoenicians worshipped in war and fertility
1a) also ‘Ishtar’ of Assyria and ‘Astarte’ by the Greeks and Romans
In the New Testament the term is applied to Diana of Ephesus
Act 19:35 And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is
there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and
of the image which fell down from Jupiter?
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or
Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which
Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves,

and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always when they ride out, as
they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether their reward be defeat
or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They live from a stone of
purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit exillis. By the power of
that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does the phoenix molt and change
its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before. There never was a human so ill but
that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that follows. And in looks he will not fade. His
appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life began, and though he should see the stone for
two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone
give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again. The stone is called the Grail.”
“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”
…The Philosopher’s stone will need to be discussed in more detail in a future study, but it points to the
‘evolution of man’ into a ‘god.’ DNA is a stone, when it is mixed with the ’stone’ from heaven the ‘Holy Grail’
or transformation is attained. This is what Christmas is a foreshadow of. The return of the age of Saturn. The
age of Aquarius. The golden age of the ‘gods’, the new Atlantis.
Jarchi on 2Ki_23:24, says, the teraphim are images that speak by sorcerers or sorceries; and to such evils the
followers of the man of sin are addicted, Rev_9:21 and the Jews (l) have a notion that those images were so
formed, that they were capable of speaking and talking with men; see Hos_3:4 they seem to confound them
with the “talisman”:
The star of David is believed to be the “talisman of saturn”
Act 7:43 And you took up the tent of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, the figures which you
made” “in order to worship them. And I will remove you beyond” Babylon. Amos 5:25-27
These shrines, or images, were borne with them as a species of amulet, charm, or talisman to defend them from
evil. Such images the Jews seem to have carried with them.
“The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia declares that the SIX-POINTED STAR…according to the Rosicrucians…
was known to the ancient Egyptians” (Graham, p. 13 as cited in Aho).
Regarding Star-Worship, the Jewish Encyclopedia says, This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practised by
the ancients. According to Wisdom xiii. 2, the observation of the stars in the East very early led the people to
regard the planets and the fixed stars as gods. The religion of the ancient Egyptians is known to have consisted
preeminently of sun-worship. Moses sternly warned the Israelites against worshiping the sun, moon, stars, and
all the host of heaven (Deut. iv. 19, xvii. 3); it may be said that the prohibition of making and worshiping any
image of that which is in heaven above (Ex. xx. 4; Deut. v. 8) implies also the stars and the other celestial
bodies. The Israelites fell into this kind of idolatry, and as early as the time of Amos they had the images of
Siccuth and Chiun, “the stars of their god” (Amos v. 26, R. V.); the latter name is generally supposed to denote
the planet Saturn (Seligsohn, et al.).

Resources for Chapter 8:

Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Antiquities of the Jews - Flavius Josephus

The Apocalypse Chronicles - James Lloyd

Be Wise As Serpents - Fritz Springmeier

Blood on the Altar - Craig Heimbichner

The Book of Enoch

The Book of Jasher

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Codex Magica - Texe Marrs

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible

Duncan's Masonic Ritual and Monitor - Malcolm Duncan

Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Volume 2

Encyclopedia Judaica

En Route to Global Occupation - Gary Kah

An Entrance to the Tree of Life - Yehuda Ashlag

Fellow's Inquiry into the Origin, History, and Purport of Freemasonry - John Fellows

Freemason Israel Prime Ministers -

Freemasons - Jewish Virtual Library -
Funk & Wagnalls Standard Dictionary of Folklore, Mythology, and Legend

Genesis of Eden -

Genesis Rabbah
The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater

Historical Landmarks - George Oliver

The History and Practice of Magic Volume 2

History of Freemasonry: Its Legenardy Origins - Albert Mackey

Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

The Holy Kabbalah - A.E. Waite -

Indiana Monitor & Freemason's Guide
International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
Introduction to Freemasonry - Carl Claudy
James, Fausset, Brown Bible Commentary

The Jewish Encyclopedia

Jewish Study Bible
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

King James Version of the Holy Bible: 1769 Version

King Solomon's Temple in the Masonic Tradition - Alex Horne

Lessons in Capitular Masonry

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P. Hall

The Lost Word: Its Hidden Meaning - George H. Steinmentz & Joseph Krieger

Masons Desire to Rebuild Solomon's Temple - http://www.cephas-
The Meaning of Masonry - W.L. Wilmshurst

Messianic Legacy - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike

Mystic Masonry - J.D. Buck

A New Encyclopedia of Freemasonry and of Cognate Instituted Mysteries: The Rites, Literature and History:
Volume 2 - Edward Waite

The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Mark Amaru Pinkham

The Role of Kabbalah in the founding of the United States of America - Rabbi Ariel Bar Tzadok

The Rise of the French Rothschilds - Anka Muhlstein
Rulers of Evil - Tupper Saussy
The Second Messiah - Christopher Knight & Richard Lomas

The Second Mile

Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capital - David Ovason

Secret Destiny of America - Manly P. Hall

Secret Places of the Lion - George Hunt Williamson

Secrets of the Dollar Bill - David Ovason

The Six Pointed Star - O.J. Graham

Talmud: Berakoth

Temple at the Center of Time - David Flynn

Thayer's Greek Definitions

The Thirteen Tribe - Arthur Koestler

Vincent's Word Studies

Who Was Hiram Abiff? J.S.M. Ward

Chapter 9
The Pentagram
The pentagram is another symbol that portrays the mark of the beast. It is another symbol that is used in
reference to Messiah but in reality is a counterfeit that points to the antichrist, the ‘god-man’ and the counterfeit
kingdom of heaven known as the Golden Age of Saturn.
The very word in Greek has the numerical equivalent of 666.
π – 80
ν – 50
τ – 300
κ – 20
ι – 10
ς – 200
2Co 11:24 Five times I received forty stripes minus one from the Jews.
Receiving 40 stripes minus one traces back to Deuteronomy
Deu 25:2 then it shall be, if the wrongdoer is a son of stripes, the judge shall cause him to fall down. And
one shall strike him before his face, enough for his wickedness, by number.
Deu 25:3 He may give him forty stripes; he shall not add more, lest, if he should exceed and beat him
above these with many stripes, then your brother would be dishonored before your eyes.
It is by the stripes of Messiah that we are healed
1Pe 2:24 who “Himself carried up in His body our sins” onto the tree; that dying to sins, we might live to
righteousness, of whom “by His wound you were healed.”
Paul spoke of bearing in his body the marks/brands of Yahshua.
Gal 6:17 For the rest, let no one give troubles to me, for I bear in my body the brands of the Lord Jesus.
The word ‘brands’ here is from the Greek:
Thayer Definition:
1) a mark pricked in or branded upon the body. To ancient oriental usage, slaves and soldiers bore the name or
the stamp of their master or commander branded or pricked (cut) into their bodies to indicate what master or
general they belonged to, and there were even some devotee’s who stamped themselves in this way with the

token of their gods
Part of Speech: noun neuter
A Related Word by Thayer’s/Strong’s Number: from a primary stizo (to “stick”, i.e. prick)
Isa 53:5 But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement
of our peace was upon Him; and with His wounds (KJV stripes) we ourselves are healed.
Here it is seen that the pentagram links back to the cross {which is another symbol of the mark of the beast- see
Chapter 5}as Paul ‘bore the brands/marks’ of Messiah which included receiving striped 5 times (pentakis). It is
through the stripes of Messiah that we are healed, and as will be seen below in more detail, the pentagram is
associated with healing. The caduceus is also a symbol used in the mysteries for healing. Again the link
between the pentagram and the cross is seen. This theme will be seen over and over again throughout this
The cross symbol is a mark of the beast and is discussed in detail in Chapter 5, for brevity sake, here is the
foundation of that study.
The word mark comes from the Hebrew word Tav

Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city, in the midst of Jerusalem, and
mark (tavah) a mark (tav) on the foreheads of the men who are groaning and are mourning over all the
abominations that are done in her midst.
The above verse is speaking of the mark of YHWH which is put on the righteous. The mark of the beast is a
direct counterfeit of this mark.
The Hebrew letter tav is a picture of two crossed sticks:

It’s meaning is covenant. The mark of YHWH is His covenant which is His Word (Isaiah 42:6; 49:8; Zechariah
9:11; Jeremiah 31:31; Matthew 26:28). The mark of the beast is a counterfeit, the covenant with death (Isaiah
1Co 1:18 For the Word of the cross is foolishness to those being lost, but to us being saved, it is the power
of God.
Believers look to the Word of the cross. The Word of the covenant. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the
Word of Elohim (Romans 10:17). Not by vision, not of images & symbols (2 Corinthians 5:7).

Pentagram – 5 – Hand
The word for 5 in Hebrew means the hand:

‘Chamesh’ is used to translate

multiple terms in Hebrew. It is used for the number five/fifty, the hand, to be armed and the side of the body
(fifth rib).
The ‘fifth rib’

This word is used in the following verses:
fifth, 4
2Sa_2:23, 2Sa_3:27, 2Sa_4:6, 2Sa_20:10
Messiah was wounded in the side (‘the fifth rib’).
Joh 19:34 But one of the soldiers pierced His side with a lance, and at once blood and water came out.
Again the connection between the number 5 & the crucifixion.
Adam’s bride came forth from his rib/side (Genesis 2:22) which is a picture of Messiah’s bride ‘coming forth’
when He offered Himself as an atonement to bring us back to Him. Interestingly, the year of Jubilee, which
occurs every 50 (chamashim) years (Leviticus 25:10-13) began on the Day of Atonement. The great trumpet
(Isaiah 27:13) will be blown and those resurrected in the 1st resurrection will receive their inheritance in the
land. The pentagram represents the false ‘resurrection’ and the false inheritance which is the kingdom of the
On a deeper level, the shofar is associated with the Fibonacci pattern of which the pentagram displays
mathematically. More on this below.
Chamesh = armed
Exo 13:18 But God made the people turn toward the way of the wilderness, to the Sea of Reeds. And the
sons of Israel went up armed from the land of Egypt.
Yisrael is the army/hosts of YHWH. Scripture describes the angels (Daniel 4:35) as His hosts as well as the
stars (Deuteronomy 4:19). Not surprisingly, both angels (Revelation 1:20) and Yisrael (Genesis 15:5) are
described as stars. Here we see that the pentagram ‘star’ is used then as a counterfeit of the body of Messiah.
This is connected to Lucifer’s 5 ‘I wills’ and his claim to be like the Most High in Isaiah 14.

Messiah & His body

Joseph’s dream links the heavenly bodies to Yisrael
Gen 37:9 And he dreamed still another dream, and told it to his brothers. And he said, Behold, I have
dreamed another dream: And, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars were bowing themselves
to me.
Gen 37:10 And he told it to his father, and to his brothers. And his father rebuked him, and said to him,
What is this dream which you have dreamed? Shall we indeed come to bow ourselves to the earth to you,
I, your mother, and your brothers?
Stars & Yisrael
Gen 15:5 And He brought him outside and said, Look now at the heavens and count the stars, if you are
able to count them. And He said to him, So shall your seed be.
Gen 15:6 And he believed in YHWH. And He counted it to him for righteousness.
Gen 22:16 And He said, I have sworn by Myself, declares YHWH, that on account of this thing you have
done, and have not withheld your son, your only son,

Gen 22:17 that blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your seed as the stars of the
heavens, and as the sand which is on the shore of the sea. And your Seed shall possess the gate of His
Gen 22:18 And in your Seed shall all the nations of the earth be blessed because you have obeyed My
Gen 26:4 And I will increase your seed like the stars of the heavens, and I will give to your seed all these
lands. And all the nations of the earth shall bless themselves in your Seed,

Deu 1:10 YHWH your God has multiplied you, and, behold, today you are as the stars of heaven for
Exo 12:37 And the sons of Israel traveled from Rameses to Succoth, the men being about six hundred
thousand on foot, apart from little ones.
Exo 12:38 And also a mixed multitude went up with them, and flocks, and herds, very many livestock.
The Visible Universe: chapters on the origin and construction of the heavens – John Ellard Gore pg 285
In Durchmusterung* it appears that number of visible stars is 600,000
*Argelander’s Durchmusterung
In astronomy, Durchmusterung or Bonner Durchmusterung (BD), is the usual name for three comprehensive
astrometric star catalogues of the whole sky, processed by the Bonn Observatory (Germany) from 1859 to 1903.
What we know about the stars – Abraham Van Doren Honeyman Pg 41

Heavenly bodies = hosts/armies

Gen 2:1 Thus the heavens and the earth
were finished, and all the host of them.
Psa 33:6 By the word of the LORD were
the heavens made; and all the host of them
by the breath of his mouth.
Exo 7:4 And Pharaoh will not listen to you. And I will put My hand on Egypt, and will bring My armies,
My people, the sons of Israel, from the land of Egypt with great judgments.
Exo 12:51 And it came to pass the selfsame day, that the LORD did bring the children of Israel out of the
land of Egypt by their armies.
Adam Clarke
By their armies – ‫ צבאתם‬tsibotham, from ‫ צבא‬tsaba, to assemble, meet together, in an orderly or regulated
manner, and hence to war, to act together as troops in battle; whence ‫ צבאות‬tsebaoth, troops, armies, hosts. It
is from this that the Divine Being calls himself ‫ יהוה צבאות‬Yehovah tsebaoth, the Lord Of Hosts or armies,
because the Israelites were brought out of Egypt under his direction, marshalled and ordered by himself, guided
by his wisdom, supported by his providence, and protected by his might. This is the true and simple reason why
God is so frequently styled in Scripture the Lord of hosts; for the Lord did bring the children of Israel out of the
land of Egypt by their Armies.
Yahshua is YHWH tsevaot
Jos 5:14 And He said, No, for I now come as the Commander of the army of YHWH. And Joshua fell on
his face to the earth and worshiped. And he said to Him, What does my Lord speak to His slave?

Isa 55:4 Behold, I gave Him a Witness to peoples, a Leader and Commander of peoples.
Rev 19:11 And I saw Heaven being opened. And, behold! A white horse, and He sitting on it having been
called Faithful and True. And He judges and wars in righteousness.
Rev 19:12 And His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on His head many diadems, having a name that had
been written, which no one knows except Himself;
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.
Rev 19:14 And the armies in Heaven followed Him on white horses, being dressed in fine linen, white and
The stars represent Messiah & His body.
The Hebrew word for star is ‘kochab’ which comes from the root ‘kab’ which further links to the body.

The Goat Hair Tent Jeff Benner

The house/dwelling place of man is a picture of

the dwelling place of YHWH.
“Like any other cloth, there is space between the
hair fabric. Light coming through the black roof
appear as stars in the night sky. “He stretches out
the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out
like a tent to live in” (Isaiah 40.2). When the hair
fibers get wet from the rains, the fibers expand,
forming a watertight roof.”
“The size of the tent will depend on the size and wealth of the family. The wealthier families will have separate
tents for the wife, such as Abraham had for Sarah. As the family grows, additional panels are added to increase
the size of the tent. “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen
your cords, strengthen your stakes” (Isaiah 54:2).”
Enlarging the family tent corresponds to the the stretching forth of the Heavens in the beginning. This points to
the ‘Son’.

As seen in Proverbs 8:30, The Scriptures speak of Wisdom as the master craftsman/builder in the beginning
with the Father. This word is amon/amen which points to the Messiah (Revelation 3:14). Interestingly, the
Hebrew word for build is ‘banah’ which comes from the same root as son, ‘ben’.

Jer 10:12 It is He who made the earth by His power*, who

established the world by His wisdom, and who stretched out the
heavens by His understanding.
*Messiah is His strength/power Strength (1)
**Messiah is Wisdom (2)
What is the Hebrew word for understanding?
‫ תבון‬/ ‫ תבונה‬/ ‫תובנה‬
tabun / tebunah / tobunah
This word comes from the same root as ‘ben’/son.
On a deeper level, the heavens point to the body of Messiah. Shaul
speaks of the resurrected body we shall receive which is from
2Co 5:2 For also in this we groan, greatly desiring to be clothed
with our dwelling place out of Heaven,
This is the body that shall be formed in His Image.
1Jn 3:2 Beloved, now we are the children of God, and it was
not yet revealed what we shall be. But we know that if He is
revealed, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He


We shall be covered in His garments of salvation
Isa 61:9 And their seed shall be known among the nations, and their offspring among the peoples; all
who see them shall acknowledge them, that they are the seed* that YHWH has blessed.
*The Seed = Messiah Galatians 3:16, 29. Who is the seed that YHWH has blessed? His BodyManchild.
Isa 61:10 Rejoicing I will rejoice in YHWH. My soul shall be joyful in my God. For He clothed me with
garments of salvation; He put on me the robe of righteousness, even as a bridegroom dons as a priest his
head-dress, and as a bride wears her ornaments.
Isa 61:11 For as the earth comes out with her buds, and as a garden causes that which is sown to grow, so
the Lord YHWH will make righteousness and praise to grow before all the nations.
Notice the connection between the resurrection (earth sprouting her buds) and being clothed in the garments of
Psa 132:9 Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness*, and let Your saints shout for joy.
Psa 132:13 YHWH has chosen Zion; He has desired it for His dwelling-place.
Psa 132:14 This is My rest till forever; I will dwell here; I have desired it.
Psa 132:16 And I will clothe her priests with salvation*; and her saints shall surely shout.

Garments of righteousness = garments of salvation (Yeshuah). What is our righteousness? Messiah YHWH
(Jeremiah 23:6)
His body is His house/tent
1Ti 3:15 But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou oughtest to behave thyself in the house of
God, which is the church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth.
Heb 3:6 But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and
the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.
The stars are related to the appointed times as well.
Gen 2:1 And the heavens and the earth were finished, and all their host (tsaba).
‫ צבא‬/ ‫צבאה‬
appointed, 3
Job_7:1, Job_14:14, Dan_10:1
time, 2
Job_7:1 (2), Job_14:14
Job 14:14 If a man dies, will he revive? All the days of my warfare (KJV appointed time) I will wait, until
my change comes.
Isa 40:2 Speak lovingly to the heart of Jerusalem; yea, cry to her that her warfare** is done, that her
iniquity is pardoned; for she has taken from the hand of YHWH double for all her sins.
**KJV 1611 footnote appointed time
Keil & Delitzsch commentary
as Aben Ezra, Kimchi, and Ben Melech, “her set or appointed time (k)”; and compare it with Job_7:1, and may
be understood either of the time of deliverance from captivity: so the Targum,

“that her captivity by the people is filled up:”
(i) ‫“ מלאה צבאה‬completa est militia ejus”, Pagninus, Montanus
The Hebrew word (‫ צבא‬tsaba’, ‘warfare’) properly means an army or host (compare the note at Isa_1:9), and
is usually applied to an army going forth to war, or marshalled for battle 2Sa_8:16; 2Sa_10:7. It is then used to
denote an appointed time of service; the discharge of a duty similar to an enlistment, and is applied to the
services of the Levites in the tabernacle Num_4:28 : ‘All that enter in to perform the service (Hebrew, to war
the warfare), to do the work in the tabernacle of the congregation.’ Compare Num_8:24-25. Hence, it is applied
to human life contemplated as a warfare, or enlistment, involving hard service and calamity; an enlistment from
which there is to be a discharge by death.
Is there not a set time (Hebrew, a warfare) to man upon earth?
Are not his days as the days of an hireling?
But if a man die – shall he indeed live again?
All the days of my appointed time (Hebrew, my warfare) will I wait,
Till my change come.
Compare Dan_10:1. The word then means hard service, such as soldiers endure; an appointed time which they
are to serve; an enlistment involving hardships, toil, privation, danger, calamity. In this sense it is applied hero
to Jerusalem – to the trials, calamities, desolations to which she was subjected for her sins, and which were to
endure a definite and fixed time – like the enlistment of an army. That time was now coming to an end, and to
be succeeded by a release, or discharge. Vitringa, who supposes that this refers primarily and solely to the times
of the Messiah, regards this as meaning that the definite time of the legal economy, a time of toil, and of
vexatious and troublesome ceremonies, was about to end by the coming of the Messiah.
The warfare (tseba) is over through Messiah when He took our sins upon Himself on the cross.
Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her Seed; He
will bruise your head, and you shall bruise His heel.
Eph 2:13 But now, in Christ Jesus you who then were afar off, came to be near by the blood of Christ.
Eph 2:14 For He is our peace, He making us both one, and breaking down the middle wall of partition,
Eph 2:15 in His flesh causing to cease the enmity, the Law of the commandments in decrees, that He
might in Himself create the two into one new man, making peace,
Eph 2:16 and might reconcile both in one body to God through the cross, slaying the enmity in Himself.
Col 2:13 And you, being dead in the deviations and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He made alive
together with Him, having forgiven you all the deviations,
Col 2:14 blotting out the handwriting in the ordinances against us, which was contrary to us, even He
has taken it out of the midst, nailing it to the cross;
Col 2:15 having stripped the rulers and the authorities, He made a show of them in public, triumphing
over them in it.
Col 2:16 Then do not let anyone judge you in eating, or in drinking, or in part of a feast, or of a new
moon, or of sabbaths,
Col 2:17 which are a shadow of coming things, but the body is of Christ.
Shavuot occurs on the 50th day after the sabbath during the feast Unleavened bread.
Lev 23:16 the next day after the seventh sabbath, you shall number fifty days; and you shall bring near a
new food offering to YHWH;
It is at Shavuot that the 10 commandments were given. 10 commandments corresponding to the 10 fingers of

the hands (2 tablets 5 + 5), written by the finger of Elohim.
Exo 31:18 And when He finished speaking with him on Mount Sinai, He gave to Moses the two tablets of
the testimony, tablets of stone, written by the finger of God.
The fingers of the hand follow the Fibonacci pattern.

The ‘hand’ of YHWH is Messiah

Referring back to the 10 Commandments, it begins:
Exo 20:2 I am YHWH your God, who has
brought you out from the land of Egypt, from the
house of bondage.
Who brought Yisrael out of the land of Egypt? The Right Hand of YHWH.
Psa 44:3 For they did not inherit the land with their own sword; yea, their own arm did not save them.
But it was Your right hand and Your arm and the light of Your face, because You favored them.
Exo 15:2 My strength and song is YHWH, and it happened, He was to me salvation (H3444 Yeshuah);
this is my God and I will glorify Him; the God of my father, and I will exalt Him.
Exo 15:3 YHWH is a Man of war (war links to chamesh & the counterfeit pentagram/pentagon); YHWH is
His name.
Psa 118:14 YHWH is my strength and my song; and He is my salvation (H3444 Yeshuah).
Psa 118:15 The voice of rejoicing and salvation is in the tents of the righteous; the right hand of YHWH
works mightily.
Psa 118:16 The right hand of YHWH is exalted; the right hand of YHWH acts mightily.
Act 5:31 Him hath God exalted with his right hand to be a Prince and a Saviour, for to give repentance
to Israel, and forgiveness of sins.
It was Messiah who was speaking at Mt. Sinai
Deu 33:2 And he said, The LORD came from Sinai, and rose up from Seir unto them; he shined forth
from mount Paran, and he came with ten thousands of saints: from his right hand went a fiery law for
The hand = body of Messiah
Lines drawn into the ‘hand’ of the Most High
Isa 49:15 Can a woman forget her suckling child, from pitying the son of her womb? Yes, these may
forget, yet I will surely not forget you.

Isa 49:16 Behold, I have carved you on the palms of My hands; your walls are always before Me.
WALLS=Lines on Hands=12 Walls of Yisrael
Rev 21:12 and having a great and high wall, having twelve gates, and twelve angels at the gates and
names having been inscribed, which are of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel.
Rev 21:13 From the east, three gates; from the north, three gates; from the south, three gates; and from
the west, three gates.
Rev 21:14 And the wall of the city had twelve foundations, and in them the names of the twelve apostles
of the Lamb.
Rev 21:15 And he speaking with me had a golden reed, that he may measure the city, and its gates, and
its wall.
Rev 21:16 And the city lies four cornered, even its length as much as the width also. And he measured the
city with the reed at twelve thousand stadia; its length and width and height are equal.
Rev 21:17 And he measured its wall, a hundred and forty four cubits, a measure of a man, which is of an
Rev 21:18 And the structure of its wall was jasper; and the city was pure gold, like pure glass.
Rev 21:19 And the foundation of the wall of the city having been adorned with every precious stone: The
first foundation, jasper; the second, sapphire; the third, chalcedony; the fourth, emerald;
Rev 21:20 the fifth, sardonyx; the sixth, sardius; the seventh, chrysolite; the eighth, beryl; the ninth,
topaz; the tenth, chrysoprasus; the eleventh, hyacinth; the twelfth, amethyst.
Rev 21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls; respectively each one of the gates was of one pearl.
And the street of the city was pure gold, as transparent glass.
Rev 21:22 And I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty is its temple, even the Lamb.
Rev 21:23 And the city had no need of the sun, nor of the moon, that they might shine in it, for the glory
of God illuminated it, even its lamp is the Lamb.
Rev 21:24 And the nations of the ones saved will walk in its light; and the kings of the earth bring their
glory and honor into it.
Rev 21:25 And its gates may not at all be shut by day, for no night will be there.
Rev 21:26 And they will bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it.
Rev 21:27 And all profaning may not at all enter into it, or any making an abomination or a lie; but only
the ones having been written in the Book of Life of the Lamb.
12 lines on the 4 fingers=12 tribes, 12 walls
The Palm of hands have 3 lines forming the letter shin. This links to the promised land. As is seen in Chapter
2, the letter shin is used in occult thought to represent 666. Again the counterfeit concept is displayed when
exposing the mark of the beast.

The Land is linked
with the People
Deu 32:43
Rejoice, O nations,
of His people; for
He shall avenge
the blood of His
servants, and shall
render vengeance
to His foes, and
shall have mercy
on His land and
His people.

- literally His land, His people ‫אדמתו עמו׃‬

Isa 51:16 And I have put my words in thy mouth, and I have covered thee in the shadow of mine hand,
that I may plant the heavens, and lay the foundations of the earth, and say unto Zion, Thou art my
In the reference to the 12 tribes and the walls of New Jerusalem above the same concept is seen. It is referred to
as His Bride. His Bride is a people and a land.
Rev 21:9 And one of the seven angels came to me, he having the seven bowls being filled with the seven
last plagues, and spoke with me, saying, Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.
Rev 21:10 And he carried me in spirit onto a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city,
holy Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God,

The word for tribes is shebet which is pictured in the natural by a branch or scion
H7626 ‫ שבט‬shebet shay’-bet
From an unused root probably meaning to branch off; a scion, that is, (literally) a stick (for punishing, writing,
fighting, ruling, walking, etc.) or (figuratively) a clan: - X correction, dart, rod, sceptre, staff, tribe.
Joh 15:5 I am the Vine; you are the branches. The one abiding in Me, and I in him, this one bears much
fruit, because apart from Me you are not able to execute, nothing.

Those grafted into the Olive Tree are Zion, the new creation
2Pe 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
2Pe 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness,
through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
2Pe 1:4 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be
partakers of the divine nature (G544), having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

G5449 φυσις phusis


From G5453; growth (by germination or expansion), that is, (by implication) natural production (lineal
descent); by extension a genus or sort; figuratively native disposition, constitution or usage: – ([man-]) kind,
nature ([-al]).
What is the counterfeit? A false Olive Tree, a false grafting in process, a false Zion…partaking of the ‘divine
nature’ of the adversary.
Gal 6:15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision availeth any thing, nor uncircumcision, but a new
Gal 6:16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace be on them, and mercy, and upon the Israel
of God.

2Co 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all
things are become new.

