The Theory of Hybrid: Automata

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The Theory of Hybrid Automata*

Thomas A. Henzingert
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
University of California at Berkeley

Abstract. We summarize several recent results about hy- Definition 1.1 [Hybrid automata] [5,36,3] A hybrid
brid automata. Our goal is to demonstrate that concepts automaton H consists of the following components.
from the theory of discrete concurrent systems can give
insights into partly continuous systems, and that methods
Variables. A finite set X = (21,.. .,xn} of real-
for the verification of finite-state systems can be used to
numbered variables. The number a is called
the dimension of H . We write X for the set
analyze certain systems with uncountable state spaces.
{ & I , . . . , in}
of dotted variables (which represent
first derivatives during continuous change), and
1 Hybrid Automata we write X' for the set {xi,.. .,xh} of primed
variables (which represent values at the conclu-
A hybrid automaton is a formal model for a dynami- sion of discrete change).
cal system with discrete and continuous components. Control graph. A finite directed multigraph (V,E ) .
The vertices in V are called control modes. The
1.1 Syntax edges in E are called control switches.
A paradigmatic example of a mixed discrete- Initial, invariant, and flow conditions, Three
continuous system is a digital controller of an analog vertex labeling functions init, inv, and flow that
plant. The discrete state of the controller is modeled assign to each control mode v E V three predi-
by the vertices of a graph (control modes), and the cates. Each initial condition init(v) is a predicate
discrete dynamics of the controller is modeled by the whose free variables are from X . Each invariant
edges of the graph (control switches). The continuous condition i n v ( v ) is a predicate whose free vari-
state of the plant is modeled by points in R",and the ables are from x.Each flow condition flow(v) is
continuous dynamics of the plant is modeled by flow a predicate whose free variables are from X U X .
conditions such as differential equations. The behav-
ior of the plant depends on the state of the controller: Jump conditions. An edge labeling function jump
each control mode determines a flow condition, and that assigns to each control switch e E E a predi-
each control switch may cause a discrete change in cate. Each jump condition jump(e) is a predicate
the state of the plant, as determined by a jump con- whose free variables are from X U X ' .
dition. Dually, the behavior of the controller depends Events. A finite set C of events, and an edge iabel-
on the state of the plant: each control mode contin- ing function event : E + C that assigns to each
uously observes an invariant condition of the plant control switch an event.
state, and by violating the invariant condition, a con-
tinuous change in the plant state will cause a control Example 1.1 [Temperature control] The hybrid au-
switch. tomaton of Figure 1 models a thermostat. The vari-
*This research was supported in part by the Office of Naval
able x represents the temperature. In control mode
Research Young Investigator award N00014-95-1-0520, by the Off, the heater is off, and the temperature falls ac-
National Science Foundation CAREER award CCR-9501708, cording to the flow condition x = - 0 . 1 ~ . In control
by the National Science Foundation grant CCR-9504469, by mode O n , the heater is on, and the temperature rises
the Air Force Office of Scientific Research contract F49620-93-
1-0056, and by the Advanced Research Projects Agency grant according to the flow condition k = 5-0.12. Initially,
NAG2-892. the heater is off and the temperature is 20 degrees.
tEmail: According to the jump condition x < 19, the heater

1043-6871/96 $5.00 0 1996 IEEE

i n v ( v ) [ X := x] are true. The set Q is called the

state space of H , and the subsets of Q are called
2 = 5 - 0.12
H -regions.

e -
A = CUIR>o.
Figure 1: Thermostat automaton
e For each event U E C, define (w, x ) ~ ( v x’) ’ , iff
there is a control switch e E E such that (1) the
may go on as soon as the temperature falls below 19 source of e is w and the target of e is w‘, (2) the
degrees. According to the invariant condition x 2 18, closed predicate j u m p ( e ) [ X ,X’ := x, x’] is true,
at the latest the heater will go on when the temper- and (3) event(e) = U .
ature falls to 18 degrees. 0
e For each nonnegative real 6 E R>o, define
(w,x)+(w’,x’)iff w = w’ and there a differ-
entiable function f : [O,S]-+ IR”, with the first
1.2 Safe Semantics
derivative i:(0, S) + Wn,such that (1) f(0) = x
The execution of a hybrid automaton results in con- and f(S) = x’, and (2) for all reals E E (O,S),
tinuous change (flows) and discrete change (jumps). both inv(w)[X := f ( ~ ) and
] f r o w ( v ) [ X , X :=
The mixed discrete-continuous dynamics can be ab- f ( ~ S(E)]
) , are true. The function f is called a
stracted by a fully discrete transition system. witness for the transition (w, x)+(w’, x’).

Definition 1.2 [Labeled transition systems] A la- The time-abstract transition system S& of H is the
beled transition system S consists of the following labeled transition system with the components Q , Qo,
components. B,and 3 for each b E B , defined as follows.
State space. A (possibly infinite) set Q of states, e Q and Qo are defined as above.
and a subset Qo Q of initial states.
e B = C U { T } , for some event T 6 C.
Transition relations. A (possibly infinite) set A of
labels, and for each label a E A , a binary relation 0 For each event B E C, define 4 as above.
-% on the state space Q . Each triple q g q ’ is
called a transition. 0 Define (TI,x);(w’, x’) iff there is a nonnegative
A subset R 5 Q of the state space is called a re- - such that (w,x)&(v’, x’).
real 6 E R>o
gion. Given a region R and a label a E A , we write
The time-abstract transition system Sg is called the
post,(R) = {q’ I 3q E R.q%q’} for the region of a-
time abstraction of the timed transition system Sk.
successors of R, and we write pre,(R) = { q I 3q’ E
R. q-%q’} for the region of a-predecessors of R. 0

For a given hybrid automaton, we define two labeled Remark. [Definition 1.31 The state space Q and
transition systems. Both transition systems represent the timed label set A are infinite. The time-abstract
discrete jumps by transitions. The timed transition label set B is finite. For all states q of a hybrid au-
system abstracts continuous flows by transitions, re- tomaton, q+q. Sequences of event transitions and
taining only information about the source, the tar- time transitions with duration (label) 0 are permit-
get, and the duration of each flow. The time-abstract ted, which generalizes the interleaving semantics for
transition system abstracts also the duration of flows. discrete concurrent systems [7].0

