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Homework Assignment

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Data and Societal Privacy

The term privacy is a common household name that could be to represent the idea of hiding or

making sure that there is no single amount of information availed. A discussion involving these

kind of behaviors do avail an option for an individual to have a keen of the circumstance in

which it’s being called on or the need for such an this essay we shall be evaluating two

different questions that is question 1 and 3 as availed in the discussion part, where we hope to

have elaborated on the same by the completion of this work.

Question 1

Cadillac Fairview being one of the county’s biggest housing organization, had decide to

install cameras in their stalls which was then utilized in capturing using face identification tech

and this was done with no consumer’s knowledge. They said that the main intention was just to

do a study check on the age together with the sexuality and never to pick on anyone as an

individual. They also however stated that all their shoppers had been given a prior notice of all

the operation that was happening, which the investigators established as being very vague.

However, they continue to state that they have never at any point taken particular facts on an


As a result of the OPC investigation, they stated that; the OPC statement does not show

that they did involve any technology in recognizing individual facts, that opc was for sure aware

that the whole case had been cleared and more so they had no interest in diving in the particular

stated type of the technological invention. Another statement produced by the Cadillac was that

their wireless connection rule was on the similar path with the requirements of the public

statutory and that their workings were very continuous just as the set minimum requirements and

therefore all the issues regarding the company’s wireless connection was very naïve and


From these claims laid forward by Cadillac company, show that there numerous holes in

the policies regarding the privacy law; the policy may not be able to protect it nationals from the

privacy invaders. This is because it does not provide a common definition of the privacy

invasion as a result of which everyone has their own definition of privacy invading due to this

Cadillac Fairview company set camera on its own citizens and still goes ahead to claim that they

were not dong any privacy invasion.

Furthermore, this is likely to lead to a situation where the customers begin to develop

mistrust with business operators with a feel that they will for sure infringe on their privacy. The

policy is considered not comprehensive, it does not give a well detailed definition of the can easily be by passed with just a simple or few adjustments just likely Cadillac

portrayed when they said that they were not trying it identify an individual but rather just picking

up on the gender and the age of those coming to do shopping.

The Cadillac company had they decided to fully bring in the use of the AVA technology

then, measure to regulate its operation would have been very necessary and hence measures such

as availing data collected and stating the legal grounds of its collection; those gadgets to be used

in collection are to be put in strategic positions that comply with privacy policies; that were very

crucial and did provide a proper structure that then was adopted in the Canadian constitution.

However rolling this kind kind of program is likely to meet a lot of resistance from the public

and even the law.GDPR became very common in most EU states and it meant that one policy

was to be adhered to by all the member states. All the trading within the EU states had to assure

of the privacy.


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