Performance Assessment Rubric

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RUBRIC: Performance Assessment

Individual Dress Rehearsal/Performance Assessment

Name:________________________________________________ Concert:______________________ Date:______________

Category 20 15 10 5 0
The student met the majority of the The student met the majority of the
Student was properly uniformed and
uniform requirements for this event. uniform requirements for this event.
was neatly dressed. Student’s uniform
Student may have missed one of the Student may have missed two or more of
was properly hemmed, appropriate Student was present
Uniform following items; uniform was not properly the following items; uniform was not Student was not present.
shoes were worn, hair was neatly but not in uniform
hemmed, appropriate shoes were not worn, properly hemmed, appropriate shoes were
secured away from the face, and no
hair wasn’t neatly secured away from face, not worn, hair wasn’t neatly secured away
jewelry was worn.
or personal jewelry was worn. from face, or personal jewelry was worn.
Student contributed to a positive and Student made frequent effort to perform Student made inconsistent effort to
productive rehearsal. Consistent with appropriate string technique. Student perform with appropriate string technique.
effort was made to perform all may have need to address improvement in Student may have need to address
Student failed to meet
articulations and dynamics markings. one of the following areas: correct tone, improvement in two or more of the
Musical the minimum
Phrasing and bowings were planned appropriate phrasing, appropriate playing following areas: correct tone, appropriate Student was not present.
Performance standards required
and effectively executed. Student was posture, attention to dynamic markings phrasing, appropriate playing posture,
for performance
attentive to the role of their part and/or rhythmic articulations, or the attention to dynamic markings and/or
within the context of the ensemble and balance of their part within the context of the rhythmic articulations, or the balance of
tone was ideal for this performance. orchestra. their part within the context of the orchestra.
Student was an example of Student maintained appropriate Student frequently demonstrated Student had to be Student was not present.
appropriate rehearsal behavior. rehearsal behaviors. Student may need to behavior inconsistent with a productive frequently reminded
Student maintained eye contact with address issues in one of the following areas: rehearsal period. Student may need to to remain on task and
the director throughout the rehearsal. eye contact with the director throughout the address issues in two or more of the encouraged to make
Rehearsal Attention and focus was on the task at rehearsal, attention and focus on the task at following areas: eye contact with the the best use of the
Etiquette hand. Breaks in performance were hand, student awaits instruction quietly, or director throughout the rehearsal, attention rehearsal period.
quiet and student responded their ability to implement changes requested. and focus on the task at hand, student awaits Student failed to meet
positively to instruction. Effective use instruction quietly, or their ability to director expectations
was made of this rehearsal period. implement changes requested. for this rehearsal
Student was an example of Student exhibited behaviors consistent Student exhibited behaviors inconsistent Student had to be Student was not present.
appropriate concert etiquette. with expectations for the majority of with expectations for the majority of frequently reminded
Student behaved appropriately and concert. Student may have been observed concert. Student may have been observed to remain on task and
refrained from talking, participating in doing one of the following using electronic doing two or more of the following using follow director’s
Audience loud conversations, eating, and using devices, eating, being inattentive to the electronic devices, eating, being inattentive instruction. Student
Etiquette their cell phone. Student remained in director’s instructions and/or the performers to the director’s instructions and/or the failed to meet
the auditorium for the duration of the on stage, being out of their assigned performers on stage, being out of their director
rehearsal and was attentive to both seat/area, or participating in disruptive assigned seat/area, or participating in expectations.
the director’s instructions and the communication. disruptive communication.
performers on stage.
Student arrived on time and was in Student arrived on time but was not in Student arrived after the concert/event Student was more Student was not present.
their assigned place prior to the start their assigned place prior to the start of began and/or did not remain in attendance than 10 minutes late
of the performance/event. the performance/event. for the duration of the performance/event. concert/event began
and failed to remain
in attendance beyond
their assigned
performance time.

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