The Olive Tree is Yahshua, when we are grafted into Him we partake of His divine nature. We become the
Israel of Elohim
Rom 11:24 For if thou wert cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert graffed contrary to
nature into a good olive tree: how much more shall these, which be the natural branches, be graffed into
their own olive tree?
The Messiah is Israel
Isa 49:3 And said unto me, Thou art my servant, O Israel, in whom I will be glorified.
Isa 49:5 And now, saith the LORD that formed me from the womb to be his servant, to bring Jacob
again to him, Though Israel be not gathered, yet shall I be glorious in the eyes of the LORD, and my God
shall be my strength.
Isa 49:6 And he said, It is a light thing that thou shouldest be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob,
and to restore the preserved of Israel.I will also give thee for a light to the Gentiles, that thou mayest be
my salvation(H3444yeshua) unto the end of the earth.
Messiah is linked to Land
Isa 7:14 So, The Lord Himself will give you a sign: Behold! The virgin will conceive and will bring forth
a son; and she shall call His name Immanuel.
Isa 8:8 And he shall pass through Judah. He shall overflow and go over. He shall reach to the neck; and
his wings will be stretching out, filling the breadth of your land, O Immanuel.
The People, the Land, & the Covenant will be counterfeited by the adversary. A false chosen people, a false
Zion, a false covenant.
For a time while Israel was in rebellion and following Baal and Asherah, the pentagram was the seal of
This will be replayed in the end when the adversary seeks to set up a false Garden of Eden and sit
on the sides of the north (Isaiah 14:13; Psalm 48:2). This is why the book of Revelation refers to
Jerusalem as Sodom & Egypt at that time.
Rev 11:8 And their bodies will be on the street of the great city, which spiritually is called
Sodom, and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified.
Jerusalem’s latitude and longitude at the exact center of the city totals 666. N 31:47 and E 35:13 = 3147 + 3513
= 6660 = 666

Hand of the Mysteries

Illustration 85: Secret Teachings of All

Ages pg 78 'The Emblematic Hand of
the Mysteries'

Notice the hand is depicted with three fingers up and two down. This will be seen in more detail below on the
section on Baphomet.
The ancient sages observed that generally, the right hand was the active one in comparison with the left. This
concept is described as the union of opposites or ‘as above, so below.’

Illustration 86: Secret
Teachings of All Ages pg 74
'Hand Decorated with
Effigies of Jesus Christ, the
Virgin Mary, and the Twelve

The counterfeit
Secret Teachings of All Ages – Manly Hall – pg 75
As man’s physical body has five distinct and important extremities–two legs, two arms, and a head, of which
the last governs the first four–the number 5 has been accepted as the symbol of man. By its four corners the
pyramid symbolizes the arms and legs, and by its apex the head, thus indicating that one rational power controls
four irrational corners. The hands and feet are used to represent the four elements, of which the two feet are
earth and water, and the two hands fire and air. The brain then symbolizes the sacred fifth element–æther–which
controls and unites the other four. If the feet are placed together and the arms outspread, man then symbolizes
the cross with the rational intellect as the head or upper limb.
The fingers and toes also have special significance. The toes represent the Ten Commandments of the physical
law and the fingers the Ten Commandments of the spiritual law. The four fingers of each hand
represent the four elements and the three phalanges of each finger represent the divisions of the element, so that
in each hand there are twelve parts to the fingers, which are analogous to the signs of the zodiac, whereas the
two phalanges and base of each thumb signify the threefold Deity. The first phalange corresponds to the creative
aspect, the second to the preservative aspect, and the base to the generative and destructive aspect. When the
hands are brought together, the result is the twenty-four Elders and the six Days of Creation.

‘The “Hand of the Philosopher” or the “Hand of the
Mysteries” is a talisman that depicts the symbols of
apotheosis, or the transformation of man into god. The
Hand of the Mysteries, which features alchemy symbolism, is
also referred to as the hand of the Master Mason. It is said that
the symbolic hand holds the keys to divinity and a practitioner
can unlock the secrets through the symbolism.’
Hand of the Mysteries & the Great Seal
Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 90
“The hand of the Mysteries controlled in the establishment of
the new government, for the signature of the Mysteries may
still be seen on the Great Seal of the United States of America.”
The signature of the Mysteries is the ‘apotheosis’ of man. The
pyramid, the all-seeing eye, the hexagram, the pentagram, the
eagle etc. all point to man becoming a ‘god.’
For more on the Great Seal, see Chapter 8 & the section on
Freemasonry, America & Atlantis

Pentagram – Healing
The above figure represents a magical ring set with a talismanic gem bearing the
pentalpha, or star formed by five different positions of the Greek Alpha used by
the Pythagoreans. Salus is the Latin word for health.
It is through faith in Messiah that we are healed by His stripes. The counterfeit is
an image engraved by man’s own device. A talisman. An image can not save or
heal a person. We do not need images and symbols to represent the Messiah. His
Image is seen in all His creation. In all that we see, hear, smell, touch, taste…ALL
that we experience points to Him (1). We don’t need to carve out images. All we
need to do is seek His Face, to call upon Him and He will answer us.
Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 39
“Since the name of Jesus has five letters, the early Christian numerologists
recognized the power of the pentagram and used it as an amulet.”


Illustration 87: Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 39

Notice the hand sign in the above picture. This is known as ‘God’s hand.’ More on this below.
Health in Scripture = Yeshua
Psa 67:2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

Fibonacci Spiral
The Fibonnaci Spiral also known as the Golden ratio or the Divine Proportion, points directly to Messiah
Yahshua (1)
The Fibonacci numbers are Nature’s numbering system. They appear everywhere in Nature, from the leaf
arrangement in plants, to the pattern of the florets of a flower, the bracts of a pinecone, or the scales of a
pineapple. The Fibonacci numbers are therefore applicable to the growth of every living thing, including a
single cell, a grain of wheat, a hive of bees, and even all of mankind.
The golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter phi (Φ or φ).
The figure of a golden section illustrates the geometric relationship that defines this constant. The golden ratio
is an irrational mathematical constant, approximately 1.6180339887.


The Pentagram displays the Fibonacci pattern.
The number 5 is intrinsically related to Phi and the Fibonacci series

Phi can be derived from several formulas based on the number 5. The most traditional, based on the geometric
construction of phi is this:

This formula for phi can also be expressed all in fives as:

And, as pointed out by W. Nathan Saunders, the terms in above representation of phi can be expressed in yet
another way that involves four 5′s:

Phi appears in the geometry of the 5-sided pentagon

Take a pentagon with 5 equal sides and connect all the points to form a 5-pointed star. The ratios of the lengths
of the resulting line segments are all based on phi.

5 is the 5th Fibonacci number
5 is also the 5th of the Fibonacci numbers, including 0, 1, 2, 3, and 5.
5 appears in the human body, which has proportions based on phi
Another interesting aspect of phi and five is in relation to the design of the human body,
which in addition to being based on phi relationships in its proportions, has:
* 5 appendages from the torso, in the two arms, two legs and a head,
* 5 appendages on each of legs and arms in the five fingers and five toes,
* 5 openings on the face, and
* 5 senses in sight, sound, touch, taste and smell.

The Divine Proportion in the Body

The white line is the body’s height.
The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the distance from the head
to the finger tips
The yellow line, a golden section of the blue line, defines the distance from the head
to the navel and the elbows.
The green line, a golden section of the yellow line, defines the distance from the
head to the pectorals and inside top of the arms, the width of the shoulders, the
length of the forearm and the shin bone.
The magenta line, a golden section of the green line, defines the distance from the
head to the base of the skull and the width of the abdomen. The sectioned portions of
the magenta line determine the position of the nose and the hairline.
Although not shown, the golden section of the magenta line (also the short section of
the green line) defines the width of the head and half the width of the chest and the

The Human face, ears, and teeth are based upon Phi -
The human hand and foot are based on Phi -
The human heartbeat is based upon Phi -

DaVinci’s Vitruvian Man

Illustration 88: The Vitruvian

Man"(The Man in Action)" by
Leonardo Da Vinci

We can draw many lines of the rectangles into this figure. Then, there are three distinct sets of Golden
Rectangles: Each one set for the head area, the torso, and the legs.
DaVinci named his drawing after Marcus Vitruvius Pollo, who as a 1st century Roman architect that stated ‘the
height of a well-proportioned man is equal to the span of his outstretched arms, these two equal measured yield
a square which encompasses the whole body, while the hands and feet touch a circle centered upon the navel.”
Vitruvius was a proponent of the ‘Sacred Geometry of Pythagoras’ and designed temples based upon the
proportions of the human body.
According to Pythagorian tradition, the circle represents the spiritual realm; the square, material existence, so
the human body represented the perfect marriage of matter and spirit, which was is reflected in its proportions.
This perfection, wrote Vitruvius, was evidenced by the fact that the extended limbs of a perfectly proportioned
human fit into both the circle and the square.
Kenneth Clark in his biography of DaVinci on pg 76 wrote:
“…for if man was the measure of all things, physically perfect man was surely the measure of all beauty, and
his proportions must in some way be reducible to mathematical terms and correspond with those abstract
perfections, the square, the circle, and the golden section.”
In short, Vitruvian man represents the ‘perfect man.’ The Beast.
Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom: Let the one having reason count the number of the beast, for it is the number
of a man and its number is six hundred and sixty six.

The Fibonacci pattern/Phi points to the mark
“This beast, regarded by some as the Anti-Christ described by John, is thus related
to the number 666, one of the greatest mysteries of the Bible.
Curiously enough, if you take the sine of 666º, you get -0.80901699, which is one-
half of negative phi, or perhaps what one might call the “anti-phi.” You can also get
-0.80901699 by taking the cosine of 216º, and 216 is 6 x 6 x 6.
The trigonometric relationship of sine 666º to phi is based on an isosceles triangle with a base of phi and sides
of 1. When this triangle is enclosed in a circle with a radius of 1, we see that the lower line, which has an angle
of 306º on the first rotation and 666º on the second rotation, has a sine equal to one-half negative phi.
In this we see the unity of phi divided into positive and negative, analogous perhaps to light and darkness or
good and evil. Could this “sine” be a “sign” as well?
In addition, 666 degrees is 54 degrees short of the complete second circle and when dividing the 360 degrees of
a circle by 54 degrees you get 6.66… The other side of a 54 degree angle in a right angle is 36 degrees and 36
divided by 54 is .666.-
Phi appears throughout creation, and in every physical proportion of the human body. In that sense it is the
number of mankind, as the mysterious passage of Revelation perhaps reveals.”
The Number 216 is the cube of 6 – the Number God used in the foundation of the Creation Holograph. It is the
value of the Davir (Holie of Holies, called the Oracle in the verse above) which God designed as a physical
cube of 20 x 20 x 20 cubits:

These identities integrate with the Holiness of the
Number 6, which is the Number the Lord God
Almighty used to construct the Cosmos (= 600).
This is why the “Man of Sin” who sits in the Holy
of Holies shewing himself to be God, is marked by the Number 666. It is his attempt to sit in God’s Holy Place.

Further linking this concept together is the fact that the Ark of the Covenant was
designed according to the Fibonacci pattern.
The Ark of the Covenant is a Golden Rectangle
In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with
the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying,
“Have them make a chest of acacia wood-
two and a half cubits long,
a cubit and a half wide,
and a cubit and a half high.”
The ratio of 2.5 to 1.5 is 1.666…, which is as close to phi (1.618 …) as you can come with such simple numbers
and is certainly not visibly different to the eye. The Ark of the Covenant is thus constructed using the Golden
Section, or Divine Proportion. This ratio is also the same as 5 to 3, numbers from the Fibonacci series.
In Exodus 27:1-2, we find that the altar God commands Moses to build is based on a variation of the same 5 by
3 theme:
“Build an altar of acacia wood, three cubits high; it is to be square, five cubits long and five cubits wide.”
Note: A cubit is the measure of the forearm below the elbow.
The cubit is based on the Fibonacci pattern/Phi as well.

To further connect these ideas, the following is a study done from the author of the BibleWheel, Richard

The essential holiness of the Number 666 can not be denied. It is designed by God. It marks the Beast because
the Beast seeks to blaspheme God and sit in the Holy Place, exactly where the Holy Ark = 666 sat!
As a finally example, we have these multiple occurrences of the phrase “of/from God”:
In each case, the highlighted words are translated from the Greek phrase “para Theou.” We have the identity:
Yahshua came ‘Para Theou’
John 1.6: There was a man sent from God, whose name was John.
John 9.16: Therefore said some of the Pharisees, This man is not of God, because
he keepeth not the sabbath day. Others said, How can a man that is a sinner do
such miracles? And there was a division among them.
John 9.33: If this man were not of God, he could do nothing.
2 Peter 1.17: For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him
from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
2 John 3: Grace be with you, mercy, and peace, from God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the
Son of the Father, in truth and love.
In light of these identities, we must understand that God Himself is revealing the Number 666 as His own
Number which marks the true intent of the the Devil, the Pseudochrist – i.e. False Christ, the true meaning of
Antichrist – who would if he could, sit upon God’s Throne in the Holy of Holies, “shewing himself that he is
The Holy of Holies had no light in it at all. The Holy Ark (= 666) – where God said He would meet with Moses
– sat in complete darkness. This corresponds exactly with what the Lord said of Himself through the Prophet
David in Psalm 18.11:
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of
the skies.

His Secret Place is related to the Temple, in specific the Holy of Holies
Eze 7:22 I also will turn My face from them, and they shall defile My hidden
place. And violent ones shall enter into it and defile it.
Psa 91:1 He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide in the shade of the Almighty.
Deu 27:15 Cursed is the man who makes a carved and molten image, an abomination to YHWH, the
work of a craftsman’s hands, and who sets it up in a secret place! And all the people shall answer and say,
In the ark was placed the Word, which also linked to the Fibonacci Spiral. The Scriptures are divided into 66
books, further showing that the number 666 is a counterfeit ‘word.’

66 books in the Scriptures
The 66 books of the Bible are spiraled into 3 cycles, encompassed by the 22 Hebrew letters, which then
beautifully manifests the 7 divisions of the Biblical Canon

The Bible Wheel is a circular presentation of the Bible that I discovered by rolling up the traditional list of the
sixty-six books like a scroll on a spindle wheel of twenty-two spokes, corresponding to the twenty-two letters of
the Hebrew alphabet. The order of the Hebrew alphabet is established in the alphabetically structured passages
of the Old Testament, most notably Psalm 119 that praises God’s Word from Aleph to Tav, from beginning to
end. This exemplifies how everything in the Bible Wheel is derived from Scripture and Scripture alone.

In the human body,
the DNA
corresponds to the
Word in the Ark.
Exo 25:8 And let
them make a
sanctuary for Me,
that I may dwell in
their midst.
2Co 6:16 And
what agreement
hath the temple of
God with idols? for
ye are the temple of
the living God; as
God hath said, I
will dwell in them,
and walk in them;
and I will be their
God, and they shall
be my people.
1Co 3:16 Know ye
not that ye are the
temple of God, and
that the Spirit of
God dwelleth in

The Holy of Holies contained the

ark of the covenant which had the
Word within. Our cells contain
our DNA which is a physical
picture of that Word.
DNA follows the Fibonacci
When we realize that the
information to produce these spirals and numbers in living things is stored in the DNA, should we then be
surprised to find that the DNA molecule is 21 angstroms in width and the length of one full turn in its spiral is
34 angstroms, both Fibonacci numbers? The DNA molecule is literally one long stack of golden rectangles.

The DNA spiral is a Golden Section
The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden
section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each
full cycle of its double helix spiral.
34 and 21, of course, are numbers in the Fibonacci series and their ratio,
1.6190476 closely approximates phi, 1.6180339.
B-DNA has spirals in phi proportions
DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA.
This form of DNA has a two groove in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the
minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms.

A cross-sectional view from the top of the DNA double helix forms a decagon:

A decagon is in essence two pentagons, with one rotated by 36 degrees from the other, so each spiral of the
double helix must trace out the shape of a pentagon.

The ratio of the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1. So, no matter which way you look at it, even in its
smallest element, DNA, and life, is constructed using phi and the golden section!
The DNA’s twin spiral staircase is formed by two 5-carbon sugars
(ribose)- opposite faces of a racheting dodecahedron. The ideal
form of a DNA molecule is a double helix, and the ideal form of this
double helix is a dodecahedron.
Saturn & Phi
Saturn reveals a phi relationship in several of its dimensions.

The diameter of
Saturn is in a phi
relationship with
the diameter of
its rings, as
illustrated by the
green lines.
The inner ring
division is in a
phi relationship
with the diameter
of the rings
outside the
sphere of the planet, as illustrated by the blue lines.
The Cassini division in the rings of Saturn falls at the Golden Section of the width of the lighter outside section
of the rings.

As seen above, the word for five in Hebrew is chamesh which means the hand, or arming for battle. The word
for army, commonly translated as hosts, in Hebrew is ‘tseva’ which connects to stars. The stars are described
hosts and are a picture of Yisrael, YHWH’s army/host. The adversary seeks to counterfeit this with his own
army and his own star which is pictured by the hexagram and pentagram. It is no surprise that the pentagram’s
center is a pentagon which is related to war.
The subject of war and its connections to the mark of the beast will be discussed in
more detail, Yah willing, in the study on Zionism and the Rothschilds. In short, a
planned World War 3 is planned to bring about the antichrist kingdom. Mankind
will be deceived into thinking WWIII is Armageddon or the Gog & Magog war
where the antichrist will come to save Israel from Islam and set up a false kingdom
of heaven.

Jdg 3:7 And the sons of Israel did that which was evil in the sight of YHWH, and forgot YHWH their
God, and served the Baals and the Asherahs.

Queen of Heaven and the ‘New World Order’

Rulers of Evil – Tupper Saussy pg 219-220
“Six hundred years after Isaiah {Isaiah 7:14; 9:6}, Virgil solemnly announced in the Fourth Eclogue that the
Prince of Peace would be produced by the unrolling of a New World Order (‘NOVUS ORDER SECLORUM’):
Now returns the Golden Age of Saturn, now appears the Immaculate Virgin. Now descends from heaven a
divine Nativity. O! Chaste Lucina, speed the Mother’s pains, haste the glorious Birth, and usher in the reign of
thy Apollo. thy consulship, O Pollio, shall lead this glorious Advent, and the new world order shall then begin
to roll. Thenceforth whatever vestige of Original Sin remains, shall be swept away from earth forever, and the
Son of God shall be the Prince of Peace!
Rulers of Evil pg 212-13
E. Pluribus Unum “of many, one”.
According to Manly Hall this phrase comes from the ancient Bacchic Rites which he says was the forerunner to
Freemasonry. The Bacchic rites are built upon the story of the Titans causing Bacchus to become enthralled
with himself in a mirror. While he is being mesmerized by himself the Titans seize him and tear him to pieces
where they boil him and then roast him and eat him. This grieves all his loved ones, hence his name, Bacchus
which cames from bakhah which means to weep or lament. Bacchus’ sister, the virgin Minerva, rescues his
sacred heart from the four elements and places them before Jupiter in heaven. Jupiter then turns the Titans to
ashes with his thunderbolts. The rains further reduce the ashes to slime which are mingled with the four
elements of Bacchus strewn body parts. From this slime, Jupiter forms mankind from which the ‘Bacchic idea’,
or rational soul, must be released. The Bacchic idea is released by the slime’s sexual energy, especially when
facilitated by alcoholic drink…hence Bacchus is associated with grapevines, wild dancing, phallic symbols and
When death and sex have rescued the rational soul from the four slimy corners of the earth, a transfigured,
eternal Bacchus is resurrected as the flaming Sun. He is E Pluribus Unum, One from Many, a resurrection
symbolized by the pentagram, the one rising out of the four to make five. This, says Manly Hall, is the
‘magical formula of man,’ rising out of the bondage of the animal nature.

Queen of Heaven & the Pentagram

The pentagram symbol is based on Venus (the Queen of Heaven). From a fixed location
over an eight year period, the planet Venus travels a unique celestial pathway that exactly
describes a pentagram.
Carl Ljungman- Dictionary of Symbols
“As the orbit of Venus is closer to the sun than the earth’s position, she is never seen more
than 48 degrees from the sun. During a period of 247 days, Venus is visible as the Evening star that is, withing
48 degrees or less of the sun after the sun has set. Then Venus comes too close to the sun for us to see her. She

remains invisible for 14 days, then reappears as the Morning star (or Eastern star) immediately before the sun
rises in the east….Only Venus possesses the five-pointed star sign.”

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!

The Targum is,

“how art thou fallen from on high,
who was shining among the sons
of men, as the star Venus among
the stars.”
Keil & Delitzsch commentary on
Isaiah 14:12
(Note: It is singular, however, that
among the Semitic nations the
morning star is not personified
as a male (Heosphoros or
Phosphoros), but as a female
(Astarte, see at Isa_17:8), and
that it is called Naghah,
Ashtoreth, Zuhara, but never by a
name derived from halal; whilst
the moon is regarded as a male
deity (Sin), and in Arabic hilal
signifies the new moon, which
might be called ben- shacar (son
of the dawn), from the fact that,
from the time when it passes out
of the invisibility of its first
phase, it is seen at sunrise, and is as it were born out of the dawn.)*
*This is interesting to note in that the crescent moon is a symbol of Astarte/Ishtar/Semiramis etc. More on this

Illustration 89: The Bible as History Werner

Jerusalem above or Jerusalem below…both are mothers(Galatians 4:22-31).

From Dr. Asher Eder’s -The Star of David

“In ancient times and in the Middle Ages, the five-pointed star, or pentagram, was also called the Shield of
David, or Star of David, while the hexagram was sometimes called “Solomon’s Seal.” We shall deal briefly
with the pentagram symbol.
As far as we know, 6th-Century Byzantine scholars were the first to speak of the pentagram as the Shield of
David, while in the Middle Ages this idea was occasionally taken up by Jews and Muslims as well.
Judging from archaeological evidence, artists were drawing pentagrams long before they started drawing
hexagrams. One of the oldest known artifacts is a clay jug with a pentagram painted on it, found in Jamdad Nasr

(modern-day Iraq) and dated to the 4th millenium B.C.E.
Similar designs were found in Megido, one on a seal dating from the 19th Century B.C.E., the other on a clay
jug, dated 17th Century B.C.E.
One of the many other findings worth mentioning is the impression of a pentagram on a jar handle – probably
an official seal (possibly royal) in the Kingdom of Judah. In its angles appear the word “Jerusalem”, written in
ancient Hebrew characters. Fine examples can also be found on Celtic brooches:
Another outstanding example is a pentagram carved in stone, with disks in its five angles. It can be seen in the
ruins of Kfar Nahum, in the following design
Although no other known design of this type exists, the five disks in the angles of the star may well symbolize
the five planets known in ancient times, pointing to the astronomical connotations of the design.
In ancient times, the pentagram was indeed the sign of those initiated into the wisdom of astronomy and
astrology. Priests imbued with this knowledge calculated the calendar with its agricultural and religious
seasons. It is for this reason that the ancient Babylonians were known as Chaldeans – still a byword for
astrologers, for their religion was based upon such calculations.
All in all, the pentagram can be seen as a symbol for nature, i.e. the material aspect of Creation. This would be
supported by the fact that the entire pentagram can be drawn without lifting pen off paper, while the interwoven
hexagram depicts polarities in their balance requires that its two triangles be drawn separately. (To be sure, one
could draw the hexagon first and then add the six outer triangles without lifting the pen, but that would not do
justice to the meaning of the symbol). – Interestingly enough, the ancient Pythagoreans gave the name
“health” to the pentagram. It was probably before this background that later on it went into magic.
True, the Jewish people in their worship of the Creator of Heaven and Earth also had to develop a calendar
based on the “lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and to be for signs and
for seasons and for days and for years…”(Gen.1:14), so it should not be surprising to find the figure of the
pentagram with the five disks in a synagogue next to the six-pointed star (see fig.6-8); nor should it be
surprising that the five-pointed star is often called Solomon’s Seal. The Tanakh says Solomon was renowned for
his wisdom in both heavenly and earthly matters, and this could explain why the five-pointed star as a symbol
of wisdom was attributed to him, and named after him. However, we should keep in mind that the term ‫ מגן‬,
magen, shield, is used in connection with Abraham and with David, while the term ‫ חותם‬, hotam, seal, is used
in connection with Solomon irrespective whether the pentagram or the hexagram is related to him.”
Seal of Solomon – Connection to the hexagram & Pentagram
Joseph Jacobs and M. Seligsohn wrote in the Jewish Encyclopedia the entry Solomon, Seal of.
The legend that Solomon possessed a seal ring on which the name of God was engraved and by means of which
he controlled the demons is related at length in Gittin 68a, b.
B. Arabic development of the Jewish legend
This legend is especially developed by Arabic writers, who declare that the ring, on which was engraved “the
Most Great Name of God,” and which was given to Solomon from heaven, was partly brass and partly iron.
With the brass part of the ring Solomon signed his written commands to the good genii, and with the iron part
he signed his commands to the evil genii, or devils. The Arabic writers declare also that Solomon received four
jewels from four different angels, and that he set them in one ring, so that he could control the four elements.
C. Another legend
The legend that Asmodeus once obtained possession of the ring and threw it into the sea, and that Solomon was
thus deprived of his power until he discovered the ring inside a fish (Jellinek, “B. H.” ii. 86-87), also has an
Arabic source (comp. D’Herbelot, “Bibliothèque Orientale,” s.v. “Soliman ben Daoud”; Fabricius, “Codex
Pseudepigraphicus,” i. 1054; and see Solomon in Arabic Literature).

D. Josephus
The legend of a magic ring by means of which the possessor could exorcise demons was current in the first
century, as is shown by Josephus’ statement (“Ant.” viii. 2, § 5) that one Eleazar exorcised demons in the
presence of Vespasian by means of a ring, using incantations composed by Solomon Fabricius (l.c.) thinks that
the legend of the ring of Solomon thrown into the sea and found afterward inside a fish is derived from the story
of the ring of Polycrates, a story which is related by Herodotus (iii. 41 et seq.), Strabo (xiv. 638), and others, and
which was the basis of Schiller’s poem “Der Ring des Polykrates.”
E. Six-pointed star
The Arabs afterward gave the name of “Solomon’s seal” to the six-pointed star-like figure (see Magen, Dawid)
engraved on the bottom of their drinking-cups.
F. Table of Solomon
It is related in the “Arabian Nights” (ch. xx.) that Sindbad, in his seventh voyage, presented Harun al-Rashid
cup on which the “table of Solomon” was represented; and Lane thinks that this was the figure of “Solomon’s
seal” (note 93 to ch. xx. of his translation of the “Arabian Nights”).
G. Pentacle
In Western legends, however, it is the pentacle, or “druid’s foot,” that represents the seal. This figure, called by
Bishop Kennet the “pentangle” of Solomon, was supposed to have the power of driving away demons.
Mephistopheles says to Faust that he is prevented from entering the house by the druid’s foot (“Drudenfuss”), or
pentagram, which guards the threshold (“Faust,” in Otto Devrient’s edition, part i., scene 6). The work entitled
“Claviculæ Salomonis” contains treatises on all kinds of pentacles. The tradition of Solomon’s seal was the
basis of Büschenthal’s tragedy “Der Siegelring Salomonis,” specimens of which are given in “Bikkure
ha-’Ittim,” v. 3 et seq. (German part). A work regarding a magic signet-ring is ascribed to Solomon (see
Solomon, Apocryphal Works of). See also Asmodeus; Solomon in Rabbinical Literature.

