What Is The Market Research?

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Marketing Research _ Lecture 1

Collect the information from the customers=> what kind of product they often
make purchase => how the packaging should be designed, where customers
want to buy (product display)
Government=> protect customers
Analytical skill=> analyse the data=> Communicate the data correctly=> Write
the report
Measure the satisfaction level of customers to figure out what people thinking
Quantitative and qualitative requirement
E book is available, watch all the videos bc it relates to the final exam
Read the group project guideline before attending the tut
SPSS=> 30 days demo, download before 4 weeks of group submission

1. How stores track your shopping behaviour? Identify who is the big
spender, eye tracking system
2. What is the value of watching shoppers?
o Increase customer satisfaction
o Look out customer preference=> improve the design, loyalty, buying
3. How can shoppers be studied?
Receipt, member card (loyal card)
4. What are the benefits to shoppers?

5. What are possible concerns re watching shoppers?

Customers may lose their privacy (via online), ownership about the data

What is the market research?

Gather information from customers to understand their preferences
To maintain the competitiveness over competitors
 Analyse information=> needs of the market, size of the market,
Optimal marketing decision
Start with the problem (which very broad),
and try to find inf to design the solutions to solve the problem
Principal tasks involved with conducting marketing research
– establishing the boundaries of the research
– designing the research
– executing the research
– communicating the results of the research
Decision problems and marketing research
Decision problem is a situation in which management has to decide on a
course of action that will help to accomplish a specific objective
Marketing research is the function for generating interpretable information
that is accurate, relevant and timely to solve decision problems
Assignment=> Banking market=> need to be timely

Decision problem instances

Strength=> organisations’capability to attract clientele with a willingness to pay
top prices for product quality
Company may ask the question? => Any extra features
Weakness=> ineffective marketing mix or mismatch of product, price,
promotion, distribution
Opportunity=> competitor has decided to exit the market
Threat=> changing laws, increases in direct competition, increased consumer
demand (pandemic)

Decision problems comes in disguise => What often appears to be a problem

could actually just be a symptom of the true problem
Case study: Starbuck
Why Starbuck is so successful in US but in Aus?
Aus is already have the same model of this coffee shop
Real problem=> Starbuck did not understand the customers
Need to ask which flavor, what price customers want

Upon identification of the decision problem, need to determine the scope for
marketing research
– Can the marketing research information tell the decisionmaker something
not already known?
– Will the marketing research information provide significant insights?
– How valuable is the marketing research information once collected?
 Depends on how many info that you can have
Do we always need to conduct market research
 It can be backfire, when you need to make a quick decision=> act
promptly to win the competitors (bc ms takes time)

Growing complexity of marketing research

 Digital technologies bring a great deal of opportunity and challenges
for conducting marketing research
 Current variety of available tools and techniques makes choosing a
method for a particular research project increasingly challenging
 Companies are choosing hybrid research techniques, involving
multiple research methods, to overcome the weaknesses inherent in
single methodologies
What is the best market research? Hybrid not only based on what customer
says, you also need to base on the real info
Transforming data into information
• Primary/Secondary • Words, numbers or observations collected through
Data structure
• Consolidated and structured • Tables or figures
• Managerial interpretations • Story telling

Marketing research phases

• Step 1: Determine the scope for marketing research
• Step 2: Select the research method
• Step 3: Collect and prepare the data
• Step 4: Analyse the data
• Step 5: Transform the results into information

Marketing research proposal

• Marketing research proposal contains the essence of the project
– Serves as a contract between the researcher and management
– Official layout of the planned marketing research activity for management
– Format of marketing research proposals vary considerably, but most
proposals address all steps of the marketing research process
How to Write a Marketing Research Proposal by Mark Clifton from eHow.com
• Key procedural considerations to evaluate a marketing research project
– Pricing the research project
– Objectivity
– Confidentiality
– Inaccurate data

Ethics in marketing research

• Unethical marketing research examples
– By the researcher
 Unethical pricing, failure to fulfil the promise, respondent abuse, selling
unnecessary service.
– Within the execution of the research design
 Falsifying data, duplicating data, manipulating data inappropriately.
– By the client
 Reports gathering, false promise.
– By the respondent
 Dishonest answers, faking behaviour.

Case study=> Facebook and Cambridge Analytics

Unethical=> Privacy from customer is not respected, use political power to
impact consumers

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