Definition 1.3 [Transition semantics of hybrid au- Remark. [Time vs. phase view] The time-abstract
tomata] The timed transition system Sh of the hybrid transition system 5’2, which projects away the time
automaton H is the labeled transition system with dimension, can be viewed as the phase portrait of the
the components Q , Qo, A , and 4 for each a E A , timed transition system S& [21]. 0
defined as follows.
Remark. [Time-silent transition semantics] None
0 Define Q,Qo V x IRn such that (w,x) E Q of the results presented in this paper change if the
iff the closed predicate i n v ( v ) [ X := x] is true, 7-transitions of time-abstract transition systems are
and ( v , x ) E Qo iff both init(w)[X := x] and considered silent [25]. 0

1.3 Live Semantics the parallel composition H1IIH2. The two hybrid au-
tomata H1 and H2 interact via joint events: if event
If we consider the infinite behavior of a hybrid au- a is both an event of H I and an event of H2, then
tomaton, then we are interested only in infinite se- H1 and H2 must synchronize on a-transitions; if a is
quences of transitions which do not converge in time. an event of H1 but not an event of Ha, then each a-
The divergence of time is a liveness assumption, and transition of H1 synchronizes with a 0-duration time
it is the only liveness assumption we need to con- transition of Ha, and vice versa. For each real S > 0,
sider [20, 271. A hybrid automaton is nonzeno if it a time transition of H I with duration S must syn-
cannot prevent time from diverging. Clearly, only chronize with a time transition of H2 with the same
nonzeno designs of real-time systems can be realized. duration.
Definition 1.4 [Live transition systems] Consider a Definition 1.6 [Product of transition systems] A
labeled transition system S and a state 90 of S. A consistency check for two labeled transition systems
qo-rooted trajectory of S is a finite or infinite sequence SI and S2 is an associative partial function @ on pairs
of pairs (ai,qi)i>l of labels ai E A and states qi E Q consisting of a transition from S I and a transition
such that qi-l%<i for all i 2 1. If qo is an initial state from S2. The product S 1 x S2 with respect to the
of S , then (ai, q i ) ; l l is an initialized trajectory of S. consistency check @ is the labeled transition system
A lave transition system ( S ,L ) is a pair consisting of with the state space Q1 x Q2, the set QY x Q$ of ini-
a labeled transition system S and a set L of infinite tial states, the label set range(@),and the following
initialized trajectories of S. The set L of infinite ini- transition relations: for each label a E range(@),de-
tialized trajectories is machine-closed for S if every fine (91,q 2 ) $ ( q i , 9;) iff there is a label al E A1 and
finite initialized trajectory of S is a prefix of some
a label a2 E A2 such that a is the (defined) result of
trajectory in L.l If (S,L ) is a live transition system, applying @ to the two transitions q1%q{ and q 2 3 q a .
and (ai,q i ) j > l is either a finite initialized trajectory 0
of S or a trajectory in L , then the corresponding se-
quence (ai)j>l of labels is called a (finite or infinite) Definition 1.7 [Composition of hybrid automata]
trace of (s,E). 0 Consider two hybrid automata H1 and H2. A transi-
tion 9 1 3 9 ; of Skl and a transition 9 2 3 9 ; of Sh2 are
Definition 1.5 [Trace semantics of hybrid au- consistent if one of the following three conditions is
tomata] We associate with each transition of the true.
timed transition system S& a duration in R>o. For
events (T E C, the duration of q q q ' is 0. For reals 1. a1 = a2. In this case, the consistency check
6 E R>o, the duration of q+q' is S. An infinite tra- @= applied to the transitions q l 3 q i and ~ 2 3 9 ;
jectory (ai, q i ) i > l of the timed transition system S& yields a l .
diverges if the infinite sum diverges, where
each Si is the duration of the corresponding transi- 2. a1 E Cl\& and Q2 = 0. In this case, the consis-
tion qi-laqi. An infinite trajectory ( b i , qi)i>l of the tency check @= yields a l .
time-abstract transition system 5:' daverges if there 3. a1 = 0 and a2 E C2\&. In this case, the consis-
is a divergent trajectory (ai,q;)i?l of gHsuch that for tency check @= yields a2.
all i 2 1, either ai = bi or a i , bi E. Let Lh be the
set of divergent initialized trajectories of the timed The timed transition system S&,l,Ha is defined to be
transition system S&, and let L& be set of divergent the product Skl x SL2 with respect to the consis
initialized trajectories of the time-abstract transition tency check @I=. The time-abstract transition sys-
system Sg. The hybrid automaton H is nonzeno if tem S&111H2 is defined to be the time abstraction of
L> is machine-closed for S& (or equivalently, L g is
machine-closed for S ;). Each trace of the live tran-
sition system (Sk,L h ) is called a timed trace of H ,
and each trace of the live transition system (S&,~5%) Example 1.2 [Railroad gate control] The hybrid au-
is called a time-abstract truce of H . 0 tomaton of Figure 2 models a train on a circular track
with a gate. The variable x represents the distance
1.4 Composition of the train from the gate. Initially, the speed of the
train is between 40 and 50 meters per second. At the
For two hybrid automata H1 and Ha, we define the distance of 1000 meters from the gate, the train issues
timed semantics and the time-abstract semantics of an approach event and may slow down to 30 meters
l Assuming that every initial state of S has a successorstate. per second. At the distance of 100 meters past the

Figure 2: Train automaton

Figure 4: Gate automaton

Remark. [Shared variables] The consistency check

@= depends only on the transition labels, and not
on the source and target states of transitions.
ternative consistency checks can be used to model
read-shared and even write-shared variables of hybrid
automata [$I. 0

