Speakout - Upper - Int. 8.2 - Ing - Infinitives

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AIR SHARE The Ultimatum Game Houhave been given £10. You have to offer some of J tis money to your partaer. Ifyou partner accepts your offer, ouspit the money as agreed Ffyur partner rejects the offer, telther of you keep anything You must decide how much AToney to ofer to your partner STS 1A Work in pairs and discuss. Read the instructions above for The Sharing Experiment, two games that test people's behaviour. What do you think the ‘games show about people? B Work alone. imagine you are playing the games. Write an amount from £0-£10, 1 The Ultimatum Game: Iwould keep £ and offer my partner £_. The lowest | would accept from my partneris £ 2 The Dictator Game: would keep £_and offer my partner £ € Compare your ideas with other students and discuss the questions. 1 How different are your results? 2 What did the two games show about your personality? 3 Do you think you would behave differently in a real-life situation than you did in the game? VOCABULARY VALUES 2 A Workin pairs. Match 1-6 with a)-f) to make sentences. 1 Ithink it shows that you havea sense of fairness, d 2 Itbrings out aggression in people. in fact, 3 enjoyed being in control 4 Here there's no equality because 5 imagine some people give more than they have to 6 There's no justice inthis game, a) jst as theres none in real life felt cheated and hard done by. b) and that’s why I kept all the money for myself. 'm surprised at my own greed. 4) one person has less power 4) especially ifyou split it 50-50 even though you don't have to. €) and that sort of generosity always surprises me. £)Ithink someone might try to hurt the other person. Ce connected speech: intrusive / The Dictator Game You have been given £10. You have to offer some of this money to your partner. Your partner has no choice and has to accept your offer. You must decide how much money to offer to your partner. B Write the words in bold in Exercise 2A next to their meanings. 1 being kind and willing to give 2 threatening behaviour 3 a situation where people have the same rights 4 the ability to make someone do something (2 words) 5 being reasonable in judgement (2 words) 6 strong desire for more money, food or other things € Discuss in pairs. Does each sentence in Exercise 2A refer to the Ultimatum Game, the Dictator Game or both? SITS 3A B82 Listen to two people, Heather and Dominic, play the Ultimatum Game and answer the questions. 1 How much did Dominic offer Heather? 2 Did she accept? 3. What reasons does Dominic give for his decision? 4 What does Heather say about the decision? 5 What was the lowest amount Heather would have accepted? B Discuss in pairs Did anything surprise you about the outcome of the game? How do you think Heather and Dominic will behave inthe Dictator Game? € 18.3. Listen to them play the Dictator Game and answer the questions. 1 How much did Dominic offer Heather? 2. What reasons does he give for his decision? 3 What does Heather say about the decision? D Work in groups and discuss. 1 How diferent were Dominic and Heathers results from yours in Exercise 187 2 How much do you identify with the reasons Dominic gave for his decisions in either game? 3 How much do you identify with Heather’ reaction? Were your reactions very different? GRAMMAR -ING FORM AND INFINITIVE 4 A Check what you know. Complete the article using the correct, form of the verb in brackets. Use the ing form, the infinitive or the infinitive + to. AN EXPERT COMMENTS ON e The Ultimatum Game Research shows that people tend*__to respond (respond) diferently ‘depending on thet cultural context and other factors. In Japan, players offered twice as much as those in Peru. But don't make the mistake of a (think that Japanese are more generous than Peruvians. Perhaps” ~ (be) generous in the game means you want people . “think you are in rea life, The game gives you the chance : {act) unselfishly r nt; some people are paying soa impress) people, i's important 1 someone " (Gee) as fair,’ eas it's usta game. ‘The Dictator Game I very interesting because no one would imagine 2 genuine dictator really * (share) money. Tue, some players would * (keep) everything, but most people lt their partner a have) 2 hare of the money Interestingly, mos fve-yearclds wall (share) atleast half ofthe money ~ theyre not interested in ® (have) the most, My opinion is that deep ‘down most human beings would rather cooperate) and avoid (exploit) others, inthe game and in ea ie. B Work in pairs and discuss. What surprised you the most? Do you agree with the last sentence? Workin pairs. Look atthe verb forms 1-15 inthe article and complete the table. “ing form, infinitive | example orinfinitive + to after a preposition to express purpose afte let someone or make someone ‘as part of a semi-fixed phrase, eg. It's important/ easy and the chance ‘a5 a subject or object (or | partof one ofthese) after modal verbs after certain verbs, eg. enjoy, avid, imagine after certain verbs. eg wont, would tik, tend infinitive + t0 | after had beter, would a rather [>page 142 LANGUAGEBANK (act) that way in the game because 5 A184 Work in pairs. complete ‘each sentence with an alternative that means the same as the modal verb in brackets. Then listen and check. 