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fashion and

communications in
art and design

Submitted by: Iqra Iqbal
Submitted to: musa syed
Semester: 2nd

What is visual communication?

In today’s world, visual communication is essential. From the
moment we wake up, majority of our actions, decisions and
perceptions are controlled by design. On daily basis street
signs, posters, billboards, advertisements, package labels,
logos, TV and etc. help us to access vital information about the
world around us. Featuring a broad range of media and
formats, each of these visual messages is designed with a
specific function, purpose and audience in mind.

The objectives of this unit

The main purpose of teaching this particular unit to the students was to
help them understand the relationship between visual communication
and arts. In this unit the students were aimed to design any product that
is not yet created or invented by anyone until now. Firstly the students
were supposed to create a rough sketch of their product, the main
purpose of it and how it would operate. Next the students chose the
target audience for their product. After that the students were instructed
to select three adjectives that would describe their product. Images were
selected according to the adjectives in order to create mood board. After
the constructing the mood board, logo of the product was designed, and
then an advertisement was created which would persuade the audience
to buy the product. Lastly, the packaging and product manual of the
product was designed. All of these assignments were designed on

Idea and inspiration of my product

In todays world everyone is usually running short of time due to
busy schedules. Hence at times it is impossible to maintain our
possessions one of which is maintenance of closet. My product is
based upon the idea of self-maintained closet, which is called ‘the
closet cleaner”. The device has the size of an average human arm.

How it would work?

The arms would be attached to the rod, which would be placed at
the back of the closet. As soon as the device would be turned on it
will clean up and organize all the items perfectly just like a normal
human tend to fold and hang them. After that the user may turn it
off and put the device to sleep. Once the device turned off it would
charge itself for the next use. The entire process of closet
maintenance will normally take 10 minutes.

Target audience

Target audience is described as group of consumers within the
predetermined target market. The target audience of my product
is youngsters because maintaining closets is a big deal for them
(including myself). However elderly people who are busy in there
jobs/business can also use this product.

The demographics of my targeted furniture is listed below:
AGE: 16 and above
GENDER: male/female
SOCIO ECONOMIC CLASS: upper middle and elite class
LOCATION: urban cities

The psychographics of my targeted audience are the people who
enjoy luxurious lifestyle as it is designed for luxurious purpose.
Moreover youngsters tend to be more unorganized and messy
therefore this product is suitable for them.


The price of my product is $1499. The price is very justified for
this product as the warranty is five years and also the target
audience can easily afford this product.

Title and sketch of the product

The name of my product is “The closet cleaner” which pretty much
describes its purpose too. The image below shows the sketch of
my product

Mood board

The next objective was to construct a mood board using
Photoshop. The mood had to be designed according to the
overall theme of this particular unit. My theme was
minimalism, which is an art form that emphasizes extreme
simplification of form, as by the use of basic shapes and
monochromatic palettes of primary colors. Hence the
pictures of my mood board depict my overall theme.
The pictures of the mood board were selected according to
the adjectives that described my product. My adjectives
• Innovative
• Time saving
• Efficient
I did an extensive research for the pictures; the pictures
not only had to represent my art form but also had to
define my adjectives. I chose 10 pictures out of which 3 got
selected for my mood board. The mood board not only
contained the images that would describe our products but
also the theme colors or color palette of our overall project.

The images below are the ones, which I used to create my
mood board:

This is how my mood board looked after its completion:


The next task was to design a logo for our product. Logo
holds great importance when a seller wants to sell or
introduce their product to the market. The purpose of logo
is to convey your brand message or image. It helps to
promote business and builds brand identity.

Logos generally have plain backgrounds and they focus
only on what the seller wants audience to notice. For my
logo I decided to portray a hand and a closet as it clearly
describes my product and its purpose.

Hence on the photo shop, I designed my logo and placed a
closet over an image of a hand. The color and style of my
logo is minimal. I designed the logo with the help of tools
like crop tool, move tool on the Photoshop.


The purpose of advertisement is to attract the attention of
people towards products and services. Thus, the ultimate
aim is to create awareness in the minds of people, about
the availability of product and services and influence them
to buy the same. Hence for my advertisement of closet
cleaner I decided to create an interactive tone with my
audience as it says” worry no more about the messy closet,
because the closet cleaner is here”. By directly addressing
the audience a connection is formed between the buyer
and seller. Hence in this way the audience gets persuaded
to buy the product. I used gradient tool on Photoshop to
make the background of my advertisement and then added
a closet and the text on it (mentioned above).

Product packaging

Product packaging holds great importance as it
differentiates one brand from the other. The color and
shape may also influence the buyer to purchase it. It also
acts as a marketing tool and also creates brand recognition.
For my packaging I used pen tool in Photoshop and made
the shape that I wanted. The packaging is very simple its
plain white and has a logo at the top of it.

User manual

The last step for this project was to create a user manual
for the consumers. User manual help the audience to
understand how the product works. It demonstrates
everything step by step in the form of pictures and text.
Similarly for my manual I used rectangle tool to make three
portions. And then added pictures and text which clearly
explains how my product would work.

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