Remark. [Time-abstract hybrid automata] The
time-abstract transition system Sg is generdly
exit\) (/exit different from the product x SH2
of the time-
abstract component systems. This is not the citse for
tzme-abstract hybrzd Q U ~ O T M I ~ Q[21]" Tir?ae-absln.xt
Figure 3: Controller automaton design is desirable, because many useful properties
of time-abstract component systems are inherited by
the compound system. 0
gate, the train issues an exit event. The circular track
is between 2000 and 5000 meters long. We write jump Remark. [Receptiveness] The composition of two
conditions as guarded commands, which allows us to nonzeno hybrid automata is not necessarily nonzeno.
suppress conjuncts of the form x' = x. In particular, It is an interesting modeling problem for real-time
the jump condition of the control switch from Near systems to guarantee the liveness of compound de-
to Past is x = 0 A 2' = x, and the jump condition signs [l,33, 321. 0
from Past to Far is x = -100 A 1900 _< x' _< 4900.
The hybrid automaton of Figure 3 models the gate
controller. The variable U is a symbolic constant 2 On the Trace Ea
that represents the reaction delay of the controller. Hybrid Automata
The variable z is a clock for measuring elapsed time.
When an approach event is received, the controller is- We identify which requirements on the traces of a hy-
sues a lower event within U seconds, and when an exit brid automaton can be checked algorithmically, and
event is received, the controller issues a raise event which cannot.
within U seconds. The hybrid automaton of Figure 4
models the gate. The variable y represents the posi-
2.1 Verification Tasks
tion of the gate in degrees. Initially, the gate is open
(y = 90). When a lower event is received, the gate We study four paradigmatic questions about the
starts closing at the rate of 9 degrees per second, and traces of a hybrid automaton. The reachabilitg prob-
when a raise event is received, the gate starts open- lem is a fundamental subtask for the verification of
ing at the same rate. Which values of the symbolic safety requirements, and the emptiness problem is a.
constant U ensure that the gate is fully closed (y = 0) fundamental subtask for the verification of liveness
whenever the train is within 10 meters of the gate requirements. The timed trace inclusion problem
(-10 5 x 5 lo)? 0 compares the traces of a hybrid automaton agaiust

a timed specification, and the time-abstract trace in- 1. For each control mode U of H , the initial con-
clusion problem compares the traces of a hybrid au- dition init(w) has the form X E for
tomaton against a time-abstract specification. a bounded n-dimensional rectangle Izn't("),and
the invariant condition anw(v) has the form X E
Definition 2.1 [Reachability, emptiness, and trace I"'"(") for an n-dimensional rectangle Is""(").
inclusion] The reachability problem for a class 31 of
hybrid automata asks, given a hybrid automaton H
2. There is a bounded n-dimensional rectangle Iflow
such that for each control mode w of H , the flow
from 31 and a control mode U of H , if there is an ini-
tialized trajectory of Sh (or equivalently, S&) that condition frow(w) has the form X E Iflow.
visits a state of the form (U,x). The emptiness prob- 3. For each control switch e of HI the jump condi-
lem for 31 asks, given a hybrid automaton H from 31, tion jump(w) has the form X E IPm(")A Y' =
if there is a divergent initialized trajectory of S& (or Y A X' E IPost(e)for two n-dimensional rect-
equivalently, 5';). The (finitary) timed trace inclu- angles IPre(")and Post("), and a set Y E X of
saon problem for % asks, given two hybrid automata variables. The control switch e is said to reini-
H I and Hz from 31, if every (finite) timed trace of tialize the variables in X\Y. For all 1 5 i 5 n,
H I is also a timed trace of Ha. The (finitary) time- if the variable xi is reinitialized by e , then the
abstract trace inclusion problem for %! asks, given two interval 1post(') must be bounded.
hybrid automata H1 and Hz from 31, if every (finite)
time-abstract trace of H1 is also a time-abstract trace The rectangular automaton H is a szngular ClUtO?nQ-
of Ha. cl ton if the flow rectangle Iflowis a singleton. The sin-
gular automaton H is a timed automaton if Iflow=
Remark. [Definition 2.11 Some of these problems [I,11". 0
are harder than others. In particular, reachability
can be reduced to finitary time-abstract trace inclu- Remark. [Clocks and drifting clocks] A clock can
sion, and emptiness can be reduced to time-abstract be modeled by a variable x, with the flow interval
trace inclusion. Also, finitary trace inclusion can be Ifow = [l,11. All variables of a timed automaton
reduced to trace inclusion. 13 are clocks [6]. A clock with drift E , for E E Q p ,
can be modeled by a variable with the flow interval
[l - E , 1+ E ] [la, 301.
2.2 Rectangular Automata
Remark. [Composition] Timed, singular, and
A hybrid automaton is rectangular if the flow condi- rectangular automata are closed under composition:
tions are independent of the control modes, and the for two timed (singular; rectangular) automata H1
variables are pairwise independent. Specifically, in and Ha, we can construct a timed (singular; rectan-
each control mode of a rectangular automaton, the gular) automaton H such that Sh = S&11,H2 (and
first derivative of each variable is given a range of
therefore, S& = S$~,lH2). If the dimension of H I is
possible values, and that range does not change with
n1 and the dimension of H Z is nz, then the dimension
control switches. With each control switch of a rect-
of H is n l + n z . 0
angular automaton, the value of each variable is ei-
ther left unchanged, or changed nondeterministically We define two generalizations of rectangular au-
to a new value within a given range of possibilities. tomata. Multirectangular automata allow flow condi-
The behaviors of the variables are decoupled, because tions that vary with control switches, and triangular
the ranges of possible values and derivative values for automata allow the comparison of variables.
one variable cannot depend on the value or derivative
value of another variable. Definition 2.3 [Multirectangular and triangular au-
tomata] A hybrid automaton H is a multirectangular
Definition 2.2 [Rectangular automata] [38, 261 A automaton if the restrictions of Definition 2.2 are met,
rectangle I = n,,,,, Ii of dimension n is the product except that different control modes U and U' of H may
of n intervals Ii 5 R of the real line, each with ratio- have different flow rectangles Iflow(u)and Iflow(u').
nal or infinite endpoints. The rectangle I is bounded The multirectangular automaton H is a multzsingular
(a singleton) if each interval Ii, for 1 5 i 5 n, is automaton if all flow rectangles of H are singletons.
bounded (a singleton). A hybrid automaton H is a The intersection of an n-dimensional rectangle with
rectangular automaton if the following three restric- any number of half-spaces of R" that are defined by
tions are met. Let X = { X I , . . . , 2,) be the set of inequalities of the form xi 5 x j , for 1 5 i , j n, is
variables of H . called a trzangle of damensaon n. A hybrid automaton