Synagogue in Galilee

Synagogue in Galilee
Pentagram is connected with the Hexagram

Illustration 90: The Pythagorean Triangle pg 139

The pentacle is also the logo of the Theosophical Society. Founder H.P. Blavatsky identifies the pentacle as:
“Any geometrical figure, especially double equilateral triangle, the six-pointed star, (like the theosophical
pentacle).” The Theosophical Glossary, p. 251.
Theosophist Charles Leadbeater wrote in The Hidden Life of Freemasonry: “The blazing star is properly six-
pointed.” The History Of Freemasonry, p. 79.
Albert Pike, stated: “…the blazing star… represents [the] Star of Horus…Morning Star…Star of Set…
Lucifer.” Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets Of The Eastern Star, pp.52-53
Since the quintessence is symbolized by the pentacle or six-pointed star, we may infer that this essence which
enhances material elements is Lucifer, symbolized in occult language by the eagle or phoenix.
In Hebrew the word for eagle is:
Interestingly, the Hebrew word for calf (ie. golden calf) is ‫ עגל‬which sounds like eagle. Yet another connection
to Ishtar-Baal golden calf worship.
BDB Definition:

1) calf, bull-calf
The Pentagram, Hexagram and the United States/New Atlantis
Secrets of the Dollar Bill – David Ovason pg 19
“The stars on the first Great Seal of 1782 were six-pointed.
Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 23
‘The chief difference between the eagle roundel on the dollar bill and the eagle on the first Great Seal (1782)
was in the number of radiants or points on the stars above the head of the eagle. On the dollar-bill roundel, the
thirteen stars have five radiants. The thirteen stars on the Great Seal of 1782 had six radiants.

Illustration 91: Great Seal 1782

Illustration 92: Great Seal 1782

Illustration 93: Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 26

Illustration 94: Secrets of the Dollar Bill

pg 126 Notebook of Villard de Honnecourt

“In Medieval art and symbolism, the eagle was associated with the five-pointed star. In the Medieval period,
the eagle was regarded as a magical figure….Villard de Honnecourt traced in the heraldic image of a displayed
eagle the form of the five-pointed star, or pentagram. This meant that the eagle was viewed as being the
equivalent of the five-pointed star – in terms of both symbolism and numerology.
Secrets of the Dollar Bill pg 139

“As a matter of fact, the eagle was widely used in alchemy. In certain texts, the crowned eagle was seen as a
symbols of a successfully completed stage in the search for the manufacture of the secret Philosopher’s
Stone, which would confer long life and incredible riches.”
As will be seen below, the Philosopher’s Stone is intimately connected with Ishtar and the mark of the beast.

Queen of Heaven & the Rose

The constellation of the Virgin usually has her holding wheat, corn or a five-petaled flower. This represents the
BRANCH {tsemach}, which is used 5 times in the Scriptures, all referring to the Messiah.
Isa 4:2 In that day the Branch of YHWH will be beautiful and glorious, and the fruit of the earth for
pride and for glory for the survivors of Israel.
Jer 23:5 Behold, the days come, says YHWH, that I will raise to David a righteous Branch, and a King
shall reign and act wisely, and He shall do justice and righteousness in the earth.
Jer 23:6 In His days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely. And this is His name by which He
shall be called, YHWH our Righteousness.
Jer 33:15 In those days, and at that time, I will cause a Branch of Righteousness to grow up to David.
And He shall do judgment and righteousness in the land.
Jer 33:16 In those days Judah shall be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell in safety. And this is the name
that shall be called on her: YHWH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Zec 3:8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your associates who are sitting before you; for they
are men of symbol.
Zec 3:9 For, behold, I will bring forth My Servant, the BRANCH. For behold, the stone which I have
given before Joshua, on the one stone are seven eyes. I will engrave its engraving, says YHWH of Hosts,
and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day.
Zec 3:10 In that day, says YHWH of Hosts, you shall call each man to his neighbor to sit under the vine
and under the fig tree.
Zec 6:12 And speak to him, saying, So says
YHWH of Hosts, saying, Behold! The Man
whose name is THE BRANCH! And He shall
spring up out of His place, and He shall build
the temple of YHWH.
Zec 6:13 Even He shall build the temple of
YHWH; and He shall bear the majesty, and
shall sit and rule on His throne. And He shall be
a priest on His throne; and the counsel of peace
shall be between the two of them.

The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg

‘This same sense of spiritual redemption was
presaged in the ear of wheat, the Spice, in the hand
of the stellar Virgin. The wheat signaled the
germinal power that would grow from that Virgin

onto the Bread of Life. It was the Plant of Life which had been opposed by the Tree of Death – the wheat which
could grow from the darkness of the grave….There is a striking similarity in the pelanos, or sacred bread of the
ancient Mystery lore, and the holy bread of the hose in the Christian Mysteries. This point has often been
developed by scholars. The idea is clearly indicated in the 18th century engraving, alongside, which portrays
the World Mother, the Virgin goddess, not only with her many corn ears, but with a version of the holy bread
marked with what may be interpreted as a wide cross.’
The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital pg 157
‘the wheat (in the Virgin’s hand) was sometimes transformed into a flower – very often
into a five-petaled rose.’
Children of the Matrix pg 171
‘The Romans called the rose the ‘flower of Venus’ and this was a term used for the
goddess, including Queen Semiramis. The red rose was symbolic of female sexuality and
the white rose or lily is the virgin goddess.’
Son 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.
Notice again the hexagram (easter lily) (6) & pentagram (white rose) (5) connection.
The Easter Lily. For many, the beautiful trumpet-shaped white flowers symbolize purity, virtue,
innocence, hope and life—the spiritual essence of Easter. History, mythology, literature, poetry
and the world of art are rife with stories and images that speak of the beauty and majesty of the
elegant white flowers. Often called the “white-robed apostles of hope,” lilies were found
growing in the Garden of Gethsemane after Christ’s agony. Tradition has it that the beautiful white lilies sprung
up where drops of Christ’s sweat fell to the ground in his final hours of sorrow and deep distress. Churches
continue this tradition at Easter time by banking their altars and surrounding their crosses with masses of Easter
Lilies, to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus Christ and hope of life everlasting.
Since the beginning of time, lilies have played significant roles in allegorical tales concerning the sacrament of
motherhood. Roman mythology links it to Juno, the queen of the gods. The story goes that while Juno was
nursing her son Hercules, excess milk fell from the sky. Although part of it remained above the earth (thus
creating the group of stars known as the Milky Way), the remainder fell to the earth, creating lilies. Another
tradition has it that the lily sprang from the repentant tears of Eve as she went forth from Paradise.
David Ovason, in his book Secret Architecture of our Nation’s Capital connects the ‘Weeping Virging’ with Isis
her weeping over the death of Osiris. In esoteric thought this weeping is associated not only with death but
also with resurrection & ‘initiation’ into the mysteries. John Simons, a Masonic author, believed that Egyptian
hieroglyphics were closely linked with Hebrew and traced hieroglyphic for the above concept of tears or milk
falling from the gods with the Hebrew word yarah. The Egyptian hieroglyphic mst which is translated as dew is
actually water falling from heaven, or the gods throwing drops of sacred water.

This is the root of the word Torah.

John Simons points out that this Egyptian hieroglyphic for dew is also linked with Egyptian baptism, with the
notion of shedding celestial dew on the head of the neophyte with initiation. He refers to a plate which showed
an Egyptian initiation scene where the gods Horus and Thoth pour sacred waters on the head of the neophyte.
This is a false baptism, a false ‘born again’ experience, a false resurrection. In Masonic accounts, the virgin
weeps because the Temple is left unfinished. This is speaking of the perfecting of man and is what the image on

the back of the dollar bill of the unfinished pyramid represents.
The pure white lily has long been closely associated with the Virgin Mary. In early paintings, the Angel Gabriel
is pictured extending to the Virgin Mary a branch of pure white lilies, announcing that she is to be the mother of
the Christ Child. In other paintings, saints are pictured bringing vases full of white lilies to Mary and the infant
Jesus. St. Joseph is depicted holding a lily-branch in his hand, indicating that his wife Mary was a virgin.
The legend is told that when the Virgin Mary’s tomb was visited three days after her burial, it was found empty
save for bunches of majestic white lilies. Early writers and artists made the lily the emblem of the Annunciation,
the Resurrection of the Virgin: the pure white petals signifying her spotless body and the golden anthers her soul
glowing with heavenly light.…
In the Greco-Roman culture, the rose represented beauty, the season of spring, and love. It also spoke of the
fleetness of time, and therefore inferred death and the next world. In Rome the feast called rosalia was a feast of
the dead.
The rose as the queen of flowers was evidently a privileged symbol for Mary, Queen of heaven and earth. The
rose is a symbol of Christ, too, as we see in the German Christmas song from a poem by Goethe, Es Ist ein’
Ros’ Entsprungen.
The Marian symbolism is well illustrated by Dante in his description of
Paradise. His guide, Beatrice, invites him to contemplate among the heavenly
inhabitants the beauty of Mary, the Mother of God:
“Why are you so enamored of my face that you do not turn your gaze to the
beautiful garden which blossoms under the radiance of Christ? There is the
Rose in which the Divine word became flesh: here are the lilies whose
perfume guides you in the right ways.” (Paradiso, 23, 71-75)
Later the influence of the the Song of Songs led to the rose symbolizing the
mystical union between Christ and his Church, or between God and each
member of his people. Because Mary was honored as the model of our union
with God, the rose became a privileged symbol of the union between Christ
and Mary. The litany of Loreto includes the title, “Mystical Rose.”
During the Renaissance the rose garden theme came to represent human love
and lovers. But at the same time the religious, Marian symbolism of the rose
was popularized by the devotion of the rosary.
The structured prayer form of 150 Hail Marys was termed a “rosary.” This
expression came from the Latin rosarium or rosarius, a name given to works
collecting the best of some teaching. For example, Arnold of Villanova wrote
a Rosarius Philosophorum, explaining that it was a compendium, a thesaurus,
a treasury of philosophy. Here the symbolism of the rosary stands as a
precious anthology of spirituality.
Our Lady of the rosary is Our Lady of the roses, because the flowers are the
symbols of greeting offered to the Mother of God. We greet her with spiritual
In a different perspective, Mary and the Child Jesus offer the rosary to their

devotees. In his Feast of the Rosary (1506), Albrecht Durer represents Jesus and Mary handing out crowns of

The Rose & the Heart

The rose in hermetic and alchemical texts could symbolize either the solar, male (red) or lunar, feminine (white)
currents or properties, but it also could be used as a symbol for the heart. Scholars of the past believed the
heart was inclined at an angle of 23 degrees, “like the axis of the earth against the path of the sun. And the heart
is like the bud of the lotus flower … while the Egyptians worshipped the flower of the sun (Isis).” – August
Strindberg, “A Blue Book,” Munich (1918).
The Lotus – Secrets of the Fields pg 163-164
“Its (lotus) petals represent spiritual unfolding, and the seedpod the fecundity of creation – the 'superhuman'
rising out of and above the mud of the physical world...the lotus has its counterpart in the rose, the symbol of
Two Babylons pg 169
In the Church of Rome a new kind of devotion has of late been largely introduced, in which the beads play an
important part, and which shows what new and additional strides in the direction of the old Babylonian
Paganism the Papacy every day is steadily making. I refer to the “Rosary
of the Sacred Heart.” It is not very long since the worship of the “Sacred Heart” was first introduced; and now,
everywhere it is the favourite worship. It was so in ancient Babylon, as is evident from the Babylonian system
as it appeared in Egypt. There also a “Sacred Heart” was venerated. The “Heart” was one of the sacred
symbols of Osiris when he was born again, and appeared as Harpocrates, or the infant divinity, * borne in the
arms of his mother Isis.
* The name Harpocrates, as shown by Bunsen, signifies “Horus, the child.”
The heart symbol derives from the Ivy symbol of Bacchus.

Rose & Sion

Numerologically, the letters of the word ROSE are 9615, same as the first letters of the Egyptian royal family
I for Isis = 9
O for Osiris = 6
N for Nephthys = 5
S for Set = 1
Interestingly, these letters also spell SION, as in the Priory of Sion.
“The Templars riding with their red cross were
the keepers of the secret of the rose within the chalice.”
‘The Sword and the Grail’ by Andrew Sinclair
The Rose with its word anagram ‘Eros' (1) {Eros is another name for Cupid…another rose-heart connection},
has long been associated with ‘Our Lady’, whether she be in her role as Mary the Mother, Magdalene the Lover,
or Saint. It is also associated with the heart of Christ, the Rose of Sharon. The five-petalled rose, Rosa Rugosa,
is the earth’s oldest known variety of rose and is a repeating symbol present at many Templar church sites that

we visited.
The unusual solid stone barrel-shaped ceiling of Rosslyn Chapel is divided into five sections, and is covered
with carved five-pointed stars, lilies, roses and other flowers. These stars have an ancient association with
Venus, Isis and Magdalene and are also found on the ceilings Egyptian temples. (The pentagram’s proportions
are a perfect example of the Golden Mean, or PHI ratio, and the sacred geometry used in ancient temple
architecture). Another section of the ceiling containing a series of cubes is said to correspond to PHI and a
Fibonacci musical scale.

Rose Mystery

In ancient Rome…the rose was known as the Flower of Venus and

lent itself ultimately as an instrument of worship represented by the
Rosa Mystica of the Zohar
The Zohar, a book of Jewish mysticism contains texts that deal with
the mysteries of the Rosa Mystica and her Son. In the texts the Rosa
Mystica is called Matronita, a Heavenly Warrioress Queen who “leads
her warriors to become like Elohim”, she is also named ‘Kneset
Yisrael’, ‘Woman of Israel’ and ‘Queen of the Sabbath’. She is the
Spouse of the Ruach ha Kodesh (Holy Spirit), and as a woman She is
sometimes named ‘Isha’. She is said to be clothed with the Sun
standing on the Moon.
The opening passages of the Zohar quote a verse from the Song of
Songs: “Like a rose among thorns, so is my darling among the
maidens” (Song of Songs 2:2). The Aramaic word for ‘mystery’ is
‘raza’ – a word very similar to Latin ‘rosa.’
Flowers Through the Ages by Gabriele Tergit contains many pages on the history and folklore of the rose.
“…Soon the mysterious rose, sacred to Venus in earlier times, became the flower of the Virgin Mary, who
herself became the Rosa mystica. The temple of Jupiter Capitolinus became St. Peter’s, the temple of Juno
Lucina the church of S. Maria Maggiore, and the processions honouring the Mother of God walked on rose
petals, just as the processions carrying the images of the pagan gods had done.” (p. 43)
“The rose was dedicated to the goddess of love, that is, to the eternal mystery of the continuity of life. As such it
was the symbol of mystery and secrecy. ‘Mystery glows in the rose bed, the secret is hidden in the rose,’ sang
the Persian poet and perfumer, Farid ud-din Attar, in the twelfth century. A more prosaic explanation is that the
folded structure of the rose, by its nature, conceals a secret inner core. … in Germany, we read in Sebastian
Brant’s Narrenschiff, [Ship of Fools] in the late fifteenth century: ‘What here we do say, shall under roses
stay.’” (p. 46)
The Latin phrase sub rosa means “under the rose” and is used in English to denote secrecy or confidentiality.
The rose was the emblem of the god Horus in ancient Egypt. Later, the Greeks and Romans regarded Horus as
the god of silence. The rose, with a characteristic five-petal shape imitates the pentagram – a five-sided star

also a symbol.
The labyrinth on the floor in the Chartres Cathedral in France has a rose in the center. The cathedral was built
incorporating sacred geometry and it is alleged, was built to represent the form of the human. Looking at it from
the air, it appears to be in the shape of a cross, however if one looks at Leonardo DaVinci’s drawing of man with
his arms outstretched and the pentagram overlaid, the cathedral could very well be to represent human form.
A sixteenth century lexicon states that the rose is a symbol that has many very profound meanings in all
branches of the Hermetic mystery. The Rosicrucian esoteric fraternity adopted the rose on a cross as their

Illustration 95: Morals & Dogma pg 276

The Rosicrucian order and the Knights of the Rose Croix is discussed in more detail in Chapter 5.
Here the Phoenix is seen with Rosicrucian symbology. The Phoenix is a symbol of resurrection as well as the
coming antichrist kingdom.

INRI….IESVS·NAZARENVS·REX·IVDÆORVM (Yahshua the Nazarene King of the Jews)…is the Latin
parallel to YHWH.

What is the end goal of Rosicrucianism?

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception pg 519
“His very name is an embodiment of the manner and the means by which the present-day man is transformed
into the Divine Superman. This symbol,
“Christian Rosen Kreuz”
[The] Christian Rose Cross, shows the end and aim of human evolution; the road to be traveled, and the means
whereby that end is gained. The black cross, the twining green stem of the plant, the thorns, the blood-red roses
– in these is hidden the solution of the World Mystery – Man’s past evolution, present constitution, and
particularly the secret of his future development…it hides from the profane, but reveals to the Initiate the more
clearly how he is to labor day by day to make for himself that choicest of all gems, the Philosopher’s Stone.”

Roses, Ashes, Resurrection & the Phoenix

A phoenix is a mythical bird with a colorful plumage and a tail of gold and scarlet (or
purple, blue, and green according to some legends). It has a 500 to 1,000 year life-
cycle, near the end of which it builds itself a nest of twigs that then ignites; both nest
and bird burn fiercely and are reduced to ashes, from which a new, young phoenix or
phoenix egg arises, reborn anew to live again. The new phoenix is destined to live as
long as its old self. In some stories, the new phoenix embalms the ashes of its old self
in an egg made of myrrh and deposits it in the Egyptian city of Heliopolis (sun city in
Manly P. Hall The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy

“Among the ancients a fabulous bird called the Phoenix is described by early
writers … in size and shape it resembles the eagle, but with certain differences.
The body of the Phoenix is one covered with glossy purple feathers, and the plumes
in its tail are alternately blue and red. The head of the bird is light in color, and
about its neck is a circlet of golden plumage. At the back of its back the Phoenix
has a crest of feathers of brilliant color … The Phoenix, it is said, lives for 500
years, and at its death its body opens and the new born Phoenix emerges. Because
of this symbolism, the Phoenix is generally regarded as representing
immortality and resurrection … The Phoenix is one sign of the secret orders of
the ancient world and of the initiate of those orders, for it was common to refer to
one who had been accepted into the temples as a man twice-born, or reborn. Wisdom confers a new life, and
those who become wise are born again.” [p. p. 176-77]
Barbara Walker Now Is The Dawning , p. 281
“Egyptians believed that the Phoenix was the representative of a god who “rose to heaven in the form of a
morning star, like Lucifer, after his fire-immolation of death and rebirth …”
William Schnoebelen, in his book, Satan’s Door Revisited , p. 4. “The Phoenix, of Bunnu is believed to be a
divine bird going back to Egypt … This Phoenix destroys itself in flames and then rises from the ashes. Most
occultists believe that the Phoenix is a symbol of Lucifer who was cast down in flames and who … will one day
rise triumphant. This [belief] also relates to the raising of Hiram Abiff, the Masonic ‘christ’.”

Manly P. Hall The Lost Keys of Freemasonry pg 108
“These were the immortals to whom the term ‘phoenix’ was applied, and their symbol was the mysterious two-
headed bird, now called an eagle , a familiar and little understood Masonic emblem .”
Biederman’s Dictionary explains the symbolism of the eagle: “In ancient Syria, the eagle was associated with
the sun-god. It was said to be capable of rejuvenation, like the phoenix.”

Secret Teachings of All Ages pg 260

“The Egyptians occasionally represented the Phoenix as having the body of a
man and the wings of a bird. This biform, creature had a tuft of feathers upon
its head and its arms were upraised in an attitude of prayer. As the phoenix was
the symbol of regeneration, the tuft of feathers on the back of its head might
well symbolize the activity of the Pineal gland, or third eye, the occult function
of which was apparently well understood by the ancient priest craft.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 265
“They {Robert Hooke and Isaac Newton} knew that the Stone {Philosopher’s Stone} was directly related to
higher degrees of consciousness and perception, while being represented by the legendary Phoenix which rises
from destruction in a blaze of rebirth and new light.”
Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 27
“In the romance of Parzival by the Bavarian knight Wolfram von Eschenbach, we read: ‘Around the end of the
stone, an inscription in letters tells the name and lineage of those, be they maids or boys, who are called to make
the journey of the Grail. No one needs to read the inscription, for as soon as it has been read it vanishes.’ The
stone being discussed here was said to be the ‘perfection of earthly paradise,’ with remarkable healing and anti-
ageing properties. It was called Lapis Elixis, a variant of Lapis Elixir, the alchemical Philosopher’s Stone. The
text continues: ‘By the power of that stone the Phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes speedily restore him to life
again. Thus doth the Phoenix Destiny.”
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s Stone.”
Morals and Dogma pg 64
…Grand Arcanum,…that secret whose revelation would overturn Earth and Heaven. Let no one expect us to
give them its explanation! He who passes behind the veil that hides this mystery, understands that it is in its
very nature inexplicable, and that it is death to those who win it by surprise, as well as to him who reveals it.
This secret is the Royalty of the Sages, the Crown of the Initiate whom we see redescend victorious from the
summit of Trials, in the fine allegory of Cebes. The Grand Arcanun makes him master of gold and the light,
which are at bottom the same thing, he has solved the problem of the quadrature of the circle, he directs the
perpetual movement, and he possesses the philosophical stone. Here the Adepts will understand us. There is
neither interruption in the toil of nature, nor gap in her work. The Harmonies of Heaven correspond to those of
Earth, and the Eternal Life accomplishes its evolutions in accordance with the same laws as the life of a dog.
“God has arranged all things by weight, number, and measure,” says the Bible; and this luminous doctrine was
also that of Plato.
Azoth was considered to be a ‘universal medicine’ or ‘universal solvent’ sought in alchemy, its symbol was the
Caduceus (the rod of Hermes) and so the term, which being originally a term for an occult formula sought by
alchemists much like the philosopher’s stone, became a poetic word for the element Mercury.

As the works of more of the alchemists have come to light, it becomes clear that the philosopher’s stone wasn’t
really a stone at all—even though it is always referred to as such. Sometimes the catalyst of transmutation is
described as a divine child, an angel, a dragon, an elixir, a tincture, or an as-yet unknown chemical
Many alchemists began to consider that somehow the philosopher’s stone was not a thing at all, but a system of
knowledge. Once the alchemist truly perceived the reality that lay behind the symbols, he would achieve an
intellectual and spiritual level wherein he would become one with the power that existed within the mysterious
goal for which he searched so long. Once he understood what the philosopher’ stone represented, he would have
found it at last—and he would have become one with it.
Many scholars have since insisted that the true alchemists sought not to turn base metals into gold, but to
transform the dense material of their physical bodies into a spiritually evolved immaterial entity. In this
perspective, the philosopher’s stone becomes the Holy Spirit that mystically transmutes humans into true
manifestations of God on Earth.
Ishtar/Isis/Queen of Heaven was symbolized by the dove. The dove, Biblically is a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
More on this below
Saturn, Hexagram connection
The Talisman of Saturn became known as the Seal of Solomon.

From James Fausset Brown commentary on Amos 5:26

the star of your god — R. Isaac Caro says all the astrologers represented Saturn as the star
of Israel. Probably there was a figure of a star on the head of the image of the idol, to
represent the planet Saturn; hence “images” correspond to “star” in the parallel clause. A
star in hieroglyphics represents God (Num_24:17). “Images” are either a Hebraism for
“image,” or refer to the many images made to represent Chiun.
John Gill commentary on Amos 5:26
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the
same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star that fell from the air or sky*,
mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn, is said to
take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
*This is important to note in that it connects to the ‘Holy Grail’.
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 297
Quoting from Perlesvaus pg. 359
“Well I know that many brave knights dwell with the Grail at Munsalvaesche. Always
when they ride out, as they often do, it is to seek adventure. They do so for their sins, these templars, whether
their reward be defeat or victory. A valiant hose lives there, and I will tell you how they are sustained. They
live from a stone of purest kind. If you know not know it, it shall here be named to you. It is called lapsit
exillis. By the power of that stone the phoenix burns to ashes, but the ashes give him life again. Thus does
the phoenix molt and change its plumage, which afterward is bright and shining and as lovely as before.
There never was a human so ill but that, if he on day sees that stone, he cannot die within the week that
follows. And in looks he will not fade. His appearance wills tay the same as when the best years of his life
began, and though he should see the stone for two hundred years, it will never change, save that his hair might
perhaps turn gray. Such power does the stone give a man that flesh and bones are at once made young again.
The stone is called the Grail.”

“Lapsit exillis might be a corruption of lapis ex caelis– ‘stone from the heavens.’ It might also be a corruption
of lapsit ex caelis – ‘it fell from heaven’; or of lapis lapsus ex caelus- ‘a stone fallen from heaven; or, finally,
of lapis elixir -the fabulous Philosopher’s Stone of alchemy.”
Guardians of the Grail pg 43-44
“Trevor Ravenscroft writes in the Cup of Destiny that Percival rides through the constellations of the zodiac in
his quest for the golden cup. His destination is Aries, where lies the castle of the Holy Grail. According to the
doctrine of the ancient mystery cult, as he enters the Grail castle, he is entering the mystery world of the human
body, the brain. It is there that ‘the stone of light’ resides. The stone is supposedly the pineal gland, located at
the base of the brain. It is at the so-called ‘center of man’s consciousness’.”
This ‘magic square of the sun’ is associated with the ‘The Philosophers stone’
The Philosopher’s stone is
associated with the hexagram…a
symbol that comes up over and
over again in connection with the
number 666.
The Hexagram of Earth
represents the Solar energy that
makes concrete matter that we
can move and touch, in short, The
Philosophers Stone.
Dr. John Dee, the court astrologist
of Queen Elizabeth I, in his book Hieroglyphic Monad, includes the following quote:
“‘Mahatma Letters,’ page 345: ‘The double triangle viewed by the Jewish Kabbalists as Solomon’s Seal is…the
Sri–Antana of the Archaic Aryan Temple, the Mystery of Mysteries, a geometrical synthesis of the whole occult
doctrine. The two interlaced triangles are the Buddham-Gums of Creation. They contain the ’squaring of the
Circle,’ the ‘Philosophers’ Stone,’ the great problems of Life and Death–the mystery of Evil. The Chela who can
explain this sign from every one of its aspects is virtually an Adept.’”Hieroglyphic Monad, Dr John Dee, page
Albert Pike associates the Great Secret of Freemasonry with the discovery of the Alchemists “Philosopher’s
The philosopher’s stone is a legendary substance, allegedly capable of turning inexpensive metals into gold. It
was sometimes believed to be an elixir of life, useful for rejuvenation and possibly for achieving immortality.
For a long time, it was the most sought-after goal in Western alchemy. In the view of spiritual alchemy, making
the philosopher’s stone would bring enlightenment upon the maker and conclude the Great Work. It is also
known by several other names, such as ‘materia prima.’ Ultimately, it is about bringing heaven down to earth.
Or the Sun (father) joining with the earth (mother) according to occult belief.

Tetractys the Cross & the Philosophers
Secret Teaching of All Ages pg 182
The TAU cross was inscribed on the forehead of every person
admitted into the Mysteries of Mithras. When a king was
initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries, the TAU was placed
against his lips. It was tattooed upon the bodies of the
candidates in some of the American Indian Mysteries. To the
Qabbalist, the TAU stood for heaven and the Pythagorean
tetractys. The Caduceus of Hermes was an outgrowth of the
TAU cross.

