Analyzing Assessments

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Jessica Maninang

Dr. Rippard


April 21, 2021

Analyzing Assessments

Class as a Whole

- As a whole, the class average sits at 67%, meaning that extra support will be needed for

the whole class so that the class average may be higher.

- The class needs more support on the topics of addition and division, as they averaged

60% for both these areas, compared to the 80% that they averaged for subtraction.

Individuals Doing Well

- Juan got a 100% overall, and in each separate area, so he is doing well and doesn’t show

any need to be provided extra support.

- Cody got an average of 93%, with an average of 100% in both subtraction and division.

In the category of addition, he averaged 80%, so a little extra practice may be helpful to

continue building these skills.

- Hugh averaged at 80%, showing the need for some support in subtraction and extra

support in division. He did average a 100% in addition, so a focus on division would be


Individuals Needing Extra Support

- Luke averaged 40% overall and within each category. This means that extra support is

needed in each category, as there is not one category that falls off more significantly than

the others.
- Nathan averaged a 47% overall, with 60% in both addition and division. Though he needs

extra support in those two categories, most attention should go towards subtraction as he

averaged a low of 20%.

- Sarah, who averaged at 53%, shows to be stronger in addition, with subtraction

following, and division being her weakest position. With some extra practice in addition,

she can continue building those skills, as well as in subtraction, but her primary focus in

further studying should be division.

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