is a triangular automaton if the restrictions of Defi- Theorem 2.1 [Time-abstract traces] [26] For eu-
nition 2.2 are met, except that every rectangle may ery rectangular automaton H , the set of finite time-
be a triangle. 0 abstmct tmces of H is regular, and the set of infinite
time-abstmct tmces of H is w-regular.
Remark. [Stopwatches and symbolic constants] A
stopwatch can be modeled by a multisingular vari- Proof. Given an rectangular automaton H of di-
able xi with the two flow intervals = [l,11 mension n, we can construct a singular automaton
(the stopwatch is turned on) and If ow(v)) = H' of dimension 2n such that H and HI have the
[Ol 01
same timed traces. The construction replaces each
(the stopwatch is turned off). Stopwatches are use-
variable xi of H by a variable xf of HI that tracks
ful for measuring accumulated durations, such as the
the smallest possible value of xi, and a variable xr
cumulative amount of time that is spent in control
of H' that tracks the largest possible value of H'.
mode v [4,31]. An unknown system constant can be
In particular, if xi has the flow interval [A?, U], then xf
modeled by a singular variable xj with the flow inter-
has the flow interval [A?, e] and xY has the flow interval
val IF"' = [O,O] such that (1) xj is not reinitialized
by any control switch, and (2) the behaviors of other
[U,U]. Alur and Dill have shown that for every timed
automaton HI one can construct a Biichi automaton
variables may depend on the (unknown but constant) H" whose traces are exactly the time-abstract traces
value of xj [9]. of H' (see Theorem 3.2 below). Their construction
can be generalized to singular automata. 0
Remark. [Initialized multirectangular automata]
Some multirectangular automata can be translated to Corollary 2.1 [Time-abstract trace inclusion] The
rectangular automata by increasing the dimension. In time-abstract tmce inclusion problem for rectangular
particular, this is the case for initialized multirectan- automata can be decided an EXPSPACE.
gular automata, where for each variable xi and each
control switch e , if the flow interval Ipw(u) of the Remark. [Emptiness] The emptiness problem for
source v of e is different from the flow interval If
0 w (U 1 ) rectangular automata is in PSPACE, and the addi-
of the target V I of e , then xi is reinitialized by e [38]. tional exponential for time-abstract trace inclusion
0 is caused by an intermediate complementation step.
PSPACE emptiness checking is optimal, because al-
Example 2.1 [Railroad gate control] The train au- ready the reachability problem for timed automata
tomaton of Figure 2 is an initialized 1D multirectan- (and other real-time formalisms) is PSPACEhard [SI.
gular automaton and can be translated to a 2D rect- 0
angular automaton with the same timed traces. The Rectangular automata characterize an exact bound-
controller automaton of Figure 3 is a 2D triangular ary between the decidability and undecidability of
automaton with a clock z and a symbolic constant U. verification problems. If the flow conditions are al-
If the reaction delay U of the controller is known (say, lowed to vary with control switches (multirectangu-
5 seconds), then the controller can be modeled by a lar automata), or if the values of different variables
1D timed automaton. The gate automaton of Fig- may be related (triangular automata), then already
ure 4 is a 1D multisingular automaton (not initial- the reachability problem cannot be decided.
ized). If the direction of the gate cannot be reversed
midway, then the gate can be modeled by a singular Theorem 2.2 [Reachability] [5] The reachability
automaton. 0 problems for multisingular automata and for trian-
gular automata are undecidable.
Remark. [Abstract interpretation] Nonsingular
flow intervals permit the conservative approximation Proof. Reduction from the halting problem for 2-
of complex continuous behavior with arbitrary accu- counter machines. 0
racy [22]: we may split the state space into regions Remark. [Theorem 2.21 Theorem 2.2 can be s h a r p
and within each region, use lower and upper bounds ened to more specific statements [9, 261. For exam-
on the first derivatives of all variables. 0 ple, the combination of clocks with a single stopwatch
causes undecidability, and so does the combination of
2.3 Verification Results clocks with symbolic constants. 0
The following theorem ensures the verifiability of We have focused on time-abstract trace inclusion, be-
rectangular automata against time-abstract finite- cause there is no hope for deciding timed trace inclu-
state specifications. sion.

Theorem 2.3 [Timed trace inclusion] [6] The fini- symbolic analysis of S if (1) T is decidable, (2) T is
tary timed trace inclusion problem for timed automata effectively closed under boolean operations and tran-
is undecidable. sitions, and (3) there is a predicate of T that defines
the set of initial states of S. 0
Remark. [Complementation] Theorem 2.3 does
not contradict the decidability of the emptiness prob- Definition 3.2 [Similarity, bisimilarity, and trace
lem for timed automata (which follows from Theo- equivalence] Consider a labeled transition system S
rem 2.1), because the (finitary) timed trace sets of with the state space Q, and an equivalence relation
timed automata are not closed under complement [6]. M on Q . A =-simulation 5 of S is a binary relation on
0 Q such that q 5 r implies (1) q m r and (2) for each
label a of S, if qAq', then there exists a state r' such
that r 4 r ' and q' 5 r'. A symmetric =-simulation is
3 On the State Spaces of called a m-bisimulation. Two states q and r of S are
Hybrid Automata %-similar if there is a %-simulation 5 such that q 5 r
and r 5 q. The two states q and r are B-bisimilar if
Since the state space of a nontrivial hybrid automa- there is a =-bisimulation N such that q N r. The two
ton is infinite, it cannot be explored by enumerat- states q and r are trace equivalent if the labeled tran-
ing states. We analyze the state space of a hybrid sition systems SIQo := {q}] and SIQo := {r}] have
automaton by computing with finite symbolic repre- the same finite traces. If T is a theory for S, and iP is
sentations of infinite regions. For example, if x is a a set of predicates from T , then the %'-(bi)similarity
real-numbered variable, then the predicate 1 5 2 5 5 relation of S is called Q-(bi)simiZarity. 0
is a finite symbolic representation of an infinite set of
real numbers. Remark. [Definition 3.21 We remind the reader of
some well-known facts from concurrency theory. If
3.1 Symbolic Analysis of Transition two states q and r are m-bisimilar, then q and r are
also =-similar. If there is an equivalence relation M
such that the two states q and r are %-similar, then
A labeled transition system can be analyzed using q and r are trace equivalent. The converse of either
symbolic representations of regions if there are algo- statement is not necessarily true. 0
rithms for performing certain operations on the sym-
Bisimilarity and similarity relations of a labeled tran-
bolic representations.
sition system S can be defined as greatest fixpoints
Definition 3.1 [Theories for transition systems] of a monotonic operator, and approximated by iterat-
Consider a labeled transition system S with the state ing the operator. The iteration can be performed in a
space Q . A theory T for S is a set of predicates that theory that permits the symbolic analysis of S. The
are assigned truth values by the states in Q . Given iteration terminates iff the approximated equivalence
a predicate p of T , we write b] for the set of states relation has finitely many equivalence classes.
in Q that satisfy p , and we say that p defines the
region b] C Q . A set iP of predicates from T in- Definition 3.3 [Finitary equivalences] An equiva-
duces an equivalence relation =' on &: for all states lence relation N is called finitary if there are finitely
q and r of S, define q 'M r iff q and r satisfy the many --equivalence classes. 0
same predicates in Q. The theory T is decidable if
Proposition 3.1 [Symbolic bisimilarity approxima-
for each predicate p of T , it can be decided whether
tion] Let S be a labeled transition system with a finite
[[iDlI is empty. The theory T is effectively closed un-
label set, let T be a theory that permits the symbolic
der boolean operations if for all predicates p l and p2
analysis of S, and let 0 be a finite set of predicates
of T , one can construct a predicate Or(p1,pz) of T
that defines the region I[p1] U [[pz], and a predicate
from T . Each step of the procedure BisimApprox
(Figure 5) is effective, and upon termination the pro-
Not(p1) that defines the region &\BPI]. The theory
cedure returns the @-bisimilarity relation of S. Fur-
T is effectively closed under transitions if for each
thermore, the procedure BisimApprox terminates iff
predicate p of T , and each label a of S, one can con-
the iP-bisimilarity relation of S is finitary. 0
struct a predicate Post(p,a) of T that defines the
region post,(bpll),2 and a predicate Pre(p, a ) that de- Proposition 3.2 [Symbolic similarity approxima-
fines the region p r e , ( b ] ) . The theory T permits the tion] [19] Let S, T , and Q be as in Proposition 3.1.
'Effective closure under post is not required for the results Each step of the procedure SimApprox (Figure 6) is
presented in this paper. effective, and upon termination the procedure returns

