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Science Activity Sheet

Quarter 2 – MELC 2



Prepared by:

Teacher III


Head Teacher III

Quarter 2, Week 2

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________

Grade and Section: __________________________ Date:___________________

Science 4 Learning Activity Sheet No. 3



I. Learning Competency with Code

Infer that body structures help animals adapt and survive in their particular
habitat. (S4LT-IIa-b-4)

II. Background Information for Learners

Animals are everywhere. They could be seen in the farm, river, forest,
lake, ocean, desert, pond, sea and even in the air. They have their body structures
that help them adapt and survive in the particular habitat they live. A habitat is a
place where animals live. It is a place where they breed, breathe and find food, water
and shelter. Animals have body structures that help them move, adapt and survive in
their particular habitats.
Animals can be classified based on their habitats, as to aquatic and

Aquatic Animals
Animals that live in water are called aquatic animals. Seas and
oceans are considered to be seawater environment. Fish, shark, octopus, squid,
dolphins and whales are examples of seawater animals. Freshwater animals live in
ponds, rivers, lakes, and streams. Examples of freshwater animals are frogs,
crocodiles, turtles, tilapia, milkfish and hito (catfish). Aquatic animals have
specialized body parts like gills that make them survive in water.

Terrestrial Animals
Animals that live on land are called terrestrial animals. Terrestrial
animals live in farms, forests, deserts, grasslands, and mountains. Cow, horse,
carabao, goat, chicken, and pig are farm animals. Ion, tiger, giraffe, elephant, tarsier,
and Philippine Eagle are wild animals that live in the forests. Camels, kangaroos,
antelopes and armadillos are desert animals. Terrestrial animals have body
structures that help them adapt to land. Many animals developed specialized body
parts adapted to survive in certain environment. Adaptation is the structure of
behaviour that helps an organism survive in its environment.

Adaptive Body Structures of Animals

(1) Body Covering. Animal’s body coverings help protect animals in different
environments from land and water. Fishes are covered with scales for protection
from diseases and from other animals that live in water. Shrimp and lobster are
covered with outside skeleton or exoskeleton while other animals like clams
and mussels ate cover with shells. Fish have gills for breathing underwater and
fins for swimming. Sea urchins and starfishes have hard shells and spines or
needles for protection. Animals such as turtles, snails, and oysters have
protective shell covering. When they sense danger, they keep their bodies
inside their shells.
Amphibians have moist, slick skin that is well suited for the water. Reptiles
such as snakes have tough, dry skin covered by scales. Mammals like sheep,
bear, dog, and goat have hair or fur to keep their bodies warm. Others have
feathers like the birds. The feathers keep the bird warm in winter, help it fly or
swim, and help cool down the bird’s body temperature during hot weather. Some
terrestrial animals have lungs for breathing.

(2) Body Parts used for Food Getting Eating. Carnivores or meat-eating
animals uses their sharp teeth for biting tearing, piercing, and chewing their
prey. Crocodiles, tigers and lions have mouth with sharp teeth to break meat into
smaller pieces. Herbivores or plants eaters like the cows, carabaos, goats, and
horses have mouth with flat teeth to eat grass while caterpillar, rabbits and giraffe
eat leaves of plants. Elephants have special body parts called trunk to get food.
Snakes use their movable jaw in getting their food.
Large beak is an adaptation used to help birds eat. The large beak of a
Macaw (Parrot family) has been adapted to help it crack open large nuts and to
reach the sweet fruit and pulp inside. Other birds like the pelicans, kingfish, and
woodpeckers also use their beaks in getting their food. Frogs, turtles, and lizard
use their sticky tongue to catch food. Insects like butterflies, mosquitoes and
dragonflies use their proboscis or sucking tube to sip nectars from flowers.
Octopus and squid use their tentacles to get food.

(3) Body Parts used for Protection and Defense. Animals adapt the color from
the environment they live to protect from themselves from the enemies through
protective coloration called camouflage. This allows some animals to blend with
their surroundings. A chameleon changes its color depending on where it is
hiding; same with the praying mantis that changes its color to green when resting
on a leaf. Some animals also imitate the shape, smell, taste or even the sound of
other animals for protection purposes. It is called mimicry.
The table below shows other examples of animals and the body
structures they used for defense and protection.