1. The Tetractys symbolized the four elements — earth, air, fire, and
2. The first four numbers also symbolized the harmony of the spheres
and the Cosmos.[citation needed]
3. The four rows added up to ten, which was unity of a higher order
(in decimal).
4. The Tetractys represented the organization of space:
1. the first row represented zero-dimensions (a point)
2. the second row represented one-dimension (a line of two points)
3. the third row represented two-dimensions (a plane defined by a
triangle of three points)
4. the fourth row represented three-dimensions (a tetrahedron defined
by four points)
A prayer of the Pythagoreans shows the importance of the Tetractys
(sometimes called the “Mystic Tetrad”), as the prayer was addressed
to it.
“Bless us, divine number, thou who generated gods and men! O holy,
holy Tetractys, thou that containest the root and source of the eternally flowing creation! For the divine number
begins with the profound, pure unity until it comes to the holy four; then it begets the mother of all, the all-
comprising, all-bounding, the first-born, the never-swerving, the never-tiring holy ten, the keyholder of all”.
The Pythagorean oath also mentioned the Tetractys:
“By that pure, holy, four lettered name on high,
nature’s eternal fountain and supply,
the parent of all souls that living be,
by him, with faith find oath, I swear to thee.”
Pythagorean tetractys

The correspondence between the Shem ha-meforash and the Tetragrammaton (IHVH) is revealed when we
apply another rule of gematria to the four-letter word

There are some who believe that the tetractys and its mysteries influenced the early kabbalists. A Hebrew
Tetractys in a similar way has the letters of the Tetragrammaton (the four lettered name of God in Hebrew
scripture) inscribed on the ten positions of the tetractys, from right to left. It has been argued that the Kabbalistic
Tree of Life, with its ten spheres of emanation, is in some way connected to the tetractys, but its form is not that
of a triangle.

Here we see a connection of the Sacred Name, the tetractys, & the cross
on the forehead. Again, a counterfeit is seen.
As seen in Ezekiel 9, the ‘tav’ is marked on the head of the righteous
Eze 9:4 And YHWH said to him, Pass through in the midst of the city,
in the midst of Jerusalem, and mark a mark on the foreheads of the
men who are groaning and are mourning over all the abominations
that are done in her midst.
In the Book of Revelation it is seen that the sacred Name is marked in the
foreheads of the righteous
Rev 14:1 And I saw, and behold, the Lamb standing on Mount Zion!

And with Him were a hundred and forty four thousands, with the name of His Father having been
written on their foreheads.
Rev 22:4 And they will see His face; and His name will be on their foreheads.
His Name is the Word
Rev 19:13 and having been clothed in a garment which had been dipped in blood. And His name is called
The Word of God.

Here the name of YHWH is on the four points of the cross and the name Yahshua is in the 5 points of the

Fra. Thomas D. Worrel, VII
The cross is a symbol that is about as universal and ancient as any symbol that has emerged out of man’s
psyche. The cross symbolizes the meeting at right angles of horizontals and perpendiculars. Forces going in
quite opposite directions but meeting at a central point, a common ground. It can symbolize the union of
opposites and the dualism in nature. It can be the outstretch archetypal man with the infinite possibilities of
growth being immortal. It represents eternal life. The cross can symbolize the decent of Spirit into matter.
It is the intersection of the level of time with the Eternity of the Spirit.
The cross is the axis of the cycle of the year whose spokes are the equinoxes and solstices. It is the crossroads
where the four directions meet. In a Christian sense the cross signifies acceptance of sacrifice, suffering, and
death as well as immortality. There is a legend that the cross of Christ was made out of wood from the Tree of
Knowledge, the cause of the Fall, making it the instrument of Redemption. In the Egyptian mythos the crux
ansata or – a type of cross – was a symbol of life, immortality, and health. It is held by the gods and
goddesses. It also represented the union of Isis and Osiris.
Numerologically, the cross is sometimes represented by the number four. Within our own teachings: “No.4 is
the Mystic number, and indicates the operative influence of the four elements.
Under this number, or the geometrical square, Pythagoras communicated the Ineffable Name of God to his

chosen disciples.” In the Hebrew alphabet the last letter is called Tav. And Tav means “mark” or “cross” and its
original form was written much like ankh or cross. I could go on with many more examples but I think we can
see that the cross transcends human culture in both time and space. It is a symbol that ties us all together as a
Brotherhood of Mankind. It is a symbol that goes to the very root of our being.
The rose (Latin, rosa, in Greek, rhodon) also is a symbol that has a rich and ancient history. And like the cross,
it can have paradoxical meanings. It is at once a symbol of purity and a symbol of passion, heavenly perfection
and earthly passion; virginity and fertility; death and life. The rose is the flower of the goddess Venus but also
the blood of Adonis and of Christ. It is a symbol of transmutation – that of taking food from the earth and
transmuting it into the beautiful fragrant rose. The rose garden is a symbol of Paradise. It is the place of the
mystic marriage. In ancient Rome, roses were grown in the funerary gardens to symbolize resurrection. The
thorns have represented suffering and sacrifice as well as the sins of the Fall from Paradise.
The rose has also been used as a sign of silence and secrecy. The word sub rosa “under the rose” referring to
the demand for discretion whenever a rose was hung from the ceiling at a meeting. In the Mysteries roses were
sacred to Isis. It is also the flower of her son Harpocrates or younger Horus, the god of silence.
Numerologically, the rose represents the number 5. This is because the wild rose has 5 petals. And the petals on
roses are in multiples of five. Geometrically, the rose corresponds with the pentagram and pentagon.Our
teachings state: “No.5 is the emblem of Health and Safety; …it represents Spirit and the four elements.”
The Pythagorean brotherhood used the pentagram as the symbol of their school.
The number five being associated with the rose has linked them with the 5 senses. In an absolute sense the
rose has represented the expanding awareness of being through the development of the senses.
The Symbolism of the Rose-Cross
The basic rose cross symbol is that of a rose appended to the junction of the two lines of the cross – the center
point. But the traditional Rosicrucian symbol is a cross of 6 squares whereon is a red rose of five petals.
The cross is of 6 squares for a number of reasons. It relates the cross to the number six which is the number of
the Tree of rife Sphere to which it corresponds, that is, the Sphere of Tiphareth (Beauty) also known as the
Sphere of the Sun. The cross of six squares is also the unfolded cube of six faces. The perfect cube has been
used to represent the Holy of Holies since Old Testament times. We know the tabernacle was 10 cubits in
length, breadth, and height. The Sanctum Sanctorum of Solomon’s Temple likewise was cubically shaped
using the measure of 20 cubits (666)*.
*Esarim Amah (20 Cubits) = 666

The number 666 is associated with the Tabernacle as can be seen by the Gematria of the following words: This
does not mean that the Temple/Tabernacle was evil but that this number is intimately connected with the
Tabernacle/human body.

In Revelation (21:17-18) the New Jerusalem is likened to a perfect cube of pure
gold. Gold is related to the cube, cross, and Sun sphere for a number of reasons.
Gold is the metal associated with the sun. But also Qabalistically, the cube unfolds
to a cross of six; this means that the units around the cross (the perimeter) add up to
14. The Hebrew word zahab means gold and the letters of the word add up to 14
(Zain + Heh + Beth or 7 + 5 + 2 = 14). In addition, all these symbols that
correspond to six correspond geometrically to the hexagram.
Genesis of the Cosmos Paul A. LaViolette pg 177
“Several key aspects of this physics of cosmogenic process are summarized in the Rose Cross, an emblem
consisting of a single circular rose at the center of an equal-armed cross. During a lecture in 1785, Alessandro
Cagliostro, a renowned Sicilian scholar of the esoteric, reportedly stated that the ancient magi wore the Rose
Cross around their necks on a golden chain.
Its origin was attributed to the god Hermes-Thoth, founder of the Order of the Magi. It was said that four letters
were written between the branches of the cross, each letter expressing a mystery of nature. According to
Cagliostro, these letters, taken from the 22 character “Alphabet of the Magi are as follows

So as not to reveal this sacred word to

the profane, the magi replaced these
letters on the Rose Cross with the four
zodiac figures that compose the
sphinx. The bull (Taurus), lion (Leo),
eagle (Scorpio) and water bearer
(Aquarius). The meanings ascribed to
these four sacred letters of the magi
alphabet correspond to the four sacred
Hebrew letters yod he vav he.
According to Sefer Bereshit, these four
letters designated the divinity and were said to contain the key to all the sciences, divine as well as human. Yod
signified the masculine unity principle; he, the femine duality principle; vav, the dynamic linking or uniting of
these active and passive principles; and the second he signified the transition from one world to the next. The
Rose Cross also relate to this creation theme. The cross signifies the implicit order, yod-he-vav. Like the
Egyptian ankh and Tibetan dorjes, it symbolizes the crossing and coupling of the two primary ether
transmutation streams, that unique juncture in the ether transmutation network that give birth to our physical
universe. The rose, which is superimposed on the cross, apparently signifies the higher-level manifestation
represented by the second he. Like the blooming cosmic lotus of Egyptian and Hindu mythology, it
represents the physical creation. Applies to spiritual evolution, the Rose Cross also signifies the rebirth of
the spirit into the afterlife.
In the Garden of Eden there were two choices. The tree of Life or the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Both trees gave the choice of life. The tree of Life which synonymous with Messiah Yahshua/the Torah/the
Word which gives eternal life, or the tree of knowledge which is synonymous with the
antichrist/lawlessness/religion which offers a false eternity…’ye shall not die.’

Isa 34:14 The desert creatures (Targum – monsters) shall also meet with the howlers; and the shaggy goat
(satyr) shall cry to his fellow. The screech owl (Heb. lillith Vulgate- lamla (witch)) shall also settle there, and
find a place of rest for herself.
H3917 ‫ לילית‬li^yli^yth
BDB Definition:
1) “Lilith”, name of a female goddess known as a night demon who haunts the desolate places of Edom
1a) might be a nocturnal animal that inhabits desolate places
Lilith (Syr. and Zab. lelitho), lit., the creature of the night, was a female demon (sheda^h) of the popular
mythology; according to the legends, it was a malicious fairy that was especially hurtful to children, like some
of the fairies of our own fairy tales.

The Myth of the Goddess

“The Sumerian word for owl is ninna and the name Nin-ninna given to the goddess in her owl form meant
‘Divine Lady Owl’. The ancient texts also give the Akkadian word kilili for Nin-ninna, and this name was one
shared by Innana and Ishtar. (Perhaps kilili is the original derivation of Lilith, who, much later, in biblical times,
is called ‘night-owl or screech-owl’.”
Rafael Patai (The Hebrew Goddess 3rd ed. 1990)
relates that in the Sumerian poem Gilgamesh and the
Huluppu Tree, a she-demon named Lilith built her
house in the Huluppu tree on the banks of the
Euphrates before being routed by Gilgamesh. Patai
then describes the Burney plaque:
“A Babylonian terra-cotta relief, roughly
contemporary with the above poem, shows in what
form Lilith was believed to appear to human eyes.
She is slender, well shaped, beautiful and nude, with
wings and owl-feet. She stands erect on two reclining
lions which are turned away from each other and are
flanked by owls. On her head she wears a cap
embellished by several pairs of horns. In her hands
she holds a ring and rod combination. Evidently this
is no longer a lowly she-demon, but a goddess who
tames wild beasts and, as shown by the owls on the
reliefs, rules by night.”
Wolkstein and Kramer (Innana: Queen of Heaven and
Earth 1983) present a psychological comparison of
Lilith and Innana in a discussion of Ereshkigal,
goddess of the Underworld:
“Ereshkigal, the neglected side of Innana, has certain
qualities that are similar to Lilith’s. Both are
connected to the nightime aspects of the feminine- the
Illustration 96: The Burney Relief powerful, raging sexuality and the deep wounds

accumulated from life’s rejections- which seek solace in physical union only. Lilith usually flees from
rejections; Ereshkigal withdraws ‘underground.’ In ‘The Huluppu-Tree,’ when Lilith could not have her own
way, she resentfully and destructively smashed her own home. The powerful Lilith of Innana’s adolescent days
had to be sent away so Innana’s life-exploring talents could be developed. But now that Innana has become
queen of her city, wife to her beloved, mother to her children, she is more able to face what she has neglected:
the instinctual, wounded, frightened parts of herself…”
Although references to Lilith in the Talmud are sparse, these passages provide the most comprehensive insight
into the demoness yet seen in Judaic literature, which some speculate to echo Lilith’s purported Mesopotamian
origins and prefigure her future as the perceived exegetical enigma of the Genesis account. Recalling the Lilith
we have seen, Talmudic allusions to Lilith illustrate her essential wings and long hair dating back to her earliest
extant mention in Gilgamesh:
“Rab Judah citing Samuel ruled: If an abortion had the likeness of Lilith its mother is unclean by reason of the
birth, for it is a child but it has wings.” (Niddah 24b)
“[Expounding upon the curses of womanhood] In a Baraitha it was taught: She grows long hair like Lilith, sits
when making water like a beast, and serves as a bolster for her husband.” (‘Erubin 100b)
Unique to the Talmud with regard to Lilith is her insalubrious carnality, alluded to in The Seductress but
expanded upon here sans unspecific metaphors as the demoness assuming the form of a woman in order to
sexually take men by force while they sleep:
“R. Hanina said: One may not sleep in a house alone [in a lonely house], and whoever sleeps in a house alone is
seized by Lilith.” (Shabbath 151b)
Comparing ‘Erubin 18b and Shabbath 151b with the later passage from the Zohar: “She wanders about at night,
vexing the sons of men and causing them to defile themselves (19b),” it appears clear that this Talmudic passage
indicates such an adverse union between Adam and Lilith.
Male & Female Androgyny

Illustration 97: Lilith from

Michelangelo's The Temptation of
Adam and Eve
And the Serpent, the Woman of Harlotry, incited and seduced Eve through the husks of Light which in itself is

holiness. And the Serpent seduced Holy Eve, and enough said for him who understands. And all this ruination
came about because Adam the first man coupled with Eve while she was in her menstrual impurity – this is the
filth and the impure seed of the Serpent who mounted Eve before Adam mounted her. Behold, here it is before
you: because of the sins of Adam the first man all the things mentioned came into being. For Evil Lilith, when
she saw the greatness of his corruption, became strong in her husks, and came to Adam against his will, and
became hot from him and bore him many demons and spirits and Lilin. (Patai81:455f)
Lilith pictures with Adam and Eve

Illustration 98: Lilith with Adam

and Eve at Notre Dame Base of

Another similar monster was the Greek Lamia, who likewise governed a class of child stealing lamia-demons.
Lamia bore the title “child killer” and was feared for her malevolence, like Lilith. She has different conflicting
origins and is described as having a human upper body from the waist up and a serpentine body from the waist
(Some depictions of Lamia picture her as having wings and feet of a bird, rather than being half serpent, similar
to the earlier reliefs of Greek Sirens and the Lilitu.)
Lamia had a vicious sexual appetite that matched her cannibalistic appetite for children. She was notorious for
being a vampiric spirit and loved sucking men’s blood.
Her gift was the “mark of a Sibyl,” a gift of second sight. Zeus was said to have given her the gift of sight.
However, she was “cursed” to never be able to shut her eyes so that she would forever obsess over her dead
children. Taking pity on Lamia, Zeus gave her the ability to remove and replace her eyes from their sockets.
Western Mystery Tradition
The western mystery tradition associates Lilith with the Klipoth of kabbalah. Samael Aun Weor in The Pistis

Sophia Unveiled writes that homosexuals are the “henchmen of Lilith.” Likewise, women who undergo willful
abortion, and those who support this practice are “seen in the sphere of Lilith.” Dion Fortune writes, “The
Virgin Mary is reflected in Lilith,” and that Lilith is the source of “lustful dreams.” Indeed, if one meditates on
negative (or inverted) Binah, one readily finds Lilith; to worship Lilith is to use the power of the Holy Spirit for
negative purposes.

Note that the serpent has a woman’s head and torso. Detail from Temptation, Fall, and Expulsion from Les Tres
Riches Heures du Duc de Berry, 1411-1416. Brothers Limbourg, Franco-Flemish.

Is Ishtar/Astarte/Ashtoreth/Venus/Satan male or female?
For most people the word “god” has masculine connotations — whereas “goddess” is attributed to the female
idols. However, they are one and the same! The “GOD” that is worshipped throughout the whole world is really
the Queen of heaven-Satan/Helel .The Queen of heaven often tales on BOTH male and female characteristics
The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible, vol.3, page 975, says of Ishtar: “Ishtar, the goddess of love and
fertility, who was identified with the VENUS STAR and is actually entitled the “Mistress of Heaven” in the
Amarna tablets. The difficulty is that the VENUS STAR was regarded in Palestine as a male deity..”
Unger’s Bible Dictionary, on page 412, says,”Ashtoreth, Astarte, a Canaanite goddess. In south Arabic the name
is found as “Ashtar” a GOD identified with the planet VENUS.The name is cognate with the Babylonian Ishtar
(Easter!), the goddess of sensual love, maternity, and fertility. In the Ras Shamara Tablets are found BOTH the
masculine form “Ashtar” and the feminine “Ashtart”…
The History of Religions, pages 261-278, confirms, “Inanna-Ishtar is a liminal figure; she is ANDROGYNOUS
(having the characteristics of both sexes, man, head, woman) marginal, ambiguous. Inanna-Ishtar combines
male aggressiveness with the force of superabundance of female sexuality. She is herself the “Harlot of
Heaven”. LIONS are especially associated with Ishtar. She is the only goddess to have an epithet of lioness,
and with her fierceness and raging power it is indeed a fitting epithet, even more befitting the MALENESS of
the goddess. The chief participants and actors in the goddess cult are well known by name. There is an
ambiguity about their sexuality-whether they were eunuchs, hermaphrodites, or simply transvestites. Their

transvestitism simulated the androgyny of Inanna-Ishtar. It was perhaps the inversion of the male-female binary
opposition that thereby neutralized this opposition. By emulating their goddess WHO WAS BOTH MALE AND
FEMALE, they shattered the boundary between the sexes.”
Both the words in this Scripture (1Kings 11:33) are translated from the word elohim. The Hebrew-English
Lexicon by Brown, Driver, and Briggs 0n page 43 tells us that elohim can mean –”Pl.intensive, a.a god OR
goddess.” Satan/Helel then possesses BOTH characteristics-Male and Female as a malak, and may be
worshipped as BOTH a “God” and “Goddess”.
1Ki 11:33 Because they have forsaken Me, and bow themselves to Ashtoreth the goddess of the
Sidonians, to Chemosh the god of Moab, to Milcom the god of the sons of Ammon; and have not walked
in My ways, to do the right in My eyes, and My statutes and My judgments, as his father David did.

Crescent Moon, Lucifer & the Queen of Heaven

Isa 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the
ground, which didst weaken the nations!
The Targum is,
“how art thou fallen from on high, who was shining among the sons of men, as the star Venus among the stars.”
Keil & Delitzsch commentary on Isaiah 14:12
(Note: It is singular, however, that among the Semitic nations the morning star is not personified as a male
(Heosphoros or Phosphoros), but as a female (Astarte, see at Isa_17:8), and that it is called Naghah, Ashtoreth,
Zuhara, but never by a name derived from halal; whilst the moon is regarded as a male deity (Sin), and in
Arabic hilal signifies the new moon, which might be called ben- shacar (son of the dawn), from the fact that,
from the time when it passes out of the invisibility of its first phase, it is seen at sunrise, and is as it were
born out of the dawn.)
BDB Definition:
1) moon, crescent
1a) as ornament
Part of Speech: noun masculine
A Related Word by BDB/Strong’s Number: from the same as H5469
The Secret Language Of Symbols – David Fontana page 121
“A symbol of ascent from the underworld (the three days of the dark moon). The crescent moon is an attribute
of Isis, the Great Mother of the Egyptians, and in Christian iconography, of the Virgin Mary”.
Deu 17:2 If there be found among you, within any of thy gates which the LORD thy God giveth thee,
man or woman, that hath wrought wickedness in the sight of the LORD thy God, in transgressing his

Deu 17:3 And hath gone and served other gods, and worshipped them, either the sun, or moon, or any of
the host of heaven, which I have not commanded;
Deu 4:15 Take ye therefore good heed unto yourselves; for ye saw no manner of similitude on the day
that the LORD spake unto you in Horeb out of the midst of the fire:
Deu 4:16 Lest ye corrupt yourselves, and make you a graven image, the similitude of any figure, the
likeness of male or female,
Deu 4:17 The likeness of any beast that is on the earth, the likeness of any winged fowl that flieth in the
Deu 4:18 The likeness of any thing that creepeth on the ground, the likeness of any fish that is in the
waters beneath the earth:
Deu 4:19 And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto heaven, and when thou seest the sun, and the moon, and
the stars, even all the host of heaven, shouldest be driven to worship them, and serve them, which the
LORD thy God hath divided unto all nations under the whole heaven.
Jdg 8:21 Then Zebah and Tsalmunna said, “Rise yourself, and fall on us. For as a man is, so is his
might.” So Gidʽon arose and slew Zebah and Tsalmunna, and took the crescent ornaments which were
on their camels’ necks.
Isa 3:18 In that day ‫ יהוה‬takes away the finery of the anklets, and the headbands, and the crescents,
Artemis later became identified with Selene, a Titaness who was a Greek moon goddess, sometimes depicted
with a crescent moon above her head. She was also identified with the Roman goddess Diana, with the Etruscan
goddess Artume, and with the Greek or Carian goddess Hecate.
“Goddess of the forests and the Moon,
Diana of the Silver Crescent,
I chant my praises to you.
I lift my arms to your heavenly Crescent.
My thanks to you for caring for the woodland creatures,
For protecting the forests and meadow lands.
Protect me and mine, for we are your spiritual children.
Lovely Diana, I sing your praises.
from “Moon Magick” by D. J. Conway

This is a picture of worshiping to Sin was carved on the walls in Ziggurat Temple. See the picture of Crescent

moon was carved on the wall.

“Isis was often represented standing on the crescent moon, with twelve stars
surrounding her head. In almost every Roman Catholic church on the continent of
Europe may be seen pictures
and statues of Mary, the “Queen of Heaven,” standing on the crescent moon, her head
surrounded with twelve stars.”
-From Bethlehem to Calvary – Chapter Two Alice Bailey
“Goddess veneration of the “virgin with child”
has been a central belief for various societies
throughout history, including some aspects of
Christianity. Indeed, many leading occultists
see striking parallels between the Roman Catholic
“Virgin Mary”–the “Queen of Heaven”–and the
goddess Isis. And the comparison is startling.
Presently, Roman Catholicism holds Mary
to be eternally virgin, just as Isis was.
Catholicism also contends that Mary was
without sin, making her into a type of “god.”
In fact, there are some who claim that Mary
is the “fourth person” within the Trinity.
This belief is linked to Catholicism’s
claim that Mary now has a direct say in
mankind’s salvation through her role of
co-redemption and mediation. Hence, the
elevated Mary becomes a “goddess” in the
Catholic faith, just as Isis was a goddess
in the pantheon of Egyptian deities. And just
as Isis was (and still is) called “Mother of
the World” and “Queen of Heaven,” so too
Mary is now exalted with these same titles.”
-Isis: “Queen of Heaven”
by Carl Teichrib

Illustration 99: Ishtar
Illustration 100:
Mother & Child
in China
A symbol of the Sun, a star or rosette surrounded by buffalo
horns or a crescent is a common variation of this motif. In
Sumer, the eight-pointed star in the crescent could stand for
Inanna-Ishtar, associated with the planet Venus, and also possibly
at the same time her twin brother, Utu the Sun God. Both Inanna
and Utu were children of Nanna-Suen, whose symbol again is the
crescent Moon.

Golden calf worship

Mary – Mother goddess

The crescent moon is also a symbol associated with the Hindu’s
iconography: with the deity Shiva, who wears it at the top of his
matted hair.

Evidence gathered from both North and South Arabia demonstrate that Moon-god
worship was clearly active even in Muhammad’s day and was still the dominant cult.
According to numerous inscriptions, while the name of the Moon-god was Sin, his title
was al- ilah, i.e. “the deity,” meaning that he was the chief or high god among the gods. As Coon pointed out,
“The god Il or Ilah was originally a phase of the Moon God.” The Moon-god was called al- ilah, i.e. the god,
which was shortened to Allah in pre-Islamic times. The pagan Arabs even used Allah in the names they gave to
their children. For example, both Muhammad’s father and uncle had Allah as part of their names.
The fact that they were given such names by their pagan parents proves that Allah was the title for the Moon-
god even in Muhammad’s day. Prof. Coon goes on to say, “Similarly, under Mohammed’s tutelage, the
relatively anonymous Ilah, became Al-Ilah, The God, or Allah, the Supreme Being.”
Al-Kindi, one of the early Christian apologists against Islam, pointed out that Islam and its god Allah did not
come from the Bible but from the paganism of the Sabeans. They did not worship the God of the Bible but the
Moon-god and his daughters al-Uzza, al-Lat and Manat. Dr. Newman concludes his study of the early Christian-
Muslim debates by stating, “Islam proved itself to be…a separate and antagonistic religion which had sprung up
from idolatry.” Islamic scholar Caesar Farah concluded “There is no reason, therefore, to accept the idea that
Allah passed to the Muslims from the Christians and Jews.” The Arabs worshipped the Moon-god as a supreme
deity. But this was not biblical monotheism. While the Moon-god was greater than all other gods and goddesses,
this was still a polytheistic pantheon of deities. Now that we have the actual idols of the Moon-god, it is no
longer possible to avoid the fact that Allah was a pagan god in pre-Islamic times. Is it any wonder then that the
symbol of Islam is the crescent moon? That a crescent moon sits on top of their mosques and minarets? That a
crescent moon is found on the flags of Islamic nations? That the Muslims fast during the month which begins

and ends with the appearance of the crescent moon in the sky?
The crescent and star, while generally regarded as Islamic symbols today, have long been used in Asia Minor
and by the ancient Turks, earlier than the advent of Islam. According to archaeological excavations, Gِktürks
used the crescent and star figure on their coins. The 1500-year-old coin includes three crescent moon figures
and a star near a person. The crescent is one of the oldest symbols known to humanity. Together with the sun, it
appeared on Akkadian seals as early as 2300 BC and from at least the second millennium BC it was the symbol
of the Mesopotamian Moon gods Nanna in Sumer and Sin in Babylonia, Sin being the “Lamp of Heaven and
For ages the crescent was the emblem of the Chaldean Astarte, the Egyptian Isis, and the Greek Diana, all of
them Queens of Heaven, and finally became the emblem of Mary the Virgin. “The Greek Christian Empire of
Constantinople held it as their palladium. Upon the conquest by the Turks, the Sultan adopted it.
“Sîn, moon god of Semitic origin, worshiped in ancient Middle Eastern religions. One of the principal deities in
the Babylonian and Assyrian pantheons, he was lord of the calendar and of wisdom. The chief centers of his
worship were at Harran and at Ur, where he was known as Nanna.” (, Sîn). Haran is also
known as the city of the moon god. This is the place where Abraham was called out of. We are called out of
darkness and into His marvelous light. The bible is our source of light.
He is commonly designated as En-zu, or “lord of wisdom.” During the period (c.2600-2400 BC) that Ur
exercised a large measure of supremacy over the Euphrates valley, Sin was naturally regarded as the head of the
pantheon. It is to this period that we must trace such designations of Sin as “father of the gods”, “chief of the
gods”, “creator of all things”, and the like. The “wisdom” personified by the moon-god is likewise an
expression of the science of astrology, in which the observation of the moon’s phases is an important factor.
His wife was Ningal (“Great Lady”), who bore him Utu/Shamash (“Sun”) and Inanna/Ishtar (the planet Venus).
The tendency to centralize the powers of the universe leads to the establishment of the doctrine of a triad
consisting of Sin/Nanna and his children.
Sin had a beard made of lapis lazuli and rode on a winged bull. The bull was one of his symbols, through his
father, Enlil, “Bull of Heaven”, along with the crescent and the tripod (which may be a lamp-stand). On cylinder
seals, he is represented as an old man with a flowing beard and the crescent symbol. In the astral-theological
system he is represented by the number 30 and the moon. This number probably refers to the average number of
days (correctly around 29.53) in a lunar month, as measured between successive new moons.
They are subdivided, like the rest, into seven classes or Hierarchies, In Egypt although the moon received less
worship than in Chaldea or India, still Isis stands as the representative of Luna-Lunus, “the celestial
Hermaphrodite”. Strange enough while the modern connect the moon only with lunacy and generation, the
ancient nations, who knew better, have, individually and collectively, connected their “wisdom gods” with it.
Thus in Egypt the lunar gods are Thoth, Hermes and Chons; in India it is Budha, the Son of Soma, the moon; in
Chaldea Nebo is the lunar god of Secret Wisdom, etc., etc.
The Greeks used it to represent the goddess Artemis or Diana of the Romans. Typically depicted as Goddess of
the hunt with a bow and crescent moon. These are mentioned in the New Testament which we see in Acts 19
where it is recorded… “And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, [Ye] men of Ephesus, what
man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and
of the [image] which fell down from Jupiter?”