procedure BisimApprox:
Input: a labeled transition system S with label set A , and a set of predicates.
Output: the set II of equivalence classes of the if?,-bisimilarityrelation of S.
let II be the set of %‘-equivalence classes;
while there are two regions R, R’ E Il and a label a 6 A such that
both Rnpre,(R’) and R\pre,(R’) are nonempty do
( R I ,Rz):= ( R n pre,(R’), R\pre,(R’));
= (n\{R}) U {Ri, Rz}
return Il.

Figure 5: Symbolic bisimilarity computation

the @-similarityrelation of S. Furthermore, the pro-

cedure SimApprox terminates iff the @-similarityre-
lation of S is finitary. 0 [RIF = F ( R )

Remark. [Proposition 3.21 For two states q and r The legal formula 6, of the ( S ,T)-based p-calculus de-
of S , there is a %-simulation 5 with q 5 r iff upon fines the region [6,] = [$IF, for some map F . The
termination of the procedure SimApprox, q E R and formula 6, is existential if every occurrence of an a
r E sim(R) for some region R E II. 0 connective lies within an even number of negations,
and 6, is universal if every occurrence of an 33 con-
If a finitary bisimilarity or similarity relation of an nective lies within an odd number of negations. 0
infinite-state transition system S can be computed,
then many verification problems for S can be reduced Remark. [Negation-free p-formulas] Let V@$ stand
to finite-state problems. Alternatively, if a verifica- for 4@+, and let vR. 6, stand for ( y R . -6,[R :=
tion task can be stated in the p-calculus, then we may
compute directly on the infinite state space without
l R ] ) . Using the defined connectives A, a, and v ,
every formula of the p-calculus can be translated into
computing a finitary reduction. The p-calculus de- an equivalent formula in negation-free form, where all
fines monotonic operators on regions, and the itera- 1 connectives occur in front of predicates. If 6, is a
tion of these operators can be performed in a theory formula in negation-free form, then 6, is existential iff
that permits the symbolic analysis of S. The itera- 6, contains no occurrence of the connective, and
tion is guaranteed to terminate if a suitable finitary
reduction of the state space exists.
6, is universal iff 6, contains no occurrence of the a
connective. 0
Definition 3.4 [The p-calculus] Consider a labeled Remark. [Reachability and controllability] We
transition system S with the state space Q, and a mention two of the many system requirements that
theory T for S. The formulas of the ( S ,T)-based p- can be checked using the p-calculus. Let S be a
calculus are generated by the grammar labeled transition system with a finite label set A ,
let p’ be a predicate that defines the set of initial
states of SI and let p* be a predicate that defines a
for predicates p of T , labels a of S , and region vari- set of error states of S. There is no trajectory from
ables R. A formula of the (S,T)-based p-calculus is an initial state to an error state iff the existential p-
legal if each occurrence of a region variable is bound formulap’ A (pR. p* V VaEA3@R) defines the empty
by a p-quantifier and separated from the quantifier region. Suppose that the behavior of S can be in-
by an even number of negations. Given a map F fluenced by applying a control map that maps each
that assigns to each region variable a region of S, ev- state of S to a label in A [35]: during the execution
ery subformula of a legal formula of the ( S ,T)-based of S , in each state q, the control map chooses a la-
p-calculus defines a region 0[6,lF5 Q: bel a, and the system proceeds to an a-successor of q.
There is a control map that keeps the system from
entering an error state iff the existential j.-formula
po A (pR.p* V AaEA 3@R) defines the empty region.

procedure SimApprox:
Input: a labeled transition system S with label set A , and a set @ of predicates.
Output: the set II of equivalence classes of the @-similarityrelation of S .
let II be the set of %‘-equivalence classes;
f o r each region R II do sim(R) := R od;
while there are two regions R, R’ E II and a label a E A such that
both R npre,(sina(R’)) and sim(R)\pre,(sim(R’)) are nonempty do
(RI, Rz) := ( R npre,(sim(R’)),R\pre,(sim(R’)));
rI = (rI\{RI) U { R l h
sdm(R1) := aim(R)npre,(sim(R’));
if R2 is nonempty then II := II U {Rz}; sim(R2) := sim(R) fi
return IT.

