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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project

Revised 1.1.19
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as needed.
When submitting completed ILP to instructor, please include copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Ella Mkrtchyan Mathematics 6, 7, 8
Mentor Email School/District Date
Shawn Huntsinger Ivy Bound Academy/LAUSD 2//28/2021
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to
apply critical thinking by designing structured inquires into
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, posing/solving
Promoting critical thinking complex problems.
T – Applying problems, and reflection on issues in content. T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex
S – Exploring S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote comprehension and S - Innovating
solving, and reflection questions and problems, reflect, and communicate
critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of lessons.
understandings based on in depth analysis of content

Reflects individually and

Reflecting on Engages in reflection individually and with colleagues on
teaching with colleagues on the relationship refinements in teaching
6.1 practice in between making adjustments in teaching T – practice and connections
Applying Integrating
support of practice and impact on the full range of among the elements of
student learners. the CSTP to positively
learning impact the full range of
Facilitates collaboration
with colleagues.

Collaborating Works to ensure the

with Collaborates with colleagues to expand broadest positive impact
colleagues impact on teacher and student learning possible on instructional
and the within grade or department and school practice and student
T– and district levels. T– achievement at school and
6.3 Integrating Innovating district levels and for the
community to
support Engages with members of the broader profession.
teacher and professional community to access
student resources and a wide range of supports Initiates and develops
learning for teaching the full range of learners. professional learning
opportunities with the
broader professional
community focused on
student achievement.
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
After my presentation,
Would continuously sharing relevant teachers will be able to
“Student Engagement In A Virtual Classroom” learn, incorporate, and
research with my colleagues increase
PD apply new virtual
student engagement at our school?
engagement strategies
with better mastery.
Audience for Project How Project Fits into Professional Goals and/or How Audience Satisfaction will be
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 7
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Needs Assessed
The challenges of getting students to
Completing a
participate have intensified during
remote learning. This Project will help
Reflecting or debriefing
All teachers at Ivy Bound Academy our school’s teachers find out how to
what they incorporated
improve student discussions,
into their classroom and
participation, and engagement in online
how effective it was.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Directions: Identify at least one NBPTS and at least one Teacher Leader Model Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated
NBPTS: Proposition 3: Teachers are
responsible for managing and monitoring Proposition 3: My presentation will hopefully help my colleagues in engaging more
student learning. students during their lessons, and as a result be able to manage and monitor their
learning and progress more successfully via their engagement.
Domain 4: My presentation will hopefully improve my colleagues’ instruction by
TLMD: Domain 4: Facilitates putting them in the students’ place during my PD’s roleplaying portion. They will
Improvements in Instruction and Student potentially learn how to incorporate more engaging technology and strategy to
Learning improve their instruction as well as student learning.

Inquiry Implementation Plan

Discuss Results with
Analyze Results
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3 Mentor
Milestone 4
Milestone 5

and look
Create a presentation over
Conduct an online on Google Slides and survey Meet with
Identify name and date for Presentation to
activities. research (articles, attach sample from mentor to
activities, etc...) activities and a teachers. debrief.
survey/questionnaire. (after
March 1- March 12 March 13 - March 18 March 19 April 9 April 12
My teacher leadership project to be a presentation about maximum student engagement
Provide 1-2 sentence during virtual learning. I will use Google Slides to present on this subject during one of our
summary of your teacher school’s staff meetings sometime in late March prior to Spring Break. This presentation will be
leader project.
designed to share resources and introduce research about engaging as many students as
possible during distance learning through Zoom.
Summarize process for Asking colleagues to complete a survey/questionnaire on what they learned, how they can
analyzing effectiveness of incorporate what I taught in their classroom, and any ideas on how to incorporate virtual
leadership role.
engagement strategies on top of what I showed them.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
“9 Principles of Student Engagement In A
Virtual Classroom”
by Terry Heick (Teach Thought)

“8 Strategies to Improve Participation in 2.

Your Virtual Classroom”
by Emelina Minero (Edutopia)
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 7
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
My Mentor and the Assistant Principal at our school has presented a PD in the beginning of
the 2020-2021 school year about the same issue (Virtual Student Engagement). His PD mostly
Mentor/Assistant Principal
offered a variety of technological tools that we can use during distance learning.

The Principal continuously speaks about the importance of engaging all students, and
emphasizes on those students who have a harder time participating, engaging, or benefitting
from the lesson.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Revised Suggestions for Moving
CSTP Element Initial Rating Evidence/Rational for Rating
Rating Forward
To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how
to increase complexity of task beyond a single
Promoting critical thinking Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
T – Applying T – Integrating lesson so that there are continuing
1.5 through inquiry, problem Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their own math
S – Exploring S - Integrating opportunities for students to engage in inquiry
solving, and reflection problems.
in complex problem. How could you extend
lesson into PBL?

Teacher reflects individually and with colleagues

on refinements in teaching practice and
connections among the elements of the CSTP to
positively impact the full range of learners. To move to the
Reflecting on Innovating level, I will
teaching During my presentation, my colleagues and I had continue to share my
T– T–
practice in many discussions about strategies of student knowledge and research
6.1 Applying Integrating
support of engagement and how we incorporate them in our with my colleagues, and
student classrooms. After the follow-up meeting a week continue to follow up
learning after the presentation, I got to see how the with them in order to see
strategies learned from the presentation positively
impacted different types of learners in our

Collaborating Teacher collaborates with colleagues to expand

with impact on teacher and student learning within
colleagues grade or department and school and district
and the levels. To move to the
broader Innovating level, I would
T– T–
professional Although my initial goal was to move up to the need to hold more PDs
6.3 Integrating Integrating
community Innovating level in this CSTP, I feel that I am not with my colleagues, and
to support quite there yet. My presentation provided a great make it a regular
teacher and opportunity for colleague collaboration and occurrence.
student participation of all school teachers, I believe that
learning one presentation was not enough to take me to
the next level in this category.

Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions

Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed by Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
Teacher Others/Department/School/District
My project was presented to all
The new skill that I value most is learning how to of the teachers in our school.
lead a PD, whereas prior to this, I merely attended A Google Slides presentation as well as a survey They were/are encouraged to
and participated in them. This provided me with a questionnaire on Google forms. use what they have learned
newfound level of confidence in my leadership skills. from my project in their
classrooms and lessons.
Mentor Feedback
Directions: The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 7
There were a great deal of resources that were used by the candidate. The
Google Slides presentation had several evidence based strategies to improve student
engagement. All of the participants received digital copies of the Google Slides.
Effectiveness of resources designed by Candidate, including
presentation, notes, handouts, and other resources.
There were also activities embedded in the Google Slides presentation that
encouraged collaboration amongst the group. Google forms were used at the end to
get a better understanding of what was learned by participants and what strategies
they can implement in their classroom.
The candidate did well to engage the participants which helped them maintain focus
throughout the presentation. Allowing the participants to work collaboratively
created a co-operative learning environment. This made the participants feel like
active participants in professional development. The questions that were posed to
teachers in the middle of the presentation helped get them to participate, which was
great to see. The exit activity allowed participants to have a voice in how the
Effectiveness of Candidate in teaching and coaching adults. (Refer
to Adult Learning Principles in FOTIP Handbook Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP),
[]. 2017 Page 4 of presentation went as well as had the opportunity to make any final
Finally, the follow up survey helped to create accountability amongst the staff.
However, not many teachers responded back or did not try any of the new
strategies. An additional follow up with those teachers that did not respond back
would be necessary to get their input. All teachers input will help when creating
debriefings and follow up conversations in later meetings about this topic.
Topic was of high value for the audience. Teachers were engaged throughout and
gave great insight to strategies they have used in the classroom. Presentation went
longer than expected, but was because so many teachers were sharing their
Value of topic for audience. thoughts throughout the presentation. This was a topic that all teachers can relate to
in some sort of way. Therefore, participants valued each other's comments
which helped give all teachers new strategies to improve engagement in the
The professional development on student engagement in a virtual classroom was
well received by all of the participants. The presentation had a clear progression of
information and the breakout rooms really allowed the teachers to work
collaboratively. The evidence based strategies that were explained were strategies
Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional development that can easily be introduced into lesson plans. They do not add much extra work
experience, including audience engagement, pacing, tone, and from the teacher which can sometimes hinder a person from implementing new
response to questions. strategies. The exit ticket activity allowed participants to give their feedback on the
presentation. It also allowed participants to make any additional comments they may
not have been able to express during the presentation. The presentation did go over
the anticipated time by quite a bit, but it was not viewed negatively by the
participants. Overall, it was an excellent presentation filled with useful information.
Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment
Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tool with submission. Include at least one graph in your summary.

At the end of the presentation, I emailed the participants a Google Forms survey/questionnaire and used it as an
exit ticket. I asked my colleagues to name a student strategy they learned during my presentation, some
examples of the usage of that strategy, strategies that they are already using in their classrooms, and new
strategies that they are going to incorporate in their classrooms, and how. I also asked them to put additional
comments for me to consider if they had any. Most of the participants filled out the questionnaire, and they
were able to name strategies accordingly and contributed some ideas about new ones. I received comments
about how informative the presentation was.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 4 of 7

I followed up with my colleagues during the following week’s staff meeting. It was a quick 10-15 minute
meeting. I asked what new strategies from the PD they have tried incorporating into their class during the
week. There were two colleagues that tried a strategy from my presentation: Zoom’s breakout rooms for one
teacher who hadn’t used it before, and another colleague used Zoom’s polling tool for the first time. They both
had positive experiences using these tools for the first time. I truthfully expected more of my colleagues to try
out some of the strategies that I presented on, however, it had only been a week since my presentation, followed
by Spring Break. I am planning on conducting a similar follow-up during the next staff meeting.

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

For curriculum design,
When planning future instructions, I will be incorporating more of the student engagement strategies that I have
lesson planning, assessment
planning discovered myself while doing research for this project.
I will utilize and put into action the knowledge I have gained into the classroom, while encouraging my colleagues
For classroom practice
to do so as well.
For teaching English
learners, students with
special needs, and students N/A
with other instructional
For future professional Conduct research for, and create a presentation with a new topic and objective in order to continue learning useful
development skills that will better student performance, and share them with my colleagues.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 5 of 7
For supporting I am looking to attend a PD with one of my colleagues, and creating a project together to present during one of our
others/department/ school’s staff meetings. I am looking to make this a regular, continuous project, while attending with a different
school/district colleague per PD.

Other N/A

Other Notes and Comments

Overall, I feel that this semester’s ILP helped me a lot in my leadership skills. I have experienced firsthand how being a teacher leader results
in a better student leaning outcome.

Include copy of Google Survey Form assessment tool.

Exit Ticket
Before you leave class today, answer the following questions.

* Required

1. Name *

2. Name one student engagement strategy you learned in class today? *

3. What are some examples of the usage of that strategy? *

4. What strategies are you already using in your classes? *

5. What new strategies are you going to use in your classes and how? *

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of 7
6. Comments on today's presentation? *

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