Online Coaching Form PRINT v1

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Thank you for taking the time to buy an online programme.

I’ve spent years of trial and error and

numerous mistakes that I can help you avoid to achieve your goals quicker. Please allow 3 – 5 days once
you have completed this form for me to complete your full programme. I wish you the best of luck with
your goals and remember I am at the other end of the phone or email if you ever need further help or
motivation. All contact details will be provided with your plan.

All the best,

Beyond Educated
First Name Last Name

Date of birth: Gender:

Email address: Phone


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1. What are your goals? Try to
keep this no more than 3

2. When would you like to

achieve these goals by?

3. Is there anything you feel is

stopping you from
achieving your goals

4. Between 1 to 10 in your life

how high priority is this
goal? (1 – low, 10 – high)

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5. Are you training for a
specific event/goal? If so
what is this?

6. Why do you want to take

part in this programme?

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1. How long have you been
training for?

2. What type of training do you

generally focus on?

3. Describe in no more than 3

sentences your experience
of training and exercise
throughout your life.

4. Are there any specific

areas/body parts of
weakness you want to focus
on? Please indicate

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1. Describe the intensity of your workouts? *Aim to select the best fit in general.
Very intense. Full concentration, out of breath and high elevated heart rate

2. Describe your current level of fitness from 1-5 (1 poor, 5 excellent)?

3. Have you ever used a personal


4. What elements of exercise, if any,

are you are not comfortable with
or unsure of how to do?

5. How comfortable are you with

weight lifting out of 1- 10 (1 not at
all, 10 extremely)

6. How comfortable are you with

performing body weight
exercises (burpess, squat jumps,
push ups) out of 1- 10 (1 not at
all, 10 extremely)

7. What equipment do you have

access to?

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8. Do you tend to train alone? If no,
do you train with one or many

9. Do you prefer to train alone, in a

pair, groups or classes?

10. When do you prefer to train?

Morning, lunch, evening or night

11. What does your working week look like?

Day Working hours








12. How many times are week do you

currently train on average?

13. How many days a week can you

commit to training?

14. How many hours sleep do you get

a night?

15. How often do you normally spend

on each training session

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16. Pick three exercises you enjoy

17. Pick three exercises you don’t


18. Do you have any physical

restrictions, disabilities or
medical conditions that could
impact on your training?

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1. What does your current diet look like? (You may want to spend a day here jotting this down so
it looks something like this, a. Meal 1 – cereal , frosties, skimmed milk, coffee Snack 1–
cereal bar. Meal 2 – tuna mayonnaise sandwich, bag of crisps. Snack 2 – protein shake. Meal 3
– Salmon rice and veg. Meal 4 – cereal, tea, skimmed milk).

2. Do you count calories?

3. Do you count calories?

4. Do you have a set of food scales?

5. What are your areas of weakness when it

comes to diet and nutrition?

6. What supplements have you taken in the


7. Are there any supplements you need to

avoid due to allergy or health?

8. How often do you drink alcohol?

9. How much do you drink when you drink

alcohol? Be honest here please.

10. Do you have any allergies? Detail what they

are if relevant.

11. Do you have any dietary restrictions?

Expand if Yes.

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12. Do you cook for yourself, cook for yourself
and a partner or cook for the whole family?

13. Do you have access to a kitchen at work or

are you mostly on the road?

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1. How much do you spend a month on fitness broken down as follows:

Gym membership





Personal Training

Additional gym classes

(yoga, les mills, boxing, circuits not
included in your gym membership)

2. Do you feel cost restricts the type of training you can do and stop you achieving your goals?

Stats* indicate units

Body fat: indicate if you have
never done this or don’t know
Optional measurements

Activity level 1 – 5 (1 = desk job little

exercise, 5 = athlete/endurance training)

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Attach at least 2 images of your current level of conditioning

Front profile

Side profile

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Back profile

Add any additional Comments

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