1 Idon't want _to/have fo _ refuse. (must) 2 hee way, (must) 3 Idontt seem up for myself (can) 4 Lenjoy___offer people help. (can) B CONNECTED SPEECH: intrusive /w/ Work in pairs. In sentences 1-4, circle to where itis pronounced /ta/ ‘and draw a box around it where itis pronounced /tuw/. C Listen again and check. What is the rule? Then listen and repeat. __ argue to get my _tostand 6 A Cross out the incorrect forms in the sentences. 1 | would rather being/to be/be a victim of unfairness than an unfair person It’s good that some parents make their children working/to work/work from an early age. Everyone is capable of cheating/ to cheat/cheat another person, given the right circumstances. Beware of anyone who says they can't stand losing/to lose/lose, as theyll do anything to win. A child should being/tobe/be taught when and how to be generous but not just earning/to eamn/eam the praise of others. It’s better giving/to give/give than receiving/to receive/receive. Being/To be/Be good is easy; what is dificult is being/to be/be just. (itor Huge) B Look at the sentences above. Tick (V) two that you agree with, and put 2 cross (X) next to two you disagree with. C Work in groups and compare your ideas. Who in your group agreed with you the most? speakout TIP Record patterns after verbs and phrases, ‘e.g, would rather (do), and write an ‘example: (4 rather stay at home. How might you record these phrases: look forward to..., had better... ? LANGUAGE BANK eas past and mixed conditionals hypothetical past conditional (third conditional) ‘conditional clause result clause If past perfect If + past perfect continuous would/might/could + have + pst participle Use this to talk about a hypothetical situation and result in the past. The situation cannot be changed. on had known cbout the problem, he would have helped. Ifyou hadn't overslept, we wouldn't have been late. Fora longer action, use the past perfect continuous. Ift hadn't been sitting there, we wouldn't have met. Itis common to use only one clause of the full conditional Why didn't you tell me you wanted some grapes? | could have bought you some, ('m surprised Paul didn‘ tell her what he thought. would have said something ‘A: Would you have done it? B: Yes, i'd noticed in time. -ing form and infinitive Use an infinitive + to: ‘after these verbs: afford, agree, ‘arrange, decide, expect, hope, intend, learn, manage, need, offer. plan, pretend, promise, refuse, seem, tend, threaten, want Examples We hope to start the ‘meeting at 9. They promised to be here early ater these verbs with an object: ask, ‘advise, expect, helpt, invite, persuade, remind, require, teach, want ‘After semi-fixed phrases: be good/ lucky/happy/necessary/the fist have the chance/opportunity/time, somewhere/something/nowhere/ rothing Will wants me to go to the party with him She was lucky to get the job. There's nowhere to go, ‘and nothing to do, {Tm going there to see to express purpose ia Use an infinitive: after modal verbs after had better, would rather Examples after these verbs with an object: lt, make, help* | Our supervisor let us go early today. handling an awkward situation preparing the listener eres something | ve Bee” meaning to talk to you about. There's something | 14 ike to talk to you about giving the message U hope you don't take this the wrong way, but | don't want you to get the wrong idea, but I's just that, (you know you borrowed/you said youd... etc) mixed conditional conditional clause | result clause f+ past perfect | would/might/could + infinitive Use this to talk about a hypothetical condition in the pa with a result in the present, If she hadn't missed her plane, she'd be in Mexico now. If 'd been successful in the exam, | might have a better, job now. clause order Itis possible to change the order of the clauses. Note t non-use of the comma. You would have known about the meeting if you'd check your emails You wouldn't need a visa to work in Australia if you'd bee born there. -ing form Examples Doing is beter that thinking tm not used to ‘getting up ear. looking forward sleeping ate this weekend, Dave came fishing with me. Theep getting headaches. What do you ugg doing? asa subject or object, ie. as a noun. after prepositions (often part of fixed phrase): look forward t, bbe used to, be accustomed to, ‘be keen on, instead of after these verbs: avoid, come, consider, discuss, deny, enjoy. go. hate, involve, keep, lik, love, mind, miss, practise, suggest ‘after certain phrases: can't bear/ stand, i's not worth, i's no use, hhave trouble We're having voi finding a hotel They might be late. You'd better take an umbrella it looks lke rain. “help can be used ether with or without co Con you help me (ta it suggesting a solution have a suggestion/an idea. {i feel better if getting the other person's point of view Do you see where Im coming from? How does that sound? How would you feel about that? Do you know what | mean? RACTICE ‘A Choose the correct sentence ending, 1 Ifthe builders had begun the job two weeks ago, a) they might have finished it by now, b) they might finish it by now. 2 If Chun had started the race better, a) she could win the gold medal b) she could have won the gold medal. 