Figure 6: Symbolic similarity computation

procedure MuApproz(S, 4): are closed under simulators; that is, if q E R and
Input: a labeled transition system S, and a q 5 r for some @-simulation 5 , then r E R. 0
legal formula q5 of the p-calculus.
Output: a predicate p such that p and q5 de- Remark. [Termination] If the procedure BisimAp-
fine the same region of S . prox terminates, then the procedure SimApprox ter-
case q5 is a predicate p: minates also. The converse is not necessarily true.
return p For any given input formula, the procedure MuAp-
case 4 has the form 41 v 4 2 : prox may terminate even if the procedures SimAp-
return Or(MuApproz(S, & ) , MuApproz(S, $ 2 ) ) prox and BisimApprox do not terminate. This en-
case 4 has the form 14’: courages practical experimentation, especially since
return Not(MuApproz(S, 4’)) in practice, with concrete time and space constraints,
case 4 has the form 3@q5’: strong termination guarantees are always elusive. 0
return Pre(MuApproz(S, d’), a )
case q5 has the form pR. 4‘:
pl :=false; 3.2 Linear Hybrid Automata
pz :=p i ; pi := MuApproz(S, d’[R := pz]) The hybrid automata that can be analyzed symboli-
until bl]= bz]; cally in the theory of the reals with addition are called
return p1 linear.
end case.
Definition 3.5 [Linear hybrid automata] A linear
Proposition 3.3 [Symbolic p-calculus approxima-
tion] Let T be a theory that permits the symbolic anal-
term is an expression of the form ko klzl ... + +
kmxm, for real-numbered variables 21, . . .,x, and in-
ysis of the labeled transition system S , let 4 be a legal teger constants ] C O , . . . , k,. If tl and t z are linear
formula of the (S,T)-based p-calculus, and let CP be terms, then tl _< t 2 is a linear inequality. A hybrid
the set of predzcates that occur in 4. Each step of the automaton H is linear if the following two restrictions
procedure MuApprox is effective, and upon termina- are met.
tion the procedure returns a predicate p of T such that
51= [Id]. Furthermore, the procedure MuApprox is 1. The initial, invariant, flow,and jump conditions
guaranteed to terminate if the @-bisimilarity relation of H are boolean combinations of linear inequal-
of S is finitary. If 4 is existential or universal, then ities.
the procedure MuApprox is guaranteed to terminate
if the @-similarity relation of S is finitary. 0 2. If X is the set of variables of H , then the flow
conditions of H contain free variables from X
Proof. For termination, observe that each predicate only. 0
that is generated by the procedure MuApprox defines
a union of equivalence classes of the CP-bisimilarity Remark. [Definition 3.51 The linear hybrid au-
telation of S . Furthermore, if is existential, then tomata are closed under composition. All (multi)-
the operator Pre is applied only to regions R that rectangular automata and all triangular automata are

linear hybrid automata. The use of general linear hy- automata that are more general than linear hybrid
brid automata for approximating complex continuous automata and can be analyzed symbolically in the
behavior can be more efficient than the use of rectan- more powerful theory. The practicality of such a gen-
gular automata [29, 371. 0 eralization has not been studied, 0

Definition 3.6 [Theories for hybrid automata] Con-

sider a hybrid automaton H with the set X of vari- 3.3 Bisimilarity and Similarity Rela-
ables and the set V of control modes. An H-predicate tions
is a predicate whose free variables are boolean-valued
variables from V and real-valued variables from X . From Theorem 2.1 it follows that for every rectan-
gular automaton H , the trace equivalence relation of
A state (wlx) of H satisfies the H-predicate p if
the closed predicate p[w, V\{w}, X := true, false, x] the timeabstract transition system S3 j, is finitary. If
is true. The H-predicate p is linear if p is a boolean we can identify subclasses of rectangular automata
combination of (1) boolean-valued variables from V whose time-abstract transition systems have finitary
and (2) linear inequalities whose (real-valued) vari- similarity or bisimilary relations] then we obtain ter-
ables are from x. The linear H-predicate p is a rect- mination guarantees for the procedure MuApprox ap-
angular H-predicate if each linear inequality in p can plied to hybrid automata.
be written in the form z 5 k or 2 2 k, for a variable 2
and a rational constant k . An H-formula of the rect- Definition 3.7 [Timed and time-
angular c calculus is a formula of the (5’2,T)-based abstract (bi)similarity] Consider a hybrid automaton
ycalculus, for the set T of rectangular H-predicates. H and a set Q, of H-predicates. The Q,-(bi)similarity
0 relation of the timed transition system S& is called
the timed CP-(ba)similarity relation of HI and the CP-
Theorem 3.1 [Symbolic analysis of linear hybrid (bi)similarity relation of the time-abstract transition
automata] [5, 81 For every linear hybrid automa- system S& is called the time-abstract @-(bi)simiZarity
ton H, the set of linear H-predacates permits the relation of H . 0
symbolic analysis of the time-abstract transition sys-
tem SE. The fundamental theorem of timed automata shows
the existence of finitary time-abstract bisimilarity re-
Proof. The linear H-predicates are quantifier-free lations for timed automata. This result can be ex-
formulas of the first-order theory (RI <,0 , l ) of tended to singular automata.
the reals with addition, comparison, and integer con-
stants. Each time transition of a linear hybrid au- Theorem 3.2 [Time-abstract bisimilarity of singu-
tomaton has a witness that can be decomposed into lar automata] [6,5] If H is a singular automaton, and
a finite sequence of straight lines. Then, using quan- 0 is a finite set of rectangular H-predicates, then the
tification over the reals, the Post and Pre operations time-abstract 0-bisamilarity relation of H is finitary.
can be expressed in the theory (RI 5,0 , l ) . The
proof concludes with the observation that the first- Proof. A rectangular automaton H and a finite set
order theory (R, _<,0 , l ) admits quantifier elimina- Q, of rectangular H-predicates are normalized if all
tion. 0 non-flow interval endpoints in H and all constants
Remark. [Timed automata] The symbolic analysis in @ are integers. Normalization can be achieved
of singular automata does not require the full the- by multiplying all non-flow interval endpoints in H
ory of linear predicates, which leads to more efficient and all constants in CP by a suitably chosen inte-
implementations [18, 10, 11, 171. For a hybrid au- ger constant. Assuming that H and CP are normal-
tomaton A , a linear H-predicate p is a triangular H- ized, let K be the largest integer constant that oc-
predicate if each linear inequality in p can be written curs in H and CP. If H is a timed automaton] then
in the form z 5 k, z 2 IC, z _< y 8,or z 2 y IC, + the (finite) set 0 of triangular H-predicates with in-
teger constants no larger than K induces a finitary
for variables z and y and a rational constant k. For
every timed automaton HI the set of triangular H - Q,-bisimulation on the time-abstract transition sys-
tem S;. The first panel of Figure 7 shows the in-
predicates permits the symbolic analysis of the time-
abstract transition system S& [28]. 0 duced bisimulation on the unit square [0, 112 for a
2D timed automaton H. For instance, if w = U’ and
Remark. [Polynomial hybrid automata] Since the 0 < x1 < x2 < 1 and 0 < x: < x i < 1, then the two
theory of the reals with addition and multiplication states ( w , x ) and ( d , x ’ ) of H are time-abstract CP-
is decidable, it is possible to define a class of hybrid bisimilar. If H is a singular automaton, then a slight