This image that fell down in Ephesus from Jupiter is reported to be given to Abraham when he was
reconstructing the Kaaba. Ishmael reportedly was given the original transparent hyacinth stone, but became
black by reason of sinners kissing. Which is performed as idol worship every year during pilgrimage at Mecca.
It was according to tradition given to be the corner stone of the rebuilt Kaaba to attest to Gabriels
diety.Source:Nature – Google Books It is the one and same idol of the black rock of the Kaaba which is a
meteorite. The ancients worshipped these meteoric stones that where super heated and smooth attributing
heaven as it’s source. Of note also is the Greek goddess took a meteorite (stone that fell from heaven) to Tyre
according to Eusebius to worship it there in a shrine.
Catholic – Islamic connection
Calvin and Luther saw the Antichrist as both the papacy and Islam: The papacy was the Western Antichrist and
Islam the Eastern Antichrist. Calvin refered to them as the two “horns” and Luther called them the two “legs” of
the Antichrist. (Luther’s Works, Weimer ed., 53, 394f)
“Lyke as Mahomet saith ty his Alcoran is ye soveraine wisdome, so saith the Pope of his owne decrees: For they
be the two hornes of Antichrist.”
The Sermons of M. John Calvin upon the Fifth Booke of Moses called Deuteronomie
“the Pope is the spirit of antichrist, and the Turk is the
flesh of antichrist. They help each other in their
murderous work. The latter slaughters bodily by the
sword; and the former spiritually by doctrine.”
—Martin Luther, Tischreden, Weimer ed., 1, No. 330
Albert Rivera – The Prophet
What I’m going to tell you is what I learned in secret briefings in the Vatican when I was a Jesuit priest, under
oath and induction.
A Jesuit cardinal named Augustine Bea showed us how desperately the Roman Catholics wanted Jerusalem at
the end of the third century. Because of its religious history and its strategic location, the Holy City was
considered a priceless treasure. A scheme had to be developed to make Jerusalem a Roman Catholic city.
The great untapped source of manpower that could do this job was the children of Ishmael. The poor Arabs fell
victim to one of the most clever plans ever devised by the powers of darkness.
Early Christians went everywhere with the gospel setting up small churches, but they met heavy opposition.
Both the Jews and the Roman government persecuted the believers in Christ to stop their spread.
But the Jews rebelled against Rome, and in 70 AD, Roman armies under General Titus smashed Jerusalem and
destroyed the great Jewish temple which was the heart of Jewish worship_in fulfillment of Christ’s prophecy in
Matthew 24:2. On this holy placed today where the temple once stood, the Dome of the Rock Mosque stands as
Islam’s second most holy place.
Sweeping changes were in the wind. Corruption, apathy, greed, cruelty, perversion and rebellion were eating at
the Roman Empire, and it was ready to collapse. The persecution against Christians was useless as they
continued to lay down their lives for the gospel of Christ.
The only way Satan could stop this thrust was to create a counterfeit “Christian” religion to destroy the work of
God. The solution was in Rome. Their religion had come from ancient Babylon and all it needed was a face-lift.
This didn’t happen overnight, but began in the writings of the “early church fathers.”
It was through their writings that a new religion would take shape. The statue of Jupiter in Rome was eventually

called St. Peter, and the statue of Venus was changed to the Virgin Mary. The site chosen for its headquarters
was on one of the seven hills called “Vaticanus,” the place of diving serpent where the Satanic temple of Janus
The great counterfeit religion was Roman Catholicism, called “Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of
Harlots and Abominations of the Earth.” Revelation 17:5. She was raised up to block the gospel, slaughter the
believers in Christ, establish religions, create wars and make the nations drunk with the wine of her fornication
as we will see.
Another problem was the true Christians in North Africa who preached the gospel. Roman Catholicism was
growing in power, but would not tolerate opposition. Somehow the Vatican had to create a weapon to eliminate
both the Jews and the true Christian believers who refused to accept Roman Catholicism. Looking to North
Africa, they saw the multitudes of Arabs as a source of manpower to do their dirty work.
Some Arabs had become Roman Catholic, and could be used in reporting information to leaders in Rome.
Others were used in an underground spy network to carry out Rome’s master plan to control the great
multitudes of Arabs who rejected Catholicism. When “St Augustine” appeared on the scene, he knew what was
going on. His monasteries served as bases to seek out and destroy Bible manuscripts owned by the true
The Vatican wanted to create a messiah for the Arabs, someone they could raise up as a great leader, a man with
charisma whom they could train, and eventually unite all the non-Catholic Arabs behind him, creating a mighty
army that would ultimately capture Jerusalem for the pope. In the Vatican briefing, Cardinal Bea told us this
A wealthy Arabian lady who was a faithful follower of the pope played a tremendous part in this drama. She
was a widow named Khadijah. She gave her wealth to the church and retired to a convent, but was given an
assignment. She was to find a brilliant young man who could be used by the Vatican to create a new religion
and become the messiah for the children of Ishmael. Khadijah had a cousin named Waraquah,, who was also a
very faithful Roman Catholic and the Vatican placed him in a critical role as Muhammad’s advisor. He had
tremendous influence on Muhammad.
Teachers were sent to young Muhammad and he had intensive training. Muhammad studied the works of St.
Augustine which prepared him for his “great calling.” The Vatican had Catholic Arabs across North Africa
spread the story of a great one who was about to rise up among the people and be the chosen one of their God.
While Muhammad was being prepared, he was told that his enemies were the Jews and that the only true
Christians were Roman Catholic. He was taught that others calling themselves Christians were actually wicked
impostors and should be destroyed. Many Muslims believe this.
Muhammad began receiving “divine revelations” and his wife’s Catholic cousin Waraquah helped interpret
them. From this came the Koran. In the fifth year of Muhammad’s mission, persecution came against his
followers because they refused to worship the idols in the Kaaba.
Muhammad instructed some of them to flee to Abysinnia where Negus, the Roman Catholic king accepted them
because Muhammad’s views on the virgin Mary were so close to Roman Catholic doctrine. These Muslims
received protection from Catholic kings because of Muhammad’s revelations.
Muhammad later conquered Mecca and the Kaaba was cleared of idols. History proves that before Islam came
into existence, the Sabeans in Arabia worshiped the moon-god who was married to the sun-god. They gave birth
to three goddesses who were worshipped throughout the Arab world as “Daughters of Allah” An idol excavated
at Hazor in Palestine in 1950′s shows Allah sitting on a throne with the crescent moon on his chest.

Muhammad claimed he had a vision from Allah and was told, “You are the messenger of Allah.” This began his
career as a prophet and he received many messages. By the time Muhammad died, the religion of Islam was
exploding. The nomadic Arab tribes were joining forces in the name of Allah and his prophet, Muhammad.
Some of Muhammad’s writings were placed in the Koran, others were never published. They are now in the
hands of high ranking holy men (Ayatollahs) in the Islamic faith. When Cardinal Bea shared with us in the
Vatican, he said, These writings are guarded because they contain information that links the Vatican to the
creation of Islam.
The next plan was to control Islam. In 1910, Portugal was going Socialistic. Red flags were appearing and the
Catholic Church was facing a major problem. Increasing numbers were against the church. The Jesuits wanted
Russia involved, and the location of this vision at Fatima could play a key part in pulling Islam to the Mother
Church. In 1917, the Virgin appeared in Fatima. “The Mother of God” was a smashing success, playing to
overflow crowds. As a result, the Socialists of Portugal suffered a major defeat.
Roman Catholics world-wide began praying for the conversion of Russia and the Jesuits invented the Novenas
to Fatima which they could perform throughout North Africa, spreading good public relations to the Muslim
world. The Arabs thought they were honoring the daughter of Muhammad, which is what the Jesuits wanted
them to believe.
As a result of the vision of Fatima, Pope Pius XII ordered his Nazi army to crush Russia and the Orthodox
religion and make Russia Roman Catholic.” A few years after he lost World war II, Pope Pius XII startled the
world with his phoney dancing sun vision to keep Fatima in the news. It was great religious show biz and the
world swallowed it. Not surprisingly, Pope Pius was the only one to see this vision.
As a result, a group of followers has grown into a Blue Army world-wide, totaling millions of faithful Roman
Catholics ready to die for the blessed virgin. But we haven’t seen anything yet. The Jesuits have their Virgin
Mary scheduled to appear four or five times in China, Russia, and major appearance in the U.S.
What has this got to do with Islam? Note Bishop Sheen’s statement:
“Our Lady’s appearances at Fatima marked the turning point in the history of the world’s 350 million Muslims.
After the death of his daughter, Muhammad wrote that she “is the most holy of all women in Paradise, next to
Mary.” He believed that the Virgin Mary chose to be known as Our Lady of Fatima as a sign and a pledge that
the Muslims who believe in Christ’s virgin birth, will come to believe in His divinity.

Walter Veith – Catholic Islam connection (1)(1)

Asherah- Tree of knowledge

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia
The moon goddess of the Phoenicians, representing the passive principle in nature, their principal female deity;
frequently associated with the name of Baal, the sun-god, their chief male deity (Jdg_10:6; 1Sa_7:4;
1Sa_12:10). These names often occur in the plural (Ashtaroth, Baalim), probably as indicating either different
statues or different modifications of the deities. This deity is spoken of as Ashtoreth of the Zidonians. She was
the Ishtar of the Accadians and the Astarte of the Greeks (Jer_44:17; 1Ki_11:5, 1Ki_11:33; 2Ki_23:13). There
was a temple of this goddess among the Philistines in the time of Saul (1Sa_31:10). Under the name of Ishtar,
she was one of the great deities of the Assyrians. The Phoenicians called her Astarte. Solomon introduced the
worship of this idol (1Ki_11:33). Jezebel’s 400 priests were probably employed in its service (1Ki_18:19). It
was called the “queen of heaven” (Jer_44:25).
John Gill
the star of your god {hexagram/Talisman of Saturn/seal of Solomon/star of David}, which ye made to
yourselves; or the star “your god” (q); meaning the same with Chiun or Saturn; perhaps the same with the star
that fell from the air or sky*, mentioned by Sanchoniatho (r); which Astarte, the wife of Chronus or Saturn,

is said to take and consecrate in Tyre; this they made for themselves, and worshipped as a deity.
Astarte was the wife of Saturn. Otherwise known as the wife of Nimrod. Please notice in the image above that
the hexagram was her symbol as well. More on this at the bottom of this study.
ISBE (International Standard Bible Encyclopedia)
In Assyrian asirtu, which appears also under the forms asratu, esreti (plural) and asru, had the further
signification of “sanctuary.” Originally Asirtu, the wife of Asir, and asirtu, “sanctuary,” seem to have had no
connection with one another, but the identity in the pronunciation of the two words caused them to be identified
in signification, and as the tree-trunk or cone of stone which symbolized Asherah was regarded as a Beth-
el or “house of the deity*,” wherein the goddess was immanent, the word Asirtu, Asherah, came to denote the
symbol of the goddess. The trunk of the tree was often provided with branches, and assumed the form of
the tree of life*. It was as a trunk, however, that it was forbidden to be erected by the side of “the altar of
Yahweh” (Deu_16:21; see Jdg_6:25, Jdg_6:28, Jdg_6:30; 2Ki_23:6). Accordingly the symbol made for Asherah
by his mother was “cut down” by Asa (1Ki_15:13). So, too, we hear of Asherim or symbols of the goddess
being set up on the high places under the shade of a green tree (Jer_17:2; see 2Ki_17:10). Manasseh introduced
one into the temple at Jerusalem (2Ki_21:3, 2Ki_21:7).
Exo 23:24 You shall not bow down to their gods, and you shall not serve them. And you shall not do
according to their works. But tearing you shall tear them down, and smashing you shall smash their
H4676 ‫ מצבה‬matstsebah
BDB Definition:
1) pillar, mastaba, stump
1a) pillar
1a1) as monument, personal memorial
1a2) with an altar
1b) (Hophal) stock, stump (of tree)*
*This is the word used in Genesis referring to the stone that Jacob anointed and proclaimed as Bethel.
Gen 28:18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows,
and set it up for a pillar{H4678 matstsebeth}, and poured oil upon the top of it.
Gen 28:19 And he called the name of that place Bethel {H1008 house of God}:: but the name of that city
was called Luz at the first.
Gen 35:14 And Jacob set up a pillar(H4678 matstsebeth) in the place where he talked with him, even a
pillar of stone: and he poured a drink offering thereon, and he poured oil thereon {This is a strong
reference to the Messiah, which means anointed one.}.
Gen 35:15 And Jacob called the name of the place where God spake with him, Bethel{H1008 ‫בית־‬
‫אל‬beyth’el house of God}
Messiah is the image of Elohim
2Co 4:4 in whom the god of this age has blinded the thoughts of the unbelieving, so that the brightness of
the gospel of the glory of Christ who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.
The congregation of believers are to be the “image” of Messiah
Rom 8:29 because whom He foreknew, He also predestinated to be conformed to the image of His Son,
for Him to be the First-born among many brothers.
2Co 3:18 But we all with our face having been unveiled, having beheld the glory of the Lord in a mirror,
are being changed into the same image from glory to glory, as from the Lord Spirit.

Here we see that the pillar that Jacob anointed is to be the house of Elohim. His house are His people (Hebrews
3:6). His body. Pictured by the menorah, the tree of Life. The counterfeit is a pillar/Asherah which is called
Bethel. The antichrist’s house are his people. His body. Pictured by the Asherah, the tree of knowledge.
Our “star,” Greek ” aster,” Latin stella, is akin*. Her worship was most licentious and abominable; closely
connected with that of (See ASHERAH, “THE GROVE”. Ashtoreh is the goddess, asherah “the grove,” the
image or the symbol of the goddess, of wood;* asher, yashar, “to be straight,” a straight stem of a tree living,
or fixed upright (1Ki_18:19; 2Ki_21:7; 2Ki_23:6; 2Ki_23:13-14; 2Ki_23:15; Jdg_6:25; Jdg_6:30). The
“bringing out the asherah from the house of the Lord,” and the “cutting down,” suit such a symbol, not a grace
in our sense. The active and passive powers of nature, generative and receptive, suggested the male and
female deities, Baal and Ashtoreh. {This is seen further in the principle ‘as above, so below’ which will be
discussed in connection to the mark of the beast in a future study, Yah willing}
Again, another connection to the star (hexagram/pentagram) and the Asherah.
Exo 34:11 Take heed for yourself what I am commanding you today. Behold, I am about to drive out
from before your face the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Hittite, and the Perizzite, and the Hivite,
and the Jebusite.
Exo 34:12 Take heed to yourself, that you not cut a covenant with the people of the land to which you are
going in, that it not be a snare in your midst.
Exo 34:13 But you shall cut down their altars, break their pillars, and you shall cut off their Asherahs.
Exo 34:14 For you shall not bow to another god, for YHWH whose name is Jealous, He is a jealous
1Co 10:20 But the things the nations sacrifice, “they sacrifice to demons, and not to God.” Deut. 32:17
But I do not want you to become sharers of demons;
1Co 10:21 you cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of
the Lord, and a table of demons.
1Co 10:22 Or do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? Are we stronger than He? Deut. 32:21
Deu 7:5 But you shall deal with them in this way: you shall break down their altars, and dash in pieces
the cult-stones; and you shall cut down their Asherahs; and you will burn their carved images with fire.
Deu 7:6 For you are a holy people to YHWH your God. YHWH your God has chosen you to be His own
treasure out of all the people on the face of the earth.
John Gill commentary on Deu. 7:5
Deu 7:5 But thus shall ye deal with them,…. The inhabitants of the land of Canaan:
ye shall destroy their altars; on which they sacrificed to their idols:
and break down their images; of their gods, and the statues and pillars erected to the honour of them:
and cut down their groves; sacred to idols, which were usually planted on hills, and about Heathen temples, and
under which idols were placed to be worshipped. The Targum of Jonathan calls them trees of their
adoration, under which they worshipped; though there was a worship paid to them, not indeed directly to
them, or for their sakes, but for the sake of the idols they were sacred to, or were placed under them; so
Maimonides (e) says, a tree which at first was planted to be worshipped is forbidden of any use (or
profit); and this is the ‫אשרה‬, or “grove”, spoken of in the law, a tree planted and lopped, of which a graven
image is made for an idol; and so the tree that has been worshipped, though the body of it is, not forbidden, all
the shoots and leaves, and the branches, and the fruits it produces all the time it is worshipped, are forbidden to
be used: though the word here used sometimes seems to signify, not a grove of trees, but some image itself,

since we read of it in the temple, 2Ki_21:7,
and burn their graven images with fire; distinguished from their molten images, which may be meant in a
preceding clause, and which are particularly mentioned as to be destroyed as well as these, Num_33:52.
(e) Hilchot Obede Cochabim, c. 8. sect. 3, 4. Vid. Misn. Avodah Zarah, c. 3. sect. 7.
Deu 12:3 And you shall break down their altars, and shatter their standing pillars. And you shall burn
their Asherahs with fire. And you shall cut down the carved images of their gods, and shall destroy their
names out of that place.
Deu 12:4 You shall not do so to YHWH your God.
Kundalini connection

Kundalini is the belief that there is a serpent encoiled at the base of the spine which can be meditation and
’spiritual’ acts, causing it to climb the spine where it reaches your pineal gland and opens your ‘3rd eye.’
Interestingly, the word for spine and tree are the same.

The serpent rises up the spine to the pineal gland which was represented in ancient cultures as the pine
cone….the fruit of the pine tree.

Illustration 101: Staff of Osiris:
Egyptian Museum, Turino, Italy -
Image Source 2012 Enigma -
David Wilcock

Illustration 102: Staff of Bacchus - Image Source 2012 Enigma - David


The pine cone is associated with the Sumerian Annunaki who are said to have ‘created’ men from clay jars.
This is referring to manipulation of DNA which will need to be discussed in greater detail in another study but

needless to say it is associated with the Kundalini spirit, the ‘awakening’ of the serpent and the result of man
being ‘enlightened’ or evolving into a higher spiritual being.

Image of Ninurta (Saturn)

Christmas tree = tree of knowledge (1) Christmas is an ‘evolved’ form of Saturnalia, the yearly rehearsal of the
Golden Age of Saturn.

What symbol(s) usually adorn the top of the Christmas tree?

105: Illustration Illustration
Pentagram 103: Hexagram 104: Angel
treetopper treetopper treetopper

This all points to man becoming ‘god.’ An ‘enlightened being’ know good and evil and ‘shall not die.’
The Hexagram and the Pentagram are synonomous
The pentacle is also the logo of the Theosophical Society. Founder H.P. Blavatsky identifies the pentacle as:
“Any geometrical figure, especially double equilateral triangle, the six-pointed star, (like the theosophical
pentacle).” The Theosophical Glossary, p. 251.
Albert Pike, stated: “…the blazing star… represents [the] Star of Horus…Morning Star…Star of Set…Lucifer.”
Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets Of The Eastern Star, pp.52-53

Since the quintessence is symbolized by the pentacle or six-pointed star, we may infer that this essence which
enhances material elements is Lucifer, symbolized in occult language by the eagle or phoenix.
The Blazing Star
Theosophist Charles Leadbeater wrote in The Hidden Life of Freemasonry: “The blazing star is properly six-
pointed.” The History Of Freemasonry, p. 79.
Rosicrucian Grand Master, Max Heindels, identifies December 24 and 25 as the most potent time of the
astrological year and the ideal time for initiation rites:
Max Heindels, Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception: Mystic Christianity p. 390.
“The night between the 24th and 25th of December is the holy night, par excellence, of the entire year. The
zodiacal sign of the Immaculate Celestial Virgin stands upon the eastern horizon near midnight. The sun of the
new year is then born and starts upon his journey from the southernmost point toward the northern hemisphere,
to save that part of humanity (physically) from the darkness and famine which would inevitably result if he
were to remain permanently south of the equator… The spiritual influences are strongest, in the north, at
midnight of the 24th of December… It would then be easiest for those who wish to take a definite step toward
initiation to get in conscious touch with the spiritual time… The blazing star is ever there to guide him.


This depiction of Eliphas Levi’s baphomet is full of numerous references to

the mark of the beast. The hands are in the gesture of the ‘hand of god.’ I
hand up, the other down representing the concept of ‘as above, so below.’
The sun and moon representing the male and female ‘god,’ baphomet itself is
part male and part female pointing to ‘Adam Kadmon.’ The image is also
part man and part beast pointing to Genesis 6 (1). The obelisk is entwined
with serpents which is a representation of the caduceus,, and on a deeper level
DNA (According to Eliphas Levi, the rod standing symbolized eternal
life…). Between the two horns on the head of the image, the third horn has a
pine cone on top which represents the pineal gland or the ‘third eye’ of
enlightenment in the mysteries where man ‘evolves’ into godhood when this
eye is opened (2).
Solve et Coagula
On the arms of baphomet are written solve et coagula, translated into English
as “solution and coagulation.” This motto derives from Alchemy. In Alchemy solve or solutio refers to the
breaking down of elements and coagula refers to their coming together, in the process of transmuting base metal
into gold or arriving at the Philosopher’s stone.


The hand of ‘Benediction’/'hand of God’
Above in Eliphas Levi’s depiction of baphomet two fingers are up and two are down. This hand gesture is used
by the Pope’s to denote the two natures of Messiah. Human and divine. As seen above, this is the gesture of the
‘hand of mysteries.’

Illustration 106: Pictorial History of Magic and the
Supernatural, by Maurice Besey

Notice the yin and yang, the black and white triangle and the shadow figure of the hand which forms the
goat/baphomet. This further displays the imagery of Baphomet representing the concept of ‘as above so below,’
the union of opposites…man becoming god.
Sign of Benediction or Blessing
In Christianity, this sign is utilized mainly by the priesthood. It is used by priests to bless people and consecrate
objects. To assume this sign, the third and fourth fingers are folded onto the palms with the index and middle
fingers held upright. The thumb may also be erect or it may be folded upon the ring finger. The significance of
the erect thumb and first two fingers in the act of blessing is that the grace, virtue, and power of the Holy Trinity
are being conveyed. Occultly, the subtle energies flowing from the hands are stronger at the terminal points of
these digits than they are at the ring and little fingers.
The act of blessing or consecration is facilitated by the benediction mudra. The benediction mudra is a

sign, signal and code to our Higher Self and spiritual beings that the act of blessing is about to take place
and that cooperation from them is requested. Psycho-energetically, the mudra also temporarily rearranges the
auric and etheric structures to act as a conduit for the flow of “gift-waves,” as blessings are called in the
Buddhist Vajrayana tradition.

Illustration 107: Ignatius Loyola

founder of the Jesuit Order Illustration 108: Illustration 96:
'Christ' with 'hand of God' sign

The Hand of God – Greek form. This position of the Hand simulates the letters IC XC which are contractions
of the name Jesus Christ in Greek.

Illustration 109: 'Christ'

giving the Greek Hand of
God sign
This hand sign is called the Prthvi Mudra in the Eastern religions and is used to bring ‘balance’ to the body (ie
as above so below).

Illustration 111: DaVinci’s

painting of John the Baptist
giving the ‘hand of God’ sign.
Illustration 110: Buddha
DaVinci’s sketch of ‘angel in the flesh’ looks exactly the same as the above painting (the head and hand sign at
least, the rest of the painting is of an androgynous figure with male and female parts. This represents ‘Adam

Kadmon’ who is a picture of the beast. Part beast (angel) part man. A mixture. More on this in a future study,
Yah willing.

Illustration 112:

The Statue of “Saint Peter” is really a statue of Jupiter… which the
Romans called Saturnus

Illustration 113: Statue of ‘St. Peter’

making the ‘hand of God sign

Freemasonry 33rd degree

Illustration 115: Notice the hand gesture

Illustration 114: This jewel represents the

Thirty-third and Last Degree of the Ancient
and Accepted Scottish Rite. It belonged to
Illustrious Brother Forrest Adair from
Atlanta Consistory No. 2.

The Mysteries

As can be seen above, both Catholicism and Freemasonry uses the ‘benediction hand sign.’ This is because
both groups are derived from the same source, the mystery religions.

Illustration 116: Blazing

Star of Freemasonry
Illustration 117: Blazing Star of Freemasonry

Illustration 119: Rose-

Croix Esthetique of
Illustration 118: Rosette
of Catholicism

Illustration 121: Pelican

of Catholicism

Illustration 120: Pelican of Freemasonry

Illustration 123:
Cross and Crown of
Illustration 122: Cross Freemasonry
and Crown of

The use of hand signs in the mysteries is best explained by the Eastern concept of ‘mudras.’
The Sanskrit term mudra derives from the verb mud, meaning ‘to please (the gods)’, and the word generally
refers to a seal, mark, or sign.

Illustration 124: Illustration from the Maurice Bessey Book, on Magic, and the Super-Natural

The caption reads:

Amulets with a magical significance, composed of two fingers or of a hand with folded fingers. The symbol is
found in the ‘Mudras’ of Chinese tradition, India, and even in the benediction gesture of Christ, now practiced
by Catholic priests. The thumb, symbolizing the phallus, is inserted into the other fingers as a sign of the
creative act.

The hierophant

The hierophant of the tarot cards gives the same imagery as baphomet because
the hierophant represents the same thing as baphomet. It is believed by some
that the tarot cards were derived from the Knights Templar who were made
infamous for worshiping the idol of Baphomet.
“There is a distinctly sadistic aspect to this card; not unnaturally, since it
derives from the Legend of Pasiphae, the prototype of all the legends of Bull-
Gods.” (Aleister Crowley, The Book of Thoth)
Saturn = the bull-god/Molech
The Hierophant represents ‘transformation.’ It is said that he holds the ‘keys of
transformation.’ This is interesting to note because the symbol in the hands of
the above figure is the ‘triquetra’ or triskela which represents man becoming a
god. It is also a representation of the ‘sacred spiral’ which comes from the
Fibonacci pattern spoken of above. Notice also the shamrock type image
behind the head of the hierophant. The shamrock and the triquetra have the
same meaning.
The shamrock, which was also called the “seamroy” by the Celts, was a sacred plant in ancient Ireland because
it symbolized the rebirth of spring.
As seen above, the shamrock symbol of Ireland traces back to ancient times. The cluster of three orbs
symbolize them, just as they do the Word or Life Force of God.