3 We wouldn't be lost a) if you hadn't given me the wrong directions. by if you gave me the wrong directions. 4 If Marco hadn't ignored my advice, a) he wouldn't be in this mess now, by he couldn't have been in this mess now. 5 would have noticed the hole in the ground 2) if | hadn't thought about something else. b)if hadn't been thinking about something else. A Find and correct the mistakes in the sentences, Do not change the underlined phrase. 1 It’s no use to explain - you never listen anyway. no use explaining - you never listen anyway. 2 There's no point in go to bed now - we have to get up in an hour Do you expect that | know all the answers? Listen to your MP3 player during class is rude. My parents never let me to stay out past 8 otlock. We all look forward to see you in person, You'd better to get ready - the taxi’ arriving in ten minutes. 8 The trip was a good opportunity practising speaking English. 9. They're used to speak English with each other even though they're both Japanese. 10 | phoned the station for asking about departure times. A Max, B: Sure, go ahead. Look? B: That sounds bad you come into the office? Wel its often too cold for me. 8: Oh, right | find it too stuffy. A Its abit annoying because you don't ever ask us.*_ B: Fair enough. Look. ll make sure I check First. ‘Good. '¢ really appreciate that. A you know how you always open the window when B Join the sentences using a past or mixed conditional form and the words in brackets. In some cases both forms are possible. 1 Beth didnt study. She did't pass the exam. (ould) If Beth had studied, she could have passed the exam. 2 You didnt invite me to the party. That's why I didn't come. (would) 3. Ludmila lost all her money on the stock market. That's why she's not rich now. (would) 4. Greg wasn't travelling fas. That's probably why he didn't hit the motorcyclist. (might) 5 They stopped the fire. That's probably why it didn’t destroy most of the building. (could) 6 The plant died because you didn't water i. (would not) 7 Mei-t was able to afford a new car because she had just won some money. (ould not) 8 We were working together in Tokyo and now we're married, (would not) B Use the correct form of the verbs in the box to rewrite the sentences so that they mean the same. avoid consider expect keep manage remind teach 1 Why don't you become a doctor? Have 2 Ive passed my driving test ~ after three tries! Wwe 3. I'can type without looking. | learnt that from my mother My mother — 4 We didn’t talk to each other all through the party We 5 Jorge thinks that he'll finish the painting by the end of the week Jorge a —3 6 My computer freezes whenever | hit the delete button. My computer 7 Don't let me forget to lock the door, Jan. Could you ? A Complete the conversation with phrases af) There i one phrase you do not need. ) How does that sound b) Its just that ©) there's something I've been meaning to talk toyou about 4) I'm sure we can sort it out €) Do you see where I'm coming from f) I don’t want you to get the wrong idea, but AUDIO SCRIPTS ‘UNIT 4 Conversation 1 Wow! B: What's that? ‘Aclts this stor. Listen to this.A woman used. '2 wooden soup ladle to save her husband from attack bya tiger What? & ladle? Well her husband was being attacked by tiger. B: Where was this? ‘Asn Malaysia. Apparently, her husband had just gone into the forest. She saw the tiger ‘attack him and grabbed the first thing she ould Find, which was a wooden soup ladle, And she just charged atthe animal yelling at ‘the top of her voice and bashing its head, B: And it did't attack her? ‘A: No, The amazing thing is that the tiger fan off B: Wow, there's no way do that! ‘A: Not even for me? [Not even for you! You're the one who's always telling me to stop. 2: Stop what? 8: Stop helping people so much, ‘A: | didnt mean to stop helping met Conversation 2 [: Hey, Mike. Did you buy a lottery ticket? B: No, why? ‘A Well, you want to be careful It says here that some store clerks are taking the winnings. You know when customers take in a winning ticket an they have to check it in the store B:Yeah ‘A: Well these guys have been telling customers that they didnt win and then they take the winning tickets for themselves B: That’ so wrong! Suppose it was lke, a big amount? ‘A: One of the tickets was for $1,000 and the That's totally outrageous! a: Yeah, Exactly So, how did they find it out? ‘A: The police did some undercover investigations at convenience stores. And yeah, one of them