Figure 7: Four finitary equivalence relations on the unit square

extension of triangular H-predicates needs to be con- Proof. The structure of the finitary time-abstract
sidered. For example, the second and third panels similarity relation is best illustrated with an exam-
of Figure 7 show the induced bisimulations on the ple. Let H be a 2D rectangular automaton with the
unit square for 2D singular automata with the flow flow rectangle [l,21 x [l,31. Assuming that H and Q,
rectangles [2, 21 x [l, 13 and 11, 13 x [3,3], respectively. are normalized, the fourth panel of Figure 7 shows a
U finitary kernel of a time-abstract @-simulationon the
unit square. The simulation is obtained by intersect-
Corollary 3.1 [Symbolicp-calculus model checking ing the bisimulations for the two cases of extrema1
for singular automata] The procedure MuApprox ter- flow: maximal X I and minimal i 2 , and vice versa. 0
minates if given the time-abstract transition system
of a singular automaton H and an H-formula 4 of Corollary 3.2 [Symbolic p-calculus model checking
the rectangular p-calculus. for 2D rectangular automata] The procedure MuAp-
prox terminates if given the tame-abstract transition
emark. [Nonsingular automata and nonrectan- system of a 2D rectangular automaton H and an ex-
gular predicates] Singular automata with rectangu- istential or universal H-formula $ of the rectangular
lar predicates identify a boundary between the exis- /.lCQlCUlUS.

tence and nonexistence of finitary bisimilarity rela-

tions. In fact, for the following three generalizations, Theorem 3.3 does not generalize to rectangular au-
bisimilarity degenerates to equality on infinite state tomata of arbitrary dimension.
spaces. Let @I = {XI = 11x2 = l t z l 5 Q} and
@2 = {XI = 1 , 2 2 = 1).
Theorem 3.4 [Time-abstract similarity of 3D rect-
angular automata] [25] Let Q, = {q= 1 , q = 1,z3 =
There is an (infinite-state) singular automaton H 1). There is an (infinite-state) 3D rectangular QU-
such that the time-abstract @I-bisimilarityrela- tomaton H such that the time-abstract @-similarity
tion of H is equality. relation of H is equality.

There is an (infinite-state) multisingular au- In summary, rectangular automata are a maximal

tomaton H such that the time-abstract @2- class of hybrid automata with finitary time-abstract
bisimilarity relation of H is equality. trace equivalence relations, 2D rectangular automata
are a maximal class of hybrid automata with fini-
There is an (infinite-state) 2D rectangular au- tary time-abstract similarity relations, and singular
tomaton H such that the time-abstract @2- automata are a maximal class of hybrid automata
bisimilarity relation of H is equality. with finitary time-abstract bisimilarity relations.
The boundary between the existence and nonexis- Remark. [Context-free equivalences] We have re-
tence of finitary similarity relations lies at 2D rect- stricted ourselves to decidability results that can be
angular automata. obtained by relating hybrid automata to finite au-
tomata. Additional decidability results can be ob-
Theorem 3.3 [Time-abstract similarity of 2D rect- tained by relating hybrid automata to pushdown au-
angular automata] 1191 If N is a 2D rectangular au- tomata [13, 151. Little is known, however, about
tomaton, and @ is a finite set of rectangular H - which classes of hybrid automata are time-abstract
predicates, then the time-abstract @-similarity rela- trace equivalent (similar; bisimilar) to pushdown au-
tion of H is finitary. tomata. 0

Remark. [Timed (bi)similarity] We have focused on 0 For each region R E R,define ( v , x ) ~ ( v ’ , x ’ )
time-abstract state space equivalences, because the iff there is a nonnegative real 6 f R ~ and o a
timed counterparts are infinitary already for nontriv- witness f for the transition ( ~ , x ) - + ( d , x ’such
ial timed automata. From Theorem 2.3 it follows that that for all reals E E (O,&], ( v , ~ ( E )E) R. The
for timed automata, the timed trace equivalence of real & is a possible duration of the transition
two states cannot be decided. It should be noted, (VIx ) 3 ( v ’ ,x’).
however, that timed similarity and timed bisimilarity
can be decided for timed automata. Specifically, if H An infinite trajectory (ci, q j ) i > l of the R-observa-
is a timed automaton, cP is a finite set of rectangular tional transition system SE &verges if there is an
H-predicates, and q and r are two states of HI then infinite sequence (&)j>o of reals such that (1) the in-
it can be decided if q and r are timed cP-(bi)similar finite sum &; diverges, and (2) for all a’ 2 0, ei-
[16, 391. 0 ther ai E C ana Si = 0, or ai E X and Si is a possible
duration of the corresponding transition qj-l%qi. A
set 0 of H-predicates permits the observational sym-
3.4 Computation Tkee Logics bolic analysis of the hybrid automaton H if @ permits
We have studied the structure of the timed and the symbolic analysis of the observational transition
time-abstract transition systems of hybrid automata. system S g , where R is the set of H-regions that are
These transition systems, however, may not be di- definable by predicates in cP. An equivalence relation
N on Q is an observational cP-(bi)similarity relation
rectly useful for (dis)proving assertions about the
behavior of a hybrid automaton H I because each of H if N is the cP-(bi)similarity relation of the obser-
trajectory of S& and 5’; only samples a piecewise- vational transition system 5’2, where R is the set of
continuous trajectory of H at certain discrete points. --equivalence classes. 0
In the following, we restrict ourselves to the time-
Since observational transition systems are defined in
abstract view. Since each time transition of Ss
a time-abstract way, the results of Theorems 3.1, 3.2,
abstracts all information about intermediate states
and 3.3 carry over from time-abstract to observational
that are visited, by looking only at a trajectory
transition systems.
of S i , it is impossible to check if the correspond-
ing piecewise-continuous trajectory of H visits any Proposition 3.4 [Observational symbolic analysis
given state or region. We solve this problem by defin- of linear hybrid automata] For every linear hybrid
ing (time-abstract) observational transition systems, automaton H , the set of linear H-predicates permits
where each time transition is labeled with a region: the observational symbolic analysis of H . Consider
the time transition t is labeled with the region R iff a finite set 0 of rectangular H-predicates. If H is
all intermediate states and the target state o f t lie a singular automaton, then there is a finitary obser-
within R. Thus, an observational transition system vational cP-bisimilarity relation of H. If H is a 2D
results from the continuous observation of a hybrid rectangular automaton, then there is a finitary obser-
automaton, with limited observational power: for a vational @-similarity relation of H .
given set R of regions, it can be observed whether
a continuous trajectory fragment stays within any of For (dis)proving assertions about the infinite behav-
the regions from R. ior of hybrid automata, we need to take into account
the liveness assumption that time diverges. Compu-
Definition 3.8 [Piecewise-continuous semantics of tation tree logics for hybrid automata are branching-
hybrid automata] Consider a hybrid automaton H time temporal logics for stating requirements about
and a set R of H-regions. The R-observational tran- divergent piecewise-continuous trajectories.
sition system SE of H is the labeled transition system
with the components &, Qo, A , and for each c E C, Definition 3.9 [Computation tree logics] Consider a
defined as f01lows.~ linear hybrid automaton H with the state space Q.
The H-formulas of linear CTLare generated by the
0 Q and Q0 are defined as in Definition 1.3. grammar
0 C=CUR.
4 ::= P I91 v 4 2 114 I413U9Z I 304
0 For each event E C, define 4 as in Defini-
for linear H-predicates p . Every H-formula of linear
tion 1.3.
CTLdefines an H-region 141C Q:
31f 72 = { R } for a single H-region R, then we write Sg for
the R-observational transition system S$ .