The shamrock and the Ivy are very much the same. The ivyy is a symbol of the mark of the beast and points to
the same thing as the ‘three orbs’. Man becoming ‘god.’ The fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
The Triquetra symbol above is a composed of three Vesica Piscii, the holy
symbol of the Pythagorean Christos.
It is composed of three ‘almond-shaped’ icthyi, each with a height to width ratio of 1.73205, which is the square
root of three. This ratio gave rise to the Divine number 153 (the complete mathematical ratio being 265:153, the
ratio of whole numbers under 1000, which approximated the square root of 3.) 153 is the number of fish
Yahshua caught in the Gospel of John 21:11.
Joh 21:5 Then Jesus said to them, Children, do you not have anything to eat? They answered Him, No.
Joh 21:6 And He said to them, Cast the net into the right side of the boat and you will find.
Joh 21:7 Then they cast, and they no longer had the strength to draw, from the multitude of the fish.
Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, It is the Lord. Then hearing that it is the Lord, Simon
Peter girded on his coat (for he was naked) and threw himself into the sea.
Joh 21:8 And the other disciples came in the little boat, for they were not far from the land, only about
two hundred cubits, dragging the net of the fish.
Joh 21:9 Then when they went up on the land, they saw a coal fire lying, and a fish lying on it, and bread.
Joh 21:10 Jesus said to them, Bring from the little fish which you caught now.

Joh 21:11 Simon Peter went up and dragged the net onto the land, full of big fish, a hundred and fifty
three. And though being so many, the net was not torn.
Sons of Elohim ‘Bnai Elohim’ is 153
This is what it all comes down to. Being sons of Elohim through faith in Messiah.
Being ‘reborn’ into His image. Or being sons of god through the tree of knowledge.
Being ‘reborn’ into the image of the beast.
You have either the mark/signature of Yah or the mark/signature of the adversary
Smith Bible Dictionary: Seal (Heb. Hotham; Gr. sphragis). The seal takes the place of the signature in the
east. A name or device, well known as belonging to a certain person, was engraved on a seal of a ring, or on a
small cylinder, and this was stamped on the papyrus, or parchment, with ink, or was pressed on a piece of clay,
or wax, which was attached to the document.
Doors of tombs, or houses, or treasuries, or any place that was to be guarded from intrusion, were closed, and a
piece of clay stuck over the fastening, and this was impressed with the seal of the keeper or owner, so that the
least meddling with the clay would break it
Etheridge Aramaic translation
Rev 13:16 And he caused all, small and great, and rich and poor, and sons of freedom and slaves, to have given
to them a signature upon their right hands, or upon their foreheads;
2Ti 2:19 But the true foundation of Aloha standeth; and it hath this signature: And the Lord knoweth them who
are his. And, Let every one who invoketh the name of the Lord depart from iniquity.
Triple Spiral
The triple spiral or triskele is a Celtic and pre-Celtic symbol found on a number
of Irish Megalithic and Neolithic sites, most notably inside the Newgrange
passage tomb, on the entrance stone, and on some of the curbstones surrounding
the mound.
Believed by many to be an ancient symbol of pre-Celtic and Celtic beliefs, the
triple spiral appears in various forms in pre-Celtic and Celtic art, with the
earliest examples having been carved on pre-Celtic stone monuments, and later
Illustration 125: Triple spiral examples found in the Celtic Christian illuminated manuscripts of Insular art.
visible on entrance stone at The triple spiral was possibly the precursor to the later triskele design found in
Newgrange the manuscripts.
The god Manannán is probably most often the one symbolized by the triskele, though some also
use it for the goddess Brighid (1).
This structure is called the spiral of life and was found in the remnants of an old temple from the
Bronze Age in Ireland. The sign is drawn in one single line without beginning or end.
According to Uriel’s Machine by Knight and Lomas (2003) the triple spiral may represent the
nine month period of human pregnancy, since the sun takes a fourth of a year to go from the celestial equator
(an equinox) to extreme north or south declination (a solstice), and vice versa. During each three-month period,
the sun’s path across the sky appears to form a closely-wound quasi-helical shape, which can be likened to a
spiral, so that three spirals could represent nine months, providing an explanation for a link between fertility and
the triple-spiral symbol. The circle, spiral and wheel are all powerful symbols representing the cycle of life,
death and rebirth, including the seasons of the year.

Isabel Elder – Celt, Druid and Culdee
In the Christian era St. Patrick used the shamrock to instruct the people in the doctrine of the Trinity and in
earlier days the Druids used the oak for the same purpose. They sought a tree having two principal arms
springing laterally from the upright stem, roughly in the form of a cross. Upon the right branch they cut the
name Hesus; upon the middle or upright stem Taranis; upon the left branch Belenis; over this they cut the name
of God- Thau.
Tree, Branch, Shamrock connection
Hesychius assures us that Bacchus, as represented by his priest, was known in the Mysteries as “The
branch.” From this, then, it appears how Kissos, the Greek name of Ivy, became the name of Bacchus.

The tri-quetra is another subject that will need to be addressed in more detail in another study. It is connected
strongly to the ‘Philosopher’s stone’ and the ‘new man’, homo-noeticus.
THE SUN-KING: 666 = A (111×6), THERION (Beast), ANKH-AF-NA-KHONSV(T), Sorath (Spirit of the
Sun), and Shemesh IHVH (the Sun of Tetragrammaton). “666 is the Most Holy Number of the Sun” (according
to them). It is symbolized by the letter Shin made of three Vavs (=666). Shin is the letter of Path 31 on the
Kabbalistic Tree of Life and 31=AL (The All). 666 is the mystic number of all the Paths of The Concealed
Glory, for there are 36 Paths within the Tree of Life, 32 known, while four remain secret. 666 is also the occult
number of the Hexagram, another symbol of the Sun, for a single line of the Hexagram contains three equal
parts each of which may be represented by the number one, so that every line can be symbolized by the number
111. There are six lines in all, making 111×6=666, the most Holy Number of the Sun.
Six Hundred is the number of Evil personified. Sixty is the number of the Hebrew letter Samekh, which is the
letter of the Holy Guardian Angel, the Adam Kadmon, {Adam Kadmon represents the new man, homo-noeticus,
the next step in man’s “evolution”} (or Sun-King), the Solar Self within Man. Six is the number of Man,
making 666 to convey a Evil Man who has as his symbol, the Sun. {666 is a number of a man but also a beast
(angel)… Six angles of 60 degrees each equals 360 degrees, and 360 is the number of the Hebrew letter Shin
spelled in full. Shin is the letter of the Sun and of 666. The most ancient symbol of the Sun is the Celtic
triple knot or Spiral. The Triquetra is one form, the Celtic Triskel is another.

The hierophant and Catholicism

Keys to Transformation

“The very apostolic designation, Peter, is from the Mysteries. The

hierophant or supreme pontiff bore the Chaldean title peter, or interpreter.
The names Phtah, Peth’r, the residence of Balaam, Patara, and Patras, the
names of oracles-cities, pateres or pateras and, perhaps, Buddha, all come
from the same root … No apostle Peter was ever at Rome; but the Pope,
seizing the scepter of the Pontifex Maximus, the keys of Janus and Kubelé,
and adorning his Christian head with the cap of the Magna Mater, copied
from that of the tiara of Brahmâtma, the Supreme Pontiff of the Initiates of
old India, became the successor of the Pagan high priest, the real Peter-
Roma, or Petroma (the tiara of the Pope is also a perfect copy of that of the
Dalai-Lama of Thibet)” (Isis Unveiled, Blavatsky, p. 30).

The keys of the Pope and the keys of the Hierophant represent the keys of Janus. Janus is the ‘twice born’ or
reborn ‘god.’
Two Babylon’s pg 244
Saturn, the hidden god,–the god of the Mysteries, whom the Pope represents, whose secrets were revealed only
to the initiated,–was identical with Janus, who was publicly known to all Rome, to the uninitiated and initiated
alike, as the grand Mediator, the opener and the shutter, who had the key of the invisible world. Now, what
the name Janus? That name, as Cornificius in Macrobius shows, was properly Eanus; and in ancient Chaldee, E-
anush signifies “the Man.” By that very name was the Babylonian beast from the sea called, when it first made
its appearance * The name, as given in Greek by Berosus, is O-annes; but this is just the very way we might
expect “He-anesth,” “the man,” to appear in Greek. He-siri, in Greek, becomes Osiris; and He-sarsiphon,
Osarsiphon; and, in like manner, Heanesh naturally becomes Oannes. In the sense of a “Man-god,” the name
is taken by Barker (Lares and Penates). We find the conversion of the H’ into O’ among our own immediate
neighbours, the Irish; what is now O’Brien and O’Connell was originally H’Brien and H’Connell (Sketches of
Irish History). The name E-anush, or “the Man,” was applied to the Babylonian Messiah, as identifying him
with the promised seed of the Woman. The name of “the Man,” as applied to a god, was intended
to designate him as the “god-man.” We have seen that in India the Hindoo Shasters bear witness, that in order to
enable the gods to overcome their enemies, it was needful that the Sun, the
supreme divinity, should be incarnate, and born of a Woman. The classical nations had a legend of precisely the
same nature. “There was a current tradition in heaven,” says Apollodorus, “that the giants could never be
conquered except by the help of a man.” That man, who was believed to have conquered the adversaries of
the gods, was Janus, the god-man. In consequence of his assumed character and exploits, Janus was invested
with high powers, made the keeper of the gates of heaven, and arbiter of men’s eternal destinies. Of this Janus,
this Babylonian “man,” the Pope, as we have seen, is the legitimate representative; his key, therefore, he bears,
with that of Cybele, his mother-wife; and to all his blasphemous pretensions he at this hour lays claim. The very
fact, then, that the Pope founds his claim to universal homage on the possession of the keys of heaven, and that
in a sense which empowers him, in defiance of every principle of Christianity, to open and shut the gates of
glory, according to his mere sovereign will and pleasure, is a striking and additional proof that he is that head of
the beast from the sea, whose number, as identified with Janus, is the number of a man, and amounts exactly to
Mysteries were full of what he did, and what befel him; and the name E-anush, or, as it appeared in the
Egyptian form, Ph’anesh, “The man,” was only another name for that of our great progenitor. The name of
Adam in the Hebrew of Genesis almost always occurs with the article
before it, implying “The Adam,” or “The man.” There is this difference, however–”The Adam” refers to man
unfallen, E-anush, “The man,” to “fallen man.” E-anush, then, as “Principium decorum,” “The fountain and
father of the gods,” is “FALLEN Adam.” *
* Anesh properly signifies only the weakness or frailty of fallen humanity; but any one who consults OVID,
Fashti, as to the character of Janus, will see that when E-anush was deified, it was not simply as Fallen man
with his weakness, but Fallen man with his corruption.
Keys in Freemasonry
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 245
“…one of the mysterious symbols of early Masonry is the key, said to be an attribute of the dog-headed Anubis,
who was for the Egyptians an emblem of the dog star, and keeper of the ancient Mysteries. The key was meant

to symbolize the closing of one year and the opening of another, because the Egyptians formerly commenced
the year at the rising of this star. When Fellows adds that this marking of the year by the star was later extended
to the opening and shutting of the place of departed spirits, he was reaching into the mystery of Cancer and
Capricorn…From this single reference, we begin to see how important Sirius really is within arcane Masonic
circles – not merely because it was a star of prime importance to the Masons, but also because it was linked
with Masonic symbolism in such a simple-seeming device as a key.”
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 246
“The specifically Egyptian sba star (which related only to the heavens) was taken as representing entrance into
both Heaven and Hell, and thus by extension, the realm of the Earth, where angels and demons might meet to
contend for human souls. The blazing star of the Masons is a symbol of an accessible Heaven. It is equated
with the sacred key, which can unlock the mysteries of Heaven, Earth and Hell.”
Egyptian hieroglyph for Sirius

The Holy Scriptures speak of this key as well

Rev 9:1 And the fifth angel trumpeted. And I saw a star out of the heaven falling onto the earth. And the
key to the pit of the abyss was given to it.
Rev 9:2 And he opened the pit of the abyss. And smoke went up out of the pit, like smoke of a great
furnace. And the sun was darkened, and the air, by the smoke of the pit.
Rev 9:3 And out of the smoke locusts came forth to the earth. And authority was given to them, as the
scorpions of the earth have authority.
Rev 9:4 And it was said to them that they should not harm the grass of the earth, nor every green thing,
nor every tree, except only the men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads.
Rev 9:5 And it was given to them that they should not kill them, but that they be tormented five months.
And their torment is as the torment of a scorpion when it stings a man.
Rev 9:6 And in those days men will seek death, and they will not find it. And they will long to die, yet
death will flee from them.
Rev 9:7 And the likenesses of the locusts were like horses having been prepared for war; and on their
heads as crowns, like gold; and their faces like the faces of men.
Rev 9:8 And they had hairs like the hairs of women; and their teeth were like those of lions.
Rev 9:9 And they had breastplates like iron breastplates; and the sound of their wings was like the sound
of chariots with many horses running to war.
Rev 9:10 And they have tails like scorpions, and their stings were in their tails; and their authority is to
harm men five months.
Rev 9:11 And they have a king over them, the angel of the abyss. In Hebrew his name was Abaddon, and
in Greek he has the name Apollyon.

Illustration 126: Leviathan
18th degree Rose Croix

The goat’s head of Mendes is used in the occult to represent Leviathan, the beast.

The tarot card for the devil shows the above concept:

The hand gesture for the ‘priestly benediction’ used in Judaism links to this above concept of ‘as above, so
below.’ The following picture is a perfect representation of this concept.
“The priestly blessing is the oldest Jewish talisman and is helpful for protection and spiritual abundance,
The Priestly blessing was handed to Moses when he completed the preparation of the Lord’s temple at the time
of the Israeli tribe’s journey in the desert. The blessing was given to Moses to protect Israel from the Evil eye.
The blessing brings spiritual protection and abundance.
The priestly blessing has been passed from generation to generation in a very precise way that contains secrets
relating to its number of letters, and the exact way of reciting the blessing.
When recited, the Cohen (priest) raises his hands with his palms facing outward and the thumbs of his outspread

hands touching. The four fingers on each hand are split into two sets of two fingers each (forming the letter
As seen in part 2, in Rabbinic thought, the letter shin is
equivalent to 666.
“Mosad Hayesod” cites the Vilna Gaon’s
commentary on the Zohar that “the number 666
contains hidden within it exalted and lofty
messianic potential.”
The number 666 could thus represent the strength
and perfection of the physical world, which
Judaism teaches will occur in the messianic era,
when the physical world will reach its ultimate
purpose, to be a vehicle through which the created
experience the Creator.
The shape of Shin also refers to the Trinity, here in
its fiery aspect, the descending Dove. Its shape is
composed of three Vau’s, placed next to each other,
giving the number 666, which is the number of the
Sun, and also of the Beast of the Book of Revelation
of John. The number 666 is not evil as it is often
thought, it is a number of mystery.
The Holy Scriptures state that the blessing that the priests were to give Israel was to put the Name of YHWH
upon them.
Num 6:24 YHWH bless you and keep you;
Num 6:25 YHWH cause His face to shine on you, and be gracious to you;
Num 6:26 YHWH lift up His face to you, and give you peace.
Num 6:27 So they shall put My name on the sons of Israel, and I Myself will bless them.
It is no surprise that the counterfeit beast system uses hand signs in reference to these above verses to place the
name of the beast (Revelation 13:16-18) upon their initiates.
Baphomet – Khem – Pan
Khem of Mendes is identified with Pan
The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom pg 37
“As Khem, Pan was venerated at the city of Mendes as the dark goat god…
Two Babylons pg 119
Dionysus or Bacchus, in one of his transformations, was represented as Capricorn {Capricorn = Saturn}, the
“goat-horned fish”
The name Pan itself signifies “He who turned aside.” As the Hebrew word for “uprightness” signifies
“walking straight in the way,” so every deviation from the straight line of duty was Sin; Hata, the word for sin,
signifying generically “to go aside from the straight line.” Pan, it is admitted, was the Head of the Satyrs–
that is, “the first of the Hidden Ones,” for Satyr and Satur, “the Hidden One,”

The ‘sabbatical’ goat
The sabbatical goat was known as ‘Khem of Mendes.’ Interestingly, in Kabbalistic thought the sabbath is called
the Bride or the Shechinah (more on this below). Pan = Saturn = Khem which is known as the sabbatical goat.
This represents the false kingdom, the ‘Golden Age of the gods.’
For a time while Israel was in rebellion and following Baal and Asherah, the pentagram was the seal of
This will be replayed in the end when the adversary seeks to set up a false Garden of Eden and sit
on the sides of the north (Isaiah 14:13; Psalm 48:2). This is why the book of Revelation refers to
Jerusalem as Sodom & Egypt at that time.
Rev 11:8 And their bodies will be on the street of the great city, which spiritually is called
Sodom, and Egypt, where our Lord was crucified.
Jerusalem’s latitude and longitude at the exact center of the city totals 666. N 31:47 and E 35:13 = 3147 + 3513
= 6660 = 666
Khem = Azazel of Capricorn (Watcher)

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark pg 94

“The term ‘alchemy comes from the Arabic al-khame (the blackness)
and is defined as the science which overcomes the blackness, or that
which enlightens through intuitive perception. Alchemy also had an
association with they mysterious Khem of Mendes, often portrayed as a
goat and identified with a certain angelic Azazel of Capricorn. The
book of Enoch (written in the 2nd century BC, but excluded from the
Old Testament) defines Azazel as a Watcher – or in old Greek, an
Argus, as applied to Jason’s ship, Argo. It is said in Enoch that Azazel
made known to men ‘all the metals, and the art of working them.’ “
For more on Azazel and the fallen angels (1)
Baphomet is further linked to alchemy which represents the
transformation of man into ‘godhood,’ or the transmutation of lead into
A Dictionary of Symbols pg 8
“Alchemical evolution is epitomized, then, in the formula Solve et Coagula…”
Baphomet & Kundalini
Conversations with the Goddess pg 125
“Wasn’t Baphomet a form of Khem and therefore a symbol of the Kundalini on Atlantis?
The Goddess: ‘Yes. The adepts of the Atlantean Kaberoi Brotherhood worshipped Baphomet’s transformative
power. According to them, Baphomet was the Kundalini and a symbol of Sirian alchemy.”


Baphomet & the Templars

Illustration 127: Baphomet at Templar Shrine

Illustration 128: Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 82

Baphomet = ‘father of wisdom.’ From the above sources it is seen that this is not speaking of YHWH our
Elohim but of the serpent who brought ‘wisdom’ to Adam & Eve through the tree of knowledge. This is further
seen in that the above authors link the image of Baphomet to the Philosopher’s Stone which is another name for
the tree of knowledge and the lie that ‘ye shall not surely die.’
Holy Blood Holy Grail pg 82
“In any case, we found indisputable evidence for the charge of secret ceremonies involving a head of some
kind. Indeed, the existence of such a head proved to be one of the dominant themes running through the
Inquisition records. As with Baphomet, however, the significance of the head remains obscure. It may perhaps
pertain to alchemy. In the alchemical process there was a phase called ‘Caput Mortuum’ or ‘Dead Head’ – the
‘Nigredo’ or ‘Blackening’ that was said to occur before the precipitation of the philosopher’s stone.”
Baphomet = Sophia
When the ATBaSH cipher is used for Baphomet, the Greek word Sophia, which means wisdom, is revealed.
Here Baphomet is displayed as wisdom. But what wisdom? The wisdom that comes from above? Or sensual
devilish wisdom (James 3:15), the wisdom of the tree of knowledge?
Gen 3:6 And the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and the
tree was desirable to make one wise. And she took of its fruit and ate; and she also gave to her husband
with her, and he ate.
Sophia = ‘Shechinah’
The term Shechinah in reference to the Glory of YHWH is not to be found in the Holy Scriptures. The word
‘schechinah’ is not found once in the TaNaKH. It is a term coined by Kabbalists which refers to the ‘feminine’
portion of the Ein Soph. It is the female goddess of Judaism. Raphael Patai, in his book ‘The Hebrew
Goddess,’ states that the term Shechinah refers to a goddess by contrasting Scriptural and medieval Kabbalistic
texts. He links ‘Shekinah’ with the ‘Matronit.’
Shechinah and the ‘tree of life’
The Tetragrammaton in Kabbalah
“In the Kabbalah all creation is [established] by means of the letters of the Tetragrammaton in various
combinations. This name contains all the Sefirot and has innumerable combinations, each representing an aspect
of divine manifestation. These, contrary to Maimonides, do have magical power and those who know how to
draw on this power can work miracles hence the name Baal Shem (“Master of the Name”) for this practitioner
of “white” magic.
In the Lurianic Kabbalah there are four ways of spelling out the letters of the Tetragrammaton, which yield four
different totals–72, 63, 45, and 52–each representing an aspect of God in His relation to the world in which He
is manifested. Unlike for Maimonides, the Tetragrammaton does not represent God’s essence but His
manifestations in the Sefirot. God’s essence is denoted by the term En Sof.
In another Kabbalistic understanding the Tetragrammaton represents the Sefirah Tiferet, the male
principle on high, while Adonai represents Malkhut, the Shekhinah, the female principle. The combination
of these two in the mind of the Kabbalist assists in the unification of these principles on high and promotes
harmony in the Sefirotic realm. For this reason Kabbalistic prayer books depict the divine name in the form of
an interweaving of the letters of the Tetragrammaton with those of Adonai.”

Shechinah and the flaming sword
“… the compiler of Liber 777 was a great Qabalist when he thus entitled his book … he had an academic reason
for his choice of a number; for the tabulation of the book is from Kether to Malkuth, the course of the Flaming
Sword; and if this sword be drawn upon the Tree of Life, the numeration of the Paths over which it passes
(taking [Gimel], 3, as the non-existent path from Binah to Chesed, since it connects Macroprosopus and
Microprosopus), is 777.” (777, Aleister Crowley)
777, the “flaming sword,” is the Kabbalistic path representing the descent of the Shekinah or Matronit (also
represented by the downward triangle of the occult hexagram or “Star of David”).
“The flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way of the tree of life” (Gen. III, 23). Now, what is
“the way of the Tree of Life”? This is the great Matrona who is the way to the great and mighty Tree of Life.
Concerning this it is written: “Behold the bed which is Solomon’s; the three score valiant men are about it, of
the valiant of Israel” (S.S. III, 7), namely, the Supernal Israel. “They all hold swords” (Ibid. 8), and when the
Matrona moves they all move with her, as it is written: “and the angel of God, which went before the camp of
Israel, removed and went behind them” (Ex. XIV, 19). Is, then, the Shekinah called “the angel of the Lord”?
Assuredly! (Soncino Zohar, Shemoth, Section 2, Page 50b – 52a)
The adversary is linked to lightning
Luk 10:18 And He said to them, I saw Satan falling out of
Heaven as lightning!
As seen above, the adversary appears as both male and female.
‘Shechinah’ is the female goddess of the Kabbalah, a picture of
their ‘tree of life’ which is in reality the tree of knowledge, hence
‘shechinah’ represents the adversary in female form.

The Kabbalistic tree of life and the pentagram

Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn

The descent of the shechinah/matronit down the Kabbalistic tree of life is also linked to the Seal of Solomon
through the myth of the genii in a bottle.

In the story the Fisherman fishes up the container of Satan stamped with the
Seal of Solomon. Upon opening, smoke arises and a beast emerges. Satan is
a Jinni (Genie) contained in a bottle or lamp or bottomless pit or prison of
some type.
The first thing out of the Jinni’s mouth is the declaration that Sulayman
(Solomon) is the prophet of God. Sulayman being dead 1800 years ago and
that we are in the last days of the world. The Jinni offers the Fisherman a
wish of choosing how to die. The Jinni declares that it is among the heretical
Jann and that it sinned against Sulayman. The Jinni declares an alliance with
Sakhr al Janni. The Janni refused to obey True Faith (God) and was locked
in the cucumber jar. The jar was sealed with the Most High Name (The
Name of God). Notice that the Jinn comes to bring death but the fisherman
overcame death by the ‘name of God/seal of Solomon.’ This is yet another
depiction of the tree of knowledge and satan’s lie that ‘ye shall not die.’
It is interesting to note that it was a ‘fisherman’ as the Merovingian kings
were called ‘fisher kings.’ They claimed to be descendants of Jesus and
Mary Magdalene…
King & Queen
According to Kabbalistic/Rabbinic thought, a king must have a queen…this is foundational argument in the
Holy Blood Holy Grail where they say that Yahshua had to have had a wife in order to be addressed as Rabbi.
Zohar 3:69a
One day the companions were walking with Rabbi Shim’on bar Yohai. Rabbi Shim’on said: “We see that all
these nations have risen, and Israel is lower than all of them. Why is this? Because the King [God] sent away
the Matronit from Him, and took the slave woman [Lilith] in her place. Who is this slave woman? The Alien
Crown, whose firstborn the Holy One, blessed be He, killed in Egypt. At first she sat behind the handmill, and
now this slave woman inherited the place of her mistress.” And Rabbi Shim’on wept and said: “The King
without the Matronit is not called king. The King who adhered to the slave woman, to the handmaid of the
Matronit, where is his honor? He lost the Matronit and attached Himself to the place which is called slave
woman. This slave woman was destined to rule over the Holy Land of below, as the Matronit formerly ruled
over it. But the Holy One, blessed be He, will ultimately bring back the Matronit to her place as before. And
then, what will be the rejoicing? Say, the rejoicing of the King and the rejoicing of the Matronit. The rejoicing
of the King because He will return to her and separate from the slave woman, and the rejoicing of the Matronit,
because she will return to couple with the King. (Patai81:468)
Skull & Crossbones
The Second Messiah pg 87
“The Knights Templar have always attracted a lot of attention and many recent writers have made much of the
Order’s reputation for possessing human heads and worshipping something called ‘Baphomet.’ As Freemasons,
we are not at all surprised that the Templars had human heads because a skull and crossed thigh bones are still
used in the Masonic living resurrection ceremony that has Templar origins.”
The Head of Adonis
One of the charges of heresy placed upon the Templars was the ‘worship of a head.’ This traces back to the
severed head of Adonis.

Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 161
“It may be that this head represents the head of Adonis, which was thrown into the sea at Alexandria each year,
and we also cannot overlook the fact that among the ‘hallows’ of the Graal is a bleeding head, sometimes
described as the head of St. John the Baptist. We have already seen that the two St. Johns, and more especially,
St. John the Baptist, took over many of the rites and customs associated with Adonis, and therefore we are
entitled to suspect that the Templar head and the head in the Graal legends both go back to the older cult.”
The skull and cross bones symbol traces back to this head of the Templars. The legend speaks of a noble lady
named Maraclea who was loved by a Temple, who when she died dug up her body and violated it. A voice told
him to return in nine months and he would find a son. When he came back in nine months he opened the grave
and found a head on the leg bones of the skeleton. The same voice told him to ‘guard it well, for it would be the
giver of all good things.’ The knight carried this head with him which gave him magical powers over his
enemies and in due course the head passed into possession of the Knights Templars (Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg
Who Was Hiram Abiff? Pg 162
“The legend seems to be a garbled account of an initiation rite of death and resurrection, and, moreover, one
reminiscent of the old legends of Adonis and Astarte, and also of the story of how Horus was begotten by the
dead Osiris. This legend would represent a Templar ceremony of the mystic marriage, the age-old symbol of
the attainment by the true seeker of Divine union…”

Why does it say 322 at the bottom of the Skull & Bones symbol? It is a reference
back to Genesis 3:22.
Gen 3:22 And YHWH God said, Behold! The man has become as one of Us, to
know good and evil. And now, lest he put forth his hand and also take from the
Tree of Life, and eat, and live forever,
Also notice that the skull in the above picture has a head wound…
Rev 13:3 And I saw one of its heads, as having been slain to death, and its deadly wound was healed. And
all the earth wondered after the beast.

Mary Magdalene & the skull

Mary Magdalene has taken on the above attributes of Baphomet. She is described as ‘Sophia’ and represents

the ‘divine union’ of God & man. The skull that is associated with her is not the head of Messiah but that of
Adonis/Tammuz. Mary Magdalene is another form of Ishtar, Isis, Lilith, the black Madonna. It was said that
both Isis and Lilith knew the ‘secret name of God’ which was also known by Mary Magdalene who was called
‘the woman who knew the All.’

