Teaching With Technology Statement

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As technology becomes a more prominent part of our society, it is important that it

becomes a prominent part of our classrooms as well in order to support student learning.
Technology can be incorporated in many different ways throughout a classroom. This could be
having a smartboard or using digital information to teach content. This could also appear as
appropriately incorporating assistive technology for students who require it, or having students
use digital tools to show the information they are learning and to assess student knowledge.
Having a clear plan on how technology is going to be implemented is vital for any classroom, as
well as making connections to two frameworks: the Danielson framework and the Universal
Design for Learning framework.

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is an important aspect of a general and special
education classroom. Technology can support the UDL framework, by reinforcing the three
principles associated with UDL such as, multiple means of representation, action and expression,
and engagement. This framework in particular is very active within our classroom. Utilizing
technology to the UDL principles ensures that every student need is being met through it.
Technology can be used to support multiple means of representation in a large variety of ways,
but mainly in the format that everyone receives the information. Each student learns in a
different way and needs different methods to understand material. This could be by using videos,
PowerPoints, audio files, audiobooks, online games, and worksheets. Physical copies of these
could be available as well to implement UDL. Multiple means of action and expression can be
supported with the use of technology as well. This is how a student shows their knowledge.
Many times, students are only given one mode to show their learning. However, with the use of
technology the formats in which students can show their work significantly increases. Students
can use technology to show their understanding through the use of videos, power points, typed
papers, papers written with text to speech, and by completing online forms. When adding digital
formats to how a student shows their understanding, it ensures that students regardless of ability
are all being supported. Technology can increase a engagement and motivation. This supports
the final principle of UDL which is multiple means of engagement. Since technology is
constantly changing and adapting, it is always new. This can create a challenge for students to
keep them engaged. Many students often prefer to use technology to support their learning. This
is because of the large variety of tools available to them. When students are given choice, it
allows them to have a voice in their learning. They are able to choose a method to learn material,
and to show their knowledge which will allow them to be more engaged with the instruction.

The Danielson Framework is another framework that is similar to the UDL framework, as
it serves to help remove barriers in classrooms. There are four domains which include, planning
and preparation, classroom environment, professional responsibilities and instruction.
Technology can be met in the first domain, planning and preparation, because in order to use
technology appropriately in a classroom it needs to be considered beforehand. This domain
allows teachers to consider the use of technology while designing student instruction and
assessments. The second domain, classroom environment, is incorporated with technology
because technology helps support a learning environment when used appropriately. Technology
also increases student engagement, which can support managing student behavior. The use of
technology can also create more physical space in a classroom as many tools and data can be
digitalized. Technology can be incorporated into the third domain, instruction, because students
can learn the information by using technology. This can help support their individual learning
needs which supports flexibility. It also supports teachers in effectively using assessment
throughout their instruction, rather than just at the end. Lastly, technology is incorporated in the
fourth domain, professional responsibilities, because it can help support teachers in creating
accurate, organized records of student work. Learning and using technology also supports the
continued growth of a teacher’s learning as well. Technology also helps support families and
teachers in communicating effectively.

Incorporating technology into the classroom environment is also important to support

standards, digital citizenship, and to receive feedback immediately. Every year, teachers are
given a list of standards they must support their students with meeting. Incorporating technology
into the classroom helps students become more engaged within the classroom and can increase
their motivation with learning the material. There are many resources for students, parents, and
teachers for specific areas/skills online as well. Technology also supports reaching standards
while being culturally responsive. This way, students are learning information culturally relevant
to them, so they are more likely to have higher achievement. Digital citizenship helps support
students in staying safe online and staying safe while using technology. As technology becomes
more prominent, this becomes more critical now more than ever. Digital citizenship teaches
students age-appropriate information and strategies for how to interact with digital platforms
appropriately and safely. Technology can also be used to provide students and teachers with
instant feedback and classroom data. This can be done with tools such as google forms or
Grammarly. Students can receive feedback on their work or be assessed on content and receive
comments instantly, and teachers can receive information on what their students know and save
time on grading so that they can have more time for instruction.

While incorporating technology is important, it is also vital that as a teacher, I am

constantly learning new technologies to incorporate into our classroom. This includes new ways
to support students’ interactions with digital environments as well. I can continuously learn about
technologies and how to support my students with them, by participating in professional
development, watching YouTube videos created by other teachers, and by reaching out to
assistive technology organizations to support every student within my classroom. It is also
important that teachers, as well as myself create relationships with those who can support
technical problems (IT staff) at our school, and that I learn how to fix and limit these types of
problems as well within my class.

Technology can be implemented into classrooms in a variety of ways based off of teacher
and student needs. These needs can be met by making connections between technology, the UDL
framework, and the Danielson framework. While technology can seem daunting, it is an
important resource that is a part of this classroom, and many others. It is the role of a teacher,
like myself, to make sure that technology is being incorporated into the classroom in a
meaningful and appropriate way that supports students social and academic learning.

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