1[1411= Q\I[4lI a single control mode with the initial condition z = 0
q E [[+13U42]iff the observational transition and the invariant condition true, and a single control
system S ~ 1 v ' 2 has
1 a (finite) q-rooted switch with the jump condition z' = 0. If H is a hy-
trajectory that visits a state in [$2] brid automaton and z is not a variable of H , then the
q E [[304]l iff the observational transition composition HIIH, is called a clock extension of H.
system SEJhas a divergent q-rooted tra- A procedure is an eflective procedure for the observa-
j ectory tional symbolic analysis of the hybrid automaton H
if each step of the procedure is either effective or a
The H-formula 4 of linear CTL is an H-formula of subroutine call of the form MuApprox(SE!, +), for a
rectangular CTLif all predicates that occur in 4 are clock extension H' of H, a linear H'-predicate p , and
rectangular H-predicates. The H-formula 4 of rect- H ,,T)-based p-calculus, where
a formula 4 of the ( S[PI
angular CTLis an H-formula of rectangular ~ C T ifL T is the set of linear HI-predicates. 0
each occurence of the 3u connective in 4 and each
occurrence of the 3 0 connective in 4 lies within the Theorem 3.5 [From CTL to the p-calculus] [28, 81
scope of an even number of negations, and 4 is an Let H be a linear hybrid automaton and let 4 be an
H-formula of rectangular VCTL if all occurrences of H-formula of linear CTL. There is an effective pro-
3U and 3 0 lie within the scope of odd numbers of cedure for the observational symbolic analysis of H
negations. 0 which, upon termination, returns a linear H-predicate
p with I[pB = 141. Furthermore, the procedure is guar-
Remark. [Definition 3.91 The semantics of linear anteed to terminate af H is a singular automaton and
CTL is defined to be piecewise-continuous (it refers 4 is Q formulo of rectangular CTL, and if H as a 2D
to trajectories of observational rather than tiine- rectangular automaton and 4 as a formula of rectan-
abstract transition systems), live (it refers to diver- gular ~ C T or
L of rectangular VCTL.
gent trajectories), and strict (the temporal connec-
tives do not impose requirements on the current state; Proof. The CTLformula 413U42 can be translated
for example, a nonstrict version of 413U42 can be to the p-formula (pR.m(q52 V R ) ) ,for c = [[dl V
defined as 4 2 V (413U42)). The disjunction in the 421. The H-formula 3 0 4 can be translated to the HI-
semantic clause for the 324 connective is necessary, formula (vR. @U(4 A z = 1 A 43U(4A z = 0 A R ) ) ) ,
because a switch from $1 bcing true to $2 being truc where H' = HIIH, is a clock extension of H . The
may occur from a right-closed to a left-open interval. latter formula asserts that 4 is true throughout some
In the following, we write 3 0 4 for true3Uq5, and Voq5 infinite trajectory along which x = 1 is true infinitely
for 730-4. often and z = 0 is true infinitely often. This can be
the case if and only if the trajectory diverges. 0
If a system requirement is given as a formula of a
computation tree logic, then the corresponding veri- Corollary 3.3 [CTL model checking] The model-
fication task is a model-checking problem. checking problem for rectangular CTL is PSPACE-
decidable for singular automata. The model-checking
Definition 3.10 [Model checking] The model-check- problems for rectangular ~ C T and
L rectangular VCTL
ing problem for a class 7-1 of hybrid automata and are PSPACE-decidable for 2D rectangular automata.
a computation tree logic ,C asks, given a hybrid au-
tomaton H from 31 and an H-formula 4 from L , if Remark. [HYTECH] The procedure of 'I'heorem 3.5
[q5] contains all initial states of H . 0 for checking linear CTLrequirements of linear hybrid
automata has been implemented in the tool HYTECH
For a linear hybrid automaton H, an H-formula 4 of [23, 241. The procedure has been found to terminate
linear CTL can be translated into a formula 4' of the on several examples of practical interest that do not
p-calculus. The piecewise-continuity of linear CTL is fall into any of the classes for which a priori termina-
taken care of by interpreting 4' over an observational tion guarantees can be given [30]. 0
transition system SE,The liveness of linear CTL is
taken of by interpreting 4' over an extension of Sg Example 3.1 [Railroad gate control] Recall the
with a clock variable that can observe the divergence safety requirement for the railroad gate controller
of time. The translation leads to a model-checking from Example 1.2, namely, that the gate is fully
procedure for linear hybrid automata and linear CTL. closed whenever the train is within 10 meters of the
gate. This requirement is expressed by the formula
Definition 3.11 [Clock extension] A clock automa- (FarAldleAOpen) 3 V0(-10 5 z 5 10 -+ Closed)
ton H, is a timed automaton with a single variable, z , of rectangular VCTL. HYTECHsimplifies this CTL

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