Obelisk & Baphomet

In Cabala, the Sacred Tree of the Sephiroth is claimed to represent the Cosmos, including God (male), his
Shekinah (Anna, the Goddess/female), and the Kingdom of Zion. As shown here, the Foundation of all things is
the male genitals, or the sex generative process. (Zolar’s Encyclopedia of Ancient and Forbidden Knowledge,
Arco Publishing, 1984

Washington Monument
The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e.,
east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures
55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which
is equal to 6,666 inches.

Illustration 129: Statue of Washington in the

Smithsonian Museum of American History

Illustration 130: Apotheosis (man becoming a god) of George
Washington painted on the ceiling of the Capitol Rotunda

Notice the pentagrams surrounding the image and the hand gesture that Washington is making over a book,
indicating that he is becoming ‘the Word.’ There are 72 pentagrams surrounding Washington, 72 being one of
the most significant numbers in the occult and as seen above links to the ‘tetractys’ and the sacred Name of
72 is also associated with the pentagram as a 360 degree circle divided into 5 gives 72 degrees each.
In his left hand he is holding a sword, the flaming sword of Shechinah or the ‘spear of destiny.’ This is a
counterfeit of Messiah who returns to earth with a sharp two edged sword (Revelation 19:13-15)
Spear of Destiny – Trevor Ravenscroft pg x
“Phineas, the ancient Prophet, had caused this Spear to be
forged to symbolise the magical poewrs inherent in the blood of
God’s Chosen People.”

The origins of Freemasonry trace back to the aforementioned Knights Templars, more on this in part 10, Yah
willing. Freemasonry also claims to have derived from the mystery religions from whence the pentagram
symbols comes.
The Blazing Star of Freemasonry
“Sabaism, or worship of the stars, was one of the earliest deviations from the true system
of religion. One of its causes was the universally established doctrine among the
idolatrous nations of antiquity, that each star was animated by the soul of a hero god, who
had once dwelt incarnate upon earth. Hence, in the hieroglyphical system, the star
denoted a god.
The Prophet Amos: To this signification, allusion is made by the prophet Amos (Amos 5:26), when he says to
the Israelites, while reproaching them for their idolatrous habits: “But ye have borne the tabernacle of your
Moloch and Chium, your images, the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.”
Egyptian Idolatry: This idolatry was early learned by the Israelites from their Egyptian taskmasters; and so
unwilling were they to abandon it, that Moses found it necessary strictly to forbid the worship of anything “that
is in heaven above”; notwithstanding which we find the Jews repeatedly committing the sin which had been so
expressly forbidden.
Saturn was the star to whose worship they were more particularly addicted under the names of Moloch and
Chium, (already mentioned in the passage quoted from Amos).
The planet Saturn was worshiped under the names of Moloch, Malcolm or Milcom by the Ammonites, the
Canaanites, the Phoenicians, and the Carthaginians, and under that of Chium by the Israelites in the desert.
Saturn was worshiped among the Egyptians under the name of Raiphan, or as it is called in the Septuagint,
(Acts 7:43): St. Stephen, quoting the passage of Amos, says: “ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch and the star
of your god, Remphan”. (also see Acts 7:43).
Hale, in his Analysis of Chronology, says in alluding to the above passage:
“There is no direct evidence that the Israelites worshiped the Dog-Star in the wilderness, except this passage;
but the indirect is very strong, drawn from the general prohibition of the worship of the sun, moon and stars, to
which they must have been prone.
This was peculiarly an Egyptian idolatry, where the Dog-Star was worshiped, as notifying by his heliacal rising,
or emersion from the sun’s rays, the regular commencement of the periodical inundation of the Nile.
The Israelite sculptures at the cemetery of Kibroth-Hattaavah, or graves of lust, in the neighborhood of Sinai,
remarkably abound in hieroglyphics of the Dog-Star, represented as a human figure with a dog’s head.
There is express evidence that they sacrificed to the Dog-Star. In Josiah’s description of idolatry, where the
Syriac Mazaloth (improperly termed planets) denotes the Dog-Star; in Arabic, Mazaroth.”
Notwithstanding a few discrepancies that may have occurred in the Masonic lectures, as arranged at various
periods and by different authorities, the concurrent testimony of the ancient religions, and the hieroglyphic

language, prove that the star was a symbol of God.
asonic Blazing Star…As A Christian Emblem
The application of the Masonic Blazing Star as an emblem of the Savior has been made by those writers who
give a Christian explanation of our emblems, and to the Christian Freemason, such an application will not be
But those who desire to refrain from anything that may tend to impair the tolerance of our system, will be
disposed to embrace a more universal explanation, which may be received alike by all the disciples of the Order,
whatever may be their peculiar religious views.
Such persons will rather accept the expression of Doctor Oliver, who, though much disposed to give a Christian
character to our Institution, says in his Symbol of Glory, page 292, “The Great Architect of the Universe is
therefore symbolized in Freemasonry by the Blazing Star, as the Herald of our salvation.”
Letter G: In the center of the star, there was always placed the letter “G”, which like the Hebrew word, “Yod”,
was a recognized symbol of God, and thus the symbolic reference of the Blazing Star to Divine Providence is
greatly strengthened.”
Again the link between the pentagram & hexagram is seen:
“The BLAZING STAR IS PROPERLY SIX-POINTED… the sign of the deity, and to make that more evident,
in the middle of it is usually inscribed the letter ‘G’, for God… In Co-Masonic lodges, the usual form… is a
serpent curled round with its tail in its mouth… This was the original form, but the head of the serpent was
altered so as to form the letter G.” (The Hidden Life of Freemasonry – Charles Leadbeater p. 79)
Albert Pike, stated: “…the blazing star… represents [the] Star of Horus…Morning Star…Star of Set…
Lucifer.” Cathy Burns, Hidden Secrets Of The Eastern Star, pp.52-53
Since the quintessence is symbolized by the pentacle or six-pointed star, we may infer that this essence which
enhances material elements is Lucifer, symbolized in occult language by the eagle or phoenix.
Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capitol pg 248
“the five pointed star was regarded as a vestigial drawing of three men embracing brotherhood“

Illustration 131: Three Times

Three, the highest ritual
position in Royal Arch
Freemasonry (from Duncan’s
Ritual and Monitor)

Three men ‘embracing brotherhood’ refers to the Masonic ‘Living Arch.’ This was an arch formed by three

Masons when ritualistically pronouncing or portraying the secret name of God.
Three Times Three, the highest ritual position in Royal Arch Freemasonry (from Duncan’s Ritual and Monitor)
On a deeper level, this three times three ritual points to the triple helix and the ‘evolution’ of man into

“Central on our Rosicrucian Altars in the S.R.I.C.F. is the figure of the Pentagram (also called the pentacle,
pentalpha, pentangle, pentancle), a five pointed star, formed by 5 straight lines between the vertices of a
pentagon and enclosing another pentagon. The name pentagram is Greek, from penta (“five”) and gramma
(“letter”). One of the most intriguing symbols of esotericism, it is has been held to have magical properties since
time immemorial, and is a symbol that has been both revered by initiates as a talisman of power, and shunned
by the masses in abject fear for hundreds of years.
Although the origin of this symbol is lost in time, some occult authorities try to trace the source of its esoteric
significance back to an astronomical phenomena, the so called “Pentagram of Venus” shown in the figure

Image from the European Southern Observatory

The synodic period of Venus is approximately 584 days. Plotting the greatest elongation west or east of this
movement five successive times over a period of approximately 8 years and 5 days traces the figure of a
Pentagram on the Zodiacal belt. Incidentally, the numbers 5 and 8 continue to play a role in the Rosicrucian
symbolism of the pentagram, as will be seen further on.

The pentagram has been found on potsherds from the pre-cuneiform Uruk period of ancient Babylon

(3500BCE). In later periods of Mesopotamian civilization it appears in cuneiform writing to represent the four
cardinal directions with the fifth point representing “above;” as such, it represented the dominion of royal
authority extending to “the four corners of the world and the heavens above.”
The symbol also appears in Egyptian hieroglyphics, associated with the Goddess Sopdet, who was represented
in the night sky by the brightest star, Sirius, the so called Dog Star in the constellation of Canis Major.
Interestingly, the name Sirius is from the Greek word seirios, which means “burning,” and brings to mind the
Blazing Star of Masonry.
{Here we see the pentagram associated with Sirius which is linked to Saturn.}
The Pythagoreans called the Pentagram Hugieia, with the combined meanings of “health,” “wholeness” and
“blessings.” The letters of this word were placed around the points of the pentagram. According to Iamblichus,
the five-pointed star was the Pythagorean sign of recognition and held sacred as a symbol of divine perfection.
The Greek Goddess of Health was Hygeia, or the Roman Salus. Both of these names appear on talismans from
Greek and Roman periods, with the image of the pentagram central.
Pythagoras was a known traveler, and the fact that he appears in Indian tantrik texts by name as Yavanacharya
(“the Greek teacher”) may explain why the Pentagram also appears in early Hindu tantrik writings and art.
To the ancient Hebrews, the Pentagram was the symbol of Truth and the five books of the Pentateuch. Ameth,
the Hebrew word for Truth, is associated with humanity by the kabbalistic technique of temurah using the Aiq
Beqr system, which utilizes letter substitution according to specific rules. Later it will be seen that the very
geometry of the Pentagram also encodes the idea of mankind and Truth.
The Pentagram found its way onto many Gnostic amulets. According to Budge
Gnostic amulets contained the pentacle which contained the ineffable name YHWH within it. More often the
names Moses or Solomon were represented, Moses because he was connected with the setting up of the brazen
serpent, and Solomon because his seal worked miracles.”
The early Christians associated the Pentagram with the five wounds of Christ. Later kabalistic Christians would
associate the name of Christ in Hebrew characters, IHShVH or Yeheshua, to the five points of the pentagram.
This method also shows the divine Tetragrammaton associated to the four points of the star, with the fifth top
point being ascribed to the Hebrew letter shin, which symbolized spirit and fire, or the Holy Ghost. Thus the
pentagram represented the descent of the divine fire into the world.
The Pentagram has been associated with the Star of Bethlehem or Three Kings’ Star, which led the Magi to the
newborn Christ. Of these ideas Pike writes:
The Star which guided [the Magi] is that same Blazing Star, the image whereof we find in all initiations. To the
Alchemists it is the sign of the Quintessence; to the Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the Kabalists, the Sacred
Pentagram. The study of this Pentagram could not but lead the Magi to the knowledge of the New Name which
was about to raise itself above all names, and cause all creatures capable of adoration to bend the knee.
In the Arthurian legend of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the Pentagram was emblazoned in gold on
Gawain’s shield, representing the five virtues of generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety.
The symbol of the pentagram appears on many Knights Templar graves in France, as well as being intrinsic to
the architecture and positioning of many chapels. One dramatic example is the mysterious shrine of Rennes du
Chartres, said to be a center of Templar activity, which is situated in the center of a ring of mountains that form
a nearly perfect pentagram.
The symbolism of the Western Mystery tradition has assigned the four elements of earth, air, water and fire to

the four points of the pentagram, with the top point being attributed to the quintessence, or spirit. From this
pattern is then attributed Kabalistic hierarchies of Archangles (Auriel for Earth, Raphael to Air, Gabriel for
Water, and Michael with Fire), the Four Worlds (Assiah, Yetzirah, Briah and Atziluth), parts of the soul, and
many more correspondences which are too lengthy to address in this paper.
The Zelator ritual of S.R.I.C.F. briefly introduces the symbolism of the Pentagram on the Altar to the new
The Five-pointed Star reminds us of the five points of felicity, which are to walk with, to intercede for, to love,
to assist, and to pray for our Brethren, so as to be united with them in heart and mind.
As an emblem of the five points of felicity, the Pentagram reminds us of our duties towards our brethren of the
Rose and Cross throughout the world.
Further in the ritual the subject of number symbolism is addressed, and the number five is explained as
the emblem of Health and Safety; it is also denominated the Occult number; the Pentagram was a famous
talisman; it represents Spirit and the four elements.
The reference to health and safety is interesting as it is reminiscent of the Greek hygeia discussed earlier.
The Pentagram may be seen as symbolic of the entire course of initiation in the S.R.I.C.F. First Order, as the
elemental degrees are easily associated with the elemental points of the Pentagram; while initiation into the
Second Order represents the quintessence or fifth, top-most point of the Star. In this way, the candidate of the
S.R.I.C.F. symbolically builds up the power of the pentagram internally as they progress through and assimilate
the lessons of the degrees. Entrance to the Second Order would then represent Adepthood, as the initiate has
established the flaming star within their very heart of hearts and embodies the very essence of the Pentagram,
and is a living embodiment of the Stone of the Philosophers.
Within the Craft degrees, the figure of the Pentagram may also be seen in the image of the 5 rayed Blazing Star.
According to Albert Pike, the pentagram is synonymous with the Blazing Star of Masonic Lodges:
The Blazing Star in our Lodges, we have already said, represents Sirius, Anubis, or Mercury, Guardian and
Guide of Souls. Our Ancient English brethren also considered it an emblem of the Sun. In the old Lectures they
said: ‘The Blazing Star or Glory in the centre refers us to that Grand Luminary the Sun, which enlightens the
Earth, and by its genial influence dispenses blessings to mankind. It is also said in those lectures to be an
emblem of Prudence. The word Prudentia means, in its original and fullest signification, Foresight: and
accordingly the Blazing Star has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to
the Ancients was the Sun.
He further associates this star with the “Divine Energy, manifested as Light, creating the Universe.”
The Masonic scholar Rex Hutchins asserts that the Pentagram
is the symbol of the Divine in man… The five-pointed star with a single point upward represents the Divine. It
also symbolizes man for its five points allude to the five senses, the five members (head, arms and legs) and his
five fingers on each hand, which signify the tokens that distinguish Masons.
Furthermore he writes that this figure
is the symbol of the Microcosm, the universe where humans dwell. Since the pentagon which encloses the
pentagram may be formed by connecting the five points of the human body, for many centuries the symbol was
also used to represent humanity in general.

Within this symbol then is a representation of humanity, and our Divine role in the Universe as co-creators of
In addition to being a central altar piece in our Rosicrucian Temples, and the Blazing Star of the Craft Lodges,
the Pentagram appears as an ensign in some of the High Degrees and rites. For example, it is central on the
apron of the 28th Degree of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, Knight of the Sun or Prince Adept. In
discussing the symbol of the pentagram in the lecture of this degree, Pike writes in Morals & Dogma that
in certain undertakings [the Pentagram] cannot be dispensed with. It is what is termed the Kabalistic pentacle…
This carries with it the power of commanding the spirits of the elements.
A central lesson of this highly Kabalistic and Alchemical degree is that there is no death, only change. The
Pentagram, symbol of humanity as the microcosm is an apt representation of this wisdom which, to one who has
internalized it, may have that contempt for death which is expressed in the line from 1 Corinthians – “Where, O
death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?”
In the same lecture, Pike alludes to the true meaning of this radiant symbol:
When the masters in Alchemy say that it needs but little time and expense to accomplish the works of Science.
When they affirm, above all, that but a single vessel is necessary, when they speak of the Great and Single
furnace, which all can use, which is within the reach of all the world, and which men possess without knowing
it, they allude to the philosophical and moral Alchemy. In fact, a strong and determined will can, in a little
while, attain complete independence; and we all possess that chemical instrument, the great and single athanor
or furnace, which serves to separate the subtle from the gross, and the fixed from the volatile. This instrument,
complete as the world, and accurate as the mathematics themselves, is designated by the Sages under the
emblem of the Pentagram or Star with five points, the absolute sign of human intelligence.
It may be said that the Pentagram represents the power of the Divine Will, as manifested in Humanity, to effect
conscious change. As conscious participants with the Divine Will, humanity is in the unique position of being
able to be co-creators with the Divine.
Our sisters of the Eastern Star utilize a Pentagram as their primary symbol. Interestingly, their usage places the
pentagram “upside down,” with two points on top and a single point facing down. According to esoteric
tradition, this usage indicates the “evil” forces of darkness. The occult authority Eliphas Levi writes in
Transcendental Magic:
The Pentagram with two horns in the ascendant represents Satan, or the goat of the Sabbath, and with the single
horn in the ascendant is the sign of the Savior. It is the figure of the human body with the four members and a
point representing the head; a human figure head downward naturally represents the demon, that is, intellectual
subversion, disorder and folly.
As to whether the author of the Easter Star rituals was aware of these qualities when designing the emblem of
the rite is most likely unknown. A contemporary member of the Eastern Star has informed us that the
explanation of the symbol she received attributes the two points as facing towards the east, providing an
unobstructed channel from the altar to the Eastern dais, as well as creating a confined center or “chamber” in the
east that is formed between the two extended points and the dais. All Masons would be familiar with the idea of
having the path from the Altar to the East clear at all times, and this may in fact be the most probable reason for
the design.
Encoded into the very structure of the Pentagram is the golden section, a particular proportion in geometry that
has been praised by artists for centuries as embodying the very divine beauty in form. Mathematically, the

golden section refers to the division of a line segment into extreme and mean proportions; that is, a line is
divided such that the smaller part is to the greater, as the greater is to the whole. The golden section has been
used extensively in post-Hellenic architecture, as well as playing a large role in the construction of early
Cathedrals. The work of Michelangelo is just one example of the use artists have made of this special
Paul Foster Case says of the golden section appearing in the pentagram:
The occult interpretation of this mathematical proportion is sometimes expressed in the maxim: ‘Nature is to
man as man is to God.’ The proportion itself is often called the Golden Section of Pythagoras, and is associated
with the Hermetic axiom: ‘That which is above is as that which is below, and that which is below is as that
which is above.’
If a square is added to the longer side of a golden rectangle, a larger golden rectangle is then formed.
Continuing the pattern, the golden section reveals itself to be part of the Fibonacci Series, where each number in
the series is obtained by adding the previous two numbers: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13… The Fibonacci series is a
naturally occurring pattern that is found in nature, such as the growth patterns of trees, the nautilus shell, pine
cones, crystals, leaves and the human body. Clearly the stamp of the Great Architect is found in the world, with
the wonders of creation!
The golden section of the Pentagram is approximated with the numbers 5 and 8 of the Fibonacci series.
Interestingly, the dimensions of the Rosicrucian Vault of C.R. as described in the core document the Fama
Fraternitatis are said to be 8 feet tall and 5 feet wide. This mysterious vault was said to be a “compendium of the
universe,” each wall illustrated with Kabalistic and Hermetic symbols.
The Pentagram has a long history of occult use. It was by use of a poorly constructed Pentagram that
Mephistopheles was able to manifest in the circle of Faust! Magical grimoires of the western esoteric tradition
are replete with examples of pentagrams being used as protective and evocatory talismans, or as the seals of
circles of the Art which were traced on the floor of the ritual chamber. Literally thousands of examples are
extant from the works of Trithemius, Dr. John Dee, Heinrich Agrippa, Kircher, Bruno, and many others, which
show the hermetic and kabalistic applications of the Pentagram in ceremonial ritual use.
Perhaps one of the most evocative descriptions of the occult powers of this symbol comes from the magician
Eliphas Levi (Alphonse Louis Constant), who writes of the Pentagram in his book Transcendental Magic:
The Pentagram expresses the mind’s domination over the elements and it is by this sign that we bind the
demons of the air, the spirits of fire, the spectres of water, and the ghosts of earth. It is the Star of the Magi, the
burning star of the Gnostic schools, the sign of intellectual omnipotence and autocracy. Its complete
comprehension is the key of two worldsit is absolute natural philosophy and natural science. Its use, however,
is most dangerous to operators who do not completely and perfectly understand it. All mysteries of magic, all
symbols of the gnosis, all figures of occultism, all Qabalistic keys of prophecy, are resumed in the sign of the
Pentagram, which Paracelsus proclaims to be the greatest and most potent of all.
[...] this absolute sign, this sign as old or as older than history, should and must actually exercise an incalculable
influence on souls disengaged from their material envelope. Armed therewith and suitably disposed, we can
behold infinity through the medium of that faculty which is as the Soul’s Eye, and can cause ourselves to be
served by legions of angels and demon hordes. The empire of the Will over the Astral Light which is the
physical soul of the four elements, is represented in magic by the Pentagram.
If it be asked how a sign can exercise that immense power over spirits which is claimed for the Pentagram, we

inquire in turn why the Christian world bows before the sign of the cross. The sign by itself is nothing, it derives
strength from the doctrine which is resumes, and of which it is the Logos. Now, a sign which epitomizes by
expression all the occult forces of Nature, which has always manifested to the elementary and other spirits a
power superior to their own, naturally strikes them with fear and respect, and enforces their obedience by the
empire of knowledge and will over ignorance and weakness.
The points of the pentagram are often associated with the five-fold name of the Christ, IHShVH or Yeheshua.
Paul Foster Case describes this:
The letters at the five points of the pentagram are the Roman characters corresponding to Yod, Heh, Shin, Vau
and Heh. They are the letters which spell the divine name IHVH, Jehovah, with the ‘holy letter,’ Shin, symbol
of the Holy Spirit, placed between the first two and last two letters, thus: I H Sh V H. This is the occult and
Rosicrucian spelling of the name Yeheshua, or Jesus…’It is the symbol of the Word made flesh.’ […] every
pentagram … symbolizes the mystical name IHShVH…[viii]
As one of the most powerful talismans of antiquity, the Pentagram shows the divine nature of mankind as
intermediaries between God and the lower orders of being. A symbol of health and protection, it has been used
by countless cultures on charms, in magical grimoires, carved on temples and used in magical and meditative
Embodied within this geometric figure are the codes which signify the very Vault of the Rosicrucian Adepts; as
well as signs showing where the true vault lies, centered in that internal sanctuary of the heart, the Secret
Temple of the Master.
Signifying man’s dominion over the elements, the pentagram suggests that humanity partakes of its Creators
essence and is in fact a co-heir of eternity, working with the Deity as living temples of the Most High God.
In our Rosicrucian Temples, the Pentagram is also reminder of the divine blessings of IHShVH and the Victory
on the Cross. In this sense, the Pentagram represents the Rose Cross Lamen, with a blooming Red Rose of
Victory and Divine Will upon the Golden Calvary Cross of the elements which are transformed through the
alembic of our hearts into Alchemical Gold of the Sun.
Pentagram & Sirius
As mentioned above, the blazing star of Freemasonry links back to Sirius.
Albert Pike claimed that Sirius was the Blazing Star in Morals and Dogma:
To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make
it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively
modern. Originally it represented SIRIUS, or the Dog-star, the forerunner of the inundation of the Nile; the God
ANUBIS, companion of ISIS in her search for the body of OSIRIS, her brother and husband. Then it became
the image of HORUS, the son of OSIRIS, himself symbolized also by the Sun, the author of the Seasons, and
the God of Time; Son of ISIS, who was the universal nature, himself the primitive matter, inexhaustible source
of Life, spark of uncreated fire, universal seed of all beings. It was HERMES, also, the Master of Learning,
whose name in Greek is that of the God Mercury. It became the sacred and potent sign or character of the Magi,
the PENTALPHA, and is the significant emblem of Liberty and Freedom, blazing with a steady radiance amid
the weltering elements of good and evil of Revolutions, and promising serene skies and fertile seasons to the
nations, after the storms of change and tumult. – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 14-15.
The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the

Blazing Star. – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 486
“…the Star which guided [the Magi] is that same Blazing Star, the image whereof we find in all initiations. To
the Alchemists it is the sign of the Quintessence; to the Magists, the Grand Arcanum; to the Kabalists, the
Sacred Pentagram…” Page 842.
“Originally it [the Blazing Star] represented [Red] Sirius, or the Dog-Star, the forerunner of the inundation of
the Nile; the God ANUBIS… then it became the IMAGE OF HORUS……it became the sacred and potent sign
or character of the Magi, the Pentalpha, and is the significant emblem of Liberty and Freedom, blazing with a
steady radiance amid the weltering elements of good and evil of Revolutions…”Page 15.
The Pentagram and Masonic G

Illustration 132: The Pythagorean Triangle pg 131


Illustration 133: Tracing board of 3rd degree

Letter G: In the center of the star, there was always placed the letter “G”, which like the Hebrew word, “Yod”,
was a recognized symbol of God, and thus the symbolic reference of the Blazing Star to Divine Providence is
greatly strengthened.Masonic Initation – W.L. Wilmhurst
Centrally, in the ceiling of each Lodge, is exhibited this striking symbol….In the First and Second Craft
Degrees the symbol is visible in the heavens
of Lodge. In the Third Degree it has become invisible, but its presence is
still manifested, being reflected in the small light in the East which, in
correspondence with the Divine Presence is as every Mason knows
inextinguishable even in one’s darkest moments . In the Royal Arch Degree
it again becomes visible, but in another form and in another position-on
the floor of the Temple and at its centre, and in the form of a cubical
altar, a white stone, bearing the Sacred Name. In the course of the
Degrees, therefore, it has come down from heaven to earth ; Spirit has
descended to the plane of purified Matter; the Divine and the human have
been brought together and made one. God has become Man ; Man has been
unified with God, and has found the Divine Name written upon the altar of
his own heart…

…The “G” therefore denotes the Universal Spirit of God, permeating and
unifying all things . It is a substitute for the Hebrew letter Yod, the
tenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet, and out of which all the other letters
of that alphabet are constructed in correspondence with the truth that all
created things are modifications of the one primal Spirit . In the
Instruction-lecture of a Degree outside our present constitutions, the “G”
is explained as having a three-fold reference ; (i) the Glory of God, or
glory in the centre ; (2) Grandeur, or the greatness of perfection to which
man may become raised by initiation into union .with God at his centre ;
(3) Gom-El, a Hebrew word of praise for the Divine power and goodness in
designing that perfection and that union between the Creator and the
creature. There is also a Hebrew tradition that Gom-El was the word uttered
by Adam on first beholding the beauty of Eve and perceiving the ultimate
destiny of humanity.
The “G” had its equivalent in the Egyptian Mysteries in the solar symbol of
Ra, the spiritual Sun. In the great temple of the Greek Mysteries at
Delphi, where the Eleusinian initiations took place for seventeen
centuries, it was represented by the fifth letters of the Greek alphabet,
the E (or Eta) ; five being a numerical symbol of man in the Pythagorean
system, as evidenced by his five senses, the five-fold extension of his
hands and feet, and in accordance with considerations of a more abstruse
nature. Hence the five-pointed star (or pentagram) is also a symbol of man,
and expresses a variety of truths concerning him . In the rituals in the
Book of the Dead the candidate is described as a “keeper of five” ;
Operative fellow-craft Masons worked in batches of five, and a Speculative
fellow-craft Lodge to-day consists of five brethren ; all these allusions
having a deeper significance than can be explained here, but bearing upon
the present state of human evolutional development .
As seen in Chapter 8, Masonry’s basis comes from Solomon and the Temple.

Seal of Solomon
Solomonic texts gave great importance to the pentagram, under the name “Solomon’s seal.” Gershom Scholem
writes, “In Arabic magick, the ‘seal of Solomon’ was widely used, but at first its use in Jewish circles was
restricted to relatively rare cases. Even then, the hexagram and pentagram were easily interchangeable and the
name was applied to both figures.”
The first English mention of a pentagram appears quite unexpectedly around 1380, when the anonymous author
of Gawain and the Grene Knight gave Gawain, traditionally the Celtic sun-hero, a shield “that was bright red
with a pentangle of pure gold color painted on it.” Almost 50 lines are devoted to this hitherto unknown heraldic
device. Interestingly, the pentagram is immediately identified as Solomon’s: “It is a sign that Solomon set once/
To betoken truth, by the title that it has,/ For it is a figure with five points,/ And each line overlaps and locks in
another,/ And everywhere it is endless, and the English all call it,/ I hear, the Endless Knot.” The author invokes
in the pentacle the five wits, the five fingers, the five wounds of Christ, the five pure joys of Heaven’s queen
with her child and the five virtues generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy and mercy.