was for $1,000 and the Hey, maybe we won something. ‘In your dreams, You dont buy lottery tickets anyway Br That's true ‘A: But i's weird that the customers didn't notice, isnt i? That's more surprising than the actual theft 8B: Yeah. do think they should do something, about i. ‘A: Who? The lottery companies. ‘A: They are doing something about it. They e going to install machines so you can check your own umber. B: That i good idea, Conversation 3 ‘A: Thats extraordinary! B: What is? ‘A: This story about the baby in China B: What happened? ‘Acts about a baby and apparently it ‘limbed out onto a window ledge on the Second foot. Oh there's video .. And, oh look, you can see these people underneath just holding out ther arms because they know its going to fll. And there are some people putting cardboard down to try and break the fall. Wow! B: Let me see. Wout! Look at that man! How ‘on earth did he cate it? ‘As Just human instinct that's what one man said, 'B: What a catch! That’ such an amazing, thing! ‘Act lucky the men noticed the baby. B: Yeah, | suppose they saw some movement ‘Or maybe they heard something. 'B: What’ that? The woman's bringing something. i's hard to say but it looks lke a cushion Br Yeah, it could be a sofa cushion. guess they thought the baby might fll nit. ‘Br That must be the luckiest baby alive ‘A: Absolutely incredible. Let me see again Ce e8 M=Man_W=Woman IM: Did you hear this story in the news about this guy that swapped a paper clip for a house? We No. M It sounds abit out there but apparently wat happened was he started .. he was athis desk looking for a job or phoning up about jobs Yeah, M:... and, um, he saw a paperclip on his desk and he thought, | wonder what | can do with this paper clip - whether can swap itfor something W:0h, M: Anyway, so he got onto the internet and fhe made this weasite~ I think’ called the-red-paper-clip dot com. We Right. M:And he put this this on the internet, photographs it, puts it on, and sees if anyone wants to swap something with him. ‘Ws And did, did anything happen? M: Yeah, so Fist of all, | don't remember al the details but as! recall two Vancouver ‘women, um, took up the fist challenge and they swapped the paper clip with, thinkt 1was.a pen shaped lke a ish they had found Ws Random, MM Yeah ~ they had found on a camping trip, yeah random But he meets up with al ‘these people he doesn't just send the things. And so then from that, | believe, this ‘Buy in Seattle wanted the pen and swapped it for a doorknob. And the door knob was ‘swapped for something to do with camping, We Oh, so he kept trading up each time M: Yeah, he kept trading, trading ups, then that was swapped fora beer keg Apparently what happened was al these people were .. the same sort of thought patterns as him and they wanted tosortd meet up and itwas about a social evens wel We Ab, 1M: Anyway, the next thing he got was! globe and, according to the report, isda Film director wanted it and said he'd sa | itor a pat in hs lm. And then this tom decided they had this house inthis tom, {and that they would swap the house fort part in this film i We No! So he went al the way from there paperclip to getting a house M.. ahiouse. nd my impression wast hh, he was ust crazy a the beginning bit he, he ended up having tis ~Im not sue how good the house was but, well yeah We Well better than a paperclip M1 know basically thats what happened We Wow! on P= Presenter OK, Dominic and Heather we'e going play a game Dh, Ht Ahem, Pits its an experiment. Um what Im goa dois hang on Im just gonna get it out ‘my pocket. m going to give you, Dominic 10, D: OK, can keep it? OK —for now. And you have to decideta ‘much you'e going to offer Heather D:0K + And if Heather accepts then you divide the money as agreed. You get some and gets some. De Right. But, if Heather rejects your offer ands doesn't like the way you've split the £10 D: Hmm, Pe... them | get the £10 back and neitheed you get anything. Hi: Um. Ds Ah, OK HO. : Could you understand? Yeah, I think so, He Yeah, PrAre you sure? Yeah Ds Yeah ~ 50 basically have to choose hr ‘much money m going to offer Heathec P:Yeah H: And then Ds And if she happy with it He I decide if want it or not That’ right, OK? mine H = Heater interes what Um Pe beer ‘Ahe tac P:that He Itac Ithink. sort of D: Hare P:Very H: Hare Pi Thar ta P= Pre P:OKe game n D: Um. Pits c think I end of there you go. you, that’s for me. Thats lat of would quite like al oft, Uh, do | it now, out loud? uh im going to offer you £5. Jon then ll accept that tail yeah. so we geta five iver each do indeed and |, and I lose £10. that was worth it 0 mean that's really interesting. iy Dominic did you decide on that I guess, if offered any less | didn't thought this way. why, why, why would you? because it’, is not fai you know sist any more my money than itis why, why did you accept? because I felt that it was equal you an an equal split, um, | thought it was nd and yeah generous to give me half Be 06 OR OF and