Table 1. Examples of animals and their body structures for protection or

Animals Body structures for

Protection / Defense
wasp, scorpion and centipede poison stingers
crab and sea turtle hard outer shell
cat, dog sharp teeth
lion, tiger sharp teeth and claws
elephant tusks
horse hooves
deer antlers
cow, carabao, goat horns
snake fangs with poisonous venom
crab, lobster pincers
skunk chemical spray with foul odor
squid and octopus dark ink
porcupine and starfish spines

(4) Body Parts used for Movement. Animals move differently depending on their
habitat or body structure. Animals that live on land move in different ways. Legged
animals like horse, cow, goat, kangaroo and rabbit use their legs in standing,
walking, jumping, galloping, hopping, and running. Animals such as snakes,
slugs, snails, earthworms, move by crawling. Birds and insects have wings for
flying. Aquatic animals like the fishes uses their fins and tails for swimming. Frogs,
crocodiles and turtles use their feet for swimming. Ducks and penguins swim using
their webbed feet. Other aquatic animals like the shrimp, prawns and crabs have
legs that they use to walk and crawl underwater.

III. Accompanying DepEd Textbook and Educational Sites

Department of Education. (2015). K-12 Basic Education Curriculum, Science 4

Learners Material (pp. 100-110). Pasig City, Philippines
 Body Parts of Animals that Live in Water (Remember These: p. 100)
 Body Parts of Animals that Live on Land (Remember These: p. 102)
 Body Parts of Animals For Food Getting/ Eating (Remember These: p. 105)
 Body Parts of Animals for Protection (Remember These: p. 106)
 Animal Movement in a Particular Habitat (Remember These: p. 109)

IV. Exercises / Activities

A. Give some animals according to their habitat

Habitat Name of Animals
Animals That Live on Land 1.
Animals That Live on Water 1.
Animals That Live on Land and Water 1.

B. Give the body parts of animals used in getting their food like (beaks,
tongue, sucking tubes, mouth, claws and paws) / then classify each
animals if it is live in land, water or air.
1. frog _________________ 6. cow ________________
2. lizards _______________ 7. parrot _______________
3. maya ________________ 8. Eagle _______________
4. carabao______________ 9. Mosquito ____________
5. lion _________________ 10. Butterfly ___________

C. Multiple Choice: Read the questions carefully and encircle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. Which of the following animals are covered with outside skeleton or
A. Cat B. fish
C. jellyfish D. lobster and shrimp
2. Some animals are covered with fur to keep them warm.
A. Cat B. mosquito
C. frog D. snake
3. Animals protect themselves against their enemies through protective
coloration called _____.
A. camouflage B. mimicry
C. imitation D. habitat
4. Other animals imitate the shapes, smell, taste, color or even sounds of
other animals this behaviour is called ________.
A. Camouflage B. mimicry
C. community D. imitation
5. Which group of animals are found on water habitat?
A. tadpole, grasshopper, hawk B. dolphin, carabao, hawk, goat, monkey D. fish, squid, crab

D. Activity 1: How do animal move in a particular habitat?
Objective: Illustrate the body movements of animals in their habitat
Materials: used coupon bond, crayon and pencil

1. Observe some animals in your community
2. List down all the animals you have seen
3. Draw the different movements of an animal you have seen in a clean
coupon bond.

Guide Questions:
1. How do animals that live on land move?

2. How do animals that live in water move?


3. How do animals that can live both on land and in water moves?

4. Why do animals move in different ways?


Rubric for Activity 1

Criteria 3 2 1
The drawing The drawing The drawing
(animal) has (animal) has (animal) has
Accuracy complete and incomplete but incomplete with
correct parts correct parts few correct parts
adapted to land adapted to land adapted to land
and water. and water and water.
The drawing is The drawing is The drawing is
Creativity and exceptionally attractive in acceptably
Neatness attractive in terms terms of design, attractive though
of design, layout, layout, and it may be a bit
and neatness. neatness messy.

V. Reflection

I understand

I don’t understand


I need more information about


VI. Answer Key

A. Answer may vary

B. 1. Tongue/ land & water 6. mouth / land
2. tongue / land 7. beak / air
3. beak / air 8. Eagle / air
4. mouth / land 9. Mosquito / air
5. mouth / land 10. Tongue / air

C. Multiple Choice

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. B

5. D

Guide Questions

1. How do animals that live on land move?

Animals that live on land move in different ways. Some walk, hop and jump. Others
fly and crawl.

2. How do animals that live in water ?

Most animals that live in water swim. But aquatic animals have legs, too, for walking.
E.g. crustaceans-shrimp,prawns,crabs.

3. How do animals that can live both in water and on land move?

These animals can either walk, hop, jump, or swim.

4. Why do animals move in different ways?

Animals move in different ways because they have different body structures
adapted to their habitat.

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