The origin of this Solomonic pentagram has puzzled scholars for some time. Henry Lyttleton Savage, in The
GAWAIN-Poet, suggests quite plausibly that the short-lived French Order of the Star was a source for this
symbol, and in company with Tolkien and others, he notes that Freemasons honor the pentagram as Solomon’s
seal. Looming behind both the Order of the Star and the Masons, however, stands the Order of the Temple of
Solomon, the Knights Templar, founded in 1119 and suppressed by Phillip the Fair of France and Pope Clement
V between 1307 and 1314. Founded to rebuild the Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem, the Templars regarded
Solomon’s seal as an emblem of their order, both in its Western pentagram form and in its Eastern hexagram
form. John J. Robinson in his book Born in Blood convincingly argues that the powerful organization of the
Templars went underground, particularly in England and Scotland, to form what became over time the society
of Freemasons. As Freemasons, they did more than anyone else over the centuries to make the pentagram a
familiar symbol.

The myth of the Ring of Solomon was principally developed by Arabic writers who claimed that God gave the
ring to Solomon. The ring is said to have had the name of God engraved upon it. But this posed a problem with
the Jewish community as Jewish law forbade the Jews to write the name of God. Thus it was conceded that the
six pointed star and later the five-pointed star is what King Solomon had inscribed on his ring. Medieval Jewish,
Christian and Islamic legends believed that King Solomon commanded demons and spoke with animals by the
power of his ring.
Josephus Antiquites 8.2.5
5. Now the sagacity and wisdom which God had bestowed on Solomon was so great, that he exceeded the
ancients; insomuch that he was no way inferior to the Egyptians, who are said to have been beyond all men in
understanding; nay, indeed, it is evident that their sagacity was very much inferior to that of the king’s. He also
excelled and distinguished himself in wisdom above those who were most eminent among the Hebrews at that
time for shrewdness; those I mean were Ethan, and Heman, and Chalcol, and Darda, the sons of Mahol. He also
composed books of odes and songs a thousand and five, of parables and similitudes three thousand; for he spake
a parable upon every sort of tree, from the hyssop to the cedar; and in like manner also about beasts, about all
sorts of living creatures, whether upon the earth, or in the seas, or in the air; for he was not unacquainted with
any of their natures, nor omitted inquiries about them, but described them all like a philosopher, and
demonstrated his exquisite knowledge of their several properties. God also enabled him to learn that skill which
expels demons, (4) which is a science useful and sanative to men. He composed such incantations also by which
distempers are alleviated. And he left behind him the manner of using exorcisms, by which they drive away
demons, so that they never return; and this method of cure is of great force unto this day; for I have seen a
certain man of my own country, whose name was Eleazar, releasing people that were demoniacal in the
presence of Vespasian, and his sons, and his captains, and the whole multitude of his soldiers. The manner of the

cure was this: He put a ring that had a Foot of one of those sorts mentioned by Solomon to the nostrils of the
demoniac, after which he drew out the demon through his nostrils; and when the man fell down immediately, he
abjured him to return into him no more, making still mention of Solomon, and reciting the incantations which
he composed. And when Eleazar would persuade and demonstrate to the spectators that he had such a power, he
set a little way off a cup or basin full of water, and commanded the demon, as he went out of the man, to
overturn it, and thereby to let the spectators know that he had left the man; and when this was done, the skill and
wisdom of Solomon was shown very manifestly: for which reason it is, that all men may know the vastness of
Solomon’s abilities, and how he was beloved of God, and that the extraordinary virtues of every kind with
which this king was endowed may not be unknown to any
people under the sun for this reason, I say, it is that we have proceeded to speak so largely of these matters.
In between Psalm 89-91 in the Dead Sea Scrolls were found 4 “exorcism” psalms, 3 of which were never seen
the 4th being Psalm 91. In the second exorcism psalm it speaks of Solomon invoking the spirits and demons.
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry vol 2 pg 245
“The Seal of Solomon or the Shield of David, for under both names the same thing was denoted, is a hexagonal
figure consisting of two interlaced triangles, thus forming the outlines of a six-pointed star. Upon it was
inscribed on of the sacred names of God, from which inscription it was supposed principally to derive its
talismanic powers. These powers were very extensive, for it was believed that it would extinguish fire, prevent
wounds in a conflict, and perform many other wonders. The Jews called it the Shield of David in reference to
the protection which it gave to its possessors. But to the other Orientalists it was more familiarly known as
the Seal of Solomon. Among these imaginative people, there was a very prevalent belief in the magical
character of the King of Israel. He was esteemed rather as a great magician than as a great monarch,
and by the signet which he wore, on which this talismanic seal was engraved, he is supposed to have
accomplished the most extraordinary actions, and by it to have enlisted in his service the labors of the
genii for the construction of his celebrated Temple….Of all talismans, there is none, except, perhaps, the
cross, which was so generally prevalent among the ancients as this Seal of Solomon or Shield of David. It has
been found in the cave of Elephants, in India, accompanying the image of the Deity, and many other places
celebrated in the Brahmanical and the Buddhist religions.
In Medieval Jewish, Islamic and Christian legends, the Seal of Solomon was a magical signet ring said to have
been possessed by King Solomon (or Sulayman in the Islamic version), which variously gave him the power to
command demons (or jinni), or to speak with animals. In one of the Arabian Nights’ Entertainments, an evil jinn
is described as being imprisoned in a copper bottle for 1,800 years by a lead seal stamped by the ring. Other,
later books (Pseudomonarchia Daemonum) manage to fit far more demons in the bottle (Wikipedia, Seal of

The seal of Solomon is displayed as both a hexagram and pentagram. Both are intimately connected with
witchcraft & magic.
A pentacle, or pantacle, is an amulet used in magical evocation, generally made of parchment, paper or metal. It
usually consists of a 5 pointed pentagram or 6 pointed hexagram.
The Pentacle

A pentacle in all definately is actually considered an amulet that is used for magical invocations, rituals, and
spells. The pentacle is meant to be a symbol with which the spirit draws upon for added strength and energies
for these spells and rituals.

The most famous historical pentacle is the Seal of Solomon. Solomon was historically
linked to being one of the greatest wizards that ever lived. He is often revered by wiccans
and pagans and in grimoires and various texts, there are different styles and designs of
Solomon’s pentacles. Each of them that he had crafted were used for various difference rituals and spells that he
would perform.

Even though pentacle and pentagram are similar in spelling, pentacle does not represent
“five” rather, it represents magical energies and any design or shapes could be considered
pentacles. If they were drawn with five points they were often referred to as hexagrams, not
Pentacles were often used for protection against demons and negative entities. They were
used and still are used extensively for these purposes within paganism and wicca. They can
either be adorned around the neck as a necklace or charm, or they can be used as altar tiles
or patens for altars.
Pentacles are also considered important to draw or attract spirits. Within Wicca and Paganism, the pentacle can
be used as a center point with which to open the doorway for spirits to step forth into this plane. Many rituals
and spells often call for a pentacle of some form to be within the center of the sacred circle as a focal point for
the spirits to be drawn to.
It is often said that once a spirit has been summoned, they are “tied” to the pentacle’s center often like a statue
being held by a base, the spirit is tied to the center of the pentacle and cannot leave or move beyond that point.
Solomon commonly employed this method when either summoning spirits or to entrap them. He was famously
known for binding and sending back evil spirits and demons to whence they came, and he often used the above
method to do this.
Jewish Magic
Rabbi Joshua Trachtenberg, listed in Who’s Who in American Jewry, in his defensive yet illuminating book,
Jewish Magic and Superstition (Behrmann’s, N.Y., 1939), writing of the age-long reputation of Jews as
practitioners of black magic and all occult demonistic rites, states (Second chapter, entitled “The Truth Behind
the Legend”):
“The sources indicate that Jews were at least acquainted with methods of inducing disease and death, of
arousing and killing passion, of forcing people to do their bidding, of employing demons for divinatory and
other purposes … We find accounts of the magician’s power to project his soul to far-distant places, there to
perform an errand, and then return to his comatose body.” (Page 13)
“Jewish magic … functioned within the framework of the Jewish religion.” (Page 15)
Rabbi Trachtenberg also states:

“Knowledge of the names, through which Jewish magic worked, was inaccessible to women, for it required not
only a thorough training in Hebrew and Aramaic, which most of them lacked, but also a deep immersion in
mystical lore from which they were barred … Early mystical and magical lore was successfully guarded by a
limited oral transmission. The secret lore of the Kalonymides [Note: who brought it from Babylonia] … was
first written down in the 13th Century … Jewish life had turned more and more inward … and intensive study
of the Talmud had become almost its sole intellectual pursuit … But the German Kabbalah never attained the
theoretical depth of its Spanish counterpart, nor did it exert so much influence.” (Pages 16-17, same
“So we may say that every Jew whose desire led him thither essayed a little magic in a small way. But it was
generally recognized that only a minor portion of the mystical lore had found its way into books; much of it
remained private, jealously guarded property.” (page 18)
In the same work, and under the title of “Forbidden and Permitted,” Trachtenberg says: “The Bible had
pronounced an unqualified condemnation of sorcery. The Talmud … pursued its customary function of
clarifying and classifying Jewish law, and so broke up the all-inclusive category of sorcery into several
divisions …” Then are cited various hairsplittings, ending with an admission that the Talmud actually permits
the very proscribed or forbidden acts denounced by the Bible.
Trachtenberg sums up: “From a practical standpoint, they succeeded in effectively excluding from the
proscribed ‘magic’ all the forms current among Jews.” (Pages 19-20)
The Jewish Encyclopedia of 1905 (under “Tashlik”). Rabbi Trachtenberg also states:
“Fowl are closely associated with the spirits in Jewish and non-Jewish lore, and are the commonest oblation to
them … The cock is employed to represent a man, the hen, a woman, in many magic rites. The circles which are
described about the head of the individual, and the numbers three and seven, are well-known magical elements.
The words which effectuate the substitution have all the earmarks of a typical incantation. In the earlier texts the
words ‘this is my atonement’ are not present; they were added so that the initials of the Hebrew terms might
form the word hatash, ‘which is the name of the angel appointed over this.’ “

Illustration 134: A rabbi reads words of Kapparah as

rooster draws evil out of him.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia cites Rabbi Trachtenberg Jewish Magic and Superstition as a rabbinical
authority on these subjects.
John Dee

In this nineteenth-century illustration, John Dee (1527-1608), famous

mathematician, philosopher, and astrologer for Queen Elizabeth, holds
a torch while an adept Talmudic necromancer consults with a spirit.
John Dee, who likened the hexagram to the Philosopher’s Stone, was
the chief astrologer in the court of Elisabeth the first but he was a
practiser of Enochian Magic used to invoke “angels” during rituals. In
one of those sessions Dee drew up an ‘angel’ by the name of Lam.

Jewish Necromancy
Says Rabbi Trachtenberg:
“The future is an open book to the denizens of the supernatural realm, and like the demons and the angels, the
deceased can by eavesdropping pick up the latest decisions of the court on high; ‘they flit through the universe
to hear what has been decreed.’ Then they report back to intimates on earth, in dreams or personal appearances
… But in general the spirit-world is chary of its secrets and can be induced to reveal them only by magical
means … mystical invocations and occult rites are effective in forcing the dead to obey the magician’s will. The

art of necromancy is a specialized function of sorcery.” (Jewish Magic and Superstition, page 65)
Rabbi Trachtenberg mentions putting a severed foreskin in a bowl of water, with attendants dipping their fingers
in bloody fluid, and burying the circumcizer with the foreskins he has severed, as demonic ritual. The
unluckiness of even numbers except on special nights when four cups of wine, instead of an odd number may be
imbibed, the protective, and divine nature of Talmud study for blunting demons, and the recitation of the Shema
at night are noted by the Rabbi, and he states:
“There was no attempt to disguise the purpose of this prayer-service; it was frankly admitted time and again that
‘it exists only because of the demons.” He quotes: ”at my right Michael, at my left Gabriel, before me Uriel,
behind me Raphael.” This is nothing more than the Jewish version of the ancient Babylonian incantation,
‘Shamash before me, behind me Sin, Nergal at my right, Ninib at my left,’ or ‘May the good Shedu at my right,
the good Lamassu at my left,’ etc. (Jewish Magic and Superstition, page 156)
Baphomet is another form of Molech
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today – Elizabeth Dilling pg 96
Even burning children to the demon Molech for black occult power is allowed today by the supreme scriptures
of Pharisaic Judaism.
The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today – Elizabeth Dilling pg 108-109
Judaism Permits Child Sacrifices to Moloch
The whole Bible is full of and condemns the bloody business of pagan demonology, including Baal worship
with its self-cutting with knives and Moloch worship with child sacrifice. Both are condoned or permitted by
the modern Jewish Babylonian Talmud. Every form of ancient paganism decried by the Bible may be found
under the “whited sepulchre” of so-called “Judaism,” which is actually Pharisee paganism.
“Christian divines,” now, as formerly, would do well to read up on what the Bible condemns, and find those
pagan murder practices have not disappeared from the Earth, nor from the “synagogue of Satan.”
Burning children to the demon Moloch is permitted today by the supreme legal authority of the so-called
“Jewish” religion, which is the Babylonian Talmud, and, in particular, the Talmud book of Sanhedrin, Folios
64a-64b. Remember, the book of Sanhedrin is, according to its
Introduction in the Soncino English translation of 1935, the “chief repository of the criminal law of the
To justify child sacrifices to Moloch, the Talmud once again cites Scripture, which clearly condemns such pagan
practice, and then reverses the clear meaning of the Scripture with hairsplitting “exceptions” to justify these
Thus, as Christ put it to the Pharisees, you make the “commandment of God of none effect.
Ye hypocrites! Well did Esaias [Isaiah] prophecy of you, saying, This people draw nigh unto me with their
mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain do they worship me,
teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.” (Matt. 15:7) Christ also referred to Isaiah 29:13. Isaiah well
knew the breed of Satanists who used the Bible to destroy it. The “Mishna” of the Sanhedrin (Exhibit 66) sets
out to make supposedly clear orders of Moses against burning or causing to be burned any child to Moloch by
(1) handing the child to
Moloch and (2) causing the child to be burned.
But, note the “explanation” to the Talmudic Mishna, which states: “He who gives of his seed to Molech incurs
no punishment unless he delivers it to Moloch” (1) “and causes it to pass through the fire” (2). “If he gave it to
Moloch but he did not cause it to pass through the fire, or the reverse” (i.e. caused his child to pass through the
fire, but did not give it to Moloch) “he incurs no penalty unless he does both.”

At this point, does it really matter whether an innocent child has been burned in fire and also “given to Moloch”
when its murder by fire is condoned if the latter proviso is excluded?
In a footnote to the same Talmud “Mishna” reference, it is “explained:”
“As two separate offenses, proving that giving one’s seed to Moloch is not idolatry.”
What foul idolatry!
The same Talmud section (see Exhibit 67) subverts the Mishna exception “unless he gives it to Moloch” further
to: “Punishment is not incurred unless he delivers his seed to the acolytes of Moloch.” Thus, if one delivers his
own child into the fire, for death, and to Moloch, there would
be “no punishment.”
A further “explanatory footnote” says: “He explains this to be the meaning of the Mishna unless he gives it to
Moloch. This proves that the offense consists of two parts; (1) formal delivery to the priests, and (2) causing the
seed to pass through the fire.”
The same Talmud section (Exhibit 69) includes the repetitional statement that: “the service of Moloch … is not
included in general idolatry.” (Note: Reversing the chief idolatrous practice denounced by the Bible!) In
Leviticus XX, 2 it is stated: “And the Lord spake unto Moses,
saying: … Whosoever he be of the children of Israel, or of the strangers that sojourn in Israel that giveth any of
his seed to Molech … Then treatment of a murderer is demanded: “He shall surely be put to death.”
King Manasseh
The acts of Manasseh ultimately led to the exile of Judah into Babylon where they did not repent of their
wickedness but amalgamated the mixed worship of Manasseh with even more Babylonian mystery religion.
Manasseh mixed the mystery religions with the worship of YHWH as can be seen in the following verses where
pagan idols and altars were set up in the Temple of YHWH.
2Ch 33:1 Manasseh was a son of twelve years when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem fifty
five years.
2Ch 33:2 And he did evil in the eyes of YHWH, like the abominations of the nations that YHWH had
driven out from before the sons of Israel.
2Ch 33:3 For again he rebuilt the high places that his father Hezekiah had broken down, and raised up
altars for the Baals, and made Asherahs and bowed himself to all the host of the heavens, and served
2Ch 33:4 And he built altars in the house of YHWH, of which YHWH had said, In Jerusalem shall be
My name forever.
2Ch 33:5 And he built altars to all the host of the heavens in the two courts of the house of YHWH.
2Ch 33:6 And he made his sons to pass through the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom, and did magic
and divined, and used sorcery, and used mediums and conjurers; he multiplied the doing of the evil in the
eyes of YHWH, to provoke Him to anger.
2Ch 33:7 And he placed the engraved image of the idol that he had made in the house of God, of which
God had said to David, and to his son Solomon, In this house, and in Jerusalem that I have chosen out of
all the tribes of Israel, I will put My name forever.
2Ch 33:8 And I will not again remove the foot of Israel from off the ground that I appointed to your
fathers; only, if they take heed to do all that I have commanded them toward all the Law, and the
statutes, and the ordinances by the hand of Moses.
2Ch 33:9 And Manasseh caused Judah and the people of Jerusalem to sin, to do evil above the nations
that YHWH destroyed before the sons of Israel.
2Ki 23:26 However, YHWH did not turn away from the fury of His great anger with which His anger

glowed against Judah, because of all the provocations with which Manasseh had provoked Him.
2Ki 23:27 And YHWH said, I will also turn away Judah from My face, as I turned Israel away, and I will
reject this city that I have chosen, Jerusalem, and the house of which I have said, My name shall be there.
2Ki 24:3 Only at the mouth of YHWH this came upon Judah, to remove them from His presence for the
sins of Manasseh, according to all he did,
2Ki 24:4 and also the innocent blood that he shed; for he filled Jerusalem with innocent blood, and
YHWH was not willing to forgive.
Jer 15:4 And I will make them a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth, because of Manasseh, the son of
Hezekiah, king of Judah; for what he did in Jerusalem.
Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the
western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from
the sorcery of ancient Babylon and…Pharaohic Egypt.
— Craig Heimbichner: Blood on the Altar
The Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic writings that are as demonic as any incantation ever uttered in
witchcraft. Webster’s Dictionary tells us the Cabala (sometimes spelled Kabbala) is “an occult religious
philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis…”
— James Lloyd
The Apocalypse Chronicles
(Vol. VII, No. 1, 2005)
Margie Martin, in her informed, unpublished manuscript for her upcoming book, The Molten Image, explains
that the Tarot cards of witches and occultists are of Jewish origin and correspond with the 22 letters of the
Hebrew alphabet.
The basic teaching of Qabalah is found in the 32 Paths of Wisdom upon a ” Tree of Life”, as stated in its oldest
written text called the Sepher Yetzirah, translated as Book of Formation. These 32 paths are divided into the 10
numbers from 1 to 10 and the 22 letters/symbols of the Hebrew alphabet. Everything was created out of these
32 Pathways of Wisdom, and Man, as stated in the Bible, being in the “image and likeness” of YHVH, the Soul
of the Qabalah, male/female, is said to be the most perfect and complete expression of these 32 Paths, a
veritable Tree of Life. This would explain why the Essenes revered the tree, symbolically and in reality, and
considered its fruit the best food for a human’s diet. Taking this concept of each of us as a Tree of Life with 32
Paths of Wisdom, it should manifest in our bodies. Sure enough, we need look no further than two of the most
fundamental structures of our bodies, which bear considerable responsibility for our health and beauty: the spine
and teeth, both normally comprised of 32 structural elements. And there’s more: 32 corresponds to our 10
fingers upon which we count numbers and do the creative outer work of our DNA, and 22 corresponds to our
chromosomes, minus the one that determines gender. Timothy Leary’s book “The Game of Life”, written in the
1980’s, relates the 23 chromosomes to the 22 Hebrew letters and 22 major arcana of the Tarot.
The Golem
The magic of the Cabala calls for many uses of the occultic star. Both the five pointed star and six-pointed star
are used by Jewish magicians who work the Cabala formulas and rituals. An enduring cabalistic tale is that of
the Golem. In medieval times, it was taught that by use of the magic word and by other means, an inanimate
man made of clay or dust could be made to come alive.
A huge and powerful monster, or beast, the Golem would then do the magician’s bidding. In 1920, the classic

film Der Golem created a stir. Directed by Paul Wegener, Der Golem depicted the monster variously wearing
either the five-pointed star with one point up (white magic) or two points up (satanic). Also the six pointed Star
of David played a part in the film’s plot as a Jewish Rabbi, Rabbi Low, using the secret word “AemAct”
brought life and breath into the artificial man.

The Golem is a picture of ‘Adam Kadmon.’ Adam Kadmon, in Kabbalistic thought, is the ‘perfect man,’ or the
evolved ‘god-man.’ This will be discussed in more detail, Yah willing, on the final part of this series on DNA.

Eliphas Levi’s Pentagram, figure of the microcosm, the magical formula of man.

Adam & Chavah joined together…as above so below, union of the opposites to bring forth the ‘tetragrammaton’
or the sacred name. This image represents man becoming a god with his eyes being opened knowing good and

Resources for Chapter 9:

777 -
Adam Clarke's Commentary on the Bible

Aestheteka -
Allah - the Moon God -
Ancient Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible - Jeff Benner

Antiquities of the Jews - Flavius Josephus

The Apocalypse Chronicles - James Lloyd

The Aramaic Targum

Bible Wheel - Richard McGough -

Blood on the Altar - Craig Heimbichner

Brown Driver Briggs Hebrew Definitions

Celt, Druid and Culdee - Isabel Hill Elder

Conversations with the Goddess - Mark Amaru Pinkham

The Dead Sea Scrolls Bible
The Easter Lily -
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol. 2
The Goat Hair Tent - Jeff Benner -
Guardians of the Grail - J.R. Church
The Hebrew Goddess - Raphael Patai
The Hebrew TaNaKH
The Hidden Life in Freemasonry - C.W. Leadbeater

Hidden Secrets Of The Eastern Star - Cathy Burns

Hieroglyphic Monad - John Dee

Hilal means Crescent -

History of Freemasonry: Its Legenardy Origins - Albert Mackey
Holy Blood Holy Grail - Michael Baigent, Richard Leigh & Henry Lincoln

Innana: Queen of Heaven and Earth

International Standard Bible Encyclopedia

Isis Unveiled - H.P. Blavatsky
James, Fausset, Brown Bible Commentary
Jewish Encyclopedia
The Jewish Religions: Its Influence Today - Elizabeth Dilling - http://snippits-and-
John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible

J. W. Etheridge English translation of Peshito New Testament

Keil & Delitzsch Commentary on the Old Testament

King James Version of the Holy Bible: 1769 Version

Leonardo da Vinci - Kenneth Clark

Lilith Pictures: with Adam and Eve -

The Lost Keys of Freemasonry - Manly P. Hall

Lost Secrets of the Sacred Ark - Laurence Gardner

Literal Translation of the Bible: Jay P. Green

Masonic Blazing Star -

Morals and Dogma - Albert Pike

The Myth of the Goddess

Now Is Dawning - Barbara Walker

The Number 216 - Holy of Holies (Oracle) - Richard McGough -

The Number 666 - God's Secret Place - Richard McGough-
The Number Five and Phi -
Pentacles, Pythagoras and the Mystery of Time - Bestia Mortale -
Pentacle vs. Pentagram -
Pictorial History of Magic and the Supernatural, by Maurice Besey
The Phoenix: An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy - Manly P. Hall
Phi and the Solar System -

Phi in the Bible-
The Prophet - Albert Rivera
The Pythagorean Triangle - George Oliver

The Return of the Serpents of Wisdom - Mark Amaru Pinkham

The Rose: A Marian Symbol -
The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception: Mythic Christianity - Max Heindel
Rulers of Evil - Tupper Saussy
The Sacred Pentagram - Gregory Peters
Satan's Door Revisited - Bill Schnoebelen
The Second Messiah - Christopher Knight & Richard Lomas

Secret Architecture of Our Nation's Capitol - David Ovason

The Secret Language Of Symbols – David Fontana
Secret Symbols of the Dollar Bill - David Ovason
Secret Teachings of All Ages - Manly P. Hall

Spear of Destiny – Trevor Ravenscroft

The Star of David - Asher Eder

Talmud: Erubin

Talmud: Niddah

Talmud: Shabbath

The Tetragrammaton - Rabbi Louis Jacobs-
The Theosophical Glossary

Total Onslaught: The Islamic Connection - Walter Veith

Thayer's Greek Definitions

The Theosophical Glossary

Two Babylons - Alexander Hislop

Uriel's Machine - Christopher Knight & Richard Lomas

The Visible Universe: chapters on the origin and construction of the heavens – John Ellard Gore
Who Was Hiram Abiff? J.S.M. Ward

I have used many resources throughout the years of compiling the information contained in this book and in
the next volume. First and foremost the Holy Scriptures are the most important source of Truth. We can
reference man all we want but if what man says doesn't line up with Scripture then it is worthless.

Barbara Aho's work on the mark of the beast has been a great source of information for this study. Her
website is I highly recommend her research as it is meticulously done and she
has done a much better job than I at giving sources for the information contained in her studies. Some of her
research is reproduced in this book and will be shared in volume 2 as well. In volume 2, the first chapter will
be in regards to the Holy Grail & the Merovingian bloodline. When first studying this subject, her research
was truly invaluable and led me to look into the subject matter even deeper on my own.

I have also been blessed by the work of Mike Hoggard in regards to DNA & the mark of the beast. His work
was a great second witness to what the Father was showing me years ago. His research is very well done and I
highly recommend his videos. As a matter of fact, some of the pictures contained in this book are from his
videos. His website is

Years ago when the Father began to lead me in this direction in regards to this understanding of the mark, I
was attending a teaching by a man named Bill Schoebelen entitled 'Sons of God and the Antichrist.' He made
mention of the mark of the beast being linked to a vaccine or something that changes the blood of man. This
idea was one of the initial seeds that the Father used to help me see more in depth as to what the mark of the
is. Bill Schoebelen has not just research the house of the wicked, as I have, but he has 'walked the walk' and
has knowledge based upon experience which is always greater than knowledge based upon book learning. I
can't recommend his works enough. His website is

The ancient Hebrew definitions that are used throughout the book are from Jeff Benner's lexicon (Ancient
Hebrew Lexicon of the Bible). This is an excellent source to gain a better understanding of the ancient
Hebrew language. This understanding truly strengthens one's understanding of the Holy Scriptures.

David Ovason's works have been highly useful as well. His understanding of ancient & occult thought is
impressive and was very helpful in my research.

Volume 2 will discuss the Holy Grail which entails the Bloodlines, a false Yahshua,
the Knights Templars & Freemasonry and their links to the beast and his mark.
Zionism will also be discussed in detail and how it is one of the greatest tools of the
adversary to bring about his end time deception. The concept of as above, so below
will be discussed and how Genesis 6 and the days of Noah will be replayed again in
the end. Finally, the philosopher's stone & DNA will be discussed in detail and how
the changing of man into 'god' is the last and greatest seduction that Satan offers


This book contains copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright
owner. It is being made available in an effort to advance the understanding of environmental, political, human rights,
economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, and so on. It is believed that this constitutes a 'fair use' of any
such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C.
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