um, OK then ~ here's an esting question. Heather, in your mind would have... eat d done by, yeah, isthe word, yeah. ks guys, cheers, Se Rer_D= Domine guys, uh we're gonna play another rw. feather im gonna be very out of pocket by the ef the day. d,™m gonna give it to you again, bark you this time ~ instead of making an offer you can, you Heather can accept or have to accept it. Deh, P:So Dominic D: 0K. H:0K. | have the power, Pits your decision. You have the power I's your decision 1: Um, OK so just say it out loua? Preah, : Uh, the offer Im going to give you this time is Et and that means £9 will be for me, P:OK. He Wel then | accept that cos have no choice. De You have no choice. P:You have no choice. But but the question here is how do you feel, how do you feel about that? He Yea | feel a bit hard done by, to be honest | feel abit cheated really, um P2His fairness, from lat time has all disappeared. He Yeah, mm. 1D: Um | guess | gave you a pound to stil show that Im, you know not heartless, He Ahem, Uh, you know so, you know | want to keep all fit, Bt um | guess withthe afer of being able to have more, without the choice. Ht Um. : Um, It sort of it was easier for me, to say! won't fel so guilty, I dont feel. He Yeah tempting, int it? Feel a bit guilty now, but no |just thought is, there's no option for her so might as well keep more oft, ne Sejm Cte Ji:Heres your coffee, [L Thanks, im. Oh, needed that. JENo problem. Hey, Li, theres something ve been meaning to talk ta you about. LOh yeah? Jet's just that... well... you know you borrowed some money from me last week? Oh, ight. itwas ten euros, wasnt it? ‘don't actualy have that on me at the moment. J: tS not tha, it’... hope you dont take this the wrong way, but, um LeRight Js. its just that this isnt the irs time ve lent you money and er, well you haven't ald it back. mean, | know its nota lot, just small amounts each time but it kind of adds Up quite quickly... I dunno, De you know what | mean? Yeah, Sorry didn't realise. know tm terible with money. |ust forget. Look. | promise Il give it back but could you wait a Week? Untili get pad. J: Well, actually, youve said that once before. | don't want you to get the wrong idea, but it, you know, never happened. And it makes things slightly awkward, Ii makes me ‘eel just a bit annoyed, Do you see where Imm coming from? Oh. Yeah suppose so, J: Look, ve gota suggestion. feel better if we could work out how much is owed and then you could pay me back alittle each week you know, however much you can afford. How does that sound? LL Yeah, yeah, That sounds reasonable, 10K, great so. Cin: « OK. here are some things that think would be useful if you're visiting the States, especially ifyou'te coming here to da business. So first of al, with names. When you first meet someone, it's considered good ‘manners to use a title along with their surname, you know like Mr Smith or Ms Jones, and so on. But the funny thing is that infact people will in most cases want to use first names, you know be ona fist- ‘name basis like Hey call me "Bob" and all that. That might not be comfortable for you but infact if you stick toa mare formal MrSmith sort of thing, ts not going to be comfortable for them: | also think that once they know your name you'l find people use it alot, so they'll say it periodically ina conversation. fyouire not used to it, it can seem strange at first. Now with meeting people fr the fst time It's prety normal for people to shake hands, or atleast guys do. Women usualy 4, certainly in business, but not always. (On the whole, Americans tend to avoid greetings that involve hugging and other close physical contac, except with family ‘members and friends. Having said that, don't be surprised if someone gives you a hug the first time you meet them, either as a hello or a goodbye. You sort of have to keep. Your eyes open and try to anticipate what they'd. When people sit down, ke in a meeting, People lke to get comfortable, so people ‘ross their legs with one ankle on the other knee. know ths is rude in some countries, but it’s normal here. That reminds me, if you'te chatting with someone in an office, Standing up, they might sit on a desk which know i a big no-no in places tke Japan Other gestures? Well if an American wants to show agreement, theyll sometimes give the thumbs up sign or theyll make a circle ‘out oftheir thumb and index fing Don't be offended ifin your culture this isnt polite. It just means & OK inthe States. Last of al timing: punctuality is very important for business occasions and it’s unacceptable to be late, and if you ace late itwill be appreciated if you let our contact ‘know if you are going to be late. Its the same for socal occasions, you need to arrive on time. Of course, having said al this, its important toremember that the United States is huge and there’ lt of variety in what's ‘acceptable in different places. Anyway, | hhope this advice helps.

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